#killing pace
hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Killing Pace 2023-01-07 Bryan Glazer Family JCC Tampa, FL
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scoop16 · 1 year
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mcmissileproof · 9 months
favorite hobby when I'm driving is to catch someone trying to climb up my back bumper while I'm going a completely reasonable speed and just slowly take my foot off the gas. you seem upset, brother. why don't we slow down and enjoy the view awhile
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vuelode-irbis · 9 months
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Been wanting to draw some fanart for Poor George MAP since it's my favorite one, and because it was its anniversary recently, I finally did it :>
ID: A digital drawing in two panels with characters from Warriors. In the panel above, there's Yellowfang watching Brokenkit play with a moss ball, she looks endearingly at the little kit; they're in a green environment and plants surround them. In the panel below, Yellowfang is in the same possition, looking down at an adult Brokenstar at her feet, already dead, she looks sorrowful. Fireheart is by her side, looking at her with compassion. They're at ThunderClan's medicine den.
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anattitudeexhumed · 2 years
Killing Pace, Killing Pace
Killing Pace, Killing Pace
Richmond, VA has produced quality Hardcore for ages and Killing Pace is of no exception. Featuring members of Downfall, Division Of Mind, and Nosebleed. Grooving metallic-moshy Grind/Hardcore with awesome production and a ton of heaviness. For fans of Nails, Integrity, Mammoth Grinder, Napalm Death.
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ba1laur · 1 year
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last saturday that will be spent staring 20 minutes at a screen watching this guy go thru incomprehensible horrors. cant wait to have normal weekends from now on
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Reasons why I believe this isn't a final Death
There's a couple parallels between Tech's death and Echo's supposed death. First of all, we don't see a body in either case. Not Echo's and also not Tech's. We do see Echo's charred helmet and we see Tech's broken goggles later on. The team also had to leave right away in both cases, otherwise they would've been captured/killed. And they both sacrificed themselves for the team. If Echo didn't die, then why should Tech?
All that character building this season. Like of that was for nothing, then that was terrible writing. If that was to make us more attached to Tech so that his death hurt more, that is also terrible writing. I mean, he got a whole ass lovestory-in-the-making and that's the character you'll kill off?? c'mon. just as he was learning more about people and showing affection and social interaction, and learning how to properly and respectfully communicate with Omega??? that's when you kill him off? c'mon.
The fact that it was Hemcock that found him. You know the guy who does experiments on clones? Why lose such a valuable test subject? if there were any signs of life from Tech, he must've saved him, if only to use him and maybe modify him (again, Echo parallels)
✨ star wars medicine ✨
I mean, last season Hunter fell down a cliff from a moving ship and he survived just fine. I'm just saying.
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truly the most egregious part of the 2012 Les Mis is that they changed Valjean’s line from
“It’s the story of those who always loved you, your mother gave her life for you then gave you to my keeping.”
“it’s the story, of one who turned from hating. The man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping.”
LIKE?????!! How dare they remove Valjean specifically mentioning Fantine’s sacrifice and putting that before he mentions his own part in the story?? How dare they make Valjean imply that it was only when Cosette came into his keeping that he stopped hating everything and learned to love WHEN THE FUCKING BISHOP IS THE REASON FOR THE GODDAMN SEASON????
Like OF COURSE Cosette softened Valjean, of course he became a better man when he became her father, of course their relationship is important.
But this story would not have happened without the love of the bishop and it was his love that rekindled the love that was dormant in Valjean’s heart. And it was Fantine that fanned that flame, then Cosette’s that kept it steady.
I just hate how flat it makes Valjean’s story seem. “It’s the story, of those who always loved you.” Is THE answer Cosette has been searching for her whole life. I wish they’d kept it in instead of feeling like the audience would only feel fulfilled by Valjean’s story if he only mentioned his direct relationship to Cosette.
Whatever idk. It’s a good Les Mis for a lot of reasons, but a bad one for a lot of reasons too 🥲
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szollibisz · 3 months
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I have 2 curtwen moods
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Lee Pace in Foundation 2x10
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hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Killing Pace 2022-11-04 Snake Pit Philadelphia, PA
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ghouljams · 11 months
Ok so jealous König is my current obsession rn 😭 I’m so sorry for the bad english 😭😭 Bee and Cowboy!Konig going shopping for groceries and the cashier keeps flirting with her, which she doesn’t even realize and keeps talking thinking she’s just being polite
No need to apologize!!! I have a couple cowboy!König being feral asks that I'm going to work through, but this one was too good to pass up!
König can feel his teeth leaving indents in each other, his jaw clenched so tightly he thinks he might break it.
"That's funny I have a friend living in the city, maybe you know her," the cashier flirts, leaning against the register. Your groceries are already sitting bagged in your cart, this interaction should be over.
"Oh yeah because we all know each other in the city," you joke back, holding your card, waiting for the reader to pop up with your total. König knows full well that this little... boy is holding it hostage, dragging out the conversation past what's polite.
"Don't all the pretty girls have a group chat?" You laugh at his resulting smile. König's nails dig neat crescents into the palms of his balled fists.
"Stop," you bat away the compliment, "I don't think we could all fit in one chat."
He's not jealous. Not of some stupid barely twenty asshole. Not when you don't even know he's flirting. And yet...
And yet he's angry, upset, fuck. Jealous is not the right word. Possessive. That's a better fit for it. König stares down the cashier, glares under the shadow of his hat. His hand uncurling from its clenched fury to press against the small of your back, pull your attention back to your task.
You look up at him with big shining eyes, his perfect, pretty, treasure. All smiles because of a petty compliment from this nothing man. He eases up on his glare, smiling down at you with all the warmth you conjure in him.
"Is there a problem with your card Schatz?" He asks innocently. You drop your gaze to the card reader, tapping the screen with your finger.
"Did my card not go through?" You ask the cashier, König returns to his glowering as the stupid boy looks up at him. Apparently just noticing the giant shadowing you. He pales, straightening from where he'd leaned over the register, and quickly punches a few buttons to pull up your total on the machine.
"Uh, no," his voice cracks, he clears his throat, "No, I must've forgotten to finish the sale. You should be good now Mrs- uh-" he glances up at König again.
"No problem," You tap your card against the machine. Singular focus keeping you from questioning the end of the cashier's rush. At least he's smart enough to know who you belong to, not that it makes up for the way he spoke to you.
"Do you need any help to your-"
"She'll be fine," König cuts him off with a growl. The cashier nods quick enough to give himself whiplash.
"Of course Sir."
"All good to go!" You chirp, oblivious to the aggression pouring off of König. He fixes a smile for you when you turn back to him. "Ready?"
"Of course, hummelchen, lead the way." König nods, you grab the handle of your cart and push it towards the exit with a friendly wave at the cashier. He doesn't wave back.
When you get your groceries loaded in your car König stays hovering nearby, eyes fixed on the store. You frown and touch his arm to get his attention.
"You good?" You ask, his eyes snapping to you as soon as you speak.
"Of course," he reaches past you to close the trunk, "just thinking."
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momotonescreaming · 8 months
Maybe it's just me but I'm so sick of people making Steve discover he's bi when he's getting beaten up or threatened. If you could stop equating sexuality with violence that'd be great.
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chicotfp · 9 months
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bonefall · 2 months
I'm not in 100 years reading wind, so what's the nightstar stuff as well as the harelight execution scene?
The Nightstar Stuff is that they're constantly making it clear they KNOW that cats can lie about getting the 9 lives, they KNOW that a murderer can receive the lives, and they KNOW that StarClan has never rejected an evil cat before... but then they handwave it away because they don't wanna do anything.
Nightstar/Nightpelt gets namedropped six times and vaguely alluded to a dozen more, but it means nothing to the story. You could have just forgotten him entirely and the plot would happen the same way.
Most of this book is the leaders finding excuses to sit on their butts, but I really only need to share one exchange to demonstrate just HOW stupid this is,
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"I'd like to think that the ancestors would speak up." A+ logic Squirrelflight. Just believe that reality won't happen. If you cover your eyes it makes the maneating lion bowling towards your face go away. Soblem prolved.
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acecroft · 2 years
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LEE PACE as Greg in Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
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