#la la la la la la la w me nonnie
lovedazai · 26 days
mai mai!! do you like triples? i can’t stop listening to girls never die by them
omg yes i love them !! ive been listening to them since generation !!
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garfinkelstingle · 1 year
heyy, I absolutely loved you timothée's fake ig posts. if you don't mind, could you do a part 3 for that one with blanca as face claim? that's ok if not. ty <3
social media au | timothee chalamet
click here for part one
click here for part two
pairing: timothee chalamet x celebrity!reader
warnings: swearing?? should be about it
a/n: HELLO!!!! it's been a hot minute! life has been lifing pretty hard right now (not even necessary in a bad way just in a "a lot" way) and so i've barely had time to breathe let alone post stuff on tumblr! but alas, winter break is here and i thought why not!!!! hope everyone's doing well & that you're happy with part 3 nonnie, even if it took me a literal eternity!! enjoy :) oh and also merriest of chritsmases to everyone celebrating!!!!
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 1,321,439 others
yourinstagram fries before guys ;)
view all 38,392 comments
sydney_sweeney too cute
yourfan97 oh to be a fry on y/n's place...
yourfan62 timothee chalamet is stronger than me because if y/n were to look at ME this way, i would be a puddle on the floor and in no way or shape capable of taking a picture of any kind of her 😭
tchamalet but not all guys right????
yourinstagram obviously
*liked by tchalamet
timmyfan81 timmy really won the jackpot with y/n huh??????
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liked by yourinstagram, austinbutler and 1,922,348 others
tchalamet stay spooky
view all 91,392 comments
zendaya scary boi
yourinstagram the scariest
*liked by zendaya, tchalamet
florencepugh you should do a edward scissorhands reboot lol
tchalamet this is my petition for just that
*liked by florencepugh
timmyfan72 he literally looks so good how?????
timmyfan99 pov you've never seen edward scissorhands and now don't want to unless timmy plays edward
yourinstagram the edward to my kim ♥️
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan62 no but i'm like 113% convinced this was a couple's costume you cannot change my mind ever
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liked by yourinstagram and 2,834,283 others
tchalamet feliz cumpleaños mi amor ❤️
view all 132,438 comments
yourfan62 will i ever be okay with this??? the answer is NO NEVER EVER EVER
timmyfan89 timmy really is beyond in love with her it's too cute i literally can't 😭😭😭😭
tomholland2013 hey y/n happy birthday mate!
yourinstagram thanks tom!!!
timmyfan91 happiest of birthdays to the one that makes timmy the happiest (thus making us fans even happier) 🤍
*liked by yourinstagram
yourinstagram ti amo ❤️
tchalamet ❤️❤️
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liked by timmyfan13 and 27,382 others
view all 1,392 comments
timmyfan73 they are my literal parents i do not care what anyone has to say i am their child and that's that
yourfan62 they were seen together in LA not too far from timmy's house yesterday 😭😭
timmyfan66 honestly i'd bet my left foot that they're living together i mean she's seen there CONSTANTLY now even when he seems to be out of town
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liked by tchalamet, haileesteinfeld and 3,283,128 others
yourinstagram forever vacay w u <3
view all 45,283 comments
jennaortega too cute!!
florencepugh crashing your vacation next time cause this just looks too good to pass up on
yourfan62 ok but they are literal soulmates i said what i said
timmyfan18 the arms around her neck no i'm nOt okay 😭😭
tchalamet forever & always
*liked by yourinstagram
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liked by yourinstagram, tomholland2013 and 2,381,482 others
tchalamet 365.
view all 98,329 comments
haileesteinfeld can't believe it's already been a year of you and tiny foot!!!!
yourinstagram my feet aren't tiny his are just... never mind 💀
*liked by haileesteinfeld, tchalamet
harrystyles i do feel entitled to credit considering that i took this masterpiece of a picture
yourinstagram & counting
*liked by tchalamet
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 4,382,419 others
yourinstagram time really does fly by fast when you're happy, huh? can't believe it's already been a year of absolute and utter bliss with my favorite person by my side ❤️ here's to infinity to come!!!
view all 373,328 comments
yourfan62 i wanna gloat but i'm also crying because these two are absolute and utter perfection 😭😭😭
timmyfan90 thanks for making timmy happy you're literally all he talks about in interviews!!!
niallhoran happy anniversary bubs!
zendaya otp
timmyfan19 i want what they have 😭
tchalamet i love you
yourinstagram my everything 🤍
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liked by yourfan62 and 7,382 others
timmyfan82 timothee posted this picture on his story yesterday of him and yourinstagram in the car together and honestly my life has not been the same since 😭
view all 162 comments
yourfan62 they are literal couple goals i can't with them honestly
timmyfan18 the way there's nothing i wouldn't do for them
timmyfan73 no bc if they ever break up i will NEVER believe in true love ever again 😭
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liked by tchalamet, ,zendaya and 4,281,390 others
yourinstagram addition to the family <3 say hi to oscar!!!!
view all 180,284 comments
haileesteinfeld omg oscar's the cutest thing ever!!!! can't wait to hang out with him soon 🥺
florencepugh the cutest wee little puppy i have ever seen
timmyfan77 never have a i ever wanted to be a dog more than i do right about now
tchalamet oscar's officially my second favorite living thing in the world
yourinstagram the first one being?
tchalamet you. only you.
yourinstagram's story
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
You Know I Adore You (I’m Crazy For You) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: some anxiety
word count: 1425
summary: requested and requested x2, ona coming out 🌈
a/n: i am so sorry i took so long to get around to your request nonny, this isn’t as good as it should be but i hope you like it and happy pride month!
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‘Ale? Can we talk please?’ Ona asks.
Her voice is quiet, eyes downcast. Alexia was busy but she made time for the younger girl immediately. The Barcelona captain was worried for the Manchester United fullback who has seemed particularly uneasy this camp.
As Alexia follows Ona out of the dining room, she sends a quick text to Mapi, asking the blonde to meet them at Ona’s room. The younger brunette is close to her too and Alexia thinks that Ona’s fellow defender might be able to offer her some support.
The twenty three year old is silent as she sits on her bed, twisting the ring she’s wearing round and round her finger.
Alexia is really worried now and is relieved when she hears a soft knock on the door.
Ona jumps and Alexia grabs her hands, assuring her that it’s just Mapi.
Both players sit on either side of Ona who bites her lip nervously. She’s biting it so hard Alexia is scared that she’s going to make it bleed.
‘I-I have to tell you something. I want to tell you something.’
‘Okay. We’re here for you Ona.’ Mapi encourages, squeezing the younger defender’s hand gently.
‘No matter what.’ Alexia promises.
‘I’m gay.’ Ona softly admits.
‘Oh thank goodness. Dios mio Ona.’ Alexia exhales.
Ona is shaking, trembling with fear and uncertainty.
Mapi pulls her into her arms, kissing her forehead sweetly, ‘I’m so proud of you. I’m so happy that you feel safe and comfortable enough to tell us.’
Alexia kisses Ona’s cheek, ‘I thought you were in trouble, Ona. You were so anxious. I’m so thankful that you wanted to share this with us.’
Ona smiles then, soaking in the tight embrace that she’s in. She doesn’t know why she was so afraid earlier, it’s not as if Mapi and Alexia would have judged her and she voices those thoughts out loud.
‘I guess I was a little anxious.’
Alexia laughs, kissing Ona’s cheek again. Mapi tucks a strand of hair behind Ona’s ear, smiling at her.
‘We forgive you for worrying us Oni.’
Ona giggles, feeling a weight lift off her now that she had finally told two of her teammates.
Then she pauses, ‘Can you help me tell the rest of the team please. I just, I just want them to know.’
Alexia grins slyly.
‘This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain other teammate of ours? One that we all know is gay?’
Ona’s eyes widen and she blushes, mumbling something about how it doesn’t and is completely unrelated.
Neither Mapi nor Alexia believe her but they agree to help their younger teammate all the same.
Alexia arranges for the team to gather in her room for a movie night.
You think nothing of it, Alexia has always been keen on team bonding. She believed that a team that knew each other well, played well together.
You’re the first to arrive, having a tendency to be early for everything. It comes as a surprise to you that Ona is already there.
‘Hey you.’ You greet, a smile forming on your face when you see her.
‘Hi.’ Ona giggles, leaning into your side as soon as you sit down on Ale’s bed.
You drop a kiss down onto her head and you feel the brunette shiver.
She cuddles further into you and if you weren’t so focused on her as the rest of your teammates file into the room, you would notice the way Alexia’s and Mapi’s eyes soften.
When the whole La Roja team is squeezed into Alexia’s hotel room, Alexia clears her throat to quieten the room.
She shoots Ona a meaningful look and the fullback stiffens in your arms.
‘Um. I-I have something to share with you guys.’
Ona hesitates for a brief moment before looking you in the eyes and blurting out, ‘I’m a lesbian. I’m gay and I thought I should tell all of you because you’re my team, my second family.’
There isn’t a split second’s hesitation for the room to erupt in cheers.
Ona’s cheeks heat up as Leila excitedly screams, ‘Welcome to the club!’
She grins at the support she’s receiving but she’s really only looking at you and waiting for your reaction.
You’re smiling brightly at her, a tiny glimmer of hope in your gaze as you hug her a little tighter.
‘Congratulations on coming out, Ona. You’re so brave.’
‘Gracias.’ Ona hums, reveling in the feeling of being in your arms. She loves it and frequently wished it happened more often.
You’re drinking your coffee when Mapi plops down into the empty seat in front of you.
‘You have no excuse now.’
Leila appears beside her best friend then.
‘Obviously it means that you have to tell Ona how you feel.’ She states.
You roll your eyes at the pair, ‘No I don’t. Just because I now know for sure that she likes women doesn’t mean that she’ll like me.’
‘Chica. She doesn’t just like you, she loves you. Ona came out for you, idiota. She wanted you to know so that you can make a move.’
You’re silent for a moment as you take in Mapi’s words. The older woman usually joked around a lot but she was serious about this.
‘D-Do you know where she is now?’
‘In her room.’ Leila answers eagerly.
The mostly full cup of coffee is left behind as you leave the dining room immediately.
Mapi and Leila smirk as they watch you rush off to find Ona.
Ona is just coming out of her room when she sees you.
Her face lights up and she bounces over to give you a tight hug.
‘Hi Oni.’
She grins and blushes when you kiss her cheek lightly.
‘How are you feeling?’
‘Good. I’m really happy.’
You smile at her when she turns to you, ‘How are you feeling today?’
‘I feel like I need to tell you something.’
Your heart beats a little faster as you carefully scan her face for any sort of reaction.
Ona doesn’t hesitate, lightly brushing her pinky against yours in comfort, ‘Oh. Would you like to go back into my room to talk about it?’
‘Yes please.’ You softly answer.
Ona senses your anxiety and takes your hand in hers, leading you into her room. You try to hide the way butterflies flutter in your stomach at the contact.
She nudges you gently once you’re back in her room.
‘You can tell me anything. You can trust me, I promise.’
‘I know.’
You chance a glance at the brunette, trying your best to be courageous enough to admit your feelings to her. Ona had been brave enough to come out so surely you could be brave enough to tell her about your feelings for her right?
Ona hums after a moment, her lips ticking upwards into a little smile.
‘I know by the way. That’s kind of why I did it.’
‘You like me.’ The brunette states, matter of factly.
‘I-I do?’
The surprise in your tone makes Ona laugh.
‘You do. You have for years. I’ve seen the way you look at me.’
‘I do.’ You mumble in disbelief, because you really thought you were subtle about it.
Ona laughs again, sitting down on her bed beside you and kissing your forehead affectionately.
‘I’ve waited for you to admit your feelings for years. I tried so hard to show you that I feel the same but you never picked up on it.’
‘I’m sorry.’ You breathe and Ona shakes her head.
‘You drove me crazy you know? I thought I was so obvious. I don’t know what I would have done if last night didn’t work.’
‘I’m sorry.’ You say again, staring at her in a daze, still trying to come to terms with the thought that she had known and reciprocated how you feel all along.
Ona shrugs casually, ‘Te amo. I have for years.’
You blink at her for a moment before shaking your head, ‘I’m an idiot. Mapi and Leila are right.’
The brunette fullback who has your heart giggles loudly.
‘You are. But that’s okay. I love you anyway.’
You grin at her, cherishing the way her chocolate brown eyes sparkle with happiness.
‘Can I take you out on a date this weekend?’
‘I thought you’d never ask.’
Her eager words and bright smile give you the warmest of feelings inside. She’s the one for you, you just know it.
‘I love you too.’
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Spanish Translations:
dios mio - oh my god
gracias - thank you
chica - girl
idiota - idiot
hola - hi
te amo - i love you
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Mads, I've been Autistic about what breed(s) of dog the FireFam could be and even if you don't like interact w this post I just would like to make you laugh- I may have to post multiples b/c there's A Lot. Ok, so, Bobby is a yellow lab a la Shadow from Homeward Bound and I will die on that hill. Athena is, obv, a Dobie- she's stunning, but a softy for her family but she also makes smiling look like a threat. (1/?)
Thank you for your patience dear I was rushing to finish the F&F AU and was also rather busy this weekend in general. I'm including your other three asks here as screenshots and this all is going to get a bit long so I'm putting everything below a cut to spare people's dashes!
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I babysat for a family that had a Doberman and he was truly a sweetheart. So protective of me and would stay glued to my side while I was there. "A softie for her family but makes smiling look like a threat" is soooooo Athena.
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oh my GOD I'm DYING
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Look at this baby. Pure fucking ADHD right here. *pats puppy* This guy can fit SO much anxiety and innate need to be of use in him!
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This is still Eddie in my opinion.
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Someone send that bit about Chim to Kenneth Choi I think he'd find it hysterical.
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I also personally could see Chim as a greyhound or a whippet.
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Chim's just got this fastness about him that makes me think of that kind of dog. Is this me remembering how he literally just SPRINTED away from Albert while playing basketball because he panicked about lying? Maybe. You can't prove anything.
I had to remind myself what a Chow Chow is and OHMYGOD IT'S SO FLUFFY???
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However I always saw Hen as a Great Pyrenees.
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These things will fuck you UP. They're flock dogs but not in the Border Collie sense. They don't herd. They kill the predators that try to go after the flock. They will chase down the wolves and destroy them. And they are super super SUPER protective of and gentle with kids. They ADORE kids. So that's my two cents there!
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Ohmygod Maddie is SUCH a Border Collie.
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INCH resting that you say Standard Poodle for Karen...
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Poodles are actually what my mom grew up with and she's always talked about how smart and wonderful they are, she's owned three in her lifetime and adores them. I know they kinda have this stereotype of being snooty but I think they're great and they ARE so fucking smart holy shit. They're smarter than some humans I've met.
However. Chris.
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I'm gonna have to fight you (lovingly) on this one, Nonny.
I will say that when I googled this dog I laughed so fucking hard my ribs hurt. I CRIED.
They are very cute as puppies!
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However. I must counter-argue and say that Christopher is...
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*sobbing* look at how CUTE it is!!!!!
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*continues sobbing over the cute*
Anyway thus concludes the nonny's opinions, and mine! I had a good laugh over this series of asks, thank you nonny. I hope you had a good weekend.
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Holaa, qué tal? Me preguntaba si tienes fics dónde John y Sherlock consumen algo que los obligue a decir la verdad. Tiempo atrás leí uno donde bebían un té especial que los obligaba a confesar y me preguntaba si conocías algo similar.
Espero que estés súper bien y tengas una semana provechosa, mucho éxito!!
TRANSLATION from DeepL.com
Hi there, I was wondering if you have any fics where John and Sherlock consume something that forces them to tell the truth. A while back I read one where they drank a special tea that forced them to confess and I was wondering if you knew of anything similar.
I hope you are super well and have a profitable week, much success!!!!
Hey Nonny!
I’ve actually got a few fics that SORT OF fit what you’re looking for:
¡Hola Nonny! En realidad tengo unos cuantos fics que CASI encajan con lo que estás buscando:
Journal of Truths by Goddess_of_the_Night (T, 2,317 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV / TAB, Pining, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Declarations of Love) – When John escorts Sherlock back to Baker Street from the tarmac, he discovers a journal that Sherlock has kept secret...that he has kept secrets in. 
Unspoken by PipMer (T, 2,770 w. || Drugged John, Mutual Pining, John’s Missing Wednesday, Fluff & Angst, Canon Compliant, Gap Filler) – Sherlock wanted to test a hypothesis. About John. He wanted a question answered that he couldn’t just ask, at least not under normal conditions, because John would never tell him the truth about that.
It Isn’t Strange Until You Think About It by ivyblossom (T, 4,596 w., 1 Ch. || For A Case, First Time, First Person John POV) – John tells the truth about how it happened. For some reason, "it's for a case" always seems to do the trick.
And you might enjoy these Community Rec Lists:
Y puede que le gusten estas listas de recomendaciones de la comunidad:
Truth or Dare Fics (Apr 2020) (Community Recs)
Truth Serum Fics (Comm. Recs)
If anyone has any more to add, please do!
Si alguien tiene algo más que añadir, por favor, hágalo.
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gogciety-moved · 7 months
this is a little silly but i struggle with feeling motivated to eat and for the past few months one of the biggest motivators for me has been watching a little edit you made of george eating his meal at that restaurant in LA or somewhere i don't remember. but the music is nice and there is little funny memes and george is just fun to watch eat anyways :3 but it's been really helpful :') eating with gogy. THANK YOU !!!!
nonnie 🥲🥹🫂❣️ I really did mean it when I said there’s very few things in this world I enjoy more than seeing george eat a burger (or just. eating in general) so trust me when I say I get it..! one day he will have an epiphany and realize his true calling is being an asmrtist who specializes in mukbangs and we’ll get the biggest W of our lives when he opens a youtube channel for it but until then I’m glad you have my edit to keep you company =)
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jerzwriter · 7 months
Make Me Admit List
1 - Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
6 - What are you excited for?
90 - Opinion on sex before marriage?
82 - Favorite type of cookie?
79 - Last concert saw.
For both the T and Cs
Hey Nonny - thank you for the asks! And I don't know how I ended up with two T and Cs! lol From -> Make Me Admit Stuff
OK, for question 1, I literally put names of people they might be texting in the wheel of names and spun... so this is what I got! lol
1- Would they have sex w/ the last person they text?
Tobias: The last person they texted came up as Jackie. And no, he's not having sex with Jackie - not now, and prob not even in his old ho-ho-ho days because Jackie wouldn't have it. lol
Casey: The last person she texted came up as Sienna. And no, even though Casey is bi and thinks the world of Sienna, it's just not someone she thinks of in that way.
Trystan: The last person he texted came up as Astrid - so no. lol
Carolina: Her last person was Trystan, and, well.... we've already crossed that bridge. lol
6- What are they excited for?
Tobias and Casey: Their first anniversary is coming up on November 16th, and they're taking some time away together, and they can't wait. Tobias is also starting to talk about when they can have baby number 2... Casey is also excited about that, but willing to put it off a little longer.
Trystan: He's just so excited to be back in New York and free of the constraints he had before. It's the first time he's ever felt truly free, so even though he's coping with the aftermath of everything that happened in Book 2, he's in a good place overall because he has a lot of hope for the future.
Carolina: Carolina is excited to be back home in New York. Being in Drakovia gave her a newfound appreciation for it. Also, she is there with Trytan at her side, and that opens a whole new world she's eager to explore.
90 - Opinion on sex before marriage?
Tobias and Casey: If you follow Tobias and Casey - you already know this. lol Obviously, they don't have any issue with sex before marriage - at all. Since little Samantha was already conceived when they said I do, that solidifies it. lol
Trystan and Carolina: they're both a-OK with it too. lol
82- Favorite type of cookie?
Tobias: Chocolate chip (the classic) and peanut butter; bonus if they have a Hershey Kiss on top.
Casey: Homemade chocolate chip, on the thinner side, and nothing comes close (but she won't turn most others down, either).
Trystan: Coconut macaroons. He had his first one at Magnolia Bakery in NYC, and it was love at first bite. Since then, he is obsessed.
Carolina: Her favorite is mantecaditos, a Puerto Rican cookie with a thumbprint where you place a dab of guava jelly. And, truth be told, after Carolina makes a batch of these for Trystan, they are officially tied with his macaroons!
79- Last concert saw.
Tobias spoils his girl, so he takes her to see Taylor's last show in Los Angeles. Taylor was in the Boston area too soon after Casey gave birth to Sammy, and she was so sad, so Tobias surprised her with tickets to the last show in LA. She took her bestie and fellow Taylor-obsessed friend, Bryce, along with her.
But that's not the last one, they say. They also saw Hozier's Unreal Unearth concert last month in Boston.
Trystan: I'm not sure. I don't think he's been to any concert recently, and Carolina will be doing her part to change that.
Carolina's last concert was last year, Bad Bunny in Yankee Stadium.
Thanks for the ask, Nonny!
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Just clearing it that all ws nonnie said that when harry is in la he switched house with friends and stying w them. 😭
Then you're both bordering as stalkers. Do you guys even step back a bit to realize how much of a creep you're being asking me updates about his home. If you guys don't know if he has one, then either he doesn't have one or he doesn't want you guys to know. Either answer, your behavior is bordering stalker.
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solo un poco poco poco 🙈🥴 puedo entender pero hablo como una bebe sfjdjd
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Mi Casa
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Pairing: Hyunjin x gn. reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 0.88k words
Part of the Sound of Love event
Mellow speaks: Been ages since I listened to Home tbh, but it's such a good song! And writing Hyunjin for this piece was so cute!! Hope you guys enjoy, especially the nonnie who had requested (and also 🐱anon, who is always up for reading something with Hyun hehe)
Tagging: @freckledwinterfalls and @yogurteume
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In a crazy flutter I couldn't even say hello (yeah) (right) Yeah, I'm going out baby The whole world is my home (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Being an idol sure comes with its perks. The love from fans is enough to warm one's heart, and the adrenaline from performing to filled out areas and stadiums seems almost dreamlike.
Crazy for myself (yeah) As if when you open that door, anything will happen
Who wouldn't enjoy that? With the cameras making their reality better than imagination, and the constant spotlight making the whole world seem like their home.
Yes, I remember when I thought I could do anything I saw the ocean, yeah, before I even opened this door
But that doesn't mean idols aren't allowed to feel exhausted every now and then, and it's at moments like these that they want nothing more than to go home, to the arms of someone who cares.
The more I fill it, the more empty (empty) The more we are together, the more alone I feel (whoa)
And Hyunjin's no different. The brighter he shines, the more he longs to come back home. Come back home to you. His line of work forces him to stay away from you for extended periods, and it would be an understatement to say that he hates it.
Half-closed eyes, sleepless nights Where you are
He absolutely despises the ordeal, feeling more alone every time he leaves for a new tour after having spent a couple months with the love of his life. Practice can no longer tire him enough for a good night's sleep, and he finds himself craving your touch, your warmth.
Maybe that's mi casa With you I'ma feel rich (yeah) That's the mi casa Turn it on in advance, your switch (switch) Yeah
It'll be comfortable even if you don't say anything (right) With you, everything will be my home (yeah) 너만 있다면 다 내 집이 될 거야 (yeah) You know I want that home You know you got that home (woo)
To him, home is no longer a place. To him, home is a person. A person called you. Being close to you is his source of comfort, and when he's away from you, it's like a piece of him is missing, leaving a void incapable of being filled.
Your love, your love, your love (I miss that) Your love, your love, your love (I want that) Your touch, your touch, your touch (I need that) La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, I love it (yeah, yeah, yeah)
It's your love that he needs, it's that smile of you that can take his weariness away after an exhausting day. It's your presence that can make him smile, can make him laugh. It's you he needs.
So shabby, the world thinks we have it all (oh yah) The big house, big cars, big rings of my dreams All I want is to have (take) everything A strange feeling felt by someone who accomplished everything now (ay, ay)
He used to think being famous and reaching out to millions of people was all he wanted in life. And that was true, but only until he met you. The moment you graced his life, he knew he wanted to be with you just as much as he wanted to be an idol, if not more.
A strange feeling felt by someone who accomplished everything now (ay, ay) But even if I leave now, I have a place to come back to, so the door I go out (huh?)
And that holds true to this day. Because with you, Hyunjin can be himself, no filter, nothing censored. Just pure him, and his love for you. Now he has a place he wants to come back to, now he has a person he wants to come back to.
I keep thinking of you at the crossroads (I remember) You, who recognized me when I was poor (you)
Sure, the love the world has for him is boundless, and he can't help but be grateful for that every single day. But you, you're the only one who sees him for who he is, and loves him despite his flaws. And that's why it's only with you that his soul feels at ease. He jokingly calls you "Mi casa," saying that his home would be wherever you are. But in hindsight, he might not be joking after all.
Someday When the doorbell rings three times will you open the door So that I can say goodbye to you I'll tell you then
Long time no see, mi casa (casa)
He can't wait to go back home after the tour wraps up. He can't wait to scoop you up in his arms the moment you open the door, to smell your scent that always eases his mind, always calms him down.
Even if you don't say anything, you're comfortable (yeah) You became my home (woo)
He can't wait to tell you how much he missed you, fully aware of how he's going to find himself at a loss for words when his eyes land on you. But that's okay, because he also know that no words need to be said when it's just the two of you.
The sound of your heartbeats against each other is enough.
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dearsukuna · 3 years
INTRODUCING: ❝ HELLO !! I love your writing so much! Can I request jealous Itadori and megumi please if you have time? Thank you :>>> ❞ (REQUESTED)
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please do not make him jealous 😓
man .. he’s so pouty n whiny abt it
xxtra vocal abt it 😸
he will cling 2 u the entire week if that happens …
ok .. u need to reassure him ok :((
after that he doesn’t rlly dwell on it so ^^
will also ask u those cheesy qs 😭😭
I MEAN THOSE “you’ll stay with me until the end right?” QS
got slightly protective after he got jealous for the first(1) time 😿
but he means well ok!! 
he j wants ur love ><
if u ask him whats wrong he’s j gonna say nth’s wrong n then continue giving u silent treatment 😸
agn … pls don’t make this dude jealous ..
he MIGHT .. ignore you .. might
lowkey petty abt it like .. 😐
if u two go home n sleep in the same bed he faces the other side 😿
he WILL be overthinking 😓
will feel bad that he gave u silent treatment :((
but dw u’ll wake up to him hugging u in the morning
only gets clingy in the morning .. rlly groggy too ..
but its v obvious la he looks like he’s either going to a. punch smn or b. cry
but on sight he would link his pinkie w urs n stand like next to u to let the others know that ur taken ^^
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meowdarame · 2 years
Omg love did you already answer about your bitchass ex cheating on u and about your worst sex experience for your event? I feel like that’s some hot ass tea please kindly spill for us if you’re comfortable doing so
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@sanrionymph sent the same ask but i’m going to answer yours, nonnie!
*sighs* alright, get ready because lowkey this was one of my most toxic arcs /hj
also warnings: mentions of abuse, toxic behavior, stalking
on another note: lowkey this story sounds so bad LMAO and i’ll admit that this mf put me thru HELL, but i’m okay now and i honestly see this story as pretty funny!!! i highkey use humor to cope! so there’s no need to like express pity and such, if anything it’d make me feel more uncomfy HAHA. but yes, ‘tis all! hope you enjoy my la croix version of my euphoria ass life!
i dated this dude in my freshman year of college. honestly don’t know why but maybe he gave me the right amount of attention at the wrong time. who knows?
the relationship was alright at first! (in hindsight tho i realize he was HIGHKEY love-bombing me lol but anywho!) but eventually he started becoming more and more of a dick to me: comparing me to his exes, forcing me to help him w/ his laundry and get groceries 🤢, and just kinda hiding me from the public? like his close friends knew we were dating but there were MULTIPLE times where we were walking on campus and i would try to hold his hand and he’d shake it off 😭 talking about “people can see us” OMFG IM GETTING HEATED JUST TYPING THIS LOL but he also like never posted me on any social media platform. ever. like one time we went on a date to this museum and he was taking all these snapchats and videos of LA but never took one of me….? now listen, i usually don’t care about this stuff, like social media validation is whatever to me and i’m not gonna FORCE my s/o to post me HAHA but i just found it soooo sus that he kept me so private.
anyways by this point of our relationship we were like arguing everyday. like it was a MIRACLE if we had one (1) peaceful day. like we were the type to argue w/ each other at cheesecake factory (shoutout drake!) there were soooo many other things that he did too that i won’t go into because lowkey they’re really fucked up so i’ll spare y’all the fine details. and because we were so toxic, i asked him if he wanted to take a break (especially since this was around when COVID first hit and everyone was heading back home because campus was closing up and kicking people out). my ex said no and that he wanted to be with me even though we were gonna be like 2500+ miles apart. so we stayed together even after he moved back to his hometown.
but i had this weird gut feeling he was on tinder tho… this one time i like quickly glanced over to his computer when he had his email open and accidentally saw an email that said he had a “new tinder match!” so i was like wtf…. hmm… so when he moved back to his hometown and i stayed in LA, shit just only got worse and this gut feeling only grew stronger. so i made a fake tinder account, used tinder passport to set the location to his hometown, and swiped until i found him. it literally only took 6 swipes. we matched the next day and i texted him thru my fake tinder account and he responded.
NOW if you’re wondering why i didn’t just leave him when shit got toxic, here’s my answer: i was lowkey so scared of him LOL like there were so many close encounters with this man where i lowkey felt like (???) i was not safe? idk. so yea i was scared to break up w/ him because i didn’t know how he’d take it if i just left him “out of the blue.” i presumed that since i caught him cheating on me and i had a VALID REASON to break up w/ him, he’d let me go with little resistance. unfortunately i was wrong because he stalked me for like a year after that LOL oh how naive freshman year dice was </3
ANYWAYS tl;dr i made a fake tinder account, used tinder passport to set my location to his hometown, and matched w/ his slimy unwashed ass! there were other little hints and clues that pointed to him cheating on me for a while but it’s so long ago that i lowkey forgot HAHA
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
How would the team react to SR reader taking them to a trip back to their home? For instance, I'm from NY, so I would definitely take them or M&M world or something fun 😊.
NONNIE THIS IS SO CUTE !! SR Reader would want to take everyone to an area she thinks they’d like!! It’d be a very chaotic trip. Maybe an Everyone Lives AU type of special. Lemme go over my thoughts...
If you’re travelling with Giorno, you’re gonna be travelling in style. Man is packing the big bucks. He just tells you to bring him wherever you want. Might be a bit disappointed that the others are tagging along at first, but still has plans to get alone time with you :) he’s the least likely to want to go anywhere specific. He’s gonna be harshly judging any of the food you recommend, but doesn’t ever tell you lmao. Just flashes you a charming smile and says it’s wonderful while going on an internal Gordon Ramsey monologue over the flavors and presentation. He’d secretly like places that specialize in sweets, and should you catch onto this, would make feeble attempts at dismissing it. Despite all the fancy food he can afford, he has a soft spot for smores you made for him!! Thought it was the cutest thing ever :’)))) especially when you were blowing on the marshmallows to set the fire off. The moment was ruined by Narancia mourning his marshmallow that fell into the fire...  
Mista is going to want to visit Hollywood 100%. This man is a cinema addict and nothing can convince me otherwise. He’s going to be finding areas that appeared in his favorite movies and dragging you (and maybe a few other unlucky people, probably Fugo) along for the ride. Sex Pistols are gonna embarrass him by reenacting his favorite scenes lmao. He’d want to go to Griffith’s Observatory to reminiscence about Rebel Without a Cause and won’t shut up about the movie the entire time. Mista fits in with the lackadaisical air of LA a little too perfectly, and you keep telling him to change out of his sweater because it’s gonna be hot. But he doesn’t. Mista is gonna be so tilted when he finds out his favorite Clint Eastwood doesn’t have a star on the Walk of Fame... you didn’t have the heart to tell him at first. He’s also sad that he can’t legally drink in the states LMAOO
“[First], so let me get this straight. I can carry my pistol around openly here, but I can’t legally drink?” 
“Couldn’t have explained it better myself, Mista.” 
Narancia is another person who would be excited to visit areas in California the most. He’s more into music, so he’s going to want to tour all the big studios (and gets bored when he doesn’t spot any celebrities like he expected). Also the most likely to be disappointed with California prices. When you explain to him how much he needs to pay in USD for a meal he’s gonna gape at you like you have two heads. 
“W-what? That much for a burger and fries? This has to be a crime! Bucciarati, come talk some sense into this guy!” 
“Narancia, no, don’t beat up the Americans--” 
He’d also be interested in New York!! Specifically in areas that hold cultural significance for hip hop like the Bronx. He thinks it’s the coolest thing ever. Might stand out a little too much but it’s okay he’s having fun. Narancia would be suffering on the east coast, since a lot of people there are prickly. If anyone bumps into him in New York, you’re gonna have to deescalate lmao. He’d also want to visit places like Hershey Park, Six Flags, etc... you’re gonna have to explain to him that they’re all very far apart. Narancia wants to drag you on rollercoasters, god help your soul ... (if you refuse, he’ll settle on Mista joining him. Emphasis on settle). You might need to get him a shirt that says “If lost, return to [First]” for him, and a “I’m [First]” for yourself. 
Trish is another one from the group who is most interested in visiting New York. She fits in perfectly, unlike Narancia. She can keep up with the walking speed there too lmao. Trish is gonna drag you into countless fashion stores, and take selfies with you at Times Square. If anyone tries to cat call her... well, she’s gonna have you defending her honor. Trish is gonna want to go to Tiffany’s, and Radio City music hall to see a concert. She actually speaks English pretty well! She has a cute little accent on some words, but when you tell her that, she gives you a >:( look. Anyways you’d both be looking like models next to one another. A few people have come up to Trish, asking if they’ve seen her in magazines or something... smh... it’s your job to flirt with her so you shoo them off in English >:) 
God... Bruno would be so adorable. He wants to explore the beaches!! When you’re asking where he wants to go, he’ll mention these places. The Outer Banks, Ocean City (until you tell him he’s gonna be greatly disappointed if you go there), Honolulu, and the Santa Monica beaches. He likes sitting on the piers and feeling the ocean breeze, and trying the boardwalk food!! He thrives the most in Southern states since he likes the warmer places. 
The state I see him liking the most should he visit is Maryland. He’d be prancing around the inner harbor, enjoying all the outdoor cafes and feasting on seafood. Just be sure to teach him how to eat crabs properly :’) the gang eating crabs is a mess. The waiter brings wooden hammers, and Narancia starts SMACKING the FUCK out of that steamed crab. You have to explain to him it’s not meant to be used like that... Mista tries using it like a judge’s gavel to make you laugh. Fugo and Abbacchio are leaving the table so as not to associate with them... 
Fugo is gonna be embarrassed by everyone else’s shenangins. He fits in the frigid temperament a lot of East Coasters have. He’d be the most interested in visiting Boston for its historical importance, and touring the various colleges there. He prefers Boston over New York and LA, he’s a bit of a snob... is gonna be internally screaming over the stupidly complicated way of getting around. Why is the train system here so archaic?? Who designed this?? He wants to have a word with them. Fugo isn’t big on city life though, so he might want to visit somewhere more rural. Perhaps... Florida... ahaha... jk... unless? 
Abbacchio is going to want to visit New Orleans and nothing can convince me otherwise. I headcanon that he’s a big fan of jazz. So he’ll be hanging out in notable jazz clubs, sipping on fine wine, enjoying the music with you. He appreciates how the music transcends language. Especially since he feels weird constantly badgering you or Fugo, the best English speakers, to translate stuff for him. He might be a little bit smug that he’s able to drink alcohol unlike Mista, who is still greatly offended by not being able to drink. 
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
Hello and welcome to my little writing blog! We have a lot water and ice, and you're very welcome to share your horny for cryo and hydro daddy with me!
If you really like what I do, you can tip me at ko-fi or buy me a coffee here!
I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also, this is a not spoiler free, R-18/ NSFW blog. I occasionally like to write dark themes, I'll do my best to tag them but please read everything at your own risk.
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I’m only doing requests for Childe and/or Kaeya or Chaeya as of right now, but if I decide to include anyone else I’ll update this!
Please censor the word "ch💙ya/chxxya/ch**ya" when asking for poly Childe x reader x Kaeya requests! Or you can refer to them as "the boys" or just type both of their names. I don't want to clog up the ch💙ya tag with x reader stuff
You can request for Chaeya, poly Ch💙ya x readers, or have them a la carte! But do tell me because I will default to poly Ch💙ya content
I accept both SFW and NSFW requests
By default, I write for gender neutral readers or I'll not mention the gender at all. I'm not that good at writing for male readers but I do try sometimes
I’ll mostly do headcanons because they’re faster. You’re free to ask for scenarios/imagines/drabbles if you’d like, but they'll take much longer for me to write
My requests/ ask box will always be open, but I will pick and choose what type of requests I’ll write
Please specify your requests by saying it’s a request or “can I have hcs of-” stuff like that so I’ll know to answer it like a request
I answer requests based on what I feel like writing, so I will jump around my inbox, but I do try to answer them periodically
I’m pretty open to any type of content so request to your heart’s desire! So, AUs, yandere stuff, etc. whatever
I will NOT do pregnant and children related requests, non-con, paedophilia
I’ll tag all my works with #shanna writes, all my rambles with #shut up shanna, NSFW tags are #not sfw and #spicy
I do part-time on the weekend so I update very infrequently so please don't rush me
Please don't send me multiples of the same ask/ requests, I'll get to it eventually, please don't rush me. If you want to check w me if I'll be doing it that's ok.
I’ll update the rules from time to time and I reserve the right to deny requests that make me uncomfortable
I'm also really chatty and love listening to your Thoughts™ so don't be shy if you wanna chat!
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Emoji nonnies
⭐🍋🌻✨🍬🐋🌊🍭🌸🖤🦇 🍆🏳️🍒🍓🦊🦐🐠🥴😳🍀🐍🪴🗿
Word nonnies
Animal, Brookie, Build-a-bob, Bunny, Cloud, Furby, Kaeya tiddie, Misa, Plant, Raizu, Seelie, Simp, Slut
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I (8.12.20 - 9.10.21)
N//SFW Alphabets
II (9.10.21 onwards)
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Commission info here!
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hey Steph! I know you always share works in english but I wanted to rec/share a fic in spanish, if I may. it's on ao3 /works/25761637 and it's unlock but in UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and it's written in argentinian spanish and maybe it's just bc I'm from argentina but I think it's great! (also no, I didn't write it, I just found it today) so maybe if any of your followers speaks spanish and wants to check it out that'd be cool, it's for sure a different perspective than y'all are used to
Rumbos Secretos by Ceibos (T, 5,991 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock || Argentinian Spanish, First Kiss, POV John, Internalized Homophobia, Song Fic, Military, Autism Spectrum) – AU en el que Sherlock y John son dos jovenes alumnos de la UBA en los 90´s o Sherlock ayuda a John a estudiar para su parcial de anatomía y pasan cosas.
Hey Nonny!!
AHHH Sorry I missed this... I have SO many asks to catch up on.
YES, I’d be honoured to share fics in other languages; please forgive me for only using the tags that were written in English... I didn’t want to butcher the translation as Google is prone to do. 
So anyone who wants to check out a fic in another language, please check out this one suggested by this lovely Nonny!!! <3
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Are there any fics (yours or others) that make you cry every time you read them? I need a good cry. Thank you.
Oh, Nonny - first I hope you're OK. I too need a good cry on occasion, sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes not, so first and foremost, I hope you're OK.
But, since I get this, I do have some great tear-jerkers for you. Some make me weepy just thinking about them.
Weekend With Dr. Ramsey by @alwaysmychoices - one of the best fanfics I've read. The emotion is so raw and painful, but so beautiful. The follow-up series, With and Without, also has some quality angst. And this is a headcanon she wrote about MC calling Ethan to say she's getting married. This had me crying for days. lol
Happier by @kat-tia801 (the eventual happy ending follow-up is now out there too! lol)
For All the Lies by @utterlyinevitable
The Five Senses Epilogue by @a-crepusculo (I really recommend reading the whole series to get the full effect.)
The Choices We Make (series) by @bex-la-get
Parts of The Resentment Series by @heauxplesslydevoted are 🥺😢
The Five Stages of Grief Series by @gryffindordaughterofathena
As for my own, I have quite a bit of angst, but these gutted me writing them and I cry anytime I read them again, so I think they'll do the trick:
Ethan/Casey (Kaycee):
When the Bough Breaks (Part 1)
Forever (Series) - this one is PAIN.
A Second Chance (angst w/ happy ending)
See You Again (PAIN)
What We Wish For (Series)
Parts of Delaying the Inevitable are brutal, but it's a long series and most would not work as stand-alone.
This can keep you crying for days! lol Hope it helps
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