#it was someone in the Andi Mack fandom i believe
paracosmicat · 1 year
Send a word and I’ll respond with a snippet from one of my fics!
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filmmakerdreamst · 2 years
Ahhhh! I can't believe someone actually read any of my HSMTMTS posts let along liked some of them! Thank you so much, I felt so validated lol. I totally want friends in this fandom so yeah let's talk about it! It's a good time too, time to catch up int he hiatus :-D
eeep! Ok I'll tell you my HSMTMTS story!
I hated the High School Musical movies when I was little. Everyone was nuts about them and I just didn't get it. (Mind you, I had only seen bits of it at the time) Being an Artsy kid, there was no escaping them. I had to learn the songs in the School Choir, For Plays and in my singing lessons. It was hell. Could be that I wasn't a big fan of Disney. I grew up with gritty British kids TV like Tracy Beaker - so everything I watched on Disney was extremely sugary in comparison.
I did however watch the movies fully when I was alot older, and they weren't as bad as I initially thought, but they still didn't really do it for me personally. Maybe because I'm not the biggest fan of musicals I don’t know.
I was aware of HSMTMTS when it first came out. I had already been told that they were possibly going to do another High School Musical - which turned into a tv show instead. I did initially cringe at the idea but what intrigued me to it was Sofia Wylie (I was a big fan of Buffy in 'Andi Mack') But the clips I saw didn't particularly. 
I saw the Season One Finale moment where Ricky confesses his love to Nini and..they just seemed to be like every average Disney Couple to me. (especially since they were a carbon copy of Troy and Gabriella) Under developed, Cliche, Main Guy + Girl ending up together, Singing while gazing into each others eyes etc.  
I found the scene to be awkwardly co-ordinated as well. The way Nini immediately flipped round, to walking towards him smiling didn't strike me as very natural. 
Generally speaking the main couple of a show shouldn't put a viewer off from watching it if they don't like them, but it does to me a lot of the time. Possibly one of the reasons why I never got into High School Musical when I was little - so the clips I saw of the show didn't really interest me. Josh and Sofia's acting (especially Josh) was the only thing that stood out.
Its only until Season 2 came out that I saw the videos of Ricky and Gina -- I went.."oh hello. "
At first, I was like, this the typical  'plot device' loosing side of the love triangle ship where the girl unrequitedly pines after the guy that chose his inevitable endgame over her - so might as well forget it.  
The only thing that indicated to me in the few music videos and scenes (out of context mind) that I saw that Ricky might have feelings for her too was his eyes. 
Must give props to Josh in the eye acting department, because I feel like he expressed Rickys POV very well. 
I did see their chemistry and all that, but never thought they were ever going to go there because Disney Shows never do with those types of pairings e.g. where its less obvious and cliche. 
The Main Guy does not end up with a girl who was originally supposed to be a side character on a Disney Show. (And lets face it, someone who isn't white passing) That rarely happens. Typically, on those types of shows, especially today, the main characters end up with their 'endgame' from day one and thats it.
I also saw videos of her and EJ and I was like 'no'. Even before watching the show, I didn't find them to have that much chemistry - they just seemed pretty bland to me. 
I heard somewhere by the end of Season 2, they were  supposedly doing a 'Next Generation' in Season 3, and the original cast weren't coming back and I was like 'noo that means Ricky and gina won't happen' I don't know why i thought that.
Then I heard on twitter that the writers were going to explore Ricky and Gina in Season 3, and i was like 'SHUT UP! NO WAY' and my interest in the show peaked from mildly interested to INVESTED SO FAST. 
The show quickly went from (to me) a cheesy reboot to the Deepest Show on Disney.
I then watched the show in context, and honestly it proved me wrong (the show itself was better than I expected) Ricky did have feelings for Gina, but he was scared of them because she was new and also he felt guilty because he was actively pursuing his old gf before he made a connection with her. So as soon as she left, it's felt like to me that he saw it as an easy out and went back to the safety of his old relationship. But when Ricky and Nini got back together, it wasn't about being 'in love' anymore, it was about having a constant or dare I say, "familiar" relationship that he could cling on to because his family was splitting apart and he felt alone. 
And you can see in the Valentines Day episode, that he's clearly freaking out when she comes to his house and if Nini hadn't called, I'm pretty sure he would of got lost in the moment and cheated. Because sure, he loved Nini but what he really wanted was Gina. His attitude towards her in that Season doesn't make sense if you assume he doesn't like her that way. All these comments saying 'Oh Ricky misunderstood Gina's confession' are BS. If he misunderstood her, their relationship wouldn't have been as awkward as it was in that part of the season. 
Gina was the one who cut him out of her life, not him, because she recognised that he was going down hill. Ricky respected that decision and gave her space until she said it was ok for him to start talking to her again. 
Basically, I find them to have the deepest, most realistic bond on that show. It's not a "straight up romance".  It's not flowery or Disney-esque.  It doesn't have a typical A- Z plotline e.g. 'enemies to lovers' or whatever. It's beautifully complicated and 100% genuine. Plus Josh and Sofia's chemistry is Electric man!
Tell me about your story! Love to chat about it!
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
as someone who's been a fan of andi mack for sooooo many years & also someone who's been in the yellowjackets fandom for almost a year with jackieshauna as their ultimate otp of the show. no one will ever TRULY understand that buzz i got everytime jackie looked back at shauna because of the quote amber said that's forever ingrained into my brain, "if she turns to look back at you. that means she likes you, and not just as a friend" like that was my only hardcore solid evidence of jackie being in love with shauna before I saw on here and on online articles of producers and actors and writers and directors said/believe that jackie was in love with shauna and vice versa but they were idiots (affectionate) with too much pride and etc. so I'm basically my own predictor in my own weird way <3
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intyruswestan · 1 year
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#god knows i dont like neither harry styles or billie eilish but people need to stop whining about queerbaiting from people irl
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20 notas. Fecha de publicación: 4 de octubre de 2022
The number of people complaining about Victor having 3 love interests as if that is not the bare minimum for the average straight character in an average teen drama. How dare he have options and not stay with the only other gay character in the cast like in any other US show with gay characters.
Also, I don't know who needs to hear this but not every piece of LGBT+ media needs to be revolutionary, we should be able to enjoy some drama show without having to discuss how many awards it wins or how many barriers it breaks. Not every show can or has to be Heartstopper.
37 notas. Fecha de publicación: 21 de mayo de 2022
"I wasn't sure about leaving until I saw you kissing some new guy" has to be the most manipulative thing I have heard a fictional character say. Imagine guilt tripping someone like that. It makes me sick.
44 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de junio de 2022
If I had a nickel for every time Luke Mullen gets cast as a douchy white boy I would have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happen thrice.
60 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de abril de 2022
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Did you guys also believed that Tyrus becoming canon would bring a new wave of progressive LGBT+ shows and characters to Disney Channel like I did or are you normal?
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74 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de enero de 2022
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klausalvatores · 3 years
People forget that Sofia was 15/16 when she kissed the 18 years Garren Stitt in Andi Mack. It was at most a peck, and I think if this season a Portwell kiss will be that ( also, believe me, someone who's been in theater, a kiss on stage doesn't even come close to one in real life, it's not intimate, because everyone's looking at you, it's almost surgical,of so so technical). Or they'll just wait for next season where she's probably already 18 years old so the fandom can't complain anymore.
Actually, Garren is only a year older than Sofia. He’s currently 18 right now & she’s 17, so back then she was 15 and he was 16.
I think holding off on a Portwell kiss until Sofia is 18 is in their best interest to avoid any complaints so we’re looking at S3-4, depending when they get renewed and start filming.
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stephadoodles · 4 years
After doing the posts with the name meanings, I wanted to do some analysis of how the characters are named on the show, since there tends to be a lot of significance when it comes to what the characters’ names are. Some of the literal name meanings don’t really have any significance, but some do. And there is a lot that can be reflective of someone’s personality in names that they have chosen for themselves as well. 
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Andi - It’s pointed out at one point that it’s not a nickname for anything, but just simply Andi. It’s a cute, original name that’s unique just like the character. Since Bex prefers to go by a nickname rather than her actual name, it makes sense that she would choose a unique name for her daughter (and can you actually see Bex naming her daughter ‘Andrea?’).
Buffy - Her name is pretty self explanatory. She’s named after a strong female character known for kicking butt. When we’re first introduced to her, just that bit of pop culture context gives you an idea of what her character is going to be like. It also suggests that at least one of her parents is a bit of a nerd, and it makes me sad that we never got to meet her dad for that reason. 
Cyrus - His name means ‘of the sun,’ and out of all the characters, his name meaning is probably the most relevant to him as a character and likely done on purpose. There are several other minor characters whose story lines directly relate to his, and their name meanings are very relevant, which leads me to believe that his name choice was deliberate as well. He generally has a sunny, cheerful disposition, is always trying to be positive, and is one of the only characters that is rarely portrayed in a bad light. 
Jonah - His name means ‘dove,’ and it’s actually pointed out in the context of the show, which I thought was interesting, since nobody else’s ever is. Doves are used throughout various cultures and religions, but generally are used to represent peace. Jonah is definitely a peaceful guy, and just wants everyone to get along. 
Bex - Her full name is Rebecca, but she makes it very clear that she doesn’t like it. Rebecca means ‘to tie or bind.’ It’s too much to get into here, but Bex is a driving force in the show and many of the major story lines happen as a result of her. In a sense, her presence ties a lot of characters and stories together.
Throughout the show, she reinforces that she wants to be called by her nickname, which is a more unique and unusual name than Rebecca, which is pretty reflective of her personality. She likes to stand out and be different and doesn’t like to conform. However, she will allow someone to call her Rebecca if it means she gets extra food, which also says a lot about her character.
Bowie - I wasn’t in the fandom when it was revealed that his real name is Steven, and it’s something that I think is kind of hilarious, and it isn’t talked about enough. Steven is such a typical guy’s name, and it doesn’t fit him as a person at all. Obviously, Bowie is a chosen nickname after a famous musician, and it’s definitely a unique and unusual name, which reflects his personality perfectly (and it just goes to show that he and Bex are perfect for each other in that regard). We never learn his dad’s name, but his mom also has an unusual nickname, so it clearly runs in the family.
Cece - Her name choice is relevant very early on in the series. When Andi can’t call her ‘Mom’ anymore, she has to choose something else and ‘Grandma’ is not an option. Celia is a more formal name, and definitely fits her character early on in the series. With her choosing to revert to her nickname when she was younger and lot more freewheeling (as is suggested with the bikini scene), it starts down the path of her character development where she goes from being uptight and even cold, to the goofy, fun loving character that we see dancing in the dinosaur costume during the finale (and now I want to do a whole character analysis on Cece).
Amber - Amber was a tough one. Her name is in reference to either the color or the gemstone, both of which are pretty self-explanatory but not really a reference to her character. There are a lot of different ways that amber is used in various cultures, with different meanings attached. One source suggested that the actual element itself helped to boost confidence. There are a lot of references to how it represents the sun. There wasn’t anything that really related to her character, and hers is the only name that I struggled to find a meaning for. 
Marty - I’m assuming that his full name is Martin, which means ‘warlike’ and originates from Mars, the Roman god of war. Considering how competitive he is, this is a pretty accurate name for him. Don’t know if it was deliberate, but it fits pretty well. Also, he’s another character that chooses his own nickname: Marty from the Party. This speaks more to his nature as a goofy, lighthearted kind of guy. 
TJ - Oh, boy. With the fandom speculation around what TJ stood for, his name is probably the most discussed out of everyone. And I need to know what Luke Mullen’s thought process was for this, and how much of TJ’s story line was planned in advance, because there’s a lot going on there and it all works together. So, obviously both parts of his name were after famous musicians. They were both unusual names, which is why TJ was embarrassed to tell anyone (and why it was such a big deal that he trusted Cyrus with it.) 
Since Luke got to pick, did they always have the idea that his parents were really into music and his mom was a piano teacher, and that TJ would one day reveal that he could play piano as well? Because Luke managed to pick a name that was a piano player with an unusual first name that was also somehow a Shrek reference. I need answers.
Also, Jagger, but I don’t know if there’s any deeper meaning to that one.
Iris - Her whole purpose on the show was to be Cyrus’ girlfriend and help him realize that he’s gay. She’s named the character from Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. In a sense, she’s there to send Cyrus the message that he’s not attracted to girls, and instead is attracted to guy. Also, rainbows.
Plus, she has a very sunny and upbeat personality, and is a little bit like a human rainbow. I can’t help but believe that her name choice was very deliberate. The fact that it also rhymes with Cyrus is pretty awesome too. 
Kira - Oh, boy again. Other people have pointed out that her name is the female variation of Cyrus. This is the other name that I believe was deliberately chosen. It’s just too big of a coincidence to be otherwise. When researching this, I also found that if you’re considering the Irish version of her name, it comes from their word for ‘black.’ In contrast to Cyrus’, ‘of the sun,’ they are literally complete opposites of one another, dark and light. Considering the fact that their personalities are also opposites, and TJ ultimately has to choose between them, it’s some pretty awesome symbolism. 
I just think it’s really cool how deep I was able to go with some of these name meanings. Some of them  (Cyrus, Iris, and Kira) seemed to be deliberately chosen with the name meanings in mind, in relation to the character’s personalities and even the story lines. Others, like Bex, Bowie, and Cece are names chosen by those characters that are a reflection of who they are as people and how they want to represent themselves to the world. A few of them I may have read more into than was intended, but it was still fun to do. It just goes to show how different Andi Mack is from other shows like it, since there’s so much meaning in the writing and creation of the characters.
Also, I need Luke to explain everything. 
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multimetaverse · 4 years
HSMTMTS 1x05 Review
Homecoming was a historic ep that was a giant leap forwards for rep on Disney and an overall delightful ep. Let’s dig in!
I was blown away by Seblos this ep, I never expected Disney to go this far this soon but what great scenes we got. It was so refreshing to see Carlos and Seb acting like normal teens, just like any straight couple. They have good chemistry and Frankie played Carlos’ nerves when asking Seb to the dance perfectly and his celebration after Seb said yes. I liked when Seb mentioned that homecoming would mean dancing together in front of all the non theatre kids, a little reminder of how much of a safe space the theatre can be. Really powerful to see Carlos tell Mr. Mazzara that he thought he made a mistake asking him to dance with him publicly and to see Carlos be brave enough to go dance on his own. And then when Seb arrived we got the shot we see in every teen movie where the love interest arrives at the big dance and sees the main character and smiles, it’s amazing that we saw that with two guys on a Disney show. Also impressive that Seb apologizing to Carlos was done in just one take as Tim revealed on instagram
Tim Federle has done an amazing job so far and good for him for going right into text. He’s said in interviews that no one from Disney ever asked him to cut any scenes or shy away from certain topics, which doesn’t mean much since he’d be saying that regardless of how much he was being censored, but we can see with our own eyes that he really is telling the truth. Now I do want more development for Carlos and Seb as characters as well as Seblos as a ship and I do think we’ll get that especially since Joe Serafini has been promoted to a series regular for S2, which is a very good sign that Disney is all in with Tim Federle’s plans. What an exciting time, there will soon be two main gay characters on a Disney show played by openly gay actors on a show created by an openly gay man. Tim has spoken of how Disney + is in some ways an open frontier and that he’s willing to take big jumps and I can’t wait to see what the rest of S1 and S2 has in store for us
Things have changed a lot since the High School Musical movies came out. It’s well known that Ryan was meant to be gay even though he could never actually be gay. Lucas Grabeel has spoken of how Kenny Ortega told him that Ryan was a lot like his High School self. In an interview with EW, Tim Federle was asked about the censorship of Ryan’s character and he noted that he wasn’t there for the movies and doesn’t view what he’s now doing on HSMTMTS as making up for anything that the original movies weren’t able to do. Which is fair but regardless in some ways tonight's ep does make up for the censorship of the movies
While reading an article on HSMTMTS I came upon a link to a story from October 2008 about Ryan and how he was clearly being coded as gay that featured some revealing quotes from Gary Marsh, from an interview conducted in summer 2008:
Regarding the fact that there are boyfriend-girlfriend relationships in the HSM movies, Marsh interjected, “Yeah, but that’s not about sex,” as though having two boyfriends equals full-tilt boogie. And as to why there can be boyfriend and girlfriends but not two boyfriends, he could only note, “It’s just not something that we’ve ever had the opportunity to portray. It hasn’t been a place we’ve gone.”
If someone, like Gary Marsh, believes that lgbtq relationships are inherently sexual then that means they don’t believe they’re appropriate for children. It’s no surprise then that it wouldn’t be until 2014 that Disney Channel had two lesbian moms appear on Good Luck Charlie and it wouldn’t be until 2017 that Cyrus came out to Buffy. Clearly Gary has for whatever reasons evolved in his views or there wouldn’t have been any rep on Disney Channel in the past 11 years nor do I think that he would make a comment like that publicly today but he probably does still believe that to an extent and I’d imagine other senior Disney executives do as well
 A few things are helping Disney + push boundaries, being more of a PG than a G rated service, not being exclusively targeted towards children, and being a curated service so parents can easily avoid showing their kids shows with lgbtq rep. And perhaps most importantly, the cold hard reality that if Disney + is to become financially viable then it has to appeal to a broad audience and provide the same quality or better than people could find on Netflix or other streaming services so the kind of censorship we see on Disney Channel just can’t fly
There’s been a lot of discourse regarding Seblos and Tyrus and HSMTMTS and Andi Mack and I’ll take the time to say my piece now. It’s not entirely fair to compare the ships and shows since they’re taking place under very different circumstances. Tyrus was a heavily censored ship that was only given permission to canon when the series finale was written whereas Seblos is already canon in the 5th ep. It’s true that TJ was written in a way to subvert gay stereotypes which was important but it’s also true that for most of the audience they didn’t know that he was gay until the bench scene itself so there wasn’t that much trope subversion going on. And who knows how he would have been written if they were actually allowed to have him be openly gay before the series finale
Carlos and Seb may fall into some stereotypes but Tim Federle has spoken of how when he was in High School he would have loved to play a character like Sharpay but wouldn’t have had the confidence to do so and he wrote Seb wanting to play a female role with his own past experiences in mind. He’s also spoken about how Carlos was based off of a close friend of his and he put some of himself into Carlos as well with Carlos telling Mr. Mazzara that he was meant to be on Broadway being something Tim told one of his own teachers in High School. Frankie and Joe have talked about how they see a lot of their own experiences in Carlos and Seb as characters and in Seblos as a relationship. Tim has spoken a lot about how important authenticity is to him and while Carlos and Seb may be stereotypical to some people it shouldn’t be discounted that others can see their lived experiences in those characters
For Andi Mack it’s important to separate Cyrus’ story from the Tyrus story line. It’s unlikely HSMTMTS could have pulled off Cyrus’ coming out story line, the shows are just too different. We’re almost certainly not going to see a One in a Minyan style ep on HSMTMTS but would we have seen such an ep on Andi Mack if they didn’t need to pack all of Cyrus’ S3 story line into one ep? We also can’t forget that 3x11 was written shortly after the cancellation and it was written as a potential end to the gay story line since they didn’t know until months later if they could go with canon Tyrus or not. Even with the limits it faced Andi Mack did a great job with Cyrus’ coming out story line and I think eps like 2x01 and 2x13 and 3x11 will be fondly remembered and will stand the test of time
When it comes to Tyrus though it’s fair to say that the bench scene was a historic and important moment but also an underwhelming one. Andi Mack didn’t live up to the promise that Cyrus was no different but it was never going to be able to with Disney’s restrictions, they were willing to focus on Cyrus as a gay character but not Cyrus as an actively gay character. One thing that will make Seblos go down a lot better than Tyrus is that we aren’t going to see Carlos bearding himself like Cyrus did. It won’t age well at all that Cyrus got to go on dates with Iris and kiss her twice and refer to her as a his girlfriend and even come up with a mashup name for them but Terri probably would have done things very differently if she had known that all Cyrus would be able to do with a boy was hold hands in the series finale. We can also tell that HSMTMTS won’t be facing an increase in censorship later on since Seb will be a main in S2 whereas Disney cracked down hard after S2 for Andi Mack, probably because the story was shifting from Cyrus having a hopeless crush on a straight guy to a reciprocated crush on a gay guy
Since Seblos is textual from the start it will be much easier to write and also much easier to fix things when the writers inevitably make mistakes. I think a lot of the defensiveness coming from certain corners of the Andi Mack fandom is because deep down people know that the bench scene wasn’t enough pay off for the long dragged out Tyrus no burn we got; especially with all of the drama and angst they had. Development is important but it doesn’t take two thirds of the series to set up a silent handhold. I think it’s very unlikely that for HSMTMTS we’ll see the drastic decline in quality that Andi Mack had for most story lines after 3x11. The bench scene would have been better if we hadn’t gotten the worst writing of the series for TJ and Cyrus as characters that did a real disservice to them and to Tyrus as a ship in the eps before the finale. The Tyrus story line was never going to get a great ending with Disney’s restrictions but it is also true that Terri’s choices made things a lot worse than they had to be
 It’s insane that they introduced Kira as a homophobic character who was manipulating TJ but also was clearly into him; how do professional writers come up with that? It’s just not a mistake Tim Federle is going to make. Trying to do an external homophobia story line was an obviously bad idea but so was giving TJ an out of nowhere internalized homophobia plot in 3x13 and 3x15 before dropping it in 3x18. Cyrus’ coming out story line helped a lot of people because it showed the correct way for friends to react when someone comes out to you but for TJ they never did anything to help people dealing with internalized or external homophobia, the message was effectively ‘’deal with it on your own kids’’, which is sharp contrast with how openly his dyscalculia plot was handled. I don’t think HSMTMTS would be effectively able to deal with homophobia either but I think Tim probably realizes that and won’t attempt it
 There were a lot of little things Terri could have changed that would have helped. Don’t insert Kira into their plot. Don’t have Amber kiss Jonah or say she’s love him so at least she could have pointed to another character who never got to kiss a guy or talk about feelings. Put the Jandi bracelet scene in between the Muffy and Tyrus confession scenes so we don’t go straight from a Muffy kiss and handhold and verbal confession to the bench scene. And just write the bench scene better so it’s more in line with the Tyrus dynamic like how the Muffy and Jandi scenes did a good job capturing their own dynamics. Of course, we’re not going to see Seblos end so subtly so all these problems just won’t arise
Tyrus was important because it happened and may well be the only lgbtq rep we see for middle school characters played by actual teenagers for a very long time. But it’s also true that Andi Mack’s legacy will probably rest a lot more with Cyrus specifically, especially him saying the word gay, whereas HSMTMTS will be remembered more for normalizing lgbtq relationships with Seblos. I’m glad Tyrus happened but I’m also glad that Seblos will be a much smoother story line and will break boundaries for years to come. Anyways that’s my two cents
I really liked the Gina development this ep. Her doesn’t do cash line was interesting, hinting at financial problems? Moving 5 schools in 7 years is rough and I’d like to hear more about that. I’m glad that we got confirmation that she didn’t have an actual plan and was just winging it because her actions really did not make much sense. Tim Federle had said that love triangles will become love squares and it does make more sense to have Gina be into Ricky than EJ since there’s no real drama if she’s into EJ because Nini is totally over him. I do think Gina was being sincere in the scene with Ricky in the car (which Tim said was Big Red’s car that he lent Ricky and that Joshua and Sofia did that scene in just two takes). I also think that she needs Ricky as a friend not a lover and Ricky would not be happy if he ever found out that she was the one who initially stole Nini’s phone
Miss Jenn and Mike Bowen and Benjamin Mazzara love triangle? We do know that Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara spend Thanksgiving trapped together which is obvious set up for feelings to develop. We also got Mr. Mazzara doing a 180 and being nice to Carlos this ep which seems like a ploy to get him on the audiences good side
Loved the friendship moments we got this ep. Big Red and Kourtney are great friends. Ricky taking Big Red to his first dance was sweet and I love that Big Red showed up in a old man suit jacket that looks like it was from the 70s. Ngl I thought Ricky was wearing pajama pants for most of the ep. Glad we got a glimpse into Kourtney and Nini’s past, they’ve been friends at least since the 7th grade. I hope Kourtney stands up to the mean costume designer senior
I liked seeing Nini grappling with her self confidence after finding out that she got the lead role at summer camp because EJ poisoned the original lead. She does have the talent but that kind of revelation would leave most people shook
Glad that Ricky and his dad had a honest convo this ep. It’s just the two of them now so they need to stick by each other
Ashlyn has been an unexpected delight so far, I liked that she was the only one to go and support Carlos and she was rocking that suit
Ricky’s office stare after Gina dumped punch on EJ’s head was too funny
Born to be brave was a great song and the choreography blew me away, such a talented cast and crew they have
All of the costumes looked great this ep, kudos to the costume designers 
RIP Seb’s cow
Looking Ahead:
Miss Jenn faces her tribunal, I’m curious to see how much she faked on her resume
We get photos of Seb comforting Carlos which I think comes after he finds out that Miss Jenn is suspended. In the medley trailer there was a clip of Carlos hugging Miss Jenn at a coffee shop so maybe that’s next ep since there’s no need to meet at a coffee shop if she’s not suspended
The cast has talked about how we the audience we’ll be going back and forth on team Ricky vs team EJ all season long which at this point seems like a lie. I’m sure EJ’s redemption arc starts soon and if he’s still going to panic attacks I’d imagine that will soon be brought up but Nini is totally over him and I can’t see her being torn about her feelings for EJ in the final 5 eps of the season
With Seb being a main in S2 that will make things more difficult for the writers to juggle and I hope they are thinking about how to balance the different characters. I also wonder what the long term plan for EJ is since he’s the only senior and if S2 takes place spring semester of his senior year then what are they gonna do with him in S3?
We know that in 1x10 breaking free has EJ, Nini, and Ricky so I wonder if EJ starts off playing Troy for whatever reason before Ricky shows up. Since Ricky thinks Nini is over him I don’t think we’ll be seeing him make a move unless he gets some kind of signal from Nini
Wonder what was up with that Sharpay’s mom credit on imdb, just some random imdb troll? If so, what a coincidence that she picked what happened to be a big Seb ep
I don’t know if this will have impact on the show going forward but this marks the point that Tim Federle took over as showrunner after original showrunner Oliver Goldsmith departed. Oliver wanted to take the show in a more mature direction but Tim disagreed and Disney sided with him over Oliver
Until next week Wildcats
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Thoughts/ reaction to AWAE 3x5
The cold open featuring Beekeeper Gilbert is the golden content I never knew I needed.
Miss Stacy teaching in the midst of nature is gold, but what draws my attention in that scene is the casual mentioning of the birds and the bees that causes half of the girls to get agitated at the thought that they’re finally getting the talk. I see bees are a recurring image in this episode. I admit to not having seen much of this particular scene as I was looking away from the blood.
Gilbert combining his natural talent as a doctor and his new… I wanna say hobby, that is, beekeeping, to help poor baby Ruby is gold. Seriously, this episode has GOLD written all over it in large bold letters and we’re barely 4 minutes in.
“I thought someone died…” The natives calling out the Whites™ for being drama queens have me wondering whose side I am on, and whether there are any sides at all; the fact is, I tend to overreact a lot, but this was a bit too much even for me. But let’s not dwell on this, there are more important scenes coming up and I have already used way too many words.
Yeah… I skipped ahead a bit. The sight of that needle caused me as much horror as it did Moody.
Gilbert ranting about natural medicine not being taught is such a mood. I think taking up beekeeping will do (and is already doing) wonders for his career in medicine.
Rachel babysitting Delly is giving me such strong New Mum vibes… “Please go to sleep”. This is the Rachel Lynde content I never expected to see but I’m glad I did.
And then Delly falls asleep as soon as she hears Marilla’s voice… I’m crying.
“Bash needs a wife” – who are you to decide that for him, Rachel? I was already annoyed with her for trying to play matchmaker for Miss Stacy without being asked to, but this is even more. Marilla is such a mood in this scene.
Matthew being Soft™ to his plants… as if I needed any more proof that he’s a Hufflepuff!
I live and would die for Anne and Diana’s friendship.
I also live for Diana embracing her own feelings rather than her mother’s visions of what’s “proper” and “improper”. And for the hint of her doing it just partially to spite her mother…
Honestly, Gilbert staying inside and reading the paper with Miss Stacy while everyone else is fussing about the Take Notice board is so in character. It emphasizes the fact that he is actually the adult of the class. I wonder what would make him more interested in the board, though…
Anne the Feminist™ is fascinated about the female doctor
Ok, but… who gives Charlie, by “noticing” Anne, and Diana, by walking in on her and Gilbert almost having a moment, the right to interrupt said moment before it’s even fully developed?
Anne is totally me in her reaction to (1) being noticed and (2) the news about the dance.
 “Sebastian, take a seat.” If I were Bash in that scene, I would be thinking “How about you stop telling me what to do in my own home?”
Now she wants to take Delly away from him? And she thinks that’s good for anyone? Seriously, Rachel Lynde should mind her own business. But I bet she has no business of her own, otherwise she wouldn’t obsess so much over what everyone else is doing.
Anne’s reaction to Charlie posting about her gives off “Belle Reprise” from Beauty and the Beast vibes.
 “Anne Shirley-Cuthbert-Sloane!” Try Anne Shirley-Cuthbert-Blythe instead. And boy, does this girl have a lot of last names! She’s becoming a bit like Hispanic royalty.
Both Jerry and Diana telling white lies to their friends so they can meet up – classic forbidden romance. I love it!
Look at my boy Jerry quoting Frankenstein! I feel like a proud mother – except, of course, for the fact that I am not a mother and I have no trace of merit in this beautiful achievement. Also, the way she holds the book to her heart, like it’s him, or at least a tiny part of him; and the way he looks back at her… I know this is a whole other fandom, but Andi Mack has taught me that lookbacks are important. My fragile little heart is melting! I might be aromantic by orientation, but I’m still a sucker for beautiful, poetic romantic scenes like this one. This is my new favourite scene of the entire series. If I could bottle it up and save it for a rainy day, oh how I would!
The scene of Gilbert and Bash talking about Mary being followed immediately by Matthew talking to Belle about her becoming a mum… I feel that they are a heartbreaking yet heartwarming representation of the cycle of life and death. Moira has done it again.
Also, Anne’s dress in this scene reminds me of the first dress she was wearing when she arrived. It’s a nice callback, if anything.
That scene of Diana reading in bed reminded me so much of me. I know that feeling so well, feeling a special connection to a book, even for some reason outside the book itself. And, sure, Frankenstein is far from the most romantic of books, but now it will forever be a thing between her and Jerry. And that’s in my opinion, is that special external connection to the book.
Aaand… Rachel Lynde didn’t just try to make the practice dance another matchmaking session for her son and Miss Stacy, did she?
I know everybody talks about Anne and Gilbert in this scene, but my eyes were more focused on my spirit animal Ruby – she is so me, being uncomfortable with the whole thing and the touching and whatnot… except in her it is the result of boys and girls being discouraged from making any kind of contact to one another until they’re old enough for courtship according to their community’s standards. What did people at that time think when they did that? That giving young people virtually no sex ed and doing anything and everything they could to keep boys and girls away from each other – did they think this is the way to raise functional, well-informed people? Because seeing poor Ruby here sure makes me think that her society didn’t do a very good job at that. And the fact that all the girls, even the ones that should pass as intelligent and well-read like Anne and Diana, believe they can get pregnant by just the touch of a boy is just another proof that this is not the way to raise teenagers.
One thing that calms me at least a little is that now they have Miss Stacy and she can, albeit a bit awkwardly at first, educate them on the matter. And I love the fact that she mentions consent because that is really important.
And there’s the sugar – the heart eyes, the longing looks, the held gaze… every single trope about looking at someone special is there in that one scene. I love the way they act so expressively with just their eyes. Seriously, kudos to Amybeth and especially Lucas.
Oh my, there it is! That scene from the preview that everybody has been speculating and freaking out about for weeks. I got literal chills, goosebumps and everything. This scene generated a lot of discourse and it was definitely not for nothing.
Oh my, oh my! The dance is done but they just won’t stop staring right into each other’s souls through those fantastically expressive eyes… I might just die right now, but at least I’ll die happy.
Aaand… the moment is gone and now there’s just tension and awkwardness so thick in the air that you could cut them with a knife – and a knife might not even do the job, if you get what I mean.
Ok, I didn’t think things could get any more awkward, but then we have the exchange with Charlie and it’s even more awkward than Moody telling Diana “[her] dress is very… blue” back in the season premiere. But this awkwardness is different. There’s no tension, no real chemistry. At least that’s how I see it.
The parallel between Anne and Gilbert cooking and ranting about the dance and its consequences for them counts as a Shirbert scene, right?
I love Anne with all my heart but right now I wish she could just go away for a second. She’s third-wheeling and making Diana act cold towards Jerry, which might give him the wrong impression and ruin everything…
Also, I wish Diana would confide in Anne about the thing she has going on with Jerry. It couldn’t possibly make matters worse, now could it?
If Jerry was so confused, and then so happy about the handkerchief, it probably wasn’t really his. It must have been left by Diana. The initials, though… the only J.B. in Diana’s family I can think of is Josephine. If it was hers and Diana left it for Jerry, it would be so nice… Ok, why am I being so stupid? She MADE it for him. Especially. J.B. is him and only him right now. Apparently certain other scenes have temporarily deprived me of the ability to think.
The “Is that how reproduction works” scene is awkward, of course, and it is a different, third kind of awkward: not like Shirbert after the dance or like Anne and Charlie after that. It’s that kind of awkward moments that people with anxiety like me think of when they can’t sleep at night. I mean, just imagine asking your big love to give you the talk. Or having to give the talk to them.
Ruby, Ruby, my sweet summer child Ruby… “what has he seen”? He’s literally delivered a child, for one. Unprepared, at that. But seriously, Gilbert being all like “in my medical experience” – okay, we get it, Mr. Mature Adult Doctor. No offense, though, I love him.
That obituary was just about the best homage they could have paid to Mary, and Bash reading the whole thing to Delphine was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Now that I use those two words for the second time in relation to Mary’s passing, I feel like these are the emotions I feel about it every time. Every single time.
Baby Delly is the most precious little thing I’ve ever seen.
The Barrys are finally doing something really good (I’m not saying they’re bad people or bad parents, just that they can be a little… stuck in their ways) by deciding to help Bash’s family now and realizing they have missed their chance of getting to know Mary while she was there and giving it to them. I sure hope they allow their daughters, both of them, to have the life they chose, not the one that was predetermined for them by parents and tradition and some twisted idea of class distinction and propriety. They deserve to be given that freedom.
The girls’ ritual was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life. How empowering, how beautifully sacred, how emotionally pure and true. And Ruby finally accepted herself as a woman… I relate to that on a deep level because it was hard for me to accept the change from girl to woman when I was that age, too – not so long ago, really. The thing is, there is no real difference between a girl and a woman. I think each one should decide for herself which one she is, and we shouldn’t forget that we have both inside us at all times.
Oh my, oh my! This was honestly one of the most beautiful episode endings I’ve seen on this series and there have been a lot. This baby foal is one of the cutest things ever, a true embodiment of the miracle of life. How fascinating!
So, let’s sum up. In this episode, we saw: the importance of honey; lots of awkward teenage courting; Gilbert going back to medicine; Rachel Lynde sticking her nose into other people’s business even more than usual; Jerry and Diana’s beautiful forbidden romance and character growth; misconceptions about… conception; Shirbert – the whole spectrum of it: awkwardness, tension, angst, heart eyes, lost of eye acting in general; different kinds of awkwardness involving different people, but mostly Shirbert; girl empowerment; and last but not least, the circle of life. I was going to say I want more episodes like this one, but, frankly, I don’t think that’s possible. This was BEAUTIFUL!
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tjkiahgb · 5 years
On August 13th, 2018, at 8:20 PM, TJ Kippen performed a basketball-themed apology rap for Buffy Driscoll and completed his redemption arc. In doing so, he became a full and complete hashtag good boi and fulfilled this blog’s ridiculous destiny.
This post is scheduled to go up on August 13th, 2019, at 8:20 PM. It only feels right that I retire this blog on the one year anniversary of that moment.
Okay. It’s not that dramatic. I’m not deleting my account or logging out forever or anything. I’ll be around. I’ll check in and like some posts and hang out like the kid who graduated high school but won’t leave. He keeps coming back and acting chummy with the teachers and it’s like, doesn’t he have better stuff to do?
The point is, my queue is depleted, my drafts are empty. I don’t have a shift in fandoms planned. I don’t have anything planned. It’s time for me to turn my attention to other things and stop thinking about this show and writing about it and working on this blog.
So that’s basically the tl;dr of this whole deal. I’m going to write some rambling personal stuff so if you don’t care, which most people probably won’t, then thanks for reading and thanks for all the memories. It’s been fun.
Okay, lemme ramble. And if you’ve read this blog for a while, you’ve probably heard some of this already, but whatever, this is my goodbye post.
Way back in October of 2017, I came across a post on a website for TV news that said “Disney Channel to Feature Its First Gay Main Character in Andi Mack Season 2″. I didn’t know what Andi Mack was, and I hadn’t watched Disney Channel in well over a decade. I remembered reading about the two moms on Good Luck Charlie when it happened, but I also remembered that it was, you know, mostly nothing. A lot of controversy for what was just a quick little thing. But this headline noted that it was a Main Character. And I’m reading the article and it’s talking about how he’s going to have this journey in season two and the producers had talked to GLAAD and other groups to get it right, and I’m like, wow, this is pretty cool, this really seems like they’re putting some respect into this. (I’m also thinking about how much young, closeted me would’ve killed for something like this.)
So I set my DVR to record it not knowing what to expect. Mostly thinking it was just going to be your standard Disney Channel show: cheesy and corny and bad jokes, but I’ll catch the coming out scene and it’ll be cool to see how they handle it and that’ll probably be that.
And then I’m watching the episode and I’m like, this is... not bad? In fact, more than not bad, this is way better than it has any right to be. And then I got to the coming out scene, which was so well done, and I’m just... shocked. This is like Pixar. Like, it’s for kids, but I can watch it as an adult and pick up on themes and subtleties. This is not like the shows from my childhood. Where was this show when I was growing up?
Next thing I know I’m watching the next episode. And the next one. And I’m starting to care for these characters. I can forgive a lot of issues with plot if I care about the characters and what this show did, maybe as well as any show on television, is made you care for the characters, from top to bottom.
So now I’m watching the show regularly. At some point, I went back and binged through season one on DisneyNow. I’m in, as a casual viewer at this point at least.
And then I get to 2.11, and the swing scene happens, and I watch it wordlessly, and it ends, and I feel like I’m losing my mind. I could not believe what I just saw. I thought for sure this show was just going to have a couple of coming out scenes and that would be the end of it. Had I really just watched a scene that was hinting at a gay romance?
I wanted so badly to talk about it with someone else to see if they were seeing what I was seeing, but, as you may not be surprised to learn, none of my adult friends were watching Andi Mack. So I started looking around online. And I eventually found my way here, to this site, to the tag. And people were seeing what I was seeing. And people were excited about it, and I was like, okay, cool, I might’ve found my community.
So I started lurking around here. And I would check in after 2.12 and 2.13, and I was really starting to enjoy it. Most of the stuff I watch that I care about I’ll watch with friends or family and talk about it with them, so I never really thought being a part of a fandom would be worthwhile. Plus, I’d hear about shipping wars and other nonsense like that, and I’m like, I’m not going to make an account to argue with people over fictional characters’ relationships.
But what I was finding about this community was that it was more positive than that. There were arguments, sure. You’re going to get them in any group of people. But for the most part, people just seemed happy. They were posting theories and memes and gifs and jokes and fanfics. And they were celebrating the characters and developments. I don’t know if that’s special to the Andi Mack fandom or not, but it seemed special to me.
That’s around when I started thinking about making an account, during that hiatus between 2A and 2B. But I was like, do I want to commit to this? What’s the point of my account? What do I want to say? And at some point in the hiatus, I was checking the tag, and I saw a gifset. It was by an account, since deleted and gone, but who, at the time, was very prominent in the fandom. And the gifset was all about attacking Tyrus. It was trying to take everything nice about what had happened between TJ and Cyrus and stomp on it. Tyrus was like a little baby ship at this point. People were just starting to get into it, the numbers weren’t that big. There wasn’t even really a name for the ship back then. The Tyrus tag was mostly that professional wrestler and the CJ tag was even worse. And this account had decided they were going to use their platform to try and make this small group of people in the fandom feel bad about liking their ship. I just remember thinking, why? Why be like that? It just seemed so unnecessary. And for the briefest of moments, I thought, okay, maybe I’ll make an account to be a troll and argue this stuff. And then I was like, nah, that’s just going to make the tag worse. When you see someone trying to ruin things for other people, you can give them attention and power, or you can just do your own thing.
So what I decided to do instead was to make an account that would add to the positivity I had been seeing. To just be one of the many voices doing fun stuff to drown out the bad. I could put out dumb posts to hopefully make people laugh, or eventually start writing recaps to give people something to do after watching the episode. There wasn’t really any bigger goal than that. Kill some time while celebrating the show and making the tag a more fun place, if only incrementally.
I’d like to think I did that. That I haven’t written or made too many things that have bummed people out and that most of my posts have hopefully made things better for people who wanted to hang out on here and talk about the show.
That’s all. At the end of everything, that was all. Just try to leave a net-positive wherever you go.
So that’s why I joined tumblr. Here’s why I stayed.
I am an unemployed writer. I’m an employed something else, but I would like to be an employed writer and I am currently not. And what that really means is I’m an unread writer. It means I write stuff and I try to convince people to read it and buy it, but most of the time they don’t. Most of the time, my stuff sits around waiting and hoping to be read. And when that’s the case, you can start to feel doubt.
What I didn’t realize when I started this account was that I would also be getting positivity back. I mean, I probably should have. It was the whole reason I started this, because I liked the positivity here. I guess I just didn’t expect it to be returned to me.
But it has. It has tremendously. Just writing this silly stuff that I do and putting it out there and getting feedback on it has meant so much to me. People saying something I’ve written is funny or interesting or just saying that they enjoyed it is such a confidence boost. You feel like, okay, people like my jokes or the way I think or whatever. There’s an audience for me somewhere. People who will get me. I just need to stick with it.
That’s what you all have been for me this last year and a half. More than just making this a fun place to share our love of this show, you’ve made this a place for me to feel seen.
I try not to tie too much of my self-esteem to the amount of interaction my posts get. (Seriously, don’t do that, it can be really unhealthy. I’m like, if a post flops, it flops. No biggie. Move on to the next one.) But every note I do get on something I’ve written lets me know I’ve done something right. The reblogs, the likes, the follows, the nice messages in my inbox, the comments on the posts. Any of it. All of it. It lets me know I’ve been read. It makes me feel like I’ve made a connection. And that means the world to me.
So thank you, to any and all of you who participated in this thing with me. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being a part of my experience on here. Thank you for being so cool that I wanted to join your group in the first place and thank you for being so great afterwards that I’m eternally happy I did.
It’s meant more to me than you could possibly know.
Keep the positivity.
- Jay
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thatswhatiam98 · 5 years
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And with this, we say goodbye to one of the most beautiful series I've ever seen and Disney Channel has ever produced.
Thank you Andi Mack for being such a beautiful show, for bringing to life such lovely and sweet characters, each with their qualities and flaws, each complex and interesting, each human in their own way.
Thank you for creating this little world where problems were faced together, where love (for family, for friends, or even for the things you like to do) is put as the true answer to life problems.
Thank you for being life changing, for me, but also for many people, and even though someone would say I'm too old to be enjoying this, I still feel like I learned some important life lessons from you and I'm glad I've got through this journey with you and the Andi Mack fandom (which I still believe is one of the best ever, love u all :<). Life is upside down, but with you I worked it out.
Thank you for finally bringing to Disney Channel the representation we needed on all fields, from LGBT to Asian characters, from military families to mental health, you did it all. And each and every time you broke another barrier I was so impressed, not only because you did it, which itself is a great deal, but you also did it in such a sweet and tender manner, the way anyone would understand. And the best thing is that you made it natural: all this big taboos in our society just slipped into the story like no big deal, like something that happens in our daily life. Of course it's true, and that's why it's amazing, you made it look and feel real, unlike the majority of series that capture these topics. So thank you, for making us real on TV, for people all over the world to see.
Special thank you for characters like Cyrus Goodman and TJ Kippen, for whom I fell and I will always (with the rest of the cast of course) keep close to my heart because of their beautiful souls and the wonderful development they had throughout the series. Their growth was tangible and it truly felt like I was along the ride with them, like I was growing with them.
Last but not least, thank you for the Andi Mack fandom and for uniting such beautiful souls all together; for bringing life to many scenes that will stay with my heart forever; for many quotes and important topics I will always remember; and thank you for creating a home away from home, the one I'll return to when things are gray just like I did in these past years.
Thank you, Andi Mack, for doing what only good shows can: make the audience feel what the characters are living, make them feel involved. Just. Thank you. I will hold you close to my heart, where all of the cast will always be. 💕
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myshipshipsitself · 5 years
Title: It’s You Fandom: Andi Mack Ship(s): Tyrus, Muffy (brief) Word Count: 3143 Summary: When Cyrus and TJ both get jealous over little, stupid things, they realize that maybe it was never about a swingset or a shirt. (Aka., the one where TJ gets jealous seeing Jonah in the shirt Cyrus had picked out for him, and they end up on a bench in front of a fire pit.)
Also available to read on ao3.
“Calm down. You’re acting like we weren’t over at Andi’s house just yesterday,” Buffy teased. Cyrus was practically skipping beside on the sidewalk as they made their way towards Andi’s.
“Yes, but yesterday wasn’t the end of the school year party at her house,” Cyrus pointed out. “It was just the three of us. Jonah wasn’t there, or Marty.”
“Or TJ,” Buffy added, making Cyrus blush a little, though his smile only brightened.
“Him too,” Cyrus agreed, though his smile fell a little as he looked towards Andi’s house. “You don’t think he’ll invite Kira, do you?”
“I don’t think he’ll be hanging around Kira again any time soon,” Buffy said with all the confidence Cyrus had come to expect from his friends. Still, he had his doubts, and the expression on his face conveyed them perfectly, making Buffy sigh over dramatically as she grabbed his arm, tugging him along the sidewalk to Andi’s front door. “I mean it. I might’ve talked to TJ after the basketball game last week.”
“You did what?” Cyrus froze, eyes wide. “Why would you do that? I don’t want to come between him and Kira. You shouldn’t either. It’s fine. I’m happy for him, I mean it. You shouldn’t have said anything. What did you say? Why did you even say anyth—”
“Breathe,” Buffy cut him off sharply, shaking his shoulder a little as she finally got him to remember that he needed to stop talking long enough to take a breath. “All I told him was that Kira wasn’t a really nice person, and that it seemed like she was manipulating him. Keeping him from hanging out with you? That’s isolating him, and it’s not cool.”
As much as Cyrus didn’t want to see Kira, he also felt bad about possibly being the reason TJ lost a friend. Even if she wasn’t a very good friend, according to Buffy. But he dropped the subject when And opened the door, pulling them both into excited hugs.
It was still early for everyone else to arrive, so Cyrus set in helping Bex and Andi with the decorations. He had all but forgot about the conversation with Buffy by the time everyone else started arriving.
“Someone got dressed up,” Buffy teased when Jonah walked in.
“Hey, you liked the shirt,” Cyrus chimed in, offering a bright smile.
“Yeah, it’s great,” Jonah said, arms spread wide to show off the dark blue button-down Cyrus had given him at the free sale. “So what can I help with?”
“I think we just need to set out the food, and we’ll be good,” Buffy answered. Cyrus and Jonah followed her back to the kitchen, each loading their arms with plates from the fridge and counter to take out to set on the table.
People started streaming in before they’d even uncovered all of the food. Cyrus didn’t pay much attention to the newcomers until a familiar voice greeted him.
“Hey, Underdog,” TJ said as came over to join the small group by the food table. If Cyrus’s smile was a little brighter because TJ had shown up alone, he was pretty sure only Buffy noticed anyway.
“Teej, glad you could come,” Cyrus answered with a warm smile.
TJ looked around, smiling at Buffy and Jonah, before his smile faltered a little upon seeing the latter. Cyrus’s face fell a bit, and he caught Jonah’s eye. He looked just as confused as Cyrus felt, but TJ wasn’t saying anything. He had thought TJ and Jonah were okay, but now he was wondering if some other bizarre childhood memory was resurfacing.
“TJ? Something wrong?” Cyrus asked.
TJ seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts he was drowning in, offering a slightly forced smile to Cyrus before looking back at Jonah. “No, of course not. Nice shirt, by the way,” he added in a deadpan tone. Cyrus looked between the two for a moment before TJ's words registered; he had sent a picture of that shirt to TJ before he ended up giving it to Jonah.
“Hey, TJ—“
“Are these chocolate?” TJ cut him off, reaching for one of the cupcakes Buffy had set on the table. “I’m gonna see if I can find something to drink.” Cyrus didn’t miss the way he walked right past the end of the table where plastic cups and a large punch bowl were set out, alongside a cooler of sodas.
“What was that about?” Jonah asked quietly.
Cyrus didn’t answer, just looking from TJ’s retreating form over to Buffy. Her eyes widened and she jerked her head none-too-subtly towards TJ in an obvious signal for Cyrus to follow him. Cyrus shrugged weakly and shook his head a bit, continuing the silent conversation with the point that it wouldn’t make a difference, why would TJ want to talk to Cyrus anyway? Buffy rolled her eyes in response, reaching over the table to smack him sharply on the shoulder.
“Ow,” Cyrus broke the silence, rubbing his shoulder before he finally gave in and followed TJ, ignoring Jonah’s increasingly confused stare.
When he caught up with TJ, he was outside, alone on the bench by the fire pit, the forgotten cupcake sitting on the arm of the bench. “Hey,” Cyrus said gently as he walked over. “Mind if I sit here?” He asked, gesturing to the bench beside TJ. The boy only shrugged. “Are you mad about the shirt?” Cyrus finally asked after he couldn't take the silence anymore.
“Why would I be?” TJ asked. “It’s just a stupid shirt.”
“Yeah, and it was just a stupid swingset,” Cyrus muttered under his breath. He didn’t really intend for TJ to hear him, but the boy looked up and turned to stare at him.
“Nothing,” Cyrus said quickly, looking away towards the dancing fire instead of at TJ. He really didn’t have any reason to get jealous over seeing TJ and Kira on the swings. They didn’t own the swings.
TJ fell silent for a moment before he spoke again, softer this time. “You did come out to the park?” It sounded like he meant it to be an observation, but it came out as a question. Cyrus only nodded. “We went there cause Kira said she wanted to feed the ducks. Then she wanted to swing and just—“
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” Cyrus cut him off.
“It feels like I do,” TJ said. The sadness in his voice made Cyrus want to do something stupid, like apologize a thousand times for ever making him feel that way, and promising never to again. Or hug him. Or something else equally as stupid.
“Well, you don’t,” Cyrus said with a shrug. “You should’ve invited her to the party.” The words made him feel sick to say, but if being with Kira made TJ happy, then that was all he wanted anyway.
“I didn’t want to,” TJ said quickly. “I don’t like Kira.”
“It seems like you do,” Cyrus said. He looked back towards TJ, giving his best impression of a comforting and encouraging smile, even while he wanted to cry. He was really good at it, actually. He could always fool And, and usually Buffy too. But TJ’s face fell, and Cyrus hated that he couldn’t fool TJ too. He couldn’t even pretend to be happy to make TJ happy. He was a terribly friend. “It’s okay that you like her. You’re allowed to like someone, and to spend time with her. I mean it, I’m happy for you.”
“I don’t like Kira,” TJ repeated. He shifted this time though, a bit uncomfortably, his eyes not quite meeting Cyrus’s. He propped one leg up on the bench between them, turning a little so he could face Cyrus better. For his part, Cyrus was trying not to look him in the eyes. Maybe if he didn’t look straight at TJ, it would be easier to get him to believe in Cyrus’s fake happiness for him.
That turned out to be a mistake though, when TJ rested his arm against his leg, his fingers dangling a bit, barely brushing over the back of Cyrus’s hand. Cyrus couldn’t breathe. It could've been a mistake, but TJ wasn’t moving away, and when Cyrus chanced a glance up, TJ’s gaze was set on their hands as well.
“I don’t like Kira,” TJ said, his voice shaking a little the third time he repeated it.
“You already said that,” Cyrus pointed out, though his voice was quiet, as though worried that if he spoke too loudly, he’d break whatever moment was happening. Or felt like should be happening.
“Yeah,” TJ breathed. He fell silent for a moment before his hand twitched a bit, fingers brushing against Cyrus’s hand again. His words were slow and careful, as if he was processing each one before he spoke it into existence. “Actually, I don’t like any girls.”
Out of all the moments Cyrus had dreamed of TJ saying something like that to him, of all the times he wished that maybe, just maybe, he had the slightest chance with the basketball player, he always had something to say. In all of those dream scenarios, he had the perfect words. Comforting, supportive, friendly, maybe more than friendly, but always perfect. Always the exact poetic words that TJ would need to hear to know that Cyrus supported him, thought he was brave for coming out, and trusted him.
Cyrus said none of them.
“Oh, ok.” Those were the only words Cyrus could form. The words didn’t sound happy, or supportive, or anything positive at all. Just neutral. Just, there. Cyrus felt like his brain was misfiring, trying to piece together something to say, but he couldn’t come up with anything. The only words running through his head were TJ’s. He didn’t like girls. Or maybe he just didn’t like any girls at the moment. That didn’t mean he was gay, right? Or maybe it did. Maybe that, and the fact that he still hadn’t moved, that his fingertips were still barely resting against the back of Cyrus’s hand meant that he was gay. That he liked Cyrus? No, that wasn’t possible.
Except that, for the first time since he’d started to realize his feelings for his friend, Cyrus thought that maybe it was possible.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” TJ’s voice broke the silence, and Cyrus’s eyes flicked up to meet his, uncertainty and hope warring inside his mind. He knew better than to let hope win that battle, but still. It was a close fight.
Too close, actually. As he ran through possible ways to answer that question—of just telling TJ that he didn’t like any girls either, or just that he was proud of TJ for telling him—some part of him overrode every logical thought in his brain. He let hope win.
“Yeah, there is,” Cyrus said quietly, eyes dropping down to their hands again. He didn’t turn his hand over to glass at TJ’s—he wasn’t feeling that brave—but he did raise his thumb a little from the bench, enough to brush over Tj’s fingers. He forced himself to look back up at TJ before he spoke again, knowing that he needed to look him in the eyes for this, as terrifying as it was.
“I like you,” Cyrus said, his voice quiet, yet more confident than he expected.
TJ’s answering smile was all Cyrus needed to be able to breathe again. Bright and genuine, and just for him. “That’s good,” TJ said, his tone something closer to his normal teasing.
“That’s good?” Cyrus asked with an amused smile. Some part of him wanted to laugh, but another part wanted to scream. That’s good? What did that mean?
“Yeah,” TJ said simply. Cyrus’s breath caught in his throat when TJ’s hand dropped down to cover his completely. He still didn’t move to lace their fingers together, afraid that if he moved the slightest bit, this was all going to go away, as irrational as that sounded even in his head. “Because if that was just one-sided, our friendship was about to get a little awkward,” TJ added, making Cyrus’s eyes snap up from their hands.
He hadn’t just heard that, had he? Except the proof was there. TJ was smiling at him, telling him that he liked him, holding his hand.
“You like me too?” Cyrus asked, confusion written all over his features, even as a small, hopeful smile started to stretch across his lips, barely daring to exist until he knew it was true.
“Of course,” TJ said, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. As though he were explaining that the sky was blue, or that he was better than Buffy at basketball. Even if the latter wasn’t true, TJ still believed it, and said it as though it were fact. “Why do you sound so surprised?” TJ asked with a short laugh.
“Because,” Cyrus gestured with his free hand vaguely towards himself. Towards his own awkwardness and his not-as-impressive-as-Jonah-ness. “It’s me,” he said, with as much certainty in the obviousness of his statement as TJ had been. He was a mess. He was never anyone’s first choice, so why would he be TJ’s? Of all people, star basketball player, redeemed school bully, amazing friend, why would he like Cyrus?
TJ’s smile only softened though. His voice dropped, and his eyes—Cyrus couldn’t find words to describe the look in his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s you.”
Words could not make a person melt. It was physically and scientifically impossible. And yet, here Cyrus was, feeling his chest expand and melt at the sound of those words. Those perfect, sweet, warm words, that TJ spoke with so much sincerity that for a moment, Cyrus believed him.
TJ might just be dangerous for him in that way, but he couldn’t bring himself to be upset about it. Not with TJ looking at him like he was something to be treasured, cared for and protected. Like he was important.
He knew he had to say something equally as perfect and beautiful back, but he couldn’t think of anything expect how much he wanted to latch onto TJ and never let go. Thankfully, or maybe not so thankfully—Cyrus wasn’t sure yet—he was saved the trouble of coming up with something to say when TJ broke eye contact with him, his smile turning to something more friendly as he raised his free hand to wave at someone over Cyrus’s shoulder.
Cyrus whipped around in time to see a blur of dark hair ducking away from the screen door. He groaned, turning back around to TJ, who was chuckling a little at their eavesdropper. Without thinking, Cyrus leaned forward, his forehead bumping against TJ’s chest and just staying there. He felt TJ’s and leave his, and almost said something, but then it came to rest against his back, and that was acceptable.
“Andi?” Cyrus questioned.
“And Buffy. She was just faster than Andi,” TJ answered, amusement clear in his tone. TJ’s hands rubbed up and down Cyrus’s back for a moment, and he could happily stay there for the rest of the night, avoiding the party and his friends in favor of just staying there with TJ.
TJ didn’t seem to be in much hurry to leave either, but eventually Cyrus pulled his head up from TJ’s chest, looking up at the boy with a small, hopeful smile. “We should probably go inside before they decide to come out here and drag us back in,” Cyrus said, though he knew his friends wouldn’t do that. They might try to sneak a peek through the door again, and would absolutely hound him as soon as they went inside, but weirdly enough, he kinda of looked forward to that. He wanted Buffy to ask him what was said, and what happened. Because he wanted to tell her.
“Okay,” TJ agreed easily, taking Cyrus’s hand as he stood. He interlaced their fingers together as though it were just a common, everyday occurrence, nothing out of the ordinary, even as Cyrus bit his lip in an effort to not make some embarrassingly high pitched sound of excitement.
As expected, And and Buffy were just inside the door, pretending they hadn’t just been trying to spy on Cyrus and TJ. Cyrus didn’t even have it in him at the moment to fake-glare at them for it. He was ecstatic, and no amount of meddling friends was going to ruin that. Not when he had TJ’s hand in his, and a warm smile directed at him every time he caught TJ’s eye.
“About time,” Buffy said, not bothering to hide the knowing smirk on her lips. She never tried to hide when she thought she knew something before everyone else did, even this. Just as she said that though, Marty came up behind her, handing her a drink before resting his arm around her shoulders without a word.
“I could say the same to you,” Cyrus returned easily, earning a laugh from Andi, and a simple shrug from Buffy, a silent admittance that she wouldn’t deny his words.
“Hey, Lady Macbeth,” TJ said brightly. Marty groaned, but everyone else just stared at TJ like he’d lost his mind, including Cyrus. Great. He finally found an amazing guy that actually liked him, and said guy lost his mind exactly .5 seconds later.
“Sorry, Lady Macbeth?” Cyrus questioned.
Marty drew his attention by waving a hand vaguely in the air between them. “Me. He’s talking about me,” he said with a defeated sigh. “We had to read Macbeth in our English class earlier in the year, and no girls wanted to volunteer to read outloud, so I read the part of Lady Macbeth.”
“I thought you said you didn’t know Marty,” Buffy pointed out, looking back at TJ with raised eyebrows.
“Oh, wait. This is Marty from the party?” TJ asked, no hint of irony of joking in his tone. He honestly didn’t know Marty’s name, despite having a ridiculous nickname for the guy. Buffy and Andi found it hilarious, while Cyrus just groaned, turning to bury his face against TJ’s shoulder.
This was the guy he picked.
Even as the thought occurred to him in annoyance though, it pulled a smile from Cyrus’s lips as he drew back to watch the teasing now going back and forth between TJ and Marty. Because as much as TJ was annoying and oblivious sometimes, he was sweet and thoughtful. He made Cyrus feel important, and pushed him out of his comfort zone, while always being right beside him the whole time, encouraging and offering support.
Yeah. This was the guy he picked.
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hh-rose · 5 years
So Long, Andi Mack
Is it possible to put into words everything that Andi Mack meant to me? Absolutely not. Am I still going to try? You beat your ass I am.
So, when I first heard about Andi Mack, I thought it was super cool. It was like Degrassi meets Disney, and I was all for it. I watched the first episode, and I thought it was really good. I immediately fell in love with Cyrus. I thought that it would be super cool if they actually went through with having a gay character on the show, but, back then, I thought Disney was never going to do that.
I didn’t really watch the show. If it was on, I would watch it, but I wasn’t really all that invested. Flash forward to October 27th, 2017. I was about to go to sleep, and I always sleep with Disney Channel playing on my TV. So, I turned on my TV, and Andi Mack was on.
I was going to go to sleep. My eyes were closed, but then I thought about Cyrus. I was curious, so I looked up if they ever wrote a gay storyline for him. I read an article saying that Cyrus opened up to Buffy about his crush on Jonah during the season two premiere. I looked to see what episode was on, and it was in fact the season two premiere. I turned the volume up just in time to hear Cyrus and Buffy’s conversation.
It’s almost stupid to say that it was fate, but I believe that it was. For everything to work out just the way it did, it had to be fate. It wasn’t the only time that fate was involved in my Andi Mack experience.
A few weeks later, I was cleaning my room, and I had Disney Channel on in the background. I wasn’t really paying attention to it, but then I saw TJ. It was the muffin scene. I had only seen TJ and Cyrus interact for five seconds, but I knew that they were endgame.
The muffin episode was also the episode when Muffy “broke up.” I was heartbroken watching those scenes, and I never even saw an episode with Marty in it before. That’s how powerful the show was for me. It connected with me on so many levels.
Things really changed after that. Every Friday, I would watch the new episodes. I shipped the hell out of Tyrus. Then, Swing Set Scene 1.0 came along. At this point in the friendom, not a lot of people shipped Tyrus. There wasn’t a lot of content for them. So, I did what anyone else would do; I started writing Tyrus fanfiction.
I always wrote fanfiction, but I never published it. I didn’t question it with Tyrus though. I had to post that first fic. I had to post the second fic. I haven’t stopped posting Tyrus fanfiction. I’m scared of posting fics in certain other fandoms because sometimes they’re big and scary, but the friendom was never like that. I have only ever felt safe and loved posting my work.
Andi Mack became such a big part of my life. There were so many storylines and characters that I related to, and that was really powerful. They were my age, and they were experiencing the same things that I was. It made me realize that I wasn’t alone.
With every new storyline, I fell more and more in love with the show. TJ and Cyrus’s characters helped me the most probably. I came out because after seeing Cyrus’s first coming out scene, I felt really encouraged to come out to someone who I knew would love and support me no matter what.
Just seeing someone on Disney Channel have anxiety really helped me out a lot. Seeing Buffy struggle with vulnerability helped me. Seeing close friends loving and supporting each other helped me. Seeing all the complexities and different aspect of the characters helped me. Andi Mack helped me.
But, it wasn’t just the show. It wasn’t just the characters. I am so proud to say that I am a part of the friendom. It means the world to me to know that there are so many other people out there who feel the same way I do. I made so many friends in this fandom, and I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of them. I grateful for each and every one of you.
Then, there was the cast. Josh and Luke literally changed my life. I don’t think that I would be the same person I am today if I hadn’t seen Josh on my TV almost two years ago. I know I wouldn’t be the same person I am today if Luke Mullen wasn’t TJ Kippen.
It makes me so incredibly sad that we’re not going to see these characters grow up. I plan on keeping up on what the cast is doing after the show because I know for a fact that they are all going to go on to do bigger and better things. And, I plan on continuing to write fanfiction so that I get to imagine these who these characters would truly become.
I never expecting a Disney Channel show to have this affect on my life. I never expected Disney Channel to even have a show that tackled so many topics that it never even touched before. I never expected to find family in this fandom. I never expected any of this, but I could not be happier with the outcome.
So, thank you, Andi Mack. Thank you to the amazing cast. And thank you to all of you guys. My life changed when I turned my TV on that night. Andi Mack will always be a part of me. I hope that someday every Disney show is as inclusive and ground-breaking as Andi Mack.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
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bobbyischill · 5 years
Andi Mack Rewatch (AMR)
Season 1 Episode 4
This serves as our discussion post for this episode. Feel free to talk about the episode and what you thought on this post! We watch an Andi Mack episode every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM EST, and that is also when we post the discussion board. Every Saturday is creativity day. That is where we make creative works for the episodes we watched for the week. This can be fan fics, fan art, etc. Make sure to tag any posts related to the rewatch with #AMR. We hope this is a good way to keep the friendom alive for a while longer. If you would like to be on the tag list or have any questions, please message either me or @iloveboyz27. Thanks!
Episode Summary (no spoilers): Andi questions Bex about the identity of the man in the photo she found. Cyrus reveals the truth about Bex being Andi's mother to his mother, who later spreads the word across town. Andi receives supportive comments from Jonah and other students at her school, while Celia has an even harder time coping with the relationship change after her neighbor calls her "grandma", which leads her and Ham to take time away from home. In their absence, Bex persuades Andi to have her first party at the house.
Previous Episode Summary: Since the revelation that Bex is Andi's mother, Celia still does not want Andi to call her by different grandmother names. After seeing Mrs. Devlin is the librarian at Andi's school, and recalling that has not changed since she went there, Bex encourages Andi into watching scary movies, which Celia has kept Andi from experiencing. That evening, Andi watches a movie called Shhh!, with Bex there in case she gets too scared, though Bex ends up falling asleep. The movie indeed scares Andi so much, that the next day, she falls asleep in class and receives detention, which prevents her from attending her first Space Otters frisbee match with Jonah. Andi finds out detention is held in the library with Mrs. Devlin, whose "shhh" to quiet her winds up re-triggering her frightened state from the movie. Meanwhile, Buffy joins the track and field relay team and her obsession with winning becomes costly. Later, as Bex goes through a box of things from her youth, and Andi learns more about her, Andi also stumbles across a picture of someone from Bex's past whom she believes to be her father.
Tag List: @iloveboyz27 @youcameofcourseicame @dancerdramatic14 @bambiandambi @tyrusendgameperiod @tyruslife @a-bittersweet-gal @jj-dyl @notsoscarylemonblueberry @tea-j-kippen @timepassingby127 @beckerstanstyrus @treatpeepswithkindness @dysfunctionaljess @one-huge-fuck-up @pacificxnw-blog @lovely-art-girl @sexuallyconfusednerd @theobligatedklutz @themagikskoolbus @muffinislovemuffinislive @that-multi-fandom-boi @muffinsandswingsets @thebisexualweirdo @martholomew-from-the-party @somersaulty @cyrusandbabytaters @i-heart-tyrus @boreoz
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remedymoods · 5 years
BANDI: Can I ask you a question?
Fandom: Andi Mack
Characters:  Buffy Driscoll and Andi Mack
Summary:  Buffy Driscoll has an important question for her best friend, Andi Mack. 
Other Characters: Marty from the Party, 
Warnings: None.
Author Notes:  Major thanks to @dancerdramatic14 and @iloveboyz27 for guiding me with this story.  @iloveboyz27 without the image below it would have been missing the key point.  Thank you!  Tagging @purplefacey who has requested.  
"OMG!  Andi, this looks so good!”
Twenty-six-year-old, Andi Mack was putting the final touches on her current art collection when she was interrupted by the voice of her best friend, Buffy Driscoll.
It's been eighteen days since Buffy went on a trip with her boyfriend, Martin “Marty” Pacione, to Italy. In friendship time that’s ranges in forever, so it wasn’t a surprise when Andi took a step forward in a sprint motion towards her friend, "Red light, Andi!” yells Buffy.  
Just like that when they were seven, Andi halts her movement.  “Nooo,” she dramatically responds as she drops her head.  
“I promise if you just give me a second to put our scorching drinks down and remove my coat.  We both will get what we want,” Buffy teases as she places the drinks down on the table.  
“Greenlight,” shrieks an impatient Andi as she jumps on Buffy and pulls her into a hug.
"Oomph," Buffy responds as Andi’s body is now on top of her, "Did you miss me,” she asks.
"It's been eighteen days since I have seen or talk to you.  Do you think I care about having liquid on my clothes? I’m an artist.  We laugh at water, paint or clay,” Andi bursts into evil laughter as she hugs her friend tighter.
"This is the main reason why I refuse to let you borrow my clothes."  
"Enough about clothes, unless you have some goodies for me.”  Buffy smiles, “Well, we can talk about that, the food, the wine, the art," she arches her eyebrows, "the sexxx."
Buffy laughs as she is finally able to remove her coat and grabs her cider.  The warmth starts to relax her throat, and her attention moves to the collection in the room.  “The collection looks ... good,” she shares as she removes her gloves off, and pulls her sleeves down over her fingers.  
"Thanks, it's becoming a favorite.”  Andi pauses and then speaks, “ No, I want to hear about your trip.  The lack of posting on IG from you and Marty was just… dreadful.  How can I be jealous if you don't post?”
"Silly, girl! “         
“No, seriously, I think Walker and I posted about seven posts each day during our inspiration trip in Turkey.  When you went quiet, I check on Marty’s page, but no, he was quiet too.  Did you enjoy Italy or just .. enjoy each otherrr... give me details.”  
Memories of Buffy trip with Marty flowed in her mind. 
"Well, on the first night, we arrived in Rome and had dinner at Da Enzo al 29.  I  had ordered this pasta with black truffles”,  Buffy mouth becomes moist as her memory takes over. "the sauce was just so creamy, and I actually dip my bread allll around the bowl.  The third night we made it to Sicily.  We had this bet in regards to who could find the best gelato.  It turned into this colossal scavenger hunt with the results of a how-to stop a brain freeze and recover from gelato coma. “
“Where can I find the best gelato when we go this Spring?”
“Oh, that simple, the best gelato spots… are the ones who give you two scoops for the price of one."
Laughter explodes through the room, and then a comfortable silence enters.
 Andi grabs her phone and pulls up her Instagram account. "Yes, I remember the gelato photo, which is your last post.  I guess you guys were staying in the moment."
Buffy smiles and takes a sip of her warm apple cider, she places it down in a swift move pulls her oversized sleeves up. "You can say that."
Andi leans in and looks at her friend Buffy, her long curly hair was framing her face. She noticed the red sweater that Andi believe was hers, which highlight her now red cheeks due to the cold weather. Before Andi could ask a question, Buffy did something that caught Andi’s attention when she ran her fingers through her hair.  
Buffy’s voice becomes softer as a whisper, "So, on the fifth night, it was Marty's turn to plan our activities. The only clue I had was that I should wear comfortable shoes for dancing  I picked the white crochet wrap dress we found at the vintage store when we were home last month, with my red ballets."
Andi places Buffy’s hand into her palm, as her thumb ghostly traces the thin band and around the center diamond.  She held her hand, letting the emotions rise to her eyes, remembering the first time, the seven-year-old held her hand, and now here they are twenty-six, and her best friend has a ring on it.
As she exhales and makes eye contact, "Dinner was lovely, we had pizza nothing really glamorous, but pizza in Italy should never be compared to the States, especially how well it goes with wine."
 "Just like your first date,” whispers Andi.
Buffy bites her bottom lip and nods, "I should have known something was up because we only have pizzas on our anniversaries. After dinner was over, we shared a minty gelato. "
"No Gelato wars?", interjects Andi.
Buffy shakes her head no.  
"The ride to our location was quiet.  I thought Marty was entering a food coma, so I just moved his arm around my shoulders and kissed his neck … Andi, we stop at the Teatro Greco Taormina. "Her eyes move back to her hand, "It's this massive open Greek theater that was carved out of rocks.  It’s gorgeous, and I was still oblivious … then my eyes saw the candles, my ears could hear a piano playing … then this tall, heavy-set man started to sing, and we were the only two people in the room."
"Oh .. Buffy.”
"For the first time I was speechless.. then Marty went ... down on his bend knee. When he asked me to marry him, and I said yes, the kiss was so different.  He wasn’t my boyfriend but my fiancé soon to be my husband.  That kiss completely moved all my emotions in overdrive.”
Andi finally lets her shriek out. "So fucking happy, for you both.  The ring, Buff..” Andi looks back at Buffy’s hand "He did very well."
"Yes, he did."
“This is great news but not on your page or his, why?"
" Well, we have three reasons why we ghosted social media. The first reason, I really wanted to stay in this glow of just us.  We were just engaged, and you have seen it Andi, every time someone becomes engaged. It's follow up with when’s the wedding, where’s the wedding and oh... congratulations. It's like we don't give the new couple time to just be engaged."
“Second, I wanted to share the news with our parents.  This is big news, and to think of sharing it through facetime was ... yucky" frowns Buffy.  
"Buff, it’s been two days since you have been back."
Buffy grab both of her best friends hand for over eighteen years hands, "Right, but I’m just seeing you, today.  Andi, you have been my best friend since we were seven years old.  We have been through good and bad, dumb fights, dance parties, different high schools, college .. but… you were the first person that knew I had some type of feelings for Marty before I would even admit to them.  You were the first to give us a couple name, "Muffy."
"I also gave you Barty too."
"Yes," Buffy laughs at her friend, "You were the first one to actually say, that we would be a great couple.  Our first double date ... that was with you and Jonah ... you were rooting for us before there was even an us” Buffy exhales, "How could I post a photo on Instagram and not share this moment with you in person?"
"Buffy," whispered Andi. "I love you ..  Muffy will rise."
"Um.. okay.. but for us to rise, I need one more thing." Andi wipes her tears on her, backhand, "Sure, what can I do?"
"No other place to see us rise, then standing next to me.  Andi Mack, will you do me the honor of being my Maid of Honor.”
"That depends. When I say, yes, will you finally post on IG or let Marty?”
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honeyybee-15 · 5 years
What Andi Mack means to me. (sorry it's long)
I remember when Andi Mack was announced on Disney channel. I had a disabled sister and her favorite channel to watch was always Disney so everytime I was in her room to help take care of her or just spend time with her I would also casually watch the shows with her. I remember how Andi Mack would capture my attention everytime it was on and although I wasn't seriously watching the show I would make theories in my head about these characters and storylines. I especially loved Cyrus's character I just connected with his personality the most. I knew his character was gay but I never in a million years thought Disney would actually confirm it. As a closted lesbian at the time seeing Cyrus come out for the first time made me cry of happiness. I couldn't believe that Disney channel the channel I grew up watching was showing someone like me to this new generation of kids and making them feel like its okay to be themselves. After Cyrus came out I became more invested in the show and would sometimes check in to see what's happening on the show. I also spent more time with my sister while we would watch Andi Mack. Some other storylines that hit really close to home for me was Jonah's anxiety and Tj's discalculia. By the end of season 2 I was obsessed with Andi Mack and Tyrus and I slowly started getting into the Tumblr fandom. The beginning of season 3 started and every Friday night I was in my sisters room with her watching the new episodes. My personal life started to slowly fall apart and during those hard times I always turned to Andi Mack and the fandom to escape. I had to move into a relative's basement with my mother, my sister and I all living in one room but I was happy to have them around me and we would all watch the new episodes of Andi Mack together. I had recently came out to my family around this time and then I saw Cyrus say the words "I'm gay" on Disney channel and I just started sobbing of happiness. I don't know how to describe how much I and so many others needed that even as a 17 year old. Then the summer hiatus happened and during that time my sister passed away. I had never been in so much pain. I would watch old Andi Mack episodes for comfort because it felt like it was a way for me to connect to her still. Like this show was ours. When it was announced that Andi Mack was being cancelled I broke down because I felt like this thing that connected my sister and I was being taken away at the time. When the show came back it helped me heal a little and it brought me comfort and joy and so did the fandom. So thank you for being a safe place for me. A part of me will always love and be connected to this show and I am so thankful for all these storylines that brought light to certain topics and made people feel less alone. This show is so important and I'm so glad I was able to be apart of it in some way even if it was from afar. Thank you to everyone who was or is active in the fandom and creating content for us. You don't know how much comfort you all brought me.
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malepresentingleg · 5 years
This Is An Anti Anti Kira Post
Because you all need to chill.
I've seen people in this fandom say she's a b*tch, she's evil, she should be run over by a car, that they want to kill her, that she doesn't deserve a redemption arc, and that she's some sort of master manipulator!
I'll start with the last one, because before I watched the new episodes I've seen a few posts about how "once again" Kira manipulated TJ and ruined Tyrus.
People actually say she, with evil intent, manipulated him to join her on the swings… to ruin tyrus?
Kira had no idea of the swings' significant! She genuinely looked like she was having fun. Sure did she bait TJ and speakto his competitor side? Yeah! But that's just banter. And this is not unlike the Marty and Buffy banter you all like so much- would you say that's evil manipulation? And Buffy does it with Marty when he's actually dating someone else, not just crushing like TJ (I def don't think Buffy is manipulating Marty, it's all super harmless, but just to show you how absurd it is to call what Kira did manipulation.) No. Because Muffy is a ship you root for, and the Kira x TJ dynamic is in the way of a ship you root for.
Also with costume day. Yes, Kira was implying that TJ should rather hang out with her than with Cyrus and that was wrong of her (more on that later). But you all made her to seem like this giant rude homophobe who was threatening to out TJ. While in reality, Kira just said a few words, probably referring to how she's "cooler" than Cyrus (again, more on that later) and TJ is supposed to be cool. 
And TJ just really took it to heart. It really hit him in his insecurities. Ultimately, it was HIS choice to bail on Cyrus after he got him so excited for the costume. His choice not to let him know. Sure I understand WHY it happened. But you all act like, both here and with the swings, Kira has this magical powers and she forces TJ to do stuff he doesn't want to! She doesn't. TJ has his shit to deal with, and it's hard for him and a long process- which is why he makes all these mistakes and hurts other people. He still needs to own up to everything and deal with it, but I understand. I understand why he does what he does, and no, the excuse is not "because Kira made him" because this is not true.
Now what I promised to get back to - Kira's faults. Kira is a young girl who's very good at basketball and very confident about it. Buffy begged her to join the team who was really a mess, so Kira did, and really killed it. But she was also braggy about it and insulted the other players for being bad. Is that bad? Of course!! That's obviously not nice?? But I mean. She's literally a 14 year old girl. She boasts.
And then what? Buffy kicks her off the team for her attitude? In Kira's eye, that's really shitty and unfair. Buffy is being unreasonable and basically told her "sorry you're too bitchy for the team".
I will point out, in case it wasn't clear, that Buffy is obviously right and Kira's attitude really was a big problem. I just mean to say that for Kira's child mind it's obviously not fair and unjust and Buffy is The Bad Guy, so she also isn't the warmest to Buffy's best friend (aka last episode). If you hate someone, and a friend (TJ) tries to get you to hang out, it's understandable to have the fakest smile on. (TJ is just a dumbass for not picking up on it). It's not like she killed Cyrus's puppy! She didn't "steal" TJ away from him, or "forbade TJ from meeting up with Cyrus" (like I've seen in several fanfics). She just wasn't the most polite, which like i said, is understandable considering how she feels about Buffy, and like Cyrus pointed up himself- him being Buffy's best friend.
Two last points, and if you survived this far you might as well read them-
Remember Kira's position. She had just moved schools. She joined the basketball team which is her passion and then got kicked out. I imagine she doesn't have any friends and she's now missing out on her hobby. TJ doesn't 'look like he wants to be anywhere else' when he's with her like you all keep saying. It doesn't look like he's trying to 'escape'. They really genuinely seem to be having fun together playing basketball! And at the swings! TJ was reluctant because this place meant something to him (again, Kira didn't know that), but then they were both just KIDS, playing and having fun! TJ also doesn't have many friends after the whole gun thing, so it makes sense they'll get along. TJ never does anything to make her think he doesn’t want to be friends with her, so she isn’t “making him spend time with her”. I think her "motive" is really just being his friend and getting to play basketball with him (maybe she also wants to join the boys' team, but still not evil). I don't think her motive is to "get revenge on Buffy by making her bff sad".
I also want to specifically address the "she doesn't deserve a redemption arc" comment I saw. Because damn if that isn't crazy. The actions Kira did (not what her actions led to aka Cyrus being heartbroken, but her actual actions) were by far less bad than what TJ did to Buffy in season 2. Not to mention- SHE'S A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL!!! Of course she deserve redemption! It needs to be done properly, but it's not like she did some unforgivable thing to any of the characters!!! Only to you! The shippers!!!!!!! 
So I need you to think real deep why it's easier for you to believe TJ's (somewhat poorly executed) redemption than Kira's hopefully future one. Is it because TJ was gonna be part of a boy x boy (white) ship so Oh he's so soft! And Kira is in the way of this ship, which is the most evil thing a girl can do? Or maybe it's about how TJ is a white boy who hurt a black girl so no biggie , while Kira is a Mean Black Girl whose actions led to white boys' feelings being hurt? certainly not worth redemption right?
So like I said, you all need to chill and stop hating on Kira like she’s the devil because she really is not that bad and I hope she gets a proper redemption (I'll shortly make another post about my prediction for that) in the little time we have left.
That was another Controversial Rant About Andi Mack by Shir.
Check out the first and second one if you want more!
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