#jungkook feeding us so well today
bonny-kookoo · 4 months
Princess | Short #1
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There's something happening between you two.
Tags/Warnings: Wolfdog Hybrid!Jungkook, Showdog Hybrid!Reader, Enemies to lovers, Angst, Fluff?, Brat!Reader, Jungkook has major brat tamer energy, reader has some issues
Length: 1.6k words
A/N: I will force feed you this AU and you will like it 👿
There is no taglist for this fic.
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Despite Jungkook having agreed to help you, he still continues to work on that choreography the same way as before, ruthlessly pushing you further and further despite your very much constant complains.  
Apparently, according to him, it’s not about the whole contest anymore. But instead, to teach you ‘something’. What it is, he won’t say- but you’re sure that’s all just an excuse anyways to torture you.  
But you’re not going down so easily.  
“How many times do I need to tell you that you have your own snacks?!” Jungkook complains, showing the empty bag of crackers to you, at the sight of which you simply sit in the middle of the practice room, tail happily wagging as if you don’t even know what he’s talking about. “And I’m sure you drank my water too.” He accuses, and you just shrug.  
“Maybe.” You answer. “The crackers sucked though. Way too bland. Do you always just eat old people snacks?” You question, irritating him further. It’s clear that you’re testing your boundaries with him, and most of all his patience- because lets be real, its funny as hell to make him angry. Mostly because you know he’d never actually get too upset with you- if he was to ever do so, you’re sure he’d give you a fair warning way before that line has actually been stepped over.  
Though, clearly, you’ve not really realized yet that you two have actually become closer up until this point- and that also means that Jungkook no longer tries to stay as far away as he can from you.  
So when he returns to the practice room with new snacks of his own and a bottle of sweet electrolyte juice, you’re already up on your feet, happily looking what he’s got himself- before he suddenly takes off his hoodie, catching you entirely off guard and freezing you in place for a good second, because wow. 
He’s got an extensive collection of art beneath the skin of one of his arms up to his hand even, and his physique is definitely also not to be played around with. Years of serious dancing and working out have clearly created the man he is today-  
And suddenly, your world is dark for a good second, as he pushes his hoodie over your head.  
You’re confused, when he suddenly pulls on the sleeves your arms are not yet pulled through, as he instead ties them behind your back, successfully immobilizing you. He picks you up and sits you in one of the chairs after he's done, leaning in close once you're seated, summoning the audacity to smirk at you.  
“Timeout, you gremlin.” He tells you, before he sits down next to you to eat his food, all while you can’t do anything but watch, wide eyed and completely confused.  
And instead of arguing, you just pull in your legs after toeing off your shoes, pouting to yourself while enjoying his scent. You’d never openly admit it, but he does smell nice- both the laundry detergent he uses for his clothes, and, well, his own scent. You blame it on the fact that throughout your career until now, you’ve barely had any close interaction with another male hybrid like this- so it’s probably just the fact that you’re not used to this.  
“Take it off.” You demand, and he shakes his head.  
“Nop.” He denies, and you swing your legs on the chair as you’ve let them fall down again.  
“I need to go pee.” You tell him, and at that he sighs, before he unravels the sleeves- 
Just for you to slip your hands through them, and steal his bottle of juice as you run into the hallway, hearing his footsteps loudly right behind you, hand having slapped against the door you’d tried to swing close behind you. You don’t get very far when he suddenly grabs the back of the sweater, pulling you closer again to try and lift you. “No- No no, I really need to go pee!” You deny, standing in front of him now after having avoided his grip.  
“Alright, let’s go then.” He says, grabbing the hood of the sweater to drag you to the restrooms, taking the bottle away from you. “Go pee.” 
“I don’t have to anymore.” You say, and he narrows his eyes at you.  
“Too bad.” He denies. “Go squeeze something out, I’m not gonna take you again.” He threatens, and you reluctantly go anyways, before you re-emerge, glaring at him, until you have an idea. He watches as you stand in front of him, putting on your best puppy-dog eyes, and holding your arms out upwards to him. “What.” He asks, arms crossed.  
“Carry me?” You ask, and he thinks about it for a good second, before he agrees.  
“Alright.” He nods. 
“Wait, really?!” You ask, surprised- when suddenly, your world is upside-down, with him carrying you over his shoulder, one arm holding onto your legs so you don’t tip over and fall off his back. And he hears you laugh about it most of all, your fluffy, curled tail wagging right into his face if it wasn't for his other hand holding it down as well, his own lips turned into a smile.  
Because honestly, this is what your life is supposed to be like. Happy, fun, and most of all, normal.  
It’s clear to him that you’ve simply never really had any proper interactions before that could’ve taught you how to socialize and get used to general manners- if anything, you most likely always got what you wanted just to have you shut up and be quiet. And eventually, when you grew up into an adult that you are now, things simply had gotten stuck like this. 
The reason why he thinks this, is just how.. Helpless you seem at the simplest of interactions. From simple questions about your hobbies, to normal touches like a hug for a greeting, everything appears to be foreign to you. And you mask that insecurity and lack of understanding with attitude- because up until now, most likely, this must’ve been your best defense. Everyone would leave you alone if you got cranky, and so, these days, you must feel extremely confused and without any direction, considering that this doesn’t work with him.  
But you’ve got to learn. Not just basic manners, but also the fact that not everyone in the world is out to get you.  
Especially not him.  
Back in the practice room, you’re now on his lap, where he’s got your hands behind your back, held by your wrists in his hand, grip strong. “We gotta practice.” You whine, but he knows that’s not what you’re going to do once he lets go.  
“We do.” He agrees. “And we will, once you’ve finished your tantrum.” He tells oyu, and you scoff.  
“I’m not having a tantrum. You’re being an asshole!” You tell him. “Who cares if I eat your snacks? You can just get new one’s!” You complain, and he shakes his head at that.  
“It’s not about that. What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours. If I want to take something from you, I’ll ask. If you want something from me, you’ll have to ask as well.” He explains, and you kick out your legs, trying to get off- but he’s got a strong hold on you, so you’re stuck in place.  
“I’m not a child!” You bark, slipping off of his legs to instead lay on the floor now. He raises a brow.  
“You’re sure acting like one.” He says, crossing his arms. “Don’t you have boundaries that you’d like respected?” He asks, looking down at where you’re laying on the floor at his feet, and you stare at him for a second with an unsure gaze, before you slowly sit up, eyes glossy. It’s obvious that sentence must’ve hit a sore spot for you, because you’re visibly fighting another emotional outburst as you try and swallow down any tears that want to escape.  
It’s quiet. Mostly because you don’t want to break down, and he doesn’t want to say anything that might set you off. He hates seeing you like this- but he knows that one way or another, you’ll have to face these things.  
“I’ll respect any boundary you give me.” He tells you. “I promise you that. But you’ll have to do the same for me, because that’s fair, right?” He asks, and you take in a deep breath, before you lean against his leg, head resting against his thigh.  
“I’m sorry.” You mumble quietly, and he reaches out to out a comforting hand on your head. “I’ll be more fair.” You say, and he smiles.  
“Thank you.” He offers, before you look up at him.  
“Can we practice more now?” You ask, and he shrugs.  
“If you want to.” He says, and you nod.  
“It’s.. Actually fun. If you don’t nag all the time.” You playfully argue, making him roll his eyes.  
“I’m just trying to get you to do your best.” He denies, and you smile brightly at that, tail wagging on the floor, a sight he’s come to really like.  
“Thank you.” You say, and for the first time, he has to admit- 
You can actually be really fucking cute, if you want to be. 
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444 notes · View notes
bangtanflirt · 9 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 4)
*Series taglist is closed.
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: mention of corporal punishment, mention of forced dieting, one line about distorted body image and character using the word "fat" negatively, references to past dubcon and dubcon undertones (hybrids under the influence of synthetic hormones cannot properly consent) but no actual smut, reader's morals and judgement are very questionable for a second
The pack expects the worst when you open the door, getting mentally prepared to see whatever horrible condition you might have their youngest in. Their heart yearns at the thought of their beloved Koo trapped in a cage or tied up somewhere. What they do see however, is not something they know how to react to: Jungkook, lazily rolling on your couch with his eyes transfixed on a giant TV.
No collar, no leash, no cage. But no one has enough time to take it in as he springs up upon seeing his pack, darting into Namjoon’s arms and prompting the rest to wrap their hands around the two. The hug is tight and filled with muffled I missed yousand I love yous. Jungkook envelopes himself into all of their scents—the swirl of orange vanilla soaking into his skin and making him feel whole again. There’s not one wolf without glossy eyes, not even the alpha who’s ditched his stoic façade the instant his pup melted into his arms.
Namjoon only snaps out of it when he realizes you’re still there, carefully prying the wolves off of him and making sure everyone’s presentable for you. The rest get the hint and quickly comply—well, everyone except Jungkook. Their youngest has other plans, as he’s making his way to you and pulling you towards the pack.
“Y/N look, everyone’s here! It’s my whole pack!”
The other wolves feel their blood run cold, Namjoon quickly springing into action, reprimanding Jungkook for not addressing you properly.
“We’re so sorry Miss, he’s young and still learning. I’ll teach him better.”
The Alpha feels his chest get tight, realizing the weight of his responsibilities at the moment: this is a new environment with a new person, and he has to get all of his pack in line to not get punished here.
Your voice brings him out of his head,
“It’s okay, I asked him to call me y/n. I’d actually like for all of you to do the same.”
They don’t know how to react, unsure if this is a test.
“Relax guys! It’s not a test.” Jungkook reassures, reading their minds perfectly as he had the same thoughts a couple days ago.
“I don’t do tests like that; you don’t have to worry. Now, I bet everyone is starving. Jungkook, could you help me set the table please?”
He enthusiastically follows you to the dining room, while everyone else follows much more cautiously, standing awkwardly and watching the two of you place dinner plates and silverware. You’d told Chef Gyu to make larger portions, which is why there’s more than enough wagyu beef to go around.
“My friend, Yoongi, will also be staying with us for some time. He’s having dinner at the office, so we can dig in without him.”
The wolves only half-register your words, as the smell and sight of the steak is taking priority. It’s still hard to believe that they’re sitting here with the heavenly meal on the plate in front of them. If the name thing wasn’t a test, this surely has to be; it’ll be any minute now when you laugh at them before taking the plates away, giving them the same grool they’re used to in the labs—if you even feel like feeding them today.
Even Jungkook, who’s slightly used to the good food, is taken aback by today’s extravagance, feeling uncomfortable eating so well as a hybrid.
This time you’ve had Dr. Gong do the allergy tests with the collar removal, so you don’t feel hesitant in giving the “Eat up” command. It’s the first direct order you’ve given tonight, and the unsure wolves slowly start reaching for their silverware.
Jin can’t help the exclamation that escapes his lips the moment the food grazes his tongue, almost crying at the flavorful sensation. It feels as if the three months of wet, tasteless grool is erased in one bite of the best thing he’s ever had. He’s quick to cover his mouth, apologizing instantly for making noise.
“It’s completely fine Jin, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the food.”
“Th-thank you so much Mis—um—y/n.”
You look around the table fondly, until your eyes drop to two of the wolves: Taehyung and Hoseok, sitting side by side.
Taehyung looks at the food with strong desire but can’t seem to use his utensils properly enough to get anything into his mouth.
“Taehyung, is something wrong with your hands?”
The wolf timidly looks up, meeting your eyes. He doesn’t want to say why his hands are hurting—doesn’t want to give you a bad first impression—but it’s not like he can lie to his new owner.
“I w-was bad a couple days ago, so they punished me…twenty five hits to each knuckle…but I learned my lesson! I won’t be bad here ever!”
Embarrassment takes over as he remembers a child getting hurt under his watch. Jin and Jimin were so good at being caretaker hybrids, watching over the children in the testing labs perfectly, but he seemed to be lacking every time. He was trying to be funny, to make the little girl laugh, which she did…but she laughed so much she missed a handle on the monkey bars and ended up with a scraped knee. Worst of all, he started panicking the moment she cried, causing Jin to have to swoop in and clean her wound.
Eating was manageable when he just had to put a spoon to his lips, but trying to cut with a knife and fork were making his fingers cringe. You’re also cringing yourself, thinking about how much each strike on the knuckles would hurt. The other wolves are cursing themselves internally, being too entranced by the food to see if Taehyung was doing alright.
“May I have permission to help feed him?” It’s Jin who jumps in, caretaking instincts on overdrive.
“Yes of course, do whatever you need to.”
Once Jin starts feeding Taehyung, you shift your attention to the hybrid next to him.
Hoseok’s taking the food to his lips, but there’s no indication of joy on his face, in fact, he looks stressed.
“Hoseok” you speak up, causing the man to sit up straight, “do you not like the food?”
His eyes go wide, “N-No! I love it, it’s very delicious. Thank you so much!”
He berates himself for looking ungrateful.
What if she takes it away from everyone because of me? What if I’m the reason my packmates starve tonight?
“It’s okay if you don’t like it. I can get you something else.”
The rest of them know why he’s not eating, but only Jungkook finds it in himself to speak up.
“It’s not the food…Hobi hyung isn’t supposed to eat a lot…”
It pains him to say it, just as it pains the rest to hear it, but that’s how things worked at the lab. Whatever portion the rest got, Hoseok always got half. The other five used to give him theirs, but that was quickly shut down once the researchers started monitoring meals. Their next attempt at solidarity was to only eat half themselves, but there’s only so much you can fight when commands are given out with the Obedience Collar on. A time came when the hormones were perfected, and there was enough in their bodies to make them care more about obeying orders than their precious, underfed packmate.
“Why not?”
Jungkook shifts in his seat nervously, wanting desperately for anyone else to talk. Hoseok seems far too terrified to say anything, but Namjoon thankfully speaks up.
“Romantics aren’t supposed to eat a lot…they have to keep in shape for—um—sexual desirability purposes.” He regurgitates what the researchers drilled into their brains.
Hoseok’s face goes as red as a tomato. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the topic of sex. It wasn’t always like that: there was a time, before the lab, when he would itch to feel his packmates intimately, but that’s all been drained by now. Months fulfilling the lewd commands of complete strangers can change a person like that—make sex and intimacy feel like an obligation.
You don’t know why you keep getting surprised at the cruelty of Kang and his operation, but every new finding makes you wish Kang wasn’t in a holding cell right now—but rather on the street where you could bash his head into a car door.
But you can’t let yourself look shaken up. Someone’s got to be strong for them, someone aside from Namjoon, who clearly needs a break.
“Eating well doesn’t make anyone any less desirable. You can eat as much as everyone else if you want to. Understood?” You’re tone isn’t stern, but very much firm.
“Yes M--Yes! Understood!”
Rest of dinner is filled with knives scraping plates until there’s no more food left, everyone eating to their heart’s content. Hoseok still looks like he’s battling himself with each bite, but he eats nonetheless.
Jin insists on doing the dishes, springing up and collecting empty plates the moment he’s done eating. You’re about to show them to their rooms when the doorbell rings.
“Oh, that must be Yoongi. I’ll go get it.”
You make your way to let him inside, seeing his tired visage with two suitcases in hand. You can’t help but feel sorry towards him, knowing how much strain is on his workload having to assist the CCO instead of you, and on top of that, you’re taking away his off-work time now too. You hate how much you rely on Yoongi for everything—how much he offers to take care of everything. It makes you feel like you’re taking advantage of him, no matter how many times he assures you he wants to help.
You feel extra shitty on days like this, when you can tell work is draining him completely.
“Thank you again for coming.” You take his coat and briefcase as he walks in, the hybrids all staring and unsure of how to act. Yoongi looks at Jungkook, giving him a smile as he sees the boy for the first time. He tries to smile at the rest, but it’s tight-lipped, as he feels horrible knowing the first time they saw him was when they were being paraded around as experiments. That’s the worst first impression he could possibly leave.
“You should get some sleep; you look exhausted. I can handle wound care by myself for the night.”
He looks confused for a second before catching on. Of course you’d told them he was mainly here for wound care.
“Oh-uh okay, if that’s alright. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you’re already such a huge help.”
He mumbles a “nice to meet you all” before making his way to his room—aka the guest room he always sleeps in when you have your emergency overnight work meetings.
The hybrids follow you as you let them see the other rooms, letting them know there’s three free ones plus Jungkook’s and they can share however they want. It feels funny offering up the rooms; you’d always felt so lonely in this mansion of a house. It was picked out with your father’s money when you turned twenty-one, opting for the most opulent place you could find to throw parties—back before you inherited the business, and your biggest stress was which outfit to wear or yacht to buy.
You look remorsefully at Jungkook, thinking about his life at twenty-one versus yours. You don’t know if it hurts more to look at him or Jin, who’s the same age you are right now but with none of the independence that comes with it.
Namjoon knows what his pack is thinking throughout the tour, so he takes a chance and asks.
“Is it okay if we all share Jungkook’s room?”
You turn around in surprise, not expecting such a request. It makes sense, you suppose, and you can’t blame them for wanting to stick together.
“There’s only one bed in there. I don’t know if that’s enough for all of you, even if it is a king-size.”
“We’ve slept in way worse before. It’s more than enough!” Jimin pleads from behind his Alpha.
“If that’s what you guys want, then it’s fine with me.”
You see them visibly relax a little bit.
And so everyone crowds into the youngest’s room, features in awe thinking of their packmate enjoying such a lavish room. You scan around, thinking of how to give them more room to sleep. You never had the need to get any air mattresses, as five guest bedrooms is usually more than enough. That’s when it hits you to drag one of the futon couches from another room into theirs, with Jungkook doing most of the heavy lifting.
“Alright, this one folds out and can fit two people if the bed gets too crowded. We got that figured out, so all there’s left is bandages plus meds, and we can call it a night.”
You work carefully on each hybrid, going down the line with the wound care kits. Jimin and Jin ask every two minutes if they can help, which nudges Taehyung to ask as well, but you refuse to let them.
The three exchange glances of confusion and fear. It’s not exactly a good sign when an owner isn’t using their hybrids, as the researchers reminded them constantly at the lab.
“But this is what we’re trained for. We’ll do it really well, let us prove it to you.”
“I have no doubt you’d do it well Jin, but that’s not what this is about. You should be resting, letting others take care of you for a change.”
“She hates us, doesn’t she? She hates us and she’s going to give us to the state first thing tomorrow.”
Namjoon wants to calm Jimin down and assure him that’s not the case, but he’s not even sure himself. Aside from letting Jin do the dishes and Jungkook helping here and there, you’ve denied their services the entire night. You wouldn’t even let the Alpha guard your door for you, insisting that you had excellent security already.
If you had excellent security, and housekeepers, and a personal chef…what the hell could they contribute to be good for you? How long did they have until they were sent away for being useless?
The atmosphere in the room is strained, similar thoughts going through everyone’s mind. Even Jungkook’s. As nice as you’ve been to him so far, he’s not naïve enough to forget that you’re the owner and he’s the hybrid. He was gifted to you, by the most vile people he’s ever met, and it’d be dumb to trust you fully. Does he obey you fully? Absolutely. But trust? That’s only for his packmates.
He sits up from Jimin’s lap, looking at his defeated face and attempting to boost morale. “We just have to show we’re useful hyung. If we can show that, I think we’d all be happy here!”
“We’d all love to stay Koo, I mean this place is more than we’ve ever imagined, but how are we supposed to be useful if she already has everything we can give?”
Hoseok finally speaks up.
“I’ll go try.”
No one says a thing as they watch him leave the room, with everyone’s first reaction being relief. If Hoseok does this right, then maybe no one will have to leave. They know he doesn’t enjoy his role—it’s the one they’d want to do the least—and if they were in their right minds, they would never let him offer himself up in such a way. But no one’s in their right minds, and all they want is to be good for you.
You’re applying moisturizer when you hear the knock on your door.
“It’s me, Hoseok. C-can I come in?”
You make your way over to unlock the door.
“Are you really tired?”
Truthfully? Yes, you are. Today’s been an insane rollercoaster of emotions, with the stress of work and the adoption, but you don’t want to turn him away if he needs to talk about something.
“No, I’m happy to make some time for you if you need.”
He nods, inching his way closer, fluttering his eyelashes in the flirty way he’s perfected. If you weren’t so exhausted, this would be the point you’d catch on.
“So, what can I help you with?”
Before you can register what’s happening, his hands are on your waist and your noses are almost touching. Those beautiful brown eyes have narrowed to a much more seductive gaze, making your breath hitch.
“I’m actually here to help you” even his voice is lower, raspier than before, “just tell me how. If you need me to behave, I can do that. If you need me to take control, I do that well too.”
He says the last part in a whisper, breath fanning your neck as he leans closer to your ear, “Just tell me your fantasies. I can do it all.”
It all attacks your senses at once—his soft vanilla scent, that half-lidded sultry gaze, and those damn heart shaped lips. Your heart threatens to fall out of your chest with how hard it’s beating, and you know he can hear it too. It’s been far too long since you’ve been intimate with anything other than your vibrator, and it’s disconcerting just how quick he can rile you up. His eyes are zoned in on your lips, and there’s nothing you want more at that moment than to just give in and feel good.
But then he bites his lip, and you notice something. Notice that it feels calculated.
The look in his eyes only reinforce this. There’s no real desire there, but rather contrived lust. It’s like the gears in his head are turning, telling him:
Okay bite your lip…now. Perfect.
Flutter your lashes more, they always like that.
Maybe I need to get closer.
It becomes clear that this is just a routine, one that’s not bringing him pleasure at all. And that’s enough to snap you out of the trance—guilt hitting you like a truck as you push him back. You’re not supposed to have these thoughts when you know what he’s gone through. It’s clear he’s not in control of his actions right now, so how could you even think to take advantage of him like that?
God, his bandaged neck is right in front of you, and you still had those thoughts. Are you really that low y/n?
Hoseok’s having his own mental breakdown at the rejection, blood running cold the second you push him away. You don’t want him. He doesn’t get it…your heart was beating fast, and you looked like you were into it. Was his voice not low enough? Should he have winked the way they taught him in the lab? Was dinner actually a test and now you don't want him because he's too fat?
He's already disappointed you just at the seducing stage. Great.
Now it’s his heart that’s beating fast, palpitating at the thought of having to go back and explain his failure to the rest of them. How disappointed will they be once he tells them he can’t even be desirable enough for you—when that’s all he’s been trained to do for three fucking months?!
What am I supposed to do if I’m the reason we all get shipped to a shelter in the morning?
The thought alone causes tears to spill from his eyes.
You’re pulled out of your own head at lightning speed the moment you notice, which is admittedly too late as he’s full on sobbing now.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I’ll be better—” he’s gasping for breath in between the sobs, “I’ll do anything you want— Please don’t push me away.”
“Hoseok…that’s not…that’s not why I brought you here. You don’t have to force yourself to do things you clearly don’t want to.”
Ah. So that’s where he messed up. He made it obvious he wasn’t into it.
Stupid Hoseok. Dumb Hoseok. Can’t do a single thing right Hoseok.
A new stream of tears wet his cheeks and you’re scrambling.
“Sweetheart, please look at me,”
He lifts his head up, trying to look at you through blurry lenses. The affectionate nickname doesn’t go unnoticed, giving him a sliver of hope.
“I know you’re trying to be good for me by doing this, but you’re already so good.”
Confusion is clear on his features.
“But I haven’t done anything useful.”
“That’s not true. You’ve been so polite, all of you have, so polite and so” it makes you recoil saying the next words, but you know it’s what he needs to hear, “well-behaved.”
His ears perk up at that, as if you’re dangling another piece of that delicious wagyu beef in front of him.
“Yes Hobi” you try out the nickname, and it’s obvious by the way his eyes light up that you’ve made the right choice.
“Now, how are we feeling about washing up, wiping those tears off, and getting you back to the others?”
He holds the bottom of your shirt at the mention of going back.
“Wait! C-can I stay the night? Just sleep next to you? If I go back now…they’ll hate me.”
If you were any less physically or emotionally worn-out, you would’ve explained that no one would blame him because there’s nothing he did wrong—but all you want right now is a quick fix to keep him from crying and a good night’s sleep.
A/N: Got this one out sooner than I thought I would since I had some time off work! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always highly appreciated!
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
playtime & punishment | jjk
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⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au, this specific chapter is pwp
⛓️summary: You decide to push Jeon Jungkook's buttons until he snaps and puts you in your place like the little slut you are.
⛓️word count: 2k+
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jungkook, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, daddy kink, good girl kink, nudes, hickeys, oc is a lil horny brat, jk puts her in her place, degradation, "slut" is used a lot, boobie squeezes, begging, she wants his cock so bad🥵, masturbation, oral nerd fantasy, fingering, edging, orgasm denial
⛓️p&p masterlist⛓️
⛓️a/n: this is the dirtiest p&p drabble yet🥴 can be enjoyed without reading the previous drabbles!
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It’s another one of those long days where Jungkook has class all day, and you’re sitting around his place doing homework while keeping an eye on his mischievous kitten. The only reason you’re not procrastinating on your assignments is that your hot nerd friend refuses to let you near his tattooed cock until all of your school stuff is done. Thankfully, today’s homework is simple enough to finish before he gets home.
After submitting your last assignment of the day, you stretch your arms out and check the time. Jungkook should be on his way home in about half an hour, so that gives you plenty of time to soak in a nice bubble bath. You may or may not have been dying to send him some naughty nudes to look at while he’s in class. And a bubble bath is the perfect backdrop for your steamy photoshoot.
Once the tub is all set up with a sea of cotton candy bubbles, you slide your body in and make sure every part of it is nice and wet. If Jungkook wasn’t going to be back soon, you’d be tempted to slip your fingers down between your legs. But you might as well wait a little bit longer for him since it’s been a minute (aka less than 48 hours) since the last time the two of you had sex.
Just as you’re about to snap a pic of your naked body, a notification pops up from Jungkook.
dilf🥴 [4:32PM] “Can you feed Lucy her dinner?”
dilf🥴 [4:32PM] “I have an interview after class”
He must be talking about an interview for that fancy tech job he mentioned a few days ago. If he gets an offer, he’ll be all set and working full-time after graduating this summer. You, on the other hand…
You’d rather not think about it. You were given the opportunity to turn your last internship into a whole-ass career as a software engineer, but it just didn’t work out. The internship was great, the job would’ve been great, but your would-be boss apparently only wanted you on his team because you’re pretty and not because you’d earned it. That was the big rumor floating around throughout the last week of your internship. And that’s why you declined the offer for what would’ve been your dream job.
You just hope Jungkook doesn’t have to deal with any bullshit like that. Probably not.
Y/N🍒 [4:33PM] “ah yes lucys eating good tonight😌🤝🐱”
Y/N🍒 [4:34PM] “good luck with your interview✨”
Then you send him a pic of you with your wet boobs squeezed together between your arms “for extra good luck.” Not that the nerd needs luck to land any job he wants.
dilf🥴 [4:39PM] “👁️👄👁️”
dilf🥴 [4:39PM] “Y/N”
Y/N🍒 [4:39PM] “yes daddy?🥺”
You snicker at your phone screen. Is it bad that you hope he passes his interview with the biggest boner bulging out of his pants? If he’s mad about it, he can punish you when he gets home. Perhaps he’ll slap his hard cock against your cheeks or shove it down your throat. You won’t complain. You like it rough like that.
dilf🥴 [4:40PM] “It’ll be hard to focus on the interview after seeing that”
dilf🥴 [4:41PM] “Wait until I get home”
Y/N🍒 [4:41PM] “👼”
He’s so silly if he thinks you’re actually waiting until he gets home. You were willing to wait until his class ended, but all bets were off when he said he’d be home even later thanks to the interview. 
As soon as you climb out of the tub, you feed the kitten her gourmet meal, hop on the boy’s bed, and pull your sweatpants down to your thighs. 
Your fingers waste no time in making their way into your panties. You wish Jungkook were around to pleasure you himself or at least watch, but that doesn’t mean the boy isn’t contributing here.
The mere thought of him gets you so wet. Ever since you slept with him the first time, you can’t stop thinking about him. Like, he’s not only someone you click so well with but also the one your body craves 24/7. 
Oh what you’d do to have his cock inside you, his tongue on you, and his nerdy ass here with you right now.
You kick your sweatpants and panties off, slowly massaging your clit and imagining it’s Jungkook eating you out. Like his tongue is lapping you up and making you all hot and bothered in an endless cycle. You’d never really craved to be on the receiving end of oral sex until Jungkook had gone down on you the first time. He’d hooked you in for life with a single flick of his tongue.
Your fingers obviously can’t compare to the real deal, but you’re still thoroughly enjoying your little oral nerd fantasy. Plus, you love the idea of sneaking around and doing something naughty on his bed while he’s gone. Especially when he told you to wait for him. 
You can’t always be a good little girl for daddy.
As you continue to pleasure yourself, the post-bath warmth and lazy pace lull you to a sleepy state even before you’ve had a chance to orgasm. The least you can do is wait for your boy friend to join in before hitting your high.
It’ll be worth the wait.
You feel your eyelids getting heavier as your fingers slow down. Before you know it, you’re out.
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“Someone’s been naughty.” A low voice wakes you from your nap as the boy’s weight sinks into the mattress beside you.
Your eyes flutter open to Jungkook unbuttoning his dress shirt. What a great view to wake up to. His gaze, however, is locked onto your fingers resting on your clit with your legs spread open on his bed like such a little slut.
Knowing he’s watching, your fingers start to move again. You’re still quite wet despite the long nap break. You must’ve dreamt of him tying you up and torturing your body for hours with his fat cock. That’ll keep you wet for weeks.
“My bad, I got impatient and couldn’t wait,” you say, swirling your fingers against your slippery center. You’re not sorry at all. “Bad girls need to be punished, don’t they?” You suck the coating off your fingers one at a time.
“Wouldn’t that just be giving you exactly what you want?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow. “Don’t sluts love to be degraded and put in their place?”
You nod, wanting nothing more than to be manhandled and used as his little plaything.
“Sure you can handle the punishment?” He tosses his shirt and glasses aside but leaves his trousers on. Ah fuck. He knows how badly you want your holes to be filled with his cock, so he’s not giving it to you. That’s your punishment. Despite how torturous it sounds, your submissive little head nods again.
With a sinister chuckle, he gets behind you, tears your tank top off your body, and leans your bare back against his hard chest. You can feel his erection digging into your ass through his pants. Great.
His hands slide around and grab your breasts, squeezing them together and making your nipples all perky. You let out a squeak like a stuffed dog toy with each squeeze.
“You’re so weak to my touch, you know that?” he whispers into your ear. “It’s kind of pathetic.”
“Mm,” you squeak again. He’s right. You really do love it when he degrades you like that.
With one hand still on your boobs, he pulls your head back and angles it to give him full access to your neck. His lips find the most sensitive spots on your neck and suck each one until you’re covered in his marks. You’re definitely going to need to wear a turtleneck for the next few days.
You try to turn around to get his mouth on yours, even for just a second to taste him, but he pulls back and shakes his head. “Bad girls have to earn that back.”
Jeon Jungkook is evil. The worst, even. You’ve never been denied a kiss in your entire life. And he knows you’ll do anything for a taste, anything for touch, anything for more pleasure. You love it.
“Jungkook, please, anything,” you beg softly, pulling his hand toward your wet center. But instead of getting straight to it, he grabs both of your wrists and holds them together behind your back. Apparently, he doesn’t approve of the way you tried directing him to your core. He’s the one deciding your punishment here. Not you.
“Brats like you need to learn to be patient,” he hums against your neck. “Will you wait for me this time, baby?”
You’ll say it again. Jeon Jungkook is the worst. You’d rebelled against him and got caught touching yourself earlier out of impatience, and now he’s gonna make you wait even longer for any sort of pleasure or release? Just to teach you a lesson and punish you for your actions? He’s the definition of torture. No other guy has ever challenged you the way he does. But that’s why you’ve stuck around with him these past few months.
“Yes, daddy,” you whimper. Your horny little body will wait as long as he makes you.
“Good girl.” Still holding your wrists captive with one hand, he slips two fingers between your legs. He’s moving slower than your fingers earlier. “And you’re not going to cum until I say so. Understood?”
“Yes, daddy.”
He rewards your submissive behavior with a quick flick over your clit. The sudden jolt of pleasure snaps you into a pathetically horny state. Your body starts squirming on its own for more stimulation. Your brain shuts off. Your mind melts into pleasure.
For a while, all you can hear is your moans and the slick sounds of his fingers rubbing against you, pumping in and out of you. So wet and helpless. So close, and yet, your body knows it can’t orgasm until daddy says so.
“Are you close?” he asks. You hate how calm he is compared to the horny mess he’s made of you.
You nod. “Cum… please…”
“Not yet, baby,” he warns, digging his fingers deep inside you and hitting you where it feels best. Meanwhile, his thumb toys with your swollen clit, rubbing circles around it and bringing you so close to your breaking point. “Keep edging for me.”
You need to cum. You need it so badly. You bite your lip and squirm around to fight off the wave of pleasure waiting to wash over you. The need for a release is at an all-time high, but Jeon Jungkook’s hold on you is stronger. Because you know it’d feel so much more satisfying to be rewarded by him with an orgasm after waiting so long like a good little slut. You just have to be patient.
He lets go of your limp wrists, knowing you’re too lost in the pleasure to move your own fingers. You like his better anyway. His now free hand takes over your pussy, while he holds up his other fingers to your face. They’re perfectly glazed by your lust.
On instinct, your mouth opens with your tongue out. You’ve already accepted you aren’t getting his cock today, so his long veiny fingers will have to be the consolation prize. He kindly allows you to wrap your lips around his fingers and cleanse them of your milky glaze.
While you suck on him, he rubs you faster, adding more pressure to your clit all swelled up with pleasure. You let out a violent stream of muffled moans as if you’d actually orgasmed. If he doesn’t let you cum soon, you’ll go mad.
“Do you want to cum now?” He pulls his fingers out for you to answer.
“Yes… daddy…” you whimper between gasps. Your body aches in anticipation. Finally.
“Have you learned your lesson today?” He uses that stern dilf tone you love so much. “Will you be a good girl from now on?”
“Yes, daddy.” Nope. As soon as you’re done here, you’re not against being a brat and doing it all over again. Because when you really think about it, this “punishment” comes with what you know will be the most intense and rewarding orgasm of your life. That’s why you’ve endured the torture for so long. And that’s why you’re eager for plenty more in the future.
“Good,” he slips his fingers out of your pussy and gets up from behind you. Looks like you’re getting cock after all. It really does pay off to be a good girl.
But then he hands you your tank top that he’d flung across the room. And your panties and sweatpants. Still in a bit of a horny haze, you sit there and blink at the boy. He needs to hurry his ass back over to you and tend to your poor clit. It’s so swollen and aching for that release.
Then he looks back at you with a big fat smirk. “Oh, did you think I’d let you cum today, baby?”
Seeing how your little brain still isn’t comprehending his words, he helps you back into your clothes and lays your body down next to him on the bed. “Wouldn’t be much of a punishment if I let you cum, would it?” he chuckles as reality sinks in for you. You immediately pout.
“You were supposed to shove your cock down my throat and let me cum,” you mumble, wiggling yourself closer to him. “That’s what a punishment is, Jungcock.”
“Hey,” he frowns at your petty nickname for him when you’re sexually frustrated. “You’re the one who asked to be punished. I was down for the usual.”
He’s right. You really did bring this upon yourself. And honestly, despite the lack of an orgasm and cock, you can’t deny that Jungkook still managed to make it amazing. Plus, the longer you go without hitting your high, the better it’ll feel once you finally do. So you’ll just have to accept your fate and wait another day.
“By the way, how’d the interview go?” You try not to stare at the bulge in his nice trousers. After the hell he just put you through, you really do hope your bathtub pic forced a huge boner on him during his interview.
“They gave me an offer, so I took it,” he says nonchalantly. You know he’s downplaying it after you’d told him about how awful your first job offer had gone. He doesn’t need to, though. It’s something he earned and worked hard for. The two of you should celebrate.
“Oh yeah?” You smile and give him a peck on his lips as you roll on top of him. “We should have new job sex.”
He lets you finally get a taste of his tongue before rolling you back beside him. “Nice try.”
You frown but steal another kiss from him. “You’re really mean, you know that?”
“You’ll thank me later,” he promises. “I’ll make it worth the wait.”
2K notes · View notes
jjkeverlast · 1 year
keep in step | knj (m)
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-> pairing professor!namjoon x professor!f.reader
-> genre/au's smut, enemies to lovers, dinner party au!
-> summary after namjoon has got you worked up for nothing, you find a way to reclaim your power, and what better way than to do it at the annual dinner party?
-> word count 2.6k
-> warnings sexual tension | reader teases joon with cake lol | taehyung and jungkook are mentioned | namjoon's thighs (trust me it's a warning) | namjoon is wearing the outfit | oral (m. receiving)
-> author's note i cannot believe that a request from my milestone celebration AND joon feeding us so much content today had me writing pt2 so quickly... but here we aaaare :)))) i highly suggest reading the first part, which you can find here ! to my lovely readers and moots who have been waiting for a second part, i hope this meets your expectations <3 also big thanks for the banner made by my lovely mari ( @archivedkookie ) i love you babe, it's absolutely beautiful omg.
i should note that play the game was a request by my darling jess @btsgotjams27 for my milestone last year and therefore there will not be a taglist to this! thank you :)
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Three months. Three painful months of doing absolutely nothing after your little mishap with Namjoon. It was torture, to be quite honest. Somehow you weren’t certain about him, about his intentions with you and certainly not how to revenge yourself in the perfect way. 
Namjoon proved towards you that his little scheme in the copy room was part of some fucked up game. A game to prove you don’t hate him. Currently, it’s one to zero, but you’re going to prove to not only him but yourself as well, that he isn’t here for the game, but you. 
Another reason for you to have yet to revenge yourself was because Namjoon was barely in the same capacity as you. The universe loves to suddenly turn your world upside down and make sure that you and Namjoon now have separate auditoriums for your classes. Therefore, you haven’t exactly been annoyed with him as you were before when he overtook your classes time. 
It wasn’t until the annual teacher’s dinner party that Namjoon was at your expense. 
The dinner party was a tradition, paid by the university to give thanks for the teacher’s hard work throughout the year. The venue that was picked out was spacious, various tables decorating it and big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. 
As soon as you stepped in, Namjoon was the first to catch your eye. He was wearing an all black outfit, his hair dark in a nice cut. It’s the first time you’re seeing him without his glasses and the sight is refreshing. There’s something about how his eyes are more captive from a mile away for you, and how exposed his defined face is. 
Namjoon’s eyes move towards you, gliding down to your feet in a slow movement. He smirks, his dimple prominent by the action and you’re trying to hold your breath. He’s not going to win tonight. You’ll make sure of it. 
A few presentations are presented by various teachers and counselors. All of them honoring the hard work. You’re sitting next to Kim Taehyung, an art history professor who’s been nothing but kind to you. His boxy smile and lame jokes keep you in a good mood and keeps you away from thinking about a certain someone. 
You don’t know what it is about Namjoon. Ever since he went down on you in the copy room, giving you a mindblowing orgasm he has managed to engrave himself in your head and infiltrate your love life. Yes, you had clearly tried to find a solution, a partner who actually wants you but whenever you managed to get a date, Namjoon’s dimple filled smile and his tongue skills would cloud your mind and leave you in irritation. 
Every part of you wants to look and glance at Namjoon. He’s sitting two tables away from you, his laugh flowing through the venue directly to you and you grab tightly onto your bag to restrain yourself. 
Just stick to the plan. 
‘’Wow, can’t believe we’re already halfway through the year.’’ Taehyung comments, earning your attention. 
‘’Yeah, time really does fly.’’ He nods along, swirling his thumb against his wine glass as if he’s contemplating taking another sip. He mutters under his breath, grabbing onto the glass and taking a light sip. The cringing expression on his face connects to his pondering face from before. Taehyung isn’t a wine person, but in most cases alcohol is still in the end, alcohol. 
The first course gets served and everyone on the table is pleased. Minor conversations are exchanged, mostly university related and you join in once in a while. Somehow your mind continues to play Namjoon’s words before he took the courage and kissed you. 
‘’You hate me, yet you stare at me as if you want me.’’ 
Brain, kindly shut the fuck up. You don’t notice yourself poking more aggressively at the food in front of you but it’s the only way for you to scold yourself. 
Namjoon doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s— 
You almost drop your fork, glancing upwards to find Namjoon watching you with delicate eyes. His fingers trail beneath his chin, nodding along to the person babbling away next to him. But his gaze, his gaze remains on you. You squirm in your seat, clearing your throat as you avert your attention elsewhere. 
Fuck, that’s another point for him. 
You’d love to blame yourself for this, but in reality it’s his fault. His fault for showing up with an outfit showcasing every part of his body that is to drool for. You’re thankful that you aren’t sitting with him, or else you’d constantly throw glances downwards to his prominent thick thighs. You may or may have not once dreamt about riding them. But that’s for him to wonder and for you to know. 
The desert rolls around, a creamy cake and Taehyung’s eyes light up at the delicacy being placed in front of him. Maybe you’ve had enough, or maybe you’d love to finally revenge yourself seeing Namjoon is already giving you the perfect attention for it. 
Slowly, you take a bite, locking eyes with Namjoon from across the room. The cream manages to fill out the corners of your lips. Instead of taking a napkin, you drag your thumb over the corners before licking the excess. To your success, it works. Namjoon’s lips slightly part by your action, his adam’s apple bobbing proving he’s lost his breath due to it. 
Taehyung accidentally drops a piece of cake on his pants, groaning loudly which snaps you back from your lustful trance with Namjoon. You help Taehyung, handing him your unused napkin and he thanks you with a sincere smile. 
With hope, you return your gaze to Namjoon, but he’s gone. You look around, noticing how multiple have left the table and are now mingling amongst each other in playful chatter. This is your chance. 
‘’Hey, I’ll be right back. I just need to use the restroom.’’ You excuse yourself to Taehyung and he thankfully doesn’t seem to mind, leaving the table himself to talk with Jeon Jungkook, a biology professor. 
You set yourself on a mission to find Namjoon, walking away from the crowd, stumbling past some empty rooms that seem to be reserved for future meetings. When you reach the exit, someone pulls at your arm, pushing you inside a cramped closet. 
The minute you’re about to scream, you notice it’s Namjoon and your brows frown. Even though you were looking for him, you’re annoyed with every part of him and how he manages to affect you without having to lay a single finger on you. 
‘’Missed me?’’ He raises a brow in tact with the question. 
You roll your eyes at his comment, yet your body shivers. 
‘’I still hate you. Nothing has changed.’’ You step closer, the material of his jacket brushing against your exposed skin. 
Slowly, a smile grows on Namjoon’s face and a laugh manages to slip out. 
‘’Nothing has changed. Right, and you definitely haven’t been thinking about my tongue.’’ The words roll off perfectly, going straight to your core. 
‘’Not exactly.’’ 
With confidence, you bring your hands on him, trailing on his white shirt beneath the black jacket. Namjoon hisses by the sudden action, mouth agape as he watches you carefully explore his upper body. 
‘’Oh yeah? Then tell me.’’ You look up, moving your face closer to his until his nose brushes against yours. 
‘’Been thinking about sucking you off.’’ 
Namjoon closes his eyes before muttering, ‘’Fuck.’’ 
He moves closer, his lips hovering above yours but instead of completing his action you drop down to your knees. You give yourself support by holding firmly onto Namjoon’s thighs. They tense once in a while under your palm and it makes it hard for you not to imagine what it’d be like riding them. How the prominent lines of his muscles would flex under you, encouraging to continue as you hold tightly onto him. 
Maybe, if you still badly want him after this, you’ll take that fantasy into consideration. 
For now, you want nothing more than to return the gesture you would’ve given Namjoon since he left you half naked in the printer room. 
The material of his pants cling nicely to his thighs, showcasing a bit of what’s underneath and excitement bubbles at the pit of your stomach. Namjoon has completely lost his use of words, only breathing heavily as he observes your every move. 
Your palms start to move slowly over the material, feeling the soft sensation it carries. You squeeze down once or twice, dragging closer to his bulge that has started to strain beneath the slacks. You’re tempted to open the single button that keeps his pants up, but this is Namjoon. The Kim Namjoon who’s been on your nerves for the longest time. The Kim Namjoon who you thought you hated, but now? You aren’t exactly certain what you feel towards him. 
‘’I know what you’re doing.’’ Namjoon says. 
‘’And what am I doing?’’ You ask but don’t stop the motions of your hands. 
‘’You’re being slow on purpose, to torture me for all those months.’’ Wow. Kim Namjoon may carry a brain after all. 
It was your plan, to show him how painful slow can be and to poke him for being a slow professor in general. He’s taken you by surprise by cracking the code so quickly. 
You hum in approval. ‘’You got me.’’ Before you continue, Namjoon’s hooded eyes catch your attention. 
‘’I’m gonna show you how slow I can be.’’ It’s the last thing Namjoon hears from you, before you’ll tease him till he’ll plead for you to give in. 
Your mouth hovers above his bulge, lips trailing on the closed off zipper. The movements of your hands never stop admiring his firm thighs, how big they are under your burning skin. 
‘’You’re a fucking menace.’’ Namjoon manages to choke out, mind blurred from your breath so close yet so far from where he wants you. 
Ignoring his comment to your pace, you take a step further, removing his pants and dragging them down to his feet. His naked golden skin catches you off guard. The light partakes in making it look extraordinary, showing you the minor details of his definite muscles. 
‘’Shit.’’ You mutter under your breath and even though you aren’t looking at Namjoon, you can paint out the cocky smile he’s carrying. 
Straightening your back, you move closer, toying with the waistband that clings nicely on his hips. You haven’t even removed his boxers yet, but the outline of his cock tells you exactly what you’ve been wondering. Kim Namjoon is big. 
It’s a challenge you’re willing to take — in your mouth to be exact. 
Lifting the white shirt, you trail a few wet kisses on his abdomen and v-line. Namjoon grunts in response, grabbing onto your cheek out of instinct. The touch of his hand feels warm, careful and delicate and you urge yourself to not lean into his touch. 
Curiosity gets the worse out of you and with no warning, you pull down the briefs abruptly. Namjoon’s breath gets caught in his throat, a clogged moan slipping past his lips. You’re trying not to drool once his cock is fully exposed in front of you. Anger manages to seep through as well, remembering him keeping it a secret from you when you both got a taste of one another for the first time. 
He’s painfully hard, pre-cum leaking off his tip and you mentally praise yourself. You’ve managed to work him up a lot quicker than you had imagined. He’s never truly shown how much he wants you, even though his tongue has been on you. Namjoon never once admitted how much he wants you. 
Your lips trail on his thighs, inching closer to his cock that’s begging for attention but you aren’t so easy. The bridge of your nose brushes against the base of his cock and Namjoon’s grip on your cheek tightens. 
‘’You’re fucking killing me.’’ He’s laughing softly, although it’s painted with irritation. 
A small peck is received by your end. ‘’Tell me how badly you want me, and maybe I’ll give in.’’ 
Namjoon knows you’re playing the game, the game he started back then when he wanted you to admit how badly you wanted him before he dropped down to his knees, trailing his tongue on every part of you. You bat your eyes, waiting for him to give in and Namjoon clenches his jaw — contemplation overtaking his expression. 
With a deep breath, Namjoon closes his eyes. ‘’Please. Need your mouth so fucking badly.’’ 
One to one, to you. Let’s make that two. 
You comply, letting your tongue trail freely from the base to the tip, coating him in your saliva. The sounds from Namjoon are unexplainable, his moans sending you through the roof. 
The tip settles heavy on the end of your tongue, and you look up, catching a sight of Namjoon straining his neck, veins decorating it. 
Swirling your tongue on his tip, you manage to taste him. You open wider, inviting more of him inside your warm mouth, lips closing around his cock. With the help of your hand, you stroke what your mouth can’t cover and you start off at a slow pace. 
‘’Fuck—’’ Namjoon curses under his breath. His hand never leaves your cheek, secretly loving how he’s able to feel his cock inside your mouth. 
The slow pace is still a threat to him, but your soft lips on the outline of cock eases down the hatred he has for your plan. 
Internally you hope no one catches the both of you. Inside a closet, at an annual dinner party doing anything but friendly chatter which the other professors are too busy maintaining. It’s kind of thrilling somehow, your secret sneaking around with Namjoon — a professor you were bound to hate — yet here you are stuffing your mouth with his cock. 
The thrill starts building up when muttered chatter can be heard from where you are, and with that you completely blow off your plan, quickening the pace out of the blue. 
Namjoon knows you’re both at risk and he’d wish he would be able to enjoy this without having an uncomfortable thought of being caught. He bites his bottom lip, refraining himself from being too loud and giving you both away. 
Quickening your pace makes it easier for Namjoon to reach his limit. His thighs tense, along with his hand on your cheek and you’re prepared for him to come in your mouth. The last thing you want is for people to find cum stains in the closet while picking out their jacket to go home. 
‘’Shit baby— Yes. Fuck!’’ One choked out moan and Namjoon’s orgasm seeps through, the cum spilling itself in the base of your throat. The nickname catches you off guard, but you’re too busy making sure you don’t leave a mess behind. Thankfully, you succeed and quickly pull yourself up to your feet. 
‘’Holy shit.’’ Namjoon blurts out, panting with a smile. 
‘’We need to leave, before anyone catches us.’’ You inform, grabbing his wrist towards the exit while he fumbles with getting his pants back on. 
The air is a bit cooler once you’ve stepped out, Namjoon behind your trail. The dinner party is still going on, music starting to play over speakers and the teachers forming an awkward dance circle. 
‘’Hey, do you wanna get out of here?’’ The question throws you off guard. 
‘’Yeah, I mean my place isn’t far from here and I’d love to finally fuck you.’’ 
You chuckle, crossing your arms. ‘’You’re gonna have to earn that.’’ 
Before Namjoon responds, you turn your back, returning to Kim Taehyung and the rest of the crowd. 
Two to one, Kim Namjoon. 
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works]
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870 notes · View notes
[Mafia AU]
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I’ll find you in a dark Paradise
Side Characters: K. Namjoon, J. Jungkook, J. Hoseok and P. Jimin.
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood, death, gunshot, sharp objects, smut.
Songs: shades of cool - Lana del Rey and R U Mine - Arctic Monkeys.
Edited ✔️
Everything seemed to be in autopilot after last night, my brother didn’t talked about anything that happened with him , he had locked himself in his room and didn’t came out to talk with me. He didn’t look well and the last thing i wanted to do was push him into telling me when he clearly wasn’t over it yet, i too needed some time to process the events of last night.
I was curious about the mystery guy with the scar who helped us, he didn’t seemed bad but his looks didn’t do him much good to say otherwise. I didn’t want to be the type that judges people by the looks, people from downtown were not exactly good either. I just wanted to forget everything that happened last night, life seemed to be always ready to surprise me whenever I think things are finally going well for me.
I was able to find my brother but not to protect him and that thought was so sticky inside my head, what did I trained for all this years if not to protect people? How could I let them win so easily?
Today when i woke up in the morning i had a goal in mind, i didn’t wanted what happened last night to happen again. If I ever face danger again, I’m going to fight it and I will win.
Before leaving to work i check on my brother opening just a bit of his door I find him still asleep, i sighted. I wanted to know what happened last night more then anything else, just what was he doing in downtown? The more I try to make sense of it the more unrealistic it seems, I just can’t picture him going there by himself. I’ll give him his space and wait for him till he’s ready to tell me why he was there at downtown, I know how hard it can be. Especially since it’s just him and me. Things are so much more difficult with father and mother, they are even harder on him since he’s younger then me.
I manage to get to work on time, meeting Namjoon at the entering of the station as usual. He waved at me giving his signature smile that showed his dimples. I waved back returning his smile, I would have to go on about this day as if nothing happened last night. Knowing how Namjoon would react if I told him, he would probably make a fuss about it and run over downtown to catch the men who did that and then he would nag the living life of me for as long as I live. I took one deep breath before fallowing beside him. He kept the door opened for me to get in, while making my way to him i notice the black Porsche in front of the station. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight, i wonder what such an expensive car was doing in front of a police station who that car belongs to, it must be an important guest of the director.
- who’s car is this? - is asked Namjoon once i stand in front of him.
- i have no idea but he got taste - he simply said eyeing the car.
I rolled my eyes at him, I can’t understand men and their cars. Namjoon fallowed beside me as I entered the station, the cold air hitting our bodies immediately. Today was an extremely summer day outside, the sun shined bright in the sky. It was rare but to see such clear sky so I was happy at least the weather wasn’t down like my humor.
- so.. what happen last night? You ran off so quickly. - Namjoon asked beside me.
I gulped down. I wasn’t ready to talk about it now, not with him. Just the thought of it would bring me back to the night before and i didn’t wanted to face how weak I was. Not only would Namjoon nag me but, remind me of how unprofessional and not ready I’m to face serious situations.
- nothing much… just family problems - i nervously laughed off. This would be able to feed him for now, he can be so noisy sometimes but I can’t really blame him. He’s a great detective.
- okay - he eyes me - let’s have lunch together?
- of course! Where? - I was glad for the change of topic, excitement showing up to my tone.
- there’s this new spicy noodle restaurant that opened close around the station, Jungkook said is good and I know how much you love spicy food so…
- sound good to me - i tell him.
- see you then - he said turning left to his office - don’t get into trouble yn!
I laughed at his goofiness. Making my way to my own office which was shared with our teammates.
Another day at work begins and here I’m already wishing it would end.
Today was a busy day at the station. When i had the time to look at the clock it was almost lunch time and i still had to run some errands before that. I groaned getting up from my sit at my table, I have to make this quick I’m so hungry my stomach keeps making noises. Walking quickly through the corridor offices to get documents and deliver the files of the new cases.
For a moment i started to rethink if going for lunch with Namjoon was a good idea, i didn’t think i would be this busy today now I’m almost running out of time. I tried to complete my tasks as quickly as I could to make sure I could leave on time to eat with him but here I’m late again.
I did a little run over the office and luckily for me I was able to make it in time, who would thought delivering documents would be so tiring, I slowed down a bit taking the stairs down to the second floor catching my breath while i make my way back to my office i heard steps behind me.
- yn! - a female voice said.
Turned to see one of my coworkers holding a tray with two coffee cups, she had walked faster to catch up with me a worried expression on her features and I hurried towards her.
- you seem worried, is something wrong? - i ask her.
- I’m so sorry but, do you think you send this to the chief’s office? - she asked, i almost fell to my knees at that. Just how much more work will they give me before lunch?
- it’s just I have to… - before I could tell her how busy I was already she interrupted me.
- yn please I beg you - she said desperately - that guest of chief’s scares me, I really don’t wanna go there.
- okay, i’ll do it - seeing how desperate she seemed i decided to help, i too would want someone to help me out in a situation like that.
- gosh thank you so much yn - she said, relived - I owe you one.
Yes you do. I thought.
But smiled at her anyway, she passed the tray carefully to me and once I was settle we said our goodbyes. I turned back to the way I was coming before, chief’s office was on the third floor I would have to rush there again and there I was again on delivery. Am I even a police intern or a delivery guy?
This is making me question things about myself. The things I submit myself here, honestly.
I made sure to get ther as quickly as I could without dropping any of the liquid from the two mugs on the wooden tray.
Once i stood in front of the office door, I carefully held the tray over my leg to nock on the door announcing my presence before making my way inside the office. The smell of cigarette hitting my nostrils as I bowed down greeting chief’s and the guest, not making eye contact here was a sing of respect but as I turned upwards my eyes fell over the present guest that scared my poor coworker.
I couldn’t hold my surprise and the gasp that left my lips once i saw him there, no wonder she was scared I was too when I saw him for the first time.
What was he doing here?
Sitting all comfortable on my chief’s couch, looking like he was the one who owned this place. His hair wasn’t messy but nicely styled back and perfectly trimmed as if he had just washed. He wore a black suit with a long coat that went down his knees over it, he looked like a completely different man then the one a meet in downtown last night. If it wasn’t for his scar over his eye I would even think it was someone else. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that he was right there, how? Why?
I could smell his expensive cologne from here, it felt suffocating to be around his presence today. i swallowed hard as he looked at me unbothered but still not taking his eyes off of me. He took a puff of the cigarette, his eyes going up and down my whole body. I felt like I was being evaluated, he didn’t even try not to make it obvious he checked every part of me.
I quickly took the tray with shaky hands to the small table in the middle of the office were they both sat in front of each other, putting one coffee in front of my chief who eyed me questioning, probably wondering why i was the one delivering the this and not my coworker, then the other one in front of scar face.
My eyes slowly looking up at him as i did so, he was looking directly into mine. Smoke dancing in the air making him look even more intimidating. My breath got stuck on my throat as I looked at him, he was a walking beautiful and psychotic red flag. How could he look so intimidating and handsome at the same time was something I could never wrap my finger around it.
Nervously I looked away turning back I gave one last look at them and made my way out, but not fast enough.
- I didn’t get your name.
A shiver went down my spine at the sound of his voice, low and raspy. My whole body froze at the sound of his voice directed to me, turning towards him as he looked at me.
- it’s yn sir - i said, gulping down. I watched as he smirked putting the cigarette down right over the table burning the dark wood. From the side I could see how chief moved uncomfortable at the sight.
His actions clearly showed who was in charge here, not my chief but him. He must be someone very powerful if the chief is not saying anything about it. Everyone at the station knows how much he hates smokers, if he’s holding back his tongue scar face must not be an ordinary man.
- yn…. - I tried my best not to show the effects of my name rolling down his tongue had on me, and just nodded. - see you soon.
He smirked in my direction taking the mug and drinking eyes still glued to mine as the smoke slowly began to fade from the cigarette on the table. I turned my back to them and left the office quickly.
I leaned on the wall beside the door, taking a deep breath as my heart was racing so fast I felt weak at the knees. Just what had happened?
For a moment I could swear he was going to spoil last night events to my chief, I would be in so much trouble if he did that. He wouldn’t do that behind my back would he? What would he gain from doing it anyway?
I couldn’t think of anything else but him the entire way till Namjoons office, mind full of a scar face I thought I would never see it again. How his eyes sparkled as he smirked towards me, he seemed to be having so much fun seeing how nervous I was. His voice was different from last night but maybe that was just my mind playing trick on me the smell of cigarettes and his cologne still dancing under my nose.
His presence was so much more impactful today, every little detail about him just screamed luxurious and threatening, not even close to the man who beat up four guys in an alley and then eat ramen at a old noodle shop. Not even close to the man that wore old ripped jeans and a floral shirt.
Who is him?
- hey - Namjoon voice so close to me was what brought me back to reality.
Looking up to his face I realized I was right in front of the door of his office. When did I got here? I was so caught up in thoughts I didn’t even realized when I got here, Namjoon seemed to notice something was wrong his expression was saying it all. He was analyzing me.
- let’s go get lunch? - he asked, a little smile making its way to his lips.
- yeah - is all i manage to say as I smiled at him. The best thing I can do to hide my true feelings.
The best I could to hide the effect a scar face man had on me. I don’t know for how long I would be able to hide things from Namjoon but, as time passes and after encountering scar face again here in my work place. I don’t feel safe anymore.
Things are becoming so much more then I thought it would be, nothing I’ve ever expected has happened. Saving my brother was not how I imagined myself going to downtown for the first time. Now it seemed I have stepped on bubblegum and can’t get it off.
As we walked towards the exit we had small conversation, Namjoon talked about his day till now. How he felt relieved to have such great team to work with in this case, Jungkook seemed to be the most hardworking one from them as he kept telling me even though he was the youngest one on his team he worked even harder to match his coworkers. I couldn’t give Namjoon any thoughtful reply though, all that came from my mouth were some basic words like; “really?” “No way”. I didn’t wanted to let it transparent how shaken i have been since I saw scar face at my station but I couldn’t, he filled every part of my brain even when I didn’t wanted to. All I could think about was, what Yoongi - as the old lady at the noddle shop called him - was doing here in my work place.
At one point I was suddenly stopped before the entrance hall, holding both my arms Namjoon turned me towards him looking at me with a worried expression.
- something is up, tell me what is it? - he said - I know you’re not fine.
I sighted. This won’t do anymore, he simply won’t let it go past today if I don’t tell him and if I don’t tell him, he will manage to find out somehow. Namjoon always does that’s why he’s the top detective here.
- can we talk about it later? - i asked him, whispering the last part as I looked down avoiding his eyes - not here…
I looked around seeing a few people still working and looking at us. The hot air from outside hitting my back as more people went out for lunch, a few talking close to the entrance hall. My eyes stopping over the stairs where now scar face Yoongi was coming from. Eyes looking start ahead of him.
- alright but you…. - Namjoons voice became distant reminder of reality my focused seemed to leave me completely while he kept talking.
I wished I could stay focused on what Namjoon was saying but all i could focus on was the man standing over the top of the stairs as he spoke on the phone. Eyes staring deep into my soul once he notice my presence walking down the stairs like time was nonexistent, the low raspy voice coming from his lips as talked on the phone with someone a serious expression on his features, now it was my turn to fallow him as he moved completely amazed by his presence. It was undoubtedly how he affected everyone in the room as he walked down, eyes never leaving mine till his close enough for me to be reminded of his cologne and the smell of cigarettes, he walked past me till his back is all i see as he exits the station.
- yn? Earth to yn? - Namjoon voice was finally clear as water, he moved his hands in front of my face finally breaking away from the trance I was in.
- oh? Sorry… - I quickly said, brushing my hair off my face.
- why were you staring? - he said eyeing the exit were scar face walked off - that guy looks like a tug…
- don’t judge… - i tell him, the urge to defend Yoongi was so out of the blue I even surprised myself once I realized it.
- okay okay… - he said turning towards the exit - let’s have lunch then? I’m starving.
I nod giving him a small smile. When we walked out of the station the black Porsche from earlier wasn’t there anymore, i didn’t say anything about even when i thought it felt suspicious i kept fallowing Namjoon to the parking lot. Namjoon only got his license recently and for that he just can’t shut up about it, I thought it was kind of cute at first but now he just does it to annoy me. The black Range Rover shined over the bright sun light, he must have taking it to a clean up before it so dirty from his last job in a abandoned construction site. He opened the door for me before getting in the driver’s sit.
The drive to the restaurant was quiet as we kept the comfortable silence between us, I’m sure he was running his mind trying to find answers to what was going around mine. He was still a detective after all but more then that he was my friend.
The fact that I couldn’t take that man out my mind wasn’t easy to hide, he was a walking mistery. Everything about that scar face intrigued me, things like how did he got that scar and what he does for a living? How the first time we meet he looked almost normal and then apear in my workplace looking like a democrat rich man, was he a detective from a different department maybe? I had to know now.
Since the restaurant wasn’t so far from the station it didn’t took too long for us to arrive there, Namjoon got out of the car before once we stopped in front of the place. I looked over to the entrance of the restaurant expecting it to be just another normal restaurant but, it looked fancy and had a modern minimalist look from the outside to the inside. As we entered the place I notice how it wasn’t full yet, a waiter soon approached and guided us to a table on the back.
I took the seat in front of Namjoon who watched me with furrowed eyebrows and expecting eyes.
- now tell me… - he began - what happened last night? You look so out of it and ever time I look at you, you seem to be dozing out.
A long sight leaves my lips as i look on the menu in front of me, hiding it from him would be impossible and as much as I know he’ll nag at me is best to tell him what happened, that way he’ll leave me alone for awhile at least till I finish my food.
So I calmly tell him everything, from the moment I left the station last night to the moment I found my brother in danger over downtown, except for the moment I’m saved by a mistery scar faced man who seemed to know where I work, leaving that part of the story in the dark and a few more details that would only make him more curious and ask more questions leading me to spill everything out to him. Namjoon had a way of making people tell him everything it was almost like a super power.
I couldn’t look at his face as I tell him, now that I was spilling him last night events out loud I felt so stupid. Knowing exactly what he would say it next.
- why didn’t you ask me to help you? - he asked, just like I predicted.
- I don’t know Joon… - i said, tiredly leaning back into the chair my ability to lie to him wasn’t that great - i was so caught up in the moment i just… I don’t know.
He didn’t say anything after that, for a while he seemed to be pondering all the information inside his head. Probably calculating every detail to make out the reason why I didn’t call him, he took his position as a detective to heart in every aspect of his life. No decision he makes go without thinking and analyzing every little detail of it. Sometimes I felt so annoyed at him for that, Namjoon never makes a choice with his heart. No matter what he’s always so analytical about everything.
It was great for his job but, in life is more about how you fell then what is right or wrong.
- well - he then said, a sighted leaving his lips it seemed he found his veredicto - at least you got them, that’s my girl.
He gave me a proud smile. I felt a bitter taste in my mouth as I lied to him.
- of course I did!
Namjoon never said that to me ever since my parents death, now for the first time since then he did and I couldn’t feel worse for it.
I didn’t get the bad guys how I should’ve, I lost but in other to keep scar face out of the way I had to lie to Namjoon. It shouldn’t be like this, maybe I should’ve told everything to him and finally get rid of this heavy weight on my chest. But after meeting Yoongi at my station today things took a different turn. I can’t make any harsh decision without knowing who he is, I know Namjoon and he can’t be really noisy when he wants to telling him everything now would only make things more messy then they should be.
Besides is not like I’ll see scar face again, so this shouldn’t be a problem for now.
Scar face. Yoongi.
The more I thought about the name the old lady called him, the more i thought it didn’t fit him. He looked threatening, how he carried himself like he cold do anything whenever he wants it. Something completely wicked emanate from him like his cologne, I could be wrong and I kind of wish I was but I can’t deny how he sinful he looked. Maybe it was a fake name.
Our food was placed in front os us by the same waitress from before, I stared at the spycy gochujang in front of me it looked delicious the sight made my stomach rumble in hunger, a pair of red chopsticks where put on the table for me and Namjoon to eat, holding them I couldn’t shake the thought of how it reminded me of scar face how he took the pair with him for some unknown reason, what did he do with them and why did he needed them?
I try to bush his face off my mind and pay attention to what Namjoon is talking, for the whole time those sharp eyes and scar kept invading my mind the more I tried not to think about him the more difficult it seemed to take him out of my mind.
At least for now Namjoon seemed to have dropped the topic of last night events, we were back to talking about his late investigation over the Min mafia. For q long time Namjoon would tell me how his work has been lately, he would also give me tips on investigations and how to get them done the best way, the only reason why he would share anything with me would be to help me out in the future. He and my father were close when he was alive, Namjoon always tells me that since I didn’t have time to learn from dad he would teach me everything he learned from him and I appreciate that, through his eyes I can tell he has a bit of my father. Them both are just as stubborn.
Once we were done eating Namjoon paid for our food and we both made our way out, at that point i was finally able to complete forget about scar face. Talking with Namjoon about the food and how spicy the it was, he even got a little be teary while eating we laughed about it while getting into the car. It was always nice to be like this with him, Namjoon played a big part in my life ever since I started training to become a police officer he would help me whenever I needed even thought he was busy himself, he also helped my brother a lot when I couldn’t help him since he knew more about men’s problems then I did. The ride back to our station was calm, not much movement on the road at this hour everyone must be heaving lunch now, we talked a bit every now and then the comfortable silence being filled with the low noise of the radio as Namjoon turned on.
I looked out the window enjoying the view from the city today, it felt nice as the air brushed my hair to the side. The sky was so blue and clear, everything seemed to be going back to its place now. No scar face invading my mind or any memories form downtown, just another day of work.
The sudden sound of Namjoons phone ring makes look back at him, he gives me a smile before taking the call.
- yes? - he said, I look back to the street in front of us.
In a second the car was stoped so abruptly if i wasn’t wearing the seat belt i would’ve of fly off the car, I turn to look at Namjoon incredulous till I realize the look on his face had changed completely.
His eyebrows furred into a hard expression clenching his jaw as he looked ahead in front of him. He must be so pissed now, what happened?
- he what?! - he exclaimed, punching the wheel. - don’t worry I’m going right now!
He quickly made a U turn with the car stepping on the gas going faster now he looked ahead in the street serious and focused, his nuckles turning white as he held the wheel tightly.
- Joon, what is it? - i asked him, careful.
- that son of a shit Agust D - he spat, an angry laugh coming from his lips - he just attacked outside of downtown… the house of the director of our station!
- what?! - I turned to him surprised - but why? How?!
- honestly y/n, I have no idea but once I find him… I’m going to kill him. Even if is the last thing I do.
I gulped down. I never seen him this angry before. What ever is going on right now I’m sure Namjoon wasn’t joking about it, not when I know he had two warnings already from the chief.
Namjoon always worked so hard he gave everything of him, he was brutal when it came to catching criminals. No wonder they gave him the Agust d case, they didn’t care at this point if they catched the mafia leader alive or dead. Attacking the director of our station was a clear sign, they were sending a warning to our station. Not everyone knows how many stations declined to investigate the Agust D case, when it came to our station they didn’t hesitate to accept it and pass it to Namjoon.
Once he puts something in his head is hard to take it from him, Namjoon has always been like this what ever is going on right now he took it personally and he won’t let it slide.
The car was stopped abruptly close to a house with high walls, the entrance gate was completely broken into. Looking ahead of we’re we stopped two black vans were parked in front of the place already one inside the house which meant it was the one they used to break in the garage. No one was around thought. I looked beside me to see Namjoon taking his gun from the back seat, quickly charging it. I watched him nervously as he got ready to get in action not knowing what to do when he finally turned to me.
- stay here no matter what, okay? - he told me.
- okay.
He looked at me one last time before getting out of the car quickly making his way towards the entrance of the house through the garage they broke into. I could only wait here now. If the Amin mafia was here then things are probably gonna end up ugly for both sides, I could only image what is must be happening there right now. I’m sure Namjoon can handle the situation but I can’t help the nervous feeling of being here while anything could happen there, especially not after I heard the sound of gun shots not so long when he entered the house. Some guys wearing all black and masks rushed out of the house through the broken garage into the two Vans parked ahead of me.
More gun shots were heard and then it was all quiet. The van inside the garage drove off quickly fallowed by another one, the other stayed back.
Then another man in black came out of the house, he seemed much different then the other ones that left before. Almost too familiar how his hair fell messily covering held his face, a very much familiar floral shirt and ripped jeans, he stopped there taking his mask off to brush his hair off his face. He looked up to the sky before behind him over the house, a smirk forming over his lips while he took a box of cigarettes from his pocket to light one. The scar shined bright over the sunlight.
It can’t be him. Not again. Not here.
I expect so many different things but not him. It could have been anything, anyone but why did it have to be him. Just when I thought I would never have to cross paths with him again, this happened.
While he lighted the cigarette I notice the silvery pistol over his hip, drops of blood over his white shirt. My heart was beating faster each moment the more I looked at him, maybe is not him. My mind must be playing trick over me, it can’t be him that’s too much of a coincidence.
He looked over his shoulder again, probably was waiting for someone. I had it confirmed when another guy came after and walked towards scar face the other guy opened the door of the van for him.
I felt desperate. Before I can even make any sense I was already opening the door of Namjoons car, I had to make sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. I had to make sure it was him.
I rushed there before he get inside only getting a glimpse of his face, heart beating so fast in my chest as if I had run a marathon but all I got was a glimpse of the scar on his face.
I fallowed the van but it was too late now, they were gone.
I stood there in the middle of the street watching in the direction he went, sit and watch was all I could do. Even at work, I felt so useless.
- yn! - Namjoon said coming from the house - I told to not get out of that car!
I didn’t look at him though.
My mind was still trying to process what I just saw, was it really him? Could I have been thinking so much about Yoongi that i just projected his face on someone else?
I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. I need to know.
If it really was him, maybe now I can actually do something to help.
- yn!
I was abruptly turned and faced with Namjoon, he now looked at me worried. Holding me by the arms.
- did something happened? - I heard Jungkooks voice from behind Namjoon.
Turning at his direction I saw some of his man coming back, two of them held the director by the arms. He looked so beat up he could bearly walk, Jungkook walked towards us worried.
- yn? What you doing here? - he looked he Namjoon as he asked.
- we went for lunch and you know the rest… - Namjoon said, finally letting go of me.
- I’m fine - i said. They both looked at me.
- why did you came out? - Namjoon had a hard expression on his features.
- I was just.. - I couldn’t say anything about it to him, even if it could help his investigation. Not when I wasn’t sure of it. - I was worried about.. you.
So I lied.
He sighted before holding me tightly into a hug, he must’ve been worried. Especially after seeing how the director was left, I could’ve end up being killed today for my stupid reaction. Looking up at him as I parted form his arms I hear the sound of the ambulance behind me, not so long after more police officers came to work on the scene and Namjoon had to take care of the situation at that moment, so Jungkook was the one who took me back to the station.
When he dropped me there, he went back to the crime scene. Many protocols would have to fallow after that and since I wasn’t part of their team I didn’t have permission to stay.
If my theories are correct, I must find Yoongi again. I know I saw just a glimpse of his face today but I’ll soon make sure of my assumptions somehow. If the chief was working with the mafia they have been trying so hard to get behind bars for so long, I must do something to stop this. Namjoon would thank me later for this, I’ll show them them all what I’m capable off if they can’t see it I’ll show them who’s daughter I’m.
I didn’t have permission to stay at the crime scene to investigate but, I did have access to all the documents of the cases investigated by the station and with that I ran my own personal investigation, if I wanted to find out who scar face is and what his business here at the station was I need to know everything about the Min mafia.
I made sure to go through the cases Namjoon worked on it too all thought they didn’t seem to have much information about the mafia, the data for the cases run over their crimes were endless, from what I could tell by looking over the files there was not a single one death weren’t mentioned. They didn’t have nothing about the leader, no mentions of names except their victims. They have never gotten a little bit close to get to them, the only name they had was Agust D. No dna, no photo, no mole, nothing.
No one knew what he looked like but, in one case they were so close to find out though but the whole station was caught on fire. No one survived.
I checked a few more documents about the Agust d cases but nothing made sense, I was getting so frustrated at this point. Smashing the table as a sight left my lips.
I wondered if i truly just wasn’t going insane.
Nothing here gave me a lead about him but, maybe I’m just looking at the wrong place. If i really wanted to get any information about him I would have to go there and get it.
Since it was late already only me and a few other coworkers were there still working. Everyone else was at home already, not many people stayed behind to work over night and not everyone had anything worth working over night.
While making my way out of the station I walked by Namjoons office seeing through the glass door he was the only one left, he seemed exhausted one hand resting over his face as he rested against his chair. Today wasn’t the best one for him, since he’s the one in charge of the investigation he must be feeling bad about the late events this afternoon. I entered his office quietly noticing how his attention turned to me in a second.
- hey… - he says to me, sitting back stray a small smile on his lips as he looked down at the mug with hot coffee on it.
- is everything okay? - i ask standing in front of him. Arms crossed in front of my chest.
- not really…. You still here? - he said.
- yeah, had to get some work done.
He only nodded. I hated seeing him like this, all this time he’s the one who’s been getting a shit tone of work done over the case and still no trace of the culprit. It must be so tiring to run around for nothing all the time, anger filled me at the thought of chief and scar face sitting together. If they are working together then what’s the point on doing this whole investigation? All of this and Namjoon knows nothing about that.
For a moment we just stare at each other, I know how things are going for him with this case now that I’ve been searching around the documents of the late investigations, he is doing everything he can to do a good job but truly, from what I saw in the documents this Agust d really is going to take some blood and sweat to work on. Especially if the chief is helping them. But if he really is helping the enemy why would Agust D try to kill the director of our station?
Namjoon suddenly got up from his seat walking around his table to my direction he closed his arms around me for a hug, his face resting on my neck. It was unusual to have him being like this, he was never one for affection and that made me worry even more. I gave him some taps on his back and hugged him just as tight. Although we are not from the same blood he was still like a family to me.
- chief said I should give a break on the investigation - he blurted out.
- what? - I looked at his face, surprise was an understatement. How could they? He was the only one working his ass of on this case.
- he said it todays attack was a clear sign from the Agust d himself, that he too would retaliate against us if we continued to try and take him down…. - he said tiredly, referring to the incident with the director today.
- oh… Joon - I brushed his short hair, a simple attempt to comfort him.
He has never looked this tired before, working was everything he loved. It gave him energy he breathed investigations no one is more hardworking then him here. But then again, it can still get tiring when everything seems to go wrong and you just can’t seem to find a solution.
- maybe you should get a break … - i tell him he looks at me as if not believing my words - I know you’re working really hard on this case but, maybe a break from it would be good for you. Clear you mind and then come back with a new strategy.
He seemed to be really things about it, before he looked up at my eyes giving me a tired smile.
- maybe you’re right…. - he breathed out - I’m really tired of this whole run and run with no clear direction.
- I can’t even imagine what you must be going through - I tell him honestly - but you’re the best one we got, so go recharge yourself and come back.
- I will then… - he gave one last hug before letting go of me to sit back into his chair.
- I gotta go now - I tell him heading out his office - don’t stay up late.
- yes boss! - he said.
I don’t know when Namjoon is gonna leave for his break but I’m sure it will be a mess without him, will they carry on with the investigation without him or will they also give this investigation a break? Maybe I should ask him tomorrow once he’s rested.
When I finally make my way out of the station I quickly make my way to the parking lot, the hot air of the night was beginning to chill a bit as time passes it felt nice just like earlier and it didn’t brought any good feeling to my gut. As I get in my motorcycle putting my helmet on, i had my plan set up already. If it helps Namjoon and put an end to this whole mess the Min mafia stared I’ll do my best.
I knew it was a bad idea to go back to downtown but I also knew it was the only place I could find him and that’s exactly where I’m gonna start my investigation on scar face.
I would go back to the old noddle shop.
No second thoughts as i drove through the late night, familiar dark streets meeting my sight as i remember where I drove through the first time i came here, light seemed to fade the more deep I drove there.
It didn’t took me too long to find the old restaurant from last time, once I was meet with the dark familiar streets i parked my motorcycle in front of the old noddle shop, taking off my helmet as I walked towards the entrance doors it was still open and quiet which I could never seemed to get used too, does the criminals here all work so quietly or are they busy somewhere else? I couldn’t understand. Inside the small restaurant were only four customers, one man sat at the bar and on the corner further away a woman with red hair a bowl of ramen noodles was sat in front of her but she only watched the food while blowing the smoke from a cigarette on her right hand, in a table on the middle of the restaurant two other men drank while eating.
It was the same as last night, quiet and only a few people inside. Something about this place fell ambiguous. I could exactly tell what but the fact the Yoongi brought me here last night was definitely the reason, maybe I was being delusional but I just couldn’t sit around and not do anything when I finally have a clue.
I carefully made my way towards the bar where the old lady from last time was cleaning a cup of class, putting my helmet over the bar I turned to her.
- excuse me… - i said - i was here a few days ago with… my friends, do you happened to know where I could find the guy Yoongi?
Never once did she looked my way, keeping her attention at the class in her hands. Was I too blunt? I was trying to be careful by not raising my tone too much so others can’t hear me, maybe I wasn’t too clear and she didn’t get what I said.
- you know the one with the scar on his… - I tried again, only to be interrupted.
- I don’t know anything girl. - she dryly said, giving me a stern look - and I don’t know you.
She turned impatient to put the glass back at the shelve. The guy on the other side drinking gave me a side look, they were paying attention to me now. Something around here seemed to change as soon as I asked for Yoongi, for some reason the entire ambience felt so much heavier pushing me down more and more towards the ground. I looked at the old lady in front of me who continued to work ignoring me completely, she won’t say anything about Yoongi and from what I remember from last night he seemed to be a regular here. The thought that maybe he bribed this place to hide anything if anyone asks suddenly doesn’t go away from my mind. I thought about asking the other guys on the the table but it didn’t look like they would know anything and mostly they would spell anything even if they did know something.
I sighted disappointed, although I didn’t exactly expected to get something at the first try I felt helpless and stupid for even trying when I clearly had no other clue then a face and a name I couldn’t find anything on the station records.
- thanks anyway. - I said while taking my helmet from the bar and turning to leave.
- I know a place where you can find him - a female voice said behind me from far away.
I didn’t have to turn around to know who said it, deep inside I knew someone like her wouldn’t know anything about Yoongi from the second my eyes dropped over her figure. The messy red hair she didn’t bother to fix anytime, her make up was all messy and wet she smelled of cigarettes and she smelled of cigarettes and sheep perfume. Even if she knew something I wouldn’t believe her, as I turned back towards her direction I notice the smirk over her red lips. I had nothing so far even if I wanted to I couldn’t just leave without at least hearing what she had to say, I must make sure we are talking about the same person she could be blabbering about anyone just to piss me off. I quickly made my way towards her table taking the sit in front of her I put my help over the table, she watches me as I do so blowing more of the smoke in the air.
- are we talking about the same person? - I questioned.
- if you mean the deadly and handsome Yoongi with the scar on his right eye… - she chuckled using her hand to hold her chin as she stared at me blue eyes looking into mine with a hint of mischief - unless you know some else with said name.
- I’m looking for a man with said name and scar on his left eye - impatiently I said it, leaning closer to her face - where can I find him?
- what would a girl like you has to do with him? - she asked, leaning back - you don’t look like you’re from here…
I looked at her impatience flowing in my face, of course she would run around the topic with no specific information she probably didn’t know anything about were I could find him. Changing subject right now, I felt anger fill getting the best of me I smashed my hand over the table. I felt so tired for not being taken serious, even at the station my superiors would make fun of me. Such a lovely face for such an ugly job, what would a woman be able to do in a job made for men?
- if you don’t know shit stop wasting my time - I tell her - my business with him has nothing to do with you.
With that I grabbed my helmet getting up from the chair, I gave her one last look before turning around to leave. I didn’t expect anything less from such a lowly person, people don’t go around giving information like that and just asking around wouldn’t help on my investigation. All I had was a face of a man I wasn’t sure I saw on a crime scene involving the most wanted criminal in our country. A face that could be the into finally wining this case.
It is only the beginning, I shouldn’t feel so pressed into resolving on my first night, things take time and patience. I know just how much time Namjoon has spend working in this case and so far he hasn’t gotten a little closer to ending the case. Probably for the fact that our stating might be helping the enemy this whole time, things became much bigger ever since I found that out. I can’t just give up now.
- there is only one place he would go at this hour…. - she suddenly said behind me.
With a long sight I turned back to her, anger boiling over every cell on my skin. What is she blabbing abolitionist now?
- what would you know? - I retorted back.
- ouch - she said, the smirk falling from her lips - I’ll tell you anyway it is up to you if you’ll believe or not.
She got up from her sit taking her purse with her, turning around the table she walked towards me stopping closer then I would wanted her to be. She looked me up and down before whispering;
- you’ll find him in Paradise, lucky for you is not too far from here but you won’t find it in the maps - she smiled - search for the entrance of the chapel there’s only one here, it shouldn’t be too hard to find, right?
I gave her a nod as I watched her then walk away towards the bar, she left a couple of dollars there before leaving the place. A chapel? I almost laugh at the idea, it made sense it she meant Paradise.
If she really meant what I thought she did, I would be in big trouble. Paradise as in a nightclub in downtown one of the biggest ones were only high class members where allowed to enter and participate, from what I hear around the station and what Namjoon would tell me sometimes this wasn’t any ordinary nightclub. Agust D was the one who made that place be what it is now, from what Namjoon told members from all mafias would gather there to negotiate and make deals. The night club of criminals made by criminals. No one was ever able to get infiltrated inside Paradise, all this years no one has ever been able to get closer no one could find it the police was never capable of it. How would I be able to get there was another mystery I would have to find a way to solve. This was a heavy theory in my mind now, only a theory since I’m not sure of the words of that red head woman. It weights too much to not be true, if he really is part of the Min mafia he will be there too.
I quickly made my way out of the restaurant, putting my helmet on as I climbed over my motorcycle. The red head was still there in front of the noddle shop, lighting another cigarette she looked up at me blowing some smoke in the air walking towards me she stopped beside my motorcycle.
- here - she handed me a small piece of paper - I hope you survive there, chances are you won’t live there alive.
She smirked turning around to leave walking down the side walk. I looked down the paper she gave me, eyes scanning the red queen card made of gold behind it was written “Paradise” in cursive. I quickly put it inside my pocket taking off on my motorcycle, going inside was never on my mind as I drove there fallowing what the red hair told me but, I would have to figured out a way of getting the confirmation I needed. If anything that woman told was true I was already one step ahead of my station has ever been in this investigation, I must find Paradise first and then I would have to figured it out what to do next. I have no idea how the place looks or if it has any security around on the outside.
It didn’t took me too long to find the place the red hair mentioned. The only chapel around this area was the New Gods as it said on a small plaque beside the big gate covered in vine. I scoffed at the name, those people have a weird sense of humor to think they are some kind of god. The gate was half opened when I made my way inside, not looking back I drove slowly there through the dark road not wanting to make my presence noticeable. The deeper I went in I could finally see the light from the place, taking into my eyes the entire building as I stopped a bit further from it.
I took off my helmet still on my motorbike Paradise was a luxurious and extravagant building, it had three floors looking from the outside I had never seen such place like this before it was more like a mansion then a nightclub. Who would thought behind all those trees a place like this would be hidden? The entrance was spacious yet there was a big line of people standing to get inside, people from all kinds dressed up with designer from head to toe. Fancy cars parked in front of the building from all sorts, for a second my eyes runner around looking for a black Porsche but there was none.
I should start looking for him now, taking a single step now wouldn’t be a good decision from here I could see at least four security guards at the entrance of the building and two more over each side, the place was probably secure from all around. In the middle of this parking area was a big fountain with the statue of a woman standing roses grew all over her body as water fell down inside the fountain. I notice two more security guards around there, the place was surrounded by them. Not only security guards bother me now but the fact that this place was filled with criminals that wouldn’t hesitate to kill me in a second if a make a single mistake now. I must make sure to secure a plane before I make a move, for now I should watch everyone, how they act, how they speak, how they dress every detail on them was spotless. Every single person here was very well dressed the smell of expensive perfumes mixed with cigarettes, woman wearing beaut dresses and jewelry that shined so bright under the lights I cloud see it from further away. Who would thought criminals would know how to dress so well?
I guess we know too little about this people. But they are not just any kind of people.
Looking at myself on the mirror in my motorcycle I sighted, they would spot me too quickly if I look like this. I’m no way near them in looks now, all I could do for now wasn’t much. I fixed my hair a bit leaving it messily loose, opening a few buttons of my white shirt making sure my chest stands out more. I checked myself one more time before getting up from my bike, this would have to do for now. It is not like I’m going inside, but for now I must make sure no one notices me around here.
If I get to see him going inside Paradise or leaving is already a win. I could fallow him from there.
- I never seen you before lady - said a male voice behind me.
I immediately froze in my tracks, that’s was too soon. I almost curse, turning around I see two security guards I had spot before closer to the fountain. I should’ve had measure my moves better before.
- oh is my first time - I answered nervously.
They both looked at each other and chuckled, one of them had white hair while the other one was a brunette both taller then me dressed in a black suit. My mind was running miles to think of a way to leave this situation but it seemed like even if I just say I’ll leave now they won’t let me leave.
“chances are you won’t live there alive.”
Red hair word’s suddenly flew to my head and I wanted to instantly kill her, of course she would tell me to come here, she knew something like this would happen. So even if she did spoil Yoongis location without him knowing it would be alright, especially since I wouldn’t be too dead to do anything.
- sorry lady we can’t let you in… - the one with white hair said.
Double shit.
I wanted to curse even more now, being an intern at the station meant nothing when you couldn’t even use a gun. Your supposed to know how to and be good at it. But they only allow you to have one when your officially a police officer. Although a shooting and two guards killed right now wouldn’t do much to help me pass this, I had to figured something out quickly if I wanted to leave this place alive.
But before I could spit any word smother male voice interrupted me, one arm closing around my shoulder.
- she’s with me - he said softly, the arm around my neck pressing me closer to him - sorry for taking too long darling…
I turned towards the mysterious men, shocked at his sudden appearance. A few strands of his short black hair fell over his eyes, a smile appearing over his full lips as he watched me. I couldn’t make out why he suddenly interrupted this, what he even was thinking? I couldn’t let my guard down now for nothing in this world, he could be from the mafia himself maybe looking for a new victim and so was I here. Things seemed to be getting down worse the more time it passed, of course someone like me would be spotted quickly. How stupid of me to think I could blend in around the dark.
-mister Park, good night sir - said the security.
I didn’t pay any mind to the guards now, as much as I would like to thank the men beside me for interfering here I also couldn’t shake the fact that he too could try to kill me anytime, all I could think about was what his intentions could be. My eyes never leaving his figure so close, I notice a tattoo on his neck that said “tailored of chaos” as he turned back to the security guards, the white silk shirt he whore exposed half of his chest that from my sight i also spotted another tattoo on his chest but I couldn’t make out what was written on his skin.
- can we enter now gentlemens? - he asked in a low deep voice, his arm sliding from my shoulder to my waist. Making me gasp in surprise.
- of course sir, please excuse us. - the brunette one said as they both made way for us to leave.
I let the man guide me towards the entrance of the building, heart beating fast in my chest. What does he want from me? I couldn’t help but think I must have put myself in such situation now, I couldn’t ask for help now. If anything happens I must make out of it alone, fear was not an option but definitely not something I could avoid feeling. Common y/n now is not the time to chicken out, just keep going and don’t forget your mission here. With that in mind I decide to avoid the glances of the people around as the guy besides me guides me between them all, as we walked towards the entrance of Paradise and the closest we got I notice how they seemed to be eyeing us from head to toe, the smell of expensive perfume and cigarettes getting stronger. The guy he’ll my waits tighter as we walked up the stairs to the entrance, those who were in line making way for him to walk. The security guard didn’t question him once and simply opened the door for us to entered.
He must be someone very powerful if no one questions his authority, on the contrary everyone seemed to like him since they all couldn’t take his eyes off him for a single second. His beauty was undeniable and I had to admit that, he also smelled really good.
I felt completely lost at the sight of the inside of Paradise, if it made justice to its name god this place was far from it. Everything in here was perfectly placed as the most luxurious place I’ve ever seen from the expensive marble floors to the high-end appliances, the high ceiling covered in detailed artwork and enormous chandeliers made of crystal shining beautifully above us. Everything was above and beyond the standard of “normal”, the window from outside were covered closed from any light with large velvet curtains the place was enormous having a stage at the end of the other side were some woman dressed in lingerie danced and in front of it was a dance floor already filled with people while the rest seemed to be sitting on the tables further away from it and closer to the entrance. Some woman walked around almost naked with trays with drinks as well as some men, I felt my cheeks heating up at the sight, gosh were did I put myself now. My eyes kept wondering around anywhere were no naked people stood finding refuge on the bar behind us taking almost the entire wall with drinks some people were already ordering drink there.
The place was filled, loud music played the heavy fast beat deafening my senses was almost too much. I never liked places like this, but now here I’m. I always seemed to find myself in situation I hated.
- first time darling? - the man beside me spoke into my ear, turning me towards him he never once let go of me.
- ah yeah I… - completely lost i could nearly make out what he said.
- you are so beautiful - he said, hands resting on my waist.
He held me against him a smile filling his lips as he seemed to stared at every detail on my face, my cheeks going numb from nervousness. This was not what I expected, how am i supposed to get away from this situation?
- tha-thank you… ahm - I felt stupid, I couldn’t find my words not my voice under the loud deafening music making him lean closer to my face dangerously closer making me instantly lose my breath.
- it’s not everyday i find such a beauty riding a bike like that…. - he said over my ear again, so close I could smell his citrus scent - I must admit that you capture my attention as soon as you entered.
- you saw me? - such stupid question, I felt surprised at his words I could nearly hold myself from reacting.
- hard not to - he only smiled leaning back, eyes going back and forth between my lips and eyes I notice.
His skin seemed to shine more under all the colorful lights above us, his eyes looked sharper now maybe from the dark makeup he wore, maybe he was doing on purpose to lure me in. But it was undeniable how beautiful this men looked, for a moment i almost lost myself on him, how he kept talking on my ear his low and smoky deep voice that spoke to me in the most sultry manner deliberately sexually inviting full of second intentions and overflowed with desire, he smelled of aphrodisiac and sweet his white skin exposed by his silky shirt that did little to cover his body.
He had me all swept away from my mission in seconds, my mind fell completely into his trap almost giving in his silky touches. Heaving me all thinking who was this men?
I had to get myself together or I would forget why I was there to begin with, I must fulfill my mission there was not the time to play around with fire.
- sorry, I’m here to find someone - I tell him, taking his hands from around my waist.
- oh… - he seemed to realize something - then should I help you put some jealousy on him?
At his insinuation my cheeks went even hotter, what could made him think that?
- ah… not this kind of thing - was all I could say.
- humm, then the three of us can have fun - he said, a blissful smirk lifting to his full lips.
I shouldn’t be surprised yet here I’m at lost for words again, what goes around here? Certainly not nice things but this is just ridiculous, what did get myself into?
- no, not this either - i finally said, he seemed to think for a while before holding my hands in his leaning to say it over my ear.
- wow… just how naughty are you playing tonight? - he asked, playful.
How naughty? I don’t know about that, I definitely am not playing right by the law and the rules of my station all of my decisions so far could make me jobless if they find out at least if they do before I can find out any information to help on the investigation.
Getting inside Paradise the one place our station couldn’t in two years, all to follow someone who might be in the Agust d mafia our number one priority case at the station, if things don’t go well I might as well end up in jail or dead. All of the above are completely forbidden in the protocols of the police station, me being an intern they wouldn’t think twice before cutting me off completely especially if the chief director is working with our enemy.
I should’ve lay low, forget this turn back and leave. That would be ideal, Namjoon would say it so. I’m not ready, I’m just an intern, I’m weak, I’m no way near close to Namjoon capabilities. What made me think I could do this?
I just can’t help it, all this thoughts burn me to my bones. I’m tired of always letting it burn me, for once I wanna do it for myself rather I fuck it it completely or win. My aim will always be to win.
- It seems… I just liked to play with fire…. - I finally tell him, he smiles at me eyeing me up and down.
- May I know the name of the woman who stole my heart? - he said, holding my right hand above his lips.
- I’m yn - i tell him, honestly I didn’t care.
- I’m Jimin, well then Yn… - kissing the top of my hand he stared into my eyes - if your plans for tonight leave you bored, please do find me and I’ll be happy to entertain you… all night.
He made his way towards the dance floor and soon he was completely out of my sight. I took one deep breath eyes looking around the enormous place full of people, this night is going to be a long one I didn’t even know where i would begin searching this place had three floors and the fact that it was so filled with people didn’t make any easy, Yoongi didn’t look like any ordinary guys but this was simply impossible. Looking around as I make my way deeper inside the club, watching carefully every face looking for his. Everybody here seemed to be completely wasted already, laughing and talking loudly over the deafening electronic music being there felt overwhelming.
The place was simply too big, I almost bumped over some tables making my way closer to the dance floor a circle mini stage was right in the middle of it before the dance floor. I looked a bit over there but didn’t find him. Everything you could imagine happened right there, it felt so uncomfortable how those things I only heard of were right there in front of me. If only Namjoon could see it, he would snap so hard here and put those people in jail.
The red head said I could find Yoongi here, for now I had to make sure I covered every corner of the whole first floor first before I move to the next, if he really was here that was. Once I felt like it was enough already I walked back towards the bar were the stairs for the second floor where. It seemed that once you were inside that place no would bat an eye to your direction no matter how well or bad you dressed, all of this people who looked so fancy outside right now looked like stupid junkies dancing like there’s no tomorrow filling their bodies with enough alcohol to fill a barrel.
The double doors for the second floor were slightly closed, the music from the first floor was a bit muffled from here and different reform there the second floor seemed more calm. Opening the door only enough for me to enter I was meet with a complete different scenario then before, as I entered I notice the wall on my left was occupied by one bar just like the first floor bottles of alcohol filled the entire wall that was illuminated by led lights, tables were distributed everywhere filled with people as well as the first floor. Pole dancers in every corner surrounded by men throwing money at them as they danced. I walked around through the endless crowds of people, the slow beat and guitar filling my ears as I walked around. Eyes searching through all the faces I could, looking for the one scar face I needed to confront.
I don’t know for how long I’ve been searching around on this floor, my mind was completely empty as all I could think about was him I was beginning to feel helpless as I walked around and yet his face was nowhere to be seen. Was I really played like that by that woman? Should I really believe I’ll find him here? At this point I was losing any hopes in finding scar face here. I decided to go up to the third floor finding out it was a special only rooms for people to have more privacy. Not wanting to hear anything I’d regret later I decide to stay on the second floor, I tried not to think much of it as i made my way to an empty table in the corner where I could have a good vision of everything, if he was in the third floor he would come down here after his business is done but if he was on the first floor he would come up here. I hoped for that.
If anything I would just go back home, I won’t stay much longer though.
Further away I notice the guy from earlier, Jimin as he told me walking up to sit on a table with some other man one of them was truly hard not to notice as his blue hair shined under the lights above them their table was was close to a woman doing pole dance watched as they drinker and discussed something that seemed the most funny thing.
I watched everyone around me, trying to find a scar face but still nothing out of ordinary. They all just seemed to be doing the same thing, different from the people on the first floor they didn’t wasted completely themself in alcohol from what I could tell this floor was more exclusive for the people with more power who wanted to make deals and negotiate, the more I observed them the more sense that made to me. Of course they would separate themselves to take care of more serious matters.
I fixed my messy hair, felling bored from the wait. I didn’t wanted to believe that stupid red hair lied to me. Thinking I at least got here inside Paradise was the only console I had.
- here miss - a women in a black dress leaves a drink on my table.
- oh no, I didn’t order it - i tell her.
- i know - she turned to me, pointing to the direction of the other side of my table further away from where I was and closer the corner - the mister on that table order for you.
I looked over there as a cold chil run down my spine, there he was. Shit.
Sitting on the table in a darker corner but i still could make up his face, the scar was one I couldn’t forget. Still wearing the same clothes he did when I saw him this morning at my station except for his long coat, a few bottoms of his white shirt open. I came here looking for him, I needed to talk with him but now that our eyes locked with each other a chill running down my spine I felt completely frozen on my seat, he looked directly his signature smirk lifting up to his lips as he took a sip his drink eyes never leaving mine.
When did he got here? I’ve been searching this entire place for hours already and not a single sign of him and now here he is. He must’ve just gotten here. How could I’ve miss this?
I quickly got up making my way towards his table through the people around the place, my heart beating faster the closer I got to him eyes never leaving his till I finally close enough but, before I could even get to him, two security body guards stopped me. After all this time wasted, being played like a stupid little girls by this people from downtown I’ve had enough of this game, I didn’t spear the security a glance pushing their hands away from me.
- I need to talk to you! - I told him, he didn’t look at me now as if I wasn’t even there.
The other men on the table with him looked at me with a bored expression they chuckled with each other, the sight made my blood boil inside me. I simply had enough of men and their ridiculous behavior.
- I said i wanna talk to you Yoongi! - this time I said it louder, at his name being called the other man on the table looked from me to him as if expecting a reaction from him.
He put his glass on the table in front of him, I notice how he clenches his jaw before his eyes land fully on me sharp as always. The entire ambience changing with him, the air felt thicker then before harder then before to even breath. I didn’t say anything, my words were lost somewhere in his eyes.
The two guards behind me pushed me closer towards him one of them hitting my knee making me kneel in front of Yoongi, I heard the click of a trigger being pushed my heart skipping a beat at the same time. I was sure one of them had a gun already pointed to my head, I couldn’t look up at him anymore. Embarrassed was an understatement, I felt my entire face boil with anger if only I had a gun now.
- everyone leave now - at his command everyone that was at the table left one by one.
Another click of the trigger but I held myself from shaking, I felt completely helpless there. I hated that more than anything, if only I had a gun now I would have killed those stupid people but, I didn’t and just like last time I was the one at gun point. I knew myself and what I was capable of, making a harsh decision now that I’m so close to finishing my mission would be foolish. Too many people around.
Once it was just the two of us he moved closer to where I was, his expensive shoes filling my vision as I didn’t dare to look at his face.
- you have a way of being stupidly fearless don’t you? - he said, sounding closer then before I could tell he leaned forward to me - but I gotta be honest, you managing to get inside Paradise… not everyone can do that, especially not just an intern.
The mentioned of my position was a mocking towards me, a pinch into my chest that boiled more anger then ever before this whole time i held up so much of this mockery it burned my skin switching from all the fear in my body to an anger I never felt before.
I looked up to him, leaning forward as well face to face with him. He only chuckled but I wasn’t going to back off now. My whole body felt like it was on fire.
- yet… here I’m - i spat, rage burned inside my recklessly I stared straight into his eyes the more I looked the more fire I felt over me.
- well, I give it to you… - he scoffed, I notice how he tightened his fists beside him - you must have a death wish then.
- not for myself though - I returned.
He chuckled, just like last time. Then reached for his glass over the table drink the whisky in one gulp, my eyes following the way his Adam apple moved up and down, he licked his lips before looking back at me.
- I’ll warn you this time… - leaning closer to me again, he held my cheek aggressively - stop making decisions if you don’t wanna end up dead. This is not your little sunshine city, cop.
Eyes locked with his as his face were mere centimeters away from mine, his breath filled with whiskey hitting my lips. The air was thick enough to be cut with a knife, I couldn’t find my breathing completely immerse in his pool of darkness sharp eyes staring right into mine the more I looked the more they seemed to burn like fire.
I held his wrist tightly pushing it away from my face, I got up sitting beside him this time as I rested my arm over the couch.
- why are you so worried about me? - I asked, so much blabbering for someone who’s a criminal. Why would he warn me? Didn’t his body guards just pointed a gun tome?
He chuckled turning towards me his eyes seemed to shined.
- what do you want with me? - he asked, his face becoming serious again - it must’ve not been easy to get in here, I wonder what happened for you to do all this work only for me?
Now I was the one who chuckled.
- you just have to ask the right people - I said, remembering the red hair woman I took out the queen card she gave me putting it over the table in front of us - I must admit, it wasn’t easy… Yoongi.
His jaw clenched at the mention of the name. He leaned forward to grab the card, inspecting it. I watched his expressions but he seemed neutral about it although I could tell the car had some meaning to him. He chuckled before turning back to me.
- you have no idea where you’re getting your self into - he said, leaning closer with tight fists over his lap.
-then… please do explain to me - I replied, in the same tone - are you working with the Min mafia? I saw you at the directors house. Spit it out.
His features changed dramatically, he only chuckled. It was getting on my nerves already, every time I ask him he would respond with a mocking laugh eyes shining through his laugh. He knew something I didn’t, under all this mask was something much bigger I rather die then leave this place without any answers not after everything I’ve been through to get here.
I angrily held him by his shirt pushing him towards me.
- are you working with them?! - i spat, anger boiling my nerves the more I stared at his smirk - if not, why hide?
He stared at me angrily before holding my wrists tightly taking my hands off of him hardly, holding them tightly against the couch beside both my sides.
- if you keep asking about this around downtown doll, you’re going to get yourself killed - he whispered back against my face.
I bite my lip in a stupid attempt to hold my anger drowning his attention towards it.
- now…- his voice a mere whisper over my lips - leave before i shout police officer and everyone one here pills off your skin - he said, eyes going back to mine as he smirked.
- I can take care of myself - i retorted. Breathing hard as anger filled me, he only laughed more.
- yeah… I saw how you took care of yourself last time - he said, turning his head to the side smirking - almost got you and your brother killed.
- fuck off! - I pushed him away with both hands on his chest, getting up from the couch.
Before I could even take one step away I was pulled back by the waist from behind turning me back to him, his face was mere centimeters away from mine he held my chin with his hand tightly the metal from his rings cold against my face his body fully against mine, I could smell his strong cologne mixed with cigarettes reeking from him.
- such lowly words…. - his lips brushed against mine while his brown eyes burned into my eyes with anger - If you do that again, I’ll put this beautiful mouth of yours to good use other then speaking trash, understand doll?
At that moment I couldn’t say anything, I was frozen on the spot. My skin burned where his body touched mine, i should be disgusted but all I could think off was how dunk I felt at his breath against mine, how his mixed cologne did nothing to help the more I looked into his eyes the more my body seemed to give into his. Yoongi wasn’t just any other men, something about him draw me towards him like magnet. Besides everything and all the darkness that surrounded him in every aspect, his eyes burned a fire I never capture before. I wanted to hate him but I hated myself more, I hated how every fiber in my body seemed to desire his at this moment after all that I’ve been through because of him, knowing his one of them. How dare you body give in so easily.
He knew the effects he had on me, he knew exactly what he has done the smirked over his lips telling that. He turned to my cheek sliding the tip of his nose against my jaw down my neck till he stops just above my ear, my breath was completely lost chills running down my skin as if I was under a spell losing all my senses.
- you want this too don’t you? - he whispered against my neck, his hot breath hitting my skin making me shiver under him - i wonder… if you’re still going to be this brat once you find out who I’m.
- who are you then? - my voice was a mare whisper I seemed to finally have found.
- the one who’s going to ruin you - he said, hands holding my waist tight - completely… and entirely.
Pressing his body against mine his wounds burned me in the most blissful way, my head was over the clouds every sound and anyone else was completely muffled i gasped at the feeling of his wet lips over my skin holding his shoulders for support at the felling of his tongue over my neck as he then sucked over it hard I tried to push him away but it was useless, he held me by the neck sucking on it harshly a low groan from him vibrating over my skin it felt painful even more after he bit into it, I punched his chest in a failed attempt to make him stop but it all only made him hold me tighter against him. Leaving a long lick over my neck afterwards he looked back at me in the eyes, I looked at him angrily.
- why did you do it? -I breathlessly asked him.
- what? Did you wanted it to feel good? - he taunted, smirk dancing over his lips.
I felt my cheeks heating up at his words, not saying anything would be better. Especially since he clearly know just how desperately my body gave into his touch.
- sir…. Consigliere is here. - another men’s voice said from behind me.
His eyes fell were the men stood behind me, still not letting go of me.
- I’ll meet him in a while - he said to the men.
After some some time I could tell the men must’ve left as Yoongi turned back to me.
- now you… - he looked at me up and down, hand sliding down from behind my neck over my back. He seemed to be pondering something in his head before his eyes meet mine - you should leave.
- I’m not done with you - i tell him.
- but I’m - he smirked, eyes falling over my neck making me instantly cover it with my hand - isn’t it past your bed time cop?
I scoffed, taking his hands from over my waist looked at him one last time before turning away to leave hearing his low laugh as i did so. I checked my phone to see the time, shit guess I’m not getting much sleep tonight.
Taglist: @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe @catlove83 @taegicity @ginger-coffee-addict @rosquilleta @tarahardcore @liveyun @manuosorio @thvlover7 @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky @crystallizedtime @i-am-invisible-for-you @celticcountrygal @dancerninjastudent-blog @fairywriter-oracle @m4gg13-g @alexxa013 @unadulteratedlyunique @kpopmultistantrashsstuff @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @slinekyu @nochookiee @strxwbloody @yoongislatinagff @pandafuriosa60 @nattjuless @cuntessaiii @fatmaortiz
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anxious-dumpling · 2 months
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♡ Fandoms: BTS!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, One-shot, Fluff!
One day, you're invited onto a shoot with BTS called, 'BTS Meets a Little for the First Time'.
(2,300 words.)
Notes: In this universe, Littlespace is permanent. If you don't know much about Littlespace, please research the topic elsewhere, since this story doesn't reflect how Littlespace functions in real life! Thank you!
When the director's countdown reaches zero, Kim Namjoon puts on a pleasant smile and begins greeting the camera in English.
"Hello, everyone! We are-!"
"Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
"And today we are gunna be meeting a Little for the very first time."
The interviewer watches them from behind the camera, holding a clipboard of simple questions for the seven K-Pop stars. When Hello82 first contacted BTS's managers and proposed an interview with them, they knew they had to accept. The concept of Littlespace has been getting more attention on the internet recently after a celebrity mentioned it during a live show, so they're hopping on the trend.
"How much do you know about Littlepsace?" The interviewer asks in English.
Namjoon translates quickly.
Hoseok pulls a cheeky grin and exaggeratedly points down at Taehyung.
"Him!" He says in English. "Him. Yeah."
Namjoon chuckles, his cheeks punctuated with two charming dimples. "Yes. Taehyung has been doing a lot of extensive googling about this topic before we got here."
"Little bit." Taehyung smiles shyly, pinching his fingers together.
"I think he would be the most knowledgeable out of all of us, to be honest. He loves kids, you know, so this is like his time to shine."
"And you guys have never met a Little before, right?"
"That's right."
"Are you excited?"
Namjoon repeats the question in Korean, and all seven members answer with varying degrees of enthusiasm, from Jimin and Taehyung clapping with cheesy grins, to Yoongi and Jungkook just smiling mildly.
"Okay, great. Well, today we have a very special guest who has kindly come from the Seoul Littlespace Care Centre with her Caregiver, Park Jongsuk, to see you." They give a small round of applause. "And to make things interesting, we are going to be putting you into three groups and giving you some challenges to complete." Ah, Jinjja?, Jungkook mutters. "You will have to attempt to feed her her favorite food, receive a hug from her, and make her laugh. The group to succeed in all three of these challenges will win."
"Woooow," They all exclaim, looking around at one another.
Jimin raises his hand, speaking in Korean. "I think she will like me the most."
"Yah," Seokjin leans forward. "I don't want to hear an amateur speaking on this matter. I deal with you guys all day, so how should this be much different? Tsk. Exactly. No doubt I'll win her over."
Hoseok barks a laugh, grabbing Jimin's shoulders while he doubles over with embarrassed giggles.
"He-" Namjoon laughs, trying to translate his bandmates' silliness, "He's saying he will win because he has experience dealing with the younger ones in the group."
"Shall we bring her out?"
He smiles. "Yeah, let's do it."
Be calm, you think to yourself, Jongsuk said they're nice!
Your caregiver leads you around the corner and into the filming studio. You squeeze his hand, using your other to tug nervously on your piggy tail. All of a sudden, three men in front of the camera greet you with bright smiles and exclamations of Gwiyeooo.
He leads you to sit on the fluffy white rug with them and sets you in his lap.
"Hello," Jongsuk says softly in Korean, bowing slightly.
The men copy his greeting. You eye them curiously, tilting your head. The one sitting closest to you and your caregiver is Kim Seokjin. You recognise him from the photocards the studio gave you to prepare for today. In the picture, he had brown hair, but you see now that he actually has pink hair! Wow. You want to reach out and touch it to see if it feels as soft as cherry blossoms, so that's exactly what you do.
He rises from his bow with a shocked chuckle.
"Aish, sweetie, hands to yourself." Jongsuk gently chides, pulling your hand back into your lap. "I guess that's her way of greeting you."
"Hello." Jin mutters sweetly, giving you a small wave. He tilts his head toward you, letting you tug on his hair again.
The two other men scoot forward, offering you some more greetings. The one in the middle is Hoseok, and he's got a lovely smile. The one beside him is Namjoon, and he's big and scary and has muscles, but he's also got a lovely smile, so you don't get up and run away just yet. Jongsuk promised you that his new friends are all very nice, remember!
You let go of Jin's hair and nervously fiddle with your sweater, making them laugh.
"You're scaring her already!" Hoseok jokingly scolds Namjoon. "Don't ruin our chances!"
"She's shy around new people." Jongsuk explains, grabbing your hands and bouncing them around playfully. "Isn't that right?"
You nod, staring Namjoon down. 
"Has she done anything like this before?" He asks.
"We've actually worked with Baby Cloud on a few videos in the past, but this is her first proper interview-style video."
"And she speaks...?"
"Korean and English." He answers.
"Ah. Korean and English."
"Hi." Hoseok smiles at you in English.
"Say hi." Jongsuk encourages you.
"Hi, Hoseok-Samchon." You obidiently greet, using the title Samchon just like Jongsuk taught you, which roughly means Uncle.
You didn't think it was possible, but Hoseok looks even happier when you say that. You think he might've swallowed the sun for breakfast this morning. "Aaaah. Hi!"
"Hi, Seokjin-Samchon." You continue, offering a small bow. "Hi, Namjoon-Samchon."
"Hi," They both respond excitedly.
"Are you hungry, Jagiya?" Seokjin asks you. "We hear you like banana bread."
That's one of your favourite treats!
"Banana bread?!"
"Yeah!" He reaches behind him and pulls a packaged slice of banana bread from the coffee table, carefully tearing it open.
Jongsuk suggests, "You wanna go sit with Seokjin-Samchon?"
You think about it for a second. Hm. Then you nod. You like Jin's hair and he has a tasty snack for you, so of course you'll sit with him. You rise from Jongsuk's lap and plop down in Seokjin's instead, which is very spacious and comfy, opening your mouth eagerly.
"Aaaaah," He mirrors you, popping a piece of bread on your tongue. "Mmmmm. Good?"
You nod enthusiastically, grabbing for more.
"Aigooo, finish the piece in your mouth first." He exclaims, making you giggle.
"He's a natural." Hoseok exclaims in surprise.
"So, what does she normally eat?" Namjoon asks.
"Well, we feed her according to her mental age, which mostly ranges from two to six," Jongsuk answers, "So, you know, mashed fruits, boiled vegetables, yoghurts, but sometimes bigger meals. Meat, rice, stews. And tteokbokki. She loooooves tteokbokki."
"She doesn't have trouble using chopsticks?"
"Hmm... Sometimes. Her motor skills are mostly that of an adult's, but applying them can be challenging when you're in the mental state of a two or six year old, you know, so we sometimes have to help her with that. Or we get her children's chopsticks."
"Some people think she might have poor hand-eye coordination or something like that, but she doesn't."
Hoseok listens with interest. "So, physically, she's not on par with a child?"
"Correct. Unless you count chemicals and hormones in the brain," He jokes.
"And her height," Giggles Namjoon.
"Hey. Can Seokjin-Samchon have a hug?"
Without even thinking, you wrap your arms around Seokjin and he returns it, hugging you tightly.
"Gwiyeooooo," They all say at the same time.
Then Hoseok tries feeding you the banana bread while Seokjin and Namjoon ask Jongsuk some more questions. They're curious, because you're not like them. You're as tall as an adult, you look like an adult, but you know you're not really an adult. You like to play with stuffed animals and watch cartoons. You can't drive a car, get a job, or use a bank card. You don't even live in a normal house!
Not until you find a family, at least. But most people don't want a Little. They want a real child.
Once you've taken a piece of bread from each of them, they all clap lightly, making you smile around your stuffed cheeks.
"Well, team Hyung," The interviewer says, "I think you succeeded in all three challenges."
Hoseok gives you a gentle double high-five.
Jongsuk was right! These new friends are great. They're friendly, they're gentle, and one of them even has pink hair!
The second group comes out after the first leaves, making you a little sad.
"Hi, Yoongi-Samchon," You shyly greet them as they sit on the rug, "Hi, Jimin-Samchon."
Yoongi gives a shallow bow, while Jimin grins and leans forward, offering you a high five like Hoseok did. Ah! His face is suuuuper close to yours! You shrink back into Jongsuk, shaking your head nervously. The poor man giggles and turns red at your rejection, covering his face.
"Aigoo," He exclaims, "I'm sorrrrrryyyy!"
Yelling?! Why's he yelling? His loud voice disturbs you even more, and just like that, your eyes are stinging and filling with tears.
"No, no, no, please don't cry," Jimin panics. "Oh, no. We just sat down!"
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi laughs, "You're awful at this."
"It's okay," Your caregiver laughs along with him as he wipes your eyes. "Oh, it's okay. Jimin-Samchon didn't mean it."
Jimin tells you in English, "I'm sorryyyy."
"Here, you want some yoghurt? Strawberry yoghurt?" Yoongi reaches behind him for a small tub of pink yoghurt and a spoon. He rips the seal off and Jongsuk pushes you off his lap, encouraging you to go over to Yoongi. "Here. Come here."
Sniffling, you kneel down beside Yoongi. He opens his mouth and you copy him.
"Shuuuuuuu," He does the areoplane with the spoon, and you eat the yoghurt with no problems.
"Aish," Jimin flops onto his back dramatically. "Hyung, what's your secret?"
Jongsuk pats him on the shoulder.
As Jimin sits back up, he opens his arms and wiggles his fingers, asking for a hug.
You get back up and run behind the camera.
"Aigoooooo," Yoongi hits him with the spoon. "Look what you've done."
The interviewer chuckles. "Okay, I think we should move onto the next group."
"I'm sorry, Jagiyaaaaa." Jimin pouts.
Seokjin cackles at him from the back of the room.
The final group is Taehyung-Samchon and Jungkook-Samchon. When they enter, they make sure to keep their voices low and their movements small, not wanting to make Jimin's mistake of being too loud. Taehyung's smile almost takes up his whole face.
"Helloooo," He says in English as the two of them sit down. "My name is Taehyungie. Nice to meet you."
"Hi, Taehyungie-Samchon." You mutter. "Hi, Jungkook-Samchon."
"Hello." Jungkook also says in English.
They offer polite greetings to Jongsuk as well, and then Taehyung pulls a watermelon flavored lollipop from his shirt pocket and takes the plastic off, offering the candy to you with a warm expression. How did he know that's your favorite flavor of candy?
You take it from him and pop it in your mouth, making him clap giddily and pet your knee. "Yaaaay."
Jungkook laughs. "Hey, you can't bribe her with candies!"
Tae ignores him, keeping all his attention on you.
The interviewer asks, "Taehyung, was this part of your research?"
"I watched all the Baby Cloud videos she's been in," He explains, "And I saw that the watermelon candies were always her favorite."
"Smart." Jongsuk praises him.
While you suck on the candy, Taehyung shows you a stuffed animal plush that was on the coffee table, and Jungkook asks, "So, is this what her everyday life is like? She doesn't ever... I don't know, behave like an adult?"
"Right. Her brain is perfectly healthy, and she's perfectly smart, but she'll always function within the emotional range of a child."
"Ah. Okay."
"It can take a bit of getting used to, can't it?"
He hesitates for a moment, not wanting to say anything offensive. "Uuhhh. A little bit."
"I understand that. I mean, it can be hard to grasp the fact that she's not pretending or exaggerating. But this is just how her brain works."
"Do people think she's pretending?"
"All the time. They keep waiting for her to snap out of it or drop the act, but of course, it won't ever happen."
"Mmm." He hums thoughtfully, gazing at you.
"Can Taehyungie-Samchon have a cuddle, Jagiya?" He asks you nicely, opening his arms.
You scoot over to him and give him a short, loose hug just to be nice, because he gave you a candy.
"Aaah, thank youuuuuu."
"You're welcome, Taehyungie-Samchon."
"Good manners, Jagiya." Your caregiver smiles at you. "What about Jungkookie-Samchon? Does he get a hug?"
"Mmmm...." You look at Jungkook's heavily tattooed arm and his facial piercings, shaking your head. "No."
All three of them laugh at your blunt answer.
"Alright, I think that concludes this segment."
Taehyung waves goodbye to the camera with you. "Buh-byeeeeee."
"So, what did you guys think of this experience?"
"So cute!" Hoseok exclaims, his Korean accent thickening under his excitement. "Her- Her face. Awww. So cute! Right?"
"Well, Jimin wouldn't know anything about that," Jin sasses, turning to his junior, "Because you made her cry, didn't you?!"
"Aigo," He groans, "I didn't mean to."
"Can you believe this guy?"
The interviewer swiftly cuts off their shenanigans. "Team three - Taehyung and Jungkook - managed to get two points during their segment. Taehyung expertly charmed her with a candy, and received a hug. Team two, however..."
Laughter breaks out among the seven members.
"Only received one point. They impressed us by upsetting her in record time, but Yoongi saved it with the strawberry yoghurt."
The mentioned man gives the camera a smug thumbs up, while the younger of the two continues to fake-sob dramatically.
"That leaves team three as our winner!"
"That's right!" Jin shouts suddenly in English, clapping loudly. "That's right! What I tell you, huh?!"
"After a small hiccup in the beginning, she managed to overcome her nervousness thanks to the help of her charming Jin-Samchon, and happily ate some banana bread with all three members. They also made her laugh and received a hug! Well done!"
"Well done," Namjoon repeats with a smile, clapping along with everyone. "Thank you for letting us meet her."
"Thank you, Hello 82!" 
"Thank you!"
As they bow and wave goodbye to ARMY, the video comes to an end.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz, It’s my birthday today but I need cheering up. Can you hit me up with some of your favourite underrated jikook moments and why 💜💛🐰🐤 (and if people can comment some of theirs too if they have any)
First things first, HBD Anon!!!! 🎉🎉🎈🎈🎉🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🍾🍾🍷🍷🍹🍺🍺🍸🥂🍸🥂🎂🎈🎈
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Smile today, don't let anyone bring you down. No matter what. 💜💜
Second of all, u guys that keep sending me asks about my ___ Jikook moments, you are killing me! It's torture. To have to choose from what we have is really hard y'all. It's not easy.
But okay, my favourite underrated Jikook moments. Let's get into it. Again, HBD!! 🎈🎈🎈
Number 1 >> Decoration tah!
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For the life of me I cannot explain why I love this moment as much as I do. I just know it puts the biggest smile on my face whenever it comes up in a compilation I'm watching. Idk what it is, I just think this moment is wholesome AF. And when JK reacted to it I DIED!!!! It was everything to me, i was so happy. Of course its underrated, coz they're not really doing anything. Just laughing about and having a good time enjoying each other's company. But I love 2 see it. 😍😍
Number 2>> JK preparing a plate for them and Jimin turning to JK to ask for more soup.
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It's so domestic 😭 Because this is how they are on their normal day to day lives. Like Jin told us; JK is Jimin's chef. And as we already saw, JK always makes sure Jimin is very well fed, always. Even blows the soup for him if it's hot and we have seen him feed Jimin many times. This moment, no one talks about, but I just really like it.
Number 3>> When JK was there for Jimin when he got nervous
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It criminal that this isn't one of the most popular Jikook moments. The way JK was giving Jimin ALL his attention. The way he was nodding along in encouragement. The way he got closer when Jimin made that mistake. The way JK didn't move back into position until he was sure Jimin had gotten back on track. This moment was e👏🏾very👏🏾thing👏🏾 and I wish we talked about it more. JK did so well as Jimin's boyfriend there. He showed up. He really fucking showed up. I respect this man so damn much for always showing up.
I enjoyed Jeonssy's analysis of this moment. You can watch it here if you like.
Number 4>>> Jimin, kneeling, doing that thing with his tongue while looking up at JK 👀
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I think the reason Jikookers don't talk about this moment it's because of how sexually suggestive it is. And you can see the moment Jimin catches himself too. Mans got carried away there for a second. I wasn't around for kitty gang Jimin but I believe it when people say he was wildin'. Like Jimin, please, we know you get down on your knees for the Jungkonda, we did not need a visual. 🙈🙈🙈
I high key love that moment very, very much. 🥵
Number 5>> Jungkook waiting and waiting and waiting for Jimin all because his boyfriend asked him to.
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Aish. Y'all don't get it. JK was among the first people who finished. This is episode 126-127. They're some of my favourite episodes that I rewatch all the time. They were so good. Anyway, Mr. Competitive finished 2nd so he was gonna go be among the first people to go home. And he was excited too! But then Mimi said 2 words: Jungkookah, wait. And that's all she wrote 🤭🤭🤭
Y'all aren't getting it. This was actually huge. I wouldn't do that for my sister and I love that bitch. If I finish a game first, and she kept losing and losing and kept me waiting for an hour I would take off. Shit, I'd take off after 20 minutes. You know who I'd wait for though? My partner 😂 Because that's just how it works. Jimin has the boyfriend privilege. Sure this was him being in charge but also this was JK listening to his man and doing exactly what he said. Now I'm thinking about Bon voyage season 4 when JK stayed by the doorway and didn't move simply because Jimin asked. Who said JK doesn't listen to Jimin again? 🤭
Anyway, JK couldn't wait to leave. We can tell by how happy he was when Jimin won rock paper scissors, and yet, he didn't mind waiting for as long as he did for Jimin who finished last. This moment is massive and I think it should be treated as such. 😔
Number 6>> When JK did this.
He probably just wanted to touch his baby. But also, it looks like he made Jimin stop. And Jimin listened and stood there and they did that adorable dance together. The dance part is not underrated. But the way JK touched Jimin is. And I absolutely love this cute, soft moment.
Number 7>> Speaking of touching. This compilation of Jikook touching on stage for the sake of touching. It's actually really subtle and kudos to the Armys who first noticed this is a thing that they do. Jikook absolutely love the stage. JK was asked when he feels most connected to the members and he said he loves when him and Jimin high five on stage. That's when he feels the most connected. He singled out Jimin even though the question was about all of them. And this thing where they touch like this for no reason whatsoever, proves his statement to be true. I freaking love them!
Number 8>> When JK was asked to rate the members and he finally put Jimin as number one. Everyone always talks about JK putting Jimin last in the past. But I'm not sure this moment gets the hype it deserves. This question was stupid AF to begin with but whatever. What I love about this moment is how JK didn't even bother to rate anyone else. He just said Jimin is the most handsome according to his own personal criteria, and then left it at that. Almost like he only cared that Jimin knew he was number one. He wanted Jimin to know he was done playing games. So rating the rest was irrelevant when he'd already made his point.
I also don't think Jimin was expecting this which is a bit sad, idk. But I'm sure he appreciated not being ranked last. Again. However i don't think that was ever going to happen. By this time JK was done pretending he didn't like Jimin on and off camera. He'd stopped pretending he didn't have feelings for him so I think many of us, much like RM, expected JK to place Jimin first at this particular juncture.
Number 9>> Gaaaaaaah! I love this so freaking much!!!! Okay so Jimin is a blusher. We know this. While when he blushes for JK it can be more intense than for other members, Jimin is a blusher. Its a thing he does. JK on the other hand, not so much. Which is why I love this so fucking much. 😍😍 My other underrated moment is JK blushing for Jimin. I literally never see people talk about this even though JK doesn't blush or get shy for anyone else apart from Jimin. I mean look at this!!!
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I said look at this!!! Are you looking??
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You guys don't listen to me. Did you see?? Especially the black swan one??? Shiet. A bashful JK? Sign me up! JK does not blush for other people. He's not a blusher. Only Jimin can make him that shy. Do y'all get it? This side of JK is reserved for Jimin and Jimin only. He's the only one that affects JK this way. Aaaaah feels. 😭😭😭 FEELS.
It's criminal, absolutely criminal that people overlook shy, blushy JK. I love to see it. I love it so much. I could watch it all day.
Last but not least. Number 10>> This.
I mean, what is wrong with you people? Honestly. By you people I mean antis because... okay first of all, lets watch the video. Not the first part where they sing to eo. That's definitely not an underrated moment. I mean the second part at the concert.
Did you see that?
JK doing that 👆🏽 and Jimin doing this, these 2 moments sit at the same table. They outed themselves here guys. And no one was listening. They are telling us look, its him. Its him. They took risks and said fuck it. And they got away with it. Like they get away with everything else. Smh 😑
They literally outed their relationship guys. We should be freaking out more. That moment at that concert is super underrated. And it requires Eagle eyed army to see it. But damn, JK really did that. Wow.
Just wow.
Anyway anon. That's all I got for now. Happy birthday once again. If Jikook isn't real, then neither I'm I.
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lokisasylum · 6 months
The situation is critical, we need to be careful…
Jang Seunghyun, also known as ARMY52Hz on twitter/X, has been for the past 24 hours posting after posting, after posting none stop in a desperate attempt to save his ass after being exposed for his lack of transparency, favoritism and one-sided beef with—not just Jimin, but all the other members as well.
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‘Cause if you guys recalled when I posted about this guy earlier this year, during Jimin’s first and second wave of sabotages, where it was revealed that this person is not only working directly for Hybe and therefore under their payroll. He’s very much obsessed with Jungkook to the point of dressing up and wanting to look like him, and in addition has been caught hanging out around DCGallery, the infamous forum filled with BTS antis who love to fabricate rumors and hate campaigns (his email and IP address also match that of one of the biggest Jimin hater blogs).
But if that's not enough to raise your blood pressure aside from the damage he's already done to this fandom since God knows when. Here's a recent post he made:
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Did you catch that?
No? Lemme just--
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Yep, you read that right, on one hand he is admitting that he "and his team" (meaning other staff who help in managing the account) made a mistake (althought I sincerely doubt that purposely and intentionally manipulating charts in order to "encourage" people to vote for who YOU want is a "mistake" that bypassed multiple people).
This bastard is referring not only to Jimin, but also Suga and V as "unrelated singers". Jimin was at No.11 on the chart and only needed TWO points in voting to enter Top10. Both Suga and V weren't too far below him and could have also entered, but no, they purposely made Karmys hoard ALL of the votes for ONE member. 'Cause this is how they continuously showed the charts to "the fandom":
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But if Jimin, Suga, V and any other member are considered "unrelated singers" and are known to have been directly sabotaged by this same account who we know works for HYBE... are they indirectly admitting to something we still don't know, but have been suspecting for some time now?
Is the whole "2025 BTS Reunion" a farce and they're only creating false expectations to keep Army from leaving so when the dreaded d-word happens the company will be free to promote ONE member and use the fandom AGAIN?
But if that's not enough to get your panties in a bunch with an uncomfortable itch. Then the next thing surely will.
Remember I've also warned you guys about trusting certain "translators" in the fandom because many of them are known to do (intentional) mis-translations in order to portray certain members in a certain way to feed an agenda and get them hate.
if the name "hiraeth8221" sounds familiar to you, it should because she has been exposed like many others as these type of translators so it should be no surprise that someone exposed this little gem:
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This was before Bighit became HYBE. And it was known the translators were few and people sometimes "from the fandom" would get directly hired to work with them.
But guess who this particular translator is defending TODAY:
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Yep, ARMY52Hz. Which means hiraeth8221 is STILL under Hybe payroll and very much involved with other Hybe controlled accounts known to create trouble in the fandom.
But that's not the most disturbing part, the real scary thing is that after she too got exposed today, minutes--maybe SECONDS later MANY army and especially Jimin stan accounts that opposed what ARMY52Hz did and are actively boycotting them, started getting mass reported by mysterious "Korean army accs" that seemed to have been created in the past 24hrs when ARMY52Hz got first exposed for manipulation.
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This has of course enabled jungkook solos to also mass attack other members and their stan accounts. While also publicly defending ARMY52Hz. WHY? Because its been known and mentioned for YEARS that the fandom did nothing to control them and taekookers whenever they caused harm, especially to Jimin. Hell, they said it themselves:
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But now that their little bubble is close to bursting if and when they loose accounts like ARMY52Hz. They'll be done for and finally exposed for the deranged bunch they've always been.
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If at this point you don't feel your stomach turning at how much from this fandom (and maybe even BTS themselves) has been heavily manipulated over the years... and now with the addition of Scooter Braun doing the real damage by manipulation of the charts, sales ect in order to favor certain people... then I don't know what else to tell or show you guys to make you understand how BAD the situation is.
And honestly at this point, not even the 2025 BTS Reunion will fix it. if anything it might get WORST.
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hippiemisfit · 5 months
Hush (J.K.) 20
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Chapter 20- The Next Day
pairings: jungkook x oc reader
word count: 4,651
warnings: angst, fluff, jealousy, hints at a bigger picture, girl from jungkook's past
I woke up the next morning at about 8 and started to reminisce about last night.
I can't believe that happened. I doubt know what came over me but I don't regret it at all.
I turned and looked beside me and saw that I was all alone but I wasn't surprised. I know that Hoodie is a busy person being the actual Death and all so I didn't expect him to be here anyway. Thank God it's Saturday and I don't have to go to that hell hole called school or I would've definitely been ditching again today. I got up, grabbed my towel on the end of the bed, and headed to the restroom for a quick shower.
I placed my towel on the sink and turned on my playlist, putting it on shuffle, and hopped in the shower. In Your Eyes by Snoh Aalegra came on and I started to sing along.
♪Woo, woo, woo Ayy, woo Yeah, yeah
Some days are easier to fake it I find it hard to think when you're brought up I know it takes a heart to break it (yeah) But you took that and some more when you gave up♪
By the time I got out the shower, I had sang at least three songs in my mini concert. I grabbed my towel off the sink and wrapped it around me before wiping the condensation off the mirror. I don't know why my reflection caused me to gasp, but it sure in the fuck did. I mean, I know he was sucking on my skin pretty good last night but I wasn't expecting my neck to look all bit up like this. You could barely see any of my brown skin, I think I count like 10 and that's just on my upper neck area alone. My chest area is a whole another level but what can I say, it felt good in the moment. I lightly touched one and winced.
Yep, glad there's no school today because I'd be damned if I have to cover all of these up.
I stopped staring at my neck long enough to wash my face and brush my teeth and then went to my room to get dressed. I peeked at my phone real quick and I'm glad I did because Jungkook texted me saying that he was gonna come over to hang out at 9 ten minutes ago. Well its currently 8:45 so I better hurry up. i quickly put on some lotion and ran to my closet. I grabbed my black crop top turtle neck and some distressed shorts. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on some hoops.
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By the time I slid my puma slides on, i heard the door bell ring. I ran down the stairs and swung open the door, being greeted by a similarly dressed Jungkook. I scanned him from head toe; he was wearing a black turtle neck of his own but his was paired with black dress pants and dress shoes. He was even wearing a pair of glasses to top it off.
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He looks like he walked straight out of a kdrama, cue the internal fangirling. Is it hot out here or is it just me cause damnnnnn.
I cleared my throat when I noticed that he was eyeing me up and down too. I moved out of the way to let him in and he slid by me. As soon as I closed the door and turned around, I was pinned against it and was met by his lips crashing on mine. I was taken back at first but melted into the kiss. Just as I started to get deeper into it, he pulled back and gave me a cute bunny grin.
He pulled out his phone
:sorry u just look really beautiful. i couldn't help myself
I giggled, "It's ok, you're looking pretty good today yourself. You weren't peeping in on me while I was getting dressed this morning," I asked jokingly.
He shook his head
:lol nope but what a coincidence huh
I shook my head," Haha yea what's the chances huh. Well, are you hungry? I could make us something."
:actually that's why I came over here. I wanted to see if you wanted to go out for breakfast.
"Yeah, I'm down. just let me feed and walk Poco real quick and we can go. You can have a seat while I'm gone, he usually doesn't take too long in the morning." I said going to get Poco out his crate.
With all that happened last night I'm glad that Poco was here. I don't know what I would've done if I was just here alone. As soon as I put his dry food in his bowl, I heard his crate open and next thing I knew I was almost toppled by him.
He tried to lick my face but I lightly pushed him away, laughing at his antics. "Poco chill. Morning breath is real kid. Here let's take you for a walk and then you can come and eat."
I went and grabbed his leash from the key ring and told Jungkook that we would be right back. We went down our usual route which included walking past Carter's house. Just my luck he was sitting outside on the porch but he was so engrossed into his phone , he didn't notice us walk past.
Poco did his business and we turned around to head back home. This time though, Carter was looking up and we caught eyes but I diverted mine. I quickly walked to my front door and went to open it, fumbling with key a little out of nervousness. I heard Poco start growling and I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Carter had crossed the street and was making his way towards us. His steps faltered when Poco barked at him. 
"Hey can we talk real fast?" I heard him ask.
I let out a small sigh as I turned around to face him. He didn't look too good with bags under his eyes, showing a lack of sleep. I was about to ask him what was wrong when I saw him glance behind me with a weird look on his face. I turned around to see Jungkook standing behind me.
How did I not hear the door open?
I expected to see Jungkook glaring at Carter but instead he had a twisted smirk on his face. I slightly elbowed him and he looked down at me, smirk vanishing. He opened the door wider for me to go past. I stayed put and turned to look back at Carter but Jungkook grabbed me by the shoulder and guided me into the house. I tried to fight his grip but it was strong as I also tried to push past him. He turned me around to face him and I was met with a harsh glare. I took a step back in shock at his behavior and his eyes softened at my movements. I shook his hands off of me and yelled out to Carters, "I'll talk to you later," before I walked away from them both. I released Poco from his leash and he immediately ran to his food and drink bowls.
I heard the front door close behind me as I walked into the kitchen for something to drink. By the time I started to drink my apple juice, Jungkook was in the kitchen looking apologetic. I ignored him and continued to drink until he was ready to actually apologize.
He finally pulled out his phone and started typing.
: I'm sorry if I scared you and for glaring at you. I just don't like that boy
I shrugged my shoulders, "I understand that you don't like him but it looked like wanted to say something to me but then you stopped him with your aura."
: my aura?
"Yes. Your aura was coming off as aggressive as fuck even I could tell and it wasn't even directed at me at first. I wanted to hear what he had to say. I can fight my own battles Jungkook, I don't need your help."
I saw his jaw clench, : I never said that you needed my help but as your boyfriend it's my duty to protect you and that means from anyone 
My eyes widened slightly, "Boyfriend? When did you become my boyfriend? I don't remember you asking me out?"
It was his turn to shrug, : didn't need to. Last night solidified our relationship
"Last night?" I asked confused. "What are you talking about ?"
He smirked and tilted his head, : like you don't know
The fuck is he talking about? Wait, it can't be. Is he-
He patted his hand against the counter, tearing me out of my thoughts : we kissed last night remember after we spent all day together too
I nodded my head in somewhat understanding, "Ohhhhk, well that doesn't mean that we're dating. You didn't even ask me out."
He smiled and leaned against the counter, :well then if I just did. Be my girlfriend?
Should I say yes? I don't know? Hoodie is always going to be in the picture and I don't know if I should subject Jungkook to Hoodie's wrath buttttttt I also really like Jungkook too.
He snapped his fingers before shaking his head, : how about we see how breakfast goes and then you can tell me then?
I nodded in agreement, "Sure, let's go."
I said goodbye to Poco and made sure I locked the door. I got ready to head to my car when I noticed another car next to mine in the driveway. It was a black 2023 Mercedes Benz EQS- class.
This car isn't even out yet and this person already has one. Was it there when I took Poco for a walk earlier?
I just shrugged it off and walked up to the driver's side and saw Jungkook grinning at me before he rolled down the window.
"Well I can see that you got your car." I said.
He nodded his head and motioned for me to get in. I quickly headed to the passenger side and climbed in. When I fastened my seatbelt, he shifted into gear and took off.
"This car isn't even out yet, how'd you get so lucky?"
He just shrugged in response.
"Hmm, I was looking at it for if I wanted an upgrade but I saw how expensive it was and I didn't feel right buying a car for what I could spend on a house." I started to run my fingers across the upholstery, "I like these seats, especially the color of them. The whole interior really, my favorite colors are black and purple."
I turned to look at him when he didn't respond but then remembered that he doesn't talk. Talk about face palm.
He reached over and grabbed my hand, lacing my fingers with his. He brought our intertwined hands up to his mouth and kiss them. Woah if I was any lighter, I'd be red as Rudolph's nose.
I cleared my throat, "Is your Bluetooth connected to the radio?"
He nodded his head yes and nodded towards the radio dial. I reached over and turned it on, hearing GOT7's NaNaNa start playing through the speakers.
I gasped, "You listen to GOT7 now?! Look at me rubbing off on you," I said jamming to the song.
He looked over at me and smiled before turning his attention back to the road. I had my little jam session and I gotta say his music taste is on point. It's almost like he got one of my playlists on his phone. Kehlani, Audrey Nuna, and JoJo came on and by the time we pulled up to our destination, I didn't even want to get out of the car.
When he parked the car, he turned and looked at me before reaching over to me. I closed my eyes in anticipation of a kiss but was thrown off when I heard my seatbelt unlatch. I opened my eyes and saw he was still in close proximity to my face and was trying to hold his laughter. I rolled my eyes and pushed his chest but he didn't budge. He leaned forward and pecked me on the lips causing me to break out into a huge smile.
I felt my cheeks getting hot and started to fan myself to cool them down. He pecked me again this time on my cheek and then leaned back to undo his own seatbelt. With burning cheeks, I hurried and got out of the car. I took in our surroundings and looked at the restaurant he brought us to. It looked like a nice place from the outside, from what I could tell so far. Hopefully their food is good.
"The Hoodied Figure, that's a weird name for a breakfast place," I said reading the sign. Jungkook grabbed my hand and took me up to the entrance. He opened the door and motioned for me to go in first.
"What a gentleman," I said, lightly brushing against him as I went in. I walked up to the unmanned hostess station and waited for them. I felt Jungkook come up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his head on top of mine. I placed my hands on top of his and we started to lightly sway to nonexistent music.
I took in the decor and I have to say whoever decorated this place has good taste. It looks like your typical diner but with a twist, everything is dark. From the black tile on the floor, all the way to the black chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The only pop of color is the waiters outfits which are blood red.
After a couple minutes, the hostess finally came up to us. She was pretty, brunette with green eyes and a slim body. I can already see how this is going to go because she barely glanced at me but of course Jungkook had all her attention.
"How many?" She asked, staring into his soul.
I waved my hand in her face to get her attention and she looked at me like I was shit on the bottom of her shoe.
"Two, obviously ma'am. And if you couldn't tell he's with me but I don't see how you couldn't given that his arms are literally around me," I said sickly sweet with a forced smile on my face.
She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. "Table or booth," she asked.
"Booth," I said glaring at her. She mirrored my expression while slightly rolling her eyes, and turned to take us to our booth.
As I was sliding into the booth, she slammed my menu on the table and lightly placed Jungkook's down. Oh so this bitch wants to fight.
I cracked my neck and was about to go the fuck off on her until Jungkook placed his hand on top of mine and shook his head no. I rolled my eyes and decided that mean mugging her would work for now but she has one more time before I fuck her up.
"What can I get you to drink," she asked Jungkook twirling her hair around her finger.
He just blankly stared at her and then looked over at me to answer her.
"He'll take a water with no ice and the same for me." I said.
She snapped her head to look at me, disgust emitting from her aura, "Um, I was talking to him not you. He can speak for himself, he doesn't need you."
This time I didn't even bother to put on a fake smile when I responded, "First of all, I don't care who you think that you are but you have one more time to talk to me like you are crazy and I will fuck you up. Second, he's mute meaning he doesn't speak so yeah he does need me to speak for him. And lastly, you're the hostess anyways, why are you over here taking drink orders? So if I were you I would go back to my post before I get the manager called on me for being rude to a customer. And while you're at it, go ahead and call our actual server over here since you have nothing to do."
She looked taken back but quickly fixed her face and finally walked away. I watched her storm off and then turned my attention back to Jungkook who just looked amused.
"What?" I asked a little harshly.
He held up his hands in surrender before pulling out his phone. :easy there tigress, I mean no harm lol
"Sorry," I mumbled , "She just pissed me off with her bony ass." I crossed my arms and leaned back in irritation.
: her ass was kinda bony wasn't it? 😂
"Yes," I said throwing my hands up dramatically, "I knew I wasn't the only one who thought so."
:good thing I have a thing for someone with some curves huh?
"Have you ever been here before?" I asked.
He nodded his head, :when I first got here I came to this place and I've kinda made it my spot. The food here is pretty good, you'll like it.
"Hmm well if it is good then I'll definitely have to come more often."
:yes but only with me. Your man.
I looked up at him and he winked at me. I smiled and shook my head, giggling. I was about to respond when our waiter arrived.
"Hello I'm Taehyung but you can just call me Tae, I'll be your server today. What can I get you guys started off with, any appetizers or drinks?"
"Sorry I didn't even look at the menu yet but we'll both take a water with no ice," I said looking up and seeing a familiar face.
It was the blonde from the diner the other day. He works here? I took in his appearance and I just have to ask God why he keeps toying with me and my emotions, bringing all these good looking men into my vicinity.
I guess he could tell that I was lowkey checking him out because he gave me a big smile, " I know you don't I?" he asked me.
I shook my head slightly, "No do you?"
He tapped his chin and then snapped his fingers in recognition, "Yeah you were at the diner yesterday," he looked over at Jungkook, "with loverboy here too. Sorry that we stole him for a few minutes, just needed to talk to him about something."
"Oh about what?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "Oh nothing for you to worry about, Mahj. Just work stuff."
I shook my head in confusion, "What do you mean work and how do you know my name?"
I turned to look at Jungkook who looked like he was about to blow a fuse, "You guys work together?"
Taehyung read the message too and laughed, placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "Somewhat? I'm offended friend. We work together almost every day. Well I mean when he's not busy doing other things and like I said we're friends."
Jungkook threw Taehyung's hand off his shoulder and gave him a death glare. I could see Taehyung's face smile falter a little from his gaze but when he looked back at me, it was back to a thousand watt smile.
"I'll be back with your drinks," he said before heading away.
I glanced at Jungkook and it looked like he was still fuming. I reached over to grab his hand but I yelped when it felt like his hand was on fire. I blew on my hand and made eye contact with an apologetic him.
:sorry. Sometimes I just run hot when I get worked up. Is your hand ok?
He reached out to touch it but I just pulled it closer to me.
"Yes my hand is fine just a little hot is all. What type of work do you and Taehyung do?"
He looked hesitant to answer but he still started to type : we're in the business of picking up people
"What do you mean picking up people? Like y'all drive Uber or something?"
: haha not necessarily but I guess you can compare it to that but most of our "customers" aren't happy to be catching a ride
"Must pay really well huh Mr. exclusive car." I said jokingly.
He cracked a smile and nodded, : money means nothing to me. Anything you want I can make it happen
I was about to respond when Taehyung came back with our drinks. He placed them down gently and then pulled out his notepad.
"You guys ready to order?" he asked.
I smiled sheepishly, " I actually never looked over the menu still but what do you recommend?"
"Well if you're into eggs, you should get the egg overload. It comes with the cheesiest eggs you've ever had with French toast and bacon."
"Ok, I'll take that. Jungkook do you know what you want?" I asked turning to him.
Before he could type, Taehyung beat him to it, "Oh I already know what he likes to get. Remember we work together," he said winking.
I saw Jungkook's and eye twitch but he didn't make a move. Taehyung took our menus and headed to go put in our order.
I started to look around some more to people watch. I turned my head towards the kitchen that was to my left and locked eyes with someone who I would rather not see sitting at the bar.
The second we locked eyes he put a weird smirk on his face.
What the hell is he doing here?
I guess I was staring at him because Jungkook turned to see who I was looking at. Jimin glanced at Jungkook shortly just to wink at Jungkook and then stared at me again. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze and quickly adverted my eyes.
God's definitely got to be playing with me.
I could see him advancing from my peripheral and pretended like I was very interested in my nails.
There was a light knock on the table before I heard a throat clear. "Hey Mahj and Jungkook right? I didn't expect to see you two here, have you been here before?" Jimin asked.
"No this is my first time," I said keeping my eyes locked on the table, "Just wanted some breakfast you know."
Jimin placed his hand on my chin and turned my head towards him. He smiled gently and said, "There's those pretty eyes. Why are you trying to hide your gaze from mine? Aren't I one of your boyfriends?"
I slapped his hand off of my face and glared, "Well why would I want to look at someone who tried to break into my house last night and threatened to kill me? And consider your boyfriend card revoked."
He had the audacity to look confused, "What are you talking about? I don't even know where you live so how could I have been at your house last night?"
Now it was my turn to be confused, "Jimin, it was clearly you outside of my house last night. There's no way it could've been anyone else."
He shook his head no and just as he was about to speak Taehyung approached with our food.
"Hey Jimin," he said placing our food on the table and faced Jimin, "I'm surprised you're up this early given how late we were out last night. I barely made it in myself."
I whipped my head towards Taehyung, "Wait, you guys were out last night? Together?"
He nodded slowly, "Yeah we went to a bar and then to a house party," he quirked his eyebrow up, "Why?"
"She claims that I was outside her house last night trying to break in and kill her. Which is crazy because I don't even know where she lives and I would never do that even if I did." Jimin said.
"Huh well do you want to see pictures from last night to prove his innocence?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes," I said.
Taehyung pulled his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked, proceeding to open up his photos and hand it to me.
"Swipe left and you can see all the pics from our night."
I scrolled through the pictures and saw that their story oddly added up. There's pictures of them in a bar and at someone's party, each of them time stamped within the window that Jimin was outside my house last night.
I looked up at Jimin and mumbled an apology before handing Taehyung back his phone.
Jimin patted my head, careful not to mess up my bun, and said, "I forgive you. I know our last encounter wasn't all that pleasant and I might've scared you but I was just doing what I was-". He stopped talking to curse and reach down to rub his ankle, glaring at Jungkook who was staring at me.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I'm sorry for acting out of character yesterday." Jimin said.
"It's fine, I guess. Sorry I accused you of doing that. Maybe it was someone else," I said placing my head in my hands in confusion.
"Hey it's ok. Anyway enjoy your breakfast you guys. Come on Tae, I need some coffee." Jimin said walking away, pulling Taehyung away with him.
I glanced down at my now cold eggs and got trapped in my thoughts.
If it was Jimin outside of my house last night then who was it? And if it was just my mind playing tricks on me, then was last night in the tub a figment of my imagination too? But it makes no sense because Hoodie was clearly there last night and the banging and the screaming. And it was clearly Jim-
I was torn out of my thoughts by a caress of my hand. I looked up to see Jungkook looking at me with concern in his eyes.
:hey don't let them ruin our day. Eat before your food gets too cold
"Ok," I said trying to clear my mind. "You're right , let's just enjoy this day. You know you look really good in those glasses. I've been meaning to tell you since this morning."
"You don't think he's mad at us for crossing the line do you?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin as they were walking away.
Jimin slightly shrugged, "I don't know but if he tells hyung on us it's your fault." He said sitting back at the bar.
"How is it my fault?" Taehyung asked sitting beside him.
Jimin poked Taehyung's chest, "You're the one who kept going on and on about how we work together and shit."
Taehyung pushed Jimin's hand off of his chest, "Yah like you weren't half ass apologizing for something you actually did do and were lowkey dropping hints about it."
Jimin put his hands up in surrender, "Hey like I told her, I'm just doing what I am told. And good think he told us to actually take some pictures to show her proof or we would've been fucked."
Taehyung nodded in agreement, "Yeah I am too. Whatever he has planned next I hope she's ready for because this is light work compared to what he could do."
Jimin sighed and looked over at Mahj who was flirting with Jungkook, "Yeah whatever his master plan is, I hope they're both ready for it."
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
More than whether he has a girlfriend or not, JK's persistence in feeding his y/n's delusions is annoying. And then he wonders why his fans are so crazy and stalkery. If you leave your gate open and house unlocked, I won't be able to act like it's not partially your fault when you get robbed blind. So if you spend all your time making statements like ARMYs are my girlfriends and ohh I have no time for one, and then your fans stalk you to the gym, or spend their hours trying to look into your house - I don't want to victim blame but maybe JK should take some responsibility too especially since he's obviously benefiting in other ways which is why he keeps doing this.
I'm glad Jimin grew out of this phase - he always set boundaries but he used to be a bit more lenient indulging this sort of behaviour in the past. Nowadays he almost always (sweetly) shuts y/n's down and even shipping-wise, he treats all the members pretty similarly - not that that helps much but still. JK with his y/n's and Tae with his shippers - they should really tone it down.
- I doubt JK is lying but all he said is that he doesn't have a girlfriend. He didn't confirm or deny the video. Chances are she's just a hookup and today's remarks will be enough to kill this whole discourse. Plus he posted a new Tiktok so that'll be a good distraction too.
Well it stemmed from a pretty gross violation of privacy so it's just as well I guess.
Tae should take some notes honestly. Him staying mum during the photo leaks, the whole following and unfollowing Jennie ig debacle and the (in my opinion) botched soft launch of their relationship in Paris - that was one L after another.
No, he didn't say it wasn't him in the video. And there are more photos of him inside his apartment, from the same angle of the video. I only saw one where he's cooking and it's literally the same kitchen, same trashbins and all. I'm pretty sure it is him in that video.
I also never said that was his girlfriend, just a girl he was having sex with, so this changes nothing for me because my question was "is it Jungkook in that video?" no "does Jungkook have a girlfriend right now?" There is a difference.
Besides, he said he's not going to sue them - why couldn't he have clarified that it's not him in the video in the same sentence? Just saying that someone was spreading lies about him, or spreading false footage claiming it's him would've been fine. He confirmed tho that there's something that could be sued, he's just not going to. He also said he doesn't have a girlfriend right now because he wants to work. But back then when the video was allegedly filmed he wasn't working, so.
Not to mention everyone -shippers included- saying "he should sue those stalkers" like girlssss I thought that wasn't him being stalked? JSKSJD but well. That's about the fandom and not really about him.
I can't with jikookers tho, because some others are saying "well, he's not going to admit to having a girlfriend" and they're right. Jikookers have spent two years calling Jimin and Jungkook liars but now they're trying to act like the bigger person acting like they're offended at people calling him opportunistic and an editor of the truth. Like they don't do that themselves everytime their imagination of jikook doesn't fit reality.
For the record, I actually believe they would deny a girlfriend even if they had one. I said that months and months ago, that they would deny a relationship if it was the best thing to do because they're putting their careers first. ESPECIALLY Jungkook now, who's so desperate for fame. He'd literally be the first to deny a girlfriend the most vehemently even if he had one.
Not to mention it was the wrong place and time to say "actually yeah I have a girlfriend". Like I'm going to need people to be real.
The women who date people like them know that. They know they're not going to be acknowledged publicly. Chen was it? From exo. He's not even as famous as BTS and he never admitted to having a girlfriend, even though a lot of his fans already knew about it. He only came through when he had to get married, and that's what most do. So, if idols who are far less popular than BTS are keeping their romantic lives private, do army really think BTS -who have way more to lose- wouldn't do the same?????
As fun as gossip is and sometimes you just want to watch the world burn, I also don't really believe that they should admit to relationships. Part of me thinks that in case of taennie for example, all those photos were leaked and they've been seen together, they should've acknowledged it out of respect. On the other hand, they don't really owe anyone an explanation.
There's stuff that bothers me on a personal level, like once Harry Styles said he's never had a public relationship, when in fact everyone in the world who's interested could make a timeline of every single relationship he's ever had in his life because of how public he was about it. But... the thing is he was seen in public with his girlfriends but he never acknowledged them to the public. He doesn't get asked about them in interviews, fans don't ask him about it either. He doesn't even speak to the fans outside of his concerts. He definitely never brings up his girlfriends on conversations either. He doesn't show up to events with them.
So that bothered me a lot when he said that because it's very gaslight-y imo. Like, dude... we've seen it all. We've seen you with them. And the thing about taennie is pathetic to me in a similar fashion because we've also seen it and everybody pretends it doesn't exist. And the thing about following her on Instagram and victimizing himself like the app had done something wrong to him. That was so shitty. One thing Taehyung does have in his favor is that at least he never really denied it either.
In conclusion, I'm just a girl and human and sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me and there's a lot of lingering frustration about not knowing everything. At the same time, logically and empathetically, I understand that people are under no obligation to disclose personal information.
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readyplayerhobi · 1 year
Drabble Prompt!
MC and her best friend/boyfriend were supposed to have a picnic outside, but when they got there, it started to pour. In an attempt to turn the day around, [member] convinces MC to enjoy the rain (maybe even dance a little?).
Okay but...can we agree we're here for the pining? I've modified this a little but...the inspiration is this soft boi below 🥺
Best friend!Jungkook x reader
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"I'm here! With kimbap and beer."
"Great! I'm in the kitchen, making your fave." You call out to your best friend, hearing him kicking off his shoes before the soft shuffle of his socked feet down the hallway.
"Jjigae?" Jungkook asks excitedly, his already big eyes even bigger in question whilst his lips purse into a gentle pout. The sheer innocence in his face makes you smile, even as you shake your head.
"No, how would we take that on a picnic with us? It'd be cold by the time we got there." You chide softly, grinning at he groans and let's himself flop onto the surface of the kitchen island next to you. His chin length is looking extra poofy today, and you know that he's probably run his fingers through it a million times since it dried after a shower.
"We're only going to the park, it's not that far." Jungkook whines, turning his head until his chin is laid on his crossed arms. The black t-shirt he's wearing is baggy, as usual, and let's you see his sleeve of tattoos. They'd originally been mostly black and white, but he'd been adding vibrant colour to them lately.
"Still. No, I'm making sandwiches. Boring, but reliable. There's some snack sausages in the fridge too, if you wanna eat them now." Gesturing to the fridge, you continue to finish making the aforementioned sandwiches.
Jungkook, as expected, dives into the pack of meaty goodness eagerly whilst he waits, his butt now firmly on a stool. Occasionally, he feeds you one when he feels like sharing.
You'd just finished slicing the sandwiches into squares to make sure they can fit in the container, when you hear a faint rumbling. Frowning once more, you tilt your head to the side and listen a bit more intently. It takes another minute or so, but there's another rumble of what is unmistakably thunder.
Abandoning the kitchen, and ignoring Jungkook's noise of confusion, you head into the living room and look out the window. There's no window in your kitchen, given the layout of your apartment.
"God dammit!" You curse, running a hand over your cheek before swearing some more.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, coming up behind you before pausing and taking in the same sight you were. "Oh...shit. I didn't know there was gonna be a storm, it was fine earlier."
"Well, we can't go have a picnic now. Not unless we want to get drenched and possibly electrocuted." Now you're the one pouting, and you don't notice the adoring smile on Jungkook's face before he reaches out and squeezes your cheeks.
"Cute," He murmurs, making your stomach flutter. "And it's okay, we can have an inside picnic. Besides, it means we can finally catch up on our shows. We're way behind and I have to almost beat Jimin up to make sure he doesn't spoil anything."
"But I..." Jungkook raises one, well defined brow and you know that he's won.
Not that there'd even been an argument, but he'd always win. Something he knew, as well.
"Fine, make the living room comfy then. If I can't eat out in the fresh air then I want to at least feel like I'm being eaten by the sofa." You whine before heading into the kitchen to grab the food and drinks.
Jungkook acknowledges your request as he watches you go, fondness and a bigger, much deeper emotion, making his eyes soft while he smiles gently. If he could, he'd go out and fight those clouds for ruining your excitement, but he's not got any supernatural powers.
Turning to the sofas, he takes a deep breath before starting the task you'd given him. No, he can't fight the clouds, but he can hopefully make you feel happy again.
The storm doesn't bother him, as he knows that he's already happy. He's with you - how could he not be?
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
oh my GOD ninny- i LOVED the fricking drabble for princess! Please, force feed us more!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Let's see.. oh yeah, how about I tell you about the time he put MC on her fridge?
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"We bought that for the entire week, not just today." Jungkook scolds you, closing the fridge again right into your face. "You can't just eat everything at once." He explains, and you cross your arms, annoyed.
"It's not like I don't have the money for it." You huff, glaring at him. "It wasn't even all that expensive-"
"But it's wasteful." He argues. "You'll open all the packages, and then stuff gets bad quicker. Wasting food is a no-go." He denies you, and nod after a moment, feeling a bit ashamed about it.
Jungkook is really trying to help you get used to a normal life- because he plans on making that a possibility for you, once he gets you out of that slave contract. And its obvious he, to some degree, has to start at the very basics of living on your own, and that includes things such as this. You've never learned how to pace your emotions at all, and so he can't blame you for getting so overly excited about all the groceries you bought today- wanting to eat them all at once, no feeling of hunger or appetite at all.
Or more so, you have a constant appetite, at all times- but no idea how to really listen to your body if it's just a craving, or genuine hunger.
And it's not just food you seem to have this problem with- it's also other aspects of life. Be it at dance practice where you can get so excited about things that you almost faint on him due to exhaustion, and whenever you're comfortable, you'll sleep until you get a headache from it. You have barely any feeling for time, you never got taught how to use money and how to value it, and you also never been out as much as these days with him.
He will probably forever remember that ride on the bus with you, simply because you were so in awe of everything around you. In a way, it's also interesting to him, because all the things that are normal and boring to him, are mesmerizing to you.
The second he's not looking at you however, you're back at the fridge, and frankly, he's had enough of your antics today. So with not much thought, he picks you up, and puts you right on top of the small fridge you have in your apartment, before stepping back.
"Let me down!" You argue, but he just shakes his head. "This isn't funny-"
"Never said it was." He tells you. "But you get what you deserve. I told you, you've been really testing me today, and I can really only take so much." He explains, making your curled tail unravel in shame as you realize how exhausting you must've been for him. And the moment he sees that, he walks closer again, carefully getting you back down to look at you. "I'm not angry at you. Just a little exhausted." He jokes, and you nod.
"M' sorry." You apologize, but he just pets your head playfully, before he walks towards your couch, where you sit down as well. "What're you doing?" You ask, and he shrugs, before he lays down.
"I need to recharge." He tells you. "Babysitting is making me tired, you know?" He teases, but much to his surprise, you instead quietly lay down next to him, even going as far as to cuddle up, before you wait, most likely for any sort of reaction.
But all you get, is his arm around you, pulling you in more comfortably-
quietly accepting not only the close proximity, but so much more.
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taleasnewastime · 1 year
WIILYTM request?
First serious disagreement/make up
Please and thank you 🫶
Not sure how serious this disagreement is, guess it depends on your views of cheese. But thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1527
Warnings: angst, raised voices, it's pretty tame tbh.
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You can hear Zac’s giggling as soon as you manage to open the door, can hear Jungkook’s dulcet tones causing those giggles. It lightens your mood only slightly, but after your long, crap day it’s not enough to completely eradicate your bad mood.
Hanging onto the bags full of food shopping, you push the front door closed with your foot. You don’t bother taking your shoes off, just want to get the shopping into the kitchen to unload the food into the fridge. It’s like a minefield walking across the living room. It generally is at this time, Zac’s toys strewn across the floor after playing with them after school, but today it doesn’t help your mood.
“Hey babe,” Jungkook calls out eyes firmly on the TV and the game they’re playing. Zac doesn’t acknowledge your presence, just leans on his knees to make sure he can keep his view of the TV clear while you walk in front of it.
You don’t reply to Jungkook, don’t make any comments about Zac not welcoming you home, you just focus on getting to your destination and finally placing the shopping down. Arms aching, back hurting, you stretch after placing the bags on the kitchen floor. It sometimes feels like you should enter the world’s strongest woman competition after particularly big shops.
It takes you time to unload the shopping, the whole time you can hear the TV playing, Jungkook’s comments about the game and Zac’s subsequent giggles. It simultaneously makes you happy while also pissing you off. You’re in here doing all the work while they’re sat having fun.
You’re stewing the whole time, but the final straw is when you get the stuff out for tea only to find one of the ingredients you thought you already had isn’t there.
“Did you eat the cheese?”
Jungkook’s eyes flick to your face and back to the TV, but whatever he must have caught in your face has him looking back at you again. His focus now split evenly between you and the game. Zac continues to lightly bounce next to him, oblivious to the fight that is about to break out.
“I made me and Zac cheese on toast after school,” he says it plainly, like there’s no problem, like it’s not a big issue. It only infuriates you more.
“You ate half a block of cheese?” You ask, but don’t let him answer the questions. “I needed it for tea tonight, now I have no idea what to make.”
“Didn’t you just do a shop?” You can see the instant regret on Jungkook’s face, he knows he’s fucked it but it’s too late to take the words back.
“Yes. I did,” you say through gritted teeth and an overly fake smile. “And maybe next time you’d like to message me before I do the shop to let me know when we’re out of something so I can buy more and make sure we have everything to feed us for the week.”
You’re being dramatic, you know, but you also can’t seem to back down. You didn’t sleep well last night, had a long day at work where someone held an hour meeting about what they were going to do in a different hour meeting, and then you had to do a food shop when all you wanted to do was come home and collapse. You know Jungkook’s picked up Zac from school, know he’s looked after him for the hours you’ve been at work and shopping and while you know Jungkook doesn’t resent that you also know how tiring that can be. It’s not just you who must be tired and yet you become selfish in your low mood.
The games paused, Zac’s no longer bouncing but instead is trying to melt into the sofa as if he wants to disappear in fear that at any second he might be pulled into this. Neither you nor Jungkook seem to be able to take any of this rationally, neither of you wanting to back down.
“What do you want me to do, ask every time I want to eat something from the fridge?” Jungkook’s own voice has started to raise in volume, his tone turning snappy.
“It’s written on the fridge, Jungkook,” you say. “Tonight’s mac and cheese, how am I supposed to make that without cheese?”
You swear you see his eyes darken. You watch as he places the remote beside him, eyes on you the whole time, face set and hard.
“Just make something else, Y/N.”
“It’s already sixty thirty, but yes, of course, I’ll spend a couple more hours rustling something up,” you say it sarcastically and can hear how harsh you sound.
“Fine,” Jungkook shouts as he stands up. “I’ll go and buy some fucking cheese.”
“No, it’s alright, I’ll –”
“No,” Jungkook cuts you off. “You want mac and cheese.”
“Jungkook,” you start to retract but it’s too late.
“Zac,” Jungkook ignores you, Zac’s eyes widen from the sofa, you can almost see the fear that this is when he’s dragged into the argument. Your heart aches a little that you started all of this in front of him. “Want to come buy some cheese with me?”
The wide, worried eyes shoot to you. Forcing a smile to your lips, you try to soften your features as you look down at him and give him a small nod. His face goes back to Jungkook. The silence while Zac tries to work out what to do it long and loud.
Finally he nods his head, eyes darting back to you as if to check one last time that that’s ok. You smile a little wider and he darts off the sofa. Jungkook doesn’t look at you as he turns and follows Zac, both of them walking out the door without saying goodbye.
You stand staring at the door for a few seconds, regret flowing through you. It’s funny how fast your mood can change. How angry you were and now how guilty you feel.
Sighing you look around the room. You guess you have some time now to clean before starting to cook the pasta. They won’t be long buying cheese but they’ll be longer than if you started cooking now.
By the time you hear the front door open and close, a pause before the noise of small feet running up the stairs, you have the pasta almost cooked and the sauce bubbling.
There are slower, louder steps that head in your direction. As they get closer you turn the heat down but don’t turn to look at the door.
“I got the cheese.”
When you look over your shoulder Jungkook’s stood framed by the door, the cheese held loosely in his hand.
You take a breath before fully turning to look at him. “I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t say anything just slowly walks towards you. Your heart drops, did you really fuck it up that badly that he won’t even say anything? The shouting was better than this. It was just about cheese for fucks sake.
“I had a long, crap day,” you try again. “Which isn’t an excuse. Well, it was. I’m doing a crap job of saying sorry.” Jungkook’s stood in front of you now, still un-talking, though your rambling doesn’t give him much time to. “It was a long day and I was tired and annoyed and I took that out on you.” He places the cheese on the side next to you, focus staying on you. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you. I shouldn’t have –”
Your words get swallowed up as your face is pressed into Jungkook’s chest. His arms wrap around you pulling you tightly into him. The first thing that crosses your mind is how amazing he smells, why does he always smell like fresh cotton and home?
“I’m sorry too,” his deep timbre rumbles through you.
You pull away enough to look up at him, chin now on his chest. He gets a double chin as he looks down at you, it makes you smile, at least everything about his isn’t perfect.
“You don’t need to apologise.”
“I got angry too,” he argues.
“I started it.”
“Over some cheese.”
Your lips quirk up, threatening a laugh. “That you and Zac ate. Who eats half a bl–”
“Shh,” he says, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours. When he speaks again the words are mumbled against your lips. “Let’s not start again.”
You huff a laugh. Jungkook pecks your lips again before pulling away. You let your head fall onto his chest again, a few more seconds won’t hurt. You both stand in each other’s arms, lightly swaying on the spot. If this is how you make up from every argument you wouldn’t be annoyed if you did it more often.
“I was going to clean the living room,” Jungkook says softly.
You hum, not immediately understanding.
He kisses the crown of your head. “You cleaned up after Zac. I was going to do that later.”
You laugh into his chest, squeezing him a little tighter. Why is he always so sweet?
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eclipsethemagic · 5 months
jιn ιѕ вald dawgѕ
8 participants-8 online
Jungkook: bruh who named the group chat
Y/n: that would be me why? Ain't it a pretty name?
Jimin: I mean-
Hobi: you bold for this one
Y/n: am not
Hobi: are too
Namjoon: tf?
Tae: Namjoon hyung cursing?
Yoongi: it’s late, why are y'all texting me at this late hour
Y/n: it's 7. What is there to be late from?
Namjoon: tae shut up
Tae: no you
Namjoon: I'm not arguing with you today
Jimin: you wasn't going to anyway
Jin: shut up. And change the group chat name now
Y/n: fine.
wαp wαp jín α grαndpα
Jungkook: bro 😭
Jin: see she's always fucking with me
This is why we fight
Y/n: you don't own a gun?
Yoongi: Fr
Jimin: stop using my slag
Hobi: dude what.
Jungkook: short people always talking
Jimin: don't you're mom love me tho?
Jungkook: and?
Y/n: she loves me too
Was in her bed last night
Fucking her raw
Jin: what
Jungkook: this is why I blocked you now
Always saying dumb shit
Y/n: fight me pussy
Jimin: how about we don't?
Tae: how about we do
Namjoon: yeah y'all slow
Jin: didn't you fail to plug up the radio
I seen you struggling don't lie
Namjoon: I hope you die
Y/n: im-
Jungkook: wow hyung
Tae: can I kill him with you?
Hobi: what
Tae: what? I want his hoodies
Yoongi: so you want him dead for his hoodies?
Namjoon: don't even have him explain it
He's fucking slow too
Tae: imma stab you
Jimin: I leave for two seconds
Y/n: that ain't nothing new
Jin: change the gc
Y/n: no
Jin kicked y/n out the gc
Jungkook: you gonna get her back or-
Namjoon: I leave for a second
and she's already kicked
Tae added Y/n
Y/n: fuck you jin, old bitch
Jin: fuck me? fuck you
Yoongi: how about both of yall shut the fuck up
Jimin: damn
Namjoon: You too
Jungkook: double kill
Hobi: pew pew
Y/n kicked Yoongi out the gc
Y/n kicked Namjoon out the gc
Hobi: oh.
Jimin: yeah good night hyung
Jungkook: fr same gotta feed the dog hahah
Tae: i gotta walk my fish?
Jin: you don't have one
Tae: don't worry about me old man
Jungkook:...yeah bye
Jungkook offline
Hobi: haha haha
Hobi offline
Tae offline
Jin: just you, me and jimin huh
Jimin: tf you mean i'm leaving
Jimin offline
Y/n offline
Jin: damnit! you damn brats
A/n: Now y’all probably thinking right, where the hell this come from and I’ll tell y’all what. This same like group chat is on wattpad that I posted on one of my stories? Like my bts one shots😭 so if y’all have seen half of the stuff I did post it came from wattpad as well:)
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kuqskink · 2 years
"ғᴏʀ ʜᴏᴡ ʟᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʜɪᴅᴇ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ?"
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴊᴊᴋ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ sᴇʀɪᴇs]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ﹪⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
⸙͎: ɪ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴇxᴄᴇᴘᴛ ʏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀɴ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪᴅᴏʟ's ʀᴇᴀʟ ʟɪғᴇ.
ᴊᴊᴋ ɪs ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇ ᴏғ ᴘsʏᴄʜᴏᴘᴀᴛʜ
sᴏᴍᴇ sᴄᴇɴᴇs ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ɪs
ᴡʜʏ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ғʀᴏᴍ ʙᴇғᴏʀ!
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In one of the hospital rooms the doctor was trying to feed the 4 year old kid who was whining about the food.
Rowoon:"But ynnie I don't want to eat this it's disgusting, woonie not likwee"
Rowoon said whining.
Well hi i am yn and if y'all are wondering rowoon was one of my clients and his parents didn't treat him well and would leave him with me and didn't bother paying bills for his sessions so I decided to take matters into my hands and ended up taking custody of him cuz he was badly disowned and it hurted me seeing him like that.
Even before I used to pay for his sessions because I knew I had to support this child and remove his built up trauma and save him from this situation as he was a young soul with no one in this cruel world.
Yn:"No woonie u have to eat just one bite for ynie and then just see u will become as strong as superman. My woonie will eat for his yennie right. Please baby"
You sighed for the tenth time as he refused to eat .
You just looked at the plate full of food feeling sorry for him as the hospital food was pretty bad.
Your thoughts got interrupted by a knock on the door.
It was no one other than Jennie, your best friend.
She was our friend since college and is now a nurse in the hospital as you.
She was the only person who knew about our secrets and rowoon because you didn't want anyone else to know.
Jennie:"Hey yn! There is a client waiting to see you in your office".
Yn:" oh ok I will take my leave but can you look after woonie for me and please get him to eat something, will you? "
She nodded as you mouthed a thank you and left the room.
As you entered the office you smiled looking at the client waiting for you.
Yn:"Hello ma'am I am yn and I will be taking care of you today"
you said and smiled at her
Mrs.kim:" yn nice to meet you daughter I'm kim Jongwoo. "
She said making you memorised by her sweet actions.
Yn:"Ok Mrs Kim, mind telling me about what happened in the past which is making you uneasy"
Mrs.kim:" Well, a couple of days ago I was taking a stroll in the park and suddenly got interrupted by a group of guys in all black suits .They forcefully pulled me into a car and drove off. I remember that one of them injected something in me to make me faint and after that I remember waking up by water being dumped on me and I saw someone I didn't ever want to see in my life. He was one of my husband's enemies who tried to bankrupt our company once and afterwards started cursing at me and threatening me about killing my son and a person just like my son, Jungkook. Thankfully my husband saved me but those things still give me terrible flashbacks and I see it hard to forget."
Yn:"Wait miss can you tell the name you took after talking bout your son"
Her eyes widened after hearing this name as she was sweating a little.
??:"Can't you do your fucking job right huh"
he yelled at the detective indicating his anger as he was his ninth detective he hired this month just to
Find his love
His anger took peak as he lost control and stood up taking the gun out of his pocket.
??:"You know I don't like failures staying alive so get ready to face the end of your life once in for all"
he said before pulling the trigger and
He shot him on his chest, stomach and the last one on his forehead to seal the deal.
He smirked looking at the lifeless body laying on the ground.
He called out for his men and ordered them to get rid of the body.
As they left he started to stare at the wall and took a glass and threw it on the wall making it shatter into millions of pieces .
He started to laugh like Maniac and said to himself.
"Don't worry love once I find you I am never gonna let you go "
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soft-bellied-tannies · 8 months
Supernatural Buffet
Chubtober Day 20 is mixing both of fatguarddog's prompts for today - bloodsucker and buffet! I love any opportunity for vampire Yoongi so enjoy this little idea draft turned drabble lol.
Read here or on AO3!
The pack…coven…supernatural polycule, whatever you prefer, was a rare one. Seven different supernatural creatures in a happy, committed relationship was quite odd, but it worked well for them.
Witch Jin, dryad Namjoon, elf Hoseok, siren Jimin, djinn Taehyung, werewolf Jungkook, and the focus of this story, vampire Yoongi. 
Yoongi typically fed from ethically sustained blood bags or from one of his mates when he needed a more fulfilling feed. However, with a major birthday coming up, his mates surprised him with what Jin joking referred to as a “supernatural buffet”. 
With planning and preparation, all six of them ensured that they were fully hydrated with an extra nutritional shot Jin whipped up for all of them.
Yoongi had never fed from more than one mate in one night, but the thought alone was enough to have his fangs threatening to spring from his mouth the second they explained his special gift. 
They all got comfortable and set the atmosphere of the bedroom with low lighting and gentle jazz music from Taehyung’s collection on the record player. Knowing that they all had different effects on him, Yoongi chose the order of his mates with intention. 
He started with Jungkook, knowing the wolf’s blood typically gave him energy and enthusiasm - both the perfect start for his long, intimate night. The youngest climbed into the vampire’s lap without hesitation, fully removing his shirt and gently scenting Yoongi’s neck before baring his own for the first bite. 
Yoongi had to use restraint to pull away from Jungkook’s neck to leave room for five more bites. He tenderly ran his hands up and down the wolf’s back as he went more lax in Yoongi’s lap.
It was only a matter of minutes before Jungkook was ready to move, his metabolism and healing abilities allowing him to regain his energy quickly. 
Namjoon and Taehyung were the next two with more time in between than Jungkook’s quick feed. The dryad’s blood had a much more earthy taste, almost like a savory meal before Yoongi got a near sugar rush from the djinn’s sweet and vibrant taste.
Yoongi knew both of them would need time to recover and with all six on the menu that evening, the vampire could take less from each of them. 
Although, Yoongi would admit that halfway through, he was already more than full. He rarely ate to fullness, just enough to get by for at least a few days. He felt his stomach working hard to process his large intake as the fabric of his sweater was hugging his bloated middle. 
He thought about asking for a little break to breathe and digest, but Yoongi knew that waiting longer would only make it harder to keep eating later.
Waving Hoseok over next seemed like the best option, the honey-like sweetness and bright flavor were supposed to be a pick-me-up. 
Yoongi was likely too full for that pick-me-up as he simply felt more content and stuffed with another round of feeding. Hoseok always was the most fatigued by feeding, typically laying on Yoongi’s shoulder as he let his energy build back up, but the vampire simply could not wait even longer to finish his feast. He needed to get to the last feed as quickly as possible for multiple reasons. 
Jungkook, already feeling good as new, accepted the nod from Yoongi before lifting Hoseok from the vampire’s lap and carrying him over to the loveseat for a cuddle session with Taehyung. Jin then took Hoseok’s place, knowing from the start that Yoongi would save Jimin for his dessert. 
The witch moved his cardigan aside and exposed his skin, stealing a quick kiss from Yoongi’s lips as the taste of residual blood had not bothered him for many years now. Jin leaned farther into him, knowing that the vampire was weighed down by the biggest feed of his life. 
“Just take a little, Yoon. Wouldn’t want you getting sick,” Jin whispered quietly, stealing one more kiss before feeling Yoongi’s teeth break his skin. He let Yoongi cut it off with only a few mouthfuls, hearing the groans the vampire was letting out to push through. 
Jin was able to move from his little blood loss, climbing off Yoongi’s lap with ease. He took a new spot on Namjoon’s lap, seeing that all their mates were now fixated on the look of relief and anticipation on Yoongi’s face as he watched Jimin walk toward him. 
The siren knew from the start that he would be last, his blood having an almost euphoric effect on the vampire. Yoongi often had to feed from Jimin when he had time to rest and recover because the siren’s blood left him in a high-like state for hours after a feed - an absolutely incredible feeling that Yoongi treasured.
Jimin tenderly massaged Yoongi’s taut stomach, wincing at the lack of give in the vampire’s skin. He heard the pleasured moans from his mate and continued his motions until he brought Yoongi’s mouth to his neck. 
“Go ahead, babe; take as much as you want,” Jimin directed quietly, having taken a potion from Jin and a long swim in their lake to prepare for the evening. He didn’t always let Yoongi feed without a limit, but it was a special night and the vampire had little room, if any left so Jimin figured it couldn’t hurt to let him have his fill. 
Obscene noises came from Yoongi’s mouth as he latched onto the siren’s neck and fed as if he was starved. It was an effect that Jimin’s blood would never cease to have for him and he ate and ate well beyond what room he had left. The siren’s soft hands continued to relieve some pressure on his midsection allowing him to take more than he intended.
Yoongi seemed to be nearly knocked out before he even removed his teeth from Jimin’s neck. The siren tenderly pulled him away, resting the vampire’s head on the stack of pillows below him and running a hand through Yoongi’s hair. He accepted the silk handkerchief from Jin and cleaned the streaks running down the vampire’s chin and neck. 
Jimin went to climb off the bed, allowing Jin to fully adjust Yoongi and tuck him in when he was hit with a dizzy spell and felt Jungkook’s strong arms catch. The siren shared a glance with Jin and glanced at Yoongi, “I guess he took more than I thought. He’s going to be hurting in the morning.” 
Jungkook carried Jimin to Taehyung where the siren instantly dozed off on the djinn’s shoulder, assuming the other’s would clean up from their amazing night. They placed Jimin and Hoseok on either side of Yoongi, all three feeling the heaviest of the evening’s effects, and turned in for the night. 
When Yoongi woke up, he was joined in bed only by Jimin who seemed to still be out of it. He thought back to the night before and had a bit of guilt knowing that he was overtaken by his blood lust for his mates, definitely overfeeding from the siren. 
One thing Yoongi also realized after processing who was next to him was the fact that he still felt completely and overly full. His hand found his stomach and it felt like he hadn’t digested a single bit from his buffet-style feed the night before. He had never been so bloated in his life, not even thinking this was possible for vampires to experience. 
Other things would be learned from this experience as well like the fact that vampires can actually manage to gain weight when the right combination of blood was consumed. His impressive feed left him with a new layer of pudge on his lower stomach when the bloat finally settled - a change to his immortal body that hadn’t happened in centuries. 
Yoongi didn’t particularly care, especially when his mates kept telling him that he looked so adorable with a little more weight on his frame. Some of his old outfits were a tight squeeze, but having six mates meant he wasn’t short on clothes to share. 
What Yoongi did care about was the fact that his body was itching to feed like that again. Sure, his normal hunger was still there and his mates returned to their normal feeding schedule aside from Jimin. Yoongi had to explain to the siren that he really needed to monitor himself, immense guilt from literally draining life from his beloved partner. 
After three months and deciding the physical changes be damned, Yoongi grew desperate and asked his mates for a repeat. He explained the fulfilling and euphoric sensation he experienced on top of the urge for that intensely genuine intimacy.
His mates wanted nothing more than his happiness and if feeding from them in that way brought him happiness, they would gladly do it again. 
Jin prepared nutritional supplements that were particular for each of their needs including a special mixture for Jimin to try to avoid the drain he felt during the first experience.
It had taken some convincing for Yoongi to feed from Jimin again, but between his immense desire for all six of them again and Jimin’s ever-strong and genuine reassurance, the vampire’s excitement and confidence in his restraint had returned. 
This practice became a monthly occurrence, completely changing Yoongi’s years-old feeding schedule. He was now getting more than he ever needed in that one night and the physical consequences that came with that new feeding style were well worth it. 
Each feed resulted in that small pudgy tummy developing into more and more of a belly, a bit of weight seeming to stick around from whatever combination of effects his mates’ various blood types had on his body. He played around with the arrangement and made a few discoveries. 
Witch and wolf blood back to back caused intense bloating that lasted even longer than his typical feed bloating stuck around. Starting with djinn blood seemed to maximize his stomach space as if it were granting a wish for increased capacity.
Alternating between dryad and elf blood had the most lovely, umami taste as if he were eating a robust meal. And, as always, siren blood was saved for last as it closed out each feed with the most lovely, warm feeling. 
Yoongi had completely done away with blood bags, nearly disgusted by the impersonal and plastic taste that he put up with for years. Single feeds were just not enough anymore, constantly wanting and craving for more once he started a feeding session.
On top of all those changes, the intimacy and bond between him and his mates was stronger than ever. 
The vampire wouldn’t call it an addiction perse but it certainly was a preference that changed the course of his life. He wasn’t even sure if he had the ability to lose the weight now that it was added onto his typically unchanging body and honestly, he had no interest in finding out.
His mates surely didn’t care if he was growing himself an impressively rotund potbelly so why should he?
He had learned all the tips and tricks now, knowing which order was the most visible on his waistline and what was simply long-term bloating…or maybe that’s just what he told himself.
All he knew, that birthday “supernatural buffet” as Jin called was one of the best nights of his long life and he had no intention of changing it now. 
Yoongi would gladly let Jin create a stockpile of supplements and ask Taehyung and Hoseok to size up his entire wardrobe as many times as needed if it meant he could enjoy the delicious taste of his mates. 
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