#just to get my point plus all additional thoughts and different points and extra information bullshit across as clearly ie unclearly and
definitelyuseless · 8 months
why is it that whenever im trying to write an essay or anything where i need so many words i can never get enough but when im talking about anything theres no reward for talking about im literally so bloody verbose and take so many words to descibe completely simple bloody things that could be described in a lot way less words
#nah i know the real reason its cause im a lazy sod who can never be bothered to research shit but talking about anything i already know#or can get from my head or make ups easy#honestly its how i write uni shit too actually i just bullshit most of it and try to use up the word count#well anything i can make up except fiction thats a bit more effort cause it might be considered semi productive#it takes effort if what you want to say you want it to be good#whereass tumblrs full of shit i know everything i say heres bullshit so its so easy#how the fuck did i just take up so many lines to state the absolutely most bloody obvious thing in existence#guess i do fit in a bit here#ew lol#no cause like I make a joke or whatever but then I have to also get out of my head every serious thought about the thing so it end up#full of totally obvious shit explaining stuff like the inside of my head and my whole thought process and how my brain works just cause it#occurs to me and if it's there why not write it it's so easy and satisfying even though no one reads it and I'd they did they wouldn't care#and they'd think all the additional thoughts are totally unnecessary just make the main point and shut up#but I have to go off in all these different pointless directions adding all this waffle and repeating myself 50 times#just to get my point plus all additional thoughts and different points and extra information bullshit across as clearly ie unclearly and#excessively detailedly as possible and for what to express a point or get it out if my head or both#I guess there's absolutely no bloody point pointing out I'm doing it again right now
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simpsonpridgen9 · 2 years
replica burberry scarf 27
Prime Quality Replica Designer Footwear, Clothes, Accessories When Burberry noticed how shortly they offered out, they determined to place its house examine pattern on cashmere scarves. Infuse an instant dose of ultra-luxe aesthetic to any outfit with a Gucci scarf. The men’s Gucci scarf range presents the fashion house’s signature type via jacquard prints and the instantly recognisable red, green and tan colorway. Soft on the pores and skin, the wool and silk constructions may be worn atop the lapel of your favorite blazer or wrapped around the neck when cold climate hits. Ahead, check out our men’s Gucci scarves shopping for guide, which can help you narrow down the kinds that work best for you and tips on how to keep them wanting their greatest. Beneath the brand’s name, there might be various particulars, depending on when the scarf was made, where, and which kind of scarf it's. Perhaps the obvious indicator of true Burberry scarves, is just how much they price. Authentic Burberry materials are of the very best high quality and are produced with excessive care. Small imperfection, please discuss with final photo. I thought Burberry would enjoy having it for functions of educating their employees, or just to see what the fraudsters are as much as today. But before I contact Burberry, I thought I’d allow you to take a look at how the two scarves differ in case you run into an analogous situation or you’re just curious exactly how a fake Burberry scarf looks. I can see how Burberry scarves turn into heirloom items that get passed all the way down to a son or daughter. I’m hoping when I’m gone at some point, my son or dil will enjoy this scarf and that maybe the monogram will make it much more particular to them, although I may have bought one for them by then. When hubby and I first went to Italy in 2006, there were “genuine” purse road distributors all over the place in Rome, Florence and Milan. They would set out their items on a avenue nook for an hour, promote a couple of purses to tourists, then quickly close up store before the police came alongside. Some of the fake Gucci’s, Prada’s, Chanel’s and so on., that I looked at close-up appeared authentic, high quality was really fairly good. phoenet.tw burberry scarf replica There’s not a huge difference aside from there seems to be extra fraying or tearing alongside the sting the place the fringe starts on the fake scarf. It’s as in the occasion that they frayed up additional than they need to have on the fake scarf, so it seems less completed and extra fragile/torn along the edge. After some thought I’ve decided I’m going to name Burberry and ask them if they want it. I don’t want to donate it for worry it will find yourself again on eBay again. Hi Terrance, unfortunately there’s actually no way to inform from the label for the reason that dangerous guys even fake those. Plus, Burberry has changed the label on their scarves many instances through the years, both within the style and dimension. I purchased both the one from Burberry and the one on eBay across the end of February. I know the tags have modified through the years, but I’m not really positive what they’ve appeared like each time. You could want to go searching on eBay simply to see if there are some with gold tags as a comparison. If you're sad with the quality of your purchase, most of the time it’s dodgy copy. After recognizing the GORGEOUS big check scarfs with adorable heart design, I knew I needed to have one! It’s principally a Romantique version of the traditional tartan scarf. The price ticket of 395 GBP seemed prohibitive so I had the ingenious concept to browse Ebay and scout myself a cut price. After some searching and bidding, I was thrilled to win an auction for the headscarf for half of the retail price. The tag itself can be a good place to search for authenticity. Timezone.com.pk offers Burberry Cashmere Scarf within the Best Price with free transport in Pakistan. Including Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Multan, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and many extra cities at lowest worth. In the early 2000s, Burberry’s image started to quickly fall due to a lower price technique, counterfeit items and it’s association with hooligan and “chav”, low class culture. The two pictures beneath had been taken from sellers on eBay. While they are each a little out of focus, should you look carefully on the tags, you'll find a way to see that the Rs don't curl outwards, but instead transfer outward in a straight line. However, not everyone can to afford certainly one of their $300 scarves. These are just a few of the variations but they're the most glaring ones which hopefully will assist my beloved followers spot a counterfeit. My advice is to look at the actual factor in the shop, evaluate and take heed to your intestine really feel. Maybe he obtained an e-mail from someone asking about the scarves. wikipedia scarf How funny that the fake scarf keeps getting returned to you. I’m glad you bought it all labored out, and your actual Burberry is beautiful. You’ll most likely laugh about this story every time you employ yours. I recall reading that retailers are for imperfect gadgets or ones made specifically for the outlet store at higher affordable prices to the basic public. I’ve been amazed at the sites offering designer silk scarves. The Chinese copies permit you to choose what you want written on the tag. If you need them to say Made In France, then they may. So I would not suggest that you simply consider your scarf is authentic bacause of what the tag says. I purchased a Burberry scarf at an property sale as soon as and would have sworn it was authentic, nevertheless it wasn’t.
0 notes
plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Randy Meeks x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 3065 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader struggling when the curfew is put into place, but Randy has an idea that could make it a little better.
You were bored.
Woodsboro wasn’t a super happening place to begin with but now that the curfew was in place, it was even worse.
There was nothing to do, and with the additional stress that these recent murders had put on everyone, you were about to blow. The boys could see it, Tatum and Sidney could see it, and most important, Randy could see it.
It was only a matter of time before you absolutely lost it.
Your parents were taking this whole thing extra hard and basically had you on complete lockdown outside of attending school. They couldn’t imagine going through what Casey and Steve’s parents were going through right now, and they were scared.
Which was fair enough.
Everyone was scared right now, but you didn’t understand how putting you under house arrest was going to keep you any safer than you would be anywhere else. Casey was killed at home, after all?
If anything, you would be much safer in a group setting than you would be locked up in your house alone. Still, your parents had made themselves very clear where this topic was concerned. You were absolutely forbidden from attending Stu’s party, or any other party until the curfew was lifted.
It just made everything that much worse.
Parties, especially Stu’s parties, were one of the only things you were looking forward to as of late. Knowing that you couldn’t go to them was really starting to wear on you, and you were understandably let down by the whole thing.
...but it wasn’t just that.
Getting together with a big group of people, your age and ready to party, was an escape for you. With so much uncertainty going on and everything falling apart at the seams, you needed that normalcy to feel human again.
Not that you could really complain about that to anyone who could actually do something about it.
You knew that there was a very real danger out there and the only way to really be safe would be to stay inside your home where no one could get you but you just felt like your folks were taking it a little too seriously.
If everyone else was going to be out anyway, what different was it going to make, really? If anything, it made you a bigger target because you were one of the only people stuck in your house while everybody else was together.
To you, the logic was sound but to them, it was little more than a pathetic excuse to get out of the town’s mandated curfew.  
Which it kind of was, but you couldn’t help but feel like they were being unreasonable. You were a smart, responsible young woman and you weren’t going to take any stupid, unnecessary risks. You just wanted to maintain some level of normal life.
You were tired of being stuck at home like a rat in a cage, never allowed to go out and do anything. It was a stark contrast to how you normally were, with a thriving social life and active party presence.
It was almost as if you were dead too, not to be dramatic.
This was just hard on you, and they weren’t making it any easier. You had to rely on your friends, now more than ever, and they were basically cutting off any contact you had with them to lunch at school and quick phone conversations.
No one would have just taken that and been happy with it. Certainly not within your tight knit group of friends.
You sighed, fiddling with your pen as you tried to remember all the things you needed to get done when you got home. You knew well enough to know that if you didn’t write it down now, you would never remember it all.
With everything else on your mind, school seemed like the least of your worries.
You were so enthralled, in fact, tapping your pen away on the table that you didn’t even notice at first when Randy came up and sat down beside you, taking note of how unhappy you were about everything going on right now.
He couldn’t blame you.
The male at your side was perfectly aware of how excited you had been for the parties the recent nice weather was bound to bring, and equally as aware of how bummed you were that your parents had put a kibosh on the latest shindig before it even had a chance to begin.
“You okay?” he hummed, startling you just a bit when you looked up to see him already sitting at your side, but the racing in your chest calmed down just as quick. No one really knew who was responsible for all these terrible murders but you knew in your heart it wasn’t Randy.
You had known him all your life and even if he was a little strange, he was the sweetest guy in Woodsboro. He wasn’t some natural born killer or a sociopath on a killing spree.
“Honestly, if I have to think about this anymore, my brain might explode” you allowed, leaning slightly into his side to take some of the pressure off your aching, tight muscles as you kept focus on your schedule.
All this stress had to be bad for your body.
Tatum seemed to think so, at least, warning you that if you didn’t learn to decompress somehow you were going to go prematurely grey and get crows feet under your eyes. While you weren’t sure how much you trusted her endless cosmo knowledge, you certainly didn’t feel the greatest.
This was all just a lot for one person to juggle.
Randy could see that much.
He had been watching you all day, moping around that you wouldn’t be allowed to go to Stu’s party and worrying about a huge midterm you had to take for your english class that would physically make or break your grade.
You were spreading yourself way too thin. Luckily, he had an idea of just how he could help you feel a little bit better without breaking your parents' rules.
He just wasn’t so sure you’d go for it once you found out just what he had in mind.
“I was thinking, maybe you’d wanna come over to my place later? I have tonight off so we could watch a movie or something?” he offered, trying not to come across as painfully awkward as he felt. Randy was your friend, and usually could talk to you no problem but what he was proposing was different.
The two of you had never really hung out, just the two of you, before.
You nodded, not even looking up from your notebook as you scribbled something down in black ink, likely a reminder to do your calculus homework based on the way your brow knit together as you formed the letters.
You were preoccupied, too in your head to really consider what was going on but he certainly wasn’t.
Randy was aware of every little movement you made, from the way your nose scrunched up as you concentrated on making sure all the due dates and assignments were right on your calendar to the way your shoulder rested gently against his side.
“Who else did you invite? You know Tatum always complains about the movies you pick” you reminded, thinking over all the times the six of you had tried to watch movies together in the past. She got bored of psychological thrillers and grossed out at the gorey slashers.
She was much more of a Meg Ryan fan herself, constantly pulling for the cheesy romance flicks that made you want to ralph. You couldn’t put it past her to make Randy grab a couple of sappy videos too, just in case.
If she was going to be involved in movie night, you were sure you’d have to shoot down a few of those crappy comedies before you could watch anything worthwhile.
Randy sighed lightly, doing his best to keep you from noticing as he thought about what his next move was. Clearly, you’d missed the point of what he was asking entirely, not that he could blame you.
He had never really been good at asking out pretty girls, especially not ones he;d known since he was in elementary school, so this was new for him as well. He just sort of hoped that you would catch his drift early so he wouldn’t have to clarify out loud.
The last thing he wanted to do was put you on the spot and make you uncomfortable.
“Oh, I was actually hoping it could just be the two of us. I know it's no Stu Macher party but it could be fun” he shrugged, this time almost wishing a giant hole would open up from under him so that he didn’t have to have this conversation.
He wanted you to say yes, of course, more than anything but he just wasn’t sure if it was going to happen and if it wasn’t, he wanted to know early on.
At least then he could have some dignity in this whole thing.
You stopped writing for a second, letting the meaning of his words sink in as you sat there, your left leg bouncing up and down to try and keep up with the racing of your thoughts. It had been going nonstop since you sat down, but now, it was just resting against his.
Was Randy hitting on you?
Randy Meeks, your childhood best friend who had never once made a move on you aside from calling you pretty in your winter formal dress in middle school?
It didn't seem likely, but it was also hard to misinterpret his words. That was about as cut and dry as a date invite could be, and if it had been coming from anyone else, Tatum and Sid would have surely confirmed it for you if you asked.
Not that you could ask either of them right now.
“You wanna watch a movie tonight? Just you and me, at your house?” you clarified, setting your notebook down beside you without a second thought in favor of looking him in the eye.
He was uncertain for a second, trying to read any cues of how you were feeling about that from your own expression but found nothing there, so he nodded.
“Like a date?” you hummed, the words barely leaving your lips as you spoke them, feeling silly at having to clarify at all but you couldn’t help it. If he wasn’t meaning it in that way and you took it like that, you risked making an even bigger ass of yourself.
...but if he did, you needed to know that too.
There was a light blush on his freckled face as he considered his options before he nodded again, giving you all the information you needed. Randy was definitely hitting on you, now all you had to do was decide if you wanted to.
A movie could be fun.
You and Randy had watched a hundred movies together before, with you sometimes staying after hours at the video store while he closed to just see the ending of Frankenstein's bride that you loved so much.
Usually, there were more people there, Tatum and Stu at the very least, with Billy and Sid joining in when they saw fit, but it couldn’t be so different to just be the two of you.
You loved spending time with him, so doing so under the context of it being a date couldn’t possibly change that up so much. This was just Randy after all, it wasn’t like he was some guy you’d only just met or some creep Tatum thought it was okay to set you up with.
...and you were sure that your parents would agree to it.
Spending a few hours at Randy’s house was vastly different than going to some house party and out of all your friends, you knew that they trusted him the most. If he said you were there, they would believe him which would cut down on the third degree.
There really were no downsides.
Besides, if you were going to go out with any of your friends, it would be him, even if Billy or Stu did happen to be single. You and Randy just had a lot more in common and you knew that he would never put you in any danger.
You trusted him, and you liked him.
If he liked you too, it only made sense that you had a movie night together, just the two of you.
Getting your parents to agree to letting you spend a few hours at Randy’s house wasn’t as easy a sell as you thought it would be but by the time he came to pick you up, he managed to convince them that it would all be fine.
He wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, and in all honesty, they believed it.
Randy had never given them any reason not to trust him and at the end of the day, they came to the conclusion that you did have a little bit of a point. Knowing that you were somewhere with someone else made them feel a little bit better than if you were home alone.
It brought some amount of comfort to know that Randy would be there with you. Besides, your mother was just so thrilled that he’d finally asked you out on a date that you were sure she would have agreed to anything.
That was how you got here in the first place, walking down the familiar aisles of the video store with Randy as you searched for something to watch. Between the two of you, you had basically seen all the good horror films that they had available.
Not that knowing that was stopping either of you from picking up title after title, looking them over incredulously as you searched for the perfect thing.
Initially, Randy was just going to pick something up on the way to get you but decided that this would probably be more up your alley first. The video store was only open for a short time today due to the curfew but that was more than enough time for him to find exactly what he wanted.
After all, there wasn’t a title in the store that Randy didn’t know by heart. In fact, he had likely put them each right where they were, in each of their respective spots on the shelf. That was literally all he did all day when he did work.
“What about this one?” you suggested, holding up a pretty well loved copy of night of the living dead happily for his approval. It was a classic, one that you had each seen a dozen times, but because of that, it was quick to go into the basket.
Then, after scanning the few horror aisles one more time, Randy settled on what he always settled on and plucked a copy of Prom Night off the shelf.
At this point, you were sure he’d rented that specific video nineteen times by now but didn’t bother to point that out. You knew that it was one of his favorite movies of all time and if that was what he wanted to watch tonight, you weren’t going to argue.
All you really wanted to do was spend the night relaxing with your best friend, on what was technically also your first date. It was a little bit of pressure, more so than you were used to, but nothing that you couldn’t handle.
At the end of the day, you loved Randy and this was just something else you could do together.
“Alright, are you ready to go? I’ve got plenty of good snacks at the house for us to munch on too” he promised, fully aware of just how you liked your movie nights to go down. That was something else the two of you had in common.
You were very particular about your movies, especially horror movies.
It was something he could appreciate, along with your sense of humor and heart of gold. All in all, when Randy actually stopped to think about it, he wasn’t sure why he’d waited so long to ask you to do this in the first place.
This was going to be awesome.
Randy’s house was nice, of course, well put together every single time you had been there but you couldn't really focus too much on that.
Instead, you occupied yourself putting the tapes into the player while Randy made popcorn in the kitchen. It was kind of strange for a few moments, as you sat waiting for him to get back, looking around the living room under such new circumstances.
You have been here a hundred times before.
You had sat in this exact spot plenty of times but tonight, it was so different. You had only ever been here before as a friend, normally with all your other friends there to keep you company even when someone had to leave the room but not anymore.
Right now, you were waiting here as a girl on a date, a date with a guy you’d known your entire life.
It was just so strange how quickly everything had changed. Just this morning, you and Randy were little more than friends, and now, you couldn’t quite be sure what you were. Not that you had too much time to consider that before he was back.
“I bring gifts,” Randy grinned, plopping down beside you on the couch, swamping the coffee table with bags of chips and assorted boxes of candy before handing you the big bowl of popcorn. Clearly when he promised snacks, he wasn’t kidding.
You watched him do a onceover of the spread he’d provided before he ultimately decided that it was going to be fine.
“Perfect, just what we needed” you smiled, relaxing even further into the couch next to him, getting ready to start whatever it was that was going on between the two of you. It was new, uncharted territory for the both of you but it wasn’t looking too bad.
A copy of Prom Night and some popcorn with Randy was perhaps the only thing that could make this whole curfew thing worthwhile.
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Bashir (Troll) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationships: Female Human/Male Troll (World of Warcraft Design) Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Troll, Fake Dating, Hired Boyfriend, Fake Boyfriend Content Warnings: Stalker Ex-Boyfriend, Stalking, Mention of Guns, Brief Violence Series: OkCryptid Words: 6365
A commission for @floral-and-fine​​! A woman getting out of a bad relationship has moved across her home state to get away from her controlling ex-boyfriend, only for him to show up at her job. Scared, she goes on OkCryptid to recruit a "boyfriend" in hopes of frightening him off. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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>Hi. I know we don’t know each other and this is pretty sudden, but I have a proposition for you, and it isn’t what you think.
Vague, yes, but it would catch his attention quickly enough, you thought. You were desperate and didn’t know what else to do.
>Oh, He messaged not long after. >What would that be?
>I want to pay you to go out with me for a while.
>I’m not a prostitute. Lol
>That’s not what I mean, You replied, rolling your eyes. >I know this sounds weird, and if I had more money I’d probably just hire a bodyguard, but I don’t.
>Why would you need a bodyguard?
You sighed. >I have a stalker ex-boyfriend. I dated him for about five months, but he was really possessive and crazy so I broke it off, and now he won’t leave me alone. I moved here last month from across the state and he followed me. He showed up at my work today.
>Ah, I see. So you want me to rip his arms off?
>No, I just want him to see me with someone who is big enough to rip his arms off. Maybe it’ll scare him away. You’re the biggest guy I could find on here. Well, I did find a cyclops that was pretty big, but she wasn’t interested.
>Have you gone to the police about this?
>Yeah, but they said unless I get proof he has intent to do harm, there’s nothing I can do. I can’t even get a restraining order unless he hurts me or causes property damage. It’s like he has to beat me up before they’ll do anything, and I’d rather not let it get that far.
>Gotcha. Why don’t we don’t meet for coffee tomorrow and talk it over?
>That sounds great. I’m free at lunch.
>Me too. I’ll meet you at Leo’s Diner, you know that one?
>No, but I can Google it. See you tomorrow at 11.
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Bashir arrived right on time at eleven the next morning. He was a large troll, dark blue in color, with large, off-white tusks jutting out from the sides of his mouth and his long red hair braided in several placed and pulled back at the nape of his neck. He was muscular, thick in the waist, and around nine feet tall. He wore a suit, which was finely tailored to his body. You raised your eyebrows: his profile was sparse, so you didn’t know what kind of job he did; you’d only chosen him because of his picture. But dressed like that, you were surprised he even agreed to take this “job.”
“Hi, you’re the one I’m supposed to meet today, right?” He said, extending his hand.
“Yes,” You replied, standing and shaking his hand. Your hand was dwarfed in his. “Thanks for agreeing.”
“It’s no trouble,” He said, gesturing for you to sit back down as he took a seat opposite you. “So tell me about this boyfriend of yours.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” You said. “His name is Jake. I met him at work; we worked in the same department. He seemed nice, so when he asked me out, I didn’t think anything of saying yes. The first two months was fine, and were got along really well. As soon as we decided to be exclusive, he got really clingy really quickly. Every time I’d try to pull away, he’d clutch at me tighter. He started pressuring me to put distance between me and my friends, he wanted to know where I was all the time, he was constantly texting and calling and got mad when I didn’t respond right away. I got sick of it and broke up with him.”
“When did the stalking start?”
“Almost immediately. It didn’t help that we still worked in the same department, so I had to see him every day. He’d show up at my house after work and on the weekend. He’d either be super angry and demand that I let him in, or he’d be there with flowers and candy and cry and tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him, that he was sorry and he’d do better. He kicked my door in a couple of times and I had to call the police. I finally managed to get a restraining order against him, but it didn’t really help. He couldn’t come within five hundred feet, so he would stand on the curb exactly five hundred feet from my house and just watch the house. I was scared for my life. So I quit my job and moved across the state with just my savings. I found a job and I started last week. And yesterday, they said I had a new client, and it was him.”
“What did you do?”
“I freaked out and called security, telling them I had a restraining order against him. He mistakenly thinks the restraining order is void because I moved, but I called and that’s not the case at all.” You sighed in aggravation. “I really hope this asshole doesn’t get me fired.”
“Hmm,” He said. “So what’s your offer?”
“Hmm?” You asked.
“You said you’d pay. What’s your offer?”
“Oh,” You said, surprised. “Uh, fifty bucks per date, plus the date expenses. I can’t really afford more than that.”
“That sounds fair. Okay,” He said. “I’ll do it. You just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Really?” You replied. “You’ll take the job?”
“Sure,” He said. “I’ve got some free time, and the extra money will be nice. I could buy a new suit in a month.” He grinned and plucked at his own, no doubt worth several months of dates.
“That’s great, thank you,” You said, sighing in relief. “So, Friday night? Around six o’clock? Would that work?”
“Absolutely,” He said, pulling out his phone. “Give me your phone number. I’ll add it to my contacts. That way, if you see him, you can call or text and I can head over and do the arm ripping thing.”
You laughed and took out your phone.
After exchanging information, the two of you had lunch and discussed the finer points of the job. PDAs were acceptable, but you’d prefer if he didn’t kiss you. He had a nine-to-five job, just like you, but his position was flexible and let him leave the office for errands, as long as he didn’t abuse the privilege. You left the lunch feeling a little safer.
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Friday night, you met him at a nice Greek restaurant, and he wore another nice bespoke suit. He offered to pick you up at your home, but you didn’t really want him to know where you lived. You were still pretty paranoid about Jake finding out.
“I’m surprised you chose this place, considering you’re footing the bill and everything,” Bashir said, looking around. “It’s pretty fancy.”
“It has to look believable,” You reasoned. “And I do like Greek food. If you like, you can pick the place next time.”
He chuckled. “Have you ever had Mediterranean troll food?”
“No, I haven’t,” You said, interested. “What’s it like?”
“It’s very similar, except there’s no bread of any kind.”
“So what do you eat the hummus on?”
“You drink it like sauce.”
“You’re not supposed to drink sauce!” You protested.
He snickered.
“I feel like you’re making this up.”
“Maybe, but you’ve never met any Mediterranean trolls, so you don’t know.”
“Are you a Mediterranean troll?”
“I am, actually,” He said. “My parents came over from Morocco when I was a tot. I don’t remember much about Morocco, but I’ve always dreamed of going on a trip there, I’ve just never had the chance.” He gave a cursory look over the menu. “Maybe that’s what I’ll use this money for.”
“Sounds nice to me,” You said. “If we both get something good out of this, then that’s a plus.”
“What do you get out of this, other than getting rid of a bothersome ex?”
“Security and peace of mind,” You said, picking up your own menu. “That’s worth the price.”
He looked at you seriously. “This guy really shook you up, didn’t he?”
You set the menu back down and sighed. “He’s never hit me or threatened me verbally. The most he’s ever done is break my door, but…” You looked out of the window. “I feel like… it wouldn’t be hard, you know? It wouldn’t be that much of a leap from breaking my door in to doing something worse. If he gets mad enough, if he gets obsessed enough, who knows what he could do. All I know is that I don’t want to find out.”
“I understand,” He said. “I’ve never had to deal with something like that, because… well, look at me…” He gestured at his massive body. “But I do know people who have, and it sounds terrifying. I’m glad I can help, even if I am getting paid to do it.”
You smiled. “Well, it helps that you’re good company.”
“You don’t have to flirt with me, you know,” He teased. “That’s not part of the deal.”
“I will throat-punch you,” You said with a grin, and he laughed.
The next date was the following Saturday, and he chose to go to a concert. He wore a black v-neck shirt and a pair of black slacks, which was as dressed down as you’d seen him, but still very business-casual. It was a showcase of up-and-coming local bands, and they were all pretty good. You didn’t know that he liked Djent and progressive metal, too, but you were happy to have a common interest.
In truth, Bashir was pleasant to be around, and you were relieved that this entire thing wasn’t as awkward as it could have been. It definitely helped make this “dating” business look real from an outsider perspective. He held up his end of the bargain really well over the next dozen dates, holding your hand and putting an arm around you as if it was perfectly normal to do so. Thankfully, it didn’t make you feel uncomfortable when he did it, as he was very warm and the height difference meant he couldn’t be too cuddly naturally. You hoped that if Jake was watching, he believed you’d moved on and had no thoughts for him.
Unfortunately, if he was watching, he didn’t take the hint.
One night, as you were turning off lights and getting ready for bed, you looked out of your bedroom window and there he was, standing on the curb across the street, Jake stood in the shadow of a tree, vaping, and looking toward your house.
Panicked, you didn’t your best to stay calm while you were at the window, not wanting him to know you had seen him, but as soon as you walked away, you turned off the bedroom lights, snatched up your phone, dashed downstairs, and frantically checked the windows and doors, making sure they were all locked.
You meant to call the police, but instead, you dialed Bashir’s number. He answered immediately.
“What’s up?” He asked, sounding caught off guard. You weren’t surprised, you never called or texted him unless it was about the next “date.”
“Jake’s outside,” You whispered. “He’s across the street, I’m looking at him right now from my living room window.”
“Are you sure it’s him?”
“I’d recognize that stupid snakeskin vape box anywhere,” You said.
“Okay,” He said. “I’m heading over. Stay on the phone with me until I get there. Do you have a landline?”
“Yeah,” You replied.
“Get it and call the police. Don’t tell them he’s stalking you because, well frankly, they won’t care. Say you’re a concerned member of the neighborhood and there’s a suspicious man hanging around outside and you’re worried about a break in.”
It wouldn’t have been a lie. “Okay,” You said, picking up your cordless phone.
After calling the police, you waited with your heart in your throat, listening to Bashir get into his car and drive. He’d heard you tell the operator your address. He arrived before the police did, his vehicle a nondescript SUV, and he got out wearing sweat pants and a tank top and pulled a duffel bag from his passenger seat. He didn’t acknowledge Jake at all, simply walked up to your door and knocked. You went to open the door for him.
“Hug me and kiss my cheek,” He said in a low undertone. Gulping, you did as he said with him turning so that your display of affection was clearly visible to anyone watching from the street. You let him in and closed the door behind him, locking it.
“What now?”
“Let’s turn on the lights and make some coffee while we wait for the police,” He said.
“Okay,” You said, your voice shaking. You went to go into the kitchen but he stopped you by taking your hand.
“Hey,” He said gently. “You’re going to be okay. I’m here, and the police are coming. You’re safe.”
Tears came to your eyes and you nodded, wiping them. He released you and you went to the kitchen, putting a pot of coffee on.
The police arrived. You and Bashir watched covertly from the breakfast nook. Eventually, Jake walked to a car and got in it, driving away. The police followed him.
“They let him go?” You asked, worried.
“Well, they may not have know he has a restraining order, and even if they did, he looked plenty far away enough to not have violated it. He wasn’t breaking any laws other than loitering, so they couldn’t arrest him. At least they made sure he left.”
You held your head in your hands. “God, I don’t want to have to do all this over again.”
“It’s okay,” He said. “I’ll stay the night to make sure he doesn’t come back tonight.”
“What about tomorrow? Or the next day? You can’t be here all the time,” You said, your voice shaking.
He sighed heavily. “Do you know how to use a gun?”
You scoffed in disgust. “I don’t want a fucking gun.”
“Okay,” He said. “Then, I’ll put up a security system. I brought one with me; it’s in my bag. I’ll set it up tonight while he’s not here.”
“It’s late,” You said weakly.
“Do you want to sleep or do you want peace of mind?” He asked you levelly.
You scrubbed your face, took a deep breath, drained your coffee cup, and stood up. “Okay. Let’s do it, then.”
It took a few hours, but he managed to get several security cameras fixed to the building, focused on entryways and the front and back yards. You helped him by holding the equipment and tools for him as he worked, handing up what he needed as he needed it. By the time the two of you were done, it was three a.m. and you both had to be at work in mere hours.
The two of you fell into an exhausted sleep on your bed. You didn’t even have the energy to be affronted by the fact that you were sharing a bed with him. The next morning, before he left to go home and get ready for work, he downloaded the security camera app onto your phone and showed you how to use it.
You went to work, checking your phone surreptitiously to see if Jake was outside of your house. So far, he hadn’t reappeared.
>Today’s Friday, You texted him. >I know you’re probably tired after last night, but do you want to have a date today?
>What about a home date at my house? He replied. >I’ll cook dinner and everything. I don’t want you to be at your house at the moment.
>I can’t argue with that, You said in return. >Sounds good to me. What are you cooking?
>I was thinking a kefta meatball tagine with couscous on the side, and a snake pastry for dessert.
>That sounds amazing. Thanks for putting me up. I know this all is a huge inconvenience, and I really appreciate it.
>It’s no problem,” He said. >It’s what I’m getting paid for, right?
You sighed. Well, this wasn’t exactly what he was getting paid for. How much would an overnight stay cost you?
He sent you a message with his address and you went home after work to shower and pack a small overnight bag. You snickered, pulling out your pretty underwear and a sexy negligee, wondering if you should pack this, too, before putting it away and just throwing some pajamas in your bag.
Checking the cameras before stepping outside, you left the house and hurried to your car, heading to Bashir’s house. His place was a two-story, bungalow style house with a dark brown cliffstone brick pattern and a detached garage. It was charming, and a lot cuter than your tiny yellow ranch-style house. The yard was well kept and three were full flowerbeds next to the wide porch. You wouldn’t have imagined he lived in a place like this.
You knocked on the door and he answered it quickly, wearing a comfortable t-shirt and pair of tight jeans. You tried not to stare, but it was difficult. His clothes left very little to the imagination. His hair was also down and cascaded down his back and shoulders.
“Come in, come in,” He said, taking your bag for you.
“Thanks,” You said. “Your house is really pretty.”
“Oh, thanks!” He said. “It was actually condemned when I bought it. I basically had to rebuild it from the ground up. I’m not quite finished with it yet, but I’m happy with the progress.”
“You should be, it’s amazing,” You said. “I’d never have guessed it was a fixer-upper.”
He grinned at you, showing off his sharp teeth. “Come on, dinner will be ready soon.”
“It smells great,” You said, inhaling the savory smell of lamb and vegetables.
“All my mom’s recipes,” He replied, heading into the kitchen. “She owns a restaurant three towns over.”
“I’ll have to go and visit it sometime,” You said.
“Maybe I’ll take you myself one day,” He said, smiling as he stirred the couscous. Your heart fluttered a little.
How long were you going to have to keep this up? “Dating” Bashir was fun, but it wasn’t going to last forever. Either Jake would give up or get arrested, so either way, it would be over. Maybe you could stay friends. He was nice enough, and you enjoyed hanging out with him. But still… why was he talking about things that might happen in the future if there was no future for the two of you?
Dinner was delicious, and so was dessert, and afterward the two of you went to the living room to watch a movie. He even put his arm around you, since the window was uncovered and anyone could look in, he said, and you felt comfortable enough to relax into his side. It almost did feel like a real home date.
After the movie, though, you both decided to sleep, since you were still tired from the night before. You decided that you were both adults and could share a bed without it being awkward, and besides, his bed was huge and could fit five of you easily. You both fell asleep almost immediately.
Sometime during the night, you got a ping from the motion detector on your phone, but when you checked the security system, it was just a raccoon in your trashcan. You sighed and put your phone down, rolling over.
Bashir was on his back, asleep, with his face turned toward you. He was breathing deeply and relaxed with one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach.
You couldn’t help but stare. He really was an attractive guy, and if circumstances had been different, you might have dated him for real. But… until Jake left you alone, you didn’t want to drag anyone else into it. Bashir didn’t have any emotional connection to you, so Jake couldn’t affect whatever “relationship” you had.
But maybe things could be different after? You weren’t sure. He hadn’t expressed any interest in you other than what he had to to make the job believable. He hadn’t been flirty or more affectionate than he needed to be. You couldn’t afford to develop feelings for Bashir, not right now.
Even still, you brushed your fingers gently against the skin of his arm, feeling the hairs that covered it, and followed the curve up to his hand, allowing yours to rest on top of his for a moment or two before retracting it and trying to fall asleep again, sighing heavily.
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The next morning, Bashir recommended that the two of you spend the day together, to keep up the weekend stay appearance.
“How much is this ‘weekend getaway’ going to cost me?” You asked dubiously.
He laughed. “Don’t worry, today’s a freebie, since I suggested it. You still have to pay for last night, though. The normal fifty bucks is fine.”
“Mm-hmm,” You hummed flatly, fishing the money out of your wallet and handing it to him. “Well, what do you want to do?”
“Ah, it’s a freebie day, right? You get to choose this time.”
You smiled. “Well, let’s start with breakfast. I’ll cook it. I can cook breakfast blindfolded.”
“If you like,” He said, sitting at the bar in the kitchen and watching you putter around, looking for cooking tools.
After breakfast, you decided you wanted to go to the local botanical garden, which you hadn’t been to in some time.
“Your flowerbeds outside reminded me of this place,” You told him, walking slowly through the rows of Japanese maples. There was a beautiful and an extremely rare Chinese Red Maple behind a gate at the end of the row, the centerpiece of the garden. “Did you plant them yourself?”
“Yep,” He said with a smile. “I helped my dad do a lot of gardening when he was still alive. He had a landscaping business, but he was really passionate about it. I actually inherited the business. Gardening helps me keep his memory alive.”
“That’s really sweet,” You said, smiling softly. “Is that what you do for a living, the landscaping job? I’ve never actually asked what you do for work.”
“No, actually. I mean, I own the company, but I don’t work for it. My actual job is something else entirely.”
“What is it?”
He laughed. “Honestly, I don’t think you’d believe me.” Before you could ask, he took you by the hand and said, “Let’s take a break and get a coffee. I have to use the bathroom.”
“Okay,” You said, letting the subject drop. For now.
You got to the food court outside of the botanical gardens and sat down at the outdoor cafe.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” He said, putting some money down on the table. “Can you order me a large black coffee?”
“Yeah, sure,” You said. He smiled and headed off. You got up and put in your order, then sat back down at the table and opened the security app, looking through the cameras and checked to see if anything was out of place.
The chair opposite to you was pulled out and he sat back down while you were still looking at your phone.
“The coffee should be out soon,” You said.
“I didn’t order coffee,” A voice said. It wasn’t Bashir.
You jerked your head up and saw Jake sitting across from you. You stood up so fast that you knocked the chair over.
“Get away from me, Jake,” You said.
“Look, just talk to me,” He said, standing up and advancing on you. “Why won’t you just talk to me?”
“Get away from me!” You shouted. “Bashir!”
“Are you calling for that monster?” He sneered. “You could do so much better than him. Besides, you’re not even really dating him, you’re just paying him to keep you company, you slut. You think I wouldn’t figure that out?”
“Fuck you!” You back up. “Bashir!”
Jake was snatched back and slammed down onto the cafe table. Bashir had him pinned down with a single hand. It wasn’t hard to do: Bashir was almost twice the size of Jake in height and weight.
“Let me go!” Jake said, struggling against Bashir’s iron grip. “I’ll have you arrested! My brother’s a cop!”
“Ah, that explains how you got her address so quick,” Bashir said. “I don’t really care if your brother’s a cop. Actually, I think I do, I think an internal affairs investigation is warranted. Regardless, you’ve just violated a restraining order.”
“What does it matter to you?”
Bashir snorted. “I’m FBI, dickless.”
You gaped at him.
“Bullshit!” Jake said. “I’ll fucking sue you! I’ll ruin your fucking life!”
“Whatever you want, you’re still under arrest,” Bashir said, pulling out a set of handcuffs from an inside pocket of his jacket.
“You’re kidding,” You said slowly, staring at Bashir.
“I told you you probably wouldn’t believe me,” He said, grinning at you sheepishly. He jerked his head at his jacket. “My ID is in my pocket.”
You reached in and fished it out, opening the leather fold to reveal a… rather official looking ID and badge.
You laughed in disbelief. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have.”
The police arrived to detain Jake and took him to the station. Bashir drove you to the station, as well, so that you could make a statement.
Later, Bashir drove you back to your house.
“I’ll bring your bag over later,” He said. “He’ll probably get ninety days in jail for violating the restraining order, and hopefully you won’t have to deal with him anymore. Although, if you hear from him again once he gets out, let me know, and I’ll be here.”
“Thanks,” You said. “Really, thank you for everything.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Here,” He said, handing it to you. Inside was all the money you had given him for the dates, plus some. There had to have been almost two thousand dollars in there.
“But this is…”
He laughed. “I’m a federal official, you know. I can’t take bribes. I’d get fired.”
“This wasn’t…” You started, but stopped yourself. This could absolutely be seen as a bribe. “What do I do with all this?”
He shrugged. “Whatever you like. Go on a trip. Buy something nice. It’s your money, after all.”
You sighed a little sadly. “I guess this is it, then.”
He sighed, too. “Yeah, I guess so.” He leaned forward, bent down, and kissed you on the cheek. “Take care of yourself.”
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Jake did end up getting three months in jail, which made you feel a lot better. You were worried that he would come after you, but the three months passed and when he was released, he moved clear across the country and you never heard from him again.
Finally free of him, you thought you might try actually dating again, but you could only think of Bashir. You and he had only spoken a few times, mostly him checking on you, but you hadn’t seen each other since Jake’s arrest. You missed him, but you couldn’t tell him that. He didn’t have any feelings for you, anyway. If he did, wouldn’t he have asked you out after Jake was out of the picture?
Even still, you wanted to see him again. So once Jake was gone, you texted Bashir.
>I have something for you, You told him.
>Oh? What’s that?
>I want to give it to you in person. Would it be okay to come over this weekend?
>I’m free now. Why don’t you stop by?
>Okay. I’ll be there soon.
Before leaving, you hesitated and decided to throw on your best, sexiest underwear. Just in case.
You arrived at his house to find him out in the front yard. He was digging a hole in the yard with a sapling sitting in a bucket, ready for planting. There were also stones and gravel he was going to use for a decorative barrier. He stood up and waved as you drove up into the driveway.
“Hey!” He said, pulling you into a hug. Well, as well as he could, being so tall. “It’s good to see you!”
“You too!” You said. “What kind of tree is that?”
“A Chinese Maple,” He said. “I got inspired when we went to the botanical gardens that time. It cost a pretty penny and I had to wait for the cutting to grow, but it’s finally ready to plant.”
“That’s so cool,” You said. “Can I help?”
“Really?” He said, grinning. “Yeah, sure! There’s a pair of gloves over there on the porch. They might be a little big, but it’s better than blisters.”
You ran to retrieve them, and picked up a trowel. “Why did you decide on the maple?”
“Cause it reminds me of you,” He said, digging. “When I look out my window every day and see it, I’ll think of you.”
Your heart beat faster, but you couldn’t look at him.
It only took about an hour to dig out the hole, plant the sapling, fill the hole with soil, lay the stones, and spread the gravel. Thankfully it was a cool day and you didn’t sweat too much. The two of you caught up on what had happened in the three months since you’d seen each other. You wanted to ask if he had started dating, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“It looks great,” He said, standing back and grinning. “Thanks for your help! We got it done in record time. Let’s get cleaned up and have a drink.”
“Okay,” You said. “Let me grab my purse from the car.”
“Oh, right, you had something to give me, right?”
“Yep,” You told him, grabbing your bag.
He laughed. “Sorry I side-tracked you.”
“It’s fine, I had a good time,” You said. He opened the door for you and let you go into the house before him.
You went to the bathroom to freshen up and when you looked down, you realized your toothbrush was in the holder, the one you had forgotten when you’d stayed over. You had bought a new one and figured he’d just throw it away when he found it. Why had he kept it? Why was it in the holder with his?
You went back out into the kitchen and found him shirtless, water beading down the muscles of his back, and you stopped in the doorway, staring.
“Oh, sorry,” He said, laughing and throwing on a clean shirt. “Needed a quick wash. I felt a little grimy after the yardwork.”
“It’s okay,” You said, your heart still hammering in your chest.
“Iced tea?”
“Yeah, sure,” You replied, sitting at the bar. He poured you a drink and sat at the bar opposite you.
“So, what was the thing you had for me.”
You swallowed your tea a bit too hard and reached into your purse, handing him an envelope.
“This isn’t the money, is it?” He asked, smiling.
“No, it’s not money,” You said. “Open it.”
He grinned playfully at you, but it slipped from his face when he looked inside the envelope, pulling out two plane tickets.
“Morocco?” He asked, looking up at you in surprise.
You nodded. “Those are good for a year, so make sure you get some vacation time soon,” You said, anxious.
He stared at them. “There are two.”
“Yes,” You replied. “In case you wanted to take your mom. Or maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend or something.”
You kept your face as neutral as possible, but he was staring at you.
“The extra ticket is for you, isn’t it?” He asked softly.
You looked down and away. “If you don’t want me to go, that’s okay. You can take whoever you like. I just wanted you to have the trip you always dreamed of.”
He got up out of his chair, came around, and got down on his knees, so that he was face to face with you. He leaned forward and kissed you. It was firm and testing, and you responded, throwing your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around you as well.
“I missed you,” He murmured against your lips.
“Why didn’t you ask me out?” You asked him, pulling back to look at his face.
“I thought you weren’t interested in a real relationship,” He said, pulling you against him. “If I had any inclination you did, I would have asked you out on the spot.”
“I thought the same thing,” You said. “I never expected you’d actually like me.”
“I do,” He said, kissing you again and standing up. “I like you very, very much.”
He walked you into his room and lay you down on his bed, stripping your clothes off your body.
“Pretty,” He said with a grin as he came across your lacy black underwear. “Did you wear this for me?”
You bit your lip and nodded.
“Well, it would be a shame to take it off so soon, then, wouldn’t it?” He said, palming your breasts over the fabric of your bra. He touched your slit over your underwear, and you gasped. You lifted your leg and rubbed him through his pants, and he grunted. You felt him harden under your touch. He was… uh… large.
You pulled off his shirt and ran your nails down his chest. He moved his hand away and pressed himself against you, still clothed, grinding himself into your clit, and you moaned. You reached for his belt and unbuckled it, unbuttoning it, and pushed his pants down with your toes. Because of his long tusks, he couldn’t bend down to kiss you in this position, so he picked you up as if you were a doll, kissing your body. You were always a little self conscious about your weight, being a big girl, but he seemed not to notice.
He lifted you all the way up to his face, kneeling down so that you weren’t so high up, and licked the cloth covering your slit, putting your legs over his shoulders and his tusks under your body. Using just his tongue, he moved your underwear out of the way and teased your clit. His tongue was long and thick. You whimpered and rocked your hips against his tongue. He pushed it in side of you and thrust it back and forth, and you writhed in his grip.
Carefully, he pulled you down and eased you into his lap, pressing himself against your entrance. You pressed your hands against his stomach and watched him disappear slowly inside you. He couldn’t go all the way in, but once he reached the back and knew where the limit was, he pulled back out slowly and thrust in again slowly, easing you into it. He must have had a similar size problem in the past and had learned how to overcome it in these situations. You were glad for it.
He lay you on the edge of the bed and pressed your knees back, thrusting a little faster, and you reached down and touched yourself, rubbing quickly as he sped up. He pulled the cups of your bra down so that he could grasp your breasts, squeezing gently, and grunted. You held his hand there with your own, pulling up your head and sucking on his pointer finger, looking up at him through your lashes. His breathing was erratic and he watched you hungrily, his sharp teeth biting into his lower lip and pricking the skin.
“I’m so close,” You moaned. “I’m going to cum.”
He nodded as if in agreement, squeezing his eyes shut. He grimaced as if in pain, but then shouted, roaring, and released inside of you. It was a torrent, spraying out of you. Another few hip thrusts and circles around your clit, you came too, your head thrown back against the bed, crying out.
He pulled out and turned his head, resting it against your stomach as his arms gripped your sides, breathing hard. After a moment, you both sat up, and you realized that his legs were covered with his own release.
“Wanna get cleaned up?” You asked him.
“Yeah,” He said dreamily, standing up and leading you into the bathroom. You took a shower together, helping him clean himself. He did the same for you, kneeling down and washing your body. The way he knelt in front of you combine with the way he looked at you, it almost felt like he was worshiping you. Honestly, you didn’t mind that at all.
Your underwear would have to be washed, but he said you could borrow one of his shirts, if you wanted to. Honestly, you were happy to lounge in his bed naked. He seemed happy with that, too.
“When would you like to go?” You asked him, laying on his chest and playing with his chest hair. “To Morocco, I mean?”
“Soon,” He said, entwining his fingers in your hair. “I’ll put in for vacation time as soon as I get back to the office. I don’t really take vacations, so I’m sure my colleagues will be surprised.”
You smiled and kissed his skin. “I’ll have to put in for time off, too,” You said. “Although, I only just started working there six months ago, so they may not approve it.”
“Let me know when they do and I’ll schedule for the same time,” He said.
“Sounds good to me,” He said, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking down at you. You posed a little for him and he grinned, running his hands up and down the soft skin of your torso and belly. “You know what I’d like to do right now, though?”
“What’s that?” You asked.
“I want to take you on a date,” He said, smiling softly. “A real one. I'll pay and everything. And I want to be able to kiss you.”
You smiled back at him. “Deal.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
456 notes · View notes
zosonils · 3 years
Crossover you say 👀
i don't have much in mind story wise, but i'm thinking it takes place under the same conditions as worlds collide, which i insist on believing also happened nearly identically offscreen in the game timeline because nobody can tell me otherwise. fairly basic setup of eggman and wily teaming up to cause problems on purpose and sonic and rock working together to stop them, and now there's wisps in the mix >:O i'm sure i could think up a fun excuse plot for why sonic colours happens twice and also mega man is here now, but mostly this was just an excuse to put the special interest in the hyperfixation and come up with some fun weapons for rock based on my first and favourite sonic game
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each robot master is based on a wisp from either version of the original colours, which causes a little confusion given that you end up with two burst men and drill men but these ones have different EWN-XXX serial numbers and are entirely unrelated to their canon mega man counterparts. i haven't actually drawn the robot masters yet or thought up designs or personalities, just come up with their weapons and what stage they'd inhabit, but maybe i'll do that sometime. the robot masters are something like this
EWN-010 BURST MAN - weak to drill dash, gives bursting blaze, sweet mountain stage
EWN-011 ROCKET MAN - weak to cubic satellite, gives rocket jump, terminal velocity stage
EWN-012 DRILL MAN - weak to spike spin, gives drill dash, tropical resort stage
EWN-013 HOVER MAN - weak to rocket jump, gives hovering shockwave, starlight carnival stage
EWN-014 LASER MAN - weak to frenetic void, gives prism laser, aquarium park stage
EWN-015 CUBE MAN - weak to prism laser, gives cubic satellite, wii game land stage
EWN-016 VOID MAN - weak to bursting blaze, gives frenetic void, asteroid coaster stage
EWN-017 SPIKE MAN - weak to hovering shockwave, gives spike spin, planet wisp stage
i wrote up some really detailed information on how all the weapons work but i'll put that under a cut to prevent this post from getting too long! if you don't feel like reading massive paragraphs of game design ideas, here's the microsoft paint scribblings i did of all of them [sonic is there too]
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a chargeable attack that blasts out a sphere of fire to deal damage. charging it longer sends the fire out further and increases its damage output, but costs more weapon energy. without any charging it's a pretty standard low-range attack, but at maximum charge it functions as a screen nuke on par with the likes of rain flush, tornado blow, or astro crush. if rock takes damage while charging bursting blaze, he'll automatically release it at whatever charge level it was at when he got hit. in addition to the obvious usefulness of a fucking screen nuke, a less- or uncharged bursting blaze can be a handy way to quickly get some personal space in a tight situation.
cost: 1 unit when uncharged, 7 when fully charged [28 uses uncharged or 4 fully charged from a full gauge]. has five in-between charge levels costing 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 units from least to most powerful.
i came up with this name first because i wanted it to have blaze in it because i fucking love blaze the cat.
an explosion that launches rock much higher than a normal jump would take him, about the height of one screen. in addition to the explosion at the bottom dealing damage, rock's body deals contact damage until his upward momentum stops, which tears through enemies with low health or a weakness to rocket jump but doesn't protect him against bulkier foes or stage hazards. while he can still move left or right while rocketing upwards, the only way for rock to stop moving upwards is to either naturally run out of momentum, hit a ceiling, or take damage.
some platforms can only be reached by using rocket jump.
cost: 3 units per use [10 uses from a full gauge]
obviously a joke based on the rocket jump technique in a lot of video games, lmao. rock blows himself up and ragdolls so hard he clips out of the interstellar amusement park and sonic watches as he falls past every kill plane and into infinity forever
a dash attack slightly faster than the slide going straight down, sideways, or diagonally down-left or down-right, similar to the pile driver but shorter and without upwards reach. has fairly low attack power, equivalent to two mega buster shots, but pushes surviving enemies back, allowing them to be hit again and again with a chain of drill dashes. underwater, it moves significantly faster and further, and can be fired up as well as down, unlocking eight-directional dashing.
if rock hits a solid wall he'll bounce off of it, but if he hits certain types of dirt-like walls he'll drill into them, which can uncover helpful items like health and weapon refills and occasionally 1-ups or e-tanks [probably in scripted locations].
cost: 2 units per use [14 uses from a full gauge]
i've never played mighty no. 9 but i've seen footage of like the dash thingy he can do? because it probably looks kinda like that.
fires a shockwave that doesn't hurt any more than a standard mega buster shot [unless the enemy in question is weak to it], but stuns most enemies and has a fairly decent range. if you fire it in midair and then hold down the attack button, rock's falling speed will decrease dramatically, and he'll continue to float until either he hits the ground, the attack button is released, or he takes damage. hovering will cost additional energy, and if hovering shockwave is used in midair it can't be used again until rock hits the ground at least once.
cost: 1.5 units per use [19 uses from a full gauge], plus an extra 3 units per second of hovering, for a total of a little under 9 seconds of hovering taking the initial shot into account.
this one's pretty directly lifted from the hover wispon in sonic forces.
a laser projectile that either bounces off or goes through anything it hits a set number of times, maybe three to five. if it destroys an enemy its movement is unchanged; if it hits a wall or an enemy that doesn't immediately die to it then it bounces instead. can be fired in all eight directions, but once fired its trajectory is out of the player's hands. basically imagine gemini laser, then imagine it being obscenely better in every conceivable way. best used in enclosed rooms where it can bounce around a lot and doesn't have much opportunity to get lost offscreen.
some rooms have prisms in them like the ones in colours that automatically redirect prism laser, guiding them to destroy enemies blocking paths and the like.
cost: 6 units per use [5 uses from a full gauge]
cyan laser was my favourite colour power when i was a little baby because haha bright colour funny sound go wheeee. prism laser is probably overpowered because of this bias lmao.
summons four [?] orbiting cubes that shield rock from one hit each. they deal damage to enemies they touch unless said enemy is immune to the power. standard shield weapon, blue cube is a lame overly situational gimmick and i couldn't think of anything better. rock can still fire and charge his mega buster while shielded, but obviously can't use any special weapons. every time a cube is destroyed, the remaining ones spin faster, looking something like the tubinaut badnik from sonic mania. that's just a visual effect i don't know what else to write here it's a shield weapon.
cost: 3.5 units per use [8 units from a full gauge]
i think i'd like shield weapons more if i knew how to use the attacking ones to actually attack. i used leaf shield about 3 times in mega man 2 and every time i flung it in the wrong direction and got hit anyway.
sucks in any enemies that rock is facing for as long as the attack button is held down, drawing them to a point just in front of him. when released, the blasters on his arms [which in this form morph to look like the purple frenzy mouth] crunch down in front of him, dealing slightly more damage than a charged mega buster shot to anything that's been pulled in close enough and knocking back anything that isn't destroyed. rock can't move while using frenetic void, and if anything hits him while he's vaccuuming he drops the move without the finishing bite or knockback. this move can also draw in most types of bullets, which are absorbed and disappear if they reach the void, or continue in whatever direction they were pulled in if the move ends before they get there.
cost: 3 units per use [10 units from a full gauge]
i thought it'd be cool to combine purple frenzy and violet void somehow. i used void for the robot master name because i believe in sonic colours ds port supremacy, but the decision was ultimately pretty arbitrary.
what top spin wishes it was. a close-range attack where spikes emerge from rock's body as he does a speen, giving him a somewhat bigger hitbox. when he hits an enemy, he bounces off of it in a manner similar to the way sonic bounces off of everything he hits. the move lasts as long as the attack button is held down, draining weapon energy over time, and rock can still walk and jump while speening. some projectiles will bounce off of spike spin [generally small bullets like those from mets or sniper joes will bounce off while anything stronger will still hurt], and holding the move makes rock immune to spikes, allowing him to walk over them safely until his weapon energy depletes.
some items may be tucked away in places that are difficult or impossible to reach without walking over spikes, requiring the use of spike spin to reach them.
cost: 4 units per second, for a total of 7 seconds of spinning from a full gauge. the first unit is depleted the moment the button is pressed so the move can't be scummed into lasting longer.
honestly now that i'm thinking about this i might change spike spin to act a little more like how pink spike spindashes, but i was overcome by a desire for justice for top man.
i don't know how to end this post lmao but i've been thinking about this crossover for days on end. i know damn well it's a pipe dream but right now i'm in just the right mode of hyperfixation that if sega and capcom announced a sonic/mega man crossover in a video game that isn't smash lmao i would ASCEND
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
I Remember it All Too Well
Chapter One of Six: Invisible String Tying You to Me
Words: 2200
Summary: Alex knew from the moment he signed the divorce papers that leaving Jo and Seattle was the worst mistake of his life. As Alex works his way back to Seattle, he sees Jo again four times before she allows him back into her life. 
The four times Alex saw Jo after their divorce, and the one time they finally got back together with her, plus a soft epilogue.
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Jo Wilson, Alex Karev, Helen Karev, Eli Stevens, Alexis Stevens.
Rating: General Audiences
Additional Tags: Regret, Longing, Pining, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Foster Kid, Adoption, the Pandemic.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: Will update weekly
Alex was in the kitchen getting dinner ready. It was spaghetti night which means twice the mess as usual nights as he dumped the first jar of spaghetti sauce into the huge pot on the stove. 
“Here you go, Daddy,” Eli said, handing him the other jar of spaghetti sauce.
“Thanks, bud,” Alex smiled at Eli, his little co-chef tonight.
Eli ran off to get the noodles as Alex put the other jar of sauce in the pot and turned on the burner to simmer.
Izzie always went all out with the homemade sauce and everything, but Alex made a version of spaghetti sauce that he and Jo used to make. It was basically just, roasted ground beef, two different kinds of store-bought spaghetti sauce, and a dash of fresh garlic and hot pepper flakes. Izzie hated it, but the twins absolutely loved it and she wasn’t here to tell him what to do. So Daddy’s spaghetti sauce it was.
“Alex!” He heard his mother call out to him from the office down the hall. “There's something wrong with my video call!”
“Just a second mom,” Alex said as he put the can of sauce in the sink and wiped his hands. 
“Eli hold off on the noodles and don’t do anything in the kitchen until I get back,” Alex said, taking the pack of noodles from him.
“Okay,” Eli said as he scurried off to join his sister on the carpet as she played with their tablet. It was a little pre-dinner technology time and they were completely engrossed in it and didn't even notice as Alex left the room. 
He walked down the hall to the little office Helen had in the corner of the house. Ever since the pandemic started Alex had moved back to Iowa to keep an eye on his mother during the lockdown. The library had closed and Helen struggled to maintain her schedule. Having Alex there had helped as he set her up with her therapist two times a week and she was able to help the kids with their school work in place of her work at the library. It wasn’t perfect, but they made do.
Izzie wasn't with them as the two of them were fighting. Izzie was upset he wouldn't call her his girlfriend, despite their relationship and the fact that they lived and parented together. Alex tried to love her and he wanted to make it work, but he couldn't just jump all in. Izzie wanted to pick up where they left off. She wanted them to be together, so she could say she had the perfect life; a partner, and kids, and everything. However, Alex wasn't ready to fully love her like that again. Truth be told he was still in love with Jo. He needed time to let go of Jo and grieve the loss of his marriage to her. 
The pandemic had put a strain on all of that and Izzie had opted to stay back in Kansas, although she called every day to talk to the kids. As Izzie continued to work through the pandemic, Alex was left alone to parent the twins when the schools closed. Before the shutdown, Alex hadn't been able to find a job and was just subbing for the Ped’s attendings at the hospital Izzie worked at. With the quarantine that had transitioned to the occasional Zoom call consult and now he was mostly just a stay-at-home dad to the twins. 
“I had the email on the computer and I clicked the link, but then this little box popped up and asked for a password, but I've never used a password before?” Helen explained as she pointed to the computer set up on the desk for a video call with her doctor. 
She sat back in the chair and twisted her fingers as she looked up at the clock. It was five minutes past five and he could tell she was getting upset that the call hadn't gone as planned throwing off her schedule. She was going to therapy twice a week and had an extra doctor’s video appointment every other week, on Friday evenings. 
“Okay, let me see,” Alex said as he pulled up the zoom meeting on the computer. He double checked the internet settings and went back to the original email. Alex quickly read it over. It was the standard zoom email with time and place and the passcode at the bottom. Alex clicked the link and waited for it to start up. 
The Zoom started up but prompted him for the password and Alex quickly input the code and the zoom meeting connection started up on the screen.
“Thank you, Alex, but you should go,” Helen urged as she put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back. 
Alex stepped away to give his mother her privacy, but then the video connected and a baby appeared on the screen. The baby couldn't have been more than six months old as the camera was angled to the floor so they could see the baby sitting up on a blanket surrounded by toys. The baby smiled as soon as the video started. They locked eyes with Helen and babbled excitedly before leaning towards her. The baby excitedly babbled, as they seemed to recognize Helen and she smiled as she looked at them.
“Hello, little one,” Helen said as she leaned forward and waved at the baby. “I’m so happy to see you, but where’s your Mommy?”
Alex stepped forward and smiled as he watched them interact. He wasn't surprised that the doctor put their computer on their coffee table and did Zoom meetings with their baby. They were in the middle of a pandemic and he had done the same with the twins when he consulted for a few Ped’s cases at the hospital in Kansas City. Then he recognized the couch behind the baby. It was the white couch that Jo had bought for him with his money that she won after the ping pong match. The room around the baby was the loft in Seattle.
“Hey, do you see Grandma?” Jo's sweet voice came through the line as she sat down on the floor next to the baby and picked them up before sitting them in her lap. “I was worried when you were late. I was just about to call you, but I couldn’t find my phone... Alex?” 
Alex stood there dumbfounded as they locked eyes. Jo was just as shocked to see him as he was, but only for a moment before Jo grew angry and reached forward to end the call.
“No, Josephine, please wait, he's leaving,” Helen pleaded with her but it was too late as Jo closed the laptop and ended the call.
Helen turned around and glared at him. “I told you to go.” 
“No you can't do that, you can't just tell me to leave when you've been video chatting with my ex-wife and her baby?” Alex said, he tried not to get too upset, but he couldn't help it.
Alex just stood there shocked as he thought about Jo and the baby in her lap, video chatting with his mother. This had to have been an ongoing thing as Helen had it scheduled out every other Friday for weeks. He remembered walking past the door one time and hearing baby giggles, he brushed it off as just weird feedback, but there was a baby. 
It was Jo’s baby. He didn't even know how she’s had a baby. She couldn't have been pregnant when he left because the baby was around six months old and he'd only divorce her five months and twenty-one days ago. So unless she’d given birth right after he left Seattle the baby wasn’t theirs and he’d certainly know if Jo was nine months pregnant before he left. The tally in his head of how long it had been since he left her was a constant reminder of the life he'd left behind. 
“Just because you cut Josephine out of your life doesn't mean that I have to,” Helen said, raising her voice as she twisted her fingers. “When you left she had no one, no family, I still remember the day she called me to say that you had divorced her. Instead of hearing it from you, I heard from my daughter-in-law that my son had two kids and an ex-wife in Kansas and that he was divorcing her to be with them.”
“So what, you just took her side in everything?” Alex said, getting defensive as he crossed his arms.
“I'm not on anybody's side,” Helen insisted, getting more upset. “I let you come stay with me and, I love you, Alex I do, and I love your twins, and I love being a Grandma to them, but I love having Josephine as my daughter-in-law, too. Before your divorce, Josephine and I called each other twice a month and after you left her I continued to call her, she never stopped taking my calls, unlike how you did. It's part of my routine and I'm so gracious that she still lets me be a part of her life. Her one condition was that I couldn't tell you that we were still in contact and I respected that.”
Alex sat down in the chair across from his mom as he processed the information. He didn't know anything about Jo’s life now. Meredith wouldn't tell him anything when they talk, despite how he asked occasionally. 
“I'm sorry, you're right and you have every right to keep in contact with Jo,” Alex said as Helen nodded and relaxed back into her chair. “How is she? The baby, is it hers?”
“Sort of, he’s her foster baby and she’s trying to adopt him. Josephine picked him up from the fire station after his birth parents dropped him off there and she’s been fostering him ever since. His name is Asher, he just turned six months old last week,” Helen said as she smiled and pulled out her phone, she quickly pulled up a picture of them and handed her phone to Alex. 
Jo was holding Asher and they were pressed up against each other cheek to cheek. Jo had such a wide smile across her face, one that he had seen many times when she was joyously happy and it made him smile too. They had been trying for a baby before he left and it made his heartache, despite how happy he was for her. 
“He’s really cute,” Alex said handing the phone back to his mother, but the image remained burned into his mind. 
“Yeah he's such a sweetheart too, always babbling on about something,” Helen said as she looks down at the picture. 
“Why don't you text Jo and tell her that I'm gone. I won't interrupt your video chats again, maybe she'll call back,” Alex said as he got up and went to the door.
“Thank you, Alex,” Helen said standing up and reaching to put a hand on his cheek. 
Alex just nodded and left. He went back down the hall and went back to the pot of sauce, but he couldn't get his mind off the image of Jo and Asher. He looked over at the twins. They were completely engrossed in the game they were playing. It was this water game where they had to draw a path to give water to an alligator so they could take a shower. Alexis was directing Eli's hand and trying to draw the path over him as they argued over the right path for the water. 
“Alexis let your brother create the path for the water this time, you can do the next one,” Alex said to them as he turned the heat on the spaghetti sauce down as it had started bubbling over while he was gone. “But just five more minutes guys and then I need your help to set the table.”
“Okay,” They quickly replied in sync, but didn't look up from their game.
It was easy for Alex to step back into the role of father for his twins and focus on the life he had in front of him, but he couldn't get Jo off his mind. Alex started the water for the pasta set before he got out a stack of four plates and set them on the counter where the kids could reach them. Then he walked back down the hall. Alex pressed his ear up against the door as he heard Jo and Helen talking while Asher babbled in the background. He heard Jo laugh at something that Asher did and he took in a breath as a knot formed in his chest. 
He had regretted his decision to divorce Jo from the second he sent out the papers, but he was too much of a coward to take it back now. Alex loved Alexis and Eli with every fiber of his being and he didn't regret a second of his life with them. He just wished he could go back and tell Jo about them. He wished he would have asked her to co-parent them with him. He wished he would have done all this with her, but he didn't and he couldn't take it back now. So he just stood there and he closed his eyes as he listened to her laugh.
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adenei · 4 years
Auror 99 - Chapter 1
Serve & Protect
“Here is everything you’ll need regarding the mission in New York,” Kingsley said to the trio. “I’ll be coming with you, but I won’t be able to stay to see this through. Even though the Aurors and New York Police Department are two separate entities in two separate countries, you will be reporting to Captain Holt of the 99th precinct. He is aware of the reality of the situation, and has had a portrait hung in his office so that he may contact me at any given moment. Patronuses should only be sent in dire need.”
“So MACUSA isn’t going to be involved at all?” Harry asked.
“They’re aware of the situation, however they are entrusting us to handle it quietly. None of the crimes Gerteso has committed in the US have been magical in nature that we know of, so there’s no grounds of jurisdiction. You’ll do well to remember you are working with muggles, who have no idea about our world, so the magic will need to be kept to a minimum.” Kingsley then handed them an additional bag.
“What’s this?” Ron asked.
“Muggle tactical gear. You’ll still need your wands on you at all times since apprehending Gerteso with magic will most likely be necessary, but you’ve got to play the part. You’ll have time to read over your identity files when we get to New York.”
Hermione looked in her bag as her face drained slightly of color. “We have to carry around a gun? Kingsley, I don’t even know how to shoot one.”
Harry also looked concerningly at Kingsley as Ron asked, “A gun? Like those things in muggle action movies? Cool!”
“Don’t worry, Hermione. Once we get to New York, we’ll be going through a brief training on how to use your tactical gear. We’d have done it here if time allowed, but unfortunately we’re short on that. In order to keep suspicions down with MACUSA, that’s why we’re going over this stuff here.
“You should use the glamour charms now to get into character. No one needs to be any wiser that the Golden Trio are the ones employed in this case. Hermione, you’ll be known as Charlotte Monahan, Ron, you’ll be Nolan Brown, and Harry, you’ll be Jason Cooper. Harry and Ron, you’re used to going undercover with different names, but Hermione, you’ll need to remember to respond to Charlotte, and to call the boys by their names.”
Hermione looked down at the rings on her hand, and then up to Kingsley. He read the question on her mind and said, “You can keep them on. There’s nothing in any of your back stories that divulge a relationship status. Just don’t give away that Nolan and Charlotte are married to each other, and you’ll be fine.” Kingsley then looked at Harry. “Ginny knows the case may last several weeks, if not more?” Harry nodded.
Kingsley looked at the trio in front of him. Hermione’s charms had transformed her hair pin-straight, and the color had changed to a much lighter brown, almost edging on dark blonde. She picked up the fake glasses that were in her bag and put them on her face. The hair change alone made her look different enough, and the glasses were an extra added measure of protection. 
Ron also needed minimal changes. There were less freckles on his face, and his short hair was changed to a strawberry blonde color instead of it’s natural red shade. Harry’s hair became more tame as he’d transformed it from black to dark brown. He’d shed his glasses and put in prescription contacts that also turned his eyes to a shade of brown instead of their natural green. 
They’d already changed into their uniforms that resembled that of the NYPD. “Excellent work, you three,” Kingsley said approvingly. “There’s just one more thing that needs to be done.” Kingsley turned to Harry and pointed his wand at Harry’s forehead. He cast a spell that made his lightning scar disappear, and then did the same for the ‘I must not tell lies’ scar on his hand.
Kingsley then turned to Ron. “Ron, can you lift up your sleeves for me?” Ron did as he was told as Kingsley all but vanished the brain scars from his arms. Hermione’s neck scar was taken care of next.
“We needed to cover up your more pronounced scars to ensure that you’ll be undetectable undercover. A simple glamour charm won’t do for that, so I’ve cast a semi-permanent covering charm on them. It will last up to two weeks. Regardless of whether your glamour charms are in effect or not. The spell is in your files in case you need to recast it.”
“You mean to tell me there’s a spell to cover up my lightning scar, and I’m only just now finding out about it?” Harry couldn’t believe it.
“It’s not safe to use all the time, Harry. Plus, your scars make you part of who you are. There should be no shame in covering them up. We only ever use the charm in cases such as this, and it’s not well known. A glamour charm wouldn’t be strong enough to hide them day in and day out. Remember to be vigilant about your appearances. Take care of each other. It is of utmost importance that you look out for one another.”
“No offense, Kingsley, but I think you’re talking to the wrong group of people,” Ron said as he thought back to the war. 
“It’s a reminder all the same. Now, the portkey leaves in two minutes, so gather your things,” Kingsley said as he checked his watch. He picked up an old pillow and gestured for them to grab hold. “As soon as we land in New York, you go by your undercover names. In front of Captain Holt’s squad, I’m John King. Hold on tight, we’ve got a long journey.” The pillow began to glow brightly and the group of four was transported to MACUSA headquarters in NYC.
“Ah. Mr. King, welcome. Please if you’ll follow me this way,” Captain Holt said as he met the group of four at the elevator. He led them into the conference room. They noticed several people watching them, but that was nothing new. 
Holt shut the door after they’d entered. “You’ve briefed your team, then?” he asked Kingsley.
“For the most part, yes. I figured your squad could inform them of Gerteso’s crimes here and then you can team them up or do as you see fit,” Kingsley explained. “Where do yours stand?”
“They are aware that we’ll be working with British authorities, and that Gerteso is wanted for money laundering in England. They do not know that we will be going with your team upon apprehension. Likewise, they are unaware of who your team is.”
Kingsley nodded at Holt’s words. Kingsley introduced the three by their undercover names and then said, “I really do need to get back. Thank you for letting us assist with the case. You know where to find me.” With that, Kingsley shook Holt’s hand, nodded at the trio, and saw himself out.
“I assume Mr. King told you that I am Captain Raymond Holt. I am going to be bringing in the rest of the squad who is working this case, and they will fill you in on where things stand.” Captain Holt walked over and opened the door. “Peralta, Santiago, Jeffords, Boyle, Diaz.”
They all walked in and sat down as Harry, Ron and Hermione stood there awkwardly. Unsure of what to do. “Listen up. This is Jason Cooper, Nolan Brown and Charlotte Monahan. They are the British officers who will be assisting us on the Gerteso case. I will be teaming them up with you as we work to locate and apprehend him. You are to fill them in on where the case stands now, and what leads we have.” Holt looked at the trio. “Here we’ve got Sergeant Terry Jeffords, and Detectives Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle and Rosa Diaz.” They all either raised a hand or nodded as their names were called. “Detective Monahan, you’ll be working closely with Detective Santiago, and Detective Brown, you’ll be working alongside Detective Peralta. Detective Cooper, you get both Detective Boyle and Detective Diaz. I have important work to attend to, so I’ll leave you to it.”
When Holt left the room, Jake stood up. “Alright, I know what you’re probably thinking, wanting to swoop in here and take the Gerteso case right out from underneath us. But I’ll have you know we’re not just going to step aside and let you take him from us!” 
Jake said in his false bravado.
“Uh, Jake?” Terry tried to interrupt.
“Shhh, Sarge I got this!” Jake waved his hand at him. “Now, I have a very important question for you.” Jake looked at them seriously. “Are you MI-6? Is it really that serious?” 
Harry and Ron both looked at Hermione, who answered for them. “Er, no, not exactly. We’re hoping to gain acceptance into the program if we’re able to close this case.”
“Well, please excuse Jake and his ridiculous questioning. We’re happy to have you here,” Amy said smiling at them. “Why don’t we go out to our desks and we’ll let you know where we’re at with Geresto.”
“I’ll get extra chairs!” Boyle said a little enthusiastically as Rosa rolled her eyes.
“Looks like you’ve got this covered.” Rosa walked back to her own desk and left Jake, Charles and Amy to it. 
“Okay,” Amy said, pulling a massive binder out of a drawer and placed it on her desk with a loud thump. “Geresto’s wanted for multiple accounts of identity theft and patent infringement. We’ve been tracking the locations of the identities he’s been taking, and we think he’s got himself hidden well somewhere in the city. The evidence we have indicates he’s definitely hiding out somewhere in the city, but we’ve reached a dead end. We’re hoping one of Jake’s contacts will pull through for us, but we’ve been waiting for two weeks.”
“I’m telling you he’s going to call, just give him some time!” Jake defended.
“I trust you, Jake,” Charles said happily.
“Thank you, Charles. At least someone does.”
“You’re sure that’s all he’s done here?” Harry cut in.
“Yeah, what’d he do across the pond?” Jake said in a terrible British impression.
“Er, he laundered thousands at one of the most prestigious banks, and fled with it all after killing two go-I mean, guards,” Ron said as Hermione gave him a pointed look. He’d almost said goblins.
Amy nodded as Jake said, “Yeah, no doubt Shredder’s been doing some laundering of his own once he manages to get his hands on people’s bank accounts with their identities. They always follow the same pattern. No murder here, though.”
“Shredder?” Hermione looked at him oddly.
“Oh, don’t mind Peralta,” Amy said, “He likes to give nicknames to all the criminals we’re after.”
Jake scoffed at Amy. “Who wouldn’t? 
“I guess I don’t quite get why you’re calling him Shredder?” Hermione frowned. 
“Because he takes people’s identities, gets what he wants with them, and then shreds the evidence before moving onto the next victim. Duh!” Jake looked at her as if completely shocked that she couldn’t deduce that on her own. “Okay, so maybe it’s because I named him after the most infamous villain who fought against the Ninja Turtles.”
All three looked blankly at him as Amy covered her hands in her face with embarrassment. “What? Don’t tell me you don’t know who the ninja turtles are? Is British pop culture that different from America?” Jake looked shocked. “Wait, have you at least heard of Die Hard? Please tell me you know about Die Hard?”
Ron was trying very hard to think as to whether it was a reference he remembered, as Hermione shook her head. Harry could only muster a “sorry.”
“It’s only the greatest movie of all time!” said Jake, his disappointment obvious. “Maybe we can work the case tonight and then you can watch the greatest movie ever made!” Ron loved a good muggle movie, and Jake didn’t seem all that bad. What else were they going to do while they were here? He was about to accept the offer, when a new presence made themselves known.
“Now, now, now, Jake, you don’t get to keep this specimen all to yourself.” 
“Oh hey, Gina.”
“Jakey, Jakey, Jakey, is that a way to introduce your best friend and colleague properly?” She turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione, “Gina Linetti, the best part about this place. Please excuse them, they refuse to accept that I am the far superior queen around here.”
“Gina, leave them alone, they’re trying to work a case,” Terry called over from his desk. Gina was waving him off when Jake’s phone rang. 
“Peralta,” Jake said as he picked up the phone. Everyone quieted around him. All they could hear was a series of ‘yeahs’ and ‘uh-huhs’ before Jake said, “Okay, see you in thirty,” and hung up the phone. 
“Well??” Amy said impatiently.
“My contact came through! Nolan, you’re with me, we’ve got information to collect!”
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
Kairi’s Story
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Here’s a general key for the analysis I’ll be doing this time:
JP: Japanese Story
This time, this part is just the story that I lifted directly from Kairi’s character file. Quotes of dialogue spanning the length of the series were used extensively in her story, and I included those as well.
EN: Official English Dialogue
In this case, I used the official English versions of all quoted dialogue for consistency, as it’s what’s familiar to people who have played the English version of the games.
TR: My Translation 
I went for a poetic translation that sounds more natural in English this time. In instances where I thought the English dialogue differed enough from the English dialogue to be worth pointing out, I also provide a more literal translation of the Japanese dialogue. 
Notes: things I found interesting, grammatical points, extra thoughts, etc.
First, I will do a break down of the story comparing the Japanese version with my translation, and then I will include a full transcript of my translation plus a full transcript of the Japanese script for Kairi’s character file for anyone who would prefer to read the translated version all at once or reference the original Japanese version all at once.
With that, let’s begin. 
Kairi’s Story
Wherever You Are
JP: この世界のどこかにいるあなたへー
EN: Thinking of you, wherever you areー
TR: To the you somewhere in this worldー 
Notes: These are the opening lines of Kairi’s letter to Sora in KH2. The Japanese version and the English version do differ somewhat, but the general meaning is the same. As her story in the character files focuses heavily on letters, beginning it with the opening line of her letter to Sora is very fitting. 
JP: そんな文章から始まる手紙を出したのは、君のことを忘れている時だった。忘れているという表現が正しいのかもわからないけれど、私の中からーみんななの中から君は消えていた。
TR: That was how I began the letter I wrote to you when I’d forgotten you. Though maybe “forgotten” isn’t the right word. But you had disappeared from my heartーand from everyone else’s. 
Notes: Kairi thinks back on the time she’d forgotten Sora and the letter she wrote him then, indicated by her use of the past tense. It should be noted here that there is no mention of hearts in the Japanese version; Kairi more literally says “From within meーand everyone elseーyou had disappeared.” That sounds awkward and clunky in English though, so I took some poetic liberties here to get the same general meaning across. 
I’ll also note here that Kairi is not using Sora’s name here; she’s using the second person pronoun kimi “you” to refer to Sora, which is unusual for her, as she usually calls him by his name. In general, Japanese speakers tend to use pronouns a lot less than their English-speaking counterparts, as pronouns can often be understood from context and dropped in Japanese, or names are used when pronouns would be used in English. 
So, then, why is Kairi using kimi? 
Well, her use of kimi instead of Sora’s name could be referencing how she didn’t remember his name at the time, and thus she had to use kimi instead of his name. Kimi also tends to get used in poetry and songs to express familiarity and closeness, so that might also be why she’s using it here. 
When she says Sora had disappeared, she uses you kimi on its own, and this is important. Using kimi on its own means she’s referencing Sora in general, his personality, his appearance, etc., and this is in contrast to something she says here soon. 
JP: 「いつも私といた男の子たちのこと、覚えてる?」
EN: “Do you remember those boys who used to hang out with us?”
TR: “Do you remember those boys who were always with me?” 
Notes: Not too much of a difference here, but the Japanese version does emphasize that Kairi was talking about the boys who were always with her, whereas the English version goes more for a more inclusive stance where she includes Selphie. Interesting to note too is that she asks if Selphie remembers otokonokotachi no koto. With the no koto part, she isn’t just asking if Selphie remembers Sora and Riku; she’s asking if she remembers anything about them, about the time they’ve spent together, the memories they’ve made, etc.
JP: セルフィに聞いたら、首を傾げてリクの名前を言った。君のことは覚えていなかった。でも私の中には君のことが残っていた。
TR: When I asked Selphie that question, she tilted her head and said Riku’s name. She’d forgotten about you. But all the memories we’d made together, what you mean to meーall of that lingered on inside my heart. 
Notes: Again, we see that no koto construction again here, where Kairi says that “Selphie forgot you” kimi no koto ha oboeteinakatta, to contrast how something about Sora lingers on in Kairi’s heartーkimi no koto ga nokotteita. Of course, the “heart” part is an addition of my own, just because it sounds awkward in English to only say “you lingered/remained within me.” 
Also, remember how I mentioned earlier that Kairi said that Sora disappeared from everyone’s hearts? There, she used kimi only, but here, to say something about Sora stuck with her, she uses kimi no koto. In the English translation, I added the “all the memories we’d made together, what you mean to meー” to try to capture this difference in meaning that no koto adds. 
JP: 私は小さな瓶の中に手紙を入れた。  
TR: I put the letter in a small bottle.
Notes: Kairi uses the pronoun watashi here, her usual pronoun of choice, to indicate she is the one putting the letter in the bottle 
JP: 「なにそれ?」
EN/TR: “What’s that?” Selphie asked me after I’d set the bottle afloat in the sea.
Notes: Pretty straightforward; this quote is referencing the scene where Selphie and Kairi are on the beach in KH2 and Kairi sets the bottle afloat. 
JP: 「手紙ー昨日書いたの。思い出さない男の子にあてた。今は会えないけど、一途、またいつかってね。そしたら、私、その子との大切な約束を思い出した。この手紙が始まりなんだ。きっと」
EN: “A letter… I wrote it yesterday, to the boy I can’t remember. I said that no matter where he is, I’ll find him. One day. And when I stopped writing, I remembered we made a promise, something important. This letter is where it starts. I know it.”     
TR: “A letterーI wrote it yesterday, to the boy I don’t remember. I said that I can’t see him now, but we’ll meet again someday, no matter what. And then, I remembered an important promise I (made) with that boy. This letter is the beginning. I’m sure of it.” 
Notes: The Japanese and English versions of this dialogue are actually pretty similar to each other. Just a few quick grammar things: Kairi uses no at the end of her first sentence to indicate that she’s explaining something to Selphie and nanda at the end of the “this letter is the beginning” sentence to likewise show she’s giving information. 
JP: 私は答えて波間に揺れる瓶を見つめる。あのとき私は思い出したんだ、君の名前を。
TR: That was the answer I gave her as I gazed at the bottle swaying between the waves. And that was when I remembered your name. 
Notes: The Japanese version is more literally “I answered and gaze at the bottle swaying between the waves.” I’m not sure why Kairi switches to present tense here for the verb gaze, mitsumeru, but I thought I should note that she does, as it’s not reflected in my translation. With the part where she says “And that was when I remembered your name,” she really emphasizes the remembering by adding nda to explain, and then moves the object of the remembering, Sora’s name, to the right of the verb. Japanese word order is usually Subject, Object, Verb (SOV for short), but there is some flexibility with the word order (because Japanese marks case with its particles). Changing it up like this is done for emphasis or to make a point. In this case, it’s to really emphasize that what Kairi remembered is “your name,” AKA Sora’s name (though she doesn’t say it just yet to build up the anticipation in the next line). 
JP: 最近はソ。ね、ソ、ラ!
EN: Starts with an “S.” Right, Sora?
TR: Starts with “So.” Right, “So, ra!” 
Notes: The Japanese version of Kairi remembering Sora’s name is a little different from the English version, and that’s because the writing systems are also different. Whereas English uses an alphabet, Japanese has three main writing systems: 1) kanji, or Chinese characters, 2) hiragana, a syllabary with most symbols representing two combined sounds (though some symbols are for just one sound) that is mostly used for grammatical endings, and 3) katakana, another syllabary that represents the same sounds as hiragana, but is used for emphasis, animal names, character names, loanwoards, etc. 
The Kingdom Hearts characters names are written in katakana, and Sora’s name is no exception. Thus, in the Japanese version of this line, Kairi says, “Starts with ‘So’” because the first katakana symbol you write Sora’s name with, ソ, includes both the sound “s” and the sound “o.” The English version changed this to fit the writing system of English, hence why Kairi says “Starts with an ‘S’” instead. 
And the reason the line delivery of “Right, Sora?” in English sounds a little awkward is because in the Japanese version, Kairi emphasizes the two different katakana symbols in Sora’s name, ソ “so” and ラ “ra,” to reference Sora’s teasing earlier and to show that she remembers him. The English version kept this segmentation but changed the syllable focus to a focus on the letter “s,” maybe to match the lip flaps and timing of the scene? Not really sure, but that’s my guess.
JP: あれから時間が経って私は君にーソラに届かない手紙を書き続けていた。
TR: Time went on, and I kept writing to youーto you, Soraーletters that didn’t reach you. 
Notes: This line is really lovely, and I struggled with how to capture the nuance going on here. At first, Kairi says she kept writing letters to “you,” then she corrects herself and says Sora’s name. She remembers his name now, and so she’s going to use it, like it’s something special and precious. If I had to spell it out, I might go for something like “I kept writing to youーto you, Sora, I want to use your name, now that I remember itーletters that didn’t reach you.” As it is, I decided to compromise as put it as “I kept writing to youーto you, Soraーletters that didn’t reach you” because I didn’t want to add in too much that wasn’t there, but I also wanted to emphasize how important Sora’s name is to her.
Just a quick grammatical thing, too: “letters that didn’t reach you” is what I have in the translation, but the “you” is not spelled out in the Japanese version because pronouns are implied. I decided to go with “you” here because I get the vibe that Kairi is addressing Sora throughout this letter and English needs a pronoun here.
JP: そして秘密の森の夕陽の見える丘、隣にはリアーアクセルがいた。君はまた長い旅の途中で、私も一緒に戦おうと修行をしているところだった。夕陽を見つめるアクセルの瞳はその眩しさにか、ちょっとだけうるんでいる気がした。
TR: One day, on the hill where you can see the Secret Forest’s sunset, LeaーI mean Axelーwas beside me. You were in the middle of another long journey, and I was in the middle of my training so we could fight together. As Axel gazed at the sunset, his eyes got a little moist, probably because of the glare. 
Notes: The narration here turns to KH3 and sets the scene by locating it in the Secret Forest. Kairi quickly corrects herself when she says Lea, changing it to Axel to show that they’re friends now. She uses kimi to address Sora once more as she reflects back on this time. Notice too how Kairi picks up on the fact that Axel’s eyes are watering, though she’s not entirely sure why. 
EN/TR: “A letter?”
Notes: Pretty much the same in both languages. 
JP: 「うん」
TR: “Yup,” I said as I nodded. I wrote letters every day. 
Notes: Kairi uses a habitual version of the verb “write” combined with “every day” to emphasize that this was something she did consistently. Writing to Sora was a regular habit for her. 
JP: 「ソラに?」
EN/TR: “To Sora?”
Notes: Pretty much the same in both languages.
JP: 「う〜ん、ソラに充てて書いているけど、渡さないから日記みたいなものかな」
EN: “Mmm, technically yes. But I won’t send it. It’s more for me.”
TR: “Mmmm, yes, I’m writing it for him, but I won’t give it to him, so it’s more like a diary.” 
Notes: The English and Japanese versions are pretty similar here; main difference is that Kairi mentions that writing to Sora is like writing in a diary for her. She ends what she says with kana to indicate her words are speculative, like “Because I’m not giving this to Sora, I guess it’s more like a diary.” 
JP: 私はそのとき島で君を忘れていた頃に書いた手紙のことを思い出した。
TR: I remembered the letter I wrote you back on the islands, when I’d forgotten you.
Notes: This letter of all letters sticks out in Kairi’s mind, and she references it again here. Again, she uses the construction no koto to refer not just to the letter itself, but all the memories and experiences she associates with it.
JP: 君のことをもう忘れたくなかったし、それに君がハートレスになったあのときーあのときみたいな気持ちにもう私なりたくなかった。
TR: I didn’t want to forget about you anymore, and that time you became a HeartlessーI didn’t want to feel that way ever again.
Notes: Kairi uses kimi no koto instead of just kimi to refer to her relationship and memories of Sora as a whole, much like she did earlier. She’s reflecting on some painful memories, the time she forgot Sora and the time he turned into a Heartless, and she’s emphasizing how she doesn’t want that to happen again. 
JP: 「今度は私が助けなきゃー」
EN: “This time, I’ll protect you.”
TR: “This time, I’ll save youー”
Notes: This is referencing what Kairi said to Sora in KH1, when he was a Heartless and she promised to protect him this time. The verb she uses in the Japanese version means something more like “help, save,” so I wanted to mention that here. She also uses the nakya construction to indicate it’s something she has to do, that’s how strongly she feels about it. 
JP: 私はハートレスになった君を抱きしめていた。私たちのまわりに別のハートレスが襲いかかる。でもあのとき、光と一緒にハートレスが消えて、君が戻ってきた。
TR: I was hugging you, after you’d turned into a Heartless. All around us were more Heartless, ready to swoop in and attack us. But then, as a light shone and made the Heartless disappear, you came back to me.
Notes: Kairi narrates what happened in KH1 here. She knew what the stakes were; she knew they were surrounded by Heartless, she knew Sora himself had turned into a Heartless, but she hugged him tightly anyway (the word for hug she uses indicates a close embrace). Then, miracle of miracles, the Heartless that were about to attack them disappeared, and Sora returned to her. 
JP: 「カイリーありがとう」
EN/TR: “Kairi, thank you.”
Notes: She references how he thanked her here. Pretty much the same in both versions. 
JP: そう言ってくれた君と一緒に走り出したよね。
TR: I was grateful to hear you say that, and together we started running.
Notes: Kairi uses tekureta after the verb here to indicate gratitude for what Sora said. In other words, she’s grateful that he’s grateful. Clearly, his thank you moved her deeply. After that, they started running together, presumably from Hollow Bastion. 
JP: それから君と約束した。
TR: Then we made a promise.
Notes: Kairi references the promise they made after that, brining the story to the end of KH1. 
EN: “I’m always with you too. I’ll come back to you, I promise!”   
TR: “I’m always with you. Even now, we’ll be together. Because no matter what it takes, I’ll come back to you.” 
Notes: These lines represent Sora’s promise to her. He uses yo after “I’m always with you” to emphasize his words. What follows is him reiterating in various ways that he means what he says, using zutto, “all along,” kanarazu “always/without fail,” zettai “absolutely.” He’s serious about this promise to her.  
JP: 「約束だよ!」
EN: “I know you will!”
TR: “It’s a promise!” 
Notes: In the Japanese version, she tells Sora that “it’s a promise,” which is a little different from the English version, but both get the same meaning across. I mention it here because this line is something Kairi will reference again at the end of this story.
JP: でもあの約束のあと、私たちは一度君を忘れてしまった。
TR: But after we made that promise, I forgot about you, and so did everyone else.
Notes: Kairi emphasizes here that despite their promise, “we” (“we” in the sense of her and everyone else, not “we” in the sense of her and Sora) forgot Sora. She expresses her regret over this happening by using teshimau. 
JP: 私、今度は私がソラを助けなきゃ、ってずっと思っていた。いつも助けてもらってばかりだったから。だから待っているだけじゃダメだった。
TR: I kept thinking to myself, this time, I’ll protect you. You’d always protected me before, and waiting wasn’t good enough. 
Notes: Kairi thought about how she wanted to protect Sora this time, referencing her earlier words to him (the Japanese version again is more like “I’ll save you, I have to,”). She uses zutto as well to show this was something she was thinking about for a while. She also talks about how Sora was the one protecting (more literally “saving”) her, and she uses temorau to show that she was receiving a favor by him doing so. 
I will concede here that I’m assuming from context that she’s referring to Sora protecting her; she doesn’t spell it out explicitly, and it’s possible that she could just be referring to how other people were protecting her in general, but I think given the personal nature of the story and who it’s addressed to, Sora is a safe bet as to who she’s talking about. 
She closes out this bit by what I’m guessing is meant to be a reference to her “waiting isn’t good enough” line in KH2. 
JP: 小さな頃、秘密の場所で落書き、したよね。ソラが私を描いて、私がソラを描いた。君がいなくなったあと、私あの絵をもう一度見た。君が私の口にパオプの実を運ぶ落書きを書き加えてたって知ったんだ。
TR: When we were little, we made those drawings in the Secret Place, remember? You drew me, and I drew you. After you were gone, I looked at the drawing again. I found out that you’d drawn yourself sharing a paopu with me.
Notes: Here Kairi switches gears and thinks about the cave drawing. The first word she uses for the noun drawing, rakugaki, is more like “scribbles, scrawls, graffiti,” but I decided to translate it as “drawing” here. The second word she uses, when she mentions seeing the drawing again, is more properly “drawing,” e. The third time she uses “drawing,” it’s back to rakugaki, but I translated it as “drawn” so it sounds more natural in English.
In the last sentence, Kairi says something like “I knew you’d added to the drawing by drawing yourself holding up a paopu fruit to my mouth,” if I were to go for a more literal meaning. And once again, Kairi uses nda at the end of the sentence to give more of an explanation. 
JP: 『その実を食べさせあったふたりは、必ず結ばれるーどんなに離れていても、いつも必ず』
EN: “If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.”
TR: “After two people feed each other that fruit, they’ll always be joined togetherーeven if they’re separated, it doesn’t matter. They’ll always be together.”
Notes: Here, Kairi uses a different kind of quotes than she’s been using for normal character dialogue. It’s interesting to note that these words are the same words Riku told Sora when he teased him about sharing the paopu fruit with Kairi in KH1, down to using the same type of quotes. He was referencing the legend of the paopu fruit back in KH1, and Kairi is referencing it again here. 
While the English version uses “share” to discuss the paopu fruit, the Japanese version is more literally “feed each other the paopu fruit,” which led to a little confusion when KH3 first came out and people wondered why two paopu fruits were involved. But the way Sora and Kairi shared the paopu fruit is consistent with the legend in Japanese and with the cave drawing.  
Speaking of which, the word the legend has for “joined together” in Japanese, musubareru, can mean “tied together, fastened,” but it can also mean “to be wedded, joined in marriage.” No wonder Sora was so upset about the prospect of Riku sharing a paopu fruit with her instead, and no wonder he took sharing it with her so seriously in KH3. 
JP: こうして今ふたりでデスティニーアイランドのパオプの木に並んで座って夕陽を見つめているといろんなことを思い出す。
EN: And now, the two of us are sitting side-by-side on the paopu tree back on Destiny Islands, gazing at the sunset as we think back on our memories. 
Notes: Now Kairi’s story goes to the point in KH3 where she and Sora are sitting on the paopu tree. The story from here on out switches from past tense to present tense, indicating Kairi is recounting things that are happening now. The “think back on our memories” part is more like “think about various things,” but again, I took some poetic license here. 
JP: 「リク、ひとりでなにしてるのかな?」
EN: “Hey, why’s Riku all alone?”
TR: “What’s Riku doing all by himself?”
Notes: This is Sora’s line as he wonders if Riku’s okay. 
JP: 「でもひとりにさせてほしいって言って宝、そっとしてあげよう」
EN: “He said he needed time to himself. Let’s let him be.”
TR: “He said he wanted to be left alone, so let’s give him some space.”
Notes: Kairi has talked to Riku beforehand and knows what he wants. She suggests that they give him space as a favor to him by using teageyō.  
JP: 砂浜に立っているリクを気にするソラに私はそう声をかける。私はパオプの実を手に取ると、ソラの口元に差し出した。
TR: Those are the words I say to Sora as he worries about Riku, who’s standing on the beach. Then I take a paopu fruit in my hand, and hold it out to Sora.
Notes: Kairi simply narrates what’s happening in the scene.
JP: 「はい!」
EN/TR: “Here.”
Notes: This is the moment when she offers him the paopu fruit. 
JP: 「えっ?」
EN/TR: “Huh?”
Notes: She catches Sora by surprise, hence his reaction here.
JP: ソラがびっくりした顔をして私を見つめる。私は持っていたもうひとつのパオプの実をソラに渡した。
TR: Sora stares at me in surprise, and I hand him the other paopu fruit I was holding.
Notes: Notice how carefully Kairi pays attention to Sora’s body language. 
JP: 「これからの戦いは今までと違うーもう離れ離れにならないように、おまじない」
EN: “Tomorrow’s fight will be our toughest yet. I want to be a part of your life no matter what. That’s all.”    
TR: “The battle ahead (of us) is different from (all the ones we’ve fought) until now. This charm will make sure we won’t be separated (again).”
Notes: There’s a slight difference between the dialogue in the character files and the dialogue in the game. In the Japanese dialogue from the game, this is the dialogue: 
これからの戦いは今までと違う もう離ればなれにならないように おまじない
But in the character files, the hanare repeats instead of going to banare. Just thought that was interesting. 
Anyway, in the Japanese version, Kairi mentions that the paopu fruit is serving as a good luck charm, an omajinai. The English version’s lack of mentioning the charm at all may seem strange at first... but then I looked at the English version of the legend of the paopu fruit in more depth again, which includes the following line: “They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.” The translators for the English version are actually referencing that line and thus the legend of the paopu fruit here. Just look at how similar Kairi’s wording is: “I want to be a part of your life no matter what.” 
JP: ソラは急に真面目な顔になって私の手からパオプの実を受け取る。
TR: Sora’s face grows serious all of a sudden, and he takes the paopu from me.    
Notes: Kairi once again pays attention to Sora’s body language and notes how serious he becomes. Again, if sharing a paopu fruit is like getting married, and not just that, binding your destiny to the person you share it with forever, no wonder he’s taking this so seriously. It’s a big deal to him, and he’s not treating it lightly. 
JP: 「うん、でもカイリは俺が守る」
EN: “Kairi, I’ll keep you safe.”
TR: “Okay. But Kairi, I’m going to keep you safe (lit. Kairi, I’ll protect).”
Notes: Sora is promising to keep Kairi safe here, which is a Big Deal in Japanese media (it even has its own trope, look up Declaration of Protection). It’s used most often by male protagonists to indicate their determination to keep their love interest safe, and often as a sign of how much they care and as an expression of their true feelings. 
JP: 「ううん、私がソラを守るよ」
EN: “Let me keep you safe.”  
TR: “No. I’ll keep you safe (lit. I’ll protect Sora).”
Notes: Kairi turns the Declaration of Protection on its head by saying no, she’ll be the one protecting Sora this time. She even uses the emphatic particle yo here to indicate her determination to keep Sora safe. It indicates certainty on the speaker’s part, a confidence and knowledge that she’s imparting to Sora. Long gone are the days where she would let him tell her to stay behind. She’s not asking permission here; she’s telling him what’s going to happen. She’ll protect him this time.
JP: 私たちはパオプの実を食べさせ合う。
TR: We share the paopu fruit.
Notes: Again, this is more literally “we feed each other the paopu fruit.” 
JP: これはおまじないで、約束だった。
TR: This was a good luck charm, and a promise.
Notes: And it serves as a good luck charm for them, as well as a promise.
JP: ソラは私を守ってくれたけど、私はソラを守れたかな。だからソラはあきらめないで。消えないで。 
TR: Sora protected me… but was I able to protect him? Don’t give up, Sora. Don’t disappear.
Notes: The story shifts again, with Kairi reflecting on what happened as a whole. Kairi uses tekureta to indicate she’s grateful for Sora’s protection, but then wonders to herself if she was able to protect him. Afterwards, she urges him not to give up and tells him not to disappear. 
JP: だってソラはみんなの希望なんだから。
TR: Because you’re everyone’s hope.
Notes: She calls Sora everyone’s hope. Interestingly enough, during Sora’s final conversation with Xehanort, the camera very intentionally rests on Sora as Xehanort talks about the World’s hope. Sora being everyone’s hope is likely to be a plot point going forward, mark my words.  
JP: 約束だよ。
TR: And that’s a promise.
Notes: Remember how I said earlier that Kairi’s “It’s a promise!”/“I know you will!” to Sora at the end of KH1 would be relevant again here at the end? She uses the same words in Japanese here to reiterate this new promise with Sora: “It’s a promise!” 
Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading my translation and analysis! The translated version of the story is what’s next, and finally the original Japanese version will follow. A big, big thank to Kari for looking over the translations for me before I posted them, I really appreciate it! And thank you all for reading!
English Version Only
Kairi’s Story
Wherever You Are
Thinking of you, wherever you areー
That was how I began the letter I wrote to you when I’d forgotten you. Though maybe “forgotten” isn’t the right word. But you had disappeared from my heartーand from everyone else’s. 
“Do you remember those boys who used to hang out with us?”
When I asked Selphie that question, she tilted her head and said Riku’s name. She’d forgotten about you. But all the memories we’d made together, what you mean to meーall of that lingered on inside my heart. 
I put the letter in a small bottle.
“What’s that?” Selphie asked me after I’d set the bottle afloat in the sea.
“A letter… I wrote it yesterday, to the boy I can’t remember. I said that no matter where he is, I’ll find him. One day. And when I stopped writing, I remembered we made a promise, something important. This letter is where it starts. I know it.”
That was the answer I gave her as I gazed at the bottle swaying between the waves. And that was when I remembered your name. 
Starts with an “S.” Right, Sora?
Time went on, and I kept writing to youーto you, Soraーletters that didn’t reach you. 
One day, on the hill where you can see the Secret Forest’s sunset, LeaーI mean Axelーwas beside me. You were in the middle of another long journey, and I was in the middle of my training so we could fight together. As Axel gazed at the sunset, his eyes got a little moist, probably because of the glare. 
“A letter?”
“Yup,” I said as I nodded. I wrote letters every day. 
“To Sora?”
“Mmm, technically yes. But I won’t send it. It’s more for me.”
I remembered the letter I wrote you back on the islands, when I’d forgotten you.
I didn’t want to forget about you anymore, and that time you became a HeartlessーI didn’t want to feel that way ever again.
“This time, I’ll protect you.”
I was hugging you, after you’d turned into a Heartless. All around us were more Heartless, ready to swoop in and attack us. But then, as a light shone and made the Heartless disappear, you came back to me.
“Kairi, thank you.”
I was grateful to hear you say that, and together we started running.
Then we made a promise.
”Kairi, remember what you said before? I’m always with you too. I’ll come back to you, I promise!”   
“I know you will!”
But after we made that promise, I forgot about you, and so did everyone else.
I kept thinking to myself, this time, I’ll protect you. You’d always protected me before, and waiting wasn’t good enough. 
When we were little, we made those drawings in the Secret Place, remember? You drew me, and I drew you. After you were gone, I looked at the drawing again. I found out that you’d drawn yourself sharing a paopu with me.
“If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.”
And now, the two of us are sitting side-by-side on the paopu tree back on Destiny Islands, gazing at the sunset as we think back on our memories. 
“Hey, why’s Riku all alone?”
“He said he needed time to himself. Let’s let him be.”
Those are the words I say to Sora as he worries about Riku, who’s standing on the beach. Then I take a paopu fruit in my hand, and hold it out to Sora.
Sora stares at me in surprise, and I hand him the other paopu fruit I was holding.
“Tomorrow’s fight will be our toughest yet. I want to be a part of your life no matter what. That’s all.”
Sora’s face grows serious all of a sudden, and he takes the paopu from me.    
“Kairi, I’ll keep you safe.”
“Let me keep you safe.”
We share the paopu fruit.
This was a good luck charm, and a promise.
Sora protected me… but was I able to protect him? Don’t give up, Sora. Don’t disappear.
Because you’re everyone’s hope.     
And that’s a promise.
Japanese Version Only
Kairi Story 
Wherever You Are
246 notes · View notes
The West Coast Trail; A Vancouver Island Adventure Of A Lifetime
Packing: Food/Clothes/Essentials | Booking: Reservations/Transport | Research | Facts | My Story | Start | Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Chez Moniques | Nitinaht Crab Shack
The West Coast Trail is one of the most, if not the most, iconic Canadian west coast adventure a hiker could ask for. It is a 75km test of both physical and mental endurance in one of the most stunning environmental settings you have ever seen. Not everyone that sets out for this great journey completes it, but those that do have a tale to tell for a lifetime and a forever bond with those they meet along the way.
Having completed this epic trail twice now, my approach is to blend a little bit of old and new into a (hopefully) wondrous tail that offers context, wisdom and insight to the journey, while describing the magical things you will experience and the challenges you will face. I’ve also prepared additional posts for your reading pleasure on Packing: Food/Clothes/Essentials and Booking: Reservations/Transport. So please, grab a hot cup of tea, throw on those comfy pjs and sit back and enjoy the read. 
Handy References and Information Material
Every great hike starts with research, especially this one! If you haven't heard of it yet, look up the famed book Blisters and Bliss: A Trekker's Guide to the West Coast Trail by David Foster and Wayne Aitken. This awesomely 80′s comic styled guide adds a little light-hearted humour to a highly detailed account of the WCT which is revised roughly every couple years. It offers both trekking options (north to south AND south to north!) and gives you all the step by step nitty gritty deets in between including history, objects of interest, geological features and safety tips! I suggest taking it with you and read about the section ahead each night. Also, opt to keep it in a safe pack pocket, don’t put it in a plastic bag (I did this my first time and sadly lost my copy to the inescapable moisture and mold).
Check out the West Coast Trail Facebook Page! This page is not manned by Parks Canada. However, it is a great place to meet other hikers, find someone looking to ride share, ask questions and for advice, learn about recent developments and important information (washed out bridges, danger sections, wildlife sightings or concerns... even hear about annoyed hikers picking up others garbage...not kidding lol).
Oh! And there is also a Women’s West Coast Trail Page!
Parks Canada Website. Duh, right?! But you may not realize that Parks Canada has some handy info regarding what to pack (and what not to!), emergency items, wildlife warnings, necessary fees, maps, tide tables, tips and more to make your hike a happy one. Check out the Planning For WCT page here.
You'll also find online a plethora of websites, blogs and articles dedicated to WCT info, tips, advice, and more. I encourage you to read a few personal accounts to get a real life feel of what others experience. Here are some of my favourites (don’t let the names scare you!), plus a very cool and scholarly article from UofBC on the effects of colonial-style tourism in the area and on the local indigenous tribes written in 2020. Fascinating read.
Hike The WCT (website)
Walking the wild coast : territory, belonging, and tourism on the West Coast Trail (UofBC Open Collection)
Lost On The West Coast Trail
How Not To Die On The West Coast Trail
The Facts
The West Coast Trail is 75 km long. That's on the map and, best as I can figure, relatively "as the crow flies". It does not account for the extra steps, the ladders, the climbing, the crawling, the descending, etc, you get the picture. Both times I've gone my fitbit has read almost double or more the distance in 'real ground covered'. For example, when they say its 5km from the Gordon River Trail Head to Thrasher Cove, my fitbit in both cases recorded over 12 km when all was said and done. When they tell you it takes on average 5-6 hours to do that stretch, and you're only covering 1km or less an hour, this is why. You will chuckle in the orientation, as many have, and think, "ya, if you're a SNAIL!", but you will soon realize it’s about the terrain and that you're essentially doing double or more the physical effort to cross it. The same is true for nearly all the trail, even the "easy parts".
Safety First - the majority of accidents and injuries occur in the first 13 kms on the south side of the trail, from Gordon River at km 75, to Camper Bay at km 62. The trail accommodates just over 7500 people a year. Of that, Parks Canada evacuates roughly 80-100 injured persons annually and Nitinaht villagers have claimed to ferry out 100-200 additional hikers off the trail as well, due to injury, misery, etc. It won’t be a bear or cougar that takes you out, it’ll be the wilderness itself. A fall from a wet log or slimy stone is the most common culprit, and it may not even be the fall itself, but what you land on. Sharp rocks, jabbing sticks, etc all cause serious injury. And it always happens when you're TIRED. Don't push yourself. Take a break, have a snack, don't go farther in a day than your body can handle. Better to be a day late than waiting 24 hrs in the bush with no morphine and a broken leg for a boat ride that surely will be agonizing. Just sayin' here...
The WCT historically was maintained for shipwrecked mariners. Many have lost their lives along this trail. I don’t understand how it doesn’t have its own ghost story yet! It has an amazing history with lots of ship wreckage to see along the way if you time the tides right.
Lastly, the temperate rainforest that engulfs the WCT is not only stunning but globally very rare, encompassing less than 1% of ecosystems across the earth. Here you will see plants, trees and animals that may not exist anywhere else on our planet. The Sitka Spruce for example is among not only the tallest trees in the world, but also the oldest, some 700-1000 years old. This means they have seen North America as it was before European Settlers touched it. They are revered by many and highly sought after by loggers, which often leads to conflicts. Many extremely unique animals also reside in the WCT, like the islands' black bears which are actually larger than mainland black bears with massive skulls and only one unique colour phase. The island is also home to cougars, Victoria's famous mini-deer and sea-wolves, the only wolves in the world that have adapted to life on a coastline, they call the Pacific Coast home. With a completely unique diet of seafood they are genetically different from mainland wolves and have also been known to swim in the ocean for many kilometers.
My West Coast Trail Story
Now, before we begin, I'll preface this by saying, don't mistake me for a pro; I am simply someone who has made it off the WCT twice [relatively] safely and lived to share my tale. If you are looking for expert advice I'd say check out the Parks Canada website or the Blisters and Bliss book. But if you are looking for a heartwarming and informative, real life account of the experience, you've come to a great place.
I am now amongst a lucky few that have had the enormous privilege to have hiked the West Coast Trail not only once, but twice in my lifetime thus far. I say thus far because this trail has such a special place in my heart I expect at some point I will likely attempt it again. It changed my life and has had an everlasting impact on the lives of those around me. I learned a lot about myself and even more about those closest to me. What I am capable of, the importance of preparation and planning, the bonds you create with people you meet along the way and the love of those that support you going and take care of things while you're gone. I simply couldn’t have done this without the support of my amazing husband, friends, parents and sister and my wonderful sister in law whom we stayed with this time. But most importantly I missed the encouragement and support of my mother-in-law who lived on the island and sadly has passed since my first trip. She and her friends played such an instrumental role in my first journey with my sister, buying us foods, housing us, driving us, and just overall being so excited to see us off, I truly missed her this time but I know she was there with me in spirit.
In this way the West Coast Trail is a life-shaping experience like no other. You will learn much about yourself, be in awe and hopefully inspired by the incredible natural world around you and you will meet fellow Canadians and global trotters and, in turn, become a part of their WCT story. Let me be amongst the first to congratulate you on this epic endeavor and wish you the happiest, and safest, of journeys and hopefully I can send you off a bit more well prepared for the adventure.
First Timers VS Second Timers
My experience as a first time WCT hiker was extremely different from my second expedition in every way possible.
The first time I hiked the WCT I went with my youngest sister Jenna. We had both hiked and camped before but this was a new experience and everything was raw, a bit scary, amazing and beautiful all at once. I think it just hit us both like a ton of bricks when we landed at the base of that first ladder across the Gordon River. Although Sharon had talked to me for months, mentally preparing me for the hike, when Jenna and I both looked up at the rest of our start group scaling that first beast, looming up from the small beach landing, I know we both had the exact same thought, like, "oh shit, this is for real...".
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Why the WCT? Sharon, my good friend and co-worker, had previously attempted it before turning me onto it. Due to an unfortunate incident with her hiking companion, they had to turn in the towel. She has since rocked it twice more and was an absolute wealth of information, support and the wisdom that only an experienced female hiker, mom and athlete can be. Much of what I am sharing with you today began with her. She continues to inspire me every day with her ferocity and determination and boundless want for adventure.
At the time of my first hike in 2016, my mother-in-law lived on Vancouver Island and she and her best friend Jill had kindly arranged for us to stay at another friend's cottage just outside Port Alberni. The friend and her husband fed us well and the beauty of the setting was unimaginable. But the anticipation of what lay ahead weighed heavily on both Jenna and I and neither of us barely slept a wink. The next morning we had our last hot shower and flush toilet experience for the next 7 days and the 4 of us set out for the Gordon River Trail Head.
We piled into Jill’s car the following morning. The ride was long, on gravel switch back logging roads, but the supportive company made the nervous anticipation bearable. I feel like I did not appreciate the ride as much as I should have at the time, but a few 5 am bus rides (and much experience) later, I certainly cherish the thought my mother-in-law and Jill had put into making the beginning special for us both.
Since then, I've booked my island hike transports with the West Coast Trail Express bus. The folks there are super helpful and the experience has always been a good one. In 2018, a WCT facebook group was created which has made connecting with others looking for ride shares and doing the trail much easier AND more informative! You can read about this page and other research options at the top of this post if you missed them ;)
When 2016 saw Jenna and I land at Gordon River's Information Station, I was greeted with an amazing surprise... Sharon and Jackie (another friend) had pre-purchased for me a WCT t-shirt. I cried, there were no words. When 2021 saw Krista and I land at Gordon River's Information Station, I was greeted with a sense of the familiarity of the adventure and vicariously enjoyed the wonder of someone else now experiencing the trail for the first time... READY?!.. and INHALE... can you smell it..? the Adventure?! It's like greeting an old friend again, for the first time.
It's Like Those Choose Your Own Adventure Books, Where You Pick Your Ending...
Remember those..? Maybe..? When Starting the WCT, you can plan to start at either entry point, Gordon River to the south or Pacheena Bay to the north, or now even halfway at Nitinaht. There are advantages to all, so it just depends what is most appealing to you. Most people do the trail within a 6-8 day time frame. This gives a good balance of time vs pack weight. I always try to plan for an extra emergency day, just in case. Things happen here... Long stays requires more provisions and a heavier pack. Shorter stays (in my personal opinion) are extremely challenging, unless you have done the trail before, are very skilled in lightweight packing and are an expert hiker. I still wouldn't recommend it. Plus, if you're going that fast, you're rushing by so much, what's the point? If you've paid and taken the time to be here, enjoy it! That being said, when Jenna and I did the trail we were treated to watching marathoner and athlete Jen Segger run it in one day. ONE DAY. She currently holds the women's record for WCT completion at 13 hrs 44mins (as posted here on her page under 2016). Of course she had no pack and support runners with her and a camera crew. But as she ran by us I think both our jaws dropped. It was like watching Super Woman run by you and you were just lucky if her sweat spayed you as she passed by. 
When you start out, keep in mind your pack is at it's heaviest. Starting at Pacheena Bay entry point means you'll be hiking the easiest parts of the trail first. You'll make excellent time here and cover the most distance over the shortest number of days. Although all areas of the trail offer exquisite and unique beauty, in my opinion the north end is the most magical. Maybe because by the time I reach it Im half delirious and most certainly exhausted so the easier hike is a much welcome break. Both times I've hiked the WCT I have opted to start at the southern trail head point known as Gordon River.
Starting at Gordon River means that you get through the most difficult terrain right at the beginning, when you're freshest, well rested and eager to set out. You also have the added benefit of anticipating the terrain getting easier (rather than harder). To me, this is the most logical approach and why I prefer this route and honestly, there is just something that seems slightly disillusioning about expecting something to get harder along the way. When Jenna and I first made it up that initial ladder we came across several groups finishing their hike. One in particular stuck out, a group of three female friends. We passed the first two who were happy and chatting and weirdly gave us a (mild) warning to disregard their companion, who was somewhere behind them. Ok... sure, we thought. Then along came the third girl... muttering, swearing under her breath, we contemplated what she might do to her companions if she caught up to them and we joked about how that likely was the end of that friendship. 2016 was a much busier year, pre-covid and all, and we met so many more people, Canadians, Germans, Chinese and Auzzies! 
2021 though is the year of the Canadians! If you happen to head out on the WCT this year, although you will still experience a wide range of people (Canada is an extraordinarily diverse nation!), rest assured most currently reside within Canada. Hello Homies! It was, however, a much more muted WCT experience than my past one. Although the Parks staff assured me they have had lots of people come through (I asked!), and the online bookings are sold out, it seemed so much quieter day to day. At the time Krista and I arrived, Parks staff were still only doing outdoor basic debriefing, prior to which we were expected to watch an online information video covering the basics. This was in stark contrast to the very in depth orientation Jenna and I had to attend back in 2016. 
Fellow Canadians, Tsk Tsk...
The biggest difference I noticed that could be as a result of the minimized debrief is the amount of garbage. There is NO garbage removal on the trail. Parks staff DO NOT haul garbage out (its a remote wilderness, do you really expect garbage men??). The WCT is accessible by foot (as in, you hike in... for 75 km) OR by boat, the latter being weather and safety dependant in extreme occasions (ie emergency evacuation). At each campsite we stayed, hikers THIS year (the trail was closed 2020) have left copious amounts of garbage. It’s in the bear bins, on the trail, the beach, in the outhouses... it’s EVERYWHERE. The worst by far was Camper Bay with stinking tuna cans and bags in every bear bin and Cribbs Creek, where the garbage pile extended to a massive bottle collection BEHIND the bear bin.
Why do sites have bear bins in the first place? Because human food and waste smells amazing to BEARS! So we lock it away to keep it, and us, safe. This does not mean a bear can’t smell it, it just means they can’t access it. Now, what happens when food rots and gets stinkier...? Of course it's more enticing. This draws bears, and other animals, to the campsite, which puts your safety, and the safety of each camper, at risk. I have to give Krista major kuudos here because that girl dug in deep, cleaned someone else's mess at each site we stopped at and even hauled out other people's stinky gross trash. Please give her a round of applause for thinking about you because she deserves it. And as Canadians, seriously, we can do better right??
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Da' Debrief
Apologies, now that’s out, let's get on. During our debrief we learned some important key points.
2021 has seen unprecedented amounts of animal sightings and encounters. Primarily bear and cougar. There has also been more daytime sightings of wolves, which is considered extremely rare. With the trail closed in 2020, lack of human presence has caused a larger wildlife presence. Be aware, practice safety, travel in groups. Groups are also being asked to accommodate single hikers to reduce risk.
There is a lot of maintenance to be done that wasn't able to be accomplished in 2020 due to the pandemic. Be prepared for washed out boardwalks, bridges and rotten boards. There is also fewer Parks staff to help with this upkeep. Luckily, local members of indigenous tribes, called the Trail Guardians, historically help in a huge way with this and you may even run into them on the trail! We saw their team arrive in their new boat leaving Walbran and at Pacheena we spoke to a Parks staff who's uncle is on the team. It's a small world here.
Following the debrief, the Parks staff escort you to the Gordon River ferry. The fellow here takes you across and plops you down on the small sandy beach, gathers up any hikers waiting for a ride back and heads off on his way. And there you are, left to stare at a huge ladder, really, the first of many.
up, Up, UP You Go!
In 2016 Jenna and I patiently waited at the end of the line to be the last two up the ladder and I tackled the climb with my 50lb pack in tow (phew!). In 2021 Krista and I were the only two standing on the beach, me revelling in my 'barely there' 38lb pack. The trail was our oyster!
The trek from Gordon River to Thrasher Cove is the most challenging and physically demanding on the trail. We left on the 11:30 ferry and finally walked into Thrashers Cove at 5pm - Yes, it DOES take that long. You actually don't see many ladders, a few here and there, but best believe you are still climbing! You scramble up rock faces, you squeeze past trees, you choose your footing extremely carefully and all the while up, up, UP you GO! Even over rocks and hard ground the trail is fairly well worn and easy to follow... most of the time. A short while in you come to the first bridge over the first creek. I have stopped here both times to fill up water bottles, but beware, the scramble back up is more difficult than it looks this year due to the fallen trees. Mountain Goat level scuttling expertise is advised! Much further along, not far from Thrashers, you'll eventually comes across the famed Donkey Engine! This year you will find it to be directly in your path, where as in 2016 I’m quite sure we looked down on it somehow from a higher elevation. Either way, it’s epic and makes for an amazing photo op! To think that thing was hauled by beast and hand up that hill still blows my mind.
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Along the way we met a very nice gentleman named Wilson who had intended to hike the WCT with his son. Unfortunately, due to a graduation re-scheduling mishap his son was unable to come, but Wilson decided to soldier on. He was incredibly happy, thoughtful and polite and asked if we minded if he tagged along as we hiked. He regaled us with tails of his trails, immigration to Canada, his wife and family and much more; he was a fascinating fellow! With the wildlife warnings this year, Parks staff request that no one hike alone, if you can, allow a solo hiker to tag along so everyone can stay safe. We graciously obliged and enjoyed his company and great conversation for a couple more days until we parted ways at Nitinaht comfort camping.
Thrasher's Cove is an amazing, but small, campsite. I recall vividly in 2016 the trail down to the beach being extremely treacherous, with steep and slippery embankments and so many ladders! By comparison our 2021 descent seemed like a cake-walk. Here I was, boasting to Krista the challenge that lay before her, but when we got there it was literally a quick hop and skip down. She found anything I said after that to be hard to believe and was convinced I was totally embellishing. It really made me realize how MUCH the trail changes and what dynamic metamorphosis must have occurred in 6 years! I also realized how hard Trail Guardians and Parks staff must work to maintain all this constantly worn out infrastructure. It must a BEAST. Be warned, if you arrive to Thrashers too late in the day it will be tough finding a spot. If this happens to you, check out the south side of the beach, sometimes there's a bit more space there. Ironically, I have set up my tent in the exact same spot both times, right in front of the tiny triangle cave around the rock wall on the south side of the beach. I have claimed this spot now.
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Knock, Knock, It's The Ocean!
This is also where knowing how to read your tide tables is extremely important. While camping on the beach you must pitch your tent above the high tide line. The high tide line is where you can see the sand was last wet on the beach. It's not where the water is when you arrive. Look for the wet point on the sand and keep your tent a few good feet above that. When Jenna and I first arrived at Thrashers, I was confident in my tide table reading skills; being from Alberta, I took the time to learn how to read them in advance. But, during the orientation the Park staff had warned our group that our first night was due to be the highest high tide of the year - intimidating to a couple prairie girls! And, which is also a thing if you read up on the moon cycle! (Actually there is a lot of news this year on the effects of the moon's impending orbital wobble on tides, its a fascinating read if you're interested!). So, naturally a bit cautious and overly leery of the horror stories of campers waking up to soaked tents in the middle of the night, my poor sister was worried sick. Exhausted but too afraid to sleep, I promised her I'd stay up till high tide to make sure we were safe. She soon passed out and I settled in reading my book. But the surf was loud and near, a thundering, crashing rukus with each wave and about 2 hours in my sister jolted straight up in her sleeping bag, scaring the ba-geezus outta me crying out 'IS IT HERE?! IS THE OCEAN HERE YET?! ", big-eyed I just stared, then broke out laughing; I settled her back down, reassured her we were safe, now passed the time of concern, and wiggled down into my own sack to drift off. It's still an inside joke to this day and once in a while we chuckle to each other about the time the ocean came knocking.
2021 brought me its own surprise when at 4am I awoke to an unusual scratching noise against our tent next to my head. We had wrapped our rain covers around our [empty] backpacks and snugged them up against the tent to stay dry and save space. Apparently the local otter family found them fascinating and decided to check them out on their morning stroll. An alarm clock certainly fit for the WCT. 
It's A Beach Walk, Not A Cake Walk
Leaving Thrasher's Cove you have two options! You can take the beach route if you time the tides carefully OR you can take the inland route. In 2016 Jenna and I sojourned the inland route. Although the inland hike was pretty, if I'd found the trek down to Thrashers tough, the trek back up would've been classed insane. Sharon’s favourite saying is, what goes down must go up. In 2021 Krista and I timed the tide, leaving at 7:30am, to take the beach route. Although we'd planned to avoid what turned out to not be a bad climb, I'd really wanted to see the famous sea caves! The sea caves themselves were nothing short of AMAZING. There is just no other word. I was so in awe that in my mind they seem to take up almost 3 days of our trip, not just half an hour on the second day.
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Although we'd planned to aim for Cullite Creek Campground day 2, we hit a major snag. As we traipsed along, well after the sea caves, we came to a rocky sea shelf that rose high out of the water. As you look up, you might catch a glimpse of some buoys, which commonly mark the beach access to the trail and campgrounds. Thinking this was our access back onto the trail, as you must go inland from here to Campers, we headed up along the higher shelf. We passed an unusual 'Danger' sign. We looked around, but could not identify anything that seemed out of the ordinary for where we were. We kept on. We came to a similar sign on the rock, but again, failed to see what was obviously dangerous. Wasps? Bear den? Surge Channel? There was no fallen bridge, no down ladder. Everything seemed ok. We reached the buoys, and Krista lifted her leg to step over a small trickle of a water... That's when it happened.
Danger on the Trail...
Before she could even complete her step, both feet flew out from beneath her and her whole body, pack and all, smashed onto the rock shelf. She began rocketing like a she was on a pro waterslide down the embankment towards a 9 foot drop into the water pool below. I had the wherewithal to shout out 'grab a rock!', and in the 3 seconds that seemed like 3 hours, I had the presence of mind to ponder how I might explain this to her mother back at home and 4 year old son if things went sideways... but with a 38lb pack on myself and being a few feet behind, there was no way I could move fast enough to do anything but yell.
Luckily, mid-slide, she managed to grab a handhold just long enough to stop and get some footing. Crisis averted, but the damage was done. Wearing shorts, she was sporting some nasty road rash on her cheek and arm, but most of the damage was buffered by the hoodie she'd had tied around her waist. She was bruised, but she was lucky.
Feeling pretty roughed up, we opted to stay at Camper Bay instead and rolled in about 1pm where we washed and treated her ailing buttocks and gave her some much needed pain meds. Along came a few more groups and we felt a bit less sheepish learning 2 of them had also had the exact same experience. Pride slightly less wounded, we made some new friends for the chatter and laid back and chilled for the afternoon. On your parks provided trail map, you will see a small note in red pointing to BA 'B' (beach access B) that warns about a dangerous slope just past the surge channels after Owen Point. It's not kidding.
If you stay at Camper Bay, it's a lovely and large campsite with lots of room for everyone. However, it has a habit of getting very windy, like all the time, and the only time it's not is when the sun goes down. If you're early enough, grab one of the sheltered tent spots in the woods/taller grass along the creek side. It also has a rep for early morning rain and fog. Something about the geography here seems to create its own micro-environment. If you walk out along the beach at low tide and cross the creek to the north, you'll see some neat tidal pools and caves in the rock wall. In the one with the small pool of water you might see a single lonely fish with the pool all to himself. I hope one day the tide washes him in friend.
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Ironically, day 2 in 2016 was also the day I had a mishap of my own. Tired and worn down, toddling  after Jenna across a log bridge the width of my car, I misstepped. My feet were somehow gone and in a second I found myself sitting on my ass, straddling the log instead of walking on it. I peered down into the 6 foot drop below. Completely in disbelief I suddenly realized Jenna was yelling at me "Are you OK?!" ... Yes! I was! I was ok. Nothing was broken, hurt or otherwise. But it was a wake up call. If you are tired, take a break, don't push on or try to keep up with someone faster. Only hike as fast as your slowest hiker and be patient. Take a breath and remember, the goal is no one dies out here... hopefully.
Gone Are The Days Of Legendary Mud And Tilting Ladders That Make You Poop ... Just A Little
The few days that followed are a bit of a blur. There's so much to see and so little blog space to include it all! We left Campers Bay on a foggy, rain mist morning at about 10am. Since we had to take the inland trail there was no worry about racing the tide on this stretch. We chatted with the couple we met the night before (Mat and Lauren from Calgary!). Everyone was a bit tired that morning.
Although we saw some mud, with a historic heat wave just prior to our trip in 2021, the legendary mud pits that the WCT has typically been known for were non-existent. In 2016 Jenna and I spent most of our inland trail time figuring out how to cross mud-holes, watching where each other stepped and trying not to fall in up to our armpits (I kid you not). This time, there was no mud and if you disagree with me, go again after it rains. I dare you.
This is also the section where we saw the most ladders, most notably through Cullite Creek, which was sadly such a trickle there was no need for the cable car, we just rock hopped across (with ease). We saw some really cool art done along the trail by the Guardians in the new bridge and log cuttings, some even signed their names! Have you tried making a curve with a chainsaw? I was impressed.
This section also has a neat and unique stretch of boardwalk that goes through a fragile wetland. Sections of the boardwalk were out, it looks easy, don't let it fool you!
A brand-spank'in new suspension bridge calls Logan Creek home! In 2016 Jenna and I had to climb a harrowing series of crazy, half-tilted ladders to get to the bridge. I recall my favourite as being the third ladder in a tower, that was so amazingly on a 10 degree angle sideways, and scaling it with my 50lb backpack. It was all I could do not to roll off and meet a perilous end at the bottom of the gully. Today the beautiful new bridge almost disappointed with the ease it took to cross it. NO more ladder climbing, you just walk up the stairs and off you go!
We arrived in Walbran Campsite at 5:30, the creek is perfect for swimming if it’s warm enough. Several groups had a run-in here with a couple breaking the fire ban policy. People on the WCT take this seriously, keep in mind if you start a forest fire here, there’s no where to go and it puts the homes of indigenous peoples at severe risk too. We all simmered, had a tasty meal, chatted with our travel companions, explored the beach a bit and turned in for the night, thoroughly exhausted.
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We spent the next two days going from Walbran Campsite to Cribbs and then to Tsuisiat Falls. Due to a problematic and confrontational cougar in 2021 there is no camping permitted along the trail between kilometer 34 to 38. So, naturally, your last stop prior to Nitinaht Narrows is Cribbs Creek.
The Stretch from Walbran to Cribbs is basically all beach walk. The beach is lovely, but don’t let 'beach walk' fool you. It’s just as challenging to walk in sand as it is through forest... and you thought it was going to be easier, didn’t you?! It's like walking through snow without snowshoes and being 30lbs heavier...what a Canadian thought. But! Fear Not! along this stretch is also the famed Chez Moniques burger stop and the Carmanah Lighthouse! The lighthouses are closed to the public this year due to covid, but it’s still a sight to behold as it beams brightly through the fog.
The Legend That Is Chez Moniques
In 2016 Jenna and I made a critical, but common, food planning error. We packed meals based on what we felt was healthy and would give us energy, without accounting for taste. In other words, we packed a lot of dry lentil-based meals that tasted awful and took forever to cook and I couldn't have forced down my throat if you had paid me. I love beans, but dried lentils on the trail... yech! You can read more about our cautionary tale in my food section, and if you're uncertain about foods to pack, it’s worth the read!
So, sufficed to say, that year we had the absolute pleasure of experiencing Chez Moniques in it's prime. It was incredible. Here we were, in the middle of nowhere, exhausted, starving (I was anyway lol), and run off our feet. And out of nowhere arose this mirage of a tent with burgers, fancy meals, peach ciders and more! My god it was intense. We kicked off our boots, stuffed our faces, chatted with Monique, the legend herself, and I protectively cradled the best Okanagan Cider that had ever touched my lips while we waited for the tide to recede. It was magical.
Sadly, between 2017-2018 both Monique and her husband tragically passed away. It was a blow felt around the world by all those who had passed through their doors and experienced their generosity. There is a lovely documentary attributed to their memory here. Today, in 2021, following a devastating 2020 with no business, Monique & Peter's grand-daughter, Katrina Knighton is trying to carry on the dream though the restaurant will be renamed as Nytom. We heard lots of chatter and some hikers did actually see her in person, but unfortunately there are some struggles, including keeping up supply levels, which they are walking in for 1.5 hours (!). We missed them this year, as did many hikers, and I was so sad Krista would not experience it. But! They are rumoured to have services most often morning and around 5pm. Katrina is also very active on the WCT Facebook page, so feel free to drop her a line there for more info!
We arrived in Cribbs Creek at about 2:30pm. It was the end of our Day 4 and what a campsite it was. Lovely soft sand under your toes and beautiful beach. There is nothing here for swimming but we had the most amazing sunset view on the rock shelf that night. Although it didn't rain while we were on the trail, this was the first time we'd seen the sun since we left Victoria.
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The Magical Beauty Of Nitinaht And  The Crab Shack Of Your Dreams
We left Cribbs Creek about 9am and stuck to mostly inland trail. Other hikers going the opposite way had warned it was very overgrown but we honestly had no problems with it; it was a little underused, but keep in mind they hadn't seen the south side yet. We made excellent time and arrived in Nitinaht Narrows at 1:09pm. The journey is absolutely stunning. There is a new bridge over the creek at Dare Beach and the forest walk is lovely. The bridge over the Cheewhat River offers great views also. You cannot take water from the river itself but after the bridge there is a freshwater stream marked by a wooden sign if you need it and soon you will come across an old Cabin. When you arrive here, turn around and see the new and amazing Ditidaht home across the river. It has changed a bit, likely with the drought, but in 2016 Jenna and I referred to this stretch as "the place that Disney films are based on". Ivy clung all the way up the trees and just as you wrapped your head around that, the trail winds it's way through a silent coniferous forest where you could almost hear a pin drop, followed by a magical wetland lake with flowering lilly pads the size of your head. But none of this compares to Nitinaht Narrows.
As you walk along the trail, just a few short minutes past the lake, the path will turn from boardwalk to dirt and as you round the bend you will suddenly walk, with no warning, right into Nitinaht! It has caught me by surprise each time. We strolled down the walkways to the dock, left our packs safely on the bench and made our way to the Crab Shack. The blue-green waters of Nitinaht Narrows is something to behold. When you peer over the side of the wharf you see schools of small fish so thick you could almost surely touch them. When I dream of paradise, I dream of here.
Nitinaht Narrows was only recently made an 'official' entry and exit point by Parks Canada in 2014, you can read more about it here. But prior to this, older community members witnessed the inception and rise of the WCT as we know it today and watched it grow. Ferrying hikers across the narrows has become a task handed down from generation to generation. Connected to the ocean, it has tides about 10 minutes apart and historically, many years ago, hikers did drown trying to swim across before getting swept out to sea, naively misjudging the calm-looking waters. About 3 kms past the narrows, the Ditidaht band offers comfort camping options to those looking to settle and day hike the trail or in need of a break from the grind. This is marked with a sign and you will see it on the trail. The crab shack itself has also recently built new cabins as well which start from roughly $100/night (houses 4 bodies and you use your own sleeping bag) and goes up to ($200 and $300) where bedding is provided. They also offer tent platforms for a modest $30/night fee.
The Nitinaht Crab Shack is owned and operated by the Edgar family. They are kind, light-hearted, hospitable and will make you the best meal you have ever had. They work extremely hard and have a great sense of humour. A family member told me the previous day they had served a group of 20 lunch all at the same time! Hippie-Doug was their ring leader that day and he manned the ferry, that took us across the narrows to complete our journey, along with a sweet old chocolate lab you will see in many a hikers' photos. If you catch him at a slow moment he might share a joke and and story with you. But don't leave until you have warmed yourself thoroughly by the wood stove, had the best meal this side of Canada and picked up some treats for the road. The ferry finishes for the day at 4:30pm and then Hippie-Doug settles in for a much deserved break, a meal, and maybe a drink, so don't be late!
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We left the warming comfort of the Nitinaht stove at about 3pm and headed on our way. We saw our new friend and traveling tag-along Wilson off at the Ditidaht Comfort Camping site and continued on, arriving at Tsusiat Falls by 6:30pm. You can't see the falls from the beach, but if you reach the hole in the wall at Tsusiat Point, you're just minutes away.
In 2016, the first 5 days of our hike Jenna and I had the most amazing weather. On our 5th day, after the crab shack, while the sun beamed a balmy 25+ C, we ditched our packs on a slope of sand with gentler waters between Nitinaht and Tsusiat Point and ran into the ocean up to our knees, jumping the waves and being astonished at their strength. We laid on the beach afterwards and soaked in the sun. When I think of my little sister, I often think of this carefree day and smile. Enjoy the journey as you go, or you’ll miss the best parts.
Tsusiat Falls is a popular campground. When we arrived the beach was packed. According to 2021 Parks regs, you can only stay one night here to minimize environmental impact. The beach was very different from what I remembered, but the falls were ever glorious. We threw on bathing suites and while Krista enjoyed the brief sun, I took a dip in the beckoning water.
The next morning, with Krista not feeling hot, I'd aimed to get up early and walk back to the Hole In The Wall with my Nikon DSLR camera. When we passed by the day before it was high tide and the Hole was under sea water. However, after a delay, Krista decided to come with me. We packed up, left our bags at Tsusiat and strolled back to the hole together, and a better decision it was. I’d watched a group ahead of us pass through an hour ago, but beneath their tracks you could make out a fresh set of cougar prints. Since low tide was at 10am that morning, that means the tracks were very recent and could only have been made since the water receded. Food for thought.
Darling Bears You Might Be Cute, But I Don't Want To Snuggle
The last 2 days on the WCT (or your first two, depending where you start) are the easiest to hike and where you make up the most ground. We'd intended to land at Darling River Campsite (approx km 14), which from Tsusiat (approx km 25) would make it about an 11 km day. Most of our fellow travellers whom we had become familiar with were aiming for Michigan Creek though, which would add 2 km to our 6th day, but save us that on our 7th and final day out. We decided to see what the day held and if we arrived at Darling early we might continue on. WELL.... what the day held was not entirely what we expected.
In 2016 Jenna and I walked the beach hike between Tsocowis Creek and Michigan Creek. It had started to rain the night before and by morning was a light, but steady, downpour. We donned our rain gear but by noon, and halfway through our distance, it was clear that Jenna's rain jacket was not waterproof. Though she had tested it prior to leaving, it turned out not to be up to WCT-level rain. As we continued on poor Jenna got wetter and wetter and by the time we reached Michigan, she was soaked through to the bone. Water pooled in her boots, and she shivered so hard she couldn't help me with the tent. Realizing this could get worse quickly, I popped the tent, got her changed and snugged into her sleeping bag ASAP. Then I worked on adding a tarp. When the shivering stopped we got a warm meal into her and passed our time taking turns winding up our emergency radio and trying to maintain the faint signal from a long forgotten US talk station till darkness fell. It poured the entire next day as well for a total of over 24 hours straight and our photos at the Pacheena lighthouse are in plastic emergency ponchos.
In 2021 Krista and I opted for the inland trail as we'd previously made better time this way. There is lots to see here, another Donkey Engine and a rusty old grader, and I absolutely love the Billy Goat Bridge. The trail threw us for a bit at Tsocowis Creek, there, phantom branch-offs seemed to lead off and abruptly stop. You have to go down the ladders to continue the inland trail portion (OR access the beach). However, just passed Orange Juice Creek, it was quite clear this section of trail was not well used recently... by people anyway. It was eerily dark, overgrown and passed by what looked like long lost abandoned campsites in caves along the rock wall. As we passed by we heard something stir in the dim light, knocking over an old cup, and we nervously quickened our pace. We began to see pile after pile of fresh bear scat, some so fresh that by the time we reached Darling we figured we must be just behind it. Making a lot of noise we made our way to the beach and relief washed over us as we recognized people half a km ahead... our fellow Albertans, Mat and Lauren! But when they stopped suddenly and started to back up we knew something wasn't right.
Just ahead of them on the beach was our bear. And big guy he was! They figured a lone male. They managed to scare him off and once we caught up the 4 of us made our way as a group to Michigan Creek just down the beach where we figured there was relative safety in numbers.
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Bitter Sweet Goodbyes
Our last day from Michigan to the Information Station at Pacheena was a super short one. We were the last hikers to leave Michigan at 8am and among the first ones (ironically) to reach the Parks office at 11:01am. The path is very well maintained and an easy hike. You'll also see a lot of day hikers here, many with dogs. Along the way are some cool sights you won't want to miss, so don't be too quick to rush out. The abandoned dirt bike isn't going anywhere fast anymore, but be sure to check out the sea lion rock just passed km 10. You may even hear them from the trail! Just before the sea lions you'll also pass by the Pacheena Lighthouse. Again, due to covid, you cant access the grounds but you can totally snap a quick pic! The area has so much bear activity Parks Staff joke about running 'bear daycare' here so be vigilant. Two wonderfully enthusiastic young ladies we met along the way carried an amazing tune; Im sure they must've charmed away any "would be" encounters.
In 2016 there was no km 1 sign on the trail and in 2021 there was still no km 1 sign lol. Both times I raced past km 2 and then later wished I'd taken a pic with it. You'll want it as proof! We walked the very last km along the beach, where firm sand makes for easy going. There were bear sightings of a mother and cubs here just before we arrived. We missed them, but were lucky enough to get some great foot-print photos. The very last bench you'll see on the trail is emblazoned with the word 'PARKS'. We sat here for an eternal minute and took some photos. As we strolled towards the Information station I couldn't believe it was over again so quickly.
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Looking back, even after time number two, it feels more like a dream. The first time I walked off the trail in 2016 I eagerly anticipated a hot shower, was thoroughly disappointed at finding I had no quarters for to pay for one and I spent the 5 hour bus ride home starving and trying to sleep on a roller coaster. Perhaps not such a glorious end, but I realized I had achieved something few people would in their life time and of that I was SO proud of Jenna and myself. We did it.
When I arrived back at work Sharon had the most glorious little bouquet of flowers for me and she glued tiny cut out flags of all the major trail milestones to skewer sticks throughout. It brought tears to my eyes.... she told me this, "for a while, you will think to yourself, I am NEVER going back to that EVER again. And then, slowly, you will forget all the bad parts and the thought will creep in... maybe, perhaps, I might try it again... and you will find yourself looking it up once more". And she was right, I did. And I am so glad I did... I might even do it again.
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meet-with · 3 years
Paying it forward
When our children were very young, I started growing flowers. Elora is in her third year of college, while Jasper just graduated from high school. I have been growing flowers for a long time.
Chris was working as a mechanic down in Seattle when the kids were little, and he commuted to work every day. During the week, he was rarely home and I was alone with my two young children, so I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to be when I grew up.
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During those early years, I experimented with many small business ideas to see what would work, including planting an heirloom cider orchard (I didn't realize it would take at least five years before I could harvest anything).my first viable harvest). I raised more than a hundred chickens in our backyard for a rainbow egg business, but the birds kept escaping from their coop, and I would get angry calls from our neighbors daily.
Even though I tried growing miniature vegetables for local customers, I quickly discovered that it takes a lot of zucchinis to make $5. I tried so many different ideas, but none of them worked.
In the process, I added flowers to my garden and began selling the extra blooms.sta Flowers stirred such deep emotion unlike any other thing I made or grew.pow When I delivered my homegrown blooms, complete strangers would open up and share their most beautiful stories with me. most beautiful stories with me.
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Every recipient could recall a flower memory as if it were yesterday. After I started sharing flowers that I had grown myself, I felt like I had finally found my calling.
As a result, every waking minute was devoted to the garden. I was obsessed with it. However, I knew very little about flower farming.
I spent nearly every evening email conversations with flower growers across the country, and spending my days reading every gardening book my library could order and trying out all the things I had learned in the books.to practice all the things I had read about in my garden.
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During that time, social media wasn't even a thing, and there was very little information available on the topic ormIn addition to Lynn Byczynski's The Flower Farmer, Sarah Raven's The Cutting Garden, and Martha Stewart's Gardening: Month by Month, I just made it up as I went along.st made it up as I went along.
Even though I believe in being self-taught, building a business from scratch with so little to go on and no community was incredibly lonely and challenging for me. Since I was learning everything as I went along, I made so many painful and costly mistakes.
When IIt still amazes me that I didn't give up in those early days. think back to those early days I am still amazed that I didn’t throw in the towel. I failed way more than I succeeded and for the first few years, I really thought about quitting every single day.
Each failure was a sign that I was on the wrong path, and nothing came easy. Whenever I questioned what I was doing and questioned my faith, Chris always said, "The flowers are different.". So I would get back up, dust myself off, and try again.
After struggling my way through the first few years, I managed to grow a small business in our backyard and eventually start making a little profi tittle business in our backyard and eventually start making a small profit. Every penny that I made with my flowers went into paying off a mountain of debt that we incurred some years earlier.
Due to the fact that we were so determined to get out of debt and clean up the mess that we had made, there was never any extra that I could invest in myself.
As I made thousands of mixed bouquets in our garage, I dreamed of the day when I could finally leave the farm and learn from my flower heroes. My heart would ache every time one of them announced an upcoming class or workshop.class or workshop my heart would ache.
Although I was working hard and making good progress on paying down our debt as well as getting better at growing and arranging flowers, I didn't feel like I was getting any closer to realizing the big dreams I had for myself.
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During that time I had started writing articles about my flower growing journey and had the opportunity to interview Ariella Chezar, I started writing articles about my flower growing journey and had the opportunity to interview Ariella Chezar, the godmother of seasonal floral design, and we became penpals.the godmother of seasonal floral design, and we became penpals. She knew how badly I wanted to attend one of her workshops but I couldn’t ever come close to affording it.
I’ll never forget the day that I received her email saying if I could get myself to her next workshop that I could attend for free. Up until that point my flower journey had been so incredibly difficult and nothing came easy. I had gotten so worn down by the grind that I was on the verge of quitting altogether.
So when I got that offer, everything I believed to be true was challenged in the best possible way. At that moment, I decided that if I ever had anything of value to share with someone else who needed a leg up that I would pay it forward as many times as I possibly could.
The workshop was beyond anything I could have possibly imagined and the experience completely altered the course of my life. I came back to the farm after that blissful week in California changed.
Having someone who I admired so deeply believe in me helped me believe in myself. That act of generosity felt like getting permission to finally go after all of the dreams that I had put on hold for so long.
I quickly got to work overhauling my little flower business and from there things really took off. Within a few short years, I had the opportunity to write my first book and eventually welcome more than 500 budding and established growers and designers to learn with us on our tiny 2-acre farm.
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Over the next few years, our small family operation grew and we started a seed company, built an amazing little team, were fortunate enough to find our forever farm, wrote two more books, and transitioned our on-farm workshops online.
I can so easily trace each one of these blessings back to the moment I received that life-changing email. You never know just how much sharing with another person can completely change their life.
I have tried my best to infuse Ariella’s generous legacy into everything we do and our scholarship program is my very favorite way of paying it forward.
Next Tuesday, September 14, we will be opening up applications for our scholarship program. This is our 9th anniversary of both teaching the Floret workshop and offering scholarships.
I am so excited that we will be awarding 12 seats, our most ever. Each recipient will receive full tuition to the 2022 Floret Online Workshop, plus a box of goodies from the farm.
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If you’ve been dreaming of filling your life with more flowers, but the Floret workshop is out of reach, I highly encourage you to take the time and apply for one of our scholarships.
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kingofthecon · 3 years
#1 "You know what rhymes with Bugaboo? Me and you." It was a pretty boring night of patrolling so naturally Chat Noir decided to fill the air with anything and everything just to keep them both entertained. His vibrant green eyes focused more on the task at hand - keeping an out for trouble - than they did on his partner, but when his eyes did meet her form for an extended period of time he couldn't help but grin. Running around Paris late at night with a lovely lady by his side helped him to forget about his life outside of costume. It helped his mind come up with all sorts of entertaining ideas which drove away all the reality shattering ones that came with common sense - one of the recent things being what'd happen when they finally defeated Hawk Moth. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that one day they would actually catch Hawk Moth slipping and manage to not only take him down and retrieve his Miraculous, but also learn his identity and lock him away forever, but what would come next? They wouldn't be able to keep their Miraculous anymore, would they? Sure there would still be crime left in Paris, but that could be handled by the officers of the law instead of vigilantes like them. What did that mean for his friendship with Ladybug? Would they just...no longer be able to see each other? No, that was stupid. Ladybug might not be interested in him because of her crush on someone from her life outside of the mask, but that didn't mean they couldn’t be friends. They'd make a way. "It's been a lot of times recently where it's just been me and you, and though I do love spending quality time with my leading lady, I can't help but wonder when the ball's going to drop. I don't want to jinx it, but the last time we found someone who was akumatized it was Mr. Pigeon and that was nearly a month ago." He had most certainly been keep tracking. Between the photo shoots, collabs, and interviews along with school, his fencing class, and a few side activities, there wasn't much of any activity from Hawk Moth. He doubted the man had suddenly fallen off the face of the Earth, but there had to be something at play. Then again his sidekick, Mayura, had been hurt in her last confrontation with the rest of them. Maybe the two of them were an evil couple and Mothy had to take some time out of his akumatizing schedule to take care of her? It was sweet even though they were both evil - taking joy in turning people into their minions all in a vain attempt to get the Cat and Ladybug Miraculous. Then again, what if her sickness was the reason why Hawk Moth was trying so hard? Maybe the reason they'd shown their costumed faces was because of desperation, and Hawk Moth had gotten a mad power-up from her to boot. She hadn't been in the game until recently so maybe that was it? It was something he'd been speculating on a while now, but hadn't had enough evidence to support this theory which meant he hadn't said anything to Ladybug about it. He probably should at some point, but not even now seemed like a good time. "He's too annoying to just give up and go on vacation, so maybe he's wrapped up in some supervillain HR meeting where they talk about their failures and how to go about achieving their goals while eating muffins from the cafeteria." It was random and probably outlandish. The goal was to make her laugh, especially when he was about to say something that might cause a bit of an issue between them. Yeah, butter her up before telling her that he won't be around for a little while because a friend of his father had done some contest and had picked three kids from nowhere to take on as apprentices or something and Adrien would be with them for a while. It was just a publicity stunt and collaboration thing, but it was an extra added activity and with everything else he had to do something needed to be cut out, and it wasn't like Ladybug only had him to rely on considering she could dish out the Miraculous to other people. It would be fine. "I don't think there's any crime afoot tonight," he offered teasingly after they stopped near the Louvre for a break. He stretched both arms over his head and yawned before flopping down in a cross legged position. "Which is convenient because...well, I won't be uh, be around for the next few weeks at least." Best to just rip off the bandage. "My family is going to be particularly busy and I won't be able to get out of certain obligations so if there's an emergency you'll have to get one of the others. I'll try to sneak away, but you'll have to treat any threat that might crop up like one that I won't be able to help you fight in." Just saying that made him feel like crap. If an emergency came up and someone got hurt because he prioritized taking pictures with some contest winners over fighting crime then he would have to live with that guilt, but his father would be watching and if he even tried to get out of something like that the consequences would make him being Chat Noir period even harder when things weren't incredibly busy. If he wanted to keep being being a hero then he was going to have to do whatever it took to keep his father off his case. This was one of those situations where there were no good options to take. "I'd better head home. I have to wake up early. Well, earlier than usual." He turned back the way they'd come, which was in the opposite direction of his home actually, and ran off. He was out of his lady's sight he changed the direction and took a different route home. He de-transformed, fed Plagg a few pieces of Camembert and raced the rest of his way home - entering through the front gates and not stopping until he was in his room.
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"Okay Sixer, how'd this happen?" Triplets Stanton, Stanford, and Stanley sat in their shared bedroom - Stanley and Stanton; or Shermie as he liked to be called - sitting on either side of their brother Stanford as he read the letter in his hand for the fourth time in silence. There had been a bit of a contest months ago created by a man named William Chiffrer. He was looking for individuals with a wide variety of talents that ranged from athleticism to intellect. Stanford had of course sent filled out the necessary forms on top of going above and being by writing an entire essay about why he believed he should be chosen...he'd also sent out the necessary forms for his siblings and tricked each of them into writing a bit of an essay of their own. He didn't think any of them would be accepted. William was a man of many talents, but what had caught Stanford's attention was the man's intellect. William had the ability to create his own language - something that he and his siblings had done when they were younger...little ciphers that only they could understand, but William? As far as Stanford knew the man had at least three different languages of his own under his belt, a company that didn't seem tethered to him, and ideas of deep sea and space exploration that he had no qualms with sharing to the masses. In other words, the man was an actual genius who had absolutely no problem flaunting it. Stanford was envious, intrigued and well, William was his idol. That meant he wanted to learn from him and this contest? This contest would be his one shot. He, however, didn't want to go in alone. The sound of someone playing with a paddle ball close to his face caused him to jerk to attention. His eyes traveled to his left where he saw Stanley, the sibling that was identical to him minus the fingers, waiting impatiently for an answer. To Stanford's right his slightly older fraternal sibling looked unimpressed already having an idea of what'd taken place though the chances of all three of them being picked was...highly unlikely. "It's not that difficult to understand," the middle triplet said as he pushed himself off the bed and paced the center of their bedroom floor. "More so, improbable. The chances of the three of us getting chosen for this opportunity of a life time is simply astronomical. It's--" "Not the question, Poindexter. Sherm and I didn't enter this sleaze ball's contest. I know I suck at math, but I'm at least a hundred percent sure that us not enterin’ means we both hadda zero percent chance'o winnin' anything. Howzat possible, I wonder." One look at his brothers had rooted to the spot - both hands behind his back as his started to get nervous. Stanley continued to play with his paddle ball, but his attention remained on Stanford while Shermie let out and exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry! I don't know what I was thinking. Well, of course I know what I was thinking. It would be incredible to have William Chiffrer as a mentor. His vast knowledge of the world and its inner workings - despite being quite controversial - has merit and have been shown to be more than just plausible. This man has plans to change the world and the means to do it and it would be remiss of me to pass up the opportunity to work under the man himself. I just did not wish to go alone so I took the liberty of signing contest forms for the both of you while feeding you false information about an extra credit essay where you had to convince the President of the United States of why you would be a great addition to the White House." "Wait, that's not what you told me," Stanley said with narrowed eyes while slowly lowering the paddle ball. "Errhm, yes well, you having to convince a potential suitor's father of why he should let you date his daughter seemed more plausible than the Presidential angle, I'm afraid. Now, even if only one of us came out victorious in this raffle the winner is permitted a plus one! Had either of you won instead I would have hoped that you'd allow me to tag along." "And yet Pa calls me the shyster. I am so proud of you.” Stanley wipes an imaginary tear from his eye while Stanford glares at him before turning his attention towards Shermie who’d finally lifted his head. His expression was exasperated yet thoughtful making it clear that he, at least, wasn’t going to make such a huge deal of out it. Between Stanley and Shermie, the latter was much more academically inclined and when opportunity struck he tended to let it in and treat it like a friend. Paris, France was a place that these three boys from New Jersey would never in their wildest dreams imagine being able to visit - not with how much of a penny-pincher their father was. For a while all there had only been a pair of glasses between them which Stanley and Shermie had agreed to let Ford have indefinitely. ”This is a once in a life time ordeal, isn’t it?” Shermie questioned after letting the silence linger. They were teenagers with no real funds to their name. If they went to college it would have to be on a scholarship - Stanford had at least four lined up, Stanley could possibly go for football, and Shermie had his hands in a little bit of everything. Other than that, there was nothing for fancy trips to far off lands like France, so right here? Right now? Yeah, it definitely seemed as though this was going to be one of those once in a lifetime deals. The brothers looked at each other, Stanley sliding off the bed to punch Stanford in the arm before leaning against his shoulder while Shermie continued thinking. Finally he stood up and crossed his arms. "That was an underhanded trick you pulled Ford, but I can't say that I blame you and a trip to freaking France? The City of Love? We'd have to be crazy to pass up the opportunity." "Ugh, love," Stanley griped, immediately turning sour causing Shermie to look a little guilty while Ford rolled his eyes and elbowed him good-naturedly. His breakup with Carla McCorkle had been a messy one. Karma seemed to strike at both Carla and the boy she'd cheated on Stanley with, Thistle Downe, in the form of someone riding his van into a ravine. According to reports it had been someone dressed up in some sort of costume with a tail. Either way love was currently a big flaming no-no in the Stan Triplets's bedroom...except for Shermie. "Perhaps it would be in your best interest to invite Veronica along, Shermie." Ah, the turns immediately tabled as Stanley's frown disappeared to be replaced by the biggest, doofiest, mischievous grin he could muster while Shermie's face turned a nice shade of tomato red. He sputtered while Stanley darted out the room to make the call leaving Stanford to block his big brother in - the commotion the duo made their mother had to warn them about roughhousing in the house and to take that mess outside. Stanley snickered, his Ma gave him an idea. Outside and to his car he ran after hearing his brothers on the stairs. When they realized that Stanley wasn't inside the brothers raced outside to see Stanley checking his pockets for his keys. Suddenly Stanley was on the ground laughing after having been tackled by Shermie which left Stanford - innocent little Stanford - to head back inside and make the call himself. "Hello, Mrs. Carlyle? This is Stanford Pines. Is Veronica there?” There’s a particularly loud wheeze from outside that catches Stanford’s attention. He looks to his Ma and shrugs before going back to his call. “Hello, Ronnie? You won't believe the good news. Do you recall that contest I entered for the trip to Paris, France to study under THE William Chiffrer? Exciting news. Not only did I win, so did Stanley and Sherman. I...will explain later, but each of us gets to bring a plus one. I am cordially inviting you--"
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Talon had seen the threat coming a mile away and he actually tried to draw attention to what was going on. With him being who he was he held rank in his uncle's organization, but it only extended so far especially when the side of evil thought they'd had the victory in the bag. It was the same song and dance time and time again. They thought they had the inspector, he'd goof around and somehow come out on top with the help of his niece, and then Claw would vow vengeance the next time they crossed paths. It got old, and Talon was tired. He was tired of constantly losing when he knew that he had the skills to come out on top. In fact, he was pretty sure he could overthrow his uncle instead of working as his underling, but as things were? His street cred had plummeted. All the losses caused by Penny and her uncle set him back time and time again. The villain circles he ran in started giving out awards for the most failed missions and he had somehow gained the lead. It was embarrassing and degrading and it was about time he'd think about his future. If he wanted to show the world he was more than just that bumbling oaf who happened to be Claw's nephew then he needed to branch out and re-establish himself, perhaps even go back to the drawing board. It was when he realized that no one was going to heed his words did he decide cut his losses. He'd grabbed Penny and her dumb dog and pulled them to safety with the parting words of, “Catch ya later, Penny,” before going back into the fray. He had a mini force field surrounding him which was, in theory, supposed to be strong enough to protect him from any type of explosion. He didn't think he'd actually be in a situation where he'd be testing this out, but he didn't have too much time. He was looking for something in particular before things went side ways. It was as though his eyes landing on his prize was the trigger which launched the explosion. He cursed, a bright light blinding him before he was propelled off his feet and backwards. He clicked his heels together until the rockets activated, and he hastily righted himself, but he still slammed against through the wall behind him. He should have snapped his back. He should have been covered in flames, but instead survived - barely able to get a handle on the situation. For one thing his force field was still holding up and he’d managed to what he’d gone back for - a bejeweled box which was what his uncle had been after. Luckily whatever he was holding was also covered by his forcefield. Not only that but this explosion was the chance he'd been waiting for - to get away from his uncle and lay low, preferably with a family member that was on the opposite side of the law. You know, a good guy. It helped that he’d been straddling the fence for months now - working with HQ a bit due to some sob story he’d fed Penny which meant he definitely had an alibi. People saw him save Penny. People knew that this scheme of his uncle’s had absolutely nothing to do with him. Whatever happened here couldn’t be pinned on him. Talon’s boots were totally ruined when he activated them - they only had a few seconds of righting him before the thrusters at the bottom went off in mini explosions that luckily hadn't harmed his feet - and found an agent of Claw that was roughly his size though totally unrecognizable. He removed his boots and shoved them onto the remains and dragging it over to a still burning flame. His forcefield protected his feet from the heat, but it wouldn't hold for too much longer. Even now the heat was already starting to penetrate and he had to run. With the forcefield having protected him from the brunt of the explosion some of his other tech remained as well. There was a prototype cloaking device he'd had installed that ran on the same 3D holographic projector tech he tended to use for a quick and easy disguise. He swapped modes and from his belt a little barely noticeable light extended, scanned his form, and bent the light around him making him appear invisible. He made it half a block invisibly before the forcefield conked out with the invisibility following next which meant that his 3D projector was also down for the count. He paid it no mind as he'd taken that into consideration and made sure to avoid any areas that seemed busy. He didn't need anyone to see him running around barefoot and covered in soot. Besides, no good villain worth their salt went around town without a cache of some sort and he was near his closest one. It was a rundown apartment building which, on the outside it just looked a little lopsided; could use a little TLC. On the inside? Oh, the building looked as though it should have been condemned before his Uncle Claw was born. It was perfect, and it was where Talon cleaned himself up, changed into a set of clothing that was not his typical purple though did include another set of rocket boots, and combed his hair flat on his head giving him those infamous "Boy Band Bangs" which were partially hidden by the hood from the jacket he'd decided to wear. He left the apartment and, despite knowing it was a bad idea, made his way back to the scene of the explosion. There were HQ agents, a bomb squad, the fire department and of course police officers everywhere as well as a crowd. He spotted Inspector Gadget who'd apparently made it out unscathed as usual, and he even saw a few of Claw's men being apprehended. He shook his head. There had never been a fight between him and HQ that had gone so far in as long as he could remember. He clicked his tongue and whispered, "C'est la vie," as he walked away - washing his hands of this botched operation as well as his Uncle Claw - for good. Once far enough away and pulled out his cellphone, took a deep breath and placed a call he'd never thought he'd make. "Hey Billy. It's, ugh, Tristan*. Is that offer for help still on the table?" William Thaw* sounded visibly confused on the other end of the line, most likely because he'd been sleeping at the time. When he realized that his cousin was in need of help he woke up just a bit more. "You need a place to stay, Mr. Big Shot Criminal?" That was not the tone that Talon was hoping to hear, but it wasn't entirely unexpected either. Most if not all of their family was evil including Billy's dad. Even their grandma was evil, but no one had really given Billy the memo so he turned out to be one of the good guys. With him and Talon being roughly the same age and having lived together with their grandma for a while, there was always some form of disagreement or the other, especially when Talon had learned of their family's history and chose to follow in their footsteps. It was why he'd swapped his name from Tristan to Talon as a sign of respect for his then role model Dr. Claw. "Is this the part where you give me a huge speech about right and wrong or heroism because if it is you can save it. I’ve branched away from Uncle Claw months ago and a good thing too because he messed up big time. I tried to tell him his plan was bunk from the get-go, but he went ahead with it anyway even after I warned him about a gas leak. Then I tried to tell the stupid henchmen that the explosives they were planting were going to trigger an even bigger explosion but I’m not on the payroll anymore and apparently a bigger explosion the better. They were so concerned with making sure they got Gadget - that’s their entire thing but...Usually no one gets fatally hurt and a few people did. That's not the kind of villainy I signed up for." For a moment he thought Billy'd hung up on him, but then he heard the ruffling of blankets and the clicking of what must have been a lamp being turned on. "People died?" "One as far as I was able to tell. I was caught in the blast too. ForcefieId tech saved me and I managed to get a few people out before the blast but yeah. I'm sure it'll be on the world news if it isn't already." "What do you want from me, Tris?" Hearing that nickname hurt. "I want to initiate protocol Redo." "Never thought you'd say that." The sound of Billy getting out of bed could be heard. Moments later the sound of a computer or laptop being booted up sounded through the line. "Tell me about it. I thought I had everything planned out. Didn’t take into account that Uncle Claw’s gotten senile in his old age." "Luckily we're both deceptively smart and plan for things that we don't think we'd ever need then, huh?" "You call that luck. I call that being smarter than everyone else. Even if you don’t think it’ll ever happen to you plan for it anyway, especially in this line of business.” ”Especially.” Talon finally stopped walking when he reached a twenty-four hour fast food place where he plugged in his phone and ordered something so that he wouldn't be bothered. "I assume you handled Talon?" "Died in the explosion that took out a few senior HQ agents and a few of Claw's henchmen. Identifiable only by his rocket boots." The line was silent aside from the clicking of keys. Talon ate silently while he listened to his cousin work. A few hours of Billy working he finally came to a stop. "Tristan Thaw is in the system once more. You did a thorough job of wiping him out. Can't say that I'm surprised. I've altered Talon’s files. You're now your own twin, congratulations. You were put up for adoption at a young age but there was a missing person's report due to you running away. Your file was closed because you were presumed dead. People will most likely stumble upon this now while trying to pull up information about Talon so...in the off chance that that happens. Call me, and I will say I've been hiding you in my dorm." "No. I can't do--" "You will, Tristan. Despite the incredible foolishness of this family it's the only one I have. Despite how everyone around me is a bad guy from the worst comic book tropes I've ever read, this family still manages to take care of each other. I'm in a boarding school because I didn't want to be part of the family business. Someone in the family is paying for me to be here. You've protected me inadvertently a few times, and Uncle Claw has taken me under his wing a time or two, and I am also the first person grandma taught her cookie recipe to. The point is, despite this family being nefarious in every sense of the word, we ALL protect each other, and you came to me for help. You did what you could to stop something horrible from happening, and it happened anyway. If worse comes to worse I'm sure Uncle Claw would help--" "Gonna stop you right there. I don't want his help, otherwise I'd have gone back to the lair. This is...let him think I'm dead. You're the only one who’ll know the truth." "Of course. Well, if you can manage to get from where you are to Paris there's an apartment that seems to have been paid for. Has been in my name for a while. I'm thinking Grandma made me a few safe houses just in case I decided to turn rotten, but you can stay there." "Thanks Billy." "You can thank me by not pulling this stunt again." "Or I'll just say thank you and move to your safehouse."
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                                                               ---TIME SKIP---                                                           ONE MONTH LATER
When Billy told him about the safehouse in Paris he probably should have expected the place to be pretty well furnished and in a decent part of the city. It wasn’t exactly flashy, but it would probably garner the attention of his neighbors. Luckily he had a backstory figured out, a passport, a birth certificate and other documentation that he needed. Luckily for him there was nobody looking for him, and even if they were they certainly would have no reason to look for him in Paris. It was the perfect escape for him, and definitely gave him time to himself. He didn’t want to drop the villain thing, but if he wanted to become a huge contender then he was going to have to change his image. He was going to have to one up the competition and finally...he was going to have to down his uncle. For now, he had to start small. For now he had to blend in with the masses, build up a bit of a rep while staying in the shadows until he could build his own empire. Luckily for him he had a few connections already.
The three dorks staying across from him had arrived a few days after he moved in and made quite the impression. The one with the six fingers had bumped into him and apologized profusely for not paying attention to where he was walking and flailed his hands a bit. Talon, or rather Tristan made the faux pas of commenting on his fingers aloud which seemed to cause some embarrassment. Another boy, had to be a twin or something, heard the remark and was making his way over with his fists clenched causing Talon to remark that he’d never seen something so cool before. It seemed to be the right thing to say as all three of them somewhat relaxed while heading up the stairs. That’s where Talon encountered the third of them realizing that he was staying across from a set of triplets.  It was a bit awkward at first, before the boy with the glasses answered his question about what they were doing in Paris.  “I didn’t know that Willy had a contest going on. You guys must be pretty smart if he chose the three of you, and siblings to boot.” Of course Talon knew very well that Willy wasn’t exactly a good person. The guy was sophisticated in public, but in private he had a bit of sadistic streak and was pretty psychotic in some instances. Yeah the dude was an actual genius, but he also gathered great minds and exploited them. The fact that he’d gathered three brothers, triplets no less? Something was definitely going on. “You say that as though you know the man personally,” Stanford stated while his brother, the one with the slightly darker hair (Shermie) opened the door and Stanley carried some stuff inside. “Not at all,” he immediately shook his head. “I tried to enter his contest before as well. I actually made a hoverboard--” “Like from Back to the Future?” Stanley asked as he kicked his box into the room. Talon nodded and said,"Exactly like that," while Stanford looked skeptical. That was the start of their...he wouldn’t exactly call it a friendship but it was pretty close.                                                                --------------------- Adrien hadn’t been expecting to be invited to the triplet’s apartment building after their initial gathering and photo-op with William and his father, but he had accepted the invite anyway seeing as it would allow him to spend some time with teenagers his age while using his father’s tactics against him.  “I was supposed to meet up and help the Pines’s today for an hour before meeting Kagami for our fencing lesson? His father had simply nodded through the tablet monitor that Nathalie was holding. Adrien took off soon after that with G manning the car. When he’d arrived at the apartment it was to an open door and the triplets arguing over what they wanted to do first. There was also another boy there, arms crossed and back against the wall with a smirk on his face. Adrien had the feeling that he’d been the cause of this little argument. “Am I early?” he’d asked which drew the triplet’s attention. “Yer right on time, Aiden.” “His name is Adrien, be nice.” The identical brothers bickered between themselves while Sherman shook his head and beckoned for Adrien to come inside before closing the door. “Just go. It’s not a big deal.” All eyes turned to Talon who pushed off the wall and raised his hands.  “Of course it’s a big deal! He can take his girl all over Paris after we celebrate. We’ve been here for a week and haven’t burned our apartment down. This is a cause for celebration! Let the Pines Brothers party for a day,” Stanley argued with his arms crossed. Shermie just covered his face in his hands and sighed. "Or we can go get Ronnie since she may as well be a Pines, grab some snacks and celebrate here?” “Stanford Filbrick Pines--” The two outsiders watched in amusement as Sherman tried to grab the six fingered boy who ducked behind Stanley and then into the kitchenette practically dragging the loudmouthed boy with him.  “So um, who are--” “I live across the hall. Gotta admit these guys have been the best entertainment I could have possibly asked for. What about you, Mr. Agreste? Working a charity case here?” Adrien was partially confused and partially offended by the question. “Not at all. I was invited over.” “Oh, that makes more sense.” He hadn’t elaborated on that making Adrien narrow his eyes before the triplets re-emerged from wherever they’d been in the apartment. Stanley had his arms crossed while Stanford was scowling. Shermie looked far less ruffled than the other two which meant he’d proven his point.  "Sorry about that, you two. The plan is we’re going to call my friend to have her meet us here then head out for a celebratory get together. Since you two are the only people we know here we’d thought you’d be up to joining us?” The fact that Adrien had made three new friends who wanted to hang out with him brought a smile to his face, but then he thought about his obligations and the other friends he’d had to turn down. His smile turned a bit sad before he shook his head.  "I’m really sorry you guys, but I can’t stay for very long. My schedule is booked solid. The only reason I was able to slip out was because I told my father that I had to help you three for an hour before I have to practice my fencing.” Talon lunged at the air in front of him, swinging around an imaginary rapier before snorting, “Can you be any more of a cliche?” Even Stanley cracked a smile at that before lunging towards Talon with his arm out, the two of them swiping at each other with their invisible weapons, Stanley beginning to talk like a pirate while Shermie was in the process of calling Ronnie to let her know of their plans. “Ignore them,” Stanford said while giving his brother and Talon a glare that went completely ignored. “It’s what I do when they get like this.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” was Adrien’s annoyed reply. A second later he found himself being dragged into the sword fight by Talon before Stanley grabbed an unwilling-to-participate Stanford. “My first mate will absolutely swab the deck with ye’s!” “Stanley no.” “Cap’n Lee thinks he kin board me ship and spread ‘is tall tales, but we’s a learn’em.” “Tristan don’t encourage him!” Stanford’s words went ignored as Talon managed to grabbed a decorative pillow from the couch and chucked it at the six fingered boy yelling, “CANNON BALL!”. Taking it as an immediate out, Stanford dramatically fell to the floor, sat up and positioned the thrown pillow beneath his head, and then laid back again. “Nooooo, Sixer! I shall avenge ye!” He ran towards Talon only to be intercepted by Adrien as he slid in front of the other boy. Stanley’s eyes widened, surprised at Adrien’s speed, and he tried to stop before colliding. Adrien moved out of the way as quickly as he’d come while Talon remained there holding out another of the pillows which he used to smack Stan in the face as he came to a stop. Stanley dropped to the ground dramatically like Stanford had and made gurgling noises since the unwritten/impromptu rule was that the pillows were cannon balls. The four boys laughed before Stanford got up and put the pillows away with a shake of his head. Stanley was glad to have managed to get his brother to participate. It had been a long time since they’d done something like this and it made him think that this trip to Paris was a good idea, especially after having met “Tristan’ and Adrien.
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snowdice · 4 years
Gaps in His Files (Part 7) [Relabeled; Refiled Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton
Main: Logan, Patton
Appear: Remy, Virgil (but only in the epilogue)
Logan Berry has learned many things the last 10 years: a lot of math and physics, a bit of humility, and how to be a hero being just a few. Through his education, his experience teaching, and his exploits as the superhero Bluebird, he’s changed in a lot of small and large ways. He has recorded these changes in well-organized documents and files. He’s even had to create two new file designations: a red one for files about his moonlighting at Bluebird, and a light blue one dedicated to his boyfriend, Patton.
When Bluebird is targeted by a memory device and all of those 10 years of progress suddenly disappear, Patton Sanders and Logan’s extensive files are left as his only resource to get those memories back. But what is Patton supposed to do when there are clear gaps in his files? And what does he do when he is one of them?
This is set 25 years before Sometimes Labels Fail though it’s story is completely independent of it and it is not necessary to read that one first.
Notes: Superhero AU, memory loss, past child abuse, past child neglect, unhealthy ideas about ones place in relationships, emotional suppression, self-deprecating thoughts, medical procedures mentioned, very brief unhealthy views of sex
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
After Logan finished eating, Patton showed him his office. First, he was given his personal and work files which were familiar in organizational structure even if they had years’ worth of new information in them and his work files had a new subfolder for teaching instead of being purely for schoolwork. Yet, the thing that most interested Logan was the new file designation which Patton retrieved for him by finding a key in a hidden desk drawer compartment and using it to open a secret compartment in the wall. The files there were red and completely new to Logan. Thankfully, they still had quite a bit of structure that he was able to pick up quickly and there were easy to read tables of contents with understandable subsection titles.
He flipped curiously through the first few. They reflected the story Patton had told him earlier in content as well as form. The beginning files were either blue for work or plain white since his foray into superherodom had started from an academic source.
Though he had not known Logan at the time by his own admission, Patton’s knowledge of his early days of being a superhero were perfectly accurate based on the files. That combined with his knowledge about where the files were in the first place, stroked Logan’s curiosity regarding the man even more. Logan was not a trusting person, at least he had not been at 18, and he imagined not much had changed in the last 10 years. So, he had to wonder what it was about Patton that had made him willing to share so much about his life and clearly heavily protected aspects of his life at that. He did not imagine he would share his exploits as a hero with just anyone.
And, if it were just his exploits as a hero, perhaps he would have even understood that. It was good to have an ally, especially one with useful skills such as a doctor. Yet, Patton’s knowledge went deeper than even that to things more personal, ones not in these files or any of his others. He knew things about Logan: his favorite color, why he prefers some fabrics over others, and stories that had never left his lips in his current memories.
Why? He had to wonder. What made this person so different than everyone else?
Certainly, he could see the appeal of him as a romantic partner in the theoretical sense.
He was a doctor which was useful considering Logan’s superhero status likely led to physical injuries sometimes. In addition, that was a well-paying, respectable job, though it did have an unpredictable work schedule. Achievement in that field spoke of enough intellect to be on par with Logan even if they were in different areas.
He was also clearly adequately skilled in other things. He had managed to find Logan and get him back to his apartment and seemed to have enough emotional control to do what was necessary in the situation.
This was someone he imagined his parents would have likely expected for him as a romantic partner (if they expected anything at all). Though, Logan did have to worry that if they were both not particularly emotionally expressive then there may not be a good balance in the relationship.
Logan watched as he flipped through one of his personal files to get a picture from his college graduation to show him with practiced ease. He was comfortable around Logan’s organizational system, he noted. That was something no one had ever bothered to be before. Most people either tolerated or scorned the way he kept his files, but Patton knew his way around it almost as well as Logan himself, better in fact when it came to the new red files, fingers always flipping to the correct pages in seconds when Logan asked questions.
It was nice to have someone care enough to learn it.
It felt as though something shifted marginally inside his chest at the thought of someone being patient enough to learn how Logan organized his life. To do so was to basically learn how Logan’s mind worked. He… hadn’t known that was something he might want.
That, he suddenly knew with clarity, that was why. Or at least part of why. It had to be.
“So,” Patton broached suddenly, likely catching him staring and wonder why, “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
Logan blinked at him. “You already know me. Better than I do myself at the moment.”
“Sure, but I’ve only known versions of you that I’ve known.”
“Yes. That is typically how reality works.”
“Well not today,” he pointed out and… fair point. “Plus, maybe you’ll start to remember more if you start talking about yourself. Like when you’re trying to remember the title of a song so you sing the lyrics you know until you get to the point where they use the title in the song.”
Logan considered that. “That sounds like a rational strategy to try. What should I talk about?”
“Well, I know a lot about the events that happened in your life, but not really what you thought about them at the time. What are things you like and dislike in your life right now. You know,” he paused, “what are things you find annoying? Stuff like that.”
“I like coffee,” Logan said after a moment of consideration, “and school. Libraries. I like order and schedules and it makes me uncomfortable when things don’t go to plan. I don’t like impromptu things or eating outside. I don’t really like when people are overly emotional or when they cry mostly because I never know how to respond. I don’t like my English teacher because she once had a mental breakdown crying about a dream she had for 30 minutes when a student asked her if she’d graded our papers. Also, she was homophobic. I like math and science and my parents. Though, I dislike when they insist, I try to go out and “have fun.” I especially disliked when they set me up with a date for the homecoming. When I said I didn’t want to go especially with a girl they set me up with a boy for the next dance which was… nice as they attempted to listen to me, but they entirely missed the point. I dislike messes. I like jam. I want to major in math and physics and get my PhD in at least one… that seemed to work out. My calculus teacher was my favorite even though everyone else seemed to resent her, but we also mostly all passed the advanced placement test, so I think it was worth it. Also, she was kind.”
“You had a homophobic English teacher?” Patton asked.
“Ah, yes, did I never mention?” Logan asked. “She made her views known to a boy in the year below me and got fired a month ago.”
“You never told me about that.”
“Perhaps I decided she was no longer worth dwelling on. The man who took her place seems adequate, though I am not in his class. I also like my current English teacher. She says she got her teaching degree later in life and before that used to be a cultural anthropologist. She tells us stories about different places she’s been.”
Patton smiled. “She sounds interesting,” he said.
“Yes, and it is quite an interesting course. It is an extra one beyond what I must take to graduate. We write a research paper over the course of the entire semester.” Logan paused for a long moment. “This does not seem to be doing anything.”
Patton nodded. “Okay,” he said. “That’s fine. We’ll try something else. Maybe we should have lunch first though.”
Logan was starting to feel a bit hungry. “That is a good idea.”
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AO3 Part 8
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loverontheleft · 3 years
Long anon has thoughts and I’m here to reply but also I’m fucking wasted
Okay, different anon, but I love giving unsolicited advice (joking, joking... kind of), so I had to chime in. Plus I think I’ve read RtL like 2 or 3 times in full now (way more if you count all the times I’ve read a chapter because of the sex scene and then just kept reading after that), so I’m very invested. God you’re better than me. I didn’t mind chapter 30. It wasn’t my personal favorite scene (that’s just really not my jam, if I wanna revel in the angst, I prefer the later chapters), but with some tweaks I do think it was a good addition. Like, it did give the relationship a little more, I’m not sure if this is the right word, respectability? Realism? Weight? It showed that they’re not just clouded by lust or the honeymoon phase. Which is where I get into the conflict of fanfic imagine writing vs fiction writing. Most fanfic readers seem like they don’t want the plot and the character growth and the realism. The point is fantasy. I can do that short-term, but in a long-haul series like this…angst is necessary. Tension is necessary. Their relationship doesn’t exist in this perfect little bubble, it’s “perfect” because they’re really compatible, and that’s even more important than love in a longterm relationship. It showcased how much Brendon is devoted to his work, which is one of the reasons the reader loves him, but it has the real possibility of causing real issues that they need to address and work through. Now, again, it needs a little work. I don’t love that B basically accused the reader of being intentionally malicious, and I also don’t love that she was more of the victim rather than it being a two-way conflict. I think it could’ve had more of a build-up (I know you said you sort of wrote this without a plan so it makes sense that the build-up wasn’t as much as I think it needed to be, but, hey, that’s the beauty of rewriting it.) and oh rewriting it will be a thing eventually. Like she doesn’t love that he’s overworking and she brings it up a few times throughout like 3 to 5 chapters before nationals, and it sort of gradually goes from the reader going, “hey I think your hyperfocus on your job is starting to affect both your quality of life and our relationship” (obviously in a way that’s more writer-y and less information dump-y lol) to “I’m starting to feel like a toy you play with when you’re interested and completely ignore when you have homework.” And then Brendon’s responses starting at, “oh I’m sorry, babe, I’ll manage my time a bit better,” all the way to, “why don’t can’t you respect my career?” Then in chapter 30, it all comes to a head and they full on fight instead of the previous semi-passive-aggressive communication they had before. I like you; you understand what my brain is trying to do with this rewrite.
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID, as much I think fighting and arguing can be healthy and necessary, I HATED the fight in chapter 19 (at least I think it’s 19. The one where he’s like, “just talk to him, you’re being crazy”). No it’s totally bullshit I hate it too; even writing it I was like ughhhh. I love your work and I don’t want to be rude, but this is just how I feel about one chapter in an otherwise beloved series. It’s not rude; that was jammed in there for the plot and god I hated it then and I hate it now it’s just bad writing. It’s that I just think it was so out of character, for both of them to some extent, but especially Brendon it was. Maybe it’s just the reader projecting her ex onto Brendon when she’s feeling distressed, so that’s why he seems SO different from the way he was in previous chapters (hell, even earlier in that chapter no it took a sharp left turn it’s a bad chapter) and than every other chapter afterward which okay can we agree Chapters 18-26 are whaaaat is happening and 27-31 are ?? and 32 is steamy forgiveness and then 33-36 are smut but so little plot and…oh god I have so much to rewrite I’m gonna cry but he’s so fiercely passionate and protective over, not just the reader, but sort of everything that he cares enough to invest time into (teaching, music, the reader, lovemaking 😏😂, etc.) that don’t think he would’ve proposed talking to the ex at all, much less become all cold and calculating and downright rude when talking to her. I almost think it would be more realistic if she said, offhandedly, “maybe I’ll just talk to him, try to get rid of him, give him some money, I just want this over with,” and Brendon AT THAT POINT would be like, “no absolutely not, you’re being crazy/irrational .” And then it would turn into a big fight because the reader not only feels condescended and invalidated, she’s starting to feel controlled and smothered, which in conjunction with all the feelings that have been brought up with the ex in town, makes her feel like she just needs to get away from B. I guess that wouldn’t have the same effect later on at the end with the lockdown drill which I really want to cut, good lord Cece it was so extra wtf (full disclosure: at the time of writing, the school where I was a teacher had an active shooter in the area but not on campus, so I was probably processing that?? See my note below about writing as therapy), but it would still kind of work. Instead of B realizing that the reader was right about the ex, it would be the reader realizing that B really just cares for her wants what’s best for her, and ofc B would have to apologize for saying that the reader’s crazy because that’s sooo shitty. Actually, now that I think about it, that might be more effective. Other than that one argument, there wasn’t a big question of whether or not B respected the reader and her judgment, but with the ex showing up, the reader was getting scared about being in another serious relationship and being so dependent on someone else oh definitely. Doesn’t help I was using writing as my therapy since I was very out of a mentally abusive six-year relationship. I just peppered in my own trauma left and right (drunk Cece put left and write at first lmao) and left the characters to figure it out and that’s not fair to y’all so it would be much better narratively to confirm to the reader that she can trust Brendon and that he cares for her even if he messes up rather than to just have an argument that gets resolved. Which would work too if it weren’t for the fact that the characters and dialogue were so off, just maybe not quite as well. Lots of changes to be made; you’re not wrong.
Okay, I’m sorry for talking your figurative ears off omg no I love it this is a craft revision and I’m so here for it. Feel free to say I’m way overstepping because, well, I am, but I’m a fan okay!!! Idk if you’re overstepping I’m too drunk but I don’t deserve fans I’m crying yall are so wonderful And I overthink EVERYTHING, so there’s that too haha same though. These are just things to consider and jumping off points, so don’t let it change whatever you have planned. I’m sure it’ll be great, and frankly, I mostly read for the smut anyway so I don’t know why I’m so invested in the plot LMAO this is why I’m worried about Dulce being a slow burn y’all just want the smuuuut and @beautiful-tragic-fallout can tell you there’s a huge difference between my fanfic writing and my fiction writing though you’d think they’d be similar. Maybe I’ll just write it as a novel, never post it here, hope it sells, and one day y’all can be like “this book plot sounds familiar… I remember this slut who wrote a bunch on tumbl—wait, is this author actually Cece?!?” Because, reminder, Cece is an abbreviation of my second middle name and very few people actually know it at all and my published fiction writing isn’t under Cece (I’m mostly joking, but really, as long as the porn’s good, you could write anything well, thank you.) I’m sure this whole ask is riddled with typos and forgotten words and bad grammar (brevity has never been my strength), so I’d also like to apologize for all that. Listen I’m so drunk right now…I didn’t even notice. And my responses probably are too.
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looksystem70 · 3 years
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yofavcocoa · 3 years
Amber Heard Plastic Surgery Before as well as After
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At least that's what Dr. Julian De Silva, a London-based cosmetic surgeon, concluded when he examined the 33-year-old's features using computer mapping modern technology.
" The Phi ratio of 1.618 has actually long been believed to hold the trick for elegance," he states. After determining Amber and other superstars across 12 essential pens for the nose, lips, eyes, temple, chin, and facial symmetry and form, he discovered that Amber came closest to the old Greek principles for physical perfection thanks to cosmetic surgery! Visit Website and see pictures before and after plastic surgery!
" [She] has one of the most lovely faces in the world, racking up a high 91.85 percent."
Certainly, a cosmetic surgeon greater than any person would recognize that the supposed "best" face proportions can be accomplished by going under the knife. Interestingly sufficient, Dr. De Silva's formula scored Kim Kardashian 91.39 percent, as well as most of us, recognize there's nothing all-natural regarding her!
So did Amber additionally have a little aid? Allow's learn!
Amber in 2005
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Our first shot was from back in 2005 when Brownish-yellow was 19 years old. She's got the same dirty blonde hair color, the same eyes, and also the very same lovely skin. What's various compared to now? I think it's generally to do with her mouth. We can see that her top lip was naturally a lot thinner than the reduced one, for starters.
Amber in 2006
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In this more front-facing shot from 2006, we get a far better consider her initial nose. It appears a little broader and extra noticeable compared to more recent photos. Additionally, her smile doesn't have that "Hollywood" look yet; I think since she has a little bit of an overbite. Keep in mind the thinner brows, which got on the pattern back then.
Amber in 2007
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In 2007, Brownish-yellow was still undressed (I think!). I'm rather sure I would not have acknowledged her in this shot. Again, the distinction is all in the mouth-- her overbite is triggering her teeth to protrude over her reduced lip slightly, and also, her top lip isn't almost as full. The makeup is additionally rinsing her complexion. I assume the structure is too matte and grainy and can make use of some measurement from bronzer or flush.
Amber in 2008
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In 2008, she cycled via several hair colors. First, it was back to her natural dirty blonde-- however, styled in these stiff, retro curls. (There was a genuine old Hollywood moment around this moment, do you keep in mind? Scarlett Johansson made use of to use this type of appearance too!) Brownish-yellow's teeth are additionally brighter, although there are many more changes to find. When it comes to the "bunny lines" close to her nose, sometimes those can occur from Botox. However, she was only 22 at this time ... hmmm!
Amber in 2009
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The black hair had actually faded right into this deep brownish by the list below year, which Amber paired with a spray tan and spiky false lashes. From this angle, I see two points. She still has that minor overbite appearance (which she does not have currently). Plus, her nose still has the same little bump on the bridge, similar to 2007.
Amber in 2010
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After that came one more significant change in 2010. To accompany her initial film functions as the women lead (in Drive Angry and The Rum Diary), she upgrades both her hair color and makeup. This warm blonde is a lot kinder to her complexion, and the great smoky eyes and flushed cheeks are tranquil. I don't think she altered anything additional regarding her features at this time ... yet stay tuned!
Amber in 2011
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The list below year, Amber was a blonde once more, but this time around, it looks a lot extra brightened. Although I'm still not fascinated by the color, the smooth styling makes her appearance equally the star. One more monitoring: spray tans were a whole lot extra obvious in this age! The same chooses the makeup, which is heavy-handed. When it comes to her teeth, they're whiter and brighter than ever before. She had veneers because the shapes and sizes are different from 2008.
Amber in 2012
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At age 26, Amber had yet an additional hair color change, and also, this one's my favorite of all, a warm medium brown. I can bear in mind caring about this at the time, and I really feel the same way already! Orange lipstick was a huge trend that year, as well as Brownish-yellow is using it with attractive fresh skin. Her eyebrows have actually also completed rather, compared to 2006. But there could be something else adding to this look ... a little tweak to her nose. Bear in mind; celebrities typically change their hair at the same time to toss us off!
Amber in 2013
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Amber's redhead hair was just as gorgeous in 2013. I really did a double-take with this photo-- initially, look, I thought it was Miranda Kerr! You have to admit that she looks extremely modelesque with the marginal makeup and side-swept, brushed-out waves.
Amber in 2014
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I think 2014 was the year that Brownish-yellow truly "made it" as a star, ending up being a regular on the red carpet. The first thing that leaps out in this image is her top lip. Does it look fuller because the edge has been overdrawn with lip lining? Or did she have a little something infused? I'm not sure!
Amber in 2015
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Okay, by 2015, I definitely assume Brownish-yellow was messing around with hyaluronic acid lip shots. See just how the bottom side of her top lip is quite lumpy? She also had this very same expression in 2007, and also, her top lip did not have this much fullness. I believe she finally arrived at her "Life Colour" with this blonde in other news. She has remained near to this color since!
Amber in 2016
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Does Brownish-yellow get prettier and also prettier or what? She was 30 in this image, and I'm enjoying the off-the-face updo as well as glowy makeup. Red lipstick has actually started to become her point currently (it additionally makes lip injections less obvious!). You'll see that her mouth setting appears a lot more loosened up, perhaps since her teeth are no more protruding as much.
Amber in 2017
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Hair and makeup always boost considerably as individuals climb the celeb ladder, and this appearance is no exemption. The tousled beachy hair, great brown smoky eyes, shaded brows, contoured cheeks, and matte tarnished lips are all extremely innovative (and were no question implemented by specialists). Notice how her top lip now matches the dimension of her lower one.
Amber in 2018
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With a streamlined ponytail as well as red lipstick, this ensemble was perhaps Amber's most developed look today. See what I indicate about the red lipstick camouflaging the plumped-up lip( s)? Although she is putting on a heavier layer of the structure, the makeup is excellent. Her face also appears a lot more angular currently, possibly from age, weight-loss, or tension. Honestly, I think she looks a little tired. (Stars! They're just like us!).
Amber in 2019
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That brings us to Amber's latest pic-- and even with red lipstick, these lips stick out. They're absolutely the plumpest she's needed today, as well as are what obtained me thinking of this Before & After, to begin with! Fortunately, they're balanced by extremely, very little makeup, an off-the-face hairstyle, and her max eyebrows yet.
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Before I started this Before & After, I thought Brownish-yellow underwent a few cosmetic tweaks to rack up so high with Dr. De Silva's algorithm.
Specifically, I believed a nose job-- similar to the majority of celebs we have actually looked at in this column. Now that I've analyzed her red carpet images, I still think that procedure. But this is just one of the more difficult instances to inform without a doubt!
With her face angled sideways, there's not a considerable distinction in her account over the years, except perhaps a much less forecasted suggestion. When she's facing the electronic camera, she could have had some traditional sculpting to tighten her nostrils and develop a more button-like idea.
Something I bank on, nonetheless-- Amber made huge modifications to her lips as well as teeth!
There's no denying that she explores lip injections these last few years to boost her upper lip's dimension.
What made the largest difference was addressing her protruding teeth, probably with something like Invisalign's undetectable dental braces. Currently, when she smiles, her teeth no more overlap her bottom lip. She additionally has a much whiter, more even smile, likely because of a combination of teeth lightening and porcelain veneers.
When we consider plastic surgery, we do not generally think about aesthetic dentistry, yet Brownish-yellow's Before & After goes to show you exactly how transformative it can be!
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tim-stonker · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, mentioned Georgie Barker/Melanie King Characters: Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Melanie King, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, mentioned Basira Hussain, im sorry queen it was a 5+1 and u were number 6 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, more like AU elias isnt a bitch, 5 Times, Mutual Pining, implied Nonbinar Jonathan Sims, he's gnc, Getting Together, Comfort No Hurt, bc we need that, Just Pals Being Soft, dimples as a plot point Summary:
5 times people didn't see jon's smile plus the 1 time someone did
i wrote some gay shit about jon smiling and it became this. whole thing is under the cut, check it out on ao3 if u wanna !
Jonathan Sims was an unexpected candidate for the position of Archivist, following Gertrude Robinson’s rather abrupt retirement (Elias still wasn’t sure if she was actually telling the truth when she said she wanted to spend more time travelling with her grandson. He didn’t even know if she actually had a grandson.) When word got out that there was an opening for head archivist, it surprised both Elias and Jon’s manager when he put his application into the pool. While Jon wasn’t the highest position in Research, he wasn’t at the lowest tier either, and everyone knew that being Head Archivist was much like being the mayor of a ghost town. Sure, you had a fancy title, but not much else. The Archives were in the basement, they were cold and dusty, and typically, if a budget needed to be cut, it was the Archives that took the brunt of the slashes. But, Jon was organized, faked his confidence well enough, was willing to put in the work, and, if Elias was being honest with himself, there wasn’t exactly a queue out the door to take over the vacancy that Gertrude left. 
The interview went well enough, though Jon was clearly filled with nervous excitement. He kept reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear - it was too short to stay in place, but much too long to not be a bother. His voice almost echoed in Elias’ office, strong and precise, even when he struggled with some questions that Elias asked about his strengths and weaknesses. Elias appreciated the way that Jon carried himself, the slight aura of grandeur and pride that he seemed to give off, contrasting starkly with his awkward attempts at being personable. 
Though Elias told Jon that he’ll be in touch within a few days to inform him whether or not he’ll be transferred to the Archives, he’s already certain that there’s no better candidate, and, if nothing else, he loathes having new hires from outside the Institute. He can overlook a few missing qualifications if it means he can cut down on the number of interviews he has to conduct. 
Elias waited a few more days, finished up more interviews, and found his suspicions were correct. Jon - despite the roughness around his edges, and his lack of a library sciences degree (an aspect that makes Rosie raise her eyebrows at Elias when he mentions it) - is the best fit for the archives that Elias has. He calls Jon into his office again, watching as Jon delicately maneuvers into the chair on the other side of Elias’s desk, fingers picking at the sleeves of his cardigan.
“I’m happy to tell you, Jonathan, that after much consideration, that you have been promoted to Head Archivist. Your transfer from the Research department will be put through promptly, and - unless you have any objections - you can begin your new role as soon as next Monday. Congratulations.”
As Elias spoke, he watched as Jon’s eyes widened, eyebrows raise, as the tension melted out of his shoulders. The corners of his lips seemed to flicker, wanting to curl upwards, but not quite able to.
“I, oh, wow. Thank you, Elias. I, uh, I’m really excited to be working in the Archives.” Jon stammered out. His voice had less of the confident bravado that it had during his interview, and while that would usually make Elias reconsider his choice, the fact that all of Jon’s nervous ticks seemed to have disappeared sated his concern.  
Elias nodded, hummed, and launched into the less fun aspect of promotion, namely discussion of new contracts, pay raises, the fact that Jon would be able to ask some of his co-workers to become his assistants, but any vacancies will be filled at Elias’s discretion. Jon nodded along and asked the appropriate questions at the right time.
Perhaps he’s just bad at expressing emotions, Elias thought, though the thought is both fleeting and insignificant. It gets pushed out of the way, quickly, and is discarded, not to be thought again. 
When the meeting was over, Elias stood up to show Jon to the door. Just before Jon left, Elias stuck his hand out, and once again said, “Congratulations, Jon.”
Jon looked startled for a second, before reaching out and giving Elias a hearty handshake.
“Thank you, Elias, really,” Jon replied. While saying that, the corner of his mouth twitched once again, and for a moment, Jon’s face began to break out into a smile. Eyes excited and bright, before he schooled his expression back into one of vaguely happy neutrality. 
Elias released Jon’s hand, and when his office was once again empty of everyone except himself, he briefly wondered why anyone cares enough about smiling to prevent themselves from doing it.
Like most intrapersonal thoughts, though, Elias waved it away, going back to his own work, just glad that he didn’t have to get Rosie to put up any more job listings on Linkedin. 
Tim was surprised when Jon approached him with the job offer. Sure, he and Jon had worked together for a few years and Jon frequently complimented Tim on his work and whenever Jon actually showed up to work get-togethers, he seemed to awkwardly stick to Tim’s side like glue until the event was done. But Jon always declined Tim’s invites to non-work social gatherings, and sometimes it was hard to tell if the snark in Jon’s voice came from malice or…. Something else. 
Tim had chalked all that up to awkwardness or to Jon’s work ethic, but for some reason, he never thought that Jon actually considered Tim to be a friend, even though he did tentatively think of Jon as one. So it was rather shocking when Jon marched up to him, a small stack of papers in his hands at the end of the workday, and announced, 
“I’ve been promoted to Head Archivist.”
“Oh, well, congrats, Jon,” Tim said, smiling. He clapped Jon on the shoulder. “Yeah, I heard you put your application in.” Tim didn’t mention that he heard because some of their co-workers were making jokes about hoping to see the last of Jon, with his insane work ethic and snappish remarks. 
Jon nodded. “I’m also allowed to pick my own assistants since many of Gertrude’s have quit or been reassigned since her absence.”
“That’s cool.”
“I was wondering if you would like to join me in the Archives, Tim.”
“Oh,” Tim said, eyes widening. Jon looked straight at him, unflinching, though his hands were curled into tight balls at his sides. This was certainly unexpected. 
“I think we work well together. You do really good work, and while I’m not exactly sure what… extra work transferring to the archives will entail, I’m that your presence will be beneficial.” Finally, Jon broke Tim’s gaze. “Also, I… quite enjoy your company.”
“Wow, well, thank you, Jon,” Tim managed to stammer out. He looked at Jon’s now sheepish expression and how his cheeks had taken on a slightly red tinge from the honesty. “Uh, can I… think about it? For a few days? It’s just… kind of a big change.”
“Oh, of course, Tim,” Jon nodded earnestly, passing Tim the stack of papers, which Tim now saw as a would-be employment contract, with different sections highlighted, presumably the parts that Jon thought Tim would find important. Jon made like he was about to turn to leave before he paused and said, “Also I. I won’t be offended if you decide to stay put.”
“Oh, I know,” Tim said, even though he wasn’t sure why he knew. Jon nodded again.
“Well, see you tomorrow.” And with that and a brief wave, Jon walked away, leaving Tim to stare at the employment papers and to think about what to do. And Tim did consider it. He had a pretty good thing going on in the Research department. He was well-liked, and many of his managers said that he could probably get promoted to a higher position with a better salary in a few years, and though the entry position of archival assistant was better paying than his current gig, Tim knew he was never going to get promoted from that role. 
Tim had friends in Research, but he also had friends in artifacts, and finance, and HR. The more he thought about it, it wasn’t like his work-social life would end if he went to the basement. And, as much as his co-workers liked to poke fun at Jon, Tim did genuinely enjoy his company. He liked his wit, and snark, and the way he tried to play off his awkwardness and usually failed. And despite his somewhat clumsy attempts at socializing, anytime Tim talked about his life outside of work, Jon listened, made jokes, and was friendly. 
Jon was also quite easy on the eyes, in his own strange way. 
Tim found it wasn’t really much of a hard decision after all. So when he walked into work the next day and tossed the signed contract on Jon’s desk, all he said was, “It better not be as dusty as everyone says it is.” 
Before walking off to his own desk to finish up his own projects, for a moment he thought he saw Jon duck his head to smile. But when he looked back, Jon was just holding the contract, and though his eyes were happy, his face was straight. 
Sasha enjoyed her work as an archival assistant, despite all the dust, and Jon’s moodiness, and the strange errands that the statements sent everyone on. It was an unorthodox job, cleaning up the decades of bizarre filing that Gertrude left, hunting down follow-ups from people who were clearly drunk, sick, or delirious at the time that these ‘occurrences’, well, occurred. 
She certainly enjoyed her co-workers, basement dwellers that they were. While archives and research had many employees and had been on floors where different departments mingled, the four of them - Tim, Sasha, Martin, and Jon - were stuck down in the cool basement, surrounded by files, and books, and old foundation. While she had been on amicable terms with Tim before, the forced proximity brought them much closer, and she was happy to meet and befriend Martin. Pretty quickly the three of them began to go out for drinks after work, plan dinners, and movie nights, and get-togethers on weekends. They sometimes invited Jon, but the answer was also unanimously no.
Still, despite Jon’s rebuffs at having a social life, Sasha always felt like her relationship with him was… different than the others. While Tim and Jon had prior acquaintanceship, Sasha only briefly knew Jon in research; and Jon was either oblivious or blatantly ignoring Martin’s crush on him, rebuffing his attempts of flirting and courtship with harsh words and mumbled, unfocused ‘thank yous’ when Martin brought him tea. 
It surprised her how highly Jon thought of her, and how well they got on. 
“Here’s that statement you were after,” Sasha said, after knocking on Jon’s office door. Jon turned in his chair to face her, hand outreached to take the folder when she got close enough.
“Thank you, Sasha,” Jon said, as he grasped the folder. Sasha nodded and was about to let go when she glanced down and saw Jon’s hand.
“Is that nail polish?” She asked suddenly, voice coming out more accusatory than she intended. Jon snatched the folder away from her, curling his fingers into his palms as soon as the paper hit the desk surface. He still wore his face of neutrality, but his jaw was tense. Sasha was surprised at how defensive, and how quickly, Jon reacted to the question, but immediately saw she needed to remedy it. She quickly added, “It looks nice.”
As soon as the compliment was said, Jon seemed to relax a bit. His jaw unclenched and slowly he unfurled his fingers. His nails were a simple black, though it was a messy job and they were already chipping. 
“Oh, thank you.” He said softly.
“Did you do them yourself?” Sasha asked, even though she couldn’t imagine Jon asking for help to do his nails.
“Yes, er. As a child, I always wanted to paint my nails but I couldn’t, so.” He held up his hands, wiggling his fingers. “They’re not very good, are they?”
Sasha shrugged. “Pretty good for a first time, though. Next time you’ll want to push your cuticles back first, and you should probably get a varnish too. It’ll stop them from chipping so much.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you, Sasha,” Jon said, clearly not expecting advice. Sasha gave one last nod, and a, “No problem.” before leaving Jon’s office. 
After that - or maybe Sasha just noticed it more afterwards - Jon seemed to come to work ‘prettied up’ more often. He seemed to listen to her nail advice, and while he often sported plain, black nails - sans chipping, thanks to the nice clear coat he put on - a few times he came into work with blue, or red, or green nails. While Martin and Tim always complimented them, if they noticed, Jon began going up to Sasha to show her every fresh set. Often it would be a week or two between appearances; Jon seemed to just let the previous coat chip off completely before repainting them, approaching Sasha with his hands curled in a way so that he could view his own nails before showing them off to her. Sasha always made sure that she seemed excited to see them, even if they weren’t always that good. The way that Jon seemed to loosen after every compliment, the way his face would soften just a tad made it worth it. 
Soon it became their little routine, even as Jon’s habits changed. While it started with nails, soon Jon would awkwardly approach her to show off the fancy braid he just learned how to do with his growing hair. Often, they were messy and uneven, large strands falling out of the cheap hair ties, but Sasha would say it was nice, before offering to fix it for him. Jon always declined, disappearing into his office and coming out later, braid abandoned and hair in its usual neat bun, but Sasha always offered. For a while, Jon had taken to looking at the clothes Sasha came to work in, awkwardly complimenting her on whatever coat or blouse or shoes she had worn. It took Sasha a few times to realize what he was saying - or at least thinking. 
“I like your skirt,” Jon mumbled one day, as he and Sasha walked into the archives. “It’s very pretty.”
Sasha hummed, looking down at it. It wasn’t anything fantastic, just a black a-line skirt with a vaguely plaid pattern, long enough to be work-appropriate without annoying her. She mostly wore it because the growing pile of dirty laundry in her flat left her few other options. 
“Thank you, Jon,” she replied, before pursing her lips. “You know, I think you would look quite nice in a skirt.”
A bold move, Sasha knew, but after Jon sputtered for a moment, he managed to choke out, “You… you do?”
“Oh, yes. You got nice, slender legs, and if one a little longer it would just add to the frumpy librarian look quite nicely.” Sasha laughed a little, unable to resist the urge to tease a little. Jon gave a polite chuckle and nodded. 
They repeated this process a few more times, over a few weeks. Jon would give Sasha a sincere, if not a bit bumbling compliment on her wardrobe or appearance (often for items Sasha did not care for that much) and after thanking him, she would flip it around and say, “I think this lipgloss colour would suit you better than me” or " a blouse like this would make your collarbones look good” or even being as bold as saying “You should get a dress like it, then we can match.” 
Jon would brush the comments off with a laugh or a denial, but Sasha could see the wheels in his head-turning, the way he would occasionally look at whatever pair of pants he was wearing that day and frown. 
Eventually, Sasha’s hard and not-so-subtle work paid off when she saw Jon shuffle into the archives, not in his usual attire of plain cardigan and button-up, tucked into a pair of boring pants, but with a new look: a cardigan and plain button-up tucked into a shockingly boring skirt. It suited him, though; the long grey fabric skimming his ankles, the way it would flow behind and the way his feet would kick it in front. Jon’s fingers seemed to be absent-mindedly twisting themselves into the fabric, as he made his way towards his office.
Sasha was right; Jon did rock the frumpy librarian look.
“Good morning, Jon,” Sasha greeted, cheerfully. Jon looked up.
“Morning, Sasha.”
“New wardrobe?” She asked, nodding at his outfit. Jon seemed to falter a little, standing still, waiting for her assessment. “I like it! Really suits you.”
And while that was a bit of a lie - Sasha found it to be a bit boring, and she would never have even considered buying herself, though it did quite Jon wonderfully - Sasha couldn’t bring herself to feel the least bit bad, when she heard Jon mutter a soft, “Thank you,” before hurrying to his office. For a split second, Sasha would have sworn that his lips were pulled into a smile, thought for a moment she saw a flash of his teeth, but he was opening and closing his office door before she could confirm.
Despite all her grumbling, thrown insults, and jabs, Melanie didn’t actually dislike Jon. Well, no, she did dislike him, immensely. He’s smug, and rude, and has a know-it-all attitude, and he absolutely did not take her show seriously. But, behind all of that, he respected her abilities and her competence, if not the way that she uses it. She thought of it like she wouldn’t want anything to hurt Jon unless it was her giving him a good slap around the head. 
Still, when she ended up hanging around the Archives more - and shockingly, no one, not even Jon, tried to stop her - after her show fell apart and took most of her professional network with it, she’s surprised how much common ground she shares with Jon. At first, they needed someone else in the room with them, to grease the wheels of conversation - either Sasha siding with Melanie every once in a while, or a well-timed joke from Tim, or Martin’s placating tone - but every time they found themselves able to stand each other without any assistance, even starting their own conversation. Without her show, with its staged dramatics and clickbait titles to feed Jon’s antagonisms, they find that they have similar opinions and histories with the supernatural. 
“Most statements and stories are completely false,” Jon had repeated many times. But soon he began to add, “But the ones that are real are… deeply concerning, and hard to come by.”
More than a few times Jon had caught Melanie digging through filing cabinets, looking for a statement with a shred of truth in it, anything to follow up or make a story out of. After the third time that Jon threw open the door to the filing room and nearly gave himself a heart attack when the light illuminated Melanie’s hunch over figure, reading through a pile of folders that she most certainly was not going to put away properly, Jon sighed and asked, “Why don’t I just give you some statements that seem real.”
Melanie looked up from the file in her hand that she was about to discard. “You’d do that? Isn’t that against ‘policy’ or something.”
Jon rolled his eyes. “I’m sure it’s no more breaking rules than allowing you in here in the first place.” He eyed the pile of statements on the floor, the open drawer with crumbled papers shoved in. “Besides, I’m tired of having to spend an entire day refiling after you pop in.”
And so, Jon started keeping track of statements he believes. First on sticky notes, then on looseleaf paper, and eventually in a notebook so that Melanie can keep track as she goes along, Jon wrote down the name and case number of what he believes are credible cases, and Melanie dug them out of their dusty tombs. Even if she didn’t put them away - which she rarely did, can’t go making Jon’s life too easy, she thought with a grin - it was clear that he appreciated knowing exactly where they came from. She still browsed around, skimming through statements that Jon doesn’t believe, but she puts those ones back where she finds them if they weren't worth her time. 
Their strange friendship continued like that for a few months. They steered clear of personal topics, even, no, especially,  as Melanie began going on dates with Georgie. Occasionally, a personal detail would slip in; Jon mentioned that he hates denim skirts after telling Melanie about a statement that, for some reason, explicitly mentions them (“And what makes you an expert on what women should wear?” Melanie asked, annoyance clear in her. 
Jon furrowed his eyebrows. “What? No, I’m talking about me. I hate wearing denim skirts.”
“Oh,” Melanie says, the wind coming out of her sails. “Uh, me too.”). At one point Melanie mentioned that she loves artificial blue raspberry, which made Jon scrunch his nose in disgust. Before they knew it, Melanie and Jon knew about the other’s thoughts on movies, books, fashion, the weather, politics, animals, food, and whether or not Rosie is dating that one woman from HR.
It was a slow and gradual shift, one that caught both of them off guard. But neither was anxious to prevent it and really, Melanie was kind of interested to see where it would go. It’s with that thought in mind, seeing how this will go, that she throws a folder onto Jon’s desk. He hadn’t looked up when she knocked and entered without waiting, but with the manila folder obscuring whatever paperwork he was doing, he sighs and lifts his head. 
“Yes, Melanie?”
“This statement was misfiled,” Melanie said, glee and gloating oozing out of her voice. She cackled when she saw Jon scowl, arms crossing automatically. He glanced down at the casefile.
“It most certainly was not,” Jon huffed, picking it up. He doesn’t even mention how it wasn’t a file he gave her, so keen to prove her wrong. “It was filed by year, 2006, subsection ‘non-human creature’, subsection ‘false’ and-”
“Exactly,” Melanie interrupted. “It’s not fake.”
“What do you mean it’s not fake.” Jon narrowed his eyes. “It’s about a bloody sea monster!”
“A sea monster which is described in another statement from 1984,” Melanie threw another folder onto his desk, which Jon hadn’t noticed in her hand in his haste to disagree, “And, one that causes damage similar to this accident report,” Melanie unlocked her phone and shoved it into Jon’s face. His eyes crossed and squinted as he tried to read the news article on the screen. “Which, by the way, all occur in the same region of the Barents Sea.”
Jon lifted his eyes from the phone screen, still slightly glaring at Melanie. He looked away after a second, raising a hand to scratch the side of his face.
“Well, then, I guess we will have to look into it some more,” his voice was different than what Melanie was used to. Behind the movement of his hand, Melanie thought she saw some falses of teeth and saw a slight twinkle in his eye. He quickly dropped his face, expression and voice back to normal, “But, this is not permission for you to go back to rummaging through my files!”
Melanie grinned wolfishly, putting a hand on her hip. The gentle voice and expression were already leaving her mind. “Like I ever needed your permission, Jon.”
It was almost surprising how well Daisy got on with Jon. She supposed it was because they were both a bit quieter than the people around them, got a bit more drained from human interaction than others, a bit more like old souls. Only, Daisy was more of an ‘old soul’ because the thought of all the therapy she had to go through years ago still made her tired and because she was literally about fifteen years older than everyone else in the Archives. 
“Why is it that your joints hurt more than mine even though you’re a baby?” Daisy asked, after finding Jon laying on the floor of his office, hair and dress fanned out on the floor. When she had questioned his state, he just mumbled, “m’back hurts.”
Calling him a baby made him grumble more. “I’m not a baby, I am a grown man-”
“More like an old man.” Daisy joked, sitting down cross-legged by his head. “Seriously, you’re too young to be aching this much.”
Jon shrugged, shirt rustling against the carpet. “I’ve always ached. I guess having a desk job just made it worse.”
Daisy nodded. She couldn’t really relate; all her old aches hadn’t been physical, and before the archives all her jobs involved in a lot of moving - whether it was fast food as a teenager, or retail as a young adult, and then the police. 
“You should go to a chiropractor, get a massage.” She suggested.
“Chiropractor and masseuse are two different professions.”
“Piss off, you know what I’m saying.” Jon rolled his eyes and squirmed a bit on the floor. 
“I don’t like the thought of someone… massaging me.”
“It feels really good,” Daisy replies, thinking back to the few massages she had gotten in her life. “And chiropractors don’t really massage, they just snap your joints back into place and then give you weird exercises to do.”
Jon shrugged again and didn’t say anything. Daisy wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t have anything to say, or if his previous movement made something along his spine twinge. After a minute of silence, with Jon’s face occasionally morphing from boredom to discomfort, Daisy got an idea. 
“Stand up,” she said, getting to her feet herself. Jon looked up, startled.
“Just do it,” Daisy stuck her hand out for Jon to take. With a little effort, Jon sat up, groaning a little, before taking her stand to stand. As soon as he was upright, Daisy reached down to hold Jon from under his armpits.
“Uh, Daisy, what are you doing?” Jon asked, arms sticking straight out, stiff, as Daisy brought his body closer to her.
“I’m going to reset your back,” Daisy said, as Jon’s face squished against her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve done this a few times, it usually helps.”
Jon mumbled something, before yelping when Daisy stood closer to her full height and he was lifted a few inches off the ground. Jon’s arms instinctually went around Daisy’s shoulders, even though she was fully supporting his weight. 
“Okay, you gotta relax your body, untense your muscles- Jon that is the opposite of untensing. There you go, okay, you’re going to hear a crack,” She said, before squeezing Jon into her body, forearms pressed across different parts of his back. There was a loud crack as she felt Jon tighten his arms around her and give a little yell into her shoulder. 
She loosened her grip, but still held him close for a second, just in case. She felt his mouth move against her shirt, and at first, she thought he was mumbling something, but then the movement ceased for a few seconds. Another small movement, and then no motion once again. Finally, she lowered Jon to the floor and released him. He stood, and quickly went to smoothing out his shirt.
“How’d that feel?” Daisy asks, noticing how he wasn’t automatically going back to lie on the ground. Jon stilled for a second, before saying,
“It feels a lot better. Thank you, Daisy.”
Martin knew he wasn’t subtle, at least not when it came to Jon. He knew practically anyone who came down to the Archives could tell he had a crush, knew that his attempts to coddle, and talk to, and make Jon proud were just about as sly as painting a banner that said: “I WANT TO DATE JONATHAN SIMS.”
He almost couldn’t help it. Sure, he had gotten a bit better at not letting Jon treat him like a doormat over the years - sometimes Jon even seemed pleasantly surprised when Martin told him off for being mean - but there was still an undeniable urge to be gentle with him, to treat him kindly, to make him smile. 
Not that anyone had any recollection of Jon smiling - hell, Tim even made a few jokes that Jon was probably in a terrible accident as a smile and ‘broke his smile muscles, but left his annoying muscles intact’. It wasn’t very funny, but Martin and Sasha still laughed. 
Still, in some masochistic kind of way, Martin enjoyed this prolonged courtship. And even though his friends were sure that nothing was advancing, that Martin was still being a pining fool (which wasn’t an inaccurate description) and Jon was still being an unrequiting idiot, Martin was sure that he was making progress. Jon and he were having more… moments. More times where they would make eye contact and Jon’s face would soften, more conversations where Jon would ramble off-topic, at ease and relaxed, before remembering himself and Martin and roping him back into the conversation. There would be times where Martin would pass Jon a cup of tea, mug angled so that Jon could easily grab the handle, and yet Jon would take the mug in such a way that their fingers would brush. Sometimes they even lingered there, the heat of ceramic burning his hand, almost unnoticeable in comparison to the heat of his face as Jon glanced at him through his eyelashes, saying, “Thank you, Martin.”
Maybe it was just because no one else was privy to these moments, or maybe Martin really was just a yearning fool, desperately grasping at anything that suggested Jon returned his affection, but no one else seemed to understand these moments or take them seriously. 
“Your crush is getting out of control,” Tim said one day, after watching Martin bring Jon tea in a mug covered in hearts. “Like, legally speaking, I think it’s too much.”
Martin rolled his eyes. Jon had stared at the mug for a few seconds before taking it, and even though it was still piping hot, much too warm to comfortably drink, he took a sip as soon as it was in his grasp. “This is lovely, Martin. Thank you.”
“Leave it alone, Tim, it’s fine,” Martin replied, going back to sit at his desk. 
“No, it is getting a bit ridiculous,” Sasha agreed. “I mean, how long have you been after him? Like, I love Jon, trust me, but he’s either oblivious or ignoring your, uh, flirting attempts.”
“He’s not ignoring them.”
“So he’s just oblivious?”
“I don’t think so.” Sasha and Tim looked at him strangely. He sighed. “Look, things are fine, okay? It’s fine, just let me… do my thing.”
“Fine, we will ‘let you do your thing’ but, for the record, you probably could have gotten with at least three people in the time that you’ve been lusting after Jon,” Tim said, earning a laugh from Sasha. 
But it was fine, whatever he and Jon had. It was certainly more than what he had been getting before, and even though he wanted more - chest aching at the sight of a frazzled or tired Jon, feeling the need to brush his hair out of his face, to press tender kisses to his eyelids, the near unbearably desire to just hold him, and care for him - Martin wasn’t unhappy. And somehow he knew Jon wasn’t either. 
Sometimes Jon even sought Martin out, intentionally leaving his stuffy office only to walk over to Martin's desk and chat with him for a few minutes before returning. Often he would have to return a minute later, muttering about leaving a pen or a pencil or a hair tie. (One time, as Jon turned around to leave, Martin saw the pen on the edge of his desk, and said, “You left your pen.”
Jon had turned around, looking almost disappointed. “Oh. Yes, thank you, Martin.”
He collected his pen and returned to his office. Martin didn’t see him until he said goodbye for the night. The next time he saw Jon dropping something at his desk, he didn’t mention it.)
When Jon actually remembered to eat lunch now, he would only come out to eat if Martin hadn’t eaten already, as he had taken to sitting either across or directly next to him during meal times. If Jon was sitting next to him - usually because Melanie or Basira were sitting across the shifty breakroom table - Martin could feel Jon gently, almost shyly, pressing his knee against Martin’s leg. Jon’s face was always blank, but if Martin made any move to shift away, Jon’s head would snap towards him until contact was either completely broken or restored. 
Of course, there wasn’t an easy way to explain this to anyone else. How could Martin have possibly hoped to quantify glances, and touches, and the new intonations when Jon said ‘Martin’, the name now completely different than what Jon used to call him, despite no letters changing. How to explain it when no one else seemed to notice the magnitude of these changes if they noticed the changes at all?
So Martin rolled his eyes and made jokes with the others as they teased and prodded him about his ‘crush that was going nowhere on the boss’, and hoped, like so many times before, that Jon couldn’t hear them through his office door.
As pathetic as it sounded, Martin was prepared to play the long game, to continue this dance he and Jon had begun as long as it took, to tolerate the unbearable loneliness that crept up on him at home so long as he got to see Jon at work, to keep bringing him tea every day until, well, until something happened, or until one of them left the archives. Martin had made peace with that fact, though he loathed to admit it, even to himself. 
And then, Jon asked for his help one day. 
“Can you stay late with me this evening? I need some assistance looking into a statement.” Jon had been formal, professional when he asked. 
“Of course,” Martin said, if not because any time spent with Jon was a good time (usually, not even Martin was in deep enough to enjoy some of Jon’s moods), then because he did take his job seriously. “Anything you need.”
“I can stay behind too if you need extra help,” Basira offered, turning to look at Jon.
Jon nodded at her. “Thank you for offering, but I’ll only be needing Martin.”
And he has to admit, hearing that did bring warmth to his face and to his chest.
The help that Jon needed was minimal. Some of it was just reaching a file of a self that was too high since the stepladder that he used to use had broken, and Martin knew that Jon had too much pride to ask for help reaching something when everyone was in. Otherwise, all he needed assistance with was looking over a few files to see if a name popped up in all of them. All in all, it only took about half an hour, including the time it took to re-sort the files and put the relevant ones on Jon’s desk. 
As Martin was preparing to leave, Jon approached him one more time, also clad in his winter coat and bulky scarf tucked under his chin. He stood in front of Martin, looking intently. Martin waited for, well, something. Jon took a deep breath.
“Would- Are you- Do,” Jon scowled at himself, took another breath and reached up to tug his scarf lower again so that more of his face was visible. “Martin, would you like to go out to eat with me?”
“Yeah, of course,” Martin replied, cheeks reddening slightly. Jon paused for a moment.
“I mean this as a date.”
Martin looked at Jon, bundled in his winter wear, hair slightly tangled, fumbling over asking Martin out!
“I knew that’s what you meant,” Martin said with a smile. He looked down at Jon’s hands, clenched tightly into themselves. He reached a hand out and carefully brushed a finger along the knuckles of on. “Of course, I would like to go on a date with you.”
And when he looked up, he saw Jon smiling, and it felt like seeing the stars for the first time. Jon always said he looked much older than he was, which Martin was inclined to agree, but when he smiled, he looked more his age. The tiredness and stress that plagued his expressions disappeared under the glow of his grin, eyes crinkled, and. Dimples. 
Jon had dimples, nestled in between his smile lines, a secret that Martin knew he was now the only one in the Institute besides Jon who knew they existed. 
“You have dimples,” Martin said, a smile creeping onto his own face. “They’re cute.”
Jon sputtered a, “No they’re not!” and Martin could see he was trying to return his face to its usually impassive expression, but it seemed that every time he got close, his grin would break through. Eventually, Jon tugged his scarf up to cover his mouth, but Martin still saw his eyes crinkled, somehow still felt Jon smiling through the layers.
“They’re cute,” Martin repeated, wanting to pull Jon’s scarf down again. This want was different than what he usually felt, a desire not tinged with sadness or loss. Maybe it was presumptuous, but Martin knew that this urge would be met. Maybe not now, but soon. 
And Martin thought about Jon’s smile, even when he asked, voice muffled behind the layers of wool, where Martin wanted to go to eat, and would Martin like to walk, transit or take a cab there, and, and and.
Martin thought about Jon’s smile, knowing he was one of the few people to see it, knowing that he would get to see it again
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