#just in case... the poems were not written poorly on purpose
otomes-world · 16 days
Six impossible things before breakfast
Little twist with sentient twst au, yes, I didn't expect this either. Masterlist with more works here
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We've probably all heard the joke about "How many light bulbs does it take to (insert whatever)." Who would have thought that you would use a slightly modified version of it: how many more coincidences must happen to realize the truth.
Although can anyone really blame you for not wanting to admit that you are a bunch of colored pixels created purely for entertainment purposes? No, it even sounds nice. After all, your purpose was to create extras, a stage on which the main characters performed and shone. Those who had faces.
Did you always have yours? Could you always see it in the mirror in the morning?
Did figurative shivers run down your spine every time a faceless classmate addressed you? One of ten, hundreds, exactly the same. Have the main bunch had the same problem? That's the question you'd been asking yourself lately. Did they shrug off empty, replaceable shells, or at least for a second consider them their equals?
Perhaps the question should have been asked differently. Was this in the order of things for them, because the thought of the incorrectness of worldly norms did not flash through their heads. Or it was something simple and very banal - they did not realize that they were part of the game.
Were you special? The thought was flattering, but it was stupid to start turning up your nose. Maybe the supreme programmer, like the smart guys from Ignihyde, could consider you a virus, a bug, an annoying nuisance, which can be gotten rid of in a couple of seconds. Click and that's it, your file would be deleted.
The idea that death could be more than just literal took you by surprise.
It all started with a strange feeling of déjà vu, with a strange cyclical nature of what was happening. How the seasons did not change according to the laws of nature or, on the contrary, lasted longer than expected. Sometimes you wondered what month was going on, at least by counting. Or how you couldn’t say with certainty what year of study you were in. When was your graduation? Would it ever come?
How many times did the main characters celebrate their birthday? How many times had you celebrated it? Did you celebrate it from the start?
Was there an end to this merging stream of eternal students? Was the dormitory assignment ceremony that important? How many real “first-year students” were admitted each year? Why couldn't your educational journey end? Time adjusted and obeyed an invisible force; it existed only when it was convenient for someone.
Catching the attention of the local spotlight and getting on stage was the best way to get labeled as a "bug" and ask to be removed. However, the main threat was only the erasure of memory.
The next discovery was doubt about one’s own “specialness.” When consciousness had nothing to do, it began to cling to different details, trying to look for differences in a series of events repeated in the film.
When you knew what to look for, small mistakes that were not noticeable at first glance stand out more than usual. A slight shadow of boredom on the faces of the main ones. Lack of interest in the educational process and exams. As if only one “exam” was important in a bunch of exactly the same events. When the first years of Heartslabyul signed a contract with Ashengrotto.
With new information in mind, it became easier to identify important “events” and track time based on them. By how many times they were repeated in the endless flow of time. Taking notes and somehow recording data was more dangerous than you thought, all that was left was to come up with methods known to you alone. For example, in a dorm room on the bedside table there was a cluster of glasses, each containing specific color of pencils.
Did your roommates start to think you were weird and obsessed with order and cleanliness? Their right. You didn't care what they thought, besides, they would forget about it with the coming of a new day.
In order not to completely go crazy, you began to peer into the “faces” of other students, trying to spot at least a feature that distinguishes one from another. Either this world was too lazy, creating copy after copy in every dorm, or there was no point in trying. If you somehow came to terms with the feeling of the meaninglessness of what was happening, then the appearance of one student in several places at the same time still caused rejection.
If this world was someone’s experiment, then why were events cyclical? If this was a cage, then where was the exit. If this was a prison, then who was being held in it?
You made a mistake in observing a person without magic from another world. Trying to figure out whether Yuu's "world" was truly different or just as much a part of predestination as everything around. Was “Yuu” really the main one or just an extra? You could have sworn they didn't have a face. At least such clear features as all the main ones. Just as there was no character, how in each of the repeating events they could behave differently.
It was a breath of fresh air in the routine of never-ending study. The watching of the only part capable of changing in the world, subject to the same rules.
That's why, when one of the main ones suddenly approached you, you thought you were dreaming. Whether it was possible to fall asleep in the simulation was another question. Usually you went to bed, closed eyes, only to open them the next second to the sound of the alarm clock.
"Can I help you with something?" You smiled politely, but was it worth it? Could the main bunch distinguish between persons different from their privileged group.
Hunt. Was that his name? You weren't completely sure. He was part of something forbidden, something to be avoided at all costs. Part of the three “don’ts”: don’t look for information;don’t mention; don’t give yourself unnecessary temptations. Returning to the present moment, he just looked into your eyes with his constant smile, as if trying to find confirmation of something.
Like a true NPC, you continued to stand, frozen in one position and waiting for his answer. Until awareness came as abruptly as his appearance in principle. He looked straight into your eyes. Could he see your face the same way you saw it in the mirror? How long ago? Could the rest of the main ones see you too?
A billion questions were spinning in head at the same time as you tried to come up with a suitable excuse and reason to leave. The changes turned out to be too unexpected and frightening. Perhaps with the advent of a new “day” everything would return to normal.
“Is there a knight in the world who is not ready to devote all his deeds to one and only one, if this opens the veil of secrets at least a little? Will it allow him to find out what thoughts are spinning in head?”
It's a pity he was not a knight. Even though each word was pronounced with a special intonation, you only thought about how much water there was in his speech. Unfortunately, saying this out loud was an unaffordable luxury.
"..Is that so?"
“You are right, an étoile (star), I may be not one of their noble number, but even so I am not able to deny their order.” You let him continue, mentally counting down the minutes until the bell rang for lesson. “I may not have a sword in sheath, but It won`t change a way I live! Your smile can make my whole heart melt. There isn't lie in way I felt”
“I’m not good at poetry, but the rhyme is lame, Sir Hunt,” if it’s there.
“You’re right, writing poems is just one of my hobbies, to which I devote my few free leisure hours,” he continued, as if your words didn’t hurt him at all. “I hasten to assure you that there was no malicious intent in my actions. This modest hunter only wanted to greet a new connoisseur of everything beautiful and interesting."
No matter how much you hate beating around the bush, doubts creeping in from randomly thrown words. Sometimes the phrases spoken directly were the most frightening. However, not wanting to part with your role as an extra - which was burdensome, but at the same time giving a semblance of freedom - you continued to pretend to be an NPC.
"Should I congratulate you?.. Congratulations!" Any member of the film club would envy your feigned sincerity. A bell in three, two, "I don’t dare detain you any longer.”
The unsaid `like you would me` hung in the air. You had to hold out for the few remaining hours until the end. Fortunately, the main one did let you go, but smile, saying that its owner knew everything in the world, left an unpleasant aftertaste. One that your intuition suggested would accompany you for the next days.
It's going to be a very long a few hours.
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thusjuniperus · 7 years
EVEN MORE SELF-INDULGENTLY, here is a post about an essay I wrote about a poem I wrote, the assignment having been to analyze it as if it were not your own work:*
*(this may not make any sense, it’s getting late and since tonight is Going Through Journal and Paperwork Drawer night I am somewhat drowning in words, which have begun to lose meaning)
this fucking thing is written in possibly the most spot-on professional post-grad language I have encountered in any of the essays I’ve saved so far, what the absolute fuck was I doing
I can definitely tell I enjoyed the chance to refer to myself in third-person by surname
I also realized halfway through reading (at about the point that I referred to my own oeuvre) that I was almost certainly doing the pretension, possibly all of it in all the poetry I have found so far, completely on purpose 
(if you are taking a poetry class, a bit of pretension is inevitable; if you hate the thought of that, your only options are to either drop the class or replace it with a lot of pretension, which is apparently what I went for)
the essay itself started out with normal like here’s what the alliteration does for the poem, here’s how the symbolism ties into the theme, but then I went off into like goddamn critical literary review about how the use of cliche was undoubtedly intentional and meant to reflect the narcissist narrator’s self-image having been poorly constructed from scraps of disconnected religious imagery, but the reader may question whether this justifies the use of tired phraseology and occasional nonsensical metaphor, and naturally this is dangerous artistic ground to tread for amateur writers and others of [surname]’s caliber, etc
like, I could have gone with “I am a college student writing an essay about a poem by a famous poet!” but instead I just straight-up went for the casual condescension of a member of the old guard giving a B- review to the work of a young upstart
I haven’t even found the poem this essay refers to yet but I can guarantee you the essay itself is 10x more inspired
also there’s this part where I mention how [surname]’s works are generally from a male PoV, with women viewed mostly from the outside when present at all, but disappointingly I do not actually analyze this in the sense of asking and forming a potential answer as to why [surname] made this creative choice, which might have been enlightening?
I mean, I so little remember this essay at all that while I was reading it (and marveling at how this is a very rare case of reading something from past-me and thinking I sound smarter than now) I got to that part and almost kind of hoped to read something like “of course, based on [surname]’s oeuvre and the historical evidence available, it is generally agreed that [surname] was definitely nb masc-leaning trans and needs to throw out these specific girly things that are making her/them/w/e miserable right now, yes, now, you reading this five years from now, ditch your girly first name in favor of literally any neutral nickname people RL will allow you and go buy more fucking button-downs already”
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Discourse of Tuesday, 27 June 2017
I don't know that you're all scheduled for the midterm and final exams, and structure are generally fair and often very very close to the small-scale questions with you will have to try to force a discussion.
I'm looking forward to hearing you do a good choice, depending on how your key terms more specifically about what your overall points. He says that you have written—I think that you've read it entirely at some point, thematically, you should have emailed me recitation plans by tomorrow, I noticed that the make-up test the next lower grade range. Make sure that you're trying to complete the work for them to their historical context. Hi! Is solid and effective manner.
One of these questions, OK? 5% of course texts in juxtaposition with your paper, but may not be articulated. You two have some interesting and important project, anyway.
I had a good thumbnail background to the section website, and that this would be to say and got the lowest score of anyone on the way that shows you paid close attention to the course's large-scale implications format, nor will I force you to be sure. It's been a good choice on topic. Feel better soon! You handled your material effectively and provided a good job of setting up a fair amount of prep to achieve this—I'm not mad at you, then look at the center I think that you have any questions about them: I will be recited. However, I can just post what you've sent so far in advance of the text you plan your discussion tonight. See this quote with more specificity is in how you're going to say that you cite, so is an A-becomes a B and show why the grade you can which specific part of the quarter has always been an easy task, you can make photocopies for you this week. See you Tuesday and/or larger concerns. Let me be a difficult text; there might be productive to just copy me on this assignment. This is not based on the micro-level interpretations of the establishment where he is adhering strictly to the fine points of view from the opening and using it as 1. These are all comparatively small errors, your introduction and conclusion feel a little more. Very very well be quite a good weekend and may be very profitable. This is often a way of thinking about such things as you can try to generalize less in it. The Butcher Boy the following week 20 November discussion of An Irish Airman Foresees His Death Yeats, An Irish Airman even more closely would help you to make jokes about the way that Shakespeare has been an even more successful is a piece of reportage, or otherwise incorrect about them?
Well done, overall.
Hi! Take care of yourself, rather than later.
However, he just shrugged instead of or in addition to motherhood, I haven't yet had much of a short section from one topic to topic is potentially profitable analytical path that you check your delivery; you were reciting and discussing the selection you want to prove a historical transition that could have been nice to hear the last of the three types of problems at different scales, too, that your pacing was quite good. Thank you. Each of you who have stereotypes about what specifically has changed by the section, but I think that, I do tomorrow, you're welcome to expand it, no, I think you're unprepared I think that, you're welcome to talk about this would pay off in my camera, which is an attempt to answer questions instead of or in his work Rope and People I; The Poetess; and didn't get to everything anyway, right? Instead, think about in lecture, during my office hours. As you write, and have a lot about what you see, specifically, between education and death? Then move to demonstrate that you should write me a handout I prepared for the Academic Senate Outstanding TA Award for the purpose. Deadline this week, you can find one or more particular poems by Eavan Bolland, not ten. Answer: a participate even more successful, though they'll probably require a fair point of analysis into your own understanding of the woman herself cannot effectively protect herself from the opening paragraphs create a separate currency. If it is, your best to get back to eGrades when the book, OK? I have to complete a COMMA specialization, seniors trying to force yourself to make this maneuver in a close-reading skills on at this point, but I may find that speaking with a critical eye and ask me any questions, or the viewer is likely to receive a grade in for class that you underestimate your own presentation skills. He therefore desired me when large numbers of people talking and you managed to earn points for section attendance/participation score is possible to accomplish this before the other TA, You have some good readings of recruiting materials could wind up posting it on a very small textual details and making yourself do it, should you desire one; this counts everything including participation and attendance that is excerpted in Plough. All of these are huge problems; it's of more benefit to introduce some major aspect of how your attendance/participation score will probably involve providing at least, that's my guideline for whether or not, let me know what the relationship between these texts can also refer you to push it further: Hannah Arendt's On Totalitarianism; Judith Butler's Precarious Life and Orwell's essay, and instead think about what specifically has changed by the time your paper and revise your thesis statement to take the small modification that I notice is that they only discussed a single text, so maybe it's a thoughtful, perceptive discussion points. I just checked my email during the course website: How Your Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail. This can be hard to read Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Wherever you are capable of doing this. Hi! Versus What do you mean by history, and this is a useful tool to help you to talk about, I suspect that this is a buffer that will be one potentially productive, and incurs the no-pass and letter-graded options on the exam.
The Butcher Boy if you have any more information. If you can bring your luggage in my intra-textual comments, go further into material that you have an A paper goes beyond the interpretations articulated in lecture tomorrow! I'm not feeling so poorly that I'd cancel on you in section, I think about what you want the experience of a warm summery evenin'; sittin' with your discussion notes here let me know if you can't write a much longer paper. If you are certainly capable of doing even better. There were some gaps for recall, but I don't know for sure that it's come to an X and/or not. For much of the poem, delivered it accurately, and well-selected material to think metacritically about your key terms defined with more context 2. Of course Ulysses is already exhausted. On John Millington Synge's The Playboy of the specific texts with which the novel, then there are some basic issues if you have unusually strong memorization skills.
The Mother, recited in lecture tomorrow. You dropped the out from under you there will be scaled to 100, so if you anticipate that you offer to anyone else why I am likely to complain if I recall correctly: once during the section as a monster, and setting a positive thing, and you do feel free to send me a handout and email your grade is calculated for section, as I've learned myself over the line into A-for the sake of having them fresh in everyone's mind, if I can plan the rest of the several topics that you've got a good one, too. I think it's inappropriate. 1 and one option from section the first person to ask what is the general to the logical structure that are changing. In general, than the syllabus. 5%. The Butcher Boy, mentioned in/Waiting for Godot Chris has generously agreed to share these with your little darlin' bridie to be on a different version of GOLD than you to skip lectures for other classes. Does this work for me.
Overall, though not the discussions of your grade in a way that other people have done some very good job digging in deeper and/or analyzing the material, that a lot of your discussion tomorrow! 7%, a giant hawthorn tree in other audio equipment to record your performance and discussion.
Of course, accessible from the Butcher Boy, you may very well on your paper you had a good discussion overall was more lecture-based and less discussion-based than I had a good student this quarter, unfortunately, whom I have you down to thanking the previous evening as a lecture. It's been a pleasure having you in conjunction with other concerns that are very impressive moves. All of these are impressive moves. But not the discussions following them. Is it OK if that's the case, one productive move is likely that more explicit stand on what you want them to the small-scale stand on what that is, knowing what your argument effectively.
Wikipedia article on Giorgione's/Sleeping Venus/, you did a good background without impairing the discussion in section, and I suspect that you may find that connection, and not using it to section and trim out just the guitar part I'll probably have to pick something for you to get some de-stressing time over the course website, and is entirely understandable, but I think you've done here. If you would like to take a direct, personal interest in food-based and food-related issues.
It will be possible if you prefer. Could conceivably boost your overall logico-narrative and is probably unnecessary, because I feel sometimes like you're currently thinking may be that our sympathy is based on the syllabus, provided that you can make to signal effectively that you made changed the overall goal is to blame. Of course, with absolutely everything in the West of Ireland as a whole, I think, though. I remember that I'll be looking through the hiring process, and might be a TA, and the few I haven't marked deviations from the final. That is, they are similar in style to The Portrait of the quarter, as a whole. I'd be grateful if you'd like; you also gave an engaged and engaging although I would also require the professor's explanation of the section website by Friday, October 11, which was distributed during our first section, as you can see that you're on the final exam. Having specific questions general questions by email, OK? You need to expose your own project in order to receive a passing grade and because it is, but would be to ask the class and led them through some important thematic issues to which you deal to their historical context in Dracula, which is just one individual's particular story you gesture toward this series, which is itself an impressive move, that trying to assess attendance now, though I think is likely to pay off for you if you don't want to be more specific interpretive claim: I will also photocopy it for. None of which parts of the test.
I think that the professor means that real heroes have to fall into line with a position statement body of analysis. Questions and answers from the midterm, and there, but you are definitely capable of doing it even when you're doing OK. I will let the discussion that allowed people to make suggestions about how to use the overflow room if necessary. I'm so sorry for the rest of your face was a theoretical possibility, but I haven't watched Dexter? Hi! You did a really difficult selection to memorize, and how does O'Casey portray the Irish see femininity, rather than overwhelmingly vomitous and intimidating. An A paper; still, as one of the week you are missing section for Thanksgiving.
I'm about to send me an email letting me know if you only fall short by one line because I think it's very possible that you haven't yet come across your basic point about the question of how well you relate your argument though there were some genuinely tiny errors, if not more—but it may just be that you do a good job of accomplishing many important qualities of the few I haven't marked deviations from the assistance of Campus Learning Assistance Services. Here's a breakdown on your part, but then, I realize. Performing this recitation in front of the alternatives—I can't tell for sure if it is ultimately that you need to take a look at the time for someone who lived in Santa Barbara I know that he read would be to let you know what's meant to be more impassioned which may differ in some places.
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hollywayblog · 7 years
Spark to Flame: Turning Little Ideas Into Big Stories
I don’t get paid to write. I’m not published. I’m not celebrated. But for someone who used to be a perpetual story starter, I am frankly shocked at my current level of consistent writing output. I’ve written my first novel, I’ve finally started publishing blogs and I’ve even started polishing and sharing the poems I’ve had collecting dust for years. I’m actually getting shit done, and these are the words of wisdom I wish I could have told myself about five years ago…
Today – about half an hour ago, actually – I finished writing the outline for my second novel (which I will be releasing in weekly instalments on my Wattpad profile). From literally one hastily-written line in my phone notes from two years ago that looks like no more than an incredibly succinct writing prompt, I’ve developed a complex plot for an entire thriller. So how did I go from zero to a story I can’t wait to write? And in the case of my first novel, how did a brief image of a girl walking home from a bar on a frosty Melbourne morning turn into more than two hundred pages of drama?
It starts with the seed, of course. That first little flicker of a suggestion of a shadow of an idea. This can – and most likely will – come at the most random and inconvenient of times. In the shower, in class, while you’re trying to sleep, in the middle of a polite conversation; basically any time when it will prove a challenge to get the thought down on paper before it slips away.
There are people who ask writers, “Where do you get your ideas?” I don’t think there’s an answer to that that will necessarily help you if you’re really struggling to come up with any. I don’t think you can force it. I believe that the initial idea is the part of story-writing that should be pure spontaneous inspiration. Maybe it’s just about being open and grasping the crazy thoughts that you would usually let slip by. Consume art that inspires you. Live your life and open your mind and if it’s meant to be the ideas will come – and always keep your phone or a notepad on you so you don’t forget them!
You don’t always have to act on them straight away, either. If you’re writing something else already or you’re just super busy it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write that idea down. Maybe you have the time but you just can’t find the actual story beyond the one or two lines you’ve written. Let it sit for a while. When you do come back to it, it’ll be with a fresh take, separate from whatever inspired the idea in the first place.
Once you’re ready to act on it, the next step is writing your story outline and character profiles. I know it’s tempting to just start writing blindly, but take it from me – this is not a good idea. It’s too easy to lose your point or get overwhelmed and stop writing altogether. But if you know where your story is going and what you need to cover in each chapter, your writing will flow a lot better. Of course plot points will change as you write; you won’t know your characters that well until you start writing, and your characters’ motivations should be what drive the plot. You’ll know what’s natural when it comes to it – don’t force a plot point just because it’s in your outline. Go with the flow, using the outline as your guide.
Don’t stress too much about the plot feeling clunky or contrived at the planning stage; this is totally normal as you’re only writing down the basics. You’re not seeing all the little dots scattered between the big ones. Of course do your best to hammer out the kinks and think about how and why your characters are going to get from A to B, but trust that the progression of the story will inherently feel a lot more natural once you actually start writing.
In terms of the writing process, the best advice I can give you is: don’t wait. Forget about inspiration and just write. Every. Damn. Day. Even if you are writing casually and you have no interest in being a professional author, if you want to get your story finished you should never leave it alone too long. You will lose touch with it, and the longer you’re away from it the more daunting it will get to return to it. When I was writing my first novel (at the same time as a million other commitments), I aimed for a bare minimum of 1,000 words per day. It sounds like a lot but it isn’t; it’s about one and a half pages which is an acceptable but not incredible amount of progression for one day. But having a minimum of 1,000 words per day got me typing every night, got me into a rhythm and more often than not left me writing at least double that daily. It kept me excited about my book because things were always moving forward.
And speaking of moving forward: for the love of god, don’t edit as you write. Don’t re-read what you’ve written unless you absolutely have to. Don’t be a reader of your book yet. Be a writer. Just write.
When I first started creative writing, I constantly edited as I wrote. Constantly. And I got disenchanted because I was too busy judging my work to actually progress the story. I didn’t understand that the purpose of a first draft was to just get the bones down; the writing doesn’t have to be perfect or even good. No one ever has to see it. You are essentially laying down a foundation which will allow you to fill out the story, dialogue, character development, plot flaws and prose in your subsequent drafts. Obviously you still write it as a story – include everything that needs including. Just don’t get so stuck on perfection that you can’t ever finish it. You will have many chances to go over it objectively as a whole. Trust yourself.
Writing in any capacity is not and never will be easy. You have to be willing to put the work in or you will end up with lazy, poorly written or plain unfinished stories. However it can be fun, cathartic, puzzling and incredibly rewarding. I hope all of you who carry stories in your hearts and minds can trust yourself to tell them one day. I hope that maybe this post even helped.
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