#its now permanently left-clicking.
worldblight · 7 months
I'm actually killing myself
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allylikethecat · 11 months
I saw Fall Out Boy last night for the first time since I was a teenager and I felt like I was seventeen again, and now I'm feeling super emo about it, and them and like wow when did I get so old? When did Take This To Your Grave turn TWENTY years old?! I remember my Mom and I had the physical CD and would listen to it in the car.
Also... I was reminded just how fucking clever Pete Wentz is like holy shit, the way he puts words together is just absolutely insane and I hope that one day I can come across as even half as clever and eloquent in my writing. (Though that will not be happening with this post I'm just having a lot of feelings and need to put them out into the world so I can move on with my life)
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a childhood sweetheart of coryo turned couple classmates yet the games began and she saw coryo fell in love with lucy, went to district 12 and returned empty handed with a cold heart
and how she was there to welcome him back and accept him wholeheartedly, allowing him to use her through his rise at becoming President.
"you dont love me anymore and thats okay but at least you dont love her as well. at the very least use me until im nothing of value to you. because thats how i love"
Use me || Young!Coriolanus Snow x reader
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A/n: anon you're so creative....
Warnings: reader smoking, manipulative snow, mention of infidelity, suggestive, if there's anything else lmk
Wc: 1,075
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
"What's on your mind, my love?" You gently sweep a stray strand of his blonde locks away from his face. His chest still rapidly rising and falling from the previous activities.
Coriolanus' gaze gravitates toward you as you gracefully rest on your forearm, the strap of your nightgown sensually slipping down your arm. Coryo delicately corrects it, gracing you with a warm smile as your eyes intimately connect with his.
"Nothing, everything's alright," he dismisses, his gaze returning to the ceiling. You release a quiet sigh, opting not to probe him further.
You shift to turn to your side, your back facing Coryo as you hear him quietly sigh. Unexpectedly, his arm envelops you, drawing you against his warm chest, his lip delicately grazing your ear.
"I love you. I will always love you, y/n," he murmurs, prompting a tear to cascade down your cheek in response to his sudden confession. Part of you embraces his sincerity, while the other clings to lingering doubts.
As the 10th Hunger Games approached, the air buzzed with anticipation. Tributes were selected and the Games began, and with that, you noticed a shift in Coriolanus. His tribute from District 12, Lucy Gray, seemed to capture his attention in a way that sent ripples through your once idyllic romance. His eyes, once filled with tenderness for you, now held a distant, searching look.
"Tell me, Coryo, did you cheat for Lucy Gray?" Tears welled in your eyes as you stood before him, arms crossed, while he gazed back with a vacant expression. His silence hung in the air.
You took his hand in yours, bringing it up to your cheek. "Please, just tell me, I could help you, my parents can help," you pleaded, wanting to know the truth. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, y/n," he murmured, shaking his head and retracting his hand as you stifled a sob.
Coriolanus, caught in the crossfire of ambition and newfound desires, struggled to articulate a response to your question. The once unbreakable bond as childhood sweethearts you shared seemed to fracture under the weight of the Games and the allure of Lucy Gray. He left, leaving you with unanswered questions and a heart heavy with uncertainty.
As the Games progressed, whispers of Coriolanus's involvement in cheating echoed through the Capitol's corridors. The ambitious student found himself banished to District 12, a harsh consequence that would permanently alter the course of his life. The Capitol, ever hungry for scandal, eagerly awaited his return.
End of Flashback
When Coriolanus comes back, the triumph that should define his return is replaced by the chill of defeat. Empty-handed and with a heart grown cold, he stands before you, a mere shell of the boy you once knew. Yet, true to the loyalty that defines your love, you are there to welcome him back.
"Coryo," you whisper tenderly, the rapid click of your heels announcing your silent approach. His eyes have yet to meet yours, but you surprise him with an unexpected hug, shattering the quietude around you. The warmth that once enveloped him dissipates, leaving only a haunting emptiness in its wake.
You could feel it in the way his arms reluctantly wrapped around you, the embrace forced and lacking the familiar back rubbing that used to accompany such moments. Lifting your head, you locked eyes with his cold and reserved gaze.
With a furrowed brow, you withdraw, clearing your throat before cautiously inquiring, "How are you?" He scoffs in response, his retort cutting through the air, "I've been living in the districts. How do you think I am?" his words spat out with a harsh bitterness.
You nod slowly, taken back at his outburst. "Sorry, that was insensitive of me. Forgive me," you murmur, your eyes fixed on the slender points of your heels, catching a mumbled and incoherent response from him.
"It's fine," though the contradiction between his words and tone is palpable. "Now, shall we go? I've had a long day." Coriolanus massages his forehead as you nod. "Of course, the car is waiting outside," you move your feet.
"Y/n, wait," he calls out as you pause in your steps, turning around to face him. His arm extends, an unspoken invitation for you to link onto it, and you feel the corners of your lips turn up momentarily.
Your family's wealth and influence worked as a shield, protecting Coriolanus from the harsh judgement of Capitol society. It was an unspoken fact that you and Coriolanus would be together no matter what happened.
As the months pass, Coriolanus's political ambitions soar, fueled by your family's wealth and connections. Your role transitions from a lover to a silent supporter, your love an offering laid at the altar of his ascent to power. Your heart bears the scars of unspoken pain, but you wear a façade of unwavering commitment.
So, you play your part. Standing by Coriolanus' side as he maneuvers through tricky Capitol politics, him as the youngest President of Panem, and you as First lady.
In the quiet moments, away from prying eyes, you try to break down the high walls of ice he has erected around his heart since his arrival back in the Capitol. But every attempt to rekindle what was lost seems to fall on deaf ears. The specter of Lucy Gray lingers, an unspoken presence that casts a shadow over your attempts at reconciliation.
"How many times have I told you to stop drinking so early in the day," Coryo's harsh words boom through the corridors of the lavish presidential mansion, his footsteps getting louder by each step.
You discreetly roll your eyes, a skillful concealment, as he forcefully snatches the posca glass from your grasp. The resounding slam of the glass meeting the table fills the room with an echoing punctuation.
"Coryo, it's Sunday, for goodness' sake," you implore, tilting your chin downward. Your eyes, slightly blown out, fixate directly on him, and a smirk graces your perfectly painted lips.
His gaze carefully explores the contours of your face. Your habit of indulging in the luxurious of alcohol at any time, in any place, has left its mark on you. "Get dressed, we have visitors soon," He says through gritted teeth, his fingers harshly holding your chin up.
"Of course, Coriolanus," You push his hand away, standing up quickly causing you to bump into his shoulder. Coryo's hands bawl into fists as he watches you walk away, he ought to have a talking to you for using his full name.
Coriolanus was not surprised at how quickly you managed to sober up and act like the proper lady you were. It was something Coryo admired about you, how much you prioritised your image and duty.
Luncheon went by a breeze, Coriolanus' hand never leaving your thigh during the entirety of it. The mask of Capitol perfection never failing to falter. However, the emotional toll of playing the dutiful partner while witnessing Coryo's heart slipping away, became increasingly unbearable.
Later that evening, your feet led you to his office. The speech you had rehearsed replaying in your mind, a plea for acknowledgment, a desperate cry for the remnants of the love that once defined your connection.
You lift up your knuckles to the wooden doors, hesitating for a moment before your knuckles make contact with the door. "Come in," You hear his voice call out as you let out a breath before stepping in.
Coriolanus arches an eyebrow in your direction, his gaze then drifting to your left hand where a cigarette delicately hangs between your manicured fingers. "You know how much I hate it when you smoke in the house, especially in my office," he remarks, reclining in his seat, an annoyed expression on his face. Undeterred, you challenge him by taking a deliberate, long drag, keeping eye contact intact.
"Apologies, husband, but you're well aware of how smoking has a peculiar way of soothing my nerves," you quip, casting him a wry smile before strolling towards the window. With a deft motion, you open it, allowing the tendrils of smoke to gracefully exit the room.
Coriolanus scrutinizes you, attempting to decipher the enigma you've become, though he acknowledges that his once-sharp ability to read you now lies dormant, lost during his time away from the Capitol. "Do you have something you want to say? I'm rather busy right now," he states, his gaze glued to scattered papers, while you, tapping your foot with impatience, await acknowledgment.
"Sit, if you want," he gestures nonchalantly, his eyes remaining steadfast on the sprawl of papers before him. You gracefully settle into the plush leather chair, crossing your legs as you stub out the cigarette.
"You don't love me anymore, I know you don’t, and that's okay," you said, your voice steady, your eyes fixed on the man who had once been your everything. "I've learned to accept it," you add, a note of acceptance in your voice. Coriolanus visibly freezes, his attention finally torn from the paperwork, as you wear a satisfied smile, relishing the impact of your words. "But at least you don't love her as well."
"At the very least, use me until I'm nothing of value to you, because that's how I love." Coriolanus, a complex tapestry of emotions, looked at you with a gaze that betrayed a mixture of regret and resolve. The reality of your words, the stark admission of your willingness to be used for the sake of a love that had long lost its luster, hung in the air.
"I never wanted it to be this way," he said, his voice carrying the weight of the choices that had led them to this moment. You refrain from letting out a scoff, "But it is," you replied, a bittersweet smile playing on your lips as you get up, walking around his desk to place a hand on his shoulder. "I'm at your disposal, Coryo. You know that, don't you?"
The words hung in the air, a silent acknowledgement. Yet, the hunger for power had consumed him, and your sacrifice became a mere footnote in the narrative of his ascent.
As the years passed, you became a shadow in his political theater. Your influence and wealth were tools in his rise to power, your heart a casualty in the ruthless pursuit of his goals.
Your sacrifices, both seen and unseen, were the foundation upon which his legacy was built. Yet, the hollowness in your heart grew, a testament to the silent agony of a love that had withered in the shadows of power and ambition.
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: jack and luke talking about their older sister, who they’ll forever cherish even if shes all the way in vancouver with quinn. their talk brings up memories that will forever be theirs.
almost a sequel of my “never grow up” fic 🤍
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hey dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?
growing up, jack always looked up to big siblings. each holding a special place in his heart. but both of them we’re different. quinn was the one he went to about hockey, girls, and school. y/n was the one he went to for almost everything else.
maybe it was because of how she was always overprotective of him, quinn and luke. he felt closest to her. it was clear she was the favorite, for each brother.
“do you think y/n thinks about us a lot?” luke asked when she went off to college. jack gave luke a look. “of course she does, moron. it’s not like she could forget us.”
luke shrugged. “i just miss her.”
when we were younger, down in the park, honey making a lark of the misery.
“do you think y/n stops to think about us? like— do you think she sees something like the color red and think about us?” luke asked, sitting next to jack.
jack held a picture frame of him, luke, quinn and her on her highschool graduation day.
“maybe not that much— but i like to think she does.” jacks eyes flickered to luke then back to the picture.
luke let out a sigh. “do you remember the summer before she went to college? almost every other day she would take us to the park to just, forget. forget that she would be leaving.”
jack quietly laughed. “i can’t forget that. highlight of my summer, along with you tripping every time you climbed the rock wall and fell”
luke slapped his brothers arm. “fuck off”
you got shiny new friends since you left town. a tiny screens the only place i see you now. and i got nothing but well wishes for you.
jacks shoulders moved along with his laughter. then it went quiet. “i miss her. i hate that we only see her through a tiny screen.” he spoke.
“at least we can still see her. im jealous of quinn though.” luke added.
jack shrugged. “i am but im not. we got her for a few years, it was his turn now.”
“yeah— but permanently.” luke told.
the two stopped talking. looking at the picture. their older sister smiling happily at the camera with her arms wrapped around jack and luke. quinn stood on the end, arm wrapped around jack.
she stuck out like a sore thumb in the picture. her bright blue graduation gown and bright blue cap was a huge contrast to the mix of whites, blacks, reds and greens the boys wore.
along with her height. the heels she wore made her tower over the boys.
hey dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me? when it was calmer, skipping the prom just to piss off your mom and her pageant schemes.
laughter flooded through the quiet park. heels clicked against the sidewalk in a fast pace along with three other sets of feet running behind.
“moms so gonna kill you, sissy!” luke laughed.
you hunched over, hands on your knees as you caught your breath. luke leaned onto you, trying to catch his breath as jack and quinn stifled their laughs.
“she spent so much on this dress, and these damn— heels!” you spoke, struggling to get them off.
“not to mention the ticket!” jack added, grabbing your hand to help you stay steady as you took off the heels.
“i still don’t understand why you ditched, and why you dragged us along” quinn spoke.
“if a hughes goes down, we all do” you gave a toothy grin.
jack smiled softly as he helped you out. luke held your side, stabilizing you so you could get the heel off.
your long green dress clung to your body. the necklace you wore made its way into jacks pocket and was replaced with the necklace he got you for your birthday.
your ‘pearl’ bracelet was replaced with the bracelet luke made. and your ‘pearl’ ring was replaced with the ring quinn gave you. every nice piece of jewelry was replaced with one that actually meant something to you, whether they were pretty or not. (cough lukes beaded bracelet)
you pulled the pins out of your hair, along with the fake pearls and diamonds. you took the long clip that held your hair, out and shook your head.
“thank god im out of that. i love mom but god it felt like she was preparing me for a pageant.” you laughed.
in that moment, all brothers adored you. adored how you clearly cared for them. “lets head home now” you smiled.
but its never too late to come back to my side, the stars in your eyes shined brighter in tupelo. and if you’re ever tired for being known for who you know, you know you’ll always know me.
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liked by ynhughes, lhughes_06 and 362,726 others
jackhughes vancouver may be fun, but i miss you, so come back.
tagged: ynhughes
ynhughes i miss u more kid ☹️❤️
jackhughes so come back!
ynhughes its not that easy babes
jackhughes so make it easy lol
user14 im sobbing bring y/n back
user17 come back y/n jacky needs u
_quinnhughes i finally get my sister time and you want her back?
jackhughes yeah 😁😁
_quinnhughes gtfo
lhughes_06 this is true, i agree
jackhughes uh yeah id hope so
ynhughes guys pls 😞😞
user61 this is so 😭😭😭😭
trevorzegras bring hot stuff back!!!
jackhughes shes five years older than you, give it a rest 😒😒😒
trevorzegras never back down never what?
colecaulfied NEVER GIVE UP 😱😱😱😱
user73 i miss the hughes siblings together
user15 maybe vancouver will be good for her. maybe she’ll find a boyfriend
trevorzegras NO.
user82 trevor i love u 🥰
user27 i feel like any sad taylor song about growing up or even her friends like dorothea, could relate to them and y/n
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tags: (perm) @hockeyboysarehot (just ask if you’d like perm tags <3 )
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electricpurrs · 6 months
my life has been greatly improved after i did this and i want to help my fellow mobile warriors, but there are no full clear tutorials on it out there, so im making my own
under the cut there'll be an overly extensive but hopefully helpful tutorial on how to use revanced (of youtube revanced fame) to get a patched version of the tumblr mobile app which can reverse annoying UI changes, get prev tags back, and get rid of tumblr live permanently
first of all, this only works on android. sorry. but that said here we go
firstly go on the play store and turn off Play Protect. you'll generally need to turn off/ignore any safety checks you get, and allow to "download from unverified sources" (dw this process is safe, you can turn these back on after you're done)
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uninstall the tumblr app you currently have on your phone (the one from the play store)
download Vanced MicroG and ReVanced Manager. install both. ReVanced Manager will become an app you'll need to use for this
go to this link. generally youre supposed to be careful when downloading apks off the internet, but i can testify the ones from apkmirror are safe
now this is where the magic happens. apkmirror has the apks for ALL versions of the tumblr app, from the most recent one as far back as 2015
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this is how you can reverse any changes to the tumblr app you dont like, simply get an apk from before the change was made
the one im currently using is v29.1.1.100
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pros of this one:
- the old image viewer (you can click on images to zoom in without the weird transparent background and scrolling taking you to unrelated posts)
- prev tags (aka you can click on a post or a reblog to be taken directly to that version of the post or the reblog instead of just going to the top of op's blog)
- general reversal of recent UI changes, like the DM redesign and the update that made everything smaller and round
having chosen an apk, download it. i heard some people say you should only download and not install it right away, but mine only worked when i had it installed, so it might depend for you
now go to the ReVanced Manager app you downloaded earlier
go to the Patcher tab, and there click on Select and application, there you can select the tumblr apk you just downloaded
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there you can see the available patches, simply click on patch and wait until its done
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i believe if you did not need to install your apk earlier you can just click "install" and install the patched version right away.
but for me, since i had to install my apk, what i had to do was, once my app was patched, click on the folder icon on the bottom left, save the patched app to my phone files (besides the og one, not replace it), then i went to my file manager, deleted the original apk, THEN installed the revanced version
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idk if you'll need to do this but it was a pain for me to figure this out so if it helps someone else 👍
and with that its done! if you manage to install it sucessfully, you can just open the app, log in, and youll see if its working if tumblr live is completely gone and all other changes are applied o7
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d6volution · 7 months
i was wondering if u could do a jax x reader were jax walks into readers’ locked room expecting nothing but sees reader .. ‘taking care’ of herself.. iykwim 😋
your writing is my fav !!<33
of course, and thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it anon. 💗
Jax/Fem!Reader | Rating: Explicit.
tags: mutual masturbation, dirty talk, mean jax, voyeurism, mild degrading/name calling, penetration with a foreign object (it's a brush.)
minors dni.
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Whistling echoed through the halls as a key twirls around Jax's finger. To his knowledge everyone was off on one of Caine's little adventures. The perfect chance to.. satiate his curiosity, or cause some trouble.. its one in the same to him. He stopped at your door, the plaque with your face on it was oddly endearing.
Just as Jax kneeled down to unlock the door he heard something strange, causing his ear to twitch a little. "What the.." He muttered and leaned in , resting his head on door so he could hear better. But then it was silent. "Don't go losin' your mind just yet, Jax," He scolded himself and unlocked your door with a soft click. "After all you've, —' Jax froze, the light of the hall illuminating your dimly lit room, revealing your figure sprawled out, dwarfed by the large bed. Lewd noises coming from in between your tremblings legs.
Your hand was moving in a rhythm between them. He cocked his head to the side a little, before stepping forward and closing the door behind him with a gentlte, 'click.' Now, standing in the door way with his arms crossed.
... you were using the blunt end of a brush to get off, creative. He'll give you props for that.
Your eyes were closed, and the opening of the door was so brief that you hardly registered the light which flooded in , briefly tickling your closed eyelids. No you were too busy chasing your high.. you were so close, close close..! The brush pumping in and out of your wet cunt. Until you heard the click of the door shutting and immediately shot forward panting, "W.. Who.."
"Oh, don't stop on my account, I was enjoyin' the show, doll." Your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and the unmistakable silhouette of Jax and that shit eating grin that was always plastered on his face.
"Y.. You pervert Jax, get out!" You threw a plush bear at his head which he easily dodged. He just stood and stared, waiting for your excuse.
Fuck. Your cunt was still aching, and you were oh so close to release and this.. jerk had to come in between you and ecstasy.
He tuts, "Naahh... I think I'll stay. I mean, you're clearly breakin one of Caine's biggest rules," Jax takes a step towards you and your stomach feels tight.
"Th-The hell do you care.." You shot back, chest still heaving. Hair sticking to your damp face. What a strange situation this was. You, sitting here like a animal in heat. Cheeks flushed and legs pressed together, trying to subdue the growing frustrations between your legs while the most attractive circus member stares at you like you're being served up on a platter.
"Look, we both know I could careless about Caine's 'rules' , now- what I do care about are those pretty noises you were makin' earlier." He teased, every word that left his mouth was auditory seduction and he knew it. You legs pressed together harder, he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.. "But ya know, I could just call him up now and let him see just what a mess you are, not to mention non-family friendly." He said while gesturing his hand towards your form.
"No! Jax..! You asshole , I swear.." You spoke through gritted teeth, and he hushed you, lifting a single gloved finger to his otherwise permanent grin. "Then get to it toots. I don't have all day. Well— I do. But that's besides the point." He coos but theres an edge to his voice and you gulp.
You grip the brush and scoot back against the plush of your pillows, your heart thumping in your chest. It was either this or even further embarrassment from Caine.. who was sure to be loud enough that entire tent would know.
Besides.. you needed to get off anyways, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.. other than letting Jax have the upper hand which he always took advantage of.
"Hmn, move those covers aside will you? I'd like to get a better view." He said, breaking your chain of thought.
Jax was being oddly patient. He silently thanked the darkness that hid his growing erection in his overalls, he couldn't let you be aware that you were getting him excited this fast.. not yet at least.
One of his hands trailed down his thigh to stroke the growing appendage through his clothes.
You pushed the covers to the side obediently and your glistening cunt was on display. "Y.. You'd better not tell anyone about this or i'll..." You tried to sound bold, intimidating.. but,  the threat was empty, and your voice died in your throat as you teased yourself with the brush.
"Or you'll what ..?" He was walking towards the edge of your bed, "Tell everyone what a slut you are? That I caught you touching yourself in your room and whimpering like a little whore? Oh, I bet they'd love to hear that doll in fact how about I tell them myself, hm?"
Your breathe hitched, you found yourself thrusting the brush in and out of your greedy cunt as he spoke. Degrading you, "Ya like that toots? Bein' talked down to while you get off?" He said and pulled himself from his overalls, stroking his twitching cock over your trembling form. He's already got the upper hand.. no point in hiding it now.
He lifted on leg and planted it at the edge of the bed, as if to give you a better view of him stroking his lavendar dick. Balls jumping a little with each tug.
"N.. No that's.. not.." You gasped, hand subconciously moving faster. Thrusting the foreign object in and out of your wet cunt.
He watched with baited breath, his chest heaving and ears twitching a little as he stroked himself. "I'm afraid lyin' won't get ya anywhere toots.. nnh.. just keep bein a cute little slut for me and fucking yourself."
He panted, drinking up your moans and the cute way your body twitched and hips bucked against your hand. "Just like that.."
"Jax.. please.. please touch me.." You whined, and screwed your eyes shut out of frustration, hand kneading your own breasts.
"I don't think so, toots. I'm just enjoyin' the show tonight." He chuckled, watching you writhe at his answer but your hand didn't stop, you were too determined to finally cum this time.
"You can do it doll, so close.. and just imagine maybe I'll be pounded that tight little cunt next time.~" He purrs, as his own grip tightens on his cock. Fucking his fist with more vigor as your own thrusts got more sloppy and lacked rhythm.
"Hh.. Hha..! [Censor!] Jax.. !!" You cried as your body spasmed and convulsed around the brush, the pressure pushing the object out of your cunt. At the same time Jax was spurting out ropes of cum onto your floor, avoiding your bed .. though it would have been better on your face or thighs..
"Ha.. not bad doll, ...nh.. you should get cleaned up." He said , adjusting his own clothing, but his eyes never left you. He was savoring the look you had on your face. Dilated pupils and mouth agape a little. How cute.
"Next time.. lose the brush, I'll have something a bit more filling.~" 
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thepenultimateword · 2 months
Villain tried to shut the door, but Henchman was too fast, catching it by its edge before the gap could fully disappear.
“Found you," they said, half threat, half croon. They shoved into the house, knocking Villain back a few steps.
"What are you doing here?" Villain said, catching themself on the coatrack and nearly pulling it down on top of themself.
Henchman reached over Villain's head to steady it and then stayed there. Peeling back the nonchalance plastered over their shame. Taking in their altered form.
"Where have you been?" they countered, soft, knuckle raised gently against Villain's cheek before abruptly dropping again.
"Here. There. What does it matter? You found me." Villain ducked under their arm and hobbled slowly to the couch. Henchman's heavy step traveled in the opposite direction, followed by the click of the door closing, then the steps tramped back toward them. By the time Villain had plopped down on the couch cushion Henchman was kneeling in front of them. For an instant, it was like nothing had changed. Total fealty.
Villain stopped their hand short before they could touch Henchman's head. It felt wrong when they were so utterly weak. There had always been a balance, Henchman so physically intimidating, and Villain thrumming with destructive power. The upper hand, the reason for such devotion, had been crystal clear. Now, Villain could wither and scatter under Henchman's expectations.
"You completely disappeared." Henchman laid their head in Villain's lap anyway. "You were hurt and I got worried. But you didn't answer my calls. You didn't tell anyone where you were going. It's taken me 8 months to track you down. It's like you were trying to avoid me."
Villain sighed, dropping their rigidness and succumbing to the urge to stroke back Henchman's hair. It was just as soft as they remembered, thick and fluffy like an animal pelt. They twirled a piece above their ear, but avoided Henchman's watching eyes as they responded, "I was done for and everyone knew it. It was better to step down and disappear than wait for someone else to assassinate me."
Henchman reached up and took loose hold of Villain's wrist. Why was their gaze so earnest? Didn't they know? Didn't they feel the difference in them? Shouldn't that past awe and adoration be visibally dying at the sight of them?
"I would've protected you," Henchman said.
"I didn't want you to. I have too many enemies. You would have been hurt."
"Then you should've told me. I would've come with you."
"I didn't want that either."
Henchman flinched, and Villain was struck with a stab of guilt. That wasn't entirely true. Of course, Villain had wanted Henchman with them. Of course, it was agony knowing they couldn't even say goodbye. But anything but a clean break would have been worse. They couldn't just ask Henchman to give up their position, goals, and standing for life of nothing. No, more than that, they couldn't bear to see Henchman's devotion grow into disdain. The loss of their powers was the loss of their worth. Henchman would've clung to the threads of their memories but ultimately, Villain would have failed them.
Henchman dropped Villain's wrist but huddled in a little closer. "And...now that I'm here?"
Villain's heart panged. "You should go back."
Henchman hugged tight around Villain's legs, almost like a lifeline. "Why?"
Moment of truth. Time to make this permanent. “I’m not going back.”
“I know.”
“I can’t. I’m ruined. Those heroes took everything when they stripped me and left me for dead."
"I know."
"And even if I wasn’t. I still wouldn’t go back. I was getting tired. Losing focus. That's how they got me in the first place."
“I know.”
Why did they keep saying that? Obviously, they did not know if they could be so casual. This was the rest of their life!
“Henchman, I can’t give you anything anymore. I don't have the influence or power to protect you. I can't bring about a bright new world. I'm spent. A pathetic shell. You should find another person to serve. I'll never be able to give you what you want."
Henchman turned their head up at them. "Why would I want any of that?"
Villain choked. "Don't you?"
"Maybe when I was a kid. Things change over a couple decades." They lifted their head and sank back on their heels. "Your powers were amazing. It's true that they drew me to you. But I never stuck around for that. Or for the status. You're just so..." Henchman broke off, face crinkling as they searched for the word. Finally, they shrugged. "I don't know; it's too big. You spent so long taking care of me. Looking out for me. Giving me chances I didn't think I deserved. Let me do the same for you." Henchman took their hand in both of theirs, hesitantly kissing one knuckle. "Just let me be with you."
Villain flushed a little. They'd always been close. Close enough for feelings. Close enough for both to recognize it in the other. But there had never seemed to be a right time to acknowledge them out loud.
"Do you really not want me here?" Henchman said at Villain's extended silence.
"You'd be ok with a normal life?" Villain pressed. "No powers, no schemes, no money, just me?"
"It's always been just you."
Villain slid off the couch and onto the floor in front of Henchman. "Of course, I want you here."
They couldn't keep their voice from cracking in the middle and the next thing they knew they were folded up in Henchman's arms. They melted immediately. All the shame, fear, and frustration seemed to fade right out of them.
"I love you."
Henchman jolted a little, but as they pressed their head to Villain's, Villain saw a smile tugging at their lips. "Good. Then I'll always, always stay."
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CDA 230 bans Facebook from blocking interoperable tools
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then TOMORROW (May 3) in CALGARY, then SATURDAY (May 4) in VANCOUVER, then onto Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is the most widely misunderstood technology law in the world, which is wild, given that it's only 26 words long!
CDA 230 isn't a gift to big tech. It's literally the only reason that tech companies don't censor on anything we write that might offend some litigious creep. Without CDA 230, there'd be no #MeToo. Hell, without CDA 230, just hosting a private message board where two friends get into serious beef could expose to you an avalanche of legal liability.
CDA 230 is the only part of a much broader, wildly unconstitutional law that survived a 1996 Supreme Court challenge. We don't spend a lot of time talking about all those other parts of the CDA, but there's actually some really cool stuff left in the bill that no one's really paid attention to:
One of those little-regarded sections of CDA 230 is part (c)(2)(b), which broadly immunizes anyone who makes a tool that helps internet users block content they don't want to see.
Enter the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and their client, Ethan Zuckerman, an internet pioneer turned academic at U Mass Amherst. Knight has filed a lawsuit on Zuckerman's behalf, seeking assurance that Zuckerman (and others) can use browser automation tools to block, unfollow, and otherwise modify the feeds Facebook delivers to its users:
If Zuckerman is successful, he will set a precedent that allows toolsmiths to provide internet users with a wide variety of automation tools that customize the information they see online. That's something that Facebook bitterly opposes.
Facebook has a long history of attacking startups and individual developers who release tools that let users customize their feed. They shut down Friendly Browser, a third-party Facebook client that blocked trackers and customized your feed:
Then in in 2021, Facebook's lawyers terrorized a software developer named Louis Barclay in retaliation for a tool called "Unfollow Everything," that autopiloted your browser to click through all the laborious steps needed to unfollow all the accounts you were subscribed to, and permanently banned Unfollow Everywhere's developer, Louis Barclay:
Now, Zuckerman is developing "Unfollow Everything 2.0," an even richer version of Barclay's tool.
This rich record of legal bullying gives Zuckerman and his lawyers at Knight something important: "standing" – the right to bring a case. They argue that a browser automation tool that helps you control your feeds is covered by CDA(c)(2)(b), and that Facebook can't legally threaten the developer of such a tool with liability for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or the other legal weapons it wields against this kind of "adversarial interoperability."
Writing for Wired, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University speaks to a variety of experts – including my EFF colleague Sophia Cope – who broadly endorse the very clever legal tactic Zuckerman and Knight are bringing to the court.
I'm very excited about this myself. "Adversarial interop" – modding a product or service without permission from its maker – is hugely important to disenshittifying the internet and forestalling future attempts to reenshittify it. From third-party ink cartridges to compatible replacement parts for mobile devices to alternative clients and firmware to ad- and tracker-blockers, adversarial interop is how internet users defend themselves against unilateral changes to services and products they rely on:
Now, all that said, a court victory here won't necessarily mean that Facebook can't block interoperability tools. Facebook still has the unilateral right to terminate its users' accounts. They could kick off Zuckerman. They could kick off his lawyers from the Knight Institute. They could permanently ban any user who uses Unfollow Everything 2.0.
Obviously, that kind of nuclear option could prove very unpopular for a company that is the very definition of "too big to care." But Unfollow Everything 2.0 and the lawsuit don't exist in a vacuum. The fight against Big Tech has a lot of tactical diversity: EU regulations, antitrust investigations, state laws, tinkerers and toolsmiths like Zuckerman, and impact litigation lawyers coming up with cool legal theories.
Together, they represent a multi-front war on the very idea that four billion people should have their digital lives controlled by an unaccountable billionaire man-child whose major technological achievement was making a website where he and his creepy friends could nonconsensually rate the fuckability of their fellow Harvard undergrads.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: D-Kuru (modified): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MSI_Bravo_17_(0017FK-007)-USB-C_port_large_PNr%C2%B00761.jpg
Minette Lontsie (modified): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Facebook_Headquarters.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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bimobuddy · 2 months
Hazbin TK fic
Writing this because there's currently a storm going on that's not supposed to end until 7 pm, and I'm not doing well :)
Lee!Alastor, Ler!Lucifer
Alastor might be ooc
CW: Fear of storms?? Anxiety
Summary: Hell gets a really bad storm, and Alastor isn't as composed as he normally is. When Lucifer finds out the reason why, he decides to put their rivalry aside and help him out.
Alastor gripped his cane tightly in his hands, his permanent grin slightly more strained than usual. Wordlessly, he stood up from his seat and made an excuse to Charlie about needing to finish up some scripting for his next broadcast.
He turned and left the lobby, his shoes clicking as he walked down the hall.
His breath caught in his throat as he picked up the pace a little, his ears starting to fold back.
"Heeey, Bambi!" Lucifer called, appearing in front of him. Oblivious to the Radio Demon's distress, he grinned, ready to harass him. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Alastor gripped his cane so hard he thought he was about to snap it. "Not that it's any of your business, your highness, but I'm heading back to my room." He replied, trying to mask his fear behind his usual smile and sass.
As thunder sounded again, softer this time, more of a rolling sound, Lucifer picked up on Alastor's anxious demeanor. His tail flicked, and his ears were pinned back a little.
The king chuckled, "Oh come on, don't tell me you of all demons are scared of a little-"
Lucifer blinked and looked around. Had Alastor disappeared? The light sound of microphone feedback caught his attention, and he turned to see that Alastor hadn't disappeared into shadow, but instead dropped to the floor and hidden under a table in the hall.
Alastor's ears were fully pinned back as he shook and pressed himself back against the wall.
Sensing this was something deeper, Lucifer kneeled down to be eye level with him. "Hey," he started, speaking softly, the same way he had to Charlie when she was a child and scared of the dark, "You're okay, Al. This hotel was built with angelic power, the storm isn't going to break in."
Alastor, eyes wide still, looked up at the king. When Lucifer took a chance and reached a hand out, he was surprised when Alastor took it.
"When I was a child," the demon started, his voice losing its radio filter, "a really bad tornado hit Louisiana. It devastated our town and nearly destroyed my home. I was in the cellar with my mother for hours until we were found."
Lucifer's eyes widened a little bit, as he felt his heart break for the demon. He gave Alastor's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "You know, Charlie used to be afraid of storms too-"
Alastor forced a short laugh. "Wonderful, I'm behaving like a child." He pulled his hand away, and climbed out from under the table, feeling embarrassed for having acted like that in front of his rival. As another boom of thunder sounded, Alastor froze and gripped the table so hard, the wood started to crack and splinter.
Lucifer summoned his wings and wrapped one side around Alastor. "Let me walk you to your room-" Alastor shook his head. "My room is modeled to look like the swamps of Louisiana, I can't-... I can't stay in there during a storm."
"Alright then... My room, come on." He turned and started to guide Alastor in the opposite direction. He folded his wings in and de-summoned them, as to let Alastor retain his dignity when they passed by the lobby again.
As he was being guided, Alastor didn't once argue or complain, much to the surprise of Lucifer. He actually stayed rather close to the king, ears down, forcing himself to take deep breaths.
When they reached Lucifer's room, there was a flash of lightning, causing Alastor to rush in quickly. Seeing Alastor break character so much was very odd and concerning to the king. For as long as he had known the demon, Alastor had the attitude of someone who was untouchable. And now here he was, shaking, and bleating like a scared fawn.
He sighed, feeling bad for him. He remembered when Charlie would come running into his room scared, during a storm. Back then, he would have scooped her up into his lap, and they would have counted the seconds between the flashes of lightning and the cracking of thunder. And when that didn't work, he'd- Oh there's an idea.
"Alastor?" He started, taking his hat off and setting aside. "You wanna know what I used to do with Charlie when she was scared of storms?" He asked with a smile.
The Radio Demon turned to face him. He was still holding onto that smile, but his eyes showed just how distressed he was. He tilted his head.
Lucifer waved him over, sitting down. "I'll show you, sit down." Alastor approached and sat next to him, willing to try anything at this point to calm his nerves. He set his cane aside and let out a surprised fawn squeak when the king just opened his coat. He was obviously wearing a shirt underneath, but he hadn't expected for Lucifer to touch him.
"It was a little game we'd play. You ready?" Before Alastor could question it, he saw another flash of lighting that made him jump. That was Lucifer's cue to start.
He reached forward and started to scritch his claws against Alastor's sides, up and down. The demon let out a startled yelp, and at first Lucifer thought maybe this was a bad idea. But when the host started to chuckle and lean into it, he smiled and continued.
As thunder rolled and boomed overhead, Lucifer slid his hands upward and spidered over his ribs. Alastor doubled over, laughing harder, yet he barely even noticed the loud noise, only able to focus on the tickling.
Playful claws zipped down and vibrated into his hips, and the radio host couldn't help but curl up and fall onto his side, tail wagging. He squeezed his eyes shut and laughed louder, his own hands shooting down to grab Lucifer's, yet he didn't push him away, seeming to be more than okay with this distraction.
The king gave his hips a break and reached up to gently scritch behind his ears. He couldn't stop the fond smile that painted itself across his face once Alastor's loud laughter melted away into staticky giggles.
Lucifer summoned his wings back and again, and wrapped them around Alastor, pressing them against his back. Alastor normally hated touch, but he welcomed this. It was warm, and the gentle, constant pressure against his back was helping with his anxiety, a lot actually.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Lucifer plucking one of his own feathers. His cheeks warmed and his ears folded back, but he didn't attempt to escape. He just squeezed his eyes shut again, and allowed the angel to flutter it under his chin.
Alastor burst into surprised giggles, shocked at just how ticklish it was. It definitely didn't feel like a normal feather, it was worse.
Lucifer chuckled, "Yeah, angels feathers, they're much more intense than birds." He saw the window flash, and brought the feather down to Alastor's tummy, pushing his shirt up. Right when the thunder started, he started to flick and flutter the feather against his skin, grinning to himself when Alastor jumped and curled up, laughing, gently batting at the king.
Yet he didn't even notice the storm outside.
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nymphybae · 4 months
Rainstorms with Alastor
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It's unusual for hell to rain, yet this time the droplets grow heavier and thunders struck loud enough to make you unease. You shivered, covering your ears as you tried to focus on the television in front of you. Everybody else was asleep except for yourself, how can you when the storm reminded you of how you met your life's end.
The tv lost its signal and soon powered down, leaving you in an unsettling silence in the lounge room. You pursed your lips, feeling restless as you watch the rain pour from the window.
Footsteps were heard, coming closer into the room. You didn't need to second guess who it was, facing the red haired demon who looked down at you with a sly grin.
"Can't sleep my dear?"
"Yeah.. I just-" A loud thunder storm cut your sentence, immediately putting you in an anxious stance. Your hands were shaking, hugging yourself as an attempt to calm the pulsing in your heart.
Alastor puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you a faint squeeze. "Come with me."
You were a little curious, wondering why he's leading you to your own room.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" He asked, pulling the chair of the tea table you had next to the window. 
"I'd love it." You smiled as he motioned for you to sit. 
With a snap of his fingers, he conjured the equipments needed for the drink.
"This is my favourite batch of tea, it's aroma is just purely sweet as if it came straight from heaven, ha!" he brewed the pot with his dark magic. 
You took the cup, thanking him as you took a sip of the warm tea. Who would've thought the caffeine would help you so much. "It's really good! No wonder you order this batch every other month."
Alastor sat across you, holding a cup himself. He had a pleased smile on his face. "Glad to hear. Now, tell me what's troubling you so late at night?"
Should you really tell him? You figured it was too silly, especially for the radio demon himself. Out of all things that could displease you in hell are the vigorous sounds from outside.
"I hate thunderstorms." You admitted. He didn't say anything, as if waiting for you to continue so you did. You took a deep breath. "It reminds me of the little remnant memories I have left of my death. I lived below mountains, you see. My brothers locked me out of the house because I turned in on our family’s illegal trading to the police- which I obviously didn’t. Then a really terrible thunderstorm came, wiped out most of our crops and farmland. The heavy wind threw me down a lake and I drowned till water filled my lungs.” You took another sip of the tea. “I guess it wasn’t the death, it was the fact that my own blood betrayed me only because of their own assumptions, and I end up losing everything in the end. But they got to live, probably thinking that I left and never came back.” Your hand formed a fist at the thought. It was a short silence for a bit until Alastor spoke.
"Hah, Men.” He poured more tea into his cup. You chuckled at his remark. Who taught him that sort of phrase?
“When exactly did you die again?”
You hummed in thought. “Decades ago.. I can’t recall.” 
Alastor’s permanent smile remains plastered on his face. “Men are soulless and willingly disobedient during my time! There were always reports of disloyalty in newspaper. I would know, I broadcasted them in my radio show!” 
You clicked your tongue playfully. “So much for someone who was a serial killer.”
His grin grew. "Haha, But I was not a vicious idiot darling!" 
“Oh? Did you happen to have any experiences with men in your li-“
A lightning struck at the hotel's electric circuit.  electricity buzzed and every power in the hotel was cut off. The only bit of light in your room came from the windows. 
"Shit, see this is why i fucking hate the rain." You panicked, shuffling around in the dark until a pair of hands grasped you from moving and hitting the furnitures. You look up and saw his glowing red eyes. 
When you finally stood still, he pulled his hands off from you. "Don't worry yourself. I'll take care of this." 
"Wait- You can't leave me here." 
Alastor hums a familiar tune, holding up his cane as he gave you his arm to take.
You hesitated at first, taking his arm before you both teleported to his radio station. 
"Why are we here?" You asked, looking around his personal building.
"Who did you think manages the electricity here? I can't let outsiders control our power supply, especially that excuse for a television head!" He opens a large electrical box, taking a glance at all of the smoked up wires. You waited there awkwardly, covering your ears in preparation for the next thunder strike. 
"You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you~" he sung to himself, working on the wires. 
"Frankie Valli's a classic." You spoke out. He's been humming the song for the whole week now.
“Couldn’t agree more darling! Apologies if it’s bugging you. I suppose the song is stuck in my head for some time.” he turned on the said music on his radio.
“How ironic! I remember my last theatre show was me dancing to this song.” You tapped your feet to the beat.
Alastor walks over to you, taking both of your hands that were covering your ears. “Let’s see if those dance moves are still in tact.” 
The music swept through the room as they danced together, moving enthusiastically while you try to hold in your laughter.
I love you baby! And if it's quite alright, I need you baby. to warm a lonely night.
I love you baby, trust in me when I say
You felt warmth spread throughout your entire being as Alastor spun you around. All the anxiousness from the on going storm washed away as you lead the dance, guiding him through a series of steps.
And there, in the midst of the music and the rhythmic beat, he saw something in you that he had never seen before. A determination, a drive, and a passion that left him chuffed.
The music faded away, and so did the rainstorm. You were quite pleased at this, looking at Alastor with a bright smile. "That was fun. Didn't even realized the power went back on halfway through the dance."
He tilt his head, planting a gentle kiss onto your knuckles. "It's been a pleasure. I suppose now you'll feel much better to lay off in bed?"
You nodded. Why of course, as from now on the heavy thunderstorms will only remind you of this unforgettable night with your beloved co worker.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 1 year
She (Phillip Graves x Reader) 18+࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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based on She by Harry Styles
fem!reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, daddy vibes? , phillip is cheating on his wife with reader, pet names, reader is homewrecker (sorry)
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
Phillip sat in his big office staring out the panoramic windows. His head buzzed as he twisted the wedding ring around his finger. The office chair squeaked as he leaned back in it, images of you tangled up in his sheets clouded his train of thought. The red lacy lingerie was permanently ingrained into his memory. From the way it hugged your figure, to how it felt to tear it off. He fully slipped the gold band off, heavily examining it. The knock at the door pulled Phillip back down from his daydreams as he quickly slipped the wedding ring back onto his finger. 
“Come in,” he coughed, adjusting in the creaky chair trying to look as normal as possible. His secretary stepped in cautiously as she clutched her notepad. 
“You have a call on line 3 sir, they said it was important,” 
Phillip leaned back in the chair as he rubbed his temple, he had a feeling of who it could be. “Yeah, I know who it is, thanks,” he pulled himself forward from the worn leather chair before stopping his secretary just as she was about to leave, “Mind grabbin’ me a coffee doll? ‘Preciate it,” he thanked her before even getting an answer and winked as she scurried off to get him his coffee. 
A heavy exhale escaped Phillip’s lips as he picked up the phone.
“Phillip,” your voice flowed through the speaker held closely to Graves’ ear.
“Darlin’, whaddya doin’ callin’ me here? I thought we agreed on no calls at work?”
“I just couldn't help it,” you paused waiting to see what he would say but he was silent, “Don't be mad,”
Graves could almost feel your pouting through the phone. His thoughts trailed off as your voice became background noise. All he could think of was how pretty you probably looked right now, lying back on a bed while you talked to him. He hoped your hand was finding its way down between your thighs just to get off on his voice. He hoped you were in lingerie or even better the shirt he had “accidentally” left at your place last night. His dick was throbbing in his pants pushing against the seams at the idea. 
“Are you there?” 
You heard him clear his throat, “Why’d you call?”
“I missed your voice,”
“That so doll?”
“Mhm,” you hummed out, “When can I see you again?”
“Oh hell, I’m not sure,” It was silent as he thought, “I don’t want anyone gettin’ suspicious of me now, I’ll let you know when we can meet again, that sound alright?” 
His voice was low as he spoke, sending a chill down your spine. You need him just as badly as he needed you. “That sounds perfect,” you spoke slowly, “I’ll see you soon sir,” 
“Talk soon darlin’,” the phone clicked, ending the call. 
Graves dropped the phone back on the receiver before dropping his head in his hands. The timing couldn't be more perfect as his secretary knocked before marching in with the coffee, “Here you go sir,” she quickly set the cup down before scurrying out of the office. He spit out a quick ‘thanks’ before refreshing his computer in an attempt to actually get work done today. 
✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩
Graves hopped out of his car and unlocked the front door. As quietly as he tried to sneak in, his wife still was able to hear the faint sound of the door shutting. 
“Phillip? Is that you?” she wiped her hands on her apron and peeked around the corner, “Dinner will be ready soon honey,” she smiled sweetly as she went back to the kitchen. 
“Thanks, I’ll be right there,” he shouted down the hall as he trudged up the stairs with his briefcase. Once he reached his bedroom he tossed the bag on the floor and flopped down on the foot of the bed. 
One hand loosened the tie around his neck while the other scrolled through his texts searching for your name. Fully removing his tie now, he typed out a message hoping you would answer before he had to go eat the meal his wife just cooked. 
Need to see you tonight
He stroked his jaw as he waited for a response, finally a text bubble appeared.
Same spot as usual? 
Phillip Graves liked your message 
“Phillip come eat,” the voice from downstairs almost made him jump as he quickly deleted the text convo and slipped his phone back into his pocket. 
✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩
“I’m comin’,” his breath hitched as he continued to rut into you, his pace quickened as he felt you clench around him. “Fuckkk,”
“Oh my god Phillip,” a wave of ecstasy flooded over you as Graves pushed through both of your highs. He pulled out rolling over next to you in a wave of exhaustion, both of you panting heavily trying to catch your breaths. 
A couple of minutes passed before you finally spoke up, “I’m glad you texted me,” you shuffled in the bed as you turned to face him, propping yourself up with your elbow. 
Graves was laying on his back staring at the ceiling, his hands tucked behind his head. “M’glad too,”
“You’re not scared of getting caught, are you?
He extended one of his arms, wrapping it around your shoulder and pulling you closer to lay on his bare chest. “I don't want to think about that right now doll,” his voice was hushed as he closed his eyes, he gave your shoulder a small squeeze as you could feel yourself drifting off laying on his chest. 
Morning came fast. The sun broke through the hotel curtains, as you woke up you rolled over in bed looking for Phillip.
Typical, especially considering your relationship. He never was there in the morning, he had a wife and kids at home. You reached over to the nightstand to grab your phone and began skimming through your texts.
Had to head out sorry, gift for you on the counter. Wear it next time I see you. 
You swung your feet off the bed and walked over to the counter finding the Victoria's Secret bag. Tossing the tissue on the floor you pulled out a scarlet red lingerie set, he always liked you in red. You smiled to yourself as you sauntered into the bathroom to try it on, making sure to grab your phone… just in case.
✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩
“Have a good day guys,” Phillip shouted out the window as his kids ran into the school. Just as he was about to pull away his phone dinged.
Thanks for the gift x 
Hope you’re able to see it in person soon: Attachment 1 img.
His head fell back as he stared at the photo on his phone. It was only 9 in the morning and he was itching to see you again. Graves tried to think of a way to respond but couldn't, he was too dizzy from the feeling of all the blood rushing to his dick. 
Taking a big swig of coffee he headed to his office hoping that the work that awaited him would somehow be able to distract him from you. Little did he know that you now lived in his daydreams and it would only get stronger from here. 
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
did you guys see how i made it loop hehe
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mamayan · 8 months
Yaannnn!! Congrats on your milestone! ʕ⇀ᴥ↼ʔ♡ This event is so cool!! It’s creative, I really like it kekeke
My prompts are 9, 67, 92, 99 for Nanami Kento please?? ( x fem!reader)
Thank yoouu ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Finally! Haha! Bang! You’ve been shot!
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Nanami Kento
tw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Implied Kidnapping/Imprisonment • Implied Forced Relationship • Dark Themes • Fem! Reader • Dubcon • Fingering (F) • Sex (M)(F) • Yandere • Punishment
wc: 1960
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He sometimes wished it could be different.
The air is frozen as he walks farther into the room, the scent of chlorine overpowering and burning his nose as he clicks his tongue and moves towards the back wall. Hundreds of stainless steel metal doors rest closed, numbered placards to the right of each one. Most are blank, but a few towards the right hand side have a few code words scribbled in messy writing on them. Nanami strides towards one such door, your name standing out due to the pristine hand writing on the card.
He takes his time removing his jacket and tie, rolling up his sleeves before his glasses and wrist watch follow onto the table off to the side. The latch to the door clicks, audibly signaling it’s opening as cool air rushes out. He grips the handle that greets him as he opens it, pulling out the table hooked to a rolling system which allows it to be removed from the wall.
He really did wish it could be different. His stoic face almost bored as he gazes down at you, your body curled and shaking on its side while you whimper brokenly like a scratched record.
You flinch when a drastically different temperature touches you, his body heat almost burning against your chilled flesh as you cry out.
“Shh…” he hushes, voice low and soft as he gently helps you sit up, pulling your trembling figure into his arms as he slides one around your torso and the other under your thighs to lift you up into the air against him. “Good girl, I’ve got you now.” He recognizes the irony of his words, no doubt irritated he uttered them to begin with but… he can’t deny how good it feels to have you clinging to him like a life line at the moment.
He knows it won’t last. He’s not optimistic this alone is enough to crush your spirit in the slightest, though it truly is a grim punishment in its own uniquely sick way.
“Na-Nanami,” you croak his name in a voice clearly hoarse from screaming.
He hadn’t left you long enough for any permanent damage to set in, but you were certainly becoming feverish as he warms you with his body heat now.
He chose a plain metal folding chair to sit, positioning you to straddle his lap while he helped you lean against his chest. His large calloused hands card through your stiff locks, the cold having hardened the strands.
“—m’sorry…” he hates how it affects him, the little sniffle and your painful tone while you apologize. He wishes it were different, and it could be when you stopped being so stubborn. He’s silent as he rubs your back. The exposed skin darkened in some areas, chilled more than the rest, cold burns could hurt just as badly as those caused by heat. He was even more gentle as his fingers traced over those spots, already noting the supplies he’d need to to use to help you heal properly.
Your tears seemed to melt with the frost on your body as you sobbed, numb arms moving to curl around his thick neck where he radiated heat. Your face pressed into the crook of his neck, and he leaned down further to hold you close to him while you cried. He didn’t say a word, only lightly patted your head and listened.
“—sorry ‘Nami, please, don’t please, m’sorry, hck,” it broke his heart to hear you cry like so, made him feel sicker than he knew he already was as he placed sweet kisses to your temple while you soaked up the warmth his body offered. The only warmth he was offering to you.
When you began to feel your extremities again, able to shift and wiggle without feeling like a mummy encased in wrappings, you clawed at him. Arms too weak to actually drag him down, but he obliged when you tugged and allowed you to connect your cool lips with his own. His eyes narrow, hating how the tears on your face and the desperation in your gaze made his slacks tighter. You should be smiling and teasing him, whispering naughty words in his ear after he grumbles about his shit day at work.
That’s all he ever wanted truly.
Instead your actions are fueled by something primal and gut wrenching, a display of submission and asking of mercy he doesn’t stop. He lets you slip your tongue in his mouth, groaning and helping your eager little hand pawing at his belt buckle, lifting you into his arms so he could shift and drop his pants while still keeping your mouths connected. He keeps you pressed close, aware the chill still affects you and happy to grab his jacket and bring it over your shoulders while you tremble and pop the buttons of his dress shirt open. He sighs into the kiss, turning your eager desperation into a slow burn to warm you up and silently show the affection he wants to shower you in. He sucks on your small tongue, taking control as he settles your exposed cunt against his throbbing cock, the heat from it nestled against your folds while your hips twitch. He doesn’t move yet, just kisses you languidly while you sigh, taunt muscles slowly but surely relaxing as drowsiness sets in as the adrenaline and fear fade. He lets his hands move, careful for the areas tender from the chill, moving over your skin and heating you a little more as he squeezes and rubs you. It’s difficult not to like it, the way he smells and the warm muscular body you rest against weakly. Your mind is too fuzzy and clouded to fight or even want to as he slips both hands onto the globes of your ass, massaging gently and moving down to your thighs and copying. Eventually his fingers creep closer, mouth moving sensually against your own and invading your mind with lust and the promise of warmth and pleasure. He’s spreading your pussy open without resistance, feeling the front pressed against him while he runs two fingers down the back where your hole leaks pitifully.
“Such a good girl…” he murmurs against your lips, chuckling when you chase his own as he pulls back, “Getting wet just for me.” He resumes the kiss as you tangle your fingers into his hair and tug, his groan deep and reverberating into your mouth. He pressed one finger inside of you, swallowing your gasp of pleasure as he wiggles the digit deep and then joins it with another as he fills you.
Your back arches, bare chest pressing further into his own as he slicks his fingers with your growing arousal and fucks you with them, calculating each thrust with just the right depth and strength to have you mewling for him.
Nanami breaks the kiss to trail his lips lower, down your jaw to your neck where he sucks the sensitive skin into his mouth. Your breathy moans are music to his ears as the capillaries easily burst under his tender nibbles, marking you up as he curls his fingers and makes you sing.
“‘Nami, m’gonna cum—,” he knew even if you didn’t say it, but it makes him proud you remembered he likes it when you tell him.
“Cum for me sweet girl,” he whispers, groaning when you clench tight around his fingers and gush, making a mess in his lap as you sigh and wiggle your hips, fingers digging into his chest while he works you down from your high softly.
He pulls his fingers out slowly, your pussy eager to hold onto him still as brings the sticky coating on his fingers up to his mouth to clean noisily while you watch.
You always looked so adorable after an orgasm, watery eyes half lidded and face slacken.
“You did so good, baby, I’m very proud of you.” You shiver at his words, pupils dilating and it makes something dark inside him swell with pleasure. He’s cleaning his fingers and then kissing you, forcing the taste of your cum into your mouth now as he circles your hips with one arm. Nanami easily lifts you up, using his free hand to position the fat mushroom tip of his cock at your entrance and then allowing gravity to do the work.
You don’t have enough strength to lift up and off him, too weak to stop each thick inch from breaching your walls as you choke and gasp into his mouth.
He relishes the way you grip him, the intimacy and closeness of having you pressed so tightly against him. Nanami grunts as he bottoms out, as deep inside your pretty cunt as possible, while you whine and cutely nip at his bottom lip.
“That’s it sweet girl,” his hips jerk up, bouncing you as he nudges up against your cervix, “you took every inch.”
It’s slow, Nanami leaves you to breathe and merely hold onto him while he lifts your ass and fucks you. His mouth filthy as he kisses you and groans your name, heating your body inside out as he pushes his cock in and out you, dragging the girthy rod against your sensitive walls.
“We could’ve avoided all this you know,” he mumbles darkly, teeth skimming your ear as you gasp and moan, “I could’ve been running you a bath already after I made you cum until you saw stars, but you wanted to be a brat today.” He hisses it into your ear, uncaring as tears well and spill down your cheeks again, your little moans and sniffles not affecting your tight pussy wrapped around him.
His grip is firm as he snakes his free hand around your neck, grip loose so you could breathe unhindered as he tilts your head up to look him in the eye.
The submission in your gaze is addictive, but he knows it won’t last for very long.
“If you pull another stunt like that,” he jerks you down onto his cock roughly, amused how you scramble and try to sit up from the intense pressure he placed inside you, “I’ll lock you in here for a week.” The threat snaps something inside you, clear as day to him your dislike for this space as you shake your head and murmur pleas while he bounces you on him. His pace not slowing as you cup his cheeks and promise to be good, “‘Nami I won’t again, be so good for you, I promise.” Your watery eyes and hips which struggle to gather the strength to meet his own are so precious it has his balls drawing tight, lips pressing together as he grips you tight and fucks you harder. He drinks in the moans you release and promises to him, feeling how your walls clench and pull him in deeper.
“M’coming ‘Nami, fuck, please,” you’re so desperate and needy like this he wishes you’d just stay this way forever, clawing at his shoulders and crying his name.
“Take it all baby,” he grunts, cock twitching and filling your cunt seconds later as you come apart around him.
He holds you close as you both come down, keeping your trembling body lifted against him to avoid your thigh muscles from straining too much.
You’re asleep a minute later, eyes closed and mouth lax as you pass out.
Nanami gently stands and begins cleaning up, keeping you in his arms the entire time as he fixes you both up enough to leave and return home.
He doesn’t believe this will be your last escape attempt nor trip to the morgue, he’s not optimistic like that unfortunately. He wishes this could be different though.
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twstgameplay · 3 months
[JP] 4th Anniversary
March 11th 16:00 - March 24th 23:59 (JST)
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Twisted Wonderland’s 4th Anniversary Campaign has begun! With this event, the players are receiving a brand new SR Apprentice Chef Grim card!
Information found below:
Grim Card Requirements
Stamp Card Info
Shop Info
We’ll be getting the following new functions:
Part 1 (beginning 11 Mar):
Event Recall - Previously completed stories will be available to enjoy in the same way the original events were presented (instead of just the story in archive form). If the event story has not already been unlocked through normal play through, it will require gems to unlock. Missed rhythmics will be made available in the RHYTHMIC page once cleared. This is available through the Story tab.
Memory Shop - Items that were previously available during events (such as extra cards and groovy items, etc.) will be available in the Memory Shop. Memory Medals are required to purchase items from this shop, which can be bought in the gem shop, or during this event in the Tuna Can 2024 Shop. You must have finished the event either via the original run or from the Event Recall for items to be available for purchase.
Crewel/Trein/Vargas Item Gacha - New Item Gacha will be available that require "Reward Medals" to roll in. These Reward Medals will be dropped during lessons. The Item Gachas will have items from those respective lessons available. In addition, Crewel's Item Gacha will have the new Buddy Lv Up Items.
Buddy Lv Up Items - The Friendship Herb Tea will be available to increase Buddy Levels of cards. There will be three tiers (L, M, and S) and will be dropped during Alchemy and Special classes.
Other Changes
Up to 25 teams can be saved for use during battles. Support or Guest cards cannot be saved in a team.
Support Cards can be pinned, so that they will be easily accessible whenever you need that support.
There will be an option to favorite specific story chapters available from the Archive screen.
Single Magical Keys can now be converted to a Tenfold Magical Key, given that you have 10 single keys available.
Lesson Skip Tickets will become available. This cannot be used for Special lessons.
Collect Battles can be completed in a batch similar to Tests.
Magic Lv can be increased multiple levels at once instead of one at a time.
Battle Speed can now be set to 3x.
AP, BP, and RP can be refilled in batches instead of one at a time.
The Trouble sequence in the Guest Room can be skipped.
The Guest Room invite time will be reduced.
Part 2 (Beginning 15 Mar):
Second Floor of the Guest Room - A second floor to the Guest Room will be added that can be decked out with its own theme, furniture, and BGM. This will unlock at room rank 31.
Event BGM added to Guest Room - The BGM Shop will have previous event BGM available.
Other Changes
New voice lines for alchemy and flight classes.
New voice lines for when changing attire form on the home screen.
Room rank maximum raised to 40.
Part 3 (Beginning 18 Mar):
New Cumulative Missions - Missions regarding cards/lessons/exams will be added to the Missions tab.
Weekly Missions Updated - Clearing Rhythmics 3 and 5 times will be removed, and instead will be replaced by Win 5 and 10 Collect Battles.
Grim Card Requirements
Grim is a temporary card and will disappear if you don’t complete some requirements:
Collect 500 Tuna Cans [2024]
Read 「4th Anniversary」 Event Story Episode 2
The Tuna Can [2024] is an event drop and you can get 1, 2 or 5 randomly by completing lessons (History, Flying or Alchemy). You can see how many you have on the bottom of the Event Page. Left is how many you have right now (so if you spent some, the number is lower), right is how many you have collected until now (this is what you need to make Grim permanent).
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To quickly go to Grim’s lessons from the event page, click on the Lesson button on the Main Event page or go all the way to the right on the Lesson Page, right after Diasomnia.
When you click on Grim’s card to level him up, you’ll get a message reminding you that he isn’t permanent yet, so items and madol spent on him will also disappear if you don’t make him permanent in time. Just click the black button to proceed.
One of the missions is to level up one of Grim’s magic to Lv.5 and we suggest you start with his M1 if only to complete the missions faster, because you use Tuna Cans to level up magic and the amount needed for each magic is different. (To level up magic, just click on the 4th tab: 魔法Lv)
Stamp Card Info
On the bottom left of the Event Page you’ll see a Stamp Icon, click there and complete some missions for rewards.
The event ends on the 25th, but the First Stamp Card only goes until the 15th 14:59 (JST), so pay attention to the time limit.
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The Second Stamp Card goes until the 25th 14:59 (JST)
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Shop Info
In Sam’s Shop, you’ll find the following shops:
Anniversary Medal Shop
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Extra Chef Grim copies will be available in the shop after you collect 500 Tuna Cans and make him permanent.
Anniversary Medals are obtained by pulling/rolling on the Anniversary Showcase. You get 1 medal per roll (10-roll = 10 medals), so you’ll need to roll 100 times to grab that beautiful Anniversary Magical Key and 150 rolls to get the Limited Rerun SSR Magical Key and choose any of the already released Birthday Boy SSRs, Union Birthday SSRs, and Event Rerun SSRs.
Tuna Can Shop
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The Event Background will be available in the shop after Mar 18th 0:00 (JST)
Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
The Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop has a list of all Birthday Boy, Birthday Jacket, and Bloom Birthday SSR Cards. Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SSR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SSR cards:
Halloween Riddle
Groom Ace
Starsending Deuce
Halloween Cater
Gala Leona
Camp Ruggie
New Year's Ruggie
Beans Azul
Masquerade Azul
Halloween Jade
Beans Floyd
New Year's Kalim
Silk Jamil
Boa Jamil
Halloween Vil
Silk Jamil
Boa Epel
Halloween Rook
Groom Idia
Masquerade Idia
Masquerade Malleus
Halloween Silver
New Year's Sebek
Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SR cards:
New Year's Cater
Halloween Trey
Halloween Leona
Beans Jack
Halloween Jack
Halloween Ruggie
Halloween Azul
Camp Floyd
Gala Jamil
Masquerade Jamil
New Year's Vil
Groom Epel
Masquerade Epel
Beans Rook
Starsending Ortho
Silk Malleus
Masquerade Sebek
Boa Sebek
Halloween Lilia
Keep in mind that you can only pick two from the Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
Anniversary Pack (Paid Gems) Shop
For 200 Paid Gems, you can get a pack with the following:
1 Magical Key (10-Set)
10 Starshards L
10 of each elemental Grimoire
20 of each elemental Textbook
100,000 Madol
Anniversary Pack (Gems) Shop
Other Anniversary Packs are available in the usual Gem Shop for 50 Gems apiece:
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Your Person | Vada Cavell
Warnings: swearing, weed, kissing(?) Mention of school shooting.
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Your leg bounced up and down, your shoes sole slamming into the floor each second that passed. It was almost like Chronos-Aeon himself was teasing you for each second that passed; the clock that was placed in front of you haunting your every move. Somehow, you ended up in detention, for a reason you were too mad to ask for. Mrs Logan demanded you to leave her class, and you held no obligation in leaving maths. So, you were left stuck with a thirty minute detention even though Vada, your girlfriend, was waiting for you at her house.
In all honesty, you weren't sure she was waiting for you. She hadn't replied, leaving you on read for hours at a time. You weren't going to give up, though. You had been on holiday with your parents when the school shooting happened, completely missing the traumatic event; instead, you were sipping a vodka soda with your feet embedded in sand.
Vada stopped being the bubbly girl she once was. She stopped smiling, laughing, speaking to you in general. But she had messaged you earlier that day, much earlier at four in the morning to come over after school. The message sent butterflies to your heart, your fingers sweating when they pressed down onto the keyboard and replied with an uncool, sure. Too late to go back in time, but sure as hell whatever demon spawn that had stopped time permanently was pissing you off.
"You can leave now-" the moment the words left the women's mouth, your hand was already pressing into the door handle: pulling it down before taking charge and sprinting out of the door. Your feet threaded into the outside, towards your car without a care. It was a challenge, difficult to avoid the passing cars. Finally, your car key jammed into the keyhole, slamming open the door before sliding it. You were hit with the aroma of the scented rear-view mirror bobbles.
Your hands were sweaty when they ran over your steering wheel. You clicked onto your phone: dialling Vada before backing out of the car park.
"Hello?" Your heart seized, her groggy voice leaking into your empty car. She was addicted, even the simplicity of her voice just after she woke up. Guilt flushed over your face, wondering if you woke her up.
"Hey, V. You still want me to come over? I- I got snacks." You felt shame, for some reason. You were embarrassed to admit the moment she messaged you, you had ran to your nearest store to buy all her favourite snacks.
"Oh, yeah. That- that sounds awesome, what snacks though?" She shuffled on her bed, evident with how her audio came out ruffled and unclear. You coughed into your fist, shifting up the leather seat to drive slightly faster.
"Your favourites."
There was a pause, a painful gap in the conversion.
"You got sour patch kids!" She squealed down the phone, practically whistling with her high pitched voice.
You smiled, a heavy sigh leaving your lips at the sudden life that sprung through her voice.
"Yeah, I got the watermelon ones too." She hummed at the statement, readying herself for the countless hours she will no doubt spend with you.
"Get here soon, I've missed you." A light buzz travelling through your lips, in reality a loud roar wanted to leave; Vada missed you, she actually missed you.
"I missed you too, V."
You parked into her drive-thru after a few moments, throwing your bag into her window before hustling yourself into the small hatch yourself.
She laughed when your body jumbled its way through the gap, smiling into the weed laced air at your body thumping into the floor.
You groaned, hissing as you arched your back. She stopped laughing, holding out to help you up instead of carrying on to laugh.
"Shit. Are you okay, Y/N?" She wiped down your face, her thumb running over your chin. You shivered, her touch igniting a million flames within you. She smirked at how you were so easily flushed, leaning over to kiss your lips.
"Candy. now." You chuckled into her lips, the vibration rattling through both of your lips.
You handed the girl her candy, not bathing to put up a fight.
She giggled, plopping her small body onto her bed and shuffling into a more comfortable position: one with her legs crossed and elbows pressed into the mattress.
"I don't have fleas, you can sit on my bed." She called out, plopping another piece of candy into her open mouth, she hummed at the taste, eating the small food whole.
"I know that—'' your fingers etched closer to the bed, wanting nothing more than to let yourself indulge in Vada and be engulfed by her: her smell, her smile, her laugh, her baby brown eyes; but like every anti-climatic horrible rom-com we're it's just too painfully obvious that the goofy guy best friend is going to win the girl instead of the planned, and untimely charismatic princes charming man who was the first choice, you gut felt off. Vada was smiling around you, she was patting the spot above her head: no doubt wanting nothing more than you to let her rest her head on your thighs, but you couldn't.
"It's just." You sighed, feeling awkward under her warm hearted gaze.
"You stopped calling." She looked guilty, a wave of hate flushing over her adorable plush face. Her bottom lip pouted out, acting like a saddened child.
"I know, I know, baby. I'm so sorry, I'm- I'm sorry, I shouldn't- you didn't deserve that." Like cracks in an ancient dam, water began to seep through the tight spaced cracks: water freely spraying out; Vada spewing out apology after apology.
You stood with something in your eyes, sinking into the hard wooden floor underneath your feet. You didn't want this, you didn't want Vada to consume herself with guilt over something you were over with.
"No, no. Vada, baby please don't do that." You reached out, hands pulling her gripping ones out of her untamed hair.
"Vada, please." She wanted to put up a fight, to scream that she was a bad person for making you wait for her: for making you wait until she felt better, until she could stomach to see herself in the mirror without hating what reflected back on her.
"Stop! I'm a bad person, Y/N. I'm a bad person!" She screamed into her hands, crying as her anger festered into a knot of hatred swarming her memories of the past weeks where she acted so distant.
"You're not a bad person, V. You're the best person I know, you went through something- something so fucking painful, and I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I'm sorry I wasn't wasn't a good girlfriend to you when you needed it. I shouldn't have let you push me away, I should have stood my ground and told you—as your girlfriend I want to respect you, and your decisions, but also as your girlfriend I'm not letting you go through this alone. That's one thing you'll never be, Vada, you'll never be alone. Not when I'm here, or nick, hell even your mom. We're all here for you, V, so please don't think that you're a bad person. You're my person, I still love you, even though you made me watch over a hundred hours of Grey's anatomy."
You licked your lips, wetting the dry patch that occurred in your heated rant, preaching about nothing but the truth. Vada was truly a work of art, the great creation mankind had to offer. You would sooner crumble to your knees and beg like a saint before ever hearing Vada say such nonsense about herself again.
"I love you." You whispered into her hair, holding her close to your chest. She still wept with tears, memories still feeling like burns, haunting her like a bad spirit.
"You promise, you promise you still love me." Without a doubt flashed through your mind, Vada was everything you wanted, craved, needed all nicely wrapped up in a pocket sized person; if dropping dead right now would ensure the girl in front of you would achieve and get everything she ever dreamed of you would be gone in an instant.
"Of course, I promise." Your pinkies interlocked, kissing the thumb for pulling away to release a teary eyes laugh. She was perfect, your perfect girl. Your hand wiped her face clean of her hair, and the tears that still shimmered like lost diamonds on her olive skin.
You pressed countless kisses along her face, not missing a spot; assuring each inch of her skin was worshipped, and cared to like she deserved.
Vada was a handful, a bottom half filled with bubbles of everything hyperactive, but she was yours: Simple and clean, poetic and romantic.
You loved her, even with a broken mind that would take a lot to mend. She wasn't a problem, she didn't need a solution: she just needed a shoulder to cry onto, an ear to rant to and you were more than happy to be that person.
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mcdbutgay · 1 year
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zoeymau cheebs (click for better quality + transparent pics)
some hcs below ^^ also i love how they complement each other so much GODDD
- aphmau shows up at phoenix drop’s doorstep pretty much half dead. no one knows where she came from, and upon waking up she doesn't remember who she is, where she's from, nothing.
- vylad carried her here because he knew that garroth was stationed in phoenix drop and he knew that the village was in dire need of help due to it being lordless; however it doesnt get revealed until way later.
- aphmau gets carried into the guard station which is where she resides for a period of time. zoey, who was visiting phoenix drop at the time (she was a wandering 'merchant' of sorts, looking for a permanent place to stay) feels a weird presence coming from her, not magical but also not normal, and decides to prolong her stay, healing aphmau back to health with garroth's supervision.
- aphmau wakes up and is sooo grateful they took care of her and decides that as payment she’s going to help make this mess of a village better (also she has no memory of anything that happened prior or why she ended up here anyway, so it’s not like she has anywhere else to go.)
- so she fixes up the roads and helps remodel some of the houses (i feel like this version of aphmau is much less princess-like and more handy than canon aph) garroth is very grateful for this
- anyway uh i dont actually have a lot of stuff for her since i find aphmau to be somewhat bland?? ig thats bc aph is meant to be jess for the majority of s1 but yeah uhh that needs to change. this aphmau is more rough around the edges, not afraid to fend for herself and those she cares for, but also very kind and compassionate. also very bubbly at times, but around those she trusts. she’s actually kind of against the idea of having guards follow her around all the time when she first becomes lord (because she believes she can do everything on her own), but later realizes that its much better to have backup bc the world is dangerous tm
- anywayz she grows closer to zoey when she moves into her house. she finds her presence weird at first but quickly gets used to her company, and she finds that waking up to the smell of tea everyday is soothing
- she is often sent out to the woods to gather whatever herbs zoey needs for her magicks. this quickly turns into aphmau trying to find pretty flowers to bring back to her pretty wife as a gesture of love friendship. sometimes she gets scolded bc she unknowingly brings back poisonous flowers or something but zoey knows that she does it with the best of intentions and thinks its kinda cute in a way.
- also aphmau brings back zoey pretty items from her travels, usually rings, necklaces, or even pretty rocks. zoey keeps them all in her room and looks at them while working on magicks stuff
- sorta angsty but i feel like aphmau definitely feels guilty for being absent for most of levin and malachi’s childhood. way in the future i feel like she and zoey would either adopt or have a biological kid of their own that they can both be present for, now that aphmau is no longer a lord and zoey is just enjoying her last lifetime with her beloved wife.
- OH AND i find it funny that they end up together since, at least in my canon, irene and zoey were a thing way back when. so like after irene left this plane or whatever and reincarnated as aphmau its like zoey and irene found themselves again in another lifetime (more on that in zoey’s section, which i actually wrote first)
- god i really don’t have much to say abt aph lol uh she’s bisexual (fem leaning, which is why she doesn’t rlly feel anything for garroth or laurence but does get flustered around guys sometimes) and demiromantic (takes a WHILE for her to feel any romantic attraction. again its why she doesn’t feel anything for G and L LMAO)
- was a devout follower and close friend of irene 900 years ago. zoey, although she wasn’t part of the divine warriors, was irene’s right hand woman, and would help her with decisions etc etc.
- she was kind of like a guard but not really lol. i do feel as though she began to mess around with barrier magicks as a way to protect irene, despite the fact that it got her exhiled from her home. she’d do anything to protect her.
- they were overall very close, but due to circumstances tm they had to separate. they never saw each other again sadly
- (although there are some books written by scholars that state that at some point lady irene had a certain lady friend who she lived with and shared intimate moments with. wonder who that is :P)
- ((also irene did have a family at some point, and levin is of her bloodline. he has blonde hair and blue eyes, guess who else has blonde hair and blue eyes? garroth ZOEY (and yes also garroth but thats a coincidence imo) so i think they are at least distantly related but very much so regardless))
- enough about irene. in zoey’s long 900~ year life she’s travelled to many regions, learned about many different cultures, and met many people, some who she did settle down with at some point. due to her immortality, however, she outlived all her previous partners and since then has been afraid to settle down with anyone, afraid of losing them to time
- it wasn’t until she met aphmau and levin (and later malachi) that she began to change her mind. she began to raise her children when she was away on lord duties, and she got VERY attached to them. she treated them as her own, and soon became accustomed to the idea of having a family
- she also began to see aphmau in a more romantic light at some point during s1. she didn’t know when the change from platonic to romantic feelings began but it didn’t matter. what mattered was that she had been raising another woman’s children as though they were her very own, cooking for the 4 of them like a happy family, and literally living the life she had always wanted without even realizing it.
- anyways she sleeps with aphmau in her room despite having her own room. she uses her room more as a workspace for her magicks
- also (and this is less about zoey and more about elves in general) i feel as though elves start out with dark colored hair and with the years it slowly lightens up until it’s completely white (doesn’t matter what color; zoey’s just happened to be blonde which is why she has platinum blonde hair pre-timeskip. it obviously doesn’t change this fast, but zoey giving up her immortality did speed up the process by a LOT which is why the change was so drastic in such a small amount of time (for an elf))
- speaking of her immortality, i feel as though it was the main reason that drove her to, you know, actually become a thing with aphmau. they were practically married pre-timeskip but they never really mentioned it, both scared they’d ruin what they had. aphmau being trapped in the irene dimension was the thing that drove her to spend years of her life studying, trying to get her closest friend, no, her lover back; losing her immortality was the final push to make it official. losing her immortality mean that they’d both pass within each other’s lifetimes, which is something zoey had always wanted (that sounds morbid but imagine being immortal and outliving all your loved ones.. i feel as though one can only take so much pain before it turns you crazy)
- anyways enough angst. since zoey has lived so long and has been all over the place, she has countless stories to tell and levin and malachi always loved hearing them. post-timeskip she tells the same stories to the children of phoenix drop in her spare time. she loves being around children and overall just loves caring for ppl ^__^
- as for like sexuality hcs uhh i can’t imagine her as anything but a lesbian lol
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
What If (BR AU) : SMG4 lost all of his vision during the arc?
Since I can't stop thinking about this ass (curse this what if-) I'd consider making a fic about this <3<3
Title: Lost of sight, souls intertwined
Tags: Fluff/Angst/Comfort
Summary: Four with his permanent loss of vision, it's been too difficult for him to manage. But with a help of his crew and someone in particular helped him reach up and discover something new.
PART 1/2
Second Part
After the man in white and blue desperately helped his ex rival's loss of an eye, he gave up from all of his strength to heal his injury.
By the time Mario placed his hand on his shoulder, he stood by his side. "Mario believes in you!"
SMG4 grunts from the power he'd been releasing for three's eye, he felt himself getting drained off. In a matter of seconds, SMG4's abilities grew weaker giving up every power he had left.
*huff... huff...* everything started to go hazy, everything from his vision went blurry. Everything and all of it. Just to SAVE. His partner.
He did it all.
For love. For him. And to keep him alive.
His posture swifted slowly as he starts to lose his balance, from his mind where it gave him dizziness. His head and his arm had been damaged, and to both of his eyes...?
Almost falling down to the ground, Mario had quickly caught his best friend just as he was about to hit the floor.
Four wanted to open his eyes but even tho he wanted to... his visual view has lost its sight and its impairment.
He felt so weak, but he wouldn't give up. Because the battle with Niles is not over yet.
"I- I can't see anything..." he tried touching his own face, blinking twice, trying to feel his hands or even look at them. But it felt like the light source of the whole world, shut to his eyes.
Everything is black.
He felt numb.
"Guess I see what SMG1 is talking about." Four's fingertips touched to his skin, pointing to both of his eyes.
Mario's sad face formed at the blue's message.
Three opened his eyes, shocked that his injury has been fully recovered and with his vision clear again. He turned to look at his partner who sat beside him.
SMG4 seemed fine, tilting his head to the left seeing the angle from the view. Both of his eyes had been permanently damaged and could not be recovered due to its impact.
His optic nerve had been cut out from transferring what he could see, it has been completely destroyed.
He stared at both of SMG4's eyes in horror. How could this be happening to him now...?
"SMG4... I-" three wanted to speak, but Melony's words came out alerting the star trio.
"I got this! Go to the ship!" Melony with deity form on use, she swung the sword to her side. Mario and Three looked at each other.
It wasn't over yet.
They both nodded, Three started to carry SMG4 in bridal style with all the might and capability.
Three could carry Four without any struggle on whatsoever. (Thanks to his usual workout routine and liftings)
SMG4 couldn't process from what was happening, it happened so fast and counting with the loss of his view.
He'd been silent and confused with what was going on, he wanted to question who the person he'd been carried with.
"Come on Mario let's go!" Three spoke up, to now Four knowing that it was his partner who've been carrying him with strong arms. He winced after hearing three's voice.
"Ahh! Mama Mia! It's not working!" Mario aggressively pushed the buttons all in one try, they heard a clicking noise and it was... "TERRANCE?!" SMG3 saw his baby undangan knuckles, appearing from the side of the ship.
When Terrance quickly fixes the ship and had it working again, the trio including terrance went inside. Three slowly puts Four to the chair, assuring his company by placing his left hand brushing to his leg for comfort.
"Hey- hey- everything's gonna be okay dude. Just- just sit tight in there... you're gonna be fine." SMG4 stayed silent, he had no idea whatever sh-t just happened. Or he had completely lost his mind hearing what Three had said to him.
He had lost both of his sight of seeing, Niles still right after with the avatar with Three and him, and what three does is carry him to a safer place?
How crazy can that be? How- in the hell- could someone like Three possibly would also do everything to save Four right after saving his enemy?
They've both hated each other, they've been enemies for who knows what sh-tass years could there have, he knew how unbalanced or unstable their friendship with eachother have been. So why would he?
He'd been an asshole since before, so why would three? Speaking of it, he turned out to be a complete mess by ruining his own productions and the name itself.
He treated his name like trash, he hated Three's sudden succession, he'd been the one JEALOUS about him. So why would three? Why would he? Why couldn't three just left him there to die? Why can't he just ignore that Four saved him? Why?
Was it the reason for Three's development? Is he trying to give him the signals that- he MAY as well take it serious that three has been wanting to move on right after that 2020th wotfi? Right after EVERYTHING that happened, even without him having any simple hint of realisation that he just wanted to do some good quality contents than RUINING ANYTHING from SMG4?
"Take a hint." They say. And that hint wasn't even close enough. He was just too blind, too oblivious for the fame, fans, views, and his daily life with his phone sticking to social medias.
He had a hard time to recognice or even describe what a person has been feeling, he had no idea what consequences would face as soon as He assumed three of doing something bad.
Sure he was an extrovert. Without any knowledge of "getting to understand how someone feels"
It took too long for SMG4 to respond from whats been happening in reality at the moment, he had been stuck from his mindscape and couldn't say a word.
"Ahh! We've been downed!" Mario screamed to where it seems like the trios float in mid air. "Can someone ATLEAST tell me what the heck is going on here?" Four began to yell, brought up by three and Mario's suprise.
"The ship blew up! How are you not feeling any pain from that at all?!" The man in purple yelled back, but not the usually loud tone to SMG4.
"..." Four stayed silent again- how long did he zoned out? His whole body went numb during the explosion, and how is he still here?
"OI! I'm talking to you!" SMG3 tried snapping his fingers to knock out his senses, which it worked.
With Melony showing up again, Three and Mario cheered. Waving to the trios, she prepared herself to defeat zero once and for all. The anti memes showed up half away.
SMG3 thought of an idea, to where Mario had noticed after spotting anti memes on its way. "Don't do it SMG3! Remember how you and SMG4 had gone too coo coo crazy while using that?" He spoke in gibberish language.
"What? Don't tell me you want to use anti memes again!" SMG4 without seeing anything but pitch black, he can still have his sense of hearing.
"I..." there must be some other way-
Floating in the endless abyss, Three held Four's hand as Mario grabbed Four's shoulder. "Theres another way but..." (but?)
SMG3 gripped Four's hand tighter, much to his suprise.
Three used his other hand to pull out Terrance from his pocket. "Terrance...I'm sorry little buddy. We need you to save the world... please don't hate me... goodbye."
Terrance couldn't quite understand anything, but gave him a puzzled face right after Three hugs him. "I love you"
SMG4 heard Three's words loud and clear, it hurts to listen. He knows how Terrance meant to Three and how much Three meant to him.
Three lets go of Terrance, trying to hold back his tears locking his hand with SMG4.
"Three..." SMG4 whispered from his breath, rubbing Three's knuckles with his thumb. "We- we don't have a choice." Sniffed by Three, closing his eyes.
By harnessing Terrance's meme energy, it transferred to the avatar's body making Mario's head big. It was the only option to survive.
The time has now come to an end of Zero's defeat and Melony's victory. The world is saved by the hero. The crew were now in a hospital recovering for their bruises and injured parts.
In a room all alone, there was SMG4 putting himself to rest as SMG1 sighed looking at both of his eyes. "I told you, using your meme power alone would do damage to your body..."
"Can you even see me?" SMG1 asked him, unknowingly that the question made it a bit too harsh. "Ya think I could see any dim of the light or anything at all?" Four glared at the ceiling, not being able to look at the blue box or even visualize what surrounds him.
SMG1 coughed at his statement trying not to make everything awkward. "Sorry- I guess I'm getting a bit too old enough, still four. May I check your arm?" SMG4 hummed in response.
"What does my eye look like?"
Silence fills the air with SMG1 examining his eyes looking both sides and checking underneath his sleeve, taking off both of his gloves. The results were shocking to him.
"Both of your eyes has lost all of its vision. With what you can imagine both of it right now, would be plain white and emptiness. Your eyes are far too damage enough to be repaired, we don't have that kind of power to recover your eyes. I'm sorry."
SMG1 frowned at Four, seeing him helpless at this state he'd get even weaker from day by day without someone looking after him.
SMG4 blinked, it's all black. He can't see the light, he can't see anything, from where ever he looks. Nothing at all.
"What... else?" SMG1 touched his arm. "From your hand then to half of your arm, it- has a crack. You're gonna need meme energy for that, you'll have to wait for a couple of weeks for recovery. DON'T try to lift anything heavy or even trying to use them, it'll end up fracturing even more..." SMG1 used a cast and put bandages on his wrist then to his arm.
"But- what about my contents? What about Twitter? What about my fans? What would I even do without them-" "it's your choice to that out yourself."
SMG4 covered his stomach, hugging himself from the bed. "You won't be all alone just for taking yourself off from social media, you have your own crew here running their daily basis. How about you try figuring that out to yourself? Go live on."
SMG4 sat back up. "I won't be able to see what the whole world would look like now..." "I'm afraid so..." SMG1 sat next to him.
"But you're gonna be fine." "How are you so sure about that?" SMG1 smirked. "You don't think Mario and the others are here with you for no reason right?"
"You also have us, and even SMG3 can help" wait- SMG3?
A sound of a person screams at the hallway. "I JUST WANT TO TALK TO HIM-" with another high pitch voice of trying to refuse him by going any further.
SMG4 turned to the direction where the unaudible sound was coming from, from One getting down from the bed and opening the door.
Three ends up getting pulled back by SMG2 whose been holding his leg, he tried shaking him off by wigglingit. "Wait three!" "I JUST NEED TO KNOW IF HE'S ALRIGHT-" "SMG3! Wo-o-a-oa-AHH!!" Two held his leg tightly.
"SMG4 needs some time to rest! You can't interrupt him-" SMG2 tried his best to put out the reason to calm Three's impatient waiting.
"I just need to see him, I want to see if he's-" "SMG3?" SMG1 called out his name, shutting the door, making the two turn their heads. "Is- is he okay? Not like I care about him or anything-" SMG1 and SMG2 looked at Three unamused.
"He's alright, SMG4 is resting. Just a... just a fractured arm and lost of both visions, his arm will heal about a few more weeks. For his eye however, it's too late to save that now..."
SMG3 calmed himself down, letting Two go from his leg.
"Me and Two will check on Melony if she's doing fine, we'll both leave you two right at it" SMG3 nodded. "Oh and Three?"
"You should probably start looking after SMG4 for now, Four is already blind. The worst that could happen is him tripping over a flight of stairs. DON'T fail this as a Meme Guardian..." SMG3 took off his hat.
"I wont." SMG1 and 2 proceeds walking to the hallway, and Three watching SMG4 through the window. He knocks on the door. "Come in" Three opens the door and saw SMG4 sitting on the bed looking at nowhere.
"Uh- hey- SMG4 it's me-" closing the door behind him, he sat to a chair facing infront to the man in blue.
"How are your eyes?" SMG3 glanced at those white and empty faded ones, guilt and pity shook his guts. "It's all black, man." Four gripped his arm covered in a cast that One had put.
"Why are you even talking to me?" "What- what do you mean? I came here to make sure if you're doing okay! And now you're angry?" Three could feel his heart getting torn bit by bit.
"Do you really hate me THAT much? SMG4 I saved your ass back there, you saved me and my eye! And now you'd just expect this to yourself that I'll be the one to just- IGNORE you like that? What kind of sick joke is this?!" SMG4 couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't read what emotions Three has been giving.
"Look Four, I worry about you- SO many f-cking times- and I wish I could just ignore them" His tone lowered and started to go soft, suprising him.
"But I can't because we were both linked and we were meant to be the Guardians to the memes. You've never paid much attention to me, you've never paid much attention from the actions you use with other people, I know what and how manytimes you did to keep ruining my life."
"Then why?" SMG4's voice deepened. "What do you mean why? Call this horsesh-t talk but- you're still my partner. No matter how many times or how many things you've done by mistake, you're still here." SMG4 opened a gap from his mouth, wanting to say something.
But- no.
SMG3 stared down to his shoes. Worried, upset, and sadness overwhelmed his mind. Staring down for too long, Four slowly moves his arms towards three and by accident.
He ends up slapping his face. "Ow-" "Oh shoot- sorry about that-" "Just what are you doing?" Huffed by three, in annoyance. "Well Mr. 'Dark-Blue'" -"it's actually purpl-" "I was trying to touch your face."
"Wha- m-mh- my- my WHAT now?!" Four faced at SMG3's side, with both of his hands still remains hanging. Gesture his way of showing something. "You better not do anything funny..." SMG3 carefully placed both of his hands to both of Four's wrist and did his best to not startle the man.
(What am I doing... this is ridiculous... either way... I just... need to buy sometime for his... company...) even now with three hesitating to let his partner's hands reach his face, he wanted to do this. Even tho how much he hated this.
With the man being blind, it would be hard for him to imagine what experience SMG4 can be feeling or having this right now. This hurt him so bad, wanting to hide it.
His eyes softened looking at his face. Then gently, little by little his newly paired gloves have now touched his cheeks.
*ba-dump ba-dump*
Three's cheeks started turning red, as Four's eyebrows went up as he felt Three's soft and smooth skin. It was his first time ever getting his hands touched from his face.
"Your, your face is smooth, and so soft, it's like I want to squish it-" SMG4 smiled at the end of the phrase mocking SMG3. "I only let you touch it just this once! It's not like I like it or anything..." Four's thumb brushed through the purple's mustache.
"You're such a tsundere SMG3! Until now" SMG4 giggled, not even noticing how close his and Three's face were. "N-no I'm not!" He huffed in irritation.
"Baka." Four's smile became bigger at the time Three said the line. "You are~" "OI! NOW YOU'RE JUST TEASING ME AGAIN!" SMG3 pushed both of his hands away with Four now laughing.
Hearing SMG4 laugh gave something what Three shouldn't have felt before. Something from that laugh, his smile, everything about it. Was special.
By the time Four stopped laughing, he shed a single tear. "I just like hearing that from you, all that I want to say is... thank you. And I'm sorry too" with Four fixing his position, and fingers fidgeting.
Ready to get hitten by bricks with cold responses, but never getting any. Three grabbed his right hand.
"You're welcome" He puts up a smile, but then the water from his eyes formed.
"I'm sorry too..."
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