#like did that CD ship a day earlier than the others
dorothygale · 2 months
no actual spoilers in here i'm just speaking quietly
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bridgyrose · 5 months
Happy New Year! (yeah, I know I'm late to it) Let's start the new year with a new type of prompt - one that won't necessarily qualify as an AU:
Weiss insists on using Atlesian Common (British English) while Ruby insists on using Valean Common (American English).
“Everything’s all packed,” Ruby said as she dropped her bags in front of the door. “Tent, grill, fishing poles, extra batteries, plenty of food and other rations in case of grimm attacks-” 
“Did you remember the torches,” Weiss asked. 
Ruby paused for a moment as she looked at Weiss curiously. “Torches?” 
Weiss picked up a flashlight and flipped it on. “We’ll want to make sure we have an extra couple of torches in case we lose one.” 
“That’s a flashlight. And yes, I made sure to pack a few of those.” 
“Great, and the biscuits for you to snack on?” 
“Biscuits?” Ruby opened up the cooler she had packed. Water? Check. Milk and pancake mix? Check. Eggs? Check. Extra meat? That was all there. But biscuits? “No biscuits, but we can use the pancake mix to make them. We’ll just have to adjust what is being put into them-” 
“Why would we use pancake mix to make biscuits? I thought you made the ones you liked earlier. You know, the strawberry and chocolate chip ones.” 
“Biscuits? I didnt make-” Ruby paused for a moment, confused until she looked at the kitchen counter and saw the bag of cookies she had made and packed to bring on the camping trip. “-biscuits. You’re talking about the cookies, arent you?” 
“That’s what I said. Biscuits.” 
Ruby grabbed the cookies, not wanting to try to argue on it. She put up a smile and kissed Weiss’s cheek. “Thanks for reminding me.” 
“I know how you get without them.” 
Ruby nodded and stashed them away in a side pocket on her pack, relaxing a bit as she looked over everything she had packed. Two weeks of well deserved break, going hiking and camping with Weiss and Penny, and spending those two weeks relaxing, swimming, resting, and not having to worry about the grimm or trying to save the world one mission at a time. Though, she was disappointed that Penny was going to meet them there and not travel with. But, she was thankful it was going to be two weeks of being able to see her uninterrupted.
“The car isnt going to pack itself you know,” Weiss called from outside the apartment. 
“I know, I know, just… making sure there isnt anything else that we’re forgetting.” Ruby made one more trip around the apartment, pulling out the list that Weiss had made and double checking it over and over as she rushed around with her semblance. Finally, she made her way outside with the last few items and packed them up into the trunk of the car. “Okay, ready.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes. “I swear, you’re worse than I am when it comes to packing everything.” 
Ruby smiled and closed the trunk of the car and made her way into the driver’s seat. “Maybe you’ve rubbed off on me. I know I can be pretty… flighty… when it comes to this kind of stuff, so, I… I wanted to do something different. Be different. Besides, this is an important day for us. Its the sixth anniversary of meeting Penny, our fourth anniversary to you asking the two of us out, first anniversary to having a place we can call home-” 
“Okay, okay, you dont need to get that mushy.” 
“But you like it.” 
“Just drive.” 
Ruby smiled a bit as she watched Weiss try to hide her blush, sliding a cd into the stereo of the car and relaxing as the rock music started. “You know, this might’ve been easier to see if we could’ve found someone with an ‘aeroship’ instead of driving to the docks and loading our car onto the ship and sailing out towards Argus.” 
“Told you the correct way to say it would stick,” Weiss answered, sticking her tongue out at Ruby. “And, you’re probably right, but after everything we’ve been through, a few days at sea before driving out to meet Penny sounds more like a break than taking an aeroship and getting dragged into another mission.” 
“As long as that’s what you want.” Ruby relaxed a bit as she drove to the docks, listening to the music blasting from her speakers as her mind wandered a bit. This was going to be a vacation well worth it.
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the-twewy-sequel · 2 years
NEO: The World Ends With You Japanese Limited Edition Photos!
So, being the TWEWY fan I am, I kinda couldn't resist importing the super expensive and much-cooler-than-what-the-West-got limited edition for NTWEWY (https://store.jp.square-enix.com/item/SE_E2694.html), and I've actually had this kind of huge box just sitting in my room for ages, so as mentioned, I finally opened it today and took some photos of my spoils.
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The bag, which contained a box with almost all the other goodies, looks pretty cool imo, and has the "funny game master saying", but I don't think I'll actually be able to use it. Not quite my style, I guess. Maybe one day I can come up with an excuse to use it anyway though, haha.
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At first, the box just has the game and the Mr. Mew plush, and the game is, of course, in Japanese. Obviously I already played it and beat it, opting for the English Switch version, so now I've got a copy for both systems and in both languages, haha.
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However, opening the box further reveals that there are multiple goodies! Here's a poorly lit photo above, lol. (I'm sorry, unboxing this took a while and I only had so much energy/effort to spare into taking good photos rn ^^; haha)
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This cassette-player like box contains a Rindo pin and a reaper pin (think that’s what it’s called) that... looks pretty cool, but unfortunately can't turn back time no matter how hard I squeeze it. Though I dunno, maybe I just don't know how to use it right. Don't think it came with instructions, but if it did, they were in Japanese and I didn't try to translate them XD
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This is the artbook, but with the cover taken off. That's right, it says "TWEWY"! Thought this was really interesting given that the Japanese name is, of course, quite different, but it seems like the English name has kinda caught on to an extent even in Japan, which I think is pretty neat.
Also, I did look at the inside, and it's classic artbook stuff, but well, it's NTWEWY, so I enjoyed it! Had some art I hadn't seen before too. (And some spoilers I guess, but hopefully collectors know it's better not to open such limited-edition-artbooks before beating the game, haha.)
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The game and Mr. Mew. Dunno if I'll actually ever play this version of the game, especially with the PS5 already being a thing, and uhh, honestly I'm not a plushie person, so Mr. Mew doesn't have much use either, but... that's ok, collecting stuff I don't use isn't so bad if it's for TWEWY, right? XP
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Lastly from the collector's edition, a mini soundtrack! Inside is a list of the songs, as well as a little booklet or such that has lyrics for the songs. only listened to a couple songs so far but between this and the full soundtrack I showed earlier, I think I'm set for NTWEWY's music, haha. Also, I lowkey still own a CD player that doubles as an alarm (not sure what it's called anymore), and I put this mini soundtrack in it, so now I might end up waking up to NTWEWY music sometimes. :P
But wait, there's more! Actually, I got something from the TWEWY Animation merch line that Square Enix also had on their Japanese store. So this is separate from the NTWEWY collector's edition, but I had it shipped in the same box, and so here it is!
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W-What are these? Acrylic stands! Each one was about about $15 or so, but when I realized they all form a mural or w/e when put together, I kind of couldn't help but get all of them...
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The lighting in my room at night is kinda poor and the photo doesn't look good with a flash imo, but I think y'all get the idea—the 5 of them complete a set, and I'm happy to have them as a way of remembering/appreciating TWEWY.
Overall I'd say I'm very happy with the collector's edition and acrylic stands, even if I do realize it's kind of a waste of money—felt like I needed to live it up for the sequel of one of my all-time favorite games, you know?
But at the end of the day/as I basically just said, these are kind of just ways to help remember and convey my passion for the series, and I think the most important thing is our own experiences with the games and how we feel about them. Merch is just a bonus, haha. And I mean, I think with this I should be good on TWEWY merch for a good, long while now, ;).
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doreamu-san · 3 years
An analysis of SolKy
Hello! Thank you so much for clicking on this. A while ago, I was asked to do an essay explaining why people ship SolKy other than the whole rivals/opposites attract reason, and I got a lot of feedback stating it was useful for newcomers to the ship! As a result I’ve decided to post this on tumblr, but just on the ship’s tag as to not bother uninterested people.
A couple of disclaimers before I begin. This is firstly just my own opinion, so whilst it makes sense for me, other shippers may disagree with my points. I’m also not claiming they are canon because they are not. But I do hope it’ll give some insight into why some people like me enjoy them together.
Even once you’ve read this essay, you can still dislike SolKy. This isn’t an essay stating you have to ship them.
This will be extremely long as I basically cover every single interaction they’ve ever had with each other since I know some people sort of gloss over their dialogue, so grab yourself a drink, get comfy, and I hope you enjoy reading!
(Last edited: 09/05/2021. This will be updated again when Strive releases!)
How this all began
If we’re starting right at the beginning, it’s common knowledge that Ky and Sol weren’t exactly on great terms and often clashed most of the time due to their conflicting beliefs. Ky saw the world in terms of black and white, and had very strict rules on what constituted as right and wrong. Sol seemed to think differently and went against that, which was a stark contrast compared to the other Order members at the time.
Considering that they were in fact, in the middle of a war, you would think that generally people would be willing to put their differences aside and work together.
But Sol wasn’t like everyone else, going off and doing his own thing instead of actually listening to orders, so it’s understandable why Ky found him rather irritating.
However, Ky did grow curious of Sol. Obviously curiosity does not equate to love, but it is the basis of Ky wanting to become more friendly with and know more about Sol. There seemed to be something that Sol knew but Ky didn’t, but how was that possible..? As a result, despite how infuriating he could be, Ky sought to seek out the truth and so fought him for answers.
In regards to why exactly they fight (aside from the fact that this is a fighting game), Ishiwatari wrote something called ‘Hostility is Akin to Love’ right above a picture of them fighting:
Hostility is akin to love Thinking of your opponent’s actions to fight, Reading your opponent’s inner thoughts to fight, Planning attacks that will hit your opponent to fight, And then transmitting your thoughts with those attacks, The more you think of your own advantage, at the same time you think of your opponent, In the instant you mix with your opponent, a passionate feeling arises, and blood boils, Reality is hurt, and you wound your opponent, Hostility is akin to love. — Guilty Gear Isuka Mook
It states how fighting someone can be close to feelings of love because you have to think about what your opponent is doing, as well as how you’re going to respond to your opponent. Overtime, you start to memorise how your opponent thinks, and as a result you’ll know them on a deeper level.
So considering the above, this explains how even though they weren’t on friendly terms, they still formed a bond with one another.
Now we’ve established how exactly their relationship started, and why Ky was curious about Sol in the first place, let’s look at things from Sol’s perspective.
Sol’s attitude towards Ky
We know that Sol was also pretty annoyed by Ky, which was totally justifiable given the extreme way in which Ky thought the world worked. But Sol didn’t exactly dislike Ky.
In order to provide some evidence that Sol cares about Ky, let’s cover that infamous scene everyone likes to reference which shows Sol crying over Ky’s dead body:
Sol:     "I came to pick you up." Ky:      "Always coming late... you never could fix that..." Sol:     "You..." Ky:      "As to be expected... until the very end... I could never beat you..." Sol:     "Don't say anything!" Ky:      "I have... a request..." Sol:     "I said shut up!" Ky:      "After Commander Kliff... carry on... the Holy Order..." Sol:     "Stop it... that's your job!" Ky:      "Please... promise me..." Sol:     "Dammit..." Ky:      "If it's you... you can do..." Sol:     "Hey.... what's wrong. Hey! KYYYYYY!" — Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Red, Battle of Rome — Deathmatch
A lot of people bring this quote up when discussing SolKy and yes, it does show Sol cares about Ky considering how Sol never really cares about anyone in general, but the fact that Ky’s death managed to make him emotional shows what an impact Ky had on him. There are however more quotes that show Sol’s feelings.
There’s this scene in the GG Xtra manga, Ky and Sol get attacked by a mountain-sized gear. In order to save them, Sol rips off his limiter and Dragon Installs. This scene is very poignant when you take into consideration what Sol said in After Story A:
Sol:     "Back during the Crusades, before we met... Kliff told me this rumour about a prodigy swordsman." Sol:     "If you couldn't guess, that was you. I didn't give a shit at the time..." Sol:     "But then I saw you on the battlefield." Sol:     "I saw someone out there who surpassed all of my expectations. Or perhaps I should say 'something.'" Sol:     "No openings, no wasted movements, no carelessness, no hesitation, no embarrassment, not even any honor. No chivalry or mercy. A being unaffected by emotion." Sol:     "You were a killing machine. Taking down gears with brutal efficiency." Ky:      "...That was a long time ago." Sol:     "I'm not done talking. I've seen the face of the 'serious' Ky." Sol:     "Then one day, you challenged me." Sol:     "You wanna know what I thought right then?" Ky:      "..." Sol:     "I was afraid. Hell, I was scared shitless." Sol:     "'He figured out that I'm a Gear, and he's come to kill me.' That's what I thought." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, After Story A
Sol admits that he knows just how scary Ky can be. Since Ky was extremely against Gears, if Ky found out that Sol was a Gear, then Ky would have most likely attempted to kill him. But Sol knew this and was willing to die for Ky’s sake, and transformed anyway:
Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      (Really... that's really..) Ky:      (That's really you!?) Ky:      "SOL!" Sol:     "Shut it..." Sol:     "I didn't do it..." Sol:     "To help you out—...." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
Going off on a bit of a tangent from Sol’s feelings, but I just want to point out Ky’s state of mind at this point. Ky in this time period was still very anti-Gear, as it was only through this moment and his encounters with Solaria and Dizzy later that made him change his way of thinking. It took a long time for Ky to accept Gears, and he still had the remains of that mindset in him when he had Sin, as he refused to make eye contact with him because Ky was ashamed of having a Gear child. So the fact that Ky knew Sol was a Gear, believed all Gears were evil, but still decided to accept Sol into his life and wanted to support him regardless of that, is interesting.
Back to Sol, another small quote that manages to show Sol’s feelings towards Ky is this:
Sol:     (Maybe I'll finish them off while I'm at it...) Sol:     (But that would mean breaking my promise to Ky...) — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 2
Now, Sol doesn’t care about 99% of what other people do as long as they don’t get in his way. The fact that he intends to keep his promise with Ky suggests that he holds Ky in somewhat ‘high’ regards compared to others.
There’s also this quote that shows Sol is thinking about Ky in Overture:
The frustrations of the man wielding a giant sword were piling day by day, and a familiar face appeared in his head. What’s he up to right now? “Hmph, whatever…” With a feeling of self-contempt, Sol Badguy shook his head. What am I getting sentimental for? — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #0 “Noise”
And when Sol encounters Raven later on after seeing Ky incapacitated, Raven points out how he can tell Sol is upset, meaning Sol’s not really doing a good job of pretending he’s still indifferent to Ky.
Raven: "You're as ruthless as ever, huh, monster?" Sol:      "Look who's talking." Raven: "Can you not put down your sword and talk? I understand you're upset with Ky Kiske defeated." Sol:      "I'll ask your corpse for answers." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #5 "Gaze of the Chronicle"
Sol’s thoughts about Ky become even clearer during his confrontation with Sin when he’s under the influence of Valentine, where Sol defends Ky’s actions and tries to make Sin understand Ky is not 100% at fault:
Sin:     "Can you see it? Can you feel it? This is my real power. This is my mother's strength." Sol:     "But it's light. It must be from your father." Sin:     "Shut up! Don't ever mention him!" Sin:     "He abandoned my mother and me using justice as an excuse!" Sin:     "Who cares about the King!? Who cares about the people!? That man, and that Kingdom, not one of them can protect a damn thing!" Sol:     "I don't give a damn about your family." Sol:     "But you know what, Ky may be a stubborn idiot, but at least he's true to his beliefs." Sol:     "A punk like you is still alive thanks to his justice." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #15 "Roaring Compass"
Okay, that’s the pre-Xrd era for Sol done, now to focus on Ky’s pre-Xrd’s emotions.
Ky’s attitude towards Sol
We’ve established earlier that Ky was annoyed by Sol and disliked him in the Crusades. However, afterwards it seems as if Ky saw himself as friends with Sol:
Ofc1:   "All of them seem to have been destroyed by... fire?" Ofc2:  "Yeah... why could that be?" Ky:      "........" Ky:      "Change our course!" Ky:      "Head towards the Eastern United States!" Ofc1:   "May I ask why, Chief Ky?" Ky:      "To meet an old friend." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 4: Former Friends
We know that Ky outwardly expressed his first signs of liking Sol when Sol stole the Fuuenken and Ky chased after him, only for Sol to win in their duel, and Ky says this:
Ky:      "Promise me one thing..." Sol:     "..What?" Ky:      "We'll meet again." Sol:     "Hmph... Well, if fate brings us together..." Ky:      "..That's fine." — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 1
It’s pretty interesting that Ky wanted to see Sol again despite how Sol never used to listen to his orders, and how Sol never even tried to act like what the Order expected their men to act like (chivalrous, putting the people first, etc). It at least shows us that Ky saw possibly the potential of becoming friends with Sol. And Sol didn’t even say straight up ‘no’ or ‘in your dreams’ or whatever Badguy-esque notion he usually would’ve done, so we can assume he doesn’t mind seeing Ky again either.
Then they don’t speak to each other properly for 5 years until the tournament that Testament holds, though they have probably ran into each other a few times within those years.
A common misconception people have is that during those 5 years, Ky was obsessed with Sol and would constantly try to find him. Obviously, this is not true. Ky was busy with IPF stuff and Sol was hunting Gears down.
However, it’s not as if Ky completely forgot about Sol — he was just probably at the back of his mind, and Ky does admit that he has been chasing after Sol the most more than anyone else:
Ky:      (Waiting outside for me when I left the ship... burning red flames. Soon, they seem to take the shape of a man... and he appears before me. Yes... it's him. The one I've been after the most... it's him.) — Guilty Gear X Drama CD, Vol. 1: Track Seven — Crater
There’s also these two other quotes:
Ky:      (Sol...) Ky:      (Why are you so stubborn about doing things alone?) — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
You can interpret this in two ways: either Ky wants to help Sol out and/or he’s curious as to why Sol always does stuff alone.
And then there’s this:
Ky:      "Maintaining peace, law, and order. That is my duty." Sol:     "Whatever..." Ky:      "You and I, we are cut from the same cloth." Ky:      "How long are you going to keep that facade?" Sol:     "..." Ky:      "Answer me Sol!" — Guilty Gear Judgment, Sol and Ky Ending
Being ‘cut from the same cloth’ is quite a strong statement. The phrase means that Ky thought he and Sol were similar somehow, and that he shared something with Sol. Regardless, the ‘how long are you going to keep that facade’ at least shows that Ky knows Sol is intentionally acting distant/rough/etc. and that its not actually who he is.
Jumping to pre-Overture, just before Ky gives Sin to Sol, Ky is in a really depressive state due to all of the stress he’s been going through. This leads Dizzy to contact Sol. The fact that Sol is called means that Dizzy knows that Sol is possibly the only person who can help Ky at that point, which puts some emphasis on just how much Sol means to Ky or at least affects him.
Before I move onto Xrd, there’s this part where Ky gives his son to Sol. This proves he trusts Sol so much considering he was asking him to take care of Sin for a long period of time.
Ky:      “Sol....I want to request something...” Sol:     “...hnn?” Ky:      “My son....Sin..can you take care of him for a while?” Sol:     “...what did you say?” Ky:      “I know it’s unreasonable but...I still want to ask...” — GG2: Overture Story, Sol's Story
The Xrd era (because it is so long, it needs its own section)
The Xrd era is extremely interesting to me, because Sol and Ky have some more in-depth conversations, and boy, do they have a lot of conversations.
Focusing on Sol first, theres a scene in REV where Sol asks Ky why he isn’t interested in his past:
Sol:     "Why don't you ask me already?" Ky:      "Ask you what?" Sol:     "About my past." Ky:      "I can ask you?" Sol:     "I guarantee, it won't be interesting." Sol:     "Every other word that came out of your mouth was 'Duel me,' or 'I challenge you!' You were so eager to fight and..." Ky:      "........" — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
Given that Ky was constantly pestering Sol about his background in the past, it makes sense why Sol is suddenly a bit confused about Ky’s sudden change in behaviour. But it also shows that Sol wants Ky to know about his past. After ~170+ years of being alive, Sol wants to finally open up to someone again, and he specifically chose Ky for this. It shows in the very least Sol trusts Ky and knows him well enough to decide to let him know about who he used to be.
And then Ky says this, which is basically him just showing Sol how much he cares and understands him:
Ky:      "Sol. Of course I have an interest in your past." Ky:      "But wanting to understand someone and trying to understand everything is completely different." Ky:      "Right now, Sol Badguy's future matters much more to me, than Frederick's past." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
There’s also this scene in SIGN:
Ky:      "I don't know your history." Ky:      "I don't know if you had friends once, or if you fell in love, or why you burn with such hatred for That Man and the Gears..." Ky:      "I don't even know your real name." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "But I do know a great deal about a man named Sol Badguy." Ky:      "Blinded by vengeance, he lost sight of himself, and now he runs from the truth that frightens him." Sol:     "...Say that again." Ky:      "Tomorrow always comes, Sol." Sol:     "..!" Ky:      "If tomorrow promises to be cold and dark, I cannot stand idly by... even if I know my efforts will come to nothing." Sol:     "... The self-righteous apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Ky:      "I don't expect the world to change tomorrow, but I do hope that, today, perhaps my words will reach you." Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      "I'll be waiting for you. We'll all be waiting for you. Sin, Dizzy..." Ky:      "Once all this is over... come home." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
Three things to take away from this:
Ky admits that he doesn’t know anything about Sol’s background, but that he knows a lot about the current Sol, and then goes on to explain how Sol acts. Which to expand on, means that although Ky used to care about Sol’s past, he doesn’t really mind about it anymore because Sol’s past won’t really change much who Sol is to Ky now. Also, the part where Ky explains how Sol was ‘blinded by vengeance,’etc. shows that Ky knows Sol’s current personality well enough in order to be able to distinguish his behaviours. Which is interesting because nobody has been around Sol long enough to be able to know him really well unlike Ky (Aria and Asuka count too, but they were around Sol when he was Frederick, and Sol seems pretty adamant on the idea that he’s a separate person from Frederick.)
‘Come home’ is pretty significant, as it implies that it’s almost like Ky is saying home is with Sin, Dizzy and the Valentines, and so when Sol is done getting revenge on That Man, instead of letting Sol just wander off alone, Ky wants Sol to be a family with them.
The fact that says Ky says ‘I’ll be waiting for you’ separate from ‘we’ll all be waiting for you’ implies that either Ky’s want to wait for Sol is somehow different from everyone else’s or it’s just for the sake of being dramatic. I interpreted this in both ways, as it seems like Ky knows that Sol treats him differently compared to others. So in a sense, by Ky emphasising that he’ll be waiting for Sol, it might make Sol more likely to ‘come home’.
There’s also a scene that shows Ky knows Sol’s personality well:
Ky:      "When I look at you, Sol, I see a man who is afraid." Sol:     "... What?" Ky:      "It became clear when I watched you caring for Sin." Ky:      "You work very hard to keep everyone at arm's length." Sol:     "..." Sol:     "I got Gear blood in my veins, and it ain't friendly. It's always there in the back of my head, whispering that I oughta just destroy all of this." Sol:     "The only way I'm gonna get some closure is tracking down That Man and beating some answers out of him." Sol:     "And if he doesn't have 'em..." Sol:     "Then maybe there really isn't a good way to live." Ky:      "That's why you close your heart off." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
There’s also this:
Ky:      "Not all people have the strength to stand on their own." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "If only life were simple, and the right path was laid out before each of us..." Ky:      "But even then some would leave it, and some would struggle with walking it. Such is human nature..." Ky:      "The truth is that no path will ever be 'right' for all people. Each of us must find the one we are meant to walk--and sometimes that is where none exists." Ky:      "That is what I learned from you." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
This just shows that Ky actually learnt something from Sol. Which I think is important because Ky is someone who always used to be very strict to his ideals. The fact that he learnt something from Sol that had an impact on his mindset means that Sol actually managed to have a great impact on Ky.
There’s this scene where Sol finds out that Aria isn’t dead when he confronts That Man, and he has somewhat of a mini mental breakdown. So Ky excuses them from the room, and goes outside to talk with Sol:
Ky:      "Sol. The grudge you hold is certainly not something that can be taken lightly. And, whatever answer you think you've found, I doubt any of us will be able to stop you from seeing it through..." Ky:      "But we have very little time left. Right now, we need the Gear Maker's help." Ky:      "So, I'm begging you... Just for now. Why don't you stay outside with me." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 06, Cause A
The last line that Ky says is interesting because it’s obvious that he’s just trying to calm Sol down, and Ky thinks that if he stays with Sol outside for a bit, he’ll be able to help him calm down. Furthermore, Ky thought it was more necessary to pause everything and help Sol out rather than keep listening to the plans of what their next course of action would be.
Ky does have the habit of comforting Sol. One of the more significant moments is whenever Sol refers to himself as a monster:
Ky:      "Yes, he took away some of what makes you human, but that doesn't mean he altered your mind or your soul." Sol:     "So what?" Ky:      "I want to believe that you'll fight for the people of this world." Sol:     "Are we seriously having this conversation?" Sol:     "Look, kid. I'm a monster. I'm here to do two things: Destroy That Man, and kill all the other Gears." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
To expand a little on Sol’s mindset, it’s common knowledge that Gears were generally in the past regarded as akin to monsters. Now we don’t have any solid proof Sol is referring to himself as a monster because he’s a Gear, or because he feels guilt about the whole Gear Project, etc. But we do know it’s something he’s affected by given that he constantly refers to himself as one.
So the fact that Ky constantly reassures him that he’s not one, and that Ky didn’t treat him differently after finding out he was a Gear, must be comforting to know.
Then at the end of REV, there’s the scene where Daryl is about to shoot Sol, because he (quite rightly) doesn’t trust the fate of the world to be left to Sol. And so, the kids get beamed up, but Ky asks to be left behind:
Ky:      "But, if you plan on targeting Sol, then you must leave me behind, as well." Daryl: "What!?" Zappa:"60 seconds until impact..!" Sol:     "What the hell are you doing?! Stay with Sin!" Ky:      "I am well aware that this is a one in a million chance..." Ky:      "But, if I survive at the expense of my dear friend, then there is little reason left for my ruling this world as king." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Final Chapter, Fireworks
This was a really odd moment because Ky’s life was never in danger at that moment. If he had been sent on board Daryl’s ship as originally planned, he would have been safe. But Ky intentionally chose to risk his life, and its kind of startling because Ky has always put his people above everything. There were times when he put the people above his own family, like when he kept his family a secret instead of coming out with the truth about them in order to remain as King to protect his people.
So Ky suddenly going ‘I would rather die with Sol than take care of my people’ is really extreme. Also Ky was willing to leave his family behind, which is even more extreme. So this just really proves how highly Ky regards Sol considering how he would rather die with him than live without him.
Some concluding notes
I think Sol and Ky’s personalities do work really well. Perhaps not in the Crusade era, but if we take a look at the Xrd era, they have shown to get along and have deep conversations with one another that they both enjoy. They know each other extremely well; they know how to support one another when life gets a bit too much and they’re also capable of telling one another when the other is wrong.
Sol teaches Ky that life isn’t as simple as it seems, and that (figuratively speaking) he shouldn’t stick exactly to the textbook. He’s able to see under that perfect image Ky puts up about him being able to cope with everything, acting as a source of stability when you consider how Sol has been the only person who’s been around Ky since the very beginning.
Throughout all of Ky’s life, he’s been under so much pressure. From being Commander in the Crusades, to becoming the Head of the International Police Force, to becoming King. In every situation, people are constantly relying on him, and his environment is changing rapidly. But despite everything, Sol has always remained the same. He looks the same, acts the same, etc. Ky can rely on Sol and trust Sol. He’s like a source of stability for Ky in those hectic times.
And Ky provides something similar to Sol too, given how often he ran into Sol time and time again. When you’ve been alive for so long, it’d feel reassuring in the very least to see a familiar face. And Sol does seem to get less annoyed each time they meet each other again, considering like how in Overture he voluntarily went to go see Ky after seeing himself on a wanted poster.
Ky also gives Sol the chance to open up to people again and form connections with them, something that Sol has been reluctant to do. Sol needs someone to care about him, and Ky proves that by constantly reassuring him and never giving up on trying to help Sol, even though he kept getting pushed away.
They may not be canon but I really do love how they work together. Yes it’s true some people may like them because they are ‘rivals’and seeing rivals get together and bicker is great, but actually I think when people focus more on how much they support and rely on each other, as well as the fact that they do get along, them being in a relationship is more convincing.
Whilst this essay focused on their canon interactions, there’s plenty of other great material out there. For instance, the Guilty Gear 4KomaKINGS manga provides plenty of great SolKy interactions (like the time Ky wanted to have a friendship diary with Sol, only to get rejected and start crying about it. Of course, take these interactions with a pinch of skepticism considering the frivolity of the source material.)
And that, was my very long SolKy essay. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading! Though you may not have agreed with everything I have said, you still continued reading, and I am grateful for that. Thank you for showing such enthusiasm and loving this franchise.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Sanosuke Sakura Epilogue
hrm... im debating looking at buying some of the Shinkai Reimeiroku drama cds when they come out... but if I do that, it’ll push back when my BD order of Souma-hen arrives (i refuse to pay for shipping twice when their release dates are so close together)... and i know i’m a bit interested in kazama being in a reimeiroku drama because of the timeline tho id definitely choose to do that in a heartbeat if there was a drama with both Serizawa and Kazama on it. lol. decisions, decisions.
anyway, this is my 2nd translation from this game this month and this is the Sanosuke version of the 『 恋染めし日』 story which im fairly certain happens before his last Edo Blossoms chapter... images used in this post were snips from my vita capture vids.
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Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Sanosuke Sakura Epilogue
Translation by KumoriYami
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The sakura were no longer in full bloom, and would now vividly scatter as they were carried away by the wind. 
The light red petals [tl i have is for red] from the above branches spread across/formed a thin layer on the ground.......
We were admiring this blanket of sakura that had scattered about.
Chizuru: Sanosuke-san, the sakura season will soon be over/is coming to its end.
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Harada: That’s right. From the looks of it/At this rate, in about two or three days/in a few days, these sakura will begin to sprout leaves.
Ever since the snow melted, and when/once we could feel the warmth of spring from the sun/sunlight/shine, we've been visiting here everyday.
We found the first buds today. 
Today we saw a perched cuckoo.
These buds are starting to bloom/about to bloom..
The first flower finally blossomed——.
Each/Every time we came here, Sanosuke-san and I would talk about these subjects, and it was just the other day/a few days ago when the sakura finally bloomed.
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Harada: We waited so long for them to blossom, but they don't stay in bloom for long.
Chizuru: Yes/That’s true......
As I gently touched a (nearby)/the (nearby) trunk, I could feel the slight heat from where the tree had been exposed to the sunlight.
Then, as if to ascertain my thoughts/grab my attention /check on me, Sanosuke-san's hand was holding mine.
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Harada: Is something wrong/What’s wrong, Chizuru?
Chizuru: No. When Sanosuke-san and I came here today, earlier you said...... That you were thinking about how the beauty of sakura has remained unchanged even though we’ve left our homeland and had come to this foreign country [i give up rewording this so that its more condensed for now]. 
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Harada: That’s right....... but, I feel that I've profited quite a bit. 
Chizuru: Profited?
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Harada: Yeah. The sakura blooming season would have already ended in Kyo or Edo/Edo by now....... So don't you think it's great that we're able to see sakura at this time, even while this far north/even while we're this far up north?
Chizuru: Fufu. 
Hearing Sanosuke-san's childish words, I couldn't but help but smile.
Unlike Japan, sakura are not seen everywhere in this northern land.
While I felt a sense of nostalgia as I looked towards the southern skies, Sanosuke-san suddenly got down onto the ground.
Harada: Hei...... yo [basically allez-oop, mais, je ne peux pas penser à un équivalent]. 
(he lies down)
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Chizuru: Sa-Sanosuke-san? What are you doing?
Harada: Ah, this is more comfortable than I thought. You should try lying down too. 
Chizuru: Ex-Excuse me then......
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As I boldly lay on the on the ground that was covered in sakura, I could see how the petals accumulated as they fluttered together. 
After lying down like Sanosuke-san said, I looked up towards the sky, and couldn't help but exclaim/marvel at this beautiful view.
Chizuru: Wow...... Look, Sanosuke-san. It's like a rain of sakura......
Harada: Although we come here to see the sakura whenever we have time these days... It’s quite refreshing to see them from a different perspective/angle. You get to see what you normally wouldn’t see.
The were sakura that had fallen onto the ground around me, and there were sakura dancing in the sky.
The petals falling from the sky made the sakura feel like snow as they began piling up over me......
The moment I was buried/covered in this snow of sakura, just as I was about to close my eyes, a shadow suddenly fell over me.
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(he kisses Chizuru. i think. i clipped the pics for this when vlc was muted on account of recording sound)
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Harada: You're too/so defenseless, Chizuru.
Chizuru:......Surprise attacks are unfair. 
I hadn’t even realized when he had gotten up. 
Sanosuke-san, who was supposed to be lying down next to me, showed a proud expression, as I protested with my stolen lips. 
Harada: Didn't I tell you before that I would kiss you if I ever caught you off-guard?
Chizuru: Did you ever say that......?
I tried to remember those words, but I didn't think it mattered anymore.
Sanosuke-san smiled and continued to speak. 
Harada: "Well, it's because you look like that, that I want to kiss you/you're showing such an expression makes me want to kiss you. If you don't want that, shouldn't you not be showing me such an adorable expression/shouldn't you stop showing such an adorable expression to me?
Seeing how Sanosuke-san had a childish/mischievous expression, I whispered softly.
Chizuru:......I can't do that/That's impossible.
Chizuru: Because I want Sanosuke-san to love me even more/more and more.
Ever since I started living with Sanosuke-san, I have probably become more selfish/willful.
As if to embrace the sky and sakura, I laid down and spread my arms.
Harada: If you say something like that, how can I not cherish you even more?
While taking Sanosuke-san into my outstretched arms, I sighed happily.
continued chatting
bring this to an end <-
——A moment later.
After getting off the blanket of sakura, we faced one another again beneath the sakura. [reword later? i can’t figure out to make this less wordy].
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Harada: So, what now? Do you want to continue talking/chatting here?
Chizuru: N-No, let's go home now!
I spoke quickly as I desperately tried to hide the redness of my face.
Although I would have loved to continue watching the sakura, I was/felt too embarrassed to now......
While I didn't expect anyone to come here, if someone really did, I wouldn’t be able to go outside/wouldn't dare to leave the house ever again.
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Harada: Then, let's/we'll continue this next time.
Chizuru: When will that next time be?
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Harada: Hm? If you want, it can be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Chizuru: Yes. Let’s come again before the sakura have completely scattered.
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In the days to come, how many times will be able to talk beneath the sakura trees before the sakura fall/scatter...
As I pondered this question, we left this place.
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
The Inherent Domesticity of Target’s Home Decor Section
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Calum Hood Rating: Teen Word Count: 2076 Read on AO3
Michael has mixed feelings about Target.  On one hand, Target is better than Walmart, and he appreciates that they get to design different album covers and sell special editions there.  On the other hand, walking into Target makes him feel like he should have his life together more.  That’s not to say that his life is a disaster; his life is actually pretty great, and he feels like a fully functioning adult.  However, the store still gives him the niggling feeling that he should buy a planner and some post-it notes and turn into a suburban mom.
“Do you think I should buy a planner?” he asks.  Calum hums, reading the back of a DVD that’s on sale for $5.  When he shifts to put it back on the shelf, Michael shifts right with him, arms around his stomach and cheek plastered against his shoulder.  It’s earlier in the morning than Michael would like, so Calum gets the privilege of holding him up as punishment for dragging him out into the world at this time of day.
“Why do you need a planner?  Ashton takes care of that stuff for the band,” Calum says.  He picks up another DVD and flips it over.
“Yeah, but maybe I should put down everyone’s birthday or something,” he says.  Calum snorts and Michael pinches his side, because he’s apologized for forgetting his birthday that one time sincerely and profusely and gave Calum a pretty spectacular blowjob to make up for it.
“Would you even use it?” Calum asks.  Michael considers and has to concede his point.
They look at DVDs for a few more minutes because Calum gets a kick out of what a place like Target choses to stock in their meger selection.  Michael lets him slip some animated thing he thinks he watched once as a kid into the basket, content to stand there while Calum takes his time and just breathe him in.  He loves being close to Calum, letting his familiar smell fill his nostrils and leeching body heat.  He lets their breathing sync up and imagines that he can hear his heartbeat, slow and steady and almost putting him to sleep standing up.
Nowhere feels like home quite like Calum does.  Even in the middle of Target, Michael feels better than he ever has alone in his house.  It makes him wonder why he’s even living alone, and why Calum pulled away and they stopped messing around when neither of them have girlfriends.
The bottom line is that he misses Calum nearly every moment they’re apart, but he doesn’t know how to articulate this without the crushing fear of rejection.  Calum loves him, and he knows that a significant part of Calum’s world revolves around Michael, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily love each other in the same way.  Michael wants grocery shopping and kisses and late night cuddles regardless of if they have somewhere to be in the morning and lazy sex and laughing at each other’s ridiculousness so hard that he can’t breathe.  Calum wants a platonic best friend.
“What else do we still need to get?” Calum asks, shaking Michael out of his reverie.
“Toothpaste, I think.  And vitamins.”
“Look at you, being healthy and shit.”
Michael pokes his side and Calum tries to wriggle away, giggling because Michael knows exactly which spot tickles the most.
“Just because I don’t let Ashton drag me to yoga like you do doesn’t mean I’m unhealthy.  I get the most sleep out of any of us and I drink a fuckton of water.”
“I know, I know,” Calum says.  “Want to check the CDs?”
It’s a distraction tactic, because Michael will always check the one-shelf CD selection, especially so soon after one of their own releases.  Michael makes the conscious decision to allow himself to be distracted.
“Okay.  CDs, then toothpaste, then vitamins, then I want to look at the home decor.”
“What do you want to look at the home decor for?”
Michael shrugs, knowing that Calum can feel it.  There’s just no non-incriminating way to say I like to see your reactions and pretend that we’re picking out stuff for our house because I might be fully in love with you and I want you in every single crevice of my life.
That’s the issue with Target: it makes him feel domestic and long for things he can’t have.
“Excuse me?” a new voice says, and Michael first feels a twinge of annoyance at someone interrupting his moment and then a twinge of panic that it could be a fan when he definitely doesn’t have the emotional or physical energy to put on a public persona.  One look at the owner of the voice dispels that notion.  The woman is on the later side of middle-aged and looks pretty much exactly like the kind of woman who cooks meatloaf and has 3 cats and actually does go to Target to buy planners.  As inclusive as the band tries to make their music, Michael can admit that she’s not exactly in their immediate wheelhouse for fans.  Nevertheless, he straightens up a bit, but the woman is smiling so he thinks he can maybe get away with still locking his arms around Calum’s waist.
“Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that you boys make such a cute couple!  It’s so nice to see young people in love.”
Michael stiffens, but Calum puts a hand on his arm, effectively anchoring him in place before he can pull away.
“Thank you.  It’s nice to be in love,” Calum says, and Michael’s breath stutters in his throat.
The woman beams and for a moment Michael thinks she’s going to reach out and pinch Calum’s cheeks, but she just bids them a good day and continues towards the books.
“CDs?” Calum asks, casual as anything.  Michael nods and fully pulls away, not trusting himself to speak or to touch.
It was just a nice thing to say to a romantic woman, but it’s nice to be in love plays on repeat in his head like a broken record.  He knows, he knows that it doesn’t mean anything, but Michael would give almost anything to have it be the truth.
There are five copies of the Target exclusive edition of CALM on the shelf.  There’s also a Neil Diamond greatest hits collection and a few random soundtracks that Calum points out, but Michael can barely focus.  He kind of wants to skip the toothpaste and go straight home, but he also doesn’t want Calum to question why that small interaction with the woman threw him so off kilter.  By the time they make it through the checkout and back to Michael’s car, he feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin.
Calum waits until they’re out of the parking lot to start talking.
“I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier.  That wasn’t my intention.  I just figured that was the easiest response.  I know we’re not--I know we don’t do that anymore.”
In a different world where Michael hasn’t kept a very tight lid on his feelings for his best friend for the past eight years, he would have crashed the car.
“I know,” he says instead.  Silence fills the space, heavy and uncomfortable.  Michael keeps his eyes resolutely on the road and tries not to read too much into how Calum keeps taking a breath as if he wants to talk before cutting himself off.
“And I understand,” Calum says suddenly, almost causing Michael to swerve.  “I understand why we’re not together anymore.”
“What,” Michael says.
“I’m not trying to get you back, or whatever.  I know you don’t think of me like that.”
“That I don’t--” Michael chokes.  “I’m sorry, what?”
“Come on, don’t make me say it,” Calum says, shifting in his seat.
“No, hang on.  I don’t understand what you’re saying to me right now.”
“Mike, stop it.  Now you’re just being mean.”
“Calum, you’re the one who pulled away from me.  Personally, I don’t understand why we’re not together anymore.  I didn’t even know that we were!”
“That’s bullshit!  What did you think we were, if not together?”
“I don’t know, fucking around?  I thought we stopped because you got bored of me.”
“Michael, we stopped because we got asked about ships in an interview and you got really weird about it.”
“Yeah, because I’ve been in love with you for half my life!”
Silence descends, and Michael absolutely cannot look at Calum right now.  The only things that exist are the steering wheel in his grip and the strip of road in front of him.  There’s still a good ten minutes until he reaches his house, and Michael is very content to spend those ten minutes pretending like he is alone and has not just revealed his biggest secret during an argument that he still doesn’t quite understand.
“Pull over.”
No such luck, apparently.
“Michael, pull over right now.”
He eases over and puts the car in park, letting his hands fall into his lap.
“You’re in love with me?” Calum asks.  Michael nods.  “We’re so stupid.”
“What?” Michael asks, finally looking over at Calum.  He doesn’t look uncomfortable or sad, he looks exasperated.  Michael isn’t sure what that’s supposed to mean.
“We’re idiots.  We could’ve been happily dating this whole time.  Hell, we probably could’ve been married by now,” Calum says.  “I’m in love with you, too.”
Michael blinks at him and really wishes his brain was operating a bit faster.
“Calum,” he says, for lack of anything else.
“Michael,” Calum grins right back.
“Are you serious?” he asks.  Calum rolls his eyes.
“Why would I joke about this?”
Michael shrugs helplessly.
“Michael,” Calum says seriously.  “I made you park the car.  We just had a conversation that obviously made you uncomfortable.  Why the fuck would I be joking right now?”
Michael shrugs helplessly again.
“You love me?” he asks.  Calum reaches over and grabs one of his hands.
“I’m head over heels, crazy in love with you.  It’s pathetic.  It’s ridiculous.  I want to jump you in this car right now.”
Michael laughs.
“Not in broad daylight,” he says.  Calum smiles in a way that makes something settle in Michael’s stomach, something that he hadn’t realized had been unsettled ever since they stopped seeing each other.
Fuck.  He’s so lucky.
“I’m in love with you, too,” he says.  Calum’s smile widens.
“I know,” he says.  “You just told me that.”
“Well, I wanted to tell you again.”
“Well, I’m in love with you, too.”
They’re talking in circles now--wonderful, love-sick circles--and Michael is thankful for multiple reasons when Calum breaks it by leaning over the center console to kiss him.  Calum’s lips are familiar under his, and even after months without feeling them Michael has them memorized.  This kiss feels different, though.  There’s a surety to it that they haven’t had before, a question and agreement that thrills him.
“You’re sure you don’t want to roll around in the back seat right now?” Calum asks softly when they part.  Michael grins and knocks their foreheads together.
“You’re funny,” he says.  “Ha, ha.”
Calum kisses him again.  Michael could definitely get used to this.  If their previous conversation is any indication, he’ll have plenty of time and opportunity to get used to this.
This time when the kiss breaks, Calum fully leans back rather than keep breathing his air.
“Okay,” he says.  “Let’s go home, Michael.  We’ve got years of a honeymoon phase to catch up on.”
Michael puts the car in drive and eases back onto the road.  They’ll have time to drive around again later, because Michael definitely wants to do another circuit of the Target home decor section with this new revelation.  Maybe he’ll try to find a card for the woman who confused them for a couple, just in case they happen to run into her by the post-it notes or planners.
Either way, Michael thinks that Target might be his favorite store now.  He glances at Calum to find him already looking at him and his chest warms.
Yeah, Target is definitely his favorite store, but he’d be okay with never setting foot in it again if it meant he could keep spending time with his favorite person.
Thankfully, the way that Calum leans over to kiss him at a red light seems to mean that he agrees.
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gambitimagines · 3 years
J’tadore Vous Part 3
Sorry this isn’t as soon as I/you would’ve liked. Insomnia weeks again! Also, I figure everyone understands I’m human and need breaks to recharge, have other responsibilities and can’t write fics all day, as fun as that would be. Thanks!
The legend is my own imagining based off Remy’s less-than-flattering nickname for the purpose of the story.
Warnings: Jack the Ripper references, but nothing graphic. Mentions of women being accosted and other stuff, but nothing too horrid. If men locking car doors triggers you, skip where the asterisks are.
You we’re up late researching Remy, but not so late you couldn’t get up the next morning. You headed to the museum to look into a lead. The legend of Le Diablo Blanc-the white devil. (Not to be confused with Daredevil.) 
Legend had it that a mysterious figure showed up around New Orleans around the 1900s, the same time as a man was doing some horrific “Jack-the-Ripper” inspired killings, but a bit less dark. Young women were accosted, preyed upon and several were killed, or wounded if they managed to somehow get away. Then, one day, mentions of a savior started spreading like wildfire through the town. He would pull away damsels in distress, but they never saw his face. He wore a black mask to cover his features, but all you could see were glowing red eyes and white skin, so the papers branded him Le Diablo Blanc. Stories went around of him throwing playing cards that exploded at the murderer, but he didn’t catch him for about a year. Until 1915. The killer was dropped off at the local police station tied up with some rope, looking worse for wear, and the queen of hearts card stuffed into a large gash in his arm.
After that, there were a few stories in surrounding southern states about the hero rescuing people, but they completely stopped in 1918. The hero had hung up his mask for a quieter life. 
You weren’t positive that he and Remy were one in the same, but it was worth looking into. Then there was the picture. You planned to take it to your friend at Kensworth’s Copies to be blown up for a better look. 
At the museum, you looked through the historical books and files for anything on Le Diablo Blanc or Remy LeBeau. Despite being a museum of _Natural_ History, the place had many books, files, CD’s, and other media on general history about the nation and the world. You also planned on going to the library, because they might have something there. Newspaper articles or something. You didn’t know how much fame Remy had garnered over the years, if any, but billionaires never seemed to stay out of the limelight. 
“You’re here? On a weekend?” Jenny entered the office looking exhausted. Her hair was a mess and she looked frazzled. What the actual frigging heck?
“Personal project,” You murmured, barely looking up from the many open books in front of you, “If I’m in the way, I can step out for a bit, but this is important.”
“No, no.” Jenny waved her hands, “I’m just a corporate slave. There’s a meeting with the higher ups at freaking nine-am and I was instructed to come, take some notes and be amicable to that snake, Misses Winters.” 
Mrs. Winters was a 70-something year old woman who was the head of the museum. You crossed her, you were fired. She was known as cold-hearted and ruthless. Not a warm person.
“How did yesterday go with the mutie?”
“I told you not to use that word around me. It went fine.” You looked up a moment. Jenny really did look like garbage today. “Why do you look so...out of sorts?”
“Didn’t sleep good. Sister and her five-month old twins needed a place to stay at two this morning. She got into another argument with her husband.” Jenny drank her coffee, “I’m gonna go freshen up. Have fun on your _day off_. See you _Monday_.” She was venomous, but you couldn’t blame her. Everyone needed their sleep.
In moments, you forgot her. Somewhere between ancient Mesopotamia and the California gold rush, you found more stories of a dashing red-eyed savior sprinkled throughout history. You went back further in history, jumping around books. 
1842-Colombu’s travels include a snippet about a red-eyed man saving one of his ships from thieves before leaving port by somehow blowing up several barrels.
1924-Remy’s picture is clearly snapped in a crowd at the opening of one of the first Ford Automotive companies.
1912-The Queen of England is saved by a man only known as LeBeau. No other description is given.
1202 A.D- The Mayans have a symbol carved into a wall of a hand seemingly on fire. One of their villages had a rockslide the week before, but the casualties hadn’t been that bad.   
1995-Remy Picard gets his picture in the New York Chronicle for making 500 billion and donating some of his money to a new children’s hospital. 
You sit back in your chair a moment. Taking it all in. Was it a trick? Coincidence? You needed to know more. You got your bag and headed to the library.
You went through the history section at the New York City library, getting out book after book again. It took over two hours, but you’d made out a hypothesis.
Remy was possibly born around the time Egypt reigned, if not earlier. He had to survive because of his mutantcy, you knew that much. He’d obviously amassed billions, keeping his profile low key over the recent years, for the most part. Hide in plain sight and you wouldn’t get caught. As far as the public knew, he was a rich mutant, nothing more. He’d hung up his hero status for reasons unknown, but he wasn’t as “young” as the history book claimed.
The figment, the savior, the man with the seductive, beautiful red eyes wasn’t a myth shrouded in stories and half-truths. He was real. And he wasn’t hundreds of years old. He was _thousands_ of years old!
The book you were looking at in the library shut loudly, making you jump. Remy was beside you.
“So, you found out my secret, after all, Cherie. You come with me. We need to talk.”
Remy drove the two of you to an empty parking lot away from the city. You were suddenly terrified. What did he do to people that found out his secret? Kill them?
Your anxiety wasn’t helped when you heard the doors lock with a click.
“Wh-wh-what are you planning on?” you stuttered.
“Easy, (Y/N). I just want to talk and don’t want you storming out on me. We’re gonna have a talk and I’m going to explain everything.”
“Okay,” You couldn’t stop shaking. You wished you’d bought pepper spray, but your fears were calmed a little as he placed his large hands over yours.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never think of hurting you, please don’t be so scared of me,” Remy insisted, his eyes soulful and pleading. He really seemed to mean it.
You just nodded.
“I was born in the time of  Pharoh when Egypt was the ruling power.  A scholar took me under his wing and raised me, but was killed in battle. I was trained to fight, but because of my eyes and powers, the Pharoh Rama-Tut tried to have me assassinated, thinking I’d take over. I didn’t have any desire for prestige or kingship, I just wanted to live my life out and die as normal, but we don’t always get what we want. That’s the secondary part of my mutation; I live a long time. Maybe forever, I don’t know. I do know that I’ve forced myself into isolation and it’s getting boring. I gave you that picture on purpose, hoping you’d be curious enough to find out my secret. You’re cute and sweet. I meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you, and I want you to know me as well. No secrets. But there’s something else, and I don’t want you to get angry,”
“Oh, what? My manager is in the trunk because you’re out to stop bigotry?” You scoffed. You’d gradually stopped shaking, feeling better. Safer with him.
“I tried to save people, but I couldn’t save everyone. Women and children have died in my arms. Men hunted me down for what I was, even when I was trying to do the right thing. The best thing. To help and save others. I’ve made mistakes and people got hurt, people died. I just don’t want that to make you see me differently,” Remy said, “Someone else did once. Renay LeFluer. She never forgave me.”
“I’m not her, Remy.” You tentatively touched his shoulder, “I get it. You can’t save everyone. No one can, not even superheroes. You can trust me too.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). I’m glad we understand each other but are we on the same page? Would you like to go out with me?” Remy asked.
“I’d love that, Remy. Now?”
“Tomorrow night,” Remy said, “You’ve had a long morning and it’s only Saturday. The place I have in mind is upscale, so you have to look your best.-Not that you aren’t cute now.” He brushed some hair out of your face.
“I’ll look forward to it,” You smiled.
Remy took you back to your car. You had many questions but didn’t want to bombard him all at once. That could wait until you saw him again.
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of-comfort-and-love · 3 years
Every prompt from the ask game for Tokiya~? 💜
Thankies, Mrs. Kurusu~ 🤭💗 I hope this is the one you were referring to. ^^; If it’s not then I can also do the other one when I have time.
pink dawn: was your ship always a polycule? if it wasn’t, why did you decide to add in another character? when did you decide it was time to add in another character?
No it's not a polycule- it's just me and Tokiya. I kinda just want to focus on our growing and budding relationship.
quiet dusk: what time does everyone go to bed? does everyone get to bed at the same time, or does someone hop into bed earlier than someone else?
Tokiya tends to go to bed earlier than me since he has his idol duties. I've grown onto this habit of staying up late, which he doesn't really like. So, he keeps trying to get me to come to bed whenever he does.
rainy morning: what’s the order that everyone wakes up, from earliest to latest? feel free to include times too, if you know them!
Tokiya gets up first, not sure what time though. I usually set an alarm on my phone so I can get up early, but then I accidentally wake him up so I just let him go back to sleep.
friendship bracelets: how well do you all typically get along? has it always been like this, or did your f/os have to adjust to each other’s presence?
When we first met, I was very quiet and anxious- I had trouble even speaking to Tokiya. But, regardless we got along after I got more adjusted to work. All in all, we don't have any bad blood with each other.
pretty personality: do your f/os act differently around you than they do in canon? (ex: they have better morals, or they are more/less talkative) if so, how?
Tokiya acts the same, just more flirty and sometimes sarcastic. ^^;
creativity: what are some headcanons you have for your f/os?
I headcanon Tokiya as a biromantic demisexual. I have a small soft spot for TokiOto.
Tokiya is trans!
Tokiya has an extensive book collection, mostly filled with classic literature from around the world.
He’s also a voice actor alongside being an on-screen actor. He’s featured in various anime, drama CDs, character song albums, etc.
peaceful cuddling: who’s the big spoon, middle spoon, and little spoon? if there’s more than 3 people in your polycule, how have you all compromised who gets to be what? is there even a little spoon/middle spoon, or do you all just pile onto each other?
Tokiya's the big spoon since he's taller than me. I really enjoy cuddling with him at night. ^^
swinging under clouds: where’s your favorite places to go on dates? is there many places you can all compromise on, or is there really only one special place you can all agree on.
We don’t really have a favorite place...since we have a lot. We have a lot of special memories whenever we go on our dates, so they’ve all become a “favorite” in some sort of way.
ferris wheel: say you all got to go to the carnival/fair one day, how does it go? is there anyone who refuses to ride anything deemed ‘scary’? is there someone who’s a ride fanatic? what about carnival games?
I don’t really like the roller coasters, so we won’t go on any of those. I prefer those swing rides or a carousel. A ferris wheel sounds nice too. ^^ Sometimes, I like to pester Tokiya into buying me something from the carnival games, like one of those cute plushies. 😋
custom cursive: who has nicknames for who? are they cute? would they sound mean to anybody who wasn’t apart of the relationship? did these names come from canon?
Crystal’s nicknames for him: Toki, Toki Doki, My Prince(Ouji-sama), Blueberry
Tokiya’s nicknames for her: My Princess(Ohime-sama), My Angel, My Gem, Violet
popcorn: it’s movie night! what do you all watch? is more time spent on deciding on a movie compared to watching said movie? what genre is the movie, and have any of you seen it before? who falls asleep before the movie’s over?
It really depends on what we’re in the mood for. We like to come to a mutual agreement as to not let time go to waste.
muffled summary: explain your polycule badly (like how you’d explain movie plots badly). bonus points for the more insane it sounds.
The cheesiest couple you’ve ever seen. /j
small tugging: do you all have a kid? if not, would you? who does/would do really well with the kid, and who doesn’t really like children?
We’re not even married yet! Nope, no kids. Perhaps sometime in the future, buuut, that’ll be a really long time coming...
destiny: what would be your favorite soulmate AU involving you all?
*cries in my undeveloped AUs*
There’s my Wolf!AU featuring my OC, Ayaka. I really hope to go more into the lore.
My Yumejoshi!AU/Role Reversal!AU is just my aesthetic. It’s so much fun imagining myself as a fictional magical girl. *w* ✨✨✨ (I have a super cute story featuring it in my drafts)
Of course, can’t forget about my DemonCrystal!AU. Iconic, if I do say so myself. /j
meow: give us all the details on potential pets. would it be fluffy, or would it have rough skin? what does it eat? let’s get more creative- can it talk? what tricks can it do? does the pet come from a canon?
We’d love to adopt a cat. I’ve always wanted one and it’s been confirmed that Tokiya likes cats as well.
virtual meow: say you all own a nintendogs + cats game (3ds). who owns what version (toy poodle, golden retriever, french bulldog)? do they take care of the pet specific to their version, or do they just have a standard beagle? who’s beaten all the contests and has filled up the pet hotel and their house? who’s the opposite and doesn’t really care for ‘completing’ the game?
Nintendogs...that takes me back. I don’t have a 3DS irl ‘cause I’m broke. Buut, for the sake of this question, let’s just say we both have the Nintendogs + Cats version. I feel like Tokiya would be a lot more competitive than me. He’d take part in the contests to get more achievements and prizes. I’d rather just take care of my pets and go to the café with my doggies. ^^
rainbow: everyone’s favorite color(s)!
My favorite color is purple, and Tokiya doesn’t really have a favorite color. He has an appreciation for all of the colors.
protection: who’s protecting who? is there one universal protector of the group, or do you all look out for each other?
Tokiya’s more protective of me- he’s said he just has that instinct to look after me.
ambition: what’s everyone’s hobbies? are there any hobbies your f/os might think nobody knows they have, but everyone does know? are there any hobbies they don’t know you have?
Tokiya enjoys gardening and drawing. My hobby is writing of course, but I would love to turn into a full-on career in the future.
sleeping on live: it’s a discord call, and somebody’s fallen asleep. what does everyone else do? do you let them sleep, or would someone startle them awake (either on accident or on purpose).
Pffft, I'd probably just end the call. XD (Tbh, I've never been in a Discord call...)
idiomas: who knows more than one language? do they know two, or possibly three or four? if so, what are they? who wants to learn another language, but forgets about it a week later? which multilingual person tries to teach others their languages? how well does that go?
In my headcanon, Tokiya is fluent in English and is currently studying Chinese(perhaps both Mandarin and Cantonese). I'm currently learning Spanish, but I'll most likely never use it... Tokiya is teaching me Japanese- I could use the extra help. ^^
feverish: who gets sick often? who seems to be invincible to sickness? how do you all take care of each other?
Thankfully, neither of us gets sick all that often. But, I wouldn't say we're invincible to sickness. If it's something small like a headache or something, we can handle it ourselves. But, if it's something contagious, we keep our distance to prevent it from spreading, although it's not something we particularly enjoy.
Polycule Self Ship Asks~
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Then and Now - Dear Diary
AN: It's been a while since I’ve written Supernatural, or Dean, but I'm back now with a new Series. Gonna be 10 parts in total with a lot of feels and fluffs. I've been toying with this idea since I started re-watching spn earlier this year (thank you quarantine) and then after reading a series by the amazing @percywinchester27​ I got inspired and started writing. Shout out to my awesome beta @thorne93​, you da bees knees. 
AN2: I'm doing a thing where I raffle off a personalised drabble every month. How do you join? Easy, just hammer that reblog button. Reblog is one entry, reblog with comment is two entries. So you help spread my work and you might get a little sumpthin’ in return. Win Win
Pairing: AUDean x Reader
Warnings: Some grade A second hand embarrassment (it gets a bit awkward, yo!) There's some talk about sex in this. Italics are entries from her diary. 
Wordcount: 2070
Summary: It's 2010 and you’re back in Lawrence to settle your family’s affairs after your mom passed. You hope to be in and out of town before anyone really knows you’re there, but that doesn't go as plan. Will a certain green eyed mechanic convince you to come back to the life you once had in Lawrence? Or are you going to return to the real world as soon everything is settled. 
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Three weeks had passed since that night by the lake, and the farm was back in pristine condition. You had worked tirelessly, day in and day out, with some help from your friends of course. It had been so great to reconnect with them all. Honestly, you were the happiest that you had been in a while. There still was a dull ache in your heart though, one that seemed to strengthen every time you were with Dean. It was hard to be around him, to be his friend when you knew that was all it was ever going to be. And now that there was nothing left to keep your days occupied, that old restless feeling had settled in your bones again. 
This life wasn't meant for you. Not on this farm. Not Dean. Not even your friends. It was an unachievable dream, just out of reach, and it was slowly driving you insane. Hope had ignited in you that night by the lake, maybe, just maybe there was a chance for you and Dean, but nothing had happened since then to tell you that that was the case. So now you were convinced you had put more meaning in his words than was really there. 
Some days you would stop by the pet shop and say hi to Red, which now was something you looked forward to. Donna told you that he had been a lot happier since you started visiting him, and at times he was a real chatterbox now. You would let him on your shoulder and walk around the store while you talked softly to him, treating him some sunflower seeds here and there. Red greeted you with a high pitched hello every time you walked through the doors, and when you left, he would reach his little foot out as if he was trying to stop you from leaving. At times you wondered if he would make a good travel companion. If he could come with you in your truck as you drove around the country, but those thoughts were quickly pushed aside. 
It was another beautiful Saturday morning, music was blasting from your old boombox as you cleared out your closet. It was an old mixed CD that Dean had given you way back when, filled with Metallica, Zeppelin, Skynyrd, and everything else Dean listened to. REO Speedwagon played in the background as you found the stacks of old diaries in the far right corner, hidden under some other junk. A smile played on your lips as you pulled them out, five of them in total, all with different covers around them. 
“This is bound to be awkward,” you mumbled to yourself as you picked them all up and carried them with you down stairs. 
After filling your cup with coffee, you brought it all with you to the front porch to start what would most definitely be an embarrassing trip down memory lane. 
June 1st 1995
Dear diary. 
I had a huge fight with Jo today. We were gonna hang out after my guitar lesson and she just kept houding me to play… IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. I asked her nicely to back off, but she wouldn't leave it alone. Then she said I was just scared of embarrassing myself in front of Dean and I was sooooooo mad at her. Like… I swore her to secrecy when I told her about my crush on him and now… God… I don't think I can ever face him again. 
She's such a BITCH sometimes. 
The word ‘bitch’ was spelled out in big red letters, and you couldn't help but chuckle at your fifteen year old self. Gone were the days when your troubles were this innocent. 
There was no entry for a couple of days, just some doodles of Dean's name over and  over again. 
June 5th 1995
So I made up with Jo. She apologized which I know is, like, super hard for her to do, so we’re good again. She told me Dean has been acting really strange the last few days. Been all quiet and stuff. She said that Benny told her that Cas had told him that Dean asked Cas if he thought I had a crush on him. 
Jo thinks Dean has a crush on me too, but I don't think so. The last girlfriend he had was Lisa Braeden and she's so beautiful. No way I can compete with that. I just need to get over these stupid feelings so things can go back to normal. 
You skimmed through a few more entries, stuff about tests at school and plans for the summer holiday, then some thoughts and ideas for your birthday. It was all very tame. 
But then… 
June 14th 1995
HE KISSED ME!!!! I can't believe Dean actually kissed me… and on my birthday. It was so perfect, and his lips were so soft. It was better than I could ever have imagined. I'm so happy right now I could just scream. He asked me if I would go with him to the lake tomorrow and I literally can't wait. I can't even stop smiling. 
It was the perfect first kiss with the perfect guy. 
Then there was a drawn heart with Dean’s name in it. Without realizing it, your fingers ghosted over your lips as you recalled the kiss. It was a bit frustrating that you hadn't written it down in more detail, but the butterflies that coursed through you told you that you remembered it just fine. 
Time didn't really register as you sat and flipped through the pages of your diaries, so when Dean pulled up, you didn't know how long you had sat there. The coffee had long been forgotten and was now too cold to drink. 
“What's all this?” Dean asked as he plumped down in the empty chair. 
“My old diaries,” you said with a smile. “I found them earlier in my closet. It's so awkward, but I just can't stop reading,” you explained with a chuckle. It was hard to ignore the uproar of butterflies in your stomach at the sight of Dean, but you did your best to push it aside. 
“Lay it on me,” he gently ordered with that cheeky grin of his. 
“You want me to read you my diary?” You asked in bewilderment. 
“Yes!” he exclaimed, laughing. 
“Brace yourself for some grade A second hand embarrassment, Winchester,” you warned and he made a point of getting comfortable in his seat. You opened the book on a random page and started reading. “June 21, 1995. It's been a week since Dean and I kissed for the first time, and I still can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. Like, for real-” Dean chuckled and you chanced a look up at him, but he urged you to continue. “I mean, I have never been anyone's girlfriend before so I'm not really good at it I think. Like, can I just hold his hand whenever I want now? Or kiss him? ‘Cuz I want to do that all the time. I just don't want him to feel like I'm too clingy or something like that.” Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. 
Dean just chuckled. “Why didn't you tell me?” 
“About my insecurities?-” he nodded -”I didn't want you to think I was a dweeb,” you said as if it was the most obvious thing. 
“That ship sailed long before that,” he said, erupting into laughter when you stuck your tongue out at him. “If it makes you feel any better, I wanted to hold your hand and kiss you all the time too,” he said in an exaggerated sweet tone. 
“Ha! Wish I knew that back then,” you mused. 
“Go on,” he said eagerly, pointing to the book in your hand. 
With a deep sigh, you opened to another random page. “August 7th, 1995. Dean took me to the lake today to watch the sunset. It was beautiful. We talked about ‘doing it’.” As you read the words out loud you giggled and hid your face behind the book. “Oh my god, Dean… It's so awful,” you whined behind the book. 
Dean found your embarrassment adorable, especially the smile that followed it, and the laughter. Your nose always scrunched up when you were embarrassed and it was nice to see that hadn't changed. “Go on,” he urged. “I wanna know if we ‘did it’.” Although he knew perfectly well that you didn't, not that night. 
“Really?” you asked, peeking up over the book. 
“Hell yeah. I'm invested in this now, don't leave me hanging.” 
“I told Dean I was scared because I hadn't done it before. He said he hadn't either. I was so sure he had done it with Lisa, but apparently that was just a rumor. I want to do it with him, though. I can't think of a better person to lose my ‘V’ card to. He said he would wait for as long as I wanted.” Even as awful as this was, it was very sweet in its innocence. 
“I remember that night,” he said, smiling. It wasn't that cheeky grin from a couple of seconds ago, though, it was the smile one had when recalling a fond memory. “It was a really great night.” 
“It was,” you agreed. It was nice to share this with him, even though it was embarrassing, it was a story that the two of you shared, and it was nice to have this reminder of how good things once were for you. You flipped the pages once more, now looking for a specific entry. “August 12th 1995. Dean and I finally did it. It was at the lake in the bed of my truck, but it was as perfect as could be. He was so gentle with me, and patient. It hurt a lot at first, but Dean went really slow and it got better. There was a little blood afterwards and I was super embarrassed, but he didn't care. I’m so glad Dean was my first, because I don't think anyone else would make me feel so safe. Dean always makes me feel safe.” The words trailed off and you looked up at Dean, the air suddenly thick around you. 
He cleared his throat before he spoke. “Well, there you have it.” 
“Sorry. I didn't know it would turn so… real,” you said quietly, closing the book and placing it on the table. 
“No - it's not - don't.... A lifetime ago, right?” 
“Right,” you agreed. Clearing your throat, you got to your feet and rubbed your clammy hands on your jeans. “Want a beer?” Now, you were eager to change the subject to just about anything else.
Dean looked up at you with apprehension as he accepted the bottle from you. He didn't know how much longer he could hold back his feelings. It was a decision made with his brain rather than his heart, to wait until he was sure you weren't gonna leave again. Every day was a new challenge, and he had to convince himself all over again that this was for the best, even though he desperately wanted you back in his arms. It was so clear to him now, why no relationship he’d had worked out, because no matter who they were or how happy they made him, they were never you. No one could take your place in his heart, not ever. “You know-” he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, looking anywhere but right at you -”that night meant a lot to me too. And not just because I got laid for the first time,” he said with a chuckle. Typical Dean to add some joke into a serious conversation. “But because it was you.” 
The truth he spoke was clear in his emerald orbs and it damn near melted your heart. “I guess it was pretty great. Especially for two teenagers who were too immature to say the word ‘sex’ out loud,” you mused, a crooked smile on your lips. 
“You know what I think we should do?” Dean asked after a moment of silence. 
“We should grab some beers and head up to the lake to watch the sunset. Bring some blankets and stuff like we used to do, you know?” 
“I would like that very much,” you said earnestly. 
T&N Tags: @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @capandbuckylvr​ @superapplepie​ @sandlee44​ @eliwinchester99​ @sunflowers-n-rocknroll​
SPNTags: @atc74​ @akshi8278​
AllThingsTags: @campingmonkey​
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Loud House Valentine’s Day Double Feature (Back in Black and Stage Plight) or My My My Once Bitten Twice Shy
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What is up my Loudites? And while I am returning to the Loud House I do have some sad news to get out of the way first.. i’m ending regular coverage of the Loud House. I don’t like doing this.. but when I picked up the show, I didn’t really have a set schedule.. and that was a bad thing as I didn’t get nearly everything I wanted done. Now I have one and honestly it’s been great: it allows me to stay focused and if I end up not feeling what I was going to do that day, provided it’s not a comission or specfically needed that day, I can swap things around a bit easier. 
The reason I bring this up is Nick’s way of scheduling means I CAN’T reasonably put the show on the schedule. They often don’t announce airdates until the wee before, which isn’t a bad thing WATCHING, and isn’t unresonable for a children’s network. But for someone who likes to have a concrete schedule at the top of the month, still flexable and able to make changes if they come up but at least some idea of what i’ll be doing and when, that’s a non-starter, as not knowing when a show’s going to be there or not really messes with things. In contrast Disney puts up their entire programming schedule for next month towards the end, so I know if a show’s coming back, and thus that it’ll probably be around for next month’s too. And if it goes away a week earlier than expected then super I have that space for other sttuff. But I just have too much other stuff, paid and on my own time, to keep friday’s open in perpetuity.
I will however still reviewing the show infrequently as I still love it, Season 5 will probably have plenty of episodes I want to talk about, already it has Leni running for mayor which sounds like one of my wonky spinoff ideas and I love it all the more for that, and ther’es tons of episodes I have and haven’t seen to dig into. So like Lori I won’t be in the house on a daily basis but i’m still going to show up a lot. I already have an April Fools special planned, as well as a retrospective ready for some time in the future. And of course if more Sam and Luna episodes show up, you know i’ll be on those as fast as humanly possible so yeah not leaving the show.. just not coveirng it because I like having some control of my schedule, it’s a thing with me. 
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Good then we can get to why your ACTUALLY reading this unless you’ve already scrolled past or scrolled up to this. Next Sunday is Valentine’s Day, and so to continue Valnetine’s Shenanigans on this fine blog, i’m doing some romantic style episodes of the loud hosue for you. I did intend for this to be bigger, but frankly i’ve been running behind on reviews and running out of steam lately, so I paired it down to the two I wanted to do most. So for today we’ll be covering two of the show’s couples: One they badly need to bring back and I question why they haven’t, and one that I feel has gotten a lot of flack for things that aren’t it’s fault. Both are really adorable so expect some awkward blushing, bats, blood, and other stuff rhyming with B under the cut!
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Back in Black: So we begin our double feature with Lucy
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Yeah I have not covered this adorable harbinger of death enough on this blog, and intended to do this one, among other lucycentric episodes back in october.. and the fact I didn’t is a good argument for why I have a schedule now ain’t it? But sometimes your plans not panning out right at the exact time you planned them works out for you. Not getting to do Plan 9 From Mission Hill during Pride Month meant I got to do it on comission later. And not getting to do this one at Halloween means it still works fine just fine for valentine’s day.  
So we begin the episode with Lincoln working on his science project, with Rusty coming over to help. 
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Shockingly though not only is he not just taking a nap or hitting on Lincon’s sisters while Lincoln works but actually helping, he’s actually good at it. I’m as suprsied as you. Though this is early in his characterization, so he hasn’t’nt been established as horribly sucking at everything or his friends being done with his bullshit QUITE yet. Give him time.  This is an interesting moment in the character’s history though, as it’s the episode that firmly establishes him as a close friend of Lincolns. While he was already turned from a member of a random violence gang to LIncoln’s buddy in the span of season 1, this episode cements him as one of his closer pals simply by him coming over and the two being fairly familiar with one another. Granted by that same token Girl Jordan should be in the group.. and I have nothing to add to that. Add Girl Jordan to the Lincrew. Just do it. 
Anyways Rusty brought his brother along. And you’d expect me to be terrified as there’s now three of them. But.. nope I like Rocky. He’s a chill kid and his personality goes together well with Lucy’s as while he’s a more typical kid, he’s still very subdued in his emotions like she is. Also he mentions both parents so my divorce theory.. is honestly still valid as this was three seasons ago and I could buy their mother left during that time. 
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And yes Lucy’s in love.. and stalking him a bit as she follows him around the house sighing while he wonders who did that.. though it is a nice clue their compatible. When you can sense the presence of someone whose big running gag is showing up out of nowhere to scare the crap out of people that means something. And it’s either that you’d really get that person or your Wolverine. Or one of his kids. Or his clones. Or clones of his clones. What i’m saying is Rusty’s mom banged the wolverine and his family tree is really weird even by marvel standards. 
But I do give her a pass as she’s not trying to be creepy or obsessive, she just doesn’t know how to talk to him as he’s your average kid and she’s a creature of the night. It’s just a kid being shy which is very refreshing both because pre-savnio being fired the show had some very messed up ideas about relationships and gender politics at times, the latter of which actually crops up here, and because having grown up with the cartoons of the 90′s and 2000′s.. I had to put up with things like this. 
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Full Disclosure: I DO ship sonamy.. but only after around Sonic Chronicles, where Bioware and then Sega decided to not make “Constantly harasses sonic despite him clearly not being interested and saying so vocally” and “Obessess over him to a point I worry she’s going to break his legs so he’ll never run away from her again”, as well as aging her up from 12. Still find her ungodly annoying at best and terrible at worst before that point, Sonic CD and Sonic Advance excluded. And yes I am that huge of a nerd, damn proud of it too. 
What i’m getting at is that a little girl unable to talk to a guy and only being kinda creepy because that’s what she does is LEAGUES better than “IT’S NOT CREEPY WHEN A WOMAN DOES IT”. Given this episode was written by a woman that probably helped a lot if not entirely but I don’t blame her for that.. more on that later. 
Point is she’s smitten but her first attempt to talk goes back as he rushes to leave after she tries talking to him.. and also appears out of nowhere to spook him. Come on man, your better than that. YOu sensed her before why not now? Up your game. But yeah Lucy’s depressed while Lincoln talks to her about it, about them leaving and once Lucy confesses she’s into rocky asks what he’s into. Lincoln.. has no idea as he’s barely been around Rocky. He’s just an average kid he dosen’t quite understand. Normal is the word he uses and Lucy ponders that.  We next see the three most traditionally feminine sisters, Lori, Leni and Lola, all pissed someone stole their stuff, though Lori does suspect Lola at first because let’s face it, this fits her MO of being an entitled brat and not being above petty theft. But no the culprit is Lucy who genuinely apologizes and understands that their mad but the other girls are fine with it given the context, which Lucy explained, and are happy to make her over.  This is where the problem I was hinting at comes in: ALL the girls are on board with this makeover plan. the problem is.. only the three who came in in the first place make actually sense making Lucy more tradiotnally feminine. Lori loves fashion and is a control freak who has troubles with empathy at times especially at this point in the series, Leni while not INTETIONALLY hurtful is kind of ditzy and thus can miss some cues, and Lola has a yawning starless void where her soul should be. For these three? Yeah this plot actually makes sense they wouldn’t think of Lucy’s feelings and actually help her use who she is to get rocky or tell her it doesn’t matter she’s beautiful as she is.. then presumably bring the wrath of god down on that poor child before things were cleared up.  The issue is more dragging the other sisters into it. It only fits the three above to really give a shit about making Lucy more “normal” and “Girly” and “Other stereotypical bullshit”. Luna is very chill and empathetic and would be the first to say “Wait maybe making her the opposite of herself isn’t a good idea”, Luan is likewise empathetic though I could possibly see it she really doesn’t need to be in this plot, Lynn ENTIRELY doesn’t fit as she prefers sports and getting dirty and what not and is the closest to Lucy out of the sisters and thus would probably be the most defensive about her not changing and that could’ve actually been interesting, Lana would be the same minus the being closest and Lisa is coldly detached a lot of the time and wouldn’t care about any of this on a good day. It feels HORRIBLY offensive and out of character to have them all suddenly be “nah your not girly enough”. These girls don’t give a shit about whose more feminine than who and it’s really bad to pidgeonhole them as that.  However.. I dont’ blame episode writer Gloria Shen entirely for this. She wrote it, she gets some of the discredit.. but she didn’t DIRECT the episode and a LOT can change from page to screen. No  THAT was series creator and known sexual preadator Chris Savino. And i’m not just blaming him because he’s a creepy asshole, but because the seasons he directed, seasons 1, 2 and most of 3, had a bad habit of having episodes where all the girls acted as a group and often to weak ends, like the green house, the one where they all fought, the gender swap episode or  heavy meddle.. which is a headache for another day. Point is it doesn’t surprise me he didn’t fix this or even genuinely cared to differentiate  them and it’d be until next season where the show fully became an ensemble piece. SO yeah I blame him on this not for his horrible history, but simply because it sounds like his writing style and as director, and a producer on the show, he had the power and responsibility to fix things and did nothing. So if it wasn’t directly his fault in the first place , he certainly didn’t fix it, call it out in storyboarding or well anything. So yeah shared blame all around.
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So after a makeover montage, Lucy is uh... well I can’t describe the abomination they’ve created. 
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I mean.. none of it works, and I think that’s very much the intent, dosen’t make it any less horrifying. Nothing about this is right: makeup REALLY shouldn’t go on a child in any circumstace so the blush on her cheeks is creepy and makes her look like one of those creepy porcelian dolls that i’m 100% sure either are planning to kill us all one day or were made to keep the souls of the damned trapped inside forever. The ear rings just look creepy and again are a bit much for an 8 year old, and the blonde hair just brings it all together. The pink outfit is fine.. I guess but the face is just so unsettling I can’t process the rest of her outfit and i’m not even going to try. 
Point is she looks terrifying, and not in the fun way she usually does, and Rocky dosen’t know what to make of this. Oh and if your wondering why he’s here Lynn just.. took a hockey stick to Lincoln’s project to get the Spokes Boys back over here, and Lisa mocked him for pointing out the obvious holes in their plan despite being 4 and LIncoln having a girlfriend at this point. Granted his relationship with Ronnie Anne at this point is also kinda effed up, but given you all pushed him in this direction, Lisa still has no room to talk and they amicably broke up at some point once the writers decided “Let’s pretend like this never happened and they were just friends, despite her being introduced with a crush on him and us still replaying episodes with said relationship in play, instead of actually dealing with this directly”. You may be easily able to guess what hte retrospective’s about at this point.  So Lori comes in for phase two .. WITH BOBBY!
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Just.. I cannot tell you how much I needed my boy to calm me down after the last two scenes of horribly off character writing and ... that thing up there. He dosen’t do much this episode but every episode is better with Bobby and that’s a scientefic fact. So Lori claims they had a double date fall through which Bobby barely follows along with.. and it does kinda feel pressurey to kinda force Rocky’s hand here but her intentions ARE good, and a group date is a good way to relive presssure. It just ends up falling through becaue Lori wants her to act intentionally helpless, which makes no sense both for Lori’s personality given how driven and controlling she is and how Bobby clearly knows both things and likes the first and she worked on the second for him. So yeah the golf date falls through and Lori apologizes for being a bitch about all of this, as they all do, which again. .has me questioning WHY we needed the whole sister group instead of just Lori and co. Or even just Lori. The show REALLY needed to learn character ballance and while it is struggling on occasion, as seen with how lincolncentric this season has been so far, this episode reminds me it used to be MUCH worse. 
But Lucy thanks them because their intetnions were good, i’m going to need a citation on that given it came off as them wanting her to change because they found her weird nad not because they genuinely wanted to help her, and goes off to sulk about being alone. Lincoln dosen’t know what to do till the next day where, again suprisingly, Rusty had the right idea and had them come over to his place. We also find out he’s scared of blood.. which.. I can relate to. Seriously i’ve only insulted the guy once the whole episode
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But we find that out because Rocky made his own because he actually found Lucy’s really cool, what a kid. So Lincoln gets the brothers over to his house by damaging the project himself then claming they need to go back and once he sees Lucy’s around has Rocky go into the kitchen to get them some sodas which he agrees to because why not. 
So in a nice little change-up on the running gag Rocky shows up startling Lucy and we get a really fucking cute scene as they hash things out. They have a normal conversation, finally getting past their shared awkwardness, in part because he admits he prefers her as herself.  As it turns out Rocky wasn’t scared.. he just thought she was too cool for him and felt intimidated and like Lucy had no idea what to say. The two then blush and after my heart melts and I freeze it back into shape in a few hours, the two decide to go look at her coffin collection and the next day proudly show off their perfected fake blood.. which destroys the project one more time. WAH WAH WAH. Oh rusty... I knew I could count on you to fuck up at least once. 
Back in Black Final Thoughts: First off Black in Black: Weird Name. I mean it kinda gives the game away, not that fans would thikn horrifying mistake lucy would stick but still, and dosen’t really fit. Call it “Why Do Ghoul’s Fall in Love” or something like that or something related to makeovers. Makeover Mistep. Don’t Make Me Over. Makeover Your Case... okay that last one sounds more like the Legally Blond equilvent of Cobra Kai but the point is it’s just weird.  Outside of the parts I already went in detail about why their dreadful.. this ep is pretty good. That one bit isn’t enough to derail the episode, merley take it’s goodness down a notch, and Lucy is genuinely fun to watch and her heartbreak is hard to watch, and Rocky was an engaging new character with lots of potetial. A large part of why I did this episode. is to ask WHY he hasn’t come back. Rusty’s now a major character, to the point he’s co-headlining an episode next week with Zach... why Zach’s getting an episode, a SECOND one at that I have no earthly idea but the point is the show’s getitng comfortable enought heir giving lincoln’s friends starring episodes without him too, as Liam got one , if alongside Lynn the power couple of 2021 I tells ya. My point is, besides when is Stella getting an episode dammit, that Rocky really should make a come back as he both provides another character for Rusty and the rest of the lincrew to bounce off of, and he and Lucy had genuine chemstiry and now she has her OWN cast there’s an easy story there about her friends reaction to her dating a non goth. There’s a lot of story potetial with this precious boy bring him back.  But overall Pretty in Black is a decent episode, worth checking out if you haven’t seen it and rewatching even if you have.
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Stage Plight: So we open with Luann, whose one of my personal faviorites along with Leni, Luna, and Lucy. Granted I haven’t checked out her yearly bouts of going ax crazy on her family yet, but we’ll see in april. But outside of that, which is easy enough to isee iven it’s three episodes out of 214 where she’s like this and she gets her compuance, I find her precious, awkward, and entertaining, from her habit of saying “Get it “ to her love of puns, to the fact she’s essentially a wholesome version of the batman villian the ventriloquist..
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Yeah in case you forgot about this gag, she often talks through her dummy Mr. Coconuts.. who functions as her sounding board and helps her figure things out, talks like he’s from the 40′s or 50′s, and in general is a delight. He also once or twice, including this episode acts of his own free will so I don’t know if this is a Child’s Play situation and a dying comedian put his body in her dummy and she’s just rolling with it, if she somehow put a piece of her soul in a dummy or what the hell’s going on here. Compared to the series recently what with it’s mayoral campagins, children murdering guys, and actualy factual spies, this is mildly sane. MIldly. This may also be a serious and untreated case of Disociative Identnity Disorder, but given it’s not framed that way, and Coconuts just seems to be Luann’s way of talking with herself, for now she has’nt gone full vintriloquist. Thoguh givne her april fools day behavior and her profession as a comedian, she probably WILL become the new joker at a some point. 
So the two are talking about Luann’s crush on Benny. Benny was introduced back in L is for Love and is one of the only three love interests there to actually return, and along with Sam the only onen to get multiple episodes about their relationship with their respective loud and a full personality. He was also MASSIVELY hated. For those who joined the fandom more recently, Luann was massively shipped with Maggie, an emo girl who showed up in Luann’s second spotlight episode and one where she didn’t torment her entire family, one I still need to see but have read about. It was pretty cute and nothing was wrong with that or the opposites attract dynamic. But said fans got REALLY and understandibly upset about his introduction and were presumibly none too happy he got to return and got his roll expanded.  And I.. genuinely like the kid. I have nothing against Maggie and in fact poly ship her with both Luann and Benny, as both seem like they’d be open to that and her dour demanor creates a nice contrast between the chipper luann and the somewhat chipper but also chill benny in the middle. I just feel he’s a very likeable character, sweet and awkward and very much on Luann’s wavelength. Like Sam he’s SIMILAR to his love intrest, having Luann’s love of puns, mime and the theater, but is also not quite as giggly about it and as I said has a bit more of a chill to him, in contrast to how sam is slightly more energetic to Luna’s near constant calm off stage. 
I also like him because he’s voiced by Sean Giabrone, an up and coming voice actor who I first met watching the Goldbergs as Adam. His other biggest role so far has been playing Jeff on Clarence, though he’s currently picked up another lead voice roll as Yumulack on Solar Opposites, easily one of the best parts of that show, and has done othe rminor and recurring work, but I feel he’s got the potetial to have a long and fruitful career in voice acting if he wants it. I mean he’s far from the first former ABC star or former Ron Stoppable to make a long and successful voice career of himself. Be the next will fredle man you can do it. 
But yeah I like him and think their cute together and feel demonizing a ship for one that had a low chance of happening isn’t fair, especially when you know, we’re in a fandom where incest runs rampant and is STILL a recurring problem to this day. Pick your fucking battles for god’s sake. As I mentioned you can put maggie in with this relationship or Still ship luaggie regardless. 
So back in the episode Luann and Coconuts notice Benny signing up for the school play and decide to join him. 
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Yeah i’ve noticed that a LOT of school set plots are about one of the mains joining a play to either be near or play romantic lead with their crush, or romantic hyjinks happening anyway.  Seriously i’ts a lot. I DID think most of them were around romeo and juliet, and Proud Family, Pepper Anne, and Ned’s Declassified all are probably why, it’s actually way more diverse and i’m happy to give credit to shows and movies for that:  Jimmy Neutron used Macbeth (IN SPACEEEEEE), American Dragon Jake Long used Antony and Cleopatra, as did the comic strip Foxtrot (That one I remembered), Daria used the canterbury tales, Arrested Development used Much Ado about Nothing, and one of my faviorite instances is the film Get Over it. It’s a cheesy as hell early 2000′s high school pg-13 comedy, that I loved as a teen and nos nostalgicaly love but am aware it has issues and some stitled acting as an adult where our hero joins the high school play in order to win his ex girlfriend back from the douchebag she’s seeing now and ends up falling for his best friend’s kid sister instead. They do a mid summer’ night’s dream, which is not only awesome SOMEONE thought to use that one , as the film has given me a special affection for the play.. but it’s a cheesy musical version written by the gloriously over acted director of the play played by martin short. 
My faviorite part of it is the boy band style number about Hermia. Yes really. And I didn’t even get into the fact Siquo is one of the main character’s best friends, Kristin Dunst had to reshoot a scene while making the first rami spider-man , our heroes weird parents who are sex therapists and have no real filter AND offer Coolio a threesome on their advice show, and yes the actual coolio and yes that was an actual person that existed, or best of all the douchey rival who stole our heroes girlfriend, whose not only a former boy band member whose band peformed the song love scud, but also threatens our hero with nunchucks at one point. 
Just see this movie.. i’ll hopefully talk about it some day. 
Point is this kind of plot is stock.. but it’s the good kind you can do a lot of twists and turns with as every example mentioned, even the ones using the crush thing, had some clever twist or turn. And this one is no exception as we’ll see. 
So we meet Ms. Berardo, the schools HAMMY as hell drama teacher who gives herself an entrance and is just wondrously entertaining throughout. She’s played by Grey Delise Griffin, which I could recognize immodestly and man does she bring it. Seriously bring her back. Wonderful character. So our heroine and her leading man audition and in a refreshing change of pace they do not get the lead rolls, instead a modern valley girl and a jock who writes his stuff on his arms do so instead.  But since Bernado’s a bit nuts, she decides to have the Montagues and Capulets practice separately despite tha not making a ton of sense, to drive up tension and what not. I mean isolating an actor to drive up tension is a vallid technique but even having not read Romeo and Juliet since high school, over a decade ago, I can tell you they have several scenes together and this is a logistical nightmare. However our heroine finagles her way over to swapping camps so she can talk to Benny since honestly given the whole thing was a way to get to spend more time with him, she might as well quit otherwise. It also.. isn’t a bad tactic. She wants to know him before asking him out properly, which is fair and a good way to go, and they already know each other and are friendly, and it’s something she likes doing anyway as they were both involved with a play in his first appearance and her liking theater makes sense as she’s a comedian, and while she clearly prefers standup, it’s often a natural evolution to go fromt hat to acting in comedy stuff or making your own show, so it’s not a bad idea to learn that side of the buisness too. 
So Luann FINALLY gets to talk to Benny.. after fast ball specialing mr coconuts in the way of someone trying to sit down
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But we get a really cute moment as the two just.. talk like two dorky teenagers; They talk about the real mimes of la, which I want badly to be a show.. even if it’s just to find out what the Mime from Animaniacs is up to now. Where DID that guy go? Did the anvil finally kill him? These are the kinds of things that keep me up at night.. which is probably why I’m finishing this at 4 in the morning. But the two have genuine chemistry with Luann offering him her banana, phrasing, and making a pun he chuckles at. It’s adorable as all hell. 
And Bernardo notices, and since her leads have no sparks she regretfully demotes them.. though their reaction is hilariously realistic as both are just happy to have less lines and walk off. She decides to cast Luann and Benny despite being freshman which would never happen but eh this is a unvierse with a snakebird and spies trying to destroy cherries with a death laser why I do I care two seasons later if two freshman got the leads in the play. Still I love the twist: our hero wasn’t trying to get the lead to creeiply force intamacy or anything.. the two just had natural chemistry and the director noticed that and wants to use it. 
But while this should be great.. it isn’t as Luann keeps dodging actually kissing Benny when they rehearse the kiss. The reason.. is really frigging endearing. Luann simply hasn’t kissed anyone before, this will be her first.. and naturally she’s REALLY nervous about having it in front of a crowd or Benny thinking she’s a bad kisser. And I mean... while I had no personal experience at that age in kissing, most media and personal accounts detail it as awkward as fuck. But that’s the irony: she dosen’t KNOW it’s always awkward and thus is putting a ton of pressure on herself like anyone her age.
So she breaks under the pressure despite the reasurances of her Dummy/Possible Sign that she needs therapy and while she finds a way out the next Day Benny has aburbtly quit because of “chess club”.. which he’s not in. Luann finds him and talks to him about it, worried it’s her fault.. and she’s right, though Benny bowed out because she clearly wasn’t comfortable with him and didn’t want to make her kiss him when she clearly wasn’t comfortable with it. What a man what a man what a mighty good man. Luann TRIES to explain.. and then lets Mr Coconuts do it. Which usually in high school would lead to humilating rejection. instead Benny brings out his own puppet Mrs. Appleblossom. 
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Just those eyes.. black and souless.. like a doll’s eyes.. because htey are a doll’s eyes. So yeah Benny also has a puppet he uses to say the things he’s too nervous to say. Which is endearing even if again , KILL IT. KILL IT. I mean i’ts like tha tone guy from victorious if the puppets were actually charming and one of them looked like it was about to play hide the soul. Mrs. Appleblossom explains that Benny is also nervous and with the air cleared and the two realizing theyw ere nervous about the same thing... the inevitible happens
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So that fades into the kiss happening on stage, with Luann’s family cheering her, our heroes take a fookin bow and Coconuts and Appleblossom look on.. and talk somehow...and somehow got in the seats on their own. 
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Stage Plight Final Thoughts: This episode.. is one of the series best, with great pacing, a low amount of repetition and a relatable conflict, while building up Luann’s love intrest to be a wonderful and engaging guy, and giving us a hell of a guest character and Mrs. Gerardo. This episod eis great, the chemistyr between Gambrone and Pucelli is fantastic. This one is just awesome and worth a look especially if the ship contrversy had hit you hard. It really is good. And there’s always room for benny. Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
14 notes · View notes
sailing-elitsha · 3 years
Carrebeean, Here we are!!!
As I said before: 5783 nautical miles we sailed towards this little paradise where we are still on quarantine anchorage. Waiting on the PCR result is always making me a bit nervous, especially this time. If we are tested negative, we have the chance here in Grenada to get the AstraZeneca vaccines and we will travel much freer than we do now.
But no boredom: a little leak in the hand wash basin, try to clean the mud off ELITSHA, friends and family to speak to, small other repairs, taking the lead in UBUNTU again since we have full and unlimited internet on board, planning and booking Zora’s and Su’s tickets towards us, baking bread again and of course swimming and snorkelling.
 But let me talk first a little bit about Suriname and our short sail to Grenada. Suriname was for a long time a Dutch colony. Since 1975, this country is the smallest independent state in South America. The previous president unfortunately abused his power and all the resources the beautiful country has, for example gold, aluminium, oil, bananas got exported unwisely and the profit went into the presidents and his friend’s pockets. That is what Surinamers were telling us. In the meantime, there is a new president, but there is Corona as well. The ECO tourism, Suriname was good and well known for, stands still and the country is in a bad state and shape. At the banks of the Suriname river, entering Suriname, you see big and then I mean really big villas. According to the locals they belong to friends of the former president and to drug lords. A very familiar story to us South Africans. The Netherlands is still involved and helps where they can, but a few days after we left Suriname they closed the country: total lockdown. Just above 500 000 people live in Suriname and most of them in and close to Paramaribo. People are currently getting infected and dying in huge numbers from Corona: not enough hospital beds, not enough vaccinations, not enough oxygen……… not enough doctors and nurses. Their rainy season is terrible this year due to the ELNino effect and its really tuff for the poor population. After a good week in the Marina and a road trip through the rural part of the country to a big dam where people are searching for gold, visiting banana plantations, visiting Paramaribo with a lot of rain we said goodbye to the populated part of Suriname together with Elitsha and we sailed into the Commewijne river. This was so romantic and special. The jaguars, caiman and anacondas were too scared of us, hahahahha. We did not see them, but we heard and enjoyed the voices of the jungle, saw and heard millions of birds, parrots and all kind of other noises. It was magical.  Three days we were totally one with nature, did not see any human being, together with Elitsha.
Coming back from Commewijne river was coming back to happy reggae life. Looking for a spot ashore to get our dingy on board for the trip to Grenada, a fisher of New Amsterdam waved us to come next to his fisher boat. Loud reggae music and a very friendly crew invited us for coffee, tea and biscuits……….and dagga and rum………..Unfortunately, we had to say thank you no (dagga and rum out of question, of course). The threat of getting infected just before we go back to sea again for a couple of days made us kindly refusing the offer. Even though we chatted a while with them and they helped us to get the dingy motor on board. And that’s how Surinamers are, chatty, always happy to assist and help, curious and interested about who you are. As I mentioned before people told us in advanced, that coming to South or Central America or the Caribbean with a South African flag would ask for problems. That was one of the reasons why we registered Elitsha in Germany. But we always say that we are from Cape Town, we don’t hide that and up to now we had no bad experiences. People are impressed that we come from that far to visit their small country and want to know if we like it. They loved the fact that we speak Dutch, because Dutch is still the first language in Suriname. Anyway, after chatting to the fishermen, we tied everything nicely, slept a short night and left New Amsterdam and Suriname at 6 am on the 25th of May.
Aware of the thread of Venezuelan pirates (Surinamers and NOON site (cruiser website) informed us about it), we sailed at a safe distance from the coast. Even though we choose to pass trough the Galleon’s passage between Trinidad and Tobago, but we choose to pass it close to the Tobago side,  away of the Venezuelan coast. On our way we saw a fair number of oil platforms, huge ones, with huge flames, we could see from far. This was also a bit spooky. We had 35 to 40 knots of wind and a good speed to leave the oil area and the Galleon’s passage behind us. I think, pirates do not like rain. We had tons of rain and no pirates though……..although: Dick told me later, that 40 miles out of both coasts, the Grenadian and the Tobagonian, a fast open boat with 3 men in it sped past us. We think they were checking us out, how rich we are. The stretch between Tobago and Grenada apparently is also declared as an unsafe area. That is what we heard later when we arrived in Grenada. Our neigor, Steve, always has a gun with him. Happily, with enough wind and a strong currant we passed Tobago at 4:30 in the morning and arrived safely in Grenada at 17:00 on the 28th of May.
Close to the harbour at the quarantine anchorage we spoke to our South African friends of the Aventura, a young couple with 2 dogs and his parents on their way to emigrate to Panama. We saw them in every harbour we visited up to now. They left Suriname a few days earlier then we did. They craved for blue water and thought jaguar, caiman and anaconda would perhaps love their dogs too much. In any way, nice to see them again. They explained the Grenadian procedures to us and on Saturday we went ashore to register with the health department. We inhaled the positive and relaxed Grenadian vibe immediately: steel drum music from the taverns, people on the streets, Corona is almost dealt with.
And in the meantime, 1 week in St George, we are declared negative and are allowed to explore the island. Paul, a registered tour guide grabbed his chance. Slandering around the harbour he almost forced us to have a tour with him.  The cruise ships are missed by restaurants, tour guides…not by us. Paul told us, that they on “good” days had 6000 tourists from cruise ships ashore. Dick and I were quite happy to escape these “good“ days. Pity for Paul, that’s why we went with him on a long trip through St. George at noon and let him earn some ECDs.  Hot and up and down, I was exhausted at the end. We didn’t walk much for the last 2 months at least..
Grenada is the spice island: nutmeg, gloves, cinnamon, and other spices grow here. They have a golden waterfall and many more attractions. We will explore them all and share with you. For now, we experienced the spicy side of the island by drinking shandies with nutmeg, eating ice cream with nutmeg and gloves and some other weird things you would think its really ugg, but in reality it’s absolutely amazing.
We are registered for Astra Zeneca vaccination and yes, we are in a marina with a nice club house and WIFI and not on anchorage or at a mooring buoy. For the first time in almost 3 months, I am able to go and stay where I want on my own. For somebody like me, who likes her independence, its heaven. Opposite of our little paradise, there is another marina, posh and expensive and not really our style. Elitsha, would feel a bit lonely between all the posh-million dollar-yachts. I don’t know, if I mentioned before, that a lot of other cruisers, have fancy and well-equipped boats with freezers, bread baking automates, washing machine, water cooker……. you name it. Our only luxury is a fridge, a BBQ and a good stove with oven, cosy and exactly what we need no more and no less. Anyway, Elitsha got a good clean-up. Sticky, a local guy, Dick and I made her looking pretty again. The water of the Suriname river was dirty through mud and chemicals, they use for the gold extraction industry, we learned. And this was very difficult to get off the hull-0987654Qasdfuiop[.
My home office is in the marina’s clubhouse, with more than brilliant views!          Unfortunately, UBUNTU for Africa’s operations manager, who took over financials and admin of the NGO from me, resigned a few days ago. That’s why I am back on the job and working every day for an hour or 3. Alene Edson Smith, local social worker, who was already involved in the family program and took over my job at Kronendal Primary, is doing the hands-on jobs, where you have to be involved personally onsite, like team meetings, meetings with principals etc. For now, we won’t have stretches which will take more than 3 days and we have internet and WIFI. No problem to work though. I love my work as much as I love cruising. To combine both is absolutely great.
For the rest the NGO is in good hands, with our after-care team, Barbara Heye, who is mentor to a single mother with 3 kids. And as I mentioned before Alene Edson Smith, well known in the valley through her involvement through her own NGO, Serenity, took over the reins at Kronendal Primary from me and is mentor to 5 families in our NGO. We share the lead of UBUNTU for Africa. What I can do, I will do, where personal presence is needed, Alene will be hands on. She will lead the sound and music studio, which will release their first CD soon. Lelo managed to get 2 new volunteers into this project, for marimba and music production. Ricardo will remain taking the lead on Silikamva side and Alene will have a firm look and hand on the project.
After care is just running. Andiswa and her team also get support from Alene. But this team of 5 is just doing what they can do best: love our children and supervise, support, teach them and make sure that they are safe.  
 Questions for the kids:
1.       How many kilometres did we sail from Cape Town to Grenada?
2.       Which language do the people speak in Suriname?
3.       What kind of currency do we used in Suriname and which one in         Grenada?
4.       Please explain, what the modern pirates of the Caribbean are up to.
5.       What is the name of the small entrance to the Caribbean between Trinidad and Tobago?
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For the ones who want to take part in our sponsor sail: We have sailed 1812 nautical miles. You can donate a cent, a Rand, a Euro or whatever per nautical mile. We are sailing for these amazing schools: every nautical mile and each Rand counts. To UBUNTU for Africa,German  NGO.                                                                                                                                                                   
The money will go to the UBUNTU for Africa projects: after care at Hout Bay Primary School and the music project at Silikamva High School. This organisation I started 12 years ago (www.ubuntuforafrica.com) Of course, you will receive a tax certificate. 
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For South Africans and others, who want to donate directly to South Africa (also with tax certificate): please donate to Kronendal Primary School (www.kronendalprimary.com). I worked for 10 years at Kronendal Primary as a school counsellor. This school struggles financially due to the consequences of the Covid Pandemic and deserves our support.                                                   
KRONENDAL PRIMARY SCHOOL trading as CUIM (“the account holder”) holds the following account with                                                                                       
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
I’ve seen so many shippers say that sesshomaru would be such a terrible parent because he didn’t give her shoes or didn’t prevent her death and that’s why it’s not a father-daughter relationship. Yet also claim that he loved her and proposes to her (drama cd 12 year old girl) and somehow those same arguments don’t count? There’s no leg to stand on to argue that sesshomaru and rin were romantic because that’s literally pedophilia, so the only thing they can do is claim he was a terrible guardian?
Hey anon, thanks for the ask! Hope I can help. :)
You made some great points, thank you!! By their logic, why would somebody even want Sesshomaru with adult Rin at all if he was such a terrible "companion" to her in the first place? If they really believe he neglected her that much and put her in harm's way all the time (because let's be willfully ignorant here and pretend he didn't rescue her multiple times too and eventually leave her to live a normal *safer* life with Kaede), shouldn't they be concerned that he'd be just as bad to her in a romantic relationship once she's old enough, too? That should be something that crosses their mind as well if they weren't so preoccupied with Sesshomaru's supposed lack of parenting skills.
A lot of those shippers like to act like we're only attacking them for implying they must be pedophiles or that they condone pedophilia, but I personally would never make such a nasty accusation about a person in real life. Often times they refuse to address those other serious issues we have with this ship though, because it's really just the pedophilia talk they'll focus on since that's their only easy point to refute.
Aside from the possibility of Sesshomaru grooming Rin since her time in the village, a lot of us anti-s*ssrin fans never actually viewed him as a pedophile-like caretaker to begin with during their times traveling together. The only reason we even bring that up is because we simply cannot ignore when those shippers insist that:
1. He supposedly proposes to her (even when she's still only a child)
2. He's not like a father to her anyway so that's totally acceptable
Nah, even if they're right about him not being like a father to her, that's still plain wrong!! Because then now they're trying to justify an adult male very inappropriately making a move on a young girl here! Perhaps he wasn't pressuring her or forcing himself on her like a true pedophile would do at or around the time of the proposal, but can they really stand there and say that they'd be more than okay with witnessing something like that in real life and not in the slightest cringe??
Okay, this is where a lot of them will argue that this is not real life (so I guess that means we can forgive the child grooming if it's just fiction?), or that older men courting girls soon-to-be young women was the norm in feudal Japan so then that's cool in their books, too. The thing is, even if we can tolerate all that like they do, that's not enough reason to deem it acceptable since it's more than about that. We MUST also factor in that Sesshomaru isn't just some man who took a liking to a blossoming Rin he saw from afar. No no, this man KNEW her and was LIKE a father to her, too!
We can't stress that enough really! Whether by their standards he was a bad father or not doesn't matter, because all that does matter is that he took on a role resembling that of a father- YES, even if we never hear them call each other father or daughter exactly. We also didn't hear him claim outright that he's (falling) in love with her either, so why is one implied but not the other?! It's not like Sesshomaru is a man of many words anyway, but his actions have sure demonstrated to all of us that he cares for this young girl he took in very deeply and very truly. I mean, just look at the large portion of fan art out there for Sesshomaru and young!Rin (not S*ssrin). He's usually fondly embracing Rin or comforting her like a GOOD father or male guardian/caretaker would. So somebody please explain to me why Sesshomaru is only sweet or loving to Rin when it's convenient to your narrative but not ours? You can't just take an angle on their relationship and bend it at your will to justify him being a terrible demon father who didn't know how to protect a young human girl on one hand, but then show and share all this fan art of him doing the exact opposite on the other! It just makes no sense at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
So the special bond they formed over the YEARS they traveled alongside each other isn't something they can up and forget just because Rin is finally an adult. That can't simply clean their slate as if they had no prior established history between them. Their relationship resembles one a young girl shares with a grown man who looks after her for a significant amount of time (she didn't view him as just a demon; to her he was at the very least akin to a lord/vassal). So knowing all that we know about what they've endured together, I'd like to believe that Rin could never develop romantic feelings for her main role model, because whether he was physically there for her less than Jaken was is irrelevant. Sesshomaru is the one she really looked up to since that day he brought her back to life, and he's protected and cared for her the best way he could and in a way everyone failed to after her family died. It's safe to assume that Sesshomaru filled that role as you can tell that she finally felt safe and loved for the first time in a long time. Now if Rin were to start to become sexually attracted to this demon who basically came to represent everything she lacked in a family, then I'd be deeply troubled and concerned for her mental health. And same thing applies to Sesshomaru.
I would hope that whenever I have children someday, that they would never become physically intimate with whomever was their babysitter back when they were little. Nah, that man would be arrested!! He was around to watch her grow up and the thought of that being sexualized or romanticized, even if it wasn't intentional, makes me sick. I don't care if she's a consenting adult who is free to make her own decisions, because I guarantee you this is not an image any of us ever want to picture! And I didn't even choose an example with a father. I mean, can you even imagine that? Yeah, I rather not either.....
Nobody liked it when Woody Allen did it in real life regardless if he makes excellent movies, so why would I like to see it on my TV even if it's one of my favorite characters? Nope, Sesshomaru is amazing- and yes, nOt rEaL- but not even he gets a free pass here. Nobody should in any capacity or on ANY MEDIUM (fantasy, reality, etc.) be remotely allowed to get away with such a disgusting act even if it used to be tradition. And no, this isn't just some Western way of thinking. This is a 21st century way of thinking!
Recently, another user on here nicely pointed out to me that an adult can form loving relationships with children and it not be considered a parental one. At that moment, it was like a little light bulb went off in my head!!!! Yessss, this is so true and I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier!!
Because all that S*ssrin shippers like to repeat over and over again to us (as well as to themselves), is that Sesshomaru was not Rin's father. So fine, hypothetically speaking, let's say he isn't her adoptive father. That still doesn't take away from the truth that he was very much invested in the overall safety and well-being of this young girl. He contributed to her care even if it was just passing a message along to Jaken before taking off again. I was a teacher for a few years, and the love and affection I had for those children was real, even if I wasn't their parent and I didn't see them every day. That doesn't change the fact that I would've done absolutely anything in my power to keep them safe-- I would've even gone to the underworld and back!!! You know, kinda like that one character who was such a bad dad. 😉
So you see, you don't need to be the parent or even around all the time to love and care for a child. Bottom line is that Rin, Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Ah-Un are a FAMILY! Granted, they may be a little dysfunctional, but it's not like there's such a thing as the perfect family. They may be far from what a conventional family looks like too, but that doesn't make their family any less valid. Nothing or nobody can or should ever change that ❣
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retvenkos · 3 years
Okay so I’m personally offended with myself for not having found you earlier? Like, YOURE AMAZING! Your writing is super awesome and I’m glad I finally did find you. Anyways, I was hoping I could request a 🔥 ship/HCs? For BBC Merlin, PJO/HOO, and ATLA (or LOK, whichever you’d prefer or is easier for you). I am bisexual so I’m down to be shipped with whatever gender (although I am kinda leaning towards men rn). I’m a Ravenclaw and my Myers-Brigg personality type is INFP-T. I’m kind of a nerd and I love learning new things. I tried to learn Latin at one point but it was while I was in school and I didn’t finish before the school year was up. I love reading, writing, singing, listening to music, watching movies and watching musicals. I also really love physical affection (both giving and receiving). I love any and all animals SO MUCH. I can be kinda silly sometimes but I know when to get serious. I love having fun with my friends but I also just love the days that I can just sit with them and relax. I’m pretty protective of the people I’m close to. I’m also kind of stubborn. I have a small obsession with dragons and kind of just mythical beings in general. I feel happy when I make others happy. I like helping people when I can. My main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. If I were a bender in the ATLA/LOK universe, I would be an earth bender. I’m also a sucker for soulmate AUs, which you might have noticed when I was reblogging your stuff earlier. I think that’s all?? If you need anything else, just let me know! And thank you so much!!
thank you for your kind words about my blog! i’m glad you like it here, lol. and, as always, disclaimer that it’s been a while since i’ve read pjo and so the headcanons might not be the best. bear with me.
I ship you with Gwen!
alright, i was debating between gwen and sir leon, but i 100% believe gwen is the perfect match-up for you - both of you are sweet and kind yet clever with the potential to be teasing, annoying idiots.
the two of you would get along famously, and you would be the sweetest, most supportive couple - literally everyone wants what you have, and i can’t blame them.
both of you are caring and love your friends dearly, you are the ultimate mom friends. you love to make everyone happy, and so both of you are always looking out for the other. 
furthermore, gwen would love to hear all about interests - she loves to hear you talk about your reading and writing, and she loves how you learn with such a fervor. learning something new is a great way to increase the quality of your life, and gwen loves to hear about what you’ve discovered - so much of her day is spent in routine, being a servant and all, so when you can tell her something good - something other than castle gossip, she loves it.
also, i have this headcanon that gwen can sing really well, so you know she loves music. she’ll sing in the early mornings, when the two of you are getting up before the sun itself, and it never fails to make you smile.
i think that both you and gwen have great versatility to your personality - you both can get very excited and giddy but then come back down to earth and be stable and strong. this is good because both of you can support the other in whatever situation you may be up against. 
furthermore, you are both witty and teasing. the two of you have a lot of ongoing banter that makes your otherwise monotonous days exciting and fun. you’re upbeat personalities bring joy to your lives, and that’s important.
also, the two of you would be very affectionate toward each other - gwen has no qualms with hugging you or holding your hand, so she is able to accept your affection and return it in a similar manner. and gwen is very good at giving sincere compliments! whenever she praises you, you can’t help but think it’s true.
also, modern! au gwen is an avid movie watcher, so the two of you have marathons together. gwen always brings the popcorn.
I ship you with Travis Stoll!
okay, you cannot tell me that this pairing isn’t chaotic as hell.
you are the smarts to travis’ mischievousness, and the two of you bring a lot of fun to camp half-blood. you help travis and connor with their pranks, but you are also there to make sure that no one gets hurt, because a good prank is one that makes people laugh, but has minimal casualties. (ngl, chb is kind of glad that you and travis got together because the pranks are a lot safer now.)
i definitely think that travis would be the one to bring you out of your comfort zone, but he does it so earnestly, with only the best of intentions, so it’s hard to say no. the two of you go on adventures together and you have a lot of laughs.
the good thing is that you also bring a lot of calm and stability to the relationship - you are one of like two (2) people who can  get travis to just,,, chill with you. he likes to play videogames with you, so you hang out a lot in the hermes cabin, legs tangled together as you chill out. 
at your core, i think both of you are very determined people, and that’s what initially drew the two of you close together. you both have a fire in your hearts, and while that comes out in different ways, you’re both very ambitious and goal oriented people.
and you know that travis has the greatest taste in music - you are going to be introduced to some very interesting and cool songs. maybe he’ll nick a cd or two for both of you to listen to. and what’s cool about his music taste is that it’s adventurous and all over - he loves everything and so do you.
you both explore and learn about the world in different ways, and you are both incredibly knowledgeable in opposite ways, so when you put your heads together, the genius that comes forth is insane.
i imagine that the two of you hang out in the strawberry fields a lot. you listen to music or talk while walking through the fields, and then travis ends up stealing some of your strawberries and you end up chasing after him (damn his tall legs)
I ship you with Mako!
this is the complete opposite of your previous ships, but stick with me for a minute
you are perfect for mako because you can be serious and stable, but at the same time, you can bring out his silly side. mako needs someone who can get down to the core of his being and pull out that happy, childish side of himself that he hasn’t found in a long time. he’s had to grow up fast, and he needs someone who is serious and sincere, but is also lighthearted and oh-so caring.
the two of you are so protective and caring about the ones you love - you’re like the parents of the group who are trying to wrangle your unruly children, and it’s a dynamic i am here for.
and when you encourage some of korra or asami’s wild plans, mako sighs, like “disappointed by not surprised.” but then you bring him to the side with a plan on how to make their optimistic plans more secure, and he’s like,,,, alright.
also, the banter the two of you would have is legendary. mako is known as the #done, sarcastic one, and he was not expecting you to come out with amazing wit, but here you are. the two of you have the best side commentary, and it’s almost a competition now. you’ve yet to get mako to laugh at your well-timed jokes (some of which are terribly corny), but he does crack a wry smile almost every time, so you know it’s only a matter of time.
also, convince me otherwise, but mako is a reader. he likes a lot of historical fiction, but also stories based off of legends, and the two of you will often spend your weekends inside, reading on the couch. he’ll make you lunch and then the two of you will talk about what you’ve read, sitting cross legged with your knees touching. mako is usually a little vague with the details on what he is reading, but what often happens is that he’ll have recommended the book you’re reading, so he’ll listen to you ramble about your favorite parts with a lovestruck smile on his face.
you definitely introduce mako to more music - he’s never been super into music, it was always more bolin’s thing, but he’ll listen with you. he has a few favorites, and you have to coax him into telling you what they are, but he’ll tell you anyway because he’s very much in love.
also! the two of you go to see bolin’s movers, and you whisper to each other throughout the show, making jokes and funny comments, and ngl, bolin gets a little concerned. mako should never enjoy himself so thoroughly, that only ever leads to disaster.
anyway, you would be great for mako because when you two hang out, you bring mako out of his shell, and he is always there to support and protect you, should anything go awry. 
i get big vibes of “the serious one is soft for the fluffy one” except both of you are the serious one and the fluffy one, depending on the moment, and you wildly fluctuate between the two.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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The Macintosh Plus computer is the third model in the Macintosh line, introduced on January 16, 1986, two years after the original Macintosh and a little more than a year after the Macintosh 512K, with a price tag of US$2599. As an evolutionary improvement over the 512K, it shipped with 1 MB of RAM standard, expandable to 4 MB, and an external SCSI peripheral bus, among smaller improvements. It originally had the same generally beige-colored case as the original Macintosh ("Pantone 453"), however in 1987, the case color was changed to the long-lived, warm gray "Platinum" color. It is the earliest Macintosh model able to run System 7 OS.
Bruce Webster of BYTE reported a rumor in December 1985: "Supposedly, Apple will be releasing a Big Mac by the time this column sees print: said Mac will reportedly come with 1 megabyte of RAM ... the new 128K-byte ROM ... and a double-sided (800K bytes) disk drive, all in the standard Mac box". Introduced as the Macintosh Plus, it was the first Macintosh model to include a SCSI port, which launched the popularity of external SCSI devices for Macs, including hard disks, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, printers, Zip Drives, and even monitors. The SCSI implementation of the Plus was engineered shortly before the initial SCSI spec was finalized and, as such, is not 100% SCSI-compliant. SCSI ports remained standard equipment for all Macs until the introduction of the iMac in 1998, which replaced most of Apple's "legacy ports" with USB.
The Macintosh Plus was the last classic Mac to have a phone cord-like port on the front of the unit for the keyboard, as well as the DE-9 connector for the mouse; models released after the Macintosh Plus would use ADB ports.
The Mac Plus was the first Apple computer to utilize user-upgradable SIMM memory modules instead of single DIP DRAM chips. Four SIMM slots were provided and the computer shipped with four 256K SIMMs, for 1MB total RAM. By replacing them with 1MB SIMMs, it was possible to have 4MB of RAM. (Although 30-pin SIMMs could support up to 16MB total RAM, the Mac Plus motherboard had only 22 address lines connected, for a 4MB maximum.)
It has what was then a new ​3 1⁄2-inch double-sided 800 KB floppy drive, offering double the capacity of floppy disks from previous Macs, along with backward compatibility. The then-new drive is controlled by the same IWM chip as in previous models, implementing variable speed GCR. The drive was still completely incompatible with PC drives. The 800 KB drive has two read/write heads, enabling it to simultaneously use both sides of the floppy disk and thereby double storage capacity. Like the 400 KB drive before it, a companion Macintosh 800K External Drive was an available option. However, with the increased disk storage capacity combined with 2-4x the available RAM, the external drive was less of a necessity than it had been with the 128K and 512K.
The Mac Plus has 128 KB of ROM on the motherboard, which is double the amount of ROM in previous Macs; the ROMs included software to support SCSI, the then-new 800 KB floppy drive, and the Hierarchical File System (HFS), which uses a true directory structure on disks (as opposed to the earlier MFS, Macintosh File System in which all files were stored in a single directory, with one level of pseudo-folders overlaid on them). For programmers, the fourth Inside Macintosh volume details how to use HFS and the rest of the Mac Plus's new system software. The Plus still did not include provision for an internal hard drive and it would be over nine months before Apple would offer a SCSI drive replacement for the slow Hard Disk 20. It would be well over a year before Apple would offer the first internal hard disk drive in any Macintosh.
A compact Mac, the Plus has a 9-inch (23 cm) 512 × 342 pixel monochrome display with a resolution of 72 PPI, identical to that of previous Macintosh models. Unlike earlier Macs, the Mac Plus's keyboard includes a numeric keypad and directional arrow keys and, as with previous Macs, it has a one-button mouse and no fan, making it extremely quiet in operation. The lack of a cooling fan in the Mac Plus led to frequent problems with overheating and hardware malfunctions.
The applications MacPaint and MacWrite were bundled with the Mac Plus. After August 1987, HyperCard and MultiFinder were also bundled. Third-party software applications available included MacDraw, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as Aldus PageMaker. Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint (originally by Forethought) were actually developed and released first for the Macintosh, and similarly Microsoft Word 1 for Macintosh was the first time a GUI version of that software was introduced on any personal computer platform. For a time, the exclusive availability of Excel and PageMaker on the Macintosh were noticeable drivers of sales for the platform.
The case design is essentially identical to the original Macintosh. It debuted in beige and was labeled Macintosh Plus on the front, but Macintosh Plus 1 MB on the back, to denote the 1 MB RAM configuration with which it shipped. In January 1987 it transitioned to Apple's long-lived platinum-gray color with the rest of the Apple product line, and the keyboard's keycaps changed from brown to gray. In January 1988, with reduced RAM prices, Apple began shipping 2- and 4- MB configurations and rebranded it simply as "Macintosh Plus." Among other design changes, it included the same trademarked inlaid Apple logo and recessed port icons as the Apple IIc and IIGS before it, but it essentially retained the original design.
An upgrade kit was offered for the earlier Macintosh 128K and Macintosh 512K/enhanced, which includes a new motherboard, floppy disk drive and rear case. The owner retained the front case, monitor and analog board. Because of this, there is no "Macintosh Plus" on the front of upgraded units, and the Apple logo is recessed and in the bottom left hand corner of the front case. However, the label on the back of the case reads "Macintosh Plus 1MB". The new extended Plus keyboard could also be purchased. Unfortunately, this upgrade cost almost as much as a new machine.
The Mac Plus itself can be upgraded further with the use of third-party accelerators. When these are clipped or soldered onto the 68000 processor, a 32 MHz 68030 processor can be used, and up to 16 MB RAM. This allows it to run Mac OS 7.6.1.
There is a program available called Mini vMac that can emulate a Mac Plus on a variety of platforms, including Unix, Windows, DOS, classic Mac OS, macOS, Pocket PC, iOS and even Nintendo DS.
Although the Macintosh Plus would become overshadowed by two new Macintoshes, the Macintosh SE and the Macintosh II in March 1987, it remained in production as a cheaper alternative until the introduction of the Macintosh Classic on October 15, 1990. This made the Macintosh Plus the longest-produced Macintosh ever, having been on sale unchanged for 1,734 days, until the 2nd generation Mac Pro, introduced on December 19, 2013, surpassed the record on September 18, 2018. (it would ultimately last for 2,182 days before being discontinued on December 10, 2019) It continued to be supported by versions of the classic Mac OS up to version 7.5.5, released in 1996. Additionally, during its period of general market relevance, it was heavily discounted like the 512K/512Ke before it and offered to the educational market badged as the "Macintosh Plus ED". Due to its popularity, long life and its introduction of many features that would become mainstays of the Macintosh platform for years, the Plus was a common "base model" for many software and hardware products.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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sirjustice1362 · 3 years
ASK questions within ya mind
Speak to the devil as u ask and u hear a voice answering machine code answering u, ask like with the hurl on something method within ya mind, what should be the boom heap and environment and what u need to step on when making this and that kind of machine and at what time dispensation and u r answered dude
Ask who has created some1 and their names even with schools they are going to and ask how to create every race, the boom heap combination, environment, what u ought to hurl at what, chop or stir and all given and even with 1 race people the as the above
Ask what races are in one and get them women with the same all races of him not adding another or give him/her the created ones as they are sharp than born, locate allover the world instead of adding 1 on another dude to protect the world
As the greatest conservationists in the world and lyricist and answers given dude
Ask what u ought to do so the bullet gets u not or missile directed unto u stop apart from wearing the bullets i.e as with switch wire and the bulb what u ought to do so u fear the police not when wrong to outpace them and the people in time past who has used the same trick dude and currently which nations could employed the same on their enemies and if its the rudeness or pride and get to know dude
Ask who is in love with both the devil and the God who resigned and if planning to have sex and if all their powers taken and if one dies of being killed get off judgement and if buried without body being preserved how long they find themselves in heaven and who get them their
Ask the Devil to be hurled down from heaven and if he is incarnation and in what place he will fall and why and if will live long or get back to hell or heaven
Ask with each app as browser, search engine, chat, text, mobile money and any how can be made as u r answered as above b4 u undertake the procedure, mostly ask the process within ya compound easy way method dude
Ask how on the above layout how PG women different color chew its extracts stones are made and the remedy to side effects and get to know the same dude and even how artificial sand, interlocking bricks, stones with cross metal holes can be made or any as with the above and get to know dude
Ask how mini road making machines 4 ditches can be made as with the above of front or back width like 1 meter as in the link below and get to know dude
Ask what combination of heap, boom environment and the chop, stir or wash methods to make sky scrapers of shapes u want and what u can place on roads and pavements close to such high structures to be more tall like 200 - 1000 floors and most so u mention the widths as super slim of maybe 20M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 20M x 30M or 30M x 30M and if u don't give a hoot still not all that tall just ask per city the tallest sky scrapper can be built of how much floors and as above what need to be placed below such building and the options and given dude and ask this kind of tree makes which type or shape when place in sewer water, soil or any boom material and get to know and ask with of every structure machine and foods and even necessities and u hear it echoes within ya ears even without printing as step on method dude
Ask what kind of curse will befall 1 if they fail to listen to Kevy or kill him and the ripple effect to those who stole his pay-pal cash and who are they and what they used to buy and with who the cash was share and who motivated them to do the same bro and if they will give him back and the main reason why they want to kill him if at all if dude and ask as above the all processes to make digital grave tomb stone as with of Sofia Bulgaria
Satan and God here with ya so u stop or know and ask who wants to be the next GOD and why and if he will succeed dude and his character into it as he knew or was just lazy bro
Ask which tribes are jew and non jew and the ripple effect if the jew marry such and get to know dude
Ask which race has the best booty and worse and if this can marry that and if not respected the ripple effect to the couples and if its blasphemy and let us know dude
Ask who kill who and how they do it, where and when or why, take names of all the dead and find out dude and ask on water where each food or cash crop can grow and what need to be places, soil thickness and cover and even on land and the area in KM squired compared to which nation
And ask how rain that harbors all toxic fumes or products as hard drugs can be made in the boom and affect our soil and if so who did such to such foods affecting our guts and brain or system and why dude and where the Devil wants Nelson to live
Ask the richest women in the world currently and where they have invested with their cash as what properties they own
And they make monies using the amoeba place in people or Kids, where it gets to the belly disturb the kid, u rush to the pharmacy they give u expired drug as they talk with the amoeba to get off the belly 4 u to be okay and even with anti-acids drugs and even with those who transfigure does the same dude making a 100% profit as its a lie but on ya side kid or u okay as the drugs aint real but expired that needed to be discarded away and sometimes takes drugs from the nursing homes as doctors and nurses lies on the same so they bring to poor nations repacked and placed on chemistry shelves reaping profits as above dude
Ask who stole nelson northwhitehead padlock key and with who and u will be given and those disturbing him wanting his food and to grab his manhood and take his properties and list given dude
Now they make monies with electric meter swaying system, where u r encouraged selected parties to cook using coil and buy charcoal and return it in the night as one collects and even return gas cylinder in peoples mind used but not used as u use free electricity to cook as above dude. How they do it, is cut the wire getting to the kitchen main switch just one and place timers using solar as many got the solar automatic lights with connected by themselves wire to power such timers even if their is no electric power supply to stop the same to delude the whole happening, the timer disconnects the electric supply during the day or night depending on hours u use electricity much, they target cooking or fridge or ironing not to be noticed in the meter and the resort to bundle buying so not unearth, when in lights only and home appliances connected to the electric power meter and read on radar dude and when cooking the wire that gets into the meter connected behind the wood via the screw to binding wire back the the cut wire with fixed timer on the end that gets to the kitchen main switch so above surface and any1 as a power technician knows what am saying lest rectified dude as the only loop hole with the above, with scrap metal dealership many have ventured the into so profits shared dude to shy all of them away.
Ask who owns the new WSU dormitory or who helped build it and where the cash was gotten and answers given to ya dude as in the link below
Ask which combination of products makes the best caskets or coffins and other methods underlying and answers given and see how used clean metal parts of welding shipped to Canada to built the same and ask KG goes 4 how much and that’s why they create mayhem 4 the same dude.
Ask if Gold is precious metal and what it means by the city in the bible where all its streets will be Gold and ask if it can be any city or not and now per KG gold cost what in Dollars per country dude
Ask if which city best in the world in snow time and in summer and why and even in ya continents and even ask which country will be the most attractive when all nations equally built and why and answers given
Ask if in Nairobi they mix paint with extracts of leaves, hay, grass, feces, water washed with pets remain, feces, urine, and which animal blood to give the city that feeling that its good than others only something and must be done to be above world cities
Ask when every nation can grow cash crops above the land surface or water or below as answers given which will be rich and even when food crops can grow such as the cash crops above to stop all ya lazy puzzles dude
Ask how many years remaining b4 the world ends and if there will be a new world created again and which people will form part
Ask who thinks another needs her Girlfriend to create beef while not and answers given
Ask who is disturbing the poor with their kids yet the rich are per your city and answers given dude
Ask how blood group of the fetus can be identified or the skull shape to avoid kids being shifted as one method as Fetus head skull non-light X-ray machine or blood group sensor or even pulse rate and temperature reader and given
Ask the devil the details of one when he gets to the bank or airport as with ID number, DOB, height, pulse rate, temperature, i mean all particulars and given to stop bank impersonation theft and even at times of Voting and registration and even if these man has transfigured or not all to bar the above b4 stepping on Cd hole as earlier said dude
Ask who deleted the nelson ask the devil innovation of light illuminate on solar panel generator and answers given to stop who is this invention or that and ask if a tribe or a group of people invented it and answers given or who gave them the same dude
Ask what are the lists of sins of blasphemy instead of every day debate and all given
Ask if their is final elimination in heaven and why and if firming is their and the people on earth who have reached heaven by what means, in which years and means of transport at what time dude
Ask why one talks much and less, the reasons underlying and given and ask who knows how to fuck or whose pussy sweet and why, if bought or not and which races of the world got kikuyu blood, big booty and hospitality, good tight pussy and everything and answers given, instead of everyday reproach dude
Ask who were the jew and who is sleeping with who even if between whites and non whites or who have slept with white woman or black women yet another race per ya area code and all their names printed dude
Ask where was the promised land and did the jew rich and who are they and who are every biblical tribe as the gentiles and given and kikuyu, luo were which tribes in the bible and Noah, Abraham and Adam even eve were of which tribe or spoke which language dude
Ask was kebi wrong at WSU or not and ask 4 justification and all answers given and ask if nelson is a con or list of what he has stolen with every1 and the list of such equipment given.
Ask how many times one has slept with one and answers given and ask the interior of the earth towards the outer space is made out of which material and how many people getting that material to be rich and in which part of the world and if much gotten out can the earth crack and the buildings the own with that and why within the tropics u cant do the same but towards temperate lands u can do the same and which nations knows about the same and how they get there dude
Ask what cash from forms great part of Kenyan national income and list of sold produce cash making the budget and with any nation and answers given dude
Ask all the artificial islands of the earth and new and answers given and where each tribe have store old along time weapons of war and list is given or endless dude
Ask what are the consequences or snake milk and which milk sold on the stores are of the same and with every animal to eject them out of the market and ask the best way to take each artificial food or drinks as some when cold break teeth and vice versa or cooked and uncooked and with all other side effects of every food and which boom methods of making the same has minimal side effects dude
Ask where every1 is currently stay what they own and where they plan to relocate in the future and answers given dude or ask which women, men, kids love everyday sex and vice versa and reasons with their names all given dude
Ask the lovers of school and church and all given, ask who wants to buy a property and same given. Ask those who are tire with life and why and even those wanna kill themselves and reasons give
Ask those are lying on northwhitehead nelson to get him killed and the property they say its on his name under who and their intent dude
Select a topic of preaching from the bible or speech and step on mentioning in lines what u want incorporated most and given to ya b4 the step way on CD hole as u know it as above dude, to eliminate this man sharp or this song, poem or writing ours u want to kill one to take dude and even with movies and dances dude
Ask on what products or things as grown foods if u hide bombs or guns inside by like cutting then joining with bladder or rubber band or in Balloons or CD can not be detected by the radar or metal/gun sensors and given and how many as the list of those who have employed the same and committed terror either in roads, airplane, train, house or in buildings and answers given bro, instead of police dubious acts of in pretense wanting others food, lifestyle and grab their manhood dude
Ask who has married who in secrecy and all the list per your town or area code given dude
Ask who were friends to and even lived with their friends or relatives and wants to kill them and reasons why and the planned attack and those snake can not bite and what if u do cut snakes when around like 10 KM away or what u do make them shy off u or cant bite ya and answers given dude
And ask personal mobile satellite server of 1000 KM or 500 KM can be connected to how many lines and if u cross line u pay the other phone company and if it will finish your nation phone company and the  combination u need to place as the heap, the chop process, stir, rub, gestures employed or all the method employed and the nature of the land u place the two or much heap that forms the same and ask if u want it shinny with non burnt part what u place with the heap and answers given dude, instead of rush as if a bed bug biting u to steal the same to be 1st as others do and given dude. With everything given
And ask those wanting good life 4 their kids without second though and mostly of which tribe or race or nation and list given to give them arrest as not disturb ya cause up-to no avail dude
ask who stole exams and answers given, who gave them and how much they pay and the whole deal who the get the script b4 people as with Tychus or wens or obat and if kevin nelson stole and which  
ask did my mother in virginia gave josephine cash as part of my visa and did Gilbert omwaka and Mr ngesa take voodoo from her to infuse my face from Rio dejenairo from colombia with juddie marie yep answer true bro  
ask who was angel Gabriel appeared to marry and answers given and Jesus son of God Or devil and Nelson who to devaura who created God and satan the 2 Gods and relationship btw devil devaura anda God and where Devaura lives and answer given dude. ASK WHO TAKE people to hell and who should be worshiped more  
ask who again shifted nelson brain or head and answer monicah, who sent her and reasons why and given bro and who is monicah to kebi and did she take photo of food with phone and who to give nelson and 4 what reasons and whom the sold greencard to in Newport NJ and how much and all those such sold 2 and killed so justice surface and heads behind the same to be arrested dude  
Ask the gimmicks under every healed person in the bible as blind beggar and demon possessed man was impersonation or eyes shifted as u know and ask if Jesus was Colombian or Hindu and the distinction between Colombians and Hindu and If all Hindus are Colombians and vice versa and all races of the world and people per your area code or voting list see things on their eyes to end the puzzle u r Hindu or not, if they refuse they refuse other boom making ways as machines, necessities and accessories, meaning they doubt those machines as they doubt the above answers meaning they are insane or accept not defeat dude
And even ask who the devil, devaura hates or love or not concerned above as much as with each race or tribe and nation dude and ask who wanted to kill NELSON in high school and why and all reason list given to a shame not the devil but the spirit in them
And ask those who had stollen NELSON to be given cash to start business as funeral collection 4 The Late Odhiambo Chui as George Odhiambo Ombuor and answers given and why and if there is any voodoo and by which people and if justified and if they will give Kevy that cash to start up a business
Ask if Jesus had sex and kids and all his kids up-to date and list endless and given dude and ask who owns the gramophone that Jesus father Banks had and the associated reasons behind it and where he had bought it and ask why Kikuyu now after knowing heaven there as much as planets, kinda, u see their habits rush to stop as bubble and answers given. And Ask why he was called chui while Kevy called Aroomtidy and where they want Kebi to get to as which nations and reasons why to defeat the devil
Ask which milk is made with which milk and components b4 u consume and how to make the big church money booth that is placed on the corners as in the link below
With the above the prescribe medicine to people yet not sick but with as the above gimmicks and gain recognition though not known as professional doctors out of the description they give to win people and families
Electric power theft can end when wires with already paid or to be paid emanate from the meter high on the pole as st bulbs where the meter read via a phone app or portable tablet not on the house wall as breeds the above dude
SEND monies via mukuru as in the link below, a new African owned frontier
U see so u know, women should not control people in the economy lest, eating corpse, rude or poor, when of middle income police surface or they fear disrespect as their women might be prostitutes they hate out of the past tribe dude
Who wants to kill who and why as with nelson northwhitehead ask and the devil which tribe now in office and who appointed him and if he will go to hell or heaven and in the time past how many have resigned and why and those working in the devil office and if connected to world cities via a tunnel and which ones dude
Ask who are aids virus and any other and who brought/made such viruses and if fellow tooth brush or anything inserted in sand kills amoeba within ya system dude
Ask who the devil wanna kill and why and if u can kill the devil and how and ask 4 u to make machines or necessities what blood offering of which animals u ought to undertake and if u can make such without such
Ask how to defeat the devil or GOD or nelson, ask if Ksm good than Nairobi when equally made
If u stir in sand gravel cement fume or charcoal or on African
baskets or inside pot tuns not ya mind as gives no headache as associated with artificial products as flowers or fruits and even electric machine and gadgets to be original
In the timer above u can use self charging wet cell or just place exchange switch, with using unpaid electricity to reduce on ya bill dude
What u see when Rio de jenairo accepts ya, u get into where and if Canada accepts ya what u see behind ya and know that way dude
Who gave the sermons to mlk and Malcolm x speeches and told dude and who was given how to make bomb of japan bombing and share with who and was made where and if was paid and where took the monies and if the rudeness around and how they were planning to use it against their advisories in the world
Ask which cities of the world can host the tallest sky scrapper and with the ground side ways dimensions and on which new places on earth and why and what needed to be place per city to even harbor more tall one and the repercussion if such not placed dude
In creation who created who as it goes endless from God, to devaura and Satan and even satire and Plato and Antonio and from which family and if incarnation dude and if they know and who is great
Ask the city or town with the largest CD and the small CBD but with much office in sky scrapper and ask how many sky scrappers are their per every world cities and in like every island of Manhattan as as 4 a list and compare even with not just the CBD but metropolitan area and ask which cities in list in the world has the longest transit route in direction and distances and given and how many business building not more than 20 floors are their in each cities of the world, mansions, hotels, bungalow and flats and answer given to compare dude
Mummy Nelson ameishi kwa nyumba ya lo ama ni la, Bungalow, obango wuoth gi mandashi
Mummy thoka kwa matope am saying as my voice sublimes 3 times b4 again she get it not and say it again as warning her with loud voice as it fades going downwards and again and again b4 i hold her hands on both side to look her at the eye to stop. MUMMY pleath thoka kwa mathope and a thing my want not as u can get it dude
Ask who brought the bible to Africa and the verses that were added, omitted, committed or altered instead of everyday debate and given dude
Mochanda uliza Magdaline kama amesalaila na mimi, Tlina, uliza Minaj kama kebi ameshalaila na yeye
Ask which world cities has CBD with largest office space within the sky scrapper or business buildings and visa vie the general population and reasons give and ask if the devil currently in office was from the ghetto and why can not save his tribe and if u can sleep with her and the consequences. Ask how many sky scrapper NY has per all its islands
Ask if all dubious loopholes and getting Gold and all mentioned can Nairobi be still good and Kenya rich and ask 4 a list of all world cities and if much trees makes a city beautiful or which tree types makes the same
Ask what created anything as air, sand, soil or water or any physical features and ask again after answered those who created what u asked to be created to infinity and answers given
Ask how all amoeba can be killed and their hiding places and if new ones can be created as well with creation of every animal
Pals do get into one life and even of their family, mind ya life, respect the law as where u will get with all these laid as now u have known the truths dude of the lies bro
Who is the Negro lover described beautifully within Dreams from my father book and who once wrote the book 4 Obama to take and replace to be his
Ask how odowa can be made by stepping on a written name many times the sign up as signature fold and step on within CD hole on hay bar with cement or charcoal fumes, legs on spring to read mixed fruits extracts and veggies heap on corpse hand in grass land chilies and kale in the dark chop hay on wood soaked in milk in cassava or in hay or millet or in soil mud and boom ya answer dude
Or hay in guava in gone down place in tins with pineapple cut pieces on the sides as petrol filter, wash feet in hot sand with women in the dark as one hand rubbing on the wall with onion or with no leave onion 4 another type and if u rub another something else gives u another something else not the above as u rub guava cars but let the wall be bruised to see the cement or try with both if u rub hay gives ya charcoal dude and so forth so on bro
Church booths, hay in mango as heap, chop mango seed on wood with salt as u walk with it with bend posture bare footed on the house side looking the other side chop the same as walking but in the dark and boom ya booth dude or wash feet with surgical spirit as kids hurl u wish hot sand when cold or another product gives u another something else as heap can be inside house on gravel polished floor or on hay burnt gray fume wood deposit or on lime mixed with cement lands and boom ya other machines as u can keep on trying. If u hurl wall with ripe mango gives ya monies when heap that monies or photo with grass in cemented pond as well with other fruits or machine photos hurl with mango and mango seed on wall on grass or on anything as u can add thinner to the water as u step on every veggies, fruits, berries or small animals in egg like almost all immersed into the hole in sand, soil, mud with ya bear foot, shoes, sandal, box soul, Hyde and any and boom ya machine in the dark or dim light dude
With mukuru now make monies cashless, give people free handset to do the same changing its name to wireless money, with Mukuru print all pages and change as u wish with your wanted b4 crossing, then step on Cd hole within hay on mango heap, as u hurl cabbage cooked extract unto raw paw paw heap but in the dark and boom ya software on gone down place within ya yard heap placed on roses heap as a chicken breeds while if not cooked gives ya fake money app
Ask a question within ya mind even if u did not step on to print then u hear a play back answering you most so if u have looked into faces of people and be with kids most times as as the remedy 4 all artificial products and foods, what combination if u take eliminate the same syndrome as with produce of 1 boom heap break ya teeth 1st of press with knife or rules so ask the same and with machines made out of artificial fruits, veggies and leaves or berries as much as trees
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sirjustice1360 · 3 years
Ask the richest women in the world currently and where they have invested with their cash as what properties they own
And they make monies using the amoeba place in people or Kids, where it gets to the belly disturb the kid, u rush to the pharmacy they give u expired drug as they talk with the amoeba to get off the belly 4 u to be okay and even with anti-acids drugs and even with those who transfigure does the same dude making a 100% profit as its a lie but on ya side kid or u okay as the drugs aint real but expired that needed to be discarded away and sometimes takes drugs from the nursing homes as doctors and nurses lies on the same so they bring to poor nations repacked and placed on chemistry shelves reaping profits as above dude
Ask who stole nelson northwhitehead padlock key and with who and u will be given and those disturbing him wanting his food and to grab his manhood and take his properties and list given dude
Now they make monies with electric meter swaying system, where u r encouraged selected parties to cook using coil and buy charcoal and return it in the night as one collects and even return gas cylinder in peoples mind used but not used as u use free electricity to cook as above dude. How they do it, is cut the wire getting to the kitchen main switch just one and place timers using solar as many got the solar automatic lights with connected by themselves wire to power such timers even if their is no electric power supply to stop the same to delude the whole happening, the timer disconnects the electric supply during the day or night depending on hours u use electricity much, they target cooking or fridge or ironing not to be noticed in the meter and the resort to bundle buying so not unearth, when in lights only and home appliances connected to the electric power meter and read on radar dude and when cooking the wire that gets into the meter connected behind the wood via the screw to binding wire back the the cut wire with fixed timer on the end that gets to the kitchen main switch so above surface and any1 as a power technician knows what am saying lest rectified dude as the only loop hole with the above, with scrap metal dealership many have ventured the into so profits shared dude to shy all of them away.
Ask who owns the new WSU dormitory or who helped build it and where the cash was gotten and answers given to ya dude as in the link below
Ask which combination of products makes the best caskets or coffins and other methods underlying and answers given and see how used clean metal parts of welding shipped to Canada to built the same and ask KG goes 4 how much and that’s why they create mayhem 4 the same dude.
Ask if Gold is precious metal and what it means by the city in the bible where all its streets will be Gold and ask if it can be any city or not and now per KG gold cost what in Dollars per country dude
Ask if which city best in the world in snow time and in summer and why and even in ya continents and even ask which country will be the most attractive when all nations equally built and why and answers given
Ask if in Nairobi they mix paint with extracts of leaves, hay, grass, feces, water washed with pets remain, feces, urine, and which animal blood to give the city that feeling that its good than others only something and must be done to be above world cities 
Ask when every nation can grow cash crops above the land surface or water or below as answers given which will be rich and even when food crops can grow such as the cash crops above to stop all ya lazy puzzles dude
Ask how many years remaining b4 the world ends and if there will be a new world created again and which people will form part
Ask who thinks another needs her Girlfriend to create beef while not and answers given
Ask who is disturbing the poor with their kids yet the rich are per your city and answers given dude
Ask how blood group of the fetus can be identified or the skull shape to avoid kids being shifted as one method as Fetus head skull non-light X-ray machine or blood group sensor or even pulse rate and temperature reader and given
Ask the devil the details of one when he gets to the bank or airport as with ID number, DOB, height, pulse rate, temperature, i mean all particulars and given to stop bank impersonation theft and even at times of Voting and registration and even if these man has transfigured or not all to bar the above b4 stepping on Cd hole as earlier said dude
Ask who deleted the nelson ask the devil innovation of light illuminate on solar panel generator and answers given to stop who is this invention or that and ask if a tribe or a group of people invented it and answers given or who gave them the same dude
Ask what are the lists of sins of blasphemy instead of every day debate and all given
Ask if their is final elimination in heaven and why and if firming is their and the people on earth who have reached heaven by what means, in which years and means of transport at what time dude
Ask why one talks much and less, the reasons underlying and given and ask who knows how to fuck or whose pussy sweet and why, if bought or not and which races of the world got kikuyu blood, big booty and hospitality, good tight pussy and everything and answers given, instead of everyday reproach dude
Ask who were the jew and who is sleeping with who even if between whites and non whites or who have slept with white woman or black women yet another race per ya area code and all their names printed dude
Ask where was the promised land and did the jew rich and who are they and who are every biblical tribe as the gentiles and given and kikuyu, luo were which tribes in the bible and Noah, Abraham and Adam even eve were of which tribe or spoke which language dude
Ask was kebi wrong at WSU or not and ask 4 justification and all answers given and ask if nelson is a con or list of what he has stolen with every1 and the list of such equipment given.
Ask how many times one has slept with one and answers given and ask the interior of the earth towards the outer space is made out of which material and how many people getting that material to be rich and in which part of the world and if much gotten out can the earth crack and the buildings the own with that and why within the tropics u cant do the same but towards temperate lands u can do the same and which nations knows about the same and how they get there dude
Ask what cash from forms great part of Kenyan national income and list of sold produce cash making the budget and with any nation and answers given dude
Ask all the artificial islands of the earth and new and answers given and where each tribe have store old along time weapons of war and list is given or endless dude
Ask what are the consequences or snake milk and which milk sold on the stores are of the same and with every animal to eject them out of the market and ask the best way to take each artificial food or drinks as some when cold break teeth and vice versa or cooked and uncooked and with all other side effects of every food and which boom methods of making the same has minimal side effects dude
Ask where every1 is currently stay what they own and where they plan to relocate in the future and answers given dude or ask which women, men, kids love everyday sex and vice versa and reasons with their names all given dude
Ask the lovers of school and church and all given, ask who wants to buy a property and same given. Ask those who are tire with life and why and even those wanna kill themselves and reasons give
Ask those are lying on northwhitehead nelson to get him killed and the property they say its on his name under who and their intent dude
Select a topic of preaching from the bible or speech and step on mentioning in lines what u want incorporated most and given to ya b4 the step way on CD hole as u know it as above dude, to eliminate this man sharp or this song, poem or writing ours u want to kill one to take dude and even with movies and dances dude
Ask on what products or things as grown foods if u hide bombs or guns inside by like cutting then joining with bladder or rubber band or in Balloons or CD can not be detected by the radar or metal/gun sensors and given and how many as the list of those who have employed the same and committed terror either in roads, airplane, train, house or in buildings and answers given bro, instead of police dubious acts of in pretense wanting others food, lifestyle and grab their manhood dude
Ask who has married who in secrecy and all the list per your town or area code given dude
Ask who were friends to and even lived with their friends or relatives and wants to kill them and reasons why and the planned attack and those snake can not bite and what if u do cut snakes when around like 10 KM away or what u do make them shy off u or cant bite ya and answers given dude
And ask personal mobile satellite server of 1000 KM or 500 KM can be connected to how many lines and if u cross line u pay the other phone company and if it will finish your nation phone company and the  combination u need to place as the heap, the chop process, stir, rub, gestures employed or all the method employed and the nature of the land u place the two or much heap that forms the same and ask if u want it shinny with non burnt part what u place with the heap and answers given dude, instead of rush as if a bed bug biting u to steal the same to be 1st as others do and given dude. With everything given
And ask those wanting good life 4 their kids without second though and mostly of which tribe or race or nation and list given to give them arrest as not disturb ya cause up-to no avail dude
ask who stole exams and answers given, who gave them and how much they pay and the whole deal who the get the script b4 people as with Tychus or wens or obat and if kevin nelson stole and which
ask did my mother in virginia gave josephine cash as part of my visa and did Gilbert omwaka and Mr ngesa take voodoo from her to infuse my face from Rio dejenairo from colombia with juddie marie yep answer true bro
ask who was angel Gabriel appeared to marry and answers given and Jesus son of God Or devil and Nelson who to devaura who created God and satan the 2 Gods and relationship btw devil devaura anda God and where Devaura lives and answer given dude. ASK WHO TAKE people to hell and who should be worshiped more
ask who again shifted nelson brain or head and answer monicah, who sent her and reasons why and given bro and who is monicah to kebi and did she take photo of food with phone and who to give nelson and 4 what reasons and whom the sold greencard to in Newport NJ and how much and all those such sold 2 and killed so justice surface and heads behind the same to be arrested dude
Ask the gimmicks under every healed person in the bible as blind beggar and demon possessed man was impersonation or eyes shifted as u know and ask if Jesus was Colombian or Hindu and the distinction between Colombians and Hindu and If all Hindus are Colombians and vice versa and all races of the world and people per your area code or voting list see things on their eyes to end the puzzle u r Hindu or not, if they refuse they refuse other boom making ways as machines, necessities and accessories, meaning they doubt those machines as they doubt the above answers meaning they are insane or accept not defeat dude
And even ask who the devil, devaura hates or love or not concerned above as much as with each race or tribe and nation dude and ask who wanted to kill NELSON in high school and why and all reason list given to a shame not the devil but the spirit in them
And ask those who had stollen NELSON to be given cash to start business as funeral collection 4 The Late Odhiambo Chui as George Odhiambo Ombuor and answers given and why and if there is any voodoo and by which people and if justified and if they will give Kevy that cash to start up a business
Ask if Jesus had sex and kids and all his kids up-to date and list endless and given dude and ask who owns the gramophone that Jesus father Banks had and the associated reasons behind it and where he had bought it and ask why Kikuyu now after knowing heaven there as much as planets, kinda, u see their habits rush to stop as bubble and answers given. And Ask why he was called chui while Kevy called Aroomtidy and where they want Kebi to get to as which nations and reasons why to defeat the devil
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