#it’s kind of my read into bakugo when it comes to themes of regret and reconciliation (with many things)
seiwas · 10 months
#it’s kind of my read into bakugo when it comes to themes of regret and reconciliation (with many things)#bc it’s how i feel like i understand him the most#i think he lives with a lot of regret as he matures!!! probably cringes at the embarrassing shit he did in middle school#and how difficult it is for him to kind of correct things#esp bc i think he struggles a bit with expressing how he feels adequately#lowkey feel like theres lots of miscomm when it comes to what he means vs what comes out/how it sounds#and also i think theres always going to be a part of him that will never be satisfied making up for his wrongs#idt he’ll ever feel like it’s enough bc damage done is still damage done#and honestly u break up bc of that#in the middle of ur relationship i think that regret eats at him a lot and it carries over to his feelings w u#and i feel like in an effort to salvage / prevent damage from being done / prevent him from regretting anything in your relationship#he breaks it off#but honestly that’s the dumbest thing he can do bc he regrets it even more now haha#so the fic will touch on all those things!!#im anticipating it to be longer than 7k for sure! cos there’s a lot to unpack i feel#but yea ! pls let me know !#also the music that inspires me for this are:#1. will it ever feel the same (bazzi)#2. xx (the millennial club)#3. when it’s just you and i (the millennial club)#4. sunbleach (christian kuria) <- this one the most omfg#5. thinking bout you (rei brown & joji)#6. could i be somebody (rei brown)#7. waiting for you (rei brown)#not necessarily bc of the lyrics but more the ~~vibes of it THO some lyrics hit too#ANYWAY THATS ALL thank u for listening to me blabber#shotorus.process#will any of you even be interested in an ex bakugo fic#there are so many good ones out there alr 😭😭😭
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baku-bowl · 3 years
broke 1,000 followers (the fuck? I don't even make content people), so decided to write up a list of some (but not all, I'll make other lists later) of my favorite Bakugou-centric fic recs. my tastes run towards hurt/comfort, as you'll probably figure from the list. if there are some Baku-centric fics that you've enjoyed that aren't on here, please add them - this is definitely not a complete list of the ones I've read and love, but I'm always up for some recs. <3
fair warning, most of these are wips.
Social Media 101 by WindsChild8178
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up
[Solely Bakugou’s point of view]
Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late.
Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder
[Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates]
When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou.
[Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam]
hands down my favorite fic in the fandom right now. it’s the one that converted me into a Bakugou lover. if you have any fondness for Bakugou as a character then it’s likely you’ve read this one already, but if not, I can’t recommend it enough. incredibly depressing, but with the hope that comfort is coming soon in the next few chapters.
The Kids Will Be Alright, Eventually by NotWithThatAttitude
Bakugou is spiraling in the aftermath of Kamino and his friends are starting to notice. He's stubborn, aggressively independent, and less than willing to dig into his past, but after a breakdown that ends with a painful secret revealed, he starts to get help.
Whether he likes it or not.
Meanwhile, a new kind of villain threatens an uneasy peace following the loss of Allmight. Whispers build as a new narrative slowly takes shape:
Hero society needs to change.
Feat. Therapy, Dadzawa, best boy Kirishima, dysfunctional families, healing, growing up, and the mortifying ordeal of being known
guys.. the medical accuracy of this fic is just... *chef’s kiss*
I rarely see mental health genuinely handled well in fics, but this one goes above and beyond. kudos to the author for doing such excellent research into psychology, and making the application of it in here not-boring. also, while this one does have abusive!Mitsuki, it’s done in a way that feels realistic, and how I usually will see it occur in real life, rather than just for the hurt/comfort feels.
fair warning, the fic can be incredibly triggering (themes of severe depression, PTSD, panic attacks, rape survival, abuse survival, suicidal ideation/attempted suicide, among other things), so be safe and heed the tw’s if you decide to read. legitimately one of my Top Favorite fics in this fandom.
Lock and Key by autochorystalize
Bakugou made a choked, gravelly noise before croaking out a low, “You can’t be serious.” His fingers ached to blow up everything in the room.
“I’m sorry, young man, but you can’t change reality! This sometimes happens.” Recovery Girl clicked through his file, adding a new symbol in a previously empty slot.
- - -
A pair of eyes discreetly locked on to an explosive blond plowing his way forward, parting people in his path. He recognized the kid, of course. Anyone in the underbelly of society would recognize him, after the publicity of both UA’s Sports Festival and the events leading up to All Might’s fall. The uniform he was wearing cast away any doubts about the young man’s identity.
It was a bit of a surprise that the little firecracker presented as an omega.
- - - - - - - - -
Or: there are certain types of evil that seemed too distant, archaic violations and perversions that would never actually threaten bright-eyed heroes-in-training in the clean, modern world...but sometimes those evils aren't as distant as one might think.
remember when I said that I love a/b/o fics that are full of plot and world-building and gender-induced tension? that’s this one. the OC’s are fabulous and you love to hate ‘em. also, it’s the fic that made me fall head-over-heels for the TodoBaku dynamic, so it’s got a special place in my cold, dead heart. 
be warned, there are rather explicit non-con scenes between an adult (OC) and a minor (Bakugou) in this one, but the author warns for them in advance, and you could likely skip those parts without missing too much if you need to.
Never and Always, Eventually by Wawa_Boonliang
"Katsuki can remember the exact moment that he and Deku…that he and Midoriya Izuku became friends. He can also remember the moment he and Izuku became fierce rivals, a time when they were almost enemies.
However, what he remembers most clearly about their relationship is the moment that they moved passed rivals and became something more close than mere friends. Something more like brotherhood, something forged in fire and secured in the middle of a battlefield or in the midst of natural disaster where the number of the dead was climbing ever higher. And then it was torn from him."
Katsuki is given a second chance. A chance to save everyone. A chance to change everything.
But should he?
y’all. I’m a slutty, slutty whore for time travel fics. a time travel fic with autistic!coded Bakugou? it was love at first read.
Lessons Learned by Sif (Rosae)
Rather than the police station, Katsuki's friends bring him to a hospital after rescuing him from the villains. His wounds were minor, but it didn't make having them treated any less important. As it would so happen, Best Jeanist was also brought to this hospital after the attack.
Sometimes, small choices have a big impact on how a story plays out.
classic Bakugou hurt/comfort. this fic opened me up to the potential that could be a genuinely good Best Jeanist & Katsuki mentor-mentee relationship, and I kind of dig it and search ravenously for it in other fics now. I’m also a huge fan of the behind-the-scences Pro Hero Chat group.
Slope by sunfleurmoon
“I’m not a hero. Or a good person,” Katsuki says, giving Aizawa a pointed look, “So leave me alone. I don’t care about the League or UA, or you—” The two years he’s been away have been fine, more than fine, fucking fantastic actually if you ignore the bi-monthly near-death experiences. He doesn’t need this place. He doesn’t miss this place.
And yet, longing, a childish desire to tear up, or maybe blow something to bits, they all twist in his chest like a band of traitors regardless. “—I just want to go home.”
Or: the one where Katsuki and Izuku fail the first term exam, Aizawa discovers their pasts, and Katsuki is booted from UA. Featuring questionable descriptions of villain organizations, a slightly illegal moving shop, and your favorite emotionally constipated badass in distress with a newly discovered penchant for collecting strays.
paaaaaaiiiiiiiin. the hurt is ALIVE in this one. lots of tortured, angsty exploding child goodness. the OC’s are excellently crafted, and the Bakugou & Eri relationship? beautiful. definitely deserves a read.
Ground Zero by WindsChild8178
In the wake of Kamino, Katsuki is tested more than anyone could imagine. Bound by a villain’s quirk to keep his silence or die, he lives each day knowing it might very well be his last. He continues to work towards becoming a hero, keeping his secret from his classmates and teachers, focusing on making it through each day and trying not to allow the panic or depression to get the best of him. When the villain finally corners him with demands in exchange for his life, there is really only one answer Katsuki Bakugou can give.
honestly don't know which I want updated more - social media 101 or ground zero. this author's fics are amazing, and I really wasn't expecting the twist in this one. can't wait for windschild to come back to this fic some day.
The Defect by LadyGreenFrisbee
"Why do you want to win the Sports Festival so badly?" 
Because I want to see if the defect could usurp the masterpiece.
(In which Endeavor holds a terrible secret and Bakugo has to suffer since childhood for it.)
a great concept, and I adore the shouto and Katsuki sibling interaction here. hoping the author will come back to this one some day.
A Name That You'll Remember by Heronfem
Kirishima Eijirou is a Hero. Bakugou Katsuki... is not. Trapped in his toxic workplace and increasingly desperate to get out, Red Riot's days are only brightened by a new villain known as Caution, who's not exactly villainous and keeps accidentally doing good deeds. But when a real villain appears, a threat from the past that demands that Red Riot make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the public safe, Bakugou is forced into saving the day... and eventually, Red Riot himself.
sob story good guy villains are my weakness, this fic is a gem, and I'd kill for the sequel.
Our Hero by AnonymousTwit
He felt everything jerk to the side and throw his balance off before he saw anything, dust clouding his vision and irritating his lungs as the earth itself opened up to swallow them whole. For a single moment, in a millisecond's time, his wild eyes locked with Raccoon Eyes', hers alight with fear and adrenaline-fueled desperation. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that it was the first time she'd looked at him with something other than long-deserved hatred in days.
And then he was free falling.
After a particularly nasty encounter between childhood friends, the class learns about Bakugou and Midoriya's dark history and practically ostracizes Bakugou while trying to defend Midoriya. An earthquake during an outing has all sides regretting their decisions.
just fucking tear apart my self-sacrificing faves in every way imaginable while their loved ones watch on in terror. 💖🥰💖 this one is heavy on the Bakusquad and Class-1A feels, and VERY heavy on the Mina & Bakugou relationship (platonic).
Running back the tape, watching it replay by Faralyne
For someone ripped from their time, ripped from the few but strong relationships built by time and personal development, by self-reflection and swallowed pride, ripped from the one thing that made him feel worthwhile and needed and put-together, and forced to forge everything over again—Katsuki thinks he is handling it pretty fucking well.
A villain’s quirk sends a 29-year-old Bakugou back in time to his middle school days.
am I a sucker for time travel? yes. am I a sucker for vigilante!bakugou? also yes. am I a sucker for this fic? literally refreshing the page in wait for an update as we speak.
Liability by sandelf
After All-Might dies rescuing Bakugou from the League, Bakugou is determined to prove it wasn't for nothing.
But the world is against him, his grief is overwhelming, and his stability is splitting at the edges.
very self-indulgent bakugou angst. tw for harassment, severe depression, and suicidality.
Special Mentions:
How To Win The Sport Festival: A Step By Step Guide by mhwright
Short re-imagining of the Sports Festival Arc if Shinso had planned a little better and worked a little harder to win the Sports Festival and if the match-ups had been slightly different. Self-indulgent fic of watching him succeed.
this is completely Shinsou-centric, not Bakugou-centric, but I love and adore it and am dying for a sequel. Shinsou is Best Boy here and you'll be rooting for him the whole time.
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simp-for-mha-men · 4 years
𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤 (𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
Request by @oneseharuxo: So, Can I request a bakugo x fem! Reader fluff where it's the reader's birthday? I really loved the Aizawa fluff! And you can take your time dw!
A/N: My first request! I was so incredibly soft while writing this. It’s the cutest little thing for our favorite explosive boy. I hope you all enjoy this little bit of Bakugou positivity to get you through the week! Also, I was listening to Ghibli soundtracks so it got super romantic. Enjoy!
Genre: some cute pro-hero!Bakugou and pro-hero!reader banter/fluffy times, a little bit of swearing, a dash of angst in the beginning about the reader feeling terrified of the future during past birthdays 💥❤️
Word count: 3.9k
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Birthdays are awful. No matter how you celebrate them, they always bring on the negative and looming thoughts of the future. You’ve known this since you were quite young.
Your mother told you not to worry about your 6th birthday party. You didn’t care about the theme, cake, or favors because you were too caught up in the idea about starting kindergarten. It was terrifying. You were going to need to make new friends, meet new teachers, and start the beginning of a full education.
On your 12th birthday, you began to worry about becoming a teenager. Sure, it was a year away, but it still scared you. The fact that high school was just around the corner made you want to vomit. Middle school was already a big issue in your life, and high school was just going to make it all worse.
When you turned 16, you were already done with U.A. You began to get anxious about your future as a pro-hero. Who would you intern with? Who would you do a work studies with? Who would you be a sidekick for? When would you get your own agency? All of these questions brought on a lot of stress, causing you to want U.A. to invest in one thing: a counselor.
Your classmates were a big help during this period, considering they were all thinking the same things as you. You got close with a certain group of “hooligans,” as Mr. Aizawa put it. He told you to be wary of those individuals, but he was so wrong. The Bakusquad, comprised of Mina, Denki, Hanta, Eijiro, and Bakugou, brought you so much joy and made you forget about your thoughts temporarily. However, you weren’t as close with Bakugou as you were with the others. You were never even on a first name basis with him.
Now, you were older and still stressed yourself out about the littlest things. You had officially become a pro-hero, after graduating as a sidekick to Best Jeanist, and worked at Bakugou’s agency due to him “owing you a favor” from high school. You wanted to start your own agency, but you were currently tight on money due to some issues with your apartment. Of course, the entire plumbing system needed to be fixed right before your meeting the bankers to ask for a loan.
Bakugou was “kind” enough to let you work alongside him, but he treated you the same way he did in high school. He was distant enough to not ask you personal questions, yet he always showed up when you had a bad day and needed to rant to someone. Today, it was the latter.
“He was so idiotic and rude!” you yelled to your co-worker.
“Yeah, what an asshole,” he replied, crossing his arms and leaning against his desk.
You were currently in Bakugou’s personal office, looking out the window and whining about a man you encountered after your recent rescue. It was already close to 10 PM so the building was empty. It was always like this, especially with the week just beginning.
“After he told me to come over later,” you sighed, “he tried to get my number.”
“Wait, really?” Bakugou asked, walking over next to you.
“Yeah! I mean, come on! You don’t just say that to a pro-hero. I’m not even that good looking.”
Bakugou fell silent. He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn’t get anything to come out. He thought you were so gorgeous. How was he supposed to tell you that, though. He had acted as if he hated you until you both were 3rd years. He always regretted that. Maybe he needed to learn how to just “be manly,” as Kirishima would say, and tell you his actual thoughts.
“Hey, dumbass,” you said, flicking his forehead.
He rolled his eyes dramatically before grabbing your hand and flinging it away as gently as possible. “Oh, please. You’re the dumbass, dumbass.”
You giggled at your friend’s response. It was a classic exchange between the two of you. He had always called you a dumbass, and you had grown accustomed to it. You thought it was endearing and sweet, despite it being an insult the first time he said it. At least he wasn’t calling you an extra anymore.
“Well,” you began again, “what kind of paperwork do you have tonight? Is it some major damage paperwork due to your inferiority complex?”
“Shut up,” he growled. “Today, I actually didn’t go out. I had a couple of meetings with the damn nerd and pink cheeks.”
Huh, you didn’t remember him telling you about seeing Izuku and Ochako. You two weren’t the closest, but you both knew each others’ schedules inside and out in case of an emergency. 
“Oh,” you replied, dramatically. “Let me guess, you couldn’t take your eyes off of Uravity.”
That earned you a hard punch in the shoulder. While you were wincing in pain, Bakugou was churning over what you had just said in his mind. Did you think he had a thing for pink cheeks? You had thought a while back about him and Kirishima dating, earning relentless teasing from Raccoon Eyes, until he denied it.
“You know for a fact I wasn’t,” the explosive hero commented, walking back to his desk.
“Yeah, yeah,” you groaned.
“You just love getting in my head, don’t ya?”
“You’ve been doing it more recently.”
Oh no. He’s noticed. You admit that your teasing has gotten a bit heavier since the beginning of the month. Why? You were trying to distract yourself from a certain day. Today, if you want to talk specifics.
“You wish,” you uttered quickly.
Bakugou chuckled and bore his vermillion eyes directly into yours. Smirking, he commented, “You totally have. What? Finally developed feelings for me or some shit?”
Well, great way to get caught twice in the span of 30 seconds. You were way too obvious for your own good. However, Bakugou was oblivious. You’ve liked him since 1st year. I mean, how long is it going to take this guy?
Trying to cover up your embarrassment, you howled with laughter before saying, “Absolutely not! How low do you think my standards are?”
He started chuckling. You turned back to face the window again and joined in the hilarity of his accusation. Although both of you wanted him to be right, neither of you wanted to admit it. With Bakugou’s pride and your fear, a confession was not in the near future.
Bakugou’s laughter subsided first, causing him to look down at the mahogany desk. A faint blush crept up on his cheeks from your sweet voice filling the air before fizzling out. Damn, he really thought he had you there. Apparently, he read the signs wrong.
“When are you leaving?” a tone of bitterness lining his voice that he wished wasn’t there.
You flinched at the sudden hostility and glanced at your watch. “Now, I guess. I mean, all I’m doing is going to my shabby apartment to freak out over my ever-growing age.”
Both of you were looking at each other. You just let slip your biggest flaw: your tendency to overthink your future. Also, it was your least favorite day: your birthday. The fact you admitted it in front of Bakugou, your only crush in history, was like being bound up my Hanta’s tape. 
You couldn’t move. You had always kept up a stronger guard around the blonde than with the others because you had another fear. You had never even let this slip to Mina, and that’s saying something. Your biggest fear besides the future was losing Bakugou.
Throughout your time at U.A., he constantly pushed you to do better. Whether you were doing a simple training exercise or working on getting stronger for the sports festival, he was always there to encourage you. Of course, his encouragement was telling you to get your ass in gear or face the consequences from him, but it was still sweet of him. 
Suddenly, the opening of desk drawers sounded through the room. You tilted your head to the side, wondering what your angry Pomeranian of a friend was doing. All you could hear was grunting for a couple of seconds.
Then, pens and pencils were thrown out. Next, pieces of paper went up in the air. Whether they were contracts for new sidekicks or just blank binder sheets, you ducked so you wouldn’t get in the crossfire of flying office supplies. After a couple of other things, like paper clips and sticky notes, were scattered across the office, Bakugou finally sighed.
You looked between your hands covering your face and noticed he held...a calendar? Since when was King Explosion Murder organized? You had known this man for years and understood his habits. You even understood why he went to bed so early in high school. This, however, was very different.
“Ugh, what the hell?” he muttered.
Just as you were about to ask him what was up, he grabbed his bag off the back of his chair. He jogged over to you, grabbed your hand and bag, and opened the door.
“You’re an idiot,” he said, shoving you into an elevator. “How long? How long have we known each other? You still never told me.”
Your brain couldn’t keep up. What was he talking about? Did you forget an important dinner meeting he had? No, he usually only scheduled those on Fridays. Then, what was going on.
Before you could ask him, you felt your whole body being yanked by the muscular man. He took you both down to the parking garage and walked straight to his BMW convertible. Letting go of your hand, he went to the trunk and dropped both of your bags in. He opened your door, practically shoving you in, and slammed it closed when all of your limbs were safely inside. Bakugou got in the driver’s seat, buckled his seatbelt, and started the car.
You felt very hazy. You know Bakugou can get...intense about certain topics, but he’s never dragged you into it. The calendar was weird. Him dragging you to his car was weird. The aura was weird. All of this was weird.
“Bakugou?” you asked.
“You’re such a dumbass,” he scoffed.
“Bakugou, please tell me wh--”
“Shut your damn mouth.”
He was acting strange. You weren’t phased by his attitude since you’ve known each other for ages. Deciding to give up, you sighed and looked out the window. The scenery passed by quickly, making your mind wander to the moment you realized you liked him.
It was a normal day at U.A., and exams were just around the corner. You were planning to study alone until Bakugou asked you to join Denki, Eijiro, and himself. You agreed and immediately regretted it. Bakugou was constantly yelling at your other two friends because they were being absolute idiots. In his defense, they were. Denki didn’t even know his body was made of cells, for crying out loud. Despite this, Bakugou indirectly complimented you on your notes. He even smirked a bit at your flustered response. You knew from the way your heart picked up its palpitations that you had fallen hard.
“Out,” Bakugou huffed, scaring you out of your flashback.
Opening the car door and getting out, you looked up and noticed his apartment complex. You heard from Eijiro that it was nice, but it was beautiful. It was made with a light gray cement, almost looking white in the light of the moon. The wood accents were all dark oak, and each apartment had a secluded balcony. You’d definitely have to hit Red Riot the next time you saw him for calling this complex “nice.”
Noticing Bakugou had already grabbed your bags and started up to the door, you began walking to catch up to him. You both got in the elevator, and he pressed the button to the top floor.
You turned your gaze to him. He was deep in thought. His eyes held a purpose, but they were a bit muddy. The reason he had dragged you here must’ve been important. Could it be a reconnaissance mission of some sort?
Soon enough, the ding in the elevator signified your arrival. Instead of a long hallway lined with apartments, there was only a single door. Bakugou slid his key in and turned the look. Holy mother of All Might...Bakugou owned a penthouse.
You were expecting minimal decorations from your friend, and you were right and oh so wrong at the same time. Everything in his apartment was classy and modern. From the wood floors to the paint color to the granite on the counters, his house looked like it had been done by a professional designer. You decided in that moment that you were never taking Bakugou to your apartment.
“Well,” he sighed softly, “go take a shower. The bathroom is down the right hallway over there. You can use one my shirts and a pair of shorts once you’re done. Just don’t waste all the hot water, got it?”
You blinked your eyes a couple of times before meekly nodding your head. Carefully walking over in the direction he pointed, you admired the living room from a new perspective. You also got a chance to see the paint color up close. It was a beautiful soft blue that held a lot of gray tones. It was perfect for a man of his caliber, despite his anger issues.
Once you got to the bathroom, the clothes were already there for you. Bakugou had either gained your former class president’s quirk or you were walking extremely slow. Either way, you smiled when you recognized the top: his iconic black skull t-shirt. He’s had it since high school. The fact he chose that one for you, or maybe just yanked it out of the depths of his closet, made your heart flutter.
The warm shower helped clear your senses. You had to figure out a way to make sure you kept your cool around Bakugou. You had no idea why your crush had acted so strangely before dragging you to his apartment. However, as strange as this whole thing still was to you, despite living in this reality for almost an hour, you couldn’t let him know anything.
After using up almost all of the hot water, you got out of the shower and put on his clothes. They felt so comfortable and reminded you of some of the craziest things you both had gone through. From the USJ attack to witnessing All Might’s fall, you two had seen a lot of crazy things. These thoughts helped give you courage. With that, you checked yourself in the mirror one last time and went to the living room.
Upon walking into the open space, you felt your heart stop. You had only been in the shower for 15 minutes, but Bakugou had done some work. The angry boy you had watched grow into a man had changed, but what you saw was completely beyond you.
On the coffee table, a little strawberry cake with fluffy white icy sat in all its beauty. Next to it were two forks, some napkins, and two cups of tea. There was a card with a picture of you and Bakugou messing with each other that Denki had somehow snapped after the concert had been executed perfectly in 1st year. The reason he had rushed you to his house wasn’t because of hero work. He knew it was--
“Happy birthday, dumbass,” he said, causing you to look up to him.
He held the softest expression you have ever seen. Bakugou’s eyes entranced you and held something similar to...adoration? He was holding some candles in his right hand, but his left hand was hidden behind his back.
“But,” you began, “how? How did you even remem--”
“We were in Yokohama at the hero conference a couple of years ago,” he stated. “Jeanist told me your birthday was coming up, and I asked him what specific day it was. After that, I marked it in my calendar.”
He sauntered over to the coffee table and sat down on the ground. He placed each of the candles meticulously onto the birthday treat. It was almost too perfect.
“I then tried to find you a gift,” Bakugou continued. “Of course, I suck at remembering what people like. I couldn’t get you anything. I did remember something, though.”
Once the candles were placed, he activated his quirk, barely creating a spark, and lit the candles. There were only 4, but it was even sweeter than him leaving out his shirt. 
“At U.A., you always distanced yourself around this time,” Bakugou said, looking up at you. “I thought you had a family thing happen to you or something, but Dunce Face explained it to me. This year, I wanted to change that for you.”
You were speechless. Never in your life did you expect such a gesture from your friend. At this point, it didn’t even feel like you two were friends. It felt as if you two had been together since the dawn of time.
Bakugou then slid on the floor and propped himself on one knee before you. He took his left hand from behind his back, revealing a black and orange box. When he slowly opened it, you gasped at what you saw. It was a Cartier simple black band adorned with emeralds and jaspers.
Tears welled in your eyes as Bakugou extended his hand to you. You placed yours gently in his, allowing him to stand up and slide the ring onto your right hand. It was a perfect fit. Never in your life had you received such a perfect birthday gift. It was a sign from the universe, you thought. It was now or never.
“Baku--” you began, inhaling a sharp breath before starting over. “Katsuki, I can’t keep it from you anymore. I think I like you.”
“No,” Bakugou stated, trying to contain his laughter.
“Excuse me?”
“Try it again, (y/n). Tell me how you really feel.”
You were too infatuated with this man to get angry at him now. Screw your pride. This was your man standing in front of you. You had to say it. You had to say the words he and you both wanted to hear.
“I love you, Katsuki Bakugou,” you announced, causing warmth to flood to your cheeks.
He smiled and sighed. Rubbing a hand over his face, he groaned, “You know I suck at words so get your ass over here.”
Listening to his command, you stepped forward into his arms. He glanced at your lips before you both instinctively closed the gap. You had never felt more alive. It was as if you were both perfectly molded for each other. Whatever god or goddess had created you had also created the handsome specimen you were kissing. The genuine passion and love his kiss held spoke to your heart. It made you realize that the time you had spent waiting to confess to him was wasted time. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him. This was the moment you had been waiting for.
After pulling apart, you both stared into each other’s eyes. Every romance manga you had ever read could’ve never prepared you for what this man was about to say to you.
“Be mine?” Katsuki questioned.
“Absolutely,” you smiled, kissing him once again.
Your entire world changed in those two words. His entire world changed in the response you provided him with. It was meant to be. It was the best thing to ever happen to him. You, (y/n) (l/n), were the best thing to ever happen to him. It was because of you his anger subsided drastically in 3rd year. It’s because of your positive personality that he ended up deciding to take a social ethics class to be kinder to civilians. It’s because of your smile that he kept going, even through the events you both had been through.
Breaking off the kiss, you giggled before saying, “I should blow out those candles. Wouldn’t want your fancy place getting burned to a crisp.”
Playfully punching your shoulder, Katsuki sat down and held open his arms. You got on the ground and crawled into them, feeling peace and security enter your system. Leaning forward, you thought for a few seconds before blowing out your candles. You did make a wish, for the first time in your life, despite having everything you could’ve ever wanted holding you tightly to his chest.
“Wanna break the rules and tell me what you wished for?” he whispered in your ear.
“Sure,” you replied, turning your head to look into his eyes. “I wished for our new relationship to be even better than our friendship.”
Rolling his eyes, he leaned in and kissed your temple. “Now,” he said, grabbing the forks, “let’s dig in.”
You both sat together on the floor of Katsuki’s apartment for the next 3 hours, talking, laughing, and eating the strawberry cake. You both reminisced on how you met, gave your genuine first impressions of each other, and even talked about your first thoughts on the life threatening situations you guys had been in.
For the first time in your life, you weren’t worried about the future. You were actually excited by it. Why? You finally had your partner...no, soulmate. Katsuki was meant to be with you, and you with him. Everything had finally fallen into place. This was the best birthday you had ever had.
Together, you cleaned up the dishes at 3:22 AM, and Katsuki headed off to take his shower. During this time, you began to wander around the apartment again. There was a wall, secluded from the others, that caught your attention.
On it were multiple sleek, black picture frames holding many different photos. There were a couple from the sports festival in 2nd year, one of the first photos the Bakusquad took with you, a couple of Katsuki and Izuku when they were kids, and a single photo of you.
You recognized it. You were at the beach with Mina and Hanta because they begged you nonstop to go. You ended up having a lot of fun, and Mina captured this photo when you happened to look back at her with the biggest smile on your face. When did she give that to him?
“She gave it to me graduation day,” Katsuki stated, as if he was reading your mind. “It’s my favorite photo on this wall.”
“Of course it is,” you smirked. “Who wouldn’t love a photo of me on their wall?”
“That’s it.”
Suddenly, Katsuki charged you and threw you over his shoulder. Laughing like a maniac, you hit his back until he was laughing with you. After a couple minutes of this, he put you down and hugged you. He really did wonders through his actions. Who needed words when Katsuki’s hugs were the best in the world.
“We need to go to bed,” he said into your hair.
“I know,” you yawned.
He picked you up, much more gently, and led you to his room. He plopped you down on the bed and got under the covers. Quickly, you scrambled in next to him. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you. His warmth caused your heart rate to quickly slow and your eyelids to flutter shut. Before you completely fell asleep, you heard the one sentence that made you remember that this birthday was not a dream.
“I love you, (y/n).”
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
A collection of all of the fic ideas from that ask game, as of now. I’ll throw in new ones if i get any and when I remember. Feel free to use any of them, I’d love a link if you did!
with hands to the sky, I beg (what will save us?)
Izuku is a god who asks to be reborn as a human to try and help. He is warned he can’t return to being a god and will join the mortal realm, ever reincarnated. He agrees.
Izuku is a child with faint memories of a life he never lived, who knows too much about the world but not enough about the people around him. He’s not listed as having a quirk but he’s never gotten sick, never been hurt. He scares the other children and the adults don’t like his precocious nature. Inko loves her little miracle.
 My Soul is Like a Supernova
Things happen around Izuku. Always have. Everything from earthquakes and villain attacks to miraculous healing and lottery wins. He’s always attracted big events like this - as if even the universe can see how important he is and it warps itself around him.
He sees this as perfectly normal. 1A is begining to notice a stressful pattern.
This one regret of mine
Character study of Inko and how she deeply regrets so many things she’s done in her life, from her husband, to giving up on her carrier, to telling Izuku he couldn’t be a hero and then letting him keep going to UA.
But no matter what she’d never regret her son.
Of souls and lost causes
A good ol’ Izuku sees dead people AU, focused more on his younger years when he’d wander around the city helping as many spirits as he could, only to return home at the end of the day exhausted and dirty to an increasingly worried mother who believed the doctor when he said seeing ghosts as a quirk would be impossible.
my life.your choice
Underground heroics AU (i dont think ive ever posted that au huh): Izuku is the well-known son of japan’s immortal emperor, All for One. Born quirkless, he’s been emotionally abused but violently protected his whole life by his father, his mother killed before his eyes for trying to take him away. He’s never been able to make a choice for himself save for his bodyguard - his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki.
Katsuki made a pledge to protect him when they were in kindergarten and he’ll be damned if he breaks it now. And if it takes the two of them joining the resistance, meeting a vigilante by the name of All Might thought long dead and Izuku receiving a near-mythical quirk? Well, that just makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?
I forgot that you existed
Izuku gets hit with a quirk that not only makes people forget him, it prevents them from seeing him as well - all but erasing him from reality for everyone he knows. He can still interact with things but all it manages to do is just UA shut down under fear of villain infiltration. They find Izuku 18 hours later when the quirk wears off - a motion tracking gun trained on his forehead.
certain uncertainties
No one can predict the quirks trapped in One for All or when they’ll show up. Anthology fic of Izuku discovering each of them, some being rather helpful, and at least one piece of merch being sent into a low orbit.
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Set in the same universe I wrote console reset in; during the two heroes movie: they never defeat Nine and he slaughters the whole island and his class, leaving Izuku till last. He comes back at the start of their first day on the island and doggedly makes friends with every islander he can because while it hurt seeming them die, it hurt even more knowing he’d never even learnt most of their names.
They win this time the first time they meet him, even if it’s a marathon fight of 8 hours with him and Bakugo doggedly wearing him down. No one dies. Izuku thinks it’s worth dying as many times as he has to to keep the people he loves smiling.
The immortality of the heroic spirit
One of the quirks in One for All is determination: if you have something you desperately want to do, you can’t die - no matter how much blood you lose or home many pieces your body is crushed into - you’ll just heal back to where you were before you died. All Might and Aizawa find this out to horrifying effect during a brutal villain fight they are stuck watching on the news with the rest of a terrified UA.
In hindsight this makes a lot of sense to Izuku. Aizawa wants to scream. All Might has coughed up more blood than is probably healthy and all of 1A bruised hands from where they were clutching each other’s when it got too tense.
Shine on you invincible legacy
Izuku becomes a top 10 hero before hes even out of high school, hitting No.2 the second he graduates and taking No.1 from Hawks literally the next time the ranking is counted. 1A will not stop throwing him parties each time he moves up in the ranking, even if in 3rd year it was every other week. All Might comes to ever one of them.
Shake the Dirt from Your Shoes
Izuku will be a hero and no one will stop him - an AU a fair bit like the beginning of canon except Izuku fights back, remains unending optimistic and maybe engages in a light bit of technically legal vigilantism, accidentally befriending a vast array of heroes and a student or two.
To his horror, they recognise him out of costume as soon as he speaks to them, resulting in a very eventful first day at UA.
do you feel with a heart of steel
Original Sin AU, young Izuku finding feeling emotions difficult and not knowing why. He finds a dying animal on the way home and sits with it, patting it until it passes away. He doesn’t think he feels anything, but his cheeks feel wet.
all you want is milk and honey
Villains have been trying to use Izuku his entire life, much to his annoyance and confusion (I wonder who in his family might make him known to villains? hm). He’s gotten very good at being intimidating, even as a child.
When he gets kidnapped with Bakugo on a primary school field trip he decides to hell with it and breaks out all the stops. Turns out villains don’t tend to want a 10-year-old who can describe in great detail how they would hang you with your own intestines.
Bakugo decides that fuck Izuku being quirkless, he’s kind of amazing.
Even the stars
Izuku dies young and no one but the stars cry for him. They bring him back, but his body is cold and he has a nova burning where his heart should be. A four-year-old who has known death and walked among the stars is a terrifying thing. His skin has a shimmer to it, his eyes look like planets with no visible pupil, and he knows far too much.
The stars still speak to him, and they see everything.
bitter dreams and optimistic nightmares
Bakugo and Izuku grow up good friends, until Izuku is taken by villains age 9.
Bakugo’s determined to be a hero to save Izuku, even if it hurts to be at UA without him.
Izuku hates hurting people but he’s determined to make the most of his horrible situation by leaking information to heroes whenever he can. He’s given to All for One to serve as a lab hand to the doctor when All for One finds out this rag tag outpost of his had been hiding a valuable resource.
They meet at the USJ.
Mind Games for Two Shinsou and Izuku are both gen ed students in the same class, but with Shinsou stubbornly refusing to make friends and Izuku being the vice president they are almost strangers. UA has a no quirkless students policy and Shinsou has accidentally discovered that he student in his class with an analysis quirk, doesn’t, actually, have one. Izuku is aware Shinsou knows. They both want to get into the hero course but are under the impression there is only one spot.
It’s tense.
The Melody Stuck in My Soul
Izuku has an empathy/emotional control quirk that hears other’s emotions like music. He uses this both to read people, to defend himself, and, because hes Izuku, to ramp up his adrenaline/motivation/anger to kick ass. He and Bakugo are friends because baby Bakugo was lowkey impressed Izuku managed to weaponize his tears.
Advantage of the musical element: it gives him something concrete to latch on to and change, and it was very easy to work out which emotions were which. Also he has his own theme song, even if he’s the only one who can hear it.
Disadvantage: He cant turn it off. The stronger the emotion the ‘louder’ the music (it doesn’t cover up natural sounds because its not technically there, you get me?)
Error 404, childhood not found
A Hero’s Son AU, snapshot’s of Izuku’s childhood with No.1 Hero All for One as his abusive father.
Age 4 when his quirk never comes in and All for One abandons all pretences of loving him. Age 6 when he realises his son is intelligent and has a use as a lab assistant for the doctor. Age 8 when Bakugo first realises something is wrong. Age 9 when his father is almost killed by the No.1 villain All Might. Age 9 when he’s made to work in the labs with the doctor.
Age 14 when he meets All Might. Age 15 when he makes it into UA.
Darkness Growing (The Light Ever Smaller)
Villains take over Japan after the current arc, leaving all heroes and students that don’t switch sides on the run. 1A is instantly separated with a few of them  being killed, most of the living students with Aizawa and Izuku and Bakugo by themselves, both too stubborn to leave the other.
Aizawa is desperately trying to get to Izuku and Bakugo in an attempt to keep them safe, while the two of them are avoiding Aizawa to keep the rest of their class safe(er), all while avoiding the villains, turncoat heroes and police out to get them. Public support is spotty at best with anyone found ‘harboring a criminal’ given the same punishment as the hero.
Lost soul of last hope
The first wielder has been Izuku’s imaginary friend since he can remember. He’s not very imaginary.
Featuring Izuku with the world’s strangest older brother, Inko coming to the realisation her son can see a ghost, but only one ghost and no one will believe them, Izuku’s quirk being listed as Inko’s because the first wielder can help him fake it, and Izuku wondering why first looks so much like that picture of his father on his mother’s bedside table.
The kids the system failed
100% The 1A run aways au with 1A, Aizawa and Mic being runaways kids of various ages that band together to stay alive and maybe do a little vigilante work on the side.
Izuku has All for One and uses it like you’d expect a traumatised kid to - cautiously at first but when he gets the hang of it there are suddenly no more criminals with quirks in their area, and it looks suspiciously like Uraraka can fly.
Just a second to soon? For the Fic thing?
Aizawa struggles and gets knocked out just before Shigaraki lunges at Tsuyu. She and Izuku are left horribly injured by his quirk with massive facial scarring, and in Tsuyu’s case, the loss of an eye.
An illusion/fear quirk makes his teachers look like villains and convinces him he’s in danger. They try and stop him without hurting him but it’s difficult considering Izuku is convinced he’s protecting his friends, considering he can only see them broken and bloodied with villains he thought were locked away loaming over them.
Even as Aizawa cuts out his quirk Izuku still tries to shield his friends, snarling ferally.
Morning Glories and Forget-me-nots
A memory quirk of unknown duration hits Izuku, leaving him remembering none of his life. 1A starts to fall apart without one of their pillar’s.
hopeless but not broken
The Long Con au where Izuku asks All Might if he could be a hero without a quirk - he’s really asking if he can stop pretending to be a villain, if he’s worth anything without the quirks he’s been given, if he’s worth something as himself rather than the limited use he can provide. He doesn’t know how to say all of that, so he just asks if he could be a hero.
All Might says no. And Izuku basically decides right then that the only way he’ll ever be able to help people is by being a mole for the heroes like he’s been since he was 10 - that he isn’t worth anything because he’s quirkless and to be considered just as valuable as the people around him are he needs to give his life and more.
He shows up to the bar crying because of All Might and Shigaraki moves his murder plot forward a few months.
Sunflowers and Summer Gardens
All Might starts a garden on campus and 1A like to help. He uses it as a nice place to chill and as physical therapy. He likes to give the different classes bunches of flowers when they sprout.
For Dos and For Donts
Izuku runs into some of his old bullies when out with some of his friends. Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Shinsou and Asui intimidate the fuck out of them, and Izuku realises hes not scared of them any more. Then they get frozen yoghurt!
your mistakes, my unbecoming
Aizawa assigns a project on quirk related issues, Izuku ends up with quirkless discrimination, Aizawa assumes his discomfort is just him being upset he doesn’t get to talk about quirks. He doesn’t realise his mistake until he finds Izuku dissociating on the roof.
one and one into the vast
Original Sin AU, All for One and Izuku seeing the vestiges together. One for All sees his brother for the first time and Izuku learns a lot about the voice in his head.
All for One has a mini-crisis about his not son learning he’s a horrific villain, especially considering he has the power to cast his soul out at any time, killing him at will. Izuku doesn’t kill him. He admits its probably not right of him to let AfO remain considering the things he’s done, but All for One is a part of him now and it would be like killing a friend.
All for One quietly decides to hold off on the villainy until all of 1A is dead, for Izuku’s sake.
between the stars of our souls
Izuku and All Might are old gods who keep getting reborn into human forms with their memories regained when they turn 4. Normally finding each other takes a while, and their last reincarnation they never found each other, so this time he resolves to make himself as easy to find as possible, all while saving as many people as he can.
Izuku, aged 4, memories fresh in his head, makes it his mission to get into contact with the man he knows is his father/mentor’s reincarnation. All Might’s agency was not expecting a 4 year old to repeatedly try breaking in to their office, and they especially weren’t expecting him to be so good at it.
you really should have thought this through
Different (and ill-advised) attempts at special moves or team up combo moves. Featuring:
Izuku managing to break Kirishima’s nose.
Uraraka sending Bakugo so high he broke the sound barrier coming back down to earth.
Kaminari and Shouto managing to electrify ice.
Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugo levelling a whole suburb (at least it was condemned???)
I'll Break Anything You Give Me
Different times Izuku desperately tried to repair his relationship with Izuku over the years and the one time Bakugo fully grasps how much he fucked up and reaches out his hand to try to fix it for the first time. Probably includes a lot of screaming, Bakugo learning how to say sorry, a field trip and them having a conversation on Aldera’s roof.
One for All kind of possesses Izuku during a quiet night at the dorms. One for All, made of 8 people, 7 of which are dead and had their last experiences in life be rather painful and violent, breaks down, Izuku alone not enough to drown them out. They lash out at anyone who tries to touch them, their quirks tearing Izuku’s body apart.
All Might’s vestige reaches out a hand to Izuku to keep his mind from being torn apart as 1A set about both trying to protect Izuku and get Aizawa who was off campus on patrol.
Feat. Bakugo and All Might being the only people with any idea about what’s going on and getting more and more stressed each second that passes. Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki being good heroes and even better friends. Blood King deciding he’s never watching 1A for Aizawa again, and Aizawa deciding he’s never leaving 1A alone ever again.
A Long Way From Home
Shirakumo wakes up in Kurogiri’s body in Tartarus with only shadowed memories of his time as a villain. He’s scared and alone and he just wants to see his friends again, even if he’s scared they hate him because at least that’s something he knows.
Too Far Gone
The other side AU, it comes out Izuku is a villain with (knockoff) All for One and he has a showdown with Mirio. He and Izuku trained together under All Might and Mirio tries to plead with him but Izuku has to basically tell him to go to hell to not ruin his placet as crown prince of the underworld.
Of course, he’s not only doing this to save people, he’s also doing it with All Might’s blessing - taking over from All Might himself serving as a villain after he killed All for One to prevent a power vacuum.
Doesn’t mean that his friends in 1A know that.
Snowy hills and sunlit peaks
Probably an AU about All Might being a mountain spirit with a little shrine that Izuku is the only one who visits - Izuku gets in trouble and All Might manifests himself, saves him, and tells everyone to keep their hands off his human son.
Izuku gets sick and he tries to hide it because he’s scared its something serious but he just gets worse and worse. His friends are the ones who eventually step in and comfort him.
I’d probably write two endings with one being a bad end and the other a good end.
My wish came true without me realising 
Izuku wakes up one morning, comes downstairs and just starts crying. Everyone panics and he reassures them they are happy tears and that he's just glad to be here. They all call him sappy and give him a hug. Later in the day he and Bakugo chat and Izuku reveals he never even expected to live this long, let alone become a hero. Bakugo grumbles that he’s too stubborn to die, and not to get too cocky. Izuku promises he wont.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
How do you feel and what do you think about dabi? Endeavor, dabi and hawks have interesting connections, parallels and foiling going on. Im getting a strong theme of father figures from them
*rubs hands together*
Oh, boy oh boy, do I love the foiling of the Takami and Todoroki family legacies and all the juicy interpersonal connections and drama! It’s just - *chef’s kiss* UGH, it’s so good! Ok!
Dabi as a villain is amazing! He has arguably the most consistent and actionable motive and plan of the LoV so far. Everything about him feeds directly back into his background and his overall purpose. There are times when a character only exists to do one thing they’re just not that compelling, but Dabi is not one of those cases. He’s not only fully integrated his ugly family history into his identity and mission, it makes up the fabric for his entire character and his sole purpose. He’s relentless and ruthless in his goal, but that wouldn’t work so well if it wasn’t for -
Endeavor who serves as both his tragic origin story as a horrible father and potentially his tragic end as a regretful, changed man. Endeavor has never had to sacrifice or break his character to change as much as make slow, individual decisions that are slowly beginning to add up. He’s genuinely repentant of his past sins and is trying to reinvent himself, and his horror and agonized reaction to Dabi’s reveal is consistent with that. But that also doesn’t mean he can just wallow in his pain over what his actions have caused. He’s made the decision to *be* better, period, so he can’t just roll over and die without a fight when others need his aid because it would undermine and betray the promise he made to his youngest son to try and succeed as a hero where he failed as a father. That ties in nicely to -
Hawks, whose only real identity lies in his work as a hero - and a hero inspired by Endeavor, no less, born out of an impression that Endeavor was a good person to be emulated unlike his own father who stole and killed to the point Hawks can’t use the name he was born with for fear of being burdened with his own father’s sins. I very much have the impression that as a kid he looked up to Endeavor and said to himself, “He may be rough around the edges, but that’s what a GOOD man looks like. I wish he were MY dad!” He hates Dabi as this antithesis of his ideals as a hero, and to come find out that both of them stem from the same man on an ideological level, but Hawks had built his identity on lies from the very get-go is going to strain his relationship with Endeavor and maybe his own philosophies as a hero - which brings me nicely to -
Shouto, who I haven’t said recently, but have had a long-held suspicion is the final mirror in a series of reflections the “top 3″ of Class - 1A are for the top three heroes at the start of the series. (Deku for All Might, Bakugo for Endeavor, and Shouto for Hawks. Come on, Horikoshi, please prove me right!) Shouto has had a chance to face these conflicting realities in his upbringing before being “full-formed” as a hero and steer his own destiny where Hawks will likely have to reinvent himself from scratch on some level. That doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be facing the same kind of scrutiny in the public as the son of an evil man, and could be instrumental in helping Hawks overcome that struggle he’s about to face as well as the wrestling he’ll do internally coming to grips that Hawks’ father had no bearing on who he is outside of providing motivation to make his own choices and identity as a separate entity from his father.
Some of this is still speculation, but I hope I’m reading the breadcrumbs right, because if I am this will be an amazing, self-contained story of making/breaking generational curses and reinventing oneself in the face of it.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia: Chapter 13
Raw and unedited (especially until I get Chapters 14-16 written to upload along with it), but I finished the 1st draft tonight and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially with switching to some new protagonists. Chapters 0-12 can be found here:
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 13: Takuma Sero Makes a Show of It
If there was one thing Takuma Sero liked about living in the dorms, it was the sense of privacy. Sure, there were fifteen other people living in the dorms, three others on his floor, but compared to his home, that was nothing.  Between his parents, his three younger brothers, and baby sister, there was always somebody trying to butt into whatever he was doing.  At least on his floor, all he had was his best bro Kenta Sato. Daisuke Shoji simply kept his head down and Takiyo Aoyama had made it clear early on he had no interest in “whatever nonsense you two are getting up to.”
As if trying to become the next internet sensations was nonsense.
Which reminded him… he really ought to check their hit counter.  With Kirishima-Bakugo out of the cafeteria yesterday, he’d actually been free to host a new round of “Will Sato Eat It?” without fear of being exploded or having her tear his arms off.  He was actually pretty certain she wouldn’t do the last part.  Their parents had been friends for decades and he was on reasonably good terms with her most of the time.  But yesterday had been pretty impressive as far as the game went. Kenta had eaten a soup bowl, a baseball, a rock, and a tire that someone had somehow managed to get into the cafeteria.
Kenta’s dad had broken it up after that, with a threat to report their antics to Aizawa if they kept doing it.  And Kenta had gotten a talking to from his dad later on about irresponsible Quirk use and making a spectacle of himself.   At least the elder Sato had learned the futility of trying to rat them out to Takuma’s parents.  His mom was one of the most Instagram-famous Pro-Heroes in the business.  She actively encouraged his aspirations.  His dad was just vaguely puzzled by the whole thing and just let his mom take the lead.
Checking the video upload, he found that the hit counter was already in the thousands.  Wisely, he opted not to look at the comments.   It was like his mom always said, “Never read the comments.”   Sure, you got a validation high from some of it, but there were way too many trolls and mudslingers to make it worth it.
Takuma broke into a grin. “Yeah, we’re gonna be famous. Just you see.  Heroes and entertainment sensations.”
He checked the time and found he still had nearly an hour before class.  Plenty of time to finish getting ready.  There was also the matter of homework he hadn’t quite completed, but he could probably copy the answers from somebody, at least enough to squeak by. Math was going to be the death of him. He understood numbers well enough, but once you started getting letters involved with numbers, his brain just refused to track any of it.  It had nearly sunk his entrance exam score, but he’d managed to just barely pass that. A good practical exam score had done wonders for making up the difference.
Twenty minutes later, he was out of his room and ready to go.  He did not have the world’s most developed fashion sense (much to the regret of Kimiko Ojiro, his other best friend, who had declared him “the worst gay best friend ever”), but he had an entertainer’s sense for showmanship in his appearance.  He spotted Kenta coming out of his room and gave him a double finger guns.
“Sixty-five hundred hits in less than twenty-four hours, my man!”
“All right!” Kenta said, giving him a fist bump.  “That’s twice as many as the last video!”   He let out a burp and clutched his stomach.
“You okay, man?” Takuma asked.
Kenta shook his head and burped again.  “Heartburn and indigestion.  Dad says just because I can get anything doesn’t mean I should.”  He grinned, thick lips pulling back to reveal his perfectly white teeth.  “But I say it’s a small price to pay for being famous.”
“More famous in your case,” Takuma told him.  Kenta was already a good bit famous from all the times he appeared in pictures and his stories on his father’s “Food and Family” blog. According to his mom, it was crazy popular with single moms.
Kenta waved it off. “That’s really Dad’s thing.  This is ours!”
Takuma was about to begin discussions of the plans for their next video when he was distracted by the sight of Daisuke Shoji walking back to his rooms, clearly having come from the showers.  The six-armed boy was only wearing a towel wrapped around his waist, his silver hair still damp, and a small about of moisture still visible on the muscles of his arms and abs.  He nodded politely to Takuma and Kenta on his way back to his room.  Takuma kept watching until Shoji’s door closed.
His trace was broken by Kenta giving him a small shove.  “You okay there, bud?  Kind of went away for a little while?”
He sighed.  “Why are the hot ones always straight?”
Kenta gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.  “Hey, there’s lots of other guys at U.A.  You’ll find somebody.  Or you could always try online dating?”
Takuma made a face. “I’m not that desperate.”
Anything further was interrupted by his and Kenta’s phones buzzing.  Both checked and he saw they had identical texts from the school’s emergency alert system.
Homeroom has been cancelled.  All first-year students should report to the Gran Torino Memorial Auditorium at 0800.
Kenta gave him a curious look.
“Don’t look at me, man,” he said quickly.  “I haven’t broken any rules that would cause a grade level assembly.”
“This school year,” Kenta said.  “I still can’t believe the time you…”
“Don’t remind me.  I’m still barely out of being grounded for that.”
“I think that was the first time I ever actually saw your parents punish you.”
“Oh, would you look at the time, we should really be getting to the Auditorium!”
“Any idea what this is about, Takuma?” Kimiko asked. He assumed she was looking at him, but honestly, even after having known her all his life, it was hard to tell.
He shook his head. “Beats the heck out of me.”
All around, the other seats in the Auditorium were filling up with the first year students.  There were the three Heroics classes, three General Ed classes, three Support classes, and three Business and Management classes.   Sixteen students each in the Heroics, twenty in each of the others, for one hundred eight students total left the auditorium about half full.  
Down on the stage, he could see the majority of the teaching staff.  There were the three Heroics Homeroom teachers, Aizawa, Super Ball, and Battle Fist.  There was Power Loader, the aging director of the Support courses.  Word around campus was that he was considering retirement after experiencing the Iida Twins.  And there was FireFox, their math teacher; Hawkeye, their English teacher; Figure Sk8, the dark-haired daughter of the Twins and Izumi’s uncle and aunt, who taught their Science classes; Palette, the paint-themed Art History teacher; and Hopper, Tokoyami’s uncle and their Literature teacher.  There Hound Dog, the school counselor, Vice-Principal Midnight, and even Kenta’s dad.   He also spotted Doctor Izumi sitting with her husband, Kota, the Rescue Hero and Rescue Instructor called Water Spout (or, at his mom embarrassingly always referred to him, “the first man to see me naked”) There was also All Might, and several teachers he didn’t know, who he presumed taught some of the classes taken by the other courses.  Whatever this was about, they were taking it very seriously.
And slowly approaching the podium, leaning heavily on his cane, was Principal Nezu.  Takuma wasn’t sure if he was a rat or a bear or possibly some kind of creature from Australia (or was it Austria?  Whichever one had the kangaroos.  Those were real, right?), but he understood that the old animal was crazy smart.  He’d guided U.A. through some of its roughest years and managed to still come out on top.
“I am sorry to interrupt your usual class schedule,” Nezu began.  “I know your studies are of great importance to you all.  But after the events of the last few days, both here at our school and elsewhere, we have been made aware of events which you all deserve to know.  The Center for Quirk Research is expected to make a statement later this morning, but we thought it might be best if comes from us.”
He took in a breath and continued.  “The CQR has discovered, working in conjunction with several Pro-Heroes, the existence of a virus which causes the victim to lose control of their Quirk.  It appears the Quirk is… man made.”
Any side conversations that had been going on were immediately silenced.
Nezu went on.  “After an as yet unknown incubation period, it causes a power-flare up during which time the user’s Quirk will activate out of their control.  This lack of control appears to last an indefinite amount of time, but appears to be a onetime flare up.  Unfortunately, even as the number of cases are growing, information is scarce.  There appear to be no obvious early symptoms and we are unsure how the virus is being transmitted. At this time, it appears that only Emitter and Transformation type Quirks are effected.”
A ripple went through the crowd as the full impact of the Principal’s statement took effect. Anything that could do that is dangerous indeed.  From the time they were young, they’d always been taught about the importance of controlling their Quirks.  And now something could just take that away…
“That’s…   that’s not good,” Takuma said.  Absently, he rubbed the patches on his right hand where his Acid Tape came from.  His Quirk was technically a Mutation type, since he had slightly different physical structures to allow for it.  But his mom was an Emitter type, so were many of his friends.  So were a lot of people out there in the world.  And there were lots of people out there with really powerful Quirks.   What if somebody like Ground Zero or Deku caught this thing?
“We’re… we’re okay,” he heard Kimiko say.  “Not… not like I can get more invisible.”
“Hey,” Kenta said, “it’s gonna be okay.  People’re smart.  They’ll get this figured out.”  Kenta’s dad was an Emitter type too, he recalled, even if Kenta’s own Quirk was a very minor Mutant type.
Nezu continued, “We are able to run tests for the virus and will be doing screening following this assembly.  However, as there are no tell-tale symptoms prior to manifestation, we urge you to talk to your teachers or Doctor Izumi should you have any concerns.  We will be doing everything we can to protect you, which includes providing you as with much of your usual structure as possible. Classes, including Heroics courses, will continue as normal.  Rest assured, everyone is doing everything they can to get to the bottom of this. But at this point, cases are isolated and sporadic.  We advise caution, but there is no need to panic.”
Takuma made it a point to never take life seriously.  But for once, that didn’t seem like such a good idea.
“You heard what the Principal said,” Aizawa said, after they had returned to the classroom.  “The moment you feel anything out of the ordinary or even suspect that something might be wrong, I expect you to tell me or another teacher.  Is that understood?”
“Yes, Mister Aizawa,” the class said, nearly as one.
“Good,” Aizawa said. “Now, we are going to proceed as normally as possible.  Which means we have a little bit of business to settle.  Choose a class representative.  I don’t care how.”   He zipped himself into his sleeping bag and disappeared behind his desk.
“Well,” Midoriya said, “I think we should probably vote on it?”
“I vote Toshi!” Shota Shinso cried out.
“Toshi,” Asuka Tokoyami agreed.
“I’ve got to go with Midoriya too,” Isamu Haimawari said.
“Toshi has my vote as well,” Izumi Todoroki added.
“Guys… Shouldn’t this be a secret ballot?” Midoriya asked quickly.
“Too late now,” Takuma said. “Besides, I think we all know you’re gonna win it.”
As much as he loved the spotlight, he loathed responsibility.  Better Midoriya than him any day.  Besides, it would take away from his own pursuits.  And Midoriya really was good at taking charge and helping people who needed it.  Guy wanted to help the whole world, even more than the average Hero-in-Training.
“Personally, I think moi would be best,” Takiyo Aoyama said.
“Oh, give it up, Frenchie,” Mika Mineta told him.  “Midoriya’s definitely the best shot at this.”
“I fear I must agree with the rest,” Akaya Koda told Aoyama.  She really seemed to be one of the few people who could stand the arrogant blond for more than a few minutes.  She must have had the patience of a saint.
“Going with Midoriya here too,” Kenta said.
“Yep, me too,” Chihiro Kaminari added.  “And Tokoyami for vice-rep while we’re at it.”
“I like those ideas!” Kimiko said.  “Both of them!”
“Makes sense to me,” Shoji said.
“This is highly against protocol,” Tensei Iida said.  “But I cannot argue with the consensus either.”
“My younger brother is correct,” Sora Iida said.  “I agree with the conclusions drawn.”
“You really must stop using that qualifier!  I am only younger by three minutes!”
“It is scientifically accurate!  Do you dispute this?”
“It is needlessly semantic, and yet I cannot argue with the precision!”
“If I agree, will it shut them up?” Katsumi Kirishima-Bakugo asked.
Motion was carried. Midoriya and Tokoyami were their class reps.
Takuma belatedly realized that probably gave them some kind of power of his and Kenta’s antics, but that was their problem, not his.  Besides, it was worth it to see Aoyama pout.
“Hua-whah!” Even though Takuma had practiced swinging from building to building by using his Acid Tape many times with his dad, doing it always made him feel like his stomach was going to flop out of his mouth.  It didn’t help that his Quirk was more complicated than his dad’s.   The elder Sero only had to think about shooting out his Tape until it hit something.  Takuma’s Acid Tape meant that he had to be continually concentrating both on dispensing more tape and on maintaining the properties.  Since he could make it anything from slick to sticky to acidic, that meant he had to do a lot more concentrating.  And doing that while ten stories up made it all the more problematic.
Even if it was supposed to be a simple Heroics exercise in cityscape navigation.  All they had to do was make it from one end of the faux-cityscape as quickly as they could.  For quite a few, like Kimiko, Kenta, or Koda, there wasn’t much more they could do than run as fast as they could.  Others were doing a much more impressive job.  Midoriya was bouncing with leaps that were easily carrying him, the Iida Twins were blasting through the air, and Haimawari was zipping through the streets. And somehow, Kirishima-Bakugo had gotten herself up on the rooftops and was parkouring herself through the course.
Takuma let himself go flying through the air for a moment, before shooting out another strand of Acid Tape.  It stuck to the fire escape and as he began to swing, he could feel something go wrong. With a sickening sound of tearing metal, the piece of the fire escape he had snagged with his tape snapped and broke, sending him falling!
He shot out another strand of Acid Tape, trying to save himself, but instead of snagging a lower portion of the fire escape, it melted right through it.  He’d made it too acidic!  He was gonna die!  He was never gonna reach a million followers!  Involuntarily, he felt his eyes close.
And just as suddenly, powerful arms caught him and he was rising.  So he was dead then, and the angels were carrying him away.  Good-bye world, he only regretted that he not let more of you gaze upon his awesomeness…
“Are you all right, Sero?” a voice asked.  “I was afraid I would not be able to match your falling speed without causing you injury, but I believe I was able to calculate something close enough…”
An angel who apparently sounded just like Tensei Iida.  He chanced opening his eyes and the first thing he saw was himself, reflected in the chest plate of Iida’s costume.  Looking up, he saw a silver helmet.  Definitely Iida.  Which meant he wasn’t dead?  He was alive! He could still get that million followers!
“Sero?” Iida repeated. “Are you all right?”  He slowly started reducing power in his jets, letting them drift downward.
Oh, right.  He needed to answer his rescuing angel’s questions. “Oh, ah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, finding himself stumbling over his words.  “You really saved my ass, there, Iida.  Thanks.”
“Of course,” Iida said. “As your friend and classmate, not to mention as an aspiring Hero, it is my duty.”
“Well, right now, you’re my hero, Iida.”
Inwardly, he groaned. Was he really saying something that stupid?   Apparently, he was.  At least Kimiko and Kenta weren’t there to hear it.  They’d never let him hear the end of it.
The Iida Twins could be found in the Common Room, pouring over blueprints.  Usually, the Twins spent whatever free time they had in the Support Workshop, but according to Sora, Power Loader had kicked them out under out under threat of unspecified punishment, all because they had “accidentally used too much power and caused a few small explosions and fires.”  So the two had returned to the dorms instead to work on what they could.
Takuma, Kenta, and Kimiko peered from around the corner at them.
“This is a really dumb idea,” Takuma said.  “And I know all about dumb ideas.”
“If you were doing this for me,” Kenta said, “you’d be making your “good idea” face.  The one that always means it’s something that’s going to get us in trouble.”
“Besides,” Kimiko said, “this is for romance!  We’ve got to! You’re cute, he’s hot, you’re pink, he’s got pink hair, I’m gonna call you Pinky-Squared!”
“We don’t even know if he likes guys!  He could be into girls!  Or machines! I’m gonna make a fool of myself!”
Kimiko slapped him upside the head.  “That’s loser talk!”
“You want us to film it?” Kenta asked.  “You’re good in front of a camera.”
Takuma went a paler shade of pink.  “…No. Definitely not.  I do not need this preserved for posterity if it all goes south.”
“Look, this is the most romantic thing to happen since school started,” Kimiko told him.  “So you are not chickening out now!  Kenta and I are going to get Sora out of the room and you are going to ask Tensei out! Do you understand!?”
How someone whose face he couldn’t see could have such an intense glare, he didn’t know, but her tone suggested that there was no arguing with her.
“Yes,” he said. “Let’s do this!”
I can’t do this!
With Sora out of the room (he was so stressed he literally could not remember what excuse Kenta and Kimiko had used to get her out of there and he had seen it literally seconds ago), Takuma was free to make his move.  His smooth move.  His ever so smooth move.  He was the king of smooth.
He was not smooth.
As casually as he could, he approached the table where Tensei was still working.  “Oh, ah, hey, Iida,” he said.   “Ah, thanks again for saving me like that.  Pretty sure I was on my way to being a pile of pink goo.”
“The fall was not nearly enough to reduce you to goo,” Iida said, looking up from his blueprints.  “But it would have been very messy all the same. I am happy I was able to prevent that.”
He rubbed the back of his head.  “Yeah, well, either way, I appreciate it.”   He frowned, trying to think of how best to proceed.  “So, uh, what are you working on?”
A very crazed (and very attractive) grin spread its way across Tensei’s face.  “Modifications to Sora’s and my Hero costumes.  After training yesterday, we came up with several potential ideas to improve performance and work with our Quirks, such as a more adjustable wing system and potential storage for emergency supplies of apple and grape juice.”
“And that exploded?”
“Oh, no,” Iida said.  “That was the idea for a capture-weapon to add as an additional support item.  We may have made the propulsion element a little too strong.  Power Loader apparently believed that we would benefit from some time away.  But I do not see how we can improve our designs to their fullest without practical, hands on work.  And we cannot do that if we are banned from the workshop for a week.”
“That sucks, man,” Takuma agreed.  It’d be like someone telling him he couldn’t upload stuff to the ‘net.  A guy had to have a passion, after all.  “But, ah, I guess that means you’re gonna have some free time?”
Iida frowned.  “Unfortunately, yes.  There is only so much we can do without the space to put theory into practice.”
Okay, it was now or never.   He could be brave!  He had this!
…He didn’t have this!
He had this!
He didn’t have this!
He had this!
“So, um…,” he said, “if you’re gonna have the free time…  maybe you’dlikespendingsomeofitwithmesomewhere?”
Iida blinked.  “I… don’t think I caught that, Sero.”
He took a deep breath. “I was thinking, if you were gonna have free time anyway… maybe you’d want to spend some of it with me? Somewhere?  Like a date?”
Iida’s eyes widened in surprise and for once, it looked like he was at a loss for words.  “I… I would like that very much, Sero.”
He had this!
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Rokhoudou 12 (FINAL) | BnHA 51 | Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL) | Island 1 | Hanebado! 1 | Angolmois 1 | Angels of Death 1 | Harukana Receive 1 | Chio’s School Road 1 | Music Girls 1 | Cells at Work! 1
That’s a lotta debuts...
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL)
Ankoro mochi.
Temari seem to be round ball-like candies.
Youkan is a jelly-like sweet. Manjuu are sweet buns.
Tsundere grandpa strikes again, LOL. (There was another one in Saiki Kusuo, come to think of it…)
You can see some of the previous customers in these pans, like Isago.
I think tsundere grandpa said umai (“delicious”) after he was served the tea.
You can see…er, I forgot his name, but chicken tempura guy…dancing around in the background, LOL.
I feel sorry for Isago. He didn’t get much of a word in there…
Can we not with the shaky cam???
The framing of this show is exquisite. Just look at how Yakyou is backlit by the shop, showing how isolated he is in comparison to the warm Rokuhoudou Night inside.
Putting these two brothers side by side and back to back is really something special, symbollically. It shows how they’re equals.
Gure’s got his duck boat coat (happi…?) on.
Gure even has a duck boat shirt!
That one pose when Sui and Tokitaka declare Gure/Tsubaki’s combo to be like a festival…Tsubaki’s got no pupils for comedic effect there, ha.
“It goes down easy.”
Tsubaki…sensei? When did Gure start calling him that? Or is that just a joke name, like Gure does?
Haha, Isago’s face was scary.
Tsunozaki even got Yakyou some osechiryouri! That’s committal to the man!
Sui’s hanging with Kotsuru and her grandpa in the ED. Interesting.
There’s a little rubber duck on the table near Sui.
The lanterns say “Edo” on them.
Sui’s camera is a “Nion”, LOL.
Hey wait a second! This last shot of the guys looking at the night sky is what they normally show in the ED, but it’s in a different style and from the back.
Okay, that’s a wrap! I’d be glad to see another season of this just based on the warm and comfy atmosphere alone…
BnHA 51
Was it just me or was the taxi CGI?
Can we please get Mineta out of this show already???
They animated Mineta with such…er, gusto. Why???
Why is there a rabbit? More importantly, why are the girls wearing Iida’s glasses?
Meanwhile, Bakugo’s just going ZZZ…I think he has the best taste, simply because he chose to ignore the competition, haha. Update: I thought about it and Bakugo was being really nice this episode, surprisingly. Maybe he really is mellowing out!
I don’t really get Tsu’s popularity, but at least I understand her feelings of becoming anxious when everyone disobeyed her request.
Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL)
Sorry, I’m just really mad and disappointed at myself…so if I seem out of sorts and willing to laugh at everything, then that’s why.
“Bing”? Why “bing” and not “oof” or something else?
Uh, subbers? There’s no exclamaton mark on the ep title, y’know?
CGI arrows? Now there’s a usage of CGI I’ve never seen before…Update: They’re actually spears.
Wait, does that mean Zundar, Dadacha and Wombat come from Honyara Land too????
Uncle??? Oh great, more family business. *sigh*
Hey, this soldier-making machine is kind of like the mech…alright, I’ll stop with the comparisons to season 1. It’ll only make me feel bitter.
“You wanna step outside, huh?!” – Uh, Manza? You’re already outside…
“…they project a shadow behind them.”
I love how they’ve managed to retain Kamopapa’s uncertainty in the subs.
Hey, with all the best shows I’m able to see parallels to the themes in weird moments like this one. So seeing Ata relate to Furanui shows how there’s a parallel between Ata/Ryoma/Kyoutarou, Wao/Kamopapa/Karurusu and Kamopapa/Karurusu/Furanui, and I couldn’t see that in previous seasons (either that or it wasn’t there), meaning this show is thematically better than seasons 1 and 2.
Aw, brotherly love…
Admittedly, season 2’s Postcard Memories (that’s apparently what you call the style with a lot of streaks) are the best, so I can see why one measly eyecatch from season 3 can’t compare…this one doesn’t have any streaks on it anyways, so it’s not like it could.
“Stop ducking responsibility!” – Was that a pun on kamo? Or a typo?
Hey, just like season 1. Why is it that people believe upright stalks in tea give you good luck anyway?
Aw, I wanted them to keep tradition with this moment and have Taiju go, “I don’t know.” But no matter, keep watching.
Well, here’s the lyrics to Happy Ready?????! Sing along, friends!
It’s interesting that Ata/Taiju/Maasa’s swords have details on them that match their outfits.
*giggling at how stupid and silly it all is, plus how infectious the song is* But seriously guys, those wands aren’t microphones…
…*surveys the bath shot* Wait, where’s Ata??? Update: He comes in later.
So they’re going to stick with their guns and say that Kamopapa is a duck? I see, I see.
Wait, they flew to the school (in the OP)?! Has that ever happened in the previous episodes?
See, even if Happy Ready????? takes the stage, the OP is the best in the end! Hahaha…sorry, had to rub it in there.
That second-last sentence means something along the lines of “If we could meet again, I’d be happy.” That’s literally speaking, though. They probably stuck “are you happy?” into the ending just to piss people off, though, hahaha…or to admit they got caught up in all the catchiness of Happy Ready…
Anyways, that was (probably, LOL) a better ending than season 1 in regards to story and themes, so that’s just great! Happiness for everyone! See you again someday.
Island 1
I got so unsatisfied by how small the offerings were this season and needed something to keep my mind off a huge annoyance (one I can’t get rid of, you can see me being troubled by it in the Boueibu commentary above) that I know I’ll hate myself for watching this show, but…here we are.
Kid with amnesia. *sigh* Anime trope count: 1.
Robot dogs? That’s so early 2000s.
Ridiculous anime hair. Trope count: 2.
I knew that faceplant was coming because I read up on reviews before starting this (that’s specifically why I thought I was going to hate it), but on the other hand…thank goodness I didn’t have to see his (I already know his name’s Setsuna, so Setsuna’s) junk.
So if Marine Day (Umi no Hi) is celebrated on the 20th (see the calendar in the background of Karen to see what I’m talking about)…it must be July in universe. Just from a quick Google, it might be 2015 or it might be 1875 (see one of the Google results that says when the holiday began)…then again, Marine Day is celebrated on a Monday…
*raises arm to the sky to block sunshine* Trope count: 3. I need a bingo chart for these tropes, man.
This “outsiders must stay away” reminds me of Shiki, which is…uh, not the best comparison, considering what I’m comparing.
The one with the dandelion hair is…meant to be voiced by Hibiku Yamamura, right? I heard she was switched out because her company didn’t want her to voice the girl, which is the only reason I know this show in the first place.
What a lurid angle Karen’s been shot from…you can focus on her *erhem*(whispers “nonexistent balls”) from here.
“…you can punch or kick me to your heart’s content.” - Well, at least Karen avoids bringing up the trope count (by slapping Setsuna).
“…I’m off the hook.” – No need to spell it out, Mr Obvious. I’m grumpy here plus not really enjoying myself, so if you make any false moves you’re in for the drop.
Why are Setsuna’s eyes so small in comparison to everyone else’s anyway?
Well, the song finally got my attention. Congrats, you’ve just won my non-apathy, Island. (sarcastic)
“Cruzeiros” seem to be the currency on the island, huh? By the way, there’s a movie called The Island involving a gory staple gun scene. You might not want to refer to this show as The Island for that reason…
The bear slippers are an odd touch (aka an interesting detail), don’tcha think?
“You’re really rich.” – You don’t say, Mr Obvious?! (That’s strike two. You can do better than that, show!)
The way the mother converses is like the mother from Big Bang Theory, only with less talking…
His bed isn’t even springy, yet he bounces…? What?!
Why are all the main girls we’ve seen so far tsundere???? Why does she (Rinne) have a choker??? Most importantly, why am I using so many question marks???
Turtle apron…I’m not going to judge that, now, am I? It’s actually cute, in a vague sort of manner.
Ugh…tsundere acts are terrible when you’ve had to witness them thrice…
The monologuing…it’s losing me…but what’s a tachyon? Okay, here you go.
*falls over, starts having a nosebleed* That…was a comedy moment, right? Completely lost me…
How did Setsuna get back to Rinne’s house, anyway?
Uh, Rinne? Why aren’t you afraid of sexual predators? Are you really alone on Urashima?
Somehow I anticipated the last part of, “When the light touches me, I’ll die” before it occurred.
Rinne kinda looks like Menma when she’s just in a white dress. Update: I haven’t even watched AnoHana, by the way.
Anyways, that was boring. That’s a drop.
Hanebado 1
Another show I’m going to hate myself for…oh great.
Welp, I’ve read around about the shows on offer and this was one of the more favourable ones. I can see why, because aside from the boob jiggle and random slow mo, it was pretty well-animated.
What’s up with the extra-long ribbon in that girl’s hair, though?
Random yuri moment (on the paper, mentioning the “queen” of something)…? Not what I’m here for, but okay…
Short-haired girl seems to be way too angry. Why so serious?
I don’t have that much badminton knowledge, but I do know YONEX (see bag) is a real badminton brand.
Urgh…those panty shots, boob jiggles etc. are really making me regret watching this. However, there’s a real dynamism to this OP’s visuals that really sparks my interest, which is really saying something.
Apparently “hane” is what you call the shuttlecock in Japanese (aside from the more obvious “shuttle”). Makes sense, as “hane” can also mean “wing”.
“Bad” as in short for “badminton”. Not actually “bad”, y’know?
Strangely, they sexualise Aragaki the least. As if she’s the manliest in the bunch. That’s already true without saying that though, since she’s got the short hair and savagery more typical of a man.
There’s a box where the tilde should be, LOL.
They pretty much make the girls think about either boys or the sport. Can’t girls have more objectives than that? Diversity, people, diversity.
Can we not with the butt shot? Seriously, you can tell this was made by a man with a passion for badminton.
Why don’t we see these girls’ faces? *makes face of confusion*
Seriously??? This is what passes as comedy this season??? “Mistaken for perv”??? Ick.
Huh. For once, Aragaki speaks some sense. Considering what’s been bringing me down since before I watched Island, I completely get that feel, Aragaki. Maybe I’ll watch your show, then, if you can tell me how to feel again.
What’s with these feet shots, though? They’re almost as weird as the fanservice ones…
Hmm…the palpable tension…Alright, this gets another episode. If the fanservice is intolerable, I’m outta here.
Angolmois 1
I read some good stuff about this on ANN. This should be great!
I think I’ll end up liking this OP…and everything else about this show. Just look at that animation!
Wadatsumi…isn’t there a manga named after him? Update: Yes, there is!
Is it just me, or does the show look a bit…grainy?
Teruhi seems kind of like a siren for some reason…hmm…should I be suspicious of her?
Ryuugyuu Palace = Palace of the Dragon King.
ANN (I think it was) said Goryeo = Korea. Not sure which Korea, but…maybe at this stage, it was one unified Korea.
Whoa! Teruhi’s got some sadism behind that smirk…! Wouldn’t want to die by her hand, for sure.
The thing is…I wouldn’t normally support anything involving Mongolians, because most of my expertise comes from China/Japan (both forces who traditionally aren’t that happy with Mongolia…then again, they aren’t very happy with each other, either). However, I can see myself getting behind this for sure now that Teruhi’s shown her hand.
Tsushima Island.
Basically, Kuchii is the equivalent of an Australian convict…just with less water between his homeland and his new land.
Everything in this show looks like a Postcard Memory, geez.
I can see the little night vision boy being like a wakizashi in Touken Ranbu, i.e. a fast one who leads the pack.
Oh dear…just when I was enjoying the show, Teruhi gets captured. Dang. Just what I was waiting for (sarcastic).
Wait, a blonde blue-eyed person using the Gikei style? Wuh? Must be a missionary or someone related to one. Maybe he’s Dutch…?
Is that Gon-oh, never mind. It was Kuchii.
“A message from the ones watching Goryeo.”
At least Kano’s treated like a non-damsel in distress!
Why do I think these Mongolian ships are CGI? I’m not sure myself…
Hey, this title card reminds me of Nobunaga no Shinobi! In fact, the two are pretty similar, it’s just the war that’s different.
Despite my slight misgivings, this is a strong contender for best of the season already! Phew…it could even take out Hinamatsuri…and that’s an interesting prospect, huh? Especially because I don’t have a winter show to take that spot.
Angels of Death 1
I checked up what satsuriku means and apparently it means “slaughter”. So yeah, that’s a perfect translation…not to mention I haven’t read ahead on this show, so anything for it is a surprise.
I thought the OP was going to happen after that titlecard, but nope. Just an OST track…
Why would anyone talk to a typewriter? Sure, it responds to your voice, but…eh, I guess anything happens in a horror show.
Geez, those wall effects are realistic. Just like I’d expect from a game adaption. Now if only I had an adaption of Alice Mare, which I’ve played before…
The effects on the walls remind me of Despera promotion, actually…
Should horror shows and other media teach a consumer the value of life? Or the horrors of humanity? Who knows, maybe both…?
Like dude, don’t wonder if there’s an elevator when there’s a sign right in front of you saying “elevator passage”!
So, uh…what happened to the bird, Rachel?
Wellllllllll…that’s not sketchy at all. Your doctor saying he’s actually your doctor, that is.
I wonder if Rachel’s sewing up of the bird represents her insanity…or her humanity…
(Trigger warning…?) Why does the doctor’s words seem so much…like a paedophile’s?
CGI door…geesh. Why is it I get the feeling Rachel’s being dragged along on a plotline she can’t deviate from?
What’s with this awkward pinning position? Sometimes it’s meant to be sexy, sometimes it’s meant to be horrific, but this…with the doctor’s tongue hanging out, it looks kind of dumb and takes you out of the show.
Aw, c’mon. The slicing of the head was enough, you didn’t need to add blood rain to it…
“I’m a grown-ass man, you know.” – For some reason, I found that line funny.
That’s a lot of blood splattered on the walls…maybe too much for a human…? I’m not a medical specialist, don’t ask me.
Hmm…I don’t know about this one yet. In mystery terms, it’s better than Island – it does pull twists off very well, simply because I can’t really see them coming. However, as a horror, there are a few eyebrow raises involved. It’s good enough to keep for now, but it’s probably going to get lost in the rabble later on.
Harukana Receive 1
Ooh no, I’m going to hate myself for this…I’m only watching this for my resolutions and the fact all the good stuff debuts late! You understand???
Is it just me, or are all the shows getting English titles on their titlecards from day 1 these days? It was the same with Satsuriku no Tenshi…
I’m already zoning out of this episode a tonne, and that’s just the plane zooming overhead to establish the setting!
I don’t get the green edge of Haruka’s eyes (note I read up on this show with the ANN preview guide beforehand). I mean, why is it green???
Wait, in the airport it’s only women. C’mon, that’s just unrealistic. Not to mention there’s a bit of emphasis on how Haruka’s…tatas…move, which is vaguely annoying.
Sorry, but there are some reallllllly ugly CGI cars in the background that distract me a lot. It’s pulling me out of the show.
All the girls so far have had green-edged eyes, but this one’s got red…
Oof…that sun…that sand…I can smell the beach already. At least that’s a pro of this show.
And…boob jiggles. One last strike and I’m kickin’ you out, show!
Why are all anime turtles called Kamekichi? I mean, Touken Ranbu’s Urashima’s turtle is also called Kamekichi…
Narumi (red-edge) actually has purple eye edges. My bad.
I thought the ball was going to hit Haruka, just for comedy. At least I was wrong…
There’s something really CGI and round about the ball. There was this beach volleyball game I remember seeing someone play, and the ball looked exactly like that.
There’s something vaguely annoying about Haruka’s enthusiasm. For the show, it’s nice for the sake of moving plot (and “plot”)…but I find it a bit grating.
Narumi reminds me of Ahagon (Umiko) in New Game.
Why do I feel like I’ve heard the “we don’t need aces” spiel before? (Not just because I read about it a few days ago, too.)
Geesh, more boob jiggle.
Is it just me, or do Kanata and Narumi look similar when there’s a closeup on them?
Oh yeah, protip. Mikasa is an actual provider of volleyballs. Not just an Attack on Titan reference.
They were clearly trying to go for comedy with the lines and stuff. I learnt from Acchi Kocchi that if I’m not impressed with a comedic moment time and time again, it’s likely the show will fail on me.
Wait, these girls are cousins, right? This is edging into yuri right here…eesh.
There’s something oddly realistic about the sand. I’m not sure whether to be happy about that or not.
What was up with the slow-mo??? Urgh, it frustrated me!
Actually, Narumi is kind of like Hifumi from New Game as well…quiet and unable to stop others from pushing her around most of the time.
Nothing came up on Google about inamuduchi. Update: Oh, it was because I typed its name wrong. Fixed it!
Rasmus…Faber? The guy who attracted me to Asterisk War??? He’s here??? That’s it! That’s the last straw! Every show he’s assigned to is terrible for me, and this is no exception!
(Trigger warning) Lemme guess…Kanata’s parents died and so she couldn’t play anymore.
Turns out Mikasa (the volleyball guys I was talking about earlier) helped out with this show too. No wonder it seems true to life…but that Kamekichi joke was terrible. Terrible, I tell you.
See? I did hate myself for that! Urgh!
Update: That was Haruka’s mother??? I thought that was her older sister???
Chio’s School Road 1
Why…do I get such a bad feeling about this show???
Tsuugakuro literally means “commute to school road”, so thank goodness I don’t have to deal with that mouthful.
What’s with the boob jiggle this season??? That’s why I passed on this show initially! Also, are those really bad graphics…intentional?
Alright, because this OP ends with a man’s fly being down, I’m going to stop it right there. I could do without that in my life…
…Alright, Plyasm talked me into properly watching this one. If I hate it again, it’s his fault.
…(exasperated tone) Dude. I like the gamer girl trope, but not the boob jiggle. The heck am I meant to think???
As much as I can relate to not wanting to be pointed out in order to not stand out, I feel like that’s just there to make an objective of the endgame. I don’t know why I think that, I just do.
The kitty is very fluffy at least.
How is Chio not slipping as she runs across the rooftops???
For a second, I thought the bird was trembling in mid-air! That’s just impossible…y’know?
Huh? I don’t get the yellow monkey joke…and that’s not a name pun either. It’s just a random statement made from exaggeration with no basis in the language! My enemy when it comes to jokes!
Okay, when even side characters have bouncing balloons under their shirts, I. Just. Don’t. Get it.
Panty shots…the only thing worse than boob shots.
Assassins don’t help people, though…
The reaction faces…aren’t even as good as Mahou Shoujo Ore’s, c’mon. They’re just…kinda there. They aren’t even memeable.
Samejima Gakuen…enjo kousai (compensated dating)…? *giggles a bit properly for the first time this episode*
Is it just me, or do the teacher’s eyes not match? One’s blue and the other’s…brown? I don’t know.
It’s the start of the second segment in the first episode…and I can see this premise wearing thin already…
Why do the little men on the crossing signals have hats, anyway?
*sigh* Another panty shot…
I think the spinning made me dizzy…it was probably done like this to maximise laughter, but it sure didn’t make me laugh.
Ouch, wouldn’t want to be on the end of that kendo practice sword…and he hasn’t even hit anyone with it…
I thought…she was going to say “thank you”…that would’ve at least gone for the feels. I just feel vaguely disappointed, y’know?
With that, it’s another drop…but I can’t really complain to Ply either because I didn’t entirely hate it, either…Maybe if I understood the gaming references I could understand it better, but it’s a flop nonetheless.
Music Girls 1
Oh dear…as soon as I went in, I immediately got a feeling of “I will suffer from this, won’t I?”
Girl, c’mon. You’re at least 2 years too old to be playing with dolls.
Wait, are we welcoming Japan or are we being welcomed to Japan? Dangit, English!
Kotoko looks like obvious comic relief, you can tell from the face alone.
Roro looks like she’s 10! Heck, what is her deal?
I feel like all of the show’s production budget went into animating that one sequence with the cows. That was just an imagination sequence, people!
Wow, suddenly you’ve caught my attention, show. Just by having the pigtailed girl’s hair go up when she was surprised.
Hey. Wasn’t Mr Ikehashi suffering from salt in the eyes? Shouldn’t he have cried it out more than that? Why didn’t anyone clean up the salt afterwards? It’s questions like these you need to answer, show.
The background characters in this show look terrible, by the way.
*sees a loving pan of the girl (Hanako), starting from her boobs and stopping near her mouth* Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…I’m really regretting the decision to watch this now.
Why is it that the shows this season look so good, but they’re so trash under the surface, trying to break through??? (referencing a Coldplay song)
Didn’t you guys notice the name “King Records” in the opening credits? When that plane was there? Okay, well, now you know. “Pine Records” isn’t the most blatant of shout-outs, but the spirit of it is still kind of there.
You don’t get the candy-stripes of the girls’ outfits in this show? I don’t, either.
Hey…you’re kidding, right? 2D animation! Not even Idolish7 did that to the max! You really have my interest now!
That girl’s counting in English wasn’t bad. At least not enough to require subbing.
This eyecatch…makes this girl look like an extreme loli…
“That’s why you know the steps.”
I can see the blueprints for the shipping now – Uori x Kiri…(sarcastic)
Wait, so when did Hanako listen to On Stage Life anyway???
Why do they colour the whole girl in with luminscent blush? It’s kind of weird…
Why haven’t Hanako’s parents actually gone looking for her???...Oh, spoke too soon.
CITIZEN clocks are an actual thing, haha.
How does Ikehashi know Sachi???
Oh dear…well, at least her singing was enough to surprise me.
Have you noticed most of the Music Girls’ fans are male??? No, all of them are! Aside from Hanako, that is.
I just know I’m not going to memorise these girls’ names at all…
Okay, if this doesn’t have a card game to go with it sooner or later…then you can have as many digital cookies as you want.
Strangely…I had a much better impression of this than I thought I would. It’s better than some of the other shows simply by being mostly devoid of fanservice, anyway, although there is a loli in there…I think her name was Roro.
Cells at Work! 1
Yay, finally something I was looking forward to! It’s been a few years since I did biology classes, but I’ll give it a shot!
Ohmygosh, LOL. I still remember that dendrites look like trees…or aliens.
Aren’t white blood cells a little bit yellow due to the plasma they have…?
“Another blunder!” doesn’t quite equal “Machigaemashita!”, but it does work in context.
I never thought I’d say this…but I can see why Red Blood Cell is considered moe. Endearing, but not too annoying! Plus just a hint of cute.
Oh yeah…platelets. I forgot about those guys.
The Helper T Cell looks like Kazuma from Noragami! Wahaha!
To quote Web MD: “The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.” That’s why the killer T cells are being threatened with being chucked into the spleen.
Thank goodness they explain all this stuff, like hemolysis. I’d probably be lost otherwise…I probably did learn it all those years ago though.
Capillaries are meant to be small veins, right? No wonder RBC is getting all confused…there must be tonnes of them in a body.
Huh? *has to suppress laughter* Even RBCs have senpais, LOL!
That RBC doodle on the door is so cute~!
Why does this pneumococcus keep announcing what he’s going to do anyway? He keeps losing the element of surprise, man.
Mucosa. Also apparently called “mucous membrane”, which is a term I’m a lot more familiar with.
The pneumococcus was CGI in his bubble for a second there…
Oh, it’s been a while since I saw the term “eosinophil”. Apparently, it’s a kind of WBC.
Oh…dear. I think I remember reading once that your average sneeze is 2G (as in, this G). So if you ever thought your sneeze was powerful, now you know. *cue The More You Know GIF*
I think I ship it already, the unrequited love of a WBC and an RBC. Also, WBC is probably going to be bae of the season, even though he’s…well, a WBC. And a muscleman.
I’m not quite sure what gas the RBC has in the ED, but I think it might be CO2…
Ooh, definite keeper!
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pandoraships · 4 years
Well I promised myself I would do something special for 400 views.  I figure if you keep coming back I should  thank people for their support.  So before I launch into my treat I want to make sure to say: 
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If you are looking for a sound track for the Fiction please see after the cut! 
Also Link to the fan fic here
When I write part of my pre-prep is to make a music list for various scenes and characters. Like an inspiration board. That way I can sort of get a flow to the typing I am doing, or if I feel stuck I can get myself unstuck by listening to the music and getting back in the scene. 
I never liked when people put in little stop breaks into fiction, it often breaks the immersion for me, but I also sometimes wish I could just insert a sound track into the page you are looking that will fade in and out as you scroll down the screen. 
So in the vein I have sort of organized the songs I listen to into a curated list. This is the “sound track” for the general feel for Shards of Power : Awakening. I’ve given some small commentary about each song, and they are in some “order”. All of these are available on spotify. 
Shards of Power: Awakening- A “mixtape”. 
1. There is a war going on for your mind - Flobots 
The Seers, who you will be meeting very soon, are the True Villains of our setting. They are the men and women who control everything we interact with on day to day basis. The Concillium fight against them, and this small interlude is something I feel that the Free council broadcast, hoping that someone out there still cares enough to listen. I mentally call my music “ Musutafu Awakened Radio” because I like to pretend that Zero is broadcasting this to try to find someone he is desperate to awaken. 
2. Defend Atlantis -Flobots 
This ultimately is the explanation of the world. It’s got some really excellent segments that explain the Orders best.. It’s like this entire thing was custom built for the World of Darkness.  The relevant segments are as follows : 
Free Council - From “ We flow like water” To “ Many tales radiate from one nexus.“  The Free council is the counter cultural revolution, and they believe that Humans, more than anything, hold the key to magic. They reject the idea that a chosen few know the truth and believe that the many tales people tell all reflect the true world in some way. 
Mysterium- From “That which creates Life” To  “ with nothing left to plunder “. The Mysterium is the idea that one should be beholden not to a faction but to the Truth of the world. They are the “mad Scientist” Mage that is determined to make the world better through finding the scraps of magic and figuring out how to recreate them. They want to do this to save the world from it’s fate. 
Sliver Ladder- From “For Centuries” to  The most diverse aversions when I first channel”. The Silver Ladder are corporatism incarnate, but they believe that stories, laws, and history make magic, and that upholding them and being judged not on merit alone is ultimate way to unite people.  
The Adamantine Arrow - From “ Is that all you hold for a warriors roll” to “ Only sea to shining sea.” The Arrow are incredibly service oriented and see themselves as the point of last defense. They believe that they as mages should not rule but serve as a defense for Sleepers until the world becomes one.
The Guardians-  From  “And survival hinged on the ascent by the humble” to “ And the voices were many but we spoke as one “. The Guardians are a hard group to understand, but they believe that the world is by nature corrupt and corrupts those around them. They believe magic needs to be controlled and placed in the right hands, and that they stand as a guardian against the corruption. They believe that if they stand their ground and route out corruption they can help make sure the right people get in place to storm the gates. 
3.Farthest star - VnV nation 
This is the awakening song for every path, though I most often place Obrimos under this particular song. It’s very broad and light and hopeful in a way that the act of Awakening is. 
4. Handlebars -Flobots 
The feeling of doing anything that comes after awakening is something every mage goes through. Having access to the unlimited cosmic power of the universe is a hell of rush, but the problem is the crash. You can’t get enough to do what really matters, and you could destroy the world in trying to save it. 
5. Uprising - Muse 
The understanding that their limits are imposed by the world around them and the Archmages that inhabit the Supernal world created this world leads most Concillium mages to feel like they need to rebel. The alienation of know you could have the power promised of people weren’t keeping it from you is what drives many of even the oldest mages. 
6. Freak Radio Edit - Timmy Trumpet
The Concilium is a group of people who reject the world around them and they tend to connect over their feeling of being freaks. It’s a fun song, and I like to think that Zero has done that one “When X isn’t home”  Tictok thing with Deku once. 
7. Shatter me- Lindsey Sterling
As a mage grows in power it tends to have a feeling of being locked into place. More often than not they are kept in control by those around them but they are acutely aware that “ If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly //There's no one to catch me if I take a dive “
8. A Moment of Silence- Streetlight manifesto
Mages often come to a point where they begin to doubt if they can throw out the Archmages in the Supernal world, if they can make it work. They regret having lost the comfort of being a sleeper. And they realize quickly that Casting isn’t always what they want to be... 
9. My Demons - Starset 
Casting has a down side, it opens you out into the open for the Abyss to feed off your magic and infect you. If you cast enough in a reckless way you can eventually become tainted by the abyss. You can break in ways that can kill yourself, or worse make you turn your powers on everything around you. 
10. I’m Alive -Becca
And yet you have to keep going, because you are are there, and you have to fight, even if everything goes wrong, because refusing to give in is what being awakened is. 
11.  We are Giants - Lindsey Sterling 
And when a group of them struggle, when they connect and find themselves in the same path as those who understand them they can do anything. Also this is a fun song and I love the music video that goes along with it. 
12. Warriors- Imagine Dragons. 
Another song about gathering together to do good, with the understanding that sacrifices will happen but that if one day it changes the world it’s worth it. 
13. One for the Money- Escape the Fate 
The marching song for those who want to change that world. For some reason it lets me imagine mages all charging upwards across the abyss, spells going off. 
14. A moment of Violence- Streetlight Manifesto
This is a good wrapping point, and I like the ending trumpets fading back into the first song. It’s an awesome transition. 
Bonus  for having 42 kudos (because that is the answer to Life the universe and everything) I’ve included some background music that I use for fight scenes and exciting moments that don’t fit the over all mage theme: 
1. Strange Games- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 
I love this techno beat with the psychedelic sound and flutes. It’s very much what I listen to when I type for the Southern Courts or more fantastical moments. It also doubles as any time we have Bakugo on stage fighting. 
2. Song of storm and Fire - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 
This is my fight music song, coupled with the next few. It’s very broad and powerful, the vocals adding a sort of angelic sense to the pounding beat, and the slow soft break half way through the song is always mentally a “freeze frame” for me.   Normally matched to fights involving Izuku. 
3. Break the Sword of Justice- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 
Do you all see a pattern here? If you want some top tier music that you can type to that isn’t lyric driven you want  Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles osts. Sadly Spotify and a lot of other places don’t like giving us access them. Oh well I get at them. 
Heavier than it’s prior counter part it is a lot of thrumming strings and frantic movement. I like to think of this as Kirishima’s music for fighting.
I don’t actually have an instrumental for Todoroki yet, but To be honest he’s probably some epic japanese peice I haven’t heard yet. 
4. Finally This song mix. Yes this is Gravity falls but the two songs are perfect for angst. Give the artist some love!  
Thank you again for reading and Thank you again for your kind words and attentions. I will have the next chapter out! 
And if you want specific Sound tracks please feel free to ask! 
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