#lesbian elder
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"Ruth Ellis, Golden Threads Celebration 1995," from the documentary Golden Threads
source: The Wild Good: Lesbian Photographs & Writings on Love, edited by Beatrix Gates
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stormysapphic · 1 year
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lesbians over 60, photographs by elana freedom, published in common lives/lesbian lives no. 15/16, june 1985
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shapelytimber · 5 months
Hello stranger and welcome, to my lesbian art master post
Tumblr gifted me a blaze, and I had no idea what to do with it for the longest time. But then it hit me... I could just repost every sapphic art I did in 2023. So enjoy !
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Sith Milfs
Ikkons magazine cover illustration
My 50yo comic teacher doesn't know what lesbians are
Y2K Star wars with mean lesbian Maul
A taste of faith
Pussy adventure
A visit from the moth lady
Third animation of the vampire ladies
Girls night out !!
Wine wives
Bull cowgirl and magical cowboy
Butch Colombo having a divorce with a typewriter
Stand high lesbians
Hey thank you for taking the time to scroll to the end ! It means a lot to me <3
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cowboyjen68 · 5 months
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The day before Christmas Eve, with the help of many, I met a new lesbian friend off of TikTok. She needed a new car battery and I know how to change a battery and found out she was only an hour away! Got to meet an elder and break out my tools and get her some much needed supplies! My community, on and off line, is nothing short of incredible. New battery installation complete!!
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peony-plum · 4 months
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Dragonborn: I’ll braid your hair 💕
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mayasaura · 2 years
I love how Gideon has no idea how OP Harrow is. Like, she's fucking proud of her, at the end, but she just hasn't seemed to have clued in that her girl is not normal. By several degrees of magnitude.
Look at this, here:
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Harrow calls bullshit on Dulcinea having turned Pro into a Beguiling Corpse because it should not be possible for a single necromancer to do it. Not even a necromancer in the prime of their power. And Cytherea considers this a fair hole in her story, and amends it to say that it wasn't her, it was all the heads of the Seventh House working together.
Harrow completed this spell twice, by herself, at the age of ten.
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gay-impressionist · 2 years
Part 1 : Joy in each other (Community)
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@artbyeloquent / lil nas x and elton john wearing a rendition of each other's iconic costumes. photographer unknown / @ghostcauliflower / alison bechdel / @android-boy / heartstopper : scene where nick, a bisexual boy, sees his two lesbian friends kiss. gif by @nicks-nelson / @canaryomenharbinger / shatzi weisberger with three unknown people / anonymous / new york city 2021 pride parade. photographer unknown
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brinconvenient · 11 months
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This is a long tale, but I appreciate you taking the time to meet my friend Chris and help her out if you can.
TL;DR: my friend, an elderly queer woman I met when she was homeless just lost everything she owns in a fire at her first permanent home she had after becoming unhoused. Luckily, she and her cat were not home at the time. Please help if you can by donating or boosting.
This is a queer elder who needs our help. I'm hoping tumblr can come through for her
Here's the long tale:
A friend of mine just lost everything except herself, her cat and the clothes on her back to a fire at her apartment (her first after being homeless for years) on Friday. We learned yesterday that nothing from her apartment is recoverable. Please help!
(Long post with cute cat pictures behind the readmore)
I met Chris one Sunday afternoon after driving past her three times as she sat on a bench outside our local library after closing. I stopped to ask if she needed a ride, and found out that she was homeless, staying in motels when her SSI came in and on the street when it ran out.
As the years have passed, I've learned a lot about her. Despite her parents kicking her out at 17 when she was outed to them as gay, she went back to school and became a social worker, working in several Chicago hospitals through the 80s and 90s, and, like a lot of queer women in the caring fields at that time, tended to and provided comfort and care for (among others) so many gay men, young and old, living with and dying from AIDS, from the earliest days of the disease through the availability of the triple cocktail and to the brighter days of hope.
Through it all, she had relationships with women in a time where that was something that wasn't always safe to do. Some were good, some bad, and some resulting in her losing nearly everything, but she struggled through. She quit social work in 99 or 2000 when her mom got sick and passed away, and then stayed out of the workforce to care for her dad until he passed in 2006. Those experiences impacted her deeply, and she became permanently disabled during that period, leaving her living on SSI, and struggling with her own mental health. She eventually lost her condo, and bounced in and out of apartments and motels.
When I met her in Sept 2019, I helped her get back into the motel she'd been staying at and bridging her to her next check and then making sure that she could stay there, and reliably get her maintenance meds and start rebuilding her life and credit.
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This is her and everything she owned as we left her hotel room for the final time on Valentine's Day 2022.
The cat there is Bailey, her constant companion since they adopted each other in September 2021. They've both been through a lot and are absolutely the picture of "Who rescued whom?"
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We started having biweekly dinners and I worked with her creditors and tried to get her credit score back into a good place, and helped her get banked and fixed up with access to the Internet and just help her feel more solid and stable in her life.
Just over 2 years later, in February 2022, we were finally able to get her into a senior independent living apartment, her first permanent home since about 2017. She had no furniture, but with some secondhand pickups and occasional pickups, we got her something resembling a home.
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It wasn't perfect, and she had her grumbles, certainly, but it was her home. It was a place that she could launch from to recover and consider moving some place even better, if she chose.
However, Friday, July 14, Bailey had an afternoon vet appointment. Everything was fine when we left, but when we got home, with Bailey in a carrier in the backseat, we were shocked to see what looked like a million emergency vehicles & a whole lot of seniors sitting on the grass.
Chris and Bailey came with me to take my daughter into the city that evening, giving the situation 2 hours to develop and for us to get more information. We heard a few newsradio updates and saw this story on abc7, getting the sinking feeling that that balcony looked too familiar.
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When we got back from the city, we were able to drive around the back of the building and confirm that this was her apartment.
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We were able to get back to the building on Tuesday and get into the apartment to get her medications, but everything is water damaged from the sprinkler system (with all of its stagnant water) and the firehoses. All her furniture. All her clothes. Her bed. Her degrees. Gone.
Everything she owned is gone. She literally owns less now than when she was homeless. She's despairing and trying her best to keep it together, but she's lost so many homes in her life, going back to when she was 17 and her parents found out she is gay and kicked her out.
This all feels like too much. Please help. Please donate what you can, and share where you're able.
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A still from Nitrate Kisses, produced by Barbara Hammer
source: The Wild Good: Lesbian Photographs & Writings on Love, edited by Beatrix Gates
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machette-rhetti · 7 months
I know it’s like a kinda duh thing in hindsight but when you come out (as any kind of queer) to people and the reaction is anything but acceptance and interest in your identity it sucks ass. Like I keep thinking about with family oh it isn’t so bad at least they didn’t call me a bunch of slurs. But it’s like if I have to coddle you through it all just to get to the point of acceptance that actually just sucks. And my family never even got to the acceptance point. If you’re going thru it with ppl and coming out just know that anything but acceptance is actually below the bar of what love is. You can choose what to do with that but know you deserve better.
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shapelytimber · 6 months
A Taste of Faith
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Ok so the concept for this piece was : historical gay nuns, and 70s lesbian vampire movies meets tes (don't ask me why- I just had a vision at 3 am)
Because I think Serana should have been meaner<3 I love women's wrongs and when vampires do the suck <3
Btw of you want to see more gay Serana art, go check out @gay-of-waterdeep, their art is wonderful, and I can't say this was not a bit inspired by what they do :))
Process (and me rambling about some of my favorite 70s lesbian vampire movies (because I have a problem)) below vvv
Additional details about this drawing ! 1) I used the same Mara design than the one from my tarot deck :)) and 2) the other woman is one of the priestess in the temple in Riften lglggigkglgl her name is *check wiki* Dinya Balu
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And now......... Some movies I enjoy because my house my rules, you came this far so why not hear about niche european movies :))))))
Disclaimer for a majority of the films in this genre : the male gaze is very fucking obvious in these movies... they were made by men for men, and the message is often "lesbianism is a dangerous temptation for women". It's a glairing flaw nearly all of them share and that sucks (and frankly it's a flaw Serana's writting kinda has in my opinion, minus the lesbianism part, but let's not dwell on that)- so if you can't get past it, it's completly understandable, be on your way and have a nice day <3
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- Daughters of Darkness ! A toxic man is returning to london with his newly wed wife, but they get stuck in Belgium and are forced to stay in a luxurious hotel. Don't worry about the 10/10 smokeshow countess seducing his wife :). Completely unrelated, this movie has, in my opinion, the most beautiful lesbian kiss I've ever seen- but I might not be very objective because Delphine Seyrig is there lglglflflllglm The best one in the list ! So if you want to whatch one, whatch this one <3
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- The blood spattered bride ! This is more of... an aquired taste let's say- but I really like it ! A quite effective horror movie, with goofy ass scenes (shoutout to the vampire lady buried in the sand naked with only a diving mask that is not the screenshot because tits), and emasculation being a recuring theme <3 (but if you want to watch it, please check the content warnings beforehand, it has a lot of very shocking and frontal scenes, and it's the 70s so it's not done very tactfully. Also pretty intense flashing lights)
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- The vampire lovers ! Ok so this one is a lot less fun compared to the other two because it's made by the Hammer BUT... 1) Ingrid Pitt hello and 2) it's such a intriging thing to see a very christian/conservative studio make a film like that. I know a lot of people don't like the Hammer movies from the 70s, because the studio had a lot less money, and were making wild decisions. But I love them, because they tend to be much more fun bloody and sexy ! I'm a simple woman mjllkklhkhlhlho case in point with the vampire lovers (although if you want a fun vampire hammer movie from the 70s, Dracula ad 1972 is way better). And Peter Cushing is there (i love this man so much-) !
And now I shall resume my quest to find Vampire Lesbos by Jésus Franco and have a probably mid experience watching it xoxo
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Shout-out to queer people who use "outdated" language, for whatever reason. It is okay to reclaim and use language that feels best for your experiences. I promise, the people who matter don't mind.
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Was making out with this chick but when I grabbed her bulge she said “A new hand touches the beacon.” Now I gotta take her to Mount Kilkreath smh can’t trust Daedra
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moonlit-borderline · 21 days
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Felt good with no filter, rare occurrence
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I saw these stupid anti lgbt pictures and decided to edit them with some of my fandoms, enjoy
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tiredela · 4 months
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"She is the mate of Mafala, who did not forget her love for Boethra after Ahnurr sent her into exile for her rebellious nature." -The Wandering Spirits.
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