#league of villainIOUS QUIRKS?1
gloridoesntexist · 1 year
After reading the manga a while back, I thought "what if Touya never woke up from his coma?"
and that happened-
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corn-producer69420 · 1 month
OMG... so I saw that you are doing mha now and i am currentlyre watching it (season 4 woohoo) and I was thinking as a request what if (shigaraki x reader)
One day y/n gets kidnapped and blah blah when he finds her he returns back to the league before ignoring them locking y/n and him in their room before breaking down saying how he was so sorry and he will never let that happen again as he inspects her wounds or somethn
Nothing too big but just an idea :) keep at ittttt
😳... why me this is so good😭
Okokok good thing I was already writing up 1
Shigaraki x Reader
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In the depths of the League of Villains' hideout, amidst the shadows and whispers of dark intentions, Shigaraki, the blue-haired enigma, found solace in the company of another villain, known only as (Y/N). Their connection was unconventional, born not from shared ideals or ambitions, but from a mutual understanding of the chaos that bound them together.
Their love story unfolded in the clandestine exchanges of letters, passed between secret meetings and covert operations. For a year, they danced around their feelings, their emotions hidden behind veils of villainy and deception. Yet, with each letter exchanged, their bond grew stronger, until it became undeniable.
The other members of the League of Villains observed their relationship with a mix of annoyance and amusement. They couldn't understand why Shigaraki and (Y/N) didn't simply declare their love openly and be done with it. But Shigaraki, with his stoic demeanor, and (Y/N), with her unwavering resolve, kept their affections veiled, their hearts guarded against the world.
Then, one fateful day, (Y/N) disappeared. Kidnapped by a rival faction seeking to strike a blow against the League of Villains, she found herself in the clutches of darkness, her only solace the memories of Shigaraki's touch and the promise of their love.
Shigaraki's world shattered when he received news of (Y/N)'s abduction. His facade of indifference crumbled, replaced by a consuming rage that burned hotter than the flames of his disintegration quirk. He tore through anyone who dared stand in his way, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as he pursued the only thing that mattered to him.
Finally, he found her, battered and bruised but alive. In that moment, surrounded by the wreckage of his fury, Shigaraki held (Y/N) close, his hands trembling with a mixture of relief and guilt. He returned to the League of Villains with her in tow, ignoring the curious glances and whispered gossip of his comrades.
Locking themselves away in their shared room, Shigaraki inspected (Y/N)'s wounds with a tenderness that belied his villainous nature. Tears welled in his eyes as he apologized, his voice raw with emotion. He swore to never let anything harm her again, his heart laid bare in the aftermath of their harrowing ordeal.
As the days passed, Shigaraki and (Y/N) emerged from the shadows of their past, their love stronger than ever before. Though their journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm that threatened to tear them apart.
And so, amidst the chaos of their villainous world, Shigaraki and (Y/N) found a love that transcended boundaries, a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded them.
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
So I went on a tangent in this post about Dabi—here’s what I think about toga and near death experiences.
I have changed my mind on some stuff I said there as a preface, but moving on: I still believe most of if not all of what I said about Dabi in that post.
And THIS POST TALKS ABOUT SELFISHNESS TOO; so let’s talk about selfishness and love.
To start I want to establish two ideas that I think horikoshi is pushing within the story.
1: Selfishness is inherently tied to villainy, it has no connection to “true heroics”.
2: What selfishness IS tied to, is love.
Selfishness is inherently tied to villainy because selfishness is not a heroic trait.
I feel like saying “it’s not seen as heroic to be selfish” isn’t that much of a stretch, but I feel like it’s an idea people haven’t inherently tied to mha, or seen as something involved with mha at all. So, let me (try) to explain.
All of the villains have, in one way or another, done their villainy in a way that is both convenient and selfish. Toga wants to create a world in which she is accepted into, and she sees that world as an anarchist state where anything and everything is allowed—there’s no government, go wild!
And while she didn’t ORIGINALLY believe this, neither when she followed stain, or joined the league—it was this scene that she truly understood how to get what she wanted in a world she could create. She wanted to love and be selfish for her love. Whether that's because she actually wants that vs what she thinks she can get by following Shigaraki are two different things.
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All toga truly cares about is the ones she loves and being free. Hell, stain had a death of the author moment: villains followed him because he killed heroes and NOT BECAUSE he believed most heroes didn’t follow “true heroics”.
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He refers to “false heroes” as shams, villains as criminals who create mischief, he looks down on iida, being selfish for the love of his brother, because he is a false hero.
Stain, someone who represents true heroics, hates selfish greed. By every definition of the word, stain would hate Izuku right now.
Stain hates the greed (selfishness) of heroes and he hates the mischief (selfishness) of villainy. Allmight, is not selfish.
Dabi wants to make his father suffer out of the love he wished he had—a cry for attention than anything else. The love he craves from his family has made him selfish. He cares about nothing else and ESPECIALLY not himself because there is no purpose to his life, so why try?
Shigaraki wants to destroy the world because it destroyed him first. Shigaraki represents villainy and ultimately selfishness. (He may do it for some sort of love, like the love of his family before it was all destroyed, therefore destroying the world and himself for taking it from him, but I don’t remember much about Shigarakis character I’m ngl LMAO SORRY-)
Twice wants to kill and protect the love of his now “family” that the lov has become. That’s why when hawks offered him "selflessness", even if this is a selfish act on hawks' part because he is a villain, he chose to be "selfish"—while seen as a selfless act, it is for the villains, therefore selfish. That is why hawks, another representation of true heroics and selflessness, took the life of his friend. Because both of their characters are both selfish and selfless for their respective actions.
Moving on, afo, the biggest baddest villain of them all, is also being selfish for love. This may seem like a stretch, I know, but the way ofa treats Yoichi, trying to give him a quirk, trying to create a world for both himself AND yoichi, is in itself selfish—and for love.
Allmight, the true hero, the hero that follows heroics, who dehumanizes himself to become a symbol of peace, does not have romantic love. He has stayed single his entire life. All of the people he loves have been pushed away. And Izuku, the kid he loves, has made him selfish. He’s shown favoritism, as Aizawa often points out. That is selfish.
So, why is love selfish?
And this question is why Toga, the most selfish of them all, is the symbol for love in this series; because when we think of conventional love, we think of someone sacrificing themself, being altruistic, being heroic. THATS why it’s truly interesting to make a villain represent love.
Love isn’t supposed to be selfish. And, in ANY STORY EVER, love is seen as selfless. Pearl from Steven Universe sacrificed everything for rose, though selfish when she is gone. Catra is selfless when she is doing things for adora, and while she is gone she is selfish and angry. Adora is selfless in general, but for catra she is especially self sacrificing. Zelda sacrifices herself for Link and he does the same. And the list goes on and on, love makes us selfless. The number one god damn love trope is “oh no person I love is dying, let me take that bullet for them". Love is supposed to make us better people, it makes us love others.
Peter Parker is a selfish kid until his uncle, aunt, and Gwen, the people he loves, make him heroic.
Deadpool is selfish until his love and ambition to always impress Spiderman, make him a better person. At first he "uses" spiderman to get closer to Peter Parker (how tragic), but then because he cares too much about what Spiderman thinks of him, he doesn't. Love makes Deadpool selfless and heroic.
So that’s what makes mha’s idea of love so INTERESTING. LOVE makes you selfish. It makes you want to grab it and keep it in a little jar and never let it go. People crave love.
Ochako is pretty damn selfish too. She’s not immune from this label, seeing as she has almost sacrificed her and aoyamas grade for this love, and is currently betraying the heroes in every way right now: she is seeing a villain as a person. And not only is she seeing a villain as a person, she’s INVITING HER to her side, offering her blood, she’s not killing the villain that “needs” to be killed right now—she’s doing what hawks couldn’t. She is trusting her and refusing to take a life.
After all, Zero Gravity isn't a quirk made to hurt people.
And, in every example of Izuku’s love, he is selfish. Monoma insulting Katsuki? Angered and goes berserk. Hides that emotion when asked about it because GOD FORBID he tell him.
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(Btw when I was looking for this chapter to screenshot this scene, I completely forgot how fucking freaky deku unlocking blackwhip was?????)
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Another little side note but because of how serious the manga is I’ve forgotten how much of a comedy mha truly is (combined with the fact that the anime just doesn’t deliver jokes as funny)
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Shit made me actually giggle
Love makes us selfish because love makes us HUMAN. The thing with heroics and heroes is that, much like in stain or allmight's eyes, being a hero means to be inhumanly empathetic and self sacrificing. This is why a hero like ochako is interesting, having parallels with someone so self sacrificing and heroic in a chapter where she is being selfish...
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Maybe the selfishness of a girl, going against everything in heroics, will change that.
MOVING ON… there is an exception to this rule… and I’d like to talk about him.
Bakugou Katsuki - Love made you selfless
So it’s actually something much bigger than love, and I think out of everyone here, it’s Katsuki who proves that fact. I got a couple other people who are exceptions to this little theory too, we'll talk about them.
So why is Katsuki different? What makes him special in this formula?
The simple answer to that question, in my opinion, is because he has learned to control his feelings; and he did it in a way that hasn't been done before. Katsuki has ACCEPTED WHAT HIS FEELINGS ARE. He has let himself and his feelings be something that is okay to have. You know that trope where Izuku is the one who is super inclined to his feelings and he helps Katsuki figure them out? Yeah that trope is nowhere close to canon, even if Izuku cries a lot and is kinda feminine.
Do I think Izuku knows he is in love with Katsuki? Hell no. Do I think that is because he has taken a conscious effort not to? Absolutely, that oblivious idiot is, in fact, an idiot. Accidentally shaming the queer character for how she loves because he didn't really understand it is like, such a common fucking gay internalized homophobia trope. You can't change my mind.
Katsukis and Ochakos whole arcs are interesting because, while they are heroes, they started off very selfish. And since then their arcs have surrounded learning to be more selfless, more accepting/open about their love, and finally, sacrificing themselves for their love. The same happened with La Brava, Gentle Criminal, Kaminari and Jirou, Kirishima and Mina.
La Brava, Gentle, and the rest MIGHT get their own post, we'll see. I just don't see a smooth transition for it here and this post is TOO FUCKING LONG IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CUTE AND SHORT.
ANYWAY. Think about it like this: if Izu//ocha was gonna be canon they would have taken a bullet for the other by now. INSTEAD, both have taken either two stab wounds or chest wounds for their same-sex rival/enemy.
Ochako is stabbed once in the training arc, and now twice with the newest official chapter 392.
Katsuki is stabbed in the chest JUST missing his heart by Shigaraki during the first war, and then twice for his death on shigaraki's coffin in the sky.
Ochakos may not SEEM like a sacrifice but remember that the first one was taken to keep her on the ground and keep her and Tsu safe, and the second was a direct sacrifice to save her. I'm sure she would do it again if she had to.
Katsukis are both very obvious sacrifices for Deku, once to literally jump in the way, the second because he wanted to beat shigaraki and hold him off as long as possible for deku to be there.
Toga has killed (or possibly just damaged) an old woman to talk to her, during the first war, and she (possibly) drugged and stole the blood of Camie in order to get close to Izuku.
Deku has almost tried to kill uh... multiple people. Mostly accidentally, but definitely very possessively. Monoma with blackwhip, Mr Compress, Shigaraki, and Shigafo. Damn when you frame it like THAT it's almost like Izuku would be the unhealthy one out of the two of them... but people who call bkdk toxic never talk about that one huh....
Maybe the reason people ACTUALLY hate Katsuki and Toga is because they challenge the status quo..
Maybe its because they represent queer people wanting to love freely, to change the world to a "deviant" society....
Katsuki love is selfless because he has accepted HIMSELF as not a deviant, a bully, what have you. So why am I saying Ochako is still selfish?
Lord and what I'm about to say here is EXACTLY WHY I think Horikoshi is actually amazing at writing women and wlw vs mlm relationships.
Ochako is still going to be seen as selfish because she loves a woman and not because she is a villain. ALRIGHT AND HEAR ME OUT HERE OKAY, I CAN HERE THE PEOPLE SCREAMING ALREADY JUST LET ME COOK.
Katsuki cannot be PUNISHED for being with Izuku on a legal level, where Ochako CAN BE. AND OFC LITERALLY IN THE STORY ITS BECAUSE TOGA IS A VILLAIN. Ochako isn't exactly "following the rules" as Tsu mentions in chapter 392, and she continues to not follow the rules in 393.
THIS, THIS is why Toga cannot, should not, never be, a normal civilian or hero. DO I BELIEVE SHE WILL EVENTUALLY? OF COURSE, IM A SAPPY MOTHERFUCKER WHO LOVES YURI.
THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE... is that Toga as a queer symbol and the symbolism that therefore surrounds her and Ochako, is about being a lesbian couple in a society that already doesn't accept you as a woman.
A little Japanese culture and context, being trans in Japan is actually.. more normal and accepted than being gay is. Is it any easier? Of course not, you have to be infertile to get post-op surgery, and you have to be post-op to get the legalized status of your gender. It's not easy. And there is a brutalization problem over trans people like there is everywhere in the world.
However, there is a different idea of conservatism than there is here, in at least America. Conservatism in Japan is much more about preserving the status quo, whereas here, it's about preserving the past. MEANING, you can be your gender, so long as you are still conforming to society with your "chosen" gender. It's also probably why Tiger most likely got post-op surgery outside of Japan when he originally transitioned.
As of now however, same sex marriage is not legalized in Japan, and in fact only one Asian country as legalized it, Taiwan. That legalization only happened back in 2019.
So the reason why Katsuki and mostly Toga continuously challenge the status quo, one as a delinquent and the other as a deviant, come off as almost corruptive to their respective crushes.
But Toga will ALWAYS BE SEEN AS MORE DANGEROUS because she is a woman who will pray on other women. Toga is symbolism for the corruption/deviancy/perverted "nature" over women who love other women openly. I talked about here on Toga's deviancy and perversion from her status as a woman who loves other women, and that the boob grab moment was ANOTHER form of symbolism. Much like Toga is a "Full Fledged Villain" she is a "Full Fledged Pervert" because she is trying to fulfill the status of a dangerous sapphic. Her bisexual ass doesn't "belong" in society much like her villainy doesn't belong in hero society.
BUT.. Katsuki is a man and he is also closeted, Toga is not and therefore paints the picture for Ochako to be selfish for being openly Sapphic.
Lord I hope that made sense. Feel free to correct me or simply add to the conversation. I'd like some diverse opinions on this topic too, do you think Ochako is supposed to be seen as selfish? Selfless? Seriously lmk I feel like shes both selfish and selfless.
It's just about selfishness and love now bro idfk how we got here.
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Can we discuss the recent uptick in dismissal of the League’s sociological issues and goals? Because I am lately seeing a lot of talk about how the League aren’t “Social Justice Warriors”, and that their societal angles are getting dropped for good in favour of their individual traumas; which is weird when society is the root cause of their traumas and, in turn, their villainous activity.
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It’s not even that these readers are wrong in their assessment of them or anything; it’s not like the League are trying to change minds here, and it would be very polite indeed to call their activity “direct action”. It’s just the complete dismissal of their ambitions and the genuine good that could come from them that has to be weighed against the damage they do. Especially when the claim gets added in that the League doesn’t even actually care about this stuff anyway; that’s how they expect it’ll get dropped so easily.
Toga wants to change the world into one where she doesn’t need to fear for her life because of the way she was born. This is purely selfishly motivated, and that others like her may benefit from this change is incidental to her. But because it’s selfishly motivated in her own survival; we know Toga cares about this very much and won’t just drop it. And those people like her will benefit regardless, and will be less likely to become villains like her if she gets her way; which is why it shouldn’t just be dropped.
And pretty much all of the League are like that. Like, I’ve seen it said all all the League are doing is “pointless destruction” but that’s simply not true. Whether it be hero accountability, oppressive use of force, quirk prejudiced, general corruption in the industry, or all of the above + the promotion of the bystander effect; the League all have something they’re fighting for that's getting dismissed here. And while this is incidental to them, they’re also fighting for a reduction in future crime & villainy too.
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But back to the societal issues being the root causes of all their villainy: You can’t just drop that and hope to properly resolve the story [1]. Someone’s gotta be the social justice warrior to get the mess that started all this fixed, and if it’s not the League, then who’s it gonna be? You might be tempted to say the kids; but it won’t be the kids with that attitude, ‘cause they don’t care.
Like, I think these readers are expecting that all this societal stuff (y’know, all the hard parts) will just get solved off screen by the kids in an epilogue; like we’ll get a text box saying Uraraka or Shinsou opened a program to end prejudice against villainous quirks. But...they just don’t care. Shoto, the student who has thought the most about his past hardships, has never thought once that there could be other heroes abusing their families like Endeavor, and the only thing he’s ever felt the need to do about Endeavor is not grow up to be like Endeavor. Compare to Dabi who, for all his self-destructive tendencies and selfish motives, exposed his father’s abuse and told society to think more critically.
The students simply lack the incentive or interest to handle the League’s problems. Leave this to them and I’m afraid they will quarter-ass it in a way that does nothing to prevent another Himiko, another Tenko, another Dabi from forming another League. Nor the 3rd League after that. Or even a 4th. Fact is; the villains are the only ones who do care, that’s exactly why guys like me keep pushing for them to pursue societal change.
Now, Class 1A could grow to care. They’re good kids after all, I’m sure most would love to help if only they knew too and knew how. The problem comes in that they would need to learn of these issues from people who care, but as mentioned, the only ones who already care & they can learn to care from are the League. And that necessitates approaching them from their systemic angles, not not dropping them in favour of their individual angles. If Deku approaches Tomura just as an abuse victims of Kotaro & AFO, if Shoto just approaches Dabi as a Todoroki family problem with daddy issues, if Ochako just approaches Toga as...the blood thing I guess[2]; they will not spontaneously learn to care about these things after the fact. So again, you can’t just drop these plots.
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But maybe I’m being to harsh. Maybe all this, these expectations that they be the ones to fix hero society, are unfair to put on the kids to begin with.
Yes they don’t want to change anything, but it’s not their job too. They aren’t social justice warriors either, they’re cops. None of their arcs are about change either; for each one of them it’s always about the kind of hero they want to be. Shoto wants to be a hero to put people at east, Uraraka want to be a hero to save heroes, Deku wants to be All Might++. And each culminates in one individual they each want to save to prove they are that hero. None of their stories are about changing society the way the League’s are, so it could be that their role simply isn’t changing things so much as it is keeping casualties among civilians & villains alike to a minimum in the process.
But that being us back to our original question: who’s role is it to change things then? Well again, the only ones trying right now are the League; and it’s been shown that being sufficiently opposed to the status quo is one way to end up a villain anyway. And if it is the villains who are meant to promote this change; well you see why I’m rooting for them to stay villains and pursue this change until they bring it about, as opposed to hoping for the quickest & easiest route to redemption & a happy ending for them specifically. Someone’s gotta make the change happen. And if it’s not the League, they’re still the only ones who can get the ball rolling anyway.
[1] well you can, but we typically refer to that as an unsatisfying ending.
[2] Toga’s real problem is her thinking the heroes want her dead, but I don’t know how you’d fix that without addressing society’s treatment of villains and villainous quirks, despite that being exactly what people are expecting. What, is Ochako just supposed to speak for the whole legal system and say she won’t die?
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littlemonster0508 · 2 years
Mistress Midnight - Midnight/Kayama Nemuri x Reader
Chapter 1 - A bad decision
So, here I am again. In R-rated hero Midnight’s house.
How long has it been? Two days? Three? I don’t know, all I know is that one night I was walking down the street towards my apartment and the next moment I was surrounded by this pink mist that made me dizzy and sleepy the moment it came in contact with me.
Next thing I know, I’m tied to a chair and the one and only Midnight is edging me to madness just to admit that I will become a good girl and leave the League of Villains behind and start doing good things with my quirk, instead of causing more trouble to the city and to the heroes.
Right now I’m in my “room” if I can even call it that, cause all there is, is a tiny bed with a equally tiny desk, from my window I can see a part of the city, since Midnight’s house is up the hill and above, Midnight said she was going to work and will come back in a few hours and that I was free to do whatever I wanted, as long as I didn’t leave the house…
I sigh, I guess she doesn’t trust me enough yet to go around and do my thing, and I don’t blame her. After she was done fucking me to oblivion and after I admitted I was going to be a good girl and behave, she brought me to her house, and during the hole ride I was silent, being a total brat towards her and showing the minimum attention to what she was saying.
By the time she finished showing me around she was angry, very angry that even after everything we’ve been through not even an hour ago, I was still behaving like nothing had happened. The reality was that, even though I admitted I was going to leave all the villainy behind, I was still angry, angry because, for months I’ve been working hard and trying to prove myself useful so the League noticed me and let me join them, everything that I have till this day is because of that. Yes, I know that what I did was not “right” and that there are a lot of other ways to get what you want. But after the League adopted me, they became my family, they looked after me like I look after them, they respected me and treated me as a valuable member, like an equal, and now… All of that is gone.
And maybe leaving all of that behind was not a complete bad thing, I mean at the time when I was tied to the chair and begging Midnight to let me come it didn’t seem like the wrong choice to make, but can you blame me? The hero was gorgeous, and just remembering the way her talented fingers rubbed my clit made me wet and hot headed. But now I all can think is ways of getting out of here and return to the League, of course Midnight would be disappointed and even sad that I ran away but, is not like she could get me again if I reached the League and told them what happened (leaving some things out, of course).
So, making up my mind, I get up from the bed and out of my room, I start to think of how I can get away from here, the front door was locked and all the windows were closed too. Then, an idea got to my head, on the first floor is a backyard, maybe I can go outside and climb the wall to the street, yes, it was perfect. All I needed was to find something that could help me reach the upper part of the wall, it shouldn’t be so hard, the wall was about 3 meters tall, I can do it.
I start looking for a ladder, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, so at the end I opted to use a small table on top of a chair, I got ready some supplies from the kitchen to help me get to the city, I had to hurry up, it was started to get dark and I didn’t know when Midnight was going to be back.
After I got everything I needed, I went outside and positioned the chair and the table above it and start to climb up, I was about to reach the top of the wall when I heard in an very angry voice:
-         Where do you think you are going?!
 Midnight POV
Growling as I stretch my back I start to make my way to my car, today was a long day, not a lot of action happened, but I had to write a bunch of reports about the last crimes committed in the city, my back was killing me, and I couldn’t wait to get home and see my Y/N, I had a nice and romantic night planed for us tonight, I know things had been hard for her, I know it wasn’t easy for here to leave all her past life behind and start doing good things.
I tried not to take it personally whenever she responded with an attitude or was behaving bratty, but I couldn’t help getting mad and frustrated for her lack of response and attention. That’s why I had planed a nice dinner for us, in hopes of getting her to open up for me a little more and gain some of her trust.
That’s why I decided to get home a little earlier, that way I could start preparing everything and maybe we could have some fun after eating dinner. I park in front of my house and get out of the car, I open the front door and as soon as I’m inside I start calling for Y/N to let her know I’m home, after not getting a response I started to make my way to the second floor and towards her room, just to find it empty… a wave of fear rushed trough me at the thought of her running away.
Desperate I started to yell her name and look for her in every room, after not finding her I returned to the first floor to keep searching, maybe I should get in my car and drive to the city and look for her there, I was about to reach for my keys when a breeze of air came from the opened backyard door, door that I was sure to leave closed when I left, running towards it my heart dropped to my stomach at the scene in front of me.
Y/N was trying to climb up the wall using a chair as ladder, relief ran through me at the thought of Y/N still here, but after realizing that she was trying to get away, I lost it.
Didn’t she know by now? She was mine, and I was never going to let her leave my side. I guess if I wanted her to learn that I would have to teach her a lesson.
 Y/N’s POV
My fingers had just reached the top of the wall when I heard her voice, shit shit shit shit, She’s here, I’m so screwed.
Because of the surprise of her discovering me trying to run away I ended up losing balance and falling to the ground, scared of what she could do next, I took the table and held it as a weapon to get her away from me, but of course, that wasn’t going to stop her.
-         Oh kitten, do you seriously think that is going to stop me from getting you?
Midnight said with a smirk and a hint of something scary on her eyes, but before I could reply. The same pink mist from the other day surrounded me and I started to get dizzy, I tried to fight it. The last thing I remember is Midnight walking towards me with a smile on her face, then it was black.
As I open my eyes, the first thing I noticed is a strange sensation in my arms, I couldn’t move them, gaining conscious I realized that I was standing up, but why wasn’t I able to move?
I hear a chuckle behind me and then a sweet, dangerous voice:
-         I see you’re finally awake, kitten. Good, we can start now.
Opening my eyes completely I find myself in a room with light blue lightning, I also realized why I wasn’t able to move. Midnight had handcuffed my arms above my head to a spread bar attached to the celling, also I was wearing nothing, I was completely naked.
A rush of fear and a hint of excitement went through me, why am I excited? I should be scared for my life. But right, you were under the care of Midnight, who’s famous for showing a kinky persona that now you knew wasn’t just an act. But the fact you were in this position after you tried to get away from her didn’t mean you were not going to suffer, at least a little.
You heard the echoes of her heels getting close to you and your body instantly tensed.
-         You tried to run away. You tried to leave.
Said Midnight.
-         No, I wasn’t I swe-
A sharp, stinging pain went across your back, Midnight had flogged you.
-         Don’t lie to me kitten, you did tried to run away, you were going to leave me. And for that you’re going to be punished. Maybe that would remind you who do you belong to.
After saying that another strike hit you in the lower part of your back. You hissed from the pain, it was not as bad as the whip but it still hurt. But being the sucker for pain that you were, after each stroke you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together, it was started to get uncomfortably wet down there.
-         I know you love pain kitten but it's not right to enjoy your punishment. Now you’re going to count to twenty for me, and if I don’t hear you properly, you’re going to start from the beginning, is that clear?
You nodded your answer.
-         Talk to me when I’m speaking to you!
Said the hero at the same time she strikes you with a little more of force than the last ones.
-         Yes. Mistress.
You panted.
-         Mmm, I love it when you call me that. I would praise you but after what you did tonight, I don’t think you deserve it.
A whine scaped your lips from her answer, you could try all you wanted, but at the end of the day you where a sucker for Midnight and how she made you feel.
-         Start counting, baby
Midnight said as she licked her lips and raised the flogger.
-         One!
You screamed.
-         Two!
Another strike hit your back making you arch backwards. The pain was delicious.
-         Three!
You moaned. A couple more of this and you were going to become a needy mess.
 As the strikes went down, you counted each one of them. By strike number 18 your legs were shaking, and your breath was coming out ragged and broken.
Another strike hit and you were so lost in pleasure that you forgot to count it.
-         I didn’t hear you kitten, do you want me to start again?
Midnight said, her voice had gone a little breathy.
-         No! Nineteen! I’m sorry Mistress, please don’t start again
You said desperately, you might enjoy the pain, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to stand another round. By now you were so soaked you were sure your wetness had started dripping down your thighs, and the throbbing was getting worse.
-         Mmm begging already? You really are a pain slut. I guess I will go easy on you this time, after all. I’m just getting started with you.
The last strike hit as soon as she said those words, the hit stronger than all of the other ones.
-         Twenty!
You said, relived that it was over, at least for now.
-         Oh baby, look at you. You’re shaking and panting just from a little flogging.
She circled you and stood in front of you, looking up at her you could see that her eyes had gone almost black, and there was a little blush on her cheeks
-         You look so stunning my dear, all needy and frustrated just for me.
She said looking you up and down.
-         I bet you’re all wet down there.
Your thighs clenched in response and she chuckled and licked her lips.
-         Maybe I should check for myself?
She said and the next thing you felt was her hand cupping you and two of her fingers pushing through you. As she has said, you were soaked. Gasping at the feeling of her fingers in your pussy you started to rock your hips to gain a little more friction.
-         So needy for my touch, you are so- wet baby, Is it for me?
She asked in a fake innocent voice that made you tremble.
-         I just want to eat you up.
Midnight responded and after that she lowered her mouth to one of your nipples, circling her tongue and then sucking it a little bit, just to release it with a quiet pop
You gasped at the feeling of her on tongue on your skin, throwing your head back when she gave the same treatment to the other nipple.
-         Oh my god! Mistress!
-         Mmm
She hummed with your nipple still on her mouth.
-         You are so cute Y/N, keep moaning for me just like that, I want to hear every sound that escapes your mouth.
After saying that she started to get on her knees in front of you, the throbbing on your pussy increased and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears at the thought of her tonguing you.
Midnight grabbed one of your legs and put it over her shoulder, carrying some of your weight. Then she pressed her lips to the inside of your thigh, her mouth just shy away from where you needed her.
You moaned, frustrated.
She gave another kiss to the other thigh and said:
-         Getting frustrated my kitty?
After that, she presses her lips over your clit, making you moaned and arch towards her.
Her tongue came after, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, applying a little bit of pressure over it. She moaned at your taste.
-         Oh my Y/N you taste so good, my darling. So good.
She continued licking your pussy up and down, your hips started to rock against her tongue, it was better, but still, you needed more.
Sensing your frustration, Midnight placed her thumbs over your pussy and spread it open, making your clit visible to then start sucking it with her lips.
You screamed at the sensation.
She then started to circle your clit with her tongue so slow, so fucking slowly that was making you crazy, she had such a talented mouth.
Midnight kept sucking and circling your clit with her tongue and just before you reached the edge towards orgasm, she stopped.
-         What?
You panted and moaned at the lack of touch; you were so close.
-         You are so naïve if you thought I was going to let you come, remember what I said Y/N, this is your punishment. And punishments are not meant to be enjoyed. I had a whole plan for us tonight, If only you behaved, right now you would be coming all over my tongue.
You gasped at the thought of coming on her mouth.
-         Now, let’s continue, shall we?
Midnight said standing up and grabbing your chin between her fingers.
-         Yes, Mistress.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
List of all the comics I’ve made! In case anyone is interested in reading them 🥺👉👈
🌸- to do
💀- abandoned
❤️On the Run: Izuku is a vigilante with a healing quirk running from the commission
❤️ Ghost Hero: Danny phantom in mha universe
❤️Stowaway: Izuku is five inches tall and living in aizawas walls
💀Ghost Police: Deku is a police officer who can see ghosts and is partnered up with pro hero Bakugo
❤️Quirkless Future: Pro Hero Izuku gets time traveled back into his 14 yr old body and decides to reject OFA
💀Kitten Deku: Deku has a cat morph quirk and is stuck as a kitten in an alley where pro hero Eraserhead finds him and takes him home, later on he finds out that Izuku is not a cat but a small child
💀Monster Deku: Izuku has a monster quirk and is kidnapped and tortured for years until Eraserhead finds and adopts him! Similar to Kitten Deku but Bakugo is not an asshole in this one 🙂
❤️Rewind: Izuku is a homeless teenager who stumbles upon Eri and gets rewound to age seven! They try to survive on the streets and avoid Overhaul, but Eraserhead finds them and takes them home!
💀Choose Your Own Adventure: Patrons get to vote the next outcome! So far Deku is hit with a quirk that makes emotional pain feel physical and bakugo is getting consequences for middle school!
💀Zombie Deku: Deku gets hit with a quirk that makes him into a zombie (minus eating brains part) and Kacchan blames himself for deku's 'death'
🍄Mermaid Deku: Based on fanfic called 'A fishy Situation' on Ao3
❤️Spider Deku: Deku goes to I-Island on a summer internship before UA and gets into a spider lab accident that ends with him getting a quirk! He joins the hero course and then is targeted by the league :3
❤️Hacker Deku/Over the Firewall: Depressed Deku becomes a vigilante through hacking! He meets Dabi and Eraserhead, and they end up saving the poor kiddo from himself ;-;
💀Fanboy Deku: Pro hero Bakugo is being followed by a smol quirkless child and he is not ready to be a parent
💀UA Faculty: Inspired by Tik Tok staff ocs, discontinued
💀Second Chance: Pro hero Deku dies, four years later he wakes up in someone else's body! Somehow, Todoroki seems to recognize him. Inspired by MDZS
💀Split Todoroki: Todoroki is split into three different people based on three emotions, joy, anger and sadness!
❤️Fusion AU: Deku has a fusion quirk and was thought to be quirkless until entrance exam when he fuses with uraraka
🍄Prosthetic Deku: Deku gets an arm and a leg blown off in an explosion, also saving Kacchan in the process, then he gets kidnapped! Finished! Should be on Instagram and Patreon
💀Bakugo Adventure Comic: Discontinued out of spite
🍄Villain Deku: Instagram only, deep down in the depths of when I was in high school, Deku gets kidnapped and brainwashed into villainy!
🍄Bunny Deku 1: Deku is turned into a bunny and bakugo is turned into a dog and they get kidnapped
🍄Bunny Deku 2: Deku is turned into a bunny and kidnapped, then todoroki gets turned into a cat to infiltrate and break him out
💀VLD/BNHA Crossover:​ Instagram only, Deku meets Lance on a foreign planet, soon after Keith and Bakugo show up, as well as Catra from She Ra before it was discontinued
❤️Phantom in Gotham: Dp x dc fanfic on ao3
❤️ Demon of Gotham: Nightvmcrawler from xmen evolution gets adopted by Jason Todd, DC x X-men fanfic on Ao3
💀My Princess Academia: Disney Princesses as MHA
🍄 Plantzuku! Izuku dies and becomes plant person so aizawa adopts him
❤️Cat Cafe: Izuku has a cat morph quirk thanks to afo and hangs around a cat cafe until aizawa kidnaps him for dad purposes
❤️Unachievable: Bakugo drives deku to sewerslide but finds out izuku has a death quirk that brings him back to life. bakugo has to help izuku get into ua and try to keep him from killing himself at all times, patreon fanfic
❤️Mothman Au: Shinsou finds mothman in his treehouse but it turns out to be feral mutant quirk izuku
❤️Healer Deku: choose your own adventure where izuku was sold to the commission and got a healing quirk but ran away and lives as a vigilante and coffee shop employee
❤️Invader Izuku: Izuku is Dib reincarnated and he and Zim go on adventures
❤️Remembering Robin: Dick grayson reincarnated as Izuku decides to be a quirkless hero
I think I’m missing a few but these are the ones I remember. Most of these are on my Instagram but all are on my patreon @piedpiperart
I will be slowly posting them here too, it’ll just take me a while 😩😅
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thequietmanno1 · 5 months
Thelreads, MHA 284, Replies Part 2
1) “Why Bakugo? You think would suspect that there’s something wrong with the kid that didn’t had a quirk for 15 years then suddenly has super-strength, then less than a year before has energy tentacles and is training to be able to fly? I don’t see aaaaaaanything wrong here, it makes perfect sense his quirk would allow him to do that.”- If the other powers are as flashy and obvious in use as Black Whip, and can’t be subtly used in a fight, like for instance, using Float to get some extra air time mid-leap, then it’s gonna become really obvious really quickly that Izuku actually has multiple powers instead of just a weird singular ability, like everyone else does. And then people are gonna start wondering about him, about how this random powerless kid suddenly got multiple powers out of nowehere. Because the public does have a widespread perception of beings with multiple Quirks, but it’s not that of a hero, but that of the Black servants of villainy, the Nomu. And then people are gonna notice the coincidental timing of how everything started going to shit, starting with the League’s first appearance, right around when Izuku first joined UA. And then people are gonna be thinking “what’s this kid’s connection to the Nomu? Is he secretly a villain spy? Say, wasn’t there talk of a UA traitor some months back…” 2) “Honestly, I would love to see a floating power exploding, can just imagine Midoriya being yeet’s into the sky at mach 5 while people just stare at him getting smaller and smaller at the distance, until finally disappearing like Team Rocket.”- Coincidentally, Izuku’s new ringtone for his phone is “Rocketman”. No, but seriously, they need to be on edge for whenever the laser eyes Quirk starts manifesting, that power can go wrong very fast. 3) “And there ain’t no rest for them, like the songs always warned us about”- All Might never broadcast the information about OFA even after he seemingly killed the man whom the power had been cultivated to defeat. One reason was how personal the whole situation was, but the other, as he somewhat outlined to Izuku during the beginning chapters, is that his condition left him needing to pass his power on, but he didn’t know who to pass it onto. Taking the teaching job at UA wasn’t just to sort out which young student was worthy of the power, it was because only a young, innocent and idealistic child could be trusted to use it in a heroic manner at first. The adults of hero society are too cynical and in many ways concerned with the materialistic over the substance of the job. Even Stain, who shares All Might’s fervour, took that in the opposite direction to become a killer of those he deemed corrupt, showing just how easily those same convictions can be twisted and abused. And if the sheer power of OFA was backing those twisted convictions, then it’s be the second coming of AFO all over again. In many ways, in a world where it doesn’t have the enormous might of AFO to contend against and focus on fighting, OFA is actually a great liability and danger to the wielder than it is an asset. And even if Izuku does eventually overcome Tomura, he’ll still be struggling with the fact that he’s now a marked man for both Villains and heroes who might be hoping for their chance to take OFA for themselves, if they can convince Izuku it’s a good idea. It’s just like Spiderman: Far From Home, really.
4) “Oh, you’re gonna accuse All Might of hiding something? I hope that’s not the case All Might, because we’re way past the point where you should keep secrets.”- Well, in this case, he’s not exactly keeping it a secret, especially since he left evidence that Bakugo picked up on and is fine discussing it with him – it’s specifically Izuku he’s keeping in the dark about it, and that’s because he judges that, quite rightly, Izuku’s simply got so much on his plate that whatever concerns he’s got can wait a while longer until Izuku can better master the powers he does possess. It’s not keeping these secrets hidden forever, it’s merely delaying telling them to Izuku until he’s in a better position to cope with more burdens. 5) “All Might… I can’t believe you’re still doing this shit.
Yeah Yeah sure I bet you’re just ashamed about how Nana died, it probably was your fault and yadda yadda JUST TELL YOUR BOY ABOUT EVERYTHING ALREADY GODDAMMIT”- Well, you’ve had 19+ asks about this, so I won’t add more to the pile. I will just say that, this is the first concrete piece of information we’ve had on the 4th and prior users besides the 1st, as the ones prior to Banjo are those who are right in the Dark Age of Quirks, when AFO’s power was strongest and record keeping was at its worst, meaning there’s arguably very little to find out about them until Izuku can converse with the other vestiges more freely. And the only information we’ve learned is, that the 4th’s death was somehow special than the others’, and it may somehow still have an impact on Izuku himself, despite the gaps between them, which is All Might’s greatest concern. (MHA ch 257) 6) “Oh? Well, I mean, if it was a bit less than 200 years, and there was like, 8 people before Midoriya… Alright, okay, I think now the counting is starting to make sense… But alright, what`s the next quirk on the list? Do tell us, oh venerable All Might, holder of all the knowledge.”- And the minor hint here that there might be more to the deaths of the previous holders than meets the eyes, with All Might’s slight hesitancy about confirming the deaths of every one of the previous holders and the shadowed eyes. The number 4 is traditionally associated with death in Japan, and for some reason, the 4th wielder’s passing was especially noticeable compared to the others… 7) “I can hear the “tsc” of disgusted being uttered by this fucking tsundere. But yet, he didn’t deny it.”- This time, the disgust is aimed at himself, for his inability to fully swallow his pride yet and just apologise to Izuku outright, like some part of him knows he has to, in order to fully atone for his transgressions against him. They made up, but some things still need to be said for the healing to truly begin. 8) “OH HOLY SHIT WE ARE HAVING A MOMENT OF REALIZATION HERE?!
Alright Bakugo, you’re good on my books. I still hold a grudge for the “jump out of the roof” thing, but I can let bygones be bygones considering you’re finally admitting that you were an asshole.
holy shit this chapter is a goldmine after tall.”- Bakugo always knew that Izuku was naturally more heroic than him, capable of doing the selfless saving deal on instinct that Bakugo had to put effort into, and that rubbed him the wrong way. Not only because it made him feel inferior to Izuku, but also because it’s just not natural for somebody to be that selfless. People are inherently selfish in some manner, for bad and for good reasons, and Izuku being so willing to give of himself without really thinking of the consequences is actually a really bad thing, something that Izuku is naturally blind to, but Bakugo always knew on some level that if he became he hero, he'd not only outshine him, but he’d quickly burn himself out doing it. Perhaps, underneath all the complex and layered emotions in their relationship, some deeply-buried part of Bakugo wanted to protect Izuku from himself when he wanted to make him give up on becoming a hero. As it stands, now Izuku has both the immense power and partial training to enforce his maniac “save everything” willpower into reality, he’s running the risk of eventually turning out like the legend of the Giving Tree, a Tree that gave and gave of itself selflessly for other’s needs until it was naught but a dead and desolate stump. 9) “Of course he doesn’t, it’s Midoriya, he never held that against Bakugo, he always wanted them to go back to being friends, it was I that was the one saying “No! Bad boy! Bad!” and spraying him with a water bottle every time he mentioned something along those lines”- And to fit further into the “endlessly giving” themes, Izuku would freely give out his forgiveness of Bakugo’s past transgressions at any point if it was brought up, whether or not Bakugo had done anything to really earn that forgiveness himself, which is why he’s kept quiet about it all this time, Bakugo doesn’t want Izuku to just plainly accept his apology, he wants to do something for him, that’d make him earn Izuku’s forgiveness for real. It’s refreshing that Bakugo’s stubborn pride is for once being used to justify why he and Izuku haven’t really made up for the right reasons – he won’t let himself be forgiven unless it’s preceded by him actually earning that forgiveness, in order to do it “properly”. 10) “A lot of people online would be mad at you making that comparison All Might, but I think it is quite fitting. Both did some fucked up stuff, hurt people they loved because of their obsession with being the best, and both realized their mistakes and are trying to atone for it, Endeavor by leaving his family and Bakugo by helping Midoriya.
That is the sort of character development I love, that is a redemption arc there. It’s not a goal, it’s a journey.”-  A lot of people were comparing them even before this chapter, what with their spiky hair, flame powers, rivalry with the main hero/holder of OFA- losts of people were noting how Bakugo is basically Endeavour 2.0, but being given his own realisation and redemption moment whilst he’s still young and hasn’t made the kind of mistake you can’t take back yet. In a way, learning from the missteps of the past to do better in the future, especially since he also overheard the whole traumatic backstory from Shoto at the same time as Izuku and it probably resonated a lot more with him and his victory-obsessed streak than he was comfortable with. 11) “And you better say something before Shigaraki sees you and remembers when you didn’t want to join his League of Legends team back at kamino ward. He has never forgiven, and he has never forgotten.”- Somewhat Ironic to put it there, because presently Bakugo is faced with the very real fear that he won’t get the chance to actually apologise to Izuku like he wants to, and in trying to save him from himself and his mortal enemy he may wind up losing that chance and his lease on life at the same time. 12) “Oh, are both of them gonna jump in the fray to help Midoriya? Hide your roads, the big guy is stepping in once again!”- Bakugo doesn’t yet have his own Quirk’s firepower honed to the level of destruction that the experienced Endeavour can pull off, but he’s in much better shape than him. If he can make an opening for Endeavour to land a big damaging hit when Tomura’s injuries are slowly stacking, then there’s a chance they might actually be able to pull this off without Izuku having to finish his Farewell to Arms moment. 13) “OH HOLY SHIT SO MIDORIYA WAS HITTING HIM WITH 100% MOVES ALL THIS TIME?! AND HIS ARM IS STILL HOLDING ON
JESUS THIS BOY IS FUCKING PISSED FOR REAL”- The downside to Float is that, lacking self-population to help ground his attack attack in mid-air, Izuku’s higher-level attacks actually blow him backwards from his own inertia. It’s useful to “fly” with in a certain direction, as he showcased in the training with Uraraka, but when actually hitting somebody he’s gonna go flying backwards just as fast as they do. However, with Black Whip, Izuku’s ensnared Tomura and is using the tether to reel him back in for another blow again and again, no matter how far apart they’re knocked back. In essence, he’s turned Tomura into a human paddleball.
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14) “MIDORIYA IS READY TO COMMIT MURDER HOLY SHIT WE DO BE IN THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER AFTER ALL”-  Mercy is a privilege afforded to those you can best with ease. Tomura’s made himself too strong for Izuku to do anything less than land the killing blow on him as many times as it takes to make him stay down. 15) “Midoriya that’s not the unexpected speech that you think it is, we saw you pretty much blow up every single bone in your body getting here, you really think we were expecting anything but you self-sacrificing in the name of protecting others? Pssht, my boy, what I am surprised is about is how there’s still solid bones on your arms after those last few minutes of fighting”- It’s not just that he’s sacrificing his well-being and potentially his life to stop Tomura. The doctor warned him that overdoing the ligament damage like he did against Muscular would permanently paralyse his limbs afterwards, leaving him crippled for life and incapable of being a hero, in much the same way that him being Quirkless handicapped him from getting the profession in the first place. Midoria going this far may have already done too much damage to his body to recover from. At this point, the worse outcome for Izuku isn’t that he dies fighting Tomura, it’s that he survives, but has to deal with the rest of his life stuck helpless to save others in danger around him. Izuku may very well be killing his hero career with every single blow he unleashes on Tomura, and it still might not be enough.
16) “And this was everything I ever hoped for him. I said a lot how even though I despised Bakugo as person, I always liked him as character because I could see the pride being carefully chipped away chapter after chapter, and in some cases that chipping was with a sledgehammer, but even so, it was a slow process until he actually changed.”-
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
AU where class 1-A are villains?
You might also appreciate my Villain!Dekusquad AU, Yakaku Academy
Midoriya sees the unfairness of the world at a young age and goes, "You know what? This is bullshit." Obviously the only solution is to burn current society and create a better one. Getting Bakugou onboard is actually fairly easy once he proves that Aldera is deliberately propping him up to make themselves look better.
Midoriya goes to UA High School as part of the Hero Course because he does in fact want to help people, his definition of 'help' just happens to involve destroying the HPSC and Quirkist Ideology. And then he meets Uraraka, who wants to make money for her parents because of Quirk law bullshit, and Todroki, and I really shouldn't need to explain this point further. With them on board he slowly spreads through the class, recruiting more and more of his friends to his Villainy group
The teachers at UA figure out after a few months that Midoriya is planning to more or less take over Japan, but all of them have experienced the flaws of current society first hand and are content to sit back and watch the fireworks, with the occasional lesson that's plausibly Hero-related but very clearly to make him a better Villain.
Midoriya successfully hijacks Stain's message before the League can in order to bring in more people who have been hurt by the system, creating an underground network to supplement his new UA connections. Inko helps run this group.
The Overhaul Arc goes very poorly for Overhaul after someone leaks word into the underworld that he's abusing a little girl and his organization collapses after that, specially when all of his enemies somehow learn to location of his base. Wonder how that happened.
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pumkin-deku · 2 years
Angst idea: cw bullying mentioned, villian deku
Somehow it comes out that Bakugou bullied Midoriya and why he was bullying him (because of the quirklessness not the superiority complex). And the class turns on Midoriya, after finding out they start to bully him to a much bigger extent than middle school. sides
Three people(Bakugou, Shinso, and Todoroki) don't go after him and attempt to get the others to stop. Aizawa, Midnight, and Mic notice and try to stop it but the other teachers allow it so there was never a break for him. Due to this it causes Midoriya to turn to villainy. Midoriya doesn't join the league of villains tho. He works with the people who stuck up for him. They slowly become more feared by the public. Eventually going after the commission and bringing around a new society where quirks do not determine your worth. They took out the rest of class 1-a and 1-b while also exposing them for what they did.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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I posted 2,076 times in 2022
That's 886 more posts than 2021!
496 posts created (24%)
1,580 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,075 of my posts in 2022
#bnha - 1,049 posts
#bless you op - 728 posts
#asks - 262 posts
#shih's art - 196 posts
#gran torino - 185 posts
#torino sorahiko - 185 posts
#anon - 173 posts
#shihpost - 150 posts
#tumblr - 110 posts
#shih.txt - 106 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#but he's definitely standing over their bassinet and holding their tiny fists and going 'yesss yess finally. look at your liddle hands.'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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repeat after me!
766 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
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vice principal all for one au, ft. immortal nedzu, contract-type quirks with legal loopholes afo had not known he could get entangled in, and (of course) afohiko
tl;dr premise: Prior to Nana’s husband’s death, Nedzu manages to trap AfO in a Quirk-binding contract to be U.A.’s vice-principal as a ‘guiding hand to the future of society.’ However, the VP’s responsibilities are subject to Nedzu’s discretion, and Nedzu comes down HARD, effectively rendering AfO as nominally unpaid (he gets free room and board) window dressing.
A few years on, Nedzu hires Gran Torino with the ulterior motive of honey-trapping AfO into revealing the Break Out Scheme (Gran Torino has zero idea this is supposed to happen).
further details:
Nedzu knew Shinomori (4th) when he escaped from the laboratory to the woods; he agreed to watch over Banjo (5th) and after failing the first attempt to subdue AfO with En (6th), managed to ensnare AfO at the cost of En’s life (unbeknownst to Nana).
AfO initially thought this would provide ample opportunity to sabotage the future of one year’s worth of pro heroes. He is swiftly disillusioned - the students, faculty, and general administration of U.A. don’t respect any of his machinations or lessons. Trying to recruit for the League of Villains is a total lost cause, because Nedzu co-opts the name and applies it to some ridiculous after-school drama club.
What are his duties as VP? Meeting with parents and students (most of whom are obtuse and dismissive of him as VP). Planning emergency drills (which, to his chagrin, actually help the students). Doing Nedzu’s paperwork as Nedzu engineers U.A. into being the Most Pro Hero School in the country.
afohiko happens because Nedzu needs a new homeroom teacher for the Hero Course and he suspects AfO of scheming, but he’s too busy with the school’s re-accreditation process to investigate. Knowing from Recovery Girl of Gran Torino’s penchant for dating red flags in the making, Nedzu sets up a meet-cute (job interview) and waits for the dominos to fall.
Toshinori is Nana’s chosen successor, but neither of them know about All for One. He vanished sometime after En passed on OfA, and no amount of digging from either Nana or Sorahiko has unearthed information. What Toshinori does know, however, is that Gran Torino cannot be trusted in one-on-one conversations with Arrogantly Confident (with a Dose of Villainy) People. So he gives it his all - Plus Ultra! - to prevent Gran Torino from flirting with the VP.
872 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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final battle | day seven of ofa legacy week
1,157 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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Frantic shouts rise among the nomads. I snap out of it and direct the syringe toward his wrist. But his armor stops me from finding a vein.
“Open up!” I raise my head.
Half his face is melting.
I shriek, and so does he.
Ch.44: “The Emperor’s Mausoleum”, from @xiranjayzhao‘s Iron Widow
1,341 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
1,781 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
The Ferryman
The Ferryman by LesPleursDuMonde
When Midoryia Izuku was ten, his life was turned upside down, he was taken away from everything he had ever known and woke up in hell on earth. For years he was trapped there, captive and forced to commit heinous acts or suffer the terrible consequences. When he finally gets out, the world around him is unrecognizable, what will happen to the child that was forced to lose himself?
Or, Izuku is kidnapped and forced into villainy, shattered and broken, those around him pick up the pieces.
Words: 2193, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Class 1-A, UA staff, League of Villains
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Midoriya Izuku, Dabi & Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Angst, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Sensei | All For One Being an Asshole, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Being an Asshole, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Being an Idiot, Forced Villain Midoriya Izuku, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Dabi is a Todoroki, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, They all do tbh, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Mineta Minoru Being an Asshole, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we die like men, Hurt/Comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47968390
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Mounting the Show
Mounting the Show by BewareOfOz
Izuku is not a hero, he's just not. He never could be, and never will.
But Villainy? That was more his speed. --- Izuku is a Villain, this is a simple fact to him. As easy to accept as being told "the sky is blue" or "grass is green". But what if he meets some people who could be so much more than just Villains?
(Summary is shit this is my first fic)
Words: 2699, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kurogiri, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Hero Public Safety Commission
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri & Midoriya Izuku, Hero Public Safety Commission & Midoriya Izuku, League of Villains & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Forced Villain Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Mutation-Type Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Break, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, canon adjacent, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45487423
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“I'm the Doctor, I'm the Patient” | Villain Doctor Deku
“I’m the doctor, I’m the patient” | Villain doctor Deku by Ultimatedespairkid
Based on a comic I found. Cross posted on my Wattpad, “GrayTheKidd”. Izuku Midoriya has always wanted to be a Hero, but after learning he does not have a quirk, he gave up and decided to become a doctor. After a tragic incident, he fell down the path of villainy.
Words: 829, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, League of Villains, Pro Heroes
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Doctor Midoriya Izuku, villain, ShinDeku, LGBTQ, Dark Comedy, mha, Crosswork
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43567201
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ao3feed-toshinko · 2 months
I will be villainy's Doomsday
by Fanfic_enjoyee
There's a severe lack of izuku with doomsday's power set I'm here to fix that
Izuku has the power to adapt and chaos ensues
Words: 2727, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia), Sensei | All For One, Past One For All Users (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Toga Himiko, Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Midoriya Izuku Has Multiple Quirks, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Eri is Rescued Early (My Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul Being an Asshole, Crack Treated Seriously, Overpowered Midoriya Izuku, Self-Indulgent, Self-Harm, Bakugo's actions has consequences, U.A. is a University (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki Being an Asshole, Not Beta Read, Teacher-Student Relationship, Midoriya Inko is a Shimura, Midoriya Izuku Dies, Like a lot a concerning amount, One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts (My Hero Academia), One for all has some different quirks, Immortal Midoriya Izuku, Cannon is dead and I'm tap dancing on its grave, Polyamory, One for All has an additional Quirk, I regret my decision to make this a long fic
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ao3feed-izch · 2 months
I will be villainy's Doomsday
by Fanfic_enjoyee
There's a severe lack of izuku with doomsday's power set I'm here to fix that
Izuku has the power to adapt and chaos ensues
Words: 2727, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia), Sensei | All For One, Past One For All Users (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Toga Himiko, Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Midoriya Izuku Has Multiple Quirks, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Eri is Rescued Early (My Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul Being an Asshole, Crack Treated Seriously, Overpowered Midoriya Izuku, Self-Indulgent, Self-Harm, Bakugo's actions has consequences, U.A. is a University (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki Being an Asshole, Not Beta Read, Teacher-Student Relationship, Midoriya Inko is a Shimura, Midoriya Izuku Dies, Like a lot a concerning amount, One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts (My Hero Academia), One for all has some different quirks, Immortal Midoriya Izuku, Cannon is dead and I'm tap dancing on its grave, Polyamory, One for All has an additional Quirk
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55258726
0 notes
ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
If It's Wrong to Love You (Then My Heart Just Won't Let Me Be Right)
If it's wrong to love you (then my heart just won't let me be right) by bleuoriss
Hawks feathers give a rustle before he, gracefully, lands before Dabi, the corners of his lips quirking as he says,
"Not sure what you mean by that," The hero shows all canines, eyes glinting with something akin to mischief. It takes all of Dabi to not burn the hero where he stands as he opens his lousy mouth to pronounce, "I was merely helping you. You looked a bit toasted back there, probably needed some fresh air for your burns."
Dabi's eye twitched.
Or Dabi the one in which Dabi persuades Hawks to join the League. Featuring; a bunch of shenanigans and Hawks slow descending towards villainy.
Words: 1916, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, League of Villains as Family, Corrupt Hero Public Safety Commission, Eventual Smut, Blood and Injury, Spy Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, Villain Takami Keigo | Hawks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Past Child Abuse, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Traitor!Hawks Au, Dabi's at this point imploring Hawks to side with the villains, Panic Attacks, Angst and Feels
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45726376
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