#jim lake jr. x reader
drrobobitch · 5 months
☆𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓸𝓐 𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓼𝔂 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 ☆ (yea pretty basic but it’s the best I got rn 😭)
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Warnings: slightly angsty??,cringe,slightly cursing but otherwise fluff, mentions of burning….??? And fire??mentions of injury, car crashing, and stalking?? Blinky bro- get it together man
This is so long help 💀💀😭 (also sorry I didn’t include some of the characters I got lazy)
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Jim…to say he worry’s for you is an understatement
Feels like he has to be there watching your every move so there’s no accidents
You’re bumping into walls, poles, signs, breaking things,tripping,accidentally burning things
Jim is kinda of confused…how did you not see that pole….it’s right there
But he doesn’t have the heart to throw shade your way
Even if you do break things
Very important things
In all truthfulness he is frustrated but never mad, especially at you
Even when frustrated he doesn’t snap at you or lash out (even if he did I wouldn’t even count it as that, he just doesn’t seem like the type to yell at his s/o or anyone for that matter)
He just tries to fix it to the best of his ability
And if you try to fix it, he’ll definitely appreciate it even if it is a little…..banged up
As for the burning….
After the first time you cooked together…
Wouldn’t let you near the; stove,microwave,oven, or even the toaster without his supervision
He’s just trying to keep you safe, he doesn’t want an accident to happen, so…can you really blame him???
If you’re able to drive no you’re not 😃
You’re not getting in that car
Is scared you’ll slip up and get hurt or worse
So he’ll ride in the car with you if you’re driving
Once he gets his drivers license, you’re not driving it for a while 🧍🏾‍♀️he’s just looking out for you
When you trip he tries his best to catch to catch you but there’s no guarantee
He also tries to pull you out the way when there’s a pole which usually works
Unless he’s distracted
Another thing, he’d never laugh if you fell, and he’d always help you back up
He’s so sweet I love him he’s such a gentleman 💙
Toby pie
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Tbh he was probably scared of you at first 💀💀💀
Thought you were bad luck (thank eli for that)
He quickly figured out that wasn’t true
Nothing happened to him when you were around
It was just you tripping and falling 😭😭
He did try to help you to the best of his ability
Surprised whenever you bumped into a pole
“How did you not see that?!?! It was right there!!!”
Throws shade at you all the time for falling tripping, or worse
But always does it lightheartedly
Tells you to ‘be careful’ but you him both know that’s not possible, even if you tried
The burning now…
That’s what has him paranoid
What if you’re house burns down
“You burned my house to the ground” (sorry not sorry)
But still
Every time you tell him you’re cooking, he tells you to be careful or asks if he can help
Even if you say you don’t he’ll show up anyway 💀💀(“how I got you address…?…….don’t even worry about that bruh-“)
I mean you don’t want your house crispy do you?? 😭💀
Usually asks what you’re doing so he can keep track and be aware of what could go wrong
He’s lucky you’re just clumsy
Not one to laugh when you fall, but he has that stupid smile on his face while he helps you up
If you can drive, he feels very anxious about you driving
Doesn’t want you to get hurt or deal with the trouble of having to buy a new one and have the same thing happened over and over
So he offered to drive it for you (despite not having his license💀💀)
Either way start praying
If you break something, he helps you clean it up or just fixes it for you
If it’s something important, it’s likely that you never broke it because he never let you near it 😭😭 (no shade to you he’s just being careful)
But if you do break something important he’s definitely frustrated and you can tell
Toby is a very honest person, so he usually voices how he feels and his opinion
In this scenario…dw he’s not the type to yell at you or anything but he will slightly raise his voice an octave or two
But you can tell he’s upset
“I told you to be careful!! I told you this was really important, and to be careful with it……why didn’t you listen to me”
He knows that even if you tried you couldn’t but is still frustrated
But he’s not mad at you, he could never be mad at you
You usually try to fix it afterwards, which he is great full for that
Like a lot
(He’s so sweet I love Toby 🧡)
Claire bear
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Tbh she just feels bad for you
You bump into stuff, fall and trip, burn things in chemistry by accident (you got ms. Janeth growing gray hairs💀💀)
And you break your own projects and assignments 😭😭😭
She usually offers to help you fix it
Let’s you know when there’s a pole or wall up ahead
Tries to stop you from tripping, but once again no guarantee
Is praying you don’t or haven’t already fell down the stairs (you have)
Tries to cook you food before you try to make it or she’ll buy you so many snacks or take out that you don’t even need to make lunch or make food 💀💀
Will also try and keep track of where you are so that she can be there to help you if you’re in danger
If you’ve got a car, she won’t necessarily drive it for you or tell you not to drive you
But will offer for you to ride or walk with her to spend time with you
And she’ll ask you almost everyday(she’s so slick)
It’s her little way of getting you to not drive the car without outright telling you (Claire is so smart, Claire>>>>>>)
Definitely helps you clean if you break something, if its glass…you’re not going anywhere near it or the mess you just made
Knowing you, you’d probably step on it or worse
If you break something important, like Toby, she probably didn’t let you near it in the first place
If you do break it…..
She’ll definitely be pissed
But she won’t say anything (that’s how you know bruh 💀)
She definitely wouldn’t yell at you, like at all
She wouldn’t even know what to say
In the end she feels bad because SHE thinks that YOU think she hates you
She doesn’t, and she lets you know that after a bit or after she’s calmed down
She’s more so frustrated than mad
If you try to fix it, she’ll definitely appreciate that
(Claire is a W girlfriend)
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Confused as to why you keep bumping into walls and poles
Can you not see??? Are you blind??
Toby tells him you’re just clumsy but…..he doesn’t understand
What does clumsy mean?? And what does that have to do with you falling all the time??
Catches you when you trip or fall, not just sometimes, but all the time
He doesn’t pull you out of the way when there’s a wall or a pole
Instead he picks you up :)
Offers to carry you so that it’s less hazardous for you when traveling
Feels a little uneasy when you drive a car 😭😭
He doesn’t want you to crash okay 😭
As for cooking..
No 😃
Hell no😦
He can’t really stop you…
Well not that he can’t he just doesn’t 💀💀
The others keep track of you for him (mainly Toby)
So they’re there supervising, you…a grown adult
They know you feel embarrassed but they don’t care, they’re saving your life
And your house-
But anyways back to AAARRRGGHH
Won’t stop you from driving a car, but if you get in an accident even once
Gets nervous about you driving one again or any vehicle for that matter
If you break something he’s probably gonna eat it 💀💀 (if it is something he can eat)
Dw it doesn’t hurt him even if it is broken glass
If you break something important, he probably wouldn’t even be mad
Not even frustrated more so sad if anything at all
Does say anything either just holds it looking sad
Which makes you feel bad (and sad)
So you fix it (or try at least)
Which he very much appreciates, and it lifts his spirits quite a bit :) 💚
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Also confused as to how your bumping into walls
Like bbg can you not see???
Probably thought you had bad luck but after a while figured out that wasn’t the case
Still a bit cautious around you though
Tries to warn you when there’s a pole but is usually too late
Also try’s to catch you when you trip, which he always does of course cus it’s Blinkous duh 🙄 (my 5th hubby wubby/hj)
For his own sake he HAS to be there to watch you cook
Also you’ve caught him following you from time to time, he’s just looking out for you buddy, he’s trying his best
He mainly just asks where you’re headed so he can know what you’re up to
Will try and distract you from getting into your car (doesn’t work and if it does it’s rare)
And since you know how stressed he gets about you driving, and since you don’t want to stress him out further
You’ll usually just walk
If you break something he’ll probably clean it up for you or help fix it
If it was something important, he probably was sure to keep it on him so that there’s less of a chance of you breaking it
If you do break something important, he’d definitely be frustrated but not mad per say
And you can tell
He just sighs and quietly grumbles whilst trying his best to fix it
Would not give you the chance to fix it at all and is scared you’ll break it further
In the end he let’s it go because he knows you can’t help it
Even though you stress him out sometimes he still loves you (I love my hubby wubby)
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Finds it partially amusing that you bump into poles and walls
But if you fall over or are actually hurt by it then that’s where the hilarity of it ends
At first he thought you just had bad luck or something, but he checked and you didn’t
So you explain you were just really clumsy…and partially hazardous 💀💀
Pulls you out the way if there’s a pole up ahead or just warns you before you hit the pole and or wall
Usually catches you if you fall and if HE doesn’t then he was probably just using his magic
Sometimes if he’s in a particular mood he’ll let you fall, but he’ll make sure that you don’t get hurt (but still 💀💀)
Doesn’t trust you in the car, so he ‘offers’ to drive for you
If you do drive……naur 💀💀
He’s getting out
And throws shade at you while doing so (lightheartedly of course)
He doesn’t let you cook either, he doesn’t have the insurance for an apartment fire (💀💀💀💀 I’m sorry, no like I’m actually sorry that’s funny and it shouldn’t be)
So instead of supervising he’s the one doing the cooking
But usually gets take out so there’s less of a chance
He barely trusts you the toaster
The amount of times you’ve broken something is beyond me 😭😭
If you break something, he’ll help you clean it, or offer too at least
He knows you’re an adult and you can handle it yourself but he doesn’t want you to be hurt
Especially if it’s broken glass
If you break something of importance
Tbh idek what his reaction is
Believe it or not
He’s only a little frustrated, if at all
He’s more so exasperated if anything
When he sees it broken he’s just like “oh……here give it to me I’ll fix it”
🧍🏾‍♀️like bro ur not mad??
If you’re insistent on fixing it (which you are) then he’ll let you
He does appreciate it though
Like a lot
Steve the Palchuk
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Probably made fun of you and laughed at you whenever you fell when he first met you
Then was kinda scared of you cause Eli told him you were bad luck
But now he doesn’t
He’s still somewhat amused
Just no longer out right making fun of you
He does help you up when you fall
“Hey, watch where you’re going, I don’t want you getting hurt..”
Yes pookie
Anyways, Steven usually tries to catch you
But he’s also a bit clumsy so you both end up falling down 😭😭
He is definitely one to warn you, not just when there’s poles in front of you but around you as well
Will sometimes pull you out of the way closer to him to look…heroic??? (Steve come on-)
Doesn’t let you drive his Vespa
And if you have a car of your own
😅 nah man-
“Oh please fuck that car, get on my Vespa” 💀💀💀
Doesn’t understand how tf you burn things
How???? Especially if you were watching it the whole time
As much as he wants to protect you but still
He’s scared to come over when you cook
Especially if it’s over the stove
If you break something he usually offers to help fix it or pay for it
Even if he doesn’t have the money for it (aww Steve 🥲)
If you break something important
He won’t be mad more frustrated
And if it has anything to do with the sake of Arcadia then he’s scared screaming and running around like a little girl
So you have to calm him down and apologize
You and him do try to fix it so he’s feeling a lot better
But still he’s nervous, are you just clumsy or bad luck???
Was Eli right???
Nahh someone this sweet could never be bad luck
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She’s never met a human this….
Clumsy??? Is that the word
Doesn’t understand why you’re bumping into poles, “they’re in front of you how did you not see them…?”
Same with walls, you’ve had to have seen it….are you blind
When you trip, she’ll giggle a little bit but she’ll help you up
She thinks you’re so silly
The amount of times you’ve broken your own projects and assignments is astonishing to her
Has watched you burn things without literally trying
And is just like 🧍🏼‍♀️”how did you do that??? Show me!!” (💀💀)
Watches you when you’re cooking
After a while connects the dots, your forbidden from the kitchen (unless it’s to eat)
If you’ve got a car
She won’t stop you from driving it
But is still worried
If you get into an accident then she probably wouldn’t let you drive it for a while after that
If you break something, she’ll offer to fix it
If it’s tech she’ll take it to krel to fix and probably improve :)
If it’s something important
Tbh I don’t see her being mad about that seeing that you didn’t do it on purpose
“I told you to be careful!!…….now look…..”
“Sorry I’m just frustrated….”
But the thing is she doesn’t look or seem frustrated
She looks more worried and sad if anything
She appreciates that you offered to fix it
Dw it’s not that she doesn’t trust you or thinks you’ll break it
It’s just that whatever it was probably wasn’t something you could fix
So now she keeps important stuff in a certain place that you can’t reach, or would have a hard time try at least
But she loves you even if you are a clumsy silly little human (I nominate Aja to be my girlfriend)
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Now this…….I’ve been waiting for this (I’m literally obsessed with this boy I love him sm)
Is also confused as to why are you are bumping into walls
“Ay yi yi yi…….are you a soolian??….it was right there…you saw it coming!!!”
Eli also told krel you were bad luck 🧍🏾‍♀️
Which krel, boy genius, obviously didn’t believe
I don’t see him pulling you out of the way when there’s a pole or a wall, I don’t really see him warning you much either 💀💀
On a good day he probably would
If it were something that could hurt you or worse would probably do both
“Be careful!!! And watch where you’re going, my love you know I can’t stand to see you hurt” 😍😍😍
Krel >>>>>>>>
Probably laughs when you fall, but helps you up)
Except when you’re hurt, then he probably feels bad and helps you up
Is actually scared FOR you
Like constantly
Bro is going through enough he don’t need this 💀
The fires, possible car accidents
💀💀he’s horrified
If you’ve got a car or something
Not anymore
He’s not letting you get in that
Literally forbids you
“As king in waiting of akiridion 5, I hereby forbid you from going in that death machine”
“Krel…….this is earth….now get out of my way I’m going to the mall-“
Probably had luug piss on your tires (making them pop, or melt…..probably-)💀💀💀
Either way you’re not getting in that car
Now the burning…..
If it’s in chemistry class
He’s probably yelling and screaming along with everyone else😭😭
If it’s because you were cooking
He gives you a blank bot so that you never have to cook again!!! 😃
And if that’s not good enough for you then sure go ahead burn your house down 💀💀💀
He’s just trying to protect you
If you break something it kinda scares him or makes him nervous
Not too sure why
He does offer to help you clean it up
Or more likely fix and improve it in any way he can
Or he’ll use parts of it (for god knows what)
If you broke something important he probably kept it away from you anyways (sorry y/n)
If you did manage to break something important
He’d be frustrated definitely
But not mad seeing as you didn’t do it on purpose
“I keep telling you to be careful!! Why don’t you listen!!! Ugh….great now I have to fix it”
That and other things pretty hurtful things in all honesty are things he says in the heat of the moment
After a while he calms down
He knows you can’t control it so what’s the point in yelling at you for it, you apologized and tried to help what’s the point in being upset
He does think you’re adorable and loves you, but when breaking his inventions….it hard to think so (no he still thinks you’re adorable)
Couldn’t add a gif for him so anyways but yea 😔
Like I said before
Bro is horrified of you
You must be bad luck or something
After a month or two of watching you…(wtf Eli not again)
He realizes that he might be wrong
None of your friends ever got hurt, just you
He’s thinking about investigating you
Which he does
You just explain to him that you’re a little bit clumsy
“Yea…., a little clumsy….”
C’mon you fell over the railing that’s not clumsy mf 🙄/j
He genuinely thinks you’ve been cursed but what’s the point in telling you that, you have enough going on
You almost burned your house down for gods sake you don’t need anything else rn
Tries to warn you if there’s a pole or a wall(the majority of the time you don’t hear him)
At this point he just feels bad for you…
If you trip he’ll try to catch you but ends up falling down with you
Won’t laugh if you fall, he’ll just help you up and tell you to be careful (even though he knows damn well you can’t 💀💀)
Like I said before Eli….thought you were cursed
So when a fire breaks out and you’re the cause
He starts freaking out
He does know now that you aren’t….or might not be
But the possibility is still there…..(I’m Eli’s eyes at least)
Honestly he’s really scared for you
Like shaking in his boots scared
And gets extra scared when you don’t respond to his texts he keeps thinking something happened
Eli is definitely a bit paranoid as always
Honestly if you break anything he’d probably just let you clean it or if it were too big of a mess he’d probably helped
If it was important he probably fixes it or at least tries
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you
It’s just that he doesn’t trust whatever the fuck type of borderline hazardous shit is gonna happen yet
Especially if it’s an item that could be considered a weapon
Eli doesn’t even have to worry about you crashing your car
You wanna know why??
He told your parent(s) about the time you snuck out (to go see him 💀) and that you had basically crashed your car on the way back
Needless to say you no longer have car keys
You and Eli ended out getting into a big fight later about it
But more on that later 💪🐺🐺
Yea he loves you obviously
Even if he does think your cursed
But that’s not gonna stop him from loving you
(Sorry this was short I had to finish it quick tho)
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mydearlybeloathed · 9 months
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐢𝐦 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐣𝐫...
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: headcannons pertaining your growing relationship with the trollhunter.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jim lake jr x fem!reader
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When you met Jim, it was a normal day of school.
At least, for you it was.
For Jim, he had just been approached by two giant stone creatures telling him that he’s now their protector, and then he was attacked by an evil troll who totally kicked his ass.
But you couldn’t have known that, so it was just a normal school day.
You’d always known he existed, having gone to school with him since Kindergarten. 
But you’d never been friends, that was for sure. 
A few days before you had signed up to be a history tutor, needing some school approved service hours.
And just your luck, you had a session scheduled with Jim Lake Jr.
He was jittery, that was the first thing you realized. His eyes couldn’t stay focused on one thing for longer than two seconds, always jumping to the window.
You had been reaching for your pencil case, which was in your bag under the table. That was when you noticed his bruised up arms. Frozen in place, you also saw a large gash peeking out from his pant leg, just visible on his ankle.
It wasn’t your place to say anything, you knew. You barely knew Jim! But still… was he is trouble?
The thought distracted you, causing you to hit the back of your head on the underside of the table.
Wincing, you raised your head, spying Jim giving you a concerned look. You found yourself giving him a similar, more extreme stare. 
“So… I think we were on the Ottoman Empire in class, right?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t think you could, not without asking. It became too much after an awkward second, and you blurted out the question. “Jim, did somebody hurt you?”
The way his face lost its color sent a shiver down your spine.
He laughed a laugh that was clearly forced—strangled even. “What makes you ask that?”
“Jim… Look at you. You’re all scratched up.”
A thick silence follows your tentative declaration.
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “I, uhm, I tried to ride my bike down the side of the canal. It didn’t go so well, as you can see.”
It was a good excuse, you thought, but did you believe it? Not for a second. It took you only a few moments before your eyes narrowed and you scooted your chair closer to his. 
Jim thought you looked murderous the longer he was locked in contact with your eyes. 
“Was it Steve Palchuk? ‘Cause if it was we need to say something. This is beyond bullying, Jim.”
What was he supposed to say? Oh, nah, don’t worry, Y/N. I was just beaten to near death by a stone giant last night. No biggy.
She’d walk him to an asylum herself.
Apparently, Jim took too long to respond, which to you was an response enough. You scoffed to yourself, shoving back in your seat with crossed arms. “I cannot believe that bitch. He won’t get away with this.”
Jim just fiddled with his pencil, eyes on his textbook. He didn’t know much about Y/N L/N, but he knew she was a force to be reckoned with. Ever since elementary school she’d taken charge in city clean ups, protested in cities as far as D.C., made speeches that changed the minds of Arcadia’s city council and their school board.
When she was mad about something, everyone knew, and she wouldn’t be placated till there was a change.
Jim had to hide his smirk behind his palm; he could just imagine Steve receiving the flame that the girl beside him would unleash. 
He had to ask, “What’re you gonna do?”
Your answer was instantaneous. “Talk to him, I think. I know him well enough, us being cousins and all.”
That was a shock for sure.
A day later, Jim was walking into school when he heard the tell tale sound of your voice. He turned the corner, stopping short at the sight before him.
You, at least a head shorter than Steve, had the poor guy gripped by the ear and pulled down to your height. Jim didn’t stick around to listen to what you were saying, seeing the fury all over your face and not wanting either of you to spy him loitering there.
But Jim had to admit, the look of terror on Steve’s face was hilarious.
After that, your tutoring sessions became more and more natural over time. The conversation drifted away from history and toward other things like interests and fun stories. 
Not only that, but the time drew on longer till it wasn’t so much a tutoring session as much as it was just two friends hanging out.
It didn’t take long for Jim to realize he enjoyed spending time with you much more than he wanted to.
Much more than he wanted to.
He thinks he realized how much he actually liked you around a few months before everything went to shit.
Jim offered to walk you home when the session dragged on so long that the moon had risen into the sky.
“You don’t live too far from me, I don’t mind.”
It was as they neared your driveway that he caught sight of Blinky from the corner of his eye, shooting fear straight to his heart. 
The many-eyed troll was rustling in the bushes, tailing him and you. You were oblivious, going on about the pranks you had planned for the upcoming April Fools Day. 
Jim wanted to be listening to you, mostly so he could avoid your schemes, but also because he enjoyed the lightheartedness with which you spoke. It was a nice change from the woe he heard whenever he entered Trollmarket. But he couldn’t give you the focus he wanted with Blinky just seven feet form being spotted.
“Welp,” you sighed. “This is where we part.”
Disappointment was on both of your minds as you smiled at each other. 
He managed to hold it together when, after a moment of hesitation, you lurched forward to wrap him in a hug. Surprised, he glanced up over your shoulder to see Blinky giving him four thumbs ups.
He used one arm to hug you back, and the other to flip the troll off. 
Being the Trollhunter was dangerous for not only Jim and everyone involved. And as the two of you started to hang out without the pretense of you being his tutor, he swore to himself that you would never find out his secret.
But as you grew closer, it became increasingly difficult to hide anything from you. 
You always found his new injuries and scrapes and even once somehow detected his bruised ribs. After a while, you became suspicious, no longer assuming your cousin was behind it. 
You didn’t want to assume anything severe, but you had to worry about his home life. 
You knew his mother—you’d met Dr. Lake when you ended up sitting together to watch Jim in Romeo and Juliet—and you didn’t get the feeling she would ever get… physical with him. The very thought made you shudder.
If not that, then what was it? Jim didn’t seem the street fighter type. It caused you more worry than you’d like to admit.
Over the past few months of knowing Jim Lake Jr., you think you’d be comfortable calling him your best friend. You two spent nearly everyday talking, whether it was between class or on the phone every once in a while. 
And it was obvious to everyone except to you that there was chemistry.
It caused Toby some anguish to say the least. 
Speaking of which, you’d grown closer with Jim’s best friend too, something you hadn’t expected.
Toby was a good friend to you, always taking time out of his day to ask about yours, questioning your every “It was fine” and demanding to know what was so “fine” about it. In return, he offered his own tales of misery, getting a laugh out of you nearly every time. 
You didn’t notice how he physically grimaced whenever you brushed off his attempts at finding out what you thought about ol’ Jimbo.
Moving on from all of that, to you, things were going great! Your grades could be better, but you had better friends than you’d ever had before. Added to your ranks was Claire Nuñez, and over time… well, you had to admit that you were suspicious.
Jim’s crush on Claire had been ever so obvious ever since the fourth grade, but that wasn’t it (Or rather, you hoped that wasn’t it). 
No matter how much you told yourself you were paranoid, you thought the three of them were hiding something. 
It hurt to say the least. You were friends… right? Did friends keep secrets?
This was what you thought as you sat alone during lunch, contemplating the way Jim, Toby, and Claire made some poor excuse about having to go to a chess club meeting.
You knew they weren’t a part of the chess club. You were president of the chess club. How did they not know that? Were they that bad at lying? Or did they not care if you knew how much they actually hated you?
You were overthinking. They didn’t hate you. Jim certainly didn’t, you think. He was so kind and caring and thoughtful… your cheeks burned red at the thoughts running across your mind… you shook your head, reasoning that there must be an explanation that didn’t involve thier secret vendetta against you.
You just had to find out what it was.
But as they abandoned you more and more for their secret escapades, and as they ditched you to work on group projects alone, and they generally lied time and time again… you grew tired of the confusion.
Your cousin was starting to warm up to you, something about his brutish personality shifting over the course of that school year. He noticed first how you sat alone at lunch, and then he looked around at his table full of kids… and realized he too was alone—in a mental sense, that is.
So he picked up his tray and bag and trudged over to your table in the corner of the lunchroom. 
The look of shock on your face didn’t fade away till he was sitting there across from you, and you deduced that he probably wasn’t here to tease you.
The conversation was slow at first, even dull, just small talk, but then he caught sight of the comic book tucked under your lunch tray. 
He hesitated, knowing his friends at the other table had made fun of him for liking those sort of things… but you had never done that before. Steve could trust you... probably.
So he asks you about it, and you go into a long winded explanation of it, only for him to interrupt with, “I know what it is… I’ve got the entire set back home.”
You blinked, shocked, and you thought that maybe your cousin Steve wasn’t so terrible after all.
Your friends wanted to ditch you? Fine. You’d make yourself useful and stop being their deadweight. It was somewhat freeing, no matter how much it pained you to sweep past Jim’s sweet smile and ready sandwich (made just how you like it). But it was for the best. You couldn’t stand the way they treated you.
It was only a month after you severed ties with them that you realized how much they’d impacted you.
You no longer found Nougat Nummies that Toby had put in your backpack. You could no longer ask Claire for help with studying. You couldn’t waltz into Jim’s house like you owned the place, hop up onto his counter, and spiel on and on about whatever was on your mind while Jim cooked food around the kitchen.
You might’ve missed that last one more than the other memories.
You might’ve missed Jim more than the others.
And you might’ve liked him a bit too much too.
On Jim’s side, he knew why you’d grown distant. It pained him to keep such a big secret from you, especially when he could see it was hurting you, but what else could he do? Tell you he’s the Trollhunter?
No. Jim would never do that to you. If you knew, then they would find you. You’d wind up hurt. It was bad enough he’d dragged Claire into all this, but you? Jim couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. 
He didn’t think about how much not having you in his life would hurt.
Maybe a month goes by, and the two of you get back to a steady rhythm without the other. Unbeknownst to you, your old friends were preparing for war.
How could you know? How could you have prepared? Simple. You couldn’t have.
So that’s why, the night of the school dance, instead of going to that stupid party just to stand alone in the corner, you decided you would be getting your answers.
What spurred this sudden quest? You didn’t know. But you needed to know what you did wrong. What had you done to drive Jim away?
So that’s how you ended up on his doorstep at just the wrong moment. 
Before you knocked on the door, you heard crashing and shouting from inside. 
Your heart raced. Were you right about Jim being hurt at home. You decided to raise your voice. “Jim?! Jim, are you in there!”
Inside, Jim heard your yells, and a pang of fear swelled up in him. 
He stood in armor of glowing silver beside his high school principal, who looked nothing like the lanky man everyone knew him as, yet appeared as a green skinned creature with jagged wings. A changeling.
And across from him was an ancient entity, with eyes blank and voidish, and a smirk that sent shivers down the boys spine. Angor Rot.
The fight had gone still at the sound of your pounding fist against the door. Jim didn’t like the sadistic gleam in Angor’s dark eyes. 
“Jim! Open this door! Are you all right?!”
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
This couldn’t be happening. He’d tried so hard to keep safe, to keep you away from all of this!
He should’ve known better; you weren’t so easily shoved off, and you never knew when to quit.
Angor swept to greet you with Jim hot on his tail, swinging his sword wildly.
He was too late. 
A long story short, you were way in over your head with this one. 
Being the hostage of a centuries old… thing was so not on your bucket list. Yet, here you were, shaking as Angor Rot held a dagger to your neck. His entire being stenched of age, and you had to hold in your gagging lest it push you forth into the blade.
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t knwo what was happening. But you knew Jim was there. He was right there, wearing his armor from Romeo and Juliet and wielding the same prop sword that didn’t look so prop-like now. 
He was right there, and he was looking at you, and you were looking at him, and you were both terrified.
“Jim,” you whispered, scared that even the slight word would force your skin forth and the knife would slit her neck. “Jim, what’s going on?”
Angor chuckled darkly as he peered down at you. “Ah, that’s right. You have no idea what your friend has been doing in the shadows.”
Your gaze was directed at Jim, your jaw shaky and your eyes wide with confusion. “What–?”
“So, Trollhunter,” Angor seethed. “Shall we risk your flower’s life today?”
You hadn’t been killed, fortunately. It all happened so fast, and all you really remembered was Jim fighting that thing, the changeling happening to be your principal, Dr. Lake in mortal danger, and an underground city of stone creatures.
The same underground city you now sat in, the boy of the hour right beside you. Neither of you had said a word since everything calmed down. It was driving you mad.
You raised your eyes to see Dr. Lake standing nearby, safe now that the battle with Angor was over. Then you swiveled to face Jim, your face screwed up. 
“Jim… who are you?”
He didn’t have much of a choice. You’d seen all you’d seen, hurt and fought alongside him despite never lifting a weapon against anyone in all your life. You deserved the truth.
“I’m the Trollhunter.”
It took nearly an hour for him to explain everything, and when it was all said and done, your jaw was hanging open. You now sat on the step below him, looking up at the boy you now knew was so terribly brave. Everything he’d gone through… it nearly made you forgive him.
You’d known Jim Lake Jr. as one thing for months and months, and now it seemed he was something entirely different. 
He wasn’t a scared kid who needed you to defend him to your ex-jerk of a cousin. He was strong and held himself with a certain dignity and humility that you envied. Yeah, he was awkward and foolish at times—foolish like when he ditched you just to keep you safe, which you supposed was understandable given that night’s events—but you liked him anyway.
You really liked him, despite all the pain and confusion and this fast turn of events. 
He hadn’t changed, you realized as you just stared up at him whilst he awaited what you would say. 
He was Jim, the boy you could have called your best friend had anyone asked, and the boy you had slowly harbored a crush on.
It was this thought process that made you lock eyes with him. You didn’t like secrets, and you hated lying. You sucked in a breath and put everything out in the open for him to see. 
“I like you, Jim.” The words were harder than you thought. “You don’t have to like me too, I just needed to say it. I want to be your friend no matter what, and I guess I can understand why you’d keep this from me. I just… I need you to know you can trust me.”
There. There it was. A confession, an offer, a pledge. It was everything you needed to say. 
And as you forced yourself to keep looking at Jim, you saw his eyes flutter and his jaw hang a bit. You felt slightly nauseous as your words came back to your memory. Had you said something you shouldn’t have?
“You like me?”
It was your time to blink blankly. That was all he got from that? You cracked a grin, not knowing where this was going. “Yeah. I really like you.”
He couldn’t believe it. He thought surely you would hate him, or at the very least never want to see his face again. But you liked him? Even after all that? After all the lies?
You liked him back?
Jim smiled, hand reaching for yours, itching to grab your hand, only for him to pull back at the awkward last second.
You tilted your head, wondering just what you were getting yourself into as you took his hand and gripped it tight.
Trollmarket was in shambles all around. Jim’s mother’s memory was wiped. His principal was a changeling. Enrique was in the Darklands. But you were there, and you were on his side.
Still, he had secrets to keep. Secrets from you, Toby, Claire, Blinky. Everyone. 
So as he dropped your hand with a subtle drop to his smile, he thought back to all that had happened, all that had been lost, and all that could be lost in the future.
“I like you too,” said Jim. You didn’t notice how his eyes filled with pain as he excused himself to deal with some Trollhunter business. 
You didn’t realize that might’ve been the last time you saw him as he turned away and walked off in a hurry.
How could you have known? You were new to this. You had no clue about the bridge or Enrique or Jim’s promise to Claire.
So when you saw Claire and Toby run by with panicked expressions, you were quick to rush after them. You had no clue what was going on, but you’d always been quick on the uptake.
Jim was going someplace he should not be going alone. He was leaving them all behind to go there. He was going to the Darklands.
You had just gotten him back, and now, he was ditching you again. 
Sure, it was meant to be heroic, but you just wanted your best friend to stick around for a little while.
Weeks go by, and you assist in Claire and Toby’s search for a way to save Jim. Eventually you help to free him, somehow managing to survive a short traipse through the Darklands.
It was safe to say you weren’t letting Jim get too out of sight for a time after that, and he wasn’t going to complain.
He never kept anything from you again, admitting it was torture to keep lying to you and keep you at a distance.
Jim often felt so out of touch with the rest of the world, being stuck in the middle of human and troll lives, and it was easy for him to disassociate and just brush everyone off. It was days like those that Jim was glad he had you.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
You’d only sigh, catching the way he kept zoning out, getting lost in his own head. In your opinion, he’d been through too much to be only sixteen. So you took his hand or drew him in for a hug or just slung an arm around him--any of the like would do.
Instantly, his nerves would calm and his attention drawn back to the present. 
“You don’t have to be fine, you know.”
He hadn’t known that, not really. Not until he met you.
Those all around you two would notice a distinct change in Jim’s demeanor, so subtle yet so clear. He was somehow softer, which Toby hadn’t thought possible, and the light in his eyes began to spark up again.
His mother was especially grateful, loving the life you brought back into Jim. Blinky adored your very nature. Draal tolerated your eagerness to train with him. Vendel mused your every demanding question.
It wasn’t long before Jim got nervous; you were now one more person he couldn’t stand losing.
But you never let his thoughts run too wild, somehow always one step ahead of his overthinking, ready to put out every doubt and every fear.
“Hey, listen. You’re stuck with me, Lake. Nothing, especially not Bular or Gunmar or any other creep, is ever going to keep me from getting back to you.”
He wasn’t sure how to express just how much you meant to him, so he settled for a watery grin. “Back at you.”
I love you was just a breath away from being spoken into reality, but neither you nor Jim were eager to shove it out there. The fact was there whether it was spoken or not, and the both fo you were well aware of its presence.
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sofiafantasies · 8 months
A Snow Experiment
A/N: Disclaimer this is Tales of Arcadia Fanfic and the characters do not belong to me. And of course you own you. I'll be using [Name] and [Last name] as a substitute to Y/N and L/N. This will be a quick thing and I don't really know if I'll do a part two, unless you want me to (It was not a quick thing). Im so sorry! This is a female reader! You can change the pronouns and stuff. I'm a female myself so it's easier to do so.
[Name] [Last Name] was a regular teen. Or as regular as she can be. Right now she was sitting crisscrossed on the floor with a white dress. She inhaled and exhaled twice before opening her [Eye Color] eyes. Her cold stare matched the cold room. Ice everywhere, snow scattered on the floor, and ice sculptures on the bookshelf as little snowflakes fell.
She looked around hearing the clink clacks of heels coming from the hallway outside. The door creaked and a woman walked in. Her blonde hair that was in a high ponytail moved back and forth as she walked towards her. "Experiment 626 (six two six), rise." The woman said, more like commanded. [Name] obliged with it. She rose gracefully, her expression still cold, dark, and blank.
The woman looked down at the clipboard and wrote a few words. "You have visitors." The woman said as she glanced at [Name] before looking back at the clipboard. This peaked [Name's] interest. A visitor? That was new and forbidden. She wasn't allowed to see anybody. Especially since last time...
"She's gone mad!"
Sreams were heard so many screams. "Stop her!" She struggled to move from the grip of the fire Experiment. Those Experiments are used for her. "She almost killed her!"
She looked at the person with a bleeding arm. Her [Eye Color] eyes held unshed tears.
She blinked the memory away and looked down, her [Hair Color] fell on her face a little. (If you have Afro hair or smth like Muslim then ignore that). "Why are they here?" [Name] siad as she raised her head up. The woman looked at her and grinned. "You'll see." Was all she said and walked out the room leaving thw door open.
[Name] stood there. She wasn't sure if she should go. What di it was a trap? She walked to the door leaving trails of ice behind her. Every step she took made a clicking sound. She stepped out of the room and looked to the long hallway to hear faint whispers of people talking.
"She is very beautiful." She heard the woman's voice say. "How long has she lived for?" A man's voice came next. "Well, Borislav, she has lived sicne the 12th century...Camelot." The woman answered. [Name] was coming closer. "Camelot?" The man named Borislav said. "Mm, indeed." The woman hummed. "You know what this could bring to us, Isabella?" Borislav's voice rose.
"I do. And she has powers beond our reach. She could be the key for all our troubles." The woman that attended [Name] earlier is now known as Isabella, said. "And besides, you can take her. She's all yours for 50 million." [Name] could hear the grin in her voice. "50 million?" The man said doutful. "I'll take her." He announced.
"Perfect! We have a deal." Isabelle reached for his hand and he shook it. "Pardon, but what is happening?" Asked [Name] as she came up from behind the hallway wall. Her hand rested on her chest as the other was holding the side of the wall. "[Name], darling, you're leaving the lab." Isabella said as she turned to look at her.
The man looked at [Name] up and down and he grinned. [Names] cold, dark, and blank expressions were no more. It changed to a terrified one. She didn't know where she would go.
As she sat on the soft surface of a couch she looked down at her hand that rested on her lap. The clink crack of heels. She lifted her head up and stared at the blonde woman known as Isabella.
"Experiment 626 (six two six)," She stopped infront of her. "You are going to Arcadia Oaks."
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ettellessa · 2 years
I decided somebody had to fix Rise of the Titans so I did it myself.
I cut out all the bad things: no pregnant Steve, no bad ending.
Feel free to watch, save, reupload and share. Enjoy, huzzah.
Fixed It (G-drive)
Fixed it (mega)
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shadow2012wolfgirl · 1 year
Troll Jim
-by the way this is when the are traveling to New Jersey for the new heart stone (by the way you are a mage)
you where in a forest not to far from a river where y’all stop to take a break “what are these red and white things that look like trees” blinky questioned Jim responded “those are mush rooms and they tasted amazing sautéed”
Clair comes out from a bush with empty soda cans “here this should last y’all for a few days” Clair sayed in a exiting way “about three days with the amount of us there are and go fetch some water from that river over there” blinky states
Jim runs off towards the river and you follow him with using magic tracking as you hand glow a/c (any color) and you catch up to him and hear “I miss mom so much and the comfort of a bed and everything I have no comfort here it’s all strange land” Jim says upsettingly . You walk over t ok him a start messing with him hair but your hands got stuck from the nots.
“what are you trying to pull my hair out that hurts y/n” Jim yells “sorry but your hair has so many not left I think it needs to be washed” you say Jim sighs “fineeee” you grab a brush and some dog shampoo and conditioner “your hair is going to have to be washed with dog wash because all the nots” you say with a slight smirk on your face “that smells amazing is that lavender” Jim says as you scrub through is hair.
he starts purring ass you rinse his hair in the river. After that you start to brush his hair as his purrs become louder. You stop for a second “I never told you to stop y/n that felt amazing” Jim says while pouting. “Don’t worry I’m about to keep brushing but I have to get you hair out of the brush” after that you keep brushing and he starts purring again.
blinky finds you to and says “Am I interrupting anything or..” “no you weren’t interrupting anything” you say as Jim keeps purring not caring that blinky was there “well you to need to get back to camp we are about to get moving again before night ends” blinky says rushingly.
you and Jim get up and head back to calm to get packed up and you all continue on your journey.
thank you so much for reading this and hope you have a great day.
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pers3phone399 · 10 months
Do you like:
The Tales of Arcadia Series on Netflix?
Funky little oc's that make fun quips?
Douxie Casperan?
Heartbreaking familial bonds that'll make you (hopefully) laugh and cry?
Then you should check out my newly published ao3 story Heartstone Guardian!
It's a bit of a labor of love and a little slow going but I still hope you enjoy it anyway!
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gunhild00 · 10 months
miraculours ladybug
harry potter
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winter-leftovers · 10 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter three: Win Lose or Draal (3/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim wins a new ally.
Word count: 1046
Warnings: nop
(Season 1 Episode 6)
Song?: Glory And Gore by Lorde
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Trollmarket was beautiful. The underground city was full of colorful lights, even with the market empty the place looked alive. Immediately, Y/n’s eyes found the heartstone. The gigantic cristal and it’s warmth light left her completely speechless, even made her forget, for a moment, the possibility of her brother dying.
“Where’s everyone?” Y/n asked. She was excited to meet Jim’s new friends and the creatures his book depicted.
“Probably waiting for the fight” explained Toby.
“Oh, right” she took her eyes from the heartstone and looked at her brother “Don’t worry if you die I’ll bring you back” she joked.
Jim gave her a half smile. They were both terrible at hiding their fear.
“Master Jim! Welco-ah! Witch” Blinky stopped mid greeting.
“Blinky! This is my sister Y/n!”
“Oh! My apologies, I must've confused her with someone else!”
“You know a lot of humans?” Y/n lifted her eyebrow confused.
“Oh…well” Blinky’s arms fell down to his side but he put them back up fast “Come on, master Jim. A…great warrior always…shows up in time…” he started pushing Jim to the hero’s forge.
At the forge all the trolls were already excited, filled with the rush of battle.
“Hey, I… I want you to have this” Jim gave a letter to Y/n and another to Toby.
“What’s this?” Asked Toby.
“It says everything I want to say”
“You promised me tacos”
“Now is not the time for lunch, Tobes” Jim scoffed.
“Last week, the three of us went for tacos. I paid. You said, ‘Next time on me’ You’re going to get this letter back unopened after the fight, and when you get back, we’ll get tacos”
“He’s right, Jim. You owe him tacos” Y/n smiled.
“Tacos sound good” Jim laughed.
“Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar, Draal “the destroyer”, come forth.” Vendel, the white troll announced.
A spiky blue rock started rolling down a path, jumping in the air transforming into a big blue troll with six horns.
“That’s Draal?” Y/n whispered to Toby “He’s huge”
“Yeah” he sounded as worried as her.
“And now, Draal’s combatant, James Lake Jr, son of…Bar-bu-rah. Come forth human trollhunter”
The crowd started booig the second they saw Jim.
“Fight from your heart, Master Jim. It’s strong, stronger than any rock” screamed Blinky.
They close the arena and Blinky said quietly to himself “And certainly, stronger than mine”
But Y/n heard him.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” she reassured “He has to”
Y/n could hear Toby, Aaaarrrgghh and Blinky speak but she couldn’t pay attention to anything they were saying, only the troll trying to kill his brother.
“And, I am Jim, son of Barbara and the amulet choose me”
The flying axes send Draal over the edge of the arena.
“Yes! He did it!” Celebrated Toby.
“It’s not over yet” explained Blinky.
“He has to finish the fight” completed Y/n without taking her eyes off her brother. She had studied the book all night alongside Jim. She knew what her brother had to do next, what the crowd was asking him to do next, they were screaming for death.
Jim grabbed his sword and Y/n closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at her brother killing someone.
Suddenly the crowd was booing again. Y/n opened her eyes and saw her brother standing next to Draal.
“Look, I may not have followed your rules, but neither did the amulet when it chose me. Right now, over our heads, changelings are in Arcadia..”
Fear and confusion filled the room.
Blinky and Toby ran to Jim before he could unveal the secret.
“What is he talking about?” Screamed Vendel.
“You’ll need a Trollhunter who doesn’t have to live in the shadows. This is a time to work together. They’re building the Killahead—“
“STOP! Say no more! We must leave this instant!” Blinky grabbed Jim by the arm.
“Killahead” Y/n repeated. The word left a metallic taste in her mouth.
“Oh, praise! You’re alive!” Toby hugged Jim like he would disappear
“And sore. Ease up” Jim chuckled
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were called by Vendel before they could celebrate the trollhunter’s victory.
“He opened the letter” Y/n laughed.
“I can tell”
“I didn’t” Y/n smiled and gave Jim back the envelope “You can tell what you wrote if you want but I can’t read the words you thought would be your last message to me”
Jim took the letter and smiled back at her.
Y/n turned and started walking. The tears were escaping from her eyes and she didn’t want to be seen like that, especially now, when they were celebrating.
“Remember just a normal teenager and his older sister and their normal life” Jim said more to himself than to Y/n.
“Hi, mom. We’re back!" said Y/n while she took her jacket off. A shiver ran through her spine.
‘Strickler?’ She thought. The same uneasiness she felt when she met him was running through her spine again.
She walked behind her brother and saw that it wasn’t Strickler with her mother but a woman.
“In here. Jim, guess who brought tea?”
Jim stopped in front of the woman that was accompanying her mother. Y/n recognised fear flashing in her brother’s eyes but his face suddenly shifted back and started kicking Nomura out. Y/n wanted to stop his brother but Barbara passed out before she could do anything.
“Mom?” She ran to her mother.
“That speech was very moving” The woman left the table “Too bad she won’t remember it when she wakes up and find your body”
She grabbed Jim and threw him to the kitchen.
Y/n hug her mother trying to protect her from the fight.
“What’s going on?” She screamed.
“Go upstairs!” Jim told her sister.
“Jim I won’t …”
“Go!” He screamed while grabbing his backpack looking for the amulet.
She went and hid in the bathroom, her brother quickly joined her.
The troll whistled a song letting them know she was close.
“Not creepy at all” whispered Y/n.
“Yes! Thank you!” Jim grabbed the amulet from behind the mirror.
Before the troll could open the bathroom door someone grabbed her. Y/n and Jim shared a look and went out to investigate. In their backyard, Draal was fighting the troll.
“What are you doing here?” Screamed at the woman-troll.
“Delivering you pain again, Nomura” Draal answered, shielding Y/n and Jim “Do not touch the Trollhunter”
“Suddenly you’re honorable? Sorry to hear about daddy. Bular always liked the way he screamed”
The fight started again and quickly finished when Draal threw Nomura through the air.
“You were right”
“So, you’re not here to kill me?” Jim asked with his sword in his hand.
“Not kill. Protect” Draal looked at Y/n. She smiled at him.
Jim thanked the troll.
Draal quickly started to walk around the house looking for a place to stay.
“Since I can’t go back to trollmarker I’ll stay here, guard your home”
“I don’t think my mom would be down for that” said Jim.
Draal went downstairs to the basement. Eating a piece of coal and taking a couple more out of the heater he said “This is nice. Here I shall protect you, your witch and your fleshbag mother, Bar-bu-rah”
“What did you call me?” Y/n started walking up to him half confused and half offended. Why were the trolls calling her a witch?
Jim stopped his sister from fighting his new protector “Mmmh close enough” he laughed.
“Your mother will awaken soon. I protect. I don’t clean”
Y/n rolled her eyes and went upstairs along side Jim.
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mydearlybeloathed · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  Whilst in the depths of the Heroes Forge armory, you and your friends come across a peculiar sword that has a mind of its own.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: None, allusions to Jim x Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.7k
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“Vendel really needs to get on organizing all this shit,” you called back to Blinky. Currently you were halfway stuck between a fallen broadsword and a chest of daggers the size of your face. You could barely hold the heavy blade up, as it was just an inch taller than yourself, and you felt the chest dig further into your back as a nervous squeak passed your lips.
A second later you were rescued, Arrgh lifting the sword like a twig and offering you a smile. You sighed, wiping your hair from your eyes. “Thanks, buddy.”
“You’re welcome,” he nodded.
Blinky appeared at your side, watching as not farther off, Toby struggled to pick up a large warhammer. “Hmm. Yes. I’ll bring it to his attention.”
The pair of you grimaced as a loud clatter came from further into the storage, followed by Jim’s cried out, “I’m fine!”
You let out a small laugh. The Heroes Forge really needed some work. After that last encounter with Bular, Jim decided his friends needed to be able to defend themselves too, which brought you, Claire, and Toby here, into the depths of the Trollmarket armory. 
So far, everything was so... troll sized. If only every sword magically readjusted to its wielder’s height (but not every sword was Daylight). 
You pass down the halls of the armory in a patient stride, trying to find something small enough to actually lift, when a glint from the darkness caught your eye. Pausing, you turned. There weren’t any lanterns or torches lighting the way, but down this hall, you saw a subtle red glow.
Obviously, you went to check it out. “Hey guys?”
Jim was at your shoulder in an instant, somehow, probably some secret power that amulet gave him (honestly, it was annoying that Merlin couldn’t have made a spare that you could conveniently happen upon one day).
“What is that?” he wondered aloud as you both came to stop before the dusty wooden table at the end of the path. Shields and broken blades laid forgotten on the floor, shoved aside by heroes past. A gnome skeleton sat haunting against the corner, hollow eyes sending shivers down your spine.
No one had been down this hallway in a long, long time.
Atop the table lay a shimmering silver cutlass, the blade so stark against the gloomy doom hanging in the air.
“Great Gronka Morka,” a voice sighed behind you. Blinky rushed forth, hands hovering over the weapon, before he stepped back like he was scared to be near it. “We must be very deep in the armory... very deep indeed.”
You, by your nature, stepped up to it, not understanding his hesitation. “What is it?”
All six of Blinky’s eyes zeroed in on you. “Only the most dangerous piece of equipment in this aged place...”
You turned to side eye Jim, brows raised, before you humored Blinky and motioned him on with a hand. “Okay... So what’s up with it?”
Blinky stuck out two arms and guided you away from the sword. Claire, Toby, and Arrgh emerged from the dark, curious eyes taking in the weapon.
“That,” said Blinky, all so serious. “Is the long sought after War Starter... the Coveted Cutlass... the Bane of Arthur--”
“Speed it up. Please.”
“That,” he continued. “Is Mordred’s Dagger.”
Crickets would have fit nicely in the silence, you thought, leaning away from his raised arms like he were telling some kind of ghost story. You pushed his hands down, nodding. “Dagger? That’s a sword, buddy.”
“To you humans, yes.” Blinky once again hovered his two right palms over the weapon. “But to us trolls? A toothpick.”
You just stared at the blade again, quirking a brow. “War Starter, huh? Looks harmless to me.”
“How dorste thou so?”
The sword’s hilt burned a golden light, a deep and foreign voice erupting form the dark. Every one of you jerked back. Jim quick changed faster than Barbie as his armor donned him. Daylight appearing in his hands.
You leaned forward in the following silence, only to jump again when the sword glowed off and on as it seemed to cough hoarsely.
“Seyeth som reward to youre eldre men!” The sword continued to clear its throat (?) whilst the lot of you stood in silence.
You were the first to break it. “You... can talk?”
The sword scoffed. “Of course I kan! Whethir ye han nevere come a blessid blade?”
You raised a hand and blinked dumbly. “Slow down, my guy. Too many words.”
“Hmm,” the sword grunted, seeming to think. “Is... Can ye... understand this?”
Before you could answer, Blinky pulled you back. “Stay back. We don’t know its motivations.”
You just crossed your arms at him. “It? Come on, Blink, we talked about this. Don’t assume. The sword can talk, so the sword can think.” You turned your attention to the sword. “Sword, uhm, do you mind being called it?”
The quiet that followed wasn’t exactly comforting, but the edge of the blade still glittered a dim gold that must have meant the sword was pondering. “I... Well, no one hath ever called me but that.”
“Is that was you want to be called?”
The sword again hesitated, whilst Toby eyed you weirdly. It was a sword, for crying out loud, and he didn’t understand why you were asking. He nudged Jim with the intention of sharing a little laugh with him, only to find Jim watching you with something lovestruck in his eyes. 
Toby glanced at Claire, finding not a hint of mirth in her eyes as she too seemed to wait for the sword’s response. So he dropped it, suddenly also wanting to know if this sword had a preference on pronouns. He paused. That was a thought he’d never, even after everything, thought he’d have. 
“I prefer to be referred to as male,” the sword decided after another few moments.
Blinky pursed his lips and sighed. “Stay away from him.”
“Thank you, troll.”
“Don’t thank me, King Killer.” Blinky eyed the sword warily. “Do not be fooled, friends. That weapon has toppled kingdoms.”
You cast the sword a glance. “Have you?”
“On occasion, aye.”
Oh. That complicated things. “Are you evil?”
“I’m only what my wielder has me be.” The sword sighed. “Lord Mordred was... unkind.”
You looked back at Jim with sorry eyes, feeling your sympathy rise as your friend came to stand at your shoulder again. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Blinky was getting antsy, his eyes flickering this way and that. “I do think its time we return to the Forge, don’t you Arrgh?”
“Yes. Time to go.”
“Oh,” said Sword. “I understand.”
You grabbed onto Blinky’s cold stone arm then, and suddenly your usual sass was drained from your face, and all that was left was your vulnerability. “Come on, Blink. We can’t leave him. I bet he’s lonely back here.”
“I am rather lonesome.”
Blinky took you gently by the arms, eyes imploring you to understand. “He is deceiving you, Y/N. Mordred could not have lifted that hilt if the sword had not chosen him. That is what makes him dangerous! No one can lift that sword unless he decides they are worthy.”
“You really think a sword so picky?” 
Again, all eyes fell on the sword. “Truly, I only thought Lord Mordred to be a skillful swordsman. That is all I use to differ those who dare to attempt my hilt. He’d trained since birth. How was I to know he’d use me to kill his father?”
Sword went silent, his words trailing off. “How... how was I to know he’d be so cruel?”
The crack in Sword’s voice sent you over the edge, your eyes boring into Jim, as if he could somehow convince Blinky to change his mind. It wasn’t likely. Blinky was stubborn, but so were you.
Jim just stared back at you, something in him softening for the sword. “Maybe you should start judging people on more than their sword skills.”
“Please,” Blinky begged. The rasp in his voice caught you off guard, and now you listened to him with a newfound transparency. “I beg you... both of you. Walk away. I’ve seen what this sword can do of his own accord.”
Claire inched forward, wrapping her hand around your elbow to catch you attention. “Maybe we should go. Blinky could be right. What if he’s tricking us?”
“But I...” Your words fell short, and you found yourself staring at Sword. His hilt gleamed yet his blade looked dulled by age... or perhaps by use. You shuddered despite the warm humidity of the armory.
“Come on,” Claire said softly, tugging you with her as Blinky and Arrgh turned back. Toby eyed you and Sword sorrily, before following after them. Claire gave up, rubbing your shoulder as she left you and Jim alone. 
In the quiet only disturbed by the dewy drops of water somewhere far off and the receding steps of your friends, you stared at that sword. 
“Are you lonely?”
“Dreadfully... Goodbye, my liege.”
Jim took your hand, fleetingly, before squeezing it and letting go. “Come on.”
He turned as well, but you remained. Their footsteps echoed away, banging around in the sides of your head, until you made a decision.
Your hand closed around the hilt of the evil sword, and you pulled with every bit of your power. The rim of the blade glowed a subtle whitish yellow, in contrast from its previous red, and the sound of the sword scraping against the table as you hefted the cutlass up rang through the hall.
You stumbled back from using too much momentum, not having expected to actually have lifted him. The tip of the cutlass hit the ground, and Sword let out a little grunt. You flexed your muscles and marveled at how the sword gradually got lighter, at how the glow grew brighter. 
You turned the blade this way and that, grinning from ear to ear. Something about how Sword was glowing told you he was smiling too.
“Do you have a name?” you asked him as Blinky practically ran toward you with the others in tow.
You hummed. “That’s a little impersonal, don’t ya think?”
“I do not have a proper name, my liege.”
“Can I give you a name?” you asked. Jim came up beside you, if only to keep Blinky from ripping the blade from your hands.
“Whatever you wish.”
“I wish you’d call me Y/N.”
“As you wish, my--Y/N.” 
A smile grew on your face when Blinky tried to reach past a surprisingly immovable Jim. “How about Cal?”
“... I liketh it.”
“Y/N! Put that down right now!”
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a.n. i loved this so much. might do a part two with reader and cal’s shenanigans.
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sofiafantasies · 6 months
She ran down the paths of Trollmarket, worried for the aftermath. "Jim stop!" All she knew is that she could not lose the one person who truly cared for her. "Were not gonna make it!" Toby yelled as he ran as well. Claire furrowed her eyebrows with a frown. "We are!" She yelled back. Blinky was also running.
They all ran towards the door where the Killahead bridge was stored. "Master Jim!" Blinky pleaded. On the other side the Trollhunter, Jim ran up to the switch, clicking it as the rest of his team had already caught up to him. The doors began to close, cutting Nevada, Claire, Toby, and Blinky off.
"Dude, what are you doing?" Toby asked as he stopped infront of the closing door. "Jim, don't!" Claire pleaded. "Jim, please. I need you!" Nevada cried as she banged her fist on the stone door. Tears in her eyes. Her curly hair moved due to the force. Getting in her face but she didn't care. She has more important things to attend to.
"Jim, stop!" Claire cried, Jim disappearing behind the doors. "Jim, no! You promised we'd go together!" Nevada said angrily, her other fist pounded against the door as Jim leaned on the other side, voice breaking. "The amulet chose me." He looked down at the other amulet in his hand. "I can't lose any more of you." He pushed himself away from the door, running to the bridge.
Nevada pounded and kicked against the door as Blinky inspected it. Soon Toby and Claire joined in the pounding. "Maybe I can manually override the lock." As Blinky attempted, Jim raised the amulet, the device floating and twisting until it locked itself into the bridge. It shot out a blue stream of light, the bridge magically builds itself as blue lightning shoots from the amulet, causing Jim to shield his face.
He groans and looks up from behind his arms. "Whoa." Jim breathed out, now standing in front of a complete bridge, the portal finally open. "Come on, Jimbo! We're a team! Don't do this!" Toby cried through the door. "I'm sorry! I have to finish the fight. Alone." He began to step to the portal, Kanjigar's words clouding his mind.
"But the amulet chose me." He looked down, readying himself right as the doors began to open. Nevada, Blinky, Claire, and Toby came charging in, hoping to stop him. "Jim!" Claire yelled. "Im sorry." Jim added before he let his body fall through the portal, Claire's voice still reaching him.
"No! Jim!" Nevada ran to the portal but got stopped by Blinky. He held her in fear that she would jump and tried to get him back. "Jim." She whispered in dread. "Jim!" Toby yelled. "Master Jim, what have you done?" Blinky asked, holding a horrified Nevada.
In the Darklands, Jim stepped to a cliffside, peering down at the vast world in front of him, a vortex formed farthest away. He donned the Eclipse blade, letting it circle in his hand. Jim slid the sword against his back and clenched his teeth. "Get ready, Gunmar." From Jim's determined face, it changed to Nevada's horrified face.
She had Just watched her step-brother fall into his death. From her horrified face, it changed into the amulet which its arms were spinning rapidly.
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Ooo, could you do headcanons with what it would be like do run a Bakesale with Toby, Jim, and Claire?
Bakesale Sheingians
Choas utter choas but hey when is this group ever organized?
The Bakesale is either to raise money for Claire's theater program or to help make Toby look good for Darci. After all raising money to get a new mascot costume or new sports equipment, easiest way to her heart.
You each agree to tackle a different type of desert so that way you have a million things to sell. It'll be a good way to relax but also it'll be something fun to do outside of Trollhunting.
Toby does cookies and brownies. Nana has the best cookie recipes and he loves brownies so why not?
Claire picks pies and some traditional mexican desserts. She gets super excited to make and share receipies her mom and adbulea taught her!
You chose cakes and cupcakes. Simple enough but can be really fun and are a baking classic. Plus there's a million ways to make them.
Jim does a bunch of other stuff like crumbles, lemon squares, soufles, pudding, fudge, really anything the rest of you can't do. He's not much of a baker but he enjoys trying out new things in the kitchen.
You all spend the weekend at Jims. You start baking the weekend before the Bakesale. His moms pulling a double shift so you have the house to yourselves and Barbara said she was okay with all of you staying to keep Jim company. Besides Claire decided selling on Monday at the beggining of spirit week would make everyone crave sweets and was a good way to start the fundraiser.
It takes forever to get the actual baking done though.
Jim is kind of a perfectionist when it comes to cooking and it turns out baking is the same way. While he makes everything perfect Toby is trying everything to make sure its "sellable". You all are guilty of this and probabaly end up eating and tasting more than you meant too. And with so many people in the kitchen all doing different things it becomes choatic fast. At least your all laughing.
As Claire plays her PapaSkull playlist, Jim begins organizing desserts, and you begin frosting Toby dances around the kitchen cheering everyone on since his brownies an cookies are baking.
He quickly gets bored when the cookies are baking and starts an all out flour war. As You, Jim, and Claire are trying to continue making your baking creations Toby causes a bit of mischief wanting to mix things up. He wants the bake sale to go smoothly but it was getting to serious and this was supposed to be fun.
As you hold back Claire from throttling Toby the trolls come out from Jims basement for a surprise visit while Jims in the middle of stirring. You say hi as Toby laughs and Claire struggles against you to get cupcake all over him.
Draal asks if this bake sale is actually a bake war but you quickly shut him down when you see him eye a whisk covered in batter.
The trolls are confused about whats happening and ask questions curious as you doge getting hit by a giant glob of frosting. Jim is trying to hold back laughter as he keeping baking. You'd lost your grip on Claire and now she was threatening to end Toby in Trollish and Spanish for the chocolate goop in her hair.
Blinky commends her Trollish but asks she not say such vulgar things. Toby hides behind Aarrrgh giggling and Aarrrgh grabs some raw dough off the counter to eat. Draal looks at the choas before asking Jim if he'll be coming to training tomorrow. Jim explains the baking will take all weekend and he would be focused on this since there weren't any trollhunting jobs.
Blinky sees this as a learning opportunity about human culture and decides to help!!! He convinces Draal and Aarrrgh to participate as well as you and Jim shrug. It was already crazy might as well just make it fun.
The trolls talk about their traditional desserts and troll feasts as you all talk about your desserts. Claire excitably talks about her Mexican heritage and the desserts her family taught her to make while Toby mentions he's so he would've made stuffed donuts but Jimbo didn't have a fryer or the right kind of oven. Blinky takes out a book and begins writing things down to not forget as this is all fascinating.
Aarrrgh and Draal snack a lot but thankfully they only eat everything that couldn't be sold like burned or ugly looking goods. Draal finds he likes candy more while Aarrrgh likes the cakes and cookies. Blinky meanwhile tries Jims fudge and Claires pies.
By the end of the night your all covered in flour, milk stains, batter, frosting, egg shells, and god knows what else but you had all had so much fun.
As you settle in the basement for the night the trolls join you happy to stay. You curl up in blankets and pillows and sleeping bags and tell stories and play games before falling asleep cuddled against each other.
The entire weekend pretty much goes by in a blurr of baking, messes, troll questions, sleepover games, and eating a majority of your product. Thankfully on Monday more than enough survives taste testing to sell.
Jim's no surprise sell out the fastest but your all surprised at how well the bake sale goes. All the teachers buy something and a ton of students support you guys as well. Even Steve buys something (from you and Claire flirting the whole time but hey more money)
At the end of the day you've sold out what you were prepared to sell for the whole week. Money is raised for the school and your all happy you got to do something fun.
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troblesomelover · 2 years
This is an Trollhunters Argh x human reader where the reader is pregnant by a human who left her when he found out. BUT, Jim is her brother.
I looked at the positive test in my hand. I was in the kitchen with my brother and his friends. I cried as I shoved more ice cream in my mouth. "Don't worry Y/N." Clair said patting my shoulder. "He dosen't know what he just lost."
"I'm going to beat him to a pulp when I find him." Jim said slamming his fist against his open hand.
"He's not worth it. I'm so stupid for lettng him do this to me." I say putting my head in my hands. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.
"Argh help Y/N?" Argh said smiling down at me.
"Oh you don't have to." I say giving him a hug.
"How are you going to tell the Barbra?" Drall stated.
"She's gonna flip Y/N! You shouldn't be doing these things!" He yelled pasing back and forth.
"Master Jim! I expect more from you then to yell at your hurting sister. She is an adult, she can do whatever she wants." Blinky butted in. I heard the door open and my eyes opened wide. Mom walked in with Walter and scanned the room.
"What is going on here?" She asks.
"Mom, I'm pregnant." I said.
"What!" She yelled.
6 months pass
I walk threw Troll Market quickly trying to find Argh. I finnally found him in Blinky's library talking to Blnky. "Argh great heavens." I say running up to hug him. Over these past few months I have gotten very close to Argh. I even moved to Troll Market.
"Y/N ok?" He asks looking down at me.
"Yes, but I'm Lonley and I'm slowly creeping into my thrid trimester and I will need someone there with me when I do eventully pop."I say looking up at him.
"Pop?" He questioned.
"Have the baby. Ya know like push it out of my body." I say throwing my arms up.
"Yes." He said as he stomped his foot down.
"Thank you." I leand up to give his cheek a kiss. He giggled when I did this. "Wanna go on a walk?"
"Yeah." He beemed.
We walked out of Troll Market into the moon light. "Y/N's belly getting big." The troll said softly while sitting down pulliing me into his lap.
"You can touch it." I grabbed his large hand and guided it to my sowollen stomach. He tensed up but I assured him that it was ok. He finnally left his hand go down to my stomach. As he placed his hand there the baby kicked and he beemed.
"Never let go." Argh chuckled. I felt his chest rumble as he did making me laugh as well.
"Then don't." I say looking into his beautiful green eyes. He looked down at me confused. "You never have to let me go." I say getting off his lap and reaching out to his face. He leaned into my hand as I touched his face. "I have weird stirrings for you argh and I don't want to let go of you." His eyes lit up.
"Then don't." He repeated my saying from eairlier. "Argh stirs for Y/N too." I teared up as I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Mate?" He asked.
"You are my boyfriend now I guess." I told him. He scooped my up into a big hug an carried my back to Troll Market.
"I must get you rock! And dress like girls in wingmans movies." He said excitedly. He busted into Blinky's library yelling "Married!" I laughed as Blinky looked up at us.
"I knew you could do it Argh," Blinky said congradulatig his friend.
3 months pass
Argh ran as fast as he could to get Blinky and the others from the forge. As he busted threw the doors everyone looked at him. "Y/N! Baby!" He yelled sending everyone racing after him.
"Hey guys." I say looking at the door from the bed I now shared with Argh.
"Jim get me some towels. Argh grab her hand. Claire come help me. Toby just stay there." Blinky ordered everyone around. "Listen Y/N you have to push." Blinky said as Claire helped take off my pants. She then threw a sheet on top of my legs. I grabbed Argh's hand when Blinky told me to push.
After hours of pain and screaming I finnally pushed out a beautiful baby girl. She looked just like me and as everyone was leaving the cave Argh climbed into the bed with me and my girl. "Flower." Argh said as he poked her nose.
"Yes, our little flower." He was taken aback at our. He leaned into me and Flower and pulled us both into his lap. Purring as Flower looked into his eyes.
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snakelaufeyson · 3 years
Dating Douxie Casperan would include:
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Author’s Note: Hey! I think my writer’s block is finally gone, also Douxie is my new favourite emo boy, I’ve only had him for one day and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself lmao. Anyways, I really like how this turned out, I forgot how fun headcanons are to write! Hope you guys like this! (she/her) prounouns are used!
Okay so, you two have know each other for a while, a few hundred years to say the least
But it took so long to admit your feeling for each other, it was ridiculous how oblivious the both of you were
Poor Archie was so done with you guys just circling around each other without being honest
And the shapeshifting familiar was getting tired of trying to get you two to confess
It’s funny actually, Douxie used to think his feelings for you were something he could just ignore
He was so scared if he said something you would reject him or treat him differently
But one day he just saw you hanging out with Jim
You seemed to be having fun, laughing at a joke he just said
And his mind just went
And then
“Oh, OH… yeah that tracks actually, Archie was right”
He hated feeling jealous
Was planning to tell you his feelings in the most perfect way possible
But then you two were patrolling one night, not really paying that much attention to the world around you
In your defense, Douxie can be really distracting
It’s okay, we all get it
But a Gumm-Gumm shows up out of nowhere, throwing you across the street, your body rolling down the pavement
The wizard was FURIOUS, eyes glowing and all
And so so worried
After defeating the monster he instantly runs to you, picking you up
You hit your head pretty hard and your arm was all scratched and bloody (he told you should have worn a hoodie, goddammit!)
He was desperate, gently nervously shaking you and calling your name, his left hand holding the side of your face
Finally opening your eyes you hold his wrist, giving him a tired smile
“That was unexpected… Douxie?”
He was barely holding it together at this point, poor boy
Desperately hugs you
“I was so scared I lost you (Y/N), I was petrified”
You can feel his tears falling down your shoulder, it breaks your heart
You pull yourself away from him so he can see you, holding his face in your hands
“Hey, hey, I’m okay, look at me Douxie, it’s alright. You’re not losing me, we’re stuck to each other… until the end of time, remember?”
He looks at you and without a second thought lowers his head, kissing you
God, it took you guys long enough
Eventually he pulls away, his forehead touching yours, and he just says it
“I love you (Y/N), I love you so much”
You smile, how could you not? And give him a quick peck at the lips, gently pushing his blue tips away from his eyes
“I love you too Douxie, I always did”
Archie was so happy when you two got home but also SO MAD
Tries to forget that tiny detail quickly when he sees how happy you two are
As seen before, he’s so protective oh my god
He knows you can take care of yourself, your magic is just as strong as his if not more
But he can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt
He would never forgive himself if it ever happened
And we’ve already established, he can’t lose you, he won’t
So, when in battle, the wizard will always stick close to you, back to back
And if that’s somehow not possible will always be looking at you from afar, ready to intervene if necessary
No one is hurting you
And the same goes for him
You will never let anyone even get close to hurting him
The poor boy's been through enough already
Douxie loves to see you fighting
Especially if it is to defend him
Seeing you so mad and protective of him is kinda scary to everyone else but him
You’re screaming at the enemy, magic aggressively flowing through your hands
Your friends are all a little bit terrified 
And he’ll just freeze, looking at you with the biggest heart eyes seem to man
*Archie facepalms*
Speaking of fighting
It might be the only time you two are actually so beautifully coordinated
It’s almost like a dance, you two just work so well together, it’s insane, one look across the battlefield and the other knows exactly what they’re supposed to do
It’s really cute
He’s so impressed by everything you do, especially when it comes to magic or music
He’ll look at you with this childlike wonder
Douxie’s just so proud of you
You’ll never forget that one time you took down a few enemies by yourself
And he just screamed with the biggest smile on his face “BLEEDING BALROTHS, THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!”
It happened more than once
He’s not sorry for cheering you on, so don’t expect him to apologise
I hope you love music because if you don’t this thing will just never work
He lives and breathes music, and will be so excited to share that love with you
Even if you already know how to play guitar, I’m begging you, please let him give you a lesson
Because Douxie will ask you to sit between his legs, putting his arms around you and holding his hands on top of yours while you play (kinda like that scene from the movie Ghost)
And it will be the sweetest fucking moment in the whole world
Will write endless songs about you, but will be so embarrassed to show them to you
A blushing mess
“Look… okay love, so… it’s not really ready yet, so don’t think too deeply into it… but do think about it? Because I wrote it about you… I MEAN-”
You hold his hand, instantly calming him down “Douxie it’s okay, whatever it is I know i’ll love it, especially if you made it for me”
Speaking of touch
This boy is so touch starved, goddamn 
Merlin loved him but he wasn't exactly an affectionate man, the only time he hugged the boy was when he was dying
Trauma! :D
Archie loved him too, he’s his best friend, his family
But it wasn’t the same
You however
Oh man
Hold his hand and kiss his knuckles
He’ll melt under your touch
Soft boy
He’s so affectionate it hurts
Always has to be close to you
Hand in hand, gently holding you by your waist, a hand resting in the low of your back, an arm across your shoulders, you name it
I mean it, please hold him
Especially if he’s anxious or stressed
Which he is
A lot
Someone please take my baby to therapy, dear god
It will do wonders for him, he'll never be able to thank you enough for just being there 
It means the whole world to him
Has the best hugs ever, will just wrap his whole body around you
And the best kisses too
Look at him! I just know he’s a good kisser I just know it
Speaking of kisses…
He’s not the type to just kiss you on the lips and leave
No no no
He’s kissing every single bit of you
Your forehead, your temple, the tip of your nose, your shoulders, your neck
Though he’ll save those neck kisses for another time
This boy is a gentleman, and as a gentleman he simply adores to kiss your hands
Especially since it makes you blush like crazy and he loves to see that
Please just picture you holding his face, trying to have a serious conversation and he’ll just…
Lean into your touch, turning his head and kissing your palm
You would just stop working the scene is just so fucking soft
Douxie is such a simp for you
If you steal his hoodies he will die
You look so adorable in his clothes and he will not know how to handle that
Him and Archie will be having a normal conversation and you’ll just get in the kitchen, yawning and scratching your eyes while wearing his hoodie, whispering a good morning to them both and making your way to the cabinet so you could make yourself a cup of tea
And Douxie will just… break
Douxie.exe has stopped working
Do that more often is so fucking sweet
This man loves you very, very much
He may be a little bit of a mess
But he’s your mess
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uniquely-mystical03 · 2 years
For the reader ask could you do when jim become a hybird troll and his little sister the reader seeing him as a troll for the first time, jim expect his little sister to be scared but instead of running away she hugs him and gently hold his face and said "you'll always be my big brother".
(Your Name = Y/N, Hair Color = h/c, Eye Color = e/c)
Jim’s gaze sweeped over everyone who stood on the roof of the school with him. Claire, Toby, Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, his mom, even Strickler. They were all her for him.
“Thanks, guys. I…” Jim trailed off, finally catching sight of his little sister, the h/c haired girl standing beside their mom, holding her hand. Jim froze. He hadn’t thought about what she would think of him while he was like this. She had taken the existence of trolls and goblins, and everything else fairly well, but this was different. He was her older brother, now a half-troll. Jim was expecting her to hide behind their mother, or even to run, the idea of her e/c eyes, wide and terrified, staring at him haunting his mind. It was only when she released their mom’s hand that Jim found his voice again. “Y/N… I-” Jim cut himself off, his entire body frozen in shock as his little sister hugged him tightly.
“Don’t be scared.” Y/N murmured. She pulled away after a few moments, grabbing Jim’s hand to tug him down to her height before taking his face in her hands, making him look her in the eyes. “No matter what you look like, no matter what you become, you will always be my big brother.” Y/N claimed in a stern tone. Jim stared at his sister for a long while, completely at a loss for words. Finally, Jim pulled Y/N into another hug, relief washing over him as she hugged back.
“And, you will always be my sister, Y/N.” Jim claimed, his voice cracking a little with all the emotions he felt welling up inside. It was only when Claire and Toby joined in that Jim finally let down his walls, tears streaming down his cheeks as he held onto the people closest to him. No matter what happened, Jim vowed that he would not let anything happen to his family. He wouldn’t let anything happen to his little sister.
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multi-shenanigans · 3 years
𝔒𝔥 𝔅𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰!
Hisirdoux Casperan “Douxie” x Fem Reader
Ch1. Earth
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How many years has it been since I left Earth? Hala, all this time travelling has my perception of time messed up. Am I a billion years old or am I two million years old? If only Galvin didn’t recruit me when I was on my way to Balubia, I heard that it was like a party everyday there.
“Hey (Y/n)!” Galvin catches my attention as he walks towards me.
“Well speaking of the Devil, what’s up?” I fixed my posture as he made his way towards me.
“Oh my, is the deity herself trying to hide her horrible posture?” He jests as he stands beside me and leans on the railing and looks out the window, chuckling to himself.
“Ha ha, very funny Galvin. And please I’m far from a deity, at least I don’t go parading myself everywhere telling people to bow before me.” I chuckled at my own joke.
“The only person who bowed to me was Zea because she knows who I am.” I sighed, I looked out of the window and leaned into the railing.
“If only people still didn’t associate me with the Arcane Order, all they’ve ever done so far last time I saw them was burn down a village because one guy catched a gnome and tortured the poor thing to death. Why burn down the whole village when you can just burn the man who committed the crime.” I looked down at my hands as I tightened my grip on the railing.
“We - well they, since I left the group. They promised to protect the balance between the mortal and magic but here they are, causing harm to innocent mortals because there’s a few bad apples out there.” I vent my frustration. Galvin took my hand in his, I looked up to see him smiling at me sadly. I loosened my grip on the railing and dropped my arms to my side.
“I’m sorry, I just-” I apologise but he cuts me off .
“There’s no need to apologize for venting out your problems.” Galvin says as he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him, and brought my attention back to the window.
“Go on, I know you got a lot more going through your mind.”
“To be honest, I really want to look into the future just to see how to stop all this madness that they’ve been causing. But I know looking into the future - especially if I’m in it, is dangerous and the possibilities of outcomes are endless! Ugh stupid space time rules!” I groaned out. He lets go of my hand and
“Well technically if you did look into the future it wouldn’t go against any space time rules. But I still wouldn’t suggest looking into the future since trying to change the outcome of what you see will drive you insane to the point of no return. This is why we exist.” He boasts with a stupid grin on his face.
“Mhm.” I hummed out, bringing my focus back to the window. Earth slowly inching closer and closer.
“Is the reason why you’re going back home is to stop your siblings or is it something else?” He asks as he too looks out of the window to look at Earth.
“Well other than my siblings being major buttholes. I just want to go back home and live among the humans...you know a simple life.” I sigh out.
“Blegh, you want to live with those barbarians?” Galvin gags.
“They’re not that bad, but yes I want to live with the barbarians as you put it.” I jest. There was a pause between us.
“You know you could’ve just teleported your way back to Earth right?” Galvin brings up to cut the silence.
“I know, but I wanted to spend time with my best friend one last time.” I spoke softly and grabbed his hand.
“For me it’ll probably be years till I get to see you again, but for you it might just take months since keeping track of time is useless in the agency.” I told him.
“Aww, does my best friend care for me?” He patronizes me, and starts laughing.
“Shut up.” I chuckled then punched his shoulder lightly.
“Hey guys.” Our laughter was cut off by Zea.
“Oh hey Zea” we say at the same time.
“(Y/n), you should get ready since we’re forty-five minutes away from landing.” Zea says as she looks at her watch.
“Cool, so where are we landing? And when? You guys never told me.” I ask them.
“Huh, we mentioned this in the meeting last week… Oh you were sleeping during that meeting” Zea groans out.
“We my friend.” Galvin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him and raised his arm up.
“Are dropping you off at Camelot!” He says while gliding his arm to the other side.
“Early 6th century Camelot.” Zea says cooly and grabs Galvin away from me.
“Hey, you shouldn’t treat your boss so harshly.” Galvin jests.
“Mhm and you shouldn't be trying to take me out on a date during work hours.” Zea retorts back, then flicks his forehead and let’s go of him.
“Especially when I’m on a mission.” Zea then walks towards me and grabs my arm to drag me to our dorm.
“We need to get going, she needs to get her stuff together before we arrive on Earth.” Zea says out loud for Galvin to hear as we get further away from where we were just talking.
“So you and Galvin huh?” I asked her with a smirk.
“Wipe that grin off your face, you look like a mad man.” Zea spits out jokingly as she continues to drag me back to our dorm.
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Aug 19, 2021
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jinkookista · 3 years
𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝟏𝟑/𝟏𝟎/𝟐𝟏🐥
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