#lets shop online
letsshoponline5 · 2 months
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How to Frame the Perfect Camera Shot: Essential Photography Techniques
Capturing the perfect camera shot is a skill that every photographer aspires to master. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an amateur enthusiast, understanding essential photography techniques is key to achieving stunning results, especially when capturing images for best offers. In this guide, we'll explore fundamental principles and practical tips to help you frame the perfect camera shot and showcase your products or services in the best possible light.
Understanding Composition:
Composition plays a crucial role in creating visually appealing images that capture the viewer's attention. Learn about the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, and other compositional techniques to add depth and interest to your photos.
Experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the most flattering and engaging composition for your subject. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box to create unique and compelling images.
Mastering Lighting:
Lighting is one of the most critical aspects of photography and can make or break a shot. Learn to harness natural light or artificial lighting sources to highlight your subject and create the desired mood.
Understand the principles of exposure, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, to achieve proper exposure in various lighting conditions. Adjust these settings accordingly to control the brightness and contrast of your images.
Creating Depth and Dimension:
Adding depth and dimension to your photos can make them more dynamic and immersive. Experiment with techniques like foreground/background separation, depth of field, and selective focus to create a sense of depth and draw the viewer's eye into the scene.
Use leading lines, perspective, and framing to guide the viewer's gaze through the image and create a sense of movement and flow. Pay attention to details and textures to add visual interest and depth to your compositions.
Enhancing Composition with Color and Contrast:
Color and contrast can dramatically impact the mood and atmosphere of your photos. Understand the psychology of color and how different hues evoke different emotions and associations.
Experiment with color combinations, contrasts, and color grading techniques to enhance the visual impact of your images and create a cohesive look and feel. Use color theory principles to create harmonious and visually pleasing compositions.
Post-Processing and Editing:
Post-processing and editing can elevate your photos to the next level by fine-tuning exposure, color balance, and other elements. Familiarize yourself with editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance your images and bring your creative vision to life.
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sir-fluffbutts · 9 months
Fluff, you are responsible for the fact that my lover and I have been promoting your content for 4-5 years. Just take a look at the things with your characters that we have :'D (Not counting the official plushes) AND THIS IS NOT ALL
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i SWEAR i'll put out official merch (pins and stickers are almost a guarantee) in this winter i've just been having a hard time setting up a online shop 😭
AND THIS IS NOT ALL??????? YALL INSANE!!!!!!!!!! ((again! //pos ! ty for liking my content for all the years OUWGDHS))
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anipgarden · 8 months
Collecting Milkweed Seeds - All Facts, All Seeds, No Fluff
(OK but please also consider I'm not an ~expert~ I'm not a ~scholar~ I'm just a nerd on Tumblr who really likes milkweed and wanted to make a fun lil post about it)
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[Image ID: a green, leafy common milkweed plant (Asclepias syriaca) with five large, ovalish and bumpy green seed pods. The seed pods are currently unopened.]
It’s fall, which means if you haven’t seen them already, now’s the time that milkweed plants will start producing seed pods! (Well, technically, they’re called follicles, but fuck it they’re seed pods).  Each pod has dozens of seeds inside, some species can even have up to 200 seeds, so even collecting just a few can be a good way to boost your pollinator gardening efforts big time! What you do with them then is up to you--adding life to your backyard garden, sharing with friends, making seed bombs--but first you’ve gotta collect them.
The first thing you want to do is identify your milkweed plants--in an ideal world, you’d be able to tell precisely what kind of milkweed you’re collecting from (so you can know precisely what growing conditions that species prefers.) But when they’re dying back, forming pods, and releasing their seeds, it can be hard to tell. It helps to visit sites early, to know what milkweeds are there, and while you’re there you might even find some forming pods. 
It can be helpful to band off the pods early! This will keep the seeds from escaping, so you can come back later and collect them! I would only do this for a couple of pods--each pod has a lot of seed in it, so only taking one or two from each plant should still net you plenty of rewards! When I’m doing this in my backyard, I tend to use rubber bands--the size of rubber band you’ll need varies depending on the species. I’ve also seen people use the lacy-looking jewelry bags to a similar effect--if the pod splits open, all the seeds get trapped in the bag!
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[Image ID: the first image is of appears to be swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) with about fifteen long, green, smooth and pointed seed pods. Most of the pods have small black rubber bands wrapped around the midsections. The second image is of what appears to be common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) with two large, ovalish and bumpy green seed pods. A white fine mesh bag has been tied over the pods.]
For people who want to get seeds from unopened pods, you have to be very careful not to force open a pod that isn’t ready--otherwise, the seeds inside won’t fully develop. How do you tell if a pod is ripe? There’s a seam in each pod, and it should open fairly easily with minimal pressure if it’s basically ready. If you’re basically prying it open, you’re too early. The seeds inside should be a nice dark color, and be plump in the middle--if they’re creamy colored or light orange, you’re too early. There may be some undeveloped seeds in each pod (I am talking maybe 1 to 3 here), but if the majority of them are ready, you’re good to go!
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[Image ID: a tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) seed pod that has been opened at the seam, revealing dark brown seeds and lots of creamy white floss. Four seeds are floating away from the pod on fluffy white comas. The pod is being held between a white person's fingers.]
I’ve also seen people who go late late late into the season, after most of the pods have already fully split off and released their seeds. Some of the seeds occasionally stay in the pod, so they’ll take the leftovers that didn’t get scattered after winter passes. That’s a fair strategy! I prefer to get mine way early on, so I can get a clear ID of what kind of milkweed it is (some will flower and produce pods at the same time), but if you already got an ID early in the season and then come back later this can also work! But…
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[Image ID: several dried brown seed pods have opened fully, releasing a cloud of milkweed floss with seeds attached. Some seeds are still in the pods, but many are primed to float away.]
There is, however, one thing that tends to be a bit annoying about collecting milkweed seeds--and that’s the fluff. These fluffy white bits attached to the seed--called comas--function similarly to the iconic fluffy dandelion seed. A milkweed seed’s coma allows it to float through the air and on the water until it (hypothetically) reaches bare soil or an otherwise suitable start to settle down and germinate. If you’re collecting the seeds for later use, though, that same coma can mean your milkweed seeds are traveling through the air and away from where you’re collecting them, or all over your apartment once you get them home. Removing the comas by hand is an option, but tedious, and still leads to a nice pile of fluffy that will get airborne at the first gust of wind. At the end of the day, for many people trying to collect milkweed seeds, the coma is just an annoying part they dread.
Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to collect milkweed seeds without having to deal with the comas long-term!
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[Image ID: A single brown milkweed seed floating on a comparatively huge mess of white fibers.]
Method 1
So this is my favorite method because it's honestly one of the simplest and easiest once you get used to it. You open the pod, grip the top part of the middle ‘pith’ section tight, and gently scrape off the seeds into a bowl or bag. This leaves you with almost no fluff in your collection bin, and you can then toss the middle fluffy part--or I’ve heard of people collecting milkweed fluff for spinning! Most of the videos I’ve seen on it use common milkweed or other large milkweed pods as an example--however, I’ve successfully done this with smaller milkweed pods like A. curassavica as well. 
Method 2
This method is one I’ve used in the past. Take the seeds and fluff and put them into a bag (paper or plastic) and add a coin or two. Shake the bag around--a lot. The coin will dislodge the comas from the seeds. The seeds will then drop to the bottom of the container, and the fluff will float around on the top. I’ve also seen this with buckets and blocks, like in the video below!
Method 3
I’ve seen a handful of people discuss burning the floss of the seeds! Apparently the seeds themselves aren’t damaged badly by the fire, though honestly this is a method that I am simply too anxious to try myself.
Method 4
This was a method I found while I was looking for other methods people have done. Apparently, you can just roll the pod between your hands and it’ll work to dislodge the seeds? I may have to try it next time!
Hopefully this advice is helpful for you all! I know collecting seeds was a hassle for me before I learned my favorite method. If I had a nickel for every time I got yelled at for releasing milkweed fluff into the house...
If you've got a method that I haven't heard about yet, let me know!! I'm always down to learn more about milkweed, and it can also help someone else down the line!
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luchsyy · 1 year
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you can buy prints of my art now!! https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/luchsyy/
feel free to check it out!! there’s a lot of fandom & original stuff on there :D
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meridiantears · 7 months
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Baby girl time. Got make a print for my rooms clown corner
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pigeon-princess · 3 months
Is there any chance you'll restock on some of your sold out items? I missed the vampire lanyard and Strahd keychain sadly.
Yes! I undestimated the popularity of the both the Strahd keychains and the vampire lanyards aaa! I'm planning to order a whole new batch within the next month so they'll definitely be back in stock! I'll be selling the Strahd keychain seperately as well when they are back in the store. Thank you so much for your interest in them!!
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piratespencilart · 4 months
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Check out my new shops!
🎨 Etsy: PiratesPencilArt.etsy.com 🎨
☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/piratespencilart ☕
This is my first foray into really selling my art online, so... consider this a bit of a test run to see if people are interested? I only have a couple designs up right now, but I'm definitely planning on adding more designs if this goes well!
I have Veth prints! They are 4" x 6" postcard sized art prints. You can buy them individually or as a set of three!
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And Veth stickers! (I decided to stick to a theme here. 😊) They are about 2" in size, and are waterproof vinyl!
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(The USD prices might vary slightly based on the exchange rate.)
All shipping is free internationally!
Also!! The first twenty people who order something from either my Etsy or my Ko-fi will get a little bonus FCG sticker. This one is just matte paper, not vinyl, but it's cute. 😊
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cyanidas · 6 months
BIG News: I'm trying to make some really huge changes, and I'll need your help.
Before I grant any details, I gotta preface everything with the reality of our situation; Jay, the sole breadwinner, has been a victim of yet another "new hire surprise fire". He was booted without warning, written or verbal, about two weeks ago.
Evidently this is very common in the production wood/metalworking industry, otherwise this wouldn't have happened so many fucking times, because he's a great person with amazing work ethic and that's not just my bias talking - most of his coworkers have felt the exact same way as me across every company he's worked for.
Of course, THAT DAY we wasted no time in reaching out to contacts and applying for mountains of positions on Indeed, on company websites, and the state hiring portal. Nobody has contacted him back. ONE hiring agency gave him a "maybe". Even I have applied to several places for myself, with not so much as a rejection.
Seeing the trauma this caused him first hand was my final fucking straw.
I'm sick to death of suffering this tragedy. I'm sick to death of hearing the love of my life, my Fiancé, cry because of how he was fired. And I'm sick to death of coming here or crawling to my friends and family for money they don't have because we're legitimately hopeless for it.
I don't have the heart to continually beg for cash. It was never something I've been good at or proud of doing, and it kills me inside to DM people for commissions I don't even have the time nor energy to do. I'm sick of this. All of this. I need it all to stop.
So of course, I want to nip this in the goddamn bud.
I met a very sweet vendor in Iowa who gave me a load of resources on how to get started selling my art on actual things I get to see and hold for myself and hand to people in person, namely conventions. It's a hell of a risk but I need this to work. I'm so exhausted from asking for money so please help me make this be the last time I ever need to come here for help.
More details will come, because I'm also tired of making plans and leaping forward without having anything to show for it. When I actually have these products designed, that's when I'm going to show you guys everything I've made, with as much detail on my thinking and planning as I can get out there (because lord knows the internet has taken advantage of people's generosity before).
When that time comes, please *please* give me your support. It would legitimately be world-changing for us.
I just wanted to get this out here asap so people would know what I'm going through and, hopefully plan along with me. I don't just want this to happen, I *need* this to *succeed*. I don't have any other option. Right now, I'm busting my ass on product designs (literally because this chair hurts!!), and Jay can attest to that.
I plan on having *something* to show for all my hard work by next week, and soon after, a Kickstarter to make it a reality. Keep an eye out!!
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dragonanne4fun · 2 days
#hmm🫤#is it time to abandon this desperate desire to meet someone organically in person and finally wade into the world of online dating?#obviously. i would still be incredibly open to meeting someone organically#but is it time to start actively looking online??#30yrs is not that far off for me and....I'm ready to have that person who is *my person*#the person i can call when I'm lonely and not feel like a loser because i know they want to share in my company as much as i do theirs#someone who will kiss my forehead and let me lean against them while we watch a movie#someone who will play new board games with me and maybe even some Dnd#i was feeling the Big Sad Lonely last night so today I got out of the house and drove into the city to go to a few shops...#...and just drive in the traffic (I'm a weirdo who actually enjoys city driving on highways)#and one shop i went to was a big game and ttrpg store (so much awesome stuff)#when i checked out i had such a lovely pleasant and fun interaction with the guy at the checkout#he was kinda handsome. not a chad by any means but he seemed cool and had such an attractive voice#and i know nothing about him/his values/his life--not even his name#but i tell you. if that store wasn't 1.5hrs from my house--I'd be dropping in a lot more often just to maybe get to know him a little better#he was so nice and i felt like there was some chemistry there???#maybe??????#but i feel like the odds of us actually sharing all/most of the same values are low so I'm just torturing myself by dwelling on it probably#the ramblings of a dragon#i want a man. a fun godly. creative man#maybe i should be looking online 🫠
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kkujo · 6 months
meeting mj is scary bc they always dress super cool so i have to pull out all the stops or i will look like connecticut clark beside them .
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honestly, props to Asagiri and the anime directors. I have pretty bad empathy deficiency bc of the ‘tism, and I find it hard to feel emotions for fictional characters. I’ve only ever felt sad about the dog dying in fiction.
This is the first time I have genuinely been prompted to be sad because of a story. Anything else I’ve felt towards other medias could be shut off easily and was often confused with already existing depressive episodes, but if chapter 110 didn’t hurt me enough, the season 5 episode 10 did.
It goes to show how much meticulousness and raw passion Asagiri and Harukawa put into the story, and the individual developments of each and every character, as well as interweaving their respective identities, both fictional and real, into beautifully crafted relationships between one another. It’s the kind of story that I feel safe to hyperfixate on: an abundance of content, and the little easily missable details that often actually mean something.
While I’m no fan of sadness (as no one is, I should believe), the emotions that I have felt for each character have puzzled even myself - someone who is honest with themselves about their feelings due to it being a matter of safety and necessity rather than preference. Spending hours thinking about not only my current conundrum with the story, but also the way that it makes me feel, are some of the most valuable and precious times in my mind. I have had the privilege of watching characters grow through their trauma and flourish, and they have unwittingly triggered my own personal growth through the smallest of questions, like: Why do I dislike Dazai if he is a fan favourite? Why is he a fan favourite? What led to Kouyou being so sure that darkness can never be cured? Specifically, in that one flashback scene? Why does everyone dismiss Dazai’s suicidal tendencies so easily? Why don’t I like Kunikida? Who is Sigma, really? Nikolai knows much more than he actually expresses; what is he hiding? Literally everything about Fyodor…
While I’ve often seen my own feelings as more of a restriction - a burden that holds myself and others back, this story (and therapy) has brought so much clarity to my struggles. Even hearing some characters say things that have struck a chord with me because I had the same thoughts many years ago, and sometimes I still do.
The sadness that this brought me was a delicate blend of a burning passion and the end of a piano piece - nostalgic, and yet wishing that, hoping that, believing that, it’s still there. A small flicker persistent through thick and thin as the walls around it were burnt and discarded. So small that it is clear that there are only two possibilities: to relight it and allow it to rage as a forest fire, or to quietly quell it, and think of it every now and then, wondering if it was the right decision. Whether the flame will be revived of drenched, one thing is certain; this is a turning point, and the decision must be made immediately. That sense of urgency coupled with wishing one didn’t have to choose brings such a soft and calm ache in the heart. Tired, exhausted even, but still there is the last spark that will surely be extinguished if not supported immediately. A spark of longing, hoping, and dawning understanding.
I can’t even figure out what other people are feeling, let alone a fictional character, especially one as cryptic as Dazai. Still, there is no doubt in my mind that this is definitely his worst case scenario, the last outcome, the result that existed only in his ignored and downtrodden nightmares.
The elaborateness of his emotions are so clearly and yet fully portrayed that I can’t help but admire it, especially because I have so much trouble expressing emotions myself. Whether or not Dazai survives will not hinder the effect that Bungou Stray Dogs has had on me, and I will continue to support it in the future. After all, while I do like Dazai as a character, there is still much more I wish to learn about in more detail. I want to know more about Kouyou, Gin, Verlaine, Tecchou, Teruko, Yosano, Jouno, and the others.
It is cruelly ironic to me, that a series about dead authors with superpowers could comfort me and help me more than anyone around me ever did when I was in my fundamental growing years. Very few characters in Bungou Stray Dogs have confirmed disabilities (aside from some form of trauma), and yet I have been able to grow and understand them, and see them in myself in a way that no one ever could ever do to me thus far in real life.
Also it stopped me from keeping attempting suicide because Dazai did it as well and I did not want to associate myself with him in any way, shape or form. Hey, whatever works.
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letsshoponline5 · 2 months
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Best Long-Lasting Perfume for Men & Women
Selecting the perfect long-lasting perfume can be a daunting task, with numerous options available for both men and women. However, with the right guidance and access to Amazon deals, finding the ideal fragrance that suits your preferences and lasts throughout the day is easier than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore insider tips on choosing the best long-lasting perfumes for men and women, along with exclusive Amazon deals to help you save on your purchase.
Understanding Fragrance Notes: Before diving into the selection process, it's essential to understand fragrance notes and how they contribute to a perfume's longevity. Fragrance notes are the different scent components that unfold over time, consisting of top, middle, and base notes. Top notes are the initial impression of the fragrance, middle notes emerge after the top notes fade, and base notes linger the longest, providing the foundation of the scent. By understanding the composition of fragrance notes, you can better identify long-lasting perfumes that align with your preferences.
Consider Your Personal Preferences: When choosing a long-lasting perfume, consider your personal preferences in terms of fragrance families, such as floral, woody, citrus, oriental, or fresh. Think about the occasions and seasons you'll be wearing the perfume for, as well as any specific scents that resonate with you. By narrowing down your preferences, you can focus on selecting perfumes that match your unique style and personality.
Read Reviews and Recommendations: One of the best ways to gauge the longevity of a perfume is by reading reviews and recommendations from other users. Look for reviews that specifically mention the longevity and staying power of the fragrance, as well as any comments on the overall scent profile and performance. Additionally, seek out recommendations from trusted sources, such as beauty bloggers, fragrance experts, and online forums dedicated to perfume enthusiasts.
Explore Perfume Concentrations: Perfumes come in different concentrations, which directly impact their longevity and intensity. Generally, perfumes with higher concentrations of fragrance oils, such as parfum or eau de parfum, tend to last longer compared to lighter formulations like eau de toilette or eau de cologne. When shopping for long-lasting perfumes, consider opting for higher concentration formulations for maximum staying power.
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falled-over · 5 months
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#photos of my guitar my dad posted to his blog years back when he bought it#it’s the most beautiful guitar in the world. it feels warm and alive to play#as you can see in the first two pics it used to have a newer pickup installed on the bottom. luckily he found an era appropriate online#it’s from 82 if you were curious#it says squire on the headstock but it was made on the fender line. they bought squire out and swapped in the name soon after this#but he got it a little cheaper than it was worth at the time because people aren’t as autistic as him and don’t know about production lines#basically it wasn’t brand name#basswood body and dark rosewood on the neck 😋✌️#it’s actually a replication of a ‘62 model! which was 20 years old at the time. mines now twice that. isn’t that incredible#i actually saw a modern fender replication of this exact model in an op shop yesterday#for more or less exactly how much this was bought for#dad finished his blog post by saying he thinks this is better made than the original. and despite not knowing the og i’m inclined to agree#people in the comments of his post are saying that this era was supposed to be something special. hehe. they’re right#i’ve played many guitars. i own this one because my dad collects them and he let me try them all out#and i have a lot of friends who play guitar and ive hung out with them to do so#and i’ve never felt one like mine before or since. it’s so obviously beautiful#when i picked it out i hadn’t played much but i knew right away how good it was. i prefer strat bodies because i can hug my torso around#them without getting poked like a tele and the necks are thinner than acoustics (small hands. bad)#unless we’re talking parlour#love a wee parlour. pa has a little one he got for 30 bucks that’s one of my favourites of his#he’s insanely good at finding deals#he fixes them all up#anyway. the body feels#how would you even describe it#heavy. and alive. warm and wet and still full of sap#i feel like it’s breathing#it’s sort of the only thing that motivates me to be better. i could cry just thinking about it. i want to be good enough to play it
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coffee-bat · 8 months
me when i'm punk (and it's important to me) and have a long-running bat thing going on, and i'm trying to make a cash banooca sona/oc, but there's already a punk bat in the franchise and i have to try way harder to make them distinct and not look like a knock-off
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 months
Ugh I’ve been thinking forever about getting a specific skirt from thief and bandit (don’t look up the prices) but since it’s pretty expensive (don’t look) I just kind of filed it away as a Maybe Someday thing because it was high waisted AND basically floor length AND had pockets AND had a purple floral design, but I just looked at their site and practically everything’s gone 😔 so long dream skirt it was never meant to be
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thearcherprentiss · 6 months
when it gets to the point that not even your comfort escapes are helping
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