#it’s the ✨development✨ baby
kizzer55555 · 5 days
The Vampire Aesthetic
Ok so Danny knows two billionaires personally and they really couldn’t be more different. Yet they had one thing in common. A vampire aesthetic. Sam is fully into goth. Spiderwebs, bats, the color black. She enjoys fangs and fake blood and the darkness of her soul. Meanwhile, Vlad is Vlad. If his name wasn’t enough, the dark clothing, pale skin, and flying around with a cape and fangs with coffins in his mansion really sells it.
Danny doesn’t know many rich people so he thinks this might be some kind of trend. (If Paulina is rich, her family likes the chupacabra) So he just thinks that all rich people have some kind of vampire thing going on.
Cue Danny somehow ending in the Wayne household. Maybe he was brought over as a friend of one of the bats, maybe rescued from a field trip/vacation gone wrong, maybe some other situation. But he is there in civilian form with civilian Waynes and Danny just takes a good long look around the inside of the mansion.
“So where’s the vampire aesthetic?
Everyone freezes.
Danny just starts looking around, checking behind paintings and feeling the walls for secret levers. Used to secret passages with Vlad and possibly Sam. The Fentons definitely had them when they were temporarily rich.
“Come on, I know you guys are hiding it.”
Cue the entire batfamily thinking that this is another Tim and that he is fully aware that these people are the batfamily. Danny hangs around the mansion more and the bats just start dropping their disguises and not even bothering to hide stuff around Danny because they assume he already knows. (Possibly even trying to recruit him to be a new bat) Meanwhile, Danny, who does not know these people are batman and his birds, just does not pick up on any of it.
He grew up in a health violation with a giant ballon observatory lab above his head and a portal to the afterlife in his basement. He is a half dead teenager who has tea with the god of time and his godfather is the other parent to his clone child. He’s used to death lazers being scattered across his home and mysterious stains on clothing.
People are weird! He doesn’t judge!
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#The Batfamily think Danny knows their secret.#For once Danny really is clueless and thinks they are just his new billionaire friends.#Blood stains? What bloodstains? That must be chili.#Danny: *knocks into Jason and accidentally pushes out bad ecto without realizing it* “oh sorry about that.” Jason: “are you God?”#Danny is obsessed with the animals. They are little BABIES! Damian approves this new interloper. Danny rides Batcow and has a ✨🤩✨ moment.#Danny introduces Damian to Cujo. No one else knows about Cujo. Damian will make SURE no one else knows about Cujo.#Cujo and Titan are best friends.#I know people think Duke’s ghost vision has him see Danny as something obviously not normal but I do you one better.#He cannot see or hear Danny at all. It takes him MONTHS before he realizes that the batfamily are talking to an additional presence.#And instead of thinking this is weird he thinks this is a new code they have developed and is trying to decipher it.#Duke watching Damian as he casually talks to the wall. Danny looking at Damian “why is he staring at us.”#Damian makes direct eye contact with Duke. “Training.”#Duke: WHAT DOES THAT MEEEAAANN?!?!?#There are ‘accidents’ like that one Time Danny was staying over and Jason was trying to sneak into the mansion.#Red hood (in full gear with guns bombs and glowing red eye googles) comes over at 1 am and crawls up the vent and opens it above Danny’s be#Danny: lying on the bed with his eyes wide awake and already staring at the ceiling as the vent above him opens. *waves* “Sup”.#Red Hood: …….“sup” (slooowwwly closes vent)
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calibrationneeded · 2 months
Not a baby!Jack truther or anti, but a secret third thing- a child Jack truther. Jack wouldn’t turn back to a baby because he would forget everything, but he still wants the experience of childhood and growing up so when it’s all over he reverts to a 10 year old so he can go to school and shit but it doesn’t invalidate his character development
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thedeadthree · 1 month
okok i think f*allout brainworms are in full swing now 🥀😵‍💫
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twistedappletree · 11 months
my favorite Jin Ling moods:
• angy (angy)
• angy (happy)
• angy (sad)
• angy (embarrassed)
• angy (saw wei wuxian)
• angy (someone insulted wei wuxian)
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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some tjol+ timeskip spoilers and a very successful and good-looking "new skill day" - suffice to say that ivory is living pretty well these days 😉⛓️
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goldoradove · 8 months
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And she's thrilled about it.
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arom-com · 1 year
Buck interacting with kids is something that can be so personal
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un-pearable · 2 years
for the audience of exactly one who knows about it. thinking about the heart & soul au
#baby’s first actually developed and worldbuilt au… miss u#the writing was. not great. but for my first foray into an attempted extended au it’s dear to me#it’s a roleswap spirit tracks au where they have their usual backstories but link gets ghosted instead of zelda#and then zelda pretends to be link for the rest of the game#causing MUCH strife and misunderstandings.#anyway. point is i’m very much thinking about it and could def do it a much better service now than in 2019#and i miss them <3 two stubbornest gremlins on the planet. one of whom is pissed that the other stole his identity and the other having both#multiple identity crises (including Oh Shit People Think I’m a Dude?) and is slowly becoming aware of a king and complicated conspiracy that#*LONG AND COMPLICATED screw u auto#has been working under her nose for her entire life and is coming to terms with the fact that she was. functionally useless and shit kinda#sucks. and also monarchy bad and train unions good#the appeal lies in that heart(zelda) sucks. so much. she has so many problems and no personal reflection. meanwhile soul(link) just wanted t#o get promoted and drive his train and he’s all out of A BODY TO DRIVE HIS TRAIN WITH#god i miss spirit tracks in general tbh#anyway i’m waxing nostalgia bc. leg hurtie. had a long busy but fun day bc family bday but also Extremelg tired and now in pain#so old aus :]#also. wanna make more movie tails n knux content that’s the priority for tomorrow#so uh. yeah#if you actually read this i am kissing you on the forehead tysm. have a lovely day#text✨
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requinoesis · 16 days
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I was in a long burnout during these times, slowly recovering. I was inspired to update the design of Roberto's family, my great hammerhead shark from the sharkfolk universe that I'm slowly creating, I hope you like it! Here are some details that I thought about them, maybe they will change in the future with new adjustments. 🦈✨
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⭐Joanne Marama "Jojo" - She is the mother of the family and maintains a triamorous relationship with her two husbands. In a surprising turn of events, she became pregnant with both of them simultaneously, thanks to the characteristic of female sharks having two uteruses, allowing fertilization by different males. Professionally, she works as an eco-architect and is 56 years old.
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⭐Fernando Machedo "Fer" - He is the first father of the family and father of Lorenza and Marcela. Hyperactive and enthusiastic, he presented Roberto with his old bass. Professionally, he is an environmental engineer and is 55 years old.
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⭐Alejandro Marreto "Ale" - He is the second father of the family and father of Milena and Roberto. Calm, serene and compassionate, he presented Roberto with his old acoustic guitar. Professionally, he is a marine biologist and is 57 years old.
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⭐Milena M.M. "Lena" - One of the old sisters, she is expecting a baby! During her maternity leave, she creates small jewelry to distract herself. She taught Roberto how to make jewelry, and he developed the habit of giving his friends bracelets and necklaces that he made himself. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Lorenza M.M. " Enza " - The other older sister, mother of Francesca and Giovanni, often asks Roberto to take care of her nephews. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Marcela M.M. “ Marcy ” – The closest sister, always giving Roberto life advice, should have been born at the same time as him. However, when she was born, Roberto remained in his mother's womb for another two years. She is 20 years old.
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⭐Roberto M.M. "Rocky" or "Beto" - Finally, we have our beloved great hammerhead shark! Although he is the youngest, he is the tallest in the family. They thought that Roberto had some health problem that affected his height, but in the end, it is just a curious legacy of his ancestry. If you want to know a little more about Roberto, you can see here.
*O M.M. it would be an abbreviation of the surnames: 'Marreto de Marama' or 'Machedo de Marama'.
(I promise to answer the questions sent to me in my inbox at some point)
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byuntrash101 · 5 months
realistic sex with wooyoung
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wooyoung x f!reader fluff | smut | mdni a/n: woo is the next entry to this series where i try to imagine how each member would actually fuck, as ✨realistically✨ as possible. disclaimer: i say realistic but lets be honest this is pure delulu behaviour and total fiction. everything is solely based on the vibes the boys give off.
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right off the bat: wooyoung is a huge flirt. you (and the whole entire universe) have always known that. i feel like to be compatible with woo you have to be aware of that. you might have to be a bit of a flirt yourself.
i feel you guys were constantly bickering and then flirting and then bickering again because that's just how the dynamic felt right for you. whether it’s bickering or flirting it’s always playful and for the latter each time one of you would take it a notch further just to see the other cave in and giggle and back away then it’s back to bickering playfully.
at some point he didn’t back away and giggle and you didn’t either and it happened. you kissed and that felt electrifying. all those pent up feelings you both started to develop for each other but both masked with humor and witty jokes and love/hate disses got out at once.
all these feelings got pour into that one fateful kiss that sealed something into you.
i feel that's how your story started. it just all flowed very naturally. both guided by just your gut feeling about each other.
once you got together together the bickering didn’t stop at all. because it’s just what you do, what you always did. except now he’s not just “stupid” he’s your “stupid bf”.
actually maybe the bickering got even worse because you both just unlocked a whole new layer of the relationship that allows you to be more secure and therefore even more annoying (lovingly). 
you’re that kind of couple that if people aren't close to you and don’t know how you function you don’t seem right for each other when in fact it couldn’t be further from the truth. because your chemistry and passive understanding of each other is unmatched. because you are both adaptive (more on that laterrrrr wink wonk blink blonk) you can read the room you know when it’s time to annoy him and when it’s time to cuddle
speaking of that cuddling/kissing/lovey dovey shit. that tile can be ANYTIME wooyoung just gets into the touchy mood UNANNOUNCED. it doesn't matter if there’s 8 billion people watching or you’re all alone. he absolutely will launch himself into your arms and demand to be babied or wrap his arms around you and squeeze the life out of you until he’s satisfied with the amount of touchy feely time he’s got with you.
he will also sneak in neck kisses and he doesn’t care if you’re ticklish or if you are just in the dorm couch and jongho and joong are there judging because they both don’t get pda. but that's because they get the urge that wooyoung feels when he craves to be near you to feel your skin and your warmth to feel your heart beating next to his. they don’t get it but he doesn’t care because you understand, you get him. 
our pda king (bend the knee)
you’re just perfect for each other
remember that bit about woo being adaptive? i think the perfect person for wooyoung has to share that trait with him and that has to apply in the bedroom because i am convinced this man is a rare specimen of a perfect 50/50 switch.
okay like you know everyone is always like “woo #1 babygirl” and i can't agree more he is the ultimate but hear me out
sure woo is a brat everyone can agree with that but have you seen how the members respect him? he makes it very clear to them that sometimes it’s okay to pull his leg and sometimes it’s not. sometimes i feel they're low-key scared of him. have you seen the look he gives when he's mad? that screams dom to me (argue with the wall)
one time he’d be all whiny and literally beg on his knees for you to have your way with him. flashing you the pleading puppy eyes being all like “please y/n. pleasepleaseplease touch me. i-i can’t take it anymore” while he produces the most delectable fingerlicking good pathetic little moans and ruts his hips against your thigh in the dead of the night because little baby got a excited by an extra realistic dream. of course you cave in immediately but he doesn’t need to know that so you tease just a little (or a lot) before giving him what he wants. “aww baby? what do you want?” you say running your nails up his bare thighs, making him shiver. before you finally grab a hold of his hard and dripping cock. and then it’s all broken thank you’s and high pitched moans until he shakes and cums all over your hand.
other times he’s the one in control. and he does it oh so well. getting you really needy without even touching you. cause i think wooyoung as a way with words when it comes to foreplay. if you’re both having a lazy morning in bed it would only take minutes for him to lean over you and whisper all kinds of dirty things in your ear until you feel yourself getting sticky between the thighs and you can't help squirming to find some friction.
i think he absolutely loves seeing you like this he loves the power he has over you when you allow him 
when you’re too far gone and your eyes are half lidded and your mind has slipped into another layer of your consciousness he would ask you “baby~ why are you squirming like this?” and he would be so happy to only hear desperate whimpers as replies. “you want me to touch you?” queue the evil smirk™. you know the one! that one smirk only the jung wooyoung can pull. just picture him! over you, soft lips stretched into a sly little smirk, displaying his shiny teeth, the mischievous and satisfied glint in his fox-like eyes????? ughhhhh. typical wooyoung!! so on brand!!!!!
one other thing that’s typical wooyoung behaviour is being loud af and that doesn't stop when he steps in the bedroom. woo is vocal with anything dirty talk and moans. he will fucking surround dolby 7.1 sound those moans and grunts and pants right in your ear and tell you everytime he’s about to stuff you full of cum for your enjoyment. 
but one thing is certain whether he’s subbing or domming that boy likes it ROUGH. he likes to be put back in his place as much as he likes to put you back in yours (we love a couple of switches that found each other <3).
woo is probably one of the freakiest of the group. along with hwa and joong. but when hwa’s freakiness is mainly brought out by your own. he will be more or less freaky depending on you because he’s a pleaser he wants you to feel good. joong and woo, on the other hand are consistently freaky.
i think woo is low-key a sadist. he loves pain play. i feel he enjoys impact play especially if their’s visible marks that are left there to testify of what he did to you/you did to him. he loves to know you belong to each other and he would look with adoration at his bruised knees (stayed there for hours to worship you) the next day.
but that’s not it! i think woo’s kink of predilection is ✨degradation✨ (no one is surprised he literally admitted it himself) that's the big one for him and i feel for you too (yeah ik you). well it’s got to be. because if you guys became a thing because you were non stop roasting each other that shit would only hide something latent underneath all this bickering. and that ladies and gents is a degradation kink (i dont make the rules).
that being said i think at the beginning of the relationship wooyoung was a little unsure about it. he knew he liked it but he didn’t initiate it and he could have creamed his pants the first time you slipped a little derogatory comment to test the waters yourself. i imagine it at a house party (maybe a mutual’s friends apartment) a little after you both made it official. there’s music you’re both dancing and you slip your hand in his hair and you give it a sharp pull it with that he let out a moan right into your ear that was fortunately covered by the music but you heard him clear as day and right after you felt the consequences of your actions pressed hard against your stomach. you instinctively push your body even closer to wooyoung and you smirk up at him when his cheeks flush pink. “you got hard in the middle of this crowd just because i pulled on your hair a little?” you leaned in to whisper in his ear “that’s disgusting”. the magic words! you felt him twitch against your stomach and his hot breath quickened as it fanned your ear. “fuck” he cursed under his breath trying so hard not to give in to his primal instincts and just dry hump you right then and there. “please say that again” you heard him beg in your ear before exhaling a big shaky sigh of need. “you’re a disgusting little pervert” and 0.000002 secs later he was hushering you in the guest bathroom and to fuck your brains inside you out.
after that you unlocked a new stage in your relationship. you could get a little mean (aka very mean he likes it when you’re very mean) and he could be himself fully. making you beg on your knees for his cock. calling you his little slut, his cum hungry whore, his perfect little cocksleeve. and it was all said lovingly and it felt right for the both of you
happy freaky little couple ugh so cute im gonna barf
a/n: finally back with this series! please give me lots of love because im finally getting out of a terrible writer's block :(
want to see another member? request it in the comments or asks <3
realistic sex with seonghwa, with mingi, with yunho
ateez masterlist | navigation
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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IOVANNA (hotd) 🔮 // UNA (hotd) 🐍
ELAENAERA (hotd) 🕊 // ALVA (asoiaf) 🌸
VIKTORIYA (cp2077) 📟 // VIOLANTE (dbd) 🕷
MIKA (bullet train) 🚄 // YELENA (fo3) 🌿
TAGGED BY @florbelles, @leviiackrman, @morvaris, @confidentandgood, @queennymeria, @risingsh0t, @phillipsgraves, @florbelles, @denerims, @chuckhansen, @jendoe and @marivenah to make the loves in this picrew! ty ty so much dears!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @kingsroad, @yennas, @aartyom, @malefiicarum, @roofgeese, @leondaltons, @girlbosselrond, @shadowglens, @celticwoman, @rocketsummer, @pheedraws, @noonfaerie, @50sjello, @adelaidedrubman, @aceghosts, @jacobseed, @arklay, @blissfulalchemist, @veisshaupt, @leonscottskennedy, @heroofpenamstan and you!
#only if you want to! 🤍🕊#oc: iovanna dayne#oc: una nathaira uller#oc: elaenaera targaryen#oc: alva amaranthine#oc: viktoriya vays#oc: violante valtieri#oc: mika minegishi#oc: yelena voronin#leg.ocs#leg.tagged#t: picrews#i also have a pillars of eternity oc to introduce but she still needs a name and fc 🤍🕊🥺#vio here to inform you that witchcraft to break into the fog can be taxing besties! it requires arcane knowledge and some blood!#and by some! i mean a lot besties! <3 aj she’s doing FINE aksjzjx#she was supposed to be wearing vittorios jacket buuut none of them matched what he has so she has it tied around her waist <3 ✨😌#introducing alva! one of my roberts rebellion babies! rescued and raised dear girl rhaenys! BOTH OF ELIA’S BABIES SURVIVED OKAY ✨😤🥀🥺#i cant wait to develop her and her dynamic with *cough* it rhymes with whaegar ✨😵‍💫#UNAA its for sure season finale while future grandpops in law o*tto was doing his thing una went to claim the cannibal <3)#blood rituals require blood who knew!#pov: ur overjoyed bc u at last claimed a dragon that has haunted ur waking nightmares until the day u claimed him ✨😌🐍🍃🥴#SHE FINALLY AT LAST AT LAAAST GOT HER CANON HAIRRR IM ON THE FLOOR CRYING IF YALL NEED ME ILL BE ON THE FLOOR SOBBINGG#iovanna has bags under her eyes from dealing with daemys nonsense all these years aksjjx the things u sacrifice for who u love! like sleep!#i mean mika is thriving and that’s all that matters u know? she got her revenge! she’s thriving! as she should <3#ella isn’t mad but she is miffed her sister just pointed out she only sees her laughing when yoren is around which means he makes her happy#baby baby yelena and her little freckles my little angel! dear girl u mean the world to me!#vika in the quest gimme danger looks <3 the only thing that’s nice about staring at a building for 817272 hours was goro being there ✨😒🤍🤍🥴#dear girl i think that means u fancy him <3 THE ICE QUEEN IS IN LOVE AGAIN AFTER SHE LOST JENKY ITS BEAUTIFUL 🤍🤍🕊
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pedros-mustache · 1 year
good thing
word count: ~4k
warnings: smut (18+ only). also: established relationship, angst, non-planned pregnancy, implied sex-for-pay, age gap, language, x fem!reader
a/n: idk you guys. he is—as my middle schoolers would say—Him. it was bound to happen that i would write a pregnancy fic about this man. i will admit that i am weirdly nervous about sharing this fic so please be kind, friends✨🤗
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“How long have you known?”
“Long enough.”
“Not yours.”
The room falls quiet, swollen with the ugly reality of your revelation. Your heart hangs in your chest. A clock on the shelf ticks each miserable second he does not respond.
Joel drums his fingers on the faded arm of the couch, his face blanketed by an unreadable shroud. He stares out the window, and you know he is thinking—wondering—calculating—when this happened. You cannot tell if he is hurt or angry or merely confused, but you can tell he is running the numbers. Running the myriad of possibilities of how you got knocked up under his watch. You could tell him—spill your slimy secrets on the creaking apartment floor like a parishioner at confession—but what good would that do? What would that change? Truth revealed or not, the fact remains:
You are pregnant, and whatever is blossoming between you and Joel, whatever tender flower has broken through cracked soil to find the light of day, the baby is not his. More than that, this development, this situation, marks the end of your budding connection. That glittering future you once saw with him, the future of safety and security at his side? Snipped at the bud, crushed beneath the heel of practicality. You can go no further. Not with him. 
Across the apartment, the girl—Ellie—shuffles side to side. You glance at her over your shoulder and watch a wave of discomfort twist her smooth features. You sigh, dropping your arms from their position crossed over your chest.
“Come on, Joel. Now isn’t the time to ask questions. When Tess gets back with the guns, you and her have got to get Ellie out of here.”
Maybe it is something in your resolute tone of voice, or maybe it is reality crashing landing at his feet, but your comment breaks Joel’s attention from the window. He stands, his jaw tight, his brow furrowed. He faces you, and that unreadable shroud falls from his face. He is angry, that much is clear.
He points to the apartment door. “Out.”
The blood in your veins slows, turned sluggish with the weight of your sudden anxiety. “What?” you breathe.
Shaking his head, his free hand comes to rest on his hip. You know the stance: he does it every time you insist on sharing tea in the morning or rubbing the tension from his sore muscles. He’s irritated, but not outraged. That alone is a reassuring sign. 
“Not you. Her.” He gestures to Ellie. “Go wait in the hall.”
You start to protest. FEDRA on the move, Fireflies dispersed, night coming quickly—time is wasting. There’s no time for you and him and figuring this out, if that is what he wants. That ship has sailed and sunk beneath a bitter ocean of what-could-have-beens. There is only time for here and now and getting the fuck out of Dodge. 
“Joel, I don’t—”
But his face softens as it so rarely ever does. He pulls his stare from the girl and turns his brown eyes—those damn puppy dog eyes—on you, and you are helpless. “Please,” he whispers.
The clock on the shelf ticks louder. Maybe you can steal a few minutes...
Without turning to face Ellie, you cock your head at the door in a silent dismissal. She releases an annoyed huff, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath about fucking adults before slamming the door behind her. 
“Delightful child,” you murmur.
“She could save us all.”
Scoffing, you press your palms to the chipped table in the center of the apartment. The wood veneer is smooth, cool to the touch. It soothes your racing heart, even if only for a moment. “You’re starting to sound like Tess.”
Joel remains quiet—perhaps thoughtful, maybe biding his time—but his fixed stare carves gaping holes in the side of your head. You can feel him rooting through your mind like a scavenger. He is wondering when you slipped away long enough, when you found the time. He is replaying the moments in the market when you spoke to any other man and held his gaze for too long. He sifts through your shared memories with frantic fingers, and you can feel him—you know him well enough—to sense the panic swirling in his chest. 
But for the first time in the three years you have known him, you do not have it in you to quiet the storm in his mind. You have your own tempest to battle.
Finally, he speaks. “You gonna look at me?”
The slow, deep timbre of Joel’s voice catches you off guard. You expected anger, shouting, frustration that boils over into rage. But Joel has always been gentle with you. Beneath the brusk of necessity, he is a true Southern gentleman. Just like his mama raised him. And even now, standing on the edge of the crumbling cliff where you have placed yourself, he treats you with nothing but respect.
God, you could love him. You really could. If only things were different.
You look away from the table and find him a step closer. Not close enough to touch. He is too angry for that; it is written in the shadow on his brow. But he is close enough that you can see the concern etched in the lines on his face. His frown is not at you, it is for you, and that makes looking at him all the harder. 
“When did this happen?” 
You shrug, eyes skittering to the floor. “I told you. It doesn’t matter. The details don’t matter.”
“Don’t they?” He has both hands on his hips now, his head tilted as he tries to catch your wandering gaze. “Come on, girl. Answer me. You owe me that.”
He’s right: you do owe him. You owe him so many times over it is impossible to count. Still, if he knew—if he truly knew... There would be no hope of repairing the damage you would cause. You would only split the torn earth on which you stand wider. The crumbling cliff would give way, and you would fall to your doom.
He reaches out. His fingers skim the rough hem of your flannel, his flannel. “Tell me, baby.” Those three words, choked out and brittle with desperation, snap your resolve in two. 
You will lay your cards on the table, spread yourself across the sacrificial altar, bear your soul. For him—always for him.
Inhaling, you stand straight, bracing your socked-feet on the floor. You meet his eyes. If you’re going to go down for the decisions of your past, you’ll do it with your chin held high. Your father didn’t raise a quitter.
“Remember that battery, the one for the radio? The boots, the jacket?”
Joel nods. “For my birthday.”
You nod. “For your birthday.”
He holds your unwavering stare. The clock ticks: tick, tick, tick. Understanding rises like a slow tide over his face. You can’t bear to watch it. You look away. Shame gnaws at your stomach like a hungry wolf, and you press a hand to your belly.
“You didn’t—” He shakes his head, the corner of his mouth curling. “You didn’t have to...”
“I wanted to. For you.” Something catches in your throat. You circle the table, placing the furniture between his growing emotion and your growing regret. Fuck, you should have just stayed quiet. “So you could have one good thing.” 
“But now you’re—”
Tearing a hand through his hair, Joel twists. He faces the door, and you wonder if he is dreaming of escape just like you. You wonder if he is dreaming of a world where doves still fly and babies live past six months and men and women can afford to build a life together.
He presses a closed fist to his mouth. Light bounces off the cracked face of his wrist watch. “What are you going to do?”
You answer without hesitation. “Keep it.”
His neck turns so fast you swear you hear it crack. You would joke about his age if the situation weren’t so dire. Two nights ago you joked that he is old enough to be your uncle, maybe even your dad; he fucked you good when you said that, just to prove you wrong. That levity feels far away now, impossible to grasp should you even dare try.
“The likelihood of survival—”
“Is slim. For me and the baby, I know. But I’ve thought about it. Hell, I’ve even prayed about it. And I—” You blink away the warm tears rising to blur your vision. “I want this.”
Why? What a simple question. What a loaded answer. You don’t know where to begin. But he looks at you with such earnestness, such a craving to understand, that you have to at least try.
“I want a husband,” you say. When he frowns in confusion, you push onward, the words rising to your tongue like a sermon. “I want a child and a home. A life I can build and call my own. I may never have a husband or a true home, but with this child, no matter how it came to be…” You give a pitiful shrug of your shoulders. “I need something more, Joel. Something more than simply living to die.”
After a moment, when your words have settled like dust on a crowded roadway, Joel motions to your stomach. He clears his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Can—can I?” 
“Yes.” You release the word on a stolen breath.
Rounding the table, Joel keeps his focus glued to your abdomen. His chest rises and falls, deep inhale after shallow exhale. He stands before you, a giant amongst men, his fingers shaking as he unbuttons the three lower buttons of his flannel. He brushes the fabric aside, and when your stomach is bare before him, he swallows. His Adam’s apple bobs as though he, too, feels a lump lodged in his throat. He smooths the palm of his hand over the slight bump at your womb. Barely there, blink and you miss it, but unmistakable once noticed.
“I don’t know how I didn’t see,” he murmurs. His thumb massages your ever-stretching skin, back and forth, back and forth. His warm breath fans your face as his forehead comes to rest against yours.
“Because you didn’t want to.”
You pass your fingers through the graying hair at his temples and study the way his eyelashes fan his cheekbones. Little moments, you think, to be tucked away in your heart once this is all over and he is gone. 
“When Kate was pregnant, I knew. Sarah... I could feel her...”
Your chin trembles, your fingers curling in the hair at the nape of his neck. “I know... I know...”
“A baby. In this world. I can’t remember the last time I—”
Without warning, he cuts his own thought short and slowly lowers himself to his knees. He presses one hand to the small of your back, the other still massaging the bump of your stomach. You hold your breath as he leans forward and touches your bump with his forehead. He whispers something, something you cannot hear and you suspect is not for you, and then he is standing. He catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger, and when you meet his eyes, you see the world. 
“Sugar, you are my good thing.”
I wanted to. For you. So you could have one good thing.
His words—your words—ring loud in your ear, and you choke on a sob as he lowers his mouth to yours. He kisses you like the rain kisses dry land. You are parched, cracked and withered from the fear of this moment, but with his touch, he waters your aching heart. He is eager, holding you close, cradling your jaw with the wide expanse of his hand. Never before, not in the year of sharing his bed, has he kissed you with such devotion coating his lips. You could drown in it.
You tear your mouth away long enough to look over your shoulder. The door to the apartment remains shut, a measly separation between you and the outside world. “The girl—”
Joel shakes his head, already working on the remaining buttons of your flannel. “She doesn’t matter.” He kisses your neck, once, twice, creating a wet trail to your earlobe. “Not right now.”
“Okay.” You turn back to him, your face softening as you catch his dark eyes. 
He nudges your nose with the end of his own. “Okay.”
Words dissipate. Like fresh dew beneath the morning sun, the need for talking disappears under the weight of all that is and was and could be. There is nothing more to say—not aloud, not right now—but there is much, oh so much, your body can say for you. 
You kiss Joel with a fierceness you have not felt since the first time he laid his hands upon you. You are desperate for him, desperate to tell him just why you did what you did, and how much you need him, want him, fuck—maybe even love him. You part your lips to allow him access, and you cling to his arms, your nails biting the flesh beneath his denim shirt. He hisses when you bite his lower lip, the hand still resting in the small of your back pushing you closer to his warmth. You tangle your arms around his shoulders, holding him closer, closer, as close as he can get without forcing him to merge into your own skin. 
With a quiet grunt, he fists his hand in the hair at the back of your head and wrenches to the side. You gasp, eyes widening as he flattens his tongue against your pulse point. He sucks your skin, biting gently, before releasing your neck with a wet pop. You whimper—even as he takes your chin in his fingers again and seals his mouth to yours. 
For a moment, you allow yourself to sink fully into the kiss. You do not know what the future holds or what will become of you and the child within. All you know is that here, in the now, in the present, Joel kisses you, and sweeps his tongue across your tongue, and runs his hand down the inside of your jeans to cup your ass. And for right now, in the here and the present, you are okay and you are safe and the risk of being with him is worth the reward.
He squeezes the flesh of your ass again, and you shake yourself free of any wayward thinking. Just him—just you—just now.
“Pretty girl,” he whispers against your lips. “Mine.”
You nod, and through laboring breaths, you confirm what has always been the truth. “Yours.”
It is a backwards, lopsided dance to the only bed in the apartment. He collapses to the edge, and you straddle his thigh as you kiss him. His broad hands run the course of your body, up and down, front and back. He massages your breasts through the paltry fabric you call a bra, pausing long enough to tweak a nipple hard enough you whine. He chuckles, leans forward, sucks the offended nub through the covering. You go to shrug off his flannel, but Joel stops you with a hand to your arm. 
“No.” His eyes roam from your face to your shoulders to your peaked nipples and finally, the swollen womb above your center. “Keep it on.” 
He leans back on his palms as you unclasp your bra and toss it to the floor. The zipper of his jeans strains against his growing erection. You peel your underwear off and face him with a smirk. 
“You’re overdressed.”
He tilts his head in acknowledgment. “Maybe.”
“We should fix that.”
He waves his hand in invitation. “Be my guest.”
Biting your lower lip to conceal a grin, you pounce, zealous for him as much as he is for you. His clothes come off in quick succession until you are both naked save for his flannel hanging loose around your shoulders. He pauses then, a second, maybe two, his hand poised against the side of your neck. His eyes dart between yours, his lips parted, words he dare not say resting on the tip of his tongue.
“I know, baby.” You put one hand on his shoulder, his warm, tan skin a comfort against the chill in the room. You reach out and grip his hard cock with your opposite hand, and when he winces in pleasure, you brush your knuckles over the hair on his jaw. “I know.”
Joel allows you to stroke him, a rare occurrence in your repertoire of fucks. What is normally a frenzied connection in the dark, moments stolen before the light of day brings reality crashing back, is turned slow by the knowledge that things are different now. Things cannot be as they once were, no matter what the future may bring. So you stroke his cock, spit in your hand, and stroke it faster. Up and down, until he is pulsing in your hand and weeping from the tip. He drops to his back on the bed, his face buried in his hands as you touch him.
But then you pull away.
Joel removes his hands from his face. He stares at you, a flash of annoyance brightening his eyes. “What—” 
“Shh.” You plant both hands on his sturdy chest as you swing your leg over his hips. “Walls are thin.”
Gripping the base of his cock, you run your dripping warmth over his tip. You hover above him, eyes rolling back in your head as you tease yourself. Sparks of pleasure radiate through your body, and you grit your teeth to keep from moaning. Joel grabs your hips, but he does not force you down. No, he waits until you are ready. He waits until you position his cock at your entrance and begin the slow descent to heavenly madness. 
You suck in a deep breath as his cock stretches you open. He fits snug in your core, like he was crafted just for you. When you have adjusted to his girth, you move your hands to grip his arms. You shift your knees, lifting your hips up before descending again. Over and over, a smooth, unchanging rhythm. 
You are in no hurry to find release. For once this fuck is more than finding a shot of pleasure amidst the cruel darkness of the world. You want this to last and you want this to feel good. You need this imprinted upon your mind, locked in the secret place of your heart. 
But you and he both can only take the slowness for so long.
Joel soon resumes his position of dominance, as is custom when his need builds. You allow it because you crave it. His breadth and strength and command shields you from danger in the outside world, but you crave it in bed too, when you can allow that breadth and strength and command to slam the fear from your mind. 
He slides an arm around your waist and flips you to your back, keeping you snug beneath him. He gives a few experimental thrusts before he kisses you—softly, a tender hello before the war that is sure to come. He leans back and exposes your body to the yellow light of the room. He trails his hand down your sweaty chest. His fingers dance over your bump, hovering there as if in prayer, before finding your swollen clit. You gasp, hips lifting upward, as he rubs you in circle after circle. He brings you to the edge before pulling away and gripping your shins with his hands. He pushes forward, and you are bent in half, completely at his mercy.
Holding your knees to your chest, he picks up the pace. He plows into you, teeth gritted, lips pulled back in a snarl. He watches his rigid length split you apart, thrust after thrust. On some level, you know he is staking his claim. He drives into you with such force, with such feral carnality, you know there is some part of him that just wants to mark his territory. Reclaim what is rightfully his. You let him because it is true. You belong to him, Joel Miller, not the man who planted his seed in you and walked away. Always and forever—his—your purpose.
You slap your hand over your mouth to keep from crying out in delicious agony. You feel stretched and full and electric all at once. 
“That’s it.” Joel releases your shins but presses his chest to your legs. Your hips lift, swallowing him to the hilt. “Take me—fuckin’—good.” 
The pressure in your core builds. Light dances at the fringes of your touch. You close your eyes, latching on to the feeling.
Leaning back, Joel swats your hip. “Open your eyes.” He withdraws his cock far enough to slam into you with more force, his tip angled against your most sensitive spot. “Look at me.” He swats your ass again.
Dutifully, you peel your eyes open. You look at him—into his eyes, his soul—as he fucks you. 
You burst like the skin of a ripe grape. It is violent, sudden, earth-shattering. You convulse beneath him, and the tremors wracking your frame are enough to send him over the edge. He grabs the curve of your waist with one hand, lurching forward to catch himself on his forearm above your head. He swallows his groan of pleasure, managing to barely release a muffled whimper. His warmth oozes from your core and stains the bed sheets beneath. 
He remains tucked inside of you until you are forced to push him away. A cramp in your leg demands attention, and you rub the blasted muscle until the pain has subsided. You return to his side, to his sweaty body, to his arm that slips beneath his flannel and lays beneath your back. He rolls to his side to face you.
The truth of your situation looms like a storm cloud at the edge of the room. He can see it; you can see it. You must acknowledge it before the here and now is upon you and you have no plan with which to fight it.
“What are we gonna do?” You hold his forearm, thumb brushing the bone of his wrist. His hand is warm and heavy on your cheek, his eyes married to yours.
He does not hesitate. “I’ll keep you safe. Both of you. All of you.” He smooths the sweat-plastered hair away from your face. “I promise.”
You nod because Joel Miller always keeps his promises. Whatever he says is true.
He relaxes his hold on your face as he shifts onto his back. His eyes flutter shut, his breathing even. You glance at him and the evening light that cuts his face in angular shadows. 
“Hey, Joel?”
He opens one eye, peers at you in expectation.
You smile—softly, a tender hello before the war that is sure to come. “You’re my good thing, too.”
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 months
Taehyung fic recs 2023
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In honor of Taehyung’s birthday, I want to share my ultimate favorite Taehyung fanfictions, that I’ve read this year 💜I haven’t read that much of Taehyung, just recently gotten into it, so the list might be short, so I’ll leave some of the fics I’m really excited to read from my ‘to read’ list 💎 I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(💜) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻. 
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⭐One of the Boys by @littlemisskookie // kth x f.reader // childhoodfriends!au, slice of life, bestfriends!au, neighbors!au, high school!au // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 All your life you wanted only one thing- for Kim Taehyung to like you. You did everything you could to make this happen, from picking up his hobbies and rejecting anything feminine. But who do you start to become when you stop trying to impress him?
🗨️ Woaw! This was so incredibly good, it’s almost hard to describe, but I’ll try: it does a brilliant job at setting the story up, following oc and Taehyung since childhood, and how their friendship develops over time (and their feelings). It’s really cute and funny and with great smut at the end. Overall a brilliantly good read 💯
⭐Baby, Oh Baby by @jungkookiebus // kth x f.reader // established relationship, noneidol!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Taehyung and you have been trying for months to get pregnant; you’ve tried crazy diets, stuck to your calendar, got him to diet, but it’s all been for nothing. No matter how healthy your doctor says you are, you can’t conceive. Taehyung tries everything within his power to show you that everything is going to be okay and for one night he makes you forget all about the calendars, schedules, and all the crazy things that came with you trying to have a baby. 
🗨️ This was just really cute and loving 🥹The smut was also just ❤️‍🔥💯
⭐Baby Maker by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // marriage!au // 🥵🥰
📝 You're pissed at your husband for being late to your weekly baby-making sessions.
🗨️ Aish, the smut in this 🔥Also all the dirty talk really had me going 🥵
⭐Under wraps by @jungkxook // kth x f.reader // e2l, fake dating // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s nothing you and taehyung seem to hate more than each other - except for christmas. having recently been dumped by your (now ex) boyfriend only seems to make this holiday even worse. but when taehyung suggests that you should pretend to be dating each other to save you both the embarrassment, pity, and bothersome questions from family and friends alike for a fun carefree month of celebrations, you can’t possibly say no.
🗨️ I just love me some good enemies to lovers AU 🥵 the relationship between OC and tae is really good, I think the tension between them was well built 👏🏾 I loved how their relationship unfolded and grew through their fake dating 🥹 the way OC realized she had feelings for him, but he had showed her before in his subtle moves, how much more he relaxed in her presence. I loved the interaction between oc and tae’s parents too, the way that they could obviously tell that OC was head over heels 😂 ah just, It was really really good! It was funny, it was comforting, and such a lovely read around Christmas! And the smut was sweet and tender (also hot!) 😍 a really great fic that I’ll add to my Christmas re-reads for years to come ✨ I loved it! Please go read it if you haven’t already 🥹
⭐Farmer boy, I Love You by @strawberrynamjoon // kth x f.reader // farming!au, lowkey e2l // 🥵😂
📝 Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
🗨️ This was just utterly sweet, so fluffy 🥺 I really liked this: the way that reader and Taehyung’s friendship deepens, their friends and their banter 🥺 everything was so good, soft, sad sometimes, and just really great and funny too 🤭
⭐The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles [series] by @gimmethatagustd // kth x f.reader // frenemies to lovers // 🥵
📝 You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s hipster, wannabe-photographer ass. You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s stupid smile and stupid jokes and stupid way of getting under your skin and sticking in your brain.
🗨️ At first I did not realize that this was a series, therefore I’ve linked to the masterlist, lol. Anyway, this series is just so fucking hot, like WHAT 🥵 There’s a lot of banter and their mutual ‘hatred’ for each other just makes this hit incredible hard. Really amazing ✨
⭐Loverboy by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a startling conversation with your coworkers, you start feeling insecure about your sexual prowess. You don't initiate as much, you haven't worn lingerie yet, and you're still timid about doing much seducing with your body–are you giving your boyfriend boring sex? Taehyung reassures you that you are perfect and have nothing to worry about.
🗨️ These coworkers gotta go, okay?! 😠🤣 Planting seeds of doubt in OC’s head, no, no. Tae to the rescue!! He is so sweet in this too, yes a real ‘loverboy’ 😍 Gosh and then best friend Jimin - that was just pure gold, their relationship and how he helps OC 🥹 That is friendship goals!! A sweet, loving and comforting Taehyung fic - I loved it ✨
⭐Hush, yeah? [series; ongoing/hiatus] by @kithtaehyung // kth x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, music festival!au // 🥵
📝 Who knew an innocent accident could turn things so dirty..
🗨️ Pure gold ✨ — I don’t really have much to say, except GO READ IT.
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For all of the other lovely fics that I haven’t gotten around to read, but I’m very excited about, I’ve compiled my ‘to read’ list 🙂
‘To read’ list ⬇️
Maybe I do [series; completed] by @chateautae
Gold Rush by @ditttiii
Fanservice by @bangtanintotheroom
Trip by @daechwitatamic
The Art of Obsession by @kooktrash
Dick on the Go by @jeonggukingdom
Love me or we both go down by @gukyi
Gank Mid Lane by @kth1
Good for Me by @icedmatchatae
Something about him by @kooktrash
Love, secret Santa by @jamaisjoons
All I Want for Christmas is You by @ladyartemesia
Buzzed [series; completed] by @junqkook
I’m so sorry that I didn’t get to read more! 😭 Life happened, and yeah. But all of these wonderful fics on my list sound so incredibly good and I really look forward to reading them and give them a lovely review 💜
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littlespacecadets · 9 months
🌟 Pacifiers 101 🌟
✨ Whether you call it a pacifier, soother, dummy, paci, or any other name, many cadets aboard the little space station enjoy them! Here's the rundown of things you should know about them before you buy one! ✨
🌠 An adult sized pacifier is the safe and best choice. 🌠
While baby pacifiers are more easily accessible, they aren't meant for people with bigger mouths/teeth. Baby pacis are too short and are only able to reach just past your teeth. Pacifiers are supposed to end up at the roof of your mouth, which is why different sizes exist in the first place. If a paci is too short/small, then there are two outcomes:
Instead of your tongue keeping your paci from slipping out, you would bite down on it to keep it in place. Clenching your jaw shut for too long can cause aches and pain in both your jawline and your teeth.
If you attempt to suck your baby paci, your tongue will push itself against your front teeth repeatedly. This repeated force from your tongue is strong enough to push your teeth forward, which, if done excessively and over a long enough time frame, can lead to either an overbite or underbite. Long before that happens however, your front teeth will ache.
Adult pacifiers should not cause these problems. There are only a very few exceptions where they would not help, and I'll list them:
You have barely lost your front teeth. Teeth and genetics are weird, and while the majority of people will have lost their front teeth when they were 6 or 7, some people lose their baby teeth later than that. Some individuals even get an entire second set of adult teeth! If any of these situations apply to you, then using any pacifier (but especially a too small one) after your new teeth have grown in is an unwise idea. There are gaps in the bone underneath your gumline, which means your teeth are especially sensitive to any type of pressure and are highly susceptible to shifting out of alignment. It typically takes a year for the bone underneath to solidify, in which case you should wait to use a paci until then.
You have braces/have barely gotten your braces removed. Similar to the circumstances above, if your teeth have recently been purposefully shifted into alignment, using a pacifier can cause aches and movement in your teeth. This can be prevented with the very important tool your dentist gave you: a retainer! Adult pacifiers fit perfectly behind your retainers, which will prevent any movement and/or pressure on your teeth. I would recommend not using your pacifier without a retainer until: you are instructed to stop using a retainer altogether or a year after you are instructed to use your retainer only while you're sleeping. These times are greater than if you had new teeth because the older you are, the longer your body takes to grow - this includes bone. The older you have dental work done, the longer it'll take for this bone to fully fill the space your teeth have vacated; if your dentist has instructed you to use your retainer for the rest of your life, I do not recommend using a pacifier for long periods of time without a retainer in place, as you have an increased risk of developing an overbite.
Your mouth is too small. The question is in which way your mouth too small? For example, if your teeth are too big for your mouth (and you may have even had some of them removed to make space/have straight teeth) then chances are that you would have to use an adult paci. However, if your teeth are short and otherwise child-sized, then you may instead find that the largest baby paci (36 months) will suit you fine and cause no pain. In this very specific circumstance, a baby pacifier may suit your needs better, as, to reiterate, as long as the paci ends at the roof of your mouth then you shouldn't have any problems.
🌠 The Care and Cleaning of Your Pacifier 🌠
All pacifiers should be properly cleaned and sanitized when you first get one. Afterwards, they should be routinely cleaned to prevent bacteria and germs from growing and entering your mouth, even if they don't seem dirty.
Wash it with warm water and dish soap. Take a clean cloth or towel, damp it with warm water, add a squirt of dish soap, and carefully clean the nipple and the back of the shield. Other soaps may not be food safe - as in, suitable for something you're going to be putting in your mouth - so it's best to be careful.
Use pacifier wipes. In stores, there exist specific wipes to clean pacifiers with! Some are vaguely flavored, so even if you might pop your paci in right after cleaning, it won't leave a chemical taste in your mouth.
In the event that your pacifier needs to be completely sanitized (such as dropped on the ground or other unsanitary place or if used during an illness) your options are:
If you have an undecorated pacifier, as in one without any added embellishments, then you can bring some water to a boil, disassemble and toss the paci in there, stir it around for 2-5 minutes, remove it, and allow it to cool completely before putting it back together and placing it in your mouth.
If you have a decorated pacifer, check with the seller to see if there are any specific cleaning instructions.
After using your pacifier, make sure it is dry before putting it in storage to prevent the development of germs and bacteria - if possible, cleaning it after usage is recommended for long term storage.
Storage can be any container or location that is clean and dry: an old lunch box, a new pencil case/box/bag, a new make-up bag, a tin container, a tupperware container, a mason jar, a Halloween pail, an Easter basket, a Valentine's Day box/tin/mailbox, and even a drawer are all examples of what you can use. If your pacifier storage can be easily cleaned, then feel free to use it!
🌠 Pacifier Usage 🌠
While using your pacifier, it's best to avoid the practices that can lead to aches and pain, as previously mentioned.
Your tongue should not be touching or pushing against your front teeth at any point in the process, as this is what commonly leads to teeth aches and teeth shifting out of alignment. On top of this, you run the risk of becoming comfortable resting your tongue against your teeth even when you aren't using your pacifier, which can also lead to your teeth shifting out of alignment.
Instead, your tongue should be resting along the bulb of the nipple, which should be right below your hard or soft pallet. Suckling may push the bulb towards the back of the mouth (or, your tongue moves along the stem of the nipple), but as long as your tongue doesn't brace the nipple against any teeth, you shouldn't experience any discomfort.
You may be tempted to bite down on your pacifier to keep it in your mouth, but as long as it's properly sized, that's not necessary. In fact, biting down on it can strain your jaw, similar to how teeth grinding can do the same. If you find yourself doing this often, with the jaw pain to go along with it, you may find it better to buy a mouth guard - some models even have a pacifier-like exterior, and you can view them as a more teether-like alternative.
When using your pacifier for long periods of time, you may begin to notice discoloration alongside the corners/edges of your mouth. This is common for people who use pacifiers, people who have retainers, or people who produce more saliva/drool more than average.
Don't fret! Lip balms that promise "lip repair", "intense therapy", and "skin protecting" can be used at the corners of your mouth to soothe any irritation and prevent future discoloration from occurring again. If these are unavailable, petroleum jelly may help.
✨ Class dismissed - now go ahead and get the pacifier of your dreams, cadet!✨
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littlemissayu · 8 months
TWST Boys as ✨ PARENTS✨(Part 3)
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ft:Pomefiore, Ignihyde | pt.1 ; Heartsabyul & Savanaclaw | pt.2 ; Octavinelle & Scarabia | pt. 4; ft.Diasomnia
TW: kids, pregnancy, reader is depicted as female, domestic, fluff
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Vil Schoenheit-
1 kid, he originally didn't desire kids because of his career but he changed his mind seeing how you seemed to really want children and he remembered that if his father was able to give him such amazing childhood memories with his career then he could too. Your child is extremely smart like their father. They are very beautiful but unlike their father they're not afraid to get dirty. Eventually they developed a love for gardening; it might not have been their only hobby but it's their favorite. Vil may not be a fan of getting dirty if it makes his kid happy he's happy! Just don't think he'll join the 2 of you. I heavily believe he could father either gender but I'm thinking a gorgeous little girl.
Rook Hunt-
12 kids, he's raising an entire football(soccer) team. He just can't help it, your pregnant image makes him feel aroused. So you pop out your own little team. You kids are super sneaky, even as babies they were able to sneak up on you. They all are suburb archers and could hit anyone in a 9 mile radius. The football(soccer) reference I made is ironic because I heavily believe your first and last kids both play football. Rook is such a proud dad, his kids could do anything and he's give them the ultimate praise, he never let's them forget how amazing they are. He is a parent that can find any excuse for his prefect children, because they can do no wrong. Except disrespect you, bc as their mother you gave birth to them, gave them life, and do your best to take care of them; so respecting you is no debate. You guys also have a family tradition of archery tag to start off the summer every year.
Epel Felmier-
6 kids, your kids have the most beautiful looks, just absolutely gorgeous. They are also extremely competitive, on the farm when it comes to chores they always try to finish first, and once you and Epel figure it out did you tell them they don't need to rush just to beat someone? Nah you two just decided whoever finishes first gets the most allowance, it may sound bad but it gets work done and those kids now can finish any work in record time!! Your kids are very adventurous and lucky for them dear old dad is always willing to support their curiosity. He never lets his kids doubt themselves, he teaches them to be proud yet not too proud. He is the best father to his kids. I also have a feeling the whole family has a competion around apple picking season, whoever gets the most wins, the prixe changes every year.
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Idia Shroud-
2 kids, who are absolutely extroverts, loving talking and hanging out with people, everyone loves them. Idia doesn't know how them became such extroverts but he loves them anyway. He may not like human interaction much but he loves spending time he can with his kids. If there is something him and his kids is there love for video games, every Friday they have tournaments to se who wins. You join in as well; your little family loves these games because you get to be together. In terms of girl or boy dad, the 2 of you have 2 boys!(Bonus: If you don't want to name them Castor and Pollux he probably nicknames them that <3!!; and yes they are Gemini's)
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Poméfiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
Twst Masterlist
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torialefay · 4 months
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SKZ's Reaction to Your Drunken Confession:
(OT8) 🍾✨
✨ skz x reader; drabble; flufffff
✨ word count: 2.2k
✨ warnings: mentions of alcohol only
✨ author's note: my first time writing for all the members!! just a baby stay, so hopefully my writing for each member will get better as i go along <3
• you had become close after a few months of knowing each other. one day, when all the boys were out, he invited you over to talk and have a drink.
• of course you were elated to have some one-on-one time with him. it was hard to come by.
• you knew that if you wanted to take your shot, it was now or never. being backed up by some liquid courage was the pushed you needed to get it out.
• "i really like you channie... you know, as more than a friend," you smiled up at him.
• he blushed HARD, his face and ears turning a bright shade of red.
• he looked down with a huge smile across his face.
• all of a sudden he let out a few nervous laughs and covered his face with his hands.
• "don't say thatttt," he said sheepishly, still looking down. "you don't mean it."
• you brought your face a little closer to his, staring him in the eyes until he removed his hands from his face.
• "i'm serious channie. if you don't feel the same, then i understand. but i just- i had to tell you."
• he smiled widely again, letting out a tiny chuckle. he looked like he was on cloud nine.
• "you know, i really- i really like you too," he blabbered out, looking like a smiling fool.
• you locked eyes with him until he slowly got nervous and had to look away.
• still smiling, he grabbed the back of his neck.
• "so uhh, would you want to go on a date sometime?" his voice raised.
• you had known each other casually until you'd become friends with some of the guys and started hanging around more.
• after sitting in on one of their filming days, he had invited you to get a drink with him at the bar.
• "listen minho, i know we haven't really known each other long, but i think i'm starting to develop feelings for you."
• he said nothing, just stared at you intently like he was waiting for you to say more.
• "i mean, if that's weird then i totally get it, like please don't feel like you have to say anything to spare my feelings but i just had-" he cut you off.
• "shh shh shh," he looked down, giving you a flirtatious smile.
• he inched closer to you until his face was right in front of yours.
• "you don't have to explain anything," he grinned, sizing you up before leaning himself back again.
• he raised an eyebrow before asking cockily, "you're mine now?"
• you had been getting closer to the boys for the past few weeks.
• one night, you all went out to play drinking games together. after the end of the third game, you needed to step outside to get some air and collect yourself. changbin volunteered to join you.
• as you swayed back and forth in the cold air, you playfully grabbed onto changbin's bicep, taking him back a little. you tried to angle yourself behind his body a bit to block yourself from the cold.
• he looked down, thinking you were just the cutest thing, a small twinkle in his eye.
• "you know binnie, i didn't know if i'd ever get the courage to say it, but i really like you," you said while resting your head on his shoulder.
• "wait no!" he pulled you off of him. "i like you too! i was gonna say it first!" he jokingly yelled.
• "wellll that's what you get for being a slow poke," you giggled.
• "no hold on, take it back so i can say it!"
• "ugh fine... i take it back." you rolled your eyes with a smile.
• he put a goofy grin on his face, leaning down closer into you.
• "y/n, honey, i really like you," he said in a teasing voice.
• he kept a straight face as best as he could and all you could respond with was a giggle.
• you had been best friends with felix growing up.
• you finally got to come visit him in korea for a month. during that time, you got to know all of the members and formed a strong connection with hyunjin.
• on one of your last days, the kids had the day off, so felix decided to take you to a really cool, historic flower garden that was about an hour away.
• hyunjin and jeongin asked if they could tag along. partly because they'd never been, but also partly for the photo ops (you thought).
• one of the unique perks of the gardens were the wine, soju, and mimosa stands that set at every corner. the boys and you took advantage of every. single. stop.
• after being in the gardens for a while, felix and jeongin ran ahead to take a few photos for each other, wine glasses in hand, leaving you and hyunjin behind.
• he pointed to a small path off to the side, which you followed him through, giggling, until you reached a beautiful fairy garden, surrounded by glowing lights and flowers of all shades.
• you two were just walking around, sipping on the last of the red wine you'd just gotten.
• you caught him staring down at you, just briefly, before he looked back to the flowers in front of him.
• "you have really pretty eyes, you know that?" you boldly asked.
• he looked like he was going to blush and looked down with a smile. "really?"
• when he looked back up at you, something clicked.
• "yes, really... and if i'm being honest, i don't know if it's the wine talking, but i think the rest of you is really pretty too..." you whispered. you looked down to your drink. "i think i like you."
• you saw him turn his body totally toward yours and take a step closer to hover his body directly over your frame.
• he smiled down, reaching his hand to hold on top of yours over the glass. "i think i like you too."
• you had been at the boys apartment, originally to help decorate for the holidays, since it was your favorite and they were all pretty shit at it to be honest.
• you decided to make a fun time out of it if you were gonna be ordering the boys around on what to do the whole time, so you blasted music and brought a wide array of snacks to munch on during the process.
• one of the boys had some left-over alcohol in the fridge and offered it up to the group to get the decorating party started.
• you had went down one of the hallways looking for some tape you knew was stowed away when you ran into jisung stumbling out of his bedroom.
• "hannieeee!" you threw your hands around him in a hug, teetering and trying to keep your balance. an all-too-happy grin spread across your face from having one too many drinks.
• "do you know where the extra tape is?" you smiled.
• "oh yeah, one second," he pulled away and stepped into his room, grabbing a pack out of a drawer.
• "ugh, you are a lifesaver," you winked.
• you could tell he was flustered from hearing it.
• "you should smile like that more. it looks cute on you," you told him, obviously flirting. your mind was drifting away.
• "oh yeah?" he got out, trying not to sound nervous but failing miserably.
• "mm-hm," you bit your lip, looking him up and down. "and if we're being honest... i really like you, jisung-ah," you giggled after leaning closer to him.
• "haha woah! i didnt expect that.. wow! i mean it's not like i havent been dreaming about this moment or anything haha," he said nervously, looking anywhere but at you.
• "do you want to hang out more after we're done here? you could come over," you playfully grinned.
• "i would love to! just let me get all these guys off my case."
• you offered to come to felix's place to help him bake cookies and brownies for the staff since you'd heard him mention it earlier.
• of course you couldn't show up empty handed (especially since he told you he already had all the ingredients), so you brought the biggest bottle of wine you could find. red and sweet.
• now with almost the entire bottle downed, the two of you were a giggling mess, but luckily almost done with the baking.
• you were both leaned against the counter when you noticed flour on the side of lix's face.
• "hold on, don't move!" you told him, slowly bringing your thumb up to swipe the white substance off of him.
• with the wine in your system, everything was slowed. while you moved your thumb, you caught eye contact with him, him reciprocating the big smile that was on your face.
• he didn't dare break the eye contact as you pulled your hand away.
• "you know, i think i could use more days like this," you told him proudly, leaning in ever so slightly.
• "oh really?" you could tell he was flirting, but there was a subtle shyness he couldn't hide.
• "really," your eyes grew big as they looked up at his. "i always have such a good time with you lixie."
• you smiled and blushed, looking down. you couldn't believe what you were about to admit. "i think i really like you."
• he couldn't help the cocky smile that came over him.
• "honestly..." he looked off. "i really like you too. i guess i was hoping that we could, you know, spend a bit more time together. but if you're sure about me, then i think that tells me what i need to know." he shot you an affectionate look and put his flour-covered hand over your own.
• you had gone with the guys to play around at the basketball court.
• well, watch them really. you knew you sucked.
• you all had a few beers each afterwards and were just shooting around and poking fun at each other.
• you and seungmin were off to the side, gathering some basketballs up to store them away when you both reached down for the same ball.
• you both ended up giving in, no one grabbing the ball, but both standing upright at the same time.
• your faces were within inches from each other.
• "woah," you said, backing up and smiling. you could tell minnie wanted to smile too.
• "what? too close for comfort?" he teased.
• "it's not like thatttt," you playfully pushed into his shoulder.
• he took a step closer and peered into your eyes. "okay then what is it like?"
• "stop looking at me like thaaaat," you blushed and looked down.
• "why?" he smiled and moved his face down so that it was right in front of yours.
• you didn't know what came over you, but the alcohol had set in. looking into his big puppy eyes, you couldn't help yourself anymore.
• "because i like you, okay?" you huffed.
• pleased with himself, he smiled and took a step back.
• "well, are you gonna say anything?" you asked annoyed, and honestly a little embarrassed.
• he let out a short laugh. "you act like i didn't know. i was just going to see how long it took you to say something."
• you looked up to see him smiling wide at you.
• "come here," he said, taking you up into a hug.
• the boys had thrown a bonfire with just some close friends.
• you and jeongin had been getting closer over the past few weeks, hanging out every few days.
• eventually the crowd started dying out, but neither of you noticed as you kept the amazing conversation the two of you were having on your respective chairs next to each other by the fire.
• the mules you had both been sipping on were getting empty, and once you both noticed, jeongin offered to get up and get some more for each of you.
• that's when you realized you were the last two there.
• you held your hand over his legs to stop him.
• "no innie, that's okay. i think we should call it a night soon. it's already-" you looked down at your phone. "jeez, it's already 3:30 AM."
• you could tell he looked a bit sad at the request, but he nodded his head along in agreement.
• "you're right, and we should probably get you a cab home." as he went to stand again, you kept your hands resting above his knees, not letting him move.
• "hold on.. innie? can i talk to you about something?"
• he felt his heart beat in his chest. he hoped nothing was wrong.
• "i just- things have been so easy with you... i didn't mean for it to happen, but i think i'm really starting to like you. as more than a friend. i hope that's okay?" you looked at him with your head tilted, hope in your eyes.
• "wahhh, you said it just like that?" he smiled in disbelief. "haha i was actually looking for the words to tell you too..." he looked down, blushing. the flames of the fire reflected off of his face.
• you sat in silence for a few moments as he contemplated.
• suddenly he smiled at you daringly, making full eye contact. "so does that mean you still want to go home?"
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