suzukiblu · 1 month
Switch boys intrigues!
"Wh–you can't say no!" Spence sputters accusingly. "You aren't capable of it! You weren't designed or programmed to be capable of it!" 
"Maybe your guys suck at their jobs?" Match suggests with a dismissive shrug. "Because I am very much saying 'no'. Like, thirteen different kinds of it. No. No way. Never. Not a chance. Need me to keep going?" 
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jupitermelichios · 2 years
Fandom: Batman (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake Additional Tags: Nonbinary Character, assistive technology, Canon Disabled Character, Possible Misgendering (People's thoughts not being as flexible as they'd like)
Cass learns more about alternative forms of communication, and more about Tim.
Bookmarker's Notes:
This fic makes me cry, in the best possible way. Kiragecko just gets these characters, and as someone with communication issues and gender-feels this fic hits so fucking hard
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misosuper · 8 months
I love how nowadays Tim Drake's base of operations is the Robin's Nest when in the modern era he literally bought, refurbished, and lived in the movie theater the Waynes were murdered outside of. He didn't even ask Bruce his thoughts until after the purchase. Why did he do that
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
Bat-Family Nicknames and Insults
So I went off the other day because fans keep having people who aren't Roy Harper call Jason Todd "Jaybird" and now I'm thinking about all the other nickname misconceptions so here's a probably non-comprehensive list of nicknames among the Bat Fam.
(Special thanks to @sohotthateveryonedied for a bunch of my data, she made a whole powerpoint with actual comic panels! Go check that out! Also got some info from @kiragecko who was writing some lists with more specific references.)
This list is an active document and will be edited in the event I find more nicknames or have more to say
Addendum note: I'm more than willing to add something I forgot, but you must have receipts. I'm not just going off of memory. Nothing will be added to this list without proof. If you don't have a source, please don't make a suggestion.
This is aside from assorted common insults and nicknames like jerk, ass, shorty, dude, idiot, etc.. Sidenote, every not-Steph Robin has been called “Little Bird”, “Birdboy” and/or “Wonder Boy” at some point. It’s kinda part of the job lol Secondary side-note, the only ones who REALLY use nicknames for people are Barbara and Jason. And Tim specifically in reference to Damian. Everyone else pretty much uses their names 98% of the time. Final note (sorryyyyyy) generally unless they're funny to me, I'm not including things used only once unless I have gotten vibes that it's a trend. This is an attempt to compile recurring nicknames. So ones noted to be used once are either I can only confirm it happened once but could happen multiple times, or I think it's hilarious.
Alfred Pennyworth
Al/Alf Seems to be a common nickname among the boys.
Alfie Dick, Tim, and Jason have all called him this.
Alfredo Jason called him this at least once and I think that’s funny. Not sure it’s exclusive though.
Mom Dick seems to have referred to him as such once…I’m sorry but that’s so funny.
Alfred also has specific ways of referring to everyone: Bruce: Master Bruce, Mister Wayne, Lad, Bruce, My Son Barbara: Mistress Barbara, Miss Barbara, Miss Gordon, Miss Oracle Dick: Master Dick, Master Richard, Master Grayson, Dear Boy, Young Sir, Young Man, Richard, Dick Cassandra: Miss Cassandra, Young Cassandra, My Dear Jason: Master Jason, Young Sir, Lad, Jason Tim: Master Tim, Master Timothy, Young Master Tim, Lad, Young Sir, Young Man, Timothy, Tim Damian: Master Damian, Young Master Damian, Young Sir, Young Man, Son, Damian
Bruce Wayne
Spooky Oliver Queen calls him this, others might as well but I legitimately have no idea.
Batsy Everyone and their goddamn dog, but Joker uses this notably a lot.
Detective RA'S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I think? But this is how Ra's generally refers to Bruce.
B-Man HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE...I think. She calls him this a lot though.
While Dick and Jason will internally think of Bruce as their father, Dick rarely says so and extremely rarely calls him “Dad”. Jason would only say so mockingly or under pain of a second death. Tim rarely even thinks of Bruce as his father (he didn’t become Robin to be Bruce’s kid, and he doesn’t want to replace his own father—much the same way Dana didn’t replace Janet) and never refers to him as such outside of WE work (where he very much uses that to his advantage). Damian almost exclusively refers to Bruce as “Father” but has called him "Dad". Steph sometimes calls him “Boss”. Everyone usually calls him "Bruce".
He refers to ALL of the boys as “chum” and “lad” at some point. It’s just how he used to talk honestly. He DOES NOT call them “sweetie” or “honey” or anything like that. He DOES, however, speak to small children this way. There are multiple instances of him using "sweetheart" and similar terms when dealing with young children. This differentiation I think is for two reasons. One, Bruce is emotionally stunted and being open with anyone outside of actively comforting is difficult for him, and two, the youngest child he has ever had himself was 9 years old so he's never had a small child he'd be likely more inclined to be extra super soft with.
Barbara Gordon
Babs Most people call her this. Bruce doesn’t seem to though, oddly enough.
Babsy/Babsie Both Dick and Jim Gordon have called her this. Very cute.
Barb/Barbie Nearly exclusive to Jason Todd, actually. I think her dad calls her this once in a while, but specifically Jason calls her this.
Babes A few of her friends call her this, but mostly Luke Fox when they were dating.
Red A few people call her this, but mostly Jason and not real often. Probably cuz we already have a red-head often referred to as “Red” (Pam Isely by Harley) and as to not be confused with the other two Reds in the family (Red Hood and Red Robin).
The High Priestess of Tech More of a reference than a nickname, but I think it’s funny. Dick referred to her as such.
O For Oracle!
Dick Grayson Exclusives because Boyfriend Baby Love Beautiful
Richard Grayson
Dick Everyone calls him this. Almost no one calls him Richard.
Dickie His parents also called him this, along with other people who knew him from Haly’s Circus, but otherwise it’s mostly just Jason.
Dickster I…hate that this is canon lmao. Dick has thought this one in his inner monologue, but Jason has also said it at least once. It’s…Something.
Circus Boy Common insult, Jason uses it a few times.
Tight Ass No comment.
Rob Kinda rare for him and more a Tim thing, but his Titans team call him this sometimes. I specifically remember Wally doing so, and Roy too I think.
Boy Wonderful Not marking this as exclusive because Babs probably used it at one point but, shockingly (or not) this comes from Wally West! Wally has also called his Titans team as a group “Dear Hearts” at least once which is just so fucking cute. Neeeeeerd.
Kid Not exclusive to him, but consistently called this by Slade Wilson/Deathstroke over most anything else.
Marcia TIM DRAKE EXCLUSIVE. A joke between him and Tim, assigning each Bat-boy a Brady Bunch member.
Little Robin MARY GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. This is where the hero name Robin came from; Dick’s mom used to call him this.
Dickie-Bird JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Jason calls Dick this a lot during his weird appearances in Nightwing that I pretend never happened because it was weird and dumb. But it is a canonical nickname. And it’s funny.
Amy Rohrbach Exclusives because Partner Rookie Stud Cowboy Sherlock Mr. Confident
Barbara Gordon Exclusives because Girlfriend (and because she’s funny) Flatterer Boyfriend The Brightest, Sweetest, Most Handsome, Wealthiest Young Bachelor on the Entire East Coast Buckaroo Bucko Candy-Gram Darling Lover Love Hunk Wonder Man Wonder Hound Wonder Former Teen Wonder Twenty Something Wonder Blue Wonder Poor Lovable Naïve Dope Pixie Boots
Cassandra Cain
Cass Pretty much everyone calls her this.
Cassie Some people call her this, specifically the people closest to her; Stephanie, Tim, Barbara, Bruce, and Duke. It’s generally used sparingly, especially considering Tim is close to ANOTHER Cassandra who goes by “Cassie” almost exclusively, so Cass is generally preferred to avoid confusion. But Cassie is tossed around.
Batghoul Possibly Stephanie Brown exclusive, though easy enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if others called her that. She is notoriously spooky.
Bat-Babe KON-EL/CONNER KENT EXCLUSIVE. These two are actually good friends and dated for a short time. They’re very cute. And they met at the time Kon was just…Like That.
Jason Todd
Jay Literally everyone calls him this sometimes. It’s a common nickname.
Jace/Jase Also pretty common, but seems to mostly be among family. Dick and Bruce have at least both called him this.
The Toddster Was called such by Danny Chase, implying they were friends somehow? (Jason didn't have many Titans missions so idk how they were close enough for him to call him that). He calls him that when he discovers Jason’s status in the system is “unknown”, leading him to find out he’s dead.
Rojo Referred to himself as this once while he was still a crime boss, so presumably some of his gang called him this too. Obviously Spanish for red because Red Hood.
Little Bird Possibly exclusive to Barbara Gordon, she called him this in a flashback.
Jan That Dick and Tim Brady Bunch joke. Just imagine one of them looking Jason dead in the eye and saying “Sure, Jan.”
Little Wing DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. Called Robin Jason this in Nightwing Year 1 and it’s very cute.
Jaybird ROY HARPER EXCLUSIVE. The reason I’m making this post because no one seems to remember that Roy and only Roy has ever called Jason this. But any time these two appear together, it’s usually said at least once.
Stephanie Brown
Steph Pretty much everyone calls her this at one point.
Stephie A few people if I recall, but I know Tim’s called her that.
Blondie Pretty sure a few people call her this, but notably Harper Row.
Damian Wayne Exclusives because He Was A Brat Wench Fatgirl Girl Blunder
Timothy Drake
Tim Everyone to the point where it’s just his name.
Timmy A lot of people call him this pretty teasingly. Dick, Jason, and Babs do it consistently, but that’s older siblings for ya. Bernard has done it too.
Timbo Dick and Jason as well as his friend Ives have called Tim this at the very least. Tim notably doesn't seem to like it, though he has used it himself in a derogatory way in his inner monologue.
Timbers I’ve only ever seen Jason call him this, but I could be missing things. Would not be surprised if Dick did too, but it’s very Jason.
Rob Most of Young Justice called him that up until he revealed his name (which took a while because Bruce was being controlling and overprotective, as he does). Short for “Robin”, obviously, which is all they knew him as.
My Robin I’m pretty sure each member of Young Justice has said this about Tim, though Conner does it the most and has the biggest negative reaction to literally anyone but Tim being Robin.
Cindy DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. It’s that Brady Bunch joke again!
Little Brother DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. I didn't originally include it because it had the same vibes as like "dude" or "jerk"; something that's easily tossed around, y'know? And it feels like a descriptor, but it is actually used as a title/nickname several times, especially when Dick is messing with Tim.
Pretender JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Though it should be noted, he only directly called him this one time. Aside from that, he more refers to Tim as A pretender, not as like a nickname or title. It’s a description. (like “replacement” was but fandom made that a nickname yes I am in fact bitter)
Duckboy HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE. She says this once, but it’s hilarious so I’m keeping it.
Detective RA’S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. Ra’s is very particular about titles. The only other person he refers to as “Detective” is Bruce, and Dick one time in his internal monologue, so he is acknowledging Tim’s competence. And then proceeds to get a large portion of his resources obliterated by Tim <3
Stephanie Brown Exclusives because Girlfriend Sweetie Muffin Boy Virgin
Duke Thomas
Narrows Almost Jason exclusively, though I think Harper has called him this once or twice. In reference to the neighborhood he grew up in, as opposed to Jason and Harper's Park Row aka Crime Alley upbringing.
Newbie Jason calls him this frequently, though it's likely the others have too.
Baby Bird ELAINE THOMAS EXCLUSIVE. Yeah, surprisingly Duke is actually called this by his mom.
Damian Wayne
Gremlin Mostly exclusive to Tim, but Jason has called him this too. This also seems to be Tim’s go-to for Damian when not using his name or codename.
Dami Used by Jon Kent and Talia al Ghul, so presumably those closest to him.
Little D I think Barbara Gordon exclusive but I’m not sure.
Cousin Oliver Not said to his face to my knowledge, but the Brady Bunch in-joke between Dick and Tim.
Prince/Your Highness (other royal variations) A common way to mock Damian for his haughty air and stuck-up attitude. More common in the past because Damian was The Worst and never shut up about being the heir to Batman and the Demon's Head. He's grown a lot since then and this kind of joke is used less. He is still pretty snooty though.
D JON KENT EXCLUSIVE. I have yet to see anyone else call him this at least, and this is how Jon almost always refers to him.
Baby Bird TALIA AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I’ve seen her call him this once, and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone else call him this. Just wanted it known that Talia is the only one to call Damian this.
Tim Drake Exclusives because Tim is Petty and Damian was a Brat Little Monster Hobbit Homunculus Little snot Spoiled, vicious and homicidal little punk Heir to the Kingdom of the Damned
Note on how Damian refers to others: Damian usually uses full first names or surnames, depending on circumstance and closeness. He occasionally calls Dick “Dick” or “Richard”, but often calls him “Grayson”. He almost always refers to Tim as “Drake”, but occasionally as “Timothy”.
Fanon names that I dislike
Replacement Jason never once calls Tim this, and refers to Tim as A replacement about as much as Dick did about Jason (Yes Dick has at least once when talking to Bruce referred to Jason as his replacement). How common it is in this fandom to call Tim "Replacement" (with a capital R like it's a name or title!!!) drives me absolutely insane. It's not canon and tbh you can do better. Hell, "pretender" is right there! And Jason's a nerd, he would do better.
Baby Bird Like…it’s cute, but given it’s used in fanon almost exclusively for Tim, and POST DAMIAN, it just feels infantalizing. Especially when the only canon uses are mothers towards their kids. I see this a lot with Dick and Jason using it, which is...just no. Like, Dick, I get it, but he's more likely to call Tim "Little Brother". Jason would never allow himself to be seen as this soft to Tim. If he were trying to be gentle with him, he'd probably call him "kid". He's done that before.
Baby Bat(s) I have seen this used literally twice. Once where a goon mockingly called Tim that, and once in an AU where Harley said it to Damian. "Baby Bat" isn't a thing. Sorry.
Big Bird More amusing than anything but a little annoying. No one ever calls Dick that in canon and whenever I read it all I can think of is Sesame Street so unless a giant yellow muppet bird is what you're going for, maybe don't do that lol
Demon Brat/Demon Spawn Not the most egregious thing, especially considering the numerous nicknames Tim comes up with, but the consistency of its usage in fanon is a little frustrating. This is never used in-canon, and if you want to use it in your fanworks, just maybe intersperse it with other more creative nicknames, yeah? It's just unoriginal at this point.
Jaylad I don’t hate this one, but it’s such a huge misconception that it’s canon. Bruce has said “Jay, lad” a couple times because he calls like every boy he meets “lad” and people made up “Jaylad”. Not the worst thing ever, but it's not canon.
Golden Boy I don't actually have a problem with this one, but I may as well clear up that this is canon as a descriptor but not as a nickname for Dick. Like calling Jason "the dead Robin". Like, people have said that about him in-canon, but they haven't called him that. The common derivative "Goldie" is entirely fanon.
Non-canon nicknames I think are funny
Dick-face/Dickhead I’m sorry, I find it hilarious whenever someone (usually Jason) in fanfic calls him this. It’s also to me just a silly exaggeration of the obvious joke that has been made at least once (but probably several times by now) in canon about someone being about to call Nightwing a dick and someone else reminding them not to use names in the field. I think it’s hilarious.
Timberly I can’t tell you why this specific deviation of Tim is funny to me but it is. And I'm surprised I haven't seen Jason call Tim this in canon.
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
"Daily clicks" are useless and distracting. An entire year of clicks raises $0.22 USD. Donate $1 to a fundraiser or organization to do more than a year of clicks. Share links for free to do more than a year of clicks.
"Daily clicks" are useless and distracting. An entire year of clicks raises $0.22 USD. Donate $1 to a fundraiser or organization to do more than a year of clicks. Share links for free to do more than a year of clicks.
Some helpful newbie guides
Jason Todd comics and other media guide (Carrd) and guide on Tumblr by @dailyjasontodd
Robin Jason comic recs by @robiinjason
Guide to the Batfam by @comic-commentary
The Incomplete Bat Lore: A Biased Guide to Chaotic Canon on Archive of Our Own
Hoopla Digital (US & Canada)
This blog contains a lot of Jason Todd. He is not my son, he is not my boyfriend, he is a specimen that I study.
Masterposts and meta
Jason + cops
Jason + literature
Does Jason Todd support the death penalty? (No, he doesn't.)
Jason and Steph are smart by wonderwondered
Robin II: DC Animated Universe and source material - comics influences and parallels on the DCAU's second Robin
Jason vs security
Jason’s knife skills by wonderwondered
Jason's lesser-known skills by wonderwondered
Jason's fighting skills by wonderwondered
How does Jason feel about Sheila Haywood?
Known canon blood types of various Gotham-based characters
Jason's trust issues and bond with Dick (2023)
Jason + dogs - fondness for dogs (and cats)
Jason's numerous crimes and atrocities by wonderwondered
Is Jason known to be a Wonder Woman fan? (Kinda, but Diana isn't his favorite Wonder Woman.)
quick & dirty guide to Jason Todd in the modern masterpiece Batman: Battle for the Cowl by Tony Daniel
How many times has Jason Todd tried to murder Tim Drake and Damian Wayne? (once: Battle for the Cowl by Tony Daniel)
Some other blogs: @dailyjasontodd, comic-commentary (inactive), fuckyeahjasontodd.tumblr.com (inactive), @theunavenged, robiinjason.tumblr.com
Fan fiction recommendations
Jason Todd 2022 fan fiction recs
Jason Todd 2023 fan fiction recs
Talia & Jason fic recs (to be added)
Dick Grayson & Jason fic recs
Stephanie Brown & Jason fic recs
Bruce Wayne & Jason fic recs: sweet and bittersweet
Bruce Wayne & Jason fic recs: bitter and toxic (to be added)
Cassandra Cain & Jason fic recs (FIGHT!)
Damian Wayne & Jason fic recs (to be added)
Spooky Jason fics recs (for Halloween season)
Batman and Batfamily: canon vs fanonized myths
Re: "What are in your opinion the biggest difference between the comic and the fanon versions of the other Batfamily members?" by @theflyingwonder
Batfam canon vs fanon by @bat-lings
Re: "How do fandom tropes compare to actual canon characterization for the robins " by @thebatmanfiles-blog
Nicknames: What do the Bats call each other? answered by kiragecko, sohotthateveryonedied and solidpunchkindaeyes, cornflakepizza and batsgalore, and bluebeauregard
These are some facts that are easy to miss if you mostly read fanfiction instead of 20 year old comics. (Slightly Tim-centric, of course.) by kiragecko
Masterlist of Comic Knowledge Posts by sohotthateveryonedied
Other "Bat family" blogs
Talia al Ghul: katefatale (semi-inactive), onlytalia (inactive)
Stephanie Brown: Stephanie Brown Wiki, our-happygirl500-fan (multifandom)
Rose Wilson: Pre-Flashpoint reading guide by roseworth
Dick Grayson: theflyingwonder (inactive), @northoftheroad, @nightwingology, @nightwing-ing-it, nightwingmyboi (inactive)
Damian Wayne: yicruz48 (inactive), @arabian-batboy, @wesavegotham
216 notes · View notes
ladybeug · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
@kiragecko @duckylight you guys are funnier than either comic
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angel-gidget · 1 month
Saw a username song game goin’ around….
A - All of My Angels by Machinae Supremacy
N - Nerves by Icon for Hire
G - Gunshot by KARD
E - Every Time We Touch by Cascada
L - Larger than Life by Backstreet Boys
G - Going Under by Evanescence
I - In the End by Linkin Park
D - Decode by Paramore
G - Glory or Gold by Jonathan Young
E - Elevate by DJ Khalil (Spiderverse OST)
T - Take Me Over by RED
Tagging @hexterah @kiragecko @bridgefourofkhazad-dum @dayenurose @silvereddaye
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kiragecko · 2 years
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Stop says the red light, go says the green
Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 
I had so much fun translating the Tiger Poem that I’m back for more!
This time, I’ve coloured the glyphs to make them easier to separate into words. Teal is for verbs, as well as green if there are 2 verbs in a row. Red is for nouns, with red/brown specifically for names. Yellow is for adjectives, pale blue for prepositions. The center diagrams show the order to read the characters.
Here’s the Demon Light Poem in Classical Maya:
(First line: Glyphs (ALL CAPS are word signs, lowercase is syllabic signs)
Second line: Transliteration (how it’s pronounced)
Third line: Exact Meaning
4th line: Translation)
13-HIX 17-SUTZ’
uxlajuun hix huklajuun suutz’
13-ocelot (14th day sign) 17-bat (4th month)
[On] 13 Hix, 17 Sutz’ (Oct. 18, 2012)
 ‘u-tz’i-ba AJ-ba-la²-ka-bo-si
‘u-tz’ihb-a-Ø Aj-Balalakaboos
they-write-transitivizer-this honorific-Balalaikaboss
They wrote this, Sir Balalaikaboss:
k’u-xa-jo-me-ta che-he CHAK-K’IN-ni
k’ux-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø chak-k’in
stop-intransitivizer-must-you say-they red-sun
“You shall stop,” says [the] red light
[bi]BIX-xo-me-ta che-‘e ya-YAX-K’IN-ni
bix-oom-eet che’-Ø yax-k’in
leave-must-you say-they green-sun
“You shall go,” says [the] green light
hi-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e K’AN-na-K’IN-ni
hil-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø k’an-k’in
“Rest-intransitivizer-must-you” say-they yellow-sun
“You shall rest,” says [the] yellow light
‘U-‘EK’-k’e-le ‘U-TAN-na
‘u-‘ek’-al ‘u-tahn
they-star-like they-between
star-like, between
ya-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e WAY-ya-si-K’IN-ni
ya[h]l-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø way-is-k’in
throw.down-passive-you say-they familiar/spirit-unpossessed-light/sun
“You shall be thrown down,” says [the] spirit light
tu-ta-TAJ-ja-la ‘u-‘UT
with.his-torch-like face/eye
with it’s torch-like eye
‘U-TZ’AK-ka-we-ta ‘a-xo-ko-la-ka K’UH-so-lo-no-‘AJAW-wa
‘u-tz’ak-aw-eet ‘a-xok-lak K’uh-Solon-Ajaw
he-count/add.up-s-you your-accounting-plate Holy-Sauron-Lord
Holy Lord Sauron determines your accounting plate
yi-‘IL-we-ta ‘a-ma-la-‘OL-la
y-il-iw-eet ‘a-mal-ohl
he-see-s-you  your-within-heart
[and] he sees within your heart
‘u-wo-jo-le IX ki-la-ke-ko
‘U-wojol Ix Kilakeko
they-glyph/character Lady-Kiragecko
The glyphs [of] Lady Kiragecko
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plotbunny-bundle · 1 year
AU where Cassandra is in Bludhaven instead of Gotham during the Nightwing 1996 era.
Gets taken in by Dick’s apartment building and somehow becomes Nightwing’s sidekick.
Dick complains he’s turning into Bruce.
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suzukiblu · 9 months
I haven’t seen your Cass (Cain) at all. I’d love to see her. I’d also LOVE to get to see some Chris and Lois (or more Kon and Lois)! Lois choosing to be a mother despite lacking most of the natural instincts, and having issues with her own parents, means so much to me!
I def have a few WIPs with parental!Lois ahead, mostly with Kon and Match, but since I don't think I've posted anything with Cass yet, have this scene.
Context: omega!Jason is high-key feral and compulsively nesting about it.
"What on earth are you doing in there, Todd?" Pup Brother asks, eyeing the crumpled blankets on the foyer floor. Quiet Sister is standing beside him and looks excited, leaning forward towards the doorway on her tiptoes. Jason didn't notice them coming, but he wasn't all that worried about listening for anyone either. Also, they're both very quiet when they move anyway. 
"Nest," Jason says. He doesn't think he's being all that subtle here, but Pup Brother didn't get a traditional pack upbringing, he knows. At least, not the kind that allowed for nesting. That's not really how the League works. 
Jason definitely never nested when he was with the League. 
". . . nest?" Pup Brother asks, and looks just a little bit curious. 
Does Pup Brother ever build nests, Jason wonders? He's an omega too. He should learn how, if he hasn't yet. 
"Nest," he repeats firmly, then gestures beckoningly with a blanket that smells acceptably of packscent. Pup Brother frowns, looking confused. 
Nest! Quiet Sister signs delightedly before giving Pup Brother an encouraging push into the living room. She doesn't come in herself, though. Which–Quiet Sister is an alpha, of course, so that makes sense. Jason just wasn't sure if she'd know the etiquette, all things considered. 
"Er," Pup Brother says doubtfully, glancing between them. "Do you require . . . assistance, Todd?" 
Jason dumps an armful of throw pillows on him, then starts demonstrating how to arrange them on the floor. Pup Brother frowns again, holding the unused pillows in his arms and observing the building process intently. Jason is pleased. Pup Brother should learn this. Pup Brother should learn this, so he's showing Pup Brother this. So he's being good! Very good. A good omega. Yes! 
They're both being good. 
So that's good. 
Jason purrs some more. Quiet Sister flutters her hands happily, still waiting in the doorway. Jason wants to invite her in, but really needs to get the nest more established first. 
He'll let her in the nest itself, he already knows. Once it's done, obviously. Quiet Sister probably hasn't really been in a nest before–Pup Brother is the only other omega in the pack, after all, and she doesn't have an omega mate or any omega friends, so when would she have? 
. . . unless she's still courting that weird flirty omega from Little Brother's other pack, maybe? The sort-of-alien-sort-of-human one that makes cloud castles and almost drowned with her in a basement that one time or whatever. Whatever his name is. 
Or . . . wait, was Little Brother the one courting him? 
Well, maybe they both were. Jason isn't really sure, come to think. 
He'll ask later, he decides, and lays down some more throw pillows. Either way he's still inviting Quiet Sister into his nest once it's done. Quiet Sister deserves all the nests she can get. 
Jason hopes she'll like his.
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whetstonefires · 4 months
I'd describe your writing as thoughtful. It is heavy but can make the reader feel light. Heavy velvet, but without the textural issues I have with velvet. But also well worn? It feels like the story has already had a long life by the time I read it, has experience and mastery.
Aw, thank you! 💕 Velvet is in fact one of my favorite textures.
I also like hearing that my work feels worn and settled like that because I am deliberately applying my overthinking skills and giving it all those editing passes and it darn well ought to show.
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danny-chase · 1 year
14, 18, 20
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i already complained about the Dick and Tim thing, but oh my god when people use Cass as a deus ex machina for solving the batfamily's emotional constipation i'm just like :///// "she wouldn't fucking say that". there's a fundamental misunderstanding about her character that because she pays more attention to body language, she understands how emotions work and that's not how emotional intelligence works
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
READING THE ACTUAL COMICS?????????? especially if you want sibling to sibling interactions!!! look their actual relationships are so funnnnn AND @/kiragecko compiled all these batfam interactions in a nice list for you AND you can find whatever you want on rco (use an adblocker though) you want to read about Dick and Tim's canon relationship so bad
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I can't stand Geoff John's writing on Teen Titans 2003 it's just he same sad edgy teenagers being edgy and depressed over the same things for 30 issues straight it's just so goddamn lifeless and miserable which i get is the point because Donna died but half these characters don't have a personal stake in who Donna was and Outiders 2003 is right there being edgy and dramatic and anything but boring at the same time
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@kiragecko said: Having a bunch of sugar before crashing in bed is a reasonably common way of self-medicating.
UM. Oh. Hm.
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gendercensus · 3 years
I love the idea of getting to see how people from my country differ from international results! I do have a pretty strong concern: how are we going to protect people from countries where it's illegal to be queer? Not from doxxing, necessarily, but I can imagine governments seeing numbers from the census and cracking down, or trying to seize data from you. Maybe these are unlikely, but even the fear of that might make people more hesitant to participate. Do you think there are any dangers?
Collecting country information could well be a serious problem for any participant in a country where being queer or trans is illegal. I definitely don’t want to cause anyone any problems.
I intend to make the country question optional and obviously state that it is optional, so anyone who can’t safely state their country can leave it blank. I will say again that all responses are published in full.
I can imagine governments ... trying to seize data from you.
Whether or not that is even legal is extremely questionable, but data protection laws here in the UK say that you have to delete identifying information that you no longer need. So I will delete the original responses stored on SmartSurvey that contain IP addresses, and any government who wants IPs will have to take that up with SmartSurvey (who, as they are based in the UK, should also not be storing data that they no longer need to store, including backups). That would mean that governments would have access to any data that is publicly available only, and my response to any requests will be “I don’t retain that information, and so I cannot provide it.”
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cryptocism · 3 years
You aren't showered with notes for Half-Baked Pancake Man (aka TTK, Babey)? It is my greatest love. I still want to introduce people to it, despite the fact that the only people left don't know anything about Young Justice. I taught my husband about Young Justice, just so I could show him!
lmao i love that u made sure he understood the full context in order to appreciate the silliness thats amazing
i do still get an occasional wave of notes on that comic, but its just not as common as some of the other ones
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destinationtoast · 3 years
Do you think you could do the thing where you explain who your friends are again? I really struggle with names (all nouns, in fact, but names are the worst) and people. I know there is a Ms. Avocado, and possibly a Miss Toasty? I was fine with not knowing what was going on, but then you explained, and now my brain insists I should know.
Lol, oh brains! 😹😹😹 I definitely didn't mean to place the burden on anyone of feeling they should remember it all... I mostly use the names to entertain myself and to help clarify for a few of my close friends. But I'm also happy to explain for you & anyone else who wants to know! <3
Mrs. Toasty: my partner of ~20 years. Despite the name, we're not married, and he's a man. He's never really been fannish about any media, but has other quirky/fun hobbies that obsess him... he's sometimes fails to play the piano because he instead ended up writing code to help himself learn to play piano better, for instance. If he had another pseudonym here, it would be cheese-based, because he loves cheese, and cheese toast is delicious.
HAMTACO: House Around Mrs. Toasty And Company. Mrs. Toasty has several other partners that he lives with (I've been friends with them all for as long as I've known him -- I initially met them all through a juggling club at my college). I've been living with HAMTACO during the pandemic (which has been by far the best thing about quarantimes), but normally I have a separate place nearby. They're all incredibly lovely. We've yet to try eating an actual ham taco, despite the name.
Ms. Avocado: my sweetie in Seattle, who lives there with her spouse and their Avokiddo (and chickens & rats). I've known her for over a dozen years, since I was in grad school. We've been friends and mutual admirers for a long time, but we just started dating a few months before the pandemic. Le sigh... timing! 🤦 We got together after she flirted with me while wearing a giraffe onesie and threw her prosecco all over my pants; A+++ technique. You'll never guess what her favorite toast topper is. ;)
Mr. Maccas: my best friend who lives in Australia. We met briefly in college but really got to know each other in grad school (~18 years ago), when we were officemates and roommates (yet somehow didn't get sick of each other). For Halloween, we once went as the language centers of the brain. He and I share a guilty pleasure in McDonald's, which Aussies call Maccas, and he occasionally skypes me while trying to keep tropical birds from stealing his fries. (Australia is weird and I miss visiting him there.)
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