#kelpie miraculous
mymiraclebox · 1 month
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Nokk is among my favorite of my OC kwamis. I've just always loved the idea of this little gremlin looking creature being the embodiment of Water. Grumpy old man. I love them.
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tossawary · 2 months
One moment in "Dungeon Meshi" that I really liked was the Kelpie (early SPOILERS). Because, yeah, Senshi has spent a lot of time with this creature and had many neutral / non-violent interactions with it, he's even named it and it appears to like him, but it also still tries to kill him the moment he makes himself vulnerable to it because it's still a wild animal! It's a large carnivore! It is not tame and absolutely not domesticated!
It's good policy in most decent zoos that keepers don't EVER have any direct contact with certain animals and are never in the enclosures with them! Because it doesn't matter if the animal was born and raised in captivity, or if the animal has been trained to cooperate with medical check-ups and feeding procedures, it's still a wild animal who might suddenly decide to kill or maim anyone who gets too close one day. Even herbivores can get super territorial and aggressive, angry or scared or startled, no matter how "nice" they seem, and the large ones can also accidentally break every bone in your foot just by standing on it even while being friendly. People have to be super careful with trained DOMESTICATED critters too! Horses, cows, dogs, etc. can all be super dangerous if you don't respect their strength and their personal space!
Senshi being "friendly" with a Kelpie is in many ways no different from someone making "friends" with a tiger or a polar bear. Like, sure, maybe it'll accept scraps and seem playfully curious about you upon your first encounter, and miraculously leave you intact, but, HONEY, THEY EAT PEOPLE. It does not like you like you like it! You look like food to them! It's like asking a housecat not to eat a pet bird! One day, it'll be hungry or bored or grumpy, and you'll stop being lucky! Don't feed it and for the love of your neck, don't TRUST it.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, pretty much the idea is that instead of they miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black night with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the faewild, or (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into of the show’s villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long)(plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
Miraculous myths.
I mean considering there is a magic world and aliens apparently, might as well
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mrsalwayswrite · 2 years
Lady of the Loch (Jamie Fraser x OC) Part 1
Summary: An old family folktale thrived amongst the Frasers of Lallybroch about a mythical being that lived in the small, secluded loch near their home. Most claimed it was just a story, while a rare few claimed to have seen her. But for Jamie Fraser, she became so much more. 
This was my submission for a Halloween challenge (I'm a few days late, sorry) and my first time writing for the Outlander fandom! This story ended up taking a life of its own, so I split it into 2 parts. Also, the moodboards are made by me with all pics from Pinterest.
My prompt was: nymph
Words: 3200
Series warnings: canon divergence, all the Fraser family is alive, Claire doesn't exist, mild sexual content, magic themes, Greek mythology, pining, fluffy goodness
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Jamie Fraser considered himself an educated man. Far more than most Scots, if he was being honest, but he was still a Highlander through and through. With that were certain beliefs and traditions passed down through the generations which he inherited, a portion of those beliefs resided in the knowledge of the unseen and magical. He had grown up with stories of kelpies, of selkies, of the Bean Nighe, and of the Fair Folk. He had heard enough stories that the belief of them flowed through his veins, just as surely as his own blood. 
Yet he learned early on, that those magical beings were not the only ones to inhabit Scotland. 
It was a Fraser family secret, passed from one generation to the next. Most took it as another folklore story, but some claimed they had firsthand experience. That there truly was something living in the small loch behind Lallybroch. A spirit of the waters. A lady of the loch. 
A few Frasers claimed to have heard her angelic singing as they approached the loch, but it would abruptly stop just before they came within sight. Even fewer claimed to have caught a glimpse of the beautiful woman with long, dark hair and skin as pale as moonlight. 
Amongst the myths of this magical maiden, there was one of a Fraser women who had approached the loch, crying and begging for help from its mysterious inhabitant, in dire need of wisdom in helping her sister who had married a terrible man. The story went that somehow she was guided to a particular plant, hidden away amongst the rocks, that was known to quickly kill. The Fraser woman claimed the lady of the loch had provided the means to save her sister. Another myth claimed a man was sick and nearing death's door but after a bath in the loch, he miraculously recovered. Yet throughout all the stories, there was one underlying theme. The mysterious inhabitant seemed to look out for the Frasers who resided in Lallybroch. 
Jamie was eight years old when his father first told him about the family secret. Naturally, the next day he told his best friend, Ian, and the two young boys decided to take their own chances on seeing the mysterious maiden of the waters. It came to naught as they spent hours by the water's edge, occasionally throwing rocks into the water in hopes it would disturb her and force her to rise. 
For the next few years, the two would occasionally try their luck at seeing the loch's inhabitant but it was never to be. Not even her supposed angelic singing graced their ears. 
Soon enough, Ian gave up on the idea, saying it was just an 'auld folktale to amuse bairns'. His attention quickly shifted to a different dark-haired Fraser beauty. Thankfully, Jamie did not recognize the shift in attention of his best friend until years later, otherwise he would have been forced to punch his friend for the sake of his sister's honor. Even though she was more than capable of throwing said punch herself, if provoked. 
As the years passed, Jamie found himself still drawn to the small loch behind Lallybroch. More and more often, he would wander there alone to swim in its waters or climb around on the rocks and trees. Sometimes he would speak aloud- sharing about his day or what he had learned from his tutors or any recent scuffles he had with his older brother or sister. He knew there was no one else around and if anyone caught him they could call him mad…but somehow he just knew there was someone there listening. Even if they never replied. 
He was unsure exactly when everything changed. 
Before he knew it, he could feel eyes watching him. Sometimes when he shared a particularly funny story, he thought he could hear laughter like the soft tinkling of bells. More than once, he caught sight of the water stirring when there was nothing to move it. 
The first time he heard her singing, he was thirteen, almost a man. He walked the familiar path to the small loch, alone and angry. The argument he had just walked away from with his father replayed over and over in his mind, causing him to almost miss the beguiling voice on the faint breeze. His heart hammered within his chest at the purely angelic voice, even if he did not understand the language spoken. His feet were frozen on the hard ground, for fear of taking another step closer would disturb her and halt the melody of the heavens that currently graced this small part of Earth. Was it minutes or hours he stood there, entranced? He cared not. What did time mean when he had the honor of listening to her, for it sounded like all the good things in life he loved, all wrapped up and coated in sunshine. 
Finally…he attempted to creep forward, but as he passed some invisible threshold, the singing abruptly ceased and a smooth splash in the water proved the serenade was over. Even as guilt and regret swept over him, he continued towards the rippling water and took a seat on what he had named 'his' rock, for it was large and half situated in the water and half out. 
Once there, he spoke aloud, apologizing for disturbing her singing and attempting to describe how beautiful it was, even if he kept stumbling over his words and more than likely sounding half-crazed. When he finally gave up and hung his head, cheeks blazing red from embarrassment, he was certain he heard her soft laughter nearby. 
Nothing was able to remove the smile from his face the rest of the day. 
Over the next couple of years, he frequently heard her singing. He knew it was foolish, but he liked to pretend she was waiting for him or greeting his arrival. Yet whenever he crossed that unknown threshold, it would abruptly end. Many times he would sit, close his eyes and listen. For her voice soothed him, like a cooling balm to his heart and mind, silencing any doubts or anger and filling him with peace and joy. 
He never told a soul about hearing her. Every time he thought about it, the words would latch onto his tongue, refusing to pass his lips and spoil the air. So he kept the secret to himself, locked away. When his family or Ian teased him about the amount of time he spent at the small loch, he would brush it off or make excuses. It became his place of solace, away from the demands of the farm and his family. Plus with each passing year, he became more aware that he was not there alone. 
It was not until after his sixteenth birthday, he finally saw her for the first time. 
His father had begun training Jamie with a wooden sword years ago, but now he had grown tall enough and strong enough to attempt a real sword. One day mid-summer, Jamie snuck away from his chores, carrying his father's sword with him to practice by the loch. Working on his footing and stances, he murmured the steps to himself, focusing solely on his body, the sword and his invisible opponent. 
Suddenly, that feeling of being watched hit him. 
Spinning on his heel, he swung the sword in a clumsy arc, turning to face the small loch. Only for his eyes to practically bug out of his head as they met the most mesmerizing, startling set of eyes gazing softly back at him. The colors swirled in her orbs, various shades of blue with hints of green. The rest of her was just as striking and stunning. Hair as black as the deepest depths of night flowed down her body to her hips. Skin as pale and soft as moonlight graced her form, without blemish or mark. An white dress covered her slender body, but damp as it was, it both teased and hid the beauty of her form with its near-sheerness. Pink lips turned upward into a smile that made Jamie's knees weaken and almost stumble by the utter radiance in the simple action. Youth and beauty were her adornments yet within those mesmerizing eyes, was an agelessness that added a new level of wonder about her. 
Without words he knew who sat at the water's edge watching him. Even beyond the feeling of etherealness surrounding her like warm sunlight, she was, without question, the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes upon. 
"Hello, Jamie."
His heart stumbled, skipping several important beats, and his lungs froze, unable to accept air, due to the shock of hearing the glory that was her melodious voice in saying his name!
It was not until her blinding smile dimmed to a look of concern that he realized he had stopped breathing, his chest refusing to inflate. Immediately, he sucked in a ragged gasp and doubled over, forcing necessary air into his lungs and willing his heart to function properly instead of trying to kill him in self-sabotage. 
Once he finally gained marginal control over his traitorous body and gave into the inevitability of the embarrassing moment, he finally looked back up at the woman nearby. 
A lively smile brightened her countenance once again. She reclined in the shallows of the water, most of her weight resting on one hip, with her legs gracefully bent beside her. Her hands were placed demurely in her lap while her long hair teased around her form, dancing in the water's lazy motion. Those hypnotic eyes twinkled merrily as they scanned over him, setting his body alight, before settling on his forgotten sword. 
Either in his shock of her sudden appearance or the embarrassing coughing fit following, he must have dropped his father's sword onto the grassy ground. 
"Ah shite, dinna tell my Da."
Her answering laughter threatened to make his chest seize once again in awe while a very distinctly male part of him was certainly taking notice of the almost naked woman before him, her thin, white dress only doing so much to conceal her tempting body. 
Picking the sword back up, he wiped what little grime it had accrued on his tartan. His gaze drifted back to the woman, wondering what to do next. 
"Pray tell, did you maim that terrible fowl you bespoke of days ago?"
It took another embarrassingly long moment for his mind to rise above the allure of her voice, a sound he easily wanted to drown in for eternity, and to actually hear her question. Once her question sunk in, he broke out laughing. 
"Ach no, the wee terror still lives. My Ma forbade me to kill it."
Why she remembered that particular story he would never know. Although, it was terribly amusing now. He had gone out to gather the eggs for his Ma, when one of the hens decided to seek revenge for all the years of stealing her hard labor. With a flurry of wings, it attacked him, biting and clawing. He threatened to rip its feet off, once he restrained the bird. The next day he had come to the loch and amidst his ramblings, he shared that story. 
Feeling emboldened by her tinkling laughter, he slid the sword back into its sheath, then carefully leaned it against a nearby tree. Moving slowly, overly aware of the proximity between them, he walked over to 'his' rock and settled down like any normal visit. 
Except this time, he had an visible audience to his stories and ramblings….an divinely, enchanting maiden. 
After that day, every time he returned to the loch, she would appear. Weeks went by. Then months. And as time passed, so did the distance between them. 
At a year, they would sit nearly side by side on 'their' rock. He spoke mostly, sharing stories and tidbits for her amusement, for she enjoyed his tales, no matter how mundane they felt to him. 
One time he finally worked up the courage to ask why she refused to reveal herself to others. 
A forlorn sigh escaped her, a dainty hand swirling the water to create ripples. "Tis safer. I have been alone for…." Her sweet voice trailed off, ages of pain echoed in her words. With a brief shake of her head, she tilted her face to look up at him with eyes that had seen far too much. "Tis better for all."
"And me?"
"You are different, young one."
He internally preened under her words, further confirming how special it was that she chose to reveal herself to him…and more than once! Over the past year, he even more frequently visited the loch to see her. The most time they had been separated was six days and by that last day, it felt like there was an itch under his skin he could not escape, drawing him back to the magical loch and back to her. 
Then her title for him finally sunk in. 
"Young–young one?!" He sputtered. "Ah, haud yer wheesht! Ye ken I am a man grown!" 
Her laughter flowed over and around him, like a summer breeze. An answering smile grew on his face, for how could he not mirror her joy when it was so potent? 
"Weel, ye can'no be much older than me." 
Her laughter dried up, a wanness replaced what sunshine they had been basking in. Before she turned to look over the loch, an agelessness had emerged in her bright eyes that was haunting. "I have borne witness to the rise and fall of empires and gods alike. Yet I endure, for I am tied to this place. Tis my home and under my protection." 
Silently, he reached across the gap that always lay between them, a no-man's land of sorts, to gently take her hand in his. A warm tingle shot up his arm at the connection, causing his heart to trip. She inhaled sharply and looked down at their hands. Yet after a moment's hesitation, her fingers intertwined with his, a reassured smile on her face. 
They sat that way, quietly talking, until darkness began to creep in. Jamie loathed to leave her side, for this was the first time they had touched and with her small, soft hand in his own calloused one, it felt right. Even if he had no idea what that meant. 
It was two months later, his world turned upside down once again. 
Stalking down the path and through the trees surrounding, his feet pounded on the ground with each step. Coming to 'their' rock, he practically collapsed onto it, furiously wiping away the tears leaking down his cheeks. 
"Jamie? What torments you so?"
He looked up, seeing her through watery eyes, standing knee deep in the loch and watching him with a slightly furrowed brow and concern in her eyes. "I– I dinna want– they are–" A fresh sob caught in his throat and he closed his eyes even as tears flowed unhindered, his hand covering his mouth to try and repress the sound of his despair. 
Within moments, her lithe body dropped onto the rock next to him and her arms wrapped around him in a soothing embrace. Unashamed, for it felt like his heart was fracturing within his chest, he laid his head on her shoulder and clung to her as he quietly cried. It was only in the comfort of her embrace and with her hand stroking his hair, that he felt safe enough to speak. He brokenly explained how his family was sending him away to stay with his uncles for a time in Castle Leoch. 
"I dinna want tae go." He murmured after his tears dried and he explained the predicament. 
"This is my home, ye ken? I dinna wish tae leave it. Or my family, or Ian. And….I dinna wish tae leave ye. Ye will be alone again." 
She pressed their foreheads together and if possible, Jamie thought he may have swooned a little. He could taste her breath on his lips, feel the warmth of her body sinking under his skin and infusing into his blood, heating him from the inside out. Her hand still lazily stroked his hair and he now understood why dogs and cats enjoyed it so much. 
"You are my greatest friend, James Fraser, and I shall miss you. But you will go." She gently commanded. "There is much to learn and see in this world. I will await here for your return in which you shall share stories of your adventures and your travels. Agreed?"
Still choked up, he barely managed to mutter out, "agreed". 
They sat that way for some time, sharing the air between them, breathing in the scent of the other and their presence as if to memorize. Jamie knew he must leave soon, to return back to Lallybroch and his duties there. Plus, the longer he sat so close to her, touching and being touched by her, a rather large problem was filling up the front of his trousers. 
With an uncomfortable cough, he drew back and shifted, leaving their shoulders and thighs touching in an innocent yet enticing way. A heat radiated from his cheeks that he hoped she would not take notice of. He rubbed the nape of his neck, looking out over the small loch with its barrier of trees and shrubs surrounding it like a natural form of protection for the magical place. 
"Ye ken, ye ne'er told me yer name." He said quietly, a realization that had been nagging him for some time now. Over the last year they had spent together, she never shared her name, nor had he asked. 
"Hmmm….names have power."
"D'ye no trust me?"
Her eyes flashed over to him, a tightness around her pink lips. "I do."
"But ye willna tell me it?"
"When you return, I shall."
Before he could pester her more, she leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek, lingering far longer than expected for a chaste kiss. A thrill shot down his spine with the force of a bullet, leaving him flushed and his mind spinning. 
"Farewell, Jamie. May the wind and the waves watch over you and darkness never have a foothold." She whispered and then rose, gracefully walking out into the water. 
Jamie watched her, the skin touched by her lips warm and tingling, and his body seemingly tied to the ground. He knew what was to come, for he had witnessed it many times before but it still always managed to shock him. For in the blink of an eye, she disappeared, one moment there and the next gone, as if a spirit of the water returning to its home. 
With a resigned sigh, he got up, in need of returning home. But as he gazed out over the loch once more, he knew somehow she was watching. 
"I'll return soon. I promise ye." 
Only a silent, soft breeze answered his spoken promise. 
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Part 2
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vennyvenadito · 9 months
I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, pretty much the idea is that instead of they miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black night with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the faewild, or (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into of the show’s villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long)(plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
Honestly, sounds cool
Is pretty much what I want to do in my rewrite of the series, instead just one villain, there is more, like magic creatures, monsters and even foundations, just to expand the world instead of having one enemy the all series
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glitterpensupremacy · 8 months
Hey, so I've this au idea for a little while (and have shared it with others on Tumblr, though anonymously), and I wanted to get your opinion on it. I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, the idea is that instead of the miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black knight with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the feywild, (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), or Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into the idea of the show’s next villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long) (plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and the writers dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon/hotspot, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
This would be a really cool addition to the world building of Miraculous! I’ve always thought that if the Kwami exist, other magical beings should as well.
It also sounds like this new show/continuation of the previous show would be more episodic with occasional arcs rather than a fully serialized story with the villains and such, which going off of the idea that this is post HM defeat and LS reveal and etc would make a lot of sense since most of the major interpersonal conflicts have been resolved. Obviously that doesn’t mean this show can’t have ANY plot or depth, character growth and multi-episode arcs could definitely still work with this storyline. It would also be very fascinating to explore how to react to all of these new threats, especially since some of their old powers don’t work anymore (which opens up the gateway to potential upgrades or new powers to replace the old ones).
I also wonder if the other hero characters would still be featured in this story. They don’t get all that fleshed out in the show, so most of them may not seem all that compelling, but that could be another thing this new plot does, give some characters other than the MCs time to shine as individuals. (Especially since Ladybug is no longer required in every fight due to not needing to purify akumas anymore, not to mention the idea of LB and CN resolving most of their issues, so taking the spotlight off of them every now and then isn’t bad idea. Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys, I just wish we could see more of the other characters outside it being plot devices or eye candy.)
All in all, this is an excellent and intriguing idea and I would love to see it expanded upon. 10/10 concept, no doubt.
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celestiall0tus · 9 months
I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, pretty much the idea is that instead of they miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full 9n magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black night with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the faewild, or (playing of French mythology) Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really into of the show’s villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long)(plus I care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and dumbing down all the people around to make them work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
That would be super fun! It really makes me think of a D&D campaign almost (which honestly sounds like a fun D&D Homebrew campaign ngl)
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kari-go · 7 months
I wanted to ask, in my project I drew a group of Miraculous users (based on another novel). One of these is a Horse-wielding lady I was thinking Stallion for, but she'd probably be able to find something more creative; and since she's an artist it begs for Pegasus which is already taken by the ML canon. I was thinking Libera or something like that, but this group already has too many names that don't include the animal itself.
Let's see...
Filly, Pony, Championne, Cavalry, Valkyrie, Trojan, Chariot, Equestria, Kelpie, Mare, Appaloosa, Porsche, Mustang, Foal..
My best pick would be Appaloosa. It's a breed of horse with a very colorful and spotted coat. It fits best with what you said, the spots could look like paint.
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silverslate221 · 2 years
Do you have any ideas for a Celtic/Gaelic miracle box?
Ooh that's quite a tricky one I'm afraid the closest one I have myself is a general European Miracle Box with connections to the traditional western zodiac. There is a Celtic Zodiac though but unfortunately there's quite a bit of overlap with Miraculous that already exist in canon.
There's the Deer/Stag which is already in the Native American Box, the Cat and of course we have the Black Cat or just Cat depending on your preference, the Adder (we're already going to have two snakes, Sass and whatever snake is in the Native American box), the Fox (Trixx), the Cow/Bull (we have Stompp who's an Ox but still), the Seahorse which is our first one without a canon Miraculous (I have my own Seahorse kwami Akwwa the kwami of Generosity), then another kwami we don't have the Wren, back to canon we have the Horse (Kaalki), now the next one is the Salmon or Fish there was a fish miraculous in the original concepts for the series a pair of earrings or cufflinks which you could draw inspiration from but there is a Salmon miraculous in the Native American box so you'd either have to stick with the generic fish like Sass or Barkk who are just generic animals or go with a more specialized fish like a pike or carp, after that we have another new one the Swan (I have a swan kwami as well as does my friend @mymiraclebox. My Swan is named Duchess and represents Reflection and theirs is named Prrince and represents Loyalty), next we have another dud the Butterfly although it could easily be changed to a moth (I have a moth kwami named Atticus who represents Oblivion), the final two are out as well unfortunately with the Wolf/Hound and the Falcon/Hawk since we have a Wolf and Falcon kwami in the Native American Box and we have Barkk (although a Hawk can be distinct enough to be its own kwami I myself have a Falcon and a Hawk)
In general I think you'd have to get creative to make a Celtic box with either entirely new animals or you'd have to move just far enough away from the original Zodiac to be distinct but still recognizable.
In the case of the latter I'd probably go with
Reindeer or Moose for the Stag
Lynx for the Cat
Adder could probably still work I mean I have a Rattlesnake along with Sass
Arctic Fox instead of the Fox although personally I think that'd be towing the line a little much
Aurochs for the Cow/Bull
Unicorn or maybe Kelpie for the Horse
Moth like I said for the Butterfly
Jackal for the Dog/Hound
And then you can still use the Seahorse, Wren, Fish, Swan, and Hawk from the original set. I'd also probably add a few others because the other Zodiac Boxes aren't just the zodiac so I'd suggest maybe a Nightingale, Squirrel, Toad, Weasel/Polecat, Buzzard, Hedgehog, Robin, and or Badger
I hope this was useful sorry I couldn't help more 🙂
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gryphons-n-kelpies · 1 year
Bird or morg how would they be parents to triplets, and what names would they give?
Names are pretty powerful and thus would be thought over pretty carefully.
On Morogh's end, He'd probably go with any names. Possibly names that he has already taken or themes of water/fish. But he'd actually avoid calling them by their names. Even if he's angry at them. He wouldn't know if they would take more upon their Kelpie's nature or the other parent's. If anything, he'd give them special names to keep them safe (and strictly teach them to say "You can call me [x]" instead of 'giving' names) On Bird's.... well.. Star themed is his go-to. But he also has fondness for other nature names. He'd want to name his first child after himself (doesn't matter if they are boy or girl). However. How can he give them a name that he traded in just to be here? Even if the partner miraculously gave them the name Orion... Bird will have a hard time with it. Not that he'd not be able to say a name of his child... but he'd be forever mourning of everything he lost.
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
Sorry this took so long for me to get to! Decided to make some art for these!
(for reference, this is an ask about my ocs)
Haven't talked much about Muir and Ailill before so I thought I may as well takethis opportunity to write about them
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For those who don't know, Muir and Ailill are 2 of my ocs! Technically they're tgs ocs but they have their own side story and I love them very much.
Ailill is a Dullahan and Muir is a Kelpie, they travel together with Muir as Ailill's steed and Ailill as his rider. As kelpies have both a human and a horse form (being shapeshifters and all) and Dullahans riding on the backs of black horses, they seem to be a perfect pair.
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Their story is actually a rather tragic love story and most of it doesn't take place in London. It actually takes place in the countryside.
While in most storylines they are at least in some way reunited some how eventually, after years of traveling together and after already falling in love, they're actually chased down (often by an angry mob) and end up for one reason or another getting separated, before they do they agree to eventually meet up once its safe.
While Muir gets away and makes it home, Ailill often ends up caught or killed before they meet again, Muir never giving up hope and often ends up waiting decades for him to return home.
At the time their story converges with the plot time of the comic, its been about 30 years since Ailill disappeared and having waited so long, Muir left their home to travel around looking for him, his search leading him to London.
The first character from the story Muir runs into is Hyde. They meet at a pub and often times after Hyde is injured in a bar fight, Muir takes him home, patches him up, and they become friends shortly after.
Often times, some way or another Muir and Ailill do miraculously meet again(he is a fae after all), if at times only to finally say one last goodbye to one another.
I love them both very much and some of my favourite ocs.
There are several plot lines I've done with them where they do get a happy ending, and occasionally they dont even get split up, its just a very common occurrence in their story.
Thanks for the ask!
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
which kwami would be considered the most diplomatic?
Plagg. xD
Let's see... Sass for sure. I think Kaalki would attempt to be diplomatic, but might not be as good at it as she thinks. xD
But of my OCs Nokk is the first one that comes to mind. To him the most important thing is to protect the world, and as a very serious kwami I'd say he'd handle the role of being diplomatic the best.
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aanabear2803 · 1 year
Remember when I wrote Marinette asking for death from a kelpie
Well I finished it. (With beta reading help from @lilaflyy )
Be careful of blood and gore. As one would expect from a kelpie.
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silkiemae · 1 year
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas
My Rating: 3.25
Well, this book did not need to be a thousand pages long. Holy god, did this thing drag. Honestly, if I hadn't read the ACOTAR series before this, my opinion on this book might be much different, but unfortunately, I am very unimpressed. SJM seems to have a habit of recycling plot lines a lot. Making incredibly powerful women give up their power to save everyone, a nameless villainous king, and a big war where every time you think they're going to lose or die, another army shows up just in the nick of time to save everyone. And because I know that's something she does already and because she did it a crap ton in EoS and in ACOWAR, it was unsurprising and infuriating to see her do it about a thousand times in this book. Like, you really couldn't think of anything new? I understand she wrote these books simultaneously, so my theory is either she was getting tired of writing this and just thought, 'oh well, I'll just do the same thing I did in ACOWAR,' or she was on a time crunch and couldn't think of anything else, so she just ripped her own book off(and of course Helm's Deep from LOTR). Not to mention repeatedly making her villains rapists. Amarantha, Erawan, Maeve, the kelpie, Lanthys, Tomas, etc. I am sick of SJM using rape for shock value purposes. Because she never once has a discussion about the aftereffects of rape. It just is thrown in like 'oh btw Erawan has a girl chained up in his bed, eheheh.' 'oh btw, Maeve forced Fenrys and all of her other cadre to service. her'. I was also recently told she intended to make Amarantha bisexual so that she could have her rape Feyre. Like...come on, Sarah. 
I feel SJM has a bad habit of not killing people and that this book suffered greatly for it. If half the people who should've died kicked it, this book would probably be half the length. I stand by the fact that I think Chaol should've died in place of Nehemia, and she would've brought far more to this story. I think that Lysandra should've died during her battle with the sea wyverns(don't get me wrong, I like her and am glad she lived, but she still should've died). Everyone keeps miraculously recovering or surviving, and it feels like a cop-out. Another person I feel should've survived, though was Kaltain. I feel like her character was so wasted because this bitch ate a demon that possessed her and was clearly powerful as hell, but then she kills herself. And just it's irritating to me because I feel like she could've been such a valuable addition in helping defeat the Valg. Still, unfortunately, nobody can be more powerful than Aelin. This book promises war and death, but aside from some side characters, no one truly important dies. So as I talk about the book below, I'm going to tell you who I would've killed because I am ruthless and evil. 
So Aelin has been imprisoned by Maeve for a little under three months. She is being repeatedly tortured by Cairn(I hate this name because all I can think of is a little pile of rocks), and then healed so that there is no evidence of her injuries. Maeve is also messing with Aelin's mind so that she can't tell reality from a dream. Fenrys is chained and forced to watch this whole thing in his wolf form. At some point, Maeve summons them and makes Fenrys' brother kill himself in front of him, and then they're both sad and grieving. They both survive this and get out physically unscathed. Fenrys manages to break his blood oath and is almost dying, but Aelin saves him by giving him one from her. Now, personally, I would've let Fenrys and Aelin form this bond together. Fenrys is her only lifeline, the one thing she has to hold onto. And then I would've killed him in front of her. Then Aelin would've been alone, and she would've truly had no one, and her breaking and losing it and the mad dash to suicidal freedom would've had so much more emotional meaning behind it because she truly feels abandoned. 
Lysandra and Aedion are fighting with the Bane in the North. They're mad at each other, Lysandra is still pretending to be Aelin, Aedion is still mad about that whole situation. I don't blame him tbh, I would be pissed too but at the same time he needs to realize that Lysandra probably hero worships Aelin for rescuing her from a life of prostitution. Of course she's going to do anything that bish asks. When he threw her out in the snow butt ass nekkid I was done with him tbh. But then naturally, she forgives him. The part where she refused to run to safety because she wanted to stay with him was so aggravating because girl...you are in charge of a small child. She didn't think to get her out then at all but suddenly towards the end of the book she's like 'oh yeah! Evangeline should abandon the town!' I would've killed off Lysandra after she tried to rally the forces as Aelin and then fell.(when she shifted back to her true self how did she even know it was her true self since she said she couldn't remember her true face in EoS) and I would've killed Aedion when he got stabbed by the Valg prince. It would be sad and shit but like...THEY SHOULD'VE DIED. 
Manon, Dorian and the Thirteen are trying to find the Crochan witches and rally an army to fight against the Valg. Dorian wants to find the other Wyrdkey so he can forge the Lock and Manon is slowly accepting her place among the Crochans. I really enjoyed Manon's story arc tbh. She was probably my favorite character in this book. I would've loved to have Manon and Dorian never be a thing though and have Manon kill Lord Lorcan Lochan so that she and Elide can go rule the Wastes together. RIP Asterin and Narene. :( Poor Abraxos. 
No one cares about Chaol and Yrene. I'm sorry. I loved their story in Tower of Dawn but here it was so dull and I just...don't care. I would've rather read more about Nesryn and Sartaq but they fell to the wayside here to focus on everything else. She might as well have just killed them all off for all the attention she paid them. As I said, Chaol should've died ages ago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Eventually, Aelin goes to Anielle to meet up with Chaol and the others and she helps them fight the Valg, a big wave shows up at Helm's Deep because a dam broke and Aelin expends all her magical fire energy to stop the dam. I really don't understand anything about how powers work in this series tbh. How is it that Aelin can warm an entire camp full of bathtubs without even being there? Like the limitations of her abilities are inexistent it feels like. She can exhale a breath and crumble a man to ash. How? She can control the heat of her flames? How? 
Speaking of powers that don't make sense. Dorian has raw magic right, and he's able to do basically anything magical. So he starts learning to shapeshifter and turns himself into a woman and then 'explores his new body' which is something only a man would write so I wonder if SJM's husband told her to include that. But here's my question. Why doesn't Dorian teach himself to become invisible? Or teleport? Or astral project? He literally goes to Morath for a whole WEEK looking for those keys. Just think if he learned to astral project he could search the place without anyone even knowing he was there. He could walk through walls like a phantom and then when he finds it, he can teleport into the room, snag the key and teleport out. Boom. Instead, he just chills with Maeve and flies around like a gnat. Honestly, how is it no one else sensed him? 
The way SJM writes people sensing/smelling things in this series makes absolutely no sense to me. There are so many times that I’m thinking to myself that somebody should’ve been caught because they are with a person with heightened senses. Like let’s think, Maeve should’ve been able to sense that Aelin didn’t have the Wyrdkeys right? Considering they are of her world and she seems able to sense everything else. Why couldn’t Erawan smell Dorian in Morath but Maeve could? They’re both Valg, does Maeve suddenly have different sense than Erawan because of her fae body? Why wouldn’t Erawan also choose to wear a body with heightened senses? 
Also, another thing I’ve been wondering. Why is it that none of the Fae seem to be able to tell when anyone is lying? Like they can tell by the cadence of someone’s voice or just like by knowing that person but these people have super hearing and smell. Can’t they hear a shift in heartbeat that might betray someone’s lie? What about a change in scent? Most people with supernatural smell can always smell fear. Like…?!??!?
I totally loved the scene where Elide goes to rescue Lorcan on Hellas. I liked the mad dash to the finish the line vibe of it but I do think it would’ve been a really fitting tragic end if Lorcan did sacrifice himself to save Elide. At the same time, I’m not mad about Elide being like UH NO I DID NOT SAY YOU COULD DIE. That’s probably the only time I have not been mad at a character’s failed sacrifice in an SJM book. I also want to thank SJM from the bottom of my heart for not disgusting me with a sex scene of these two. Not only are her sex scenes some of the cringiest things I have ever read in my life but if it was between Elide and Lorcan it would’ve felt DISGUSTING because of the way she repeatedly had to tell us that Elide just became a woman and how keenly aware of this fact that Lorcan was. Not to mention Elide is a virgin and Lorcan is like 'anything you do will be enough to please me'....sir, your pleasure is not important here. Elide should be the focus considering it's her FIRST TIME. I really wanted to like Lorcan and Elide but the way SJM writes men ruins it for me constantly. 
Now, I would not have been so mad about Aelin having to give up her power if I hadn't read ACOTAR before this. I think it's set up much better in this series and like you can see that that's what it was always leading up to. But the fact that she reuses the same exact plot device in ACOSF and ACOWAR is so LAZY. Like come oN. 
WTF was the point of the first book, guys? I’m just sitting here thinking. Why did they ever do that King’s Champion thing? What did Erawan want a Champion for because I know he had something to do with it. What were they looking for there? I am so confused about that whole situation because like even with Aelin they never did anything with her except send her out to kill people. What was the point of any of that??
Also, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH FLEETFOOT. I AM ENRAGED THAT THIS DOG IS KICKED TO THE CURB CONSTANTLY. Aelin never once throughout this entire book series thinks to herself ‘man I miss my dog’ and like…WHHY? In 980 pages, this dog is mentioned 4 times and it is not ever as a 'I miss my dog' thing it's like 'oh yea I have a dog'. Like you're telling me not once during this big war, not once when Aelin was being tortured did she think about her dog. Not even when she was going to die did she feel bad that her dog was never going to know where she went or what happened to her. Aelin never deserved that poor dog. 
This book could've ended like 300 pages earlier if Aelin had just kept her mouth shut and let the gods take Erawan as they promised. Then they wouldn't have had to risk the pregnant woman. But no worries, she magically kills this guy that we've spent 7 books building up as this undefeatable creature in five seconds. I think the fight with Maeve was much better done aside from the whole wolf people showing up. Because like once again, Aelin magically has an army come to save her that none of us was ever aware of. 
There were 124 blinks in this book. And that is 124 too many. I know that blinking is a natural part of being a human being but I don't need to read about every time a person blinks. Like Sarah, why are you so obsessed with blinking. 
Aelin sucked on a tooth. ….Just one tooth? Which tooth was it? Does Aelin have a little snaggle tooth that she sucks on when she’s being contemplative? Does she have a tooth necklace that she sucks on for nerves? WHAT IS THE TRUTH?
There are so many repeated phrases in this book that had me rolling my eyes out of my head. “She opened for him” (in reference to kissing???) “She said softly, but not weakly” (literally please stop) “She gobbled up the book she was reading”(if I have to hear the word gobbled one more time I am going to lose it) 
Everyone is just blinking at each other. Saying ‘holy gods’ anytime something wild happens. Eyes are guttering and throats are bobbing. Sarah, I'm going to buy you a thesaurus. 
I kind of spiraled and got off track on my kill list so I'm just going to write it here. Chaol Lysandra Aedion Fenrys Lorcan Nesryn and Sartaq(sorry guys) And Aelin because I hate her.
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whitetigerdemoness · 3 years
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Among the Wild Things: Chapter One
For @pawsomelybuggy because she’s awesome like that. ^.^ <3
Read it on AO3: Among the Wild Things: Chapter One: Meeting
On the third day that the blonde boy visited the clearing in the enchanted wood, Luka’s curiosity won out.
“Are you planning on throwing yourself into that river, or are you just in love with your own reflection? You’re staring into the stream rather intently,” he spoke from the shadows and couldn’t contain an amused grin as the young man sat up on the bank with a jerk.
Adrien scanned his surroundings frantically, eyes searching the dim forest just beyond the edge of the oasis of light that was the clearing for the speaker. “Who…?” He swallowed hard. “Is-s-someone there?”
Luka had to bite the inside of his cheek to hold in a laugh. Mortals were kind of adorable when they were scared, and this one was quite attractive to start with. He intrigued Luka, so Luka had left him alone the previous two days and just watched as the young man stared into the river and sighed.
“Typically, there’s someone attached to the other end of the words,” Luka pointed out with a good-natured chuckle. “That’s the usual way…unless you often hear disembodied voices?”
Adrien gulped again, slowly getting to his feet and drawing the knife from his belt. “No, I can’t say that I do, but…I’ve heard that these woods are haunted.”
“If you knew, then why did you come here?” Luka hummed curiously, unable to figure the mortal boy out and fascinated because of it.
Adrien stiffened defensively, eyes narrowing as he raised his knife. “Show yourself!” he demanded, exuding bravado.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Luka snickered.
The human boy was very, very cute when he pretended to be tough.
“As you say, these woods are haunted. Do you really want to know if you’ve been speaking with some dreadful monster?”
To his credit, Adrien didn’t back down. He swallowed his fear and declared once more, “Show yourself! I am Prince Adrien of the Kingdom of Agreste, and I order you to identify yourself.”
Luka frowned at the idiocy of the boy, shouting his true name for any pixie to pick it up and wreak havoc with it.
He gave a snort as he took the form of a young man and stepped out into the light. “It is unwise, Prince Adrien of the Kingdom of Agreste, to give your name so recklessly.”
Adrien’s eyes widened as a handsome man a few years older than Adrien appeared with hair as blue as the river and eyes like two, clear standing pools of water.
“If you’re not careful, someone might take it,” Luka warned.
Adrien gaped at the stranger, struggling to string together thoughts. He had never seen someone so ethereally beautiful before. He couldn’t breathe, and his heart was beating its way out of his chest.
Adrien dropped his knife. “Who are you?” he asked in awe.
Luka smiled kindly, pleased at the effect he’d produced. “You may call me ‘Orpheus’, Little Prince.”
“Orpheus,” Adrien repeated as if in trance.
Slowly, Luka approached, stopping about two meters off and taking a seat by the river. “It’s dangerous here, you know,” he informed matter-of-factly as he slipped off his boots and dangled his feet in the water, delighting at the surge of power it sent through his being.
Adrien bent to retrieve his knife and slipped it back into its sheath. “It doesn’t look dangerous. This forest is beautiful.” He slowly lowered himself back down to sit on the bank and gaze into the glass-like waters of the river, periodically sneaking glances at his mesmerizing companion.
“The most dangerous things are often very pleasing visually,” Luka informed, pretending not to see Adrien gawking at him.
He supposed it was only fair. Luka had spent the previous two afternoons gazing, enraptured, into Adrien’s breathtaking peridot eyes while Adrien peered into the stream, completely unaware of his audience.
“Deadly creatures often make themselves attractive to draw in their prey, lull them into a false sense of security.” He turned his head to smile disarmingly at Adrien.
Blushing at being caught staring, Adrien bashfully looked away. “What’s so dangerous about these woods?”
“For starters?” Luka scoffed. “This river. A kelpie lives here.”
Adrien frowned, looking back up at Luka. “Kelpie?”
Luka nodded, kicking his feet, splashing gently.
“What’s a kelpie?” Adrien inquired hesitantly, not wanting to look dumb in front of the attractive young man.
Luka frowned, looking at Adrien hard before answering, “They don’t teach their prince about the fair folk in your kingdom?”
Adrien’s face flushed a deep scarlet of embarrassment as he looked down into the water. “My father doesn’t believe in them. He says fairy stories are for children. My mother used to tell me about the fair folk, but she…died…a few years ago.”
The way he fumbled over the word made Luka suspect that the death had not been due to illness or accident.
Adrien cleared his throat and attempted to distract from the implications of his unnatural pause, rushing to get back on topic. “I know some things, but…I’m sorry. I don’t know what a kelpie is.”
Luka nodded slowly, admiring Adrien’s sad, self-conscious expression. “It’s okay. It sounds like your father is to blame for your ignorance, then. It’s not your fault…. And I’m sorry that you lost your mother.”
“…Thank you,” Adrien whispered, a brittle, vulnerable word but very much heartfelt.
It touched something in Luka, seeing how completely Adrien had lowered his guard.
He wasn’t like other humans Luka had met. There was no aura of deception and greed. Though grown, he was still like a child, still innocent and naïve.
It made Luka want to protect him.
“Kelpies are water spirits,” Luka patiently explained. “They usually appear as black horses, but they can take human form as well. They’re excellent singers.”
“Are they anything like sirens?” Adrien wondered, scooting in closer, intrigued by the story.
“A little,” Luka allowed, wiggling his hand, open palm down towards the ground. “Kelpies sometimes lure their victims in by singing.”
“Victims?” Adrien shifted uneasily.
Luka nodded. “Kelpies drown people.”
Adrien shifted his gaze nervously towards the water before looking back to Luka. “Do you think…?” He moved back away from the river and closer to Luka, eying the stream warily. “You don’t think they’re actually real, do you?” he whispered, as if afraid of being overheard by creatures whose existence he doubted.
Luka chuckled softly as he closed the distance between them, coming within an arm’s reach as he clicked his tongue. “Oh, My Little Prince…kelpies are very real. Every bit as real as I am.”
Adrien gulped, reaching out to rest a nervous hand on Luka’s forearm.
The touch shot an electric jolt through Luka’s body, igniting warring hungers within him and leaving him torn about which to slake.
Adrien’s soft skin would be tender and delicious…but if Luka gave in to his stomach, there would be no way to satisfy the intense desire Adrien’s scent sparked within him.
It was best not to act now. After all, if Luka was patient, he could always decide to eat Adrien at a later date once he’d satisfied his lust.
Adrien, completely oblivious to the danger of his current situation and Luka’s intentions, tightened his grip on Luka’s arm, voice shaky as he inquired, “If a kelpie lives in that river, do you really think you should be kicking your feet in it like that?”
A thin smile spread across Luka’s lips, and he reached up to cup Adrien’s cheek, eyes suddenly dark like a storm at sea. “Sweet Little Prince,” he cooed, running his thumb along Adrien’s cheekbone and watching as the skin turned bright red. “I’m not the one in harm’s way,” he whispered.
Adrien’s breath hitched, and his pupils dilated wide as Luka leaned in and gave Adrien’s cheek a long, slow lick.
“You are.”
Luka couldn’t rationally explain what he did next.
Adrien was completely defenseless, and Luka could have done whatever he liked. He was master of the situation.
And yet, he thought about the beautiful, tragic-looking boy who had come to the clearing three days in a row now and sat by the bank of Luka’s river, staring into it—into Luka’s eyes—and sighing and crying.
Luka remembered the salty taste of Adrien’s tears as the stream assimilated them into its waters and carried them away, and Luka pulled back, releasing Adrien and slipping into the river, turning to water himself right before Adrien’s very eyes.
“These woods are dangerous, Little Prince,” his disembodied voice warned. “Tell your father that the fair folk are alive and well and not to wander too far into the forest. My kind are not usually as amicable as I’ve been.”
Adrien stared, trembling, at where Luka had been only moments before for ten full seconds before the peril he was in registered. When it finally did, he scrambled to his feet and ran, his heart pounding in his ears all the way home.
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