#kree eternal
sakuralou2689 · 2 years
Start the day right with a practical joke from Mrs. Carol Danvers-Montmartre and her son.
Preview of Captain Marvel: My Mother Book 2 Chapter 89
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cryptocollectibles · 1 year
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Marvel Saga #1 (December 1985) by Marvel Comics
Research done by Peter Sanderson, cover by Rob Frenz and Bob Layton. 
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"Cap, Ikaris, what the hell is the matter with you two?" Y/N asked, glaring at his team leader and the newest leader of the Eternals. They had been arguing back and forth on how best to deal with the Kree Empire ship that was attacking earth. Y/N and Thor watched them fence and pushing before he had enough of them and got in between.
They turned to look at him, as if this was the first time that they were seeing him. Steve cocked his head to the side with a frown on those pinkish lips of his. "Language, Y/N."
"This isn't any of yer business, duckling." Ikaris told him.
"The hell it isn't. You both have been arguing instead of working together. So, suck up whatever pride you both are carrying, because we are all working together on the same team. You got it?" Y/N's eyes flash red as they nod their heads.
"I believe thou has been told off." Thor said with an amused smirk.
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wanderingmind867 · 14 days
I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan, but I appreciate how Mantis's origins turn into a massive text on the history of the Kree. Now, even though I don't like a lot of sci-fi, I want to recap this whole story:
On Hala, there were two races: the militaristic and humanoid Kree, and the plant people known as the Cotati. The Skrulls (back before they were violent) came to Hala and issues a challenge to the residents of Hala: spend a year on a planet solo, and whichever race does better will earn our respect and get to represent Hala to our federation. The Cotati win the contest, so the Kree try to genocide them all. Then, they attack the Skrulls and start the eternal Kree-Skrull War (they also drive the Skrulls to become violent).
Centuries pass after this. After years, some members of the Kree have come to resist their species's warlike ways. A pacifist section of the Kree hook up with the remaining Cotati to become the Priests of Pama, who go on to raise Mantis to be the Celestial Madonna.
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
He’s more of a hulk mainstay, but since he’s had phases where he intersects heavily with captain America and avengers, any thoughts on Rick “everyone’s friend” Jones?
Rick Jones is the Zelig of the Marvel Universe. He's Hulk's teenage sidekick, he's been Cap's teenage sidekick, he's been Captain Marvel's weird Negative Zone-swap sidekick, he ended the Kree-Skrull War, he's been a folk rock musician, he's been everywhere man...
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That very mutability has allowed for some incredibly divergent roles for the eternal teenager. My two personal favorites recently has been his Edward Snowden role, and then his horrific turn as a gamma-zombie in Al Ewing's Immortal Hulk.
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pluto22valcarol23 · 11 months
The Marvels Having Actual Representation
So, hear me out
Disney has already pissed off the conservatives so that means they are also pissed off at marvel by association. This gives them a chance to have some actual meaningful diversity. In my opinion Eternals was a good movie and just needed more time to develop the characters stories. Anyway back to the topic I think marvel has a chance here to cut their losses with the conservatives and appeal to a younger, more diverse, audience that does not want fake representation but actual, impactful, meaningful representation.
I’m sure marvel at least for more recent movies always has queer scenes it’s just a matter of them being put in. For example Thor Ragnarok was supposed to confirm Valkyrie’s bisexuality but the scene got cut. I bet marvel filed some scenes where characters in confirmed to be queer, it’s just a matter of including them.
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I’m using Valkyrie and Carol as a prime example. It’s not like the actors don’t support the relationship, they openly do. In my opinion Carol is so queer coded it would be more of a surprise if she was straight. Like just look at these pictures between the jacket and the flannel that fury had her take off so it is unfortunately not pictured in the first and second ones and the short hair in the third one she gives major lesbian energy. I get that this is also playing into the Lesbian stereotypes but they could have her break them in other ways.
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Now that this has turned into me ranting about Carol being Lesbian and dating Valkyrie, let’s circle back around.
If marvel does not include Valkyrie I totally get that, it’s not her story, even though and post credits scene or casual compliment would work I have other proposals.
Marvel can have Carol and Monica have a conversation where it is confirmed that Carol and Maria were together. I get Maria is dead but Carol and Monica totally have some issues to work through and it would be a great way to recontextualize all of the Captain Marvel movie. I think marvel realizes that they have another Steve/Bucky situation and they have a chance to redeem themselves and give us that representation. Also just having Carol make a comment of some sort about her identity would be probably the bare minimum but considering how nosy Kamala probably is I would hope that marvel at least includes that. Now allow me to present to you Carol’s new gay look because it seems like every movie she is in has one.
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Tell me that between the cropped tight fitting bra top and the side sort shaved head she does not give the biggest lesbian energy ever.
Moving on,
allow we to present to you the antagonist who after barely seeing any scenes of still manages to give off serious queer energy
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I feel like there are so many ways marvel could go with her. So this is a long shot but she is holding a similar staff to the one Ronan held, he was with the Kree. Captain Marvel was brainwashed but the Kree. What is Dar-Ben (which is her name) was an old flame of Carol’s? Just saying nothing creates more drama than romance.
Now back to what was the inspiration for this whole rant. The marvels already has a diverse all female lead cast where the majority of them are people of color. Marvel could either pull a strange world and not bother trying to make it a success. OR… they could accept the fact that they have lost the conservatives and embrace a younger audience that demands true representation and support not just a facade of it.
I doubt that marvel will have the balls to do any of this but from the bottom of my heart I hope that they do.
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firelance2361 · 4 months
What If...Earth Faced Hala's Mightiest Heroes?
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So here’s a new What If…? Idea I’ve been cooking up for a while, based on Fantastic Four Vol. 3 #15 from 1999.
(In this alternate universe, shortly after the Battle of New York when the universe was noticing Earth’s true capabilities, the Kree, still reeling from the destruction of the Civil War, decided to keep tabs on and plans to conquer the planet, seeing the possible threats of it if it could take on Thanos’ fleet. Due to this, Dar-Benn’s quest for the Quantum Bands began earlier in this universe, finding it on planet MB-418 sooner than expected, before turning her attention back to C-53 itself.
Upon learning of the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. via their sleeper cells and Ronan’s attack on Xandar and the Nova Corps, Supremor Dar-Benn, Yon-Rogg, and the rest of the Kree armada took the chance, invading the planet. Upon conquering all the Avengers, Eternals, and other potential threats, they colonized the planet for themselves, deeming it as their new Hala: Kree-Lar.
Ten years have passed as more Kree populated and took over the planet: 
- Starforce used the fallen Avengers’ tech and weapons to become the planets new “heroes,” though winning over public perception was a long and arduous effort. - Yon-Rogg found an orphaned Kamala Khan during the search for the other Quantum Band, who he took pity on and brought in along with the Bangle. Khan became close friends with a bright young Kree Cadet, Mel-Varr, who she nicknamed “Kid Kree.” Both ended up joining Starforce, following close behind the orders of their commander. - Carol Danvers attempted to stop the invasion of her home, only to have her powers siphoned off by the Quantum Bands. Danvers, the Rambeaus, Nick Fury and their remaining allies went underground, forming a small resistance that grew over time with other oppressed civilians. Danvers also adopted the moniker of Warbird due to this outcome, fighting from the shadows without her powers. - Forces like Thanos, Ego, the Sovereign, the Nova Corps, the Asgardians, the Skrulls, and the Guardians of the Galaxy fell to Dar-Benn and the Kree Empire. After conquering all the rival worlds to their own, they quickly became the dominant reigning galactic force.
However, ten years after settling on Kree-Lar, tensions are growing not only against the Kree from the Resistance, but also from within their society. Dar-Benn is so committed to keeping the Kree in power that she has developed plans to build a mutagenic machine with the Bangles to empower all Kree with it’s energies, allowing them to rise further into power.
Faced with preserving their civilization or fighting for a better future, the members of Starforce become divided, questioning themselves and their actions. Yon-Rogg, whose resolve had been challenged by the recent events, wonders if this is really worth it for the “Good of all Kree.” He has also developed a deteriorating relationship with Dar-Benn, due to her adamance to keep the Kree strong at the expense of all other.
On a stealth mission to recover potential stolen data from the rebels, Yon-Rogg and Kamala encounter Carol among them, finding sick refugees with her, a good many of them Kree with a purple sickness apparently inflicted upon them. That’s when they realize the hazardous truth about Dar-Benn’s plans and what it could lead to if she goes through with it.
After the rest of Starforce arrives and sees what is it they were truly sent after, the team becomes divided and sides begin to form, with those like Kamala, Mel-Varr, and Bron-Char siding to protect the refugees and others like Att-Lass and Ty-Rone siding to carry out the Supremor’s orders. Eventually, after a tense standoff with Carol witnessing everything, Yon-Rogg eventually breaks it by shooting the weak spot in Att-Lass’s armor, before running off with his side and the rest of the refugees. 
Upon arriving at the rebel base and linking up with the other insurgents, the rebel Starforce units work up a plan with the Resistance to prevent Dar-Benn’s plan. During this brainstorming session, Carol and Yon-Rogg have a very long an tense debate amongst themselves, deciding to put aside what happened to them in the past to stop the Supremor and save the planet.
After intiating their plan, the Resistance Starforce, with Carol, Monica Rambeau, and their allies infiltrate the the Capital Building where the Bangles are being kept. Upon arrival, they were ambushed, and captured, with the rest being thrown in the brig while Yon-Rogg and Carol were brought to witness Dar-Benn’s machinations. She activates the device, only for it to malfunction before their eyes.
Thankfully, having planned this, they had Mel-Varr break out of the prison with Kamala and sabotage the system’s satellite codes, inverting its power on itself and destroying the machine. Furious at this, Dar-Benn and her loyalists attack the rebels and a massive fight ensues, causing much chaos as everyone attempts to get the bands.
Kamala manages to get her Bangle back, as Yon-Rogg manages to throw the other to Carol to restore her powers. Dar-Benn grabs it before she catches it and fatally stabs her with her Cosmi-Rod. As Dar-Benn taunts her with the band, Carol takes the chance to her advantage, clasping it onto her arm and reactivating her powers, using them to clobber the enemy Kree.
As Dar-Benn attempted to escape, Carol gives Yon-Rogg the other Bangle to hold his own. After the two defeat the guards, a two-on-one fight ensues with the Supremor, which ends with them pinning her to the ground as she tempts them to kill her, telling them to do it for the Good of all Kree. Yon-Rogg hesitates for a moment, but instead breaks her Cosmi-Rod in two, deciding to be better for the good of everyone.
After Dar-Benn is taken in along with her loyalists, Yon-Rogg, Kamala, Mel-Varr, and Bron-Char all agree to aid Carol and the Resistance with the relief efforts, hoping to build a better future together. The New Starforce officially embraces their role as the next Avengers, protecting the Galaxy they know and helping rebuild it into a better one.)
Sorry if the bio’s a bit lengthy, but I thought it would be a fun idea for Season 3 of What If…? coming sometime soon. And of course, before I forget, here’s the roster for this versions of Starforce:
Dar-Benn/Supremor Ty-Rone/Seism Att-Lass/Titanium Man Yon-Rogg/Magnetron Bron-Char/Captain Cosmos Kamala Khan/Stormranger Mel-Varr/Kid Kree
IDK, let me know what you guys think of this! Hope you like it!
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I feel like during A X.E Pyro at one Point said. "Fuck off you steroid Inhumans!"
Because in my opinion Eternals are basically inhumans. Except they were made by gods. Inhumans were made by the kree and then left them to die because they deemed them to stupid to stay alive.
Well, they do share the trait of being essentially created/genetically engineered for a specific purpose. But the Kree created the Inhumans to use as living weapons, so I doubt "too stupid to stay alive" was the reason they abandoned them. Especially since the Inhumans wound up smacking down the Skrulls, ruling over the Kree, and thoroughly spanking the Shi'ar empire during War of Kings.
To be honest, I'm not sure Pyro would even know enough about the Inhumans to make the comparison. He was dead throughout IvX, although I'm sure someone (probably Blob or Iceman) filled him in. He would probably tell the Eternals to fuck off, though. Unless the Eternals brought booze.
Really, they could have solved the entire A.X.E. crisis early if Sebastian Shaw had brought out his fancy Krakoan whiskey and Doug brought out the Krakoan weed that I absolutely know he must be growing somewhere, and then everyone just chills out.
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616phyla · 11 months
what would your blorbos smell like. would adam use perfume or does he walk around smelling like leather and sadness
LOL the latex from Adam's GOTG costume is so overpowering. I was actually thinking about this a couple of days ago and it's like I feel like Adam's smell is really nice and pleasing but it's hard to describe... cosmic being stuff and all, like stardust <3 maybe slightly metallic. I think he could use perfume but probably just smells good anyway.
Thanos is probably like ashes/smoke.
Phyla I don't think would use any perfumes I wonder if Eternals and Kree have a naturally different scent to humans as a side statement, umm she could smell rainy.
Rictor is easy he smells like the earth/dirt LOL
Richie smells like a wet cat.
Okay there's some blorbos.
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annachum · 9 months
Alright so in Duckverse, Marvel Land consists of amongst these parts ( still sort of expanding when the Quack Pack are around 12/13 ) :
. Avenger Land
. Dark Dimension Land
. Nine Realms Land
. Omnipotence Land
. Wakanda Land
. Guardians of the Galaxy Land
. X Men Land
Okay so some things about Marvel Land in Duckverse :
. It's a bit like Disneyland in spades EXCEPT ITS MARVEL FRANCHISE
. Avenger Land basically got F4, Avengers over time, Stark Experience, Ant Man and Wasp Nano Blast ride, etc, and a cool Cafe with a futuristic design with several Avenger themed meals
. Nine Realms Land basically is Nine Realms themed part of that theme park - like the Asgard part be all fantasy Nordic vibes, the Alfheimr be all kinda giving LOTR Elven Realms and Hyrule vibes and all, and such
. And each part of the Nine Realms Land got several Eateries!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
. That us a similar case with Dark Dimension Land btw - visitors can see Dr Strange, Dormmamu, Clea, etc dress ups
. The GOTG Land basically got Eternals, GOTG, and several Kree and Skrull dress ups 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
. X Men Land got a whole X Men themed set up ( I mean, duh )
. Omnipotence Land got a whole MCU! Greco Roman myth planes set up - with Olympus part, Tartarus part, all that
. Wakanda Land originally got a whole Wakanda theme, then since the release of Wakanda Forever, Marvel Land eventually built Talocan Part next to Wakanda Land, and it became Wakanda/Talocan Land since
So amongst the rides in Marvel Land include :
. Iron Man Experience ( Avenger Land )
. Talocan River Cruise ( Talocan Land )
. Black Panther Experience ( Wakanda Land )
. Flying Pegasuses ( think Flying Dumbo but with Pegasus ) ( Alfheim part in Nine Realms Land )
. Dark Dimension Haunted House ( Dark Dimension Land )
. GOTG Space Blast ( GOTG Land )
. Captain Marvel Space Rollercoaster ( GOTG Land )
. Falcon and Winter Soldier Flying Swing ( Avenger Land )
. Poseidon's Aquarium Ride ( Atlantis Part in Omnipotence Land )
Amongst the eateries in Marvel Land include :
. Avenger Diner ( Avenger Land ) - basically an Avenger themed diner that's kinda like a Sci fi themed diner that serves some Avenger inspired meals, including ' Stark's Deluxe Shawarmas ', " Captain America's apple pie ', ' Black Widow's borscht ' etc 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
. GOTG Cafe ( GOTG Land ) : Kinda like a Space Cafe themed eatery with GOTG themed foods
. Thor's Mead Hall ( Asgard Part in Nine Realms Land ) : Basically its designed like some Nordic fantasy tavern with waiters and waitresses dress like Space Nordics, and also there is mainly Asgardian and Nordic cuisine served 🤩🤩🤩🤩
. Dwarven Banquet Hall : Basically a Dwarven themed restaurant that mainly serves Nidavellir, Germanic, Nordic and Slavic cuisines. And all the waiting staff dress like different types of dwarves
. Ljosalfar Diner : Basically a Light Fae themed restaurant ( think kinda like Pixie Hollow Diner vibes in some ways ) that serve mainly Alfheimr themed cuisines. And oh all the waiting staff dress like different types of Light Fae
. Hercules' Synopsium Hall : Basically its got a Ancient Roman/Greek style dining experience in a Greco Roman themed restaurant, where diners can recline on lounges and enjoy mainly Greco Roman food served to them
. Persephone's Garden Cafe : Located in Persephone's Magical Garden ( a beautiful garden teeming with beautiful plants and plant related artwork located between Olympus and Tartarus parts in Omnipotence Land ), Persephone's Garden Cafe basically is in a dryad themed Cafe that serves dryad/woodland nymph themed treats and drinks
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devilofmidtownwest · 7 months
Spoiler-Free The Marvels Movie Review
I've always felt that the non-GOTG space stuff is Marvel's weakest work on screen. The first third of Captain Marvel, where she's just a warrior for the Kree? Looked bad, had bad acting, had no stakes. And after seeing her in multiple movies, I have absolutely no idea who Carol Danvers is and what drivers her and what she wants from life. She changes from writer from writer and even from scene to scene. She's like a placeholder character for the real one they should have written. I understand why Brie Larson wants out.
That said, I think the Marvels realized what it was at some point because damn did it work hard to improbably shove Kamala Khan's entire family in there for as long as possible, even if they didn't do anything, per se.
Also I read the movie completely ignores the events of Secret Wars, which is good, because I didn't see Secret Wars and I was wondering throughout if I was missing something.
This is the first Marvel movie I've seen since Love and Thunder (which I liked better) in the actual theater and I saw it with the matinee discount and paid too much for bad popcorn and I'm not happy about it. It wasn't the worst (it wasn't Eternals), but damn. Marvel, you're gonna have to do something great to get me back in the theater. Definitely bottom third of the MCU movie rankings.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Team Supplemental - The Guardian of The Galaxy
The cosmic team of adventurers known as The Guardians of Galaxy is composed of various heroes from different planets, universes and realities, who have come together for the common purpose of guarding the galaxy from threats too large and dire to be taken on by any singular hero.  
There have been many iterations of the Guardians.  The original heralds from Earth  691, where the time-displaced earthly astronaut, Major Vance Astrovik helped to form a group of disparate alien heroes to take on the threat of The Badoon.  A subsequent battle against Korvac resulted in The guardians being transported to the modern era of Earth 616, where they teamed up with the Avengers to ultimately defat Korvac.  
Some years later, Star-Lord created a new version of the Guardians of The Galaxy in the midst of The Annihilation War where they freed the planet Hala from occupation by the villainous Phalanx.  The team has continued on from there, with a regally shifting membership, battling all manner of cosmic threats, from Thanos the Mad Titan to the dreaded Black Vortex.  
Primary member of the Guardians have included:
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Peter Quill, the son of lord J’Son and heir to the throne of the Spartax Empire.  Peter has eschewed his royal title to fight for justice throughout the cosmos as the legendary Star-Lord.  
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The adopted daughter of Thanos the Mad Titan who trained her from birth to become the most dangerous assassin in the universe.  Although she betrayed her tyrannical father and ended up a member of The Guardians so to take on the so-called Church of The Universal Truth as vengeance for the churches genocide of her native people, the Zen-Whoberians.
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Rocket Raccoon
a genetically and cybernetically enhanced raccoon turned freelance mercenary turned member of the Guardians.  He is considered to have one of the best tactical minds in the galaxy.
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A Flora colossi from Planet X, the capital of the branch worlds.  Root was banished from his world for defending the life of a mammal.  It wondered the cosmos for decades until it found itself in the service of Star-Lord first iteration of the Guardians.  Fostering a close friendship with Rocket Raccoon, Groot has remained a staple member of each successive iteration of the squad.  
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Drax the Destroyer
The mind of a human named Arthur Douglass who was transplanted into an artificially developed superbly by the Eternals of Titan.  Draw was originally designed as a weapon to bring down Thanos.  He later ended up a member of the Guardians.
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A cyborg Luphomoid pirate who claimed to be the daughter of Thanos.  More often than not Nebula has proven a frequent adversary of the Guardians and formed her own version of the team (called The Dark Guardians) to hunt down a resurrected Thanos.  Her role as a member of the Guardians is more prominent in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  
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A former Avenger of Earth who was trained by the Priests of Parma to become the Celestial Madonna.  She possesses near peerless fighting skills as well as an enhanced cosmic awareness.  Mantis was part of Star-Lord’s initial band of Guardians and has served on a number of its subsequent iterations.  
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Adam Warlock
Designed by the scientists of The Enclave to be the ‘perfect being,’ the man called Warlock severed alongside the Guardians to defeat his future self, a malevolent being called The Magus who leads the Church of The Universal Truth.
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The daughter of Arthur Douglas who cultivated powerful telepathic abilities whist care for by the Eternals of Titan.  She has served as both an Avenger and a Defender and joined The Guardians to bring down Thanos.  
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The genetically engineered daughter of the Kree hero Mar-Vell.  She has operated under the monikers of Captain Marvel, Quasar and The Martyr.  She and her lover Moondragon have served on multiple iterations of the Guardians.
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A rengade from the Microverse, Bug was among the first recruits of Star-Lord’s initial band of Guardians tasked with taking on The Phalanx.  Bug went on to serve with the Guardians for subsequent mission yet left the team to help form the Knowhere Corps.
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An earthly dog who was sent into space as part of the space program of the former Soviet Union.  Passing through a radiational field, Cosmo was bestowed psychic powers.  He has acted as both the Chief of Security for Knowhere as well as a member of the Guardians.
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Major Victory
Vance Astrovik, a time-displaced, older version of the earthly hero known as Justice who heralds from Earth 691.  Possessing telekinetic abilities and quipped with a protective suite that bestowed greatly enhanced physical powers, The Major helped to for his realty’s version of The Guardians.
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A Centauri who can mentally control the arrows he fires.  Yondu joined the Guardians to garner vengeance on the Badoon after the Empire had slaughtered his native peoples.  The 616 version of Yondo became a pirate and was the captor-come-mentor of young Peter Quill.
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Stakar of the House of Ogord was rescued from Earth during the Badoon invasion and brought to the monastery planet known as Vesper.  Through his archeological research, Stakar became bonded with he being known as Aleta Ogord and the two became Starhawk.  Often the two shared the body in unison although at times Starhawk would change from man to woman when Aleta’s consciousness gained greater control.  Together they loaned their terrific powers to Major Victory’s iteration of The Guardians of The Galaxy.
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A sentient crystalline who heralds from the 691 Universe.  He had been part of a scientific and research colony of his kind stationed on the planet Pluto.  The colony was abandoned hen the Badoon Empire was taking over the Sol Solar System and Martinex volunteered to remain behind to destroy their research so that it would not fall into the Badoon’s hands.  He succeeded in this end and afterward ended up joining Major Victory’s version of The Guardians.  
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Nicholette ‘Nikki’ Gold, a humanoid modified to live on a colony on the planet Mercury.  Her family were slaughter by the Badoon yet she managed to escape and ended up a member of Major Victory’s iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy.  
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Charlie 27
A hulking humanoid from a colony on Jupiter who possesses greatly enhanced strength and durability.  When he discovered that his galaxy had been overrun by The Badoon, Charle agreed to join Major Victory’s and Martinex Guardians.  
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Captain Universe
Gabriel Vargas was an American army veteran who found himself possessed by the cosmic Uni-Force, transforming him into Captain Universe.  After traversing the stars, Varga found himself recruited into Star-Lord initial team of Guardians sent to free Hala from The Phalanx.  Vargas gave up his powers to help ensure victory and fell in battle soon thereafter.  
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Jack Flag
A one time partner to Captain America on Earth, Jack ended up allied with Star-Lord during a break out on the Negative Zone-stationed penitentiary, Prison 42.  Jack escaped with Star-Lord to Knowhere and the young hero stuck around to act as a member of the then current iteration of The Guardians.  He later returned to earth and was sadly killed during the set of the Secret Empire event.
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An Asgardian warrior princess who came to join The Guardians whist scouring the cosmos in search of her lost love, Sera.  
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A human adolescent who befriended Drax the Destroyer when he was marooned on Earth.  She later joined him as a member of The Guardians in fighting in the Annihilation War.  She later returned to earth and became embroiled in the gristly goings on of the Avengers Arena event.  
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A Shi’ar warrior who briefly served as a adjunct member of the Avengers.  She ended up incarcerated by the Kree Empire and was conscripted to serve in Star-Lord’s initial team of Guardians.  She sadly perished early in the adventure when she attacked Captain Universe for ‘robbing her of a kill’ and the Uni-Force reflexively atomized her.    
Additional members of the Guardians of the Galaxy have included Hercules, Marvel Boy, Agent Venom, Captain Marvel, Doctor Doom, Kitty Pryde, Iron Man, Any Man, The Thing, Kl’rt The Super Skrull, Nova, Quasar, Hulkling, Wiccan, Kid Loki and The Cosmic Ghost Rider.
The Earth 691 version of The Guardians of The Galaxy first appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes #18 (1968); whereas the 616 iteration of the team first appeared in the pages of Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord #1 (2007).
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the-collector-blog · 2 years
some broad mcu theory rambling:
quantum kang caused the creation of the bangles and ten rings. the space stone draws energy "from the cosmos" but it's actually through the quantum realm (or smth). the noor dimension is maybe just an area in the quantum realm, and maybe even the clandestines had slowed aging because they came from a place where time does not pass "normally".
vibranium may contain(?) cosmic energy, and that is why it is a powerful energy source, and why tony's arc reactor was nearly renewable energy (made from the vibranium element howard figured out the structure of). the space stone draws from cosmic energy, which is why the tesseract was seen as a renewable, infinite energy source.
the ten rings were unrecognizable to carol. maybe because kang made them with tech from the 31st century or beyond 🤔 the rings in his tech in the quantumania trailer do look strikingly like the ten rings. maybe quantum energy is why they grant eternal life to their bearer 👀 and... he may have found them in a tomb? like...the one in ms. marvel, where one bangle was found on a kree arm, and which had a huge ten rings symbol on the ground? hm. ten rings granting eternal life, perhaps through their energy, which is perhaps quantum. them being adjacent with the bangle, and thus the noor dimension, and people from it having slowed aging (or none at all). (oh yeah. and carol aging slowly after being blasted w cosmic energy.)
the bangle creating a rift between dimensions/timelines when struck, sending kamala back in time, perhaps by the design of he who remains (according to iman). some striking visual similarities between the [quantumania trailer + deleted ant man and the wasp scene with janet in the quantum realm] and the noor dimension as showed in ms. marvel.
then there's the whole thing with light. monica rambeau being able to transform the photon particles of her body into wave forms (if i understand that right). carol having light powers (shooting "photon blasts") she got from the cosmic energy of the space stone. kamala being from a "light" dimension of sorts and having powers relating to some kind of light (hard light, noor), being able to shape it with the bangle. them all being in the marvels, which will probably deal with different dimensions.
and lastly.. the ten rings sending out a signal/beacon once worn by their intended/true (?) bearer. kamala's bangle receiving some sort of broadcast signal in the post credits scene which kickstarts the marvels. probably related to quantum entanglement if she switches places with carol like that. cassie lang sending a signal to the quantum realm, which janet reacts to with great fear, knowing it will alert some danger and maybe specifically kang. the beacons.. could all be felt by kang, maybe, perhaps? idek. the beacon stuff felt potentially connected.
(hello hi don't come for me if i don't remember every bit of marvel lore correctly, i tried my best. feel free to respectfully add on though, of course)
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Skull the Slayer #2 (Wolfman/Gan, Oct 1975). We’re back! Flung back in time to caveman times, Scully liberates a skull-shaped belt buckle from an alien corpse. I guess with the Kree and the Eternals, it’s not exactly a surprise to find intergalactic visitors lurking in our past. The buckle glows and gives him super-strength to kill dinosaurs. Kinda unnecessary — he was doing just fine against a t-rex last month!
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thedarkcoven · 1 year
Watching old X-Men movies and thinking about how MCU is all the same universe (so to speak) and the fact that old school FF Human Torch had some actor.... Apocalypse and Moon Knight (both Egyptian cause yknow Avatar of Khonshu and all that for Moon Knight) having the same actor. A Kree in Captain Marvel also had the same actress as Sersi in Eternals.... The list goes on just... just imagine the meetings between them, like what would happen? Lol (Yes I know "technically" some of these aren't considered MCU by some people- at least from what I've heard- but I consider all marvel movies to be MCU but that's just my opinion if that makes sense lol) I know this is just me rambling but i wanna know xD
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obscurest-reference · 2 years
there's so much to impact so i'll just go down the list of whats been announced (and leaked)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Feb 17, 2023)
i have no thoughts on this movie. i am excited for more Kang lore and for Cassie to be a bug (?) but that's about it. i hope Luis returns
Secret Invasion (Spring 2023)
okay so i get the Skrulls and Kree mixed up but after googling it i now remember the difference
i am honestly really excited for more Fury and Maria. i miss Fury and Maria had so much potential so i'm just. i'm vibing with this one
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 (May 5, 2023)
i'm only slightly more excited for this one than for Quantumania
i do remember hearing that this'll be basically the end of the GotG (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) so i'm kinda sad but if it's anything like the other two films i'm so ready for this one
Echo (Summer 2023)
Jessica Jones better show up at the end of this one >:(
but in all seriousness Echo seems like a really cool character and I can't wait to see and learn more about her (and see more of Fisk?)
Loki s2 (Summer 2023)
The Marvels (July 28, 2023)
I heard it was gonna be part musical?? idk i'm not looking forward to that part. could work with Joker but not with the Marvels, sorry
but! i am excited to see more Maria and Kamala
my theory is that Carol found the second bangle and that's how her and Kamala switched places
Blade (Nov 3, 2023)
tbh i know nothing about Blade other than he hunts vampires and Eternals was supposed to set this up
and also that there was already a Blade movie
should i watch the old Blade movie? was it good?
imagine if he kills Morbius in the movie.
Ironheart (Fall 2023)
i'm actually pretty excited for this one despite hardly knowing anything about the character!!
i know Riri is gonna be in Black Panther II so i bet it'll set this show up
Agatha: Coven of Chaos (Winter 2023/Early 2024)
ok imma be honest, i think i'm least excited for this one
idk! i liked Agatha as a one-off villain, i didn't really see her character going anywhere after WandaVision
i have no idea whats gonna happen in this show. is her husband finally gonna show up or
Daredevil: Born Again (Spring 2024)
Captain America: New World Order (May 3, 2024)
i really fucking hope Bucky doesn't die, not only because he's been my comfort character for 8 years, but because i also want him to be in
Thunderbolts (July 26, 2024)
okay okay so i skimmed the wiki page for 616 Thunderbolts and this is the group i wanna see:
Zemo and Bucky as reluctant and hateful co-leaders (or one or the other as the leader, but i def want both to be in it)
John Walker as U.S. Agent and Yelena Belova as the Black Widow
(these four alone are such a fun combination and i cannot express how much i want them to be a group)
Kate Bishop (and maybe even Clint Barton!) as Hawkeye
bonus ones that don't make sense but would be fun: Taskmaster and Ghost
also, i know Val was Madame Hydra, but considering how she went to both John and Yelena, what if she's putting together the Thunderbolts?
Fantastic Four (Nov 8, 2024)
if Krasinski is Mr. Fantastic can Emily Blunt be Sue Storm pls
oh i'll also take it if Joe Keery is Human Torch
if none of those people are in the cast then I Don't Want It
Avengers: Kang Dynasty (May 2, 2025)
holy fucking SHIT
Avengers: Secret Wars (Nov 7, 2025)
I really really fucking hope this isnt supposed to be a sequel to Kang Dynasty
i am!
Other thoughts on other announcements/leaks
after seeing the full She-Hulk trailer, i can safely say i am now more excited for this one than i previously was (it was the one i was least excited for lmao)
when is the black panther trailer supposed to drop i thought it was gonna get released like an hour ago sobs
no?? no Shang-Chi or Moon Knight news?? none?? come on Marvel y'all know those are the best ones. you can admit it.
i'm so fucking excited for Marvel: Zombies too i know that show is gonna be ELITE
so Spider-Man: Freshman Year is just gonna be another Spider-Man show i guess?? got me thinking it would be canon to the MCU
and i guess X-Men 97 is just a continuation of the 90s animated show so i'll have to watch that. it looks goofy and fun though
the Multiverse Saga. what a fucking power play
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