#kadi gets asks
quackle · 10 months
Wait. With Jomaria as your third fav yuri ship and assuming Axchelle is your fav, what's your second fav yuri ship?
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from total drama? katie and sadie :) i've shipped them since like island ended in america
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chompisgay4mrbeast · 30 days
i lay awake last night for over an hour just Thinking about this au.
starting w the roles, whos who?
steph : kady!
Stephanie is the new kid at school who's just been enrolled due to being the mayors daughter. She was previously homeschooled. (not by her father tho. a babysitter or smth)
pete : aaron samuels
Peter, instead of being max's(Regina's) ex in this au is just someone he bullies. It still makes sense because max would not want steph dating him. in this au, steph asks max to stop bullying Pete instead of hook him up with her.
richie ; janis!
I was tossing up between him and grace for this, but he makes more sense.
ruth : damian!
This had to be. With all of Damian's musical theatre references, from his songs being the most traditional broadway songs in the musical, it had to be Ruth.
max : REGINA!!!
This a. gives me the opportunity to make kyle dumb and b. Gives me the opportunity to make jason say fetch. This one is obvious, anyway. They both rule their school, they both have two little sideckicks. Their full names are even the same amount of syllables . Max - ja - ger - man, re - gin - a - george !
jason : Gretchen
No this isnt bias. Also gives me am excuse to start shipping janis x Gretchen.
idk its the only role left 4 him
If this post gets one note i'll rewatch mean girls and add to this au
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aphrodite1288 · 7 months
Idk if you still perceived them as a toxic relationship, I'm the one who thinks that the most healthy thing in a relationship is communication so I really doubt ksoo get enlisted bc he wants to and not telling anyone about it, I mean exo is a thing, his relationship with jongin is other, maybe he didn't tell the other members but Ji is something else in his life plus his dad just died almost a year ago. I kinda understand your point and your theory about ji's depression cus his disease is a fact told by him, but speculate everything is all about ksoo fault its fck toxic. Depression is not something you experienced from one day to another and can be caused by so many accumulated reasons that took years and years to understand and ksoo must know that tho do u think he's that cruel and go to the army without a reason knowing Ji could be really sad about it? Kai must know that before anyone else so he could have time for processing and plans to do tgt but is normal still be fck sad after ksoo left and having therapy is a completely smart thing to do, that doesn't mean they had a huge fight
First of all, all what I said is not my perception, not my opinion, it's what I've been told from everyone: from K-EXOL, to our sources to the insiders who know SM staff or worked in SM and from Exo themselves told about this issue. And guess what? They know better than you. They're closer to him than you would ever be.
Sorry if it can't fit your narratives and feed up your fantasies.
Kadi just like any other couple aren't perfect they have their ups and downs and they certainly have their own flaws. Calling a relationship toxic just by one argument is wrong of you. This is not wonderland I think you should go seek medical help if you think like this.
You're the one calling them Toxic for not having a communication not me!
Ask your parents, I don't think they've never fought in a relationship of 2 decades at least.
I don't know if I'm allowed to share this info, but fuck it, I hate when dumb people who think they know their faves start calling us liars.
Kadi in 2022 in March exactly, they were on a massive fight and had a break again and they even went to Couple Counseling and the old Fans of this Tumblr from the Instagram group know this already. I've seen kadi's name on their Couple Counselor's Chart with their names and IDs, it was a bad thing from that Counselling company as they sold the Info to Sasaengs easily, K-ExoL, when they saw Ji and Ksoo going there frequently alone separately were curious why were they attending couple counseling sessions? Do they have issues with each other or with someone else they know ? And hence they followed them dug into the subject and discovered this and unfortunately the info was leaked. Remember when Ksoo went to Hawaii alone? Well it was during that period of time they were on a break.
Couples fight dear. It's normal ! And most of the couple fights occur because of LACK OF COMMUNICATION.
So yeah ! Expecting a couple in a relationship of 14 years won't have any miscommunication or a fight is so dumb of you. We don't live in Wonderland ! This is life! Have you ever been in a relationship have you watched BLs and Couples movies haven't you seen couples hurting each other and crying and breaking up despite being in love??
, t
So same for Kadi, they can hurt each other, misunderstand each other, Do things to each other, TAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH E/O! Take decisions in a moment of anger ! It's normal it happens and this is what Ksoo did and unfortunately it's true and it was a no-going-back issue becos that's with the government it's military application. He himself regretted it later because he missed many good Movie offers and opportunities at that time, even his managers and SM's production team told him he messed up he acted in a moment of anger at that time, and going on hiatus due to military in the Epitome of his career is a very bad move and he was told that by Veterans and his friends in the industry and he admitted it to movie producers and Management teams in SM, and.it was a famous discussed subject. No idol wants to go on military hiatus when they're on the epitome of their career, but instead until they settle things down first then they go. Because Many idols and actors get a little forgotten and may lose their popularity after military due to the hiatus and some DON'T! which is why you see Baekhyun and all idols always anxious telling their fans "Please don't forget us! Promise you'll be here when I'm back! It won't take a longtime! I'll be back before you know it!" " think of me all the time when I'm absent" and Baekhyun was smart enough and was the very first idol to have filmed Content for his fans to be outed every month it was so smart fans didn't even get to forget him.
So moral of the story: Kadi aren't perfect. And you should know Honey that YOU DON'T KNOW KSOO !! The idea you have on him is not 100% what he really is like! Y'all tend to glorify and shape idols in a perfect mold and put them on a pedestal as Sacred people who don't sin or Do wrong. Honey 😂 your Ksoo Oops isn't a Saint! He makes mistakes!! Remember you're just a fan! You don't know him personally to keep saying he can't do such things and that it's not his character 🤣 blah blah blah who are you? His mother?
Listen I'm just really tired of explaining everything to dumb people here. I don't care anymore, I say the info I have which I didn't create myself, I just report what I've been told and confirmed with Evidence, believe what you want if you don't wanna believe, leave it and leave.
Don't come up here and force your opinion on me, because we're not here discussing opinions, I'm giving you an info most of the time "A FACT" means something that actually happened and was proven to me, so I'm not here discussing it with you wether it happened or not and what you think about it, I don't care what you think , the thing happened years ago and that's on Period. I'm not gonna go back in time to discuss with you how it should have happened.
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gergthecat · 5 months
Intro Post <3
Hi, I'm Scout. I like playing the cello, Amie Kaufman, John Green, The Smiths, Taylor Swift, and pretending I am interesting. I think I'm quite funny. The character I most relate to is Tori Spring from Solitaire by Alice Oseman. Exclamation points make me feel icky and I occasionally write okay fanfiction.
My Tags:
#gergthecattalks - any rant/shitpost/declaration I make; if you want to get a gauge on my personality, find these
#legacy by gergthecat - tag for my ongoing series Legacy
#gergthecatarts - anything I draw, very scarce tag but maybe you'll get a little nugget every now and then
#gergthecatanswers - any answer from my asks:)
#theactualgergcat - my blog’s namesake<3
#gerg'snotefics - the quiet ramblings of my fanfic ideas, all hastily jotted down in my notes app
Total Fics: THIRTEEN
(!) = NSFW (X) = Explicit/Gory
The Aurora Cycle
Braids - Kal POV Kal/Auri
Reunion - Dual POV Saedii/Tyler
Caress - Saedii POV Saedii/Tyler (Slightly !)
Jealousy PT 1 - Dual POV Saedii/Tyler
Jealousy PT 2 - Tyler POV Saedii/Tyler
Coke - Tyler POV Saedii/Tyler
You PT 1 - Scarlett POV Finian/Scarlett
You PT 2 - Finian POV Finian/Scarlett
Legacy CH 1 - Lae POV (X)
Legacy CH 2 - Lae POV (X)
Legacy CH 3 - Lae POV
The Starbound Trilogy
I Love You - Lilac POV Lilac/Tarver
The Illuminae Files
Farmer's Infatuation PT 1 - No POV Hanna/Nik
Farmer's Infatuation PT 2 - No POV Kady/Ezra
The Outsiders
Glass - Ponyboy POV
All of my works are uploaded on AO3 as well!
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asofterhibou · 7 months
Re the previous post and Eliot and Quentin's s1 dynamic, what do we think is the in-show/watsonian reason for why they never hook up in the first season (until the threesome)? Like there's no vibe that Eliot ever directly propositions Quentin and is turned down, so we're assuming that Eliot never asks. Why not? We see the one moment with the two of them on the couch and "let's not talk," which gets interrupted by Kady, but there must have been other opportunities.
I'll accept basically any answer to this, but I do think the funniest one is that - look, Eliot's tall, young, handsome, he's got a big dick, he's got good drugs, he's great at projecting confidence, so it's just been a really long time since he's actually had to ask someone, out loud, if they want to have sex with him (when that person is not already like, grinding on him at a club). He's out of practice! He's got stage-fright! He's flirting for all he's worth and making fuck-me eyes and like, what does Quentin want from him here??
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outpost51 · 7 months
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Between a Rock and a Hard Place
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Chapter 29: Now That’s What I Call An Entrance
Family means nobody gets left behind.
Rating: Explicit
Chapter WC: 3,713
Warning(s): violence
Preview below the cut.
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Kadi’s compound looked a lot different than the last time Faus had seen it.
Sure, that was in the middle of the night and it hadn’t been set upon by a swarm of zuikos’i ships, but even then — Kadi had been busy in the last two months.
Well, whatever poor saps he nabbed and chipped had been busy. Kadi wasn’t the manual labor type.
He’d done some landscaping, too; where there used to be short desert grass was now barren, red dirt, hard-packed and unyielding. The light layer their landing had kicked up was already dusted across Faus’s shin guards. Go figure, he’d finally gotten a new set of armor since the last time he outgrew one, and it was already dirty before he’d even gotten the chance to break it in.
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Caught in the Crossfire Taglist: @sparatus @thetrashbagswasteland @teamdilf @tabswrites @writernopal @starknstarwars @sparrow-orion-writes @captain-kraken @cljordan-imperium
Ask to +/- in the tags, replies, DMs, or HERE!
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nevzatboyraz44 · 9 months
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Rivayete göre Şam valisi Esat paşa sıfırı tüketir ve hazine boşalır.
Büyük sıkıntıya düşer.
Danışmanları çare olarak Şam’daki dokumacılara fazladan vergi koymasını tavsiye eder.
Bu tavsiye üzerine Esat paşa danışmanlarına Böyle bir vergi koyarsak ne kadar gelir elde ederiz?
"Elli veya atmış kese altın elde ederiz"
Bunun üzerine Esat Paşa :
"Bu insanlar zaten zar zor ayakta duruyor.
Bu vergiyi nasıl ödeyecekler?"
diye sorar.
"Evlerindeki altınları ve mücevherleri satarlar Paşam”
diye cevap verirler.
Esat Paşa :
“ Ben bu meblağı daha güzel bir yöntemle elde etsem nasıl olur?”
diye sorar.
Danışmanları sessizliğe bürünür.
Ertesi gün Paşa müftüye bir davet göndererek gece gizlice buluşalım der.
Müftü gece paşanın yanına gelir.
Paşa :
"Müftü efendi!
Bize ulaşan bilgilere göre özel hayatında şeriata aykırı davanıyor ve evinde gizlice içki içiyormuşsun.
Bu durumu İstanbul’a bildirmem gerek.
Ancak önceden seni haberdar edeyim dedim"
Bunu duyan müftü efendi paşaya yalvarmaya başlar.
İstanbul’a haber vermemesi için paşaya 1000 mecidiye vermeyi teklif eder.
Paşa kabul etmez.
Müftü iki katını teklif eder.
Paşa yine kabul etmez.
Sonunda 6 bin mecidiyede anlaşırlar.
Sonraki gün Esat paşa Kadı efendiyi davet eder.
"Kadı efendi!
Rüşvet aldığın ve makamını şahsi menfaatin için kullandığına dair güvenilir kaynaklardan elimize bilgi ulaştı"
Bu sefer Kadı efendi paşaya yalvarmaya başlar.
"Aman efendim beni görevimden almayın, insanlara rezil olurum” diyerek müftü efendi gibi Esat paşa ile pazarlığa başlar.
Kadı ile de 6 bin mecidiyede anlaşırlar.
Sonra sırasıyla defterdar, karakol komutanı, esnaf ağası ve büyük zenginleri tek tek davet eder.
Bu operasyonun sonunda Esat paşa tam 200 kese mecidiye altını toplar.
Arkasından danışmanlarını çağırır :
"Şam halkına vergi koyduğumu falan duydunuz mu?"
diye sorar.
"Hayır paşam duymadık"
"Bakın hiçbir vergi koymamama rağmen 50 yerine 200 kese mecidiye altını topladım"
"Bunu nasıl yaptınız Paşam?"
diye sorduklarında :
“Kuzuların derilerini yüzmektense ;
Koçların yünlerini kırkmak daha iyidir”
According to the rumor, Esat Pasha, the governor of Damascus, consumes zero and the treasury becomes empty.
He gets into big trouble.
As a remedy, his advisers recommend levying an extra tax on the weavers in Damascus.
On this recommendation, Esat Pasha advises how much income will we get if we impose such a tax?
"We get fifty or sixty bags of gold"
they say.
Thereupon Esat Pasha said:
“These people are barely standing anyway.
How will they pay this tax?"
he asks.
"They sell the gold and jewelery in their houses, Pasha"
they answer.
Esat Pasha:
“How would it be if I could get this amount in a better way?”
he asks.
His advisers fall into silence.
The next day, Pasha sends an invitation to the mufti and says to meet secretly at night.
The mufti comes to the pasha at night.
Pasha :
"My lord, the mufti!
According to the information we received, you were suing against the Sharia in your private life and were secretly drinking alcohol at home.
I need to report this situation to Istanbul.
But I thought I'd let you know in advance."
Hearing this, the mufti starts begging the pasha.
He offers to give 1000 mecidiyes to the pasha so that he does not inform Istanbul.
Pasha does not accept.
The mufti offers twice as much.
Pasha still refuses.
In the end, they agree on 6 thousand mecidiyes.
The next day, Esat Pasha invites Kadı Efendi.
"The caliph!
We have received information from reliable sources that you took a bribe and used your position for your personal benefit.
This time, Kadi Efendi begins to beg the Pasha.
He starts negotiating with Esat Pasha like the mufti, saying, "Oh my lord, don't take me from my job, I'll be disgraced to people".
They agree with the kadi on 6 thousand mecidiyes.
Then he invites the treasurer, the police station commander, the shopkeeper and the rich people one by one.
At the end of this operation, Esat Pasha collects 200 bags of mecidiye gold.
Then he calls his advisers:
"Did you hear that I taxed the people of Damascus or something?"
he asks.
"No, pasha, we did not hear"
they say.
"Look, even though I didn't impose any taxes, I collected 200 bags of mecidiye gold instead of 50"
"How did you do that, Pasha?"
when they ask:
“Rather than skinning the lambs;
It is better to shear the wool of the rams”
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clarajohnson · 3 months
the magicians s2e13
remember when i said i hated q the first time i watched this was a lot of the reason why
you loved him i love you... :-( i'm not without sympathy for him and his sad little face
cancer plus :-((((((
lipson is so fine i wish they gave her better hair
kady/penny are so great together it's crazy to me how briefly they actually get to interact
i love how much it costs eliot to ask if julia's okay "i can tell you the way you're relating to that couch is not unknown to me"
also love the horseshoe over the door. been there bestie !!!!
eliot's book has two volumes ????
you've done enough you get to be done :-(((((( they pull no punches on the season finales
fen's baby makes me verrrrrry sad
this is how you know i'm truly liveblogging these episodes because i don't remember if this is when they take margo's eye. i hope this is when that happens that eye patch is so hot.
it really just is so interesting how much of this magic show is about saving magic which is an animating force for all life in the universe and is constantly on the verge of disappearing without ever being able to return
sad little nerd king !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EYE IS GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bambi one eye. it do.
jesus christ this show is such a time capsule. strings cover of best day of my life.
there is so so sooooooo much to be said about q killing ember
"society of godless heathens making this the first day of our societal adulthood" such an interesting thing to say
what did otd do to the writers to make her act so undignified in this arc
with every good thing no matter how small it is it's always married to something so completely disgusting :-((((((
big thumbs down on qualice kiss unfortunately
gods like ember have parents you IDIOT !!!!!!
oh my gosh i forgot about the magic pipes how fucking fun is THAT
"anything is possible" "or was, anyway" waaaahhhhhh
unbelievably rude of this show to just mention that vampires exist and not push further on that
joseph calling her "my alice" give me a season on THAT please
"they need to think they're inspired while they're being ruled"
julia quitting law school is a HAPPY ENDING TO ME !!!!!!!! show ends there congratulations julia
nobody ever believes that julia has magic they should stop it
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divinemissem13 · 6 months
A Very Voyager Holiday
@25daysofvoyager, day 8 submission.
After years of throwing Voyager's holiday parties, Neelix is surprised to learn that Federation winter holiday traditions include much more than just Christmas trees and Santa Claus.
This one got away from me a little bit... but then, it may have gotten away from Neelix too! Chapter 1 is below, but the full story will be on AO3 (4/5 chapters are already posted). Enjoy!
Chapter 1 “Eureka!” Neelix exclaimed as he finally found the box of Christmas ornaments he had been looking for, crammed into a corner in the cargo bay. Although he had only learned about Christmas once he joined the crew of Voyager, it had quickly become his second favorite holiday (after Prixin, of course!), and he was especially excited this year because Naomi Wildman was old enough now to help him decorate. He couldn’t wait to tell his goddaughter all about Santa Claus and his reindeer, or to see her face when she saw the lights on the Christmas tree for the first time.
In previous years, the tree had been on the holodeck and only available for viewing during the tree trimming party, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Neelix had noticed that many crew members never got the chance to enjoy it because someone always had to keep the ship running. So this year, he had decided to replicate a tree and set it up in the middle of the mess hall where everyone could enjoy it for the entire month. 
Recent events (starless voids, failed slipstream drives, endless encounters with hostile aliens) had resulted in a steep decline in crew morale. But Neelix was certain that a month of holiday festivities would go a long way towards lifting everyones’ spirits. 
Neelix entered the mess hall, grunting under the weight of the box of decorations as he hefted it onto the nearest table. It wasn’t meal time, so the mess hall was only sparsely occupied with crewmen scattered around reviewing PADDs or enjoying a beverage between shifts. As he scanned the room, Neelix was delighted to see Naomi sitting at a table near the massive pine tree, engrossed in a game of Kadis-kot with Seven. Neelix picked up the heavy box once more and carried it over to their table. 
“Well now, how are my two favorite non-Starfleet crew members today?” Neelix said in an exuberant tone that made Naomi giggle and Seven roll her eyes. “How do you like the tree?” he continued, without waiting for an answer. “It’s a big one this year! I hope that we have enough decorations to cover it. If not, we may have to start making some new ornaments!” 
In her typical Seven-of-Nine way, the ex-Borg raised an eyebrow at Neelix and excused herself, claiming to have other things to do much more important than decorating for a party. As he watched her leave, it occurred to Neelix that Seven probably didn’t know much about Christmas either. He made a mental note to include her in as much of the festivities as she would allow. 
He turned back to Naomi who had begun to pull on his sleeve, trying to get his attention. “Neelix, what about the other holidays?”
Neelix looked at the little girl, quite confused. “Well, they come at different times of the year… you know, Prixin was a few months ago. And then of course Valentine’s Day is coming up and then St. Patrick’s Day…”
“I’m not talking about those ,” Naomi insisted. “I asked my mom about the tree and she said that she didn’t celebrate Christmas when she was a little girl. And neither did my dad. They don’t even have Christmas on Ktaria.”
“Well, I… oh. Hmm. Do you mean that Christmas isn’t a Federation-wide holiday?” Neelix suddenly felt very foolish. He had thought Christmas was just a fun celebration where everyone gives gifts and sings songs.  It had never occurred to him that it might have a specific cultural or even religious significance.
“But Ensign Wildman celebrated a different holiday when she was your age?”
Naomi nodded excitedly, “Yes! It’s called Hanukkah and there are games and candles and food and presents too!”
“Well it sounds like you know all about… Ha-nuh-kah?” Neelix said it slowly, trying to sound out the strange word. 
“Only a little bit,” Naomi admitted. “Mom says we lit candles in our quarters last year, but I don’t remember. But she promised to tell me the story this year. And teach me how to play the game and everything. You can come too, if you want.” 
“Naomi,” Neelix smiled warmly, “I think that is an excellent idea. In fact, that gives me an idea… but let me do some research first and if it pans out, I can tell you all about it!”
“Please, Neelix! Tell me now!” Naomi begged. “I’m old enough!”
Neelix chuckled lightly and his eyes danced with excitement. “I have no doubt that you are, my dear. Just give me until dinner time and if what I’m thinking is correct, you and I will plan a big holiday surprise for the whole crew!” 
“Dinner time? You promise ?” Naomi raised an eyebrow skeptically and Neelix briefly wondered if that was a quirk she had picked up from Seven or from Captain Janeway. 
“Cross my heart. Now, I’ve got to get working… I’ll see you later, Naomi!” Neelix called as he bustled out of the mess hall to start looking up Federation holidays. 
Naomi watched her godfather leave and shrugged before turning to pack up her Kadis-kot board. Maybe Seven of Nine would have time to finish their game before dinner.
@elephant-in-the-pride-parade @gijane-7702 @hanukkahbingo
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astronaut-karenwilson · 3 months
fuck it friday *shrug emoji*
@elvensorceress has been tagging me in fic writing posts for ages (thank you, love you, mwah! 😘💖) and i always think i have nothing to post, but then a post earlier this week reminded me that i have a half finished hadestown au s4 fix it fic for the magicians just languishing here on my hard drive. it's still barely friday, so why not.
i went out for drinks tonight, came home and read my draft, and didn't hate it, which is always great. i'd need to rewatch the show though to finish it, and i don't think i'm ready to handle those brain worms, even after all this time. but have a snippet anyway! the gang's gonna take desperate measures to get q back from the underworld:
“You again,” the dragon hisses at Julia, casting the rest of them only a cursory glance. “What do you want?”  “We seek passage to the Underworld,” Julia replies, and Eliot hears her voice shift from a hapless fantasy nerd to the goddess she never got the chance to be. “And a guaranteed return.”  “What, all of you?” The dragon snorts, shooting out a curl of flame that burns itself out just before it hits Julia in the face. To her credit, she doesn’t flinch. “Haven’t I sent you there before?”  “Yes,” Julia replies. “To get my shade.” “And you succeeded! Why are you bothering me again, little mammal?”  “We need to find someone,” Julia says, and this time her voice cracks, and now she is just unbearably human. Hurt and grieving and desperate. “We need to bring him back.”  “We can pay,” Kady adds, stepping up beside Julia and presenting her bag full of black market goods.  “You come offering me trinkets?” The dragons asks, sounding insulted. “I don’t need anything from your hedge market, girl. Find something better, or get out of my home.” “I got this,” says Margo and Eliot looks down at her in surprise, but she’s already shouldering her way forward, planting herself in front of Julia and Kady. Eliot watches, grossed out and horrified in equal measure, as Margo yanks her fairy eye out of her head and holds it up before the dragon. “What’s a fairy eye worth to ya?” 
tagging @serenity-the-firefly and @hetrez because you two are the only ones i remember from the fandom lol but absolutely feel free to ignore this
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densi-mber · 6 months
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With Mistletoe and Presents for Pretty Girls
“Ok, what else do we need?” Deeks asks, surveying the spread in front of him. There’s a meat and cheese tray (he refuses to call it a charcuterie board), fruit, desserts, a variety of snacks, and drinks.
“A kitchen sink?” Kensi suggests wryly, peering over his shoulder. A tiny hand grabs ahold of his shirt, and he turns his head, grinning up into Caleb’s round face.
“What do you think? Should we add some peanut butter and jelly, maybe some spaghetti?”
“Tootie,” Caleb whispers with a grin that shows two tiny, perfect teeth. It’s pretty much Deeks’ favorite thing ever. Sophia has an almost identical set.
“Oh, you’re totally right. We definitely need more cookies,” Deeks says, leaning in to give Caleb a smacking kiss on the cheek. “How’s everyone doing out there?”
“Great. Your mom is entertaining Kilbride with scandalous stories from her past. I’m not sure if he’s amused or horrified,” Kensi reports.
“Hey, it’s got to be better than Arkady.”
“Kady,” Caleb repeats solemnly, looking around the room expectantly.
“Otherwise, everyone has drinks and food. They seem pretty happy.”
“Are we crazy to host a Christmas party when we’ve got twin one year olds running around?” Deeks asks.
“Probably,” Kensi confirms lightly.
“Speaking of twins, where’s Soph?”
“Oh, I left her with Eric and Nell.” Deeks purses his lips at that revelation, and she quickly adds, “Don’t worry. Sam’s on standby.”
“Good. I trust them. But they also are slightly insane,” Deeks says.
Smiling, he turns, bracing his back against the counter. He settles his hands on Kensi’s hips. “Hey, did I mention that you look fantastic?” he asks, smoothing a thumb over the soft fabric of her dress.
“If you like this, wait until you see tonight’s wardrobe,” she murmurs, leaning forward to brush her nose over his. Deeks’ breath catches, and he chuckles softly.
“Can’t wait.”
“Mm.” Kensi stays pressed against him for a few more seconds until Caleb decides he wants to be included and smushes his face between them. “Ok, ok, time to rejoin the party,” she says, snatching a mini quiche off the counter and popping it in her mouth.
Together, they head out into the living room, which is at capacity with the tree, manger, and guests packed inside. Said guests are gathered in a semi-circle, their attention focused on something in the center of the room.
The reason behind that focus becomes obvious when Deeks sees Sam toss Sophia above his head, and Nell says,
“Ok, ok, enough of that. Kensi left her in my charge and I’m not gonna let anything happen to Sophie.”
“Like I’d drop her,” Sam scoffs.
“All right, quit hogging the baby,” Rountree’s voice filters through.
“Oh no, it’s my turn,” Fatima protests.
“Looks like we didn’t need to provide any entertainment after all,” Deeks drawls, watching Sophia unwittingly participate in a round of musical baby. “Small children are sufficient.”
“Just so long as we get them back at the end of the night,” Kensi comments, stretching her neck to follow Sophia’s progress around the room.
“Ca down!” Caleb requests, kicking his legs as Kensi crouches to set him down. As soon as he hits the floor, he’s off running on his chubby legs, towards his sister, and the guests.
“Caleb!” Nell shouts out, squatting and holding her arms out. He runs towards her willingly, letting her scoop him up into her arms. “I call dibs.”
“Nell, it’s not a contest,” Callen reminds her, but she ignores him in favor of taking Caleb to a clear space and spinning him in tight circles.
The next few hours are spent enjoying food and drinks while the twins keep them entertained. Everyone has brought a gift of some type as well, and soon the room is littered with little strips of wrapping paper and tissue.
“Best Christmas party we’ve ever had,” Deeks sighs. Kensi’s curled up against his side, Sophia and Caleb settled on his lap. Most of the guests have left by now, but Eric and Nell are passed out on a chair together.
“It was.” Kensi lifts her head, pressing her lips to his for a lingering kiss. “How about we open that present?”
“Now?” Deeks asks in surprise.
“Yeah, the twins are asleep,” Kensi says.
“With Eric and Nell in the house.”.
“Eric sleeps like the dead and Nell drank a lot of egg nog,” Kensi reasons. “They’re not going to be waking up for a while.”
“I don’t know…”
“C’mon let’s be risky.” Pulling away from him, Kensi gives him that look he can’t resist.
“You are a menace,” he says with a grin.
A/N: Perhaps not the most traditional Christmas Party, but I hope you enjoyed it.
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v3nusspeaks · 2 months
4-15-24 (I sure am a yapper)
Have a good night, everyone!!!! <33
OKAY! So, here's what happened to me today!! Well, I left school early to pick up my new glasses!!! :))) I got out of geometry, too, so it was worth it. However, I'll have to take finals now since I technically missed 3 or more days. (Finals are something you must do at my school if you miss 3 or more days, so it gets people to attend school more. It's basically like a huge test your teacher gives you every block on the last day of school, and anyone who doesn't have to take them starts summer a day early.) When I got back, I sat at my friend's table for lunch! Well, I used to sit up away from everyone since I had bad anxiety, and there was this group of kids that also sat there for that same reason. I stopped sitting there recently because of an ex-friend (who I will write a post on another time). Anyway, my friend (who I will call "Kady") told me I could sit with her and her friends! (some of the theatre kids) Yes, that's right. I am A THEATRE KID: DDDD ANYWAYS, I just sit there and don't say much because I don't know everyone fully yet, and it's a bit hard for me to make friends. I just kinda stare at them and laugh awkwardly every so often, which kinda sucks. Does anyone have any social interaction tips? I'm trying to be more social and less AWKWARD. I mean, I have a huge debate in my science class tomorrow. I actually got picked as the leader. I'm pretty nervous, but I have the speech and everything written, so I think I'll be okay. Actually thinking about asking my science teacher if she would sponsor me and start a debate club! I enjoy debating and whatnot! Well, that's enough nonsense yapping today; sorry to bore you :((( Please leave social interaction tips if you have anyyyyyyy!!!
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aphrodite1288 · 7 months
Just prove that you are right and Kaisoo is real with a photo or video that we haven't seen
First if all you should know when you receive something from an insider or a KExoL or Jap or Chinese ExoL, it's either they show it to you directly they don't send it to you they make you see it directly. Or! They send it if it's old photos and irrelevant and tell you if you share it and if they see it online they're gonna ruin you or mass block you or ask you for money as a payback or simply they would tell you : You'll never hear from us bye! And who wants to lose their sources please? Are you dumb or are you dumb?
Did you see 1% of the hate comments I receive from Dandanies and Jongin's solo stans, you saw the hateful asks I share from time to time, do you think I would trust any of them or any of you to give you such beautiful photos and videos of Kadi in their vacation to Japan, or Kadi in their Ski date or Kadi in Spain or their video in Practice room laying on the floor with Ji leaning above Ksoo and removing something from his eyes, or their dates photos in Han River, Or Ji's photos in his car at 2am waiting for Ksoo to finish his filming..
You think any of you deserve to see that? NO.
I can't risk my faves personal life to be exposed and get hate and backlash from ugly fugly people online. Why would I need to prove to you? Who are you? Why should I care about how you feel?
If you wanna believe, believe it. If you don't , Don't. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm here to share news, I'm not here to prove they're real. This is a question you should ask me in 2013 not after 11 years.
You would say to share the Kadi photos and videos in DMS in private! How would I know if I can trust you or anyone else? What if they're a hater disguised?
You can ask the old insta group members the old admins made they trusted every kaisooits there turned out 3 were moles and they shared and exposed everything in the group to others and even went digging about the admins'personal lives and tried hacking them. You think these kind of people won't harm KAISOO? Don't be selfish.
This is the main reason KexoL and Cherries and Jap Le don't share anything with us because they simply don't trust us with our own faves. Because the whole fandom became Akgaes and Solo stans especially the Dandanies they're terrible have you seen them in twitter, now that Ksoo left they're trashing over Exo day and night and hating on each member. So they don't share anything because they're afraid solo stans and akgaes will hate on the other members they share news about. Some people are just here to hate. It's their job. They're jobless.
Also if I wanted to share Ksoo's mother's photos and his cousin's photos from Chuseok with the dogs but after reading these two asks I just received and posted before this one here, I stepped back and said " Why and to whom am I doing this? Does anyone deserve to see this?"
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Q: That’s why we needed to get an expert. Eliot: Oh, really? Who did you get? Q: stares Eliot: Oh! Right, that’s me… Yes.
Season 1 when Quentin doesn't know shit about magic
Eliot: Ew. What kind of tea is this? Q: I boiled gatorade.
Needs no explanation
Kady: Penny, what are you doing tomorrow? Penny: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Literally anyone in the show interacting with Penny
Julia: Q, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Q: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?
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flame2ashes · 4 months
Hello, your PCs were awesome, please can we hear about your NPCs too?
👀 Sure :) tbh I made them for the sake of the Crack Fantasy AU but since I made the Crack Fantasy AU for the sake of building my D&D world then they count as my NPCs :) :) (Technically Wharf counts as an NPC since he's a non-combatant but eh)
So here's a list of the ones that actually have some substance and/or are important to the PCs:
Yolanda and Thaddeus: They're a packaged pair so they're featured simultaneously lol. Yolanda is a half-orc and Thaddeus is a halfling who travel together. After a failed stint at being adventurers, the two decided to take on odd jobs whenever they can. This includes being train porters and food vendors. The reason why they keep going from job to job is because they keep getting fired due to shenanigans caused by the main characters. Thad is also a bard who carries a lute, but he's kinda terrible. Yolanda usually agrees, but she encourages him to keep practicing. (tbh she's the more calm and collected of the duo, but considering she's friends with Thaddeus means that she's willing to go with anything)
Kady Kellington: An 8-year old half-elf (idk yet) who is, essentially, a Sorcerer of draconic ancestry. Lives with her grandfather after the disappearance (death?) of her parents
Gregory Kellington: The grandfather of Kady. Also actually a dragon who shapeshifts into a human who evokes the appearance of a kind old man. And when I mean that Kady lives with him, I mean they both live in a cave that's livable for both dragons and humanoids. People usually leave them alone due to the fact that he's a dragon, but sometimes he goes down to the nearby villages in his human form.
Markus: Vella's (deceased) younger brother. tbh Markus was the name I was calling him in my mind, but then I ended up giving that name to one of my Shepards, so oops! Markus is the reason why Vella is self-exiled: he died under her watch and she believes that she's responsible for it. Markus had a long, turquoise scarf that he loved, which Vella took with her and is now wearing as a memento. (This is why you don't ask about the scarf.) Markus was essentially the Dragonborn equivalent of a 10-year old, which is basically the same equivalent age that Wharf is, if not younger. You can probably see what I'm going with here :) :)
Vella's clan doesn't have a name yet (I looked up clan names and oh my god what even are these names), but they're known for their strong warriors and code of conduct. Vella never felt like she could live up to the expectations of her clan, but the death of Markus is what drove her to leave.
The Thatchers: A (tentative) name for a clan of Otterfolk. A hostile clan toward the Redwoods due to the fact that they agreed to an alliance with the Willows and not the Thatchers. They end up ambushing the wedding between Woodrow and Spruce and then deign to force a "diplomatic negotiation" upon the Redwoods. (Spoilers: The Willows were not invited to the negotiations, but they come up with a plan to strike back against the Thatchers while the negotiations happen.)
The girl that Wharf knew before Vella found him on the docks. She's the reason why Wharf knows so many sounds for bells and whistles. Wharf also mimics her laugh often whenever he's happy. She also gave him his hat. She was most likely part of a noble family and visited him everyday on the docks. But one day, she stopped visiting. Wharf didn't know what happened to her, but he waited for her everyday at the same place they would meet to play up until he met Vella.
Does my doofy little dog count as an NPC. My eldritch horrors currently trapped in a completely empty universe and are starving because they consumed everything within that universe and then try to commune with people in other universes to create wormholes for them to come through and then consume everything in their universe. Well I say so because I technically put them in the Crack Fantasy AU so yeah. Consuming magic and magical items, as well as being hit with magic, makes them stronger. The reason why I call them my doofy little dog is because I don't have an official name for them, and "Doofy little dog" was what I put on the file name for my first drawing of them
Anyway that's a list of the NPCs I made for my D&D world. I technically have more NPCs due to AT4WQuest but that's a different story entirely so I didn't want to go over them here fjdkaslfjkldsdsf
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clarajohnson · 5 months
the magicians s2e6
quentin coldwater you are so goddamn embarrassing i love you
once again alice is such a fun fucking character. she liked when q did pretend cirque du soleil ????? i could cry !!!!
margo's outfits are improving but i'm looking forward to when we get past the amazon corsets
the only thing better than "no offense q but you're a little crazy right now" is him blithely acknowledging it, "maybe, yeah"
my children loved me i was a good mother!
i couldn't possibly make fun of q for trying to summon niffin alice like sorry you would do it too for alice quinn
best bitches !!!! they could've parented a demon baby together it would've been okay
okay i think he actually would've liked a unicorn milk latte. or have requested one in earnest at least.
like i need more people calling me daddy!
something hale and summer do is they occasionally adopt the same affect, the same intonation, it's such a subtle thing and it doesn't come up all the time but it so clearly telegraphs that these people are completely tethered to each other
"i know my daughter she's trying to protect us" oh PLEASE
ughhhhhhhhhhh i forgot about loria. oh my god fuck your parents dude. BUT ELIOT DON'T !!!!!
SCREAM at the virgin queen margo
god fillory is so much fun like it's total bullshit all the time but it's also SO fun i enjoy that half of the plot so much
what's fen's title? do we know? queen consort? she has to have a title right
"if ess was a girl and you found pussy you know interesting in a sometimes you like thai food kind of way"
not to do this because i do this constantly all the time but margo hanson is my best friend i'm in love with her
don't worry the thing will not be born AUGH once again i feel like this is such a randomly traumatic plot to force on julia
niffin alice has terrible posture. somebody get her a better niffin bra!
q thinks people's love for him is so conditional every time it comes up it makes me so sad. also i would like for him to get a better hair routine i know grief and everything but dude it's stringy.
i remember when i first watched this episode i wanted daniel to have died from falling off the ladder he doesn't even deserve all that i was just mad at him for being a shit dad
ess is hot but not hot enough to act like this. you're a virgin to me sweetheart? i think margo should be allowed to kill him.
actually margo should be allowed to kill me if she wants to
queliot obviously first most tragic romance in the magicians but fen/baylor is possibly ranked second when you think about it. wait kady/penny. okay fen/baylor is top three.
even i studied and i'm dead!
it's so sweet that she has dreams about forgetting to study. sorry i feel like somebody applauding disney for having a gay character but i genuinely like the female characters in this show so much. they get to do all kinds of shit! and feel shit!
yeah honestly the reynard plot occasionally veers into an almost anti-choice rhetoric, i could have done without like 90% of this plot
i love asking questions that have a 50/50 shot of being resolved in this episode but do we ever find out who dana's son is
once again! best bitches!
you guys have been so royally fucked with! sometimes the florida jumps out of him
"she never figured out how to be a woman" is such an insane thing to say. the magicians should've dug into motherhood more. haha. wrote a thesis on motherhood voice.
cripes reynard is so fucking scary
benedict you are an angel
"we're gonna put our jimmy choos so far up your ass you're gonna taste next season" as a declaration of war is unbelievably good
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