#just be a responsible pet owner and guess what? 9 times out of 10 your pet will not be killed by a wild animal bc u werent watching it
lesbiten · 5 months
people be like wahhhh coyotes are so evil and terrible they kill your dog/cat/kid
brother why was your dog/cat/kid outside unsupervised when you live in an area with a high population of coyotes
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crescentmoon-flower · 9 months
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Episode 9
Yes we get it ogron, you want the white circle, no need to keep repeating yourself.
Ah yes Jason queen, I hate him
No musa, friends don't have anything better to do when you're on an important phone call
Thank you bloom for jumping to help
The last time we hear musa be the lead singer in this season :(
Cute artu~
Why didn't roxy have the circle from the beginning
You of all people? What do you mean bloom?
Thank you helia for being the only one with common sense
Sky you can't ditch your job for a surfing contest, you either brandon
Riven and nabu Bonding, awwww
Hah! I take it Sky and Brandon can't actually surf
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Stella, please do some couples therapy, you're opinions on dating aren't really very healthy
King erendore? Oh wait I forgot this happened
Flora is right and I loved blooms oh no, she sounds so resigned
Artu is so smart
How exactly does nebula know roxy's name?
You know the first time I watched this I assumed nebula was a witch, forgive me but I think all of her actions here lead to that assumption
Why is Stella getting the vision of roxy?
They walked out so awkwardly
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Didn't the girls just leave the bar? Now they're back inside as if they never left
Didn't musa read the book of fairies? She should know about the wings
Hah! Duman's reaction was funny
Yeah beat his ass girl
I find it both odd and yet very realistic that the wizards don't recognise nebula
Oh wow nebula's pissed
Love how all but ogron dodged, shows how his power effects his fighting style
Wait? She waited for centuries? Again with the lack of consistency with the time line people
You know what would have been cool? Roxy transforming into nebula's fairy form
This whole ass fight looks so pathetic
Run away boys, run away
How old is nebula if she was in the book of fairies?
How are defense shields supposed to help?
..... that somehow worked?
Also love nebula talking to roxy out loud while possessing her
How the absolute hell did that work?
Love the personality change, roxy would've totally freaked out if this were the first few episodes
Also love how nobody's questioning the man dressed like royalty with GUARDS in a bar talking to waiter about royal responsibility
Speaking of the royal seal....
Hah! He guessed right
The pawn shop owner must be absolutely baffled
That has to be morally questionable, why did you do that musa
Erendor has very good points, but still whose ruling erakleon?
Couples adorableness, naaw
Also good job riven, your really trying
Surprised nothing broke on that crash
This episode is summarised by Sky and his dad are about to cause a political crisis, and Roxy's brain has been stolen by bling.
Episode 10
Roxy is the most realistic character here right now
I love how opposite bloom and roxy are, meeting magic one embraces it the other rejects it
Stella you own a business, of course you work alot
Seriously, how does belief in magic weaken the wizards? They had magic before humanity forgot fairies
What's up with musa?
Stella, please don't, at least one person will think your insane
Wtf tecna? What frequencies? Do humans give off frequencies when in trouble, what are you searching for panicked screeches?
Thank you for asking the good questions musa
No, no, turning a pet into your double to take care of a shop is a terrible idea, aisha
There is no need to apologise for perfectly reasonable reactions roxy
Isn't the loft directly above the shop? Where is musa going to meet riven?
Aaaaaaaaawwwww nabu's shirt is too big in such a cute way!
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That man in the background looked so confused why the girls presented the door to tecna
The girls in the shop vaugly remind me of the trix, wouldn't that have been a plot twist lmao
Haha, this is backfiring so bad!
Why did the girls gasp? The knew Stella was going to say that
Also that guys reaction would probably be mine too
Haha! I already said that someone is going to think they're crazy
I'm not going to coment on the riven/musa drama with Jason here, it annoys me so much
Jason is just so oblivious to all that's happening
Stella already convinced several humans about fairies, just do what you did before?
Roxy is so wise for her age, and so right
Useless mcguffin wings, they could just fly (but I do love the designs)
Noooo, we don't actually hear musa sing?
Safety rule people, don't crowd around a burning building it could collapse and you are taking away the authority's attention
That dude barely even cares he's looking at mythological beings hes just worried about that poor family
The call for help sounds like Stella
The little girl looks like miele
the wizards are immune to fire, they just walked through it
just casually going to leave while taking this random girl with us- wonder what the bystanders thought
Super hearing residents
Riven, think before you speak
Jason, don't talk about situations you don't understand even with good intentions
I said the idea of turning pets to doppelganger is a bad idea
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
15 Questions
Character interview: Morgana Dodds
Tagged by @words-after-midnight on my non-writing blog @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars . Keeping my responses here so as not to bore the folk who have no interest in my mad scribbles :D
Tagging: @jezifster @thecatsgrave @sarahlizziewrites and  anyone else who wants to be included :)
Morgana Dodds, from my current WIP, Memento Mori is here to answer your questions!
1. Are you named after anyone?
The Staff at the Investiture just gave us all code-names when they found us. I’m known to them as ‘the Medium’ because of my ability to see and speak to the dead. When me and my siblings were older, we gave ourselves proper names. I chose Morgana after Morgan le Fay, because I enjoyed reading Arthurian legends in between training sessions.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Honestly, I cry all the time. My sister Sarah and I had a fight, and I cried after that. She says that I need to have thicker skin :/
3. Do you have kids?
Not at the moment..but maybe one day, if I ever meet the right person.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. I grew up with Avery, and they are Sarcasm Royalty, so there’s no way I was ever going to compete with them. But, if I’m having a bad, or the hanger gets too much, I can be as snarky as the next person.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How alive they are. I’m better dealing with the dead, than I am the living. I don’t spend a lot of time with the living; they’re the ones who can hurt you. That said, being the only medium, it means that I can’t escape the ghosts- they will socialise with me, whether I want them to or not!
6. What's your eye color?
Uhm...well...you can have a look and see for yourself
[Author’s note- Honestly, I haven’t really figured that out yet. Memento Mori is written in first person, and Morgana doesn’t like how she looks/has self-esteem issues, so she never really looks in a mirror, or describes herself. That’s a free author-hack for anyone else who doesn’t know how to describe what their character looks like!!  😂 ]
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I deal with scary stuff all the time as my role as the Medium. I’ll stick to fluff, kittens and happy endings just to keep me away from spiraling further into a depressive funk...
8. Any special talents?
Well... there’s the seeing and speaking to ghosts, that everyone knows about. I mean, it’s what I’m known for. My abilities have been growing, though, and I’ve been able to manifest spectral fire, or ectoplasm as the Investiture Staff call it.
I don’t know if I’ve plateaued, or if there’s maybe more in me. I guess time will tell! 
9. Where were you born?
Technically, we don’t know if me or the other Millennium Citizens were born. We appeared all around the world on New Years Eve on 1999. I was found in the Necropolis in Glasgow, Scotland. Four others were found in the UK, and they became my siblings, under the care of Dr Carnegie and the Investiture.
10. What are your hobbies?
Oh! Well, when I’m not working with ghosts, I like to make mix-tapes for Avery. I enjoy finding songs for them to play at their gigs, and we enjoy sharing new music with one another. Otherwise, you can find me knitting. I’ve recently started knitting a jumper for my niece’s birthday. I doodle occasionally but I’m not very good at drawing really. I like to read, when I find the time, although, I’ve not really been reading much since I left the Investiture.
11. Have you any pets?
Ha! I can hardly look after myself! I don’t think it would be fair for the pet to have me as it’s owner! That said, it’s be nice to have some company that isn’t dead. So, I’m not going to say never. I think a dog would be nice. What do you think?
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Uhm...so, we never really played sports at the Investiture. We did a lot of hand-to-hand combat, so I’ve studied several martial arts. Do those count? I can also use a gun, handle a knife, pick locks, some basic breaking and entering, and drive...well, I mean...I completed the training courses under the tutelage of the Investiture Staff, but I never got the highest marks. I was...passable?...at these activities.
13. How tall are you?
I’m about average height, although, I’d love to be taller. Pete and Avery are both super tall, and I’m at least taller than Frieda. Maybe if I was a couple of inches taller, I could look Sarah in the eye when we argue...
14. Favorite subject in school?
English. I liked being able to hide and read my books. My worst subject was Latin...but that was technically an extracurricular subject taught by the ghost of the Edwardian Headmaster who haunts the Investiture from the time when it was a school.
15. Dream job?
I think I’m doing okay as a private eye for the dead...but probably a job that involves less risk to myself would be nice. Maybe I could knit clothes and sell them online, or work on my sketching skills and become a portrait artist?
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Promise: Yandere Godfather Hawks x Todoroki reader
This is a side story takes place in the YRHR series, after part 1, when the reader returns home, blind.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
"Y/n... Come on, wake up. Its 9 already." You heard him say, feeling the bed dip as he sat on it, gently touching the back of your shoulder. "Aren't you hungry? Mom's making your favourite."
When you gave no response, Shotou pulled the covers away from your face, his brows furrowing at the bandages around your eyes that had loosened up. You had did that, clawing at the meticulously tight knot Natsuo had done; you didn't like how it settled on your eyes.
"You're awake, right?" The only answer he got was you turning your cheek further away from him when he tried to caress it. Shotou didn't like your silence and he missed it when you used to ramble about almost anything to him. He missed when you were happy.
The door bell rang.
Shotou looked at his watch confused. Wasn't Natsuo supposed to come around at 11? He could hear Enji walking to the main door, and after a few seconds of silence, he heard footsteps coming towards your room. But then he heard some scuffling, and people talking- he recognised Enji's and Dabi's voices, his brother's getting louder by the second.
"I'll check who's there. Stay."
Stay? You would've rolled your eyes if, you know, you still had them.
A few more minutes passed and you could hear Dabi arguing with someone, and you think that Shotou is trying to calm him down. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, you got up from the bed. For the past whole month, Shotou would come to wake you up everyday, carrying you in his arms to the bathroom, never letting you walk on your own, claiming "you'll get hurt".
Taking one small step at a time, you stretched your arms out trying to reach the wall. Once you felt the cold, smooth surface, you used it to guide you towards the door.
No matter what you did, or how many times you told them to back off, that you can do this on your own, they wouldn't let you. Hell, you were pretty sure that if they could, they would breathe for you too. As if trying to instil in your mind that you're helpless without them, incapable of making your own decisions.
I'll show them how fucking capable I am.
After stubbing your toe only once, you finally reached the door, your hand gripping the metal knob. You placed your ear on the door, trying to figure out who and where everyone is standing. The corridor seemed empty and you think everyone is downstairs.
Opening the door, you used another wall to guide you towards the stairs. You hoped Shotou doesn't see you; he'd throw a hissy fit at you attempting to walk down the stairs.
As you took one careful step at a time, you heard the commotion grow louder. You could hear Dabi yelling profanities at the other person, certainly not Enji because Rei or Fuyumi would've stepped in by now to stop him. You used to stop him too, but ever since what happened, you don't really care anymore.
"Why the fuck are you even here?! She doesn't fucking want to see you!"
"And who is gonna stop me? You? I'd be happy to knock you down on your ass- its about goddamn time!"
You almost stumbled down the last few steps, but you needed to know- was he, was he really here?
You heard his wings flap before you felt him, the wind gushed at your body strongly, making you lose your balance. But muscular arms wrapped around you before you could fall, and the winged hero lifted you up and spun you around, making you burst into laughter.
Rei was the first one to cry.
You laughed.
Not a bitter, sarcastic one.
A genuinely happy laugh.
And she missed her baby's laugh so much.
Dabi's eyes widened slightly. His heart clenching up a bit as he realised how he missed that beaming look on your face. He realised how fucking naive you were, how you were his little sister that he needed to protect.
Shotou felt envy. Why- why didn't you laugh like that with him? Why didn't you laugh for him? Was he... not a good brother?
Fuyumi actually rushed out of the kitchen when she heard you, her hands coming up to her mouth to suppress the sob that was building up. Too long. It had been too long since you were happy.
Natsuo smiled. He smiled as he saw you chortle when the hero's feathers tickled your cheek. He wished you would smile more often.
Enji's breath hitched as he saw you chuckle into Hawk's shoulder. It was so natural, so lively, so radiant. He had been dying to hear that sweet sound again.
Your heart was beating fast and your stomach was doing somersaults as you felt the air rushing through your hair and cooling on to your neck, the soft feathers brushing across your skin.
He really was here.
But so were they.
And you could feel their eyes on you.
Keigo frowned when he saw you curl yourself into him, as if trying to bury yourself into his chest. When he looked around, he saw them glaring and that's when he puffed out his wings before curling them around you; shielding you.
"I'll be spending time with my goddaughter. Do not disturb us." And with that, Hawks flew you up to your room, locking the door before they could sat anything. He could hear Dabi arguing, but he trusted Enji to handle him.
He set you on your bed, chuckling as you didn't let go of his collar.
"Its okay, dove. I'm here, now- ow!" You cut him off by punching his arm.
"Where were you?!"
"In your heart- ow! Stop hitting me!" He caught your wrists.
"You said you were gonna visit me at home! Its been a whole month-"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry but believe me, I really was busy!" Sighing, he continued. "The hero commission sent me to Europe for a mission and things got a bit messy, so I got caught up."
Yanking your hands out of his grip, you scowled. "Would it have killed you to call?"
"I mean I wouldn't say kill, but I probably could've lost a limb or two-" He started laughing when when you began getting up to walk to the door.
Keigo wrapped his arms around you, smiling cheekily"Y/n- I'm sorry, I'm just kidding. Come back-"
"No, let go! I don't have time for your bullshit" He continued laughing, easily picking you up and dropping you back on your bed.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Come on, now. Stop being mad." You heard him shuffling. "Besides, I've got something for you!"
He dropped something in your lap. You picked an item, your hands feeling around it, trying to figure out what the rectangular shaped box was.
"Whats this?"
"Oh, here. Let me help you." He lifted the lid of the box and you were immediately hit by a familiar smell.
He hummed in confirmation"Your favourite ones too! They were always sold out! Luckily, I was able to use my charm on the owner."
"Charm? Oh, you mean where you pull that ugly smirk and do that half lidded look with your eyes, and you think that you look hot but you actually just look creepy?"
"Yeah- hey!"
And then the next 3 hours were spent like that, Hawks telling you about Europe and the bad guys he caught, you telling him about the way your family had been treating you.
"They don't let me do anything, they don't give me any privacy! Its like- its like they want me to be a doll!" You gave an exasperated sigh. "They- they act like they are being so generous. Like it was somehow my fault that my eyes got fried!"
"Oh come on. They can't be that bad-"
"They are! So much worse than before. Look, I'm a grown up- I need my space too! You know what Shotou said when I asked him to get me a walking stick? He said I don't need one since he can carry me everywhere. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get carried to the toilet every single day? Do you?!"
"Well, no-"
"And then Fuyumi cuts up my food and spoon feeds me herself! I know I'm blind but its not like I'm gonna stuff the food up my nose or something!"
The hero snickered at that.
"And then Enji reads me these novels or the newspaper and he skips over the parts he thinks I'm too "young" or "immature" to understand! They even monitor what I listen to! Fuyumi or Shotou would be quick to change the channel if something above pg 10 comes on!" You ran a hand through your hair frustratedly. "I asked Enji to get me a Braille and the first few time he pretended like he didn't hear me, before finally saying that I don't need one!"
"Don't worry, I'll sneak in a Braille for dummies the next time I visit."
"Hey-! Wait... what do you mean "next time"?"
"Oh come on! I promise I'll come earlier next time. Maybe in like 2 weeks-"
"No. I want to leave this place today. You promised."
"Y/n-"Keigo reached to place a hand on your shoulder but you pushed him off.
"You. Promised. You said you'll get me out of here when I leave the hospital" You inhaled deeply. "Well, guess what, Hawks? Its been a whole month."
"I know but you're not well enough-"
"I AM! If anything, staying here is harming me more!" Your tone was getting angrier. "You said- you said you would take me away from them."
"I can't do it right now. The hero commission needs me-"
"I need you! Or am I just not worth your time?"
"Please, dove- try to understand. How will I take care of you if I'm out at the agency?"He tried to pet your head but you smacked his hand away, snarling at him.
"You're a liar. A big fucking liar! Was this the plan all along? To give me hope that you'll save me, only to fucking crush it?!" The hero managed to dodge the box of chocolates you threw at him. "I don't need fucking chocolate or your stupid presents. I need to get out of this goddamn house!"
The hero began walking towards the door. "You're not thinking rationally- I'll- I'll leave." But before the hero could manage to take another step, you were leaping towards him, but since you couldn't see, you only managed to fall near his feet. When he grabbed your shoulders to help you up, you were quick to latch onto him, wrapping your arms around his torso tightly.
"No- no! Don't go. Please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that. Please, don't be mad. I swear I'll behave, just don't leave me here!" Your hold onto him was becoming painfully tight.
Keigo felt like someone was breaking his heart piece by piece as he looked at you. The way your body shook from your pitiful sobs, the way you held onto his jacket as if your life depended on it- he was forced to remember how vulnerable you looked the night he brought you back to the this house. The same night when you begged and begged him to fly you away, that you'll do anything as long as he didn't dropped you back at the Todoroki estate.
"Y/n- darling, love, listen to me. I promised you that I'll keep you save, didn't I? I promise I'll come back soon-"
Hawks knew that bitch Rei did this on purpose, he knew and it killed him that he couldn't save you from her. He wanted to tell you that he believed you, and he was preparing a place for you. But the hero knows your siblings were eavesdropping, right on the other side of the door.
He had to be careful and play the fool if he wanted to get you out of this hell hole.
"Y/n please-"
You shook your head repeatedly, pulling him closer to you as you shrieked at him. "No. NO! I wont let you go! I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE WITHOUT ME! Keigo, I'm begging you! Take me with you, please! I'll die! I'll die! I'LL FUCKING DIE, KEIGO! PLEASE!"
Your loud screams had your siblings bursting through the door, obviously using a spare key. "Y/n, whats wrong-" You jumped away when they touched your shoulder, giving Hawks chance to slip away.
You instantly reached out for him, flailing your arms around to get a hold of him again. But the hero was already out the door and your siblings quickly pulled you back into their arms, shushing you, trying to calm you down.
But you were inconsolable. Thrashing around in Shotou's arms, you kept begging for Hawks to come back. "HAWKS COME BACK! LET ME GO! HAWKS, PLEASE! I'LL DIE! I'LL DIE! I'LL DIE!" It pained them to see you like this, so hysterical; Shotou and Fuyumi whispered sweet nothings but you payed them no mind. Natsuo knew you were going to hyperventilate soon, but he was more worried about you bursting a vessel in your head.
Thinking fast, he quickly brought up a tranquilliser- and the moment the sharp smell of the alcohol swab hit your nose, you were wrestling harder to get out Shotou's and Fuyumi's arms.
"Y/n, please calm down-"
"FUCK YOU! LET ME GO! KEIGO! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! COME BACK- STOP! STOP TOUCHING ME! STOP!" You screamed louder than before when you felt her cold hands gripping your arm, holding it still so that your brother could administer the dose.
As the drug began taking effect, your thrashing slowed down before you finally slumped into Shotou's arms. The tranquilliser numbed the headache that was forming, and you felt Fuyumi use a tissue to wipe the snot and the spit off your face.
"I'll die... I'll die... And you won't be there. And I'll die..."
Hawks was in a trance like state as he watched Shotou tuck you under the covers. He wanted to use his sharp feathers to slice off that cold bitch's hand that brushed the hair out of your face, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your daunting screams rang through his ears; his chest felt like some was shoving a knife through it slowly as he played back the image of you trying to wring yourself free from their arms, one hand still reaching out for him. It took everything in him not to grab it and pull you away from those monsters, but he had to remind himself of the bigger picture.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice the pyromaniac standing next to him until he spoke.
"This is all your fault."
Hawks looked at Dabi. His fault?
"You shouldn't have come here."
"She's my goddaughter-"
"Shut the fuck up." Dabi narrowed his eyes at the hero. "She's like this because you gave her false hope. Hope, that one day she'll get away from us. You and I both know that's not gonna happen." He sighed before continuing. "You call yourself a hero, but in reality, you're no better than us."
As Hawks turned to leave, not willing to let the villian get on his nerves, Dabi spoke again.
"Dont bother coming back. She won't forgive you. She'll never forget this betrayal."
Hurtful as they were, he knew the words he said were true.
Hawks was almost out the gates when he saw Enji sitting in the garden, looking at the koi pond. He should've left, should've flown away but there was something in Enji's eyes that had the winged hero walking towards him. He recognised the emotion as soon as he got close.
Or was it guilt?
Perhaps a mixture of both.
"Endeavour, are you... alright?"
The number 1 hero looked away from the fish and blinked at him.
"Hawks? What are you still doing here?"
The blonde chuckled nervously. "I was just on my way out." He gazed at him. "Are you okay? You seem to be in deep thought."
Enji only stared at him. Taking his silence as the answer, Hawks turned to leave.
"Why did you come here today, Keigo?"
He suppressed the urge to shudder the way his name rolled off his tongue.
"She's my goddaughter too. Why? Do you think it was a bad decision to come?"
"No." Enji sighed. "I just- she hadn't laughed like that in a long time."
Hawks stood beside him. "She's still traumatised from the kitchen accident. Its understable-"
"No. She hadn't laughed like that for a long time, even before this happened." Enji's eyes moved towards the night sky. The stars were twinkling extra bright tonight. How he wished you could see it. "Before she lost her sight, she used to look out the window, her eyes searching sky." He gulped. "She was looking for you, Keigo. You- you made her happy, you make her laugh. I don't."
Hawks placed his hand on Enji's shoulder. "That's not true, Enji. You do make her happy. She loves you. She feels safe with you. She sees you as her protector."
"She does?"
He nodded. "Of course. If you want things to return to normal, you need to treat her normally too. Just- just talk to her. Sort out the issues and wash away whatever fears she has." Hawks wanted Enji to listen to you, to really listen to you and protect you from Rei. He could only hope that Enji understood what he meant.
Hawks was right, Enji realised. Whatever delusions you have of Rei wanting to hurt you on purpose, of being the "bad person", they can all be cleared up if he just talked to you. Ever since the incident, the family avoided talking to you about Rei or the events that had occurred that day.
If he just talked to you, things will return to normal. You'll become happy again.
"Thank you, Keigo."
Hawks only smiled in return. "I'll be leaving now."
"Okay. When will you visit again?"
"I'll be gone for longer now. The hero commission is sending me on another mission again."
"Oh. Safe travels, then."
As Hawks flew away, he began thinking about the house.
The house where he was going to take you to soon. He just needs to add a few finishing touches before he sets his plan in motion. The plan to rescue you, and eventually Enji, from those sadist that call themselves your family.
He will not let his dove get hurt again.
He'll save you this time.
He promises.
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Idk how this turned out, angst wasn't the plan initially. Guess I'll write godfather Hawks fluff for another day.
Anyways, now that this is done, I'll start working on RE 8 fic now.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Ikesen - Rating Suitors
Except it’s my cats who do the rating, as my little Rzepka sat on my arm and is preventing me from writing. Excuse all the typos, let’s say my screen visibility fluctuates. 
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our judges! 
Rzodkiewka/Rzepka - the matriarch of the clan, the miniature kitty of confused stares and trust issues, the lady of reoccurring bladder problems, the one and only princess of wet cat food! She has seen some shit in her life. What shit? Idk. But she’s a good cat. infinity/10, would reccom...I am not supposed to be doing that.
Junko - the older sister, the mighty beast of cuddles, the resilient hunter who fears nothing, and will not leave until your plate is empty - either because you hurried to eat your food or because you’re now crouched in front of the couch and trying to GET BACK MY YOUR BREAD. Associate of cat food thieve organisation. Clumsy fluffy ass. Never did anything wrong in her life.
Porzeczka - the void kitty, one who knows all and has experienced all things of the world.... Except for snow. And rain. But who would want that, right? Ew ew ew, my paw is wet, how did that happen, i only put it in my water bowl. How was I supposed to know that water is wet? Hm? HM? Now look at it, your wall is wet, and I want fresh water in the bowl; will murder you with her claws. Sleeps on my stomach at night. Tsundere. Shows affection excussively between midnight and 5 AM. THE NINJA.
Rzodkiew - would most likely piss in his futon from stress, not that he would notice it given how little he sleeps. Wouldn’t rule the world at his side, too much ore in this sama. 0/10
Junko - sold after the first piece of konpeito which she absolutely shouldn’t have been given. Turns into a round cat. She rolls in happiness and food. Perfect sleeping charm, the match made in heaven - her previous owner has been long imprisoned due to complaints about cat dietary habits .-. ; 11/10
Porzeczka - she is an independent kitty. She cares not for his promises. Her murder mittens have murder in them for a reason. Time to set the history straight - and then perhaps go and live peacefully somewhere in the mountains. Whew, this odd man was really too stressful, there was no other way.; -11/10
The council of cats has expressed their regret in having to announce no fucking way. Dude, are you ever home? Do you think Rzodkiew will be waiting? Nu-uh, get yourself and yours schemes somewhere else, void kitty smells nothing but trouble here. Food? What food? There is no joy in depriving you of food if it’s barely edible in the first place. Those leaves you eat aren’t the conventional edible leaves, sir. Don’t you even dare to disrespect the-mighty-hunter Junko like that.
Rzodkiew - yes, please??? Somebody with a common sense??? Who knows that animals need to be fed and who is responsible enough to be trusted with it??? Is home at least frequently?? Cares for his pets?? Rzodkiew would give him smootches, may leave some paw prints on correspondence though. Will absolutely sit in the ink if it means he’ll go to sleep; 110/10
Junko - forget about your pipe, Hideyoshi. Junko knocked it over. It’s probably under the couch. Or the desk. Cabinets. Somewhere. Actually, Junko doesn’t know where it is either. She also left nice print on the tatami mats, but found no bread, sadly. Get her some bread? No? NO?! Well, good, cats shouldn’t eat bread, that’s a plus point. Junko still likes you. Just spoil her with treats. I will come after you the moment she turns into a rolling cat, though. ; 8/10
Porzeczka - void kitty likes. Calm (aside from when he isn’t). Organized. Too stupid to stop her in her plans of world domination. Purrfect conditions for her development.; 9/10, could give her more cat trees.
Because he already has a cat, duh. 
Rzodkiew - is always super grumpy, no matter how many smootches she gives him. Somewhat confusing. But he treats her and is very gentle, and understands the personal space, and actually gives them very good food, and... RZODKIEW WHERE ARE YOU GOING, NO, DON’T MOVE OUT; 14/10
Junko - she is always with him, hugging him and such. Stopped trying to steal his food after she succeeded ONCE (too much spice, man, too much spice). Likes how fluffy his hair is, may try to groom him. 10/10, best friends, their colour schemes sorta match.
Porzeczka - destroyed his scarf because she thought it was a toy. Responsible owner. Not too loud. Will grumble with him, and then will headbutt him to show love. She understands. She would lend him her murder mittens. ; 10/10
Because they don’t want to become the food. Take it as you will, they don’t know who’d they fear more - him or Shogetsu.
Jokes aside, Junko loves the food part. The holy cat mother says annoying. Porzeczka opened claws.
Porzeczka is scared of bunnies. Is there even any place for cats left there? So many bunnies.
Is he multip...?Oh.
Prediction: Kasugayama will become a Bunny-Yama soon enough. Porzeczka must up her plans for world domination.
Rzodkiew - can I call you father? Gentle gigant, gentle gigant, gentle gigant! Emotionally stable. Could build her a fort. Spoils all the ladies - and she IS a lady. A little (literally) tiny (very tiny) cat lady. *hit adopt button*; 16/10
Junko - tall guy tall guy tall guy shoulder rides on the tall guy! SWEETS. THEFT TIME. Her foodie instinct is tingling. Although she knows she will only get food appropriate for cats. Smh. She didn’t travel to the past for that.; 5/10
Porzeczka - he is fine, I guess? She would purr at him to go rest. And then would sit on his chest to make sure he can’t get up. It’s the law of the land, you can’t get up if a cat sits on you. I’m not making this up.
Yukimura & Sasuke
No. They have Shingen and Kenshin to baby. No room for pets in that.
Aaand the winner iiiiiis
Solely because he has all the benefits of the above and no annoying neighbours/INTENSE BOSSES/ore excess. 
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Angel From Ymir
Reiner Braun
word count: 1418
summary: Reiner comes across a kitty. kitty decides Reiner is his person. this is Reiner’s written experience.
tw: mentions of depression + ptsd. cute cuddliness and Reiner being adorable.
a/n: cats are cute and well-suited for many lifestyles! but please adopt responsibly and don’t take on a cat unless you’re ready and financially able to do so! please remember: 1) keeping your cat indoors is the ONLY way to prevent them from being hit by a car, stolen, attacked by other animals or exposed to diseases! 2) be careful and do your research and consult your cat’s vet before giving your cat a flea treatment! some brands cause seizures that can kill your cat or shorten their lifespan severely! protecting your cat from fleas and other sicknesses should NEVER cost a cat their life! 3) declawing a cat is NOT taking away their fingernails, it’s taking away their FINGERS! cats need their claws to climb and declawing them is inhibiting them from doing what they were born to do! 4) if a cat can reach it, they can wreck it, and that’s on you, not the cat, and that’s on PERIOD! if you have items that you want to keep safe 100% of the time then keep them AWAY!!! you can’t tell a cat to not be a cat, but you CAN tell YOURSELF to be a responsible cat owner!
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Entry 1 - Monday
I’m not all that sure what I’m doing. Pieck gave me this, and suggested journaling to help me. She said there’s no wrong way to do this but I’ll probably fuck it up like everything else, so here goes. I uh... had a pretty average day today. Full of planning, saluting, groveling to Marleyans while they called me a devil, and pretending like I don’t hate myself and hate existing. I can tell Gabi is worried about me. Nothing out of the ordinary at this point. A cat followed me home, a yellow tabby. Cats are a rare sight nowadays. They were skinny.
Entry 2 - Tuesday
The cat was sitting outside my door when I left today. It rubbed up against my legs when I was locking my door, and made a noise that sounded like a tiny motorcycle. I think it’s called purring. It followed me to work, and it followed me back home again. I feel bad that it’s so skinny.
Entry 3 - Wednesday
I set out food and water for the cat today when I left. Just some sardines I had sitting in my cupboard. The food was finished and the cat was there waiting for me when I got home. It meowed at me until I pet its’ head.
Entry 4 - Saturday
I had a nightmare last night. Not uncommon for me. Today was my day off, and when I woke up in the morning I heard a scratching noise at the door. Turns out it was the cat, because when I opened the door it ran in and sat in my reading chair like it owned the place. I guess it’s here to stay now, because it runs every time I try to grab it, and it’s not really scratching anything up, so... I don’t know. I moved the food and water bowl inside.
Entry 5 - Sunday
Second day off. I spent the day reading. The cat came and napped in my lap. I fell asleep at one point, too. What? The cat was warm. And the sun was shining on us through the window.
Entry 6 - Thursday
I wish we could take afternoon naps at work. The cat followed me to work again. Pieck saw and asked me about it, so I told her what I told you. She said the cat picked me, whatever that means. I’m not really an animal person so I don’t get why. When I got home, there was a dead bird on my doorstep, and the cat was licking its’ chops. Kinda disgusting.
Entry 7 - Friday
Today I woke up to a crow on my doorstep. This cat is crazy. I asked Pieck about it, she said cats bring gifts to their masters. Some gift, if you ask me. Another observation: cats like boxes.
Entry 8 - Sunday
Something peculiar happened. I had a nightmare, but when I woke up, the cat was there kneading on my chest, licking my nose and rubbing their face against mine. They haven’t left my side yet. Literally. When I took a shower they just sat on the toilet seat lid next to it, and every time I’ve sat down today they’ve climbed in my lap and purred really loudly, rubbing their head against my hands when they could. It’s almost like they could sense my unease. It feels... calming. I usually write at the end of the day but the experience made me want to take note.
Entry 9 - Friday
I’ve missed a couple days, to sum them all up: I go to sleep with the cat under the blankets and wake up with them curled up under my armpit or in the crook of my neck. Today they brought me a squirrel. Their presents are getting to be terrifying, but also normal. They brought me a couple rats the past few days, too.
Entry 10 - Monday
I’m getting this heathen a collar. I woke up to them holding a goose twice their size in their mouth, and the poor creature wasn’t even dead. I had to put it out of its’ misery.
Entry 11 - Tuesday
I came home to find the cat napping in my untouched potatoes. I think I’m gonna call him Potato.
Entry 12 - Tuesday
I think the collar worked. Between the bell and his tags jingling, Potato must scare off every animal in sight because he hasn’t caught anything in a week. Or maybe I’m just not seeing it and he’s been eating his catches after my last reaction. He’s been getting a little fat. I’m worried I’m feeding him too much, I’ve been refilling his bowl every time I saw it empty, which is about twice a day. How much do cats normally eat?
Entry 13 - Saturday
Potato’s not acting normal. He’s been meowing a lot, which is cute, but he also hasn’t been moving as much. And he’s been eating even more than he usually does. I just hope he’ll be okay. Cats aren’t usually kept as pets anymore since they’re so scarce, so no veterinarian will take him. They all keep laughing at me when I tell them my problem. Why is it funny to them? They’re being rude and cruel. If anything happens to Potato I don’t know what I’ll do. Potato is my best friend. Even when he steals my dinner from time to time, I don’t get mad at him. I talk to him about my day like he can hear me, and I tell him about the things I’ve experienced and it really feels like he listens, because every time I get to a bad part and start panicking or crying he’s there, helping me calm down. I haven’t had nightmares even half as often anymore and when I do, he’s there on my chest when I wake up, making me feel better. I can’t call out of work to stay with him. I’m worried he might die. If he does, I’m just glad I have these last two days off. So I can say goodbye.
Entry 14 - Wednesday
He’s getting worse. He’s been laying in the same spot in my closet for awhile. I moved his food and water there and brought blankets and his favorite box to make it cozy for him, but I don’t feel like I can do anything.
Entry 15 - Friday
Well... it turns out Potato was a girl. I came home from work today to find her laying with two kittens - a brown tabby and a black one. I’m just glad she’s okay, and trying to not to think about the fact that I now have two more cats that I’ll have to start feeding myself in a couple weeks. Potato’s been back to her normal self, mostly, but she splits her time between me and running to check up on her babies.
Entry 16 - Saturday
A couple weeks have gone by and I’ve been too busy to write, but the kittens are up and running around now. The black one seems very sure footed and confident in her steps, but the brown tabby runs into walls when he gets excited. He’s... kinda stupid. I made sure to actually check their undersides this time instead of just assuming. I’m hoping to find someone who can get them all fixed at some point so I only have to pay to care for the three I have now.
Entry 17 - Sunday
I have never found myself so content. Or maybe just so distracted. I don’t know. The kittens are cute and so soft but they’re also little nuisances, racing around at night and scratching up the inside of the closet door. They’ve bitten through my lamp chord three times now. I didn’t realize damage control was more expensive than the actual care for them. Why can’t they be like their mom?
Entry 18 - Monday
Gabi wants the brown tabby. I’m kind of attached despite his idiocy, but I see the way her eyes light up when she comes over to play with the kittens. He picked her as his and always cuddles with her. He won’t even sit in my lap now. He just wants Gabi.
Entry 19 - Thursday
Gabi took Porkchop home today. She picked out his name and I paid for the collar and tags. Her mom was already cooing to him within the first five minutes of him being there. Letting him go was the right choice.
Entry 20 - Wednesday
Oh god. Potato’s getting fat again. Wish me luck.
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amarabliss · 4 years
Oaths and Hearts - 10 (Ignis Scientia/Reader)
So this is a crossover between FFXV and Dragon Age Inquisition.
You fell through a rift into the fade fighting the demons you swore to protect your world from. When you popped out you were no longer in the lands of Ferelden instead trapped in Insomnia. The gracious king allowed you to say recognizing power when he saw it. One thing led to another and now you were part of the procession of the prince to his wedding years later. Before the final battle, after years of fighting, losses, and love…your friend…your king…Noctis has asked you to change it all…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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The boat ride back was quick enough. You stood next to Ignis as he pulled up toward the dock, “Gladio is already here…”
“I can see that…” Ignis cut the engine coasting in the rest of the distance.
Dockhands rushed forward tying everything off as Gladio jumped into the boat. He strode forward quickly meeting you both under the canopy of deck. He wore an angry expression as he pointed in your face, “Answer your damn phone!”
“What?” You reached for your back pocket feeling the absence of the electronic leash, “I’m sorry I didn’t bring it…”
“What’s going on?” Ignis stepped closer to you putting a protective hand on your back.
“Put this on.” Gladio shoved a sweatshirt into your arms before looking at Ignis, “Noctis needs you at the secretary's estate now.”
“Gladio, what is-” Ignis began to ask again when his friend turned away.
“There isn’t time! Put the damn sweatshirt on!” He yelled at you making you flinch as he pointed again. He’d never been so pushy with you before.
“Make the time!” Ignis stepped between you and Gladio pushing his hand away, “Yelling at her is not going to help anything.”
“The Neifs want blood.” Gladio looked past Ignis to you, “And you’re the face they’re looking for to take it. Now, put the sweatshirt on.”
You felt cold as you pulled the sweatshirt over your head. It was obviously Gladio's and much too big for you. As you adjusted it you heard the owner of the sweatshirt speak, “I’ll take her some place safe, you get to Noctis and try to smooth this out. Our main goal is not to get into a fight with them right now.”
Ignis looked over to you worry in his eyes, “Y/N…”
You stepped over to him as Gladio climbed off the boat, “Go help Noct, you know he’s still learning to control his temper and seeing the people who are responsible for his father’s death will not be easy for him.”
He took your hands in his, “You’re far too calm for this…”
“Go.” You gave him a small smile before he leaned in kissing your cheek.
“Kissing again?” Gladio smirked when Ignis held his hand out to him pulling him on to the dock.
They met each other’s gaze before Ignis spoke still holding onto his friend's hand, “Gladio…”
“I’ll keep her safe...” Gladio slapped his other hand on his shoulder, “Go save the king from his mouth.”
Ignis gave you a final look before running down the dock into the city. You watched him for as long as you could before Gladio helped you up, “Put the hood up.”
You swallowed pulling it up over your head, “Gladio…how serious is this?”
“It’s not good, we can talk more at the safe house.” He sighed turning around before kneeling, “Hop on?”
“What? No Gladio, I can walk.” You stared at him surprised by the offer.
“Oh, trust me, I know you can.” He looked back you winking, “Its more to blend in. No one will question a boyfriend carrying his tired girlfriend who’s cold.”
“Ah…I see…if you’re sure…” He nodded and you stepped forward hesitantly putting your arms around his neck. You tensed as he lifted you up with ease wrapping your legs over his arms.
He walked you calmly into the city where already Neif guards were patrolling. You buried your face into his neck. Eventually he spoke, “I’m sorry I yelled at you…I’ve never been good at communicating when I’m worried and I was sure they had you when you weren’t answering your phone.”
“Then I heard Noct say that he encouraged Ignis to spend some quality time with you.” Gladio smiled tilting his head a little, “Which I would be glad to see, if we weren’t under Neif occupation.”
“I’m sorry to have worried you…I don’t suppose we’re going back to my room?” You asked speaking quietly.
“'Fraid not…” He sighed as he adjusted you, “Weskham set up a spot for us, won’t be pretty but it’ll keep us safe.”
You fell silent for a moment watching the people pass by still happy and unaware. You wished you could find a way to get your friends to that point. No worries, no danger…
“How are you feeling?” You raised your head a little at his question, “You know…”
“I’m alright…I’m not far enough along for anything major…” You told him seeing guards ahead. You dipped your face back into his neck.
You felt Gladio tense his arms as the clanking of armor passed. He relaxed only when he turned down a waterway, “I saw the way Iggy was looking at you, can I assume you guys have made it past the worst of it?”
“You would be assuming correctly.” You told him with a heavy sigh, “I did almost tell him…”
“Lemme guess, my text ruined it.” You nodded humming a little. Gladio chuckled a bit, “Sorry about that…”
“Unavoidable…I’ll tell him once everything settles down. I hope…” You smiled a little after a while your thoughts drifting to Ignis, “He’ll make a good father…”
“He’ll be better than good.” Gladio glanced back at you, “Did he ever tell you about his dad?”
“A little. He died when he was very young.” You looked at Gladio curiously, “Why?”
“There’s just this one story he told me when I was going through a rough time after my mom passed. My dad was gone with the king and I needed to be the man of the house, you know?” You listened to him as he walked down a set of stairs, “He found me in the training room, just destroying everything I could…”
Another dummy flew across the room shattering against the wall. Gladio’s chest heaved up and down hearing the door creak open, “This room is occupied.”
“Fully aware.” He looked over seeing Ignis shutting the door behind himself.
“Don’t really feel like having company.” Gladio growled as he stood up straight.
“Noted.” Ignis removed his glasses pocketing them safely before taking off his jacket hanging it up.
“I mean it Ignis, if you stay, you’re going to wind up hurt.” Gladio threatened him.
“More than likely, you are much stronger than I am.” Ignis seemed to ignore him as he took off his dress shirt as well leaving him in his black tank and dress pants.
“Iggy…” Gladio gripped the training blade as his friend walked out on to the floor with a javelin.
“Three hits, reset?” Ignis posed himself to attack.
Gladio gritted his teeth shaking his head, “Fine.”
“Good, begin.” Ignis nodded toward him.
They moved around the mat circling one another sizing up any weak points. Finally, Gladio attacked, coming down hard and fast, but his friend was faster with the lance pegging him good in the chest. He landed hard on his chest feeling the air leave him.
“One.” Rage seeped into Gladio’s body as his friend readied himself.
Gladio watched again as his friend sidestepped another attack pegging him in the back, “Two.”
Wasting no time Gladio began to swing wildly over and over. Each attacked was blocked, parried, or sidestepped. It just made him angrier and all the more reckless. Ignis made quick work taking his feet out from him making him land on his.
Ignis stepped over him, “Three.”
“Dammit!” Gladio reached for his weapon but Ignis kicked it out of the way, “What are you doing?”
Ignis threw the lance away staring at him, “Reset.”
Gladio growled hitting the mat before he stood up, “You sure you want to do this?”
“I’ve never been one to back down.” Ignis smiled at him raising up his fists.
It didn’t take long for Ignis to land his three punches. Gladio yelled out in frustration before grabbing Ignis by the shirt shoving him up against the wall, “Why are you doing this!?”
“Because…you’re hurting and one of the ways you deal with hurt…is fighting.” Ignis spoke calmly looking into his friend’s eyes with such sincerity that it hurt worse than a punch.
Gladio clenched his teeth before he began shaking. His hands relaxed falling flat against Ignis’ chest as he began to hang his head. His eyes shut and tears began to fall, “Why did she have to die?”
Ignis frowned and pulled his friend into a hug. After a while they both sat against the wall. Gladio wiped his face before he spoke, “Sorry about that…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Ignis stared straight ahead resting his arms on his knees.
“I shouldn’t be like this…I’m supposed to be a shield to the prince and yet I’m blubbering…” Gladio hung his head embarrassed.
“My father…” Gladio looked at him surprised as Ignis spoke. He rarely spoke of his parents and when he did it was always a good memory, “told me that men who allow themselves the moment to cry, are the bravest of men. For they are willing to admit that they are human and feel the most intimate of things.”
Gladio listened as he went on, “He told me that after I came home from school. I was upset because the class pet had passed away, but all the boys at school said it wasn’t manly to cry. So, I was trying my hardest to not let it get to me.”
“But my father was a kindhearted man and he could feel something was wrong.” Ignis smiled a little, “He knelt down and asked me what was wrong, so I explained and…I cried…and he held me close and said it would be okay, that I was stronger for feeling such a strong attachment to the poor creature. That was just bunny…”
“Your mother died, Gladio…there is no one who can replace her.” Ignis looked at him and Gladio felt a knot in this throat.
He felt his grief begin to take hold of him again. His dear friend had lost his parents when he was only five. He only had five years with his parents, Gladio still had his father, “…does it ever feel better?”
Ignis smiled sadly shaking his head, “No, I’m afraid it’s always a void you will feel, but you do grow numb to it. Then you’ll see someone…or read something…or…anything really and it will just cut open and you will mourn again…that part does get easier.”
Ignis put his hand on his shoulder, “Gladio, never hide your feelings. They make us who we are…your mother lives on in you. She had a big heart and did a great deal for the people of Insomnia because of it. You have the same heart.”
“Ignis barely knew his parents and yet he learned so much from them.” Gladio sniffed a little, “His uncle would always say he acted like his mother, logical and collected, but when it comes down to caring for people…he knows what people need in order to heal, like his dad.”
“You’re a very good friend Gladio.” You squeezed him a little getting a chuckle from him, “I hope you know that.”
“You ain’t so bad yourself.” He stopped outside a door stooping down a little, “Alright, last stop.”
You stepped in after he opened the door looking around the dark room seeing crates and canvas coverings, “What is this place?”
“An old, old storage house.” You looked over at Weskham stepping out of the shadows with a soft smile, “A few things I have in the works for another franchise, but for now it’s a safe place for a very pretty lady.”
He took your hand kissing the top of it, “Thank you, I can never repay for putting yourself in such a predicament.”
“I have a duty to protect those who protected me, and you certainly helped protect the city I love.” He patted your hand getting you to smile, “Come, there’s a place to rest over here. I brought some food and will send more provisions later with the next rotation.”
“Rotation?” You glanced over at Gladio.
“Yeah, we can’t be too far from Noct…it will look suspicious.” Gladio sighed pulling out his phone, “Weskham, did we get that dampener set up?”
“No, we couldn’t find one in time.” Weskham began pulling out something that smelled heavenly.
“Shit…we can’t use our phones here until we do…” Gladio ran a hand through his hair, “I gotta let them know we made it. Can you stay with her until Prompto gets here?”
“Certainly, I make fine company I promise.” Weskham smirked giving you a wink.
“I never doubted it.” You smiled at him take a seat on a crate.
Everything seemed to be going off without a hitch. Prompto arrived with blankets and a pillow. His upbeat attitude helped alleviate some worry from you. At least enough that you were able to get some rest when Gladio returned again.
When you woke up you could smell coffee. You rolled over seeing Ignis sitting on the ground next to the cot you were on, “Ignis?”
His head snapped to you as he set his cup down on the ground, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine…a little stiff but otherwise fine.” You sat up watching him move from the floor to sitting next to you, “How’s Noct?”
He smiled a little before he answered with a sigh, “He was doing very well…until they tried to demand that he surrender you over to them.”
You frowned looking down at your hands, “So, they’re not being reasonable?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” He took your hands getting you to look at him, “But we have a plan to keep you safe and take down Neiflhiem.”
“…alright…what are we going to do?” You laced your fingers with his watching him turn his face from you, “Ignis, what’s wrong?”
“We’re sending you away.” No beating around the bush. He shut his eyes when you pulled your hand away, “They will be relentless and sending you away will divi-”
“No. I’m not going anywhere.” You interrupted him as he tried to explain, “No! I didn’t do everything I did to just sit on the sidelines while everyone else runs headlong into danger.”
“Do you even remember why you did it?” Ignis stared at you for a moment letting everything settle. You did…but you didn’t…it was complicated. You knew why you would do it now, wasn’t that enough?
“Y/N…this wasn’t an easy decision.” He spoke quietly as he placed a hand on your cheek, “I don’t want to send you away. I want to keep you close so I can protect you, but…”
“Your oath to your king…” You began to tear up as a well of emotions burned in your chest, “I swore an oath too…maybe not in front of an assembly or even directly to Noct…but I want to protect him…and you.”
“I know…but you’re not part of the guard...it’s not expected of you.” He took a deep breath watching you as you stood up frustrated, “Aranae, will be here in an hour to take you to safety…”
“An hour?” You turned back to him eyes widening in surprise, “Why are we moving so fast? It can’t be that-”
“It is.” He stood up looking down into your eyes as the seriousness of the situation began to sink in. He spoke plainly and without hiding anything, “They see you as a threat. They have footage of you pushing Ardyn into the rift…you killed their chancellor. It’s an act of war.”
“They killed King Regis!” Your voice cracked a little shaking your head as if it would make everything go away, “Ardyn was a monster…a deamon…and he was advising them!”
“I know, but the fact remains…you killed him, and there is no proof but your word to say Ardyn was a deamon.” Ignis looked away taking off his glasses as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “I don’t want to spend my last hour with you arguing, Y/N, please can we sit?”
“So, what…” You threw out your arms to the warehouse, “We have a farewell party to send me away…we act like everything is fine…It’s not!”
“This is the only option we have.” He wouldn’t look at you when he said it.
There were layers to his statement, and you could see them. You remember saying the same thing when your forces were in the Arbor Wilds, but you had to go fight Corypheus. It wasn’t the only option, but it was the only one that protected the most people, “What will you be doing?”
He finally looked at you as he slid on his glasses again, “I…will be accompanying Noctis to the empire’s capitol to retrieve the crystal.”
“Oh, is that all…Ignis, I’m going with you.” You felt your hands ball up into fists as you tried to reason with him, “I went before…I had to have…I wouldn’t let you go alone.”
“That may be…but they don’t have Ardyn anymore…things have changed.” Ignis stepped toward you, “Y/N…”
“But what if…”
“You can’t do that to yourself.” He put his hands on your arms shaking his head, “You can’t make up scenarios to put yourself there…You’ll only drive yourself mad.”
“I can’t lose you!” You spat out at him tears finally cresting over your lashes, “I can’t…”
“And I will do my very best to ensure that you don’t.” He smiled at you moving his hands up your arms to your neck letting his forehead rest against yours, “I promise to always-”
“I’m pregnant…” You watched as his face went blank. You trembled in his grasp afraid this might be the one thing that pushes him away, “I didn’t want to tell you like this…I wanted it to be happy…I wanted it to be a moment…but not like this…”
“Shh…” He shook his head before his eyes brightened and he smiled, “I don’t want to waste any more time on regrets…”
You felt a knot in your throat as you choke out his name, “Ig…Ignis…I…”
“Shh…” He kissed your forehead before pulling you into his arms. He held you close for a long time as you cried into his shoulder and he spoke softly, “You’re going to be an amazing mother…”
You let out a small sob as he pulled away wiping your tears from your face, “Ignis, please…”
“I’ve always liked the name Lilibeth…” He smiled wiping another tear away, “for a girl…and for a boy…Anders.”
“Why are you so calm about this? And his name is going to be Ulric…” You put your hands over his squeezing them.
“After Nyx…it’s perfect.” He kissed your forehead lightly ignoring your question, “A strong name.”
“Ignis…” Your brow furrowed together trying to get him to understand.
“Y/N, there is nothing we can do and now more then ever I need to keep you as far away from Neiflhiem.” He spoke quietly brushing your away from your face, “So please…do this for me? For our baby…”
He looked down into your eyes and he could see it. You hated the idea…you hated that he was right…but how could you argue with a man who wanted to keep his child safe? Large tears fell down your face catching against his thumbs, “…okay…”
“Good…now enough of this.” He took a step backwards as he took your hands pulling you with him, “I want to spend the next hour with you…my family.”
You moved with him as he sat down putting his hands on your hips. He smiled at you pulling you closer until he was able to rest the side of his face against your stomach. You couldn’t stop the tears, as you were going from one emotion to the next…happy to terrified.
Your hand brushed through his hair and he closed his eyes finding pleasure in your touch, “…it’s a boy…please don’t ask me how I know…I just do.”
He looked up at you giving you a questioning look before he simply smiled, “Ulric Scientia it is then…”
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vegetacide · 4 years
Tagged by @gumnut-logic  :)
1. Would you rather accessorize with scarves or necklaces?
Scarves,  cause I like soft stuff to snuggle and hide my face in.
2. How old were you when you first saw mountains? (Or if you haven’t seen mountains, what do you imagine they’re like?)
Smokey Mountains on a road trip... erm.. in my mid teens I guess...
3. Do you make your bed in the morning?
It a habit I recently started when we first went on lock down to help me get my day started... prior to that.. hell no as I would just be crawling back into them later.
4. What type of stories did you like as a child?
Book wise when I was little.. anything my Dad would read to me at bedtime...As a teenager it was Sci-fi, fantasy and romance and hopefully all in the same book. 
5. What was the most exhilarating experience of your life?
Hmm ...no idea so will pick some at experience at random... sailing through a sun shower in St. Thomas on one of our honeymoon excursions to see sea turtles in their natural habitat. ...
Snorkeling for the first time in the ocean..
Skiing down a winter slope when I was a kid and somehow not managing to kill myself (I suck at skiing) 
First day we brought my daughter home from the hospital.. feels surreal as I sit here to think the 5 year old softly snoring beside me was once sooooo small and it was ONLY 5 SHORT YEARS AGO.  Dude, when they say the little years go by fast.. they weren’t kidding..
Oh.. and of course walking down the isle and somehow not tripping over my feet and face planting in front of my family and friends as I was shaking like a leaf caught in a hurricane having a mild panic attack and worried I was going to fuck up somehow.
Okay, so the last one was more terrified than exhilarating but.. meh...
6. Do you agree with the concept of exotic pets?
Here in North America... if the thing was born in the wild.. it should stay in the wild...unless under the extreme circumstances of animal rescue when the animal can’t be returned to the wild..   If it was breed in captivity and is not on the endangered species list and wont eat you or rip your face off...say like a hedge hog which is oddly enough considered exotic where I am.. then its okay but only if the owner can provide a loving, healthy home.  (wolf hybrids,  tigers, ligers, and other exotic large cats are the exceptions as no one can care for them properly unless specialized training has taken place and you have like a billion acres of land for them...basically any animal that has not been domesticate over hundreds of years ... leave em alone... )
7. Describe your feelings about maths.
Necessary evil...enough said. 
8. When was the last time you finished a book?
Do audio books count? If so.. in March right before lock down.  Listened to a lot of books on my travels to and from work..   Currently I am able to actually pick up a hard copy and I am working my way through Crazy, Rich Asians.   Good book!
9. What’s a small way that you’ve been kind recently?
All the things I have done recently have just been what is expected of a normal human being with responsibilities so I cant really say.. erm.. made an extra meat loaf for my Dad so I know he is eating well... collected his beer bottles for return cause they just started excepting them again.. 
Started making my husband lunch as he was recalled to work... Do his laundry cause he usually does it for himself...
I haven’t really be out much in the world lately and as I said.. basic stuff. 
10. What new hobby/activity have you always wanted to try?
And got to the bottom and I think I fucked this up... oh well.. lmao.. so on to the questions I was supposed to answer...ooopppsss..  gonna leave the other answers above cause I spent the time to write em.. 
Oooh, and now I have to ask questions…
1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?  
Falling Lakes aka  Plitvice Lakes National Park  in Croatia cause it looks beautiful and would be the closest thing on Earth to being in a fantasy novel..  
2. Favourite pasta shape?  
No favourite shape.. just spoon sized cause spaghetti is messy
3.What do you need to do everyday to keep your mind and body working well?
Wake up... lmao
4. First ever fandom and why? How old were you?
This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as I have loved many things over the years.. I have always loved cartoons going back as far back as I can remember and later in life comic books and anime  so will answer this by first fanfictions  and first community.... 
Well.. first fanfiction i got hooked on reading was for Sailor Moon..age..erm... high school so like maybe grade 9ish..  At that point I had always loved cartoons but Sailor Moon really sucked me in. 
First I wrote and will never see the light of day... Biker Mice From Mars and/or G.I.Joe...cant rightly remember which came first and I am a huge Snake Eyes fan.  
First posted... DBZ I believe under another name.. and ermm.. no, I wont tell. 
First community I joined... Dragon Ball Z on here in fact.. and within the last few years.   I am still a DBZ fan but I jumped the fandom community wagon and joined up with a bunch of Thundernerds and completely fell down the rabbit hole.
And I am being vague about the age for a reason.. lol   
5.Deserted beach or snazzy night club?
Beach! 100% Sand between the toes,  the sound of the water lapping up the shore.. the smell of the salt in the air.. the sun on my back and my sandals dangling from my finger tips.. ahhhh perfection. 
6. Do you find it easier to talk to people online or offline?
Online.. cause there is security in anonymity. 
7. What do you think is the aim in your life? What do you ultimately want to achieve?
Wow.. talk about a soul baring question.. lmao.. I don’t know.. to be remembered and looked back on kindly.   To be better then those before me and to not make the same mistakes.. to be a good mom to my daughter and to not fuck her up to bad. (I answered this one out of order.. meh)   
8. Coolest Thunderbird
....well this one should be an obvious answer. lol
9. What is your absolute favourite topic to talk about?
My interests.. which are vast and varied. 
10. Do you have an embarrassing story to share?
How I fucked up this questionnaire.. lol 
okay so now for questions to ask,..if I understand this right that is what i am supposed to do now... hmm
1. Favourite dessert.
2. What would you rather...fine dining or eating around a camp fire?
3.  Favourite past time outside of here?
4. If you were a video game character, who would you be? Why?
5. Flight or invisibility? 
6. In the case of a zombie apocalypse what would be your escape plan and what would you do to survive? 
7. If you could go on a road trip anywhere in the world.. where would you go and what car would you be driving? 
8. Who would be in the seat beside you? 
9.  What would you rather... watch a thunderstorm or close the blinds
10. What 10 questions would you come up with if you could ask anyone anything?  (Ya, I so cheated there mu ha ha a ha) 
Feel free to answer.. or not. Open to anybody just copy and paste the last 10 questions.. not the whole thing like I did... oops... cause that would be wrong.. Oh and if you made it all the way down here after this long ass ramble .. GOLD STAR FOR YOU!  :) 
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
Eternal [Chapter 3]
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: Language, violence, abuse, sexual situations, abortion
Summary: You’re not sure how to deal with your current situation. Your owner, Byun Baekhyun, isn’t helping with the stress. But what happens when you find a risky solution that might just solve all your problems?
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Prologue [M]│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5  │Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11 │Chapter 12│Chapter 13
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It was hard for you to fall asleep.
Baekhyun has gone out again last night, which is strange. Now that they’ve found the culprit of the attacks, he should be able to stay home more often. You haven’t had the chance to ask him about it, nor do you wish to disturb him during the day.
Still, you find it very strange, and an unsettling feeling churns in your stomach.
You push yourself out of bed, stretching. You feel your stomach, still flat, but somehow you can feel the baby inside you. You don’t feel lonely anymore, don’t feel like you’re drifting through time aimlessly like you used to.
You have a purpose now. A family. Something that belongs to you, and you alone.
You smile at the thought, heading to the bathroom to freshen up. As you head down the stairs to the living room, Yixing catches you. He looks tired, as tired as a vampire can look, really, though he smiles at you. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.” You greet back, brows furrowed in concern. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” He answers, ruffling his already messy hair, looking a little dazed. “Just...you know. Unsure about everything, I guess.”
“Has she answered?”
“Not yet.” His eyes glance around before he sighs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for you to see me like this. I’m just a little nervous I guess. In both scenarios, I’d be giving something up that I hold dear. It’s a scary thought, even for a vampire like me that lived for so long.”
“Hey,” you put a comforting arm on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I get it. You’re unsure and scared. You took a huge leap, and I’m proud of you. Even though I’ll miss you a lot if you leave.”
He smiles, looking more relaxed. “Oh, I was going to give you something.” He motions for you to follow him into his room, closing the door behind him. He goes to his desk, grabbing a book. “Here, a gift.”
You read the title, Beginner’s Guide to Babies.
“Aw, Yixing.” You hug the book close to your heart, beaming at him. “Thank you. I needed this.”
He grins back, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Just make sure he doesn’t see. Well, at least until you’re ready.”
You hum in response, flipping through the book, excited to begin reading. He shrugs. “Well then, I’m gonna go to bed. Happy reading.”
“Thanks, Yixing.” You squeeze his shoulder again as you begin to leave. “Really.”
“You’re welcome.” He chuckles before his tone drops, becoming more serious. “Be safe.”
You pause at the doorway, feeling your heart squeeze until you can’t breathe, eyes beginning to sting a little. You can’t get yourself to say anything, so you merely turn back and smile before leaving.
Heading down the stairs again with your new book clutched safely against your chest, you hear voices.
It’s not the Pets.
It’s Jongdae. And the woman, Victoria.
You hold your breath, flattening your body against the wall as you carefully, carefully go down the steps. They’re a hallway or two down, near the backdoor, and you strain to listen.
“Jongdae, please.” Victoria says, her voice begging and desperate and tired. “Just this one last time. Hear me out.”
Jongdae is quiet for several moments before he finally sighs, giving in. “...Alright.”
You hear the door open and close.
You frown, unsure what to make of it. You shrug though, since it has nothing to do with you. You simply need to stay out of trouble, off the radar. You can’t afford to do anything reckless, and you shiver. If you had been caught eavesdropping, your life might’ve been over. You never know, in a household of vampires.
One moment they’ll smile at you, and your head will be rolling the next.
You sit down on the couch, getting cozy. You aren’t really hungry yet, and you decide you can eat breakfast a little later. You’re just excited to be reading your book, to learn more about the little life growing inside of you. You want to be a good mom for it, to make up for its dad.
“I’m sorry, baby.” You whisper as you hold your stomach. “Your daddy might not be the best, but I promise I’ll be the best mom. Please don’t hate your dad.”
Despite the thought of Baekhyun being a bad dad, the thought of your baby hating him tears you apart. You want your baby to love him, to love him as much as its little heart can hold because even if it’s not what Baekhyun deserves, it’s what he needs.
You want that for him.
You hear footsteps, and Jongdae’s Pet comes into view. You glance up at her, seeing her looking a little hurried and anxious. She greets you, “Hey Thorn!”
You smile at her. “Hi.”
“Have you seen Jongdae?”
Your mind replays the conversation they had. For some reason you feel a trickle of worry, and you almost tell her that, no, you haven’t seen him. But then again, you have no reason to keep her from him, so you nod. “I think he went out to the backyard a while ago.” 
She thanks you, hurrying away. You feel slightly guilty, as if you did the wrong thing, but you shake those feelings away. You simply told the truth, there’s nothing wrong with that.
It’s several minutes later when you see her running back, sobbing so painfully. You can hear Jongdae’s voice calling after her, filled with desperation and guilt.
You push the book up to cover your face as you peek at them, feeling your guilt grow. What happened? Something must’ve happened between Jongdae and Victoria for her to look so brokenhearted.
You’re curious, but you don’t want to get pulled into their affairs. 
Hearing the noise, Yixing comes out, confused and worried. He sees her crying, and hurries over to her. Jongdae comes bounding in seconds later, stopping when he sees Yixing holding her.
You look away, feeling like you’re intruding in the scene. You curl yourself into a tight ball, wishing you could disappear from this place, wishing you saw nothing. Yixing carries her up the stairs, to her room, and Jongdae stands there, rigid.
Unable to hold your breath any longer, you exhale before inhaling, the action alone catching Jongdae’s attention. He looks at you with surprise, a little embarrassed. “Uh, hey Thorn. How long have you been here?”
“A while.” You answer, glancing at him and back up the stairs. “...Are you okay?”
He chuckles, a dark, broken sound as he runs a hand through his hair. “Hell no. It feels like everything’s falling apart and I don’t know what to do.”
You smile at him, a pitying and understanding smile. It seems like everything in this house is falling apart, and you hate it. More often than not, you wish to run away, to find a better life.
It’s impossible, of course. It was impossible then and will certainly be impossible now that you’re pregnant.
But you know Jongdae is a good person. You know his heart—if he has one—is true. You know that someone like him can someday find happiness.
So you smile, a little envious.
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Baekhyun is gone again.
His disappearances are really starting to worry you. Where could he be, what could he be doing?
The itch of wanting to know is growing more and more intense. You can no longer sleep, not that you could before. It’s becoming worse though, your insomnia, and at this rate it’s going to effect your baby negatively.
But where could he be? Is he safe?
You shake your head, pacing your room in the dark. Of course he’s safe. He’s part of the EXO clan, for heaven’s sake. Still, you can’t simply shake off the uneasy feeling bubbling and boiling in your veins.
You can’t wait anymore. Against every rational thought in your head, every negative and terrifying outcome that will happen if you step out, you do it anyways.
Because you love him.
Admitting it to yourself is scary enough on its own. But you’ve always loved him. The terrifying, unstable vampire that hurt you so much.
You should hate him. Yet you don’t. Can’t.
Because he’s hurting so much worse.
You know this. You might be the only one in the whole universe that knows this. So you can’t leave him outside like this. So you decide to go look for him, no matter how many alarms are blaring in your mind.
You pull on a coat, covering as much skin as you can. If you can limit the amount of skin exposed, you might be able to decrease your scent from the monsters that thrive in the dark.
It’s a futile attempt, but every little thing makes a difference.
You sneak out, hearing chatter and laughter coming from the room down the hall. Some of the vampires like to hang out like this, which is a good thing. They’re distracted, so they might not hear your footsteps, or smell your scent as you leave.
You hurry down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible.
“Going somewhere?”
You jolt, goosebumps erupting over your skin in surprise and fear. When you turn, you find Sehun leaning against the rail of the staircase, eyes glowing faintly red in the dark.
“I, um,” you wrack your brain for excuses, knowing you’re not allowed to leave the house without a vampire with you.
Sehun smiles, stepping towards you with his arms crossed. “Breaking the rules, hm?”
You take a deep breath, knowing he already figured it out. There’s no use lying to him. “I need to go find Baekhyun.”
He arcs a perfect brow, his eyes glancing at the door and back to your face. “You? Alone?”
“Yes.” You answer, pulling your coat tighter against your body. “I’m worried, Sehun.”
“I’m more worried about you.” He scoffs. “Baekhyun will do fine on his own, but you? It’s a death wish.”
You bite your lip, knowing this already, of course. But what else can you do? What else can you do to bring him back to you?
You feel like crying, feeling so frustrated. Rather than worry, you just want to see him. You want to see him and let him reassure you that everything is going to be okay, even though you know it won’t.
“Alright, don’t cry on me.” Sehun sighs, shaking his head. “I’ll take you to him, okay? Just don’t cry. Baekhyun will gut me if he thinks I made you cry.”
You blink up at him, surprised. “You...Really?”
“Yeah.” He opens the door, motioning for you to go first. “Why the hell not?”
He leads you into town, filled with a dizzying thrum of creatures that have you averting their eyes. You feel cold, terrified, so small in the crowd. You try not to get separated from Sehun, because that would certainly be your worst nightmare at the moment.
“Keep up, keep up.” Sehun snorts. “Don’t wanna end up dead, do you?”
You shake your head frantically, hurrying after him. He leads you to the Red Light District, as you’ve heard some of the others call it. Those who are unlucky—or perhaps lucky enough—end up here. To become Tainted.
You tremble as you enter the area, eyes darting around your surroundings, as if expecting danger at any moment. Your words are a harsh whisper, “Sehun, why are we here?”
“You wanted to find Baekhyun, right?” Sehun asks, his tone slightly mocking. “Well there he is.”
Sounds and sceneries mix into a silent blur around you. Your vision darkens, pulses and your body freezes, heart dropping in surprise, shock, or perhaps disappointment.
Sehun’s right. There he is.
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Eternal Mini Masterlist
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A/N: Something has been set in motion and I’m exciteddd~ I hope you enjoyed this chap! Please tell me your thoughts!
Tags: @loser-dot-com @meryljill-111192 @ugeuuupabo @baekyeolbeom @weirdsofagirls @and-you-found-me @ilovexiu @hibisciuslady @enchanting-exo @byunfirstlady @skjdln @iietherealsky @xoforxiuchen @dear-fake-diary
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dissidiacloudstrife · 4 years
[slides in to torment you with Way Too Many questions] 1 through 6 for honey, 8 through 12 for clover, 13 through 17 for bluebell, 18 through 23 for vale, 24 through 27 for baaby, and 28 through 30 for that morosexual mordrem
1. Did you have a theme in mind when you designed them? What was it?  honey was originally made ngl, to have nsfw dealings with another friends oc. that sounds so bad now but i promise the other oc was also a horny bastard. but she grew into her own character!
2. How would someone find them in a crowd?  just look for her plants! on her head grows a huge japanese honeysuckle!
3. Do they dance at a party? What about when they’re alone?  honey used to be an assassin so she can pretty much do any dancing with someone, but alone she likes to do spins and get dizzy
4. What’s their ideal pizza? “are my husband, and datemates a pizza” honestly she probably wouldnt enjoy pizza v much
5. Post a song that reminds you of them. I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST FOR HER....ITS SO LONG...but this is the song that rly jump started her into turning into her own character: Patchwork Stacatto
6. How would you describe their fashion?  honestly sexy! she likes to show off her body, but likes to wear huge ballgown type dresses. she likes the Attention.
8. Would they have noticed there’s no “7″ in this list?  you motherfucker. no probably not at first, if it was something medical related tho he probably would!
9. What would they do with a large sum of anonymously gifted money? he’d be confused and wouldnt know what to do with it. he doesnt really need money because the priory pretty much pays for his expeditions as long as they get to publish his works, so he’d probably donate it to people he knew
10. Do they have a “type”? This can include preferences in friends. its apparently big sunshine men. absolutely beaming boys. full of love and positivity
11. If they were in a book, what genre would it be? What might their TVTropes page look like? medical drama! i sadly dont rly know much tvtropes to put him in any, besides like, anxiety, tired doctor. 
12. Are they a good cook? good enough for himself and his husband! theyre normal dishes, nothing fancy when youre traveling most of the time.
13. Do they have any comfort objects? her armor and weapons! outside of that, the heirloom forgal gave her before he died
14. How do they see themself?    a strong woman who’s had to go through a lot of shit to get where she is. she thinks shes had to got through more than a lot of people should have, but doesnt know how to think about it, in and of itself.
15. How would someone best comfort them? sitting with her and putting your arm around her. she doesnt like talking unless its with very specific people. but silent, and gentle touches are welcomed.
16. What’s their ideal vacation? “going back home to my family, but i dont know who that is anymore” 
17. What’s their ideal meal? a vanilla ice coffee with some sautéed veggies and like some spicy dolyak meat.
18. How do they respond to pressure and responsibility? hahaha he didnt! it was very much a kind “dont feel” for the longest time; his pressure was put on by his dad, and to be able to have a few kids. (which he has one and he regrets it a ton) it was always impossible missions and responsibility when your dad is bagnar :’) and he would expect vale to do everything to perfection.
19. Do they have a favorite animal, or an ideal pet? not really! thought vale likes minotaurs a lot as like a power symbol
20. What’s their favorite weather?  before becoming champion, it was the weather around grothmar. that was his home for a long time. so contemporary, and not much humidity. now its obviously Blizzard Babey
21. When their friends are in danger, how do they respond? with seriousness, and tactically. its to try and get them out of the danger ASAP, but not risking their own life if it was like, a 0% chance either of them would live
22. How do they feel about sailing or swimming in deep water, far from the shore? the swimming would honestly be a pressure off of him, despite deep water having pressure. he wouldnt have to worry about anything, nobody expects anything out of him, it would be blissful. 
23. How good are they are first aid? he could do military first aid, but nothing amazing. he wasnt a medic, and even as champion the most he can do is refreeze a team mate so they dont fall apart. 
24. How big is their friend group? How close? its pretty much only marigold and bubbles, and theyre family to each other. baaby didnt hate her family until she came out as trans and then it was hell for her, so she left. marigold and bubbles support her and she doesnt have to worry about them trying to sabotage anything she makes for competitions. 
25. What’s their relationship with their family? it was okay before she came out, they were pretty much turning the other way when she expressed an interest in music since she was still inventing other things. but being trans was just One thing too much, and she decided to leave rata sum, and found marigold. later on bubbles, and theyve all been best friends, and family to each other ever since.
26. If they find a lost dog, do they try to find its owner? Adopt it? Leave it? she’d try to find their owner first! if she couldnt she would just hold onto them and then give them to someone who would want a dog. she and the band dont really have time for one right now despite bubbles cooing at them. 
27. Do they have any scars? not really! shes taken pretty good care of herself during experiments, and is proud of her body after she’s able to make hormones for herself (idk if HRT would be a huge thing yet)
im just gonna call them Imposter for now bc thats their namesake:
28. Do they have any tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications? nothing identifiable! maybe later after mordremoth’s defeat, but theyre a infiltrator, and therefore their original form has no discernable features so its easier to illusion it
29. How well do they sleep at night? they dont! :)
30. Would they heat up canned food, or eat it straight from the can? they’d eat the can. like unopen, just, eat the can and the food inside. at once.
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Taste of Home- Chapter 9
Warnings: Language.
A/N: Endless groveling for your forgiveness in my snail-like pace these days.
Chris had only been a way for a measly month, and you were chattering already with impatience. You had helped out on a local shoot for Tess and an up-and-coming new city publication, welcoming the opportunity to bury yourself into some work that didn’t consist of coffee beans.
Scott and you had spent a very fair amount of time together in the recent days, going for brisk walks around your childhood neighborhood nearly every afternoon with Dodger. The kindhearted little pooch was a friendly reminder of his owner for you. Those smiling eyes, and chipper greetings reminded you so much of the presence of Chris, so you had grown quite deeply attached to the pup.
It was Saturday in Boston, and your parents insisted you take a weekend off to get into something that a normal, single girl your age would. Embarrassingly enough, your list of friends around town were few, and far between with one on the other side of the country, and the sister to said friend busy with work. As a matter of fact, nearly every individual around that you would’ve chosen to spend your downtime with, all had the same last name.
You felt worthless and lackadaisical still in bed at 8:00, your internal clock clearly accustomed to the early rising schedule of the coffee shop. A phone was still attached the charger on your nightstand when you heard a tiny ping notifying a message.
Shithead: This should do wonders for your new boyfriend and his sacred public image.
You read, and read, and read the pesky text, trying to decode Ben and his smartass, vague comments. Waiting a moment, thinking maybe there was a part two to his cryptic weirdness, but when it never came through, you pried.
A: Come again?
Shithead: Oh, dear. He hasn’t shared the news with you yet? I’m sure his lawyers are going over the ins and outs with him as we speak.
There was no misunderstanding his usual undermining attitude even through text message. Ben was bullish, sarcastic, and unremittingly egotistical in the most undesirable of ways. Deep down, they were all attributes you were familiar with when you married him, but somehow, the faux sense of romance overshadowed the slime he really was deep inside.  
Bile churned angrily in your belly instantly mixing with the word “lawyer”. Whatever Ben had done to Chris, he’d gone too far. You were sure of it, before the details had even been explained. Deciding you would much rather hear the news from any other human mouth than your scheming ex, you called Chris immediately with a nauseous stomach.
“Good morning, sunshine. Someone slept in?” He chipped. Chris had probably been whizzing around for hours already, maybe even missing sleep altogether.
You were mildly calmed that he seemed so poised. Either Ben was being his melodramatic self, or Chris had no idea what was to come.
“Morning, Chris. So, I’ve just heard from Ben…..” You were testing the waters, treading lightly.
“Oh yeah. That dickhead filed a civil suit against me for the apparent threat I threw at him when I called him from your phone that day. Ya’ know, when he pulled that stunt with your car.”
“And you’re not concerned? At all?”
Chris blew a raspberry over his lips. You could see the wave off in your mind.
“Fuck no. My lawyers are handling it right this minute, actually. What did he say to you, Mills? Are you okay? Do I need to call the fucker?”
He was trying to squander a civil lawsuit, yet he was kindheartedly concerned even still for your well-being. Your heart clenched a little.
“Nothing really. He was pretty shady about it. He just made it sound like he had pulled some stunt to completely slaughter you in the press.”
“Relax, sweetheart. I’ll handle it. Don’t you worry your pretty head, okay? But, listen. I do have to run. Call me tonight after your walk with Scott.”
Chris clicked an end to the call without a goodbye, and it took you a moment to register how he had known about your walk with his brother this afternoon. Brushing off the miniscule inquisition, you stewed with how far Ben would take things. He was not the type to let things go easily, especially when they didn’t go his spoiled way. He was a skeezy parasite with too much time on his narcissistic hands.
Your free Saturday rolled on, the absence of responsibility and schedules did your soul some good. You rolled around, rutting and rotting in the clean sheets of your bed until past 10 a.m., only finally changing locations when you remembered the newest chamomile bath salts you’d picked up yesterday afternoon. The bliss of your steamy soak seeped a calm into your joints, and had you prepared to conquer whatever it was you felt like taking on.
You did lunch alone, peeping into the pet store next door to pick up a special treat for Dodger when you met the pup and Scott for your stroll in a few hours. The doll-faced hound was your favorite little sidekick while Chris was away, and you wanted to show some appreciation.
Before heading to your meeting place, you made one last mad-dash pit stop into a corner grocery to snag a bottle of water, when something caught your eye.
Although incognito behind the blue of his navy cowl, those wispy-lashed eyes stood out like a sore thumb. Chris, decked to the nines in all things Captain America, was plastered on every bag of Doritos on aisle 4.
You chuckled, still occasionally a bit taken aback when you saw him displayed on billboards, and magazine covers. You took the silly break as an excuse to text the ever-so-handsome superhero in question.
Saddling a bag in your hand, you clicked a selfie with it, your face doe-y with a waning swoon.
A: As if Cool Ranch wasn’t already my favorite…..
Satisfied with your flirty, quick wit, you tucked the bag back on the rack next to its dozens of clones, headed for the register. Scott was a nagging twit if you were even a second late.
Parking your car and pulling on your airy windbreaker, you locked your doors as Dodger came for you, almost pummeling your bottom straight to the ground.
“And hello to you, bubba. You smell your treat somewhere in my pocket, huh?” You ruffled his caramel colored coat.
Standing to your feet, you felt a text alert buzz in the opposite pocket of the dogs treat, so you multitasked and used each hand to satisfy Dodger, and your own curiosity to Chris’ likely reply.
C: I’ve been told I taste fantastic. You’ve been warned.
You gulped, and suddenly the crisp air rose to 100 degrees inside your jacket.
A: Don’t be so sure. In my opinion, you’re an acquired taste.
C: I’d like to say the same about you. But, you’ll have to offer me a sample first…
Your eyes bulged to marbles, and you hugged the cellphone to your chest, burying the evidence before Scott could devour you with teases.
“What’s that face all about, dopey?” He approached you, sinking to his knees to finagle with Dodgers leash and collar.
“Just me and one of my dopey faces, I guess. Let’s get a move on. I need some distraction.” And boy, did you. The dampness threatening inside your yoga pants proved it.
The three of you, two humans and a canine, tackled your 4-mile stroll winding through the afternoon streets of Boston smiling to the passing traffic. You really did cherish Scott’s company, even despite Chris being absent. Growing up, he had been quite the ham, always joking, and thriving at the center of attention. But, you knew those Evans brothers would always have your back if trouble arose, and you could always count on Scott for a laugh. Even with the fact that you were often the butt of his very joke.
He asked if you’d be so kind as to lag Dodger back to Chris’ place, since he was supposed to meet a friend. Happy to do any favor you could for Chris while he was away, you obliged. Setting the canine in your passenger seat and latching your belt, you called him through the speakers of your stereo as he had asked.
“Hey, beautiful.” He picked up. His smiling voice spreading throughout the car cab captured Dodgers immediate attention.
“Dodger isn’t sure if you’re talking about me, or him.”
“Dodge! Hey bubba, how’s it goin’, pal?”
The two sappy goofs were the epitome of all things good and pure still left in the world.
“We’re heading to your place so I can drop this handsome guy off for Scott. He had some things to take care of, so I’m running puppy taxi.” You spoke up, carefully pulling into a hectic intersection.
“I was expecting you to call when you got to the house, Mills. But, I need a favor.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s hear it, Evans.”
“Some mail got delivered by mistake. It’s supposed to be held, but there was a mix-up. Would you mind grabbing it and tossing it on the kitchen counter for me. I’m sure if it’s important, Ma’ can give me a call when she goes to let the cleaners in tomorrow.”
You were automatically skeptical. Why was he expecting you’d even be going to his place? Scott had only asked you mere minutes ago… Second, why couldn’t his mom empty the mailbox if she was going to be popping in only tomorrow?
“Uhm, yeah. I can do that, no problem.”
“You’re a lifesaver, babe. I’m gonna hop off, but drive safe. Don’t let the troublemaker talk you into anything crazy.”
The call dropped without a goodbye, and the confused crease lines of your forehead began to cause a headache.
As you swung a left into the driveway, Dodger immediately hopped and whined, eager at the recognition of his home. Your heart broke a little. The poor pup hopeful to see his absent owner.
Chris had instructed his brother to copy a house key for you so you could come and go as you please. Whether it be a visit to your four-legged friend, or even an overnight stay away from the sometimes smothering confines of your parents house. You never put the key to use, reluctant to appear as that leaching friend who took advantage of Chris’ lifestyle.
You opened the front door only to let Dodger inside to pounce around and hunt out his beloved lion, then trailed down the drive to his post box just as your phone rang.
“Someone is awfully needy tonight it seems.” You sheepishly teased Chris, secretly reveling in the abnormal amount of phone calls in one day.
“If you wouldn’t mind, shuffle through that mail and read off the senders to me. You know how impatient I am.”
You latched the grey box closed after gathering only one thinly stuffed envelope.
“Okay, so we’ve got…..”
You choked.
“Its from you….. With, with my name on it?”
“Open it, Millie girl.” Chris’ rough voice croaked on the other end of the phone.
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Tucked into the crisp white envelope, was a single ticket. A round trip flight, in your name for Monday morning. Skimming the information with a spinning brain, you would fly out of Boston barely before sunrise, and wind up hours later in London.
“Chris.” You managed between the flattery and puzzlement.
He chuckled in the most boyish of ways, and you envision his lashes fluttering closed.
“We are shooting for a few days in London, and you happened to mention briefly that you’d never been. So, I wanted you to see it. With me…”
Your belly turned the happiest of somersaults, and your head grew light and heavy at the same time.
“You’re going to be so busy, Chris. You don’t need me to put up with while you’re working. I’ll only be in the way.”
Yeah, right. Like you were about to say no.
“Cut that shit, Mills. I’ve thought all this through down to every detail, and I planned everything out with my assistant. I only have two scenes to actually film myself, so the other two days, we’ll have together. I may have to sit in on a brief table read or something, but for the most part, I’ll get to show you the city.”
For a no-strings, strictly sexual agreement, this whole thing felt oddly romantic to you. Not that you could muster a single complaint about his dutiful thoughtfulness, since it was exactly what you had wanted from the get-go. But, your heart throbbed you to keep a guard up all the same.
“So, what do you say, stubborn? Meet me across the pond?”
You swallowed every molecule of sanity, and sense, and decided, just this once, to let him sweep you off your feet. Even if, it was only temporary.
“Cheerio, mate. This girl has some major packing to do!”
TAGS: @miidailyinspiration @eap1935 @mollybegger-blog
29 notes · View notes
fallintosanity · 5 years
cloud has no idea who specs is but if they’re the one who normally wakes up noctis, he has a newfound admiration for their determination
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10
That night, Cloud dreamed of Aeris dying, over and over again, the silver blade sliding through her chest, the way she folded, the peace on her face despite the agony in his heart. 
Until a deep voice called his name, and then he slept; and when he woke up in the morning Sephiroth was leaning against his desk again.
* * *
“So,” Noctis said. “What was that about yesterday? You kinda… freaked out.” 
Cloud and Noctis were in the elevator on the way to Noctis’s first mission of the day. Cloud looked away, watching the numbers tick down to the ground floor. “Bad memories,” he said. “Sorry.” 
“Oh.” Noctis touched a hand to his lower back, the same place he’d been massaging after yesterday’s sparring match. “I know how that goes.” 
Cloud shrugged. The elevator doors opened to the building lobby and he led the way out, deliberately changing the subject. “Where’d you learn how to fight so well against a Buster sword?”
“My, uh… The guy who taught me how to fight,” Noctis said. “He uses a sword like that.” 
“Is he from Banora?” Cloud asked as they emerged onto the streets of Sector 4. Angeal had been the original owner of the Buster, and Angeal was from Banora; maybe it was some kind of heritage design. 
But Noctis shook his head. “His family is from… from the east. Like mine.” 
“The Mideel area?” 
Noctis started to answer, then stopped short, his attention caught by something off to one side between a pair of neat little penthouses. Following his gaze, Cloud saw a golden snout poking up over the edge of a fence. Noctis ran over, breaking into a delighted smile as a floppy-eared dog reared up to put its front paws on the fence. “Hey there,” Noctis murmured, offering a hand for the dog to sniff. “How are you, buddy?” 
The dog woofed and licked at Noctis’s hand, and Noctis began petting its ears. Cloud followed him over, amused, and leaned on the fence while Noctis cooed and fawned over the dog. After five minutes or so, Cloud cleared his throat pointedly. Noctis looked up, a flush of red coloring his cheeks. “Sorry,” he said. Giving the dog one last scratch behind the ears, he started walking again. 
It wasn’t until later, while he was watching Noctis dispatch yet another tangle of razorweed, that Cloud realized he’d never actually answered the question about where he was from.
* * *
Without Noctis to babysit, no missions or classes of his own, and Kunsel and Zack still out on their mission, Wednesday was yet another dull day. Cloud found himself drifting around the ShinRa building, aimless and unsure what to do with himself. Hojo was dead, Jenova’s remains destroyed. Sephiroth still needed watching, but that was a passive task: when the general wasn’t being paraded around the continent by the President as a reminder of ShinRa’s might, he was stuck in endless meetings about the future of the SOLDIER program. 
There was an irony there, Cloud knew; ShinRa executives and scientists dancing around the subject of Jenova and the truth of Sephiroth’s origins as though he hadn’t learned the whole story in Nibelheim months ago. But Sephiroth hadn’t told the Turks just how much he’d found out, and if the Turks suspected he knew more than he was letting on, they weren't saying - so everyone was playing a little game of don’t say anything that might upset the super-soldier. 
Sephiroth thought it was funny, his amusement leaking through their connection occasionally. Cloud could sense how much he enjoyed the word games, the challenge of seeing how far he could push the scientists and the Turks without revealing just how much he knew. It added a bit of interest to the otherwise painfully long and boring meetings. Cloud, on the other hand, was just nervous about the whole thing. Sephiroth probably wouldn’t go insane from anything they’d say in one of those meetings, but then, no one had thought he would the first time around, either. But Cloud couldn’t do anything about it, which left him with nothing to do at all. 
He was considering wandering down to visit the church again - even if Aerith wasn’t there, he could tend the flowers - when his PHS beeped. Flipping it open, he saw a request from Lazard to report to the Briefing Room immediately for a mission. 
Cloud frowned as he tucked the PHS away and headed for the elevator. Ever since that one dangerous meeting, months ago before Nibelheim when Lazard had casually suggested a coup against the President and Cloud had turned him down, Lazard had been strictly business with Cloud. But there wasn't any business to be had today that Cloud knew of. He thought about how Lazard had watched him last week after Noctis’s first mission. Was Lazard going to try suggesting sedition again? He knew the gist of what had happened in Nibelheim; did he think Cloud would be more open to joining him in a revolt after that?
But when Cloud reached the Briefing Room, Lazard was on his PHS, harried and waving an arm as he spoke. His expression turned relieved when he saw Cloud and he ended the call. “Commander, good, I’m glad I caught you,” he said. “We received an urgent request for help from Rocket Town, on the northwest coast of the West Continent. A pride of coeurls was spotted yesterday just outside the town. They’ve apparently taken over a partially-built barn on the town’s outskirts.”
He scooped a mission briefing packet from the table and handed it to Cloud. “This is yesterday’s report. The barn is intended as storage and operational facilities for ShinRa’s rocket program, so the presence of the coeurls has brought the program to a halt. We're getting the details into the mission system now, but considering the situation, we wanted to deploy someone right away.”
Cloud skimmed the packet. At least six coeurls had been spotted, which meant there were likely several more that hadn't been seen. Still… “Coeurls are usually handled by a team,” he said carefully. It was possible to fight coeurls solo - he’d done it before - but with how fast the beasts were, it was safest to have someone covering your back. Especially for a group this large.
“I know, but this is beyond the abilities of most Thirds, and we don't have enough Seconds available,” Lazard admitted. “The increase in monster activity near the reactors has stretched them thin. I’d like you to take Caelum with you - from what I've been hearing, he’s going to rival your ascension through the ranks. If he’s as qualified as everyone seems to think, this will be a good test for him.”
Cloud glanced up at Lazard. The director sighed, pushing his glasses back into place. “If I could spare Commander Rhapsodos or General Sephiroth, I would. But the President is…” He broke off, frowned, and tried again, in the stilted voice of someone attempting to avoid saying things they shouldn’t. “The President has requested that one of the two of them accompany him at all times, and both when he’s traveling. I could send Commander Hewley with you, but I understand you would prefer a different partner.” 
He wasn’t wrong about that. And if Lazard wanted to use this as an opportunity to see if Noctis was ready to be promoted to Second, it wasn’t a bad mission to choose. What was more intriguing was that comment about the President - but Cloud doubted Lazard would say anything further on that. Maybe he could ask Genesis later. He said to Lazard, “All right, I’ll do it.” 
“Good,” Lazard said, looking relieved. “Thank you. I’ve arranged a helicopter to leave in an hour. You’ll have to track Caelum down - I sent him a message at the same time I contacted you, but haven’t heard back yet.” 
Cloud nodded and left, heading down to the floor that housed the Third Class barracks. He might not know Noctis that well yet, but he knew enough to guess the man was likely to still be in his room. Sure enough, when he asked a Third hurrying through the hall where to find Noctis, the boy said dourly, “Just listen for the alarm clock. I don’t know how Salim hasn’t murdered him yet.” 
Salim must be Noctis’s bunkmate. Cloud found the bunk with the alarm blaring through the door and used his First Class access code to override the room’s lock. It was nearly ten AM, but the room was pitch-black thanks to the lack of windows, and even Cloud’s mako-enhanced vision could make out little more than a lump on the lower bunk. He flipped on the light, but if Noctis was under those blankets, he was so thoroughly buried that not even a lock of hair showed. 
Cloud turned off the alarm, then cautiously prodded the lump. “Noctis?”
His hand found a shoulder and he shook it, but got no response. He shook again, harder. Still nothing, so he tugged the blankets back until he found Noctis curled up underneath, face buried in the pillow. If Noctis noticed the sudden lack of covers, he gave no sign; if his chest hadn’t been rising and falling steadily Cloud would have worried he was dead. Apparently he hadn’t been kidding when he’d told Lazard a louder alarm wouldn’t help. 
A wash of homesickness rushed over Cloud as he shook Noctis again, harder - he’d used to wake up Denzel like this. Though unlike Noctis, Denzel usually at least showed some sign of life by now. He kept shaking until Noctis stirred and made a vague unhappy noise. 
Encouraged, Cloud said, “Noctis. Wake up,” and nudged him again. 
Noctis groaned, one arm untucking from beneath him to flail blindly in Cloud’s direction. “Fuck off, Specs!” 
Cloud caught his arm and hauled on it, dragging Noctis half-upright. Only then did one grey eye slit open behind messy black hair. Noctis glared blearily at him, recognition finally dawning. “You’re not Specs.”
“No,” Cloud agreed. “We have a mission. We’re leaving in forty minutes.” 
Noctis yanked against Cloud’s grip on his arm, though he still wasn’t awake enough to be effective. “Lemme sleep,” he muttered. “I already did my five.” 
“Five is the minimum,” Cloud said. “You can do up to twenty every five days before they’ll stop you.” He pulled Noctis further upright, dragging him half off the bed and forcing Noctis to put a foot on the floor or dangle from Cloud’s grip on his arm. “Get dressed. I’ll meet you at the helicopter pad in thirty-five minutes.” 
Noctis whined - actually whined, a drawn-out nasal sound like a child, and didn’t move. Cloud hauled Noctis fully off the bed and shoved him toward the room’s tiny bathroom, waiting until Noctis staggered inside and the shower came on before leaving to head back upstairs. 
Forty minutes later, Cloud was waiting next to the empty helicopter, more than half expecting to have to go back downstairs to retrieve Noctis. But the elevator dinged and Noctis stepped out, followed by the Turk Reno. Noctis was awake, more or less, in uniform with his broadsword slung across his back alongside a standard-issue ShinRa trooper assault rifle.
“A gun?” Cloud asked, surprised, as Noctis approached. 
Noctis held up his PHS. “Mission briefing said coeurls,” he said around a yawn. “They’re too fast to fight at close range.” Cloud’s surprise must have shown on his face, because Noctis’s eyes narrowed. “Something wrong with guns?” he asked.
“No,” Cloud said. Noctis wasn’t wrong, exactly - the coeurls’ speed was exactly why ShinRa usually sent a whole team. “But SOLDIERs don’t normally use guns.” 
“The footsoldiers do,” Noctis pointed out. “And one of the best fighters I know uses guns.” 
Cloud shrugged. He didn’t really care what weapon Noctis used, as long as it was effective. Guns weren’t Cloud’s first choice against coeurls, but Noctis had demonstrated remarkable skill with a variety of blades. If he was as good with a gun as he was with swords, it should be fine.
Noctis threw a sharp glance at Reno, as if expecting him to comment, but Reno held up a hand lazily. “I’m with you,” he drawled, and flipped open his suit jacket to reveal the sleek black pistol tucked into a shoulder holster next to his truncheon. “Melee’s great ‘n all, but whatever tool you gotta use to get the job done.”
“Exactly.” Noctis said. He brushed past Cloud and climbed into the helicopter. 
Reno followed, sliding into the pilot’s seat. “You comin’, Strife?” 
Cloud nodded. “Let’s go.”
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WonderBat vs BatCat: BatCat romance is “Timeless”or “80 years old”. Is that really the Truth ? which one is older ?
Lately I had to read again some comments about BacCat being the better ship because of how “Old” a romance it was. But when did BatCat really start to take a real romantic turn compared to the first WonderBat references ? If we check out the old comics from “Batman #1″  back in 1940, is BatCat really the winner ? or is there another truth ? 
I definitively cannot ignore the chemistry DC tries to put into BatCat till the 80′s even if I’d prefer WonderBat. But to make that romance acceptable they had to change Catwoman into a Hero first, or at least an Anti-Hero. Strong changes similar to that time where Catwoman had been Brainwashed to become a Hero by Zatanna and the JL.
(The following is from DC Comics “JLA (1997)” - Issue 119)
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MM:“A friend ?” - BM:“An Ally of sorts ...I thought she’d changed. but ... maybe it wasn’t her choice.”
Batman had his suspicions so there was never a lot of room for Love but with Selina on the “Good” side it was at least a possibility. This follows all the WonderBat stuff of the JLA’s “obsidian age” and “#90″ of course, so Batman’s heart is rather set on Diana then Selina. As a matter of fact it turns out Bats was right about Zatanna’s mind manipulation.
(The following is from DC Comics “Catwoman (2002)” - Issue 50)
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Selina’s evolution from “Evil” to “Good”, isn’t a first and has been rebooted several times. The fact that it wasn’t her choice isn’t a first either. But how do we end up with the “belief” that BatCat is an “Old” story ? maybe even “80 years old” ?... Superman and Lois ? Yes no doubt... but Batman and Catwoman ? ... Not really
The “New 52″ with the disastrous SuperWonder pairing surely contributed to the illusion of a longer BatCat history. It just send 70 real years of “Lois and Clark” into the trash-bin just as it did to the slowly (but steadily growing) “Wonder woman/Batman” background romance. This helped to erase in the younger generation’s minds what had been slowly build up other several decades.
After the “New 52″ it wasn’t really possible to return to pre-flashpoint status ... DC had first to try to repair the damage done to the trinity and to the duo of the World’s Finest...  You don’t do
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After the “New 52″, I guess DC surely considered that the best way to heal the Trinity’s awkwardness from the SuperWonder “Injustice smell” was to first avoid any relationship within the Trinity and later (as it didn’t work) to erase SuperWonder from continuity, so ... back to : Lois and Clark, Wonder Woman and Trevor, ... Batman and ? ... yeah who? ... Bats had a lot of love interests over the last 80 years ..
Selina was surely one of the numerous candidates and as long as they didn’t restart her “Evil” in DC Rebirth she could even become a good and “spicy” choice. So they didn’t ... this time she was “Good” from the start : In jail but actually taking responsibility for crimes she didn’t commit and facing lethal injection only to protect a friend. A real Hero, Selflessness and Compassion raised to Diana’s level. Better fighting abilities than Talia and the stubbornness needed to stand the ground in front of Batman. DC boosted Diana’s power level to match Superman’s (to fit the needs of “SuperWonder”) and changed her from a magically animated clay figure (”less than human” just like Deilan and thus dreaming to become human) into the daughter of Zeus (who doesn’t really have any reason to lower herself to human status). I think DC doesn’t really know how, or lacks the courage of, to power Diana down again into something more suitable for a human World (Batman’s World) without enraging a legion of hardcore Feminists who need her to be equal with “the most powerful male Hero”... Catwoman, on the other hand, has been given most of Diana’s qualities and switched from “Evil” to “Good”...
Tom King surely did a great job at helping to model Selina for that romance and showed a great skill at fooling the younger readers about BatCat’s real history by “hand picking” just the right pictures out of old comics ... an impressive Work.
For example in DC Rebirth’s Batman (2016) #44 you get the false impression Batman is taking care of Selina’s hurting ankle ...
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While in the real comic, back in 1940, he was just removing the bandage to check out for a precious stolen necklace ... nothing romantic there.
But the next references were not more accurate either as you will see it ...
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Every sentence is just copied ... but the real comic tried to picture Selina Kyle/Catwoman as having two very different personalities ... some kind of schizophrenic heavy mental illness revealed through a memory loss.
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With this Issue we have already gone from 1940 to January 1951 and to consider any romance in these early comics you’d have to ignore all the sweet pet names used to describe Catwoman : the Arch-enemy, the Princess of Plunder, the Queen of Crime, Batman’s Feline Foe and so on ... Nonetheless this is the first “Evil” to “Good” switch I know of ... Batman’s romantic interest from that time was more Vicky Vale, than Selina.
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In this other “Pick Up” from “Detective Comics #203″ (January 1954), Selina reverts from “Good” to “Evil” just after he warned her of the consequences of resuming her past criminal life
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... and she didn’t need any “hit to the head” this time ... was she faking her “Goodness” ? or is she just ready for Arkam’s Asylum ? ...
The next one in Batman (2016)  #44 ? ... same deception again ...
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As we can see, in the original comic, Batman answers Selina’s question even under the Torture with a “No” to both “Bride” and “Burglar” ... Selina was really a self delusional crazy chick back then, more like a female version of the Joker rather than a real romantic interest and it didn’t get any better in the following years.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Selina’s dominant stance in Batman #44 was a parallel to Diana’s Epic stance in Hiketeia ... of course you never really “dominate” Batman, just like he is never your “captive”, unless he wants you to believe you won.
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Wonder Woman was always the perfect complement to Batman. “Wonder Woman was made to Protect the Innocent, and Batman to Punish the Guilty”. Without either of them there is No Justice. That’s why they work so well together ... So you just copy from Diana to Selina the things you can and worked for WonderBat.
Anyway no consistent BatCat until “Batman (1940) Issue 308″ during February 1979 ... a new evolution from “Evil” to “Good” starts with that Issue and a kiss in November 1979 ... but this time things are different, very different, Selina really wants too turn her back on her crime life ... the road is still long and bumpy but it is a start for a real romance. It is interesting to note that the current Rebirth “Wedding” arc with the Dark Knight enabled the starting of a new “Catwoman (2018)” series,just like the 80′s romance enabled Catwoman her own start. For a time the 80′s “Catwoman” series shared the “Batman(1940)” comic series with Bats. Later she got her own solo comic..
Now if you consider Batman and Wonder Woman’s first kiss of love:
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Considering Wonder Woman is a rather serious Girl and that she already “Heroed” for several years side by side with Batman. If you consider that the owner of the Lasso of truth won’t lie if she says that she really did fall in love with Batman. Plus, two years later (1970) “Diana Prince” encountered billionaire “Bruce Wayne” and agreed to a Date with him ignoring he was Batman. Later again in 1978, Diana and Bruce know each others double identities and agree on a “Late night diner” ... We may consider that this kiss was the starting point of a complicated (secret identities and all) slowly growing romantic relationship between the two.
So a WonderBat romance started at least over a decade before any real BatCat romance.
I bet you didn't expect that ! ... You don’t have to believe me. Just check out the old comics for real ... and make your own opinion once you’ve read them.
Keep in mind that this doesn't really deny anything to the current Batman/Catwoman romance because DC Rebirth’s Selina Kyle is very different from the crazy Psycho of the old comics. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t use its Age as an Argument. You can surely find a lot of other reasons to love them. And of course, Bruce and Diana had both earlier Love interests, but this wasn’t the point of this Post.
This Post only goes thru the Batman (1940) series meaning i didn’t check out every comic series. But I had once a heated exchange about the “80 years old” theory with a Hardcore BatCat shipper whom I told to check out for himself the old comics. I know he checked out all 400 first “Batman” and “Detective Comics” Issues but he never got back to me to prove me wrong ... so I guess that he didn’t find anything useful either.
Hereafter you have a partial list of the early “Batman” comics Issues up to the time of  the WonderBat kiss in 1968, with the names of notable or recurring females found in them, often being Batman’s real love interests. I didn’t mention the Issues if they had no interesting females in it.
Issue#1: Catwoman tries to seduce and bribe him, doesn't work, she flees and he lets her ! ;
Issue#2: the crime Cat flees again;
Issue#3: Cat's usual M.O. kiss (first) to flee, she wishes she could hook up with Bats;
Issue#5:Quennie kisses Bats and dies
Issue#6:Linda Page
Issue#7:Linda Page
Issue#9:Linda Page
Issue#10:Cat roots for Bats, another kiss and flee ...
Issue#11:Canary kisses Bats and leaves
Issue#15:Bruce Wayne is in love with Linda Page but still "proposes" to the "Arch ennemy" Catwoman and gets "engaged" with her ... Now that's funny, so it would'nt be a first ? thinking about Batman(2016) #39-#40 ...this time its Jail for the Cat
Issue#22:Cat goes to Jail again after flirting with Alfred ...
Issue#26:Future Bruce Wayne and Lora Hall
Issue#35:Catwoman tries to gun down Bats
Issue#39:Cat fights Bats then saves him, tries to seduce and bribe him again but goes to jail again ... nothing new...
Issue#42:Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#45:Cat tries to kill Bats and goes to Jail
Issue#47: a disguised Cat gets to kiss Bats, then ... Jail
Issue#49:Vicky Vale
Issue#50:Vicky Vale
Issue#52:Vicky Vale
Issue#56: Vicky Vale
Issue#61: Vicky Vale
Issue#62: Cat becomes amnesic and fights on the good side.
Issue#64: Vicky Vale
Issue#65: Amnesic Selina remains good but no romance
Issue#69: Amnesic Selina has a Brother no romance
Issue#79: Vicky Vale and Batman fake an engagement/wedding
... No Cat ... But during "Detective Comics"#203" Cat turns evil again without any head injury ...
Issue#81: Vicky Vale
Issue#84: Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#85: Vicky Vale
Issue#87: Vicky Vale gets jealous over the kiss Batman shares with Magda Luvescu
Issue#92: Susie Smith
Issue#98: Vicky Vale
Issue#105: Kathy Kane as Batwoman will become a rather constant love interest in the following years (This one is neither lesbian nor Bruce Wayne's cousin and later her niece Betty is gonna be the first BatGirl and fall for Dick Grayson’ Robin)
Issue#110: Vicky Vale
Issue#111: Vicky Vale
Issue#115: Susie Smith ?
Issue#116: Kathy Kane
Issue#119: Kathy Kane and Vicky Vale
Issue#122: The Wedding of Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne ... ;)
Issue#125: Kathy Kane
Issue#126: Kathy Kane
Issue#128: Kathy Kane
Issue#129: Kathy Kane
Issue#131: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#133: Kathy Kane
Issue#135: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#139: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#140: Kathy Kane
Issue#141: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#144: Betty (as BatGirl) and Robin ... with Bruce and Kathy.
Issue#145: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#147: Kathy Kane
Issue#150: Kathy Kane vs "Elise"
Issue#151: Kathy Kane
Issue#154: Kathy Kane with her niece Betty (as BatGirl)
Issue#157: Kathy Kane and Vicky Vale
Issue#159: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#162: Kathy Kane
Issue#163: Kathy Kane and Bruce Wayne married again ... ;)
Issue#165: Patricia Powell
Issue#166: Patricia Powell
Issue#168: Kaye Daye
Issue#176: Cat goes to Jail again
Issue#181 : Poison Ivy and Kaye Daye
Issue#183 : Poison Ivy
Issue#184 : Viola Lance but it was rather Robin’s Interest
Issue#185 : Vera Lovely but again Robin’ Love Interest
Issue#187 : Vicky Vale and “the Sparrow” as Joker’s ennemy ?
Issue#193 : Vicky Vale
Issue#194 : Kaye Daye
Issue#197 (Dec 1967) : Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) and Catwoman fight for Batman but Batgirl isn’t in love with Batman - Containing the “Bride or Burglar” reference used in Batman#44 - Selina thinks she is in love and that you can torture a man into loving her (like I said a crazy psycho)
Issue#198 (Jan-Feb 1968) : Catwoman (still a crazy psycho in love who thinks that hurting him and Robin is the best way to charm Batman ) and Batwoman (Kathy Kane)
1968 : Batman and Wonder Woman first kiss (that I know of) - During that Issue of “the Brave and the Bold”, both Wonder Woman and Batgirl fall in love with Batman. Diana kisses him but it won’t be really revealed, or denied, if Batman had feelings other than Friendship for either one of the Women. But Batman was always kind of good at hiding his feelings for Diana. Based on later evolutions of their relationship, we can only imagine this must have been the beginning of a longtime slow-burner between the two.
I leave it to you to discover the rest for yourself ...
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer (11/11)
Title: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer Summary: Brooke Lynn is a graduate student anxiously embracing her new position as her favorite dance professors’ new TA. Vanessa is a sophomore dance major who just might make her way into being more than the teacher(assistant)’s pet. (lesbian/university AU) Word Count: ~2.5k (this chapter)/~28.9k (total) Relationship: Branjie (Vanessa ‘Vanjie’ Mateo/Brooke Lynn Hytes) Rating: E
Read on AO3 | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch.5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
Vanessa was breathing heavily, staring up at the ceiling. Her face was red and dotted with beads of sweat. “Fuck, that was intense. Was it good for you?”
Brooke Lynn nodded with a satisfied grin. “Best one so far. Think you’ve got one last round in you?”
“But I’m so tired,” Vanessa whined, pouting and stomping her feet.
“I know you are, baby. But this is your final project. I don’t grade it, so you’ve really got to be at the top of your game,” she explained. “Come on, I think you can get through one more time before calling it a day,” she insisted.
And sure enough, Vanessa was able to get through her routine one last time before she threw in the towel. “You know we ain’t fucking tonight, right?” she murmured as she grabbed a towel to wipe her forehead.
“You say that now,” Brooke retorted with a laugh, “But you and I both know you have the willpower of a toddler at a birthday party,” she smirked at how Vanessa huffed indignantly because they both knew it was true. It was impossible for her to withhold sex as a punishment when it meant she would have to go without it as well.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and gathered her things. “Well, you at least owe me dinner,” she decided.
The day of Vanessa’s final project left her full of nerves from the moment she woke up to the moment she and Brooke Lynn walked into the studio – something no one even bothered to question, it was an open secret as Yvie had once said – and she showed no signs of calming down.
Presentations went in alphabetical order, and Vanessa greatly appreciated that – being in the middle of the pack was the perfect place to be as far as she was concerned. Katya could see what she put together, get graded, and let it blend among the other students. Normally, she loved standing out and being the center of attention, but this was different, daunting. Everything rode on this and she just hadn’t gotten her confidence up to where it needed to be.
“Nice job, Olivia,” Katya smiled as the girl sat down. Had they really gone so far down the list already? “Alright, Vanjie. You’re up next,” she called out.
Brooke gave her hand a quick squeeze. “You got this,” she whispered before nudging her towards the vacant space in the studio that was being used for the final performances.
And so, Vanessa took her place with a deep breath. She looked to Katya with a nod, signaling her to turn the music on. The beat was different than any of the ones that had been used before her, but she did her best to let that empower her, reminding herself of everything Brooke Lynn would tell her – how her uniqueness could be the best tool in her belt if she honed it in. Nobody at this school believed in her more than Brooke, and she wanted to make her proud.
“Mary J. Blige?” one girl whispered to another, getting a shrug in response. But – admittedly to Vanessa’s surprise – most of the class was smiling and nodding along as ‘No More Drama’ played through the speakers as Vanessa danced.
It was a song she had fallen in love with the very first time she listened to it. The connection she had to it was strong and fierce, so when she suggested it in her brainstorming session with Brooke Lynn, it seemed like the perfect fit. She was able to lose herself in the music, her body moving without her brain telling her where or why. Suddenly, she wasn’t in front of her classmates or Katya or even Brooke Lynn. She was in her childhood bedroom in Tampa, dancing and lip syncing into her hairbrush after her first breakup, trying to convince herself that everything would be okay.
In those moments, Vanessa was fully submerged into her passion and it was clear to everyone in that room that she deserved to be there as much as any of her trained, polished peers. They all applauded when she finished, no longer gasping for air and sweating like she had been during rehearsal.
“Great job, Vanjie,” Katya smiled in approval as her student returned to where she had been sitting down.
Brooke Lynn also gave Vanessa a thumbs up from her chair, grinning from ear to ear with an overwhelming sense of pride. She did her best to professionally watch the rest of the students, but every now and then she would catch her gaze drifting towards her girlfriend. Luckily Katya had followed through on her stance of being the sole grader of the projects as well.
By the time the class was over, the air seemed to feel lighter. Everyone was relieved to be finished – for many of the students for the entire semester. Brooke Lynn gathered her belongings – her coat, bag, and Vanessa – and headed out of the building. “It’s snowing,” she observed. “Have you ever wished you stayed in the city long enough to have a white Christmas?”
Vanessa shook her head. “Nah, it’s more fun opening presents while getting a tan if you ask me,” she chuckled, exhaling to see her breath in front of her. “You can take the girl out of Tampa, but you can’t take the Tampa out of the girl,” Brooke chuckled as they got to Vanessa’s dorm. “How far along have you gotten on packing?” she asked as they got in out of the cold. Without waiting, she answered it herself. “Let me guess, you haven’t actually started yet?”
Vanessa pouted. “Shut up,” she crossed her arms, then sighed, “I hate packing,” she whined.
“You can’t get your beachy Christmas if you don’t clear this place out,” Brooke reminded her, gathering Vanessa’s luggage bags. “Your roommate left already, right?” she asked, putting the luggage down on the stripped-down bed.
“Last night, yeah. Took a five-a.m. flight back to Ohio,” Vanessa confirmed as she finally got around to packing up. They worked in relative silence for a while before she turned to her. “I want you to come visit me over break. Not for Christmas, I know you got family to see. But during January. We deserve some real alone time,” she mused.
At first, Brooke was a little surprised by the offer, but the more she thought about it, the more sense it made – they would have to go six weeks apart after spending almost the entire semester together. Their lives had become so deeply intertwined that separating them seemed wrong. “You don’t think your mom or anyone else would mind? I wouldn’t want to impose, I could always stay at a hotel, or—”
“Brooke, dial it down,” Vanessa put her hands up on her shoulders. “My family loves you. None of them would shut up about you after Thanksgiving. Seriously, it started to get annoying as hell,” she added with a laugh. “Everyone would be thrilled to have you if, you know, you don’t mind sacrificing some family time…”
Brooke smiled warmly and leaned down to kiss her sweetly. “Spending time with you will never be a sacrifice. I’ll make it work,” she assured. The way she figured it, it would all work out – spend the holidays with her family, get her fill of Canada, then migrate down south to spend a couple weeks with her girlfriend. Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t think of a better way to spend her break. “I’ll book a flight as soon as I get back home.”
“Wow, you’re really hauling ass all the way down to fucking Florida for her? I didn’t realize you two were that serious,” Katya remarked as she handed a thick folder of paper to Brooke. “Oooh, do you think she’s it? The one? I honestly thought you guys were just going to fuck and go your separate ways. Frankly, I’m impressed,” she added.
Brooke’s mouth went agape. “Really? But you’ve been trying to play matchmaker from day one,” she blinked, shaking her head before opening the folder to enter the final grades into the system.
“Well, yes,” Katya conceded, “I was going into it with the intentions of getting you laid. Falling in love was all on you, babe,” she chuckled. “So? Is she the one?”
There was a silent moment. Saying something like that out loud was setting it in stone – you can’t simply bounce back after calling someone ‘the one’. “I love her,” Brooke finally answered. “And she loves me. Neither of those things are going to change any time soon. We’re in a good place, we’ve been together about four months now, and see a future on the horizon…if that makes her ‘the one’, then yeah, I guess she is.”
“I would definitely be lying if I claimed to have seen this coming,” Katya admitted. “But if you get me accused of favoritism, I’m hunting you down wherever you are,” she warned with a laugh.
When Brooke Lynn had gotten to Vanessa’s sheet, she understood what she meant. “Hey, as someone that spent many nights watching her study, I can tell you she earned this ‘A’ fair and square. But I’m not going to spoil the surprise,” she promised. “All in all, I think this was a pretty successful term.”
Katya clasped her hand onto Brooke Lynn’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you, kid. You did good.”
Brooke smiled and put her hand on top of Katya’s. “Thank you, mama.”
A’keria shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you went and invited Brooke Lynn down to Tampa. You ain’t even ask me down there yet. What the fuck?” she clicked her tongue as she wiped down the counter.
In the aftermath of the bribery and the subsequent mass walkout, the owner of a pointedly LGBTQ+ local café offered a position to A’keria, as she was the leader of it. On top of that, the pay was much better than what she would get at minimum wage in a popular coffee chain. “You just lucky I’m working here over break, Vanjie,” she added.
“Hey, this place is real nice. Got the right vibe and everything,” Vanessa chuckled. “But for real, listen, it’s…different with her, I don’t know. It’s like, I can’t stand the thought of being away from her for that long, going the whole break without her would fucking suck,” she looked down with a softer grin. “I know it’s corny as hell, but I love her. I really do.”
Looking at how happy her friend was, A’keria couldn’t stay bitter about it. “I better be your maid of honor, bitch.”
Vanessa leaned over the counter to hug her. “You know you will,” she looked at her phone and sighed. “Ima head out, go over to her place and stay there til I gotta catch my flight,” she explained, zipping her coat up. She waved as she left before shoving her hands into her pockets.
Normally, walking to Brooke Lynn’s apartment filled her with anticipation and excitement. Knowing she was about to spend time with her never failed to make her happy, something her friends would always tease her about. But this walk felt melancholic. It was the last walk she was taking there for the semester, the official signifier of the end of that chapter in their lives. She wasn’t ready for that, nor was she sure she ever could be.
Brooke Lynn had been staring out the window, waiting for Vanessa. She ran downstairs to greet her, hugging her tightly. “Hey, baby,” she greeted softly. “How long do I have you before you go?” Vanessa sighed, reluctantly pulling from Brooke to check her time. “I gotta call for an Uber in like, five minutes. I only have enough time to go grab my luggage,” she explained, going back inside with her to grab her things and bringing them back out to the sidewalk. They didn’t speak much, just holding hands tightly until the order had to be placed.
“Oh, I hate goodbyes,” Brooke finally said with a pout. The uber was rounding the corner, they had run out of ways to delay the inevitable. “I’m gonna miss you so much,” she kissed her for what could have been the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. “Promise me you’ll call as soon as you get home, okay?” she insisted, cupping her face and stroking her thumb across her cheek.
Vanessa giggled wetly, just enough to choke back tears. “It’s only a month,” she reminded both of them. “January nineteenth I got you all to myself again,” she assured. “I’ll call you, I promise,” the Uber driver honked the horn lightly. “I better get going. I’ll talk to you real soon. I love you.”
With one more kiss for the road, Brooke Lynn grudgingly let Vanessa go. “I love you too,” she replied and helped her load up the car. Even when she stepped back and the car pulled away, she stood on the sidewalk and watched it, staying in place until it left her field of vision.
The walk back inside felt colder, the wind felt harsher, and even escaping into her heated apartment didn’t take away the icy stinging that followed her. She hung up her coat and walked into the living room, a weak smile finding its way onto her lips.
Stacked in the corner of the room were multiple boxes of Vanessa’s things, left with the intention of her moving in for the next semester. With the apartment locked up for the winter, they could start the spring together as soon as they returned.
“Flight 287 to Tampa International Airport is now boarding at gate fifteen. Once again, flight 287 to Tampa International Airport is now boarding at gate fifteen.”
Brooke Lynn looked down at her boarding pass – flight 287. This was it, the last moment she had alone before she would make the thirteen hundred-mile, three-hour flight down to Florida. She bet Vanessa was already preparing for her arrival, begging her family not to embarrass her. She bet she spent time convincing her mom to let them share Vanessa’s room and ignoring her siblings teasing her for it.
Deep breath. Go to the gate. For a moment, she wondered what would happen if she changed her mind – took the last chance she had to leave her first and most serious relationship. She would be lying if she said she hadn’t been scared, hadn’t spent days of the past month questioning everything that had happened, wondering if it was too good to be true.
But then she looked at her phone, at the lockscreen of the two of them. Brooke walked confidently to the gate and onto the plane. She had no desire to run away, something that surprised everyone back home, and even herself. She, no, they could do this – they could handle whatever happened next. Because that was what love is all about, isn’t it? Someone to hold your hand when you’re standing at a crossroad.
Or, throwing herself into your arms when you arrive in her hometown. It was about that embrace, that warmth, the satisfaction of longing coming to an end. Love was all about whatever they had, and whatever was coming next.
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simxiety · 5 years
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[ loner | family oriented | lazy ]
GET TO KNOW ME TAG why r there so many questions </3
@viiavi​ tagged me(and mayb someone else??? i dont know tumblr notifs are awful)
uhhhmmm i tag @ratboysims​ @felicitum​ @bullsim​ @keysims​ @bratsims​ and uhhmmmmm any1 else that wants to do it just say i tag u
also here’s a bad edit of my simselfs outfit its cute and basically what i wear everyday gotta wear those nikes get some good ass arch support u feel me
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3. BIRTHDAY? june 3rd babey
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i dont think i have one. picking faves for literature has always been hard for me
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? ummm dark chocolate or mango
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? thank you next look its a good song ok
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? ridiculous but how my mom says it like a harry potter spell
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? ummmm something by halsey i think
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? im binge watching greys anatomy so that i guess but also my fave show of all time stargate
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i have no patience and i worry too much
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yes! we’re getting married next october :-)
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? no responsibilities!!! no bills!!!! also my moms cooking
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is lauren but also my fiance and my dog
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark green
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my fam, my fiance, my dogs, my close friends
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my fiance 100%
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my parents i worry about their health and also my sister bc she’s in a new relationship
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? my sisters dog just had puppies so im excited to see them
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rn sims
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? probably rugrats and also x files
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? hell yes big time
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? well i still cant drive so like. driving i guess
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?uhhh behind i hate when others take pics of me lol
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? writing and simblr i guess
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? actually i think it was the adventure zone graphic novel does that count
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the crimes of grindelwald
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i feel like im on the spot ummmmm @felicitum @keysims @smart--milk @surreysimmer @hesitantpixels
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? u ever seen heroes? remember how peter was like a sponge well i wish i could do that but with like, normal knowledge/skills. like if i met someone who was a carpenter or dr i could shake their hand and i knew everything they did about that and could learn new languages that way too. i wanna b a sponge
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my bed w my fiance and dogs in a cuddle pile
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? when we ask blu if she’s a sleepy baby and she tilts her head
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water all day every day im a camel hi
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? as i get older yes
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when people talk down to me because of my identity or age
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? yea!! the last one we went to was p!nk im pretty sure
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? hmmmmmmmm probs harry potter tbh
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? yes and no
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yup!!! i dont sing as often as i used to tho its sad
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? i really love big bear and catalina island
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? doesnt really matter as long as its not a big city and relatively close to family
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? we have 2 doggos
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? tbh i am a mix of both now, tho i used to be a night owl
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? earbuds sometimes headphones hurt my ears esp bc i always wear glasses
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yes and im getting war flashbacks
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? pretty much anything besides hardcore rap, country, and religious music, also nothing too poppy
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? probs my mama
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when they only brew decaf at work
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? i really loved english
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? i have two brothers and two sisters
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? flowers for my mother in law
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′7″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? coffee, purple flowers, the lil potbellies that all puppies have
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? decaf coffee, peas, when people say my name wrong
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uhhh i guess just bc thats who im around more
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? i live in southern california
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? garrett watts is fun
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? digit it saves me money
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? im super close with my parents and relatively close w my fiances parents as well
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? hmmm probs middle eastern
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? lmao no
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? both but i tend to lean more towards the ocean
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? not at all im a chicken
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? when i am wrong lol i dont care too much about being right
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? sometimes
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? pick it up and return it to its owner
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? yes but they have to believe in it too
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? yes but u cant tell nobody knows ok thanks
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah they’re cool
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? my ears and my septum
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? sam carter from stargate shes smart
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yeah i have 10 i think
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? 110% yes
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yeah i want 5 but i dont think i can afford that many someone start a gofundme for my future babeys
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i told my middle school crush that i liked her and then she told everyone and thats the story of how i repressed me sexuality until i was 20
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? yes but carefully planned and well thought out adventures where i have a checklist and a binder of all the information i need listen i am v anxious everything is scary
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? when i was a baby i was on the news lmao
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 25
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? to thine own self be true wow super lame and cliche thanks im tired is this done yet
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i dont have much of a sweet tooth
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jennasims · 5 years
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I saw the Get to Know Me Tag floating around and I wanted to try it out. It’s also been a while since I’ve made my simself! I’m not always mad but I do have a quick temper thus my face up above. Under the cut is the rest of the questions.
I was not tagged but I tag anyone that wants to do it!
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
Traits: Bookworm, Hot-headed, Foodie
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? most of my nicknames in life are based off of my last name sooooo....
3. BIRTHDAY? February 5
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I read a lot of books, mostly stand alones. I guess Hunger Games?
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? Alt Nation on xm radio, or my spotify
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I don’t think I have a favorite word! maybe zesty
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? something off the new 21P album, can’t remember the name
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn 99, Parks & Rec, Chef’s Table, Parts Unknown w/ Anthony Bourdain (RIP)
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? I like to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race when I’m feeling terrible, I don’t have the attention span for movies.
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? mostly Sims, but I like Animal Crossing and Pokemon
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? dying alone
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I’m really passionate about things when I want to be
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? sometimes I can be distant to close family and friends
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I love both but my kitty is the best boy
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Fall, but summer in Maine is always great
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yeah with myself thank u next
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? brown with blonde streaks
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? My family and my friends and my cat
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my friends from school who I haven’t seen in ages
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Christmas? trying to plan a trip for next year too so maybe that if it comes through!!
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I don’t think I could tell any man ANYTHING right now but there are some I’ll tell a lot to.
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? a little bit!
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I hate rodents!!!
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? a little bit of both but it’s usually me behind the camera
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? reading, writing, cooking, Sims
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Where She Went by Gayle Forman
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? some christmas movie on netflix I already forget what it was called
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I played the flute for about two weeks in the 5th grade
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? Cats & dogs but I also love bears
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? On the couch or out in the woods with a bowl
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? nature! good music
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? lol sports. sometimes I do yoga
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? fountain sprite or Dunks coffee
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? today! I sent my friend a gift in the mail
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? a little bit
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? impolite and closeminded people
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? [pasdfiosjfkjlasdk yeah I’ve been to a TON because I’m a concert junkie
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? A teacher/a journalist/an actress
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? losing someone very important to me, being unable to pay my bills
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? I love singing along but I think I’m terrible
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? not in HS but lots in college to smoke weed on the beach
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? the beach!!! I love love love the water
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? I like where I am now a lot
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? a kitty cat named Poe
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? a night owl, I’m up way too late for my own good
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I like pretty much everything but rap/country
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? my mom
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? not really
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? lol my road rage is real
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? mostly real books but don’t mind electronic devices
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? older brother + older sister
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′3″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes I love to cook
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? laughing, listening to others, adventures
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? confrontation when it doesn’t involve me, emotions, stupid heads
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? like a lot of Youtubers tbh
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? every once in a while
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? I love them both and they love me! sometimes my mom and I butt heads but we’re just both really headstrong lol
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? ahahahaha every once in a while I guess
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? control what you can // confront what you can’t // always remember how lucky you are to have yourself
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yes with small lies
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? all the timeeee
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? depends on the day
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I try to keep one but it never works
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? depends on the circumstance
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Return it to the owner (if I can find the address & it isn’t too far) otherwise bring it to the police station
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? verrrry
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yes I love to fly I wish I did it more
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? just my ears
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yes “(un)lost” on my wrist
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes she’s a bitch
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? maybe someday! too early in my life to tell
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? my older brother
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? Dark blue/gray/black
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? yeah! I was on the Today Show when I was 10 
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? always be your own sunshine
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? i’ve got a lethal sweet tooth
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