#it showed where the apartment was and even zoomed in on the balcony
hey-kae · 1 year
Wait? How do you know that Pista is gone?
I mean, good for him, that car was so recognisable that’s probably how people found out where he lives.
But still, such a beautiful and unique thing I’m so so sad.
The only thing left for me now in Monaco spotted is Lando and his jolly.
I posted about this just as soon as i saw a tweet saying goodbye to the pista, but apparently the rumor is because there’s a photographer that said there’s gonna be a photoshoot for the delivery of Charles’ new car.
I’m guessing it’s just an addition to the cars he has, not a replacement but it will be a sad day if he actually sells the pista.
Plus, if he’s having a photoshoot for the new car, i don’t think this is about privacy but yeah his ferrari is really as famous as he is at this point.
And omg the pictures of lando getting spotted around monaco in his jolly absolutely kill meee😭😭
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fourmula1 · 1 year
5 times daniel doesn't post max on @daniel3.jpg + 1 time he does
1,224 words. sfw.
Daniel comes back from training – sweaty, tired, ready to clean up and put comfy clothes on and fall onto the couch and do nothing for the rest of the day.
When he enters the apartment and walks toward the bedroom something catches his eye.
Max is curled up on the couch, wearing soft pants and one of Daniel’s too-big hoodies. His sharp features are softened, peaceful in his sleep.
Daniel smiles as he quietly creeps over, careful not to disturb him but wanting to get a closer look. Max is beautiful always. In the mornings when he’s sleepy and complaining about getting up. After training when he’s sweaty and flushed and bone-tired. Freshly showered when his hair is a mess and he’s missed a little patch on his jaw when he shaved.
Asleep, Max is pure softness and beauty. Not a worry in the world. Face soft, breaths even, so safe curled up on their couch.
Daniel reaches for his camera on the coffee table, bites back a smile as he raises it and peers through the viewfinder. He snaps a photo and bluetooths it to his phone, sets the camera down, and heads off to shower.
Tucked up in his seat on Max’s plane, Daniel fiddles with the settings on his camera as he scrolls through the photos he took that day.
Lando peeking out of his driver’s room across the hall at Daniel. Michael rolling his eyes as Daniel danced up to him in the garage. Some before and after snaps of his driver’s room when he arrived – tidy, neat, organized – and his driver’s room mid day – chaos, piles of stuff, inexplicably only one sneaker. There are snaps of the track, the sunset, his lunch, and, for good measure, a few where he must have accidentally pressed the button whilst the camera hung from his neck.
Across from him Max is telling Lando some utterly incomprehensible story about the fish in their hotel lobby aquarium from this morning and Daniel can’t help but laugh in befuddlement, never quite knowing how Max’s brain is going to work today.
His laughter makes Max look over at him and Daniel seizes the moment to lift his camera. He snaps a photo of Max looking delighted – wide smile, eyes crinkled, nose scrunched up.
Max goes back to his story and Daniel goes back to his photos; zooms in on Max’s smile and the beautiful freckle he loves so much.
Max was made for Australian sunshine, Daniel thinks.
Here on the farm Max is sun-warmed, his freckles popping more prominently, hair blonder than normal from sun-bleaching.
Daniel’s watching from the deck where he’s leaning against the railing, shouting down encouragement for Isaac to catch Max – “take him out, Isaac! Get ‘im!”
Max looks so happy as he runs around the yard with Daniel’s nephew, vaguely faking it to allow Isaac to tag him. Max is laughing, hasn’t stopped smiling for days, and Daniel wants to keep him like this forever, forever, forever.
When Max catches Isaac he tosses the little boy over his shoulder, Isaac’s delighted squeals ringing through the air as he kicks his feet in protest.
Daniel captures the photograph – Isaac’s kicky feet, Max’s head tossed back in laughter, the sun beating down on them both like it knows they should be illuminated in its glory.
Working on his tan on a sun lounger on the balcony, Daniel grins as he watches Max heave his body around his work-out. He’s sweaty and his white t-shirt is clinging to his body in all the right places. Daniel is unabashed about the way he rakes his eyes over Max and the way the shirt clings to him; his full pecs, broad chest, the span of his delicious back.
“Enjoying the show?” Max asks him, and he’s a little breathless from doing burpees but he’s smug none the less because he knows the answer.
“So much I might watch it twice,” Daniel smirks as he rests up on his elbows, reaches over for his camera on the little table between the loungers. He rolls onto his side and brings the camera up, grins as he brings it up to his eye. “Gimme a pose, stud,” Daniel teases, unable to help his laughter when Max rolls his eyes but – acquiesces.
Daniel snaps a photo as Max pulls up his shirt sleeve and flexes his bicep, laughing as well when Daniel lets out a loud, fake, pornographic moan at the sight before him.
“We have to leave in fifteen!” Daniel calls through to the en-suite bathroom where Max is still fucking getting ready. What the fuck is taking him so long.
He scoops his keys out of the bowl on the entry-way table and stuffs them into his pocket, makes sure his backpack is by the door, ready to go. Max’s is no where to be seen and Daniel huffs a sigh because he knows that means Max likely hasn’t finished packing and the bag is probably sat open on their bed waiting for a few last minute items to be shoved in.
Daniel heads that way, swings the camera strap around his neck back to get the camera out of his way, and – as he suspected – sees Max’s open backpack on the bed amongst items not yet packed. A phone charger, two pairs of socks, sunglasses and – Daniel’s not going to ask – three different watches. Okay.
“Max,” he says as he peeks into the bathroom.
“I’m almost done,” Max says and he is absolutely not almost done judging by the full lather of shaving cream he’s just put onto his face, hands still lathered up as well. “I’ll be quick,” he lies as he turns the tap on to rinse his hands, grabbing his razor when he’s done.
Daniel narrows his eyes at Max through the mirror from where he’s standing behind Max.
“Don’t cut yourself,” he says as he swings his camera around again and lifts it to his eye. “Can’t ruin the money maker,” Daniel smirks as he snaps a photo into the mirror; himself stood behind Max, Max’s foamy face and blue-eyed glare.
It’s sort of an open secret that they’re together and virtually everyone in the F1 world knows what’s been going on for years at this point.
The fans and the media have their guesses. It’s not hard to find out that they live together; always coming and going from their apartment in Monaco together, Daniel photographed at the airport with Max, Daniel at tracks around the world when he doesn’t have a seat or a contract to speak of. He’s on a sabbatical so there’s no real reason for it except… well, people put two and two together.
And they’ve talked about not hiding anything and how if people know, they know, and it’s not a big deal anymore. Not after all the years they’ve been together, not after what they’ve been through.
They’re not scared and basically everyone knows anyway so Daniel uses his phone to snap a photo from above – the two of them snuggled up on the couch, Max’s head on his shoulder, his nose tucked up against Daniel’s jaw – and opens Instagram.
He switches to daniel3.jpg and types in his caption, tags Max, and hits ‘post’.
“happy sabbatical to me ♥ @ maxverstappen1”
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otterandterrier · 3 months
Hi! I’m thinking of getting a cat but I’m scared it’s gonna be more work than anticipated. Do you have any tips or things I absolutely should know?
Hello there! Okay, yes, I have thoughts that I can share, but first of all I want to preface this with ADOPT, DON'T SHOP if you do end up getting a cat (or dog!) 😊
So, first things first: yes, cat are work! as they are living beings that have needs! like a dog or a kid! and people often don't think that's the case when they adopt a cat, and some cats are fine and their people are fine, but some are not! And some cats might have special needs you don't know about! And whether it ends up being bearable work or not also depends on your attitude/mental health/energy levels/workload/etc.!
If you're worrying about whether it's going to be too much work for you, I'm guessing you're not a chill, laissez-faire person, which... same! Tbh more people should be a little bit more like us and think things through 😛 (That said, too much worry can be anxiety making up monsters in the tall grass.)
I don't want to scare you off adopting, but I will tell you my experience (under the cut because it got rambly):
So I have a black cat that we adopted with my family at their house, with a backyard and places to go. Obviously, he has needs and quirks and all, but he grew up as outdoors/indoors, in a house with three people who could take care of him, and is fairly aloof and independent. He has other issues going on but I won't get into that here.
Now I live alone in a studio apartment with no balcony or patio. For a while I really wanted a cat, and then at one point I was like "you know what, I'm good". Then this perfectly domesticated young cat showed up at my parents', and finding a family for him was too much trouble when he seemed like such a good fit for an apartment, so I took him in, and... yes, he is a pretty good kitty, but:
It turns out he can't keep down dry food and is a glutton, which means he can't be left alone for long periods of time since I can't leave a full bowl of kibble. It also means I have to clean up vomit often. I did not know this beforehand. My solution has been to moisten his kibble in advance because I can't afford wet food weekly, so I basically have to prepare food for him every day.
If I don't keep him up during the day, he stays up all night. He still wakes me up several times at night (I've been sleeping like shit since october) and he likes to bat things off surfaces. Which means I've pretty much had to clear my dinner table, and every night I have to secure the things on my desk, and put a pillow on my night table, so instead he zooms across the bed (: Oh, also, I'd just gotten a new bedspread and sheets, which I had to temporarily stop using because he'd scratch at them.
Since I live in an apartment with no airflow, I need litter that works. I don't have many options and some of them are expensive. Silica gel, for example - costs a lot, and the brand I got didn't even last the four weeks it promised. The litter I've found that really absorbs pee smell and isn't expensive is pine pellets, which track a lot. My sort of solution: mix it with regular (non-clumping) litter (little white stones) so that it filters out some of the sawdust. I still have to sift it daily, which is work! I also have a little box with a curved border, but litter still gets out.
Darcy also has long-ish hair, and has a cardboard scratching triangle he loves, so again, I have to clean very often (or suck it up). I bought a vacuum cleaner for this reason.
I thought having a big window would keep him entertained, but he's not a huge fan of the outside, so since he has nothing else to do (and I don't want him to sleep all day!), I need to play with him through the day, which I can only do because I work a lot from home.
Where I'm going with this is that adopting him meant changing my life a lot to accommodate him. Maybe someone reading this is like "wtf?? that's nothing! why are you scaring this person off adopting a cat over normal cat experiences??" But that's what I mean: people are different, and cats are too - and you can't control how your cat is going to be like. I love Darcy and wanted to give him a home, but sometimes I miss when I could be lazy in bed for as long as I wanted without a little guy crying for me to get up even though I just fed him! or leave for the day without worrying about coming back early because the little guy hasn't eaten since this morning! Adopting him pretty much reinforced my decision to not have human children.
As for general tips that I can think of:
If you're worried about it being too much work, get an adult cat - kittens are so much more work, they're more destructive, and you don't know what their personality is going to be like.
One of the most important things you're going to have to invest in is food - get good food! If you're worried about your cat liking/tolerating the brand, get a small bag and see how that goes. Kibble is not evil btw.
Closed litter boxes seem like The solution, but not all cats like that. So if you can't really splurge on one, just don't - it might be a waste of money. Try a box with a curved border instead, or one of those with a sifter if you go with pine pellets. Don't line the bottom with a bag, I haven't tried it but I've read cats aren't a fan. Also, the box should be fairly big for the cat! Mine is on the small side because I overestimated things... occasionally his butt misses it 😬
Don't throw cat poop down the toilet because it's bad, and don't put the cat poop in your regular trash bin even in a separate, closed bag because it will stink up the room every time you need to open it. My solution: I got a small steel trash can, lined the bottom with some litter (because inside it's a removable plastic box), and put the poop in a bag that I close. It keeps the smell in for at least a full day. The important thing is that wherever you put the poop in has a fitted lid I think. Some people might use fancier stuff like diaper genies?? but that's super expensive here and not common.
A scratching thing is your cat's bff! Darcy has one of these triangles, which he took to immediately (I'd bought it for my other cat years ago and he never used it). My mom also made him one of the regular ones like this, but he only uses the carpeted base as a scratcher 🤷‍♀️
If you have plants, you need to be careful because many indoor plants are toxic to cats. I was super worried about it because I do have several of those, but luckily Darcy doesn't want to chomp down on my plants. But it's something you have to watch out for, and if you're too worried, get rid of them or put them somewhere the cat can't reach. AND get him a little planter with cat grass he can munch on! That way he'd be less inclined to look for a tasty plant.
A lot of cat toys are going to be a waste of money. Start with a wand, if you can get two wands to switch them up, even better. You can improvise a slow feeder ball and other types of puzzles with cardboard tubes to see if your cat likes that! Try DYI toys before buying something expensive. They say cats love water fountains too, but they're also expensive and what if your cat doesn't love it? Also, catnip? Neither of my cats gives a crap about that.
It's more work, but it's better if you don't let them to feed freely, especially if they're indoors and neutered. What I do is play 5-10 minutes with him before feeding him. Also, you're supposed to feed 3-4 times a day a certain amount according to the cat's weight... HA. I feed Darcy a spoonful of moistened food every three hours. It makes no difference if I give him more food in one meal - he's still going to want to eat in three hours (and might throw up because, gremlin). That's about 8 times a day in total.
They say the only way to get a cat to stop waking you up at night is to ignore them... but how can you do that if they're trashing up the place?? It's not going to happen. BUT try to make it harder for them to mess up the place, and try to hold on anyway. So like, I feed him every three hours even when he'd like to be fed every one and a half. It's going to suck, I'm still holding on to hope that it might change lol.
You're going to want to brush him, and you might try to clip his nails but... it doesn't make that much of a difference tbh. Do not declaw him.
Okay I think that's pretty much it, this is long enough 🙈 To end on a positive note, if you're feeling alone and you're up to the task, pets are your little buddies; if you struggle with your mental health, they might help in giving you purpose and grounding. But at least to me having this cat pretty much feels like having a toddler (including the constant babble!), and... that's work 😅
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chiffiorra · 2 years
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Kinktober Day #7
Name: Sexting
Character: Satoru Gojo
WC: 683
Synopsis: You two decided to sext each other for fun as per usual, but how far are you willing to go?
This fic contains: AFAB reader, Gojo being a warning in his own way, nudes, allusion to reader and Gojo sexting and meeting up before, minor exhibitionism, small inspiration from yuannaoi, MDNI
Note: yeaaaah this one might be a little lackluster i apologize. who'd have thought that sexting could be quite difficult to write as interesting? my hat's off to y'all who can achieve that lol
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It was late at night and you were doing your typical "me time" to wind down after a long day of working. You sighed in relief as you sunk yourself further into your bed, ready to watch and catch up on your shows, eat some leftovers from the previous night, and doze off into dreamland. But all of a sudden, your phone buzzed with a message on your nightstand. Curious, you turned over to reach for it to see who texted you or what other notification you received.
'i'm bored. talk to me''
You only rolled your eyes as you read the text message. Satoru usually messaged you for times like this. And the both of you knew where that would lead next. Not that you were complaining, he always made it fun for you two.
'what do you want to do this time?' You texted back to him.
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A minute later he responded with a request of his own, 'send me your tits :P'. He was as blunt as ever, you mused.
Not being one to deny a special request, you removed your shirt and bra. Pointing the camera down to your breasts, you posed as you took a picture and sent it to him along with a text, 'show me yours since i showed you mine.'
You didn't expect him to follow through but Satoru was full of surprises and kept you on your toes a lot, he was a difficult to read type of man. But you enjoyed it and him all the same.
What he sent you was nothing more than his length. He and Geto once joked that the sight of it would scare you but you proved the both of them wrong. But you would never admit to them that you were slightly intimidated when you first saw it in person.
You licked your lips as you scanned every bit of the pic he sent you, you almost wished he was here with you instead of you being by your lonesome.
His response came not too long after his pic, 'there's something i would absolutely love you to do for me right now', he texted.
'what is it?'
'show me your pussy. i wanna see it' Could he be any more blunt than that?
Nevertheless, you granted his wish as you removed your shorts and panties. Moving yourself to the edge of your bed, you sat up to get the perfect shot. After some zooming in and a few shots, you sent the best one in your opinion to Satoru. 'Now to wait', you thought as you laid back down.
He responded after almost three minutes, 'you don't even know the things i wanna do to you, baby. you know i can easily come over to your place, right?' And that he could, he wasn't the strongest sorcerer for no reason after all, one of his abilities was teleportation.
He soon sent another text, 'i'm already on the way'. That was all the confirmation you needed as you decided to get up and pose in front of your floor length mirror and send him a few pics.
'can't wait to see you <3', you responded. After that, you placed your phone down, grabbed your robe that was hanging nearby, and placed it on you. Walking outside to your apartment balcony, you chose to wait outside for him as that would be where he would usually be if he chose to teleport instead of driving. Your breasts were exposed due to you not tying your robe correctly, but it was all the more reason to show off to Satoru.
As you placed your elbows over the rail, you jumped in surprise as you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and lips brushing against your earlobe.
"Couldn't wait for me so you had to go expose your tits to the whole world, huh?" Satoru muttered as his hands moved up to them and began kneading them. You could feel the smile on his face.
"Nope," you replied smiling.
Tonight was going to be even better than you thought.
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nnnnooooaaaa · 1 year
With the Covid lockdown Seto found himself with more time on his hands without going to and from his office, across town to meet with other departments and retailers, to press events, and to business conferences across the world and everything else that normally kept him busy all day every day.
When he was busy he didn’t have time to think about the past. Now though he worked remotely for the most part, with his meetings limited to Zoom.
It was nice in the beginning. The first week was delightful; he could stay in bed longer. He could eat breakfast with Nova. He could even go back to sleep after catching up on answering emails. He could play games with his wife and with Atem and catch up on tv shows he liked but was always behind on.
The joy in the games were fading, especially as the worldwide situation was getting grimmer. Atem started isolating better instead of coming over.
It was fine really. He had his other best friend, his wife. It was fine until it wasn’t. Until this house was getting to him. He wasn’t busy enough to keep himself from thinking about where he was and where they had been.
He knew he was relapsing into old food avoidant behavior he thought he had moved past. But there were calories in alcohol right? He wasn’t going to die.
It really wasn’t like him to be drinking whiskey concealed by a coffee mug at a morning department meeting over zoom. Did he even like whiskey? Sometimes it was wine. Much better.
How many times had he lied to Nova that he either wasn’t hungry or has already eaten?
Pegasus and Taylor wanted them to visit for a while. Yes. Maybe that’s all he needed was time away from the house. Nova had had the same idea, telling him they were going.
Pegasus and Taylor were hardly affected by the lockdown. They loved being home. Taylor loved that he was there more often, but not much had changed for them. Max had already been working partly at his home office, and he wasn’t one to volunteer to wake up early even under normal work circumstances. They were having fun with this.
So why did Seto feel like trash instead of being more fun for Nova? (Definitely not because he had never engaged with his trauma in any meaningful, restorative way.) He would give her more attention tonight. After rejecting Atem’s pleas for playing on Duel Links following his last zoom meeting of the evening.
A shared bath helped to clear his head and to focus on Nova. None of his stress mattered in this moment with her in his arms. But god he was tired. Still, by the time they got to bed, he was able to continue worshipping her a while longer, indulging on her breasts, filling her again…
Then his mood faltered afterward, guilt clawing into his mind and shredding apart short lived joy.
(Atem texted Nova: something is wrong with him if he won’t duel me 😠)
He woke to darkness in the early morning, horror dawning on him at the realization the dreams that had been plaguing him ever since his mental health took a turn (a generous word— more of a spiral) were not dreams at all.
It had been much worse with Gozaburo than he thought.
He got dressed and moved quietly to try to avoid waking Nova, slowly closing the balcony door and pouring himself another drink, hands shaking.
When he heard the door open some time later he tried to calm his erratic breaths but couldn’t bear to be seen like this, covering his face although his back was to her.
“I can’t go back to that house.”
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denimini · 7 months
Now what you think. They released another pic which shows he's in ground/1st floor apartment. While video was from above floors. But one of these doesn't make sense.
If he is in ground floor then why we can't see the big wall in the video? Also why it looks like top floors ?
If he's in top floor, then why he's coming out from an apartment in 1st/ground floor now ?
Ps. In New pic (seems like somewhere around 2022 oct-2023 feb) we can't see half of his tattoos including big ass snake tattoo and army tattoos.
Also according to Karmy bighit rented his apartment in 1st floor
To me, everything still adds up.
I think JK is on the fiest/ground floor. I saw it discussed somewhere else too and I also the new pic (I won't share it) where it's him the balcony. The reason why the wall in his living room wasn't not in the first video, was because it was a very zoomed shot of one of the big windows with the sliding door slightly opened. I think the first video is also from the first floor, but it doesn't look like it because it is very zoomed. Had it beein more zoomed out, we would have been able to see it the wall dividing the walls.
As for the big black wall. I think it isn't visible because the first video was shot from afar, probably across the street (you could actually see the cables in front of JKs building in the front view of the video) and from above. Maybe from a balcone, tree or with a drone. Had it not been so grainy and low quality, I'd say it was even filmed from someone standing on the wall or on the trees next to it, but modern cameras and phones would produce a much clearer picture from that distance, if that was the case. Unless, as I said, it was shot with a drone from a slighlty upper angel and a distance around the wall. Drones typically have low grade cameras, so that would makes sense. The big black wall isn't visible because it was cut from the frame or because it was out of the frame, if we go with the theory of the drone filming slightly above it. The camera is for situated at a higher angel, hence why we only see the top half of the people's bodies and the very top of the couch.
I haven't looked very deeply into the new pic to be able to tell anything about the tattoos, yet.
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itllsetyoufree · 3 years
“Does this help?” + kara being injured
All things considered, Lena’s Saturday has been startlingly unremarkable so far. The sun is shining, she’d had her usual cup of yogurt with sliced bananas for breakfast, she hasn’t gotten a single off-hours weekend call from work, and she’d even had time to read the Cooking section in the National City Tribune. The biggest thing on her calendar for the day is her weekly movie night with Kara, which she’d been quietly looking forward to since Kara had left her apartment after their movie night the week before.
There was a time in Lena’s life where the easy, almost leisurely flow of her day would have been alarmingly, disarmingly suspect. But with no attempts on her life and L-Corp running smoothly for the last year or so, Lena’s life has settled into something more… quiet. 
And on any other day, it might have continued that way. 
Because noxious gas-breathing, nine-legged alien dragons aren’t typically her problem.
She gets the notification on her phone, of course:
Emergency Alert: Rogue Alien Attacking National City Waterfront— alien is violent and unrestrained, exhales unidentified purple gas. Residents urged to remain indoors and to close all windows.
Lena sighs, rolling her neck to the side and grabbing her phone as she lifts herself off her couch to close her balcony door. Despite having a near-panoramic view of the water, Lena’s apartment is on the other side of town from the docks, but she winds her way around her apartment anyway and closes all of her windows just in case. She’s just shutting the last one when she fires off a text to Kara, telling her to stay inside and to not come over until the alien is taken care of, and don’t even think about going down to the docks to report on it, Kara, I know CatCo doesn’t have gas masks on hand.
She gets a single thumbs up in response, an unusually terse reply from Kara, who never sends one text message when three will do, but Lena doesn’t think much of it and just settles back down on the couch to flip on the news. 
She watches live as the alien positively obliterates several of National City’s piers with three of its arms. The video feed shows people diving out of the way as wet, splintered wood flies in every direction. The esplanade is littered with debris as the alien rears up again, swinging its tail against the surface of the bay and spraying rolling waves of water onto the shore. 
Lena blows out a heavy breath as she watches the destruction unfold before reaching out for her phone again. She’s just hitting send on an email to Jess, telling her to donate funds to the city to rebuild the docks, when the unmitigated panic on screen abruptly stops. 
She sits up straight on the couch as she watches the dragon puff out a billowing cloud of purple smoke. It unfurls along the embankment and the remaining parts of the boardwalk, and slowly engulfs the small crowd of people fleeing the waterfront and the remaining stragglers on the shoreline.
Lena watches, mouth parting in shock, as they all stop running en masse and slow to a halt. The newsfeed goes silent as the crowd stops screaming, even the newscaster losing his breath as everyone stands still, lolling around on their feet as if held up by rubber and not muscle, before they all calmly sink down to the ground and lay down. 
The sweeping shot of everyone resting on the ground seems to spur the news anchor back to life, and he resumes narrating wildly, jabbering and speculating like an auctioneer calling the Superbowl. 
The dragon stops destroying more of the docks to huff out another cloud of smoke at a helicopter nearby. Lena sucks in a breath as the helicopter wobbles in the air over the people on the ground, but it just floats softly down, landing gentle as a feather on the nearest open patch of grass. Lena pinches her eyebrows together, bewildered, but before she can think too much on it, there’s a red and blue streak zooming into the frame. 
Supergirl pulls up behind the dragon, and Lena only has a second to admire the sun glinting off her hair before Supergirl grabs the alien by one of its legs and flings it out toward the sea. 
From there it’s a whirlwind. Supergirl and the alien lunge and splash and swing at each other at a dizzying speed, spinning in the air and dragging each other under the water. The camera holds steady on them for several minutes until one final breathtaking moment. Both Supergirl and the alien breach out of the water and whirl to face one another. Supergirl’s eyes glow for a split second before her heat vision activates and scorches across the dragon’s abdomen. It crashes back to the water with a roar, but just before it sinks beneath the surface, it huffs out one final breath of smoke. 
It catches Supergirl visibly off-guard as she recovers from the fight, gasping for air just as it engulfs her. The newscaster goes silent once more, watching as Supergirl seems to go loose mid-air. She sways a little, drifting in the wind, a glassy, confused look on her face. Lena’s reaching for her phone, ready to call Alex to see if she can help, when Supergirl shakes her head and starts to fly, slowly and unsteadily, away from the scene. 
The newscaster and Lena heave a simultaneous sigh of relief, and Lena lets her phone drop back down to the couch. The news switches back to coverage of the dazed, lethargic people on the shore who seem confused but otherwise unharmed. Lena’s just relaxing back into the cushions, half a mind to open her windows back up to let in the breeze, when she catches movement out of the corner of her eye. 
She turns, watching as Supergirl floats shakily toward her balcony. 
When Supergirl lands, it’s with none of the elegance or athleticism Lena’s come to associate with her. There’s no graceful descent, no landing delicately on one pointed foot or shooting down from the sky to stop on a dime just before she hits the ground. Supergirl drifts closer and closer to her building, one foot outstretched as she reaches Lena’s balcony, but her foot catches on the top of the railing, and she topples over it, hands splayed out to catch herself. She spills over the banister and lands on her chest, legs arching up behind her and feet still hooked over the railing. She looks up at Lena through the glass window, eyes half glazed over and unfocused as her cape slides up the slope of her back to pool at the back of her neck. 
The sight of her, glassy and dazed and draped over her railing like a wet towel spurs Lena into action. She throws the balcony door open and rushes over, dropping to her knees and reaching out to run her hands down the length of Supergirl’s arms, cupping her cheeks and tilting her head to either side to look for bruises. 
“Supergirl! Are you hurt? Can you stand? Come, let’s get you to the DEO.” 
Lena stills, pausing her frantic checking of Supergirl’s pulse to actually take stock of the situation. 
Supergirl, seemingly unconcerned by her chin pressing into the concrete or being curled backwards over herself, blinks up at Lena. She looks untroubled, calm, her hair and suit still damp from the water but otherwise right as rain, but the expression on her face is… vacant. Her eyes are glossy, just slightly unfocused, mouth parted as she looks up at Lena. She looks open, unguarded, and completely unaware, and Lena recalibrates. 
“Supergirl, do you know where you are?”
“Your balcony.”
“And do you know who I am?”
“Does anything hurt?”
“Can you untangle your feet so we can get you up?”
“Oh,” Supergirl remarks, like she hadn’t noticed her feet weren’t under her. She tries to twist around to look over her back at her feet, and she shuffles a little, unhooking the toes of her boots and falling fully onto the stone floor. 
Lena tsks and instinctually reaches out again, grabbing hold of Supergirl’s shoulders and helping her move until she’s sitting upright, propped against the balcony railing. Supergirl leans back against it, blinking slowly and looking blankly around, and Lena finds herself itching for the phone she left in the living room but unwilling to leave the woman in front of her while she’s so vulnerable. 
It isn’t like she hasn’t dealt with an incapacitated Supergirl before. Lena’s saved Supergirl from more than a handful of scrapes in the past couple years, but never like this, never while she was conscious, never while she seemed loopy and almost childlike. It’s easier to maintain her focus, Lena realizes, easier to put the worry aside and work on a fix when Supergirl is in grave danger, in desperate need of help. 
This, with her awake and seemingly fine but so disoriented is throwing Lena off guard. Normal citizens shouldn’t see their city’s hero downed and unconscious, but they shouldn’t see her like this either, unfocused and confused, almost as if she’d been drugged. It’s unsettling, deeply uncomfortable in a way Lena can’t put her finger on, and she can’t help but feel both protective and out of her element at the same time.
“Okay,” Lena says, keeping her voice soft and caring. “How about we get you over to the DEO so they can check you out?”
“No, thanks,” comes the quiet reply. “I’ll stay here.”
It’s Lena’s turn to blink confusedly back at Supergirl, but the woman is looking elsewhere. The soft breeze that’s been blowing all day blows an errant leaf off of one of Lena’s plants and into Supergirl’s lap, and Lena watches, latent sense of panic beginning to grow in her stomach, as Supergirl picks up the leaf and twirls it between her fingers.
“I really think we should get you over to the DEO. You seem a little… off,” Lena says, careful to phrase it as gently as she can to not cause any alarm. “What if I just have Director Danvers come here by herself?” Lena asks, half unsure why she’s humoring Supergirl before she realizes that Supergirl has probably never gone anywhere she didn’t want to go— on account of being strong enough to lift a space station. 
“No,” Supergirl responds again, simply, not rudely, “she’s not invited.”
Lena narrows her eyes at that, trying to sort out what kind of laughing gas this dragon has breathed out. 
“I think I’m in charge of that,” Lena retorts, but she sighs, because Supergirl just looks up at her and smiles dopily. 
“Okay,” Lena tries again. “Will you at least stand up and come inside? I can do some research on how to get these side effects to go away.” 
Supergirl acquiesces this time, or at least Lena thinks she does until Supergirl turns away from the open door to her living room. 
“I’ll stay out here,” she says, words slurring a little as she points to one of Lena’s deck chairs. “Need a little sun.” 
She sways on the spot, as if momentarily suspended by the breeze, before stumbling over to Lena’s deck chair and collapsing onto it. She trips on one of the legs and the chair breaks under her weight, but she doesn’t seem to notice, letting her eyes drift shut and tilting her chin up toward the sun. A small smile crosses her face as the sun warms her, and Lena finds herself unable to hold back a small smile of her own. 
“You’ve got twenty minutes,” Lena says, already planning out her research on alien dragons and a call to Alex in her head. “Then I’m making the call.” 
“Uh uh,” Supergirl hums, eyes still closed, and Lena raises both eyebrows. “Is’fine, Lena. Don’t call. Wanted to come here.”
The longer sentences are starting to ease Lena’s mind, but Supergirl’s response rattles around in her brain and she can’t help but ask.
Supergirl just hums back at her again.
“Why’d you come here instead of going to the DEO?”
“Didn’t want to miss movie night,” she says, calmly while she exhales, like Lena had asked her what day it is and she’d said, ‘Saturday.’
Lena freezes. The pit of panic in her stomach drops out and her whole body clenches at the loss. She stands frozen, staring at the figure laying prone, sprawled out on her deck chair. Lena’s heart pounds. She feels the rapid thudding in her chest, hears it reverberate in her ears. She takes it in, the red boots and skirt, the blue suit, the cape, the blonde hair. 
Her eyes map the features on Supergirl’s face, and she realizes with some modicum of horror how familiar those features are. The point of her chin, the slope of her cheekbones, the nick of the scar above her eyebrow, the slightly upturned, charming pull of her mouth. It’s all— 
“Lena?” those eyebrows scrunch together and it comes out as a whine, and Lena is overcome. 
The panic disappears, instantly replaced by a tidal wave of worry, of affection, of bewilderment, confusion, and a little hurt.
“I’m here,” is what she blurts out in response, dropping onto the adjacent chair and wrapping her hand around Supergirl’s— Kara’s?— wrist, gentle, caring. “Hey, hey, I’m here. Are you okay?”
“Mhmm” Supergirl hums again, twisting her wrist to take hold of Lena’s hand. “Better already. Just need a nap and then we can watch a movie, okay?” Her voice is light and airy, and the smile droops off her face as she begins to fall asleep, but Lena can’t let her go, can’t be left alone with her racing mind. She needs to know, needs to be sure, and with a pounding heart, she presses on.
“Have—” Lena starts. Her voice cracks and she clears her throat and tries again, wiping the hand not enclosed in Supergirl’s tiredly across her brow. “Have you thought about what movie you want to see?”
“Which Star Wars are we up to?” Supergirl mumbles, half-asleep, and Lena feels her whole body clench with the confirmation as she sweeps her eyes up and down the figure in front of her with renewed worry, checking for injuries she knows aren’t there, because it’s Kara, it’s Kara, it’s Kara.
“Episode Six,” she whispers, tightening her hand around Kara’s. 
“That one. ‘S a good one.” Kara breathes back. 
Kara shifts on the chair a little bit, and small as the movement is, Lena thinks it looks the tiniest more purposeful, the tiniest bit less loose and floppy, and Lena feels her shoulders relax with it. It shifts something in her, the worry beginning to melt into a tender form of annoyance and she decides to push a little more. 
“Are you hungry?”
“Mm,” Kara hums, smiling again. Lena narrows her eyes at her. 
“Do you want Big Belly Burger for dinner like last time?”
“Mhmm yeah,” Kara murmurs, “and those fries that I like.”
Lena smirks, raising an eyebrow, but Kara is completely unaware. Lena squeezes her hand and stands. “I’ll order the food, and you can nap until it gets here, okay?”
“Mhmm thanks, Lena.”
“You’re welcome, Kara,” she says pointedly, but Kara doesn’t notice. Lena watches her smile in her half-asleep doze, her hand twitching a little until the smile droops off her face and she falls asleep just like that. Lena stands there, gaping at her for a moment, then makes her way inside.
Twenty minutes later, after a text to Alex and enough time spent slowing her racing heart, enough time spent with the news to know that the gas wears off on its own, eventually, she hears a sigh and a creak from outside. Supergirl— Kara, god, it’s Kara— is stretching on the deck chair, which appears to be hanging on for dear life, and Lena lifts herself off the couch, grabbing the bag next to her and making her way back outside.
She sets a glass of water down on the drinks table next to Kara’s head, watching as she shifts in the sun but doesn’t open her eyes. 
“How are you feeling, Supergirl?”
“Mhmm, good, sleepy,” Kara yawns.
“They pulled that dragon out of the bay,” Lena says casually, crossing her arms. “You did a great job. No one’s hurt. The effects of the gas seem to subside on their own.”
“Good,” Kara murmurs, tilting her head up into the sun again. “That’s good.” 
“The food’s here too,” Lena informs her, unable to hold back a smirk. “I got us a couple shakes as well.”
“Thanks,” Kara sighs happily. You’re the best.”
“But Kara?”
“You have to change out of your suit first. Wouldn’t want to get any residual alien goop on my couch.”
It’s exactly as satisfying as she thought it would be. Kara’s loose, floppy posture stiffens as her spine snaps straight, her eyes flying open as the chair finally gives out from under her. Lena watches the wheels turn once Kara hits the ground, sees Kara’s eyes bug out when they make eye contact. Kara’s flick down to look at her suit, then back up to Lena. 
Lena twists her wrist, letting the paper bag swing out toward Kara. 
“Your fries?”
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elfwoodfae · 3 years
Ima need you to write something filthy about Harry after he discovers y/n's erotic friend fiction about the team and learn what she really thinks about him.
Love, some one anonymous and your biggest fan
“Hurtful Lies” Harrison “Harry” Wells x reader
Author’s note: HUGE thank you to @wintersire for coming through and helping me keep Harry in character and help me edit and put together this story, honestly couldn’t have done it without her. Also I know is not exactly what you asked for but I could stop myself from the angst, I truly hope you like it. I loved writing it. I cried too while doing it.
Gif credits to the owner, I found it on google.
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“Oh Harrison,” You moaned in his ear as he held you up against the wall, your legs tangled around his waist.
“I can’t wait to be inside of you,” He whispered, his hands going up your back and ripping open the fabric of your dress. His lips found yours, his teeth catching your bottom one, tugging on it for you to open your mouth.
His hand went down the curve of your ass to the inside of your thigh, feeling the heat coming from you.
“Every night since I met you I have dreamed about this moment, I've touched myself thinking of you, I adore you, everything about you.” You proclaimed against his mouth. He kissed you fiercely in response, savoring you.
You typed furiously into your computer, not wanting to lose the inspiration you had. This was your hobby, or more or less your practice into becoming a writer, and what better way to do it than writing about the center of your affections. Harrison Wells. Or more accurately, Earth 2 Harrison Wells. You had developed a hard crush on the man, everything about him drove you crazy, his hands, his hair, his lips, his back, and oh God did you wonder what was inside those pants; maybe that’s why he always wore them so baggy.
You could almost say it was an obsession at this point. At night, when you were alone, he was who you would think of while touching yourself, moaning his name. You wanted him so bad. It's gotten to the point where you would do anything for him, as scared as that thought made you.
Taking a break from typing and stretching your fingers, you leaned back to look at the screen and read over your writing. You wondered how long you've been writing for; it seemed like no time at all. When you catch the time you let out a curse. It was almost 8. and Cisco had insisted you all go out as a team for a very deserved family dinner at Barry’s place.
Saving the document and getting up from the computer you went over to your room, getting dressed up. While you readied yourself you heard a breach opening in your living room; Cisco was here to get you.
“I will be out in a minute! Get comfy.” You called out while struggling to fix the dress to make your breasts look more appetizing. Obviously you doubted Harry would notice, but at least you could dream he would. You had chosen a short float dress with an open back and low neckline, perfect for indiscreet kisses and flirty hands.
Back in the living room Cisco was moving through the apartment to get to the kitchen, leaving Harry, who had unexpectedly come with him, alone; something you were unaware of. The screen of your computer illuminated as a email notification appeared, catching Harry’s attention. He looked over and as he was about to dismiss it something called his attention back to it.
His name was written on whatever you were working on, moving towards it slowly he started to read it over, his eyes widening with every word he read. Just as he was about to scroll down the page the clicking of your heels could be heard, making him smack the screen down to hide what he was doing.
Trying to act normal he turned around, hiding his face from you and the blush softly creeping on it.
“Oh Harry, I didn’t know you had come with Cisco,” you said, looking at his back.
“He would take too long otherwise,” he grunted, unable to look you in the eye. His gaze stayed on your neck, trying to distract himself, but that was a mistake as he could see the way the dress hugged your body from his peripheral view. Memories of what you had written came to his mind as he wondered what it would feel like to run his hands up your back and take that dress off of you.
Clearing his throat he had to turn back around, hiding his hands in the pockets of his pants to try and hide something else triggered by the thought.
You took in his appearance. You don’t think you had ever seen him this formal, and for a moment he reminded you exactly of Thawne the night of the accelerator launch; his white shirt with a blazer on top, the first buttons open to show his skin, his black pants, and his hair; a little shorter and sharper on the sides. You wondered if this is what he looked like most of the time on his Earth; before zoom, when he was less worried about everything.
Cisco came back just in time from the kitchen, hurrying all of you into a breach to make it to Barry’s on time.
After the drinks started flowing, so did the good feelings; the atmosphere was joyful, everyone was having a good time, even Harry seemed relaxed in his own way.
As the night progressed and all of you sat around the living room, Caitlin asked about your project. She knew you had been working on a few pieces for a literature portfolio you had been building.
“Well I have been working on this piece I’m really excited about.” You said, causing Harry to suddenly choke on his drink.
“You good?” Cisco nudged him.
“Yeah yeah I’m just, I’m going to get some air,” he whispered getting up with his drink and walking over to the balcony.
Maybe it was the liquid courage the alcohol provided, or the fact that fate liked to play with you, but you suddenly felt brave enough to walk after him. You excused yourself quietly before following him into the cool night air.
“Hey,” you gently touched his shoulder. “Is everything okay?” You asked him with a kind smile. The one you always saved for him.
“Yeah, yeah, it's just a little crowded in there.” He lamely excused.
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I’ll be leaving soon, I think I had one too many drinks, I’ll ask Cisco to breach me.” You said as you turned around, ready to leave, but right before you went through the door his hand stopped you, grabbing your arm delicately.
“I can walk you, I’m leaving too.” He said. He was regretting this as the words were leaving his mouth but it was already too late, you had smiled at him and nodded, letting him know you were getting your purse and saying your goodbyes. He didn’t know where this had come from, certainly not from his common sense as he knew he shouldn’t be giving you any hopes after what he had read in your computer, but he couldn’t help it, the alcohol in his system made him think slower and not very clearly.
The walk home was quiet, only making small talk between you both. He didn’t know why he had offered to walk you, Cisco could have breached you easily. Once you made it to your door you turned around, facing him.
“Hey,” you started, trying to find a way to phrase what you wanted to ask him. This may after all be your only chance at this.
“Do you want to come in for a drink?” You asked him with a kind smile.
He shouldn’t stay, he should have said no and leave, he wasn’t thinking clearly and the consequences would prove to be devastating.
He nodded, too afraid of speaking and his words betraying him. He followed you inside, settling in the couch while you went to get some alcohol from the kitchen.
Serving him and yourself a drink you both settle on simple conversation, laughing and every once in a while you could see the way his eyes would fall to your lips.
Finishing your drinks, silence fell over you both, neither sure of what was supposed to happen, but the tension could be felt in the air. Softly, you moved closer to him, your hand finding his thigh as you leaned over him. He was studying you, his eyes on your lips. Slowly you touched his face, your lips connecting with his in a soft kiss.
He closed his eyes, his hands moving to the back of your neck as if by instinct, his lips pressed harder to yours, his teeth grazing your bottom one, prompting you to open your mouth. He had forgotten what it felt like to kiss someone else. His hands traveled down your back, feeling the soft skin of your back exposed by the dress. You moved to his lap, removing his blazer and playing with the buttons of his white shirt.
In a silent agreement you both decided to move this to the bedroom, you got up, offering him your hand for him to take and follow you. Once inside you turned around, kissing him again as you moved backwards towards the bed. His hands moved to the zipper of your dress, opening it and letting it fall of your form. There you stood, naked in front of him, only in your panties as you bit your lip, you looked absolutely stunning in his eyes.
He knew the only way he was being able to go through with this was because of the amount of alcohol in his system, and as he moved his hands to your waist to lean you back in the bed, kissing you, his breathing started to quicken. Heat spreading from the back of his neck to his shoulders. He was loosing focus on what he was doing.
Your hands moved to his pants, unbuckling them, opening the button of them and pushing them down, but the moment your hand touched his cock he lost it, he couldn’t do it. He started to panic, images of Tess came to his mind and his mind screamed at him that this was a betrayal to her memory.
Moving away from you quickly he turned around, trying to get himself back in his pants again.
“Harry?” You softly asked him, sitting up and covering yourself with the duvet.
“Hey it’s okay,” you tried again when he didn’t reply, noticing the way his breathing had quickened and he seemed to be panicking. Understanding came over you; he was probably nervous. You assumed he hasn’t been with anyone physically since his wife passed away.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you try again, touching his arm to reassure him, but the moment your skin touches his he flinched away from you.
“Don’t touch me” he says, getting up from the bed, his breathing quickening. He hasn't felt this way since Jessie was taken; the weight on his chest getting heavier every second he remained in your bedroom. He couldn’t explain why, but this sense of panic rose the moment he saw your face fall at him flinching away from you.
“Hey calm down, it's okay. I understand if you need time,” you began but he interrupted you with a breathy scoff. He was in a panic state now; he couldn’t think clearly anymore, he knew you knew what was happening to him, and somehow that show of weakness made the whole situation worse.
“What could you possibly understand, you're just a selfish brat. I don’t need you whoring yourself to me like you did to Thawne.” He spits quickly, not looking at you. He knew that seeing your face would be his last straw.
Your own panic becomes evident in the way your breathing changes. Tears pool in your eyes, so heavy that they start to fall without your consent. The hurt, the humiliation and embarrassment you feel at his words are obvious, how did he know what had happened with Thawne?
His panic dulls once his pants are securely covering him once more, clearing his head enough to allow him to process what he just said to you. He turns toward you, that feeling building once more but for a completely different reason this time. He shouldn’t have said that, he fucked up completely now. A sharp pain tugs at him the moment he sees your face; he went too far.
“No, y/n, I am,” he begins to say, he needs to fix this before is too late, but you close your eyes, whispering a quiet “get out”. When you open your eyes again, he is still there. He tries to reach for you but you dodge him, taking the blanket with you to the bathroom.
He tries to talk to you, to apologize, but by the way he can hear your sobbing from behind the closed door he knows there is nothing he can say to fix this, at least not now.
You stayed in the bathroom, sitting on the floor behind the door with your blankets around you until you heard the front door close, proving that he had indeed left.
How could he had done that to you? You had trusted him, you had trusted Harry to be different. You had never thought he could be so cruel, but once again you had been proven wrong and were hurt by two men wearing the same face.
Harry looks for you the next day. He needs to apologize, he needs to fix this because he can’t deal with the pain and guilt he is feeling now. He storms through the lab but he can’t find you. Eventually Ramon gets there, who informs him that you didn’t come today.
Harry seems to be in a even worse mood than before, yelling at everyone and throwing things every once in a while, a behavior he had overcome in his time on this earth.
“Okay, what’s wrong with you?” Cisco questions him, finally having been able to catch him.
He hesitates, unsure if telling Ramon what happened was the best idea but with how bad he screwed up he may need all the help he can get at fixing this.
“I, I made a mistake” he whispers, facing the white board he was writing on.
“Last night I walked y/n home, and we had a couple drinks and one thing led to another,” he says, fixing his glasses as he is unsure of how to continue.
“And” Cisco pushes.
“And we kissed and then I panicked, and I,” he sighs.
“Harry its okay." Cisco tries, but Harry doesn't face him. "Look, I am sure she didn’t take it personally.” Cisco stands and reaches out to pat his shoulder, trying to help Harry, but when he touched his arm he saw exactly what Harry said; he saw what happened, the way his words had affected you. He knew Harry had a temper but he never expected for him to be capable of being so hurtful, especially to you, who had been nothing but kind and understanding to him.
“Oh no Harry, what did you do?” Cisco quickly says, fear evident in his voice.
“What?” Harry says, turning to look at him.
“How could you had say that to her? How do you even know about Thawne?” Cisco demands, anger evident in his voice.
“I panicked Ramon, I wasn’t thinking when I said it.” He removes his glasses and rubs his eyes.
“I heard Barry talking about Thawne and he mentioned that he and y/n were seeing each other.”
“That’s not the worst part Harry, we never talk about what happened not because of him but because of her too.” Cisco begins, he takes in a breath before continuing.
“Barry and y/n were closer back then, they were always together, but when Barry found out about Thawne, he also found out that y/n and him had a relationship, he instantly thought that she knew who he was and he never gave her a chance to explain,” he sighs, his eyes lost in the memories of that day.
“He was going to lock her in the pipeline with him, but Joe stopped him. Thawne had told her that she had been nothing but a distraction and a way for him to have fun, that he had never loved her. Barry was sure she had betrayed the team as well and when she was trying to explain he called her a desperate slut and accused her of not caring that he was a murderer." Cisco looks to the side, lost in the memory. "I still remember her face, the tears and how Joe had to intercept because he had crossed the line. After he locked her up, Thawne confessed that y/n was innocent, that she never knew who or what his intentions were.” Cisco proceeded explaining, making Harry only feel worse and worse by the second.
“Even when Barry apologized and she explained everything they never recovered, they never were as close as before and the team was not the same after that.” Cisco finished. God had he screwed up.
“I need to fix this Ramon,” Harry said, rubbing his forehead.
“I don’t honestly think you can do anything to fix this. I’m sorry Harry, but I think you can only give it time.” He said.
As the week progressed you had manage to avoid Harry at all costs, working on a lab far away from the cortex and completely opposite from him. You had expected to feel better by now, but his insult had only revived the memories buried in your mind, every time you looked at him now you could only see the original Wells, you could only see Thawne because the difference between both in your head had been completely erased after that night.
It took a week for Harry to finally corner you; he knew you were avoiding him, and he was trying to give you space, at least the first few days but every time you seemed to get a glance of his presence you would flee. He knew he deserved it.
When you made it home that night, after changing and settling down on the sofa you tried to relax, in all honesty the anxiety of the whole situation had made you too tense and too anxious to even be able to properly function that week.
As you switched between channels trying to distract yourself, you heard the telltale signs of a breach opening behind your couch. Cisco knew what had happened, he had hugged you as you cried that first day back after the incident.
“Cisco I am fine, I will be fine in a couple days” you added without looking back.
“It’s not Cisco” his raspy voice said, almost in a whisper and you instantly froze, not wanting to see him.
He noticed the way you tensed, how you wouldn’t turn around to see him.
“What are you doing here?” You whispered, tears threatening to fall.
“Please let me fix this, I am so sorry,” he began.
You looked at him, and as he took a step closer to you, you flinched away. He could see the fear in your eyes and that only hurt him more, he knew he deserved this, how could he blame you? He was wearing the same face as the man who once hurt you the same way he had done, in your eyes there was no difference between himself and Thawne.
He moved closer, slower this time, afraid to scare you away.
“I am so sorry,” he said again, trying to find the right words to make you understand that he hadn’t meant it.
“The other night, I, I panicked, I,” he couldn’t explain himself. Eventually he gave up and sat on the edge of the couch, giving you a wide berth. He took a deep breath.
“Her name was Tess,” he begins, closing his eyes at the tears he knows are coming.
“I know you know of her from the other one, but she was mine. My amazing, beautiful wife.” You only looked at him, allowing him to explain himself.
“When Jessie was 5, Tess got sick. We couldn’t figure out what was happening, she only lasted a couple more months.” He had removed his glasses by now, wiping the tears away from his eyes.
“After she died I became a bitter man; I was angry and broken. I couldn’t rebuild my life without her.” He continued, his eyes focus on the memories.
“That night, was, that night was the first time since her that I had allowed myself to be with someone, and the moment you touched me I panicked, my mind screaming that I was betraying her.” He finished.
You could see the pain in his eyes, the way the tears fell down his cheeks. You had never seen Harry so vulnerable.
Now you felt sorry for him; you could understand his panic.
“I know that’s not an excuse for what I said or how I treated you and I’m not asking you to forgive me but I needed to explain to you. I owed you that much.” He finished.
“Harry,” you began, trying to clean your face from your own tears.
“Harry I forgive you, I just,” you continued, looking up to clear your eyes of the tears trying to fall again.
“If you didn’t feel the same way about me as I did about you, you could have told me,” you said.
“That’s the thing, I have dreamt of you since the day I met you, I have wished to be able to move forward but I’m stuck, guilt eating me alive.” He said.
If there was ever any doubt in your mind of Harry being the same as his evil doppelgänger it was gone now. This man had suffered so much, he deserved to be happy and after finding someone who could help him he had locked himself away.
Standing up, you moved in front of where he was sitting, tangling your hands in his hair and bringing his face to your stomach, hugging him. His puppy eyes watched your every move, his hands instantly went around your waist, holding you, allowing himself to feel you.
“Harry, I know that you loved her very much, and I could never pretend or try to replace that love you had for her,” you began, trying to phrase what you wanted him to understand.
“Harry, she would want you to be happy, to keep living.” You said, rubbing your fingers softly through his hair.
“Your mind is lying to you, this is not a betrayal, you could never betray that love” you finished.
You felt him nod his head, still hugging you. His hands tightening around you. You stayed like that for a few minutes, letting him process your words.
His hand moved tangled in your shirt, pulling you down to his lap, allowing him to hug you closer, your arms went around his neck as he held you, burying his face in your hair.
“Would you give me a second chance?” He whispered against your skin, he needed to move on, to show you how much he cared for you.
“Harry, I” you began, scare that if you did he would hurt you again, you wouldn’t be able to get over that if it happened again.
“Please y/n, I need to show you how much you mean to me, please” he begged you, planting a soft kiss to the side of your neck.
“Only if you are sure you want to go through with this, to see where it could lead us” you told him, aware of the risk you were taking.
“I am” he confirmed, his hands running up your back.
Your own hands tangled again in his hair, pulling him to you, your lips connecting, softer this time, slower, he was taking his time exploring your mouth. You broke away from the kiss, looking at him while removing his glasses and putting them aside, leaning back down to kiss him.
His hand went under your shirt, caressing your back, feeling the soft skin as his kisses became hungrier. He moved his mouth across your jawline, delivering soft kisses and moving down your neck, obtaining a few sighs from you, his lips leaving a trail of open mouth kisses.
He got up slowly, tangling your legs around his waist he moved you both to your bedroom. Leaving you back down against the bed, removing his jacket before lowering himself on top of you.
This time his mind was clear, his only focus was you. To show you how much he wanted you and needed you. His hands found the hem of your shirt, looking at you for consent before removing it. He took the time to admire you, looking at every detail of your skin. He lowered himself, kissing your neck, the top of your breast as his hands ran up your waist, squeezing slightly before moving to your breast, caressing them and feeling the softness of them.
Your hands removed his shirt, aching to feel him bare against your skin. You moved your hands to his shoulders, feeling the way his muscles tensed and how they relaxed when you moved your hands down his back, his kisses trailed up back to your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin while his hand moved to caress your leg, running up your thigh to your ass, squeezing it and feeling how your body reacted to his touches.
Your hands moved to his pants, opening them but leaving them like that, giving him the option to remove them himself whenever he felt ready.
His hands found the hem of your underwear, once again he looked at you, wanting to make sure you still wanted this, you nodded while he removed them, his hand trailing back up to feel you, feel how soft you were and how wet he was making you. He groaned once his hand connected to your center, feeling the slickness covering his fingers as he moved them across your entrance, he love the way you moaned for him, throwing your head back. He buried his face in your neck at the same time his finger moved inside of you, opening you up for him. You gripped his hair as his lips sucked a mark onto your skin. Soon after another finger found its way inside of you; he was getting you ready. He curled them inside, making a long moan fall out of you as your eyes rolled back in your head. He could feel the way you pulled him in, how you squeezed him and dripped on his fingers. He moved them faster, grinding his palm onto your clit, drawing an orgasm out of you. He wanted you to come first, knowing that he wouldn’t last long.
He felt you tightening around his fingers, as you lifted yourself on your elbows, coming while moaning into his mouth.
He helped you ride out your orgasm, taking in the face you made for him, the way your eyes looked up at him half lidded and your teeth caught your lips to stop the moans from coming out. He adored the way you looked, how warm you felt against him.
He quickly pulled his pants down along with his underwear, letting his cock free. He grabbed it, feeling it throbbing in his hand, the head moist from the precum that had leaked out.
He stroked himself a few times before moving the head against your entrance. His arms trembling when he started to push in. He closed his eyes as he bottomed out, groaning against your skin as the feeling of your warmth surrounding him. He started to move slowly, lifting you to pull almost completely out before dropping you down again. He kissed your neck, biting softly at it, trying to distract himself to last a little longer. He doubted he would after so long. You felt so warm and divine around him. His pace quickened, hearing you moan while he grunted, feeling his orgasm building up. He was close, he could feel his muscles tingling and his cock ready to burst in you.
Your hands found his face, holding his cheeks to bring him to you, kissing him as he started to come inside, having to break himself from your mouth to moan into the air. That was a sigh you never wanted to forget. He moved himself to rest against your chest, hiding his face in your neck and breathing you in while your hands played with his back. He hadn’t felt this calm, this content in such a long time. He loved the peace you brought him, and he promised himself that no matter what, he would never hurt you again, he would keep you safe, he would love you and cherish you for the rest of his days if you would have him.
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moonlightlullaby · 3 years
no celebrations?
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summary: Corpse and reader celebrate his birthday in the most chill way. Based on this lovely request (ty again for sending it!) 
pairing: corpse husband x gn! reader
category: fluff
warnings: food ingestion; alcohol ingestion; loads of physical touch (let me know if I forgot to mention anything)
A/N: Hello (: This is such a lovely concept, I just couldn’t wait to get started hehe Also, I got a bit carried away and just went with it, so I’m really sorry if that’s not what you’d pictured. I do hope you enjoy it tho <3 Take care!
word count: 2.4k
Walking into our shared bedroom, I catch the sight of Corpse exiting the bathroom. As our eyes lock, my lips curl up tiredly and a long sigh I didn’t even know I’ve been holding finally frees itself. He sits on the edge of our bed and extends his hand to me. When I take it, he pulls me so I stand in the space between his legs.
“How was the day?” he asks with both of his hands on my waist. 
I hum, quirking a brow and tilting my head a bit “At least tomorrow - you know, the most unspecial, completely ordinary day of the year -” this earns a giggle from my boyfriend “is Sunday and I can just ignore all of that” I wave my hand in the direction of the adjacent room, where my laptop - filled with texts, assignments, spreadsheets and appointed Zoom calls - is. 
At my words, Corpse wraps his arms around my figure, pulls my body even closer to him and plants a kiss on my stomach through my shirt. My hands, in turn, caress his upper back and soft hair. 
Coming in contact with the string of his eyepatch in the process, I lean back slightly, which causes him to shoot up at me with a small frown and pouty lips. He sits still, though, as I carefully remove his eyepatch, and, while his eyes are still closed, I give each of his lids a peck. He smiles and tilts his head up to meet my lips in a long, tender and effortless kiss. Oh finally.
The idea of quarantining together was welcomed as a blessing by both of us. It meant more time spent together after all. However, with my school and work demands and Corpse’s irregular schedule, we still barely see each other throughout the day in spite of being a few feet apart from one another. And when bedtime rolls in, we’re both so exhausted all we can do is mumble words that could be counted in the fingers of one hand before drifting off. This, of course, when my boyfriend doesn’t stay up until dawn working. Don’t get me wrong, I’m his number 1 fan and admire his passion and all the hard work he puts in everything he sets his mind to, but I’m also not going to lie and say I don’t miss his warmth at night. Hence I want to devote this Sunday to him.
After a while, I break the silence “I’ll be right back.”
I let go of his hold and take my turn to use the bathroom. After doing my night routine, brushing my teeth and getting into my cozy pajamas, I walk back in the dark room and lie down, settling myself back in Corpse’s hug like two puzzle pieces matching together.
The excitement for a new day - not any day, no, but August 8th - washes over me as soon as I open my eyes and get a glimpse of the sleepy boy next to me. 
A couple of minutes go by as I contemplate on getting up, torn between prolonging our cuddling for some more and doing something to show Corpse my appreciation for him. The latter wins and I, cautious not to wake him up, slowly unwrap my arms from him and step out of the bed. Drawing the curtains to make sure the summer daylight doesn’t disturb his peaceful state of mind, I make my way out of the room and to the kitchen. 
Wondering what to make for breakfast, I take a good look around until my eyes catch the plethora of fruits we’ve bought a few days ago. Fruit salad it is. 
Corpse has, for as long as we’ve known each other, made it very clear he isn’t too fond of his anniversary and similar celebrations - and, even if he hadn’t explained it to me, it’s rather evident how uncomfortable they make him. This year, his friends’ and especially his fans’ hype for the date - although unintentionally - has added an extra layer of unease to it all, to which I don’t intend to contribute.
Even though I don’t want to make matters worse and would never overstep his boundaries like this (because, thankfully, I’m not Betty Cooper and he isn’t Jughead Jones), I still want to celebrate Corpse. I want to celebrate his birth and his existence, which I’m immensely grateful for. He’s both the best friend I can confide in blindly and the lover I want to share my lifetime with. He sticks to his truth and dreams higher than I could ever imagine. He turns the darkness in the world and in his mind into light with his words and with his laugh. Having him in my life is one of the best things to ever happen to me and seeing him fly makes me more proud than I can put into words. 
There’s a lot to toast to, so the solution is a celebration that is so smooth and so chill - the smoothest and most chill possible - that it doesn’t even feel like one. Just log off and enjoy a laid back day together.
As I chop a kiwi and make a mental list of fun and uncomplicated things we can do that don’t require much time and many skills, in walks Corpse, in an old white tee which is one too many sizes bigger than him and in his black sweatpants. He rubs his eyes and lets a raspy “good morning”.
“Mornin- wow! They really weren’t lying when they said when you hit 24, hotness knocks at your door”
He chuckles and shakes his head “No one’s said that”
“Well, then consider yourself the muse of a new proverb, baby”
He scrunches up his nose in response before grabbing the cup of orange juice I’d placed on the counter and taking a gulp. 
“Thank you” he turns my face and gives me an orange-flavoured kiss, neither of us having ever really cared about morning breath. 
“For calling you hot? Oh save it to when I’m done with the list of cheesy compliments I have for you” I take a grape and before I can get it in my mouth, he steals it, with wrinkles on the corner of his eyes.
“Then we’d be here for eternity!” he’s not wrong.
Corpse helps me put the fresh fruits in bowls and, with them and our juice cup in hand, we head to the balcony. Sitting next to each other, we calmly eat, take in the light blue sky and the cars and passersby changing the scenery ahead of us. Conversation flows naturally.
As we empty our bowls - after stealing many bits from each other -, I twist in my seat and face him “Hey, Corpse, do you see this?” I point to the very prominent and familiar dark circles under my eyes. “Wanna help me get rid of them?” I ask, knowing damn well it’d take a lifetime for them to actually go away and not giving up regardless.
The bathroom is filled with chatter and laughter and the sink, with hair clips, scrunchies, a sharpie, bowls, hair products and a towel. Corpse hisses as our cool homemade face mask comes in contact with his skin. His curly hair is pushed back and held by a blue hairband and I apply the mask to his face, making sure not to leave any spots uncovered. Well, that’s what I’m trying to do, which becomes an unnecessarily challenging task when my lovely partner can’t be still for more than two seconds. 
He kept switching between dancing to Soulmate, by Mac Miller, and mouthing its lyrics. Now that I got him - after a small threat that I wouldn’t hesitate putting this weird mix we made in his pretty mouth - to keep his lips together, the (adorable, admittedly) swaying, however, continues. He stops momentarily, only to shuffle things around right after.
Something cold touches my skin, making it my turn to let out a hiss this time. The sound is accompanied by a small jump, caused by the surprise. Corpse chuckles and, when I glance at the spot on my arm the cold thing came in contact with, I realize it’s just the sharpie. All he does is give me a mischievous smile.
While I keep massaging his face and covering it with the mask, Corpse litters my body with his drawings. Smiley faces, lightning bolts, hearts, clouds... his repertoire is vast and any exposed skin he can find becomes his canvas. Each line causing me to giggle and shudder a little. With him focused on his creations, it’s 10 times easier for me to complete my task. 
“Alright, my turn” he states, smiling, and I’m quick to grab the sharpie. 
As he adjusts a matching hairband on my head, I put a dainty heart on his neck. And, as he takes the bowl in his hands, I swiftly plant a kiss on top of the drawing. At this, he sighs in content and my chest gets warmer.
I soon understand how hard it was for him to stay still as Stay comes on and all I want to do is have a little karaoke session and dance. Corpse entertains himself with my struggle and, because it’s his birthday, I’ll let it slide. So, to make the whole process easier, instead of focusing on the song, I focus on the gorgeous face in front of me. A beautiful face to a beautiful soul. 
One of the various perks of sharing an apartment with Corpse is I get to see this face in all ways: sleepy, completely clean - no makeup, no mask -, all wrinkled in the morning, red when he’s embarrassed or when he laughs too hard… His laughter. Its sound pulls me from my trance “You’re staring, y/n” 
“Well, at least I wasn’t moving around, Corpse” I reply with squinted eyes and nudge his side playfully. 
We begin collecting the things scattered across the sink and storing them in the cabinet, and the song comes to an end, giving way to Dang!
“How long do we keep these on?” 
I hum at the question and check the playlist on shuffle on my phone “How does 5 minutes and 2 seconds sound?” 
Facing him, his grin mirrors mine and he spins me around. We laugh and allow ourselves to be as goofy as possible, jamming and moving our limbs around with a green paste on our faces.
After washing off the masks in the shower and painting our nails - so we’re both rocking the black nail polish look -, we’ve set our minds to - finally - finish the puzzle we started two months ago. It’s a 90’s anime setting inspired composition and we’d gotten about 40% of it done before our schedules got more hectic and the game, well, pushed aside. For weeks, the pieces sat on the ground of our living room and silently judged us every time either of us stepped to the side, as we crossed the room, in order not to crush them.
Sitting around the puzzle with comfy clothes, we team up against it and indulge in the wine Corpse’s got us and the hawaiian pizza I’ve ordered. 
As the picture comes more and more to life, moments of comfortable silence and of chattery - when we talk about anything from our shopping list and gossip about our neighbours’ lives to parallel universes and the matrix - follow one another. A different playlist on shuffle is our background noise. 
Time flies and the sun’s already hidden when it clicks to us that there are only 5 pieces left. Each piece is fitted in the whole with a giddier feeling than the previous. Corpse picks the last one - deep blue with purple and black specks - and turns to me with an excited smile and an eager gaze that I’m sure are mirrored on my face. I nod encouragingly. He places it in the puzzle and celebratory sounds fill the room.
Corpse stretches his arms and pulls me in a hug, but, since we’re both kneeling and because of the distance between us, we end up falling and lying on the ground in rather uncomfortable positions. 
“Come on, puzzle, that was easy breezy! Gotta step up your game if you really wanna challenge this duo right here!”
“Oh for sure!” Corpse squeaks as we laugh at our nonsensical brag.
After a moment while we catch our breath, he rubs my back and speaks, pulling my attention to him “Not that I’m not loving this position, but what if we watched some Drag Race?”
Is this man real? If I couldn’t feel his heart beating under me or his arms around my figure, I’d be sure he’s just a figment of my imagination. “But it’s your b- don’t you wanna choose something you like more? Li-” 
“Nope,” he boops my nose “Drag Race, or maybe Love Island, would be great right now.” And people still dare say the perfect man doesn’t exist!
“You’re such a dream!” I give him a quick peck before continuing “Ok, so I put on the show and you get more wine…?” He hums in approval and stands up. Our eyes briefly jump from each other to the puzzle and back to each other, then we simply nod. A silent agreement to leave the puzzle here. We’re both too lazy to put all the pieces back in the box and too proud of our achievement to let it go just yet; besides, everything’s been sitting here for about two months, what are a few more hours?
He steps to the side, gets our glasses and makes his way to the kitchen. I lie on the couch and scan Netflix for Drag Race. Corpse comes back, placing the glasses next to the couch, and gently lies down on top of me. He nests his head on my chest and we both hum contently.  
While RuPaul announces what the winner’s prize will be, I play with his hair, letting my fingers knead his curls. His right hand flies up to meet mine and I bring our intertwined hands to my lips, peppering his knuckles with kisses. The gesture is cut by a loud laugh that escapes my lips as miss Vanjie Mateo’s iconic moment replays on the screen. 
“Hey,” Corpse’s voice makes me look right back at him “I love you. You know that, right?”
My heart melts at his words and at the way he’s looking at me right now. I nod with a smile.
“I love you too, birthday boy.”
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trickfootpike · 3 years
OKAYOKAYOKAY now that i've had a few nights to Ruminate here are way too many thoughts from 9/16's show -- fair warning that they aren't *super* coherent as a lot of this i just tried to loosely organize from dms i threw at folks night-of, but it is most of what i remember sticking out to me!
last saw the show in august of 2019 - back then i saw it up in the mezzanine, this time i was 7 rows back dead center in the middle of the orchestra. watching the show from the mezzanine feels like a god's eye view of the show while sitting up close in the orchestra is much more like being in the world of men, and how it hits in hadestown particularly is just nuts bc you really do feel like you're on the factory floor.
back in the London production i remember eva playing eurydice with more youth and hope to her, and when the show came to Broadway eurydice hardened. in a world with a pandemic eva seems to have actually shifted this back! Eurydice is still holding tightly onto Orpheus Knowing that the world is unlikely to be kind enough to let them have each other for long but she starts off less faithless than she used to, I suppose I would describe it? she's definitely played more open with others from the beginning rather than having it be something she has to really work towards!
WAIT FOR ME IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT FEELING FROM THE ORCHESTRA THAN THE MEZZANINE AND NOT JUST THE LAMPS. the lamps really only swing out to over the first 2 rows, speaking very generously, anyway. what i remember being most impactful from last time was how the whole theater rumbled as the walls of the set split to reveal hadestown. what i couldn't see and afaik no boot's been able to pick up is the the set ALSO SPLITS AND STRETCHES OPEN AT THE TOP. that awning that covers the balcony lifts and the wall of hadestown is revealed to stretch floor to ceiling and it is just so much, so fucking much oh my god i could not stop hysterically blubbering to myself watching hadestown stretch open like it is absolutely here to devour you whole. it makes you feel the immensity of The Wall. I've linked ig videos of the set pre act 1 and post intermission to give like the best perspective on it i can and tried to film them so they were zoomed as closely as to what my eyes were seeing as I could, but here are also some pictures!
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after our lady of the underground when eurydice comes back from hades' office and Persephone is finishing with her show, me being closer this time i was actually able to see amber's face during way down hadestown ii and flowers. and how she portrays seph's feelings re eurydice, it's like : genuine concern and watching over her when she first starts on the line, Quiet Seething and Jealous Rage as the fates' tattle "Hades put his hands on ya" that sticks for a While including the first half of flowers, but as soon as eurydice remembers the meadow her and Orpheus visited her heart just b r e a k s and you can see her wiping away tears. seph's just so caught in her own feelings of helplessness in hadestown. when hades tells her to stay out of him dealing with Orpheus all the fight just deflates out of her and the direct accusing look Orpheus gives her at the end of if it's true mixed with seeing his effect on the workers makes her physically rear back like she's gotten the fight slapped back into her
even with this audience who almost for sure has all seen ht before, there was still the loudest heartbroken gasp when orpheus turned. i know everyone calls this out but it still hit me hard that with a greater percentage of previous viewers in the audience it still hit us all like a fucking brick
and ofc. road to hell ii. it's a millions times more impactful than it already was what with the pandemic, making it through hard times and how they could be hard again but making the best of them even if it doesn't turn out well this time either. i was crying so hard last time but this time i was crying harder but also feeling like a huge weight was being like, very softly cradled in my chest to take some of the burden away
Tom's Hades whole tl;dr could be that Hades is a Performance. all those descriptions of him beign "jazzy" and "egodriven" are correct, but there is also this massive vibe he gives off that all his showmanship is there as a cover up for the very pessimistic man at the core of him. when him and persephone are getting along the jazziness is there for genuine playfulness with her, but apart from seph it is a purposeful exaggeration on hades' part to get Whatever it is that he wants. he is playing up aggression as king (see papers) and what he thinks as being suave (see hey little songbird) to maintain his throne and his marriage, and Epic III is the Destruction of that performance. Tom's Hades at the end of Epic III isn't trying to sell anyone anything, you just get to see the suddenly very scared and unsure heart of the man behind the performance of foreman and king. And oh boy is Tom's Hades at his heart unsure. He is so fucking pessimistic; back in Act 1 when Orpheus starts to sing Epic I he turns from Persephone even before she gets reminded of the world above and starts longing for it, because he already expects to see it coming and he doesn't turn back to her Ever Again, literally until he comes to get her in Way Down Hadestown. Not even when she gives him a kiss on the cheek goodbye. His Kiss, The Riot is him trying to figure out how the hell he's gonna be able to rebuild his performance after his whole kingdom saw through it, but he also ends it being so very certain that the deal he figures out for Orpheus Will end with Orpheus failing somehow. There is no doubt in this very pessimistic Hades that doubt will come in, whereas Patrick used the end of His Kiss The Riot almost like he was desperately trying to justify that his doubt came to him only in Persephone's absence
road to hell i: tom's hades loves cheering on the band so much he is Part Of The Problem that Hermes has to get to chill out and it makes so much sense for this jazzy dramatic motherfucker
balcony time (road to hell i until livin' it up on top): when they were upstairs playing dominoes they kept laying their tiles with these overexaggerated movements.. Like when they actually getting along they are so damn flirty and trying so hard to make each other smile and laugh and it is TOO CUTE
way down hadestown: Once Again "I missed ya" gives me no rest, mostly because Tom delivered it with this super coy and cocky grin and Amber immediately smiled back at him like Persephone couldn't help herself
chant i: is spent with him looking up proud into his creation while persephone is looking down with heartbreak and disgust seeing the workers as people in suffering and the ugliness of hadestown. as the song goes on he gets increasingly frustrated like a child who's super proud of the drawing he brought home from school that Persephone has nothing but terrible things to say about. when eurydice starts singing about her suffering seph throws out her arm and points to her like "see! See what you're doing!!" while hades is more in himself processing his disappointment, frustration, heartbreak, but over the next minute you start to see him Formulating A Plan as he watches eurydice. but he doesn't look entirely sold on going through with it until seph throws out her last verse in disgust. it was absolutely the straw that broke the camel's back.
Why We Build The Wall/"Behind Closed Doors": That followup on hades' threat when eurydice arrives in hadestown. as hades goes to the stairs he like not whacks, but definitely nudges seph's arm harder than Patrick does to get her attention. when he did she Startled and laid her hand over her arm where he'd tapped her like she was overwhelmed by just that touch........ but then she turns around and watches him take Eurydice up and when he opens his coat and she Realizes you see her whole body go slack. once eurydice goes past the office doors hades turns and lingers staring pointedly down at seph, for *seconds* whereas with patrick i remember it being more of a pointed glance. it drills home that hades is doing this specifically to spite seph and he wants her to know it. and you can see amber discreetly wipe her face before she turns back to "does anybody want a DRINK." there's less direct seduction between hades and eurydice but more explicit threat between hades and seph about eurydice
papers: actually isn't too much Bastärde as it is his Performance. HOWEVER, the way he directs the workers to beat Orpheus is chilling. Like patrick he hangs around, but he's watching until the last 10 seconds so it's way longer. And he makes like the smallest gestures with his hand to direct the workers to the different stages of beating Orpheus, fuck it was twisted
how long: how long actually starts with seph and hades seemingly coming to each other on a similar page - hades came out pensively fiddling with his wedding ring and Amber delivered "I know" like seph was already past the eurydice situation. this also could have been a product of time and seeing how actually little he did "seducing" eurydice lmao
chant ii: very much Hades Sees Orpheus As A Threat™️ (more on this further below) , also dare i say it but tom kills I CONDUCT THE ELECTRIC CITY
epic iii: oh man oh man. he looks so untouched until Orpheus starts the lalas and he goes from completely passive unimpressed face to like. his body unfolds on his stool and his hands go slack and he looked between Orpheus and Persephone when he asked where Orpheus had gotten his melody. he asked it a lot softer than I expected him too as well. a big part of the audience actually laughed when Hades sang his lala because Tom cracks his voice during it but it petered off into sniffling when they realized why and then we were all just crying together as persephone placed the flower in his vest.
lovers desire: SOME VERY CUTE STUFF. hades' performance is broken but tom's hades is still a Jazzy Jazzy Man at heart and they're like 100 times more playful with each other - they're both giggling and grinning their asses off while they dance together and give each other these like nudges to the next series of steps and it was adorable and I was discretely sobbing. they both played it like they knew how to do this dance with each other better than they knew anything, the little nudges were like..... them playing inside this dance they already knew so well? Like more overexaggeration to make each other laugh and just revel in this wonderful thing they've rediscovered- specifically I remember that Amber raised her skirt soooooo high when she was doing the curtsey and Tom was like waggling his eyebrows at her and adding extra flourishes with his hands and widening his eyes super big everytime he pulled off a move (the funniest ones were when they do like the two-step where they move one after another in sequence and he's copying her moves in reverse and oml it was just adorable). When Seph had the move where she pulls their linked arms over his head to tuck him into her I remember that was the one part where he wasn't doing this goofy act but his expression straight up melted and he looked so smitten. and when it's the last bit of the dance and he spins her across the stage, seph's face breaks open with tears his expression responds with like this mix of heartbreak and "ohhhhh no baby please don't cry" as he moved across the stage to quickly take her into his arms for the dip at the end
AFTER this when orphydice has finished promises and right before Orpheus turns to ask Hades if they can go, they come out of slow dancing to the side but are still super wrapped up in each other - seph wraps herself around one of his arms and presses herself super close and Tom leaned down with this little smile like Hades was gonna try and steal a quick kiss, but then he hears/sees out of the corner of his eye/senses or something Orpheus approaching and pulls himself up and formal to be the king. When he says I don't know and seph wrenches herself away from him to the other side of the stage to firmly stand behind Orphydice he gets this look of Extreme Frustration on that she's still not standing with him and these damn kids are still more important, bc even with character growth he still is a petty selfish bitch who does not like to share lmao, he's just getting that he Has To now
wait for me ii: Hades stays onstage by the microphone stand to the left to watch Hermes deliver his judgement to orphydice/seph/the workers and watching Tom during this was a Treat. this is the first time he's seeing how orphydice and esp Orpheus function when he's not involved to terrify them. they're so sweet and so good, and they have what looks like so much unwavering faith in each other unlike him and seph, maybe they really could... so when he delivers "i let them try" that last word is stretched with so much wonder. he's getting this first glimpse into feeling how everyone else felt when orpheus sang of how the world could be that isn't just focused in about how he feels about persephone, which always drives him - now he's having to deal with the Greater Implications and orpheus' seemingly unbreakable faith in a better world rocks him to his core. that certainty that orpheus would fail gets shaken as he watches them and when Seph asks him if he thinks they'll make it, his I Don't Know is 1/2 defensive and 1/2 actual uncertainty. he still hates to be wrong but he's wondering if his beliefs about doubt will turn out differently this time. he isn't optimistic about it by any means but orpheus, eurydice, and the workers' response to them both does give him pause
meanwhile in hades and persephone's section, on a personal level they deliver their lines to each other like they're a great deal more nervous about what next fall will bring than i've seen and heard before - something I'm thinking stems from hades' worldview being so suddenly shaken and seph too being a little more vulnerable?
Tom seems to be leaning into Hades not having done anything with Eurydice other than tempt her down - once she's in Hadestown even during Why We Build The Wall he drops the salesman croon entirely and when he does rarely speak to her/about her it's commanding as a king who sees her just as another object under his possession, with very little interest in her for anything at all beyond that. he was just going after the goal of making sure Seph knew he had Options whether or not he actually pursued them
tom is super dedicated to how power-hungry hades is. I remember when I saw Patrick during chant ii he was playing hades as more affected by how much seph seemed to care about the workers now and desperately trying to get her attention back (even negatively), Tom was more consumed in seeing Orpheus as a threat because of how effectively he had turned his "children" on him. He knocks Seph down in those "shackle her from wrist to wrist" less as a personal petty attack to her like Patrick does and more like to try and destabilize her as someone backing Orpheus up. Tom's Hades perceives Orpheus as a Threat no matter how much he plays up his Performance as Nonchalant Jazzy King. he really emphasizes Hades' relationship to Orpheus whereas Patrick played more into his relationship with Eurydice, which makes so much sense what with Tom's Hades being a pettier more egotistical messy bitch obsessed with his kingdom and Patrick's Hades' obsession being his wife and Hadestown being like, this side-effect of being a god that he just couldn't help, he Had to build and strive for power whereas Tom's Hades reveled in it and wanted it. Instinct versus drive I guess. one of my buds put it super well as: "Patrick!Hades sees everything as a threat to his power Tom!Hades is so certain of his power that he can afford to be somewhat nonchalant but the fact that Orpheus alone is his main genuine threat is fucking brilliant"
and ok for now, that's what I've got! if anyone wants any clarification or wants to ask details about specific moments I didn't put in here feel free to shoot me an ask!
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
umm that Vegas 3way in ur messy route 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 please write it 🤲🏼
i am not skilled enough in smut to do this thot justice. so here’s a wet blanket hc featuring the one and only queen of mess, dr. love lao! 
minors dni
a/n: ok mal @mvalentine​, i wrote the messy threesome, now where’s june x ethan? 👀😏
@openheartheadcanons : crack, nsfw, threesome, ethan x f!mc x bryce, 2.15, phone sex, vacation, dirty talk 
That Messy Vegas Threesome
So the Jackie, Bryce and Love alcohol and adrenaline induced affair happened. Impulsive and actually quite fun. The kind of things that could only happen with good friends you haven’t known all your life. 
All it was was a bit of fun to relax Jackie. Love didn’t think that much of it. She’s too drunk think much of anything. Especially too intoxicated to pay mind to Sienna catching them. 
What’s the point in explaining anyway? It’s just sex. 
Bryce went to recover and clean himself up in his room in the suite. Jackie’s asleep on the couch. Love languidly moves to her room. She checks her phone and pads to the lonely balcony. 
There’s a text from Ethan. 
Love may have sent him a picture of her skimpy, sparkly backless Little Black Dress earlier in the evening, well before the scheme and the drinks. Her photographer expertly framed the picture to show her long, toned and tanned legs (and if Ethan zoomed in enough he could certainly find her perky nipples braless and rubbing against the fabric). 
She types back a response. Snarky and uncaring and sprinkled with just enough wanton inflection to wind him up. It doesn’t matter what time it is in Boston; she’s in a beautiful place, feeling good, the desert heat caressing her already flushed cheeks.
She smirks at how quickly he responds. 
Love puts her earpods in, throws caution to the wind and calls him.
“Is everything alright?” he answers, his baritone deeps and hoarse.  
“I’m fine,” she all but slurs seductively. “Standing on my balcony thinking...”  
She hears his breath catch; certainly knows what he’s thinking about. 
“Liked my text?”  
“I did.” 
“And?” she prompts. She knows his vocabulary is broad enough to detail his exact thoughts on the photo. Anything is better than the proprietary ‘Have fun. Don’t do anything stupid.’ she received earlier.  
“What do you want me to say, Love?” 
“Anything but ‘satisfactory’ would do.” 
Ethan inhales, long and deep. The air leaving just as slowly and accompanied by a guttural groan. Love’s imagining his hand covering his face. “That dress is sinful. I can only imagine…” 
“Imagine what, Ethan?” she purrs.
He groans once more. 
Love whimpers, “Ethan...”
This time he uses as many words as he can to tell her exactly what he thinks. Exactly what he’d do to her if he were there - if it was just them looking at the view once more. Exactly what he’d like to do to that doll’s dress she calls an outfit.
Love’s not saying much. For once, Ethan Ramsey’s doing all the talking. Speaking to her exactly like she likes it. He’s spinning a fantasy out of words that prick goosebumps on her skin under the plush robe she’s in. The way Vegas looks from this penthouse suite has nothing on the view of Boston from his apartment. She’s gently running the tips of her fingers along the exposed skin of her chest. He’s saying all the things he’d do to her, and she wants it all. Wants it now. 
She’s so lost in the dream she certainly isn’t speaking now. Only small hums of agreement and yearning. 
She’s so lost in her imagination she barely registers Bryce coming up behind her. The way his hands find their place at the slope of her hips. He still has the glowing look of a handsome and plastered man swirling in the golds of his irises. 
Enthralled at the sight of her and the moans she’s been making since he stepped onto the balcony, he replaces her hands completely; one cupping her breast to tease her nipple, the other wrapping around her waist to keep her in place. Pressed into him. Bryce leans down to kiss her neck like he knows she likes it; wet and open-mouthed, a bit of pressure as he nips her throat. 
Love’s moaning loudly now. Her senses are beyond overloaded. It only spurs both men on. 
She doesn’t bother to think about how she’s getting away with this - can’t think about a single thing with Ethan’s heady, bated, near-breathless and filthy words in her ear and Bryce’s mouth on her, murmuring, 
“Now that I don’t have to share you...” 
His expert fingers undo the loose tie, lets the robe fall to the floor, then tugs her to bed. 
Love gasps when Bryce kneels between her legs. Ethan growls her name. 
“Oh, fuck.”
“That’s it, good girl,” both boys seem to praise. 
Love’s spinning high, near delirious. Bryce lapping at her core, vibrations of his hums coursing through her, his hands firmly holding her legs apart. Ethan’s still talking in between grunts of his own, speaking now of nipple play. And Love does exactly what he instructs. 
It’s all getting to be too much. 
“I - I need you in me,” she mewls. 
And there’s a pause long enough for Love to catch a breath, to hear her heart in her ears. Long enough for Bryce to safely line himself up. Long enough for Ethan to instruct, “Fuck yourself, Love. Ride your pretty fingers like you would my cock.” Just long enough for Bryce to enter her in one unforgiving thrust, for Love to wail with unrelenting pleasure, Ethan to beckon, “Come for me.” 
It’s no longer than three minutes before they all come undone. Climax falling over them like dominoes. Love gets their first with Bryce’s thumb putting pressure on her clit. His hips recklessly undulating to coast with the clenching on her muscles, to get him there next. One final drive deep and to the hilt, gives Love one more grand release, “fuckkkk”. And over the line, Ethan spills himself into his hand to the sound of her.
Everyone’s breathing heavy. Bryce rolled off her to dispose of the condom, Love’s heartbeat is frantic and there’s stars shining on the dark ceiling, Ethan’s swallowing and trying to catch some composure. 
“That was...” Ethan breathes. 
He doesn’t need to finish the statement because she feels the same way. This was the most amazing sex she’s ever had, and neither boy will ever truly know why.  
a/n: this... is something that happened. if this flops u didn’t see it. 
only activating tags on those i know are 18+
> complete masterlist <
@lucy-268  @thegreentwin  @queencarb  @danijimenezv  @starrystarrytrouble   @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @maurine07  @mercury84choices  @schnitzelbutterfingers  @the-pale-goddess @whimsicallywayward15  @mvalentine  @mm2305 @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine   @withbeautyandrage  @forallthatitsworth   @stateofgracious  @missmiimiie  @uneravine   @iemcpbchoices  @sophxwithers  @quixoticdreamer16 @lsvdw-blog
@adiehardfan @headoverheelsforramsey @dickgraysonsscrumptiousbooty @reputaytion-xiii @jerzwriter  @kachrisberry  @aishwarya26 @rosebudde
@udishaman  @binny1985  @honeyandsunfl0wers @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @ohchoices  @dulceghernandez @blossomanarchy  @stygianflood   @openheartthot @senseofduties  @tsrookie  @kalogh @aworldoffandoms  @takemyopenheart  @ethanramseylover @a-crepusculo @randomperson111   @anntoldst0ries  @aishaaaaaaah @estellaelysian @mysticaurathings @mayarambles
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
next door neighbours!SF9
A/N: Read more here~~
The grass on his lawn is neatly trimmed, no weeds in sight and the tiles are sparkling white
Definitely stands on the lawn in the morning with his hands behind his back, probably in contemplation of life or whatever wearing those white jeans and stripped t-shirt as he did in their Into The Night performances
Dad! Youngbin vibes
Says ''Hi'' to you the first time around but says nothing and even though you shouldn't feel the need to affiliate, it feels very awkward.
Turns out that the inside of his house is a chaos, his kids are running everywhere first thing in the morning, there's probably also some scribbles on the wall and it's like, you finally understand why he needs a break (kids are a handful)
Will give you a ride to school if you don't have a car, regardless of how close the school is
You don't see this guy all that much and when you do, it's mainly the back of his head as he leaves for work.
Works so hard that he comes back sweaty and out of breath and you can hear it because he's loud about it.
If you have thin walls, I'm so sorry because you can hear him practice his singing.
At first you think about how beautiful he sounds and sometimes you still enjoy listening to him but at important times like on a zoom call, your colleagues hear him singing and because of this, you are frequently interrupted when you speak.
You are so frustrated that eventually you wonder if you should just ask him to sing in your ear while you sleep because that's what it feels like
One day you meet him in the elevator and you wonder, 'He's that tall?' and he's all awkward with his shy little smile and bow
Takes you a little while to notice that he's just like that with the suspicious puns and laughs but yo eventually grow over some drinks.
The one that all smiles, you can immediately tell that he's a loving guy but he'll be shy about it.
When's he's around you, he tends to smooth his hair down a lot even if it is okay. There's also a faint pink tinge on his cheeks when he speaks to you (it's because he ran to get the elevator, nothing else)
He works as a florist, arranging flowers and writing cards during the day and when he's done, he works out at your local gym.
He has got good endurance, even when he's tired and his muscles are begging for him to stop. Is an admirable person considering how much effort he has put in to keep himself fit, even when he doesn't feel like it sometimes, he always shows up.
He likes to hold hands, especially when he's tired, or link arms evens and really, it's kind of cute.
When he's drunk or just tired from whatever he's come from and he sees you, he always puts his hands in his pockets, stifling the overwhelming urge to hold yours.
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
You'll instantly become friends with him and he'll invite you over to the parties he has.
When you are there, he'll show you a side of him you haven't seen before. Somehow he's more confident when you aren't meeting near the stairs, outside your apartments or in the elevators.
Then he's shy with his hands together, fingers fumbling around and pressing the wrong buttons when he's only trying to press it for you and he's an exceptional character.
He smiles as if he's over the moon and he's journeying with you, hand in hand when you two are only neighbours and he's not sure what you know about his feelings for you.
When you are at his apartment, he's doing things like kissing you on the cheek, giving you hugs, staying close to you and occasionally looking for where you are in the party.
Sings when he's drunk which serenades the life out of you
Rowoon I Kim Seokwoo:
On most nights, he comes home drunk and you can hear him stumbling into his front porch as his friends drive off after he makes it past the door and closes it.
He fumbles, almost landing into the garden, array of plants screaming in disgrace at their owner and you have to hold back your chuckles as you see this scenario from the window, as if he can hear.
On cue he turns and before he can completely see you, you dash behind, heart racing.
Next day, when he's sober, with his hair looking suspiciously clean, he tells about his drunk self encounters with you staring out of the window which you deny and he says, ''Yea, I've been dreaming''.
The ultimate contrast is when you both leave at the same time and walk to the same stop and he's dressed his best self, he's attractive
He starts a conversation and you settle into this routine of waiting for one another before leaving and telling each other that you aren't coming the day before.
You've become accustomed to his reasons, they are the same time and time again, as a result of what occurred the previous night.
You've also slipped into this routine of calling each other, at dawn and having this little snippet of conversation about your day, laughing at each other's encounters. At the end, you say whether you'll be coming, just to affirm.
However, when you take an off, it's rare. He's concerned, by the fact that his voice had raised a little
He guides you on what medicine to take and leaves you sleep and the next morning, you are woken up to him standing at your door with food in one hand and some DVD's in the other.
Zuho I Baek Juho:
Can only start a friendship by coincidence, like purely
Always tired, stretching his limbs when he takes a short break by walking outside.
The type to leave his keys outside and then wonder how they got there when you come from out and knock on his door to tell him
Very thankful, will pay you back in courtesy through some form, carry something heavy for you
Maybe, he might just point out how heavy it is and then realise that he could help you with it. But it's over the fence so he's struggling, you are struggling and you just wonder why he's doing this in the first place
Soft soul will play with your kids if you have some
Yoo Taeyang:
The neighbour that you won't speak to, ever
Smiles at people and greets them in the hallway, so he's cordial, but other than that, it's a full dash till he's in the safety of his house where he can bake what he's going to be eating
Carries like a hundred bags and you and your neighbours think he's going to drop but then he grows an extra arm and unlocks his door, safely tucking his groceries away.
Extra awkward at gatherings, hesitates to say anything, looks at everyone cautiously and you don't even know what he's seeing when he's that tall
One day you see him bopping his butt along to some song called ''Wild Wild West'', definitely is a good dancer but why he's dancing like that is beyond you and your neighbours.
Kind soul, bless him, he tries
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
He's shy around you, not used to speaking to new people every now and then but he comes around and when he does, he's the cutest friend you've met in a while.
Occasionally, you go over or he comes and you drink beer or whatever, having conversations in your living room or balcony.
He loves sitting, drinking something and watching the light fade away into colours of purple and red or what's on today.
He listens to music or sings and you love to hear his voice, albeit he's a bit shy at first so you join in and there's days where you don't have to join in anymore, he'll sing if he wants to because he's that comfortable.
Otherwise, you put in earphones or air pods and sit there, playing your favourite songs for one another
If you're restless, you can dance with him, he'd do it with you but stop because he's shy and wondering why you're staring at him like he's good at dancing.
Pulls out the funniest moves though, very easy to feel comfortable around
Will take you along to buy groceries with him because he wants to know what you want to eat, a fan of barbeque but can't grill to save a life.
Doesn't like to be disturbed, works extra hard so takes plenty of rest on the weekends
Is a very quiet neighbour, only sounds you may hear is when he accidentally trips over himself
Thinks he had bad knees because of it, you always see him clutching his knee in the same way that someone clutches their pocket because they think that they've forgotten something
A real sweetheart though, his smile is pretty enough to generate electricity for the whole hallway and his walk is broad enough to separate the Pacific Ocean, which he'll deny because he's humble
Has some wild friends that make horrifying noises when they come over and he tells them to keep it down but then falls asleep and they take over his apartment like those creeper plants.
He'll carry stuff for the elderly or volunteer somewhere cause he's cute like that
Won't tolerate if you are loud, he'll tell you off, ''Think you are the only one who lives here?'' but in that really nice way that will make you respond with, ''No, hehe''
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hxneyandespressx · 3 years
sweet tea in the summer
summary: little blurbs of jj and elle being in a relationship
pairing: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway (jelle)
word count: 1.8k
lemon tea: mornings
Usually, Elle and JJ were up in the early hours of dawn, getting ready to head for work. The two of them don’t slow down as they just want to get out of their shared apartment. On the weekends, however, these two liked to take their time, savoring the calmness. Sometimes they rolled around in bed as Elle peppered butterfly kisses on JJ’s nose and cheeks. Sometimes, JJ woke up before Elle and made coffee for both of them. Two creams and two sugars, just how Elle liked it. And they spent their time in bed, sipping on their coffee and have sleepy conversations.
peppermint tea: ice skating
During one of their visits to New York, Elle and JJ were ice skating at Bryant Park in the crisp December air. Neither of them were experts at it, so a few tumbles onto the ice were granted. JJ held onto Elle’s arm tightly, as she was scared to fall down. After a while, JJ was able to balance and slowly skate alongside Elle. The two of them went skating around the rink, bypassing the other couples. At one point, Elle slowly brought JJ close to her and placed a chaste kiss on her chapped lips. After their time ice skating, Elle and JJ went to go get hot chocolate at the nearest kiosk and walked around the park before heading back to their hotel.
chamomile tea: bedtime
Either of them doesn’t have a set sleep schedule. They sleep when they can. But during the rare times when they get home early, Elle and JJ liked to take their time doing their nightly routine. JJ made some chamomile tea for the both of them while Elle fed their pet cat. They both drank their tea and talked on the balcony, letting the tea calm their body and mind. Slowly, they yawned and put their mugs away in the sink. JJ flopped onto the bed as Elle grabbed the blanket to cover the both of them. JJ cuddled into Elle’s arms and the two women fell fast asleep, catching dreams of moving to India forever.
earl grey tea: flirting
Elle was known to be the flirt in the relationship and JJ loved it whenever Elle flirts with her and makes her blush, even though the blonde wouldn’t admit to it. One day, JJ wanted Elle to get a taste of her own medicine. When both Elle and JJ working from home on a Friday, the blonde mustered up all her courage to at least try out her pick-up line. JJ called out Elle’s name and the brunette looked at her girlfriend. JJ said her cheesy pickup line and Elle laughed, but not at her girlfriend. It was at the pickup line. JJ pouted and slumped in defeat. Elle smiled happily and quickly pecked her sad girlfriend’s lips.
milk tea: hugs and kisses
Elle snuck up on JJ as the blonde was cooking breakfast. The brunette tickled JJ’s side as the shorter woman laughs hard, trying not to burn herself from the oil. Wanting the ticking to be stopped, JJ shooed away Elle, but her sneaky girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of her. Elle gently wrapped her arms JJ’s waist as the blonde was curious as to what the brunette was going to do next. Elle placed two kisses on JJ’s cheeks. Then her forehead. Her nose. Finally, her lips. JJ deepened the kiss between herself and Elle. It was like it was only them and nothing else matter. That was until Elle smelled burning eggs and JJ furiously tried to salvage them.
iced tea: moonlight
Stars twinkled across the night sky as Elle and JJ took sips of their red wine. They were having a date night in and decided to finish off the night at the balcony. The moon shined bright, almost like a spotlight on Elle. JJ took in the sight that was next to her. The blonde was lost in her thoughts until Elle called out for her. Once being back to reality, JJ blushed in embarrassment and looked away. Elle tried her best to comfort her girlfriend, hoping that they could continue their quiet night while watching the moon.
black tea: baking
JJ and Elle were baking cookies for a Christmas cookie party. They were having fun until Elle threw some flour at JJ’s face. JJ stood in shock as Elle smirked, feeling proud of herself. That was until JJ scooped up some flour with both her hands and dropped it on top of Elle’s head. This started a food war between the two women, who were also wasting a lot of baking ingredients that were necessary for the Christmas cookies. JJ realized this in the midst of this food fight and had to stop Elle from throwing some sprinkles at her. The two women laughed to their hearts’ content and started to clean up themselves and the kitchen, hoping to salvage something for the rest of the Christmas cookies to be made.
pomegranate tea: fireworks
It was the Fourth of July and both Elle and JJ made plans to watch the city’s firework display. Packing up a small picnic for dinner, JJ hummed as she was making sandwiches. Once finished, JJ called out for her girlfriend to head out and seek the best spot. Elle appeared in time and the pair went their way to the nearest park. Elle set the blanket while JJ took out the food she made earlier. They quickly ate their sandwiches and guzzled some ginger ale. JJ quickly cleaned up their area in time for the firework show. The blonde cuddled up to Elle’s chest as the two women watched the sky is filled with many colors. They enjoyed their time watching the fireworks display. When it was over, Elle and JJ went on their way home, but not without having some ice cream to end the night.
matcha tea: drunken conversations
Elle and JJ were giggling loudly at a bar in their city. JJ took her last sip of her beer as Elle fumbled to try and find her wallet. Once the tab has been paid, Elle hooked her right arm with JJ’s left and the drunken pair slowly waddled out of the bar. Since the apartment wasn't too far, it wasn’t necessary to hail a cab. JJ shushed Elle as they entered their apartment building and was greeted by their stoic doorman. Their giggles got muted as the elevator door closed, JJ closing the gap between her and Elle.
chai tea: holding hands
JJ played with their hands as they were laying in bed late at night. Elle intertwined the fingers and softly placed a kiss on each knuckle on JJ’s hand. The blonde snuggled into Elle’s side and slowly closed her eyes. Elle watched her girlfriend, whose sound asleep, for a few minutes. She took in the beautiful sight in front of her. Gently pushing her blonde locks away from her face, Elle placed a kiss on JJ’s forehead and prepared herself to sleep. The brunette closed her eyes for the night as she continued to have her fingers intertwined with JJ’s.
hibiscus tea: road trips
Music played loudly as a car zoomed along the interstate. Elle and JJ had taken a month off to do a little road-tripping. JJ held her hand out of the window to feel the rush of the cold wind. Sometimes Elle would take little glances at her girlfriend to remind herself of the beautiful memories they will make. The blonde reeled her arm back in and started to search for the snack bag for one thing. When she couldn’t find it, she asked Elle, who in turn didn’t know. That started a very silly argument about where the Cheetos bag went. Soon enough, JJ found the bag of Cheetos right behind her passenger seat. She sheepishly smiled as she opened the bag, Elle laughing beside her.
green tea: bonfire
Elle poked at the small bonfire to get the fire going as JJ prepared ingredients for s’mores. The brunette sat down by her girlfriend, wrapping herself and JJ with a large plaid blanket. JJ handed a marshmallow on a stick to Elle and started to roast her own marshmallow. The crackling of the fire provided warmth as the brisk November wind passed by. Once the marshmallows were ready, both Elle and JJ constructed their s’mores as quickly as possible before the marshmallow would fall onto the ground. Giggles were heard as a smear of chocolate appeared on Elle’s upper lip. JJ took this opportunity to lick it off and laugh at Elle’s shocked expression.
russian caravan tea: music
Soft indie music played into the night as Elle and JJ danced slowly across the cold kitchen tiles. It was one of those nights where either of them couldn’t sleep. JJ had her head in the crook of Elle’s neck as the brunette had her arms wrapped around JJ’s waist. They let the music serenade them as they circled around the kitchen. Wanting to check up on JJ, Elle looked down and saw that JJ had closed her eyes. Elle gently waddled her way to turn off the music while trying not to wake up JJ. She picked up JJ in bridal style and walked over to their bedroom, gently putting JJ down on the comforter. Elle scooted up next to her and cuddled her in her arms, falling asleep to JJ's gentle heartbeat.
english breakfast tea: beaches
Elle and JJ held hands as they walked along the beach. The waves gently touched their feet from time to time. Something sparkling caught JJ’s eye and the blonde took the time to pick it up. To her discovery, it was a half piece of a seashell lined with nacre. Elle complained that she didn’t want to take home a smelly seashell but JJ wanted it. JJ was able to convince Elle into taking it home by her charming looks that Elle can’t resist. A smirk appeared on Elle’s face as she thought of a mischievous idea. Elle dragged JJ into the ocean up to their knees. JJ shrieked due to the cold salty water and proceed to scold her girlfriend for ruining her dress.
rooibos tea: anniversary
Both Elle and JJ would rather have a lowkey day for celebrating their one-year anniversary. Neither of them expects any gifts, as they do not want any expectations presiding in their relationship. They would have breakfast in bed together and reminisce their memories over the past year. Afterward, they would get ready for a hike at Shenandoah National Park. Depending on their mood, they pick a trail that could either be easy or more difficult, so they can challenge themselves. But once they reach the top, Elle and JJ take in the view of the sun slowly setting down over the trees and hills. Elle would grab JJ’s hand and take a look at her beautiful girlfriend, how the sunset rays filter her already beautiful face. They tell each other happy anniversary as they sit on the craggy boulders, watching the sunset over the horizon and the moon rise up into the twilight sky.
taglist: @homosexualyearning / @ssajelle / @iconicc / @sunlightgalaxy / @pumpkin-stars / @lgbtbau / @hotchgans / @abbyprentiss / @pen3mily / @morcias / @hotchsbabygirl / @gravelyhumerus / @notsosmexy / @cherrychris / @hqtchner / @girlbossjareau / @a-writers-ramblings
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
You are in Love - Tim Drake x Reader
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Requested by azul23blue  -  Hi! Do you write song fics? If you do could you write a Tim Drake x Reader with the song "You Are In Love" by Taylor Swift?
One look, dark room Men just for you Time moved too fast You played it back
Tim sighed, leaning against the wall as the people mingled around the ballroom in front of him. He rolled his shoulders and suppressed a yawn. Galas were never his thing, but since it was a Wayne Foundation fundraiser, he had to attend. He took a drink from a waiter’s passing tray when he saw you.
You were on the dance floor with Dick Grayson. Tim’s eyes widened as he saw Dick was smiling. He spun you around, making you laugh. You were so beautiful when you laughed. Tim’s heart sank. Dick already charmed you.
Tim downed his glass in his misery as the song ended. You and Dick left the dance floor. Tim tensed when he saw you both heading toward him. 
“Hey Timmers, you mind taking care of (Y/N) for me? I got to go mingle with the old money,” Dick said, flashing Tim a knowing smile. Tim frowned, wondering if Dick was up to something. 
“Hi,” you said shyly. Tim’s heart skipped a beat when you gave him a halfhearted wave. 
Realizing he should say something, Tim cleared his throat. “Sure. Hi.” 
Dick chuckled, walking away. You leaned against the wall next to Tim. Tim’s entire body threatened to burst into flames. Damn Dick for doing this to him.
A waiter came by again. Tim put his empty glass on the tray and took another one. He took a sip before he realized he should have taken one for you and quickly grabbed another glass as the waiter left. The drink sloshed dangerously close to the edge. “Here.” He choked, handing it to you without looking at you.
“Thank you.” You laughed. It rang appealingly in his ears. He sneaked a glance at you only to find you looking back at him. You winked, and Tim lost his heart to you all at once.
Buttons on a coat Light hearted joke No proof not much But you saw enough
“Look at this place,” you gasped, walking ahead of Tim. “It’s beautiful.” You spun back to look at him. Tim’s heart fluttered at how good you looked in his suit coat. 
“Gotham always is at night. At least from far away.” Tim reached out to take your hand as you both stood next to the railing of the roof. 
You hummed, squeezing his hand. “I only moved here a month ago, and I’ve only went from my apartment to work and back.” Your other hand played with the buttons on his suit coat. “Tonight is the first night I’ve been out.”
“You picked an interesting place for your first night out,” Tim chuckled. Once he got over his nervousness, being with you was easy. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a conversation with someone that wasn’t about patrol or case solving. 
“I had to come for work.” You let go of his hand to lean against the railing, looking out at the view. Tim watched you, awed. “I started to get harassed by Mr. Elliot when Dick asked me to dance.” 
Tim snorted. “I thought you were Dick’s date.” 
Your laughter filled the air as you turned to face him, pulling Tim’s suit coat tighter around you. “No. He was just being nice to me.” Relief washed over Tim. You weren’t interested in Dick. “What do you do for fun?” 
Tim jumped. “Not much.” He bit his lip, torn between wanting to impress you. “I’m working on rebuilding my computer.” It was the bat computer, but he couldn’t tell you that. 
“Ooo, that sounds interesting.” You smirked. “I don’t know much about computers, but I do know not use "beef stew" as a computer password. It's not stroganoff.” You laughed when Tim blinked at you.
“Wow, that’s good.” He chuckled once he pushed aside his surprise. “I could help you sometime if you want?” His heart pounded like a bass drum. 
“I think I’d like that.” You smiled. Tim’s heart skipped a beat. He felt like his life would never be the same.
Small talk, he drives Coffee at midnight, the light reflects The chain on your neck He says look up And your shoulders brush No proof, one touch You felt enough
Tim took a sip of his coffee as he drove toward the manor. You were beside him, drinking your own coffee. After helping you with your computer, Tim took you out for dinner. The spark between you hadn’t died, and long after dinner, you both drove around until it was midnight. Even then, neither of you wanted to leave. Tim bought the coffee and decided he’d take you to the manor to show you the gardens. 
The manor came into view. “Wow, so you used to live here?” you gasped.
“Yeah, Bruce adopted me after my dad died. I lived here until I was eighteen, then I moved into the city. Not as long of a drive to work that way.” Tim smiled, putting himself in your shoes to see the manor as you saw it.
“Are you sure Mr. Wayne won’t mind us stopping by at midnight?” You took a long sip of your drink. Your eyes still studying the manor. 
Tim bit his lip to hold back a laugh. “Oh, he’s not home. He’s a night owl.” 
“Kinda like us, huh?” You got out of the car once Tim parked. Tim followed you. 
The two of you only made it halfway to the garden before Alfred mysteriously appeared from around a corner. “Oh, Master Tim, I didn’t expect you here today,” Alfred said, eyeing you. You gave him a sheepishly wave. Tim reached back to take your hand.
“Sorry, I wanted to show (Y/N) the gardens.” He blushed when he saw Alfred eyeing your joined hands. 
“Of course, enjoy yourselves.” Alfred smiled knowingly at Tim before slipping away. “It was nice to meet you, Mx. (Y/N).” 
“It was nice to meet you too.” You blinked in surprise.
“He calls everyone that. It’s just what he does.” Tim chuckled, leading you outside. The garden was beautiful. Tim heard your breath being taken away. He squeezed your hand. 
The two of you wandered the gardens, sipping at your coffees for a long time. Tim stopped you suddenly, nodding up at the sky. “Look up.” 
“Woah, a shooting star,” you laughed in awe. Your shoulder brushed with his. Tim’s entire body jolted as if it was a spark of electricity. He looked at you, making a wish that this was the start of something wonderful where he would never be lonely again.
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you You can feel it on the way home, way home, you You can see it with the lights out, lights out You are in love, true love You are in love
Tim smiled, glancing over at you as you slept. He was driving you home from the manor. Part of him wanted to ask you to stay the night, but he knew it was too soon. Besides, he didn’t want your first meeting with Bruce and Damian to be after you spent the night. 
The car was quiet. The only sound was your breathing, slow and even. Tim reached over to take your hand. In your sleep, you squeezed his hand back.
Once he parked outside your apartment building, he gently woke you up. You blinked. “Oh, did I fall asleep? I’m sorry.” You yawned, stretching.
“Yeah, but it’s okay.” Tim knew the smile on his face was dopey, but he didn’t care. “Do you want me to walk you in?” 
You glanced at the building then back at Tim. “Sure.” Tim turned off the car, and got out. He came around to open your door. “Thank you.” You climbed out, yawning again. The two of you walked to the door. You entered your code and lead Tim inside. He wrapped his arm around you as you both entered the elevator.
“This was an amazing night,” Tim whispered. You rested your head on his shoulder. He loved the weight of it, the trust that came with it. 
“It was.” You buried your nose into his shoulder, breathing deeply. “We should do this again.” 
Tim’s heart threatened to burst. “How about the day after tomorrow? Give ourselves a day to see if we can stand each other.” 
You laughed. The elevator doors opened and you both walked down the hall to your door. “Or to see how much we want to see each other again?” You paused outside of your door and took out your key. Unlocking your door, you turned back to Tim. “Call me.” You quickly kissed his lips before disappearing inside.
“Wow.” Tim chuckled, touching his lips with his hands. “I will.” He walked back to the elevator, yet every part of him didn’t want to leave.
Morning, his place Burnt toast, Sunday You keep his shirt He keeps his word
“Damn it,” Tim hissed as dark smoke floated out of the toaster. He ripped out the plugin and set the toaster out on the balcony before the fire alarm went off.  “Maybe I should just order breakfast?” he mumbled to himself. He went back inside to grab his phone and opened the uber eats app. 
“Good morning,” you yawned, coming out of Tim’s bedroom in only his shirt. Tim swallowed hard, focusing on his phone before you both ended up in the bedroom again. “What’s burning?” 
“The toast.” Tim bit his lip nervously. “I was making you breakfast, but I failed and now I’m ordering it.” 
You laughed, coming up to hug him from behind. Tim melted into your arms. “Thank you.” You kissed his cheek. “Where are you ordering from?” 
“That one place where we met for lunch last week,” Tim said, turning to kiss your lips. 
“Yum.” You pulled away to get a cup of coffee.
After breakfast, you got ready to leave. “Are you still coming by my place later?” you asked as you grabbed your bag.
“Of course.” Tim kissed you one last time. “How could I not be?” You smiled, kissing him back before disappearing out the door.
It wasn’t until hours later when Tim was looking for his shirt that he realized you were still wearing it when you left. He laughed, loving the idea you were still in his shirt.
And for once you let go Of your fears and your ghosts One step, not much, but it said enough
“Two Face is holding up the bank on King Street,” Batman said as the batmobile zoomed toward said bank. It was about two in the afternoon. The batmobile attracted a lot of attention for being in the daylight. “I should have known. The bank just received a rare shipment of double sided coins.” 
Tim’s blood ran cold from the passenger seat. “Oh my god, (Y/N) was supposed to go to that bank. They were setting up an new account.” 
“TT, who cares about your lover, Drake?” Damian snapped from the backseat. 
“Damian.” Bruce growled dangerously. Damian blushed and looked down. 
“Drive faster,” Tim said, his heart in his throat. He took out his phone, texting you to see if you were still at the bank. You didn’t respond. He traced your phone. His stomach dropped to his feet when he saw you were still at the bank. “Shit.” 
Bruce glanced over at Tim. “Your...friend is there?” 
“His whore, you mean?” Damian snapped, snarling. Bruce glared back at him in warning.
“Shut up.” Tim swung back, sticking his finger in Damian’s face. “I love (Y/N) and they are in danger. I don’t need your insults right now.” Tim didn’t realize he just said he loved you. His fear overwhelmed his thoughts.
Damian pushed Tim’s hand away, but stayed quiet. Tim turned back around. “Don’t lose your head,” Bruce said as he parked the batmobile in an alley nearby. “Go through the skylight. Robin and I will enter through the air vents. Take out Two Face’s men quietly and quickly. Leave Two Face himself for me.” 
Tim nodded, jumping out of the car and grappling to the roof of the bank. He rolled to his feet to land right by the skylight. He saw Two Face’s men patrolling the bank with only one group of hostages in the main lobby of the bank. His mask zoomed in on the crowd to find your face, but you were nowhere to be seen. 
In a smooth movement, he slipped inside and grappled silently onto the rafters. One by one, he took out Two Face’s men without detection. Once they were all down, Tim heard Batman swoop in on Two Face. He grunted, only then did he allow himself to trace your phone again as he hid behind a file cabinet. You were a floor below him. Tim frowned. That was where the vaults were. 
“Did you find them?” Damian said, appearing beside him. Tim flinched. 
“I think they’re in the vaults.” Tim growled, getting to his feet. Batman had Two Face down, handcuffing him. Tim marched over to him and kicking Two Face in the side. “Did you lock people in the vaults?!” His voice dark and menacing. If Tim wasn’t so worried about you, he would have be proud of sounding so much like Batman.
“Red Robin.” Batman grabbed Tim’s shoulder. “Calm down. The bank manager is over there. Ask him to open the vaults.” He pulled Two Face away from Tim. Two Face groaned, switching between Harvey and Two Face as they argued with each other. 
It took far too long to get the vaults open. Tim almost lost his mind, calculating how much air you would have left. Eventually as the managers fought over the passwords, Tim just hacked the vaults and ran inside. He instantly went lightheaded, the air was almost gone from inside. Fresh air swarmed in. Tim found you unconscious behind a stack of freshly printed money.
“(Y/N).” Tim collapsed beside you, taking you into his arms. You stirred as fresh air filled the vault. 
“Wha...” You opened your eyes before gasping in panic and grabbing your throat. “I can’t breathe. Get me out of here!” Your entire body shook in his arms.
“You’re okay. Breathe with me,” Tim soothed, surprised by your reaction. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Please. The walls are closing in. Help me.” It hit Tim like a ton of bricks what your issue was.
He hummed, picking you up into his arms. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here. You’re fine.” You buried your face into his neck. Damian met both of you outside the vault. He eyed you. 
“So you told them?” Damian huffed, leading the way back up the stairs to the car. Tim cursed him when you pulled away from his neck in surprise. 
He saw you search his face. The realization dawned in your eyes before your lips slammed into his. Tim grunted, shocked before relaxing into the kiss.
“TT, disgusting.” Damian shook his head and marched off ahead. 
You kissed on sidewalks You fight and you talk
“You son of a bitch.” Your hand cracked against Tim’s cheek. He took the hit, stunned. “How dare you just come on in here and make a mess of everything?!” 
“(Y/N), that’s not what I meant.” Tim held his cheek, looking at you bewildered. “I was trying to be nice since you said you were working so much.” You looked around your apartment. Things were in boxes, your furniture all over the place. You were moving in with Tim, but work kept you from packing. 
“How do you think packing my apartment will help me?” Your eyes narrowed dangerously. 
Tim swallowed hard. He looked around your apartment and put himself in your shoes. Yes, if he came home from work to find you packing his things to move, he would also be pissed. “Okay, I screwed up. I get that. I’m sorry.” He held up his hands. 
You sighed. The anger drained out of you. “I’m sorry I freaked, but I just didn’t want to deal with this when I got home.” You sat down on your couch that was pushed up against a wall. “I know we wanted me to move into your place by next week, but work is so crazy.” 
Tim sat down beside you. You moved to lay down with your head in his lap. “Tell me about it,” Tim whispered softly, stroking your cheek. 
The two of you talked for a long time. You went over work stuff while Tim told you about one of his cases. 
When Tim finally went home, you walked him down to the street. You both kissed sweetly on the sidewalk. Someone shouted get a room, but you both ignored them.
One night he wakes, strange look on his face Pauses, then says, you're my best friend And you knew what it was, he is in love
Tim jerked awake to find you missing from the bed beside him. His heart skipped a beat. “(Y/N)?”
“Yeah?” you whispered, coming into the bedroom with a cup of water. You crawled back into bed beside him, pressing the water into his hand. “Drink.” Your hand pressed against Tim’s forehead. Tim felt clammy, weak. His hand shook as he took a sip of water. “Your fever is down.” 
Tim blinked, setting the glass on his bedside table. “You’re my best friend.” 
You smiled. “And you’re mine.” You kissed the corner of his mouth and pushed him to lay back down. Your body cuddled into Tim’s side. He relaxed, your presence like a soothing balm. This was what love was.
So it goes You two are dancing in a snow globe, go round and round And he keeps the picture of you in his office downtown
Tim spun you around before bringing you back into his arms. You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “This is the happiest day of my life,” Tim whispered into your ear. 
“I know. It’s mine too.” He dipped you as the song ended. People around the two of you clapped. Tim righted you. You kissed him sweetly. 
“Okay, I think I should dance with the bride/groom,” Dick said, tapping you on the shoulder. You and Tim shared a look before laughing. 
“Go ahead.” Tim got pulled away by Wonder Woman. 
You turned to Dick as you began to dance. “I never thought me asking you to dance would get you married to Tim.” Dick spun you around and brought you back to him. 
“What? Thought I’d get married to you instead?” You bit your lip, watching Tim blush at something Diana whispered to him. 
“No, you’re too classy for me.” Dick kissed your cheek. “You make Tim better. Thank you for that.” 
“He makes me better too.” You met Tim’s eye over Dick’s shoulder. Tim’s eyes were wide, his nerves getting the best of him. “You better go save him. I think he’s about to have a nervous breakdown dancing with Wonder Woman.” 
Dick glanced over and laughed. “He’s fine, but I’ll step in. Bruce, you’ll take over, huh?” Before you could react, Dick spun you into Bruce’s arms. 
“Hi.” You laughed.
“Hello yourself.” Bruce danced with you for at least two songs. Eventually, Tim got back to you and refused to let anyone else dance with you for the rest of the night. It was the photo from the last dance of the night where you and Tim were almost asleep on your feet that Tim framed and put on his desk at work.
You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars And why I've spent my whole life try to put it into words
Tim relaxed on the couch, eyeing the kids that were a mix of himself and you as they settled on the floor in front of the TV. You came in with two bowls of popcorn, giving one to the kids and the other to Tim. Tim smiled, kissing your cheek when you sat down beside him. 
“Did we decide on a movie?” you whispered. Your oldest turned on the movie. The other kids munched on the popcorn, watching with big eyes.
“Yeah, I had to talk them out of the horror movie Jason left here.” Tim took some popcorn. “I know he left here on purpose.” 
“Of course he did.” You kissed Tim’s cheek. “Just be glad they didn’t watch it behind our backs.” Your youngest got pushed away from the popcorn, and ran to you for support. “Hi baby.” You pulled them into your lap and they happily munched from Tim’s bowl. 
The movie ended about two hours later. Tim looked at his family to find everyone asleep. You had your head rested on his shoulder with your youngest sprawled out between your and Tim’s laps. The older kids were passed out on the floor. Tim sighed, content. He understood how lucky he was.
Tim kissed the side of your head, and he could hear it in the silence. 
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berjhawn · 3 years
Day & Night - Ch. 6 - Clark’s Truth
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Warnings: manipulation, lies, brainwashing, misunderstandings, regrets, etc
(A/N) I hope you guys enjoy this, it took me a minute to get everything where i wanted it. if you do please do not hesitate to let me know :D
Day & Night Master-list
The sound of Bruce’s cell phone getting a text woke him from a deep sleep. He glances at (Name) sleeping soundly naked next to him and he smiles softly. He gently reaches out and moves some hair out of her face so he could admire her sleeping form. After what had happened with her finding out he was Batman, he had been worried that things like this wouldn’t happen again. That she wouldn’t trust him enough.
She had proven his worries wrong. He had thanked Diana for the advice after everything had settled. Of course, she was more than happy to help. Bruce silently rolls over to reach out to his nightstand and grab his phone. Unlocking it he sees a text from Diana and his brow furrows. Reading the contents, he lets out a heavy sigh. Clark knew.
If Clark knew, it was almost time to reveal everything he and Connor found out about what Lois had done. There was more than enough evidence proving that (Name) had told him the truth. The more Bruce thought about how Clark had treated her when she told him the more infuriated, he became. How could Clark be so stupid. Everyone knew (Name) didn’t lie. It was one of her best qualities.
Setting his phone back on the nightstand he rolls back over to wrap his arm tightly around her waist. He gently pulls her closer so that she was nestled against his side. Bruce was going to have to tell her about what he was going to do with Clark. She had told him not to worry about it all, but Bruce couldn’t help it, He wanted to clear her name. Clark also needed to know the truth.
Bruce is pulled from his thoughts by the sight of someone standing on his balcony. His head shoots towards the windows to see Clark standing there with a pained expression on his face. Bruce looks back at (Name) and gently kissing her forehead slips away from her and rolling over tosses the covers back. He almost forgot he was naked for a moment when he reaches out to grab his robe.
Slipping his arms through the sleeves he closes it around his waist and tying the strap makes his way to the door. Opening it he slips outside and says, “Not here, meet me in the study.”
Clark’s brow furrows as he looks past the dark knight into the room to see a familiar head of hair laying peacefully in the man’s bed. Clark feels his anger rise as he turns back to look at Bruce.
“Do not wake her up.” Bruce warns as he narrows his eyes at his friend. “I’ll meet you in the study.”
And with that Bruce closes the door and glancing at (Name)’s sleeping form smiles softly before he heads down the stairs to where Clark was probably already waiting steaming with anger.
Walking into the Study he sees Clark staring out the window and Bruce sighs.
“Clark, sit down.” Bruce says as he walks over to sit in his office chair.
“How long Bruce?” Clark asks not moving from his position by the window.
“A few months now.”
“Just a few months?” Clark scoffs as if he is insinuating that it has been longer.
“Yes, we met in the diner she was working at. We started dating soon after that.” Bruce answers honestly.
“You expect me to believe that?” Clark argues and Bruce feels his anger start to rise.
“I’ll leave the cheating to you.” Bruce states making Clark furrow his brows as pain and regret fills his eyes. “Look Clark, I don’t want to fight.”
“Why her Bruce?” Clark asks pain filling his eyes.
“Why not?”
“You knew better than anyone how I felt about her.” Clark replies his voice cracking.
“You ruined your relationship with her all on your own Clark.”
“I know I hurt her. I didn’t mean too.” Clark says as she slowly moves to sit down in the chair opposite Bruce.
“Tell me what happened.” Bruce asks and Clark’s eyes meet his in confusion. “I’ve heard (Name)’s side and I believe her. I’m going to give you a chance to tell me yours. When you are done, I want you to listen to what I have to say.”
Clark thinks for a moment and Bruce folds his arms over his chest.
“Lois and I were once again separated at the time when Diana brought (Name) to the watchtower. From the moment I saw her I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The light that shown around her was intoxicating. I was drawn to her in a way I can’t explain. So, I took a chance and asked her out. For a while everything was perfect. We were happy. Then I started to notice that she was forcing herself.”
“What do you mean?” Bruce asks leaning forward to rest his arms on his desk.
“It was little things at first. Forced smiles at things we would talk about. Forced laughs. I could tell that something was wrong. When I tried to talk to her about it, it would end up in a fight. Things were worse on days I would go visit Jon at Lois’s house. I knew her and Lois didn’t like each other, Lois didn’t hide her anger or disappointment with me that I was trying to move on.
“She would call all the time under the pretense that it was Jon that wanted to talk to me. (Name) never said anything about it because she knows how much Jon means to me; but I could tell it was starting to get to her. Then one night when (Name) was at the Watchtower with you and Diana; Lois showed up at my apartment with tears in her eyes saying she couldn’t do it anymore. She wanted me and wanted to give us another chance.
“I said no, then the world became foggy and I don’t really remember what happened. I woke up the next morning naked in bed with Lois, and (name) was standing in the doorway. I panicked. I jumped to my feet and tried to explain myself to her, but it was like she wasn’t there. I mean her body was there, but her mind was gone.
“Her eyes were pitch black and all the warmth and sunshine I felt from her was gone. I was so shocked I didn’t even try to stop her when she left. Of course, when she was gone, I made Lois leave. I still don’t know what exactly happened that night. From then on when I tried to talk to (Name) her eyes would just darken, and she’d avoid me. That was until Conner showed up.”
Clark takes a deep breath as he leans back in his seat to look up at the ceiling.
“I didn’t know how to react to the news that he was a clone of me and Lex. I took it even worse when I was told that he was also a part of (Name). When she told me that, it made sense considering Conner’s anger issues and even his kindness. I see her in him more than I do lex or even myself. That’s why I pushed him away. I couldn’t look at him and not see her.
“Things only got worse when she tried to tell me that Lois was responsible for Lex having her DNA. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t believe it. And I lost her. (Name) disappeared after that and at first, I wanted to go after her, but then I realized that maybe she’d be better off without me. From the pictures I’ve seen I guess I was right.”
“You know she was telling the truth about Lois right.” Bruce says and Clarks brow furrows.
“No, she wasn’t.”
“Clark, I have proof that it was Lois.” Bruce announces and Clark’s eyes narrow.
“I asked Lois, Bruce. I listened to her heartbeat. She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t do it.”
Bruce brow knits as he leans forward and hitting a button on his desk watches as a secret computer pops up and scans his face and eyes. After hitting a few keys Bruce brings up the video feed and then motions for Clark to come to his side of the desk.
“Then what is this?” Bruce questions as Clark joins him in front of the monitor.
“That’s not possible. Lois lied to me.” Clark breathes out anger and disbelief in his eyes.
“There had to be a good reason for Lois to do what she did. We’ve been researching everything that happened around then, and I think there’s something you should know.” Bruce pauses as he turns back and types some code into the keyboard.
“We?” Clark asks.
“Connor, the boys, and I. (Name) is not involved.” Bruce concludes.
The scene changes and as Bruce zooms in on Lois’s face, they can see that there’s something wrong. Her eyes were dark, like she wasn’t in control of her body.
“Lois was manipulated?” Clark asks tilting his head.
“We think Lex used some sort of new technology that manipulates the brainwaves causing the victim to do whatever the wielder wants with them having no recollection of the events that have transpired. Lois didn’t know what she was doing. So, she didn’t lie to you. Neither of them did.”
Clark moves from the desk back to the window as he tries to think about what to do next.
“I think you and (Name) should talk.” Bruce says taking Clark back. “You both need closure. Then we can go after Lex and figure out how he did it, and why.”
“She won’t talk to me.” Clark sighs folding his arms over his chest. “I don’t even know how to face her after finding all this out.”
“I’ll talk with her.” Bruce replies standing up to move over to Clark. “I make no promises though. Especially since she has no idea the boys and I looked into all this.”
“I feel bad for you when she finds out.” Clark jokes making Bruce smirk.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself that (Name) and I were together.” Bruce apologizes taking Clark back.
“I know you had your reasons.” Clark replies slowly turning to look at his friend. “Just promise me you’ll take better care of her than I did. She deserves all the happiness in the world.”
“I will.”
Will Continue - 
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thewritewolf · 3 years
After the End Chapter 15: Moonlight
Marinette stands alone on her balcony, wondering where Chat Noir might be
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Marinette stood out on her balcony, a blanket draped over her shoulders, on what was increasingly an uncommon kind of night. Not just unusual because of the weather, although this was definitely going to be one of their last simply ‘cool’ nights and not a freezing one. The true force of winter was on their doorstep now.
No, what made it odd was that this was one of those few nights in the past month that Chat Noir hadn’t shown up for a visit.
Not that she expected him to show up everyday. Surely he had his own life to lead, not to mention his frequent runs through the city. Which were no doubt part of his quest for the people behind Hawkmoth.
Her eyes widened and her grip tightened around her cup of hot chocolate. Maybe tonight was when he had finally found them, if they existed? Or even worse, the thought was accompanied by a gasp, what if they had found him? Her mind conjuring images of her chaton in danger, either fighting some shadowy villains or locked up in a cell.
She tried to calm herself down but the idea was simply too terrifying to ignore. Especially with that bad feeling in her gut that just wouldn’t go away.
Leaving moonlight for the light of her apartment, she shrugged off her blanket and ran to her room. When she emerged, she had traded her pajamas for a sturdy pair of jeans, a leather jacket, and a ponytail. Several of the kwamis had emerged from hiding, curiosity plain on their faces.
“What’s wrong, Marinette?” Tikki floated to her charge’s shoulder, hovering there supportively. “Are you going out this late?”
“Something’s wrong with Chat, I can feel it.” She grabbed a sturdy flashlight. Her phone might have one built in, but this one had a comforting heft to it. Alya assured her it could do some damage to a home intruder and Marinette hoped that she hadn’t been exaggerating. “I’m going to go look for him.”
“Wouldn’t Ladybug do a better job of that?”
“Red sticks out at night and nobody has seen Ladybug in months,” Marinette quickly explained. “If anyone sees me, it’ll be all over the internet and they’ll know I’m after them.”
“But who’s them anyway?”
Marinette’s hand hovered over the doorknob.
“I… don’t know. But I’m going to find out.”
“What if this is just you being worried over nothing?”
“Then I’ll come back home a little tired after getting a good walk in. But if it isn’t...” Marinette took a deep breath and opened her door.
“Well, I’m coming too anyway,” Tikki said with crossed arms. She zoomed into Marinette’s jacket pocket.
“Thisss one will alssso join you.”
Marinette blinked up at Sass. “Huh? Why?”
“He wasss once a wielder of mine. Perhapsss I can help find him through the remainsss of our bond?” At Marinette’s sceptical look, he added, “Besssidesss, you may need the extra help.”
“Well… alright. I guess you can come along too.”
“What about the rest of us?” Trixx asked, big eyes staring up at her.
“If I don’t come back in a few hours, go find Alya and let her know I’m in trouble. She might not be able to help, but even if she can’t, someone needs to look after you guys until i get back.”
With a chorus of good luck from the kwamis, Marinette left her apartment and started to look for the hero of Paris.
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