#phoenix translates
phoenix-downer · 3 months
KH4 First Trailer
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This is the first KH4-related translation post I've done (nearly two years late ;lakjsdf my how the time flies), and hopefully there will be many more to come. I'll be focusing on the dialogue and text in the trailer and not so much on the camera angles, character expressions, etc. this time around just because I want to keep the focus on the translations.
Here’s a general key for the kind of analysis I like to do:
JP: Official Japanese Dialogue
EN: Official English Dialogue
TR: My Translation (usually more literal and thus more stilted than the official English version. I’m not using natural-sounding English in order to stick as close to the Japanese versions of the lines as possible for the purpose of analysis)
Notes: things I found interesting, grammatical points, extra thoughts, etc.
One last note: media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every work of art must be viewed through the cultural lens of the people who made it. Kingdom Hearts, for all its ties to Disney, is still very much a Japanese game, so it should be analyzed in light of that.
With that in mind, let’s continue.
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JP 自分が望む結末ではなかったと絶望するのならー
EN If this isn't the ending you desired—if it brings you despair—
TR If (this) wasn't the ending you hoped for—if (you) feel despair—
Notes: Sigurd is apparently the character saying these next few lines.
The word for "ending" here, ketsumatsu, is an interesting word choice. It is often used in the context of stories (though it also has other uses), which fits really well with how KH4 will play around with the concept of reality vs. unreality. So on a meta level it's like, "If you didn't like how KH3 ended, if you didn't like how Sora ended up, then help him escape Quadratum."
Also, the word the official English version translates as "desired," nozomu, can mean "desire, want, wish for, hope for," and it's an antonym of zetsubō, the word translated "despair." So there's this nice poetic contrast going on between hope and despair in this bit in the Japanese version.
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JP 他の世界に退場すればいい
EN then leave this world for another
TR —(then you) should leave for another world.
Notes: This particular word for "leave," taijō, can be used for leaving venues, stadiums, parking lots, rooms, sports games, etc. It can also be used for actors exiting the stage. Take a look at definition #1, which translated states, "Leaving venues, stadiums etc." and #2, which translated states, "Actors etc. leaving the stage" (Source):
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I thought that was really interesting, because using a word with these specific connotations makes me wonder if this is more of that meta commentary, this time about how we should direct Sora the character to leave Quadratum if we so desire. Sure, the general sense of "leave" or "exit" is the main meaning here, but I always get so intrigued by word choice and all the connotations a word has.
Also, the phrasing isn't exactly the same, but there is a euphemism in Japanese for the place your soul goes when you die, takai, that uses the same kanji as hoka no sekai that we see in "another world" here, it just uses the onyomi pronunciation instead of the kunyomi pronunciation for "another" hoka/tai and has no no particle.
Googling hoka no sekai brought up a lot of images about parallel worlds and the isekai genre, so that's probably the most accurate connotation given Sora's world traveling adventures thus far, but I still thought that was an interesting tidbit, even if it's a complete reach on my end. Like sure Sora can go to other worlds, but he's still dead, so he's still going to more places where he's dead and can't go home where he'd be fully alive.
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JP 選択肢は無限にあるはずだー
EN Your options are endless.
TR (Your) options/choices should be endless/limitless—
Notes: I really like how the English version contrasts "ending" with "endless." You don't like the ending Sora got in KH3? Your options for taking him to other worlds are "endless." The Japanese version has this interesting tidbit too where the speaker conveys an expectation. He says hazu, which means "expected," "should be," "must be." So he expects Sora's options are endless, but it has a slightly different nuance than if he'd just said they are endless.
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JP 心は魂に宿り 魂は運命によって在るべき場所へ導かれる
EN The heart resides within the soul which in turn is guided by fate to its rightful place
TR (The) heart dwells in (the) soul, (and the) soul is guided by fate to its rightful place (lit. the place it should be).
Notes: There's not really any difference between the official English version and my translation. It's just interesting to break it down. For whatever reason the "rightful place" of the soul has the verb of existence for inanimate objects (aru) instead of the one for animate objects (iru). Not sure if that's a set phrase or if the soul in this context would be considered an inanimate object (time to go down a rabbithole about animacy in Japanese).
This bit also kinda reminded me of how Xehanort talked in KH3 when he was recounting the cycle of light and darkness. The language has a very "mythological"/storytelling feel to me, which makes sense given whoever is saying these lines is talking about fate, destiny, the nature of the universe, etc. And then the floating text in the darkness also reminds me of the Dive into the Heart sequences with the disembodied voice as well, so it could also be a reference to that.
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JP 選択は再び委ねられる
EN The choice is yours once more.
TR (The) choice is left (to you) once more./(The) choice is entrusted (to you) once more.
Notes: Once again, this bit of text seems very meta. It feels like it's addressed to the fans, given how we're the ones who will be controlling Sora in KH4. And of course the image shows his chess piece with his crown symbol on it, so the implication is that Sora's heart will be the one guiding him once more, and his heart will be guided by fate.
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JP あなたはこの世界に来て7日間 ずっと眠っていたの
EN You've been asleep since you arrived in this world seven days ago.
TR You came to this world seven days ago (and you)'ve been sleeping (the) whole time.
Notes: I don't love my translation because nanokakan more literally means "a period of seven days," but yeah I think I get the gist across.
Strelitzia refers to Sora as anata here when the norm is to refer to other people by their names in Japanese, even when addressing them directly, so either she doesn't know his name yet or she's being very polite, almost distant. She also ends her declaration with no, likely to indicate she's offering more of an explanation (it also makes her sound pretty cute and feminine).
Also, as I'm going through this trailer again, I'm reminded that Sora doesn't talk at all. He has the battle grunts during his fight against the Darkside, but he doesn't have any dialogue. I just thought that was interesting, because Xehanort commented on Sora not having a voice in Melody of Memory as well. Somehow that also told Xehanort where Sora's heart is located (foreshadowing for this game I suppose). I wonder if Sora will be similarly voiceless at first in KH4 or if he just is for this trailer for dramatic effect because Nomura knows everyone wants to hear him speak.
And then of course I have to mention the significance of Sora being asleep in Quadratum for seven days. Seven has a lot of significance in the KH universe, given how there are seven guardians of light. Seven is also the length of a week, and it's a number that has connotations of wholeness and completion in certain cultures.
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JP ここは クァッドラトゥムー
EN This is Quadratum—
TR (This is) Quadratum—
Notes: Not really anything to note here other than the gorgeous graphics, how Sora doesn't look at all like his usual cheerful self (no smile to be found), and the colors in Quadratum seem very warm/brown/earth tones/"real" and not super bright and colorful like in the "main" KH universe.
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JP 生者の世界ではあるけれどー
EN It's a world full of life—
TR (It's) a world of living people/the living but—
Notes: Seija is translated as "full of life" in the official English version, but it more literally means "living people" or "the living." So Strelitzia is pointing out that all around them are living people and yet, for her and Sora, it's still a world of death because she and Sora should be dead.
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JP 私たちにとっては“死の世界”ってことになるみたい
EN but for you and I, it's similar to an "afterworld," I suppose.
TR —for us, (it) seems like it's "a world of death."
Notes: This is where I wish the English version was closer to the Japanese version. "World of death" or "world of the dead" would've been a closer translation, and I'm not sure why it wasn't used (perhaps to avoid mentioning the dreaded "d" word). I do like the pun-like quality of "afterworld," combining "afterlife" and the oft-used-in-the-KH-universe "world," and since the translators have access to information I don't about the game's lore, I can't say whether crucial lore has been lost in translation, but I wanted to point out the difference here.
Also, the grammar pattern Strelitzia uses here, koto ni naru, indicates something that's outside of her and Sora's control. This being an afterlife of sorts for the two of them was decided by factors beyond their control, in other words. She also uses mitai to indicate her speculation/observation.
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JP だがー
EN However—
TR However—
Notes: This is back to Sigurd speaking, and very ominously so.
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JP 一度退場すれば元の世界に戻れると思うなー
EN if you do leave this world behind, don't expect to return to the one from which you came—
TR —once (you) leave, don't think (you) can go back to (your) original world—
Notes: This ends on a rather ominous note. Again the word taijō is used here for "leave" much like earlier in the trailer. I remember this dialogue when I first watched this trailer because it was such a wham line. What do you mean Sora can't go home? He can go to other worlds but he can't go home? What will it take to bring him home then? Something pretty drastic from the sounds of it.
Also, I like the formal wording of the official English version. Sigurd sounds like he's from a different time.
Then of course this next bit cuts to Donald and Goofy, searching for ways to find Sora presumably:
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JP どこにいるんだろう?
EN I wonder where he is.
TR (I) wonder where (he) is.
Notes: Nothing really to talk about, just that the "I" and "he" is implied in Japanese (Japanese tends to drop pronouns in places they would be required in English because there's enough info provided by context, verb conjugations, etc. to figure out who the speaker is talking about).
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JP 手がかり見つかるといいね
EN I don't know, but I sure hope he can help.
TR I hope (we) can find (a) clue.
Notes: A bit of a difference here, Goofy is focused more on finding a clue in Japanese whereas in English he's hoping "he" (Hades, presumably) can help.
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JP おい
EN Hey!
TR Hey!
Notes: Hades' Japanese VA has a very distinctive voice, and so right from this word you know it's him a;lsdkjf and he's as snarky and blunt as ever lol.
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JP どこへ行くんだ
EN Just where do you think you're going?
TR (Just) where (do you think you)'re going?
Notes: I love the sass and snark of the English translation, and it captures the vibes of the Japanese version well (Hades uses ~nda at the end of the sentence to indicate he wants more information out of them). They found Hades, but now they'll actually have to deal with Hades...
And that's what I have for now! I am curious about what promo material will be released next and what new tidbits we'll have to speculate on. Fingers crossed we get more info around the anniversary this year!
The Japanese trailer is here.
The English trailer is here.
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turnaboutarchives · 6 months
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Gyakuten Tsuushin 10: “One’s Heritage” Translation
(Note: My Japanese is not very good so feel free to message me to correct any errors!)
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inbarfink · 3 months
Honestly, the whole ‘Germarica’ thing is a really underappreciated bit of hilarity from Ace Attorney and its localization. Like, I don’t know what’s funnier, the fact that the original Japanese version explained pretty much any Ludicrously Young Legal Professional in the series as “Well, they studied in America, and they do say America is ‘the Land of the Free’ so repeatedly assaulting people with whips and letting Literal Babies prosecute trials is just 100% okay over there!” - or the fact that the American Localizers saw that and were like "....Well… obviously we’re going to have to change that in our version” and then decided the most suitable replacement was Germany. 
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year
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This is Phoenix and Edgeworth's profiles as imagined by character designer Ms. Suekane. We got quite different answers from her compared to Takumi and the others!!
Phoenix's profile
Birthday: Maybe a Virgo? I kinda get the feeling he was born in September.
Blood type: O type. His attitude towards Maya and his fairly easygoing nature give me that impression.
Birthplace: Saitama, maybe? It's close to Tokyo but not on the same level because it's more rural. Maybe Saitama or Chiba or Ibaraki? But Takumi-san is from Saitama? Well, let's go with Saitama, then.
Non-work clothes: A hoodie. I want Phoenix to like wearing hoodies (lol). I can't think of anything else that would suit him. On the bottom, he'd wear cargo pants.
Living situation: He lives at his office. He's got a locker there where he keeps blankets and stuff to sleep on.
On his days off: He does nothing. He kinda just spaces out in the morning, then when noon comes he eats lunch and watches TV. When evening comes, he eats dinner, watches more TV, bathes, and sleeps. But if someone invites him out then he'll go.
Hobbies: Video games and stuff. Like fighting games (lol). I can see him with his controller going "tap tap tap tap" and smashing out combos. He might also play Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy or those types of games.
Favorite food: He's omnivorous. He'll eat whatever but he's kinda happy when there's meat in it. He loves meat.
Luxury foods: Diet cola. Beef jerky would be fine too (lol). He drinks alcohol but it doesn't show on his face much. Not beer, but like Japanese hot sake (lol)
Sports: Swimming. In general he's useless at sports but he'd be like "swimming is the only thing I'm good at." He seems like he'd get a little excited while talking about swimming.
Music: He doesn't listen to music. He'll go to karaoke if someone brings him, though.
Cellphone: He updates it fairly regularly, but because he always waits for the price to go down, he always ends up with one that's two models behind (lol).
His part time job in college: Something loose, because he doesn't commit himself to things… Like maybe he worked at a convenience store.
His type: I feel like he dreams about someone with abstract qualities like being "kind" or "domestic". Just thinking about those words gets him all starry-eyed and sighing (lol).
Edgeworth's profile
Birthday: He's an Aries, which means he was born on April 2nd or later. Let's go with April 2nd (lol).
Blood type: Type AB, because I feel like his emotions kinda have peaks and valleys.
Birthplace: Chiba. At first I thought Ace Attorney took place in Soga (a city in Chiba Prefecture).
Non-work clothes: A jacket, but not like a suit jacket, more like a casual one. Like from Paul Smith or something.
Living situation: A normal apartment. A lot of his furniture is Japanese handicraft stuff, and I feel like he'd put a lot of money into making his place feel Japanese.
On his days off: He goes shopping or on walks and has an elegant lunch. If he drives a car, it would be a silver one (lol).
Hobbies: Collecting western antiques and Japanese handicrafts.
Favorite food: Taro and meat soup (imoni). He has a favorite deli in his neighborhood that makes it.
Luxury foods: Whiskey. He enjoys it on the rocks.
Sports: He used to play soccer, but now he does weight training. He's got a defined six-pack.
Music: jazz. He listens to it while drinking his whiskey. Eminem fills him with rage.
Cellphone: A normal one. He uses his computer to send emails so he really only uses it to talk.
His part time job in college: Administrative assistant. He'd help with paperwork only when the office was really busy.
His type: Someone who doesn't lie to him. I have nothing in particular to add to that.
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neurotonic · 1 month
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Oh, dito ka lang, dito ka lang Bumabagal ang ikot ng mundo Kapag ika'y nariyan, oh, aking tahanan
Got inspired by this collection of old hollywood pictures...and I also wanted to futz around with painty styles a little more :]
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muffinlance · 8 months
Toddler: My sweet tooth is like a phoenix, it is reborn every year
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keineahnung-ichhalt · 1 month
I'm currently replaying Ace Attorney in German and a really interesting thing they did in the translation is having Franziska use the informal you for everyone, even in court. This is really striking because she is the only character in the games so far to use the informal you, other than Maya and Phoenix with each other, and they've been friends for a year at this point, so that's to be expected. But they're in a courtroom, a very formal space, and they have never met before, so this is a situation where you definitely should use the formal you. By not doing so, she puts herself above everyone else and very clearly asserts her dominance. She's there to show them that she's better than them and she knows it. And as much as I like to criticise some of the choices made in the translation, this is such a great characterisation choice.
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v-valor · 5 months
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pricelesscinemas · 9 months
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sumirerin · 2 years
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makaira-art · 3 months
Valentine's Day and White Day Gyakuten Snapshot Translations
Scans from Court Records by JapaneseGIRL
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Hello, I'm the second illustrator for "Ace Attorney", Tatsuro Iwamoto. I will be drawing Ace Attorney in this space for a bit. Thank you for having me! The theme for this first commemorative illustration is "Valentine's Day". As the 2 members of the Fey family don't really understand the relationship between chocolate and valentines day very well, Larry and Edgeworth are called to help. It has that sort of vibe, doesn't it? Larry, who is skilled with his hands, is the general manager, while in contrast it seems that Edgeworth is forced to do the menial work. Pearls must have been the one that inspired Maya with the existence of Valentine's Day. Everyone, please imagine all sorts of things. It's also about characters that aren't present. For example, Lotta probably came to sell stolen photos of Phoenix under the guise of materials for making the chocolate. Detective Gumshoe could be about to smell the chocolate and rush in. And I wonder if Oldbag is making her own chocolate bust of Edgeworth.
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The theme for the second drawing is "White Day", which has become an illustration in response to the previous theme of "Valentines Day". The fact that Edgeworth is serving Maya and Pearls means that Edgeworth may have received chocolate from the girls. The Steel Samurai on top of the cake was likely made by Larry. If Franziska was invited, does that mean she gave chocolates as well? Wright is… He might be unsatisfied with how small he is in the illustration despite being the main character. By the way, what kind of sweets are generally gifted on white day? I feel like there was speculation that in the past, marshmallows were given, but I haven't heard that lately. I had a lot of trouble deciding what Edgeworth would have to give.
Prosecutor's Office Corner:
Postcard 1:
Edgeworth: Here, Detective Gumshoe and I will introduce the postcards. Thanks for having us. Gumshoe: Thanks for the quick postcard! I was surprised by the expression on prosecutor Edgeworth's face when making the Wright-style chocolate, wow!* Edgeworth: Look forward to your next month's salary assessment…
Postcard 2:
Edgeworth: Hmm. An Ace Attorney orchestra concert?
Gumshoe: I have to eat instant noodles every day in order to go to this concert!
Edgeworth: More importantly, it seems that Justice has an announcement as well, so I'm looking forward to it.
*tn: I assume Gumshoe is expressing shock-- he uses an expression for when one is taken aback and thinks something is amazing, terrible, etc. Could be like "the face you made was amazing!"
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phoenix-downer · 1 year
Thanks for answering in such a timely manner and I completely understand that! I know you did great work post KH3 when people were making a fuss about the localizations and you don’t have a bias in your translations so I thought you were the best person to reach out to! There was a few bits in Riku’s telling of KH3 talking about how the guardians were saved that had me questioning a few things.
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Here Riku is talking about the defeat and revival of the guardians and I was wondering if in this sentence he confirms that it was specifically only Sora and Kairi that were responsible for restoring them? Many have speculated Riku played a part in the process but to me it seems even Riku himself refutes the idea in this sentence if that makes sense?
And the other line I wanted to ask about was the last line of the page. The rough translation I got was this was the beginning of sora and kairi who were separated’s story.
I have rough translations of both but I was wondering how to translate them more naturally? Thanks in advance for your time I really do appreciate it! I had planned on making a tweet on the manner but I will respect your rules 100% and just keep the information here in the asks! ✨
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Sure, thanks for the ask! Here's a transcription of the Japanese version, then the Romaji version followed by a rather literal English version and then a more naturalistic version.
Excerpt 1:
JP: そしてキーブレード墓場で、俺たちはマスターゼアノートの戦いに挑むが、敗北した…はずだった。
Romaji: Soshite kīburēdo hakaba de, oretachi wa masutā zeanōto no tatakai ni tanomu ga, haiboku shita... hazudatta.
Sora to kairi no omoi ga oretachi o hikimodosu.
EN: And at (the) Keyblade Graveyard, we challenge Master Xehanort to (a) battle, but (we) were defeated... (or at least that's what) was supposed to happen.
Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings bring us back.
More naturalistic version: And at the Keyblade Graveyard, we challenged Master Xehanort to a battle, but we were defeated... or at least that's what should've happened.
Sora and Kairi's feelings brought us back.
To answer your question, based on Riku's words here and the grammatical structures he uses, it's clear he gives Sora and Kairi credit for restoring everyone to life. He doesn't take credit at all but groups himself in with the people who were brought back by using oretachi, "us/we," as the direct object of hikimodosu, "restore/bring back," which is indicated by the direct object marker o. And just to make things really clear, the subject in this sentence is Sora to Kairi no omoi, "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings," which is marked by the ga subject marker particle and indicates that Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings are what brought "us" (Riku included) back.
And just to be fair, the start of this section is a quote from Riku to Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard:
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JP ソラ 俺は信じてる
EN Sora, you don’t believe that.
TR Sora, I believe (in you).
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JP おまえはあきらめない
EN I know you don’t.
TR You won’t give up/You haven’t given up.
I could see Riku's quote being... creatively interpreted into giving him credit for helping rescue everyone as well, given how he encouraged Sora not to give up, but Sora kinda gave up anyway once Riku died, and (granted I haven't played KH3 in a while so I'm going off of memory here, so take my interpretation with a grain of salt), it wasn't really till Sora heard from Chirithy in The Final World that Kairi was fighting with all her heart to keep him alive that he really regained his drive.
Plus, taking credit for rescuing everyone is not at all the sense I get from Riku's words here. If anything, he places all the credit with Sora and Kairi for reviving everyone and doesn't try to take it for himself. The inclusion of his quote at the top almost gives me the vibe that he's thinking, see, I knew Sora wouldn't give up, I believed in him, and he's proven me right with how he and Kairi brought everyone back. In the next sentence he does talk about how he defeated Ansem and how the others defeated the various Xehanort vessels, which tracks exactly with what we see in the game, but he does not take credit for everyone being revived; that was Sora and Kairi's doing. He's come a long way from how arrogant he was in KH1, and this excerpt really shows his growth and his admiration for his friends.
Additional Notes: A few interesting grammar points: I was doing some quick research, and 戦いに挑む with its use of the ni particle gives the impression that the battle was already scheduled or planned (which makes sense, given the themes of fate in KH3 and Xehanort's machinations).
Hazudatta means something like "should've happened" or "was expected to happen." In other words, Riku is making it clear that they should've lost the battle and would have if it weren't for Sora and Kairi.
The word I translated as "thoughts/feelings," omoi, can mean a variety of things; here's the full definition from jisho.org to give you an idea of the nuance here:
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And then the compound verb, hikimodosu, is interesting because if you look at the kanji it literally means "pull + return," and together the meaning is exactly what you'd think: to bring back, to restore, to return, to reinstate. There's this image inherently built into the meaning of the verb of the subject pulling the object back to itself (and in this case Sora and Kairi's feelings are pulling their friends out of the abyss and back to them, back to life).
Riku uses a different verb, hikimodosu, than Sora uses in Blank Points to talk about wanting to rescue his friends, but I thought it was interesting all the same because it's another -modosu compound verb, torimodoshi. Sora is the one wanting to "take back" his friends, and Riku is speaking of the same act but as being on the receiving end of it ("we were pulled/brought back" by "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings" vs. Sora telling Kairi in Blank Points he "has to go and take back/recover all that is connected to him" aka his friends). Not anything huge or groundbreaking, I just thought it was kinda neat.
Excerpt 2:
JP: そして俺たちは見知らぬ世界でマスター・ゼアノートと戦い勝利する。だがそれはソラとカイリ、ふたりが離れ離れになる物語の始まりだった。
Romaji: Soshite oretachi wa misharanu sekai de masutā zeanōto to tatakai shōri suru. Daga sore wa sora to kairi, futari ga hanarebanare ni naru monogatari no hajimari datta.
EN: And in a strange/unfamiliar world, we fight with Master Xehanort and win. But for Sora and Kairi, that was the start of the story of the two of them becoming separated.
More naturalistic translation: And in a strange world, we fought Master Xehanort and won. But for Sora and Kairi, it was the start of the story of their separation from each other.
I find it really interesting how Riku frames this, like the next arc of Sora's story is centered on his separation from Kairi. He contrasts the victory against Xehanort with the separation of Sora and Kairi and speaks of that separation in terms of it being the beginning of a story. Also, the quote at the beginning of this section in gold is one of Sora's lines at the end of KH3...
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JP ううん 俺はこのまま行くよ
EN No, I know what to do.
TR No. I’ll go on from here.
...which is what Sora says right before he goes after Kairi. One story ends as another begins. I think a big part of Sora's next story arc will be his reunion with Kairi, just going off of how everything has been set up and how Riku refers to his separation from Kairi here.
Additional Notes: This is just linguistic nerdery so feel free to skip it lol but in case anyone wants to read more about Japanese linguistics:
Mishiranu strikes me as a set expression that originated in an older form of the language but continues to be used today, as it preserves the older form of the negative verb conjugation shiranu instead of using the more modern shiranai. It's something I want to do more research on to see if my hunch is correct or completely off, so off I go lol.
Hanarebanare is a word that exhibits the rendaku phenomenon where a word repeats in Japanese, and in its repeated second form the voiceless obstruent consonant that starts the word becomes voiced ("h" used to be pronounced as "p" in Japanese, and "b" is said in the exact same position of the mouth/lips as "p," only with voicing, so I wonder if this word was originally panarebanare and then the "p" became "h" over time after the rendaku occurred, and now I've found another rabbit hole to look into lol).
Anyway, thank you for the ask Star! Hope that helped with your questions ❤️
(Ninja edit: I realized I inserted a particle where there wasn't one in the second excerpt and updated my translation slightly to account for it--no major changes to the meaning, just wanted to more accurately reflect the grammatical structures).
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turnaboutarchives · 3 months
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Gyakuten Saiban Characters 4Koma Kingdom- “Point of Concern” translation
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grey-ghoul · 10 days
Phantom loves bats, he carries his bat stuffy everywhere (its name is nightmare) but what people dont know is that phantom also loves spiders. The other ghouls find this so strange. If ghouls or even siblings kill a spider in the ministry they have to hide it before phantom sees because he will rage. And then when he calms down he goes to papa’s office with tears in his eyes and the little spider in his hands and papa will go into to the garden with phantom to give the spider back to the earth and its family all while whispering “va bene, piccolo pipistrello, il ragno è in un posto migliore adesso. la sua famiglia perdonerà“
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hikari-kaitou · 3 months
I subtitled the first track of the AA 456 drama CD! Please give it a watch :)
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savedatateam · 4 months
We played the first case of Ace Attorney ran though Google Translate a whole bunch. It was wild.
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