#king of mandalore
dream-madeinusa · 2 years
나부왕자×알로르 베이비걸
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prince Luke fucks king of mandalore din djarin~
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131-vr · 1 year
Give this man a break...
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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The prince of naboo loves the prince of mandalore like a son.
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The king is just happy :)
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bojangos · 2 years
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mand’alor the STANCED
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yukipri · 1 year
Following from your tags on the Galidraan post, there's actually a canon(-ish) source that states that the Darksabre was chosen by VIZSLA as their symbol of the Mand'alor: Tor Vizsla's in-universe Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad, which is included at the end of the real-world book, The Bounty Hunter Code. Direct quote is: "To ensure we would be led by the most powerful, we decreed that any could challenge the Secret Mand'alor for leadership of Death Watch. And, as our symbol of authority, we chose the Darksaber, an ancient weapon liberated from the Jedi long ago." (Please ignore my editing in the image.)
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(The whole text of the Ba'jure Kyr'tsad Mando'ad is on google sites: https://sites.google.com/view/bajurne-kyrtsad-mandoad/title-page)
Yep, I have that book, it's actually a really fun reference, all the books in that series are! <3
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But yup, see, this is another part where I see how Legends doesn't quite match up with current canon. The info in this book is Legends, specifically Legends as published in 2013. But in New Canon, given how the Darksaber is treated in Rebels and now in the Mandalorian, I feel like it being solely the symbol of "the Secret Mand'alor" is kinda BS—it's much more treated as the symbol of ALL of Mandalore.
Of course, one could interpret all of this through the lens that Clan Wren is part of House Vizsla so all of Sabine's story is biased (I'm still not happy they made that association...), and Bo-Katan used to serve Pre so of course she's got Vizsla bias, and Din was rescued by Death Watch + Paz is in his covert so presumably his covert also has strong Vizsla/Death Watch bias.
New canon is so incredibly Vizsla/Death-Watch centric, perhaps "Vizsla's Mand'alor" is the only Mand'alor that matters anymore. Which. Ugh. But kinda feels that way.
Anyway, while it isn't based on anything official, I do feel like if the Darksaber existed when Open Seasons was written, there might have been some more history with it there. Because keep in mind, even though they're both Legends, Open Seasons still predates the Code book by over a decade, and much of Legends isn't consistent.
My own take is that IF we go by the premise that the Darksaber is the symbol of the rightful leader of all of Mandalore and NOT just Death Watch, then it should make sense that at different points of time between the Darksaber becoming the symbol and the "present," it would have passed between different clans, especially since modern Death Watch is an extremist terrorist organization that has not been depicted as being the rightful anything tbh.
Therefore to me, the Darksaber is more interesting if it's a neutral symbol planetary leadership, which may have originated from Tarre Vizsla, someone who is not synonymous with Death Watch of the Clone Wars~onwards eras. Vizsla may claim that it's only a symbol of them and their Mand'alor, but again then that makes a distinction between that and a leader who unifies all of Mandalore.
It's more interesting if Jaster and Jango once had the Darksaber and were recognized as leaders, and perhaps that too was part of why Tor Vizsla was so determined to take them down, if he felt they were unfit to wield it. His underhanded tactics in getting rid of them would then mean that he didn't win the saber in fair combat, which means that when Pre presumably inherited it, its current presence in his family isn't rightful in the first place, and perhaps he never knew. That then leads to the question of whether any current claim to the Darksaber is legitimate if the last true wielder was taken down by Vizsla manipulating Jedi from the shadows, never lifting a finger himself. That kind of moral debate of honor, of understanding the messy past of Mandalore...that kind of juicy drama, I am all for.
To be clear, I'm biased, and none of the above is me saying "this is the right way to interpret this media." This is just how I, personally, am choosing to internalize it. I don't like Death Watch and don't think they have been depicted as honorable in ANY media they're in. It does not make any narrative sense, at least to me, to put them on a weird pedestal while stripping Boba, Jango, Jaster, and the other True Mandalorians of all historical and cultural relevance. IF the Darksaber is a symbol solely of Vizsla leadership, then I cannot imagine WHY anyone would want to make it into a cool fun symbol to build a franchise around and give to a hero character. So I'm hoping that canon will eventually lean a bit towards my personal interpretation, even though I have little faith that it will.
If it doesn't, eh, that's alright! I'm more than capable of making my own lil stories and entertaining myself!
Anyway, this response went a bit longer than I expected but yeah, those are my thoughts on the Darksaber and how I've personally chosen to combine Legends + New Canon!
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maulfucker · 3 months
I can't even joke about wanting a show about Maul fucking because first of all they would try to make him straight (which he absolutely isn't) and second of all you knowwww he didn't fuck before he had his legs cut off. he was too busy being a moody teenager and going on murder vacations. so it would have to be set post AotC. so for him to fuck they would have to canonize cybernetic dicks.
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pointesdulac · 1 year
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Favreau I just want to talk
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inquisitor-apologist · 11 months
Reasons why Sabine Wren deserves the Darksaber more than Bo-Katan or Din, a list:
Sabine is a member of House Vizsla, the house that owned the Darksaber in the first place
Sabine earned the Darksaber in recognized Mandalorian trial-by-combat—she defeated Gar Saxon for it on Krownest, and her claim was witnessed and recognized by a Mandalorian Clan head
Sabine was trained in using the Darksaber by the Jedi, honoring the weapon’s history as both a Jedi lightsaber and a Mandalorian symbol
Sabine is a very good leader—she’s been in charge of several missions for the Rebellion, she helped lead the Mandalorian resistance, and she apparently led the defense of Lothal well enough that the Empire never tried to take it back
Sabine consistently fought for Mandalore, speaking out against the empire when no one else would, even though she was disowned for it. She fought with the Rebellion against the Empire, she defeated Gar Saxon, and she worked with the Mandalorian Resistance to completely free the planet. She never worked to overthrow the democratically elected and recognized government of Mandalore
Sabine would also be able to work with all of Mandalore’s various factions; she wields the Darksaber and her mother was a high-ranking member of Death Watch and the Nite Owls, so Deathwatch sympathizers would follow her. She’s earned the loyalty and respect of at least one major group of True Mandalorians, the Protectors, already, so it wouldn’t be hard to get more of them on her side. She refuses to kill and is more merciful than most Mandalorians, so the New Mandalorians would like her. She also comes from a respected Mandalorian house + clan, so she would probably already have some political allies
Sabine also wanted the Darksaber, at least at one point, since her entire Season 3 arc was about her accepting the Darksaber. Though they took back her development in Season 4, at one point she definitely did want it
In conclusion, Sabine Wren would be an excellent Mand’alor, one that has arguably the strongest claim to the Darksaber, leadership experience, and the ability to unite all of Mandalore’s political factions.
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waterlilyspad · 2 years
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Mandalore Din Djarin sketch I made a long time back I just think it's fucking funny
man I am having a blast going through my old sketches.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
zero with the helmet faceplate broken so it reveals just one of his eyes and spiderweb cracks all around it.........
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131-vr · 1 year
The boy was hungry ok.
What a great idea let's make this guy king with no experience being a leader and who always finds a way to smash his head into something
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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The Mand’alor & The Prince of Naboo.
I really love this AU. This is the fourth fanart I'm drawing :)
Also, I like to dress Luke in mother's clothes. (sorry🙏)
Happy dinluke week! 😘
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pix-writes · 2 years
Rewatching some clips from the mandalorian and I absolutely love the fact that Grogu seems to love going fast. At any point, whether speeding along on a planet or up in a ship in space 😆
I'm so certain that this boy is going to grow up determined to get behind the wheel (or rather, control panel) of a ship or speeder, as soon as he's big enough to see whilst seated in the pilot's seat
- and poor Din is going to have kittens!
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gaily-daily-musings · 2 years
Headcanon that my Sith King Anakin and political hostage Obi-Wan takes place some time after Obi-Wan's year long excursion on Mandalore because I think it would be really really funny if Obi-Wan kept getting stuck with people for a single year and falling in love with them.
Also since Mandalore is a neutral planet Satine definitely visits Mustafar at some point (I've decided Anakin rules a lush non-lava version of Mustafar). So she and Obi-Wan inevitably see each other and are just like !! What are YOU doing here?! Anakin is unhappy that they apparently know each other.
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dindadjarin · 1 year
I feel like I’m going to pass out THE POWER OF THAT POSTER OH MY… *faints*
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multitrackdrifting · 1 year
Bo-Katan: you know, I was also part of your terrorist cult once - but my sister died once it got taken over by a Sith Apprentice reject
Mando: What?
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