#kny polycule
mikuyuuss · 3 months
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Uzugiyuu doodle bc I havent drawn them in a long time ❤️
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circusmantis · 1 year
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Back again with these 4! Repost cus of minor tweaks
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dash-o-frost · 9 months
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I get into an anime. I find a gay ship. I discard the canon. I live in the ao3 tags.
That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
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victor-the-vampire · 6 months
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I did a poll on my Instagram for what kny ship they wanted to see, and Tanjiro Polycule won! :D so here's what I did! I imagine Inosuke is ranting while Genya and Tanjiro listen!
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echantedtoon · 1 month
Thinking about a fun Haishira polycule (minus Muichiro) x Y/n au where they all fall for her kindness and motherly attitude to all of the younger kiddos. Still undecided if this takes place in Demon Slayer or Kimetsu Gauken but will probably be in Kimetsu Gauken as I like the modern spin off-
Y/n: I'm not a mother figure.
Y/n: *is being followed by the Kamaboko squad, Kaigaku, Muichiro and Yuichiro, the butterfly girls, Senjuro, Aoi, and the Ubuyashiki quintuplets*
The Haishira: *swoons*
stil working this out but thought it'd be a fun little idea to explore.
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
I truthfully admire that I have yet to see anyone who writes for tengen try to pretend he isn't polygamous. Idk, polyamory/polygamy gets a lot of shit, especially polygamy (which is understandable given the representation its recieved in media as being inherently misogynistic but it doesnt HAVE to be that way), so I really admire that I actually haven't seen a post in the wild being like ' tengen breaks up with all of his wives just for you!!!' Everyone just accepts him and them as a package deal and that's incredibly lovely to my poly heart.
And yall make it sexy too!! Everyone's like 'yep, he just gets that much play. He's just that hot. Flashy man needs a flashy crew of ladies with him! He can take four at once if he really wants to, and satisfy all of them while he's at it. He's a banging lay and a stand up protector' like you don't paint him to be a creep (ass slap moment aside) just because he's got like, sister wives (affectionate) . Nobody doubts that he treats all of them like queens and that they all love him dearly and he loves all of them and it just makes me 😫😫😫 so happy and so hopeful.
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darianias · 9 months
My view/TED Talk on Tengen Uzui and a platonic relationship with wives (not canon lol)
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⚠️CW:⚠️ adult topics are addressed but nothing explicit is mentioned what so ever, probable typos everywhere, this is composes of half-awake ADHD tangents that wouldn't leave my mind so I'm writing it down so my brainw will chill and I can sleep lol. Meaning this isn't planned out in the slightest. No professionalism here. 😅 Also due to the tangental nature of this, don't take this as an attack on anyone or thing. Please. 🙏 That is the opposite reasons why I am posting this.
⚠️DISCLAIMER:⚠️ This talks about Tengen and his wives not being in love; despite me shipping it otherwise. (this isn't hate it's more so to help people be more comfortable and have access to more fics comfortably lol. I will not tolerate bigotry towards: polysexuals, polyromantics OR anyone LGBTQIA+. You will be blocked and reported.
Explanatory tangent about why I'm making this and QPPs:
feel free to skip the intro if you already understand lol the entire tangental for the most part anyay.
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Into & brief? Personal QPP explanation
I'm writing this in the wee hours of the morning because I was trying to get settled to sleep reading fics... when I remembered that alot of people can't read a lot of Tengen fics as they're not into poly or aren't into women one way or another. It... somewhat bothers me that people get upset, but I also understand where people come from at least, as I just have a different mindset, and I think it could help some people's destress with this???
I am among those not really into women and am picky about polyships in general but esp with y/n. However, I am also aspec, specifically demisexual and demiromantic are the labels I'm most comfortable with in these cases. Why do I mention this? Well...
Among the #Asexual & #Aroromantic community we can feel and have relationships that can be labeled as Queer Platonic. (I imagine it can happen with any sexuality but that's not the point here.)
A Queer Platonic Relationship is a kind of strong platonic love that's stronger than just friendships but without the romantic or sexual feelings of a romantic or sexual relationship. It doesn't have to be between two people of the same sex or gender, it can be oppsites.
Also I'm not expert so do you research, a this is from a personal pov here to try and give an example.
I am in a Queer Platonic relationship of around 10 years now. The love I feel is just as real as others but it's different. In a way it's like how some animals become a bonded pair or set. I would do anything for her, but I would never feel comfortable or desire to kiss her, date her, or "sleep" with her. 🤢 Cuddles are the furthest I'd go and since we don't live alone we'd never do it around my dad, as most people don't seem to understand and I'd rather people not think we are in either of those kinds of relationships, but that's me. Other people in these relationships may feel differently and have different levels of comfort and confidence lol. My QPP and we each have our own wants and desires for other people... specifically fictional men for the most part. So sharing a bed is a nono and while we can share a room as we had to before- we respect each other's need for "alone time." Also snuggles and the like are human and mammalian nature, but society likes to just group it into two small boxes: young child/baby familial or romantic in nature. Which is weird when you think of our needs as a social animal or social mammal, it's not really healthy.
Anyway if you want to learn more, I suggest starting here:
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Onto Tengen & His Wives
Anyway the POINT IS, in my head in tengen x y/n situations, tengen x sonas or tengen x other character but not in a poly way, I apply these types of feelings to. Hell I kind of do in canon as well, as for me the love and care he has for his wives is real, but I feel it more in a QPP way as I don't.... have any real vibes that tell me otherwise, regardless of them being canon. It's just how I vibe. I'm not against the relationship by any means as in aus not dealing with him as a main focus (these are private aus and my QPP and I are literally both Tengen simps and also ship him with Kyojuro), Tengen and his wives are very much are all in love with each other. So I'm not really against the actual ship or relationship. I do wish it was more fleshed out tho, I am overally more comfortable with the idea that everyone in the polycule love each other romantically and sexually in this case as otherwise it's uncomfortable for me. 😅 That's just how I like my Polyships.
With that in mind, I am comfortable with the idea of plantonic cuddle puddles, caring for each other, taking care of each other as long as it doesn't become romantic or sexual with the other women or between the trio and Tengen.
So... how do we begin to tackle this? Well look at some of the facts:
They were in an arranged marriage with prior relationships not being detailed whatsoever. Tengen didn't want to have 3 wives to use as tools as his ninja clan ruled. He wanted to save them from that fate as well.
While in canon they all did fall in love with Tengen there's many ways to take this relationship. They have some base level of care for each other be it friends, familial, QPP, romantically or so on.
Example 1:
One thing I like to do is ship the wives in their own polycule, but this is back in the day in Japan 🗾 so I sometimes apply the fact that with a divorce they all would be legally separated due to this, and Tengen whose relationship to them are more platonic, wouldn't do that to those dear to him. Meanwhile adding another wife is still more socially acceptable seemingly in this world albeit much isn't specified so we really just need to guess.
That is an idea I more so apply when reading fics rather than my own story creation.
Example 2:
A similar idea is that they all are in a way "trauma bonded", they went through hell and back together as ninja, and escaped from their clan, that isnt a simple or safe task when dealing with shinobi, ao them all joining the slayer corps makes sense. While they may not love each other romantically/sexually, they all love each other and are loyal to each other. You can take this ship the wives together or only two of them or find them partners outside of the group. Wanna ship Suma and Mitsuri or Makio and Giyu??? Go for it. They can join the family.
In the end...
I can kinda go on and on with tons of different examples, my point is, if possible, open your mind to these ideas, you can enjoy so much more of the fandom this way. Yeah there's no wives of wifeless fics and the like, but most people here are fine with being the 4th wife or an additional Husband or 4th significant other to Tengen. There's nothing wrong with that. But I see people get tense with that or annoyed and I can't help but feel this want to kind of bridge things if at all possible. There's ways you can enjoy many of these these fics, headcanons, scenarios, etc. without having to feel as though you have to be in an actual polycule if that's not your taste or thing.
End Statment
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I am a NOBODY on this site, half of my small pool of followers are bots and the others mostly just followed be back/are moots??? I mostly like and reblog other people's things. My creations are mostly between my QPP and I and in our heads and random discord messages as just, we don't have the spoons to write or draw that stuff more often than not. 99% of it is entirely self indulgent lol. BUT there's a tiny chance this could help someone, y'know? Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll cause more problems. 😰😬 I'm not deep enough in any fandom to see drama and ship hate and the like. 😅 I'm more or less a fandom hermit in my own little corner or bubble. I am passionate about this series. I've been hyperfixating on it almost non stop for about a year now. 😅😂 I just want others to enjoy it as much as possible. As long as you're not being a bigot to others. 😌 So please don't think I'm trying to start crap, as long as what you ship is *legal* hint hint, nudge nudge. idgaf what you're into as long as you're not harming or harassing others lol.
Also getting these tangents out of my head makes it so my brain can settle down more lol ADHD is a pain in the ass at times.
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ash-the-drawer · 2 years
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moregraceful · 1 month
30 with Ethan Cardwell/person of your choosing please and thanks
#30 only one bed....anon I tried (no I didn't)
This one goes out to my friend who said "come on man, that's his dad" when I made a joke about Cardsy and Scotty and takes great inspiration from Ko who said Todd/Cassels/Sabs are pooling resources (dick) 🫡🫡
Horny chaos as promised...there was a hot second where this was almost serious and then the bass dropped on the Steve Aoki song I was listening to and I just couldn't commit to keeping a straight face.
Cardsy wasn’t as bad as the other prospects. When Goosh was stressed, he turned into a Jack Russell terrier and his sharp puppy teeth hurt like hell if you got between him and the chew toys Kny kept in his bag. Or poor Shakir, turning into something of a gender changing chameleon – Scott still didn't get it. No one got it, except Simmer, and thank God for him. And hell, even Ozzy, who was by far the least frazzled off ice, had a habit of shrinking and then the whole bus would be delayed because he'd fallen off a seat and they couldn’t find him. Compared to that, Cardsy teleporting to the nearest person he felt safest with wasn't so bad.
His timing was terrible though.
“Jesus Christ,” yelped Nathan, and hit the deck like Cardsy hadn’t seen it all already.
Cole just started laughing.
“I’m sorry,” said Cardsy, panicked. “I didn't mean to–ah, fuck—Sabs!”
Scott had grabbed his arm so he couldn't disappear. God knows where Cardsy would land next and Tanner wasn’t quite as forgiving as Scott and his boys on a night off. “Kid,” he said, irritated. “Come on.”
Cardsy was bright red. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I can go. Maybe Robbie can tie me to the bed again. It didn't work last time but maybe he didn't tie my arms tight enough.”
Behind Cardsy’s head, Nathan, climbing off the floor with his pants in one hand, mouthed “oh my god?”
Cole was still laughing. He climbed out of bed. His boner wasn't even gone. Fucking maniac. “We’ll leave. Night babe.”
He was still laughing as he pulled on his sweats. Cardsy glanced at his dick once, blanched, and then looked at Scott.
It’s like—he was such a fucking pain in the ass for Scott, but he was so earnest about it. He was so apologetic and ashamed every time he cockblocked Scott.
Scott loved being a veteran presence and he loved guiding a new generation of hockey players. He loved the Barracuda in a complicated way, but overall was enjoying the chaos. It wasn’t worse than other AHL teams. The prospects were a little more feral – if Goosh bit him one more time, he was going to crate train the kid – but they worked hard, wanted to be the best, wanted to do their best.
But deep into December when his main concern was body heat shared between him, Nathan, and Cole in king beds across the Pacific Division, it was terribly inconvenient for Cardsy to also go on a multi-game streak without goals and for him to appear in Scott’s bedroom, or kitchen, or living room, or, one time, a hot tub.
Scott let go of his arm when he felt sure Cardsy was grounded again. “Come on,” he said again and sat down on the bed.
“Do you want to put your dick away first,” mumbled Cardsy.
“Do you have a problem with my dick?” asked Scott, irritably.
“No,” said Cardsy, quickly. “It's a nice dick.” Then he went red again. “I mean—it’s big—no, wait, I mean—”
Scott grabbed his arm again and yanked him onto the bed. Manhandled the kid into his side even though he was buck naked and Cardsy was shirtless and it was awkward as fuck to touch someone else’s skin like this.
Cardsy went boneless against him though, like he needed a little rough-handling and a hug. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I just was thinking.”
“Stop thinking,” said Scott. “Nothing good ever comes from thinking.”
“I know,” said Cardsy miserably. “You said that last time. But I start thinking and then I can’t turn my brain off and then I’m just like, trapped in how I won’t ever break this slump, and then all of a sudden I’m getting in the way of your polycule again.”
“What the fuck is a polycule – don’t answer that, I don't care.” Scott blew out a breath. “It’ll come back, Cardsy. Just gotta keep shooting the puck.”
“It just feels like nothing is coming together,” said Cardsy. “It feels like we’re never going to make it. It feels like I’m never going to make it.” He frowned. Scott could feel it against his shoulder and it very unfortunately made something spark in him. Cardsy’s fault for interrupting before he could jerk off on Cole's stomach. Oh, that was a thought he shouldn't have with a rookie on his shoulder. Cardsy sighed and Scott could feel that too. “Like, what if I bomb out next year and never make it to the show?”
“I’m not really the right person to have this conversation with,” said the AHL-lifer. “But—” Scott said, when he felt Cardsy open his mouth to protest, his lips brushing against Scott’s shoulder, “I’ve been around long enough to know that a multi-game goalless streak isn't what gets you cut from a team. Not with your drive, and your grit, and your work ethic, and your good attitude–”
“Shut up,” said Cardsy. His face was hot against Scott’s shoulder. “Quit it.”
Scott carried on, because if there was one thing he was good at, it was being annoying as fuck. “And your boyish good looks, and the way you try to rally the locker room, and the way you try to pump up the boys, and—” he said, when Cardsy made a noise of discomfort, “your ability to ask for help when you need it.”
“I feel like cockblocking you isn’t really, um,” said Cardsy, “asking for help.”
“But you don't bite like Goosh,” said Scott. “At least you want, fuck, I don't know, normal shit. Comfort. Someone to tell you you're gonna be fine.”
“Sorry,” said Cardsy, sounding embarrassed.
“You’ll be fine,” said Scott as gently as he could muster, which wasn't much. He brushed a hand through Cardsy’s hair, tugging on a curl hard so Cardsy would look up at him. Cardsy grunted. “Hey,” said Scott. He took Cardsy’s jaw and made him look Scott in the eye. “You’ll be fine.”
Cardsy blinked up at Scott with his big blue eyes. “Are we going to kiss,” he said seriously.
“Do you want to kiss?” asked Scott, already anticipating how much Nathan and Cole would make fun of him if they did. Worth it, maybe. Probably not. Maybe. He’d do it if the kid wanted to.
“No,” said Cardsy with a sigh. “Frischy would make so much fun of me. He keeps saying that I get the most old man dick of anyone on this team—”
“Old man dick?” said Scott, incredulously.
“—even though I keep telling him and Vinny that I’m not getting any old man dick, I literally am getting no old man dick in any of this even though I’ve seen all of your old man dicks, like nowhere in this situation am I touching your old man dicks or you guys are touching my dick or—”
“Stop saying that,” Scott pleaded. “Stop saying old man dick.”
“Him and Vinny would never let it go if we kissed,” said Cardsy. He blinked his big blue eyes at Scott again. Scott let go of his jaw way too belatedly. Cardsy smiled. He really was beautiful, like one of those angels you’d see on a ceiling in a church in Italy. “I'm good.”
“You are good,” said Scott. He brushed a hand through Cardsy's hair. “You’re better than you think. You’ll get out of this dry period and you’ll come back swinging. League won’t know what hit it.”
Cardsy made a face. Then he smiled. “Thanks, man.”
They stared at each other for a long moment. Scott really wondered if they might kiss until Cardsy said, “okay, this is weird.” He got up. “Love you or whatever. Bye.”
“What,” said Scott.
Cardsy kissed Scott on the forehead. Blessed by a church painting, thought Scott. “Freak.”
“Big talk from the guy giving me a pep talk dick out and half hard,” said Cardsy.
“Your fault,” said Scott. “Prospects these days are so ungrateful, goddamn.”
Cardsy looked down at Scott’s dick with a significant look. “‘kay,” he said. 
“Get out,” said Scott. “Unless you want old man dick.”
Cardsy seemed to genuinely consider it for a moment, which horrified and thrilled Scott. Then he shook his head. “No.” He went to the door and paused. “Thanks Scott,” he said. “Um, for everything. Being patient with me and stuff.”
“Anytime kid,” said Scott, because neither of them really had a say in it. He grinned. “Remember what I said.”
Cardsy nodded and slipped out. Scott flopped on his back and picked up his phone to text his boys.
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poorgay · 2 years
hi! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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this blog might just be IS where i dump my p3 headcannons (all nonsensical and mostly femc focused) *because of elon ill probs be posting more but less about fandom stuff
i also dump genshin + other fandom hcs, be warned i dont use punctuation or capitalization often (or well)
i also reblog stuff that i like, things sometimes have spoilers so be aware (fandom list + spoiler containing listed below)
i like horror so there might be some blood reblogged, i will tag for possible triggers (dm if u want me to tag anything)
i have asks open!!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
feel free to use it or dm me i dont mind, i probs will answer late tho
guide to tags/fandom list ♪( ´▽`):
(most of these are pretty self explanatory)
#♡ higu ♡ = higurashi no naku koro ni *spoilers reblogged
#♡ umi ♡ = umineko no naku koro no *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ciconia ♡ = ciconia no naku koro ni
#♡ gg ♡ = guilty gear
#♡ splat ♡ = splatoon
#♡ utena ♡ = revolutionary girl utena *spoilers reblogged
#♡ p3 ♡ = persona 3 *spoilers reblogged/mentioned
# ♡ p4 ♡ = persona 4
# ♡ p5 ♡ = persona 5
#♡ pq2 ♡ = persona q 2 new cinema labyrinth *spoilers reblogged
#♡ mysmes ♡ = mystic messenger *spoilers reblogged
#♡ gyaru ♡= gyaru outfits/magazines the likes
#♡ genshin ♡ = genshin impact
#♡ fe ♡ = fire emblem *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ff ♡ = final fantasy *spoilers reblogged
#♡ madoka ♡ = madoka magica *spoilers reblogged
#♡ prsk ♡ = project sekai
#♡ vocaloid ♡ = vocaloid
#♡ tsukihime ♡ = tsukihime
#♡ csm ♡ = chainsaw man *spoilers reblogged
#♡ op ♡ = one piece *spoilers reblogged
#♡ pokémon ♡ = pokémon *spoilers reblogged
#♡ sonic ♡ = sonic the hedgehog
#♡ kh ♡ = kingdom hearts *spoilers reblogged
#♡ eva ♡ = neon genesis evangelion *spoilers reblogged*
#♡ sm ♡ = sailor moon
#♡ opm ♡ = one punch man *spoilers reblogged
#♡ nana ♡ = nana (ai yazawa) *spoilers reblogged
#♡ pk ♡ = paradise kiss
#♡ chobits ♡ = chobits
#♡ xxxholic ♡ = xxxholic
#♡ ccs ♡ = card captor sakura
#♡ cg ♡ = code geass *spoilers reblogged
#♡ aa ♡ = ace attorney *spoilers reblogged
#♡ orv ♡ = omniscient readers viewpoint *spoilers reblogged
#♡ haruhi ♡ = the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
#♡ limco ♡ = limbus company *spoilers reblogged
#♡ lobcorp♡ = lobotomy corporation *spoilers reblogged
#♡ ruina♡ =library of ruina *spoilers reblogged
#♡ aitsf ♡ = ai the somnium files
#♡ my art ♡ = my art
#♡ kny ♡ = demon slayer
#♡ touhou ♡ = touhou
#♡ mgs ♡ = metal gear solid
#♡ dunmeshi ♡ = dungeon meshi
#♡ rs ♡ = revue starlight *currently live-blogging
#poorgay headcanons hour = where all my fandom headcanons go
# ♡ ask ♡ = asks
♡ p3au rambles ♡ = where i talk about my p3 au *fucking mute this
#♡ = misc.
obscure ship tags:
#abysslillies : guizhong x skirk from genshin impact
#mitsuham : femc x mitsuru from persona 3
#rhice: rhinedottir x alice from genshin impact
#thundersnow : raiden makoto x the tsaritsa from genshin impact
#ryodon: ryōshū x don quixote frojm limbus company
childe 8+ moms au/abyss moms polycule masterpost
if ur interested feel free to follow
just dont be weird
i cannot promise consistency
(( ̄∇ ̄))
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
ok wait i realized i can just use my gallery's text & draw thing this is great
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this is what i mean by 'the clan au doesnt have a set story'. theres all these places that it can branch off of and the possibilities r endless and i have *counting* ..14 scenarios/storylines so far and every time i think of a new scenerio another gets added<3
[slight bit more info for all the branches so far]
i havent done much with the kny-canon leaning ones they're more just like if i did follow canon thats how it'd be done ykno? im thinking they get raided by the shinazugawas for control of the trade routes and either they both survive like that one post or only giyu survives, either way Sakonji takes in the living tomioka(s)
most of the stories arent tied down to canon theyre more whatever worldbuilding i have and stories pop up from them- one of the first ones was the shina-tomi failed peacetalks bc i wanted to draw sanemi & giyuu fighting (i just realized i placed the branches perfectly bc thats closer to canon than the others lol)
if the peacetalks worked(wouldve been later/after sanemi took over) then it kinda snowballed into a few nearby/allied clans forming a village, then from that theres the Tomi-Daki diplomat/trade envoy w the fox trio(giyu makomo & sabito)
the rescues are like. little to no formal interactions between any of the three clans(shina-kumeno is always allied), in the first one its winter and giyu's on his way home when he catches the trail of bloodline hunters and saves Genya & Masachika.
in the other one giyu's pinned by a rogue shinobi and sanemi & sabito both find him at the same time and they make a lil truce bc giyu has severe chakra exhastion and cant make it home
undercover mission has one thats purely sanegiyu; sanemi is disguised as Kazura & giyu as Gikuro and actually i looked back at my notes and this ones like. in the past before the village branch. so it connects to that one but it can also be a standalone. the other undercover mission is sabisanegiyu where sabito & giyuu went undercover as a master/servant thing and sanemi was disgusted by it and didnt know that it wasnt Real so he tried to 'save' giyuu and got invited to the polycule<3
the lil unnamed branches inbetween is that one where giyu got chased out the clan by tsutako for killing their mom, there was a spy who had taken her place and giyu noticed and killed the spy but tsutako only saw him killing their mom and she lost her shit in dispair & heartbreak. theres a branch for Giyu staying alone, Sabito ditching the urokodakis for his packmate while makomo stays behind to fix things with tsutako, and both Sabito & Makomo ditching the urokodakis for their packmate
the arranged marriages are sanegiyu with the first branch being after sanemi takes over and giyu asking for it ot of goodwill & he likes him(his pack gets to stay w him). other two Kyogo requested(demanded) it for trade routes, he doesnt allow the urokodakis to go with bc theyre Not Tomiokas and these routes more heavily portray the different biology of the southerners/mountain-pass(a/b/o)
ones angsty bc sanemi is like. CRUSHED that he cant find love on his own. his father takes literally everything away from him. while sanemi is kind & respects giyu he doesnt really care for him. and for giyu to go from a very close-knit family-oriented culture to the stone cold-cutthroat/conservative/severely traumatized/individualist culture of the shinazigawas with literally No One there for him he gets pretty fucked up w the emotional neglect
the other ones less angsty bc sanemi actually Tries in their relationship and finds that he actually enjoys giyu's company- and cuddles. the cuddles r fuckin great. but kyogo's still a cunt and a massive hindrance to emotional and mental healing of everyone around him. but sanemi's not alone now so its Better
#kny clan au#im Hoping that by posting this ppl will ask abt some of them n add their own two cents for ideas to flesh them out more#actually im realizing now that this is. probably incredibly niche and self indulgent. its naruto systems x kny characters#+ giyuu-centric as fuck w a lot of sabigiyu & sanegiyu#i swear its not all about giyu im making a better map of the world & it has so many other clans & fandoms to play with#i just havent focused on anything other than giyu bc hes my lil guy. my lil loserboy beloved. u understand right????#i wanna explore more shit with other people i have an entire continent of political shit to figure out#all i got so far is that w the bigass mountain straight thru the middle the tomi-daki pass is the safest for traders so a lot go thru there#and they specifically run like. protection details for passer-bys so people dont die from the elements. which means they get access to#literally every trader that goes through. theyre fucking GOLDEN and other clans either want to ally w them or attack them for their own#control. but theyre mostly safe from that bc their compounds r way up in the mountains & theyre used to the rough terrain.#its like people invading russia in winter- its just not on your side dude.. go back home..#theres also the Inarizaki from land of water trying to stake a post on the mainland near the kochos. so they went to the shinazugawas for#Reputation & actually really good firepower against attackers. even if theyre on the other end of that half of the continent.#i love worldbuilding#i did it for ocs but it started as a kid so its like. all over the place. i cant make sense of it & my ocs kinda bore me & i ended up Here#using my anime characters as lil dolls w a vague sense of their original character/personality bc i changed So Much-#if anyone inquires or not i Will be posting more about any and all of the branches Eventually#hhh stop typing Send Post#oh wait fuck i have to put it in the maintaga for people to see#fuck. shit. post be upon ye#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#demon slayer#giyuu#sabito#makomo#sanemi
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
For the ship ask uh. Tanjiro n zenitsu and inosuke. Since we're talking about kny
one of the polycules of all time!!!! most of the time none of these bitches have any braincells<3<3 theyre very sweet and dear to me and shouldve gotten to hang out more in canon without having to do a quest. also tanjirou was zenitsu and inosuke's gay awakening for absolute sure
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cloudstarcats · 2 years
Oh gosh, I saw that WIP game...I gotta ask..
What is this?
5. Harems but no (kny)
My curiosity is piqued!
Okay okay so- basically, I’m trying to write a harem with everyone loving Giyu-??? Cause frankly I think that the hashira as a big polycule could be adorable- of course they’re not all dating, Iguro is strictly dating Mitsuri, but Mitsuri is dating like him, and some other members, Tengen isn’t really with the others other then Rengoku and his wives- it’s a whole thing. Anyways the idea of Giyu getting some love harem style is like something I don’t see often so I wanted to try my hand writing it- frankly it’s mostly a chapter of Giyu admitting he might like Gyomei (it’s an underrated ship I swear-) and Tengen being like “dude. Just like. Go try and seduce him- here let me help-“ and so Giyu gets all dolled up like in silks and jewelry and stuff and Gyomei comes into their room and they basically just cuddle (no really they cuddle-) and Gyomei can’t see so he just runs his hands over Giyu and idk it’s cute-
I think Giyu and Gyomei are a horribly underrated ship, and I really want to make more content about them lol.
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betawooper · 2 years
Your thoughts on the canonical kny pairings? (The main trio, uzui's polycule, Obanai + Mitsuri and Hakuji + Koyuki)
warning ahead of time that there will be ship hate, just like look away if you dont like that stuff lol
(by main trio, im assuming you mean tanjirou with kanao, zenitsu with nezuko, and inosuke with aoi so we're gonna go with that assumption)
before i actually get started, i will say i generally dont like how gotouge writes romance if they arent established beforehand (like parents), and even then there couldve been more complexity and nuance behind such decisions, the romance is just so weak compared to their ability to write sibling dynamics
with that in mind
tanjirou and kanao - ugh, i dont like it at all, the fact that this was pretty much kanao's whole deal until the douma fight was abhorrent and every time i see kanao getting all flustered around tanjirou i lose 10 years of my life. it feels out of character and i hate that every time i see kanao interacting with him i see nothing but it being used as ship fuel and not a genuine exploration of their dynamic
they also have nothing in common and nothing to bond over, and their dynamic is not fun at all, i really dont see how both fans and gotouge genuinely think theyd make a good couple, its literally "shes a girl, hes a boy, can i make it more obvious"
zenitsu and nezuko - ughhhhhhhh
i mentioned at some point that this ship brought the worst out of canon zenitsu, and i still hold up to that, it literally ruined whatever emotional maturity he acquired in infinity fortress. then theres the fact that canon nezuko has essentially regressed to a toddler so theres the weirdness from that + she is really in no position to return his affections when she also has no agency over her actions
its the same thing with tanjirou and kanao where they also have nothing in common and nothing to bond over and their dynamic is not fun at all and its just "shes a girl, hes a boy, whoop-dee-stinking-do"
inosuke and aoi - gotouge put them together bc theyre both blue-coded huh? (/s) like thats it, that is all theyve got going, they have nothing
uzui's polycule - now this is where it gets a little better (kinda), i like how every one of the characters have distinct personalities and they play off each other in a fun way
i do have two complaints: one is that this relationship is a big reason why i think gotouge is not good at writing romance, bc even if they know how to write the four in an entertaining way, i dont sense any romantic love in their interactions. well, theres uzui and hinatsuru, but even thats reaching
second, makio apparently being a distant cousin of uzui is just wtf, idk why gotouge felt the need to add that at all, way to ruin a perfectly good relationship with a completely unnecessary and gross factoid when they could have just not done that
obanai and mitsuri - i actually really like this ship, just not the way gotouge handled it. theres so much potential for them to understand each other's struggles with their self image but all they actually got were moments about obanai being a creepy overprotective bastard over her, and mitsuri going "awww hes my knight and im a princess!" like girl,,,,,,
canon obamitsu, cringe
rewrite obamitsu, based
hakuji and koyuki - literally like the only relationship gotouge didnt screw over or fuck up, you can tell the two love each other a lot and thats what makes the tragedy later on so heartwrenching. koyuki and keizo representing hakuji's capacity to love and find hope and meaning in a cruel world and having them dying is just like, damn, cant believe this is in the same manga where zenitsu got jealous over sanemi patting nezuko on the head
tldr; main trio pairings are ass, canon obamitsu is wack, uzui polycule is okay just has a few issues, and hakuji and koyuki is the best ship in this story, no question
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echantedtoon · 29 days
Haishira Polycule Au Rambles P2
This is a more in depth drabble for this au and I've been thinking hard about it. This would most definitely take place in a modern au. College au if you will. All of the Haishira are majoring in what they would be teaching in Kimetsu Gauken Academy Minus a few people I switched around because it's an au and I have a few ideas.
Although the major difference would be that Shinobu is the one majoring in Chemistry/Sciences to become the chemistry teacher and Obanai is majority in medical/health and later becomes the schools nurse. No offense to Obanai it's just that I feel like Shinobu is a better fit for a chemistry teacher.
There is the main couples of:
Sanemi x Kanae
Mitsuri x Obanai 
Tengen x Wives 
Giyuu x Shinobu 
And Rengoku is single minus the Polycule.
(Debating on whether or not to add Gyomei)
Despite the main couples, they are all in a healthy polyamory relationship minus of course any Kanae x Shinobu (they're sisters you weirdos). Y/n is a daycare worker who works with Gyomei at the college's daycare where single parents who are students can drop off their kids while they attend classes for an extra small fee. Sanemi uses it a lot to help out his mom watch his youngest siblings while she's working, he's at college, and the older kids are at school. Still debating on whether adding Gyomei to the Polycule, but they become very good friends working at the daycare and he eventually introduced them to his friends/partners (if I decide to add him to the Polycule) when they visit him. 
Eventually Y/n will start casually dating either Rengoku or Gyomei (if I decide to add him). She's not sure about joining a polyamory relationship but she respects their already established relationship and they're not really in a relationship (yet-) it's just a date every few weeks or so. But slowly everyone else starts falling for her. First ones obviously being Rengoku and/or Gyomei as they're the ones who first meet her. 
Rengoku absolutely LOVES her. ADORES her even. This man knew from the start he wanted a big family so seeing her act so sweet to all the kids and Senjuro when he comes to visit him makes him swoon. He likes to see Y/n smile with so much kindness in her heart. He can't help but blush every time she gets over seeing the bruises from training at his father's dojo on the weekends.
Gyomei (again if I decide to add him -) like Rengoku also falls for her motherly sweet nature. He's blind. There's no way around it. He either likes or dislikes someone from hearing their voice and listening to their actions. He comes to love the way she sits in the play area and reads the children bedtime stories or sings the babies back to sleep when they wake up and how she giggles when this massive man lets the kids climb all over him. It puts a smile on his face that lasts for hours
The next two are surprisingly Sanemi and Kanae. 
Sanemi's baby siblings adore Y/n as she takes care of them in the daycare and that sparks Sanemi and Kanae into becoming friends with Y/n, and eventually fall for her motherly nature. Sanemi cannonically in Kimetsu Gauken respects women and little kids but most are really intimidated by his presence so meeting someone outside of those who know him great him fairly is a big part of him being able to connect to someone. Sanemi literally goes- "Oh no... She's cute" once he realizes his feelings.
Kanae is simple. She likes how nice and caring Y/n is. She likes how she treats her Sanemi. They both become fast friends. Both are sunshine friendlies and it's just a cute pairing. Especially if Sanemi gets flustered by both of them at once.
The next ones are Mitsuri and Giyuu. 
Mitsuri and Y/n get along quite well with one another and it doesn't take long for this sweetheart to fall for her. It helps that Y/n compliments her on how pretty she thinks her colored hair is, and how cool she thinks her strength is! Both are highly energetic and can bounce off one another easily.
Giyuu is often left out and a lot of people outside of his friends and family don't approach him, so imagine his surprise when not only does Y/n walk up to him on her own accord but is genuinely friendly and nice to him. It doesn't take long for him to fall for her sweet attitude and nature. He often visits frequently with Shinobu or one of their other partners/friends with him and watch him just stutter or try to give Y/n small gifts or just to talk to her. He doesn't have any other relationship this close other than Shinobu.
Tengen and his wives are all a package deal. He's very upfront about it too. This man will just go up to Y/n and straight up ask startling everyone else-
"Do you want to be our girlfriend?" "TENGEN!! WTF?! YOU ALREADY GOT THREE WIVES!!" "OH. Right. Right. I forgot. Let me change my question- Do you want to join our polycule?"
He says this in front of literally EVERYONE who gets very flustered and embarrassed about Uzui's bluntness except for Shinobu who gets annoyed instead and Kanae who just sighs and shakes her head. He likes what he sees. He likes how she treats his wives and friends/partners. This man has no shame in outright flirting with you and making his intentions clear compared to everyone else. Suma likes how you don't yell at her and calm her down through her emotions. Hinatsuru likes how calm and level headed Y/n is making her feel less crazy. Makio loves how instead of telling her to get over it, she understands her annoyance suggests doing something else to relieve the growing tension.
Shinobu and Obanai take the longest time to come around.
It's not that Shinobu dislikes Y/n. She's just not used to getting close to new people or opening up, but she does admit Y/n is a very nice and kind person to everyone and treats them all with equal respect. She does like how Giyuu is treated by her and that's good enough for her. She slowly falls for her as Y/n doesn't push her and instead respects her boundaries but remains friendly towards her. It takes much longer for her to fall for her compared to everyone else but she gets there.
Obanai actually falls under the same reasons as Shinobu. He's happy Mitsuri likes you and he respects how nice you are but does the same thing as Shinobu as Y/n respects his decisions. He likes how nice he treats him despite that slowly liking you too. But what really submits his affection is when she gifts him a medical mask from the daycare's first aid kid when his own mask breaks. She doesn't ask questions. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't make fun of him. She only quietly hands him the mask without questioning him on anything with a smile and not bringing it up again. That's it. That's all it takes. This boy is as smitten with you as his beloved Mitsuri is.
Ultimately though it's up to the reader to decide what happens.
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sanemisstalker · 10 months
Yall better be thankful I'm into kny rn because the second I get into jjk and figure out what's happening between that white haired blue eyed fuck and the one with the pullable hair, it's going to be homoerotic polycules and homoerotic polycules ONLY from then on.
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