#like of all the things id think would help me in a zombie apocalypse
resizura · 3 months
i dislike it when people mention certain re characters had “no training” and still being able to fight zombies, and on the flip side discredit other characters for being good at combat.
like first of all, the powerscaling in this franchise is nonexistent. but secondly, if we wanted to go about this realistically, no one in the franchise starts out being a bioterrorism combatant, kinda the whole point of the games. its not really survival horror if the characters are well matched against the threats (a problem i have with re6)
like i get that jill and chris are police officers and very skilled ones at that. but like, theyve never dealt with murderous plants, giant snakes, spiders, and sharks, terrifying zombies and zombie dogs that picked off the rest of their equally elite team. i wouldnt ever say “obviously because they’re cops, they have a higher chance of surviving.” like they know how to use a gun, thats it. same for every main character in the games.
leon and claire are essentially just regular civilians to me. leons a pto and claires a college student, they’re even less trained than chris and jill who were literally in the army prior to being in stars. sure chris taught claire stuff, but again. just…. taught her how to use a gun, it seems. id never say they had an upper hand due to their skills in that game
ada’s the only character i’d say who seems to genuinely have a higher skillset out of our main cast, i love the detail in re2 that she runs faster and has a higher fire rate when you play as her. so sure, i’d say she has more experience with the rest of the cast.
throwing in rebecca, its a similar situation, i’d put her closer to leon and claire. she’s only 18, and a medic. i’m sure she’s skilled with a gun but her main expertise is medicine, and again, even if it wasnt, she’s never dealt with these monsters like every other person in the games has.
when you get to the action era, these characters have dealt with things before, but they’re still new. at the same time, because the genre of games has changed, they’re much more OP compared to the classic games.
someone was talking about how (remake) ashley is agent material because she helped leon get into the plaga machine. they said leon is alive because of her, and she went above and beyond despite having no combat skills. and like sure, give ashley her flowers. idk, the wording of “despite having no combat skills” bugs me because i DO understand what they’re saying but like….. of course leon in re4r would be better at this stuff. he’s seen it before. she hasnt. similarly, this is why jill is slightly more skilled in re3 compared to re1, she’s more well versed in the threats.
my point it, talking about if re characters have experience or have combat experience to scale how deserving they are of being praised for their skills is dumb because almost every character started out the same way of being inexperienced with the horrors thrown at them
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Till the end [steve harrington x f!reader] zombie apocalypse!au
Chapter two
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Tw - mentions of suicide
My door was barricaded and locked, I had a knife at my side. I didn't even know what was going on but I knew I was in danger. My mom had come home early, something about not feeling well. I didn't notice the small bite mark on her arm neither did Tara. While my mom and sister were making something to eat she bit her. She took a large chunk of flesh out of my sisters neck. I don't even remember how I got them both out of the house. I just remember locking all the doors and grabbing a knife.
I wanted someone to come, I needed company I couldn't do this by myself. I wanted my boyfriend Steve to come but he worked at a mall and if it was as bad as it was getting on the streets then it was definitely terrible at starcourt. I didn't want to think he was dead but I had a gut feeling.
Then he came by some miracle he came to my window. Covered in blood and still in his scoops ahoy uniform. I pull him into my room and tell him about my mom.
"You're dad has I gun right?" He asks. I pull away from him brows furrowed but nodding. "Yeah, Why?" I ask confused. "We have to leave its horrible here, it's not safe y/n" I shake my head tears threatening to spill. "No I'm not going, it's about to get dark I'm not leaving" I cry. He sighs rubbing at my back. "How bout in the morning" I hesitantly nod. Maybe it would be better in the morning. He smiles, I can't help but think about how his smile just makes me melt even during a time like this.  I hug him burying my head into his chest. "Im scared Steve" I whisper, "I know, I know" he say's comforting me by running his hand up in down my back.
After a few minutes of just staying like that we pull away. "You think I can take a shower?" I nod finally the stench of blood hit my nose. Luckily my room had a bathroom attached so we didn't even have to leave the safety of my room for him to shower. I watch as he walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I'm really scared, I don't think I can even express to Steve how scared I am. I don't even know what's going on. They were like zombies, but worse than they were in the movies. They were aggressive and way faster than they were in the movies. They didn't just shuffle around and moan and groan, they ran, and they were smart. When my sister first turned I watched as she tapped at the glass and try to open the door.
I quickly turn towards my window double checking that it was locked. I was scared about what would happen once we left, would we get eaten immediately? Where would we even go?
20 minutes later Steve emerges from the bathroom squeaky clean with a towel wrapped around his hips. I almost blush when I see his body. "Hey babe you got any of my clothes?" He asks I nod. I have tons, he's stayed over so many times and leaves so many things I have a drawer dedicated to all of his things. I stand up and walk over towards my dresser. I grab a pair of pjs he had left here and a pair of clean underwear he also left one day. I hand it to him and turn around returning to my bed. I when I turn around I witness him drop his towel and begin to get dressed. I roll my eyes groans "Steve!" As I covered my eyes. He laughs but doesn't say anything else.
I still have my hands over my eyes when I feel the bed move. He pulls my hands down off of my face so I can see him. His hair is still damp, and he's got a grin on his face that would make any girl swoon two years ago. "So tomorrow?" He asks I nod even though I'm still not sure. What if something's happens and I'm left alone. Id rather stay here alone then be out there alone.
"It's gonna be alright" he whispers as he presses a kiss to my forehead "I'll protect you no matter what" he says leaning his forehead against mine. "Do you understand that?" I nod. It was nice feeling that important to someone, having someone to protect you during the zombie apocalypse felt nice. "You tired" I nod as I peer outside. The suns setting. "Let's go to sleep then" I nod as I lay down. Steve props his head up with his arm as he lays down. "We can take shifts if you want...just to keep us safe" I nod agreeing, it would be way more safe to take shifts while sleeping, just to keep an eye out. He lets his head drop against my pillow. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "I love you steve" I whisper as I bury my head into his chest. "I love you too" he replies pressing a kiss on top of my head.
Steve wakes me up at 2:30 for my shift. His head ends up burried in my neck, all I can hear are Steve's soft snores, and the growls, and groans from the zombies outside. My arms are inside his shirt wrapped around his torso. He's always ran really warm. I feel like crying, tears are hiding in my eyes just waiting to escape. If those zombies are mentioned I'll cry. I don't know what the hells going on. It's the middle of summer I should be having fun getting ready for my senior year of high school but now I'm stuck in this mess. I hug him tightly as i sob into his shoulder. I don't want to die, not like this. If I get bitten I'll turn into one of those things, if Steve gets bitten he'll turn into one of those things. I'm scared. I was really tempted to slit my wrist earlier, when I barricaded myself in my room, I thought about going into my bathroom and just slitting my wrists. My mom is dead, my sister is dead, my dad is missing, and I thought my boyfriend had died. I didn't want to live in a world without them. But then Steve appeared at my window. At that moment guilt was rushing through my veins. What if i did go through with it, he would've found my dead body wrist slit, on the bathroom floor.
I must've woken up Steve with my crying because I feel him lift his head up. "Wh-what wrong?" He asks his voice still laced with tiredness. "I..I don't..wa-wanna die Steve" I cry, his voice is soft as he pulls me away from him "hey look at me, I'm not going to let you die" he craddled my face in his hands wiping stray tears as they fall. "I don't w-want you to die" i sniffle "and I'm not gonna die either we're in this together."
"I'm just scared I guess" I mumble. "It's alright let's just go to sleep alright?"
The next time I wake up it's bright outside. Steve's still fast asleep in my arms though. I can still hear the sounds of the zombie. I shake Steve a bit to wake him up. His eyes flutter open "hm" he grumbled. "Should we get ready to leave?" I ask. He nods with a yawn "definitely."
My dad hunted a lot outside of work so he had bunches of guns, and gear we could use in this situation. He sits up and presses a kiss to my lips before getting up. I follow after him as he pushed my dresser drawer out from in front of the door. "Let me see that knife" he whispers. I nod running back over to my bed and grabbing it off of the bedside table. I hand it to him and we both creep into the hallway. We make sure their aren't any zombies in the house before we go into my dads room designated for all his hunting gear.we find three large backpacks he hands me one "go find as much non-perishable food as you can" I nod as I creep down stairs making sure not to disturb the zombies outside the front door, and windows.
I go into the pantry and grab all the canned goods, water bottles, granola bars. Once I've fit enough in I have a bit more room so I grab two of those water bottles that are insulated. I go back upstairs to see Steve packing his bag full of ammo, guns, weapons any thing we need to survive. "My dad has a big tent we might need that" I say. Steve nods and hands me another backpack. "Go find anything you think we're going to need, clothes, blankets y'know?" I nod placing the filled bag with food next ot him. I retreat to my room and start off by folding up two blankets as small as I can and fitting them into the two water bottle holders. It made the bag look a little bulky but who cares about looks right now. Then I find some of Steve and I's clothes. I also fold them up as small as I can and put them in the bottom of the bag. Once I'm finished with that I throw a deodorant, some lotion, bandaids, large gauze pads, tampons, pads, hydrogen peroxide, pain killers, those ice packs you shake up, and some heat packs that work the same. I keep thinking as I go through my medicine cabinet grabbing any drug I think we'd need. I grabbed any and every pain medication I could find, as well as some antibiotics I had found. I look over at the bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Should I grab them? Were we even going to be able to find hot water. Sure we could, so I grab the bottles up and put them in the bag. Once I've got all the things we definitely would need I go around my room grabbing things I want to keep. I stuff a necklace my dad gave me in my pocket, and a few books in the bag. I hear soft footsteps behind me, I quickly turn around. It's only Steve, that causes my breathing to calm down, and my heart to stop pounding out of my chest. "Hey calm down it's just me" steve chuckles, "how the hell am I supposed to calm down when we're in this mess" i mutter, as I roll my eyes. I turn back towards the bag closing it up. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, as he peers over my shoulder "you think we'll need like shampoo and stuff?" I ask. He shrugs "just bring it in case" I nod as I grab up the bag. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" I ask as I turn around in his arms. He grabs a gun out of his pocket and hands it to me, "out you're window just like I got in" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead. I nod as I wiggle my way out of his grip and over it my closet grabbing two jackets ones Steve's and the other is mine. I hand it to him while I'm putting mine on. "You take this bag, and I'll take these two" he says handing me the bag I had packed with food, and waters. I sling it over my shoulder, as Steve walks towards the window. I turn the safety off of my gun "don't forget to turn saftey off" I say as Steve is unlocking the window and opening it. I nods turning it off. He crawls out of the window and waits for me on the other side.  I take a deep breath, this could end up horribly. We could get bit in the first 15 seconds seeing the hord of them outside my house. "It's alright we just have to get to my car" I nod as I take his hand. He helps me out onto the roof. We slowly walk across the roof until we're in an area where the ground is the clearest. He jumps off first and then I do. I twist my ankle as my feet hit the ground, making me fall to the ground. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" Steve says kneeling down next to me. I nod "it's just a twist, now help me up" he doesn't argue, just sticks his hand out. I grab onto his hand, and he pulls me up. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asks, I shake my head "I'm sure let's just go" I mutter.
All the ruckus we had made from me falling had been just loud enough to disrupt the zombies. There were a few growling and groaning at us as from the other side of th fence. I don't even think twice before pressing the trigger and shooting both of them. "Come on" I say grabbing his wrist pulling him over to the fence. I unlock it and kick it open. A couple more start growling at us before they run for us.
pow, pow.
Two more are down. The sound of the gun shots call a few more that end up getting in our way to Steve's car.
Pow, pow, pow.
Three more down. "Unlock the car Steve" I say, he doesn't do anything so I shout "unlock the goddamn car Steve!" He finally sticks his hand in his pocket fishing his keys out of his pocket. He unlocks the car car. I let go of him let go of him letting him run to the drivers side, whilst I get in the passenger side.
Im panting as I pull my seatbelt on. Steve gets in the car and throws both his bags into the back seat.
"We should stop by the police station just to see if we can find some more ammo."
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ace-up-your-sleeve · 8 months
Maple / Harvest / Fireside / Fog / Jack-O-Lantern
thanks for the ask!!! no one ever actually sends me asks when i rb ask games, so im glad u did :)
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
i really want to learn how to play guitar!! i technically have an acoustic one in my bedroom, but i dont rlly have the energy or commitment to learn and practice consistently lol
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Toga from MHA! Because of her quirk she has a strange outlook on what life, love, and happiness look like, and that she is doing it all wrong. Being queer and neurodivergent, i have also been told that the way i view these things are wrong. We both just want to live in a world where we can be ourselves and love how we love!
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
I'm currently working to make my wardrobe more like my dream wardrobe actually!!!! i dress in a combination of scene and punk when i can help it, but otherwise my outfits are kinda grunge-ish
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
id probably die pretty quickly lol!! i can fight alright with my hands, but im no good with a gun. if i got my hands on a bow tho id probably be alright. other than that i have like zero survival skills lmao
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
this one is actually rlly hard lol. probably like revenge era frank iero
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commanderserwin · 4 years
— week 21 with levi ackerman.
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✧ tags. fluff (in the beginning?), angst, bad language, slight nsfw, & descriptions of blood, weapons, and character death 🧍🏻‍♀️
✧ more. zombie apocalypse AU b/c why not?
✧ notes. ‘tis a word vomit and i have no idea why — just me and my small love for zombie movies and aus, so here goes! enjoy !!!
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Levi grumbled at how your arm and leg kept him captive on the bed, his hand finding your thigh— as he rolled his eyes, feeling your lips pepper kisses onto his jaw, and he loved it.
“One minute,” Levi turned his head, capturing your chapped lips onto his, his thumb playing with the waistband of your underwear, as he winked at you.
You laughed onto his shoulder, kissing the spot below his ear as you snuggled closer, closing your eyes as you breathed in the morning, greeting it with minute long cuddle and few kisses that painted your nose and forehead from the man laying beside you.
“Time’s up,” Levi groaned, feeling your hold on him tightening as you refused to let him go.
Levi let you hold on a minute longer again, kissing your temple as he counted to the last ten seconds, with the last as a smack to your thigh while you yelped loudly, a scowl forming on your lips but Levi kissed it away with no fail. He smiled at your morning dilemma, his heart bursting as you followed him behind him, a stomp on your feet as Levi made his way towards the kitchen.
He has always loved making breakfast with and for you and with your grumpy state made it all better. His hands instinctually made its way towards the kettle, flipping the mugs as he made tea and your preferred drink for the day— as he knew it like the back of his hand, and one look at your face. His basis was the frown on your lips, and it all dissolves as the steam from the hot water hits your face in a welcome delight.
“What time do you have to go to work?” You asked, taking a bite of his toast as you passed by him, grabbing a slice of your own.
“In two hours,” he responded, taking your seat as you settled into your office space, a little desk that he has set up for you. “What time do you have to get to work?”
“Now,” you winked, making kissy faces at him as you opened your laptop— ready to start the day facing the screen.
Levi nodded, finishing his breakfast as quietly as he could while you talked to your client— camera off that’s why you twirled around on your chair, watching Levi with teasing eyes. He shook his head, a blush washing on his skin as he caught glimpse of your eyes— but he’s got enough self-control to not fall for them, kissing your forehead as he made his way to the bathroom to start and get ready for his work.
Every morning was like clockwork already— and by the time he has come out of the bathroom, he would see you making a homemade lunch, while you continued to talk, moving your hands animatedly. He settled again on the kitchen table, graciously accepting his second cup of tea from you while the minutes flew by until it was time for him to go.
With a hug and a kiss, you walked Levi to the door, covering the mic from your earphones as you confessed your daily love, leaving the stoic man a blushing mess as he walked out of the door, a paperbag on his hand as he drove to work.
The day went by slowly, his own clients calling him as he watched the hours go by. He checked his phone multiple times, a text from you from hours ago, and he bombarded you as much as he could hide his phone whenever his boss would walk by.
Then something unusual happened— like straight out of a fucking movie.
The tall ceilings didn’t rumble, the streets did. The building has got thick walls and windows, withstanding few rainy days but what it didn’t withstand was the shrilling screams of people running towards each other— out of the cars, out of the building doors, as they watched others with a scream cut short.
“What the fuck,” Levi mumbled to himself, pushing the chair away as his hand fumbled with the phone, his thumb clicking your contact number with a nervous tap. “What the actual fuck?”
No answer.
His coworker bumped into him, cursing them with his eyes as he clicked on the notification— a news article from his phone. He skimmed it, his eyes rereading the words: blood, humans, trial gone wrong, infection, and the infected.
“Are they filming down the street?” Levi asked, holding the shoulders of his colleague, his eyes piercing through them as they stuttered incoherently, but they only pushed Levi away with a tear down their cheek.
His phone vibrated— your caller ID flashing and he fumbled to accept and finally, his mind has come into peace as he heard your voice amidst the chaos down the street. He walked closer to the windows, seeing flashes of dark liquid that he refuses to acknowledge that was blood.
Levi listened to shrill screams on your phone, and color drained from his face as it all sounded the same. It was noisy, it was full of screaming— agony until the last second that it lasted. He couldn’t help but worry about you, his hands fumbling with anything to keep him grounded. He clutched his phone tighter as usual, hearing your voice and never wanting to let go of it, of you.
“Levi, where are you?” You asked, double-locking the car as people rammed into your car, but you held on to the phone with such urgency as you listened to the other line. “Are you safe?”
“What do you mean, ‘Am I safe?’” Levi walked towards his cubicle, turning his monitor on as his office turned into its own secluded chaos, “I’m at work. Where are you?”
“Going home, I went to grab some groceries,” you answered, ducking your head below as you made use of the tint on the car windows.
Some elderly man slammed on to your trunk, making the car shake as cars honked loudly.
“I thought you had work? It’s only been a few hours.”
“My client rescheduled their telerehab. So I went to the store.”
“Okay,” Levi nodded, breathing through his nose, “Okay, listen.”
“Do you know what’s happening?”
“Did you lock the doors?” Levi asked, avoiding your question.
“Yes, I always lock the door.”
“And how far away from you from the apartment?”
“Ten minutes.”
“You have to walk.”
“I’m not walking!” You gasped, looking at the backseat where a couple of grocery bags were sitting, “And I’m not leaving the car!”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?” Levi raised his head, his eyes almost bulging from the updated news articles— and he really couldn’t believe his eyes.
The human trial from the nearby city had an outbreak. Their subjects resorting to death, but undead— zombified beings as infected blood ran through its course in their own bloodstream, affecting their brain and nervous system— paralyzed yet moving. Things— humans that doesn’t make sense.
Fucking zombies.
“You only call me darling when you are nervous.”
Levi arched his brow, breathing hard as he shut his monitor off. He looked down again, the streets covered in blood and bodies— and he backed away, the color from his already pale skin draining as he looked at the traffic block. It was going to take him an hour to usually get home— but with this mess, he has no idea if he could get there in a hour.
He wanted to go home.
“All right,” Levi breathed, his hold tightening on the phone, finally coming into terms with the movie-like situation. “Drive home. Carry whatever you think you will need inside the apartment. Grab the toolbox from the trunk. Get the food— anything essential inside.”
“You’re making me nervous,” you whispered, driving carefully away from the crowd as you took the longer route just to get home, “This whole thing is making me nervous.”
“Me too,” Levi murmured, grabbing his things from his cubicle as he grabbed whatever he could find that would be useful. “Don’t forget to lock the doors, do you hear me?”
“Lock the doors,” you repeated, driving a little faster as the roads were clear of any slosh of liquid and less bodies.
One mistake that you have done was stopping— the car coming into a halt as you watched the scene before you.
It was a little girl, her mouth dripping with her blood and mixed with whoever was dead on her hands. Her eyes were red, every vein dark underneath her dark skin, and stared right at your very being. With delicate steps, she moved closer, and you moved the car in reverse. But when she stood by your window, she slammed her hand on it, marking your window with her tiny hand.
Her handprint marked blood all over your car window— and you eyed at her victim. Perhaps her mother, as you guessed from the matching shirt. Her mother twitched— heavy and dark blood gushing out of her neck. She should’ve been dead, and should’ve stayed dead— but her fingers moved little by little, until she stayed upright, her eyes drilling into yours.
Every fiber of your body turned into dust, as you screamed, biting down on your hand as the little girl screamed with you, clawing her hand— but she couldn’t.
“What the fuck is happening?” Levi asked on the other line, his voice muffled as you dropped your phone. “Hey! Hey!”
“She was dead!” You screamed into the phone, gripping the steering wheel until your knuckles turned white, “She was dead and... she! There was blood everywhere... how is she alive?”
“Get out of there, darling,” Levi seethed at the situation, clenching his eyes shut as he focused on your voice, “Go!”
Finally, you gassed it, accelerating— feeling the car bump as you drove over the body, while you sweat for your very life. You placed the phone on loudspeaker, finding hope and solace through the curses of your significant other, focusing on his voice as it always calms you down. You counted his curses, finding a smile on your face and his new record of fifty bad words in a matter of minutes.
“Are you near the apartment?”
You nodded— agreeing a second later as the parking opened for you, and you held the phone near to your ear hoping it would close the distance between the two of you.
You wanted him home.
“I'm home already, get here now.”
“Good,” Levi ran down the stairs, towards the garage. He spotted his car, jumping on it instantly, “Wait for me.”
“Come home,” you sobbed, fumbling with the house keys as you opened the door— finding power to carry all the things in one go. “I love you. You have to come home, okay?”
“I love you,” Levi kissed you through the phone, an edge of a smile forming on his mouth as you chuckled-sobbed, “Don’t cry. Don’t go out, I’ll be home in a while.”
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That was the last thing Levi has said to you.
His voice echoing in your memory, distant and near as you waited, and waited.
He didn’t make it home that day, and you waited for hours, until the suns changed and the moon waved for a new awful morning as screams made its way towards the quiet apartment. The moment that you hit home, you charged your phone, anything that will be used to communicate, even scrounging for Levi’s radio that he insisted on keeping, and with the mention of your beloved, your body shook in sobs as you tried to reattach yourself from what was happening as you waited for him. 
You should have contacted him every minute and every hour— asking where the hell he is, but the mocking message of an unattended phone sang into your ears. Until all signal towers came down— no phone, no lines, no television, nothings. And all you could do was fucking wait, and you have waited too long that food has been stale for a while— days, weeks, months and you closed off from everybody. Yet, you didn’t move. The sofa has become your bed, a hand on the hilt of a knife as the other clutched the pillow while you slept in a shallow slumber— dreaming of when he would be home and what people have become.
The door and the carpet tainted red, your blood mixed with whoever tried to pried your door open. The handle was broken, and you repaired it as best as you could with Levi’s commanding voice echoing in your head.
Everything revolved around Levi— and you still wonder where he was.
Days, weeks, and months since he made that promise, and as each day goes by— it becomes ruined and broken, your life breaking down slowly as hope washed itself away, leaving you alone with nothing but a wish for him to still be there. 
Another wish to whatever innocence is left within you and him.
The walkie-talkie became your friend— going on and off as you tried to catch a glimpse of whatever or whoever would be there to answer call, but nobody responded to the static buzz.
“I’m running out of water,” you coughed, counting ten small water bottles.
You were running out of everything as the long months drained your supplies.
And so you made a promise to yourself— get out of the apartment, find more food and water, and look for him.
If he couldn’t find his way to you— maybe it was best to find him yourself.
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Week One: you started from scratch as you left the apartment. What you had was Levi’s large backpack which contained all your food, and water, a few pair of underwear and clothes, your dead phone, a wrench and a knife, and the walkie-talkie.
Week Two: you stayed in the car, a bad fucking move as an infected person broke your windshield, as they heard you crying. You ran them over— and it that makes them your second death.
Week Three: you saw an empty deli store. You went in— further and further into the back but the door opened and came a big dead man running but you placed a wrench on their big dead head.
Week Four: you were farther from the city. The signs becoming a maze to understand, words illegible as it was covered in blood.
Week Five: you passed by where Levi was working by. The car stopped, sputtering its last gas as you bid goodbye— but seeing Levi’s car, abandoned. With a heavy hand, you destroyed the window, seeing the keys stuck into the ignition as Levi’s briefcase collected dust on the backseat. There was no sign of him, as you left a note and a few tears as you broke down— biting down on your hand because you had to mourn in silence.
Week Six: you carried Levi’s briefcase for a week, but you left it as it became too heavy for you to carry. The only thing that you kept was the little pin on his briefcase— the one that he says that reminds him of you.
Week Seven: your shoes broke down, and comes your fourth death.
Week Eight: fifth death.
Week Nine: the winds grew a little colder, and you find shelter inside a car, the smell rotted as you later found a hand on the backseat.
Week Ten: you were tired, and comes the sixth victim.
Week Eleven: your mind was fucking with you, and you brushed it away.
Week Eleven: it was a dream— and that was the result of sleeping in a stupid store where mirrors all perfectly stood, every glimpse a fucking joke. A sick joke that is— because the mirrors reflected him.
Week Eleven: Levi’s here.
Levi crushed you into a hug, his hair somewhat long yet his face stayed smooth— a few mentions of stubble but it was him. His body felt so familiar that you found yourself curling for his warmth, for the security, for the home that he was.
Levi thought, he’s finally home. He’s found you.
Nobody spoke for a few minutes— unbelieving of what was happening. If you were alive. If he was alive. If that was you. If that was really him. The only thing that was said in those minutes were tears and quivering chins as Levi fumbled with his fingers— holding on to you as you pulled him close.
“Are you going to eat me?” You quietly asked, cupping his cheeks, as you checked his grounding eyes for any evident him.
“Stop with that,” Levi kissed your cheek, hugging you tight again.
His kiss felt like the sweet drops of wine, color finding its way towards the dark hues, as you leaned on his touch— tired yet there. The feelings that blossomed on your chest was huge, almost drowning you again into your sorrows but Levi pulled you back again, and it brought you to tears.
“I waited!” You suddenly cried, curling your knees to your chest as you felt Levi’s arms anchor you to reality, “I waited, Levi! You told me... you told me to wait and that you were coming home.”
“I know,” Levi breathed, cradling your head as you drove him to tears— making him shudder in regret and anger, but it all turned to smoke because you were there and so was he.
But everything felt flat— the hues darkening once more. Tough love— survival at the cost of one’s innocence, but it was there. Levi brought your face to his eyes as he looked for you somewhere deep within the months that you were alone and scared.
And you were still there, fleeting but there.
Love stayed the same while hope tarnished.
Joy pooled at your eyes— the very ones that he would look into, from the moment he would wake up in your bed with the light brushing your skin, and as he closed his eyes, a smile gracing your lips as the day ended. Fleeting but there.
Levi held your hand, carrying the bag as he guided you to his secured spot. He looked back and forth, breathing a little easier as he locked the doors behind him. It was a small family mart, aisles and racks empty with crusting blood and shredded skin, but safe.
In the morning, he woke up with your arms around him— just before. Just like that morning. His lips turned to yours as your very habit stayed the same, your voice carrying himself to agree with nothing but a kiss again on your lips. Levi found himself wrapping his leg around you, flushing you on his chest as he peppered kisses on to your nape while you chuckled softly— prying his arms.
“One minute,” Levi kissed your ear, nuzzling his cheek against your shoulder as you turned around in his embrace.
His grey eyes comforted you, carrying a hint of love and life while you allowed yourself to be hugged, relishing the way he feels after almost a year of him being gone and found again.
A year of it— and nobody spoke about what actually happened that night.
Infected. Infectious diseas. Blood. A human trial gone wrong.
Zombies— like the goddamn movies.
“Will you make me toast,” you whispered, asking him as you placed a hand over his chest— holding on to him and the memory of when it was good, like it was now.
“I believe what I only have are crackers,” Levi whispered in your ear, kissing your nose as your eyes fluttered open once more— and he took you in.
By the way your hair turned greasy, by the way the clothes on your back became ripped and drenched in dried blood, by the way your chapped morning lips stayed the same, by the way your face still contorts into his favorite smile.
“Has my darling turned cheap?”
“God.” Levi rolled his eyes, kissing your cheek numerous times as he finally caught on your dislike for the pet name.
“Now you understand how I feel when you call me darling?” You laughed, placing as much distance as Levi attacked you with tickles and kisses, his shoulders shaking in laughter as he breathily agreed.
Then, he stopped.
Bodies still tangled with each other— and you listened. Nothing was walking by the store, no slosh of liquid echoed into the empty street.
“Listen.” Levi murmured on your lips, his eyes closing as you saw him through the corners of your eyes— and you closed your eyes too, “Listen. This is my favorite part of my morning.”
After a few still minutes, your face lit up in tears, “Birds.”
“Don’t they sound beautiful?”
You opened your eyes to see him staring right at you, his eyes tired yet happy. Levi pushed away your tears, pecking your forehead.
That was the only time that you’ve realized that the tree beside your apartment housed a nest that Levi always prepared worms by the windowsill and that the birds always woke the both of you.
A new start— but this time after a broken heart, you were glad to start the day again with him.
Week Twelve: he always held your hand whenever the both of you would walk. His hand clutched yours that you even complained that it was too tight— but Levi would only kiss your palm and would loosen it.
Week Thirteen: Levi found an empty bodega, making the makeshift beds again, and he held you through the night as you cried, telling him the victims you have killed. That week marked your seventh kill.
Week Fourteen: he was drenched in blood because doesn’t want you to add another one to your list. Levi killed three instantly, and when you asked him how many has he killed, his eyes turned lifeless for a second, until he whispered— “Let’s not talk about it.”
Week Fifteen: you practiced with Levi as he gave you more effective tips to efficiently mark for the kill. He disagreed first, but he confessed later on that he was sick of it.
“I don’t want to kill one more,” he whispered into the dark as both of you listened to the loose footsteps outsides— daunting to add one more. Just one more. His hand found yours in the dark, turning his head to you as he pulled you to his side of the makeshift bed, whispering once more.
“I’ll take care of it,” and you marked the dead teenager as your eighth.
Week Sixteen: Levi found some tester bottles of perfume on clothes store— surprising you as it was the one that sits on your dresser, making you bawl into your hands as the scent brought back too many memories. He sprayed some on to his skin, making you even cry but he kissed your tears away— his eyes later turning into a shade darker.
His mouth found yours into a fervor that night, silent moans and groans echoing in the same bodega as Levi made love to you— and you him under the gaze of the daring moonlight, bodies moving slowly and sensual, hands finding each other, lips swollen as Levi kept you quiet with his own.
“Levi,” you moaned, feeling the coils of your stomach tighten— hips hitting together as his thrusts became lazy, his thumb finding your folds while you squealed.
“Be quiet,” Levi grunted against your mouth, his tongue grazing your lower lip as he held your hips down, watching you with hooded eyes with the way your back arch— face nodding.
“Fuck—,” you breathed, running your nails on his back as his thumb found your clit, driving you to oblivion as he felt your walls flutter around him. “Fu— Levi-,”
He lost himself, thrusting harder and deeper, listening to the lewd sloppy sounds as he felt your slick cover his length, groaning as your walls fluttered again— as his breathy voice moaned your name over and over again like a song that he would gladly sing over and over again.
Week Seventeen: Levi plucked a grass from in between the cracks of the sidewalk as he gave it to you. In return, you surprised him with a loose tea bag with lukewarm water and he accepted it happier than ever.
“I love you,” Levi murmured, cupping the thermos, bringing his lips to the edge for the first drink of his year that was made by you.
“Me or the tea?” You asked, munching on breakfast as you tilted your head to your partner with a teasing smile on your face. 
Levi answered your question with an attack of kisses on your cheeks and neck— making you giggle until he held you steady with his hands on your waist, eyes closed as he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around him, breathing him in as he snuggled into the crook of your neck— your shirt becoming wet from each other’s tears.
Week Eighteen: you cut Levi’s hair, using a broken razor as he listed his instructions with his wavering voice as he looked right at you through the mirror. Levi admitted that it was the best haircut he has ever gotten, even when his bangs were choppy.
In return to find another space, comes your ninth.
Levi hesitated as the undead little girl that you saw from the day slowly walked over to him with a sinister smile. She marked as your tenth, and you mumbled a little prayer for the mother and the daughter that you have killed before and now.
In the evening, he held you close and dear, your shirt turning wet as he angrily cried but you only shushed him gently— “I’ll take care of it always.”
Week Nineteen: he turned to you in his sleep, fluttering his eyes open as you groggily reached for him. You kissed the sleep back on to him, giggling through the kisses as he tried to capture your lips with a failed mission.
On the last day, marks your eleventh kill.
Week Twenty: it was another sick fucking joke.
“Give me a minute.”
“Give me a fucking minute!”
Levi closed his mouth as his chest heaved heavily, his hands wrapping around his leg, unsuccessfully stopping the gush of blood that painted his skin and clothes dark red— and yet in whatever pain that he was in, he gave you a minute.
He has always given you a minute, spare— lots of it, but now he can’t risk it.
Not one spare second because he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
Levi watched you with careful eyes as you murmured to yourself, eyes closed as tears fell angrily at the corners of your eyes. He looked away, his eyes straining at the pain, and when he finally opened his eyes— he saw you looking straight at him with bright and hopeful eyes.
“We could... we could,” you stuttered, hands pressing into his wound to stop his breathing as Levi nodded, listening, “the best thing that we could do is cut your leg off.”
“It’s already in my bloodstream,” Levi whispered, the blood never stopped flowing no matter the pressure.
“You don’t know that,” you smiled— cried, wiping away your tears.
Levi shook his head. He breathed hard, inhaling and exhaling at the way his body turned into something sinister, watching his veins darken under his pale skin, but weakly pulled his sleeves down, as you watched closely. Your eyes were still filled with innocence— and after everything that you have been through, he wanted to preserve an ounce of it, for himself and for you.
That’s why you needed to go.
“Please,” Levi sighed, closing his eyes as he counted in his mind. Perhaps in a few seconds, the blood vessels in his eyes would pop, his sclera gone dark, “Please.”
The feeling of his warm hand covered yours and you pushed away the thoughts that came next as he heaved, controlling the minimal thrashing of his body. Levi nudged your chin, holding it form as he opened his eyes— and you tried to focus on how it looked like before.
Grey and nice, warm and soft, everything that you have loved, everything that he said, everything that was him— Levi.
“I want you to stand up,” Levi coughed, leaning on to the wall as you helped him. His hand found his spare gun and knife, as he pushed them to you gently. “I want you to get up. I want you to go.”
“You’re asking me the impossible,” you whispered, hand loosening from his wound as Levi blinked, his breath staggering.
“But it is for the best.”
“I can’t lose you,” you breathed, cupping his cheeks as you wiped away the tears— the blood that ran through his beautiful face. “Not again.”
“I know.”
Levi smiled, wiping his hand on his pants to clean them— as he ran his knuckles on the apple of your cheeks, one last time. He soothed the furrow between your brows, he cupped your cheek, making you lean for his touch as you kissed the inside of his wrist, murmuring against his touch.
“I can’t lose you.” You whispered, looking at his wound. 
He pushed you to the wall at the moment it happened— the infected person crawling quietly as it sunk its teeth on Levi’s leg, making him topple over but he killed it in a second— all to save you.
“Levi, I can’t lose you,” you repeated quietly, chest shaking as tears clouded your eyes, “Not again!”
He screamed from the agony, his chest constricting whatever air was left in his body, holding himself close as he bit down on his hand as it washed through him. He pushed his weapons to you hard, making you stumble over as he watched your figure crawl away from him, inch by inch— and the hunger inside him fought its way towards his mind as he longed for the flesh and blood that rests perfectly on your body.
Yet, one thing stays the same.
His lips turned blue, as you watched him carefully, his mouth turning— whispering his very words that would make your heart skip a beat, be the reason for the unending adoration and devotion between the two of you.
“I love you,” Levi mouthed, his hands aimless around his body— no longer fighting whatever was inside him.
“I love you,” you cried, the tears falling freely as you found yourself standing to the other wall, feeling the cold cement hit your skin as your fingers fumbled with the gun and knife.
For whatever cruel reason, life has beaten the air out of you, your mind escaping its own as you chose— suffocating you, strangling the love out of you as you pocketed the knife.
Your whole body shook quietly— crying silently. The chest-heaving kind, where everything made it so fucking difficult for you to breathe, when you didn’t want anybody to know that you were bawling your eyes out, hands almost scarred from how hard you bit it down. Betrayal for the one that you truly love ran straight to your core— as you chose.
Levi smiled as his eyes became red— proud of how steady your arms were as you raised the gun— just like how he taught you. With the last ounce of life in his body, he professed his love for you one last time, and the farewell that mourned for himself, his fate, and for you. His memories clouded into colors that he hasn’t seen before, mundane things and memories with you, the way your lips would turn up at the sight of him, the way your eyes would convey such a deep message— deepest as the ocean as he would always compare.
He felt the air become static in his skin, feel his heart stop, feel everything stop. His eyes opened, seeing the hesitation in your hands but he has to do this, and he pushed you to save you. He saw his life with you— and he has to say goodbye one last time. Levi used whatever he could muster, as he whispered, hearing the shot echo in the cold room.
“Stay away.”
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youngbeanpole · 3 years
A message from BP’s mail-lady
hoo boy here we go. this is gonna be a long post.
hi! im lemon, and i started this blog on april 2nd 2012. and today, april 22nd 2021, im posting beanpole’s last message here. its been one hell of a ride.
how it all started i was 15, spending time on tumblr, when i suddenly started seeing people posting about this movie that was about to be released soon, called the lorax. now, im not american, so i had never really heard of dr seuss, but people were so enthusiastic! so i watched a shitty cam-rip of the movie and joined the fandom. 
and then the askblogs started, the first one i came across being swag, of course. i had run askblogs for other fandoms before, so i wanted to join in on the fun. but regular once-ler was already taken... and green suit once-lers, and audrey and ted too... so i had to come up with something original. 
the movie started with the once-ler leaving home and his family showing just how awful they were, and i started thinking, ‘man, his childhood mustve sucked..’ ‘haha what if i made a blog about once-ler when he was my age?’ 
an impulse decision that somehow gained me 100 followers in a week. somehow relatable tumblr teen once-ler was relatable to 2012 tumblr. who couldve known? 
i get kinda emotional looking back at it, honestly. people were so fun and creative. id stay up late to keep talking to people (bc timezones are hell). and i had a lot of fun just pretending to be a flawed boy, one who seemed nice but could be rather snarky, who would lie and break promises at the drop of a hat, but only because he didnt know any better, not out of malice. and i couldnt have done it without you all. i never wouldve known that he hates tomatoes, or likes celine dion, or wears the same thneed every dang day just because that happened to be his icon. 
was it silly to get obsessed with a childrens movie? maybe. but i had a great time.  (im also happy to see there are still people in the fandom that are carrying on the legacy... you guys rock)
truffula flu i think most people that remember bp remember him from truffula flu’s camp entre, over at youngbeansprout... a blog ive sadly lost the password to. im a big baby so i never thought id enjoy writing about something as scary as zombies, but i saw my friends doing it so i went in blind, without any idea on a backstory for the au or whatever.  ....which is probably why he wasnt always all that prominent in the story, haha. well, that, and timezones. 
it was probably an even wilder time than running this blog was, because there was actual plot. and people would liveblog it. and make fanart. and cosplay??? someone out there? cosplayed my oc to a convention? its one of those things that make you go. huh. i made something cool. probably never gonna reach that high ever again, but it sure is a fond memory. i still have a folder on my computer with all the fanart and it still brings a smile to my face.
also... i never did get to finish zombie au’s story, but i did plan how it would end. so if youve managed to read this far, congratulations! youve hit the hidden deep lore.
so the thing with truffula flu was that entre made the trees fucked up, right? and those spores would turn ppl into zombies. and of course you could become a zombie from being bitten, but it also traveled through the air...
everyone in camp entre (who wasnt immune or already infected) wore a gasmask, a bandana, something to cover their mouth. bp, who wandered into the apocalypse by accident, did not. he didnt even know. 
so little by little, the spores gathered in his lungs, until he realized. oh no. im getting sick. oh no. oh no oh no oh no. he messed around audrey’s equipment to confirm he was infected, and he got scared. he was a scared kid and he was going to die.
except. ted had handed him a cure for safe-keeping. a cure bp had sworn to protect with his life. but it could save him, right? in a moment of cowardice, he uses it on himself... only to find out there never was a cure.  (now heres the part where my memory gets fuzzy but) the ‘’’cure’’’ was given to ted, who was already slightly rotting, meant as a mercy kill. the people who gave him the cure assumed he would use it on himself.
except ted was a good kid, who wanted to use the cure to help others. and beanpole? his lies and broken promises came back to bite him in the ass, and he died sudden and alone. the end. :)
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the end of an era ive wanted to wrap this blog up for several years now but i never knew how. younger me wanted to give him a happy ending, which back then i thought was getting him a girlfriend. 
but as i got older, i realized... not everything can be fixed with a relationship. he’d have to learn to overcome his flaws by himself, learn his lesson about honesty and sincerity and the dangers of greed. and then, maybe he’ll have a happy ending.
so as he rides into the sunset on this day, imagine. maybe he’ll end up cutting down a forest and regretting it the rest of his life. maybe he’ll become a rock-star. an inventor. a teacher. a gentleman. a cannibal? okay, maybe not that one or maybe he’ll continue traveling forever, singing songs about boredom.
who knows? there’s infinite possibilites out there.
and with that, im logging off too. if you ever need me, ill be over on twitter as his deoncelerized self, bean. 
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hawkland · 3 years
Destiel fic recs (round #4) + commentary
Time for another (mostly) Destiel fic rec round-up post before my bookmarks get out of control! This one’s a mix of longer and some shorter fics (or series thereof), no particular theme except I guess a lot of angst, hurting Cas, and all the other things that tickle my Id. Several Season 9 human!Cas divergence fics, plus some later season angst-fests and rewrites.
In the Shadow of your Wings by Enochian Things (Salr323) (52k) The first of two fics by this author which I absolutely fell in love with! Canon-divergence from the end of Season 11. Cas finds himself blasted to Naples, Italy by the banishing sigil in the bunker and he stumbles — almost literally — into a sexy, delightful Italian Man of Letters, Luca. When he makes his way back to the bunker and finds Dean still alive, he tries to confess his feelings but Dean panics and shuts him down. Cas goes back in Italy soon thereafter and ends up beginning a relationship with Luca, much to Dean’s chagrin. Meanwhile Sam is still missing and it turns out there may be some dangerous individuals who are out for Cas more so than even the Winchesters. 
I loved everything about this fic so much - Luca is an amazing OC, the Naples and London locations are wonderfully evoked and took me straight back to places I’d been. The angst, the pacing, the plotting and the eventual Dean/Cas getting together are all amazing and this is definitely on my re-read in the future list.
The rest of my recs below the cut!
My heart is beating from me by Enochian Things (Salr323) (55k) The other fic by this author that I literally inhaled in one day! Season 9 Human!Cas canon divergence. It’s been months since Sam and Dean have heard from Cas, and when they do, it’s in the form of a wedding invitation. Cas is getting married to Daphne - the woman who “rescued” him and named him Emmanuel when he’d lost all his memories post-Leviathans. It seems Cas went back to her while on his own and they’ve rekindled their relationship...whatever it is. Dean just knows something isn’t right about her, so he sets out to investigate and try to figure out WTF Cas is doing before it’s too late. 
This story is so, so good! The case Dean gets Cas to come along on is unique and provides a neat investigation subplot, but what’s so especially wonderful is the explanation the author gives of who Daphne really is — and why she’d been so cool about just having a strange man with no memories move in to be her “husband” (and then want to marry him for real a couple years later, after he’d vanished from her life!) In fact it’s so brilliant I’m basically accepting it as my Daphne headcanon from now on and I don’t want to spoil it. The fic is also great in exploring Cas still struggling with understanding human emotions, customs and etiquette, Sam is A Very Good Friend, and Dean is, well, Dean. (I’m just sad this author hasn’t written more SPN fics because what they have is just brilliant.)
The wilderness. by orange_crushed (8k) Wonderful, shorter Season 9 canon divergence fic by an author who consistently makes me happy. Human!Cas leaves the bunker with a few things to get off the ground from Dean and directions to connect with Garth...but he ditches that plan to try to find his way on his own. It’s wonderfully detailed about the basic struggles of survival, finding work, making ends meet and trying to make some new friends...and why it’s important for him to prove he can make it on his own before he’s willing to welcome Dean (back) into his life.
I Through My Window See by deHavilland (26k) This is an interesting one, written well before we had canon human!Cas in Season 9. Canon-divergence in which Cas remains human after they avert the apocalypse in Season 5. Sam and Dean set him up in an apartment in Sioux Falls and then...just kind of abandon him there. He spends most of a year just barely existing before a visit from Sam finally stirs him out of his inertia and depression, to eventually get a job and also start hunting on his own. This is an interesting read, if just to see an author exploring the idea of human!Cas abandoned by Dean a few years before it actually...ended up becoming canon! I love how Cas is written in this (it’s a story much like the next one on my list that I thought does an amazing, realistic job of capturing what depression feels like), but I do have some issues with Dean. It’s never fully resolved or explained why Dean was being such an ass so I honestly wasn’t totally sold on the ending - I wanted some more out of Dean, some more explanation or apology or something. It’s a story that would have been great to have a sequel from Dean’s POV but after all this time, that will just have to exist in my brain, I suppose! Still worth a read because it’s excellently written, Cas becomes totally bad ass again by the end and it’s always fun to read early SPN fic speculating on future developments.
I Shall Not Want by domesticadventures (20k) I found myself inhaling a bunch of wonderful short ficlets by this author the other day, but this is the one I had to stop at to rec. It’s another Season 9 divergence fic, of a sort - Cas is newly human, for the sake of the story there’s no Abbadon to worry about, Sam is healed...and Sam wants to move out and get on with his own life. Cas and Dean are both struggling with adapting to their new lives and it’s a hauntingly rich and stark portrayal of depression, inertia, and the slow healing process of accepting and adapting to change. I also liked that this story gives us a Dean who is a little more aware of his feelings for Cas and they both struggle to reach out to each other - for once it’s not sexuality causing a crisis of identity but all the other shit they are coping with.
Don't Sing Love Songs by ireallydidthistomyself (17k). I’m not normally a big fan of baby/toddler!Jack fics - I like the angst that he was forced to grow up too quickly, and in general I’m not big on kid!fic in fandom. This author’s work is a big exception to that. They’ve written several stories along a similar theme: Cas raising Jack on his own/in secret for years, Dean only finding them or coming back into their lives later on. But this is the version of that idea that really packed the most punch for me and was incredibly emotionally satisfying. Dean finds Cas after 6 years, where he’s kept Jack mostly isolated and safe from the world. But with Dean allowed back into his life, Cas may be inviting grave danger upon Jack as well. This one ripped my heart out but managed to make it all better by the end.
Better Ways to Kill Our Time by always_a_birthday_girl (8k) I don’t know why I torture myself reading Dean-in-the-Ma’lak-box AUs, but I do. I think because it’s pretty much my biggest nightmare/horror and for some reason it’s cathartic while terrifying? Anyway here’s one where Dean goes through with his plan, Cas crashes and burns for most of a year, until Dean finally starts doing what he promised he wouldn’t: praying to him. Cas figures out a way to communicate back and over the distance, they manage to have certain conversations they should have years before. It’s painful but lovely and there is a happy ending, so it’s well worth the read!
Time Flows Like Water and We're Drowning by triedunture (7.9k) A little break from the later-seasons stuff I (mostly?) read, featuring a seriously hot (but angsty) Cas/Endverse!Cas/Dean threesome. When Zacariah’s plan to show Dean the future doesn’t change his mind about taking on his “responsibility”, he sends Endverse!Cas back in time to try to convince Cas instead, showing him what he’s to become. I don’t think Zac expected it to turn into a threesome, but it’s hot and beautiful and sad and wonderful all at once. 
hachikireru by vaudelin  (23k) At one point I went on a wallow-fest of reading a bunch of sad 14x20-15x03 divorce-arc fics. Just to hurt myself more, I guess. I know this fic’s been recced around a lot (at least on fail_fandomanon) and I can see why! After leaving the bunker, Cas ends up in Sioux Falls to visit Claire. She’s busy tracking down leads to find Kaia’s killer and he decides to go along with her on one such hunt. But what they find is an unexpected supernatural threat targeting those with broken hearts. Well. I think you know where that might be leading. This is a wonderful casefic with lots of character moments between Cas & Claire and then Cas & Dean, working through their pain and angst and just...it’s a very satisfying read.
Moriah Codas: A Trilogy by Toomanyfandoms99 (11k total) A series of 3 shorter fics spinning off the events of 14x20, developing a slightly divergent universe the author’s written where Cas does have his wings back and has helped resurrect a few of the angels (Balthazar, Gabriel, and Samandriel in particular). This series is absolutely heartbreaking — Cas is completely broken by Jack’s loss, has “fallen out of love” with Dean after he was ready to kill Jack, and sees no way back to what he’d had and felt before. He’s determined to just let the Empty take him...but not until he and his assembled squad of “avenging angels” clean up the mess Chuck has created, smiting zombies and taking out super-powered monsters across North America. 
Cas’s motorcycle gang/angel squad is so fucking awesome (I want a happy fic where they do this!) and this is BAMF!Cas at his finest. I just have to include a quote:
He set down the empty glass, and Gabriel said, “well, dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to kick some zombie ass. Since they have chosen to amass in Carthage, we are here to take out as many as we can without causing this town to flip the fuck out. Are we in agreement?”
“I expect,” Balthazar grinned, “a full-on bar brawl. Do not disappoint me.”
“Cassie, Driel,” Gabriel addressed the duo, “how are we with weapons?”
“I have enough machetes in a storage facility uptown to film a Jackie Chan movie,” Castiel said.
But it’s also utterly and completely heartbreaking, so don’t read this one if you need a happy ending. If you do read, check out the author’s other later-season coda fics and fic series as they are all really great.
to mend what is not broken by gothyringwald (2.6k) This last short one I’ve mentioned before, but I just have to rec it again! It was my gift for the 2021 Hurt Comfort Gift Exchange and it’s everything I wanted, and more. Sweet and caring Dean, wounded but still prideful Cas, and some lovely wing!kink/wing!care that pushes all of my button just right.
Anyway, that’s it for now as I think this is long enough. If you enjoy my recs, could you let me know? I try to not just list titles but give some commentary...as it helps me re-find stories I enjoyed the most, too!
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im-elated · 4 years
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they really delivered on tragedy
which (i hope this makes sense!) i feel like joel deserves?? it was so well done. it wasnt cliché “he died saving his loved one” or lame random death that feels too low for him. it was horribly poetic that he came across and saved the life of the person who came all this way to find and kill him. that sure now he’s doing all these good guy things, but joel has a pasts - and the effects of our pasts don’t leave us just because we move on from them. I stress, @thejollywriter  that i still dont know who abby is or why she was after joel, so please remember that and keep me spoilers free! 😁
but it’s funny -just a couple days before i started playing the game, my sister told me that she saw someone call joel a bad guy (context - someone asked “whos a villain you known is bad but love anyway?” and someone said “joel miller”) and that she thought that was really unfair. i was like, bro, he makes it really clear that he’s done some awful things through the first game - the biggest that stands out in memory is that he used to be a part of a road ambush gang, and then of course his talks with tommy and the end of the game where he murders a bunch of people because he doesn’t want to lose ellie. (she was like “yeah i guess you’re right, id forgotten a lot of that but i still love him” and i was like “bitch me too the fuck”) Anyway, point is, id had no idea that this second game would focus so much on (or i guess be triggered by) his past!! and i think it’s really cool that they’re bringing it back up because it’s so legit.
it reminds me of this (surprisingly good) western movie i saw a few weeks ago with my grandpa- there was this guy (let’s call him Main) who killed like 7 people when he was younger - was in prison for a few years, and came out a truly changed man - peaceful and kind, trying to make an honest living and move on from his past. but this one guy Main worked with really hated him and whenever another person was like “omg youre that murderer!!!!” the coworker would try to convince them to kill Main/make him fight back and get rearrested. so through this whole movie, Main is talking people down from fights, trying to calm the coworker and get him to back off, meets and marries a lovely woman, leaves his job and works with her on her farm….. and so finally the movie’s wrapped up, everyone’s happy, Main’s away from the angry creeps. and this guy in a nice suit rides up to their farm and is like “hey nice to meet you ive been looking for you for a long time” and just fucking shoots him dead. he explains to Main’s wife that he’s the son of one of the men Main killed like 15 years ago.
and hed just been waiting patiently to grow up and track him down. Westerns and post-apocalypse fictions are often similar because they both deal with such relative law and wishy-washy enforcement. it’s often that the strongest and smartest make up the law. looking at you, negan.
anyway, i really liked that movie, and it’s fun to run into what looks like the same kind of story here for Joel. neither Joel or Main saw it coming
i love that right after seeing these hateful people, we see Joel’s house - with all those flowers and notes. he was so well loved by these people he had lived with for years, worked with, protected. he was out patrolling and saw a woman absolutely swarmed by zombies, and ran in and helped her.
Joel wasn’t evil, and he had a great last couple of years of showing how great he can be when supported by civilization. I’m going to miss him.
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APH College AU: China
Oh hey look I’m doing the Asians now? Perhaps! AU intro here, highly suggested you read for context of why China is out of college.
Also, I know chefs aren’t supposed to be a waiter/see customers and cook at the same time, but too bad. He likes interacting with people personally and is good at knowing when to go back into the kitchens to make sure the food doesn’t burn.
- Owner and head chef of a small Chinese restaurant called Upside Down Luck (*any suggestions for other names are cool!*). He’s thinking about expanding pretty soon, since business is good and very consistent and a second restaurant would probably be as successful as the first. - 50% of business is college students, so he knows most of them. Most have come to his place at least once, and some, such as America, are regulars. - He's really good at memorizing faces and names, and can usually recognize people from the college. They get treated with either “Welcome back! How’s school? I heard there was a small fire in the labs!” or “You, again? *sigh* Same as last time?” - Also relating to that, he never lets students get more than two bottles of alcohol, especially late at night, and has never fell for a fake ID (partly thanks to his siblings telling him who’s a sophomore, freshman, etc). A true mom. - Knows all the school gossip also because his siblings, especially Taiwan and Japan, but South Korea also lets things slip because he forgets China doesn’t know; at dinner or something he’ll be like “Remember how ___?” And China whips around, very surprised and says “What??” with a raised eyebrow and a look that says s p i l l   t h e   t e a   s i s - He always complains about making his food too “Americanized” (?) but honestly it’s more Authentic Chinese style than most people - DESPISES Panda Express and their orange chicken. CHN: “Why is this sweet????” HK: “Chill, that’s just American Chinese food. Anyways, it’s okay tasty.” “No.” “What do you mean, ‘no’?”
- A whiz at budgeting and bargaining; always stays on top of his finances and sometimes manages his siblings’ finances as well when he’s really pissed at them for being lazy/not responsible with their money. A lot of the restaurant’s success is due to his cunning and money managing. - When he’s cooking or frustrated or hot, his ponytail goes up into a sort of bun. He’s not too happy with how it looks on him, but it’s just more convenient that way, either because regulations/sanitary purposes or to get his neck cooler. - He gives his siblings 20-30% off on restaurant stuff most of the time, but it varies a little with mood. Most other students have been jealous at some point or another, but the other side of the deal is that they can’t call Yao “mother” or “grandma” or “grandpa” in any form. They still do it though, and then he’s like “No privileges for you!1!2!1!!” - Also, the restaurant layout is super fengshui, because Yao is superstitious as heck, but also because it’s actually useful for interior design. Like it’s all perfectly aligned, windows face north-south (to get fresh air and sunlight), the door doesn’t have clutter around it, etc. It honestly looks a bit minimalist but also traditional at the same time. During the Lunar New Year he puts up menshen (门神) on the door and couplets on the sides of it, and he always has a small Metteyya (弥勒佛) statue/idol/thingy in the back of the restaurant for money and luck. - Laughs internally at people failing at using chopsticks. (He provides knives and forks and spoons of course, but there are always the handful who keep trying chopsticks). I think he’s the type to just... casually watch you struggle in vain and won’t do anything to help. Of course, if you’re a friend, then he’ll definitely try to teach you, but he doesn’t mind having a laugh at most of his customers. I think South Korea, Hong Kong, and perhaps Vietnam (Japan, Taiwan and Macau would be too kind to laugh and chopsticks aren’t widely used in other Asian countries) would stand and watch as well, taking out their phones and recording any particularly hilarious attempts. - He doesn’t live right above the restaurant, but has an apartment 3 blocks over. It’s not small, but not too big either, so when his siblings come over it gets kinda crowded. South Korea and Hong Kong are always telling him to move out and get a larger place, but China just kinda refuses out of sentimentality. “I like this place too much to leave it!” - Wakes up at 7 AM every morning and walks around the neighborhood and sometimes goes to the college to visit India. He likes routine, and considers it a really refreshing part of his morning. - I haven’t decided a lot of the other ancient’s lives yet, but China and the others would definitely get together for chats once in a while. All of them just happened to stick around close by after college and they’d talk about work and college gossip. College gossip is provided by China and India, but they all know a bit since their siblings are still there. - He majored in business and took a whole lot of outside culinary arts classes in college, and also happened to take a bunch of other random classes just for the heck of it. So now he’s educated on things like human behavior and what people would do in a zombie apocalypse + why they react that way, garbage and sustainability, and medieval studies + folklore through Game of Thrones. He considered taking a tree climbing course but didn’t, just because he didn’t want to waste time relearning how to climb trees with ropes. - Corollary to that, he probably has the weirdest fun facts because of all this miscellaneous info he’s collected. “Did you know there’s immortal cancer cells?” “I don’t want to know, Yao.” (Above fact is true but the story of the cells is really sad (and twisted and makes me kinda angry). They’re called HeLa, after Henrietta Lacks.) - His dorm room was probably on the neater side. However, it wasn’t too meticulously organized, and sorta like a thrown together hodgepodge of themes/aesthetics. Not that pretty to look at but it did its job well for him; he never really lost things in his room. - Loved math assignments (even though he grumbled) and bs-ed English, didn’t do too well in it. I think he’d honestly be ok with a B+, and his grades would’ve ranged from 87s to As depending on subject, with possibly one C+ where he just didn’t really apply himself. But he still applies the Asian Parent Standard to his siblings (but isn’t too strict about it most times. Just when he feels they’re really consistently not doing their best when they could be aceing a class). - He loved history though, and took a lot of courses about it that he didn’t need to graduate. This is also how he met India. - I feel like Yao would have a lot of lifehacks, both for managing college work, job lifehacks and things he uses in the restaurant daily, and tricks for outdoor work ex. farm work. Like if you put him outdoors in a rural area and told him to grow crops and raise chickens, he’d totally be okay with it, and would probably be able to do it well. This is in contrast to his siblings, who are more of city (?) kids. - Of course, he’s proficient with tech stuff and office work, but isn’t as good at it as Japan or HK. - Has a 3/4 heat tolerance and a 5/10 cold tolerance. He warms up by cooking (hot stove) or drinking warm water or tea. - Proud, a bit overly critical of people and nagging. He often gets tiny bursts of anger/intense annoyance at small things, and it makes him scary sometimes. (I hc it’s like this; someone does something slightly off/wrong and he kinda has a mini explosion, but it doesn’t affect his overall mood and he’ll still be pretty cheery to you after the incident is corrected.) - Again, his anger isn’t really full blown anger, but more a bunch of small annoyed explosions. It’s rare he gets mad, but if so, it’s usually a long tirade and lecture with lots of hand motions and shouting. It’s sorta scary since he doesn’t often get like that, so it’s serious when he does. - Relationships with some of his siblings are strained a little. They’re like a sorta mismatched family with lots of squabbles and petty disagreements, especially about who can order the others around. - Honestly a people person, he could ramble on and on for days about his life. Some people find him tiring, but he’s a good mixer with strangers. Casual friends with a lot of people, especially those who appreciate sarcasm and can snark right back at him.
Thanks for reading! I didn’t want to include too much about China’s college days but ended up writing more than I intended. Also, the “random college courses” I mentioned are all real classes, obviously not from the same university, but they exist (pretty cool!!) Next up will probably be SK or HK (I have more ideas for them than some of the others). Feedback is welcome and appreciated!
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lunaraen · 5 years
I figure a number of the people following me probably do because of a shared interest in Minecraft: Story Mode, and I’m absolutely going to take the time to gush and recommend a different series with a similar sense of humor and ability to balance the jokes with emotion. I know some of the people who follow me are also interested in series like Percy Jackson and Trollhunters, and I think The Last Kids on Earth series is on a similar level to them too, in the sense that it deals with stories about awesome and terrifying adventures featuring teenagers who are just doing their best and who haven’t lost their senses of humor. The Last Kids on Earth also has the benefit of, while being presented mainly through text, having many fun illustrations.
TL;DR: The Last Kids on Earth, written by Max Brallier and illustrated by Douglas Holgate, is a delightfully fun book series that twists what you might expect from a post-apocalyptic story with a just as fun Netflix mini-series adaptation, and while only Book One is up on Netflix now, it’s an hour and seven minute long episode. The series seems to be decently stocked in most libraries, including electronically, so if you’re looking for something fun, silly, and with heart to read, I definitely suggest at least checking out book one. If you want something fun, silly, and with heart to watch, and you also happen to have Netflix, I also definitely recommend watching Book One.
(Oh, and are you a total sucker for found families like I am? This series has you covered.)
More details about the first book and examples of the art and writing under the cut!
For starters, the series has a wonderfully fun art style, and the cover for the first book lets that shine. The other books’ covers are all fun too, but I think tumblr would kill this post many times over if I tried to include them all.
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[ID: Illustrated cover, four defiant teenagers stand in a mostly circular formation while grey zombie-like figures with glowing yellow eyes surround them from behind. Each teenager is wielding a weapon, some of which are partly concealed and harder to identify. The character centered at the front holds a splintered and sharp baseball bat and is wearing nondescript pouches. The teenager behind him wields a crossbow with a modified soda-bottle-arrow loaded in it. The title reads “The Last Kids on Earth” in stylized green text with a dark blue border, while in smaller less stylized white text it reads “Max Brallier Author of Galactic Hot Dogs” at the top and “Illustrated by Douglas Holgate” at the bottom.]
The main character of the series, who we meet forty two days after the start of the apocalypse in his town and the Possible End of the World as We Know It™, is Jack Sullivan, a 13 year old whose foster family kinda-sorta-entirely ditched him at the first signs of trouble.
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[ID: A white, black haired teenager frowning and holding a splintered baseball bat and a hockey stick while one foot rests on top of an unusual spiny reptilian-like monster head. The text above him reads in black “JACK SULLIVAN -The Hero-” while a number of flavor-text text boxes point out and describe different aspects of his apparel. One pointing to his hand reads “Annoying hand-nail I can’t stop picking at”. Another pointing at his bat says “Louisville Slicer™”. Another for his shoe, reading “Worst. Shoes. Ever.”. The hockey stick is labelled “Hockey Stick, for conking zombie heads.” The pouch at his side are described as “Emergency Peanut M&M Pouch”, while the filled water balloons also hanging at his side are labeled as “Grapefruit juice hand grenades- a blast to the eyes blinds almost anything.”]
He’s our narrator, and he copes largely through humor- a skill he needs even before the start of the apocalypse, because he’ll put himself in danger and say things he shouldn’t if it means sticking up for his best friend.
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[ID: Text that reads “I felt Quint’s hand on my shirt, trying to stop me, saying ‘Jack, it’s fine...’ But it wasn’t fine. I hate jerks- whether they’re monster jerks or zombie jerks or just regular human jerks.”
Followed by illustration of characters on bus, Jack turned around in his seat and supporting himself with the back of his chair as he asks “Hey, Dirk, why don’t you pick on someone your own size, huh?” Quint, a black teenager, is sitting behind him and is partly obscured, staring at Jack and Dirk. Dirk, a large, tall white teenager with a mullet/mohawk, is a distance away from the characters and in the foreground of the image, and replies, “Find someone my size and I will.”
Text resumes, reading “I shrugged. ‘I’m sure we can find someone your size. Right, Quint?’ Quint looked out the window and closed his eye and started humming to himself, like he wasn’t involved in this. Sonofa... I turned back to Dirk. ‘Maybe a very rotund panda bear? That might be closer to your impressive figure.’ Dirk reached out and grabbed me by the collar. ‘Hey, Watch the jacket,’ I said. ‘It’s a five-time-hand-me-down. Might even be an antique.’ Dirk growled, ‘You think you’re funny?’ ‘I do. But to be fair, I also think people slipping on ice are funny. And guys getting hit in the groin. My sense of humor isn’t exactly sophisticated.’”]
From the start of the book, Jack handles the apocalypse pretty well, spending his time cataloging the monsters he comes across, keeping track of self made video-game like achievements like knocking off zombie hats, and we first find him focused on trying to get in touch with his previously mentioned best friend, Quint Baker.
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[ID: Similar to previous flavor-text text box picture of Jack, with a black teenager smiling, wearing a lab coat and cap, holding a pocket watch, and wearing a large backpack with odd looking technology sticking out of it. In black, the text above him reads “QUINT BAKER -The Best Friend-”. A box pointing to his hat reads “Old-man cap.” Another points to his hair, reading “Hair smells like movie theater popcorn butter.” The pocket watch is described as “Pocket watch for looking dorky.” The text pointing at the technology sticking out of the backpack says “Always working on a new gadget or experiment.” The text for the lab coat reads “Wears a lab coat as a jacket for no good reason.” His sneaker is labelled with “Non-athlete’s foot.”]
Actually- to give you an even better idea of the series’ humor, this is pretty much where we start with Jack, followed by him explaining what he’s been doing and how he got here.
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[ID: Jack in mid-air, the bat raised above his head and his legs bent to suggest he has leaped forward, above a large multi-eyed spiny monster that has many sharp teeth, two large tusks, and a long drooling tongue. In black, text above the creature reads “Deadly Duel!” In the lower right-hand corner, all-caps white text in a small black box asks “Who will triumph?!”]
(By the by, the “duel” kind of goes the way you think it would.)
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[ID: Text reading “Well, basically, he triumphs. The monster’s massive hand snatches me out of midair. I’m a thimble in his gargantuan grasp. I try to grab hold of my baseball bat blade (aka the Louisville Slicer) but the monster’s crushing grip pins my arms to my sides. He pulls me in close to his face. Thick saliva, like slime, oozes down his lips. His eyes scan me over and his gaping nostrils flair as he inhales my scent. I feel like that blonde babe in King Kong. Only I don’t think this beast wants to hug me and love me... He sniffs some more, blowing my hair back as he exhales. I turn my face. His breath, it’s just- wow- my man here needs to floss. I’ve encountered other freaky beasts over the last forty-two days, but none like this. None that examined me: looking me over, smelling me, studying me.”]
Then we get all the fun backstory end of the world stuff.
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[ID: White all-caps text at the top reads “Total monster zombie chaos” while below a large multi-armed, spiny, sharp-toothed, furry monster towers over a sea of zombies, flinging one car in the air as another car sits in the background.]
The end of the world monsters include everything from weird unfamiliar creatures like the one above to more familiar weird creatures like the typical zombie below.
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[ID: A zombie in ripped clothing, with black text at the top labeling it a “Classic Zombie”. A speech bubble from it in shaky text reads “Mmuhhh...” and various flavor-text text boxes surround it. The speech-bubble is labeled as “Constant, creepy moaning.” The head’s text box reads “Those empty eyes- they’re spooksville.” The mouth is pointed at and its box says “Bite you and you’re one of them. Undead!” One pointing at its back warns “Stink like hot garbage.” The feet are described as “Slow, until they get close- then fast!”]
And for all the wisecracks and jokes about how well he can handle the new apocalyptic world, early on Jack is shown to be more than just a 2-D smart-mouthing teenage protagonist. He’s pretty good at coping, but he’s still 13.
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[ID: Illustration above text, showing a walkietalkie shattering as it hits a rock. Black all-caps text reads “Smash!”
Normal text reads “I stared at the walkie on the ground below. I needed to talk to Quint, but -I’m embarrassed to admit- I was too scared to go down there. Too freaked out. Too scared. Too everything. So I curled up on the floor. I pulled a jacket down over me. I put my earphones in to drown out the sounds of chaos outside. And I slept. I slept for days. It got worse. Zombies everywhere. Giant monsters on the horizon. I blacked out the tree house windows and stayed put.”]
Jack doesn’t stay alone for long, though, and the first book follows him and his friends as they help each other not only survive their crazy new world but also live in it, and maybe actually have some fun along the way. While the first book largely focuses on the group coming together, later stories ramp up the scope of adventures and the threats they face while letting the characters’ interactions and care for each other shine. There’s fun development to be had and cool monster-butt to kick.
(This was my first time writing image descriptions- if you think they can be improved, let me know!)
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pjoandaftg · 5 years
chapter 6
Annabeth woke up the next morning feeling like somebody had hit her in the head with a sledgehammer. Her head was pounding. She groaned and rolled over to check the time and sitting there on her bedside table was a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. Left there by what must’ve been a guardian angel. And she suspected that that angel’s name was Percy Jackson.
She popped some pills and downed the glass of water before tearing herself out of bed and heading towards the kitchen/living room. There, standing at the stove, was Percy. He must’ve heard her come in because he turned and gave her a small smile.
“So?” he asked. “How’s the life of the party this morning.” Annabeth groaned and fell back onto the couch.
“How bad was I?” she asked miserably.
“Honestly, you’re a fun drunk. It’s like this wild side of you is let loose when you have a gallon of alcohol in you.” Annabeth groaned again.
Percy handed Annabeth a cup of coffee, which she took gratefully before sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. They sat in silence.
This is nice Annabeth thought. Comfortable. And deep down, some part of her should’ve been panicking or a voice at the back of her head telling to ‘get out’ or ‘stop, you can’t let anyone close.’ But that almost permanent feeling wasn’t there, and she couldn’t help but think that she could get used to this.
She looked over at Percy, who was quietly drinking his coffee while looking out the window. Annabeth had known from the moment she saw him that he was handsome, but she hadn’t noticed how beautiful he was. His eyes sparkled like the sun’s reflection on a clear sea. He had sun-freckles along his nose, which was odd considering he grew up in New York City. His hair was a bit too long and he needed a haircut, but she couldn’t help wondering if it felt as soft as it looked. She hadn’t realised Percy was looking back at her, a soft smile playing at his lips.
“Thank you,” Annabeth said. “For taking care of me last night.”
Percy nudged her with his foot. ���What are friends for.”
Annabeth let out a small chuckle and looked back at Percy. He looked conflicted, like he wanted to say something. Just when he opened his mouth a loud knocking came from the door. Bot Annabeth and Percy’s heads flew around to look at the door. Percy looked at Annabeth raising an eyebrow as if asking are you expecting anyone? Annabeth shrugged back in answer.
When Percy opened the door, Piper came storming in. She didn’t even glance at Percy before rushing past him. “I slept with him.” She announced.
Annabeth mouth dropped open. She wanted to say something, but she was speechless. She saw Percy in a similar situation out of the corner of her eye. When she finally found her voice, she asked “Who?”
“Jason,” Piper said in a small voice.
“You slept with Jason!” Annabeth exclaimed. “What happened to the ‘I’m going to take it slow’?”
Piper sighed defeated. “I don’t know, it just kind of happened and we were both drunk and when you and Percy left, I just danced with him and one thing led to another and-”
“Dot, dot, dot?” Annabeth asked.
“Okay, so let me get this straight. You slept with Jason last night,” Piper nodded. “and you stayed the night?” Piper nodded. “and you really like him?” Piper nodded. “Then what the fuck are you doing here with me and Percy and not with him?”
Piper sighed again, “He had an exam he couldn’t miss, or at least that’s what he told me. Oh my god, what if he didn’t have an exam, what if he just didn’t like me and thought it was a mistake and never wants to see me again. What if-”
Piper was cut off from a close mental breakdown by Percy who said, “This is Jason Grace we’re talking about right?”
Piper looked shocked to see Percy, probably haven forgotten he existed but nodded all the same.
“Then he wasn’t lying, he really does have an exam.”
Piper didn’t look convinced. “How do you know?”
“He’s in the same class as my friend Frank, plus I’ve known Jason for like 3 years. Rival high schools. The exam is like half of their half-term grade, I’m surprised he went out last night, that’s not like Jason. The only time he really goes out is with friends or this one time when he was trying to impress this gir-” Percy stopped talking. “He wasn’t lying.”
Piper now had the biggest smile on her face. She wiped her tears and stood up. “All right, I’m done crying in your living room now.”
Annabeth caught her hand as she began to move away. “You sure your okay?” Piper gave her hand a small squeeze. “I am now, thanks for listening to me rant but I’m done now, and I desperately need a shower. I’ll see you later?”
Annabeth nodded and Piper left. When the door closed Percy looked at Annabeth. “That was-”
“Chaotic?” Annabeth offered.
“Yes, chaotic. That was chaotic.”
“That’s Piper,” Annabeth said fondly. She got up, “I need a shower, you going to be here when I come out?” Annabeth doesn’t know why she asked really, she just did.
Percy smiled, “Where else would I be?” he said cheekily.
Annabeth gave him a playful slap on the shoulder and went towards the bathroom to shower.
The weeks between Halloween and Christmas flew by. Grover came home not long after the party. Percy and Grover both went home for Thanksgiving, while Annabeth spent hers with Piper in her apartment. All in all, it wasn’t that bad of a day.
It also felt that something had changer between Percy and her. They were closer than ever; she’d even go as far as calling him one of her best friends. The two of them would stay up late and watch movies or sometimes just talk about nothing in particular.
One time they had ended up talking about what would happen if there was a zombie apocalypse. The next morning Grover had found the two of them passed out together on the couch.
Annabeth had gotten the call, a week before her finals began. She had been expecting the call and shouldn’t have been upset or surprised with its contents. Her dad was bringing her stepmom and stepbrothers to Hawaii for Christmas this year, so they won’t be home. ‘I hope to see you at New Year,’ her dad said. Not even an invitation. Typical.
That day Percy found her standing in the kitchen, a single tear rolling down her cheek.
“Hey,” he had said softly. “Are you okay?”
And he had asked it so softly that she had just broke down then and there. He had come over and wrapped his arms around her. Gently smoothing her hair and telling her that ‘everything will be alright,’ and that ‘you don’t have to talk about it but I’m here if you want to.’
It had taken Annabeth maybe five minutes to compose herself. She wiped her eyes, thanked Percy and left him in the kitchen, not telling him anything, no matter how much she wanted to because she didn’t want him to look at her with pity. Didn’t want him to think about how much of a burden she must be if her own family didn’t want her.
The call she didn’t expect though came two days before Christmas. Grover had already gone home for the holidays with Juniper, so it was just Percy and her left. Percy was leaving for home tomorrow after his last exam and Annabeth was spending Christmas with Piper in her dad’s log cabin up in Montana. They were also leaving tomorrow and coming back on the 29th so Piper can spend the New Year with Jason, who she was now dating.
She was sitting at the kitchen counter, studying her notes when the call came in. She looked at the number ID. She let herself have a moment of confusion before picking up the phone.
“Mom?” she asked.
Percy who was sitting on the couch, doing his own studying looked over to her in a silent question if he should leave. Annabeth shook her head, so he went back to his books.
“Annabeth, I was wondering if you had any plans for the New Year?”
This shocked Annabeth. She hadn’t heard from her mother in almost two years and here she was asking if she had any New Years plans as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Hello, Annabeth. Are you there?” her mother asked impatiently. 
“Oh um, no I don’t.”
“Great, I’m hosting a ball for many of my clients and acquaintances and I think that this would be a very good opportunity for you to get your name out there. I’ll email you on the address and I assume you will want to bring someone, so I’ll send you the tickets. I’ll also pay for your plane tickets and hotel. I’ve got to go now but I’ll see you at New Year.” And without waiting for a reply, her mother hung up.
She doesn’t know how long she stood there, looking at her phone. It must’ve been longer than she thought because Percy was suddenly opposite her asking if everything was alright.
“Hypothetically,” she said. “What would you do if your mother, who you haven’t heard from in almost two years, just offered to fly you and a friend to a ball, that could be a really good opportunity to better your future career, and pay for everything.” She looked at Percy’s face. 
“Well,” he said slowly. “Hypothetically, it sounds like this mother is trying to make an effort,” Annabeth must’ve made a face at that because Percy then added, “I think that this person should go, if not to make up with their mother then to help their career because you never know when an opportunity like this may arise again.”
Annabeth thought about this for a moment. “Your right,” she said. “I don’t have to actually make up with my mother, I just have to be civil with her for a couple of days and I can make incredible connections if I go.” 
“Thank you,” she said to Percy. He just waved her off and went back to his work.
Annabeth tried to focus on her studies but couldn’t help thinking about all the things that could go bad. She tried to think of who to bring. Piper was with Jason, Thalia was in Europe, Selena was spending her first New Year with Charles, Malcom might be there, she thought, she prayed. But that’s a risk she didn’t want to take.
“Hey,” she asked. “Do you have any plans for New Years?”
Percy looked at her curiously. “Not yet, why?”
“Because I don’t think I can face my mother alone.”
Realizing what she was asking Annabeth quickly scurried over to his side and said. “Look I know you probably can think of millions if better things to do during New Years than spend it at a ball with obnoxious, rich people but you’d really be doing me a solid. And everything is paid for, the plane, the hotel, I’m sure I can even get my mom to buy you a new tux, just please say yes.”
Percy thought about it for a minute. He sighed and smiled at her. “When do we leave?”
Annabeth was so happy she could kiss him. In fact, that is exactly what she did. She placed a quick peck to his cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my god, you are an angel Percy Jackson.” She said wrapping her arms around him.
Percy just laughed and hugged her back.
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cynnymonsnaps · 5 years
[Dangerous Fellows Info Dump]
First thing to the fandom and it’s an info dump about all these lovely lovely characters. (Main Capture targets, side characters and our very special MC in all their goodness.)
I don’t regret playing the game but definitely didn’t plan writing like 40+ pages of notes on this, and I regret how much time I put into this.
Be warned that this entire post will have some spoilers from all routes, so I suggest you read this after finishing all routes.
[Capture Targets]
Very polite, kind and positive. The kind of boy your parents want you to date.
Protective of those who put themselves or are in danger. Usually goes all mom on them and scolds them.
Tries to mediate among the group, but often times get’s ignored by those arguing.
Bottles in his negative emotions a lot of the times which gives him really bad migraines.
His migraines usually happen when he wants to cry. Let the boy cry gosh dang it.
Used to take medicine for the migraines but ran out of pills. Now just carries the pill bottle around to make him feel better.
Tries to keep hope for the future, what an optimistic man.
His father was an alcoholic who used to abuse his mother and him. One day his dad just disappeared and left them both behind.
He loved his mother dearly. He lost/separated from her when the outbreak began. They were supposed to go to the doctor for his migraines.
When Harry’s dad left, his mom gave him her ring which she said would bring him happiness that he always wears.
Often tries to stay neutral or see the good in people. Doesn’t like suspecting people because it would bring division among the group.
Easy to regret his decisions, slightly unsure when to bring things forward that could change the flow of the group.
Appreciates when MC looks out for him and is happy that they are willing to listen to his troubles.
Harry and Lawrence have a strained relationship that isn’t obvious to the eye. They think too differently when trying to handle peoples lives.
Quite the one for close contact. Often patting MC on the shoulder to comfort or support them. Ex. During Scarlett’s incident he hugged them from behind to comfort them while they mourned.
A man of few words. You can tell what he’s feeling usually through his eyes or through his actions. Ex. Looking out the window while others are out on patrols.
Very brave and willing to put himself in front of others who are weaker to protect them from zombies.
Like a big brother looking after his siblings, giving them snacks when they’re hungry, staying with them if they can’t sleep, letting them cry it all out while he comforts them.
Doesn’t like taking a gamble with zombies, but if there is benefits for the future than he’ll use force to break through.
He looks like he’s made of steel, but even he’s afraid of the zombies.
A very sleepy boi. Someone please go help wake him up. Don’t massage his hand though, it’ll make him sleepier.
Used to be on a baseball team before the apocalypse, who used to joke around with his teammates all the time. Ex. going along with MC and Judy’s married couple skit.
Doesn’t really like thinking too much, (not in a meat head way but more like in a disassociating way.) Often keeps his opinions to himself unless he thinks it’s important to say it. Sometimes can’t get social cues.
If he’s not patrolling around the school, then he’s fixing up something. (Which is why he’s always a sleepy boi)
Lawrence and Ethan almost seem to have a leader and servant relationship. Sometimes it’s a Papa and Dad relationship looking after the teens.
Ethan and Zion are bros in strength and mind. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them work out together.
Seems like a cocky asshole, but he’s just mostly a caring rough teddy bear. 
Not good at handling vulnerability whether it’s his own or someone else’s. Ex. Often doesn’t know what to do when MC cries except for telling them not to cry because that’s not why he saved them from zombies for.
When heated up in an argument he’ll often get loud and start yelling. He has his opinions and feels frustrated when they don’t come to conclusions because of it.
Hates when people try to play the victim because he knows everyone has their own stories and problems.
Always get’s straight to the point and is always blunt about it. It makes him seem like an asshole without feelings.
Always the first to rush into danger especially when it’s to save someone.
Doesn’t like when people try to bite off more than they can chew. Warns them about it and always ends it with “Don’t get into trouble.” Even though he always does the same.
A Rowdy fellow who gets excited and proud about finding a large food haul, laughs freely with his friends, and doesn’t really care about others opinions about him.
He’ll let people do the dangerous tasks if he knows they can do it. He’d rather the guys do the zombie bashing and patrolling outside rather than some of the girls who can’t fight for themselves. Ex. Judy wanting to go on the outside patrols but Zion rejecting the idea cause she can’t really fight a lot of zombies.
Loves to tease and lightly bully his friends.
Dense when it comes to love. Can’t see the reasons why Scarlett wants to keep his student ID or why she treats MC badly cause she thinks that Zion likes MC.
His family was rich so a lot of people would want to be friends with him for his wealth. Because of all the fake people buzzing around him he’d often forget their faces. Hates when people try to use others for personal gain, so he’s gotten good at seeing the signs.
Instead of looking at his background, he wants people to look at him for him and consider his feelings.
Knows no human can always make the right decision all the time so it’s suspicious to him how Lawrence is able to do so 24/7.
Used to play soccer and can run really fast. Probably was a really good player back before the zombie apocalypse.
Sarcastic to a T.
Strangely gets very serious when asked questions about life or hypothetical situations. Also takes promises seriously which is very cute.
Doesn’t really have plans for the future and never planned to go to College.
Zion and Eugene have a very bro relationship. Zion always bragging his little achievements and Eugene always shutting him down and telling him to stop exaggerating. They both seem like normal teenagers again when they are together. Zion always scares the piss out of Eugene and makes fun of him for it.
No one let’s Zion have his fun exaggerations.
When MC tells him about hearing noises in the hallways, he brushes it off and calls them paranoid. (Which you shouldn’t do in a zombie apocalypse. That’s just like waiting to be killed.)
Has an attitude and not as trusting of the MC at first. But behind that attitude is kindness covered with harsh words.
Easily gets annoyed or fed up when everyone argues.
A slight nihilist, seems to always shift to the negative point of view. Very cautious because of it.
Seems whiny but can actually be strong willed in dire situations.
In his own way, reassures the MC by stating the situation, grounding the MC in the situation. (A good tactic for when you’re disassociating.)
Sarcastic little shit who can’t fight back against logic.
Pretty real with his feelings. He doesn’t shy away from his feelings at all.
Doesn’t seem like it but he tends to worry about the group when they don’t come back on time. Especially when people start disappearing.
Likes when MC is straight with him and make him look straight at the situation sometimes.
Can’t believe how understanding and kind MC is. It pisses him off that they are probably bottling up all their anger and sadness. It’s okay to let out the rage MC please.
Always wanted to become a singer when he finished school. He loves to sing and wants to make it his profession. Everyone didn’t believe he could do it though and thought that it wouldn’t make any money from it. He was very discouraged and hesitant to share it with MC.
Doesn’t really like to get sentimental, usually wants to move away from good times with the gals. You can’t hurt when they die if you don’t get close. *SOBS*
Knows how to play the piano and has a lovely singing voice.
A little weasel and eats the chips that he found during patrol. To not guilt the MC he tells them that everyone snacks on what they find during patrol and makes them an accomplice by feeding them some nice “BBQ chips” (that are actually ramen bits. No you can’t tell me those are chips, there are squiggly noodles in there. HE’S EATING OUT OF A RAMEN BOWL PACKET.)
Willing to be the bad guy and kill off his feelings to get the MC out of the school over run by zombies and get to the safe zone.
He get’s jump scared easily which makes everyone want to scare the piss out of him. He does not appreciate it. At all.
Seems charismatic and like a leader with a gentle yet powerful voice.
Logical and calculating. Very smart and can make quick yet successful plans.
Seems like he cares and watches out for the others. In truth he is watching the others, finding them troublesome. When they get too troublesome he plans to get rid of them.
Knows how to get the others attention. Especially zombies who are sensitive to sounds.
Makes MC shy with his aura. Later on it turns into fear and anxiousness with how scary and creepy he becomes knowing he’s okay with mercilessly killing someone.
Always seems to have the most perfect timing when accidents happen around the group.
Has a solid mask that allows him to lie through his teeth and distance the suspicion from him.
Has a great poker face until things don’t go how he wants them. In which he becomes disappointed and very quiet.
Likes when the MC is honest with him. He doesn’t like people keeping things from him or lying, but MC would never do that. So kind, pure, and naive.
When someone talks about leaving the school, his masks slips. He does not approve.
To protect his own he becomes very violent and scary. After the giving the (over)killing blows he seems calm and airily creepy.
Possessive over his things. He will make them his. He will have his utopia.
Pretends not to know things. Like the Safe Zone (which he took down all the posters for) or the basement (which he maintained all this time)
Tries to teach people “lessons” when they get to curious and snoop around.
Was an straight A student who studied all the time. He would go to a library and have a study group. Would study for his parents to be satisfied and was probably gonna go to College and get a good job.
Wanted to learn how to bake but his parents wouldn’t allow him.
His parents were probably very controlling and didn’t let him do anything. Which is probably why he feels great to control others and be free to do whatever he wants for the future.
Met the MC two years prior to the apocalypse where they offered him their umbrella when it was raining. He liked them ever since.
Really just a kid who needed real connections and friends and the others could give him that if he stop thinking about them like his own soldiers.
His real cocky smart ass self makes you wanna beat him up.
For sure bold and daring. Dangerously so.
Together with Ethan, they researched what the zombies were sensitive to.
Smart enough to know which chemicals can poison a human being.
Was the student council president before the apocalypse.
[Side Characters]
A bubbly girl who is a breath of fresh air that lightens the atmosphere when she's around.
Knew MC before the apocalypse happened. Went to the same school together.
Protective of her friend and overall glad to see her again.
Doesn't like when someone attacks MC so she defends them and tells them to back off.
A touchy feely kind of person and often hugs MC close when they sleep at night. Or shoves her cold hands on their neck when they wake up.
Has a good heart and would want the best for the group. Doesn't want to push MC away even if Scarlett is trying to make her doubt MC and leave them behind.
Admits to not wanting to be alone and wants to be closer to MC, who is all she has from before the apocalypse.
Lesbian/playful sister vibes going on constantly.
Optimistic bean. Still has an imagination and hunger for food cause of it.
Not the brightest banana in the bunch, but that's not gonna stop her from helping around.
Wears a hairpin to keep her bed hair somewhat out of her eyes. (But also where is it? I literally don't see it at all)
Judy has a good sense of humor and often works off of MC's jokes for funny married couple skits.
Likes to eat food. Often craves foods like pizza and fries.
Reserved and kind person who gives chances to people. Ex. One of the people who wanted to hear MC out when they first joined the group.
Smart and observant. Knows when something is fishy and correctly found out the culprit just by observing them.
Was probably student council president of her school before the apocalypse.
Very thorough with her searches and seems dutiful in her tasks.
Reassuring and comes to comfort MC when people start to doubt them again. Tries to make them rationalize leaving.
Seems nervous all the time.
Gentle yet scared like a rabbit.
Doesn't have a loud voice or presence. Often blends into the background and can be talked over a lot.
Very tol.
Looks weak willed but is mentally strong as she's willing to go on food searching patrols.
Actually blunt.
Chooses to get to know MC because she can't watch and suspect her without truly knowing.
Worried about Judy and MC eating themselves into a coma. "You'll get fat guys."
To the point and a realist. She knows the risks they're taking in another person because they'll deplete more resources.
Jumps to conclusions and makes accusations.
When she see's people getting close to MC, especially Zion, she get's aggressive with them.
Doesn't want to listen to or believe in MC.
Arrogant and thinks she is higher on the food chart. Or at least she acts that way, in truth it's mostly a defense mechanism. She's actually introverted and a scared child fearing death.
Blames an unavoidable event on MC.
Okay with letting the MC get into danger. Pretty petty and okay with MC dying.
Lies to the others to make doubt on the MC.
Likes Zion and will cut any girl going for him.
Typical spineless guy in a horror film.
Wants to conserve as much resources as possible so doesn't want MC to join them.
Often agrees with Scarlett.
Weak and a coward.
Very whiny. More so than Eugene.
Can't really fight against zombies.
Doesn't go on the patrols and often has the others do them instead.
Doesn't like danger or putting himself at risk. Will push anyone in front of him to keep himself safe. Ex. Pushing MC down the stairs so they can be a distraction for the zombies.
No one really cares about him.
Can run well and hit zombies well. (with determination and the right choices)
Survived by themself by hiding in empty homes since the beginning of the outbreak.
Got nervous being around new people and having people around that they burst into tears of relief. It reminded them of their friends and mother and they just miss them all so much.
Knows how to read the room and doesn't usually say unnecessary things.
Often the bigger person when Scarlett picks a fight with them. Ex. Not saying anything rude back at Scarlett and not punching her when she slapped them.
Often keeps things inside until they boil over. Like how they often cry after their emotions get too much.
A quick thinker. Great in critical situations and tight spots.
Often willing to do risky things to help their goal. Ex. Wandering the school to figure out what the key might unlock, searching more for Judy alone, going to the basement alone to investigate.
Has a fear of being alone.
After getting a second chance to save everyone they get very clingy to Judy.
Has an ongoing married couple skit going on with Judy.
When everyone keeps doubting them, they don't feel safe anymore in the school. They don't feel like they belong and almost leaves if not for Sue reassuring them and calming them down.
After Sue admitting her suspicions, MC is careful and acts cautiously. They observe more and doesn't blindly trust. Begins to act differently towards Lawrence from that point on and doesn't see his actions just from the surface.
Nags the guys sometimes, just cause they care for their well beings.
For some hope and positivity for the future they make small life goals that they can reach.
Wins Eugene a chick with a hat on it. (Which also has a cocky face like the boi too.)
MC mourns everyone's disappearance and deaths properly. Even if the people were unkind to them.
They used to massage their friend, Claire's hand to keep her awake during their old Bio class.
MC breaking the 4th wall to change the ending. Any previous route acts as a very bad dream that they had. (My preference for the previous route is the normal ending or Lawrence's ending.)
Very sarcastic with Zion and Eugene.
Really likes sweets.
Doesn't think that they've ever actually encountered Lawrence.
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kpopnatalie · 4 years
The Last Of Us |BTSxREADER|
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Chapter 1: The Infection
Ever since I was a little girl I was always scared of zombies or the thought of an apocalypse happening. I was always told that it would never happen, but I guess they were wrong.
3 years ago a virus broke out, it was said that it may have started at a mental health institute or a hospital. Either way the government had special scientists test on the people for who knows what, but by the looks of it something went terribly wrong and that is where the virus started. So here I am stuck in Boston, but hey don't get me wrong I love Boston it's a beautiful place...well it was until the infection started and everything pretty much got destroyed.
I am from Utah, USA and this was my first time truly leaving the state. I was 14 when I got here and then the terrible outbreak happened. After 3 years I am still here. Alone. My family died and all I could do was run and cry, cry and cry. I wondered, "How am I still alive." Because if I am honest I am not one of those smart, intelligent, or strong people you see in those zombie films that survive. So how am I here? I guess God just didn't want to take me just yet.
But now I am smarter and braver than ever, my name is Y/N L/N and I am 17 years old. I am surviving for my family, but not living. How can I when those Clickers are everywhere? You see, after the outbreak of this 'virus' the government took total control of the country. They said it was the only way to protect its citizens. But I am calling B.S. on that one because they use so much force against us. We also have a curfew which is 7 pm to 7 am. And if we are caught outside they send us to jail. Our currency now is ration cards, that is how we trade among ourselves. The military also keeps a close eye on us.
I have some 'friends' or should I say people who owe me favors. You see here, we must be heartless and cold to survive and taking favors of others is great, other than I actually have to do something. I have bought food, given ration cards away, fought side-by-side, and somethings that are just not worth mentioning. And now those people owe me. Now that is how I live.
This town is like a wasteland, it is rundown and looks old. Man, I feel so bored here...wait I know I should visit one of the few friends I truly have, Jungkook, he is actually Korean and was in a famous boy band, but I will let him tell it. Also, he doesn't know that I actually know he was a celebrity. He likes a private life now. He is also the one who saved me 3 years ago. I owe him one.
I was going to leave when I hear my door open. "Hey Y/N, what are you doing?" Yes, I taught him how to speak English better.
"I was just going to go and visit you. I was bored and didn't have anything better to do." I say while smiling.
"Well I sold some of our drugs and we made all of this." There he holds a stack of ration cards. Wow, he really sold a lot. Before you start calling us drug dealers we actually sell medical drugs for sicknesses. It is hard to find these and sometimes we have to steal from the military.
"Wow, that really is a lot of ration cards. I am actually surprised that you were able to pull it off." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Wha-what? You question my amazing abilities? I am truly offended right now." He says with a pout. I start laughing.
"Well, I think we should go find Richard because he has something of mine and I want it back," I tell Jungkook in a serious tone.
"You mean ours?" Jungkook says with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah yeah, let's just go," I say while walking out the door.
"So he is in the 4th- " Jungkook begins.
"Fifth." I correct him.
"Oh yeah, the fifth district." He says chuckling.
As we walk to the border you can see graphite and tags all over the walls. 'Butterfly will never surrender' or 'We will Never Ever Give Up -BUTTERFLY' Butterfly is a rebellion against the government.
We make our way to the border and it is blocked by a high barbed wire fence and a military guard on both sides. "I got this," I say to Jungkook. He just nods his head.
"What is your business here Miss?" The guard questions me.
"I just came to visit a friend of mine that's on this side," I tell him innocently. I hand my ID booklet to him and he checks it.
"Okay, you may go." As the door was opening an explosion goes off on the other side. "Lockdown NOW!" Says one of the guards and the door start to close. I and Jungkook back up and hurry inside.
"Where to now?" Jungkook asks me. I remember that a man named Steve knows a secret passageway underground and he coincidentally owes me something.
"You see that old looking building right there?" I point to it which is on the corner of the street.
"Yeah I see it, but what about it?" Jungkook asks. Man, has he never heard of Secret Steve?
"That is where we are going, there is a secret passageway over there." He looks surprised and then he dashes for it. Wow, so he is just going to leave me here? I sigh and run after him. "Wait up Jungkook!"
I make it in the building and I quickly hit him. "So you would just leave me just like that?" I ask him in an angry tone.
"Haha, it's not my fault you are slow and short." With that, I just leave him.
I make my way down the hallway and turn left. There I see a living room with Steve just casually sitting down. "Hey Steve, so where is that secret passageway that you are so well known for?" I say while walking around the room touching things with a disinterested face.
"Ha, like I would tell you about it." So he wants to play it like that. Okay, fine two can play at this little game of his.
"That is funny of you to say when I was the one who single handily saved your daughter. If I had not stolen that medicine from the military base she would have been long gone. It would be a shame if the military found out who stole their precious medicine from them, you know, and it was a 100 percent not me right? Because you put me up to it so God forbids they find you and execute you as punishment. You agree with me right?" I put a cold expression on my face. I truly wasn't afraid of telling the guards that he stole it from them. This world made me cold. Only Jungkook truly brings joy to me. I wonder where the rest of Bangtan is, he won't talk about it.
"You wouldn't dare, would you?" He says loudly at first while standing but then gets quieter after he says the last part. It was as if he realizes that I would.
"Do you want to test it out and actually see? I am not afraid." I walk closer to him and smirk.
"It is behind the bookcase." I smile and nod to him.
"Don't worry sir, she won't hurt your daughter," Jungkook says, reassuring the man, "but about you, well I am not too sure about that," Jungkook says with a smile. The man looks petrified. "Have a good day sir." Steve sits down and stays quiet.
"Hey, Jungkook can you help me with this bookcase. It is heavy." I tell Jungkook while I was having troubles pushing it. He chuckles and nods his head.
"Where would you be if I wasn't here?" He says while pushing the bookcase to the side. I look at the hole and jumped in.
"Dead," I say and I land safely. I hear a thump and turn around. Jungkook smiles at me.
"Let us look for supplies that we may need," Jungkook says as he leads the way. I just follow behind. I better get back what Richard took from me. He knows that those are not his to take or better yet sell. I swear if he sold it I will kill him myself.
Previous | Chapter 2
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drboxleitner · 5 years
xWordgirl ships analysis
I love analyzing ships especially of my favorite heroic alien daughter, so i made a mini masterpost of my thoughts on each popular ship for becky, within reason of course. these are all speculation on them maturing into adulthood looking for love. this is all personal opinion!
long post because i don’t know how to write succinctly im sorry :’)
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the ship that needs no introduction:
 both characters need to mature before any kind of healthy romance can develop. there is friction both externally (with their villain hero conflict) and internally (both of them suffer from being prideful, condescending, and emotionally constipated), of which them being together as they are now, they both bring out the worst of those parts in one another. whether tobey goes on the straight and narrow or becky decides to fall to the darkside, or perhaps an interesting mix of the two, they both need more common ground to build a foundation on before a healthy relationship can grow. however, this doesn;t mean a seed romance cant grow where it’s planted (to say nothing of the emotional health of the two) as both lust and yearning of young dumb lovers can temporarily close any gap. however, unless they work out their moral and emotional and identity differences and, it will be a hot flash in the pan with disastrous consequences, considering the amount of firepower both parties possess.
Pros: popular ship, cute heroXvillain plots, possible redemption/descent arcs available, kissmesis, cutesy competitiveness, juicy juicy drama, relatively balanced in terms of power (becky as wordgirl, tobey and his army of robots), can weild insane amounts of gusto as a powercouple if they actually worked together
cons: unstable relationship, breakup would be very rough and destructive if gone awry, toxic competitiveness, PR problems for either one
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The sweetest sapphic couple:
you want handholding?? love poetry?? maximum fluff potential???? yo i got the ship for you. a lot about these two is conveniently already handed to us because theyre already best friends and we get to see how they function together under a variety of circumstances. for the most part, the two of them would be very openly loving. they have an opposites attract kind of relationship, the classic feeling/thinking, art/science vibes, which is cute for the most part, but can run into trouble when it comes to communication. as we’ve seen before a couple times, most notably in the series finale, the two struggle with confronting one another and reaching an understanding when things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. both seem to be more likely to lie to keep the peace than bring up a problem, which means things can go very crooked down the line after the honeymoon phase. we have seen that violet has a great memory and while not openly, does hold grudges. we have seen becky struggle to shuffle her priorities and keep her word (hah) and have a hard time bringing up the hard truth. (theres not really a good place to bring it up but i find it very interesting that the hero is the more emotional one than the artist and the artist is colder than the hero) they need to work together to make a completely mode of communication to get through the hard times as well as the good, and if they can, they can together make the most unabashedly happiest couple on earth
pros: fluff, opposites attract, consent communication and cuddles, forgiving, with their powers combined can make the greatest art known to humankind, happy to see the other succeed, gift giving galore
cons: problems can build up fast under the surface, misunderstandings, grudges and lies, major power imbalance
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call me biased but this one is my personal favorite...:
...not because its good for them, per se, but because the dynamics are so darn interesting. while tobecky is full of classic tropes and vibecky is sweet and simple, scoobecky is a very particular kind of relationship we 1) rarely see explored as a formal, official relationship 2) have a tooon of canon interaction material to work off of, actually. this is one of those weird ones where you have to make assumptions about the current situation, eg. assume scoops and violet broke up, assume this is post-Invasion of the Bunny Lovers (IOTBL) episode, etc etc. we’ve seen them as close friends and how even like that they can kinda struggle to meet the mark and make understanding compromises (which unlike like vibecky, who does effortlessly). from what we’ve seen in post-IOTBL, they dont really have a groundwork of respect for one another they once had in wordgirl’s anonymity, but it seems to work out regardless because most of the time they get along best in times of trial and high stress (eg, zombie apocalypse, curiosity machine, rose invading on the order of things, etc). if they ended up as a couple, my best guess it was a couple out of emotional damage or desperation, a kind of functionality couple that would have a hard time handling fluff but could work together and find love during the apocalypse. they would be together for temporary comfort and security in a dangerous world, exchanging clever quips and several moments of emotional highs that will drag both of their butts through the mess they both got themselves into by agreeing to date. the highs are addictive, but functioning well as a team or friends doesn’t exactly translate to being a healthy relationship. theyre both quite petty people, and even the smallest disagreement will cast wrinkles in the cloth because both of them are on completely different life trajectories. however, i believe given good circumstances, they could in theory make it work but man is it going to take a hell of a lot of work and help. or maybe a second zombie apocalypse.
pros: exclusive interviews, mutual pining turning into a relationship trope, 
cons: major power imbalance, petty, hard to function in fair weather, not supportive
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it works because all three of them are simultaneously the third wheel. they play off one another very well
pros: you can have your cake and eat it too, have all the juicy fluff and angst of all the relationships outlined above
cons: i dunno, agreeing on the same restaurant for dinner
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I don’t know! I know a lot of other people have thought a lot harder about the other ships available, i just thought it fun to lay out my thoughts on the most obvious ships. if you have a (non-creepy) ship you feel strongly about and thought a ton about feel free to lmk i love reading about really deeply thought out character interactions
these are just my very subjective thoughts on it and considering the only canonically dating relationship among the eligible kids we’ve seen is violet and tobey, and even then thats not too explored in depth, its all speculation and analysis. id love to hear ur thoughts if you saw something different in these characters. of course, im writing all this with the assumption they are maturing into adulthood and some time has passed, the dynamic may be totally different if they were little kids in puppy love in fifth grade, i dont know! its just fun to think about all the ways u can spin these characters
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fluttersheep · 4 years
@michaalien​ tagged me in this forever ago and im only just now getting to it fjdkjfsd
thank uu
What was the last thing you read? a pharmacy tech study guide ;;
Favorite movie? what we do in the shadows, lego movies, o brother where art thou, hot fuzz is a guilty pleasure
Favorite book? smoke gets in your eyes
Dream Date? visiting an animal sanctuary maybe. or a historical site. hiking somewhere beautiful. idk i have lots but as long as im with someone i love ill have just as much fun sitting on the couch
Do you have a crush? yeah im crushing pretty hard on @skeletonshades​ but dont tell her its a secret <3
What are your hobbies? drawing, going on long walks, crocheting even though its slow going, lying on the floor
What is your favourite time of day? morning time!
If you could look like anything, what would you look like? dont ask me this im dysphoric and have dysmorphia and poor self image dskfjlsdkfj, this is the only body i get im trying to accept it
Are you romantic?  ooooh just a bit :)
What’s your favorite type of weather? brisk and sunny 
What do you like talking about? idk. whatever im interested in at the time if someone is willing to listen
What are your turn ons? positivity, confidence, snappy dressing, willingness to help me break into a factory farm
Turn offs? selfishness, poor listener, giving money to the farm im trying to break into
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it? as soon as the seasons over and i can stand to spend a bit on it im still going to get that homo fuge tattoo
Do you have any pets? ms puppy daisy, although she lives with my parents
Dream job? my dream job is no job
honestly if i could work on a sanctuary part time and support myself thatd be perfect. helping animals, being just physically demanding enough to be satisfying, working outside.. wouldnt that be nice. stupid capitalism :(
Dream place to live? im always embarrassed to say places like scotland bc its so cliche but a little cottage in the country would be so nice ;; also like. free healthcare????
Dream vacation? germany or the czech republic
Do you have any piercings? just the one on the ears, im thinking of getting more higher up but im more of a tattoo person
If you had kids what would you name them? i dont know i dont plan on ever needing to know lol
What are your best traits? big heart
Worsts traits? big heart
What’s your worst fear? being alone, sudden deadly illnesses
What do you want to eat right now? its literally always sushi
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on? it wasnt really a vacation but i really enjoyed my recent trip to washington. the mountains were so beautiful
Favourite City? idk im not a city person. i havent been to many either. savannah maybe? and even then i still have a lot of issues with it haha
Favourite social media platform? i guess tumblr since its the only one i use. but only bc every other one is so much worse
Favourite article of clothing? my big black cardigan
Do you play sports?  id rather die thanks
Favourite meal of the day? i think breakfast? im always most hungry then so its extra satisfying. and its my biggest meal. its literally what gets me out of bed lol
What are you excited for? seeing my gf in january!!! <333
Not excited for? upcoming credit card bill :(
When was the last time you cried? this morning kdjflsdjk im going through a rough bit
Dream house? i answer this all the time! some kind of cute little place in the country
What’s something you hate about the world? theres a lot dont even get me started
ill just say. some peoples inability to respect animals at all
What’s something you love about the world? when humans are extremely compassionate and caring. i really want to think most people are inherently good deep down, we just live in a world thats been. structured poorly ig
What scents do you like? rose and peach and baked bread
What kind of sleeper are you? pretty good i think overall. i have some rough streaks sometimes but usually i get a good 7 hrs. i sleep really well this time of year when its cold and i have a heated blanket so that helps a lot
Are you a cat or dog person? i used to be a dog person until i worked in kennels (i still adore dogs dont get me wrong) and now i think im just a tiny bit more of a cat person. but i love them both so so much
How long would you survive in the zombie apocalypse? ten minutes?
Are you trusting? i try to be. i trust my friends a lot
What fictional character do you identify with? oh you know
What labels do you usually get? quiet and shy 
What song would be your life anthem? honestly nothing comes to mind and im too tired to go looking for a song ;;  ill keep you posted
What issues are you dealing with right now? i have so many and cant afford a therapist and im so mad abt it!!!!
How can someone win you over? forehead kisses wrist kisses cheek kisses nose kisses neck kisses just those small nice kisses always get me <33
also yeah $5000
What’s something about you people don’t know? i think my social security number is the only thing i havent shared here at least once
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enby-angel · 5 years
Naruto OTP challenge (seen on @melmalfoy, it looked fun) Choose 5 OTP’s, in no particular order, without looking at the questions. 1. SakuLee 2. OroJira 3. ZabuHaku 4. KakaObiIru 5. SasuNaruShika (throw a couple OT3s in there, why the hell not)
1. Do you remember the first episode/scene/chapter you started shipping 5?
End of the Chuunin exams arc, when Shikamaru let a team after Sasuke and Naruto and idk??? They just seem like they’d be really good together lmao
2. Have you ever read a fanfiction about 2?
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr ID?
KakObi has, unfortunately no Iruka is present (as it’s currently my phone lockscreen)
4. If 3 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
5. Why is 1 so important?
LISTEN. Sakura’s character arc (especially in arc 1) was focused entirely on Sasuke and she wanted to become a shinobi PURELY to impress him (and she fucked up a perfectly good friendship with Ino, gg Sakura) and even when SasuSaku became canon he??? left??? her??? and their child??? alone??? WHAT THE HELL SASUKE.
ANYWAY. Lee is a really damn nice kid, Gai raised him well, and he was ready to devote himself to protecting Sakura even though he acknowledges that Sakura is fully capable of taking care of herself. Knowing this he still wants to protect her because??? He loves her??? And it would have been a really cool character development arc for Sakura to accept that Sasuke really doesn’t feel the same way about her and to move on from him - she wouldn’t immediately start going out with Lee because she knows that a bounce-back boyfriend is a Bit Not Good(TM) but they start taijutsu training together and they start hanging out and she realises what a really nice guy he is?? And they start dating and they’d be so cUTE LET ME LIVE
6. Is 4 a funny or serious ship?
Serious. KakaObi was almost canon, KakaIru was almost (even though it might as well be unconfirmed) canon, and I reckon Obito would adore Iruka and vise versa. They’d be lovely.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which has the most chemistry?
ZabuHaku. By far.
8. Of all the ships listed, which has the strongest bond?
ZabuHaku again. Sobbing.
9. How many times have you watched/read 2’s fandom?
A lot. I crunched the Ao3 tag.
10. Which ship lasted longest?
I’ve been shipping SakuLee the longest... as in... six years... I love them a lot okay
11. How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up?
Not canon unfortunately (rip), but bear with me here - in the event that Sasuke stayed in the village after the Chuunin exams (because he could have made actual friends), I think Sasuke might have broken up with them later as Itachi tried more outlandish things to get his brother’s attention back on killing him, and Sasuke at one point would just snap and leave the village. It would take a while for Shikamaru and Naruto to trust him again, but they truly want to help him and they’d accept him back.
12. If 1 and 3 were thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which would make it out alive?
ZabuHaku - Zabuza has a giant-ass sword and Haku freezes shit. They’d be gold.
SakuLee - the zombies would be running from THEM.
13. Did 4 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Hmmmm. In an AU where Obito lives and is trying to integrate back into Konoha, they may have had to hide their relationship for a while until the majority of the village (old shinobi in particular) start accepting him, but eventually they come out and they get married and it’s cute.
14. Is 5 still together?
In my head? Yes.
15. Is 1 canon?
No. It should have been (see question 5).
16. If all 5 ships were thrown into a couple’s Hunger Games, who would win?
SakuLee has potential because they’re both badasses that can knock heads off with a single punch. And Sakura’s a medic.
OroJira are two of the legendary Sannin. They’re terrifying.
ZabuHaku are assassin missing-nin, so they’ve got good chances but they’ve been beaten by Kakashi and Team 7 once.
KakaObiIru are two parts insane assassins, one part fuinjutsu master. They’re good.
ShikaNaruSasu have one nine-tails, one slightly insane Uchiha with a whole Dorito’s bag worth of chips on his shoulder and one master strategist. Honestly, they’re probably the closest to winning.
17. Has anyone tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
Death and a meddling brother, mostly.
18. Which ship would you defend to death and beyond?
SakuLee. Fight me.
19. Have you ever spent hours a day going through 3’s tumblr tag?
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you to pick one ship to break up forever, which ship would you sink?
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I was tagged by @vildeliens thank you Queen (of clowns and headcanoons) ❤️
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.  
Skam France
The Walking Dead
Doctor Who
1. Who is your favourite character in 2? Well that one is easy as hell. Lucas Lallemant, without the shadow of a doubt. I just adore that boy... I really do believe that he’s the most developed character of the whole skam universe. Also, i relate to him so so much, being parisian and 17 and queer and just, globally similar. And that Acting (TM) sure helps (will i ever be over axel’s acting? I dont think so)... I am gonna stop before i write essays (you all think this is a joke but i actually write random stuff about Lucas when i get bored in class, thats how bad it is). I just really love this boy folks...
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1? Well that’s an easy one too. Vernon Schillinger, because he is a neonazi, which is enough. And he is just plain BAD (rapist, murderer, coward, blackmailer... you name it)... And it’s not even a love hate situation, i despise the guy so  much, he makes me wanna crawl off my skin whenever he is on screen. Also i think he’s quite one dimensional which is very weird for that show but yeah. He is The Bad Guy.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4? Well that’s a harder one lmao, because you know, the show has been going on since 1963, which means i have many many favourites... Imma go only with reboot, cause thats the one i know better and i have to say it’s the one i enjoy the most. I think my all time fave is the two parts one, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, because those are just so perfect in every aspect imo. But i also love love love the library arc from season 4 (i think lmao) because KUDOS FOR MAKING US INSENSITIVE ABOUT A CHARACTER’S DEATH ONLY FOT IT TO KILL US LATER (and overall the episodes are so so good). Also, because i’m a hoe for big dramatic moments, the episodes with the Master (end of s3 and end of s4 mainly, i dont really like Missy) and the two parts The Stolen Earth/Journey’s end (i remember being so hyped by all of them squading up). Also, it’s not an episode but it deserves its place there: the entire season 6. Because Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston and Arthur Darvill are just so good. I didnt really enjoy seasons 8 to 10 (even tho i adore Peter Capaldi), but season 7 also has some that i loved (Angels in Manhattan and The Name of the Doctor killed me). And the 50th anniversary. I MEAN THIS IS COMPLICATE I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH IT HAS SO MANY GOOD EPISODES (and it’s the first show i got obsessed with so theres that)
4. What is your favourite season of 5? I think i’ll go with season 2 (?), because i love the og squad and they were all in it in s2, and i think the arcs were done really well (and the last episode, haha, me dead)... S3 and 4 i enjoyed less cause i think the teams didn’t really work without Tosh, Owen and Ianto... I couldn’t really find that magic again (and yes i’m still bitter). 
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3? It’s hard to find ALIVE people to form couples with lmao so i’ll go with one that is in kinda stand-by... it’s complicate...  Rick and Michonne cause i loved how they were best friends first and how their whole story was built... It made a lot of sense to me. Also i love the show less nowadays but i think those are still strong characters (minus Rick now lol)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2? I had to snort. I know, it’s going to surprise you all, but it’s Manon and Charles OF COURSE. Kidding (pls. break. them. up). It’s Eliott and Lucas (how many of you all are surprised) because. Do i need to explain. Just. Everything. I can’t even put it into words. they’re just a perfect match and so in tune and so in love and i should stop now but i won’t so i’m sorry. I love how they complete each other and understand each other, and i loved how Lucas made Eliott’s dream real (polaris), and i love how they arent perfect yet they learn with each other and they make each other better . I love how cute they look and how in love and how raw. I love the way Lucas’ voice softens when he talks to eliott, and the way eliott’s eyes are so full of wonder. Also the way they fight sometimes but always come back to each other and love stronger. And their ship names literally means “chosen one”, how could I not ship? LISTEN THEY JUST FIT OKAY AND I WONT TAKE ANY CRITICISM
7. What is your favourite episode of 1? oh god i don’t remember them all at all lmao but imma try to come up with one (not 22838 like i normally do). So i’d say 4x11 (revenge is sweet)?? but honestly the show is so continuous that its hard to choose one ep... id say s4 is my favourite hands down though
8. What is your favourite episode of 5? YES THAT I CAN!! it’s from season 1, even though i love s2 better overall, Countrycide. I loved everything about that ep, and it still sends shivers down my spine when i think about it. I particularly enjoyed how it depicted the team’s relationships and how it showed that monsters can be amongst mankind (which, we been knew, but still. it was very well done for a show that fights aliens to fight humans)
9. What is your favourite season of 2? Another easy one! Season 3, as my entire blog can attest. It’s just. A masterpiece. That’s it that’s the post.
10. How long have you watched 1? I bingewatched it in like two months (cause i had to take breaks because school) in 2016. It’s a show that ended around 2000 so it’s not like i HAD to wait, and the episodes aren’t really stand alone so i had to watch them in a row.
11. How did you become interested in 3? I started watching with my dad because he is a cinephile that shows me loads of movies and tv series, then showed it to my mom. And now my dad stopped watching so i watch it with my mom exclusively even though i dont enjoy as much as i used to (still love it though). 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4? Matt Smith (even though i adored Eccleston, and couldn’t appreciate Tennant’s AMAZINGNESS cause i was too sad to see 9 go aoimjdk). But Matt Smith is the funniest, most Doctor-ish one imo.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? This is gonna sound like a betrayal to shows i’ve watched for so many years but Skam France, hands down. (i’m obsessed okay)
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? 3 because it has more eps and i’m caught up with both, so logically its 3.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Umh i think i’m kinda similar to Clara in some ways (?). Maybe. Like in the way we’re both hopeless romantic in search of an adventurous life. Plus, she is a lgbt+ icon and you can’t convince me otherwise so there’s that. i mean i think i globally identify with companions cause i wanna be them so bad lmao (imagine how cool it would be for my nerdy self ugh). But i look like a Sontaran so. Mayhaps i’d be one of those instead
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? umh that’d be funny as hell. The Doctor just jumping in a zombie apocalypse. Though i think they’d find a way to stop the apocalypse, so the second show would be annihilated by the first one. Mmh. Interesting still, up for it (i’m up for anything tbh)
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? That’s the hardest one i had to answer GOD. I’d go with the crack ship, Ryan O’Reilly and Miguel Alvarez, tho they would both kill me and then burn my body if they ever saw this
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Weeeelll i think The Walking Dead used to have an amazing storyline (the Governor’s arc was spectacular), but now i’d go with Torchwood cause sometimes (a lot of times), shows that don’t try to make it last for ages tie everything better. And Torchwood did tie things well enough imo (even tho i’m forever sad and bitter)
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? I don’ think Skam France has a theme music?? more like soundtracks (amazing ones)??? But i mean even if it did Doctor Who would still win cause the themes are fantastic (yes i went there)
This was so fun guys so imma tag @evnisak, @isak-valterssen, @jebentnietalleen, @demauryy, @srodvlv, @takaoparadise, @starcassstic, @thebananaslug, @sleepingthroughmyproblems, @akalousthings and anyone else i forgot, or anyone wanting to do this really
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