#it's like that cliche where a character in a movie or show has no friends and the only birthday messages they recieve are from corporate
katya-goncharov · 8 months
I got WAY to excited that the app for my local bubble tea shop just gave me a £5 off voucher for my birthday
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linderosse · 2 months
I LOVE YOUR WIELDERS OF WISDOM COMIC!!!! i think its wonderful and so absolutely necessary (if u will excuse my feminism)... the art style is GORGEOUS and im just so grateful someone is giving love to all the zeldas <33
sorry that this is anon but. i dislike being perceived lmao
Thank you so much!!
And heck yeah on the representation front! I’m doing my best to write a variety of interesting characters that will help me tell the stories I want to tell. To me, the fact that they’re mostly women is both incidental and vitally important at the same time.
Tetra was my first Zelda, and I always loved her pirate captain badassery and no-nonsense attitude. I was a bit of a ‘tomboy’ (used in the non-insulting sense, simply referring to a girl who liked traditionally boyish hobbies/clothing) growing up, so I identified with Tetra real hard <3. Heckin’ loved her practical, forthright nature— and the way the games don’t hesitate to show her wackier side and how her actions sometimes get her in trouble— and how she gets out of it, with or without help.
And of course, girls can also be girly and get things done! Love the more traditionally feminine Zeldas as well; shirking feminine mannerisms definitely isn’t a requirement for a well-written female character. You can have a character wear a tiara, battle in a dress, and still be cool. Heck, you can have ’em don a soft gown, not fight at all, and still be an awesome character: maybe she genuinely wants good for the world, or maybe she controls the board with gentle magic and soft “feminine” persuasion to achieve her goals, turning foes into friends— or her pawns.
And characters don’t always have to succeed! Sometimes persuasion fails. Sometimes they argue with someone they know is right. Sometimes her sword falters. But that’s fine! That’s what makes for a good, realistic, fun character— that’s how humans are.
(continued under the cut)
See, I feel like some popular media is trending towards forcing women to be *exclusively* badass, almost flawless in their physical skill yet boyish in their mannerisms.
Like, as a random example: Peach in the Mario movie. Movie Peach no longer giggles and blows kisses, because that would be too girly. And Movie Peach is a perfect platformer and politician, because female empowerment. Same thing with Galadriel in RoP (and it’s honestly a bit different and way worse with RoP Galadriel, because her mother-name is Nerwen which translates to man-maiden and she is canonically a tomboy, but they write it so badly in RoP that not even the rest of the characters in the show respect her for her over-the-top ‘female badassery.’) And as a huge, longtime fan of both the Mario series and the Silmarillion, it kinda hurt to see those Mary Sue-esque, somewhat shallow depictions of what should be complex characters.
Now, the thing is: one or two perfect characters like that are just fine! The problem lies in the fact that many of these shows have only a few female characters to begin with, and they’re all like that. Peach is kinda alright, but Galadriel’s major flaws are barely even shown because the writing has to try to make her look badass even when she’s making objectively terrible decisions.
Because here’s the thing— depicting only perfect women and minimizing flaws isn’t supporting female empowerment. Girls have flaws too, folks. Popular media relying only on the immaculate femme fatale badass just makes for a more cliche story, and imposes higher standards on young girls who look up to these characters. And the forced boyishness forces standards as well.
Why can’t Peach flutter her eyelashes, giggle, and still knock bad guys on their asses? Or, better yet, why can’t Peach flutter her eyelashes, giggle, knock bad guys on their asses, help Mario out, also get helped by Mario, and maybe admit that it took practice for her to get to where she is now?
That’s how she used to be in the middle Mario era, like Super Mario RPG, Thousand Year Door, and Super Paper Mario. Peach was feminine and still relatable to a young tomboy like myself.
I’ve rambled on for far too long, but anyways, that’s what I’m gonna try to do here with the Wisdomverse: tell stories of a bunch of different types of people, where each of them has their own take on what it means to be Zelda.
I can’t promise I’ll be perfect at writing this either, honestly. Perhaps I’ll fall into some of the same traps— I’m sure it’s hard to avoid them.
And perhaps my thoughts on this will evolve over time as well, and I’ll later have an even better understanding of how to write the characters I want to write.
Either way, I’ll certainly do my best!
Tl;dr: I got really sidetracked, but thank you for the kind message! Glad to hear you’re enjoying Wielders of Wisdom; hope to keep building my characters into interesting and at least somewhat complex women as things progress :)
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taikanyohou · 1 year
no bc. like. the eighth sense is getting EVERYTHING right.
it's compelling. like. you feel like you KNOW where the storyline is going, what's going to happen next, and then BHAM! NO! something entirely different happens. its never boring. and it makes the wait for the next episode jittery and anxious and it leaves you on tenterhooks BUT THAT'S THE POINT! its meant to leave you guessing. its got this "impending sense of doom" vibe to it that i referred to in a previous post, but that describes the current vibe of jaewon and jihyun's relationship and the atmosphere surrounding it: its thrilling.
characters can breathe!!! and we can breathe with them! jaewon and jihyun are allowed to have scenes where its just them alone, immersed in a hobby that THEY like, and you're there with them! they get to have scenes with so many other people that aren't just with each other. they get to form real relationships with their boss, their therapist, their new and old friends. and each relationship and dynamic brings something new, each dynamic formed between jaewon or jihyun and the people around them is made to allow a certain type of conversation to be had for jaewon and jihyun that they can't really have with someone who isn't that character, for example jihyun can only really openly speak to his boss in the same way jaewon can to yoonwon or his therapist. jihyun can't talk in that same manner to anyone else, nor can jaewon. at the same time, it also soooo BEAUTIFULLY illustrates how performative we can become in certain relationships and situations and around certain people, and how unhealthy and detrimental that can be for us - look at jaewon and taehyung, who are meant to be best friends, but are anything but it.
its such a QUEER show. it takes the small little scenes you'd normally see in a white western heterosexual movie, like the two love interests linking their pinky fingers together to then clasping each other's hands and smiling shyly to the side, to sitting opposite one another on a train and just gazing and gazing and gazing at one another, to calling a taxi after your not-a-date-but-its-so-a-date to go home in and the taxi is literally stood right there waiting but you can't let each other go ..... its taken all those cliche scenes and made them feel so ... new and fresh and vibrant and so so QUEER and any queer person watching the show FEELS those butterflies in their stomach.
oh to see a main character who is asian and queer actually GO TO therapy, and imply that jaewon has been going for 10 whole years to therapy. to have his mental illness be given a name (depression!), to have him talk about his issues so openly!!, to discuss what the struggles of being in your mid-twenties feel like!! to see him talk about how burdensome he finds it being "nice" to everyone and wearing a mask all the time and ultimately his therapist telling him straight that, "in fact, in life, you don't need to be loved by everyone." or when jihyun's boss stood up for him and fought eunji over how she treated him bc she KNOWS jihyun would never bc he isnt a confrontational person, but jihyun's boss did not stand for it, and how she continues to just give him the correct life advice as and when he needs it.
the romance. the chemistry. the way jaewon and jihyun pull you into their bubble. the way you feel the excitement and joy and apprehension and tension and heartache and disappointment between the two of them. YOU feel it. and thats all down to the way the show has been shot and the muuuuusic (oh my god the muuuuusic) and the way the camera is used. it makes it feel personal. in first person. not you watching them, but rather, you BEING them. the way you can FEEL how nervous and anxious jihyun gets when he is in ANY kind of social situation. how you can FEEL the quiet anger and the exhaustion from being so performative and the lack of patience in jaewon like a ticking timebomb when he's around taehyung. you do, you just FEEL it.
anyway. the eighth sense might just be (who am i kidding, it already is) on its way to claim the title for the best bl of 2023, and its only april.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
Getting with Wukong
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Sun Wukong-Monkey King
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Honey, I hope you have enough patience to deal with him cause he's got SUCH an ego! 😥 He'll sit you down and tell you about all his adventures, and trust me, he's gonna tell you about how awesome he was/still is.
Let's say that you're friends with Mk, who sees you as a cool, older sibling figure and he wants to introduce you to his mentor. Two of his favorite people meeting each other! He just hopes that it goes well, since you're always worried about him and have voiced your opinions on the Monkey King.
You're a bit weary, what with The Monkey King's training methods and dodgy absence when Mk gets the staff. But he, on the other hand, has fallen head over heels for you when he first sees you. Like, okay, he's met a lot of people in his life. Seen many different body types and all that, appreciating each of them. But you-
Something about you 👏🏽SETS👏🏽HIM👏🏽OFF👏🏽
Though you give him short answers, he can tell that your voice is so breathtaking. And though you know about him, you're not fawning over him. You're treating him just like anyone else, and that makes it so much more comfortable for him. You look so curvy and soft and huggable and your cute smile with your chubby cheeks makes his brain short circuit so badly he wants to squish them and hug you and it makes him👏🏽look👏🏽stupid👏🏽
He's trying so fucking hard to woo you. He knows that he's gotta earn your trust, so he makes it a thing to visit the Noodle Shop. If you're not there, he'll still spend some time with Mk and talk, but as soon you enter, he's swooning over you. Sometimes, he'll go to your house and hang out with you there. And if you know how to cook- 👀 He WILL ask you to make him Peach based dishes.
His flirting skills only go so far, so he only knows the basics. He tried to read up on a few, but he always messes them up. He's so confident, but if YOU flirt back, he's such a blushing mess. At least it all gets a good laugh from you. He could listen to it forever.
My man has collected all sorts of accessories, sacred items and weapons from his travels, so he'll definitely have something for you. If you ever feel bad or offer to get him something in return, don't. He's gonna find a way to link it to you, with the usual excuse of telling you that it was made for you and that this is his way of thanking you for being in his life.
He's down for sharing his peach snacks with you, and that speaks volumes. It's even better if you're watching something together, where he can use the excuse of cuddling for warmth. He's definitely done the yawn and put his arm behind your head cliche and it's so obvious. If it's watching Mk train, he'll offer you a spot on his lap while he sits on the cloud.
If you ever mention how you're scared of crushing him, he'll give you an incredulous look. You? Crush him? Honey, you're as light as a feather. And if anyone makes fun of you, calls you names, he's gonna keep a cool attitude in front of you and warn them, but he'll visit them and warn them not to hurt you ever again.
He tries to show off so much when training with Mk. He's gotta show how strong he is and that when you're with him, no one can hurt you. If you're amazed by his moves, he'll show it off as many times as he needs to. Now, if YOU want to train-
Ohmygod he's gonna be ecstatic. That means he can see you a lot more AND teach you what he knows. When training with you, he's a hands on type of guy. Of course, if it makes you uncomfortable, then he'll stop. But if it doesn't, he's gonna gently hold your hand to position it correctly. He'll even go behind you and do that "you've gotta do it like this" thing that they do in those romance movies.
Pet him. Run your hands through his hair and rub his head. If you brush it too-Ohmygod this dude is dead. He's already yours, but he REALLY won't want to let you go. You, the person he adored the most, giving such gentle treatment with a gorgeous smile. My man's absolutely smitten with you. One time you brushed him, he fell asleep on your chest for a few hours and woke up to see you asleep.
If he can't cuddle you, then he'll be bummed out. Less enthusiastic and looking for you. He needs you in order to refill his energy and make his day. We all know he's a physical lover. Can't keep his grubby hands to himself.
If you're not there, whether it be due to work or personal business, he's always asking Mk about you and your plans. It's gotten to the point where Mk reports it before Wukong even has the chance to ask. He's still sad that you're not there, but he'll quickly think about seeing you the next day. One time, you had to leave for a week due to personal stuff and when you came back, he wouldn't let you go. You made it up with peach snacks, movie nights and tons of hugs.
He wants to smooch you so bad it makes him looks stupid. Everyone sees it, even Mk. But the only person who doesn't seem to get it is you! You just think Wukong's being a really good friend. You have friends who are platonicly affection, giving hugs and holding hands, all that jazz. Literally everyone wants to facepalm when you don't get the hints.
Even before getting together, he's in close proximity of you. Tail around your waist or another body part, sometimes his hand will be in yours or on your shoulder, maybe your waist. When you point it out, he simply removes it, but it always slithers back to it's previous place, so you just kinda leave it be at one point.
If anyone were to suggest the idea of you two getting together, you'll voice that you don't think you're good enough for someone like him. "He's super strong, handsome and has immortality, he can do better than me." If he could smack all those negative thoughts from your cute head he would. Babe, you've got his heart and soul. You're so perfect to and for him.
When you DO get together, he loses all self control and holds you every moment he can get. He's holding you in his arms. It's an all day, everyday thing. Literally, as soon as he's done training Mk, he's like, "Good job bud, you can go home now." "What about (Y/n)?" "Don't worry about it. I'll take them home."
His nicknames for you would be along the lines of "Peaches", "Sweetheart", "Dear", " Beautiful/Handsome" "Gorgeous", basically mushy and simple nicknames. Your nicknames for him are " Sunshine", "Peaches", "Honey". Know that when he calls you "Honey", he's gotten himself in trouble and hopes to lessen your scolding. "Hey, Honey? Can I ask for a itty bitty favor?""...What did you do this time?"
Just a quick note—The monkeys already loved you a lot, so not much has changed. He finds it cute how much they adore you and vice versa. But he'll get jealous when they take up too much of your time and will steal you away, taking you to his little home and cuddling with you on his bed.
He was protective before, but now he's so much more protective. He won't let anyone take you away. He's been alone for so long, he's not about to let that sweet warmth be taken from him. And if someone flirts with you and even has the audacity to do it in front of him-(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Hope you enjoyed and apologies for any spelling errors! Up next is either Red Son or a short What If Scenario pertaining to LBD, Reader & Bai He. Not sure yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He'll at one point ask you if you'd ever want immortality. And depending on if it's a neutral or positive answer, then he'll bring up the immortal peach. He's willing to get one for you, but that choice is up to you.
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Okay so I recently called XO, Kitty the worst show ever on an unrelated post of mine. Let me be serious about it for a second.
That show really does deserve praise. I called it that because I hate miscommunication as a trope, but the casual lgbtq rep in a kids show was very well done. They so easily could have had the same boring old plot where Dae was fake dating Yuri just to impress her parents, so having it be cover for her relationship with Juliana was a surprising twist for me. They even doubled down with Kitty's crush on Yuri, which was a fascinating twist for me. I am a HUGE proponent for gay people and gay stories being in all types of media, even poorly written teen ones lol. A note should also be made for the straight best friend character of Min Ho being the one obsessed with his appearance and skin care and status, while the gay best friend character of Q was the jock who liked hiking and was at the school on a sports scholarship. They are such basic character tropes, and they are still cliches, but they are subverted in these little ways that made me happy. The same with the plot; cliche and overused, but subverted in these small ways. It's still thought and care given to representation, even in shitty teen shows. It's something that Netflix has always done really well for the most part.
I also have to commend them for the casual spoken Korean. I was highly impressed. I thought for an American show, they would all speak English the entire time despite being in Korea, so the amount of times they spoke in Korean with each other was very refreshing. I also love that it became a sort of plot point, where Kitty in particular wouldn't understand some of what was said in serious moments when it was said in Korean, and that was why characters chose to speak it. Particularly the confrontation between Dae and Min Ho, where Kitty had to ask Dae what Min Ho said and Dae just said it was nothing when in reality it was pretty fucking mean. It always makes my little lesbian heart happy when representation is handled well in shitty teen shows or kids movies especially.
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vivalavi-daa · 1 year
Fav 2022 K-Dramas/Movies
1. My Liberation Notes
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About: Three siblings, exhausted by the monotony of day to day adulthood, seek to find fulfillment and freedom from their unremarkable lives
Honestly, no one did it like My Liberation Notes. The way they captured the mundane lives of adults, the longing for happiness, freedom, and the loneliness of it all. The way they depicted all that through raw lines, monologues, and even silence that gave even deeper meanings. To say I love this show is an understatement 🥺
2. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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About: Woo Young Woo, a woman on the spectrum that tackles challenges as a newbie at a top law firm
This show is popular for a reason. It has everything you could ask for in a kdrama: feel good vibes, heartwarming stories, heart-fluttering love, found family, and interesting characters (with brilliant acting). Although we couldn't expect Woo Young Woo to be representative for all people with autism (since autism is considered as a spectrum), but I love the way her portrayal in this show was educative while also really fun to watch 🤍
3. Twenty Five Twenty One
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About: In a time where dreams seem out of reach, a teen fencer pursues her ambitions and meets a hardworking young man who seeks to rebuilds his life.
Couldn't express how much it's comforting to watch the two main characters build connection in the pursuit of happiness. The fact that these two people share different perspectives in life (one was hopeful & optimistic, while the other one was realistic) was its charm. Not to mention the growing bond of the friendship between them and their friends. Together, they make every scene seemed refreshing and entertaining to watch. It was truly an uplifting youth show that brightened last year's atmosphere ✨
4. Alchemy of Souls
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About: A powerful sorceress in a blind woman's body encounters a man from a prestigious family, who wants her help to change his destiny.
Love, love the world building of this one! Also, the gripping love stories that took "I'll love every version of you" seriously 🥺. It was captivating how observant every characters in this show were & the way they unfold the stories. Even the action scenes portrayed like an art. Therefore, even though it has many episodes with long duration, I wasn't bored at all.
5. Little Women
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About: Three sisters become embroiled in a major incident and face off against the wealthiest family in the nation
The fact that two of my fave actresses (Nam jihyun & Kim goeun) casted in one kdrama was such a dream!! It's a women centric kdrama i could say, from the way the main characters, writer, & director are all women <3. I love that it has such morally grey characters and a story that's full of intriguing misteries. It kept me on the edge of my seat.
6. 20th Century Girl
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About: A teen girl has her eyes set on a boy for her lovesick best friend. However, things become complicated when she falls in love and is forced to choose between love and friendship
A heartening youth stories that every fan of 2521 should watch! Again, the plot seemed cliche but it still managed to enthralled you with sweet & fun interactions between the main characters, their growing romance, and what comes for them in the future. It was a rollercoaster of emotion but I really enjoyed it to end <3
7. Business Proposal
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About: Hari, a regular employee, shows up to a blind date in disguise of her rich friend to scare him away. Things go awry when he turns out to be her CEO and makes a proposal.
Normally, a kdrama with a cliche plot and some cringe lines wasn't my piece of cake. But Business Proposal is something else I guess. It managed to make even the cliche plot entertaining to watch, still. I didn't expect that I'd laugh this much while watching this show, but I did. Their actings were so fun to watch and it's such a light kdrama that i enjoyed to watch.
Addition: Fav K-Drama (Not Released in 2022) that I've Watched Last Year
Prison Playbook
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About: a legendary Korean baseball player whose life change after he chases a man who harasses his sister and finds himself spending a year in prison.
This is such a gem for a slice of life genre! From the director of Hospital Playlist & Reply series, you could expect some heartwarming feels coming from every characters' background stories. Despite the serious & harsh life we could thought of from prison life, this kdrama have many comical scenes, a series of roommates bickering, & such a moving found family. I wish the director would make more of these 🥺🤍
K-Drama Recommendations: 8/?
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snickerdoodlles · 8 months
any headcanons about the kp boys' favourite games? doesn't matter if it's board games, video games, card games, or mind games -- everything is fair game :')
Khun - internet quiz games like "which character are you" or "what cliche trope would you kiss" or whatever/etc etc. specifically, he likes taking them and then ranting about all the ways they're stupid and/or wrong.
Kim - claims its poker because he spent several years teaching himself how to count cards after he and Khun watched that one heist movie that involved counting cards. he liked Clue as a kid but then got extremely disappointed in it as he grew up. his university friends spend about four months trying to get him to download the among us game, then refuse to play with him after four days of him absolutely kicking ass at it. (new freshman hazing initiation ritual! Try To Beat Wik At Among Us! best played in a large group with a heckling peanut gallery.)
Chay - before Yok's bar, first person shooting games. or any type of shooting game really. less so afterwards.
Macau - ultimate videogame connoisseur. solid collection of board games for him and Vegas too (no scrabble though, he hates scrabble). his game room is a thing of legend. someone remind me to talk about the Macau&Chay you got mail AU that includes Chay calling Macau his sugar daddy after Macau gives him a bunch of turnips in Animal Crossing.
Vegas - he says mind games. his actual favorite game is pub trivia night. specifically in Pete's hometown where he and Pete's grandma team up against a bunch of other old people. have I mentioned I love a good relationship between Vegas & Pete's grandma.
Pete - he thought board games, because Khun's game rules are ridiculous but great at keeping things lively. he's extremely disappointed when Vegas and Macau don't like that at all. he is king of poker.
Porsche - card games! doesn't really have a specific favorite game and never plays for stakes, but one deck having multiple game options is a godsend when trying to entertain a kid on a budget. also damn good at card tricks, though he was careful not to show off those outside of home.
Kinn - Sudoku. he has an app folder of similar number games and spider solitaire on his phone. he is my favorite old man <3
Chay bonus - before BOC kinnporsche aired, one of my favorite Chay headcanons ever was pickpocket!Chay. so let's return to that and Chay breaks Kim's mind with card tricks. this is his new favorite game.
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frogsndogs · 9 months
I feel like if they were to make another Scooby Doo series, they should reboot the 13 Ghosts (properly this time). Lemme tell you why:
(Also Note: I have not seen the 13 Ghost movie in it's entirety so pls just keep that in mind)
okay so first we could have that found family dynamic that everyone loves and that the 13 Ghosts had amazing set up and some execution but i don't think reached it's full potential.
Dad!Vincent parenting a bunch of wack kids who insist on helping put the demons back and they keep showing up at his house how did they even find this address I live at the top of a cliff in the middle of nowhere what do you mean you brought my Chinese food - that delivery person gave you my adress didn't he I always knew he was a bad egg
Next I think that we should get a proper Flim Flam and Vincent backstory - how did they meet? where? Why is Flim Flam staying with Vincent? and we could have some added depth there
And an cool aspect of Flim Flam and Vincent's relationship is that Vincent is a real-deal wizard where Flim Flam is (like his name suggests) a con artist. I think this could bring an interesting facet to their relationship and maybe even drive the inner conflict of at least one episode
Then I think that we should have more lore abt the Chest of Demons, like where it came from, how they were trapped originally, etc, etc,
Explore the magical community and Vincent's place in it
along these lines ppl in the magic community must have at least heard of the Scooby Gang and their exploits - watch Scooby become a celebrity in the Magic world and have one of those cliche "fame is dangerous episodes" while building lore
Daphne leadership role!!!
I always kinda went with the idea that Daph, Shag and Scooby didn't tell Fred and Velma abt the chest bc they wanted to protect them from the demons
Like when they were originally going after the demons they weren't just tracking them - they demons were tracking them back and it often got dangerous, so we could have some tension with Fred and Velma thinking that the trio is lying to them and a heartfelt episode with that
Then I think that Weerd and Bogel deserve a redemption arc
They were always treated badly by the demons and i think that the one episode where they pretend to team up with the gang could be a turning point where they realize how teams are supposed to work and how the gang shows them (their enemies) genuine compassion
They're funny and they also have a complex dynamic that I would have liked to explore
I think that Daphne's sister (either an older one from SDMI (prob Delilah) or a younger one, like the one that was pitched with Scrappy to be his owner(kinda leaning towards this)) would be a good edition
Depending on if she was older or younger she could be a mentor or a good friend for Flim Flam and Scrappy
I see this Daphne as being more of a leader than her goofy BC self(who I love don't get me wrong) but I think that Daphne's sister could bring a goofier element with Flim Flam and Scrappy
He was such a good boy in this series - such a good friend to Flim Flam and so supportive of his uncle
There is so much wasted potential with his character, in my opinion but that's for a whole other post probably - this has already gotten longer than i expected
anyway that's most of my ideas - i probably have more somewhere in my head
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gamefan546 · 2 months
My thoughts on the PuzzleVision Movie (SPOILERS):
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I’m kinda glad I waited a bit to get my thoughts on the Puzzlevision movie out there, as I got to let my thoughts sit a little, but I still think my current thoughts are mostly the same as my original thoughts:
The movie was neat. There was a lot of things I liked about it, like all the parodies, animation, and ESPECIALLY the villain song. But… I honestly think it’s kinda underwhelming for the finale of this storyline they started in early 2023. I guess I had big expectations since this confrontation with Mr. Puzzles was built up for 2 whole movies and a WOTFI. I Still think there are a lot of good qualities to it. But, unfortunately, I got a lot more to say about the negatives than the positives.
I was initially underwhelmed by Mr. Puzzle’s backstory, considering how long he’s been built up as a villain. At first the backstory of Puzzles being “He was a lonely kid who became a TV addict and eventually replaced his head with a TV” came of as sort of bland, cliche villain backstory that the writers came up with on the fly. Again, I feel like I felt that way because of what came before it. Stuff like the Eldritch Goo from IGBP, the Grand Door being opened shortly before the lead up to that movie, Puzzlevision originally owning the show grounds, and all of Puzzles’ powers made me think that there was going to be a bit more to his story. Like, how does just replacing his head with TV give him all the powers he has?? Now I think the backstory’s more alright though. The part with “Oh he was lonely and had no friends :(“ still comes off as super cliche to me, and the powers still don’t make sense, but the part about him replacing his face with a TV sort of drives home how unhinged he is under that smile. I have similar thoughts on his final goal, which to me basically came off as “oooh he wants to brainwash everyone and take over the world”. But at least the backstory wasn’t as confusing or convoluted as Niles’ backstory from Revelations.
One other thing I also didn’t like, and still don’t, was how Tari was presented. In Western Spaghetti she was built up to be a much braver person who was more ready to take down whoever messes with her friends. But in this movie she feels like a complete coward again, cowering in fear at the thought of Mr. Puzzles going to get them, and begging Meggy not to go through a scary obstacle course. Like, what was the whole point of going through that arc if she was gonna be super scared the next time a big villain shows up??? I feel like they just threw that character development that I loved so much away. Also, why would they introduce Clench right before the Puzzlevision takeover if he wasn’t going to play any role in it?????
I do like how everyone came together throughout the movie to escape Puzzles’ network though. Smg4 and 3 told Mario where to find them, Meggy and Tari found out how to escape the network, and Boopkins and Bob broke everyone out of their channels. I thought that part was pretty neat, and felt like a bunch of puzzle pieces falling into place (no pun intended). It’s also always nice seeing mario help out in some way, even though I wish his motives were more “I gotta save my friends” than “I wanna find the TV because I wanna watch TV”.
This is a next thing is more of a nitpick than anything. I love the animation change for the South Park section. But even though there’s a VA credited with the South Park characters in the credits, Cartman’s voice sounds a lot like an AI voice to me for some reason. They probably did use an actual voice actor for Cartman and the way they pitch shifted it made it sound weird, but if they actually used AI for Cartman, I don’t find that cool.
One last thing. I don’t even feel like this movie has much of an impact on SMG4 like IGBP. Like the only thing that changes is that Puzzles’ is dealt with, and he may or may not be dead; and he didn’t even have much of an effect on the normal episodes before if any. Other than that, no one really goes through any arc or gains any development. If anything, Tari lost development from Western spaghetti. It doesn’t really feel like anything changed, which is kinda weird considering the gang just defeated the main antagonist who’s been messing with them for a year. There wasn’t even a reveal on what’s behind that boarded up door or anything added to the show grounds.
Other than that, the movie was still neat. Just neat. That’s all I can really say. I know I’ve been kinda pessimistic here, but like I said, I had more to say one the negatives than positives. They just stick out more to me than most of the plot, which is really just the gang going through a bunch of parodies. Guess I set my expectations too high for this movie or something. Just remember these are all just my opinions and you can feel however you want about this movie.
Now, will I continue following SMG4 now that Mr. Puzzles is possibly gone for good? Honestly… I’m not sure. I’ve mainly been following SMG4 over the last year mainly because of Mr. Puzzles, and I’ve been planning to move away from it for ages. So depending on how the next few videos go, I may or may not stop following. I kinda like the idea of leaving SMG4 off where it’s kind of ambiguous if Mr. Puzzles is really dead or not. Even if I stop following SMG4, I’ll still make some make fan art every of it now and again. I just wish the possible final movie I watched was just more than just “neat”.
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astupidweeb69 · 5 months
First and foremost, I just want you to know that your storytelling, dialogue, and character development for your story “Unrequited” is absolutely incredible. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading each chapter you’ve posted thus far and am always thrilled whenever we get a new chapter from you! I hope you’ve enjoyed the holidays with friends and family 🎄🎅. Quick question for you: what do you think has been your biggest inspiration for writing Unrequited and the way you’ve developed Toby’s character? Also also lol how do you feel Toby’s psychiatric disabilities and past traumas are going to inhibit his ability to form a meaningful connection with the reader? I feel like to some degree the reader will have empathy for him but not let that fool her from the situation at hand. Please let me know your thoughts! Sending lots of love and best wishes to you! 💙✨
Thank you for all the kind words!! It really means a lot. I don't always feel confident with my writing and probably take too long editing lol.
Without getting too personal, my biggest inspiration for both Toby and the Reader came from my own life. People I've known, family members, friends, and seeing how trauma affects people in different ways.
I know the Reader having an abusive parent is almost cliche at this point in Creepypasta fanfiction, but I wanted to explore it more and have it be a regular theme that comes up. Instead of like, the Reader being "saved" from their family in the first chapter and it's literally never brought up again. Because that shit stays with you your whole life.
I also get inspiration from other fanfiction. Playing Favorites and Spill Your Guts were two big ones where I loved the characterization of Toby. I also look at random characters in shows/movies I watch, which are mostly horror and comedy. I think it's super important to have Toby be somewhat funny.
And yeah, Toby's psychiatric disabilities and his refusal to take responsibility for his actions and learn better coping strategies are going to make all his relationships hard. I purposefully wanted the Reader and Toby to come from bad backgrounds because it means the Reader will not take the whole 'I murder people because my dad hit me' as an excuse.
They are two people, in similar circumstances, but one is trying to move forward, and the other (Toby) wants to drag them down so he can be a little less lonely.
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writerquil · 8 months
Hey if you’re still taking requests, could you do some headcannons of gweathney? Thanks :3
Gweathney Headcanons (FLUFF)
Gwen and Courtney definitely got together first. They assumed they were friends at first but eventually Gwen's romantic affection became more evident to herself.
Courtney just thought Gwen was being a 'really good friend' whenever holding her hand, or kissing her on the cheek or blatantly telling her that she loves her.
It was only when literally everyone (including Heather), pointed it out that she realized that Gwen had a crush on her.
Heather is definitely bisexual, but she has a giant preference towards women. Gwen is just the biggest stereotypical lesbian mankind has ever laid eyes on while Courtney has no idea what she is, she just knows she loves Gwen and Heather.
Courtney is incredibly clueless to romantic situations which Heather and Gwen take extreme advantage of, but Gwen is just clueless to relationship situations in general.
Courtney and Heather could be angry at her and Gwen would be all bewildered and confused for the entire day but whenever she'd ask about it they'd both just say 'I'm fine', which obviously means they aren't fine.
Whenever Courtney and Gwen are angry, Heather is angry too, even if she has no idea what the other two are angry about, she'll be positively furious until they cool her down.
Their arguments aren't even that big, they're just petty little quips that began them, or what colour school subjects are or who ate the last protein mango flavoured yogurt.
Heather and Courtney are more than most definitely the protective ones. They're an attractive trio of ladies but most men automatically assume they're friends or something and pop over to flirt, which ends up with Heather saying something rude, scoffing or rolling her eyes or Courtney correcting them matter-of-factly that they're her girlfriends.
Heather can get them into practically everywhere. No access to a club? She'll go on a furious tangent until they let her in. Sorry, this wedding you're one allowed to bring a plus ONE. ExCUSE me, they're BOTH of girlfriends.
Heather claims to not be a cuddler but in reality, it's just difficult to cram three spooning people into a bed at the time. She actually loves to hold their hands and snuggle up to them while watching movies.
Gwen and Courtney are huge on touch, they'll do that dramatic thing where whenever they're forced to split up or part hands they'll melodramatically reach their hands out for each other as they part and Heather would be like; 'UGH JUST LET GO, SHE'S JUST GOING TO THE BATHROOM'.
Whenever all three of them hold hands in public, Heather likes to stand in the middle, because she can show off both of her girlfriends at a time. She also likes to sit in the middle during cuddling sessions too, because she can hold them both at the same time.
Annual movie nights are cliche but definitely a thing for them. They watch dumb straight rom coms where none of them can stay silent for a single a scene and keep interrupting to make fun of the characters.
Gwen loves to watch horror movies and Courtney says she dislikes them simply because they're unrealistic but in reality she's just scared. Heather can withstand most horror movies and just laughs at them mostly, but has huge beef with found footage horror movies and finds them positively terrifying, which leads them both to hiding behind Gwen or under their blankets.
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roseburning · 4 months
I want a Good!Tom Riddle that is NOT Tom X Harry!
I recently read Chamber of Secrets for the first time and, as someone who watched the movies first, I was genuinely surprised about how much I relate to Ginny Weasley!
Tom Riddle is incredibly charming and, just like little Ginny, I completely fell for it (even though I knew he was Voldemort all along). I just couldn't help it, he plays the role of the sweet, innocent Golden Boy too well!! I genuinely felt sorry for him when he started blushing while talking about the orphanage he lived in 💔
Obviously it's just a facade, a mask he wears to manipulate people and not his real self. I'm not at all trying to somehow justify the actions of Lord Voldemort. I'm just saying that, like Ginny and Harry, I fell for him.
But when I decide to search online for Alternative Universes where he was actually this prince charming with a heart of gold (*hyperbole*) that he pretended to be, I only found disgusting Tomarry smut.
I do understand that this is a crack ship that shouldn't be taken seriously, but damn, I must say I'm deeply disappointed and sad. Apparently, Tom Marvolo Riddle can only be "good" when the author wants him to fuck Harry James Potter.
And those fanfiction don't even base his "good side" on what we actually see him performing in the book, but apply the most generic and cliche 'cold, no feelings boyfriend and only y/n can made him love again' personality, but y/n is just called Harry.
I'm deeply mad at this fandom. Tom Riddle could be such a layered and complex characters if we consider his Golden Boy Persona as real, or at least something he's trying to be.
I know that J.K. Rowling dives more deep into his past in later books and I currently only read books 1 and 2, but from I could see, good!Tom Riddle (canon based + a bit of my headcanons): Comes from a negligent (possibly abusive) household that he much rather not go back to;
Tries to be the perfect boy in school, in a desperate quest for acceptance;
Tries to do what he judges right, even if it hurts other people or himself, it's for the greater good;
Does not have actual friends because he can't bond with people (and some people think he's just a show off);
Is a Teacher's Pet because he subconsciously wants validation;
Spent 5 years trying to learn more about who he and his mother's family are;
(Probably has a pet Basilisk — who might or not have killed Myrtle);
Gets along better with snakes than humans, because he doesn't need to try so hard around them.
Speaks Parseltongue in his sleep.
I'm fully aware that it also sounds very cliche, and I the need to say that as I, myself, don't ship Tom and Harry at all, I'm not here to hate this ship or on its shippers. “Ship and let ship.„ You do you, guys. I can understand how the whole Dark Mirror situation could have been appealing to some.
I just wanted to vocalize my frustrations about this damn ship basically monopolizing the "Good Tom Riddle" tag on Ao3.
I'd love fanfiction recommendations about it if you have some <3
(I also think we should talk about more about the friendship between Tom Riddle and Ginny Weasley, but this is a talk for another post. Anyway, if you got some platonic recommend for them, I'd love to read! <3)
For the love of Merlin, fanon is not canon and this doesn't justify Voldemort's actions at all.
Love ya!
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scarebats · 8 months
this is just gonna be me explaining what i like and don’t like about each bttf and going into depth x
be warned my opinions are very strong and i wrote a lot😭
i did not check for spelling or grammar so expect mistakes!!
okay so for the first movie, i personally think that it’s an amazing introduction to a trilogy. in the beginning you’re wonderinf why marty is in a room with a bunch of clocks and such, overall you’re just curious about who he is. then it moves onto when he realizes he’s late for school n stuff. from how people react to him (like mr strickland who is also stinger) you can tell that he doesn’t have the best track record of being polite or tactical. also how it’s obvious how much he cares about jennifer and his music this is actually just me explaining the movie plot shit
so again i really like how each character is introduced, and i also like how marty and george have more similar traits when they’re both 17, because then they’re basically the same person. they’re in love with a girl, and are passionate about one this but can’t handle rejections. i like how they made marty so similar to 1955 george, but then different in the original 1985 because they didn’t fall in love how they’d wanted (not the best explanation) anyways i also find it funny how doc’s appearance doesn’t change for 30 years. idk i find that funny. and how doc has pictures of famous scientists instead of like family photos in the house that he inherited from his family😭 also!! in the original 1985, doc only had his shed (where the delorian was kept) and next to it was a burger king, and that’s because he blew all of his family fortune on failed projects. very sorry that i keep gettinf off track, i am very passionate about back to the future. anyways! i like how biff is generally the same in 1955 and original 1985, just his behaviour is less justified while he’s 47 years old😭 and in the new 1985 how he’s showed that he learned his place (which kinda confuses me because it was literally a singular punch that did that) but still has that same personality revealed in the second movie
honestly i think that how marty was literally the reason his parents got together, and then 30 years later (to his parents) his dad literally says to him “30 years ago, a young man once told me, you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it” LIKE HOW COULD HE NOT LOOK AT HIS SON AND THINK “OH SHIT IT WAS YOU” ??? i’m sorry that party makes me very angry. like the REASON that you are married to the love of your life is your son, who just so happens to look exactly like the man that gave you the piece of advice that you now live by. what a coincidence! you even fucking named your son after that man. like ITS SO FRUSTRATING.
i like how doc and marty’s relationship seems more closely bind together as father-son kind of, also bttf part 2 is my favourite!!! personally, i also enjoy how hill valley generally stays the same, just modified along with the times. like how the clock tower still stands and the café is still in service. it’s also a bit cliche how each movie has basically the same plot, just different scenes. also !! i think it’s cool how they include scenes from the first movie (the enchantment under the sea dance) into the second movie and created a whole new point of view to think about while you watch the first movie again. when griff (biff’s grandson) tries to get martin (marty’s son) along with his friends, the amount of groaning is insane… i’m just enjoying this part of the movie and then marty just takes his son’s hat and pretends to be him and then griff is groaning while spikes come out of nowhere and he fr tries to kill him like what. not to mention that he son is knocked out behind the bar of the café and marty couldn’t give any shits😭 and also how rude those two little kids were when marty was showing them how to play that video game (the one the foreshadows the end of the movie and the bttf part 3) “you have to use your hands!?” YES. YES YOU DO YOU SPOILED BRAT. that’s how they envisioned 2015 in 1988 thats so crazy to me. also jaws 19 😭 that’s just the portion of the movie that’s in 2015 tho. bro how jennifer is literally passed out in an alley for most of that too is so crazy
then like she wakes up and stuff and finds her future self and all that too but that’s not that interesting for me
i like the alternate 1985 where biff turned hill valley into like the strip in las vegas. he literally could’ve actually went to las vegas but he decided to stay in hill valley😭 made a museum of himself too like what. oh yeah i also like how much marty struggles to get the sports book back from biff in 1955 and he literally hides in mr stricklands office and it ends up being some explicit magazine😭 now onto the end of the movie… marty from bttf 1 finally goes back in the delorian and then doc is celebrating that one of his inventions work and stuff. then immediately after marty is already there and he’s like “you fucked shit up”
i absolutely hate how marty and doc’s character traits were basically flipped in the third movie. like suddenly marty is being reasonable and wants to get home, and doc fr starts saying “this is heavy” LIKE WHAT MARTY WAS DOING FOR THE PAST TWO MOVIES. and then he proceeds to throw any logic that he made clear himself put the window when he met clara😭 the same clara that was supposed to die off of that cliff and then be known as “clayton canyon” or something like that. one scene “me? falling in love? pfft” the very next scene “i will throw away the future of this guy who is like a son to me and myself for you” SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DIE. i get the love at first sight and all but you’re gonna mess up literally everything man. also i know that they’re living in the old west, but their tans look so unnatural😭 and how 1955 doc specifically tells marty to change his shoes into boots when he gets there and the first thing that happens is he gets chased by a bear and uses the boots as a distraction to get away. those shoes are iconic fr (i own the same shoes) bttf part 3 is my least favourite movie in the franchise, mainly because it completely goes against how the characters act in the other two movies. also how jennifer was sleeping on her front porch since like the middle of bttf part 2 is insane😭 i get that it’s technically been october 25th since the first movie, but please she’s been asleep for like at least a week technically. omg i forgot maddog aka buford tannen😧 he like. challenges marty to a duel and then gets covered in manure again. it’s pretty funny
thank you to whoever actually read this💕
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So this last week was OCD Awareness Week and it got me thinking about how in TMNT 2012, Donnie was “confirmed” to have obsessive-compulsive disorder. (A writer who worked on the show confirmed it.) However, as someone with OCD I have never related to Donnie, and I’ve recently been rewatching the series with this knowledge in mind and still have not seen any good evidence of representation from him.
However, I feel like a character that actually displays themes of OCD well is Leo. I will say that my view of Leo’s OCD-coding is more based on his mentality, as opposed to actually showing signs of rituals or anything. This is me acknowledging that in-canon he does not exhibit Actual signs of OCD (neither does Donnie), but rather that his mentality better reflects OCD than Donnie’s does, to the point where I’ve related to Leo at times because of these themes.
There are also aspects that overlap with Leo possibly having ptsd and/or depression in the series, but I am making this analysis to educate you about how OCD works regardless, as I feel there is still something to be learned from headcanons and theories when it comes to analysis. I will also analyze how Donnie’s traits that can be skewed to represent OCD actually better fit a diagnosis of autism, using research provided to me by some friends who are autistic.
Onto the analysis! Starting with Donnie, there were a few traits I was able to identify that could work as OCD. He’s neat and organized, dislikes change, and hyperfixates on his work. He also had that chart to help him ask out April, which shows his need for preparation. However, his chart was in preparation for the sake of a goal, whereas for OCD the “preparation” is like preparing for a tragedy that will never exist. And the chart is being used to avoid social conflict as opposed to his own internal anxiety. These traits are not caused by a need to satisfy intrusive thoughts and compulsions, but are rather how he processes his environment better. Donnie would feel frustrated, off-kilter, and overwhelmed if his routines were messed with. Leo attaches more of a moral weight to the actions in his routines.
So that brings me to how Donnie shows signs of being autistic. He tends to explain things and volunteer information when the situation doesn’t call for it, and especially during dire situations. An interesting parallel is how in Rise of the TMNT, Donnie is canonically autistic; in the Rise Movie Donnie says, “Data collection calms me down.” In the season 2 finale of 2012, Donnie tells Leo that oversharing and being technical is “how I deal with stress!”
Donnie also stims, such as often sticking out his tongue when he works. He is also very particular about the layout of his stuff in his lab, and shows great distress when someone (Mikey) messes with his stuff. He doesn’t want to feel out of control of his environment in his own workspace. He also tends to take things literally, such as when Raph said “Could we pick a more cliche way to get eaten?” sarcastically, and Donnie proceed to list off actual cliches to Raph’s annoyance.
Finally, Donnie sometimes experiences sensory discomfort. When Mikey spilled “greasy popcorn” all over Donnie, Donnie was enraged, noting the fact that it was greasy in particular. Additionally, at a point where all the Turtles get sprayed with monster guts, Donnie’s initial reaction is to ask for hand sanitizer. While washing your hands and being clean is a common OCD trait, Donnie’s concern here is with because of the texture and germs associated.
Leo’s turn!
Okay so before we get to how 2012 Leo is OCD-coded, I want to point out that Leo actually definitely has OCPD in every version except for Rise and you can fight me on that. “Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control (with no room for flexibility) that ultimately slows or interferes with completing a task;” Leo is consistently portrayed as being a controlling perfectionist. Additionally, “OCPD is a personality disorder, which means it involves personality traits that are stable, long-held, atypical, and problematic in some way. In the case of OCPD, people with this condition may find it hard to relate to others, and their devotion to perfectionism and rigid control can make it difficult to function.” This is Leo to a T. Others around him get annoyed with these traits in him, and these traits make up many of his definitive personality traits across the franchise. This side note aside, we may move on to OCD.
I am reiterating here that my purpose is to show how Leo’s themes as a character and in his story reflect those of obsessive-compulsive disorder and am seeking to analyze and educate based on that. I am not arguing that he canonically has OCD. That being said, his themes align best with the subtype of moral scrupulosity OCD, which has people obsess over the morality of their thoughts and actions and often seek outside help to distinguish the truth.
Some basics of Leo’s character that fit OCD themes: he has several episodes of panic, recurring nightmares about his worst fears, he’s controlling and a perfectionist, and thinks something bad will happen if he isn’t at his best and puts all that pressure on himself alone. People with OCD tend to believe that bad things happen because of certain things that they do or don’t do, regardless of how accurate that belief is (it is not an accurate belief). They also can seem oddly controlling to others as they try to gauge certain no-no actions from those around them. Additionally, in “Fungus Humongous,” Leo says, “I face my fear every day.” OCD is run by fear and paranoia, and we too face our fears every day. Fun fact: I like to watch “Parisitica” and “Fungus Humongous” when I’m feeling low because of how relatable I find Leo’s struggles in them.
FINALE SPOILERS: Finally, a symptom of OCD includes “Aggressive or horrific thoughts about losing control and harming yourself or others,” which I feel parallels in Mutant Apocalypse, when Leo attacks his family in a crazed state. He becomes just like the Shredder at this moment; a direct contradiction to his worst fear of losing them. He becomes double mutated because he chose to save his family over himself.
Examining now how Leo’s struggles line up with the morality theme, it’s like his brain is giving him ultimatums and black and white statements about ‘ok you have to be THIS or else THIS will happen.’ In a smaller scale, he would rather do training “right” than quickly, like in that scene where Leo’s doing his katas slower than his brothers and he makes a jab at them for their ‘poor’ form.’ Another interesting example comes with how he is consistently obsessed with finding and helping Karai throughout the series. He feels an intense sense of responsibility about it, even in situations when it really seems out of their hands, either because of wacky circumstances or because of her own actions. He says he's doing it for Splinter, but Splinter has already reassured him several times that he doesn't NEED to. His obsession conflicts with the interests of literally his entire family; it’s a situation that is linked with his morality. Leo is a very kind person who sees the best in people and wants to help them. Karai is his sister and his father’s daughter; he takes it as his personal responsibility to save her—a savior complex born from this obsession.
Now I wanna talk about Leo’s fears and where he turns to deal with them. OCD thrives off of people “Doubting and having difficulty tolerating uncertainty.” The next few sections includes major spoilers for the season 4 finale as well as talk of Main Character Death, so feel free to skip this section. Season 4’s space arc and events taking place after “Requiem” show intense examples of this for Leo. While a part of his actions here are likely due to ptsd and/or depression, it also parallels well with how OCD works.
Leo often goes to his father for advice. However, in the space arc when he’s separated from Splinter and in season 5 when Splinter is dead, Leo still has a need to seek advice and validation from his father. It is a response of grief, but it’s also his way of feeling like he’s getting guidance in a time when he doesn’t trust himself. This is similar to the reassurance-seeking compulsion, where someone with OCD goes to an outside source to entertain whatever thoughts the OCD has come up with, instead of just letting those thoughts go. Leo talking with Splinter practically every day via hologram in the space arc is his coping mechanism during that time, but even his brothers view it as excessive. It’s as if it’s the only thing tethering him during that time where he has little stability.
Additionally, ruminating is seen in the form of Leo constantly focusing on Splinter’s death, both in the space arc and post-“Requiem.” “OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety;” in “Trans-Dimensional Turtles” in the space arc, Leo is talking with the past version of Splinter and sees a vision of him being stabbed by the Shredder. This flashback is presented as something he is constantly thinking and worried about; very little else consumes his thoughts. The ptsd overlap once again occurs here, but I am pointing out that it is this sort of rumination that people with OCD experience often.
Finally, people with OCD “may try to ignore or stop [their] obsessions, but that only increases [their] distress and anxiety.” In the space arc, Leo is slowly being put through it, until he snaps near the end of the arc, going off on a suicide mission alone when he thinks they’ve been led astray by Fugitoid. No one in his family brought up their concerns for his mental well-being to him, and when not surrounded by his family he expressed his doubts and fears. But most of the time for those 6 months Leo spent in denial, singularly focused on their mission to save Earth and Master Splinter. It wasn’t until that vision was seemingly put in jeopardy that he finally snapped and acted reckless to the point of nearly dying. Leo simultaneously indulged in his obsessions while consciously ignoring their existence while in the presence of others, and that led to him being in great distress.
2012 Donnie is not at all a representation of obsessive-compulsive disorder past being the “smart character,” but he is a good representation of autism, whether intentional or not. Leonardo, while not explicitly being a character with OCD, does carry similar themes that make for a relatable OCD-coded character.
Here’s my contribution to OCD Awareness Week. You are now Aware.
Special Thanks:
@/sailor_the_robot on Insta for practically co-writing this with me. Much of this essay includes direct quotes from her.
@phoenixquill-art for her help as well with Donnie’s analysis!
@mej2235 for beta reading :3
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raisinchallah · 2 months
also stunning lack of homoeroticism u cast andrew scott for this??? i do think a recurring problem with a lot of takes on ripley is that they just make him a weirdo loner with no friends rather than a guy who slips himself in with people all the time hes still quite lonely but does not want to appear that way they put so much work into meticulously sketching his life in new york but not his greenwich village gay social circle where people dont really like him and he doesnt like them and his sort of pitiful attempts to fit in but also doesnt want anyone to think hes gay but is fine joking about it literally nobody has been able to figure out how exactly to characterize the type of closet case tom ripley is their minds are too small for the layers of nesting closets going on the movie portrayed like little gay sad boy which is frankly too simple and not really what was going on other movies hes straight?? or not really any sexuality of any kind displayed in others and in the show hes like getting idk decades old cliche beats of sad looking thru window and saying um im not gay you know that right without even a hint of homoeroticism surrounding these things so its like bizarre sorry why did u cast andrew scott as one of the most iconic evil gay characters in literature and pull out facile sad look shot reverse shot shit and nothing special whats going on here
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st-eve-barnes · 1 year
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
I was tagged by @marthawrites and @ewanmitchellcrumbs, thank you ladies!
Buffy the vampire slayer: always my nr 1. I remember when my husband tried to get me into this show and I wasn't feeling it. A show about a teenage girl slaying vampires and falling in love with one, it all sounded very lame to me. But then we watched an episode on tv together, it was "Hush" (every Buffy fan knows enough now lol) and it just changed my opinion completely. That episode was so creepy, so funny, so well written from start to finish. I knew I had to see more. I fell in love with the rest of the show pretty quickly. Some episode are still some of the best tv I've ever seen (The Body!) and now we rewatch it every 1-2 years and I'm still not sick of it. Anyone who hasn't watched it yet please go give this masterpiece a chance.
Friends: I know it's a cliche show but I just adore it, I grew up with it, I've loved these characters for years and I will continue to love them. Another show I like to rewatch every few years. (I'm still very disappointed adult life isn't like it is in Friends lol)
Battlestar Galactica (the 2004 version): hands down best sci fi show for me because it's so much more than a sci fi show. This is so well written, the character development is probably the best I've watched in any tv show. I remember watching it for the first time and just being on the edge of my seat with every episode. Also love that this is a story with a beginning and ending that just feels completely finished, full circle, something that is rare these days.
Ally McBeal: I'm sure my age is showing in these choices lol, but this show shaped me as a young adult. I wanted to be Ally and tackle adult life the way she did, she made me feel it was okay to be a little crazy. The show is just so original, I loved the music as well (I used to buy all the Vonda Shepard cd's lol) and it was so sentimental and melancholic, if you wanted to have a cry you knew you could do it with this show. I haven't rewatched it in a long time so I don't know how well it stands now but I may just have to see for myself soon.
Stranger Things: I know the show gets a bad rep cause it's so overhyped but it's genuinely just an amazing show. I've been on board since season 1 and every season just gets better for me, I mean I already loved it and then they gave us Eddie! :) But seriously, it's just the perfect mix between mysterious horror/sci fi and that 80's nostalgia that takes me back in time. For those how haven't watched it yet, forget about the hype and just watch it.
Haunting of Hill House/Haunting of Bly Manor: yes, I'm listing them both cause I can't really choose. I love ghost stories and I love them even more when they revolve around love (as the show says, a ghost story is a love story) They are both so hauntingly beautiful and sad, the perfect mix between creepy and romantic. And that quote: "I loved you completely. And you loved me the same. That's all. The rest is confetti." has me in tears every time.
Extraordinary attorney Woo: It's still a pretty new show and it only has one season but I have to put this one in here because it is such a gem. I think it's the best way I've ever seen autism portrayed in a tv show. All characters are brilliantly written and the show, a K drama which isn't always my thing, is just so heartwarming and lovely to watch. Definitely recommend!
The Boys: If you're MCU tired (like I am) this show is the biggest breath of fresh air in the superhero genre (and also a big Fuck You to all the other superhero movies/shows). Bold, bloody and disgusting and anything but family friendly lol I was hooked after one episode and I'm still hooked 3 seasons later. This show dares to go where others don't and I just find it hilarious and so on point!
(Oops, that turned out longer than I intended, sorry! lol) I'm tagging @aemondmama @aemondx @neonhairspray @josephfakingquinn @arcielee @lauraneedstochill @jasonsmirrorball @aemonds-wifey (feel free to ignore)
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