#like man there is so much I could do with this ONE vignette maybe I should............ run with that as its own story
imwritesometimes · 1 month
lying in bed at 2am unable to sleep for the first time in months and my brain is like "what if you took the one vignette for the 5+1 you really like & feel strongest abt and spin it into a whole chaptered fic using some of the other vignettes you feel strong abt and just scrap the 5+1 idea for now"
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ddejavvu · 9 months
hey mei baby i was wondering if you could do something about shy!reader with spencer and she's just so smitten with everything he does and gets flustered really easily and spencer is like ??? like he doesn't get it cause he doesn't see how fucking gorgeous he is
love love love you!
love love love you too!
Spencer sits down at the table you'd scouted with a warm smile and a gift bag, and you eye it warily, noting the particular absence of one in return for him.
"I brought you something," He confesses bashfully, and you watch as he pushes it over the table towards you, "But- um, I'm sorry there's no tissue paper in there. I thought I had some, but then I didn't, so I went to the store earlier to find some, but they only had neon pink, and that didn't really go with the orange on the bag, so- just- it's in there." He concludes drearily, "Sorry."
The mere thought of him apologizing for a gift that he's giving you not being perfect makes you want to scream in agony and kiss the apologetic smile right off of his pretty pink lips. But you think that a gentle reassurance would work better, so that's what you give him.
"It's alright, Spencer," You promise, reaching into the bag and wrapping your fingers around what feels like soft paper, "The tissue paper is the least important part of the gift."
It turns out to be a book, and you suppose you shouldn't have expected anything different from Spencer. It's worn, well-loved, with sticky notes in disarray all down the sides and pencil scribbled in the margins. It's a collection of vignettes, from the title, old English tales that you'd find covered in dust at an ancient library.
"My mom used to read these to me when I was younger," Spencer admits, hands toying with each other nervously in his lap, "And I bought myself a copy when I moved out, for- to, like, start my collection," He explains, "And I always found myself going back and annotating it, because I just had so much to say, but- uh, no one to listen."
His cheeks burn pink at the admission, and you physically feel your heart swell to dangerous proportions within the confines of your chest, "So, I thought that- well, if you want to, at least... you could read them too. And- my notes, if you're interested."
He's staring at you with so much raw hope shimmering in his pretty brown eyes that it nearly brings tears to yours. Your brain is filled with static, useless and jittery, and all you can do is drop the book into your lap and slam your face into your arms on the table.
You let out a muffled groan, maybe more of a scream, and when you peek back up at Spencer, he looks mortified.
"I'm sorry! If you don't want it, I can- I can take it back, or get you a different copy, or-"
"Stop! Spencer, stop," You plead, clutching at his hands from across the tiny table, "You're perfect. How are you perfect?"
He looks bewildered, but doesn't pull his hands from yours, "What?"
"You gave me your special book," You whimper, "Actually, you apologized that you only gave me your special book, and you trusted me to care for it and read all of your thoughts and notes about it, and you're-sitting-with-me-in-a-coffee-shop-being-the-man-of-my-dreams! You're perfect!"
He looks heavily flustered now, cheeks burning only brighter red as he grins, "I- I'm glad you like it. Um- I didn't think you'd like it this much."
"I love it," You whine, dragging one of his hands to your mouth to smear a kiss over the back of it, "Spencer, you're perfect."
"Stop saying that," He pleads, but he has to avoid your eyes as he grins into his lap, "You're making me tongue-tied."
"I know," You confess, squeezing his hands, but you show him no mercy as you grin: "But it's only fair, Spence. You just gave me the most heartfelt gift of my life, I'm allowed to make you stutter."
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Cater, Ruggie: The Secret in a Smile
Caycay, bestie… I am so sorry that SSR Crowley stole your spotlight 😭 (Is that why Cater looks so Mean Girls in his groovy... He's seeking petty revenge against Crowley/j)
Some cute stuff from the vignettes that I wasn't able to include in this fic: Cater makes a reference to TsumTsums! He mentions being into this mobile game with cute round creatures. Cater also tells a story about a 5-year old girl giving him a flower after his club's performance at a cultural festival (omg, do they mean the one in book 5?!). Ruggie teases him and says Cater must have been that little girl's first crush 😂
A Tale as Old as Time.
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“Ne, ne, Ruggie-kun! Check this one out~ It's all the way from the Queendom of Roses!"
Cater jabbed a thumb at a painting of a young blonde girl dressed in a modest sky blue frock and apron, a small black bow in her hair. She couldn’t have been older than 10 years of age, still petite enough to squish inside a glass bottle with a narrow neck. The bottled child was adrift in a sudsy sea, her face frozen in an expression of slight worry.
Ruggie took one look at the artwork, then wrinkled his nose. “Sure sucks to be in her shoes. What’s this even supposed to show us, anyway? Doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to me.”
"Not a lot from the Queendom does if you aren't already familiar with its topsy-turvy stories~" Cater placed a hand on his hip and leaned forward, grinning. "This one is pretty popular! It's about a girl that wants an audience with the Queen of Hearts. She gets lost on the journey there, meets strange people and experiences even stranger things on the way. This is just one leg of that trip!"
"Wouldn’t the castle be further inland? How'd she end up in the middle of the ocean?"
“It’s about the perspective of the shot.” Cater formed a frame with his hands, catching his underclassman in it. He pulled back, creating the illusion of sizing Ruggie down. “She drank this bottled liquid she found and that shrank her down—so really, the ocean isn’t that big.”
A grimace.
“Man, talk about no sense of self preservation. She just chugged an unlabeled bottle without a second thought. Must’ve been real desperate.” Ruggie paused. “Weeeell, not like I’m one to talk about being desperate. You really can’t afford to be picky sometimes. If it fills your stomach, it fills your stomach.”
“You’d drink it too, huh… I don’t think I could do that. I’d at least want to see how the menu describes it before I order—though I guess it also depends on how ‘cammable the drink is! And hey, think about all the cool pics I could grab from a worm's eye point of view!”
"Heh, you don't seem too pressed about living life as an ant."
"Cay-kun likes to look on the bright side of things!" he declared with a wink and a peace sign. "The lost girl... she worried so much about finding her destination, she forgets to stop and smell the roses. She overlooks a lot of the fun people she could have spent time with."
Hopping from place to place, missed people—familiar elements, resurfacing a childhood of being uprooted and dragged about. Never to fully settle.
A tea party here, a brief convo there. Just enough to keep him placated, but not enough to see beyond the surface of the looking glass.
His curiosity still left wanting.
She got into so much trouble, but didn't have any real friends to come and help her.
Sadness tugged at his heartstrings, but Cater's smile didn’t waver.
"... I can’t help but kinda pity the poor thing," he said quietly. Then, brightening in the next moment, "All her issues could've been avoided if she just looked before she leapt and made some connections."
“Yeah, she definitely should’ve played smarter, not harder. Maybe if she kissed up to the locals, they’d have come to her rescue." Ruggie shrugged. "It works for me and Leona-san."
“Right? A smile goes a long way to getting what you want!” Cater poked the corners of his mouth. “You totes get me.”
“Cuz it takes a trickster to know another one on sight.”
"Wow, it sounds so mean when you put it like that. We're not tricksters, we just know how to use our smiles to problem-solve~"
"Giving a word a fresh coat of paint doesn't make it any less shady. At least be honest with yourself," the hyena smirked.
“Eeeh, I’m always honest!”
They shared a laugh—Ruggie, a snicker. Cater, lighter, more bubbly, like a carbonated mystery drink. When the effervescence died down, he cast another glance at the painting.
Too big for her small world of the sea, too small for the big world that loomed beyond it. Trapped within glass walls. Curled into herself in her delicate chambers.
Her perspective and his, one and the same.
Poor thing, poor thing, poor thing.
Cater summoned his strength and bore the full brunt of his smile.
“I’m sure she’ll find what she’s looking for… one day.”
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ohnococo · 4 months
Fight Night | THE FINAL CHAPTER | MMA Fighter!Sukuna x Reader
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The day of the fight has arrived.
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Warnings: fighting, violence (fighting is described, though no explicit mentions of blood or injury), kissing, fingering, referenced vaginal sex, referenced creampie, biting, marking.
Notes: Thank you so much to every one that has stuck with it and read this all! Everyone who liked, reblogged, replied, sent messages - I see you and appreciate you all!!
The support kept this all going.
As for these two, I do have little vignettes here and there that are partially written that I plan to post down the line (a little epilogue maybe, though not part of the main story). Whether you stick around or not, I appreciate you.
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With the day of the fight finally here, you find that you can’t remember ever having such a palpable feeling of anticipation. Your head is spinning, your stomach tightened into knots, and you’re almost numbed out from all the electricity coursing through every inch of your skin. It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s… something you would have thought was leaving Sukuna entirely unaffected if you didn’t know him so well.
On the outside he is calm, but it’s something far to the left of the indifference you’ve seen from him in the face of most things. From the moment he wakes up, sitting at the edge of the bed, letting out the contented sighs of a well-rested man, Sukuna is in the zone.
Within that space he is more and less there all at once, eyes keen on your every movement as you eat your breakfast across the table from him, steady breaths a little louder than usual - as if his lungs were making up for his blood coursing a little faster.
He’s attuned to everything, but slow to respond. Eating much more slowly than you were used to, movements so deliberate it was as though his senses were near overload and taking things in properly was the only way to keep that frenzy at bay. Taking a second for his eyes to look at the totality of your face rather than the minutiae of your rising brows and crinkling eyes as you wish him luck. Not squeezing your hand back as quickly as usual when you hold onto him that little bit longer before he has to go.
He comes back to you for a moment as he says his goodbye to meet his team at the venue, as he grabs at your hand again, squeezing it more firmly now that he’s lowered the simmer of the adrenaline coursing through him enough to feel you.
“Don’t go losing your voice screaming for me out there.”
You smile, pulling your tightly clasped hands closer to press a kiss to his fingers, before tilting your head up and raising to your toes in a silent indication of what you needed to get you through the next few hours. He dips his head down, steadies you by the hip, and his eyes flash as you lean just out of the path of his kiss.
“I’ve gotta make sure you hear me.”
He smiles. “I will.”
When he leans in further, til his hands are the only thing keeping you upright, you don’t evade him, letting him pour just a little of that pumping blood and barely contained energy into you with the power of his kisses. His hands grope at your hips, then your ass, as he presses you against him and slots a thigh between your legs. It isn’t the time for this, you know that, but he’s turned a sensible goodbye kiss into something more as he encourages you to grind your hips against him, teeth catching at your bottom lip as he keeps his blown pupils on your face as if memorising every little expression he could pull out of you.
Then, he pulls back and you’re both left panting for different reasons, you because there was no room for air within the fervour of that kiss, him because he’s left with the slightest tremble from all the restraint it takes to keep his pent up adrenaline on ice until it was really needed, later tonight.
You end with a soft kiss to his lips, then his cheek, and he basks in that for a moment, tempered down to his prior quiet intensity, before he takes his leave as you watch him go.
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The day feels too long on your own, padding around his house, feeling as though you’re just as pent up as Sukuna, except you don’t have punching bags and sparring partners to release a little of it on before tonight.
Eventually, you decide to just do what you can in the meantime. A nice bath to calm your nerves, carefully shaved legs, painted toes for your heels, makeup applied with much more care than during your usual rush to get ready to go out.
As the time to leave arrives, you stand in Sukuna’s walk-in closet, smelling like your own warm perfume instead of Sukuna for the first time in what felt like ages. As you stand in front of the floor length mirror mounted on the wall, pulling on your soft blue dress and securing the few buttons at the neck, you find your reflection smiling back at you.
You turn around, looking at yourself over your shoulder, your body hugged, your back exposed, you let out a little chuckle at how out of left field the dress had seemed at first. Looking at it now, it’s a bit of how Sukuna saw you, light and soft with that visible helping of strength and structure around the edges, despite its ability to stretch and contour perfectly. It’s a bit of him too, reserved at first glance, but turn it around and it bares more than you would have ever thought.
And, despite being the brightest thing among the racks and shelves of shoes and suits and various items that blend together with their darkened tones, you fit in here perfectly.
You run your hands down your body, sigh, then leave to get into the car awaiting you outside.
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When you reach the venue, you’re recognized by one of the workers, confirming your name and giving you a wristband. It’s your first taste in a while of that VIP experience that was provided just by being in proximity to Sukuna, and as you’re escorted past the mass of people waiting to filter into their sections, you’re grateful for it.
First, you’re brought to a separate bar meant just for the attendees in your section, though you decide to forego alcohol entirely. It wouldn’t usually be your move, but you want to pace yourself for what’s to come.
Then, you’re shown your seats. It’s as good of a view as Sukuna had promised, right at the front only feet away from where fighters will enter the ring, and only a handful of people away from the walkway they’d be coming up too.
Once the event starts, the night is a stop start of building anticipation. Things go fast during the fights themselves, leaving you feeling like a poorly timed blink would have the clock lurching forward in that half-second your eyes were shut. Then, once the fights are won - whether by decision, knock out, submission, or otherwise - time drags as you look around for any indication that you’d soon be getting another fight out of the way in your wait for the main event.
When the time finally comes, the lights go down entirely, and you find yourself screaming and cheering despite knowing Sukuna would not be the one coming out first. The energy is infectious, and you need to finally do something with the nerves that had built up steadily over the last few hours. So you clap, and look around, before focusing on the easiest screen to watch in order to see the entrances clearly without straining at the distance.
Pink and blue lights cut through the darkness, and suddenly a high energy song starts playing as bright white lights join in a rapid flash and speedy sway. The crowd starts cheering even louder - picking up on and clapping out the beat to the pop song they surely did not know.
As you watch the screen above, Todo comes out, side hopping as if he were already in the ring, hands up and clapping as if it were the crowd that needed hyping up for what was to come. His team follows, walking fast to catch up with his frenetic movements, and among them is Yuuji, clapping along more energetically than the others, who maintain a more serious face befitting such an event.
The song reaches its chorus as Todo races down the gated path with both arms up and out, and people reach over the railings to happily receive the high fives he gives as he goes. You wonder for a second if it would count as a betrayal to clap along to the song with everyone else, but in the end you decide a bop is a bop, and know that you’ll be showing ten times the energy for your boyfriend.
Once he reaches the steps up to the ring, he rocks from side to side on his feet, pulling his shirt over his head and kicking off his slides for this team to pick up. He’s checked over one last time, showing his gloves and mouth piece, nodding when he’s given the thumbs up, and he turns back to Yuuji and bumps fists with him. He faces the ring, bending down slightly, and the pink-haired boy brings his arm back, winding up as if he were some kind of pro pitcher, and delivers a massive open-handed blow to the centre of Todo’s back.
It seems to give the man an even bigger boost of energy, as he roars and flexes before running up the stairs and into the ring where he starts circling and waving at the crowd.
As the crowd continues cheering, finding the man’s hype up attempts exhilarating, you let out a shaky breath, knowing the moment you’d been waiting for is coming next as you find yourself unable to contain your smile.
The lights go out, leaving the crowd in darkness much, much longer than they had been for previous entrances. As the music starts, only a few red lights illuminate the arena, just enough to adjust to the view of the awaiting entrance. A guitar drones, joined quickly by crashing symbols, then a kick drum beating powerfully enough that you can feel it in your chest. The vocals are much more melodic than the screaming crowd, already worked up into a frenzy over the anticipation of seeing Sukuna emerge. Singing turns to growls as the man, The King, comes into view.
The crowd erupts into a cacophony of screams and shrieks and boos and claps. He does not display the same theatrics that Todo had, standing straight save for his rounded shoulders and head tipped forward enough that, when paired with his steady gait and intense yet half-lidded eyes locked only on his destination, he looks like a predator stalking its prey.
The men trailing behind him hold the same energy, calm with a bubbling intensity, slowly following the man as if he were carving out the only path available to him and anyone with him: one to victory.
He makes his way far enough that you no longer have to rely on the screens to see him clearly, able to make out his tall self through the watching heads of those surrounding you.
He looks intense, more so than you’d ever seen him, and the difference of seeing that face up close versus on a screen is thrilling. As he stops to remove his robe and shoes, you want to push past the few people between you and the small divider to lean over and scream and cheer so you can be sure he hears you just as you said he would, but you know he feels your support - even if he is too focused to look for you.
Todo has stopped his skip around the stage at some point, pacing back and forth in his corner as Sukuna takes his own place. The announcer stands between them, flashy movements and excitable voice hyping the crowd up further as he lists out the records and stats of the fighters before him. Once he gets to Sukuna, and his record of flawless victories, those boos and cheers build up again until your ears are ringing. The applause only grow louder as the announcer finishes his job with a flourish and makes way for the referee as all but the three men filter out of the ring.
The crowd finds themselves a steady rhythm with their claps as the referee finishes whatever standard instruction he was giving. Sukuna reaches an arm out to tap gloves and the people around you gasp. You only smile, knowing by now from your time spent reading of his reputation that he doesn’t show any of these typical niceties, something that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many.
It seems it’s for nothing, though, as the rare gesture is not returned. Instead, Todo stares him down and backs away to take his place in his corner. Sukuna raises his brows, accepting the rebuff of his uncharacteristic sportsmanship, and returns to his own corner. The referee looks at Todo, who gives a nod. Then to Sukuna, who does the same. He brings his arm down quickly at the centre of the ring and backs up for the men to approach each other and begin.
You’re tense, holding your breath, and the crowd has quieted down as well while you all wait for that first punch to land. Both men close in on the centre of the ring. Sukuna doesn’t bother to raise his hands high enough to guard his face, showing his confidence, or rather his disrespect. Todo doesn’t bother either as he displays his speed by dodging Sukuna’s first punch, though with the look on his face as he throws it you can see he’s only testing the younger man.
Todo’s hands stay down, as he flicks his upper body side to side faster than a man so large had any right to, and the people behind you comment on how bold it was to give Sukuna free access to his face.
It’s an invitation he does not take, however, as Sukuna instead delivers a kick to Todo’s ribs - something the younger man neither foresees nor dodges. The blow connects with a smack loud enough to make you release the breath you were holding while Todo in turn lets out a heavy huff and takes several steps back to remove himself from Sukuna’s reach. Sukuna does not capitalise on taking the man by surprise, instead spreading his arms as he shouts a taunt, and you don’t need a translator to know he’s telling him to make a move.
He does, closing in with a flurry of punches, and Sukuna only throws one hand up, taking the majority of the hits there as he turns his body. Todo hops back, unperturbed by how ineffective his strikes were, and this time when he closes the gap less shots are delivered, though each holds more power. It’s enough to have Sukuna blocking properly for the first time, enough to have him laughing as well, a sound that unsettles and excites you even though it was not even sent in your direction.
The next move is made by Sukuna, a combination of only two punches, both dodged by Todo well, then as the younger man begins to respond with strikes of his own, Sukuna throws a surprise uppercut. It lacks the momentum of the first two, but hits hard regardless, sending Todo back out of his reach yet again with light hops.
The clappers sound, indicating to the men that there was only ten seconds left in the round, and as Todo closes in on Sukuna with punches that seem to now have both the speed of the first flurry and the power of the second, he is met with Sukuna dodging in the same way the younger man had in the opening seconds of the round, arms down and swaying side to side.
Then, the horn sounds and the round is over. Sukuna turns his back to Todo to return to his corner, smiling as he does. Todo looks surprised, but his smile matches his opponents as he returns to his corner as well, accepting the rough pats on the shoulder from Yuuji as another teammate sets a stool down for him to sit on.
You look back and forth between the teams, frustrated as you wish you could hear what was being said. Whatever is being discussed, Todo nods along, getting more and more hyped up with every sentence. Sukuna shows no such emotion, raising a brow every so often at the instruction being given to him as he drinks deeply from the bottle being held at his lips.
The seconds pass quickly as the men then stand and their respective teams filter back out, and you feel like you’ve hardly had a chance to catch your breath, though the men seem fine as they take their places and wait for the referee to begin anew.
Just as before, the referee’s hand is brought down quickly, then men close in, and this time they both swing at once. Sukuna dodges nothing, taking hits straight to the face and chest and only letting sharp breaths out with the force of the blows as he delivers a left hook and an uppercut with much more strength than any blows he’d dealt in the previous round.
Todo is clearly jarred by the sudden uptick in power judging by his wide eyes and now desperate flurry he presses forward in hopes of rocking Sukuna somehow, despite how the larger man has begun speaking out a string of something too low for you to understand, even if it hadn’t been in their shared language.
Sukuna only continues, eating hits as he delivers what seems to be an accumulation of the damage he was taking every so often, letting out what you now understood to be teasing encouragement as Todo does all he can to evade the few blows while trying to whittle Sukuna down. Then, Todo spins, swinging his leg round and connecting his calf with Sukuna’s side in a hefty kick, and it sends the larger man stumbling a few steps to the side.
Sukuna’s eyes are crazed as he smiles wide enough that his black mouth guard turns his grin into something ghoulish, and he nods excitedly at having received such a blow. Todo is taken aback by the reaction, but bounces from foot to foot faster, confidence bolstered, and he delivers another combination of punches, ending with a missed elbow as Sukuna dodges.
Just on the tail of the sequence, he spins again, this time faster and with stronger momentum carried in his strong legs, but this time Sukuna swings when Todo has no chance of stopping his path right into the charging blow. It connects with Todo’s jaw, sending him off his foot and onto the ground.
Even with as quick as he is to get back on his feet, he’s not as quick as Sukuna, who uses the momentum of his large step forward to send a low swing right into the side of Todo’s head. He’s still fighting, still alert despite the force of the hit, but is sent rolling onto his back nonetheless, and Sukuna only carries on. Todo brings his knees up, trying to guard his stomach so he doesn’t get straddled and left with no ability to scramble out of the situation, but it doesn’t matter as Sukuna seats himself on the man’s shins and rains down punches from above.
Todo swings blindly, far from having enough reach to be effective in this position, and eats punch after punch until his head is bouncing off of the ground and the referee dives in, waving his arms to call the fight finished.
Second round. Just as Sukuna had promised.
He stands, peering down at Todo as the medical staff filters in, and extends his hand in an offer to help him up. This time, he accepts the gesture, though they release each other quickly once their respective teams are filtering in.
Medics surround Todo, checking him over as the crowd cheers, and you focus on Sukuna. He’s not quite winded, but still catching his breath as he leans down for his team to remove his mouth piece and offer him water. He looks pleased with himself, smiling and accepting praise from the men around him, offering only the smallest glance at the crowd as they continue in their frenzy.
Then, having been cleared as having no immediately pressing injuries, Todo is brought to the centre of the ring to speak first. He’s asked easy questions: how he felt about taking the fight on such short notice, how he got so brave to do such a thing, then he’s given an opportunity to thank his team and say a few words.
As Todo makes his speech, microphone held between him and his interpreter, everyone watches on between cheers and claps. All eyes are on him for a moment, thanks to his impressive performance, despite the loss. However, your eyes are only on Sukuna. He seems like he’s still catching his breath, chest heaving, breathing harshly through his nose, but you know better with the way his eyes are slightly wider than you were used to, and his mouth held in that tensed line. He’s watching his brother.
His gaze is felt, as the boy turns from watching Todo make his speech, to locking eyes with Sukuna. You can’t see his face, you can only see Sukuna’s, but from his eyes alone you know he’s trying not to look so far away from what’s happening. As Yuuji approaches him, Sukuna leans down to hear whatever he has to say over the crowd, and whatever it is seems to change something in him.
His face softens as he responds, tension beginning to leave him, and your heart skips a beat as he even smiles at whatever he and his brother were talking about. It’s a tired smile, one of acceptance, but a smile nonetheless.
The exchange is only a few minutes at best, but what was communicated seems to have been volumes worth as the conversation is punctuated with quickly clasped hands, followed by the boy tugging his brother in to bump shoulders and slap him on the back. Sukuna matches the handshake of sorts, with surprising strength that his brother seems unphased by, and then he rejoins Todo’s side at the edge of the ring as it’s Sukuna’s turn to speak into the microphone.
“Ryomen The King Sukuna, wow!” The interviewer laughs and spreads his arms wide with a tilt of his head, clearly feeling that the result of the match was an inevitability, before he gives Sukuna the smallest prompt for his speech, “What a show the two of you put on, were you expecting that level of tenacity from a guy so young?”
“I was expecting to win. Easily. And I did.”
The crowd starts with a low rumble of boos, but Sukuna carries on as if they were too weak to reach his ears.
“It gets boring, going up against the waste that seems to want to challenge me, and I was hoping for something from Fushiguro before he went and got himself injured yet again.”
The boos only get louder, until the interviewer is looking back at the crowd and shrugging, both enjoying the energy yet wanting a clean sound bite as Sukuna continues.
“But, this new blood was needed, and welcome. I look forward to fighting him again when he reaches his full potential.”
Just like that, the crowd is turned, now cheering and applauding as Sukuna is finished and turns to leave the ring.
The interviewer rounds out his speech in his absence, gesturing to Sukuna’s back as he shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen: the man, the myth, the legend, Ryomen The King Sukunaaaa!”
He leads the group as everyone leaves the ring, and this time you do push past the few people between yourself and the edge of your section, cheering over the divide. He hears your voice through the swell of the crowd, locking eyes and smiling. Then your heart is racing as medical staff and coordinators part and allow him a path toward you, lest they be shoved out of his way.
You expect an acknowledgment, maybe even a pat on the back or a quick kiss, but instead Sukuna is sliding his still-gloved hands under your arms, hooking them around your waist and pulling you over the divide. He sets you down next to him, making sure you’re steady on your heels, and guides you along down the walkway with a hand on your back.
Your head is spinning, your heart is racing, and he’s gotten sweat on your dress, but you don’t care. You’re by his side.
When you’re back to his dressing room, surrounded by staff and his team as the buzzing crowd is muffled by the distance, you want to kiss him then and there. Drag him out of everyone’s view and fuck him just as you had so many times before all of this, but he’s shown so much restraint for your sake, so you show the same for his as he goes through the post-fight motions.
The medical checks are boring, as is waiting with his coaches while he showers and gets changed, but through it all Sukuna looks to you, hands never far from touching your back, your side, your thighs, promising that he’ll make it worth all the waiting tonight.
Eventually, with his brows iced and slightly less swollen than before, and his hands and ribs checked over, and the messier parts of his fight washed away, you do indulge - grabbing at his broad shoulders to pull him down into your kiss. He accepts it happily, chuckling at how little you care of the small audience present, knowing that he never cared in the first place, and he sends a low hum into your mouth as you tangle a hand into his hair.
His hands run down and around your body, fingertips threatening to dip below the fabric only inches above your ass, and you arch your back, inviting him to do as he pleases.
Instead, he pulls back slightly, eyes on yours as if you were the only one in the room, tip of his tongue tracing your parted lips as he’s smiling down at you with want.
“Pace yourself, we’ve got a big night ahead of us.”
The look you share then is enough to keep you satisfied for the time being, and you nod as he brushes a thumb across your bottom lip in a silent promise that it’ll all be worth it, that he won’t let you want for anything tonight, or any night.
Hours later, when the sun is coming up and you’re running on fumes in the back of his hired car, he’s kept that promise. With his head resting on your shoulder, tongue and lips and teeth keeping his marks on your neck fresh. With his fingers inside of you, slipping through what he’s left with you through the night and threatening to give you your dozenth orgasm with the slightest provocation. With his promises that he’ll clean you up and keep you warm in his bed once the two of you are home. It is worth it, all of it.
And you think it always will be.
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
His first drop of Sugar
A Joel Miller and Layla (OFC) story
General Audiences but my Tumblr overall is 18+
Main Masterlist/ Joel Miller Masterlist / Drops of Sugar Series
Summary: Joel Miller is a simple man. He works, takes care of his daughter, maybe meets some ladies sometimes. As he puts it "He does okay." If he was going to look seriously.
One day, he met her, the woman who'd change everything.
Word Count: approx 2.4k
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, awkward flirting, attempt at humor
Notes: I wanted to revisit Joel & Layla’s story but not disturb what relationship I had already built for them. So I decided I’d do different vignettes at various points in their relationship. We’ll see where they end up.
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Joel is a man of habit. He picks up his brother Tommy, drops off his daughter Sarah at school, and he and his brother go to work. After work, he goes straight home to make sure Sarah is safe in the house, relaxes with some music, a book, maybe a little whiskey. Sarah tells him he’s getting a bit old for that now that she’s almost out of high school. Thankfully for Joel, she’s sixteen which gave him a few more years before he would worry even more about her. Tommy and Sarah were concerned that he didn’t have enough in his life, Joel always waved them off.
“I’m fine. I got all I need with you two.”
“I mean, if I was gonna look, I’d do okay.”
Joel wasn’t lying when he said he could have a girlfriend if he wanted to and he did not. They usually tried to get him to leave things around his house, put pillows where they don’t belong, get him to eat some quinoa (no one needs to eat that, he was a potatoes or rice type of man), buy different clothes for him and even suggested different ways to parent his daughter. Mentioning anything about Sarah other than that she was the sunlight of Joel’s life was grounds for him to never speak to that person again.
The elder Miller brother’s routine didn’t change until one of his employees gave him a Starbucks gift card. He didn’t think much of it and kept it in his wallet. It wasn’t until Tommy had him stop in between sites to “grab some joe and a quick bite,” that he came to taste the coffee. Joel ordered a caramel cappuccino because he could say it and he knew what was in it. He told the young lady or barista whatever milk was fine. It was his first taste and it was wonderful.
The next time Joel made sure to come without Tommy and try a different drink, he got a white chocolate mocha and was hooked on the caffeine and sweetness. Now he ordered one at least twice a week. He tried to ensure that Tommy nor his daughter Sarah knew about his Starbucks trips, but they did. Tommy had passed by a Starbucks on the way to one of their jobs in the neighborhood and he saw Joel exiting the coffee house with drink in hand happily gulping the hot beverage down. He didn’t mention it. The Younger Miller brother waited until they were in the office alone. He whipped out a photo he had taken of Joel: head craned back, cup tipped upward with the faint semblance of his lips curled into a smile.
“I caught you! I thought you said you’d never go back?! Look at this Joel. I thought you said it was too expensive.”
Joel rolled his eyes hard, he would never not hear about this from Tommy. Ugh. “I got some more coffee. What’s the big deal? You’re making it sound like I’m cheating, which it���s coffee, how does that make sense?”
“You’ve been making trips by yourself and leaving me out. Maybe I wanted some coffee too Joel, you ever think of that?”
“You mean you wanted me to buy you coffee? You’re a grown ass man. Buy your own damn coffee Tommy.” The Elder Miller brother thought for a moment. “Wait, I was at the Starbucks around 11:30 in the morning, what were you doing driving around at that time?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, “What do you mean? I was on my way to Mrs. Flores house in the neighborhood. To put up her kitchen cabinets.”
Joel squinted his eyes, “Mrs. Flores said she wanted them up sooner than later. When I spoke to her earlier this week, she told me 10 in the morning. What were you doing for damn near…?” Joel already knew the answer to his own question and sighed. “You’re lucky as hell that Mrs. Flores didn’t call me and complain about you being late. You can’t do that shit for one of your…dalliances.”
Tommy snickered, “Is that what they kids are calling it these days? Dalliances? You’ve got to take the two by four out Joel. I am showing Sarah this picture of her father though.” He bounced out of the office, feeling the overall victor but when Joel finally listened to his office messages, Mrs. Flores had complained so he docked Tommy’s pay by half.
The next week was when it happened. The meeting that changed his life.
On a Tuesday, Joel stopped by Starbucks on the corner after he had smoothing things over with Mrs. Flores. Tommy was going to have to have lunch with the woman twice a week for the next two weeks in addition to the docked pay. Was it a bit much? Yes, and Joel was fine with that. He was also wanted to teach him a lesson about being on time, for every minute he was late, that was an extra five that Mrs. Flores could keep him in her house, watching telenovelas, knitting or as Tommy told him told once, ‘putting some weird peppermint cream on her feet.’ Joel decided that it served him right.
Joel ordered his usual white chocolate mocha grande and waited for it. He heard his name followed by a woman’s name rather closely but no matter. He picked up his drink at the end of the counter and sipped it, feeling the rush from the caffeine in the esspresso and tasting the chocolate, milk and whipped cream together. He had heard someone say wait, but he had his drink, that wasn’t directed toward him.
“Hey! You in the black shirt!” At this Joel finally turned, so someone had been trying to get his attention. He was annoyed though, it was during coffee time though. The scowl on his face quickly left as he saw who was calling him. A plump woman with hands on her hips, a lavender silk button down shirt not tucked in but still appeared neat. Her skirt hit just below her knees with a small slit above her left knee, exposing some of her thigh. She had a small bit of cleavage showing as his eyes trailed up and saw her silver necklace might be a cross? But she had dark red lipstick coating her full lips. Her face was round and her hair was loose and wide, it looked soft though. Her honey eyes glared at him and intensified as she made her way toward him. “Are you going to buy me another one? That mocha was mine.” She kept her hand on her hips and leaned her weight back on her right foot, looking up at him. Joel scoffed.
“Sorry darlin’ no it ain’t. This is…” He was proven wrong. The name was not his on the side. It said ‘Layla.’ “Um. Sorry about that Miss Layla. I’ll buy you another.” He watched as she exhaled and looked down, her hands now crossing her chest and pressing her breasts together. Joel blinked so he could focus on her face again, but that wasn’t much better.
“I should apologize as well. I’m sorry for raising my voice. I was just looking forward to my coffee. It gets me out of my office for a bit, away from everyone. I didn’t meant to take that out on you.” She explained and he nodded, understanding the sentiment. Joel at least had the luxury of driving to different sites, often by himself of Tommy who he could stand half the time. He can’t picture himself around people who annoyed him all the time. They walked over to the counter and Joel paid for her mocha and a brownie. He had told her it was something to sweeten her day before he found himself exiting the cafe again. He had half a mind to go back in and ask her if maybe she wanted to meet outside of the office again.
“That sounds horrible. Maybe I am out of practice. I am not asking him for advice.” Joel shook his head, he would NEVER ask Tommy for advice with women, not even on his deathbed. Turns out he didn’t have to because the same woman stepped out of the cafe and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.
“Not sure who you don’t plan on asking for advice but I wanted to ask you something.” She began and paused. “I’m Layla to start. I figured I would make sure you knew that. Would you…oh, um.” She was floundering but pushed through, Joel let her, he wasn’t sure what to say either. “Could we meet maybe for lunch or dinner or it doesn’t have to be a meal. It could be anything. Well not…” He chuckled and she pursed her lips. “You could say something you know! You can tell I’m just saying whatever comes to mind. God I suck at this.” Layla threw her head back and sighed. Joel held her hand gently. She was startled but then smiled.
“Let’s say we exchange numbers and see what we both agree to do, Layla? Might lead to a meal or whatever else you were thinkin’ sweetheart. Name’s Joel by the way.” His rough thumb grazed the soft skin of her hand, the smile she had on her face beamed. A barista came out, calling Layla’s name to which she let go of Joel’s hand and put her index finger, signaling to give her a minute. After having the brownie and coffee handed over to her, Layla made her way back over to Joel.
“S-Sorry about that.” She set her coffee on the hood of a nearby car and went in her purse, pulling out her phone. “Yes, put in your number Joel.” Joel grinned and pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it for her, they entered their numbers in each other’s contacts and double checked the numbers by sending an initial text. Joel told her that he needed the practice per his daughter and she laughed, stating that her friends said the same for her selfies. She was easy to talk to and the single father was hopeful to hear her say his name again - her voice was calming despite the excitement it brimmed with. The snort at the tail end of her laughing fit was adorable. Joel picked up her coffee and walked Layla to her car, holding it for her as she placed her purse and brownie in the passenger’s seat being across the driver’s seat to do so. He took a step back to appreciate the view, part of him felt conflicted until she looked back with a grin. ‘Damn, shouldn’t have felt bad about it then.’ He approached her with her coffee and handed it to her, making sure to brush against her fingers.
“Send me a message when you get back to the office Sugar.” He leaned down into her open window and cocked his head to the side, laying it on a little extra thick. He hoped not too much.
“I will Joel. You can be sure of that.”
“You’re the one who said anything Layla.”
“I’m well aware.” A chuckle to herself. “Maybe we should just start with lunch so I don’t end up talking and tripping up my words again.”
“However you wanna meet darlin’.” His smirk grew into a smile.
Layla shook her head. “You’re so much trouble Joel. I can tell already.”
“Good trouble I assure you Layla. Shouldn’t you get gettin’ back to work? You might be the real trouble, you know.” He teased her, not really wanting her to leave, but he didn’t want her to associate their meeting with possible work repercussions.
“Alright, maybe not so much trouble. And I should be getting back to work. I’ll see you later Joel.” Joel stood up and watched as she pulled out of her parking space and drove off. He returned to his truck and drove back to the office where he got an angry call from Tommy about Mrs. Flores had him try on her late husband’s clothes and dance with her. Joel told him to suck it up for one more week and then he’ll be square. And not to be late, lest the elder Miller brother sends him back to Mrs. Flores house. He’ll be Ignacio for a month. In the midst of Tommy complaining for the last five minutes, he heard a small ping and took a look at his phone:
Hey there Joel, I’m safe back at work, though I don’t really want to be. I’m free most evenings and as for lunch, between 1-2 works well. I may be able to stretch it to 2:30 if I push some things until later. I’m also free on weekends. Let me know what works for you. I hope you have a good rest of your day.
Joel felt vindicated, he was not the only adult over the age of thirty that texts full sentences according to Sarah, his daughter. He made sure to text out his reply while Tommy was heard getting pulled by Mrs. Flores out of the bathroom he was calling Joel from.
Good to know you got there safely, Sugar. The evenings are for my daughter but if we plan, I can have my brother watch her for a bit while we go to dinner. Lunch is always an option and those times are perfect. You tell me where you want to go and I’ll take you there Layla.
Joel sent it and was nervous for the next few hours while he answered questions from his crew about various jobs and materials. He also drove to another site and ignored a call or two from Tommy. It was when he pulled up to the next site that she suggested they meet at ‘Brenner’s on the Bayou’ a place that Joel had eaten at years ago. It was with a different woman and she was about as interesting as paint, but the food was delicious. They agreed and the date was set for Saturday night.
Up until the date, they exchanged texts for two days until Layla called him just to say good morning and Joel damn near missed a stop sign in answering the phone before pulling off to the side of the road. He had a feeling then he’d need to see her sooner than Saturday.
Joel's Darlin's: @yorksgirl @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @guelyury @goodwithcheese @morallyinept @ilovepedro @pascalsanctuary @grogusmum @pamasaur @perotovar @pedrodascal @gwendibleywrites @marcus-is-my-muse @pedritapascal
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flimflamfandom · 11 months
Washboard Blues, and other Vignettes
Vignettes (I guess they call them Imagines these days?) I wrote in the Lackadaisy Discord, plus one that’s original on here.
There are 4 on offer: -You’ll Thank Me When You Grow Old (Discord) -If Only She Knew (Discord) -Washboard Blues (Discord) -You’re Gonna Look Fine (new for this post)
I also allude to an original character from @ladybugkisses ! I don’t really include her, it’s mostly about Rocky, but she’s there so I’m tagging it and mentioning Ari. Give her a follow if you haven’t already!
You’ll Thank Me When You Grow Old
Rows of sunlight snuck through the blinds in the dorm. It was cold - drafty, and wet outside, with typical dorm room quality insulation (that is to say - bad insulation) made for a rather frigid experience. 
Still, Helen was wrapped up in the covers, Olivia was in a thick bath robe - And Ivy was nowhere to be seen. That is, until the door crept open, revealing a rather bleary eyed Ivy, still in clothes from the night before - party clothes, with a hastily thrown on tweed jacket. 
Olivia peered up from her glasses while reading, like a disappointed mother. "You're home early." She said, a snide lilt in her voice. 
"I...stayed at a friend's place." 
"Sure you did." Olivia stood. "And I bet you sat there and played dominos all night, too?" Olivia walked over to her bed, and got a few things from the shelf nearby. 
"Olivia, what does it matter if-" 
"It matters that you're out so late! I was worried sick!" 
"Freckle is nothing to worry about, he's a good man!" "He works at that no good, low down Daisy-whatever. I bet he'll die in some awful shoot out anyhow." 
"Olivia!" Ivy gasped, as she removed the jacket, and her evening sleeves, "How dare you say something like that!" 
"It's true! What's next? He gets you tied up in it?" 
"...IVY. MICHELLE. PEPPER." Olivia seemed mortified. "You're NOT gonna keep doing that! You'll get killed!" 
"What does it matter to you!?" 
"We're your FRIENDS, Ivy! Don't we mean ANYthing to you?" Olivia fought on a sweater, and got her shoes on. "...I'm going to class. I don't want to hear about...mobsters or whatever." Olivia put her hands on Ivy's shoulders. 
"You'll thank me when you grow old." 
Olivia walked out the door. Ivy stood there. She sniffled. Helen rubbed sleep from her eyes. 
"...oh, morning Ivy," She yawned, "Did you...see Oli? She wanted to talk to you." 
"...how did you sleep through that?" 
"Sleep through what?" 
If Only She Knew
Calvin sat there as the record player warbled. Something about a washboard. He sat, nervously, in Mitzi May's office. Ivy was there, too. The two seemed to be in fairly hot water. Calvin and Ivy'd been caught by Mitzi in the broom closet as it were. Ivy, still in her green dress, looked up at Freckle. 
"Think you'll have to stop working for the Daisy?" 
"Well. Always the Marigold." She said. 
"Not in my life." He said. "If I'm forced into retirement I'm going-" 
The door opened. Ivy gripped Clavin's hand. Mitzi stormed in. "I must admit, I'm awfully cross you two chose to do this on the clock." 
"Mitzi, with all due respect, Calvin's hands were hardly near my-" 
"It's not about that!" Mitzi said. "I do NOT want to hear the details! What's important is that you should NOT be doing that at work!" 
"I'm NOT on the job!" Ivy remarked. "It's my night off!" 
"Calvin is very much on the job." Mitzi replied. 
Calvin looked down. "...I, eh...I was...staking someone out." 
"...why didn't you say something!" 
"I tried, but you kept kissing me before I could say words!" 
"I do have a nasty habit of that." Ivy said. 
"I like that nasty habit." Freckle went a bit red, and drooped his ears. 
"Aww, Calvi-" 
"Excuse me." Mitzi said, sternly. "...I'm not gonna make you two stop seein' each other, that'd be too much. But Ivy, you ask me if Calvin's workin' next time." 
"And you, Mr. McMurray." Mitzi said. "What are your intentions for my daughter?" 
 "Your intentions." 
"...for your daughter?" 
"No, I haven't got a daughter." 
Ivy blinked. "...you said daughter." 
Mitzi's ears stood up. "...I said Ivy." 
"You called me your daughter!" Ivy gasped. "Does that mean-" She smiled brightly, "You love me like a mom!?" 
"Ivy, please, I-"
 "Does THAT mean I'm Ivy may? I like that! I like Ivy Mcmurray more, though~" She cooed. 
"Ivy, I-" 
"You two GET OUT!" Mitzi nearly chased them out with a stick. She sighed. 
"...that girl..." 
If only she knew.
Washboard Blues
Glitz. Glamor. Fame. Fortune. All these things came with running the newly successful Daisy. The dresses, the drinks, the fine friends, the gorgeous parties. 
And Mitzi was stuck washing clothes, before such a party, because Wick was 'indisposed'. 
"...You've got 3 maids and a secretary." She grumbled as she scrubbed. "And none of 'em could come to help with things?" She hung something else out. She huffed, and let out a sigh. "I ain't some dainty little housewife, Wick," she spoke, to no one in particular, "if you're not even gonna marry me why make me wash the clothes?" She sighed. "Atlas never made me do that." She grumbled. "I bet ZIB wouldn't! She yelped. "I bet he'd LOVE to wash the clothes from time to time! Closest he gets to a goddamn bath." She sighed. 
"...no, no." She shook her head. "Wick's...injured." She rolled her eyes. "Here I go again, cursing the sick and needy." She got back to scrubbing. She hummed to herself, and sang. 
"Mornin' comes with cloudy skies and rain...my poor back am broke with pain....My man's sleepin', I just scrubbin', chillin', weepin', I do rubbin' age a-creepin', clothes a-tubbin', all day long..." 
She sighed, alone in the back yard, stretching her back and grunting. Her joints cracked. And then... 
"...You know, Zib," She looked over to him, "You really don't have to play that on sax." She said. 
"How am I not gonna play Hoagy Carmichael?" He walked over, and put his instrument down, carefully. 
"What're you even doing here?" 
"Band's entertaining here tonight...I see you've got a bit of the washboard blues, huh?" 
"He's got a bad back, his maids are all sick, and Lacy is already on cooking duty..." She shook her head. 
"Just bad luck on his part." 
"Hmm." Zib shrugged. "You're right, you know." 
Zib cupped her chin. "I wouldn't make you wash nothin'." 
"...su...stop." She batted at him, playfully. She smirked. "You're too much." 
"If you say so."
You’re Gonna Look Fine
“You’ve been looking in the mirror for something like 30 minutes.” Mitzi said, crossing her arms. “What’s got into you? You got a court date or somethin’?”
“Not a court date,” Rocky said, “A REAL date!”
“With who?”
“Ari!” “...it doesn’t ring a bell.”
“You wouldn’t know her, anyhow.” Rocky said, dismissively. “She’s beautiful! She’s got this fiery red fur, and white tailtip, like a...fox or something! How wonderful she is, how delightful, how-”
“Rocky,” Mitzi shook her head, “I understand you got a date goin’ but frankly there’s an awful lot of work to do and I don’t want you mussin’ that suit beforehand. I-...where are you even goin’ at this time’a day that requires that sorta dress?”
“Why, only the finest establishment in town!”
“HERE!” Rocky said. “For pancakes.” He suavely straightened his tie.
“...for pancakes?”
“She never had ‘em.”
“Rocky-” Mitzi pinched the bridge of her nose. “I do hope she likes you, because I can’t imagine a lotta other women doing so.”
“Do I look okay?”
“You’re gonna look fine.” Mitzi said. “Maybe a little over dressed for a breakfast...you look like you’re on your way to your wedding!”
Rocky sighed dreamily. “I suuuuure aaaaam...”
Mitzi chuckled a bit, and batted his arm. “You really are perplexing.”
“Is that her in the window?”
Standing there was a girl, with...fiery red fur, and a white tailtip. She looked reluctant to enter. Mitzi looked over. “Well, Rocky, you know how to pick ‘em, I’ll give y’that.”
“What if she thinks WE’RE talking though?”
“...despite my better efforts I look like I could be your mother, Rocky. Go ahead, open the door for her!”
“Alright...wish me luck, Miss May, ol’ boss ol’ pal o’mine!”
“Mhm.” Mitzi walked up to the office, and sat in her desk.
“...if THIS doesn’t work out for him, nothin’ will.”
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ramrage · 5 months
ghost’s ghost
chapter 2: after midnight
work rating: T
chapter rating: T
relationship: John “Soap” MacTavish x Simon “Ghost” Riley”
characters: John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley”, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick cameo, John Price cameo
tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Body Horror, Main Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Ghost John “Soap” MacTavish, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Crack, Dark Crack, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Changing Tenses, Not (always) chronological
ao3 link
part 1
part 3
part 4
part 5
a silly little vignette with little bearing on the previous chapter and/or subsequent chapters idk
They’re both awake, both can’t sleep.
Ghost with his insomnia and Soap with his actual inability to sleep. The bed they’re laid up in is only half as warm as it should be, the sheets only half as mussed up. Soap can stand on the ground, lay on the bed, but he can’t lift the duvet to tuck himself under. Ghost physics. They don’t make much sense at all, and Soap struggles to accept it as much as he struggles to understand it. He hopes to, one day. Maybe then he could find a loop hole.
It’s a problem he addresses passively, usually just ponders it on nights like this one. There really isn’t much else for Soap to do when Ghost is sleeping—or trying to. In the early days, when the situation was still fresh, he’d wander the streets around Ghost’s flat, savor the novelty of such a lonely ramble, but it got old and anyways, he felt lonely enough as it was.
So instead he does this. He stares at the ceiling and when he gets bored of that, he stares at the window, then the furniture, then the back of his eyelids. Rinse and repeat, sometimes for hours but never the full recommended eight. He’s at the eyelids part of the cycle when he hears Ghost snort. A laugh and, silently, a request to speak.
Ghost doesn’t wait for the permission that he wouldn’t receive because it’s not, is never, withheld.
“I should be calling you ghost,” he says eventually.
Strokes of genius tend to come well after midnight, don’t they?
“Heh, like call me by your name,” Soap responds in a voice that should be sleep-rough but isn’t. The dumb comment comes as a welcome reprieve from whatever dark spiral Soap was on the precipice of. It reminds him he doesn’t have to fall down it if he doesn’t want to. So he hums and decides to make conversation. “You know the big one? The blonde guy?”
“Armie Hammer?”
Soap scoffs. “That’s a fake name.” He’s vaguely shocked Ghost has a modicum of pop culture awareness.
Ghost rolls onto his side, props his head up on his folded arm. He looks beautiful in the moonlight, silverblue and unmade, the reason Soap has only lost his mind as much as he had, which is a lot less than he could’ve. Everything about him, especially the mundane things, keeps Soap sane, like how Ghost pulls that ridiculous face and says, “Soap, you know some people just have weird names?”
“Whatever,” Soap dismisses, “So, Arm and Hammer, yeah? He eats people.”
“In the movie?”
“No, in real life”
“Bullshit.” Despite that dubious look on Ghost’s face, the man looks awfully intrigued.
“Or maybe he wants to but doesn’t actually,” Soap amends.
“That’s a big difference.”
“Aye, but we’ll never know. He’s bombin’ rich and rich people can get up to all sorts of nonsense, no issue.”
“That so?” Ghost deadpans.
“O’ course. Money talks,” Soap says with a nod. “Heh, you’re also big and blonde. You eat people?
“You’re also brown-haired and small, you fuck fruits?” Ghost shoots back.
“Not anymore, really,” Soap notes wistfully, a little put on about it. Then he adds, winking, “Try as I might.”
Ghost clicks his teeth disapprovingly and goes quiet, pondering something. “We’ve figured out how to get you food. Logically speaking, I could sacrifice a peach for you to fuck. How does that sound?”
Jesus . “Only if you watch.”
“I wasn’t actually serious, Soap, fucking hell.”
“Neither was I” Soap just about brays back. “Or was I?”
“Fuck off,” Ghost groans. Yep. Shit like this, still being able to be the sweet little thorn in Ghost’s side… it makes all the bullshit worth it.
“Oh woooee is me, the first time that you touched me,” Soap sings into Ghost’s ear
“I should be fucken saying that,” he says, grumbling.
“Soap, I will kill you.”
Soap winks because it’s absurd and somehow sweet. “Too late for that, I’m afraid, love.” Had he said this months ago, Ghost would’ve fussed about how jokes like that aren’t funny, but they’ve both since gotten used to this particular brand of morbid humor. So Ghost doesn’t pitch any kind of a fit, just rolls his eyes fondly. “Mon now, go to sleep. Unless you wanna end up like me.”
part 3
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Deuce Info Compilation Part 1: Deuce's Mom
Deuce first references his mother during Book 1 when it is revealed that he was “the only man of the house”, so he would help her with the heavy lifting that resulted from when she would “stock up” during sales.
Deuce references helping his mother during sales again in his PE vignette, where he uses the skills he learned as a child to help Sebek acquire pudding for Lilia (“I can’t tell you how many times I was barreled down over a single carton of eggs.”)
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Deuce reveals that he had been able to shop for Trey and others at the dorm during the chaos of Sam’s sale, and Sebek compliments him as “a gifted human indeed”.
We get the story of Deuce’s past for the first time during Book 1 when he explains that he had been “wild” when he was younger (“yobisute” was changed to “I called my teachers names” as English does not have honorifics)
He says his change of heart was inspired by overhearing his mother crying about “how she must have been a horrible mom, and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself.” Deuce insists on taking responsibility for his past actions, saying “She hadn’t done anything wrong. It was all me.” When he was accepted to NRC, he “decided then and there that this time, I wouldn’t do anything to make her cry. This time, I’d become an honor student—someone she could be proud of.”
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The topic of his mother arises during Wish Upon a Star, as well, with Deuce saying that he once heard her wish for him to stop fighting and live a healthy life.
Deuce’s mother calls him twice during the Wish Upon a Star event, and the first time leads to a conversation with Silver where he says that his old friends used to make fun of him for being so close to her. Silver says, “It’s only natural you’d want to talk regularly with someone you care about.” 
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Deuce shares a summarized version of his past with Silver and we learn that, due to his poor reputation, Deuce would get accused of things that he’d had nothing to do with.
He says, “Of course I got a huge attitude when people wouldn’t believe me. Looking back, though, they had every reason not to.” We learn that the only people who ever believed him were his mother and a neighborhood police officer who would always insist on hearing his side of a story and prove that he had an alibi when people tried to frame Deuce for things he hadn’t done.
Deuce says that, “If I could be like that, maybe my mom wouldn’t worry for much”. Deuce explains that this is why he wants to be a police officer when he is older: more specifically, a part of an agency that handles magical crimes, referred to as “magic marshals”. 
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Deuce’s mother calls him again at the end of Wish Upon a Star to tell him that “Even Night Raven College couldn’t have asked for a finer Stargazer than you” and “You know I’m very proud of you”, which nearly makes Deuce cry. He says, “One of these days, I’m gonna make my mom happy by making an even bigger wish come true.”
Deuce brings up his dream of joining the police force again in his birthday vignette, saying that he he has put most of his effort into “media research”, watching movies and TV and memorizing “intense-looking running styles” and “cool-sounding one-liners to use when making an arrest”.
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Deuce mentions his mother often: in the Culinary Crucible he talks about wanting to “learn how to cook good meals for when I’m at home”, saying that his mother would “always cook egg dishes for my birthday” and “now I know what mom means when she says she adds a pinch of love to her cooking”.
We learn that Deuce would help his mother cook as a child. He says that he recently learned that she’d had a cold, but she didn’t let him know until after she had fully recovered. Deuce says “I kinda wish she’d lean on me more when she’s struggling” and “the next time I visit, I want to cook for her and show that I’m more dependable than ever!”
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When Crowley and Ortho threaten to expose the students for not going to rescue Idia from Eliza during the Phantom Bride event Deuce’s reaction is “my mom would cry if she saw me on the news like that”.
He also mentions his mother waiting for him during Winter Holidays, something he wants to buy but cannot afford and how he does not want to ask him mom for money, the curry she would make, sending her a picture of his halloween costume, helping her with household appliances and more.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
More replies!
Anonymous asked:
I would like to give my two cents on the Azul being jealous of Ruggie situation. Sorry in advance for my ramblings!
Azul puts a lot work into getting Jamil to like him, so I think it would hurt his pride to see someone else succeed without even meaning to. He is offering a way better deal than Ruggie, so why would Jamil refuse to accept his friendship? He may be a calculating bastard, but is Ruggie really that different, sucking up to people all the time for his personal gain? Surely Azul is simply not trying hard enough. Or maybe he just hasn't found the right approach yet. Kind of like that vignette where he lost a game of chance against Idia and as a solution he decided to get better at rolling the dice, instead of accepting that there are simply some things that he cannot control. And I agree that Jamil would get the brunt of it. If this is a game, he is both the opponent and the goal
(related to this reply)
Yeah, I agree with you, Anon! I feel like this is where Azul’s mind would immediately go to. He’ll have a horribly hard time accepting the fact that Ruggie is, in fact, better than him in Jamil’s mind, and just like you said, this is something that Azul can’t control. And frankly, the fact that Azul would want and try to control it is going to just make him look worse, because this is exactly the thing that Jamil doesn’t like about him. Oh, the irony……
Azul would spend so much time sitting in silence with an angry expression trying to figure out just what is it that he’s lacking but Ruggie, who is OBJECTIVELY WORSE IN EVERY ASPECT, miraculously has. Oh, they’re probably just trying to piss him off..!
Anonymous asked:
For suspicious and questionable things for Neige to do what about him collecting Vil's things
Oh Vil left a water bottle here? Mine now
Vil lent me this chapstick I'm going to use it and it will be like an indirect kiss
Maybe Vil wore a hat and Neige pulls out the hairs that were in it as part of his collection
He could probably escalate to breaking into Vil's house just to get some more things he's touched
He probably has a shrine dedicated to Vil complete with pictures of Vil that aren't from the public press shots meaning Neige followed Vil around and took those pictures
Ohhh, look at this stalker boy collecting things from his favourite idol~ That would definitely be a fun twist. I wonder what his dwarf friends think about this collection of his, even though the Vil shrine is definitely supposed to be a special hidden secret thing lol
Poor Vil not realising where his yoga pants are… don’t worry, Vil, Neige is definitely going to cherish them and love them <3
(I wonder if he’s going to stumble upon Rook at some point, because there is no way Neige would stalk Vil and Rook wouldn’t notice it at some point. He knows. He just allows it to continue happening…)
Anonymous asked:
"Illia's out there hunting' sets a mental image that she just has a collection of bras from everyone, including Trein's granny bra and Idia is wide eyed finding out about it
(related to this nyo!twst reply)
Oh god this playful grandma… Someone needs to stop her, she’s out of control!!
Too bad Idia doesn’t wear a bra and can’t add anything to the collection lol
Anonymous asked:
Epel seeing that Jack and Ortho are close to Vil. It made Epel so jealous on how Jack in which he has a crush on is more close to Vil while Ortho is a fellow freshmen gang friend that seems more close to Vil.
Jack and Ortho both have energies of that one classmate that your overly strict mom really likes and acts sweet with lol I think about it a lot and abuse this joke tremendously.
Vil, stop stealing your underclassman’s men!! I wonder how Epel feels about Vil and Jack being childhood friends…
Anonymous asked:
Azuide wedding where Idia's best man is Ortho (OBVIOUSLY!) but it would be hilarious if the tweels fighting over to be Azul's best man since they want that position...but deep down wanted to be petty and mess around towards Azul which can anger Azul.
Also think of Oruvil in their wedding. Idia being Ortho's best man (although Idia is too nervous about this) and Vil with Rook. (And knowing Rook, he wants to be with them in their honeymoon)
Ortho is definitely best man, but he’s also the flower girl, the ring bearer boy, the father, and a lot of other things… he’s so excited, he couldn’t stop taking roles for himself!!
The tweels would definitely give Azul a headache with the fact that both of them apparently want to be best man lol Azul’s already super nervous about this whole thing, he spent so much time preparing everything and checking everything 1000 times over, and now at the very last minute (!!! THEY SEEMED FINE WITH IT BEFORE!!!) Floyd goes “hey, how come Jade’s your best man, that’s super unfair”. Azul’s face at that moment was absolutely priceless.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no matter who Vil marries, Rook is always going to be there by his side, so there is no way he’s not with them in their honeymoon lol It’s just a matter of whether he’s open about it or not.
Anonymous asked:
What do ya think Sebemalle's favorite position in bed?
Sebek would find anything other than a missionary to be absolutely unacceptably disrespectful to his liege, because t-taking him from b-behind sounds just…!! Appalling!! (And way too hot for Sebek to even consider) But Malleus wouldn’t find doggie insulting at all. In fact, when he’s in the mood to get his tail stimulated and his horns played with, doggie is a much better option.
In general, Malleus likes hugging, kissing and being in full body contact with the person he has sex with, so his usual go-to is missionary. But the tail thing + the fact that Sebek looks so amusingly shocked when Malleus rolls on his stomach makes him consider doing it in the doggie position more often.
(I also talked about everyone’s favourite positions in this post~ I can’t believe we have a post about this topic lol)
Anonymous asked:
not a request, (sorry if it comes off like that!) but have you ever made sebek x lilia art?
Please, read my pinned. We don’t ship them. If you’re talking about them not as a ship, I believe I haven’t drawn them together without Malleus being present as well.
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convexicalcrow · 3 days
snippet of an idea i can't fit into the man lost prince au storyline but might turn into a lil vignette thingy.
"The Lord of Pixandria to see you, Govenor."
Pearl looks up to see Pix being ushered in by one of her guards and smiles. "Pix! How lovely to see you again."
"And I you, Govenor. I'm not interrupting, am I?" Pix said.
"No, no, nothing that can't wait. Sit, please," Pearl said, indicating a chair for him by the window. She got up and joined him, pausing only a moment to send the guard for tea and bread. "So, what brings to you Djesdjes? Just normal business?"
"Yeah, just regular trading, you know the drill. Actually, I had come to ask you something. I've heard the Tjehenu are causing you problems, is that right? Increased patrolling or something?" Pix said.
Pearl sighed. "Yeah, yeah, something like that. Not even doing anything either, just swarming around the oasis like a pack of dogs. Gods. They haven't been bothering you, have they? You don't normally come into trouble with them, do you?"
Pix shook his head. "No, no trouble here. Pixandria is too well defended for them to bother with, as far as I know. I have seen more patrol groups around though, which is troubling. It's not like them to build up troops like this without good reason."
"I mean, they do soemtimes do it just to annoy us. To remind them we're surrounded by their land, you know? It's not really their land, their nearest settlement is days away, but they come anyway. At least all they've done is hang around and occasionally harass travellers. They could be coming here to steal from us, which would be much worse," Pearl said.
Pix laughed. "Better not give them any ideas then!"
"Definitely not! There's been chatter from some of the travellers who've come by that Kyrini is in a bit of a mess right now. Some have talked about a change in leaders, which would make sense. Still, Kyrini's so far from where we are that them being here makes no sense, not really, apart from taking vital troops away from a city in turmoil. Which might perhaps be why someone got toppled," Pearl said.
"Oh yeah, I did hear something about that. That might make more sense, yeah. Still, it is troubling. With someone trying to prove their strength, it's entirely possible they'll come after Djesdjes, thinking it's an easy target as it's far from Tameri. News would take weeks to arrive, let alone reinforcements. If you haven't been beefing up your security, then I'd advice it, just in case," Pix said.
"You and I both know how isolated things are out here, that's for sure. But yeah, I have been putting more guards up. Anyone able to fight has been trained. We might need it. Better to be prepared than be caught off-guard. You don't think they'll invade, will they?" Pearl said.
Pix shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe? It's possible, of course. All things are possible. Is it likely? I'm less inclined to think so. This very much feels more like a new general throwing his weight around than someone seriously considering invasion. I mean, what would be the point? Kyrini's far more strategically important to them than Djesdjes."
"I know, I know. Still, it's always good to prepare. We can still shelter with you if we need to, right?" Pearl said.
"Of course, of course. Pixandria is home to anyone who needs her," Pix said.
"Good, good. Not that we might need to flee, but it is good to know I can send people there if I need to. Rebuilding the defences after the invasion has taken much time, and they're still not all finished. We keep running out of stone to build with. The quarrying is what takes the time," Pearl said.
"Always the way, for sure. Oh, and now that I think about it, there has been one weird group I've seen around the place. They were Tameri. I recognised their colours as those of Waset. I'm not sure what they were doing this far out, but perhaps they've been to Djesdjes and you have more insight into their business here," Pix said.
Pearl raised an eyebrow. "Tameran soldiers from Waset in this part of the desert? Now that is interesting, especially with the increase in Tjehenu patrols. Not that I suspect they're working together, but well. from what I've heard, there's a lot of power still in Waset and a deep desire to keep it that way. They've definitely not been here, though. If you do see them again, please let me know."
"Will do, of course. And look, perhaps it's nothing. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I don't know. But it is odd for them to be so far from home, and not having visited Djesdjes. I'd keep an eye out for them if I were you, just in case there's something odd goinig on," Pix said. "From what I remeber of the Governor of Waset, he was a rather vain and power-hungry man with the army to back up his power. Let's hope he wants nothing to do with this place."
Pearl nodded. "Indeed, indeed."
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pumpkincarriage3 · 1 year
Crewel Divus Character Analysis
Ah, yes, the BDSM teacher. Sorry Crewel fans, that's exactly what he is (joking). Or maybe that's why people really like him? Besides his appealing character design?
In all seriousness, I say that, but I feel like it's actually more of a unique quirk that he has rather than the fact that it has anything to actually do with BDSM. Kinda like how Crowley unintentionally, or intentionally, makes quite a few bird puns here and there. And typically, when other characters talk about him, they also tend to make bird puns. Crewel probably just really likes dogs and can't stand being disrespected.
I say this, because even though Crewel will call his students mutts and all manner of different names, he does actually care for them. Whenever they are in actual trouble, he does try and lend a helping hand, and unlike some people, he doesn't ask for things in return. He probably just takes his job as a teacher very seriously.
And if you consider the fact that he teaches alchemy, our equivalent of chemistry, it's no wonder why he's so harsh on his students. If they make one mistake it could end with them in the hospital or dead. Because of that he's really harsh on them. Which fits, because he doesn't want them to like him, he wants them to listen.
Which is why he can be pretty patronizing. Where in cases he'll give students tasks where they can "attempt" to get out of detention for not listening to the lesson, even though he knows most of those tasks are impossible unless the student was paying attention. And if the student was paying attention they wouldn't have made the mistake to begin with. So more often than not, the student will get a really harsh punishment, even if the mistake seems small to them.
The students simultaneously fear and respect him in this manner. I guarantee that if Crewel went on the masquerade trip instead of Trien, they wouldn't be joking around and asking the man about his make-out stories with his lover in dark tunnels. Because they would be too nervous to joke around in such a manner with him. For as much as Crewel calls the students by various nicknames, he keeps a strictly professional relationship with them.
But he does love his students. One can tell because he does call them dogs, even if it isn't said in an affectionate manner. Because Crewel does love dogs, so him calling his students such is his backwards way of showing affection. It just happens to have the added benefit of keeping the students in line as well.
And he loves his job and what he does. This is obvious by the events he can be found in helping out the students with various task. Where he guides them in the "right direction". Or as right as a villain school is going to be. Malleus, in the little alchemy lessons, says that while Crewel is peculiar, he is also an expletory teacher. And this is coming from Malleus, who excels in everything. This is a high compliment.
Crewel himself is also into high fashion. He loves it. It's why he where's the outfit that he does, even though he probably shouldn't be wearing his bulky coat in a lab. Or really be wearing a business suit in a lab either. This itself also shows how cocky he can be. Which might seem confusing. How does this show that he's cocky? Well, I'm sure that he's harsh on his students on lab safety, but he doesn't follow these same rules, in the name of fashion. He's cocky in the way that he thinks he can get away with wearing high fashion, in a lab, and have nothing happen because his skills are that great.
Sam himself mentions that Crewel is a hot-shot. Not surprising, considering the fact that Crewel also clearly loves high-end things in general, not just fashion. Seeing as classic cars is his hobbies, this is another confirmation.
Though, this could imply one of two things. That Crewel is paid a really good salary, or he comes from a family with money. I'm leaning more towards him coming from a family with money, since in the fairy-gala event, Ruggie's Vignette, shows Crewel allowing them to use old heirlooms as jewelry. 
And while heirlooms are bound to be expensive, they are also precious. And Crewel just allows them to use it for this instance, going into a garden full of faires that are known to be petty if things go south. Even if he expects them back at the end, the fact that he's letting them use them shows about the same nonchalance as Kalim has on sharing his family heirlooms. Then there was the fact that he was able to get the fabric and make the outfits, high quality clothes, in such a short period of time. Not once did he complain or show concern for the cost. So, he probably has money to spend.
Though, with as much as Crewel loves fashion, it makes it interesting that he chose to teach alchemy instead of becoming a fashion designer. Possibly, that just means Crewel loves alchemy or teaching more.
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Idk if anyone brought this up yet but is Malleus calling Yuu "Child of man" supposed to be a reference to Jesus having the title "Son/Child of man"? There's already a few references to religion in TWST so I'm just curious
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... Wouldn't that imply Yuu is some Jesus-like figure in the narrative 😭 when they don't actually do that much/j Personally, I don't think that's the case! The strongest religious themes that I can glean are featured in an event that isn't tied to the main story, Glorious Masquerade (it makes sense given the source material and is vague enough to not be in reference to one specific religion, though the same sense of general spirituality is still there). I don’t know if the devs would intentionally include religious ideas when it is specifically aimed at the player character when it doesn't really serve a purpose there (especially when this would be putting a spotlight on a few specific religions, ie the ones with Jesus in them, over others) and could potentially alienate non-religious fans or fans who follow religions that don't include Jesus at all. It is for these reasons that I think the "child of man" thing is just a quirk of Malleus's completely unrelated to religion. It’s a pretty common trope in fiction for non-human creatures to refer to humans as “children of man”. However!! I do think that you can still read the text that way if you wish. (I asked a religious friend of mine and they reported that they did see the phrase as an allusion to Jesus.) Maybe I just don't see the religious aspect of it because I'm not religious myself. Part of why TWST is great is because it can have mass appeal and many different interpretations depending on the player/fan, so honestly I'd encourage you to not take my opinion as fact. Everyone is allowed to see the story and its characters however they wish! Brief aside, as I've mentioned in an older post, "child of man" is not actually a nickname Malleus exclusively grants to Yuu. It is not given capitalization (which would make it a proper noun referring only to a specific individual, say “the Chief of Police” or “Principal [Name here]”) meaning the term is not meant for Yuu and Yuu alone. Additionally, Malleus is shown to also use the term to refer to groups of humans—and this is what I believe the intended use of the phrase is. It ("child of man") is actually a general noun to refer to other non-fae beings, whether a single one (be it Yuu or other characters) or multiple people. Note how Malleus uses “a” before “child of man”, implying there is more than one, rather than Yuu being the only one. I think part of this confusion comes from some fans who do use child of man as a proper noun ("Child of Man") or treat it as a special nickname Malleus gives to Yuu. So if the Jesus thing were hypothetically intentional, then every non-human is Jesus/j
Here are some examples (which are in EN, but it is the dialogue is same in JP as well; the text screenshot comes from MysteryShopTLs’ Malleus Broomquet vignette translation, as there is currently no official EN version of the card.)
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folklauerate · 5 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
Thanks to @a-regular-jo for tagging me!
List of fics completed
take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man series
The Yellow Tulips of Texas
an affair, three ways series
cause I’m a mastermind (the west wing au)
in our perfect park
leave the light on
Santa Kate series
fuck it, it’s fine series
I’m on Fire
Modern Omega
Number of words written
502,159 😳
Your most popular fic
The Set Up by a laughably large margin. Although as I checked stats now to answer this question, I see that Bridgerton, Actually (my Love, Actually AU) is now second and it wasn’t before, quite recently actually! It seems it got a lot of holiday readership :)
Your personal fav
This is like asking me to pick a fav child! It’s difficult but I’d have to go with the professor au (take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man series). It came at a time where I was feeling uninspired and sort of adrift fandom-wise. Following the completion of Bridgerton, Actually, which was a behemoth and draining to write (though I loved it!), I was in the midst of taking some downtime to just… be. To consume without worrying about creating and to just reconsider. During that time, I read plenty of other things, including fic from other fandoms. I noticed tropes and things I simply hadn’t been exposed to ever/in a while, and found myself really drawn to the idea of an age gap with Kathony. Their fics feature them being near/the same age so often, in an effort to illustrate just how well matched they are. I wanted to do a sort of character study and love story when they had a significant age gap. I wanted to explore the ways Anthony might have been different if he was older, the fears of dying young (perhaps) abated but with no Kate to spur them forward. The Anthony I created in this AU was someone who had lived a bit of a life, hadn’t settled for a marriage for the sake of it, and had grown up and developed his own tastes in between teaching lectures and devoting himself to his family. I feel as though it can be popular to show Anthony devoid of taste or personality in terms of home decor or outside pursuits pre-Kate, and that simply wasn’t an option with him here. I really enjoyed developing this man with cultivated and exacting tastes. I’m getting rambly here so I’ll stop, because I could talk about this oneshot for a while. The point being—this oneshot marked a time of sort of creative freedom for me. When I started writing it, it felt nearly insane. I just wrote and wrote with no real reader expectation because I was writing a daddy kink in a fandom that really didn’t seem to have one. I was writing and entirely possessed by the story and characters and premise itself. I wrote that and nothing else for a while. I wrote it across continents and flights and subways and in my room, alone. I would text Kara about it nonstop and I’d post excerpts and just wrote it and didn’t think about it… and then it came time to post. I genuinely didn’t know how it would be received. And I need to add that it is far from the most popular Kathony fic ever, and it’s not even my most popular Kathony fic ever, but the response was nonetheless astounding. I genuinely couldn’t have expected the way it would be received and I’m so grateful for anyone who spent time with those words and maybe found themselves inspired to push boundaries in their own fic and writing.
Your fav scene
I genuinely can’t pick one. I think I’ve written too much hahaha. I’ll state a few that come to mind now;
In the Texas!Anthony AU I loved writing Anthony meeting Kate’s extended family. I loved giving her an extended family, filled with doting grandparents, noisy cousins, and all the fun hallmarks of Indian American kid life.
The papercut scene in the Prof AU.
Nearly the entirety of the spanking oneshot follow-up to the prof au
And also the Lover inspired fic in the prof au lol
I loved the Balmoral chapter of The Set Up, especially the beginning vignette of three; Charlie/Harry, Hugo/Willie, Kate/ghosts/legacy/history. The moment she lights incense and says a prayer in this really storied, old, English castle is unbelievably significant, I think, in ways that will come to play in the fic now.
So much of the roommates fic is a real love letter to NYC. I did a reread recently and was almost surprised by it myself? I think I’ve had enough time away to be surprised by it and I was. I know those places, I feel those places. I hope the sense of self comes across as significantly for the reader as it does to me.
Writing the aftermath of the shooting scene in The West Wing AU and Kate winning the election as well were really poignant. I cried writing them and I cry rereading them. They’re almost a brilliantly rebellious ode to hope in the face of the perceived hopelessness of US politics. Regardless of whether or not a president like Kate Sharma plausible, I center my politics and general life philosophies around hope. That fic felt like hope and belief in a better world.
A fic or scene that challenged you
Plenty! The Balmoral chapter challenged me a lot until I saw Angels in America and something clicked. I actually can’t think of more right now in a really specific way but I will say anytime I felt challenged I either ignored it or wrote through it. Writing through it was always the answer and right way to tackle it.
A line of writing you’re proud of
There’s definitely a lot I’m a proud of but I am currently traveling and CBA to trawl through over 500k words to find the line I’m proud of. There’s a LOT of prose I’m really proud of though. The recent chapter of Babel where I describe Simon’s party is some of my best work, I think. Sweet Like Honey (stepfather au) has some prose I’m exceptionally proud of. As does the Obsession AU. Some descriptions of Texas in the Texas!Anthony AU are gorgeous. If you can think of anything that stood out to you, let me know.
A comment that touched you
I genuinely treasure every single comment I’ve received and I’m currently working through responding to many (if you get a months late response,,, I’m sorry). I will take this time to impress upon anyone who might be reading that leaving comments can be so encouraging and I do love hearing from readers. Fic really does feel like I’m writing directly for you guys. And so it’s great to get feedback or excited squealing because it makes it less lonely and helps me feel like I’m a part of it with you guys. I love when friends comment, I love when people who I only know through excited screeching on ao3 comment, I really love it all.
Recently, a longtime reader left a comment on my recent update of The Set Up just to thank me for writing this year and it was so moving and so lovely I teared up. It was unbelievably kind and thoughtful. That really snuck in at the end of the year for one that just took the cake for me.
Something that inspired your writing
Everything. Angels in America. Echoing Jo by saying Prince Harry’s memoir Spare. A lot of Haladriel and Darklina works and writers. Bruce Springsteen. Lysistrata. Babel by R.F. Kuang. Little Rabbit by Alyssa Songsiridej. Babylon the film. Singing in the Rain. The West Wing lol. Dachshunds (English cream) and Greyhounds. The British royals. Kafka. Religious trauma. Guts by Olivia Rodrigo (specifically bad idea, right?). Wet Dream and Chaise Lounge by Wet Leg. The people who broke my heart and the people who helped me stitch it back up. My fellow writers and friends, always.
Your proudest accomplishment
Getting over a bad depressive episode and writing slump and purposefully refocusing my attentions to: myself, why I felt compelled to write, and the people who did love me and read my writing and made that clear, as opposed to the people who didn’t.
Do you have any writing goals for next year?
To finish The Set Up. To finish some Perfect Park drabbles and revisit the west wing au for some good election year distraction. And, maybe, to take a little break as I work on original things. I am not leaving, don’t worry. I have set some professional and personal goals for myself that require more of my emotional and intellectual time/space/energy and I need to refocus some efforts there. But I’m not done and I will be back. I’m tentatively planning something quite exciting fic-wise. If it comes to fruition, I’ll tell you all in time.
Tagging @grantairesbottle @amalinwrites who is never on tumblr but I’ll annoy her to do it, @bad-surprise @inkbugfic @ladykettlechips and Rama whose tumblr @ I always forget to do this lol
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tinsnip · 8 months
A WIP GAME, tagged in by @ladyyatexel. Okay this does look fun. Show off my random crap? y yes, yes i like to do it
First we tag, and it's not as many wips because I don't even know that many people - tagging @aawrightworth, @0rb0t, @bmouse, @cosmictuesdays, @feltelures.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Hmm... okay I am not sure how to do this, as I use scrivener and just have a giant mega doc for each fandom. Right now the fandoms are wrightworth and hereditary enemies (aka ineffable husbands) and outside the web (my novel that maybe one day i will actually finish). But I do have little plot-bunnies/lines of dialogue so that could work...
Oh hey i do have some random crap from garashir toooo oh ho ho
and so much deep dish nine? ummm
blind king (garashir)
geminon and raila bits (OCs)
life on mars (dd9 garashir)
night will have no stars (post-canon cardassia garashir)
prinnabits (OC)
unexpected telepath (OC)
ben surene (OC)
dd9 civil defense (dd9 gen)
dd9 hope is a four letter word (garashir)
dd9 road buddy (dd9 kira & dukat)
dd9 what a heart is for (garashir)
american teen (wrightworth)
my interpretation (wrightworth)
i'm not the one who leaves (wrightworth)
camping (wrightworth)
excerpts from eurovision (ace attorney gen)
pretenders = edgeworth vignettes? (ace attorney gen)
it keeps going folks
18. stickwork (wrightworth)
19. falling for the first time (hereditary enemies)
20. brimstone in his mouth (hereditary enemies)
21. dinner miscommunications (probably garashir)
22. don't trust a snake (ditto)
23. cigarette dangles (ds9 garashir)
24. ds9 please don't go (garashir)
25. ds9 trading spaces (probably garashir? i literally don't remember half of these)
26. exercise (garashir)
27. he wasn't wearing gloves (garashir)
28. hold me to this thing (garashir)
29. horns (probably garashir?
okay i'm actually stopping now? there are like fucking 50 of these things
i'm kind of glad i did this, holy shit
i sit here going 'man i don't write enough'
i wish i could stitch all of these together like a giant granny square quilt!
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oddberryshortcake · 11 months
silver for the character ask meme! (or if someone else already sent him in, then lilia maybe)
I can do a Lilia later for sure but it is SILVER TIME
What I love about them: He’s so damn sweet. I’ll admit the boy princess trope is pretty fun, I love turning norm tropes on it’s head by having this boy be so full of whimsy and everything that Disney princesses have emulated for years. I love his Aurora-isms a lot. I really like Sleeping Beauty in general so its nice seeing how that carries over in his story.
He’s also just genuinely entertaining. His and Jamil’s bit from Endless Halloween is my favorite banter out of the whole event. He’s just a strange lil guy (affectionate) and Jamil really traded one scatterbrain for another lol 
What I hate about them: He doesn’t have too much to talk about, which I get is part of his character. I like his stories about his dad fine but he needs to find another hobby other than training (which I get thats why its his hobby, its not really like he can sit down and do much else because of his curse/disability, but maybe someday he can find the right accommodations and find more for himself other than living in guilt that he isn’t good enough)
Which that BRINGS ME TO ANOTHER THING. Genuinely sad he seems to hate himself. Like I don’t know why he’s so hard on himself when his family has been extremely accepting and understanding of him. It’s like very deep-seated and I hope he can get past that 
Favorite Moment/Quote: Tied behind his very wholesome speech to the fairy queen about wanting humans and fae to live in harmony with each other and taking the blame for the heist the group pulled 
And him just trying and failing to tell Jamil stories that his father told him and tales of his childhood. The man will go through a whole story and either forget to mention the most important detail or straight up describe something wrong. He so silly.
What I would like to see more focus on: Show us more of his Aurora traits! Confirm to us that he’s the prince we all know he is! Also spoilers he should totally tear Malleus a new one for everything he’s done 
What I would like to see less focus on: His very minimal details about himself that he repeats. I also know this is because he is a walking spoiler, but my boy, people think you’re boring and I know you aren’t!!
Favorite pairing with: I really love MC x Silver a LOT. I also think he and Idia could be fun given that Idia literally stares at him and goes “aughh pretty”
Favorite friendship: Silver and Sebek <3 
NOTP: Anything involving him and his family, particularly his father. Just because he’s adopted doesn’t mean that these people aren’t any less his family. 
Favorite headcanon: He is the entire reason Sebek exists. 
The Zigvolts already had two kids that are implied to be decently older than Silver and Sebek (possibly by a whole generation)  
We know from Lilia’s dorm vignette that the Zigvolts were so upset at Lilia literally LOSING HIS BABY that they insisted on taking care of Silver when Lilia couldn’t/was still figuring it out. 
I think mrs. Zigvolt got baby fever and was like “honey, I want another baby 🥺” and thus Sebek was created. 
Silver was an angel baby too. He hardly cried, to the point it was probably a little creepy. 
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big-meows · 7 months
i want jamil and leona to be friends so bad man. i mean, they both have lived their life in someone else's shadows, hearing theyll never be good enough, wishing for more out of their life but not knowing how to ever get it. leonas a prince so could prob offer jamil protection from any retaliation jamil might face for abandoning his 'place', and jamil knows how to. do things so leona wont just starve on his own. let these two shadowtrapped messes go explore the world away from judgement
(Disclaimer: Obviously a great deal of character and story stuff is locked in vignettes on cards that I don't have because I've been playing for...two weeks! So take this all with a grain of salt. I'm still getting to know them.)
I hadn't considered that angle tbh! I guess because... I don't have a ton of sympathy for Leona, because where Jamil is being consistently made to nerf himself at every turn to maintain his place in the class hierarchy, Leona is in a place of incredible privilege and ...gives up because he can't be at the tippy top? Like yeah man it sucks you can't be king I guess, but Falena's right, there's still so much he can do? Maybe people wouldn't look down on you so much if you sulked about it less? Sorry you can't beat Malleus at sports, why bring your whole class down with you? Why roll over and give up?
I'd been thinking of Jamil being more similar to Ruggie, beholden in some way to someone of enormous status and privilege, keeping their lives running smoothly in exchange for some kind of social or material security? The difference I guess is that Ruggie kind of takes it in stride even though Leona is considerably less appreciative of him than Kalim is of Jamil, because Ruggie is just happy to be here, and that Jamil is not as content in this arrangement as Ruggie is because Jamil wants the freedom to be himself and Kalim's status is a constant roadblock to that. It's not that Jamil wants to be the BEST, he just wants a chance to prove himself capable after being made to play stupid for ...his literal entire life. Because actually, everyone knows how smart and good Jamil is! No one's really saying he's not good enough. They're saying you're such a smart kid, so surely you understand this is how things work and why you can't have this.
Basically, as I see it, the only thing stopping Leona from being great is...Leona. And a title, I guess? Jamil is intentionally being stopped from being great by everyone, all the time. Ruggie doesn't want greatness, he wants dinner. Kalim just wants everyone to have a nice time!
Don't get me wrong, I'd read that fanfic tho 👀
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