#ivy - disappointed
mimimar · 1 month
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finally completed my comic based on the song ivy by taylor swift!✿ please zoom in to read the text and see the details~
you can get the digital zine pdf here! it includes extras like character profiles, costume design, more art of willow and ivy, zine-exclusive sketches and an illustrated guide to the symbolism of all the flowers in this comic.
you can also get prints of individual pages here!
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dropitdoeeyes · 8 months
i am asking you about mechs birds ! if you want a specific mech then I'm asking about Drumbot Brian. But I'd love ve to hear about all of them if you want to
(On the verge of tears, covered in blood, out of breath, and surrounded by boards of red string and thumbtacks) I am SO glad you asked
Jonny: A shrike. Small, violent little critters. OR a chicken, because the cannibalism thing. (I also just think it’s really funny.)
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Ashes: Whistling kite! They (along with a few other species) take burning sticks from forest fires and spread it to flush out prey. Arsonist bird, just like Ashes!
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Drumbot Brian: Canada goose, since they travel long distances (like a pilot might!) this is also one of the birds that just Is Them. Just look at him. Look me in the eyes and tell me that man isn’t a goose. Soft, round, they look good to hold but they’re simultaneously full of violence.. silly goose Brian….
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Raphaella: Wandering albatross. Yet another one who really truly just is. Look at that bird. It's her.
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Marius: Common kingfisher! He's the one who originally sparked this idea, after we saw a picture of one and immediately got slammed by the idea of anthro bird mechs. The colors. Just look. That bird is Him.
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Ivy: Rock ptarmigan, pigeon, or a mourning dove. She's just a soft round bird like Brian. They all have fitting coloration in a way, too.
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Toy Soldier: European nightjar. The freaks my one true love. Nightjars look so fake., like they’re one of those puppet animal plushies you put your hand in to move the mouth.
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Tim: Steller's jay. He inexplicably reminds me of one, similar mannerisms and everything. Tim is really truly such a corvid, also considered a blue jay for him. Deep down in my heart of hearts Gunpowder is a seabird like an osprey or petrel, though I have no reasoning for those ones.
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Nastya: Eurasian magpie. Shiny blue smart bird. Looks mildly disappointed in you. Love u nastya
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
I stg if this damn plant thing becomes a plot device for them to have drama, angst and turmoil I'm gonna scream
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Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #30
If it's turned into anything more than a "babe, I literally had no choice our entire universe was going to be destroyed if I didn't and it was a heartbreaking moment for me that I did not want to do." then what's the fucking point...
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authenticsleeping · 10 months
I can’t believe no found a way to get Margot to talk about how much she wants to kiss women her Harley Quinn to have a Poison Ivy during the Barbie press tour
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platonic-prompts · 1 year
Platonic Prompt
A likes flowers and is constantly telling B about different kinds that they like or want to grow even though they don't have a green thumb.
B has a very green thumb.
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aerowolf · 5 days
I should be writing but instead I'm watching a movie where a woman's silly oc selfship that she wrote into existence comes true and it's honestly such a silly author dream movie ( Argylle )
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okay now I need a fic compilation of what were to happen if carmen were to be sick in every episode of the series
like, getting taken by VILE or some team red comfort (especially with the introduction of dadowsan)…
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minthara · 3 months
thinking about ivy & wyll and how she doomed their relationship by pushing him to become duke bc she thought she wanted the comfortable life. and then she has to do duchess things and she's like damn his shit sucks i want to wander the world again and play my violin. so she eventually peaces out and leaves wyll with the kids like lmfao she's literally "i'm gonna go buy a pack of smokes" and doesn't come back. and this all could have been averted if they had just chilled out for a second with that decision and thought it through <3
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lime-ether · 5 months
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merry crisis Guys:)
Habby Chrimmus!
Merry chrysler!
Merry chridmuh 🎄
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bonefall · 1 year
apologies if this has been answered before, i’m fairly new to your rewrite (i’m enjoying it thoroughly!)
are the jay + poppy kits mole and cherry? since it was mentioned they gave the kits to lion + cinder, were they raised alongside ivy and dove?
Welcome welcome! You probably snagged one of the older posts (help me i need to fix my masterpost episode 4344245), because Ivypool and Dovewing ARE the Jaypoppy kits!
Cinderheart and Lionblaze come together to raise them, so both Jay and Poppy will be able to access them growing up. Ivy and Dove don't know this until at least TBC.
Mole and Cherry are legitimately BerryxPoppy kits. Poppyfrost wanted to move on and raise children with someone who was allowed to admit they were the father... she didn't want to be a single mom, even if Cinder and Lion would have helped out.
So, Molewhisker and Cherryfall are secretly the biological half-siblings of Dovewing and Ivypool; though they think they're first cousins.
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solvicrafts · 8 months
trick or treat!
both a treat and a trick because again no candy but yay for silly photos?
I THINK I've mentioned before that I have a Loki cutout? I got him back in... I wanna say 2013. And I decorate him for the holidays.
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bask in this moment for it is the only one where I will ever upload anything remotely resembling a photo of myself lol
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agentoctosims · 5 months
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On the twin's birthday in 1898, Irene Lowell was born.
Everyone seemed happy to welcome the new addition, except Ivy. Her new little sister didnt even have the manners to wait to arrive until they were done with cake! Didn't she know that Erik and Ivy were here before her! The disrespect, the gall!
Ivy in particular didn't want to be an older sister. She argued, she yelled. she got grounded.
Erik hated the arguing and decided to make himself useful outside. It was his birthday too..
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iturbide · 10 months
I love Ivy but her being the singular righteous Elusian ticked me off so much.
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Yeah exactly they had so much room to do interesting things with her (and did do a lot of interesting things in her other Supports) but her standout feature is that she reveres the Divine Dragon.
And honestly, anon, I would have loved to see Ivy join us in the midst of her crisis of faith rather than being an ardent worshiper of our faith who was hiding it in her native land. I find those kinds of stories fascinating, honestly, and it would have made the messaging a whole hell of a lot less sucky than the implications we get in canon. If Ivy had worshiped Sombron at the outset, it would have meant that there was something good about the core faith. It would have meant that it's not the religious teachings that were the problem, but the selfish nature of the Divine they worshiped when brought back from the grave. Ivy having to grapple with the good that came of her faith in the face of the evil Sombron himself is now committing is amazing to think about (and frankly it's an underutilized narrative angle that I would love to see more of).
And what could have been even more interesting...is if Ivy chooses to keep her faith, rather than converting. She can roundly reject Sombron himself, and make a point of opposing him because he is an affront to the religion sharing his name that arose in good faith. It would have showed that there is something worth saving in a nation we've been told is wicked for worshiping anything other than the Divine Dragon, because characters we love who hail from that land hold their faith close and won't allow it to be tarnished, even by its central figure.
(Also it would give Alear someone who doesn't worship the ground they walk on, someone who can approach them like they're normal rather than falling all over themselves to please them. Can you imagine the conversations? Alear getting a chance to just talk to someone who doesn't go out of their way to give them special treatment? Forging an honest connection not based on reverence rather than having to fight people to tone down the reverence? Learning about a whole other religion and realizing that maybe its core tenets aren't all that different from the teachings of the Divine Dragon's faith? Honestly that could have been one of the most compelling Support chains in the game for me.)
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
read #11 of the Poison Ivy comic and my opinion on Janet is unchanged. I still find her obnoxiously pushy about subjects that she frankly doesn't have room to speak on. Trying to constantly say that 'Ivy's not like this' (about being ya know, a violent murderous plant woman) as if she knows next to anything about her as a person and hasn't been witness to her killing people.
Ivy literally killed her entire previous office building and then had it set alight in Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1. She "spared" her boss as Janet's request by turning her into a gigantic fucking plant.
Like Ivy isn't a KNOWN criminal with a kill count in the hundreds at minimum.
Or her pushing Ivy and getting pissed only to kiss her like 3 seconds later, accusing her of doing something to the CEO chick when Ivy had literally been kneeling in front of her and hugging her, not exactly Fighting Stance sorta moment and then immediately telling her to fix it.
Her getting pissed that Ivy used her control over the lamia to get all the group members to stand in a blockade with her, like ???? Ma'am, she's Poison Ivy. Who the fuck did you think you were hanging around with??
And the "you dragged us here against our will?" via the dumbass concoction that, oh, right, Janet dragged them here and ultimately led to them to drinking. The one that she was ecstatic to keep drinking and was perfectly happy to reap the benefits from when it was something she wanted.
Ya know, the whole "At that point, I stop resisting. The hallucinogens. The weird vibes. Janet."
Saying, "I stop resisting." in the context of their make out session is not a display of enthusiastic consent, but whatever.
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"you put our lives in danger for your own agenda" DUH, WHO DOES SHE THINK PAMELA IS????? like if she started this whole thing not knowing this was Poison Ivy, that'd be one thing, but she does. And she acts fucking stupid every time Ivy dares to act outta line in her view of the world.
Or when Ivy, idk, acts in character.
"you know what I am Janet." Like it's not as if she ain't trying to constantly remind her who the fuck she is, what she's done.
"This is not what you are. This is what you were."
She acts like they've known each other for Years and allllllll that bad stuff she doesn't approve of was just how Ivy was in the beginning, and all of this is some little missteps after years of recovery and rehabilitation and shit. And it's just Not. It's been a couple of months, at the most.
Sometimes we have wishful images and expectations of folks that just aren't realistic and eventually, she's gonna have to come to terms with the fact that the woman she believes Ivy to be because of a couple acts of kindness does not mean that she's this picture perfect image of an Environmental Activist with a pure non violent heart who would just hug all the trees if it meant world peace ❤️
This woman that she's built up inside her head as Ivy, is not Ivy. And has never been the Ivy in front of her.
Janet. Does. Not. Know. Her.
If she did, she wouldn't be acting like she has throughout the past two chapters. She wouldn't have dragged her to a wellness retreat that Ivy would OBVIOUSLY not morally align with.
and then she kisses her??? Ivy's trying to talk and get through to her that even if she's not Scum Of The Earth Villain With No Moral Code, that there is some things she just can't change. Ivy can't just ignore the way the world is or the way the earth is screaming in pain caused by humans.
No matter how hard she may want to, she's always going to be part plant. She's always going to have this drive and deep seeded want to protect plant life. She can't cut that out of her, it's just another part of her.
And, frankly, if she Wanted to put them in danger, if she wanted to truly make a stand in that moment. She could have just killed those two people. She could have made Them kill those two people.
She didn't. She did save the entire group, she took them out to stand and when the situation got out of hand and she realized those people were going to run them over, she saved all of them and got all of them out of there. She could have just left. She could have just popped into the earth herself and let them to deal with the consequences, where it be physical injuries or otherwise.
But instead of letting her talk, she kisses her and starts on her "oh, but I know you so much better than you know yourself clearly. I don't believe you when you tell me you're a way and then I'm gonna get bitchy when you act like how you said you are. :)"
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"I don't believe you. You saved us when you could have sacrificed us." Also, sorry, but what the fuck would Ivy have even gained from "sacrificing them"??? She didn't believe those folks would actually try n run over a group of people, that's it. Them all dying aside from her wasn't going to stop what they were there trying to prevent anyway.
But why would I expect Janet to know shit about the finer details or even basic surface level shit in regards to larger problems that Ivy's trying to deal with.
Also, love her just dodging Ivy's now repeated "this was not something I should have done nor should it continue" in regards to their Less Platonic physical contact. Like, lady is Fully aware that Ivy not only has a woman waiting for her back in Gotham, but that Ivy's In Love with that woman.
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And Ivy straight up said that sleeping with her was One of several mistakes, in the last chapter.
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'Harley would understand. She knows what it's like to get caught up in the moment. I could just tell her about this. We could laugh about it together.
But I immediately start to feel guilty that I let this happen at all."
Like it doesn't matter to Ivy if Harley would be okay with it or if that's what she was implying with the "side quest" comment, because to Her, it doesn't feel right.
"But I immediately start to feel guilty that I let this happen at all." That I Let This Happen At All.
But also again, pointing out that quote above
"At that point, I stop resisting. The hallucinogens. The weird vibes. Janet."
and how all her actions in this scene were influenced by the same drugged goop the rest of the retreaters were high on.
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"There's a reason I had trouble resisting the hallucinogenic properties of that green goop."
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"What? What is it? Did I do something wrong?"
"No. I did something wrong."
"You mean sleeping with me?"
"Okay, I did several things wrong. -"
But sure, okay kiss her when she's trying to talk after she's already expressed to you that what happened was a mistake.
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And then Janet stops her from dealing with the chick that Actually caused all this? Who was getting snippy and aggressive towards Ivy? Where's all your fucking anger towards the woman who actually drugged all you, you fucking moron.
"I thought you were only going to murder the real bad guys now."
well, tbf I don't think you're exactly a keen candidate for deciding who the "Real Bad Guys" are, Janet.
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but Ivy stops, and tries to reason and be understanding with the chick.
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Her responses "Gwen? Hey! Are you okay? What's going on" just oh so definitely sound like what someone would say if she were making the situation inside Gwen's body worsen significantly, at least to Fucking Janet Apparently.
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"What the-- what have you done to her?"
Sweetie, are you stupid? What kinda person would create a reaction like Gwen's having and kneel there being like ""Gwen? Hey! Are you okay? What's going on?"
everything Gwen's getting is called self inflicted Karma.
Obviously Ivy would know she's not okay if she was actively killing her. Or like, maybe how she wouldn't get down and hug her if she still planned on murdering her?? Why would she be calming the situation down just to be like "Ha! Sike!" She's not exactly the jokester type, Janet.
Their whole dynamic is just
Ivy: says or does typical "Protect the planet" Ivy stuff that she's been doing since before this comic started (and significantly before Janet came into the picture)
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Janet: wow, I can't believe you'd do such a thing, this is so unlike you.
Like, I'm sorry you're a dumb bitch Janet but boo hoo, almost like crimes and violence comes along with hanging around a mass murderer. 💀 Am I supposed to feel sympathetic for her? She's got no reason to still be hanging around Ivy if she doesn't like how she exists or how she operates in her day to day Less Than Legal activities.
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dopepoisonivyoncrack · 3 months
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Decided to post the first pics with my Tav(atar). High elf druid and guild artisan.
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guinevereslancelot · 4 months
why do i have an almost date tomorrow 😬
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