#kurenai yuhi x reader
randoimago · 2 years
Sakura, Hinata, Ino and Kurenai with an Aloof s/o who's unexpectedly affectionate and upfront and blunt with compliments. Like they'll just tell them how pretty their eyes are all while speaking in a monotone voice
Having an Aloof S/O
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, Kurenai Yuhi, Sakura Haruno
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You got it
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Honestly prefers her S/O being aloof as she cannot handle 24/7 compliments. She can hardly handle you suddenly giving her a compliment and not being ashamed or apologetic about it.
Does wish you were a bit more open with her. Just more friendly instead of being so distant.
She’s used to a lot of her family being distant from her and would like someone she could talk to, but she supposes this is something she’s used to.
A bit pouty with how aloof you are. Sure she enjoyed it when it was Sasuke because it felt like something she could never have.
But you and her are already dating. Why are you still so distant and cold towards her??
Yeah you can make up for it with your comments and being serious with how much you love her. But she wishes you’d be a bit more nice to her.
Doesn’t mind you being aloof too much. It is how you should be as a ninja, don’t let your emotions show or an enemy would use it against you.
She appreciates when you tell her your feelings towards her. It’s nice that you aren’t bashful with telling her either.
She tries to be just as matter-of-fact with her own feelings towards you, but she can’t help but feel a bit flustered.
Also a bit pouty because you are so closed off from her. She understands needing to keep your feelings in check when on the battlefield, but when it’s just the two of you, she wishes you were more clingy.
Depending on her mood, she might just roll her eyes if you compliment her like that. You could at least sound more enthusiastic instead of monotone. Even Sai does a better job and he’s lying most of the time.
But she knows that’s just a quirk of yours and so she does her best to be upfront about her own feelings towards you.
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Naruto Love Languages (Shinobi)
Iruka Umino - Quality Time
Iruka prioritises quality time together more than anything. He knows what it feels like to be alone, and with Naruto he understood it even more. So he never wants you to ever feel like you're alone or abandoned. When you started dating he tried to see you at least once a day even for just a quick chat. And if you live together he is always ready to come right back home if you need him. It doesn't matter what he's doing, Iruka will make sure you know he's here for you no matter what. Expect a LOT of nice casual date nights throughout your relationship
Kakashi Hatake - Gift Giving
No matter how long you've been together, Kakashi can be a pain. His tardiness has stayed with him, being late to pretty much all your dates. It's gotten to the point where you tell him the date is happening an hour early so he's technically on time. And he ain't big on chores. But he makes up for it with his excellent gift giving skills. Pretty much every gift he gives you is perfection. Even though he's late a lot, he always brings you a small gift to make up for it (flowers, your favorite candy, charms, etc). Also, the moment you get into a new hobby or interest, expect related gifts falling in your lap for the next month. Kakashi wants to encourage your interests, he loves seeing the joy on your face as you experiment and try new things! And don't worry about money, he's doesn't mind spending it if it's on you
Might Guy - All of Them
Come on, he is literally Lee's clone. Of COURSE he's gonna be just as enthusastic with his partner. This man will literally do anything for you, if you need something done fast and perfect, he's your man. And be careful talking about things you show interest in. If you even imply you want that tea set from the store, you are gonna wake up with it on your nightstand. And god is he great at talking you up. Every morning is started with a speech about how amazing you are and how you'll face the day with power and youth together! Guy won't accept any negative comments you make about yourself, either. He shuts that shit down immedietely, and talks to you seriously and genuinely. Guy will always make you feel loved and beautiful, never forget that (don't worry you can't, god this man is loud)
Kurenai Yuhi - Words of Affirmation
Kurenai is incredibly caring and emotionally connected with you. She is a naturally empathetic person and with you it's clear. She always takes into account your personal opinions and desires, and never makes a decision about your relationship without your input. Your emotions mean a lot to her, and she makes it clear. Kurenai is always there to
Asuma Sarutobi - Quality Time
He is similar to Shikamaru of being a bit sluggish, just not on the level of his prodigy. Your love life is on the lowdown, but that isn't a bad thing! You like just spending time calmly with him without all the fuss. No pressure inducing grand gestures or giant surprises, with Asuma it's easy and stress free. His favorite way to spend time is just sitting and talking with you, and if you smoke, taking smoke breaks are a definite couple's activity. If you ever feel like you're hogging his time or being clingy, he'll quickly shut you down. Asuma wants to spend his life with you! Why do you think he shows up at your house so often with a rose?
Anko Mitarashi - Acts of Service
Anko is an independent woman who knows how to take care of herself. She doesn't require you to do anything for her, if you want to it's cool but she doesn't expected. On the other hand though she shows a lot of loyalty to you and always stands by your side. She respects your independence and autonomy and tries to not push too hard, but if you ever need anything she is right there in a heartbeat. Honestly, whenever you do anything she is watching intently for any sign of you needing help. You can't grab a cereal box from the top of the fridge without her already making a game plan if you fall
Tsunade - Physical Touch
With most people Tsunade isn't too fond of physical contact (well, when sober at least). She is used to being sexualized for her body by pretty much EVERYONE, so it feels like people just take advantage of her. But with you, she knows you don't see her like that. You see her as a human being! A hot human being, but a human being nonetheless. So when she's with you she adores hugging and cuddling and smooching. You are just so adorabl ein her eyes! Holding hands is an absolute must. In her eyes you are only one worthy of her hand... and massive tits. Just be warned that when she drinks she gets reeeeeeeeeally touchy and pervy
Jiraya - Words of Affirmation
I can already see some of you questioning my sanity, but hear me out. Jiraya is the famous Pervy Sage, this man loooooooves bodies. Boobies, booties, if you got it he wants it. So yes, physical touch is a BIIIIIG part of his relationships. But surprisingly, most people don't know that when he's in a serious relationship, he gets very sincere and sweet. He always is there to life you up, and pretty much compliments you all the time. Even when you feel like you look like shit, this man finds a way to make you feel like a supermodel. Jiraya isn't afraid to show his affection in public either, and proudly says "I love you" and calls you pet names anywhere you go (no matter how embarassing). But uh... yeah he's still gonna have grabby hands though, so get used to that
Hashirama Senju - Words of Affirmation
Hashirama is such a bright person and just a joy to date. He is basically a ray of sunshine no matter the weather or situation. Optimism is his religion and follows it closely. His main goal in life is to make you feel happy and loved. And you're gonna feel it god dammit. Every morning you are awoken with a sweet kiss and "good morning". He likes to tease you by saying you look better than ever, even though you clearly look like you woke up from a 3 year coma. Your pouting and annoyed face always makes him giggle like a kid, it's so cute! Throughout your relationship Hashirama will always find a way to convince you to look on the bright side of life, especially if it has to do with you. No matter how you perceive yourself or your skills, he compliments you with full genuineness. This man loves you so much, just... so much
Tobirama Senju - Words of Affirmation
Unlike his brother, Tobirama is muuuuch more tight lipped. He's stern and sharp with his words, even with you. It was a bit off-putting at first, and you used to wonder if he even liked you. One day it came to a head and you approached him and asked him outright if he hated you. This is one of the few times his composure broke, and he instantly shot the notion down. After a heartfelt conversation, from that day forward you payed more attention and noticed little things about him. You notice that when he talks to you his voice softens ever so slightly and he tries to use less intense wording. Occasionally when he walks by you'll hear a quiet compliment in your ear. He never forgets to thank you for every little that you do. And when you're alone he'll even soften up just a tad and admire your beauty. Tobirama doesn't show his affection outright and openly, but if you connect with him and noticed the little things he does, you'll truly understand his feelings
Minato Namikaze - Acts of Service
Minato is a gentleman through and through. He's gonna treat you like royalty, I'm talking laying his coat over a puddle so you can walk over it (don't worry, you eventually convince him to just let you go around the puddle instead). Obviously he is verbally respectful and sweet, but he really shows off with his usefulness. He loves to do chores with you or cook together and just talk for hours on end. If you're craving a certain food he is ready to take a stroll to the store and get it for you no questions asked. And when you're in public you can bet he's using his reputation to get you guys some special benefits. Every restaurant has a table for you guys set and ready, and store venders give you great prices. Plus NOT A SOUL will even try to bother you. They know who your love his, and they know what he will do to them. So enjoy those privileges~
Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings | Shinobi & Founders | Akatsuki
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ereawrites · 9 months
Book Club - Kakashi Hatake
Bonus Chapter - Men Are From Mars
Genma is a menace to society, Kurenai is your guardian angel, and you're going to have a hangover.
word count 1.6k (9.2k words total)
cw: alcohol use
read it on ao3 here
The next week is mostly uneventful, until Saturday. On Tuesday, it's Haruki's birthday, so you treat your team to tayaki on the way home from training; afterwards, they all beg you for ice cream, even Toshiko (who never expresses much enthusiasm for anything). An evil spirit on a higher salary than you must possess your body, because you say yes, and then you're sure to send them home to their mothers just before the sugar rush hits them. 
On Friday evening, a chance encounter with Genma ends up with both of you drunk in a bar. He's incorrigible as he drags you down the street, ignoring your half-hearted protests. "Come on, (name)-chan!", he insists, shoving you through the door. He's always called you that, even after you punched him in the Academy for it. "Don't make me drink alone - that would just be pathetic."
"Here's an idea, Genma - stop pushing, you've got me in the damn building already! - you could just not drink?"
He looks positively scandalised. "On a Friday?" Kami, he's annoying, but at least he pulls out the bar stool for you once he releases his iron grip on your shoulders.
"You know that only works for jobs where you get the weekend off, right?", you insist, one last attempt to get home at a reasonable hour. He's already ordering two bottles of sake. Oh, well. If you can't fight it then you may as well accept it.
Genma has a way with getting people drunk, and within the hour you're both leaning heavily against the bar top - he's flushed red, as he always does.. You nudge him on the arm. "You look boiling. Why not take your jacket off?". You've already done so: yours was covered in dust from today's training anyway, not exactly Friday night attire. At least the long-sleeve beneath is somewhat clean.
He winks at you. "You're a woman. You know how the ladies love a man in uniform."
"Are you blind-?!", you blurt a little louder than intended, spinning on your stool to gesture out at the room, "-it's a bar on the shinobi side of town - half the guys here are wearing the exact same jacket!"
"Which means I've already got an advantage over the other half.", Genma quips, and you glare at him.
"Don't tell me you're going to ditch me to go flirt."
He pats you on the arm. "I wouldn't dream of it. I actually went out last night so I already got-" you intensify your glare and raise a cautionary finger, "...Well, you know. But, hey, that doesn't mean we can't find some romance for you, (name)-chan. That guy over there's been looking at you for twenty minutes."
Genma's voice is sickly sweet, dripping with honeyed glee. You follow his gaze over to the man and barely conceal a shiver. He was a couple of years above you at the Academy, if you remember correctly, and yet he only passed the chuunin exams last year. "Oh, please, no - you're going to have to kiss me to scare him off."
"No offence, but I wouldn't go there.", Genma replies, then sips his sake as if he hasn't just horribly insulted you. It's silly how the comment makes your pride flare - Kami knows you'd never go there either - but you can't help it, especially after alcohol. A reminder seems in order.
"You begged me to be your girlfriend when we were nine, Genma-kun."
He laughs loudly, throwing an arm around your shoulder just long enough to deter the older man. "And I never forgot how you turned me down! Good thing I'm so dashingly handsome, or my ego might never have recovered."
You scoff, half-joking. "Your ego is fine, trust me."
"And yours is fragile tonight.", he responds, gently shrugging his shoulder into you. You instantly shoot him an apologetic look, albeit a little confused - you two have always bantered, but now he sounds uncharacteristically serious. Have you upset him? "...For the record, I totally think you're hot."
You try to smack him on the arm, miss, and hit the edge of the bar instead. Genma bursts into raucous laughter again, so genuine you can't help but join in. "Please don't ever say that again.", you grin, cradling your sore palm.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't want to upset Hatake."
The smile drops off your face, and his widens even further. "No! Don't tell me you know too!". Genma has a reputation for playing matchmaker for his own entertainment, even when neither party is particularly enthused by the idea. You briefly envision him trapping you and Kakashi in a broom cupboard together, or telling Kakashi with all the good intentions in the world how much you like him. 
You pluck the senbon from his mouth and wave it threateningly. It takes him a second to register the absence. "Promise me you won't say anything to Kakashi. You know he's more skittish than a deer with things like this.", you insist. Genma swallows, still smirking. "I swear I'll stick this senbon right in your-"
"Alright!", he laughs. "But I do think you guys need to get over yourselves and just confess."
"I agree, Genma."
Oh, brilliant, it's Asuma. 
He emerges from the growing crowd, sliding in next to Genma and looking at you sternly. "It's been weeks already since you figured out his feelings. I know you planned to goad him into confessing first, but clearly that isn't working." 
Genma slaps an enthusiastic palm onto his knee. "He's right, (name)-chan! I mentioned your name to Hatake on Monday and he choked on air. It isn't right for a grown man to act like that." 
"Neither of you get it!", you reply indignantly, and wonder for a moment why you agreed to go drinking with a man who has never had a relationship last longer than a month. "If I just come right out with it so soon - oh, forget it, I need to talk to a woman about this. Asuma, where's Kurenai?"
Asuma, to his credit, barely flinches. "Kurenai? I don't-"
"Don't even try it, I know you're meeting her here-" 
Kurenai appears through the door promptly. Genma high fives you without even looking. The best thing about having shinobi friends is that they hear you call them even in a crowded bar; Kurenai swans over with the elegance of a woman who hasn't started drinking yet, squeezes Asuma's forearm by way of greeting, and chuckles at you and Genma.
"Started early, did you two?" You didn't think you looked that bad. But, when you give Genma a good look, you notice that his bandana is lopsided and his drink is dangerously close to tipping out the glass. 
"That's my fault, I admit it." Genma admits gleefully, never one for shame.
"Kurenai, help me-", you beg, seizing her hands. Her warm eyes crease with concern. "These stupid, stupid boys don't understand why I can't 'just tell' Kakashi I have feelings for him, rather than playing the long game." 
She furrows her eyebrows, giving the boys a good long stare. "How much have you had to drink? It's Kakashi. He'd go back to ANBU before he talks about his emotions." Although Genma scoffs and rolls his eyes, you don't fail to notice how Asuma hums noncommittally when Kurenai looks at him. Fucking traitor.
"Sure, he's ridiculous, but guys just don't respond well to that weird cat-and-mouse thing you've got going.", Genma reasons. You'd take that a lot more seriously if it was anyone other than him saying it.
Kurenai takes the drink that Asuma has ordered for her with a smile. "Say what you will, but I used that same strategy on Asuma here." 
Asuma blinks. "...What are you talking about? We had a mature discussion."
"We did-", she nods, sipping her drink and watching him flounder. "After flirting for two months.  You would never have confessed so readily if I hadn't laid the groundwork first." Asuma blinks again, then turns back to the bar and asks for something stronger.
"I love you.", you almost sob, dragging her into a hug. Women, Genma mutters as he turns to Asuma; you both ignore him in favour of catching up instead. It's nice to see Kurenai and even nicer to have some girl talk after an hour of Genma, but you're reluctant to keep her for too long when she's with Asuma, so you discreetly point out an empty booth on the far side of the bar after a few moments. Just as they're leaving you, she looks back over her shoulder, and you mouth tell me everything next time.
"Ah, (name), I almost forgot to mention.", Asuma calls. You and Genma both sway dangerously as you spin back around. "Kakashi wanted you to know he's expected back in the village tomorrow." All of a sudden you're filled with the urge to chase after him and grab him and shake him, and shout whatexactlydidhesaytellmetellmetellme- but that's ridiculous, and they're already gone into the crowd, and Asuma wouldn't entertain your Sakura Haruno-like-behaviour anyway.
Genma wolf-whistles, and hands you another drink. You hesitate - you can't handle your alcohol like you used to, and you're not sure if you're keen on Kakashi seeing you hungover. That won't have him in any hurry to confess. Then you remember that you'll probably see - or at least hear - Naruto tomorrow too, and that settles the matter. You drink deeply.
"So, how about you forget to wear a bra tomorrow? If that doesn't push him over the edge, I don't know what will." 
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aceopmari · 2 years
Currently writing a spicy Kurenai x female reader NSFW.
Tagging all the characters for visibility sake. Don’t hate me lol.
A/N: I feel like this beauty doesn’t get enough love. I had this concept in mind where the female reader basically lusts for Kurenai to the point where it affects her life which eventually leads to a rather sensual moment. (Bonus: the reader hates Asuma and is jealous of him for being with Kurenai. Should make for some nice drama! Lol)
Should I name the oneshot: ‘Hot for Teacher’, ‘Down Bad’ or ‘Am I Making You Nervous?’
Comment/vote below! And let me know if you wanna be tagged for when it’s posted!🙌
Baddie Taglist: @ppg-artss @lovelygeniegirl1012 @mercymccann @kakeisumire @aoi-ajisai @mechmoucha @dumbblossomv2
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Read here
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a-ghost-that-writes · 2 years
Kurenai Yuhi x You Headcanons
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Kurenai likes to go out with you on little dates when the two of you aren’t busy.
The two of you enjoy each others company, whether you’re both out and about, or just sitting together in silence at home.
Kurenai wants to have children some day with you, so you two talk about it often. 
Your favorite thing about Kurenai is how kindhearted she is with everyone around her. 
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty Masterlist- Naruto Works
Works are sorted by ship/reader
Kurenai Yuhi x reader
over react
family now
Hinta Hyuga x reader
Kakashi Hatake x reader
Itachi Uchiha x reader
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animeangsteng · 3 years
Naruto! Team 8: Boyfriend/Girlfriend alphabet
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Team 8 boy/girl-friend alphabet
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Warnings: bugs, mention of canon violence (not explicit), mention of betrayal (not actuated)
█ █ █ █ █ 100% *Tuning complete*
Kurenai Yūhi
A = Activities (Activities they like to do)
Kurenai loved to just sit down and simply talk about their day and her students, especially while having evening drinks.
B = Body (Their s/o and their own favourite body part)
Kurenai cherishes her hair and loves especially when her s/o combs them.
Her s/o’s favourite body part are their shoulders.
Kurenai loves to depose her head on them and just cuddle like that, relaxing and chitchatting about sweet nothings.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
Kurenai loves to cuddle, asking for them in private.
She usually acts as the small spoon unless her s/o wishes otherwise.
D = Distance (How good are they at handling being distant from their s/o?)
Kurenai doesn’t really enjoy being far away from her s/o.
She’s not clingy but she likes being near them to protect them, even if they’re ninjas.
In fact she hates having to go away and worries for them during the mission.
E = Experience (Are they experienced?)
Kurenai had few relationships before but not that many.
Only three or four of them were serious.
F = Fights (Do they discuss a lot? How does it usually end?)
She hates arguing with her s/o but she doesn’t back off easily if she thinks she’s right.
In fact she doesn’t shout but she gives them cold shoulder for a while.
After sometime she will apologise for her reaction and, if she thinks she was right, she’ll agree to disagree.
G = Gifts (What gifts do they like to gift and receive?)
She loves to gift them little tokens such as keychains, books and objects with meanings behind them.
She likes to receive little objects she can carry around during missions to remember her s/o.
She prefer them to not be extremely expensive because she’d worry about losing them during fights.
H = Habits (What weird habits do they have?)
She often has the habit of talking about her students whenever she feels cornered and embarrassed.
I = Irritation (What irritates them in the couple life?)
Kurenai really got irritated when her s/o forgot to put things in their place.
In particular her ninja equipment.
J = Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous? How do they show it?)
Kurenai doesn’t get jealous because she trusts her s/o a lot.
Still she sometimes got a bit envious of the attention her s/o gave others so, during the evening, she cuddled even more and focused their attention on her.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss?)
She kisses gently and slowly.
She kisses them in private, hugging them caringly.
L = Loving (How do they show their love?)
She often makes acts of service for them to show her affections and she loves to comfort them when they need it.
M = Morning (How do they wake up in the morning? How do they spend it?)
She is a very morning person.
In facts she is pretty active ever since the first hours awake.
She likes to make the breakfast for the both of them and wake her s/o up, after taking a look at their sleeping face.
N = Nicknames (How do they call their s/o?)
She loves to call them Dear and Darling, sometimes Love, but she usually keep it in private.
O = Open (Are they open? Do they hide many things from their s/o?)
She never hides anything except if required by her job.
She loves to share her worries and her projects with them and vice versa.
P = PDA (Do they like PDA? How do they initiate it?)
She’s a bit shy about PDA in fact she prefers to keep her love life private.
It’s not a secret but she doesn’t exactly flaunt it around.
Q = Quirk (something random)
Kurenai often has nightmares about her s/o getting hurt or killed and when her s/o asks about it she doesn’t explain it and just asks for cuddles until she’s back asleep.
R = Reveal (How do they confess to their s/o?)
She’s very shy about it.
She asks to meet in private and closes her eyes, waiting for an answer and preparing for an eventual refusal.
S = Surprise (What would they do to pleasantly surprise their s/o?)
She loves to get a day free for the both of them.
They spend it together and Kurenai organise activities she remembers her s/o speaking about.
T = Type (What is their type? What do they need?)
She likes a protective person person who’s going to shelter her and comfort her when in need.
She also needs someone who’s able to tell her when to take time for herself and have some self-care time.
U = Unique (Unique actions they do only with their s/o in private)
She loves to massage her s/o when they’re tired, murmuring sweet words and cuddling afterwards.
V = Violent (Do they ever get violent? Even if not against their s/o)
She’d never hurt her s/o but she wouldn’t esitate to defend them against others.
W = Wish (What they wish for the two of them)
Given that she was a kunoichi she would have loved to settle down.
Resign once old and have a family of her own.
Children, marriage and all.
X = X (What they wouldn’t do for their s/o)
She wouldn’t betray Konoha nor her team.
Y = Yes (What do they forgive them?)
She’d forgive them almost everything.
Z = Zzz (Do they sleep together? How?)
She’d love to sleep with them.
She’d cuddle until she’s asleep and keep them close all night.
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Shino Aburame
A = Activities (Activities they like to do)
Shino loves to spend time with his s/o studying and looking for insect.  
He also loves to talk about entomology and instruct his s/o about it in case they wouldn’t be that knowledgeable in that area.  
If his s/o was scared of bugs and insects he’d try to help them overcome their fear.
B = Body (Their s/o and their own favourite body part)
Shino is pretty reserved but he thinks his eyes are nice and likeable, reason why he lets only his s/o see them.
He also loves all of his s/o’s body, with no preference at all.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
He likes to cuddle with them, especially in the middle of the woods, surrounded by nature.
And bugs.
D = Distance (How good are they at handling being distant from their s/o?)
He doesn’t really act clingy but he misses his s/o dearly every time, even more when he’s far away.
He also worries a lot about them being in danger or forgetting about him.
E = Experience (Are they experienced?)
He has no experience so it will be up to his s/o to show him the ropes.
F = Fights (Do they discuss a lot? How does it usually end?)
He doesn’t fight with his s/o a lot but he bottles up everything, even if of little importance, until he explodes and starts an argument for one little annoying thing.
When he argues he’s really petty and recalls every past point he could use to his advantage.
At the end, if he’s wrong, he apologises with small gestures and acts of services and murmurs his excuses, although his s/o may need to have really good hearing to hear it.
G = Gifts (What gifts do they like to gift and receive?)
He likes to gift little objects but frequently.
He also gifts his s/o more important ones for big occasions, although he’ll need to think and worry about it a lot.
H = Habits (What weird habits do they have?)
He loves to collect his insects and show them to their s/o, proud of his collection.
I = Irritation (What irritates them in the couple life?)
He gets very irritated and depressed when his s/o ignores him or doesn’t notice him.
When that happens he often try give them cold shoulders too but ends up sticking to them until he receive the attention he rightfully deserve.
J = Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous? How do they show it?)
He gets jealous very easily.
It’s not because he doesn’t trust his s/o but because he doesn’t trust the others.
Not to add that he envy the attention they give to the others.
In these cases he tries give them cold shoulder and, if his s/o fails to notice, once in private he will act needy and cuddle them a lot.
He will also need to be comforted about him being his s/o’s favourite.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss?)
He’s kisses begin a bit uncertain and turn more passionate with time.
At the beginning he has to learn the ropes but once he understood how to kiss he’ll progress very quickly.
Still he’s shy about it.
He almost never does it in public.
L = Loving (How do they show their love?)
He shows his love for his s/o by spending as much time as possible together.
Since he’s a ninja he never knows when he has to go and when he’ll return he wishes to cherish the time he can spend with the one he loves.
M = Morning (How do they wake up in the morning? How do they spend it?)
He wakes up at a decent hour, around eight in the morning when he has work or training.
He loves to have breakfast with his s/o and he gives them a “have a good day” kiss before going out.
N = Nicknames (How do they call their s/o?)
Butterfly and other bug themed affectionate nicknames are his favourites but he reserves them only for the times during which they were all alone.
In public he’d only state they were his but there wouldn’t be loving nicknames.
He’s very shy.
O = Open (Are they open? Do they hide many things from their s/o?)
He’s very reserved, even with his s/o.
If something bugs him he’ll try deal with it himself, unless he thinks it’s something his s/o should know about.
His s/o will have to ask him to be more open otherwise he’ll try handle everything on his own.
P = PDA (Do they like PDA? How do they initiate it?)
He hates it.
He’s shy and gets uncomfortable about it so he’ll just act a bit more caringly than usual and he will expect his s/o to stay with him.
He’d be happy to hold hands together but he’d never dare to ask.
Q = Quirk (something random)
One time he tried wake up his s/o with his bugs.
It did work but his s/o was a bit scared by it (and shouted as hell) so he didn’t do it anymore.
R = Reveal (How do they confess to their s/o?)
He’d get them in a private area together and confess his feelings in a quite blunt way.
Whispering it.
His future s/o will need to ask him to repeat because he’ll say so shyly they’ll never hear it the first time.
And maybe not even the second time.
S = Surprise (What would they do to pleasantly surprise their s/o?)
He’d organise a picnic in the middle of nature and buy them (or cook them, if it’s something doable) their favourite food.
T = Type (What is their type? What do they need?)
He’d like someone caring who never forgets about him and makes him feel appreciated and needed.
And it’s also what he needs, along with someone able to tell him when he’s going too far with his resentment when he gets forgotten.
U = Unique (Unique actions they do only with their s/o in private)
Almost every sign of affection is made in private.
It would be easier to wonder about what he does in public with his s/o.
V = Violent (Do they ever get violent? Even if not against their s/o)
He never gets violent.
He can be very protective but, unless a fight starts, he’ll never become violent.
He’d much prefer walk away peacefully with his s/o.
W = Wish (What they wish for the two of them)
He hasn’t thought seriously about his future.
If he was to become a teacher at the academy, given he’s affinity with kids, he’d like to settle down completely with his s/o, since he wouldn’t be called for missions anymore.
Of course he’d take it easy and slowly.
He wants to savour every moments with his s/o.
X = X (What they wouldn’t do for their s/o)
He probably wouldn’t do anything extreme or something he’s too uncomfortable with.
Y = Yes (What do they forgive them?)
He’d forgive them almost everything, although he’d like cuddles (in private of course) as reward and compensation.
Z = Zzz (Do they sleep together? How?)
He sleeps composed and a bit rigid.
He lets his s/o hug him while they sleep but he’d need time to adjust himself to having another person in his bed.
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Hinata Hyūga
A = Activities (Activities they like to do)
She’d love to train.
If her s/o was stronger than her she’d like to learn from them.
Otherwise she’d like to teach them new jutsus.
She’d never spar with them because she wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt them.
B = Body (Their s/o and their own favourite body part)
She likes all of her s/o body and, ever since she let them grow, she cherishes her hair.
If her s/o tries to ask her what part of them she prefers she’d just blush and faint.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
She loves to cuddle but she always blushes a lot and either faint or hide herself.
D = Distance (How good are they at handling being distant from their s/o?)
It would be more correct to ask how good she’s at handling being near them.
She always misses and worries about her s/o but once she gets near them she blushes.
Anything they do, whether cute or affectionate, will make her blush.
And she finds everything her s/o does cute.
Of course she’ll get less shy with time.
E = Experience (Are they experienced?)
No experience in dating.
At all.
F = Fights (Do they discuss a lot? How does it usually end?)
She avoids all sort of arguments.
Of course she has her opinions and she will not hesitate to voice them, in a courteous way, of course.
Still she prefers to agree to disagree, rather than to force her idea on her s/o and make it prevail.
If they fight (which is almost impossible) after a while she’ll say sorry and try to reconcile.
G = Gifts (What gifts do they like to gift and receive?)
She likes practically everything her s/o will give her.
On the other hand she’ll try to gift her s/o whatever she likes, although she likes to gift them anonymously.
Still her s/o knows she does that but says nothing.
H = Habits (What weird habits do they have?)
She faints whenever her s/o does something overly cute or tries be affectionate.
Other than that she often whispers to herself little speeches to encourage herself or comment her s/o’s actions.
I = Irritation (What irritates them in the couple life?)
She doesn’t get irritated.
Still she likes when things are in order and she hopes her s/o will keep them like that.
Still if they don’t she just sighs and remind them.
She must have had a real bad and exhausting day to get irritated or mad at them for something like that.
J = Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous? How do they show it?)
She doesn’t know the meaning of jealousy.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss?)
Her s/o will have to kiss her otherwise it will never happen.
She’ll try her best and blush a lot.
Her kisses will be pretty nice and loving, although not very long or passionate.
And god forbid her s/o to kiss her in public.
They’ll need a medical Ninja because she’ll have an heart attack.
L = Loving (How do they show their love?)
She’ll comfort her s/o whenever they may need it and she cherishes them however they wish.
They’ll just need to watch out: she may faint if she overdoes it!
M = Morning (How do they wake up in the morning? How do they spend it?)
She isn’t that much of a morning person and would love her s/o to wake her up so that they could start their day together.
When she has training to do she’ll wake up first and prepare breakfast before waking her s/o up.
N = Nicknames (How do they call their s/o?)
She’d call her s/o dear or just uses her name.
If they wish for some other nicknames she’ll try comply but they’ll have to expect her to whisper it in embarrassment.
O = Open (Are they open? Do they hide many things from their s/o?)
Despite her shyness she often shares her problems, insecurities and secrets and asks for help.
P = PDA (Do they like PDA? How do they initiate it?)
She loves it but she also blushed a lot.
And faints if many are watching.
She’ll hug them when she  see her s/o after a long time and she’ll often reach out to hold their hand.
Q = Quirk (something random)
One time her s/o tried to make tea with her pressed flowers and she jumped on them shouting: -Love, not those!-.
After realising that she blushed and fainted in her s/o’s arms.
R = Reveal (How do they confess to their s/o?)
She’d shyly declare her love whispering it in a private place she knows her s/o likes.
And if they reciprocate she might faint or her brain might just stop working.
S = Surprise (What would they do to pleasantly surprise their s/o?)
She’d organise a relaxing day for the both of them.
She’d invite her s/o so that they can press flowers and relax together.
After that she’d bring them eat at Ichiraku Ramen.
T = Type (What is their type? What do they need?)
She likes someone inspiring and strong, which is also the kind of person she needs.
Her s/o must also be able to help her have more self-confidence and less shyness.
U = Unique (Unique actions they do only with their s/o in private)
Practically every sign and gesture of affection is made in private.
She’s too shy.
V = Violent (Do they ever get violent? Even if not against their s/o)
She isn’t a person who likes to fight so she’ll just walk away without a word but if someone insults her s/o she’ll pretend apologises.
But still she’ll not fight them.
She wants to protect her s/o without hurting others for such small things.
W = Wish (What they wish for the two of them)
She’d like to become a family with her s/o or simply be happy together.
X = X (What they wouldn’t do for their s/o)
Again: betraying her friends, her family, her team and her village.
Y = Yes (What do they forgive them?)
She’d forgive them practically everything and her own s/o will have to tell them not to let them do anything they want.
Z = Zzz (Do they sleep together? How?)
She sleeps on a side, hugging her s/o all night long.
And she keeps them warm.
She never steals sheets or pillows and she leaves her s/o all the space they need so, if they don’t want to be hugged, she’ll let them be (but she’ll be a bit sad)
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Kiba Inuzuka
A = Activities (Activities they like to do)
He’d love to take walks with Akamaru and her s/o.
B = Body (Their s/o and their own favourite body part)
He loves his s/o’s hands, even tough he loves all of them.
He likes when his s/o plays with caress his hair.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
He loves cuddling and he’ll take any opportunity to cuddle.
No matter whether they’re in public or camping during a mission or indoors: he’d cuddle and hug with them.
D = Distance (How good are they at handling being distant from their s/o?)
He utterly hates it.
He’s as clingy as a dog so he’d try to get back with his s/o as soon as he can.
He doesn’t worry that much for his s/o’s safety because he’ll make sure they know how to take care of themselves.
Of course he does worry and tries to keep them safe but he’s not a worry wart.
E = Experience (Are they experienced?)
He always brags but he’d never been in a relationship before.
Still he just behaves clingy and lovingly following his idea of romance.
F = Fights (Do they discuss a lot? How does it usually end?)
He’s petty so every time they discuss he gets mad and shout.
He’ll try to give them cold shoulder but after a while he’ll go back with a kicked-puppy-expression and apologise.
He can’t stay mad at them.
G = Gifts (What gifts do they like to gift and receive?)
He’ll gift his s/o whatever he finds suitable or cute.
That shiny things his s/o looked at for five seconds?
He got that.
Still he often forgets about special dates so he tries to make up with quantity and frequency.
He also loves to get small things that remind him of his s/o and anything dog-related.
Despite his preferences he’ll cherish whatever his s/o will gift them.
Except for cat themed things. Please no cat-related gifts.
H = Habits (What weird habits do they have?)
Sometimes he forgets Akamaru is the dog and starts acting like one.
And he also has very dog-like behaviour.
I = Irritation (What irritates them in the couple life?)
He loves being in a relationship and his only complaint is not being able to spend as much time as before with Akamaru.
Unfortunately time can’t double, unlike his love.
J = Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous? How do they show it?)
He’s jealous just like dogs are territorial.
First of all he always stick to his s/o in fear that others may steal them away.
Whenever he gets jealous he becomes even more affectionate and clingy and he imposes himself as their s/o by kissing them or anyway showing off.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss?)
He has absolutely no experience but he’s as enthusiastic as always.
He tries and tries.
And he follows his instinct.
After a while he’ll be the most passionate and wild kisser ever.
And he’ll ask his s/o to practice whenever he can.
L = Loving (How do they show their love?)
As said he is clingy and cuddly.
And he pampers his s/o as much as he can.
He’ll never leave them alone unless he has to go on mission.
M = Morning (How do they wake up in the morning? How do they spend it?)
Waking up early?
Not his style.
He’d sleep for as long as he can.
His s/o will have to wake him, hopefully with a kiss.
And they’ll have to throw his off the bed too otherwise he’ll never get up.
Akamaru will help by jumping on Kiba.
N = Nicknames (How do they call their s/o?)
Any cheesy romantic nickname possible will be used by him.
From the classic princess to the Most beautiful dog-like lady he’s ever seen.
He’s really creative.
O = Open (Are they open? Do they hide many things from their s/o?)
He’s super open by nature since he thinks he ought to share everything with his mate s/o.
Still he’ll try to hide it but his stupidity and guilt won’t let him.
P = PDA (Do they like PDA? How do they initiate it?)
PDA? That’s his thing.
No matter the situation he’ll be touching his s/o.
Holding hands, hugging, kissing, making out...
He does not know the difference between inside and outside home.
Still if someone call him out on his clinginess his s/o will have to expect him to blush.
A lot.
But will that stop him?
Q = Quirk (something random)
The first time he met his s/o he said: -You’re a beautiful dog! He’s my lady Kiba. I’m Akamaru. You’re glad you met me-.
He meant: -You’re a beautiful lady! He’s my dog Akamaru. I’m Kiba. I’m glad I met you-.
And once he realised it his brain exploded in embarrassment.
R = Reveal (How do they confess to their s/o?)
He’s been courting and flirting with his future s/o since he fell for them so he won’t need to make a formal love confession.
S = Surprise (What would they do to pleasantly surprise their s/o?)
He’d organise a party for them or a day off for his s/o with Akamaru and him.
He’d do whatever his s/o will want, although he’ll make no real plans other than taking a day off.
T = Type (What is their type? What do they need?)
He’s type is someone beautiful.
And not only physically.
He wanted someone kind, strong, smart... the whole package!
On the other hand he needs someone very patient to keep up with he’s antics and able to draw the line when needed.
Someone to keep him aware of boundaries and limits in a more or less kind way.
U = Unique (Unique actions they do only with their s/o in private)
He just lays on his s/o’s lap and talks about all he can think about, often getting to private and/or deep thoughts.
V = Violent (Do they ever get violent? Even if not against their s/o)
He’s got quite a temper so, when he gets really mad, he breaks something.
But never when he fights with he’s s/o.
Only when someone else angers him ad if someone insults his s/o he’ll try beat him up.
But with he’s s/o he only barks without biting (sorry not sorry for the pun)
W = Wish (What they wish for the two of them)
He wishes a family.
Or at least to not part.
He’d like to stay with his s/o for his entire life.
X = X (What they wouldn’t do for their s/o)
Again: betray his family, village, team or Akamaru.
Y = Yes (What do they forgive them?)
He forgives everything.
Although he’ll recall it all when arguing.
Especially his s/o’s Akamaru-related failures.
Z = Zzz (Do they sleep together? How?)
He takes up all the space he wants and won’t esitate to steal his s/o’s part of blanket.
He’ll hug them as if they were a pillow and won’t let them go until morning.
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sentinelpri · 2 years
Might Guy considered himself a simple but talented man; a man of many feats who could do just about anything. He was a skilled fighter, in touch with his emotions, good at communicating, a compassionate friend and teacher, youthful, and an incredibly hard worker.
He could do a lot of things.
Romance was not one of those things.
So, despite his cheery demeanor, he was incredibly nervous as he sat right next to you, the beautiful Jonin he'd been in love with for the past decade. You, Guy, and a few others were in one of the local bars, all crammed into a circular booth. You were on one of the edges with Guy by your side, the two of you so close that your thighs were touching- not that Guy was bothered by it, of course, and you seemed not to mind it either.
There was you, him, Genma, Ebisu, Anko, Kotetsu, Izumo, and Shizune in that order on the large leather-clad seat, and the music that was blasting through the speakers was incredibly loud. Guy usually wasn't the type to become nervous in crowded settings, but as always, your presence managed to unsettle him in the worst (but also best) way possible.
That unsettled feeling in his gut was made worse when Genma, who was on his right, leaned over him a bit to talk to you, as you were on his left.
"Y'know, (y/n), you're pretty cute," Guy's heart dropped. He'd never spoken about his crush on you to anyone, but hearing his teammate hitting on you honestly made him feel... Challenged. He'd always tried to have a positive attitude about things, but something that he couldn't control were your feelings for him and other people. If you liked Genma, you liked Genma, and Guy could understand that; Genma was cool, funny, skilled, and conventionally attractive. Guy hadn't even made his intentions towards you well-known, so it'd be ridiculous to get upset over it, but there he was... Taking in a deep breath through his nose, Guy tensed and prepared himself to listen to the following exchange. "You should let me take you out on a date sometime."
"Ah, I appreciate that, Genma, but I've got my eyes set on someone else."
For a moment, Guy felt instant relief. It sucked to see his former teammate and one of his closest friends get rejected, sure, but if it meant that he wouldn't have to see the two of you flirting all the time and possibly even dating, he could live with it.
And then he felt panic. Someone else?
"You're dating someone?" He asked without much thought, shooting you a look of shock. "Since when?"
"Oh, no, I just have a bit of a..." You trailed off, nervously moving a hand to fix your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You'd always been gorgeous without even trying with that hair he wanted to touch and those (e/c) eyes he could stare into forever. You were in the standard Jonin vest with your headband hanging loosely around your neck, but you somehow managed to pull the look off better than everyone else in the village who had the exact same getup. "Crush."
"Who?" Guy asked, wanting to know who it was. Maybe he could out-romance them?
"Kakashi?" Ebisu guessed, tilting his head as he took another shot. Apparently, he'd had a hard time with Konohamaru that day. "I don't know why, but a lot of girls in the village seem to have a thing for him."
"I understand why!" Guy grinned, trying to act supportive and unbothered despite the fact that he was internally dying at the thought of you having a crush on his rival of all people. It'd be such a waste, too- If it weren't for those books he constantly read, Guy wouldn't have been sure that his rival could feel or understand anything romantic at all. Kakashi didn't even act like he liked you all that much. "He's strong, but silent and charming, and he's got quite the mysterious persona!"
"No, it's not Kakashi..." You laughed, finishing your (f/d) before placing a hand on Guy's shoulder. He blushed at the contact, but you were quickly pulling away and standing up. "Quite the opposite, really, but I should get going."
"(y/n)! I promise that one day, I'll guess who your crush is!" Guy challenged you, a large grin on his face, and oddly enough, you grinned back at him.
"Heh," You shook your head, giving the ravenette a look that he couldn't quite read. "I bet you won't anytime soon, but I'll let you keep guessing, Guy."
It was the next day, and as always, you and Guy were walking together.
You'd been good friends for the past fifteen years or so, having met when you transferred from The Sand Village to The Leaf Village as a Chunin due to some complicated family circumstances that you never really talked about. Many people had questioned how much of an asset you would be since you were from a village that they'd had problems with, but Guy and his friends had welcomed you with open arms, and you two had clicked almost instantly.
So, when he wasn't busy working with his students, the two of you tried to squeeze in a sparing session every day. You'd finished about a half-hour before, and though he'd initially claimed to be walking you home, you'd passed your house a good fifteen minutes ago and were now just walking aimlessly around the village together.
"So it's not Kakashi!" Guy spoke, bringing the two of you back to the subject of your crush yet again. He'd promised that he would guess who it was, and you'd agreed to tell him the truth if he got it right. He was determined, because no matter who it was, he would try to compete with them for your affections. It would be unyouthful to just roll over and die instead of trying his best to win your heart, after all! "Why is that?"
"He's a good friend, but a little quiet for my tastes and not emotionally available," As much as Guy loved his rival, that was true. "I like someone who can express themselves."
"Does that exclude Yamato from the choices, too?"
"Yes, for the same reasons but a little less severe," You chuckled, looking up at the sky, and Might took the opportunity to admire the smile he'd fallen in love with all those years ago. "I like his sense of humor, and again, good friend, but I'm not attracted to him romantically."
He doubted it was actually Ebisu for... Reasons, but he wanted to get his teammates and the other people he was close to out of the way.
"Remember the expressing yourself thing? I don't mind dudes who are into weird shit, but he hides it and that's kind of a turn off," Of course, you were talking about how Ebisu read Jiraiya's books "in secret" but judged people who read them in public- the "in secret" only in quotations because literally everyone knew about it. "Screams repressed to me, so no, not Ebisu... Also, he's disrespectful towards a lot of the people I like."
"I guess it isn't Genma since you said no to his date proposal, right?"
"Right. He's pretty cool, but I'm not into him like that. He's more like a brother," With that, you looked at your wrist despite it not even having a watch on it. "Ah, would you look at the time? I've gotta get going. See you around, Guy."
With that, you were gone, and Guy was heading back home to go to the drawing board yet again.
Who could it be?
A few days later and Guy was popping in through the window of The Ninja Academy, a place where you'd occasionally volunteer your services. They were currently trying to implement lessons about Medical Ninjutsu, and you were one of the few kunoichi in the village who was talented at it, so you helped Iruka out with the occasional lesson. You were sitting alone in the classroom, packing your things- probably about to head home for the day.
You didn't look surprised to see him, only turning around with a small smile when you noticed him perched on the windowsill.
"I've returned to continue our challenge!"
"Oh?" You tilted your head, chuckling as you spun around in your roller chair. "Who are you guessing now?"
Guy stepped all the way into the classroom, sitting on top of the desk you were behind and crossing his arms as he mentally went through the list of names that he'd come up with over the past few days.
"Good guess," You laughed, but shook your head and crossed your arms as well, propping your feet up on the desk. "He's very compassionate and hard-working, but to be honest, I see most of the Chunin as babies since I've been in charge of them so many times."
That was a good point. Though Iruka was only a few years younger than the two of you, it was more about the fact that you'd both been in charge of so many squads with him and other Chunin and Genin that the two seemed to blend into each other despite having a huge age-division between the groups with most Genin being preteens and young teenagers- on rare occasion, children- and most Chunin being late teenagers or adults. It would feel just as weird for you as it would for him to date someone who wasn't another Jonin or even a civilian that you could separate from work.
"Well, there goes my guesses for Izumo and Kotetsu..." Guy muttered, trying to think of other Jonin or even civilians that you interacted with regularly before remembering how often you went to Ichiraku. The owner was older than you, but you two seemed to be good friends at the very least, and he was running out of options. "Oh! Teuchi from Ichiraku? You two have always gotten along!"
"He's more like my dad, and I'm not sure if he's married or not," You rubbed the bridge of your nose between your thumb and pointer as you allowed your eyes to fall shut, the expression on your face screaming disappointed, but not surprised. "Also wouldn't want to make his daughter uncomfortable- I think I'm closer to her age than I am to his."
"Huh... I do know them, right?" Guy asked, feeling like he was running out of options.
Who the hell could it be?
"Rather well, actually, but I've gotta get going," You stood, pulling your bag over your shoulder and smiling before offering him a small wink. "Good luck next time."
Another day passed, and Guy was completely confused before another thought crossed his mind; he hadn't guessed any women yet. For all he knew, you could like Kurenai, Shizune, Anko, Tsunade- any of the girls in the village.
As luck had it, though, when he brought it up during one of your sparring sessions, he found out that he still didn't have the right answer.
"Is it a woman?" He asked at the same time he dodged a kunai you'd sent flying in his direction, quickly moving to the side when you appeared behind him without any warning and kicked him in the back before answering.
As a result of the sudden kick, he landed on the ground, barely able to catch himself with his hands before he raised a hand to gesture that the two of you pause. You seemed to understand and stopped in your motions completely, simply standing in front of him and waiting for him to speak. The ravenette sat up, still on the ground.
"Huh. I'm stumped! You might win this challenge..." Guy trailed off, raising a hand to run through his hair before tossing out one of the more unlikely guessed that had crossed his mind. "It's not Asuma?"
"Kurenai's one of my best friends. Of course it's not Asuma."
"Right, right..." He gave a dismissive wave, knowing that you liking Asuma would've been ridiculous, as he'd been dating Kurenai for years now. "Gosh! I have no idea who it could be!"
"I'll give you a hint; you've guessed just about everyone except who it actually is and the answer is right in front of you," With that, you turned around and waved back at him, a lop-sided smile taking over the lips he'd been wanting to kiss for so many years. "See ya."
Now, it had been a full week since Might Guy had started his journey to figure out who it was that you had a crush on. He was sitting in the bar again in the same booth he had been when the subject of your love-life had initially come up, but now, only two people were with him now; Genma to his right, and Ebisu to the brunette's right.
"I just have no idea who it could be!" Guy ranted, groaning as he stared up at the ceiling. "I've been guessing for the past week and none of my answers are right, but she said whoever it is has been right in front of me!"
"Who all have you guessed?" Ebisu questioned, seemingly annoyed by the subject.
"Both of you, Kakashi, Iruka, Kotetsu, Izumo- she said it wasn't a woman, so that's out of the question- Asuma despite him already dating Kurenai because who knows, Teuchi, and Yamato!"
Without any warning whatsoever, Genma slammed his head against the wood of the table so hard that the sound resonated through the room. He sat up a second later, looking surprisingly unphased despite the fact that the wood now had a very visible crack in it from the mere force he'd used.
"Genma-" Ebisu started, clearly panicked as he rested a shaky hand on Genma's back.
"Are you okay!?" Guy exclaimed, but Genma only glared at him.
"I love you to death, Guy, but you have the I.Q. of a fried goldfish."
"Hey! What's that for all of a sudden!?"
"Why do you think I asked (y/n) out?" Genma questioned, not giving Guy the chance to respond before slamming the rest of his shandy and leaning back in the booth.
"Because you like her?" Guy gave what he assumed was the obvious answer, only to earn a yell of frustration from the usually-calm Genma.
"No, you idiot- I'm gay! Literally as straight as your aim, which isn't very straight. I was trying to get both of you to realize that you like each other. It was a dumb idea, but I figured she'd admit that she has a crush on you, and now she's gone and made a game out of it. So, there's your answer. It's been you this whole time. Go talk to her before I slam my head against this table a few more times and give myself brain damage or something."
Guy nodded before standing up, mouth suddenly much drier than it was before. He reached into his pocket to leave money for the drink he'd only taken a few sips of, shakily leaving it on the table before running out of the bar, knowing exactly where to find you at this time of night.
When he landed on the roof of your apartment, Guy was relieved to see that you were sitting there like you usually were on nights like this.
Taking in a deep breath and offering the typical grin and thumbs up that always seemed to make you chuckle, he sat down next to you, looking up at the sky instead of meeting your gaze.
"Oh, Guy," You smiled at him, and he wondered if what Genma had said was really true. If someone as beautiful as you were really in love with him, he was one lucky bastard. "You have more guesses for me?"
"It's me, right?"
"So you finally figured it out," You allowed your eyes to fall shut, bringing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them as your smile fell. "Took you long enough, but I guess it doesn't matter since you don't really return the feelings."
"Who said I didn't return your feelings?" Guy asked, moving to place a reassuring hand on your shoulder as he frowned. Sure, he hadn't openly expressed it, but he'd assumed that it was somewhat obvious. Plus, you could have anyone you wanted- how could you not think that he'd like you?
"You took forever to guess," You explained, looking off to the side and trying to suppress the obvious frown that was threatening to take over your face. "So I just assumed that you were repulsed by the thought."
Not even thinking about it, the ravenette grabbed both of your hands, holding them in his much larger ones and intertwining your fingers.
"Let me prove you wrong, then!"
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"Like this, if it's okay..." Guy whispered, leaning in until his lips brushed against yours. Your eyes fell shut, and you were wrapping your arms around his neck, so he assumed that was a 'yes' and went for it. His lips were pressed against yours in seconds, all of the tension that'd been building between the two of you since you'd met suddenly released within the span of a few seconds. You were perfect, soft lips moving against his much rougher ones in a passionate yet languid manner. He would've stayed there and relished in the feeling forever, but unfortunately, you both needed oxygen.
"Oh my God," You whispered back, gently reaching up and running your fingers through the ends of his silky hair as you broke the kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, too! How about a date?"
"Right now?" You questioned, tilting your head.
"If you're up for it, yes!"
"I guess it's your reward for winning the challenge, right?" You asked, giggling as you stood and pulled him up along with you. "C'mon."
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the8gates · 2 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Twelve - Butterfly
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Word Count: 7.3k
WARNING(S): Assault. Implications of planned SA. Blood. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - AO3 - Chapter Thirteen (END)
When Reiko entered her house for the first time in three weeks, she hovered in front of the closed front door for what felt like thirty minutes. It was quiet, dark, and most of all, empty. Spending all of her time in the Hokage Tower and the Jonin Barracks had forced her to find comfort in the multitude of people that surrounded her at all times. Even late at night, when she was curling up behind Shikaku’s desk to get a few hours of sleep, she could hear people moving around in the large building. The sound of a cart wheeling down the hallway outside the door as one of the janitors arrived early to mop. The squeaking of sandals on linoleum or the groaning of desk chairs. Occasionally, the hushed, hurried, sound of Kakashi darting past her office and towards the stairs to his office with Yamato in tow, both of them grumbling and hissing to each other about some urgent matter that she wasn’t privy to. 
It was nice. Or, at least, it made her feel less alone. 
Returning home nearly felt like returning to a site of destruction. An empty school house, sitting directly in the middle of a war-torn battlefield. An abandoned church weeks after a fire had charred the wood and collapsed the ceiling. A safe space that no longer felt safe or inviting. It was strange that she felt this way about her own home, considering most of the heartbreak had occurred in Obito’s dining room turned bedroom. 
“Maybe the loss you’re feeling isn’t in regards to Obito. Maybe it’s mourning over the loss of yourself. Or who you used to be.”
Interesting. Perhaps that was the reason that she didn’t feel comfort when she looked at the multitude of knickknacks on her bookshelf anymore. Or why the idea of sitting on her own couch felt like an intrusion. This house belonged to someone else. The Reiko from several weeks ago had found refuge behind these walls, but the Reiko from the present wasn’t at ease here. Just down the road from the site of calamity and hiding in a den full of objects that had belonged to another person. She frowned, but took a step further into the house, glancing around to see if she could pinpoint what felt out of place, but the only answer that graced her was that everything felt wrong. 
“Just gotta re-decorate. Remember how we used to change the layout of the office every once and while?”
She did recall that. Once a year, on a random date that she was never privy too, Shikaku would arrive and look around their shared office with destain. His hands firmly planted on his hips and his nose wrinkled up. He would shake his head and motion for her to stand. Telling her to get up because they needed a ‘change of scenery’. Then, they would spend the first part of their morning pushing around furniture and changing some of the walls hangings. It always did manage to make the space feel new, even if it was only temporary. She also remembered that Inoichi would appear distraught anytime he came to talk to them in the weeks after one of their ‘big moves’. He always liked things to be in a particular space… not a big fan of change. 
“You’re rambling.”
Right. Redecorating… With a sigh, Reiko set her duffle bag of dirty clothes on the living room floor, surveying the land before settling on a game-plan. First, get these clothes in the washer. Then she would tackle the kitchen. 
“C’mon Rei. It’ll be fun. You’ve been locked in that office for literal weeks. I know it’s not really your thing and you know it’s not mine either… but I think a night out would be good.”
Kakashi said, leaning casually against his desk as he spoke to her. She’d only come up to his office to provide him with some paperwork and a couple mission reports. They’d gotten about halfway through everything she’d come to tell him before he’d taken a detour in his train of thought. Apparently, Kakashi and several of the other high ranking Jonin in the village were going out tonight. For a night of drinking, unwinding, and general ‘debauchery’. Those were Kakashi’s words, not her own.
“I don’t know, Kakashi… It might not be the greatest idea for all of the village’s high-ranking officials to be out of commission for the evening. If you’re out partying, who will be here if something urgent comes up?”
She asked, her arms crossed over her chest and one hip jutted out as she fixed him with a judging look. Kakashi waved his hand dismissively, standing up and away from the desk just so he could walk around and sit back down in his chair. 
“Iruka is going to keep an eye on things for the night. Unless something truly horrifying happens, it will be fine. We can’t just deny ourselves of life’s pleasures because we’re afraid something bad MIGHT happen, Reiko. Gotta seize the day.”
He returned, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his desk top, his hands coming up to form a little cradle for his chin. She scoffed in turn, rolling her eyes but unable to fight the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“I don’t know what self help book you pulled that from, but you’re skipping over a pretty significant problem. I don’t go to parties, Kakashi. And, all of those Jonin are my subordinates. I don’t think everyone would have such a fun time if their boss was lingering around them all night.”
Reiko countered, but Kakashi was already prepared with his counter argument. 
“I know you don’t go to parties. I don’t either. But I am serious when I say I think it would be good for both of us. Just come out, have a few drinks, and if you’re still miserable you can always go home. It might even look good for you to do something like that with the Jonin. Makes you more approachable. Plus, other people will be there too. Yamato, Kurenai, Anko, Gai-“
Kakashi listed off, bopping his head back and forth with every name. At the last one, Reiko wrinkled her nose and cringed a bit. Gai… he was a loud presence. One she was never equipped to handle. 
“Don’t make that face. Just… just come out tonight. I promise it’ll be a good time.”
He finished, watching her reaction for a moment more. However, when she didn’t budge and the sour look on her face remained fixed in place, Kakashi sighed and dropped his eyes back to the scroll in front of him, prepared to go back to work as usual. Since their little run in the other night, Reiko had all but given up maintaining the professional boundary between them. Kakashi was her friend, and she realized that she’d been treating him unfairly in recent weeks. She couldn’t really still be angry at him for his decision regarding Obito’s release. That would just be hypocritical. But a party? With some of the Jonin and his friends from the Academy? It really didn’t sound like her cup of tea. 
“And what is? Going home and curling up on the couch so you can watch hours of trash television? Alone? In the dark?”
Actually, that did sound kind of nic-
“Oh, come on, Reiko. Kakashi’s right on this one. It would be a good rapport builder. And if you never work on your social skills, then you can’t be upset if they’re rusty. Have a few drinks, relax. It would be good for you.”
Ugh. Reiko sighed, pulling her gaze up from where it had fallen to her shoes. Kakashi was still looking down at the scroll, scribbling his signature against the paper every so often, but she could see he was still peaking up at her hopefully. She brought her hands up and smacked them down against her thighs as she caved. 
“Fine. Fine, I’ll go.”
She said, watching as the man across from her jerked his head up. It was insane how his expressions could still read so clearly despite the mask that was permanently fixed to his face. Kakashi’s eyes shut and curved, a clear smile hidden by the black fabric. 
“Good! How about this… Yamato and I will even pick you up from your house tonight. That way you don’t have to show up alone.”
Kakashi offered, and she scoffed at his obvious intentions. 
“Yeah, and so I can’t back out at the last second, right?”
“Ah… that would just be an added benefit.”
Reiko let out a humorless chuckle through her nose before eventually nodding, raising her hands in surrender. 
“Alright. Deal. I will see you both tonight then.”
She finished, turning on her heel to leave his office before he could rope her into something else. 
Miserable. Absolutely miserable. That was the only way Reiko could describe her current situation. The music was too loud, the drinks were too strong, and the overlapping chatter in the bar was maddening.  So far, the best part of the night had been the walk from her house to the venue with Kakashi and Yamato. They didn’t force conversation, and when they did speak, it was mostly to each other. She’d enjoyed listening to them bicker, much more content with being a mildly amused observer than an active participant. But everything had gone to hell in a hand-basket as soon as they’d arrived. 
Kakashi had failed to tell her that they would be arriving ‘fashionably late’, which meant that every eye in the room was on them as soon as they walked in the door. The peaceful, low-maintenance, calm was ruined in an instant by people who had began drinking well over an hour beforehand. All of Kakashi and Yamato’s friends had swarmed them the moment they were in eyesight, shouting and cheering as the Hokage made his first appearance at a Shinobi function since his promotion. In the blink of an eye, the only people she was truly comfortable around were whisked away, leaving her standing stupefied in the entry way. 
At first, she’d tried to brush it off. It wasn’t an intentional slight and there was no one to blame but herself. Reiko had never really cared to make friends, so it shouldn’t have surprised her when no one went out of their way to approach her or engage her in conversation. However, she had gotten her hopes up a bit in the hours leading up to the party. Kakashi had framed this outing as an opportunity to unwind and have fun, and she’d allowed herself to fantasize as she got ready. Feeling a little giddy at the idea of laughing with friends until her stomach ached. Or having some drinks and gaining the confidence to dance with a stranger. In fact, she’d gotten so swept up in her optimism that she’d almost buzzed with excitement while getting ready. Putting actual effort into her makeup and hair and going out of her way to dress up in her best outfit. The dress she was currently wearing was one she hadn’t put on since a cocktail party she’d attend with Shikaku when she was around nineteen years old. The black fabric fit the contours of her body beautifully and it was just short enough to put her lean legs on display without coming across as trashy. When she’d slipped into the garment, she’d even stared at her own reflection for a while. Admiring her shape and the way the long sleeves of the dress made her arms appear spindly and elegant.
All of this effort and excitement, just to sit at the bar by herself the entire evening. Reiko sighed, taking another sip from her drink and wrinkling her nose at the strong flavor. Being left alone had been fine for the first thirty minutes or so. It gave her a chance to acclimate. But as the time drug on and minutes turned to hours, she lost what little confidence she’d drudged up in preparation for the party. That disappointment twisted into sadness, but the liquor was steadily whipping that up into irritation and anger. Every passing moment reminded her that she did not belong here. And every time she was reminded of that, she felt embarrassment gnaw at her bones. She would tug at the short hem of her dress and wiggle uncomfortably on her stool, just to reach for the never empty glass in front of her and attempt to drown the feelings with numbness. 
In a room full of people, she was the loneliest she’d ever been. If Shikaku were here, she could have easily made the rounds in his shadow. Following closely behind him as he spoke to everyone like an old friend. She could chuckle at his jokes. Give him a nod in the affirmative when he asked if she was having a good time. Minimize her presence because his commanded so much attention… Without him here as a shield or a grease for the wheels, she just filtered between feeling like everyone was staring at her and being upset when she realized that, in fact, no one was. 
At one point, she even began fantasizing about Obito. If he were here instead, he would make sure she never felt alone. Even if it meant he never got to leave the bar stool next to hers. He would stay by her side dutifully, taking it upon himself to let her know that she was the only person he was looking at. That she looked beautiful in her dress. He would make her laugh. Press a sweet kiss or two on her glossy lips and not care to wipe the excess from his mouth. Obito would fix her with that dopey smile, and when she asked what he was looking at, he would blush and stutter. 
At the thought, her jar clenched and a knot formed in her throat. The sound of Gai laughing entirely too loud from across the room pulled her from her extended fantasy jarringly and she was reminded of reality. Her eyes re-focused, but she quickly turned them back to the glass in front of her, snatching it from the bar top only to swallow the remaining liquor in a single swallow. 
A voice asked from over her shoulder, and she would never admit it, but her heart skipped a beat. Torn between praying that whoever it was would go away and being excited by the prospect of someone taking notice of her. How could she crave interaction, yet be so resentful of it at the same time? Still, she turned in her seat to see who had finally approached her, being met with the deep crimson eyes of Kurenai Yuhi. 
“Oh. Hi, Kurenai.”
Reiko responded, smiling a bit as the other woman rounded to sit down on the stool next to hers. 
“I didn’t think I would see you here… when did you come in?���
Kurenai asked, polite and unassuming, though Reiko couldn’t help but feel cut by the words.
“I came with Kakashi and Yamato. A couple hours ago.”
Reiko answered, the promising conversation being cut short by an awkward silence as Kurenai realized the implications of her response. She’d arrived hours ago, and Kurenai had only just taken notice of her. When the bartender wandered their way, Reiko raised her hand and gestured to her glass, welcoming another bitter drink at this point. 
“Oh… Well, are you enjoying yourself?”
Kurenai questioned, attempting to side step the tension and even if Reiko was miserable, she couldn’t justify being dismissive or rude to Kurenai in this moment. The other woman was always friendly and well intentioned. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
Reiko lied, forcing a soft smile as the bartender refilled her cup with golden liquor. Kurenai seemed pleased with the answer, nodding and gesturing for the man behind the counter to provide her with another bottle of beer. He was quicker with her order, dropping a brown bottle on the wooden table top before disappearing to assist someone else. 
“That’s good. You look nice.”
Kurenai complimented, flashing Reiko a genuine smile as she collected her drink. She muttered a soft ‘thank you’ in return before the dark haired woman was excusing herself to return to her post and ‘babysit’ Gai. Reiko watched her dark hair swish through the crowd, cutting her way across the room and disappearing from her line of sight, before turning her head back to the glass in front of her. A sigh escaped her and she made a sudden decision. If she wasn’t going to receive social fulfillment tonight, at least she could get plastered before returning home empty handed and disappointed. The last bit of fight left in her body caused her hand to wrap around the glass with purpose and she drained the drink in three powerful swallows, only to alert the bartender as soon as the cup was empty. 
Obito hissed, his eyes narrowing as he processed what Kakashi had just said. They were standing in the middle of his living room, the sound of static on the TV undercutting the entire conversation, but Obito was sure he’d heard the Sixth Hokage clearly. 
“I convinced Rei to go out to the bar tonight. I just thought you would like to know. She’s going to be out in public. Probably all dressed up with some drinks in her system…”
Kakashi repeated, waggling his eyebrows in a manner that only served to infuriate Obito further. He knew exactly what his friend was hinting at. Reiko was going to be at a party this evening and it would be what Kakashi considered the prime opportunity for Obito to approach her. 
“Oh for- would you please stop trying to meddle in my life?”
Obito groaned, turning away from Kakashi to prevent any harsh words from leaking out. He couldn’t even begin to comprehend how fucked up this was. And he definitely couldn’t explain all of the nuances to Kakashi. 
“C’mon, Obito. You’ve been moping around here for a month! I’m just trying to help.”
Kakashi defended before Obito could fully talk himself down off the ledge. He spun on his heel to face the other man, able to feel the fury in his own eyes as he reeled forward. 
“Help, how, Kakashi? What about you coming here and telling me that is meant to help me? This isn’t some rom-com where I put on my best suit and show up at this party to whisk Reiko off her fucking feet! You have no clue about how or why our relationship ended, but here you are, trying to play match maker and sticking your hands into a pot that doesn’t belong to you! It’s not that easy. Even if I wish it was. And on top of all of that, it’s not like my situation is public knowledge! Half of the village doesn’t even know that I’m alive. So, please, tell me how this scheme of yours is supposed to help me.”
Obito shouted, finally blowing up after weeks of keeping his mouth shut. He’d given Kakashi the bare minimum information surrounding his falling out with Rei, because despite everything, he didn’t want to implicate her in any crimes. In addition, he’d found it difficult to speak about something he considered to be a major personal failure. However, Kakashi had taken his tight lipped silence as an invitation to attempt to intervene in his personal affairs. Without Obito’s input or concern or feelings being considered in the slightest. And he had the nerve to try and present in a way that indicated he was so pleased with himself. 
“Obito… Really, I was just trying to help. I didn’t… Maybe I didn’t go about it in the best way. But I just know how happy you were when Rei started coming around and I thought that, maybe, if you guys could work out your differences then that would be a step towards normalcy for you. You think I don’t know that you’re struggling to adjust? All of this is incredibly difficult to cope with but I know that it could be easier if you had someone to help you through it… But I realize that I don’t know all of the details, so I apologize if I stepped on any toes.”
Kakashi replied, the red fading from Obito’s vision just in time to see his friend’s dejected face. The regret in his dark eyes and the embarrassment in his stiff shoulders. Oh, great. Now he’d gone and upset the sitting Hokage. He sighed, bringing his thumb and forefinger up to rub the bridge of his nose. 
“Listen, Kakashi… I’m sorry I blew up on you. But you have to understand that what happened between Reiko and I… It’s private. And I don’t know if it’s something we could ever really reconcile. I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s just not realistic.”
“Why not?”
Kakashi immediately asked, throwing Obito off a bit. His eyes grew wide as he tried to consider the question. Why not? Well, for starters, she’d tried to kill him. Though, if he was being honest, he’d made peace with that. He was on the cusp of truly forgiving her, but he believed he still needed an explanation. One he would never get because it would be impossible to bridge the gap between them. 
Huh? Because… Well, because Reiko didn’t want to see him. Obviously that was the issue. Even if he could gather the courage to approach her and demand that they talk it out, she would just slam the door in his face. 
Are you sure about that? 
In all fairness, she had cried and begged him to let her explain herself the night he’d caught her. She’d pleaded with him to hear her out and he’d shunned her. So, maybe, the real problem was Obito. If she was willing to try and talk things over then, why would she turn him away now? 
“I… Honestly? I’m worried she won’t want to talk about it.”
Obito replied as the realization dawned on him. The ball had been in his court from the moment he’d kicked her out. And after all of the tumultuous emotion had passed, he’d been looking for excuses not to see her. For one, because he was afraid of rejection being piled on top of everything else he’d been struggling with in recent weeks. The second reason… maybe he felt that this seemingly never ending turmoil was his punishment for what he’d done to her. He’d killed someone close to her without ever even knowing her name. And now that he was in love with her, it felt like the ultimate betrayal. How many more people had he hurt or killed without considering their lives? Their families and friends? If he had met Reiko before everything, would that have changed anything for him?
“Obito? Did I lose you?”
Kakashi asked, snapping fingers in his face and pulling him from his existential crisis. Obito blinked twice, and Kakashi came back into focus, his silver eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
“Sorry, I was thinking… just… what did you say?”
Obito questioned, already deciding on what he had to do before Kakashi even spat out his next words. 
“I really think you should talk to her. Even if it’s not at the bar tonight… But if you do decide to, then we will work out everything that comes afterward. You being in public and alive… We’ll take care of it. You can’t keep living like this. In the shadows. Even your house is set up like some cave. It’s time you get some closure and rejoin the world.”
Kakashi finished, reaching out a hand and grabbing Obito’s shoulder in a sign of affection. Encouragement. He was right. 
As Obito stood in the mouth of alley way across from the bar, he silently cursed Kakashi for placing this idea in his head in the first place. Following a woman who hated him enough to attempt to kill him to a party had to be one of the most shameful moments of his life, simply because he was mortified by his lack of self control. He hadn’t planned on attempting this tonight. Despite Kakashi’s encouragement and Obito’s realization that he had to speak with Rei, he had convinced himself that it would be best to meet her in a different setting. Trying to have the conversation that they needed to have in a busy, bustling, bar would only result in more confusion. 
Then, he’d just happened to be refilling the cat’s food bowl on his front porch when he saw Kakashi and Yamato walk back down the road. He knew that Kakashi had said he was going to be back later in the evening to pick Rei up, but Obito darted back inside before his friend could make any more comments or push the envelope on his agenda any further. Instead, Obito peered out of the hole in his newspaper covered windows again. He’d watched as Kakashi knocked on Reiko’s front door, waiting on bated breath to see her face again. When she’d opened the door, he’d felt the oxygen leave his lungs in record time. 
Reiko Miki was the purest image of beauty he’d ever seen. Her brown hair was twisted up into a bun on the back of her head that caused the ends of her straight hair to fray in several directions. Like a spiky halo. The second thing he noticed was her dress. A short, black, garment that clung to her bird-boned body in a way that made him ache. When she’d descended the porch, he’d watched her elegant face screw up in concentration, clearly not used to the feeling of walking in high heels. But she managed to complete the task with grace, a prideful smirk tugging at the corners of darkly painted lips. He could see the peaks of her hipbones through the dark fabric as the group walked past his house, Reiko quickly falling back to allow Yamato and Kakashi to walk side by side. She clutched a small purse in front of her with both hands, glancing down at it almost bashfully as one of them paid her a compliment. After they’d turned the corner at the end of their road and he could no longer see them, Obito had realized that he hadn’t taken a single breath since she’d opened that front door. 
He’d been hiding in the shadows of this alley for several hours now, but the time didn’t seem to matter. Not when his job this evening was playing the role of Reiko’s protector. Seeing her all dressed up and ready for a night of drinking hadn’t sat right with him after several minutes had passed without her in his line of sight. Looking as gorgeous as she did, if she had too many drinks, someone could hurt her. Or follow her home. She wasn’t a Shinobi and he didn’t know the extent to which she could protect herself, and he’d never forgive himself if something like that happened to her. Whether they were on speaking terms or not. So, he watched and waited patiently. 
He couldn’t see the interior of the bar from this position with all of the windows being made of frosted glass, but it didn’t matter. His eyes watched the front door like a hawk. People rotated in and out, all varying degrees of inebriated, but none of them took notice of him. He’d gotten too good at hiding in the shadows. Even the Anbu put in place to keep an eye on him were unaware of his absence. Briefly, he had realized that this was his first time leaving his and Reiko’s little valley since he’d returned from the war, but he tried not to think about it too deeply. If he did, his skin would start to crawl. His scars would itch and he would feel eyes on his back. Breathing on his neck. The muffled sounds of people laughing and music playing loudly from inside the establishment across the street set his nerves on fire. It had been a long time since he’d been in public like this. Vulnerable and bare faced. Again, though, all of it was worth it if he could just make sure that Reiko made it home safe. 
The door creaked open again and Obito prepared himself to be disappointed, but to his surprise, the person stumbling out of the bar was the exact one he’d come here for. Reiko struggled momentarily to put one foot in front of the other, but she seemed to get the hang of it once she let the heavy bar door swing shut behind her. She took a deep breath, glancing up and down the dark road between them before nodding to herself a bit. A little self assurance that she was good. She could walk home in her condition. He’d seen her briefly earlier in that night, but her now her eyelids were heavier. Her stance wider as she tried to balance herself. And the bottom hem of her dress was stretched out and wrinkled in several places, indicating that she’d spent the entire night tugging it down. 
That thought was the one to snap him out of his stunned daze. Why had she felt the need to cover herself so desperately? Had someone already pressured her? Hurt her? His heart was beating a furious symphony in his chest, and he felt the urge to approach her immediately. To wrap his arm around her shoulders and guide her home. Ask her if she was okay. If she missed him as much as he missed her. But then, she glanced in his direction and he froze solid, staring back at her as his heart lurched up into his throat, sealing out the oxygen around him. What startled him the most was the look in her dark eyes. Framed by even darker make up, she looked exhausted. And sad. Pleading. Almost on the verge of tears with her inner eyebrows hooked upwards. This was it. She’d seen him so easily and his cover was blown. He wouldn’t have the option to just follow her home and make sure she got in safe. She was going to make him do this right here, right n-
Reiko sighed, shaking her head like she was trying to dispel a silly thought as she turned to look back down the road and away from him. After a second of disbelief on Obito’s part, Reiko took a few shambling steps forward, starting her trek home. Obito let out a sigh of relief and waited a few beats before slipping from the alley to follow several yards behind her. He stayed close to the shops and alleys, ready to turn around or duck into one if she decided to glance over her shoulder again. However, as he stalked behind her, he realized that she was too inebriated to notice much about her surroundings. Occasionally, she would stumble over a small pebble or catch her heel in a tiny hole, but she always managed to recover from the slip up. He told himself that he wouldn’t intervene unless something horrible were to happen. So, even if she fell face first in the dirt, he would have to allow her to pick herself up. 
After a while of walking, Reiko took a sharp right turn down an alley and Obito hadn’t been expecting it. He supposed that it technically was a short cut to her home, but he’d just assumed that she would favor the partially lit roads over a dark alley in her condition. Apparently all of that cunning intelligence was forgotten once she’d had enough liquor. He sighed, having to break into a slight jog to make up the distance before she disappeared into another connected alley and he lost track of her. When Obito rounded the corner, all he could see for a moment was darkness. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the lack of streetlight, but when they did, his blood ran cold. 
God, she’d drank entirely too much. Every step down this road she’d walked a million times before was taking considerable brain power. All she could really think about was putting one foot in front of the other. That and the general direction she needed to go in order to get home. If she thought about how heavy her head felt or how short her dress was one more time, she was going to have to make a pit stop and empty her stomach in some poor shop owners potted plant. So, instead, she trudged forward with her eyes mostly closed, moving on pure instinct and muscle memory, only widening her eyes occasionally to make sure she was still on track. 
It felt like she’d been walking for an hour at this point, but she hadn’t even made it past this block yet. Ugh. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep this feeling off. Miserable. Drunk. Sick. Missing a man she couldn’t have. Maybe, instead, she’d stumble up onto Obito’s porch… beat on his door until he let her in and she could safely pass out in his strong arms. She peeled her eyes open to survey her path again and noticed the alley coming up on her left. That was a shortcut through the village. This alley would lead to series of others that would cut her walking time in half. If it was the alley she was thinking of. And if she could navigate the labyrinth beyond. It was worth a shot. If she kept one hand on the right wall then she could find her way out no problem. Or was it the left wall? Where had she heard that before? Shikaku was no help. He’d been surprisingly silent since she’d passed the point of tipsy and fallen over the cliff into hammered territory. 
Reiko sighed, reminding herself to breathe as she rounded the corner into the alley. It was darker here than the streets, but she could see light coming from windows above her. Bedrooms and apartments above the shops. If she focused hard enough, she could use those to guide her. As she neared the end of this corridor and had the choice between a right or left turn, Reiko chose the left. Then a little further down, she went with right. And another left. Neck deep in the maze, she continued to walk until the tip of her heel caught on a trash bag sitting behind someones shop. Everything happened too fast for her to comprehend and, before she’d even realized that she was falling, something soft, yet sturdy, caught her. 
A hiccuping gasp left her at the sudden change in angle. Stuck somewhere between upright and leaning heavily against something. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her shoulders, gently rising her to her feet, and she realized that someone had caught her. 
“Hey, boss… What are you doing out so late?”
A voice asked, one that scratched an itch in her brain but not one she totally recognized. Reiko’s face scrunched up as she tried to place it. Her head was still so heavy, but she managed to tilt it back to try and get a glimpse of the man holding her. Instead, she was met with a large hand cupping over her eyes. 
“Ah-ah. No peaking. Probably wouldn’t remember me anyway… Since we’re so beneath you.”
The voice said, his voice lowering an octave. Reiko was still confused, and she struggled in his tightening grip. But the arm around her shoulders was too strong. The hand over her eyes holding her head at an awkward angle. The words failed her, but panic was beginning to rise in her chest. When he pushed forward, she stumbled backwards until she could feel the scratching of wood siding against the back of her calves. Was he pining her to a wall?
“But I remember you. Crystal clear. Have to. You’re the boss, aintcha? Mm… But only when you feel like it. Only when you get to tear someone down, isn’t that right?”
He continued, but she was having a hard time keeping up. Was he a Jonin? One of her subordinates? Someone she’d ‘torn down’? All of these questions flooded her liquor soaked brain, the grip he had her in limiting her senses so that all she could focus on was his words. That was until the arm wrapped behind her shoulders moved, his other hand wrapping around her neck and forcing the back of her head to smack the wall he’d corralled her against. The pain didn’t register in her drunkenness, but Reiko gasped against the sweaty hand on her mouth anyway. Her body lurching forward as she finally realized what was happening. She struggled against her attacker, trying to bring a leg up and kick him in the stomach. But he was quicker and, by all accounts, sober. So, he pressed closer and shoved his thigh between her legs, effectively ceasing her movement and stopping any attempts to retaliate. 
“You’re not going anywhere. Understand? Not until I’m done with you. Ya know, when you marched into the barracks a few weeks ago, all high and mighty, I thought that you were better suited to be a house wife than the fucking Jonin Commander. Then you tore into us for fighting over a woman. Said we were children and horrible representatives of the Leaf, if I recall correctly.”
The man said, forcing her to dig through her memory for an event from several weeks ago. Fighting over a woman… the barracks. He was referring to her breaking up that fight. The one that Kakashi had sent for her on her day off to handle. Right before she’d made the first move on Obito. This was one of the Jonin she’d berated and placed on punishment. He pressed closer to her, grinding his leg upwards and dipping his head down to speak directly in her ear. Reiko tried to push him off, but she was weak and her arms felt like jello after too many drinks. 
“Yeah, that’s exactly what you said. You also said that we weren’t fit to be Shinobi. And see, silly me who dedicated my entire life to this shit… I took that personally. By the time you left, I didn’t think you were some housewife anymore. But I did think that you needed to be reminded of your position.”
He continued, hissing the words in her ear as the hand around her throat tightened. That last sentence sent a jolt of pure horror through Reiko and she did the only thing she could think to do. She tried to scream for help, but against the huge palm on her face, the sound was nothing more than a muffled plea. The attempt also earned her head another smack against the wall behind her. 
“Shut the fuck up! Who the fuck are you to tell us that we aren’t fit to be Shinobi, huh? Stupid, useless, bitch who only got her job because she was blowing the guy who died in office. If you were even the tiniest bit qualified, you wouldn’t be so fucking sad and weak right now. So, that must mean you’re only good for one thing. And it sure as hell ain't being a house wife. Or the Jonin Commander. Nah. Women like you with your sour fucking attitudes and your ‘holier than thou’ schtick are worthless except for what you’ve got between your le-“
The man continued to spew filth at her. Seething with a hatred that she could feel in the harsh breathing he was doing against her neck. About halfway through his rant, he’d taken the hand off of her eyes just to move the one on her mouth to cover her entire face, grabbing her head and pushing it back against the wall as his now free hand wiggled down between them. Her heart was pounding, and she tried again to fight him off, but he just kept talking. His hand kept moving. Just as she was about to give up, a sickening crack sounded out next to her ear. A warm liquid splattered her cheek and, all at once, the body pressed against her went limp. The hand on her face slithered down and the pressure between her thighs disappeared. 
Her eyes ripped open, finally able to see her attacker as he collapsed on the ground in front of her. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made her eyes vibrate in her skull, but she could still make out his appearance in the dark. In fact, it felt like her vision was better with all of the fight or flight chemicals flooding her brain. It was one of the Jonin she’d put on cleaning duty several weeks ago. Months ago at this point. The one that had snapped at her and almost been escorted out by Yamato. As soon as she made the connection, she noticed something else. A slowly expanding, dark, pool under the Jonin’s head. It was dark, but that sight combined with the crack she’d heard earlier… it had to be blood. That’s when she realized that someone had to have done this. Reiko jerked her eyes up from the ground. 
Standing just in front of her on the other side of this Jonin’s unconscious body was a shock of white hair. A tall man with a muscular build. He took a step forward, into the dull light coming from an apartment above them, and Reiko felt all of the adrenaline in her body leave her in an instant. Her savior dropped a heavy brick on the ground next to his feet and he reached out a hand for her to take. Obito’s stark white fingers were covered in a spray of blood and when she brought her eyes back up to his face, the concern in his gaze stunned her in place. 
“Are you okay?”
He asked, his voice and question causing her bottom lip to tremble immediately. She didn’t take his hand, but she watched as she glanced down at the body between them, snarling his nose in disgust. When he made eye contact with her again, he seemed to notice the blood on the hand he’d offered her. He lowered it, rising his clean, tan, one in its place. 
“I know it’s a lot… just trust me, okay?”
He encouraged and maybe it was the liquor. Maybe it was the attack he’d just saved her from. But Reiko nodded without any further hesitance, reaching out to interlock her hand with his. Obito gave a soft grunt of approval before assisting her in stepping around the Jonin. When she was close enough to him, he jerked her forward and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a bruising grip. Obito buried his nose in her hair and Reiko wondered if this was a dream.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
He ordered, voice gravelly and tight despite the tenderness in his coaxing just a moment ago. He pulled back, hands gripping her shoulders so that he could look down at her face while still keeping as little space between them as possible. His pointed eyebrows were drawn down in a stern expression, pouty bottom lip pressed into a tight line against his top one. And Reiko nodded again, drawing the same gesture from Obito. After staring at her for a moment longer, he moved to instead stand by her side, gripping her hand like a life line. 
“Let’s go home.”
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
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Warnings: idk?...babysitting? children?😂
Thank you @localkage for fueling the fire with me on this 😂
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ok babysitting these shits???
omfg that’s a whole days work right thurrrr
jeez like I’m not kidding
for the most part Sakura, I feel like she’d be a good baby
like she’ll eat/sleep with no fighting
I feel like she’s the type of you were to sit her in front of a tv with a show on she’d sit happily with a bottle or something
however....Naruto, mans is buggin, for what? 🙄
not the crying/whining baby but the wiggle worm that can’t seem to stay still
like ur bag?....all ur stuff is all over the floor and he’s crawling around with the bag on his head
the cabinets?....food and tupperware everywhereeee
but if you bring the two together, I feel like they’d mimic each other a lot
like if baby Naruto saw Sakura sitting quietly playing with her toys or something, he’d pipe down and do the same
but if Sakura saw Naruto doing something he shouldn’t, she would totally join him
change my mind. I dare you
he’s very easily irritated and would always be throwing fits
but he does have his moments where he’s actually pretty calm and easy to deal with
yeah, Naruto can’t stay still.....BUT LEE
omg this kid is all over the place
baby Lee has just got so much energy it’s crazy
he never wants to nap or sit still
most of the time Tenten and Neji just look at him like.....who tf is??? 🤨
Lee can be a little overwhelming for the others sometimes
but don’t worry, he’s a very caring bby tho 🥺
Tenten. Is. A. Dream.
but she’s gotten a hold of a kunai once or twice
it’s ok tho, she makes up for it because she’s a very sweet girl 🥰
she’ll play with you and everything
also I feel like she’d laugh a lot when playing peekaboo or something
Kiba....oh Kiba
he’s a lil stink stink
but he’s our stink stink 🥺 ya know?
you can’t tell his diapers wouldn’t REEK omfg
sorry that might’ve been a bit too much
inseparable as always ✌🏼😌
like those cute pictures 🥺
ugh my heart
baby Hinata??? Such a lil sweetie pieeee
does tend to scare and get overwhelmed easily I feel
she’s the type of baby that likes to be held constantly but won’t angry cry about it
more like sad cry, big tearful eyes and everything
BUT hold her and rock her to sleep, hold her and feed her her bottle, hold her in ur lap while ur sitting
now as for baby Shino....
mans is quiet......
but like a little too quiet at times
he’s the type of baby that you have to check and make sure is still breathing while he’s sleeping
tbh I think the Ino-Shika-Cho trio would be so fun to babysit
even if they tend to get a little rambunctious at times....
Ino is the talkative baby
constantly babbling, baby talking, and just making noises in general
v much goo goo gaa gaa, if I do say so myself 😌
Choji is always eating
did we expect anything less? No.
bottle in hand 24/7
a fed baby is a happy baby
that applies to Choji 1000%
sometimes if ur eating ur own snack and he sees, he’ll want some too
he’s definitely the type to need both hands full
like if he’s snacking, he’ll need a cracker for his left and his right
now, Shikamaru, Shikamaru
he looooves to sleep
will pass out anywhereeee
while watching tv? yes. eating his snack? yes. while Ino is talking everyone’s ear off? yes.
he’s not a rowdy baby at all
but does tend to get a lil angry when woken up from his naps
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Kurenai x reader - family now
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May I request a scenario where Kurenai is dating fem s/o who already has a child? And said child calls Kurenai momma for the first time? How would Kurenai and s/o react? - Anon 💜
When you first started dating, you were very reluctant about telling Kurenai about your daughter, but after a few months you finally introduced them.
Kurenai absolutely adored Julia, and it made you so happy when the pair were together.
Since you had the day off from work, you decided to take Julia to watch Kurenai and her group train, so you made your way over to the training area they used.
“Kurenai!” You called.
The woman turned around and as soon as she saw you a huge smile spread across her face.
She let her students take a break and walked over, wrapping on arm around you, she hugged you lightly.
“Hey darling.” She whispered.
She gave you a kiss and knelt down, pressing a kiss to Julia’s hair.
“Hey baby girl.” She smiled.
“Hi momma!” She giggled.
Both you and Kurenai looked at each other, then back to the little girl who went to play with the young Ninja’s.
Slowly Kurenai stood up, turning to you, a smile blooming on her face.
“D..did she just...?”
Tears welled in your eyes and you smiled brightly at her.
“She did...” you whispered.
Both of you quickly embraced one another while laughing. You didn’t want to force your relationship on Julia, and you guys settled to let her call Kurenai whatever she wanted.
“Oh my god I can’t believe she called me momma!” Kurenai gushed.
You laughed, resting your head on your shoulder as you watched her playing.
“I guess you’re part of her family now.” You said gently.
“Well good, because that’s all I’ve ever wanted.” She whispered to you.
Kurenai had always wanted a child, and she always saw Kurenai as her daughter as well, now her heart was overjoyed at the fact that Julia saw her was her mom as well.
For the whole day you guys told anyone who spoke to the pair of you, because you were so overjoyed with what had happened
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inactiveanimeblog · 3 years
the only thing on my mind today is banging english professor kurenai after class. purposely teasing her by wearing a mini skirt and no panties, flashing her when she looks my way. <333
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harashimanez · 3 years
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Genma x fem!reader
Smut, lemon, Romantic smut, slow burn
In the Hot springs, you were abruptly taking your clothes off but then the door slid open roughly and genma was standing there blushing. Running out he went into the men's side. Later that night everybody had to pick their sleeping buddies to share a room with, while everyone choose their partners you were left with one person to partner up with.
As you walked into town for the group trip, you heard your friend group talking from far away, "yesterday y/n was so drunk that she took her clothes of” ignoring them out of embarrassment, you started walking toward them “ ah look whos here” Izumo laughed as Anko continues on “ y/n was dancing all night” Yuhi bumped me with her elbow “and said some really embarrassing things” I blushed harder, covering my heated red face with my hands. As they laughed at my actions, I felt a hand hit me on the shoulder. turning around I hit the person in the face with my palm pushing them to the ground “ wow, wow there” surprised, my eyes widened “I’m sorry” I hold my hands up to pick Kotetsu from the ground, embarrassed from my actions again.
As we walked to the hot springs, the girls went in first jumping in fast while I was still changing. Y/n had saw a shadow walk by but it could’ve been someone walking past, so she had carried on changing out of her clothes. As the door slid open roughly out, I turn my head towards the bamboo Slid seeing a towel wrapped around the person's waist. cirrious as i am, I looked up seeing a senbon in his mouth with brown hair wrapped with a bandanna. With wide eyes looking at him, while maintaining my balance I blushed hysterically.
“Get out!” Y/n screamed, the scream was not loud because it wasn't meant to be loud. I was blushing and smiling too much, my cheeks were sore and on the verge of exploding. Genma flushed a bit too, biting his genbon, rushing out and closing the door to the stall quickly, stumbling a bit.
After closing the door and rushing towards the men’s stalls, Genma stopped for a second. Holding his hand to his head, and thinking of you half naked from earlier,' what a perverted thought'. While he stepped into the hot spring. Taking of his towel and dipping into the water, guy on the other hand had noticed him running from the direction of the women’s stall.
Guy stared at genma, he was curious of the drama that was happening with Genma. Genma laid back relaxing his shoulders down, a breeze past by up the hot spring, it was refreshing.
Y/n opened the slid and walked into the sana with the others, "what took you so long y/n?" Anko wondered. Still quietly blushing, y/n shaped her mouth in a awkward pause. "huh uh yuh-yeah eh nothing happened" looking away from both of the girls, they both definity knew something good or bad had happened a while ago.
Guy had been watching Genma for a while now. When he got up to have a shower, Guy also reluctantly followed him while keeping his rival close to him.
You chatted with the girls about work and 'fun things' for a while, after that Yuhi suggested that we go and change our clothes to eat.
Everyone had changed into their kimono, going to the dining room to eat. There was two tables, Yuhi, Anko left you to sit with Genma and kakashi. It was weird that all your others friends sat over at the first table then with yours, little do you know that Guy, Anko, Yuhi, Asuma, Kotetsu, Izumo, Aoba, Iruka and Hayate were discussing about something really secretive.
Shuffling back to sit upwards with a straight back, you had made this really awkward face to show the awkward tension. Genma started to ask kakashi about his work when y/n remembered about that book that kakashi read all the time "Ah Kakashi, speaking of which how was the book?" Kakashi straightened his face while i was in the progress of speaking. " Icha Icha paradise i think it was called, and Genma! didn't you read it too?" Coughing up his drink, Genma cleared his throat "that book is men's business, and mens alone" he spoke. "ah was it because Jiraiya wrote it or because of the inappropriate pictures on the covers?" Kakashi eyes widened as Genma's skin flushed " so your taking inspirations from that pervert ha?" i spoke again.
"So tell us what did y/n tell you at the bar when she was drunk?" Aoba whispered, Yamato stared unconsciously at the table picking up what was going on. "She told me that she likes Genma" one of them whispered back. "WOW Wow wao NIce" holding his thumbs up, Declared Guy.
After everyone has left to go to check out to their rooms because we didn't register for our rooms in the first place. Hayate announced that we had to chose and partner up with someone to sleep in a shared room because there aren't many rooms, because we forgot to check in first after the hot springs.
Of course Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki had chose each other as pares. Guy had chosen Kakashi even though he said no ,but it wasn't a really convincing no. Yamato and Aoba partnered up because they were teammates. Anko and Yuhi definitely chose each other and left you. Hayate, Iruka joined up and Asuma insist on joining them to. Their discussions and joins has left you alone with none other than Genma, Ebisu did not join the trip due to his pervertness.
Scratching his head as he walked up to you "So you and me eh" Genma smirked his no.6 smirk. waving my hands "OKay Lets just go to sleep Genma" I uttur turning around, his iconic no.6 smirk did not go away.
Seeing you and Genma pared up was their plan to make this slow romantic relationship work. Seeing the others walk up the stairs, Genma took your hand and you followed him up stairs to your shared room. Parting away from his warm hands and entering the room.
You collapsed down onto the floor bed. Genma sat down next to you touching your hands again, Your heart was beating fast. Holding his hands back. You get into bed letting go of his hands once again. He positioned himself comfortably down onto the bed, facing your back.
Rolling back and forth with discomfort, i hid my head under the blanket facing Genma. Your feet were sticking out of the blanket touching his feet, it was nervousing touching him, Genma saw you doing this. It was annoying and amusing for him but he had better plans for both of you.
As you rolled back towards him again under the blanket, you suddenly couldn't move your arms. Something was gripping your arms tight, Genma huffed in amusement. Opening the bed sheet, he pinned both your arms up. Breathing heavily. He lowered his body to kiss my neck, i stifle a moan. The sound came out higher than what i wanted, it made him smirk.
HIs other hand made its way up to my waist, embracing me with kisses. I slid my arms under and hugged his body down, making him collapse down and rolling him over. Still hugging him, I kissed his neck, my heart was beating rapidly fast.
As my legs made it over his waist, i was the one pinning him down with my body now. my clit was watery from the arousal.
We had stayed in that position for a while now. I heard his breathing slower .
Waking up in the morning to the sun you smelt Genma's sent, you tried to roll over the other side but something was holding you back. Looking over you saw a hand around your waist and genma on the other side. You turn over again, shuffling back when you heard a groan.
"Your awake now y/n" he exclaimed, he was awake the whole time now?. "huh?" his hands was holding on the back of your head. Looking at you with admiration.
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ninjaimagines · 3 years
Could I please request ACJK with Kurenai?
of course :)
A- Affection (how affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kurenai is pretty affectionate, she likes to have Y/N's arm around her waist, and she loves kissing their cheek in public. Kurenai also loves sharing clothes, its a subtle claim to Y/N.
C- Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
Big cuddler, cuddles on the couch, in bed, wherever. Loves being the little spoon, it helps ease her anxiety.
J- Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when their jealous?)
Kurenai gets jealous pretty easily, but she rarely acts on it. She doesn't want to push her insecurities on her S/O, however if she sees someone constantly flirting with Y/N or not taking a hint does she step in and tell them off.
K- Kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are always so light but still full of passion! Kurenai doesn't want to be inappropriate in public, so she keeps them fleeting and saves the deeper kisses for behind doors. She likes kiss Y/N on the nose, it's soft and innocent but still gets her love across. Kurenai likes to be kissed on the cheek or on her forehead.
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hatake-no-sharingan · 3 years
can i rq hcs or a drabble (whatever one you like for like) For young ino and sakura seeing that y/n loves kakashi but she doesn't want to tell him? Like on their way to ino's flower shop they overhead kurenai making fun of y/n for kakashi or something and now they're like ooooooh
A/N: Hiii honey. I wrote this lil drabble for you. It’s mostly dialogue, but I had so much fun writing our darling girls. I love all of them. Thank you for such a cute request. 🌸💕💞 I hope you enjoy. Please be kind.
"You can put some lilies in that bouquet to set an accent for the pink flowers" Ino instructed Sakura.
Sakura nodded and began to arrange them the way Ino told her. She had been helping her out at the flower shop for the past couple of days, and while Ino was glad to have company, he’d had to teach Sakura the basics all over again. They’d been having a fun time though, whenever they weren’t bickering about Sasuke, Sakura’s forehead, and other minor details that always seemed to spark their rivalry.
"Inooo, you know I’m not much of a gossip, but you find out a lot of interesting stuff around the flowershop. No wonder you volunteer to work here so often"
Ino giggled and started arranging another bouquet of her own.
"Wonder who we’ll see today, huh? Do you reckon Asuma Sensei will be back to get Kurenai Sensei yet another gift?"
"Humm he’s already gotten her some potted flowers. Maybe she’ll be the one to come and get some feed for them." As soon as the words left Sakura’s mouth they heard Kurenai’s warm voice heading inside. She stared right at Ino and the two girls started chuckling because their guess had been correct.
"Come on, Y/N. Asuma got me some violets and I need to get them soil and plant food. Maybe you could also get something and give it to Kakashi"
"Wha—Why, no" you stutter as you come into the flower shop and your eyes start wandering through the beautiful array of shapes and colors of flowerss] "I can’t give him flowers. He doesn’t feel that way."
"Come on, you’re the only person who doesn’t realize it. He stares at you all the time. I know if you gave him the flowers, you’d make him the happiest man" said your friend.
"Y/N Sensei?" Sakura said softly while holding a pot with yellow flowers towards you "I think Kakashi Sensei will like these ones. I saw him pick a few during our mission and tuck them into his pocket. Wonder if he was thinking about giving them to you. He talks a lot about you to us."
"See?" Kurenai tells you "Sakura is such a good girl, she wouldn’t lie. Even a child can see you two are meant for each other. Now get the flowers and give them to him."
Your whole face turns bright red and sparks joy in Kurenai. Your friend has been trying to get you two together and insisted that Kakashi felt something for you too.
You reluctantly pay for the flowers and leave with a proud Kurenai cheering you on. A part of you is also happy, because maybe, just maybe, today will be the day when you finally know how Kakashi feels towards you.
When you leave, Sakura and Ino high five each other. It’s mission complete for them. Another flower arrangement sold for the sake of love.
"You have to tell me everything as soon as you find out what happens with Kakashi Sensei and Y/N" Ino makes Sakura promise. She nods and they get back to work, expecting more clients in love so they can get them the perfect flowers to confess their feelings.
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scarecrow-supremacy · 3 years
Arranged Love | Pt 2
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Thank you to Mrs. Hatake for requesting this prompt to me!
In which: f!reader is interested in being in a fwb like relationship, but is forced into an arranged marriage with the one and only, Hatake Kakashi. Both (y/n) and Kakashi only agree to marry for the sake of convivence. (y/n) with her needs, and Kakashi with his wish to revive his clan.
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My first date, eh?
This ought to go terribly-
What did I do to deserve this?
I must be in hell because it'll feel like repenting for my sins.
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You anxiously paced your room as your best friends, Yuhi Kurenai and Mitarashi Anko sat at the foot of your bed. "Why'd ya call us so urgently, (y/n)?" Kurenai asked, playing with a lock of her beautiful black hair.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you flopped face-first into your plush mattress, "Date..." was all you could muster up.
"YOU'RE GOIN' ON A DATE!" Anko cheered quite loudly, "Etto, sorry..." She realized her volume, "What I meant was, congrats!"
"Honestly, it's not something to congratulate me on..." Your face fell, "It's not my choice..."
Kurenai cupped your face, "Arranged?" She asked, to which you nodded, "Who'd your parents choose?"
"That silver-haired prick, Hatake." You grumbled, tightly hugging your lavender body-sized pillow. Reluctantly, you gave in to the girl's request for more information.
"Listen, (y/n)," Kurenai tried to reassure you with her calming words, "He's not as bad he used to be. Kakashi's became quite relaxed nowadays." To which, Anko nodded in agreement.
"Sure," You shrugged, "But I think he still hates me..."
Anko poked your cheek, "Just give him a good impression tonight. Things might change, ya know."
"I highly doubt that," You muttered, "Plus, I'm terrible at all things guy-related!"
"We'll help you get ready, just trust us on this," Kurenai told you, her tone telling you that she was serious. Even as a 25-year-old, your friends had a tendency to baby you. Sure, they were older than you, but it tended to be quite troublesome.
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Ding dong, the doorbell to your apartment chimed. At least he's only 25 minutes late... Your inner self grumbled as you went to greet Kakashi at the door. "Kon'nichiwa," You nodded at him with minimal enthusiasm.
"Kon'nichiwa, (l/n)," Kakashi replied in an equally unhappy tone. His eyes flitted up and down your form as the two of you walked out into town.
"What is it, Hatake?" You demanded, arching your eyebrow, "My eyes are up here." For once, you were unhappy with the fact that you were, let's just say, well endowed.
Kakashi shook his head, "Nothing, nothing at all, (l/n)." Incoherently, you muttered all sorts of colorful insults under your breath. So much trying to be in a good mood...
"So, where are we going?" You attempted to lighten up the rocky mood. "Try to start a casual conversation. That not too easy to mess up," Kurenai had told you.
"My house." Kakashi didn't even spare you even the quickest glance. What's up with him! I tried to be friendly. Stuck-up idiot! "We're just having dinner, alright. No more questions." With a soft sigh, you nodded, walking the rest of the way in silence. "Here," Kakashi took your fall jacket, shoving it into the coat closet along with his own. "I'll go warm up the food. You can just have a seat over there." He pointed at a little dining table near a window, "The restroom is over there, in case you need to wash up."
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"Itadakimasu," both of you whispered to yourselves, digging into your aromatic dinner of (f/f). The two of you ate the meal in almost complete silence, not sparing the other a glance. To you, the food was simply too good to divert your attention from. You made a mental note to ask Kakashi where he had gotten it from.
Halfway through the meal, Kakashi sighed, placing down his chopsticks, "Why are you here?" He asked, but then rephrased, "As in, what about us are you in for?"
You put down your chopsticks, "I'm not here bec-" You looked up, but were caught off guard by a little something. His face...your mind said in awe at the beauty. Your gaze studied his unmasked face, yet still unable to see his legendary Sharingan eye, which was covered by his hitai-ate. Kakashi's elegant nose, the scar that ran across his left eye, his sharp jawline, and then to the beauty mark that graced a spot close to his ever so slightly chapped lips.
"What? My face?" Kakashi chuckled, "We're going to get married, you better eat used to it." He looked at you happily for just a split-second. Yet the very next moment, he reverted to his original stoic state, "As I was saying, what in this for you?"
You had to take a moment to recover from seeing Kakashi's face, "I-I u-uh..!" You mentally scolded yourself, telling yourself to get your act together. "I'm not here because I want to. It's all arranged by my parents. Hell, I didn't know that you were coming until I came home myself. This is all against my will."
"Hm," Kakashi studied your expression, "That's not exactly how your parents described your situation, but alright."
"What did they tell you?" You asked, your tone drier than the sands of Sunakagure no Sato.
A smirk formed on Kakashi's features, "They said that your love life is quite non-existent. Also, they just wanted to help give you a nudge in that department."
Your eyes widened as a flush adorned your cheeks, either caused by the sake you drank, or out of embarrassment. "N-no! It's not like that! I-it's just not the right time for me. I love my job, and I don't want to settle down just yet. Plus, I haven't found my Mr. Right just yet!" You tried to reason with Kakashi, who was flashing you an amused look. He was probably thriving off of how uncomfortable you felt.
"Actually..." He scratched his cheek, "That makes some sense..."
"So you’re backing out?!" Your eyes glittered with hope.
"Nope," Kakashi shook his head much to your dismay, "Trust me, I like this just as much as you do."
"Then why are we trying to make things work?! Neither of us likes this case, so why give it a chance?" You demanded in despair.
"You have a point," Kakashi pointed out, "But you see, it'll be beneficial for both sides if we work."
You pouted, "How so?"
"For you, your parents will stop nagging you." Kakashi stated, "And I'll get to revive my clan. And also, seeing that you and your parents are the last of your clan, you kekkei genkai May end up being a trademark for the Hatake's."
You rolled your eyes and mumbled, "So you just want to impregnate me, and relabel metal release as a Hatake thing?"
"You make it sound like I'm some kind of bad guy..." Kakashi raised his uncovered eyebrow.
"Well, you definitely aren't under a good light in my mind." You groaned angrily.
Kakashi face-palmed, "I was trying to be nice, and ask about how you were feeling about all of this."
"Well, I'm simply doing this for the sake of connivance." You finished, brushing a lock of your (h/c) hair out of your (e/c) eyes. In full honesty, you were somewhat surprised that Kakashi at least thought about how you felt about the predicament. It definitely wasn't something that you liked. But you had no way out...There goes my freedom...
"Your father told me to give you this..." Kakashi trailed off, sticking his hand into his pocket, fishing an object out of it. You sucked in your breath when you saw it...a ring. Your family's heirloom to be exact. It was beautiful, without a doubt. You had even adored polishing it as a young girl, dreaming about the day you would get to wear it. This was not how you imagined the day go. Tough luck. Life's a bitch, it ain't always cute, you told yourself.
"Well?" Kakashi looked at you expectantly.
With incredible amounts of regret and remorse, you gave him your right hand, "I hate you, Anata," you told him as he slid the beautiful rose gold ring up your ring finger. You had channeled as much sarcasm into the affectionate term, anata. You had spat it out like poison.
"And I loath you, Koishii." Kakashi told you, saying darling just the same way as you had called him dear.
There you were, engaged to your hater. The man who was to marry you for sheer convenience. No love, no respect. Nothing. It was arranged love.
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