#leftists misogyny
kanelia · 15 days
Today's accidental social experiment:
I have been having two or three men fighting in my mentions if it is okay to sexually harass me. The first one is the rapey 'male feminist' whose messages I posted earlier. The other guys spotted him sending me these messages under Eden Golan post and rushed to play White Knight, telling him he indeed is a rapist and should get hiss ass beaten. They were trying to bite each others dicks off for a while until the rapey managed to convince the others that I am a terf. Now it looks like they all might start to come to the same conclusion: It is okay to sexually harass a woman if she is a terf.
What we can conclude from this?
1. Men are fully aware of what consent means, what counts as sexual harassment and that you can perpetrate it online. They only pretend not to know when they think the woman in question deserves it.
2. Men hate feminists and women who do not agree with them more than they hate rapists.
3. Men fully think sexually assaulting some women is not as bad as others.
4. Men can not be feminists and do not belong in feminism. If a man had genuine sympathy for women, he would not call himself a feminist but would instead listen to women and understand why women need this space for themselves.
5. It is all men. Yes, even those who do not do the raping themselves.
Now, it's time to block some rapists.
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redditreceipts · 8 months
Random thought but have you ever noticed that breadtube is...misogynistic? Idk, as someone who used to watch a lot of breadtube (still a leftist, but as I've learned more about leftist politics and movements I find that breadtube often lacks substance - just seems like a lot of rambling without critical thinking/analysis).
Like, I can't help but notice that the lot of them shy away from topics around sex based oppression, male/female socialization, sexploitation etc (and if they're not ignoring it, they're saying that none of it is real and that those are just conservative talking points).
Idk. I just feel like a lot of people would rather watch transwomen talk about how important feminist works are actually bigoted to justify violent, misogynistic feelings toward radical feminists who discuss these things. It feels like they want to intellectualize misogyny and uphold a strawman of radical feminism so that they can validate telling women to shut the fuck up about our oppression. Am I making sense?
yes, you're totally making sense, and I decided to look into that. so I made an Excel list with the most prominent Bread Tubers, the number of their subscribers, their biological sexes and their gender identities:
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if you just look at gender identity, the subscribers seem to be quite evenly distributed between men, women and non-binary people:
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looks kinda fair, right?
but if we look into biological sex...
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it's suddenly clear that biological males gather about 77 percent of the total subscribers, while biological females gather only about 24 percent.
doesn't seem that fair anymore, right?
but it gets even worse when you take into account the male's gender identities...
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there are more subscribers to biological males with female or non-binary gender identities than subscribers to biological females???
I guess there is your answer on why bread tube does not cover issues of sexism and sex-based oppression.
...and that is why an analysis based on biological sex is important and trying to erase it will let us believe that we are closer to equality between the sexes than we actually are
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
The thing that sucks about misogyny is that it's not just a problem for one group of people or one gender group. If you want to combat bigotries, you (impersonal) have to not come at it from the angle of bigotry as an identity you have, but as a set of beliefs and actions. To be a misogynist isn't an identity like being gay or a similarly deep and personal identity. A misogynist is somebody who believes in and acts upon misogynistic ideas, myths, or any other such thing.
This goes for pretty much any bigotry, and the idea of bigotry as identity does us all a disservice, especially if you turn the bigotry into essentialism. When you essentialize bigotry in a certain group of people, you empower people to keep said bigotry unchecked and uninterrogated. That does everyone a disservice.
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hero-israel · 7 months
Similarly to pinkwashing and greenwashing, you cannot talk about Israeli women in any way else you are engaging with the most violent colonialist white feminism. Israeli women cannot be raped because they are not civilians, because draft. Women in the IDF can't be advertised to diaspora Jewish women as role models or aspirational because Genocide Barbie. Gal Gadot bathes in the blood of babies because she's not a great actress and prayed for Hamas to stop oppressing Palestinians? Israeli feminism is a cloak and daggers show meant to distract you from something something something Palestine something something.
I want these people to ask themselves why Israel is the only society on Earth that has a truly equitable, universal, gender blind draft? What kind of society do you think would want to put a gun in every able bodied person's hands if worst comes to worst? Perhaps the various Kurdistans, but hmm, I wonder if that only cements the point considering the Kurd's history too.
Only a society that has such an intimate relationship to trauma and death (and surviving and laughing in the face of that death) would want to prepare every single citizen for combat. It's not "our women are so sexy in uniform," it's not "we're so progressive actually," it's certainly not "we're so pathetic and weak we have to call up, gasp, womz to fight." It's a very prosaic reaction to 3000 years of attempted annihilation. Jewish women have been dealing with this shit for 3000 years. If they are capable of defending themselves and their communities, why should they sit out military training? Why shouldn't the Nation also expect their service in times of war? Why should they sit back and hope their men can defend them when they can just defend themselves and all the men and women can defend each other?
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mintbees · 6 months
James somerton whenever he talks about a supposed backlash or controversy started by “straight white (and most importantly) women” about some gay media he’s covering
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carsonjonesfiance · 5 months
There is, unfortunately, an entire brand of Black Woman Influencer who got tricked into thinking she’s above bigotry, above spreading misinformation, above being wrong, because she’s in a circle that refuses to criticize her for fear of being accused of misogynoir and I can tell you now that Bree Newsome isn’t even the worst one
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gerrysherry · 17 days
Pro-Pals claim they treat 'Zionists' like the New Nazis but they DON'T they treat them like terfs. When was the last time someone sent a neo-nazi sui bait or rape threats? Never!
Why? because Nazis are seem as inherently evil beings that can't be swayed or have second thoughts.
But Jews and Women who hate trans people? They're vulrenable groups. Their mental health and trauma can be weaponized to get them to kill themselves or leave the internet.
Which is WHY I think "tefts/zios kill yourselves" as weaponizing antisemitism and misogyny and not an act of punching up
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hjarta · 7 months
leftist misogynists are the reason why i'm not as politically active anymore 😔
yeah it's such a huge problem in university groups and online spaces 😭 don't let it stop you from raising your voice and organizing with unions and advocacy groups though
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Stop "no true Scotsman"-ing leftism.
When a Jewish person talks about antisemitism within leftist spaces, it is not appropriate to respond with "well no true leftist would actually be antisemitic!"
When a PoC talks about racism within leftist spaces, it is not appropriate to respond with "well no true leftist would actually be racist!"
When a Queer/LGBTQ person talks about LGBT-phobia within leftist spaces, it is not appropriate to respond with "well no true leftist would actually be LGBT-phobic!"
When a woman talks about misogyny and sexism within leftist spaces, it is not appropriate to respond with "well no true leftist would actually be misogynist!"
When a disabled person talks about ableism within leftist spaces, it is not appropriate to respond with "well no true leftist would actually be ableist!"
All of this is just invalidating very real experiences and critiques of leftist spaces. Leftism is a political ideology. All of the above mentioned prejudices and bigotries predate leftism, and therefore leftist thought and leftists are very much not immune to absorbing and perpetuating those prejudices and bigotries. Stop silencing victims and stop trying to dodge accountability.
Leftists need to acknowledge and address the issues within their own movement.
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ciderjacks · 2 months
leftists b like: “yeah all forms of marginalization/generalization towards an oppressed group are evil and wrong. Unless it’s women. I have a completely justified reason to hate one specific group of women more than the male counterparts. Autistic men? How dare you, they’re like that because they’re men, leave autistic people out of it. Anyways, middle aged women are a unique kind of evil and they are evil in a way that’s completely different than middle aged men and are actually worse lowkey. Yes sexism is probably the oldest form of oppression, women have been brutalized and oppressed for millennia and it’s not changed at all, women are systemically forced into poverty, women of every group age and class are regularly kidnapped and then bought and sold for sex and labor, serving men….but it’s just happening to women and women aren’t people so I don’t really gaf ab all that.”
and then have the audacity to act all woke. Bro ur eyes are fucking closed, shut the fuck up. If you can’t recognize or care about one of, if not the, oldest form of systemic oppression, then that tells me a lot about your true feelings on the stuff you claim to be fighting against.
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courtjester69420 · 3 months
bell curve representing right to left wing spaces and how well they respond to criticisms of racism/misogyny/any bigotry you can think of
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moonlovesskunks · 26 days
Some people will try to tell you that for every dollar men make, women only make 82 cents.
This is actually not true in the slightest!
For every dollar a cisgender, white-passing man makes, a cisgender, white-passing women makes only 82 cents.
Everyone else is paid less.
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weed-cat · 3 days
heartwarming: white nationalist admits that she was personally victimized by an oppressive misogynistic culture that she got rich and famous promoting so now she realizes that it's bad, but only kind of. she publishes this statement in a far right publication, using extremely coded language about gender and slavery and throwing in indicators of her ongoing far right beliefs in every three sentences. she is still a white nationalist who is a direct cause of material harm to people with less privilege than her. she thinks that her ult-right woman groupchat is 'like the underground railroad' btw
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bunni-bonez · 5 months
tbh I think it’s kinda fucked that young men who get radicalized by the alt right tend be receive way more sympathy from leftists than young women who get radicalized into terfdom. It seems like a lot of online leftists see young Nazis as enemies (as they should), but redeemable ones. They get the luxury of having their radicalization explained with Materialism so that they can, in theory, eventually see the light. Which on some levels is good. Deradicalization is a good way of defanging dangerous movements. But radfems never get that grace. Which is understandable, they are hateful bigots after all, but their ideas don’t spring from nowhere. I’ve spent more hours than I’d like to admit curiously scrolling thru radfem blogs. And honestly. I get it. A lot of it just feels like understandable frustration at growing up in a misogynistic culture. On tumblr at least, it seems like radfems are primarily angry at men, trans people are secondary enemies to them. Its justified to be angry. I may not have always lived as a woman, but I harbor a lot of pain and anger at the way misogyny affects my life. But that anger can not be the sole basis of my outlook. Because anger only shows you half the truth. And in the material blind spots is where radfem transphobia comes in. Trans people might not always be the main enemy, but they are the more vulnerable one. While we should oppose terfs, especially the active propagandists who want us dead, it is important to understand how young women get swept up in that ideology. And hopefully through that, we we can try to prevent that rabbit hole.
Or idk whatever I hate discourse lol
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tedhugheshater · 2 months
I'm sorry for always being the devil's advocate, but I'm so tired of people always silencing works made by white women, especially the works that revolve around others like them, with the excuse of "white feminism" or "self-centered" or whatever. White men never, ever, receive this sort of criticism - and since when has it become a problem that artists create from the point of view they know most about? Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with it, as long as it is not portrayed as a completely universal experience. I definitely prefer that rather than a white writer trying to appropriate other cultures incorrectly (or boringly).
What bothers me the most is that these works (often movies, but also books and TV series), more usually than not, portray the sexism and misogyny that (white) women face. While the race factor can create division and/or alienation for audiences of color, misogyny is endured by all women and girls alike, one way or another. Don't get me wrong, I am aware that WOC's stories need far more distribution and choices - but why is the burden for that always placed on young white women, even given it is mostly men the ones who control Western media?
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zvexxlana · 4 months
ppl who can understand every axis of oppression but short circuit when it comes to misogyny irk my soul to the umpteenth degree
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