#lauren makes things
thelaurenshippen · 1 month
you there! do you want to make audio drama? well have I got a deal for you!
hi, I'm Lauren, I made a handbook that walks you through how to make an audio drama and you can have it for free, plus it now comes with bonus! tumblr guide and I'd love for y'all to read that and then drag me on how I'm using tumblr wrong, okay love you bye
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This is a Jon Matteson appreciation post. From Paul to Wiggly to Boy Jerry to Richie to everyone in between, his range and specificity are incredible. His work is so lived-in and nuanced without losing any of the zany humor at the core of Starkid. I always love watching him and I can't wait to see what he does in the future.
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mechadria · 29 days
im honestly still just as wary about the next season of the witcher even after the table read -
because it was never about liam's acting skills.
do i think henry cavill was a spectacular match for geralt?
yeah. but not only because of his looks or his acting: he GOT geralt and the witcher in general. he's a massive nerd who knows the franchise like he wrote it himself and was a big reason (not the sole, but a big one) that the show kept on track and was even somewhat faithful to the original material.
but i don't believe cavill did a regé jean-page and like. left to seek stardom or whatever. this was a passion project too for him, you could tell.
no, I'm wary of the future of witcher because of the higher ups involved.
so what DID the people who disagreed so hard with him he quit the project do? well, they needed a 7000 word letter from joey batey and the fanbase pleading just to allow jaskier to be queer like he (pretty much) canonically is. didn't need incentive from anyone to create fake gay motives for the worse villain of the story, though. didn't need incentive to completely ruin one of the most beloved characters of the franchise, or let his actor get harassed on socials after the swap without ever saying shit.
i do not trust that these people, who have proven callous, arrogant and ignorant about both the source material and the opinions of the fanbase (and have made some choices nearing bigotry) and who disagreed so heavily with the actor who knew the source material best are capable of producing a good season 4. liam or no liam. am i hoping he's a good geralt? yes, the series and other actors don't deserve to have their performance harmed by him. can it be as good as the seasons cavill was in? for the reasons cited above: fuck no.
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hipsternumbertwo · 2 months
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Cinderella's Castle Cast Reveal (Part 2) [Part 1] [Kickstarter]
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boygerbishart · 9 months
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im not immune to .desert bluff.
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blaithnne · 6 months
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I’m literally fine I don’t care its not even that big of a deal it’s whatever who’s Hilda
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vvienne · 6 months
I literally woke up in the middle of the night like God will dark rise is so fucking screwed. The line that’s like. “Everyone wanted to kill the Dark King.” What’s the part where he looks at Violet helplessly, haunted, almost pleading for mercy? But of course he reveals nothing of substance to anyone. Elizabeth is too young to understand but the reader knows what “Her relationship with that boy was…unnatural” can mean. Tying him to bedposts? Failing to strangle him? What else? Never not even once seeing beyond a mythological identity Will himself didn’t know he had? What did he think was the reason? That he was just intrinsically hateful? Of course he says nothing. Of course Violet can’t trust him- he’s given her nothing as painfully real as what she’s given him. So he gives her the sword hoping at least he can die at the hands of someone he loved, but even that doesn’t work out - she gives the sword to a Visander still furious at SARCEAN. The pattern continues; no one looks at Will, who vomits when he realizes what’s happened to James, Will who is much of a liar and killer and sneak as Elizabeth accuses but nonetheless wants to be different. Even when he doesn’t remember his own past. There’s no way out for him that doesn’t hurt. Hope this obsession passes soon given the one and a half years of waiting required for book 3
#dark rise series#dark heir#rarely does a cliffhanger pain me so much#bc rarely am I ever THAT invested in a plot I am sad to say#nona the ninth was so cathartic in of itself I’m content marinating before alecto#BUT PACAT ONLY EVER GIVES EMOTIONAL CRUMBS#have any of these bitches ever known peace fr#maybe this is what reading princes gambit and not immediately having the follow up might’ve been like#honestly it’s possibly damen and Lauren just generally had less problems tho#more than his relationship even with James. will/Violet is perhaps the genuine source of like. I WISH HED GIVEN HER A REASON.#the narration that describes Violet as Will’s star in the night…….. like fuck fine#will can’t reach any level of genuine intimacy with James bc the mess of fraught noncon dynamics is this massive unspoken horrible thing#wills identity is personal w James in a way it is with no one else but James is so fucking oblivious of undercurrents it comes unbalanced#and will knows it. but (as far as we know) violet isn’t reborn has no history with sarcean the dark king she’s literallt just Some Guy#and that almost makes it worse???????? that they are so loyal to each other even as he’s keeping a massive secret?#they weren’t dated or destined to entangle the way will is w characters like James and Katherine#and I think that makes his rship with Violet possibly the realest and truest experience of trust and love will has ever had#like it’s nothing bro. truly she knows nothing about him other than his lies of omission and her faith in him goodness which may or may not#beiltimately justified. but that was probably as honest and close will ever got to anyone. and him to her.
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leconcombrerit · 1 year
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Getting out of my semi-eternal slumber to share this priestess Lauren redraw. Old version below yay
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lauronk · 1 month
there’s a gap in the middle that needs filling
and lots of edits still
but i would think that y’all might have the final chapter of busfic in your grubby little paws tonight or tomorrow
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
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I spent a chunk of yesterday making a bunch of these trope memes for atypical's shows and when I tell you I BLANKED on how to describe a show I spent the better part of my twenties writing...
I'm really curious, TBS listeners, what tropes/identifiers/hooks would you use to get someone to listen to the show?
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itsjusteds · 2 months
Spies are forever has completely consumed my brain, similar to a parasite but much more enjoyable. It's not my fault that if something has Curt Mega in it my brain just grabs hold of it for months on end. This is a very long winded way of saying that I'm drawing every saf character daily until I've drawn all 55 characters.
Today's character is the Russian goon that corners Curt and Owen, who's played by the queen Lauren Lopez, Day 53/55
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mwagneto · 8 months
the fact that almost every character in ofmd is specifically a gay man is seriously so fucking special like usually a show will have 1 character from a minority group and then that character has to be every single thing - a person the straight/homophobic audience can accept and even like, someone that deals with their issues the way they "should" be dealt with, someone who's not too much of anything but simultaneously everything because every expected trait has to be displayed at some point or another.... versus this show with its massive cast of characters who are all able to embody specific (and extremely varying) ways to be a gay man where all of their journeys and personalities and approaches to their sexualities are so unique to them but so true to people that exist in real life........ i wish i could express this better coz it's such an incredible thing to see it genuinely makes my chest hurt with how much it means to me
#I'm literally forever thinking about that interview lauren faust gave abt how cartoons will#usually only have 1 girl and then that 1 girl has to be every single thing#like she has to be smart and kind and athletic and loud and pretty and cool and funny and every other trait ever#so when she got to make MLP she finally got a chance to have an all girl main cast and that#gave her the chance to make them really feel like unique people because they finally#had the space to just exist as girls without having to be The Girl. so they could have like. specific personalities#LIKE IT'S LITERALLY THAT BUT W GAY MEN IT MAKES ME SO ILL...... IM GATHERING ALL OF THEM IN MY ARMSSS#i really really wish i could explain this better#like omg when izzy is telling lucius how to deal w his issues they're both gay. when ed is reminiscing w fang they're both gay.#literally clawing at the walls they all mean so much to meeeeeeeee#ofmd#our flag means death#ofmd s2#ofmd season 2#ofmd spoilers#ofmd meta#i guess ????????#also YES i know there's characters that arent gay men but that's kinda part of my point too#like even in media where there's more than 1 token lgbt person they're always#different identities coz the writer needs 2 different things to explore#instead of exploring how 2 people with the same identity might differ in a thousand little ways#and they also always lose that sense of belonging together that's so essential here#like ohhhmy gof oh mygod they're literally all gay in some way. massive found family of gay ppl....#it's just that i think this show is mostly abt exploring themes of masculinity and mlm so most of the cast being gay men makes cents
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creaturefeaster · 5 months
Is Elliot trans?? I saw on a post that it said "pre transition elliot" and that got me curious to whether it was about gender or some magical thing I missed knowing
Technically both heehee.
Yeah he's a trans dude. Him being trans doesn't have anything to do with magic, but the way he physically chose to transition was via magic :3
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pinkninja236 · 6 months
So like image that the world goes Wrong. You have no idea how, or why, or where everyone else has gone but you are stuck with your annoying coworker who you hate but you also kind of dont. And this is sort of good for you because you may be wanted criminals! Except that its you and the person you wouldnt be caught dead agreeing with and shes insufferable but you live together because there is no one else in the fucking world and you cant do this alone. And you know that you can work well together because youve done it in the past! But every time its happened you are back at eachothers throats the next day and ngl shes kind of attractive and you cant pretend you hadnt thought about it. But anyway you live together for 6 years and its kind of domestic, you do the repairs and fix up a typewriter for her, she gardens and gets books from the library that she thinks you would enjoy and cuts your hair when it bothers you and stops making blackberry pie because it reminds you of your mother and makes you upset. And you still bicker and argue over everything and cannot get along to save your lives but the two of you play card games together in the evenings and have a long drawn out will-they-wont-they and when it finally seems like the answer might be that you will, you get into a massive argument because you still have fundamentally different viewpoints on if the remains of the outside world are safe or not and if that even matters so you leave. And thats where breaker whiskey starts
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endiness · 2 months
that people are actually trying to drag the show for getting renewed for a final season and coming to its natural conclusion as if that's some proof of how bad the show is and how horrible lauren is as a showrunner though lol. like, please tell me you have never read the books without telling me tbh. (genuinely, 5 seasons makes the most sense anyway. chances are s4 will adapt bof for geralt etc and ttots for ciri and then s5 will be ttots/lotl.)
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blaithnne · 5 months
Every Sonstansil Lauren makes it her mission to personally find, chop down and decorate the biggest Sonstansil tree she can find, entirely alone (except for the decorating).
Moving to Trolberg does not stop her, Mr. Ostenfeld has to call in sick to work because there’s a massive pine tree stuck blocking the stairwell.
It doesn’t even stop there, she starts volunteering to get other people trees too, and acts like it’s a personal attack when someone says they’re just going to get a synthetic one.
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