#legit ugly af
moonlightpirate · 1 month
I feel like I could fly. 😍 so there's this guy that I've had a mild crush on for awhile now and I've finally gotten the courage to talk to him everytime he comes in. Dude I'm pretty sure this guy was trying to get to know me today and asking me about my hobbies and interests and then legit was saying he would love for me to help him out when I told him I want to be an editor and I love helping edit stories and such and it felt so much like a he wanted to see me along with the help him thing and I may be reading into it but also I'm like wow 😍 I'm trying to not let my negative self talk in because I'm trying to be better about it but at the same time I'm like this good looking guy is talking to me and paying attention to me? What is going on? 😅
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femgoddess-hecate · 11 months
Love seeing social media posts like "this is a safe space for qu**rs!!! No bigots!! In fact I am qu**r and my partner is too!" And you look and it's a whole ass straight couple
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thewcllingtons · 1 year
these bots make me wanna delete so bad
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I can't explain the amount of joy seeing Hmong in a webcomic, even if it's just text
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I hate how much the Mario movie looks like Wreck it Ralph
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fishrights69 · 1 year
My Top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck
Here we go again. After receiving a very high ammount of notes!! (61 UwU) on the last fish list, here's another top 5 no one asked for. I've tried to use the reasoning of ''all fish are good'' but let's be honest, we'd be better off without these. 5. Monkfish🙏
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So these things are weird as hell. Their ugliness alone landed them on this list. Not only are they ugly as shit, but they're also mean motherfuckers that eat basically anything. They like to cover themselves in mud and just chill there until something crosses their path which imo is fucking lazy. Some people do eat them as a delicacy apparently(ew?). Props to them for getting over the looks. Ugly/10 5/10 for laziness 4.Hairy Frog Fish💇‍♀️
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If you wonder wtf are you looking at, this fish is the living embodiment of that feeling you get when you find hair in your food. This girlie loves to swallow as it's mouth can open to make space for fish almost twice her size so don't go sitting too close 💦 Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that she looks like a mistake. 4/10 appearance 8/10 for the deep throating skills 3. Goblin Shark 👺
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First of all, these sharks look like if someone designed a fish based on a child's drawing of a shark. Instead of going the terrifying route and choosing one of these pictures, I opted for a derpy yet still creepy photo. Besides being quite good at ambushing prey, these dudes still tend to eat man made garbage which further argues their position on ''the garbage fish top5™''. They also are basically living fossils since they're old af and most of their body is atrophied. 3/10 appearance 6/10 for still living so long despite everything.
2.Bony-Eared Assfish🍑
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This fish is for all ass obsessed fuckers. Grilling this baby and enjoying it counts as eating ass. Some cool facts about him: -The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio out of all vertebrates. -Assfish are soft and flabby with a light skeleton (so like a real ass) As for personality, they are not what I'd call assholes. They are quite sluggish as they prefer to sort of flap around with short bursts of energy instead of swim. They don't do much besides that which makes them a very underwhelming fish despite the sexy name :( Apparently they were given this name to make up for how utterly boring they are. 2/10 appearance 1/10 Interest in them or what they are good for (spoiler, nothing)
If you're a fish enthusiast, you probably know what's coming at nr.1 🥁 🥁 1. Ocean Sunfish☀️
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There are far, faar too many reasons for this fish to be on the first spot. Not only are they the dumbest fish in the whole world, but they also are not good swimmers AT ALL (wtf is with these poorly designed fish who cannot swim??). Scientists are still perplexed at how this fish continues to stay alive. If you want more shitty facts about them, here's a link to a very famous post trashing these bitches. BUT, I have my very own reason to hate the sunfish. One cursed morning, I decided to go get educated about animals and visit Naturalis, a museum in Leiden, The Netherlands. I was having a blast looking at all the beautiful animals showcased, along with the cool facts and atmosphere. I excitedly get to the aquatic creatures floor and mesmerised, I try to take in all the beauty. At the long corridor nearing the exit, I look around admiring the fish that were displayed. Thinking I had seen it all, I move further when I turn a corner and out of nowhere.. . . . . . . . BAM
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this GIANT motherfucker, hidden in a corner makes it's presence known. I'm not kidding when I say this thing is huge. Here's a picture of the replica from another angle for size reference. As you can guess, I was legit extremely spooked and actually screamed. :( 0/10 appearence 0/10 fuck this thing. useless and it gave me a heart attack
BONUS: I'm sorry but I think I've tortured myself and you enough, so to make up for it, here's a cute fishy instead: (take him)
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Alright thanks for reading and follow for more fish content. Suggest me some more top5's I could do, be it fish related, or whatever your mind decides to curse me with. Still need to cleanse yours eyes? My top 5 coolest fish
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b00tyliciousbabe · 10 months
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Guys who could rearrange and flood my guts…pt 1
Welcome to the new hit series, “Guys who I need to clap tf out of my fat ass cheeks.” DISCLAIMER: do not judge me, i fantasise a lot but (unfortunately) irl I ain’t done anything (yet 🤭)
Logan Mandeville
This guy just gives off BDE, I mean look at him; the toned abs, the strong arms, the body hair - he’s a fucking unit. In my opinion, he’s ugly hot as well, one of my biggest weaknesses. I’m from the UK and he legit looks like one of those white chavs/roadmen that would spark you if you even looked at them, and I find that so attractive. Ughhh I can just imagine him talking so tough and chavvy 😩 but at the same time I can picture him with a Boston accent and that literally makes me wanna suck the soul out of his dick. I kinda think I’m projecting my dream guy qualities onto him because I find him so leng but idc because I love it MWAHAHAAAA
Keeping the roadman aesthetic, I keep fantasing abt sucking him off in his tracksuit and eventually him piping me on the hood of his car. Let’s visualise, he looks like a Liam so for the sake of smut that’s what we are gonna call him…
(setting the scene: you guys are at a party)
It was a cool autumn night,
“Babe you look so fit tonight.” Your boyfriend said grabbing your waist and pulling your lips together. He had always loved seeing you in his brown leather jacket, it looked so big on you, but everyone loved how you styled the look. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever. The lights, the music, the people all drowned out, the only think that mattered rn was the two of you. “So do you,” you said as he stopped tongue fucking your mouth.
See the relationship u had with him was something special. From the moment he laid eyes on you, Liam wanted you to be his. Everyone at school loved you - the nerds, the band kids, the cheerleaders even the students who were basically alienated. What wasn’t to love? All of them…except the homophobes 🤮🤮, and since Liam was captain of the football team, he was guilty by association. That didn’t stop you from finding him attractive. You guys were never even meant to meet. But the day your lives became the storyline of an American teen show and he needed to raise his grade in English, was the day you both SAW each other.
“I’m never going to be as smart as you, no one can compare to the way you are.” Liam told you, and if you weren’t black, you would’ve even as bright as a tomato. “Look at me, you are gonna ace that test, you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for Li” You smiled at him, the eye contact just increasing the sexual tension between you two. “Tell you what,” he said licking his lips whilst staring at you twirling your hair and marking his essay, “if I pass this exam” “WHENNN” you interrupted, “when I pass this exam, would you wanna, maybe go on a date?” You smiled at him so innocently, “Of course, but it means you have to get at least 70%” “70%!! I’m barely pushing 50, omds.” Stop talking negatively, i want you to pass more than you think I do, now more than ever” I defended as Liam smirked at your newfound interest in being with him. Your bf went onto get a 87% in the exam, 2nd highest to ur 98%, and ofc that meant you had to go on a date.
(BACK TO THE STORY) you left him to chat to his teammates who loved your relationship, talk abt growth 👏👏 you went to talk to some of your best friends and the vibe was just so good. Everyone was dancing to the Weeknd. It was crazy in a good way obv. All of a sudden the captain of your school’s rival team starts touching on you. “yooo chill, don’t touch on me like that,” you said and your friends helped you to forget about him. “He’s such a perv, as if you would do anything,” they said “I know right, like I know I look good but come on” you attested. But he didn’t stop and Liam could see you were uncomfortable from the other side of the room. He stared with anger, as he downed his shot of whiskey. He moved towards you. “Is there a problem here babe,” he kissed your cheek as he hugged you from behind. “Nah, Li there’s no issue,” you smiled smugly at the dickhead who tried moving to you. “Can we go love?” You stared up at him. “Of course.” He said gripping your waist tighter, your eyes calming him down. You held his hand, rubbing his forearm to soothe him. “Yh Liam, listen to your lil (f-slur) bitch,” The whole party turned silent. He stopped walking, and you looked back at him to see he was fuming. “Li-Li, just ignore him,” you said with teary ish eyes and shallowed breath. He wiped your cheek. “You go I’ll see you in a bit,” He signalled to your friends to take you outside. “No, I ain’t leaving without you” you gripped his hand. “Babe, I’ll be out in a minute, just go”. Your friends helped you get out of there. The rest was a blur; You remember that your man walked out of that house with a bloodied shirt and blood covered broken knuckles, but at least he was consciously walking, and didn’t have to spend 6 months on life support, limping with a leg that would never kick the same. But hey, no one messes with you.
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What was Z and AleX's first kiss like? Was it really awkward or more romantic?
(Ps. I love your artstyle! It brings me so much joy to look at it :] )
First of all THANK YOU A LOT, I LOVE YOU PEOPLE SO FUCKING MUCH, at this point you guys are my enablers for this stuff.
Idk on what kind of drugs I am but every page that I've drawn looks fucking hilarious to me. I just can't stop laughing over it, especially the one where Z holds a flower up. I've been legit laughing to tears every time I look at it idk why. Also sorry for fucking up the kiss I tried I guess.
Okay so Z has a history of bad relationships in his past, when he asked AleX if they could hang later he meant in a friendly way more than anything. In reality he wasn't that interested in her. But while they were talking AleX had been sending him mixed messages, she seemed annoyed, not interested in what he was talking about. He kinda felt like he was bothering her more than anything. Kinda feeling like his friendship request is being rejected, just as he was about to say " Sorry for bothering you, I'll leave" she turns to him and asks if they could see each other tomorrow. Surprised by her request, he says yes anyway, maybe she just wasn't feeling like hanging out today.
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Tomorrow comes, and he actually shows up and sees a completely different person in front of him. She was jumping, happy, maybe even overjoyed, she was all over him. Confused by this, he wasn't sure what he was getting himself into.
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He finally realizes he wasn't asked to come hang around he was asked on a date. He swears she didn't blink once while looking at him.
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Eh whatever, he'd been trough worse and a lot of one-offs before, since he wasn't even that interested he decided to just be himself and at least have a fun time. If the date is what she wants, a date she will get.
And in fact, they did have fun, maybe more than he was expecting, even thought he managed to do one or two stupid things.
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Oh. Whoopsies, sorry.
You don't have to say sorry every time.
It was kinda weird that Z was apologizing for very small things, it was new to her, No one ever apologized for doing worse. But it felt nice, Z appreciated her forgiveness a lot, and actually felt comfortable being himself for once.
Everything was great untill....
He doesn't know why, but he just had an urge to pick one.
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Not understanding why he even picked a flower in the first place, he gives it to AleX, eh whatever girls like flowers.
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Bro I can't this image is funny af I can't breathe fuck literally cryin rn.
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Okay... he wasn't expecting that reaction.
She can't be serious about this, I mean, he's known her for like a day or two.
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But he did have a good time with her, didn't regret a moment they've spent together. Maybe he does like her after all.
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She fell in love the moment she saw him, he fell in love with her on their first date.
Lol sorry the images look ugly af I legit can't. What have I done. I'm in tears omfg.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Ran (p2 of 2)
If you don’t remember… :
@tenjikusstuff: omg i never requested anyone i just don't know how request work...but like. ANYTHING with Ran makes my knees week. From the most angsty thing to the most fluff thoot sweet one. I just love him THAT much. And same gors for Hanma fucking Shuji. These beanpoles have my heart attached to strings.
So basically I saw an alphabet thing where people did every letter for something regarding a character? Idk if that makes sense lol but here’s where I got credit from; (sfw) (nsfw)
A - Aftercare This poor man. He switches from ruthless to being the most worrisome man in the world. You might doze off, but you will wake up to food and water and be wrapped up in a blanket while he lies cold behind you.
B - Bff Similar to how he is as a bf, I think he would worry 24/7. He knew you were a little oblivious at times and couldn't help but hope no one bothered you while he was away from you.
C - Cum (legit so awkward to write this cause its interesting to describe lol) He has a bit of a shitty diet so this reflects that lol. It's more clear than anything else and sticks to legit everything. Still enjoyable to take in LOL
D - Domestic (settling down) If you were ready, he would be too. He likes to cook, especially with you, and wouldn't mind taking on the house-husband role outside of work.
E - Experience Might seem like big shit but is probably truly learning with you, prove me wrong. He might have a club, see ladies, and get bitches all the time, but sex? No clue.
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl's helper is a yes along with leapfrog. I think just anything to where he could see your body react to him would be fine. These are only 2 out of many though.
G - Gentleness SO GENTLE. GENTLEMAN. If you have a headache and you're into brushing your hair to relieve stress, you bet he is going to do it for you. Have stuff in your hands? He's taking them and walking in the door, he doesn't care if it's heavy, he's taking them.
H - Hugs? It might weird him out at first, but if you do it enough, he will ask for them every day almost.
I - Intimacy Not romantic enough to have music playing or anything, but he might light your favorite candle and take a bath with you...
J - Jealousy If it's in one of his places, and he owns a lot, he will get mad and fire any employee that looks you up and down.
K - Kiss No brainer, sucker for kisses. And if you pull his hair slightly? He's gone, buckling, like legit crumbles.
L - Location (to do it) Private places like the bedroom, not into others watching in public if he doesn't know them. Ultimately your choice tbh.
M - Mornings (with them) You can't tell me he isn't the one man we wish to wake up to. Messy bedhead hair, raspy voice, does the stomach scratch thing that reveals the slightest below the belt... AH
N - No’s (turnoffs) When a person doesn't care for themselves and/or their s/o bugs Ran sm. Also just not being a good person. Like sure, he smokes some, yeah, but he's not rude to people or bothered if someone tries to make small talk if they haven't done anything?
O - Oral (giving, receive) Opposite of Hanma, better with the mouth than with the fingers. Legit almost chokes on air if you give it to him.
P - Patience Surprisingly patient. Wants shit done but can wait if it's necessary.
Q - Quickies Perfectly fine with them. Although it's normally just a name since he likes to take his time and it turns into an hour in the bathroom instead of a few minutes.
R - Risks He's risky all the time. Like mentioned above, a little clueless when it comes to the deed so you might need to explain the quote 'risk' before he goes at it.
S - Security Cares about you SO MUCH. Ran >>>> bodyguard
T - Toys? He has them. They're still in the packaging.
U - Ugly Habits He has a bad habit of forgetting things. Important things. It could be a simple meeting, or it could be a bigger thing like forgetting to eat.
V - Volume Loud af. Doesn't really care if someone hears, but you're equally as vocal so... guttural moans every time with praises.
W - Would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He would beat himself up, even if it wasn't his fault you left him. If he left you, it would only ever be because it was for your safety.
X - X-ray Girthy and 5-6 inches. Cute little mushroom top :)
Y - Yearning Depends. If he has been tired for the past week due to work, begs you for a taste. Ordinarily, honestly could care less if it's not important to you either. If you ask, ofc he will. But won't outright be desperate like when he is tired.
Z - Zzz Sleep for so long. IDK WHY HE IS SO TIRED??? Maybe it's just a bad sleeping habit that became a habit, he will sleep in most days and be late to work.
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eslanes · 11 months
It's fine if you like beige (I think it's ugly af but that's just me) BUT can someone please explain why this aesthetic/trend is 99% skinny white bitches? I'm legit not trying to start shit but I need to understand how that isn't sketchy as fuck???
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saruin · 11 months
SOMEONE PUT IT INTO WORDS!! superiority complex and you’re so fucking spot on. i don’t know if you saw the actual posts but oh my god. she kept going ON AND ON saying “you rich girlies” as if it was an actual insult? as if it isn’t literally how some people have decided to dress up their virtual doll houses??? it would be funny if she wasn’t so genuinely convinced that people liking to make their sims live glamorous lives wasn’t a fucking sin.
After I got that ask, I ended up scrolling past a post that had screenshots of one of her rants but I didn't stay long enough to read the whole thing.
She was legit insulting people while trying to defend herself. Like excuse me? If that isn't some shitty princess type of behavior idk what is.
Also it's very presumptuous to think that people who want to make their sims high end and classy af live like that irl. A lot of people live vicariously through their sims, it is a life simulation game after all. Mocking somebody for something that gives them joy and isn't harmful or traumatic for others? Telling them to leave the community and go somewhere else cause she doesn't like it? That's truly weird and ugly behavior and we need less people like that around
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agirlking · 2 years
So the biphobia is already rearing its ugly head.
I feel this needs to be said. Ryan is not queerbaiting in The Quarry, Dylan is not queerbaiting in the Quarry. We got two guys that are very blatantly bi and gay and not played for laughs or as stereotypes, this is a good thing.
Yes I’m disappointed (and it’s odd writing) that Ryan decides basically he isn’t interested in Dylan OR Kaitlyn, (I've heard you can get slightly different dialogue? But idk how.) And he does have this instant connection with Laura (can you blame him? She’s wife af.) But he is no less bisexual because he’s more interested in a girl than a guy. 
I’ve not seen a single person say Dylan isn’t “really gay” or “queerbaiting” cause he ends the game single. It’s very telling.
I’m not saying this representation was perfect (yes they censored the kiss between him and Ryan, and yes that can be criticized, but it can be done without implying Ryan’s somehow less legit of rep because of one camera angle), but I thought it was overall well done and impressive. We get two blatantly queer guys who never make it a secret nor is it ever made weird. And instead of acknowledging it we’re complaining cause we didn’t get to see em make out? Let’s be real, how much of this is anger that more jerk off material wasn’t put in the game? Queer people are here whether we’re dating someone or not. If Max and Laura had swapped spots and Ryan ended up majorly falling for him and rejecting Kaitlyn and Dylan, no one would complain. Again, a bi person dating someone who is not the dame gender does not make them less bi. 
All of the romances in this game just...get dropped for some bizarre reason, not just Ryan’s. The ending is very rushed and I think there was some trouble with the development. But when people decide to lash out every time we get lgbt+ rep, calling the devs phobic and being generally hostile, you encourage companies to put less representation, not more. Whether it’s right or not, it is something that happens and has been happening. 
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juneviews · 11 months
how would you personally rank Off's characters?
also Gawin's and Mond's characters
I have a full post of me ranking off's characters already! but here it is for mond & gawin :)
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sun (midnight motel): ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS PERFORMANCE!!! carried the show!!! slayed beyond all expectations!!! truly incredible as the villain, one of my fave acting performance EVER I loved it so much. also sun in himself is the most interesting villain I've seen!
namnhao/namnuea (the judgement): shit show with problematic tropes but mond ATE!!! him as namnhao is not only unrecognizable & absolutely adorable, but really had some fucking top tier acting!
badz (boy for rent): the role that started it all. made me fall in love with this cutie & unable to ever go back. badz is hot af, the only character that didn't annoy me at some point during the show & the acting is very good.
kluay (water boyy): the first role I saw mond in!!! kluay honestly carried the show, he's so fun & flirty & cute and we love him in this house!!!
gram (not me): I love gram, but not the storyline he was stuck in for the whole show. I love how political gram is, how much he can be a debate-lord at times lol, and even that he's a scaredy cat. I LOVE the way he spits on dan when he betrays the gang & how he hugs sean after he gets shot. I LOVE his banter with nuch & will forever be a gramnuch stan. however, I didn't like how withdrawn from the rest of the gang they made him in order for him to pursue eugene, who looked uncomfortable the whole time & was his best friend's ex. gram had so much potential, but sadly he ended up being my least favorite character from not me bc he got the short end of the stick. mond did a great job though!
tee (the underclass): kinda forgettable show tbh but tee was a very cute love interest & I watched the whole show just for mond so slay!
matt (kiss me again): even though kiss me again is legit the worst gmmtv show ever made with ugly duckling: pity girl & turn left turn right, and matt's love interest is THE FUCKING WORST, he was kinda sorta okay I guess. to be frank I forgot everything from this storyline bc the way his love interest wanna prove he's gay is YIKES.
dodo (saneha stories: bar host): a hot, struggling stripper who becomes a literal dad??? if the show wasn't so short & rushed this would be way higher, mond ATE!
term (ps: I hate you): a hot dummie who forgives lies for love, which... couldn't be me lol so he's there.
por (fabulous 30): I really liked fabulous 30, and it wasn't because of the main character played by mond. por is bland AS ALL HELL, pushy & disregards his best friend's feelings, and he just... gave us nothing. at least he's cute thanks to mond's good looks though :')
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pisaeng (be my favorite): so it's very hard for me to decide which is my favorite gawin role, simply bc imo pisaeng, dan & mork are all my faves for very different reasons. but I will put pisaeng here bc I literally don't see how anyone could dislike him? like he's perfect but not boring & does have struggle, which we LOVE around here! also the depiction of him finding his sexuality in bmg ep.5 was INCREDIBLE I loved it so much!!! so pisaeng will be number one (for now!)
dan (not me): now, dan is on another plane of existence for me. I literally adore him & am a dan apologist THROUGH & THROUGH bestie. I genuinely think he's one of he most interesting characters I've EVER seen, and that makes it so he shouldn't be in this ranking. he EXCEEDS this ranking! I absolutely adore imperfect characters & I think the depiction gawin gave dan was perfect. BUT dan also gave me THE MOST PAINFUL betrayal scene in existence that literally has changed my dna TO THIS VERY DAY, so just for that I'll give him the number 2 spot :')
mork (dark blue kiss/kiss me again): girllllllllll, my heart aches having to put mork in number 3 bc I LITERALLY ADORE HIM!!! I was a huge dbk stan but since then I've legit rewatched the show only for mork lol, I absolutely love him & he's an amazing character! so as I said previously, mork is number one in my heart on a equal playing field as pisaeng & dan, I can't choose!
saifa (enchanté): literally the tiniest role but he was hot af AND played a guitar rendition of offgun's too cute to handle on the show???????? AN ABSOLUTE BLESSING THANK U! also he legit played cupid for akktheo so slayyyyyyyy!!!
mile (girl next room: motorbike baby): honestly better than the actual love interest cpodiuygsuichdisucodihb, hot & ALSO plays guitar (duh), too bad that he's a cheater lmao!
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spectres-fulcrum · 1 year
So Tuesday I was thinking about Chiss naming traditions and I'm like realistically what is Che'ri's name post-Skywalker career. I feel like there's a 75% chance she chooses Mitth and 20% chance she chooses Ufsa for Thrawn and Thalias or Samakro(And possibly Thalias marrying into the Ufsa family-Salias(?)).
Mitth'ch'eri or Thcher or Thcheri. Or. Ufsa'ch'eri or Sacher or Sacheri
I like the idea of her keeping the i like Samakro keeps the full last third of his name but stars know those names are ugly af in English. Probably works in Chuench. Typical Tzahn. I like Sacheri better though so a legit reason to ship Thaliamakro. It’s interesting to see the options laid out and deep down I could see Thurfian blocking Che’ri request to be adopted into the Mitth so-food for though.
Ideas of what Eli would know Che’ri as.
For Vah’nya-I could see her resisting everything about being adopted into a family. She doesn’t want to lose her name. It’s been hers for almost 20 years, a good ten years longer than she ever expected. Those extra ten years allowed her to go from Vah’nya the skywalker to Vah’nya the young woman. The Steadfast is her home, she’s become a second caretaker to the younger girls. She’s a member of the crew. She’ll fight for her crew. But she doesn’t trust their family politics. Not in the slightest. And Ar’alani has proven that she don’t need family name. (Ar’alani is the best role model Vah’nya could ever dream of)
And the only family she needs are Eli and Un’hee. She wants Vanto. Eli hums it, in Basic. Vah’nya Vanto. The Aristroca realizes that she’s not leaving the Steadfast-but insists she still be “adopted.” Personally I think Clarr sounds good for her so let’s work with Clarr. Un’hee follows her, of course. She’s the same way-wants Vanto as her last name but cause Eli is her dad. He’s the one who was there through her trauma and nightmares and her safety and if her mom doesn’t even want a Chiss family name then she doesn’t either(she declares this at ten and they laugh softly but fear that the Aristroca might have the power to forcibly take her from them one day. Assuming she’s normal and underaged when she loses her sight.)
Clarr’vah’nya or Rvanhya and Clarr’un’hee or Runhee
Rvanhya doesn’t work as well on paper on paper as it did in my mind but it works. Runhee is great though. This is an interesting exercise to go through. Little stuff like this paints the post books world a bit clearer. It also gets me thinking about like views on ruling familings from skywalkers, especially Vah’nya, who kept her job so much longer.
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funkin-news · 1 year
there's some silly little messages on the vinyl stuff for anyone interested lol (full pics under the readmore, + transcriptions in case you struggle reading em lol)
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©2022 The Funkin' Crew Inc. under exclusive license to Needlejuice Records, LLC. All rights reserved. If you don't understand what this says, then the brain inside your skull is busted af, and if you DO understand what this says and choose to ignore it, from this day forward your parents will regret they ever had big naked sex and created someone as stupid as you.
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2022 The Funkin' Crew Inc. under exclusive license to Needlejuice Records, LLC. All rights reserved, understood? Like, it ain't difficult man, don't sell these records under some fake bullshit name like 'fat nuts studios' we will cry. And then sue your ass, lol
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performativezippers · 2 years
11/15 attachment bc i still love it sm
OMG Attachment!! Honestly people reading such old works makes me light up inside, as if I were a very cheery nightlight. So fucking lovely and I love y'all so much, for real.
11: What do you like best about this fic? I really loved the character work. I really loved exploring who this Maura would be, one who was forced to open her heart so big under such horrible circumstances. We so often see her heart opened slowly and painstakingly by Jane, so a Maura who was blasted open by a toddler over the course of 10 days or whatever it was--that was so interesting and compelling to me. I was fascinated by her, and I love her so much.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic? God, I learned SO MUCH from writing this fic. This was the first fic I wrote that I was so proud of, that I really loved, that I thought was legit good. So I learned a massive amount from it. I learned how to finish a fic, even if it was years later. I learned that sometimes an idea that is overwhelming and Too Big can work if you commit to it and ignore the fact that you have to make up a bunch of shit. I learned about character work, and how to write long, quiet moments of longing, which is one of my very favorite things to write. I think I'm known now for writing stuff that's funny, or absurd even in sadness, and Attachment wasn't that. It's bleak af, honestly, and I learned that I can do that, and also that pure angst stories aren't usually what makes me excited to write. But I don't know that I'd have learned how to infuse that darkness and pain and longing into lighter stories without having gone through Attachment, and that's what I want to do. I want to write (mostly) romcoms that unexpectedly make you ugly sob at the worst moments, so I had to learn the ugly-sob-inducing shit somewhere, and I started that with Attachment.
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