#kevin levin imagine
hanasnx · 2 months
KEVIN LEVIN doesn’t let you use the AUX because “driver always picks the music.” He doesn’t let you get away with giving him just a kiss on the cheek. He doesn’t like it when you talk to other guys even if it’s just to make conversation. And he calls you “pumpkin” when he’s being condescending. “There you are, pumpkin.” he says as he slides in next to you, his heavy arm draping over your shoulders. You look small compared to him, swallowed up by his hefty jacket as he eyes up the guy shooting his shot with you. “Who’s your little friend?” he taunts coolly. One curt introduction and a reserved conversation later, he decides he’s made his mark, and implying he’ll let you get back to it. To be sweet, regardless of your bubbling resentment towards him right now, you give him a chaste kiss on the cheek goodbye. “Uh-uh.” he chides instantly, a big hand clutching your jaw and swerving your head right back over, stealing a kiss from your lips. It’s meant to be uncomfortable for onlookers, your suitor peering away annoyedly as your fist bangs against your boyfriend’s chest scoldingly. You manage to jerk out of his grip, but he remains fairly confident, a smirk apparent on his lips as you shove him away. He snickers, and tells your new friend that it was “nice meeting him.” You roll your eyes at his ability to be a prick. On the way home, you want to drown out your irritation with music, but Kevin pulls over to make you ride his lap. “What’re you bein’ all fussy for? Was just introducing myself.” he insists.
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raspberrywiskey · 5 months
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had a good conversation ab Ben 10 with a friend. it’s weird to hear someone talk about kevin whose not insane about him
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sara-najjar-5 · 2 years
Levi Ackerman ⚔️🏹
The scenes we all love
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flagonofdragons · 11 months
Ken just wanted to visit his sister...
So I was thinking how nice it would have been to have an episode where Ken visits Gwen at Friedkin. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised how utterly bizarre and bewildering that visit would be. Gwen and Kevin are showing Ken around and introducing him to people and it just keeps getting weirder and weirder, just imagine:
Because first up you've got Zed, Kevin's alien dog who used to be one of Ben's enemies. Then you've got Professor Hex who used to be one of Gwen's enemies.
Depending on what was supposed to happen after 'The Most Dangerous Game Show,' it's highly likely that Charmcaster is still at Friedkin, who of course was Gwen's number 1 enemy. If this was a couple months later, then maybe Gwen has succeeded in befriending her and helping her change her life for the better. Or if Charmcaster hasn't quite changed yet, then she'd either still be trapped in her bag, or possibly be allowed out of it for some freedom but with a spell on her to stop her using her magic so she couldn't harm anyone (like the spell Gwen put on Darkstar) and either way this is going to look majorly weird.
Then there's Professor Xagliv 'The Art History Professor of Death' who isn't actually an enemy, but was once mistaken for one of Ben's old enemies (Vilgax)
There's also Professor Aniceto from the drama department, who for some reason was stealing plutonium and ended up fighting Lucky Girl.
Ken: The eyes on that painting keep following me..
Kevin: Yeah they do that, don't stare at them too long or they might try to steal your soul
And Kevin's only half-joking because no ones really sure why the paintings do that and knowing Friedkin University it's possible they're actually haunted or cursed.
The guy who sells sandwiches isn't evil (as far as we know) but gives off a really ominous vibe.
They walk past a group of students and Ken asks his sister why some of them are wearing dark robes; "Are they part of a D&D club?" And they explain that no, actually they used to be part of a cult that worshiped this guy who's still Gwen's enemy (Darkstar)
Kevin: Don't worry, we beat him and he doesn't go here anymore. We don't really know what those kids do anymore but they haven't caused anymore trouble so it's cool I guess.
Ken: Wait that guy used to go here?
And they're walking around showing Ken the buildings and he points at one.
Ken: That looks new, is the University expanding?
Gwen: No that's just repair work from when Charmcaster sliced the building in half when we fought once. And that new archway over there was built after she destroyed the last one when she turned into a dragon.
Ken: ...
Kevin, grumbling: And over there is where she made my car vanish.
By the time they run into Bezel, Ken's just like "let me guess, he used to be one of your enemies too?" And Gwen tells him "actually, no! He is however the most powerful sorcerer in the universe." And right on cue, Bezel pulls out a deck of cards (that are clearly facing the wrong way) brandishes them at Ken, and gleefully asks him to pick one.
Other than the DNAlien incident, it's probably the weirdest visit Ken's ever done (but thankfully far less traumatizing)
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whatudottu · 2 years
Thinking aloud here but, originally in OS Ben 10 - thanks to the trio set up - there was already a present tri-colour theme of green (Ben, of course), blue (Gwen in both clothes and mana) and red (Grandpa Max, again with clothes but also to the plumber badge which appears as a red dot on a blue grey uniform). Over in UAF though, the red shifts to being a pink and instead of Kevin running along with the replacement colour, Gwen picks up pink and Kevin takes her blue. And over in OV, we no longer have a trio to make a tri-colour theme, and instead have green and blue for Ben and Rook.
Bringing this up, I want to kind of tie two ideas together, that being to keep Gwen blue and have Kevin be red, and for Omniverse to add on to the buddy cop duo with a red of their own, the ironically named Kai Green.
For a kids show - whether or not Ben 10 was revolutionary in doing this or was one of a few - having a female main character be coded as very specifically blue instead of pink, and not even contrasting with the main male character, was certainly very notable and actually pretty cool. UAF pivoting to return to the pink, even so much as turning Gwen’s style to be red in AF season 3 and the entirety of UA, essentially changed what she had been for 4 seasons of the original series. She didn’t even get pinned with the colour red, and while Ben kept up with the green - going... 10 fold if you ask me - Gwen got a new colour for this new trio.
Kevin, though lacking in clothing colour for quite a significant portion of his appearance pre-UAF, did very distinctly evoke the colour red thanks in due part to his amalgam Kevin 11 form. Even though a lot of his energy absorption powers were blue, more associated with electricity, the big red bruiser was very much the appearance of Kevin before UAF came around. Perhaps it would’ve been cool to have a carry over, a matter absorbing Kevin - just a tad afraid to fully commit to energy or DNA absorption especially - having the remaining heat and fire of a pyronite, coating himself in metals and rocks as if they were melting upon his form. Of course, Kevin 11 was more than just the hot red of Fourarms and Heatblast, but before blue jeans Kevin came along that was the colour I thought about.
Perhaps round 2 of an RGB trio may have interfered with the red of Albedo, but consider that maybe pink is not a colour entirely abandoned. The Highbreed have very many purple design elements, that in their technology and even in their facial appearance, framed by the white of their bodies and the yellow of the DNAliens. And what colour, might one say, is akin to purple but can also be the complimentary colour of a darker green?
Am I making Albedo pink? Well fricking sure I am. And, as an added bonus, it matches with the idea - more explored in Omniverse - of albinism, like white rabbits with the distinct pink eyes, even if humans (not that Albedo is a human) would have blue or hazel eyes. Pink also serves as a contrast to purple, a notable colour in defining evil in Ben 10, in such a way that it is not as intense a colour; it is a warm colour and it is a lighter colour, but the relationship that red and purple have with magenta can’t help make me connect pink with violet.
That way, the cast can keep up the RGB throughout UAF, and maybe leave room for orange and yellow villains or allies to sneak their way in. Captain Nemesis after all is very orange and, considering that Kevin is now red, the warm coloured connection and red-based association between these characters has a lot more relation to ‘not appearing as they seem’.
Moving over to Omniverse, a lot of arguments (that aren’t racist and sexist takes that cracker omnicron and her pathetic little meow meow spread like a cancer) about BenKai is mostly how forced and relatively out of the blue the relationship seems, and whether or not you’re a fan of it or not, the easiest solution to this is by continuing the trend of trios into OV. Kai Green, daughter of Wes Green, is another plumber’s grandchild like Ben himself. Since I haven’t seen Omniverse in a hot while, it seems that between her and her grandfather, Kai’s relationship to the plumbers appears to be related to the mystical investigation and safe keeping side of the plumbers, connected directly to what was mentioned in OS and in that one episode with the underground molerat cows.
Aside from generally having a connection and reason to be working alongside Ben, hero of the galaxy and grandson of the greatest plumber alive, and Rook, rookie hah i see what they did there plumber assigned to Ben Tennyson as a partner, Kai stands as the replacement of Gwen in knowledge of legends and artifacts more closely related to tall tales told to children to keep them from wandering the night alone. And the funniest thing about this, with the adjustment made from UAF, Kai get’s the red of Kevin while Rook gets the blue of Gwen.
And here’s a little connection I made while writing this, the colours reflect the meaning of both the classic trio and the teen trio. Rook reflects the blue of the original Gwen, a character that Ben absolutely could not get along with in the slightest until trials and tribulations told him otherwise. And now with Kai, her red reflects the blue of the teen Kevin, a character that Ben has history with that was less than pleasant, and tying it back to the original trio, has connections with Grandpa Max himself through not only herself but through Max’s old partner Wes Green, her very own grandpa.
So, with the existence of a trio (and preferably writers that don’t treat it’s characters like shit) Rook is not the only braincell of the Ben dynamic, and now if there’s going to be any form of relationship that is formed between Kai and Ben, this is the situation to do it in. That’s also a big if, but whatever...
This has been me with disconnected thoughts about the RGB tri-colour and um... I talked about this a lot longer than I thought that I would to be perfectly honest with you.
Um, well... okay :)
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kariachi · 2 years
Some bedding and bedroom stuff for my various species because why the fuck not
Typically sleep communally in separate beds
Masters of the floor mattress (look, we’ve seen the size of them, at 11 Kevin was smaller than Kwarrel’s arm, what the fuck sorta bedframe are they gonna use?) which is the most similar, on average, to what we’d recognize as a mattress
Wandering Herds typically have four to six men per wagon, depending on the size of the wagon, with small chests for daily-use personal items at the heads of beds
There’s wagons dedicated to storing non-daily use items
Teenagers typically are grouped together by when they joined the herd and so by age as a result, but as they’re free to come and go after a few years once they hit true adulthood the range of ages in a wagon can vary wildly
In Settled Herds your average household will have three or four large bedrooms- the husband’s room, the wives’ room, and the children’s room(s)- the latter of which may be divided by sex or age if there’s a second room at all
Wealthier families may have more rooms and be able to split by generation as well
Babies and toddlers typically bunk with their mothers, moving into the children’s room at about 4/5
Married men are the only group that can generally expect to have a private room long term (assuming, of course, they aren’t sharing with a father/son-in-law)
Traditionally and in more rural areas still married men’s rooms are at the center of the home and open onto a private courtyard that’s only accessible through their rooms, in urban areas this has translated to top floor rooms and the sole key to the roof and control of the gardens there
Married men also tend to have their own bathroom (in the modern age it is not unusual for them to send their still-wandering friends and relatives pictures and a ‘there’s benefits to marriage’)
Bedding, blankets, and the like generally is made from plant-based fibers and/or wool- the latter being very common for things like baby clothes and wives’ beds because are less likely to try to eat it- and while synthetics became far more common for a while there they’ve fallen out of favor and are now fairly rare, mostly restricted to poorer families and herds who can’t afford to replace them
Sort’ve a cross between communal and individual sleepers, though still with separate beds
It all depends on the person, how old they are, and whether they’re living with kin
An adult living outside of their clan dens may den alone, may den with any romantic partners, or with members or children of their Nesting if they’re part of one
Private dens, outside of clan dens, typically consist of a more public sitting space onto which is attached a smaller den large enough for 2-3 individuals to sleep or up to three 1-person dens
An adult living within their clan dens may also den alone or in those small groupings, but it’s less common- while you will find some of the more private style of den, most are just sleeping spaces large enough to house anywhere from four to eight people each, depending on the clan
Dens, in this context, consist of a dug out space just large enough for a number of beds equal to the presumed number of occupants, with one or more spaces dug into the walls to hold chests containing personal belongings (though areas with bed frames often seen things stored under them as well)
Whether or not bed frames are used varies by area, and as with most things made by Ossys when they do exist they’re made of stone or metal more often than not
Bedding, for most on Osmos V, consists of piles of hide layered together to make a comfortable cushion, with items made from plant-based fibers being more common nearer to major water sources, and those with ties to off-world trade having more ready access to imports like furs and synthetic materials
Of course things are different for the little children
Osmosian nests are scrapes formed from stone and metal and chicks stay in them with their dam for about their first half year Ossy time (so, about 15 months Earth time)
At that point they get moved into the creche proper, where they’re sleeping on larger, less easily stuck in one’s mouth, stones until they get passed their first birthday, when they graduate to sleeping on hide
At 3 (~7-8 Earth time) they move from the creche and begin sleeping in the same dens as their parents
At 6-7 (~15-18 Earth time) they move into dens with a few cousins or siblings if available, if not they continue to share dens with their parents until they’ve reached at least 8 (~20 Earth time) and can begin living as adults, and if they do move in with siblings or cousins then it’s entirely possible and common for them to continue to live like that as adults for at least a few more years
I don’t think the words ‘separate beds’ have been spoken on Eri other than by Osmosians in hushed whispers, fuckers are the most communal of sleepers
An Erinaen household typically only has one bedroom, two is a big house, and three is just showing off
The entire family sleeps in that room, though yes Erinaen buildings tend to have something similar to a mezzanine (only the one per room, however), it’s still a space the size of your average Ossy sleeping den with typically at least another half dozen people in it, these bastards cram and pile
Take a second for that, a space that fits three Osmosians in separate beds will fit over a dozen Erinaens in a sprawling mass of fur and quills
In areas that get truly cold households may come together into one space for the winter- often either 1) groups of siblings and cousins who leave near each other and don’t yet have families of their own, 2) intermarried groups with no or only a handful of free-range children between them, 3) elderly groups of friends and family with no more children between them- allowing them to accumulate body heat to stave off the winter
Body heat is the major source of home heating amongst Erinaens
Bedrooms, like all rooms, tend to have shelves carved into the walls to house personal and family items
Bedding is... have you ever looked inside a packrat midden? It’s that.
Start again- traditional bedding amongst Erinaens consists of a thick layer of leaves, fur, and feathers covering the whole of the floor, with colder regions also often having furs and lengths of cloth used to supplement the household’s body heat
On Eri at least, while they’ve heard of mattresses, they really don’t see the benefit- yes it keeps things from getting stuck in your quills, but it’s another thing to clean in comparison to just being able to haul everything out and toss it when it starts to smell or get insects or spring comes back around because like fuck you went and re-bedded the bedroom during winter
Lenopan (yes! they get to be on the list for the first time! clap for them!)
Not traditionally communal sleepers as adults
Dams will share a room in the children’s house with their latest clutch until they’re about 4-5 years old, then move back into their main house with said children
Children typically share a room with their clutchmates and/or similarly aged cousins living in the same house, until their mid-to-late teens, when they start being split off to their own rooms
While you get communal nappers, they tend to prefer to properly sleep alone- likely a leftover from their solitary predator ancestors
Bedrooms are more spacious than for Ossys or Erinaens, and often serve also as personal spaces to get away from family, work on personal projects, have some damn privacy, that sort’ve thing
In drier areas, it’s not uncommon to have a small, shallow pool of water in one corner of the room, to keep the humidity up, though off the homeworld this is typically replaced with a humidifier or misting system
Bedding, as we know it, isn’t really a thing among Lenopan, typically an individual will decide on their favorite sleeping spot, not put shit there, and that’s mostly that, but to fit personal preference their equivalent is temporary inserts, often coming in pieces you can install yourself to your own ideal, in a variety of materials and textures which are put together in an individual’s preferred sleeping spot to cover the floor and walls as preferred
Your typical bedroom is made of smooth, closely laid tile, uniform and cool to the touch, though concrete is also sometimes used, especially in children’s rooms
It’s harder to do inserts for children’s rooms, but most decent families will put in the effort to try to work something out so they can all be comfortable, even if that means having to split them up early because two or more just can’t share a living space
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kissitbttr · 2 months
Okay so like hear me out for Frat!Miguel ideas. Movie night at the frat house, very lowkey setting a few drinks maybe some people had an edible… But muñeca and Gloria being all cuddly, as best friends are. The two of the just in their own worlds watching the movie while cuddling and Miguel and Beck are in the corner just sad and jealous from lack of attention.
i am so happy at the fact that you are realizing that gloria and muñeca are basically each other’s soulmates, they do love each other more than their bfs🤍🤍🤍🤍
“I hear that strawberries are better fruits for your digestive systems”
“No shit, really?! I thought papayas were good!”
“That’s what i thought! But nopes, it’s all the berries babes!”
Miguel and Beck are sitting by the kitchen counter. wearing the same expression of disbelief as they stare at two of their girlfriends cuddled up in the sofa gossiping about —fruits? While others are busy with their own chatters and rolling blunts.
The girls aren’t even paying attention to the two boys who keep on staring at them. It’s like they’re just living in their own little world. Just simply talking about God knows what, fiddling with each other hands and laughing while they get high on edibles,
It’s like watching two women flirting with each other.
“no me gusta esto” Miguel grumbles, arms crossing over his chest as he slumps against the back cushion. Watching how his girl gets all lovey dovey and giggly with Gloria. “This is not how it’s supposed to go”
“Can’t believe that we are right here, yet they chose to get busy with each other!” Beck remarks in disbelief, shaking his head, “how many edibles did they take anyway?”
“Not counting but a lot” Miguel scoffs, eyes burning holes on Gloria’s side profile who’s staring at Muñeca with a hazy look on her eyes,
Beck notices, nudging him on the side. “Are you planning to kill my girl?”
“No. But i will continue to glare at her if she doesn’t take her eyes off my girl!”
“She’s basically doing the same thing! We’re victims here!”
“Holy fuck, you’re right” Miguel exhales a deep breath, leg bobbing up and down out of frustration. “Jesus—Are they eye fucking each other?!”
“Oh god please don’t make me imagine that. I can’t lose Gloria yet”
“So am i! I got fucking boys from class that i had to get off her back and i got to compete with girls too?!”
Never been so frustrated in his life before. Miguel throws a hard glare at the two of them, and it irks him just a little bit more when he sees muñeca running her fingers through Gloria’s hair. Pair of her eyes staring intently into hers,
“I had this huge crush on Kevin Levin on Ben 10, he’s like really hot—Had a shrine of him when i was twelve” she mentions, playing with the ends of Gloria’s dark hair
“Oh god, baby me too!” Gloria gasps excitedly, hands clutching onto muñeca’s as her eyes grow wide. “What about Danny Phantom?!” Muñeca simply squeals at the mention of his name, continuing to be bashful about her second childhood crush,
Beck and Miguel simply could not believe it! Are they actually ignoring their own boyfriends? To talk about weird cartoon crushes they had when they were young?!
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Miguel mutters harshly, hands going through his hair and groan. “Kingsley! You go in there and get your girl! I need my time alone with mine!”
“I did try! She didn’t want me to! Told me to piss off without even looking at me! How about you get your girl?!”
“And make her mad?! No thanks” Miguel refuses, his scowl only increases when he sees Gloria kisses muñeca’s cheek. Leaving a sheer mark of her lipgloss making both girls giggle. “Oh my god—you know what?!”
And before even Miguel finishes, he marches over the two of them with a pout and an upset frown. Trying his best to not look like a jealous man,
“Miggy! Hi, baby!” Muñeca’s eyes lighting up when she sees her boyfriend standing close, the delt of his muscles flexes a bit when he put his hands on hips. “Me and Gloria were just talking about making pot brownies! Well—she did. I, for one prefer strawberry blondies”
“Nooo, chocolates are better! Tell her, O’hara!” Gloria giggles, poking the dimple on Muñeca’s cheek,
Miguel rolls his eyes, not seeing any humor what’s sitting in front of him. “Not telling her shit—now quit hogging my girlfriend and go to your man”
“What? Jealous?” Gloria wiggles her eyebrows, laughing a little as muñeca snorts. “You have her everyday! I want to cuddle with my baby too”
“She’s not your baby. She’s my baby” Miguel corrects, staring down at Gloria who’s pouting. “You had her for an hour, it’s my turn!”
“Miggy, you can just cuddle with Beck!” His girlfriend suggests with a grin, as if its the most obvious thing. “That way, the girlfriends and boyfriends could be close with each other as well! Am i right?” Muñeca snuggles against Gloria’s neck,
“You’re crazy! I am not cuddling with Beck!” Miguel’s eyes hold a shocking expression, “Why are you suddenly not interested in your own boyfriend?!”
“Because you just want to cuddle with me so you can play with my boobies” Muñeca pouts, face looking like she’s actually heartbroken,
“Of course i do! i love your boobies! Obsessed even! Who doesn’t love your boobies?! Wait—don’t answer that” Miguel backtracks, “Beck doesn’t have boobies. They’re not as comfy as yours!”
“Jeez! Opposed to my chest that much, O’Hara?” Beck chimes in from behind with a smirk
“Cállate, Kingsley!”
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electraslight · 10 months
Ben 10 is so interesting because when you hear the name Kevin E Levin you imagine the character as a comical foil to the protagonist and not an ex convict homeless child and an analog for crack babies in one timeline and a runaway and trafficking victim in another. like they could have made him so stupid. but they didnt
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sporesgalaxy · 8 months
just realized i have the power to imagine kevin levin as a butch lesbian the world is so beautiful
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spextr1m · 1 month
Ben 10's Albedo if he's a twin brother of Ben (You see it as what if or AU)
TW/contains: Kevin's abusive father (The illusion father is a fake, spoilers alert), jealousy
A/N: I have a thought that if Albedo is a twin brother of Ben instead of Azmuth's personal assistant
- I like to imagine he's the Squidward of the Ben 10 but pre-betraying-Azmuth era Albedo's kinder but still have sense of arrogance.
- He's bit taller than Ben and ironically the younger twin brother but he and Ben share the same look except for color schemes.
- He and Gwen have intelligence banters such as arguing over intelligence related things and science stuff.
- Albedo was surprised when Ben first receives Omnitrix, he can't help but to be jealous over him.
- He would've have beef with Kevin Levin and would make insensitive remarks about his family unlike Ben who's secretly sorry for him. (When both boys were 10 while Kev's 11)
- He would've tease Gwen for liking Kevin and asks if her taste is bad boy which she gets flustered and would chase him when they were 11.
- Grandpa Max would stop the trio arguing back and forth, sometimes he gave life advice to him whenever he feels jealousy over Ben's success.
- Is smart in his class but he and Ben were separated in class when they were kids.
- When seeing Gwen inside the van (he calls it a "van" till he sees unexpected things which he can't help but to be surprised).
- Despite his arrogance, he's not above to save Ben from his bullies and sometimes threaten to cut their pocket
- Two brothers grow up older while Ben still have bullies but now playing soccer while he's now taller than Ben (5'7" in a half) and would've stick in science class.
- According to wiki, it says he's able to knock easily others (very good fighter) so he's able to fight even without omnitrix to the point that Ben is worried for him.
- He surprises others even when he was 10-11 (He would've beat Cash and JT if Ben let him)
- While Cash and JT are still school bullies, they's scared to approach Albedo (He knows that the fighting prowess scares them).
- Would be good at ambush attacks.
- While Ben's signature smirk/grin is filled with playful and cocky, Albedo on other hand is more condescending and cold.
- He isn't buying it for Kevin's redemption in AF and isn't used to his shenanigans especially when Kevin says something stupid shit.
- "Ughhh!" - Albedo, whenever Kevin blunders.
- He would sometimes make fun of Ben for being scared of clowns.
- Finds 10-11 years old Ben and Gwen's arguments "stupider than the kindergartens."
- Despite he and Ben are in odds, he's WILLINGLY to get grounded so Ben, Gwen and Kevin will hunt those aliens down.
- Azmuth even gave him an omnitrix much to his surprise.
- 10-11 years old Albedo is menace to society and smartass until still do
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Similar to the crossover group chats you played with (the one that comes to mind is the "Glowing Green Eyes" group with Ben, Chat, and Danny), I imagined some crossover group chats in the Gryphonverse mostly as a joke in addition to the chats for individual teams. So far I have:
Zuko Club- The villains/jerks who were redeemed: Chloé Bourgeois, Riku, Kevin Levin, Amity Blight, Hunter (The Owl House), Sasha Waybright, and Rose (ADJL)
Isekai'ed- Those who had adventures in another dimension: Luz Noceda, Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Sora, Riku, and Kairi. I might add Boo since she's in the crossover now.
Heaven's Janitors- Mortal heroes who have to clean up the messes from the Divine Plane: The casts of The World Ends With You, Sleepy Hollow, and Warrior Nun.
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hanasnx · 2 months
she’s a good girl.
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: daddy kink use of the word “dad” | no foreplay | sexual content | fem reader.
“Can you pass me that ratchet, sweets?” KEVIN LEVIN asks, pointing vaguely in the direction of his tool box which is haphazardly disarrayed in a mess on the floor. You set your drink down—the one he bought you as penance so you’d stay out of his way while he worked—and creep over, carefully toeing over his propped up legs. If he pulled out from under the car now he’d see up your skirt.
“Sure thing, Dad.” you respond without thinking anything of it, bending over to reach into the toolkit. A loud bang makes you jump out of your skin, a full body prickle travels up your spine as he loudly curses. He kicks out, his foot connecting with the box to send it sliding, careening the garage door with a clatter. You watch it with wide, curious eyes. Before you get a chance to chase it, Kevin rolls out from under the car with a scowl on his severe expression and clutching his hand.
“What’d you just—“ he begins in an angry seethe, pained from whatever accident was inflicted on his greased hand. However, that glare in his face melts, taken aback by the view as you sheepishly stand over him like a deer-in-headlights. A light pink dusts the crest of his cheeks as he closes his mouth promptly, swallowing hard at the sight of your backside on display for him. Suddenly, he doesn’t care so much about the throb in his hand, and he certainly forgets your odd nickname, the outline of your cunt in your little panties at the forefront of his mind.
Another thing this car is good for—besides constantly breaking down without his gentle and loving maintenance—is how a pretty body looks on the hood. It takes no time at all before he’s thrown you on it, cooping you up there like a pin-up girl while he hastily unbuckles his pants. The mere sound of it dampens you, and you watch with bated breath and eager interest.
“You ready for me, baby? Didn’t wash my hands.” He glances at you, manhandling you into a closer position while the head of his cock nudges at the wet fabric over your pussy.
“Mm-hm, Dad, I am.” you reply without hesitation, clinging onto his arm as he keeps you up on the hood, your legs folded up on either side of you.
In the middle of those filthy fingers deftly pulling your panties to the side, his gaze meets yours deliberately with a couple spacey blinks. He shrugs it off. “You call me the weirdest shit.” Yanking the elastic aside, he strokes at your folds with his tip, and you whimper at the glimpse of pleasure. Getting fucked on his car is usually pretty rough, but nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to how he pins you down and fucks your brains out, big hands shoved under your backside to bring you into his harsh pace. All the while he’s breathlessly coaxing you in your ear, “What’d you call me again? Say that shit again… Wanna hear it… Gets you so fucking wet, you’re a fuckin’ freak, you know that?”
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yellowjavkets · 6 months
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Jackie Taylor & Shauna Shipman from Yellowjackets
Faith Lehane & Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Kimmy & Octus from Sym-Bionic Titan
Kirk & Spock from Star Trek: TOS
Princess Bubblegum & Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time
Dewey Riley & Gale Weathers from the Scream Franchise
Mae Borowski & Bea Santello from Night in the Woods
Tara Maclay & Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Miles Morales & Gwen Stacy from Spiderverse
Mike Chilton & Julie Kapulsky from Motorcity
Paige & Beck from Tron: Uprising
Bonnie Bennet & Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries
Taissa Turner & Van Palmer from Yellowjackets
Sarah Connor & Kyle Reese from Terminator
Lucifer Morningstar & Chloe Decker from RJ IS NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA
Rory Gilmore & Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls
Mickey Milkovich & Ian Gallagher from Shameless
Jocelyn Carter & John Reese from Person of Interest
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson/Harry Osbourne from EXCLUSIVELY THE RAIMI TRILOGY
Samwise Gamgee & Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings
Agent Six and Rebecca Holiday from Generator Rex
Xander Harris & Cordelia Chase from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Root & Sameen Shaw from Person of Interest
Rex Salazar & Circe from Generator Rex
Gwen Tennyson & Kevin Levin from Ben 10
Anthy & Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Razer & Aya from Green Lantern: TAS
Jake Long & Rose from American Dragon: Jake Long
Caroline Forbes & Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries
Natalie Scatorccio & Misty Quigley from Yellowjackets
I'll probably do a week instead of a day for each poll and post them in very small batches so nobody has to drive to my house and kill me. i will post them at whatever time of day and I'm sorry in advance. you have no idea how difficult it was to think of 32. i had to go back in time and converse with myself at ages of all prime numbers and multiples of 3 to get a clear picture
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
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Confession: I always imagine Kevin Day as Kevin Levin from Ben10 Ultimate Alien.
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jhilsara · 2 years
I Wanna Go Home for Christmas
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I Wanna Go Home For Christmas
Kevin hates everything about winter. It's cold, it's wet, it's gray, and it's lonely. The silence that happens on winter nights chills him more than the temperature ever could. Kevin can't remember the last time he enjoyed any winter activity and he hasn't seen his family for the holidays in the past 5 years. He's more than fine with that. Except his best friend Ben Tennyson refuses to leave him alone for Christmas.
Cross posted on AO3 X
A no powers AU set where Kevin meets Ben and Gwen later in life.
Dec. 23rd
Winter’s never been great for Kevin.
He vaguely remembers a warm feeling from his muddled memories of being a small child. The brightly colored Christmas lights on the small tree his mom had bought. The smell of baked goods from the apartments tiny kitchen. A cartoon playing in a faint memory.
The small amount of warmth or nostalgia it gives him is clouded over from years of the bitter cold biting him.
It’s so gray. He thinks.
 Winter is nothing but bleak grays and freezing nights that feel lonelier than others.
At least in the summer the windows are open, he can hear people outside at anytime of the day, the sun doesn’t disappear until nine at night, and he can smell the rain or the flowers.
He can imagine he’s somewhere else besides his breadbox of an apartment.
He’s never liked the biting cold and the frozen ice as it nips at his fingertips and nose. He bumps up the heat in his car just thinking about it.
Maybe it was his runaway years, his divorced parents, or maybe it was just that he didn’t think he was a good person. Either way, the holidays and winter were rough for Kevin Levin.
But this year, his best friend is dragging him along.
He’s waiting outside Ben’s apartment for him, freezing in the car, windshield wipers going fast to flick the snow off his car. He’s tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and shaking his leg with anxious energy.
“I’m going back home if Tennyson doesn’t hurry his ass up.” Kevin bites out to himself in a grumble. He lays on his horn.
Ben comes out his door in a flurry of excitable energy. He’s holding his duffle bag and another arm is filled with small paper bags that are sure to be his families presents. His messy brown hair is poking out in curls under a beanie as he scowls at Kevin before sticking his tongue out at him.
Kevin pops his trunk open for him and lays on the horn one more time for fun.
Ben opens the door and the frigid air bites at Kevin’s skin and a shiver runs down his back. 
Ben slams the door shut, “You didn’t have to blow the horn Kev, I was literally leaving.” Ben grumbles as he puts his hands out to warm them from the vents.
Kevin reverses out of the parking lot and the car screeches and lurches forward. “I’m freezing here Tennyson I just want to get goin’. It’s a two-hour drive.”
Ben nods his head and settles into the seat. “Thanks for driving. I promise you’re gonna have a good time. My mom will be all over you. She’s already set up my old room into a guest bedroom and asked what your favorite foods are.” Ben smiles lopsided at Kevin in a warm gesture.
Kevin’s stomach knots itself. He feels twitchy and almost thinks about dropping Ben off and turning right back around. He really isn’t into big family events. Kevin’s family never did them. Or maybe he was just never invited to them. Families make him uncomfortable.
It’s something Kevin doesn’t have or think he ever will.
He gives Ben a tight and awkward smile. He turns his radio on to signify he doesn’t want to talk anymore and Ben understands. He always does.
Kevin’s face is considerably pale as him and Ben empty their car outside of the Tennyson family home.
The drive was the shortest two hour road trip, the sun has already disappeared from the sky, and it’s only five in the afternoon. The cold from earlier is even more frigid and Kevin can feel it in his teeth and bones. He wants to be anywhere else right now. He shoves his face deeper into his gray scarf and pulls his beanie down past his ears snuggly. It won’t help but he can hope.
He notices there is an RV that looks to be lucky it’s running parked on the curb. The thing is so rusty Kevin wonders if it’s ever moved from that spot. He sees another couple of cars parked in the driveway too. They seem to be the last ones to arrive.
Kevin’s debating how bad it would be if he just decided to ditch now, but it’s too late when the door opens and the warm yellow light floods out framing an older blonde woman softly. Her face instantly lights up upon seeing Ben and she ushers them inside.
“Ben! I’m so happy you’re home. I’m almost done with dinner you can go put your bags in your old room.” The small woman gives him such a fierce bear hug; Kevin’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He awkwardly follows them in and shuts the door to ban the cold from entering.
When she finally let’s go of her son her sights are on Kevin. She gives Kevin the same treatment like she’s known him for years.
 “Kevin I’m so happy you could come!” She hugs him tightly and he has to bend slightly for her to fully reach him. He can feel how stiff he is and doesn’t return the gesture.
He’s like an opossum. He wants to play dead. 
She let’s go and pats his arms and gives him a good once over. She must like what she sees and grins at him.
“I’m so glad Ben invited you. He’s been talking about asking you to come since Thanksgiving.”
Ben’s face flushes. “Mom!” He groans. “Come on Kev we can put our stuff done and come back down.”
Ben’s mother rolls her eyes at her son.
“Remember it’s a guest room Ben! Do not immediately get it dirty like last time!” she shouts after him as the two young men climb the stairs.
“I’m twenty-two not twelve.” Ben grumbles to himself as Kevin follows him.
They make into a decently sized bedroom. There’s a daybed that’s made with the trundle underneath pulled out and made too. There’s a closet and a dresser with a small television sitting on top of it. It’s playing one of those ambient music channels with a fire log playing on the screen.
There’s also a nice winter scented candle lit as well.
Ben throws his bags down next to the daybed and reaches his hands out for Kevin’s.
“Home sweet home.” Ben says and smiles at Kevin.
“Something like that.” Kevin replies.
Ben smacks his back in reassurance. “It’ll be great dude. It’s us, my parents, aunt and uncle, cousin, and my grandpa. It’ll be a good time.”
Kevin just nods his head and let’s Ben ramble and he drags him along. 
“My dad and uncle Frank tend to spend most of the holiday watching sports and tagging along with Grandpa Max. He takes them fishing mostly. Grandpa tried to take me and Gwen once but we realized we only liked it on summer road trips. Not for Christmas.” Ben rattles on.
“Mom and aunt Natalie are almost never home. They go out almost every day. Sometimes Gwen joins but that usually is like pulling teeth out of her to go.”
“Usually it’s Ken, Gwen, and I for Christmas shenanigans. But Ken couldn’t make it this year. He’s visiting his fiancés family.” Kevin can see Ben roll his eyes at that. 
Out of one of the doors upstairs is a woman with short ginger hair and a sweater she’s swimming in. She’s engrossed in her phone and almost plows into Kevin.
Her head snaps up and her green eyes flash to Kevin’s deep brown. She quirks a perfect eyebrow at him before turning her head to Ben.
She pockets her phone and smiles widely at Ben, “Hey doofus.” She says fondly and reaches to hug him.
“Hey dweeb.” He replies in the same tone and gives her a tight squeeze before letting go.
Kevin notices her and Ben are roughly the same size. Ben’s maybe more built with muscle but he’s still scrawny compared to Kevin.
Gwen’s eyes roam back to Kevin, her eyebrow still raised. Before she can ask Ben beats her to it.
“Gwen this is Kevin. He’s spending Christmas with us!” Ben says excitedly clapping Kevin on his broad back.
It doesn’t move him but does startled him for a second.
Gwen looks over him, and it almost feels scrutinizing. Kevin’s never felt this nervous before. Whatever she’s looking for she finds it and smiles broadly at him.
He just stares at her.
“Nice to meet you Kevin. Hope we don’t run you off after the weeks over.” She gives him a small wave and makes her way downstairs.
“Come on I’m starving.” Ben states following after Gwen.
The Tennyson family is rowdy.
That’s the only word that springs to mind as Kevin sits at the dinner table. He’s sitting with Ben and Gwen who are all but shouting over each other to tell stories.
Their grandpa sits on the other side of Kevin and rotates in and out of conversation with his own sons or his grandchildren. Then Kevin can hear Ben and Gwen’s mom occasionally cackle about something on the other side of the table.
Sensory overload for sure… but not in a bad way.
The noise settles and drums in the back of Kevin’s head but he isn’t irritated by the chattering happening. It’s charming to him. They’re all so happy to see each other and jumping down each other’s throats in excitement not anger. It’s different. It’s warm.
“So, how do you know Ben?” he hears a small but clear voice cut through his thoughts.
He turns his head, it’s Gwen. She’s looking at him expectantly.
Kevin feels himself flush in embarrassment for a moment and stutters over his words.
“Uh, we meet through Rook actually. I work in the auto shop with him. Rook invited me out for drinks one night and I didn’t immediately hate him.” Kevin smirks nudging Ben.
Ben rolls his eyes, “Hardy har Kev. You’d stay locked up in your apartment if it wasn’t for me.”
Gwen ignores Ben’s statement, “Oh that is a feat indeed. It’s so easy to hate Ben upon first meeting.” she smiles playfully.
“He was too wrapped up in Rook to be overly obnoxious.” Kevin continues the joke.
“Hey! That is not true!” Ben’s face goes red in embarrassment.
“Oh.” Gwen says knowingly, “Is this the same Rook you’ve had the hots for? Hasn’t it been over a year?” She asks Ben smirking at him trying to hid a bubble of laughter.
Ben groans and covers his face with his hands, “You guys suck! You can’t just tag team me like this.”
Kevin scoffs. “If you would just ask Rook out we wouldn’t be doggin’ you so much.” He takes a sip from his drink smiling back at Gwen.
She reaches her arm across the table to grab at Ben’s arm, “Come on it’s kind of funny. Why haven’t you asked him out yet though? You told me around Halloween you would.” She asks genuinely.
Kevin raises his brow at this.
Ben brings his arms back down and pushes around the food on his plate and just shrugs his shoulders.
“I’m worried he just sees me as a friend. Or worse…” Ben looks up at Gwen, “He’s straight.”
Gwen and Kevin roll their eyes collectively.
“He’s not straight.” They say in unison.
Ben deflates a little, “I’m just scared.” He looks up at Gwen and scratches the back of his head. “You know I don’t handle rejection well.”
Gwen nods her head in understanding at something Kevin doesn’t know. He won’t pry them for it. Ben will tell him if he wants to.
“Enough about Rook.” Ben states and sits up straighter. He waggles his brows at Gwen, “What about that Mike dude you meet at work?” he asks Gwen.
Now it’s her turn to be disgruntled. She sighs heavily, “Yeah that didn’t work out.” She fidgets in her seat and pushes her plate away from her.
“What why? You were going on like three months the last time I talked to you at Thanksgiving.” He says in concern.
“Yea and it was the last month.” She mumbles.
“Gwen-” Ben starts.
“I just- why is it so hard to not cheat?” Her voice strains. She’s looking right at Ben, eyes bright and alive with irritation.
“We weren’t even that serious. What was the point?! I would have rather him break up with me at three months then find out he’s been cheating on me with Hope!” she crosses her arms in irritation.
“What?!” Ben all but screeches.
Kevin looks up quickly and notices it’s just the three of them at the dinning table. He’s thankful for that.
Gwen just sighs. “I just wasted three months on some punk who’s too much of a baby to tell me he wasn’t into me. It feels like high school not a corporate job.” She mutters.
It’s quiet and Kevin can’t take the silence and chimes in.
“Fuck him.” He says and shrugs his shoulders. “If he can’t be open about how he feels at twenty something then fuck him. Not worth your time or tears.” Kevin tells her with conviction.
He holds eye contact with her and sees her smile softly at him.
“Yea. Fuck him.”
That night Kevin struggles to sleep. Ben snores. Loudly.
Kevin tries to quieten the noise with a pillow but it’s not helping him. He groans and sits up from the trundle.
He puts on his coat over his sweats and long sleeve shirt. He grabs his beanie and a pack of cigarettes from his bag and heads out to the front porch.
It’s still snowing and Kevin chews on his bottom lip. He hates how cold it is. Hates the snow and hates how incredibly silent he knows it’s about to be outside.
He opens the front door and immediately lights his cigarette and inhales like it’s a lifeline. He lets the familiar burn settle in his chest quickly before blowing out the smoke.
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.”
He turns so fast he almost falls off the steps.
“Sorry!” Gwen squeaks out, “I didn’t realize you didn’t see me.”
Kevin holds one hand over his chest feeling the panic melt away and his breathing even out.
“Do you just like sitting outside in the freezing cold at,” He checks his phone, “1 AM?”
She huffs out a laugh, “Not particularly. I couldn’t sleep.”
He takes another drag, “You can’t hear Ben, can you? He’s what drove me out.”
She gives a hearty laugh. “No but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did.”
Kevin takes one more drag before putting out his cigarette under his boot. He moves to sit next to her on the porch swing.
“His voice does carry doesn’t it?” He laughs and smirks her way.
“Oh god you should have heard him when we were kids!” She snorts through her laugh, Kevin finds it charming. “We went on a summer long road trip with grandpa and we had to share a bunk.”
He smiles at her, “So, you just didn't sleep huh?” 
She shoves him in jest. Before pointing at the cigarette butt on the ground.
“Didn’t pin you for a smoker.” She states.
Kevin shrugs. “I only do it in the winter. Only thing that warms me.”
Gwen quirks her brow at that. “Hmm. Not a fan of the cold huh?” she questions.
He shakes his head. “Hate it actually.”
She nods. “I like it enough. It’s the snow I really love. It’s like a fresh blanket that washes over a town and makes it new again.” The neighbor’s lights across the street are twinkling in her eyes, the brightest colors he can see reflecting back at him.
“You make it sound so nice. It’s only like that when it’s freshly fallen though. It get’s caked up with mud, animals, and kids tracking through it.” He says scrunching his face in mild disgust.
She snorts, “That’s why you have to see it when no ones around. When it’s still settling and no ones awake or around. In the silence.” She almost whispers.
Kevin looks out into the yard and tries to see what she sees. It is nice, he thinks, if he was into the art of nature or the whatever. He wishes he had Gwen’s perspective. One that hasn’t been beat up by broken families or run-away loneliness. 
“Sure.” Is all he says. He wants to say more though.
Gwen readjusts in her seat, and pulls the blanket she’s using loose and puts it over her and Kevin.
Kevin silently just stares at her in question.
She shrugs noncommittally and burrows herself into the blanket.
They sit and stare at the snow falling for a while. It’s the only silence Kevin’s liked in a long time.
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ear-worthy · 5 months
Our New South Podcast: The American South -- Its Past & Its Future
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What do we know about the Southern part of the U.S.? We know that Americans are moving there in droves, due, in part, to the warmer climate, lower taxes, and perceived greater opportunities. 
What kind of place is The South? Is it the Jim Crow South? Is it still the "Lost Cause" South? Or is it something evolving from its past and still defining what it will be in the future. 
Luckily, there is a new podcast that attempts to answer these questions and more. It's called "Our New South."
 This podcast series offers a unique look at the evolution of the New South and how historic Southern cities, including Charlotte, North Carolina, are confronting complex issues facing communities across the South and nationwide, ranging from equity in education and immigration to civil rights, racial equality, and socioeconomic mobility. The "Our New South" podcast series features inspiring stories and conversations that provide listeners with unique perspectives on how Southern cities are addressing these challenging issues by highlighting their historical roots in addition to providing direction for the future. The “Our New South” podcast series is presented by the Levine Museum of the New South (LMNS), which, for over 30 years, has sought to confront some of the most difficult issues facing New South cities today by examining them from a historical context that deepens understanding, fosters empathy, and inspires action toward a better future.
Thirty years ago, Levine Museum of the New South -- located in Charlotte, North Carolina -- was founded as a history museum that would tell everyone’s story – a radical idea at the time and a radical idea still. We were founded as a place that would use exhibits and programs to confront some of the most difficult issues facing us today in the historical context that deepens understanding, fosters empathy, and inspires action toward a better future. The co-hosts of Our New South are an interesting pair. Sports journalist Kevin Blackistone and Professor Robery Green II.
Kevin Blackistone is a longtime national sports columnist now at The Washington Post, a panelist on ESPN’s "Around the Horn," a professor of journalism at the University of Maryland, an occasional contributor to NPR and PBS, co-producer and co-writer of "Imagining the Indian," an award-winning 2022 documentary on the history of and fight against mascoting Native Americans, and co-author of "A Gift for Ron," a memoir by former NFL star Everson Walls published in November 2009 that details his kidney donation to onetime teammate Ron Springs. If you're not a sports person and think Kevin Blackistone is some loudmouthed Stephen A. Smith or Skip Bayless sports lunkhead, then you'd be wrong. Blackistone represents the best sports journalism has to offer, with thoughtful opinions, blending sports with seismic socioeconomic, and cultural forces. Robert Greene II is an Assistant Professor of History at Claflin University. He is also the Publications Chair of the Society of U.S. Intellectual Historians and the incoming President of the African American Intellectual History Society. 
Dr. Greene II has written extensively on the South, Black history and memory, and political history for publications such as Oxford American, The Nation, Dissent, Scalawag, and Jacobin, among others. Dr. Greene II is co-editor, along with Dr. Tyler D. Parry, of the edited volume "Invisible No More: The African American Experience at the University of South Carolina," and he is currently at work on a book titled "The Newest South: African Americans and the Democratic Party, 1964-2000" about the relationship between Democratic Party leaders in the South and African American voters.
Check out the trailer for Our New South here. The first episode was just released on January 23.
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