#it is very very hard to say that he as an individual is an ideological misogynist. like the level of care he puts into his female cast mem
fiapple · 24 days
i'm getting towards the end of the skypeia arc, & i'd like to say just how much i adore the way the female strawhats have been treated.
just... every aspect of how the way their characters have been previously contextualized influences the story-line is treated with a masterful amount of consideration. we're given so many layers to both of them that enrich not only their characters specifically, but the arc, and the one piece world as a whole. without nami & robin having their specific skills, and their specific values, without those being built upon, the story would have come to a halt.
you could not have skypeia without nami & robin being who they are as individuals. not just because they never would've gotten there without nami, but also because the way these women think is itself foundational to the machinations of the arc as a whole.
to be totally upfront, if you think any other strawhats were more central to the skypeia arc than nami & robin were you are full-on fucking lying to yourself.
#obligatory disclaimer that i’m aware luffy is the protagonist & a lot of interesting stuff is explored w him. this isn’t abt him though.#part of me wonders if this is an aspect of why people will write off this arc sometimes tbh... like that & the political themes.#but yeah anyway i get why people say that for all there are 100% misogynistic tendencies in oda's writing & character design#it is very very hard to say that he as an individual is an ideological misogynist. like the level of care he puts into his female cast mem#-ers generally speaking & how he approaches what existing as a multi-dimensional individual would look like in their specific contexts is#like... in a lot of ways still something that is unprecedented across all forms of media.#but also not the point but anyone who says nami in particular doesnt get real fights/is unskilled um... no you're wrong read her fight in#alabasta & then all of skypeia.#like in alabasta she takes on arguably a stronger opponent than sanji when considering the structuring of BW. not only that but she does s#with a weapon she has never used before while actively reading the instruction manual. and she WINS. she wins based on sheer intellect &#the ability to utilize skills the audience already knows she has. the pre-existing basic fighting skills she's introduced with are elabora#-ed upon by incorporating her skill w navigation. same with the way her cunning is used in skypeia to cover her lack of sheer brute. &#the best part about it is she's fucking tough in a way that makes sense! she isn't strong/weak just for the sake of positioning her as such#it is thoughtful & it strengthens her as a character rather than just like giving the power-scaler types smth to mindlessly chew on.#like do i wish nami got to fight more & take a more active role in that regard even if i don't think she needs to be a fighter in the same#sense as the monster trio? yes absolutely. i'm guessing this is going to be smth that bothers me potentially even more with robin.#but that does not mean her fights are not masterfully written when she gets them or that she isn't tough as a bag of nails.#respect my darling woman or die.#skypeia#nico robin#nami#grey's one piece tag
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
More clone^2 snippets
Snippet 12: hands
Lancer: dear god, Mr. Fenton, what happened to your hands!?
Danny, had a run in with Damian’s katana and both of his hands have stitches: um… cooking… accident. I can’t use them that much currently
Lancer, pale: right, yes, of course. You may have one of your friends right you notes until they are properly healed
Snippet 13: more hands (and dash is a dick)
Dash: I bet Fenturd’s just faking his hand injury to get out of doing class work. Getting out of classwork is my thing! I’ll show him.
Danny, minding his own business:
Dash, yanks on his fingers harshly: Freak! Did you think you could copy me and het away with it?
Danny, his stitches torn from the way Dash grabbed him: you’re the last person I’d want to copy Dash, let go.
Dash: we all know you’re faking the hand injury, there’s no way you’d— you’d—
(Danny’s hands are bleeding, and starting to smear on Dash’s hands.)
Danny, (fake) calmly: you were saying, Dash?
Dash: I - uh—
Danny: thanks for opening them up, jerk.
Snippet 14: Danny is Bruce’s Clone and Bruce Wayne has been hottest man alive for many consecutive years
The A-Lister Girls are at a sleepover
Star: Never have I ever had a crush on Danny Fenton
All girls (including Star): puts a finger down
A-List Girl: Paulina put your finger down
Paulina, begrudgingly putting a finger down: he shouldn’t count - he’s a loser!
A-List Girl: he’s still the cutest boy in our grade. Put your damn finger down.
Snippet 15: unstoppable force vs immovable object
(In the Clone Danny Au, since Danny is not a ghost Valerie doesn’t see Phantom as the guy who ruined her life, but a very exhausted vigilante trying his best. They’re allies with conflicting ideologies on how to handle ghosts.)
Red Huntress: are you kidding me, Phantom? You dragged a kid in with you to fight ghosts? I thought you were better than that
Wraith, offended: *opening his mouth*
Phantom, tiredly putting a hand over Damian’s mouth: *in ASL + one hand* you don’t think I tried to stop him?
Red Huntress: he’s a child, Phantom, how hard could it be?
Phantom: looks down at Wraith
Wraith: looks up at Phantom with the eyes of a hundred enraged bulls
Phantom, kneeling down to Wraith and pulling his mask up to show his mouth: *whispering inaudibly*
Wraith: *takes off in the opposite direction*
Phantom, standing up to Red: *ASL* well? go get him
Snippet 16: identity
(Danny and Damian are sitting on a rooftop, in the middle of a break from patrol. Damian sits between Danny’s legs and Danny is slumped over Damian’s back.)
Damian, playing with Danny’s fingers:
Danny: who are you?
Damian: Damian.
Danny: who are you not?
Damian: Damian Wayne.
Danny: do you have to be?
Damian: no.
Danny: who do you have to be?
Damian: I just have to be me.
Danny: who are you?
Damian: I’m Damian.
Danny: good.
Damian: who are you?
Danny, smiling: Danny
Snippet 17: long hair
(In the Clone Danny Au, Danny’s hair goes to his shoulders. I was in a GNC mood at the time the au was made and it passed on to Danny.)
Tucker: are you going to cut your hair, Danny? It’s getting long.
Danny, laying against the bed frame with Sam doing his hair: probably to get the dead ends cut off. I like it long.
Sam: I like it long too.
Tucker: you like it long because he lets you do whatever you want to it
Sam: it’s also a stand against the oppressive stereotype that men can’t have long hair and must always have it short in order to appear masculine! Danny’s showing individuality and sticking it to the patriarchy at the same time!
Danny: and because I let you do whatever you want to it.
Sam, making a punk hairdo for danny: yea that too
Snippet 18: Danny is Bruce Wayne’s clone and Bruce——
Danny, getting stuff from his locker: my parents have a new ‘Fenton anti-ghost sticky bomb’ they’re working on and—
Student with a photography camera: Hey, Fenton!
Danny, looking over: what?
Student: *snaps a photo* thanks!
Student walks away
Danny: so… um…. Is that- is that another Wes? Should I be worried?
Sam: you should be angry! He just took your picture without your consent! That’s a violation of your bodily autonomy.
Danny: we can keep an eye on it, Sam, and if it becomes an issue then I’ll report it to a teacher.
Danny: and as I was saying, I can’t wait to have to make sure that that doesn’t hurt anyone.
Danny: i love having to stay up late sabotaging my parents’ inventions. Yay…
Snippet 19: Danny is Bruce’s clone and—
Wes: ranting about how Phantom = Danny and how there’s proof and he has it and—
Random Student from his photography club: you wanna kiss him so bad it makes you look stupid.
Wes: I do nOT
Student: Its okay Wes, so does literally everyone else.
Snippet 20: Lookalike
Danny: the only good thing about being Bruce Wayne’s clone is that my Brucie Wayne Impression is spot on
Damian: what??
Danny: my Brucie Wayne impression. It shouldn’t be as fun as it is doing it
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viaviv124 · 4 months
Bullfrog Character Study and why i feel so bad for him
Did you notice that Bullfrog does not cry at all until his execution? Not when Jade died, not when Pey'j died and, to our knowledge, not while he was in jail.
When Bullfrog talked with Rayman and mentioned Pey'j's death he sounded so bitter. Yeah he probably said it to hold a mirror in front of Rayman but also i feel like at first he didn't intent to say this, that this just slipped out and he then decided to roll with it. I do not know much about Assassins Creed but i do know that he had to embody the Brotherhood's ideology of freedom, peace and equality. To my knowledge to "peace and freedom" also counts "free of vengance/hatred/bitterness" and so on because these feelings do not make you free, hence why Bullfrog tried to stop both Dolph and Pey'j from acting in vengance (allthough with Pey'j it also was so the Warden doesn't detonate the bomb). And espacially because of the survivors guilt Bullfrog thinks he has to be the perfect assassin.
However, Assassins are just people too. People are flawed and cannot follow this perfectly. And Bullfrog was incredibly bitter. Probably not just bitter too, one can just imagine what he felt. He lost everything he cared about again. He failed again. Not to mention, i doubt he ever allowed himself to grief. And i feel like feeling that horde of emotions also lead to self loathing to a degree.
Bullfrog is supposed to embody the Brotherhood's ideology, hell, the entire brotherhood considering he's, to his and our knowledge, the only one left. He's not supposed to feel everything he's feeling right now, yet he does and it eats him up. The survivors guilt forces him to perfectionism. If he can't be the perfect assassin, then what is he? To him he's failing his ancestors and brothers, his fallen comrades, the ones he's fighting for, everyone.
And despite all of that he never once allowed himself to cry.
Except when he was convinced he was going to die.
Bullfrog cried during his final words as he apologized to Dolph for failing him. And i can promise you these tears weren't just because of the apology, no, in these few tears was at least a bit of everything that happend. Because he didn't have to stay strong anymore. He thought that's it. This is where he and the brotherhood will die. And he probably felt two main emotions in that moment. Hopelessness and relief. Hopelessness for very obvious reasons i doubt i need to elaborate, but relief? He didnt have that burden anymore. He thought he was going to die so that weight he's been carrying for who-knows how long would be off his shoulders. It's a very small price, but at least it's something.
Everything i've said so far is why a certain comic by @pitafish hits so hard to me. I won't show it here because i didn't ask for permission, but basically what happend is that Bullfrog and Ramon were lying in bed and Bullfrog had a breakdown so Ramon sang to him and hugged him to soothe and comfort him.
[Edit] i just got permission to link the comic so here you go
Bullfrog let himself cry. He let himself be vulnerable. He lets himself be an individual with his own thoughts and feelings instead of an extension/personification of the brotherhood. And most impressively, he did that in front of someone else. He let someone else soothe him, hold him, take the place of comfort he himself always took for others.
And that's what makes it hit so hard.
In conclusion, Bullfrog deserves a hug, a blankie, hot chocolate, to bawl his eyes out and some well-deserved rest.
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animentality · 9 months
Trans exclusionary feminism is stupid for many many reasons but the most damning reason for me is its inherent belief that all women everywhere are victims, and women throughout all of history have been oppressed victims, and this universal victimhood can be shared by all women of all ethnicities and cultures throughout all of time in memoriam.
Equally and universally.
Not only is this not true, but it's especially ironic because terfs tend to be straight white cis women who are ideologically, as well as genetically, related to suffragettes whose main platform was "Why should black men be able to vote? White women are more important."
It's honestly laughable in between the tragedy.
Like oh, women everywhere know the same pain and experiences?
Yes, white women living on a luxurious 3000 acre plantation actually have the exact same experiences as enslaved black women serving under them.
Yes, white women in South Africa had it just as hard as the black female victims of apartheid.
You're so right.
Trans exclusionary feminism isn't just trans exclusionary. Its intersectional exclusionary too. It's white feminism.
But that isn't shocking.
Terfs tend to be middle class white women whose greatest problem is deciding between a Samsung or an iPhone.
And between a Maserati or a Tesla.
I think of that Bill Burr quote.
Where he says that white women have completely taken over the civil rights movement, by swinging their Gucci booted feet over the line and stepping in front of people of color.
That's what I think when I see terfs here and everywhere else trying to insist that "women" are wholly anything.
The fuck they are.
No group is wholly anything.
People are very complex individuals and there is no fucking hive mind of humans anywhere.
Your labels are arbitrary and pointless, as is your Swiss Cheese of an ideology.
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renspacesz · 24 days
what mbti do you think eric harris is? Dylan is obviously infp, but eric and his weird ass complicated personality makes it hard to label him an mbti.
some say intj or isfp but I don't really agree... if you guys think he is either one of those, try to disprove me in the comment. Well some people type him as an intj because he "planned" things, a "mastermind" , however i think pretty much anyone can go out of their ways to plan something that they have been motivated by a personal ideology or for the means of revenge that would take years for it to work. Btw the plan was messed up in many ways, it wasn't consistent either, they just came up with the plan and went along with it and used the sketch as a back up to make their plans to succeed. They did put great effort into it, well they knew they were going to die anyways so why not just give it all and get the most of the experience. They went out of their ways to feel "godlike" and unstoppable. And for the isfp part, people call him a feeler type because of his "individualism" for wanting to look and act different, but its much more complex than that. Eric was described as preppy by his peers in the beginning of highschool, but as life progressed and got harder for him, he might've just listened to harder music and dressed more differently, and creating wads, just as a form of escapism. We all have at least one form of escapism, despite being a Fe user instead of Fi. And people say eric is "emotional", but I'd disagree. People just take a look at his journal and his emotional instability but I feel like it had to do more with his personality disorders, and BPD could be a possibility. When stating about his opinions and all in his journal, we have an inner look of his thought process, but probably not his actual values since it was a bit obvious that he wanted to put on a show to look tough and not show his vulnerable side. The journal isn't even his actual personal writings, it is just to display his philosophies and his ideologies that he wanted to show to people. And all those unnecessary mean/sexual things he said about people was more for a shock value. Not saying he did not feel hate towards people, he very much did, he openly stated he hated people and everything he does including the massacre he carried up with, just screams misanthropy. And even on the basement tape, eric stated the journal is to be released and he basically made it like a "bible" to be released and wanted to have cult-like followers. There isn't just any much of a sentiment/feeling type of writing in his journal, his discussions aren't primarily based on that, more than just telling his audience about his observations and why he thinks about it that way while talking in such harsh tone. He doesn't really talk about his feelings either, maybe only in some bits of writing or its very subtle. I'd say he is private about his feelings but he is more open about his thinking. Just to clarify that just because a person shows any type emotion, doesn't automatically means that they are a feeling type. We all have emotions and feelings and situations can impact that.
I don't got any much more to say, since he's a dead person, we barely know about him rather than his ex friends talking about how he was like in school, but I wouldn't find that an accurate source of how he was ACTUALLY like as a person. Hopefully someday, they will actually release both the basement and the nixon tapes.
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transmutationisms · 4 months
hello, this might be a weird question but i was wondering why alot of communists seem to be against people having multiple sexual partners, it doesn't seem to be a thing exclusive to weird "trad communist" types, lenin himself said that promiscuity is bourgeois and an intoxicant (https://www.marxists.org/archive/zetkin/1925/lenin/zetkin2.htm) and while i could see it being hard to balance with political organizing, a life of being a militant does have to come with alot of personal sacrifices anyways.
there's not going to be a singular answer here because attitudes about sex vary widely among self-identified communists and for that matter so do attitudes about 'communism'. i also am not any kind of expert on lenin or soviet history. however, just looking at his reasoning as stated in this text, the quote you've zeroed in on goes:
Promiscuity in sexual matters is bourgeois. It is a sign of degeneration. The proletariat is a rising class. It does not need an intoxicant to stupefy or stimulate it, neither the intoxicant of sexual laxity or of alcohol. It should and will not forget the vileness, the filth and the barbarity of capitalism. It derives its strongest inspiration to fight from its class position, from the communist ideal. What it needs is clarity, clarity, and more clarity. Therefore, I repeat, there must be no weakening, no waste and no dissipation of energy Self-control and self-discipline are not slavery; not in matters of love either.
emphasis mine.
so, what he's saying (as relayed by clara zetkin; let's assume she's quoting him faithfully) is that sex is a special kind of activity because, like alcohol, it is "intoxicating"—a way of stimulating or stupefying the proletariat, and therefore a threat to both the health of the individual body, and the health and political fortitude of workers as a class. and again:
[Communist youth organisations discussing "sex problems"] is especially dangerous and damaging to the youth movement. It can easily lead to sexual excesses, to overstimulation of sex life and to wasted health and strength of young people. [...] Communism should not bring asceticism, but joy and strength, stemming, among other things, from a consummate love life. Whereas today, in my opinion, the obtaining plethora of sex life yields neither joy nor strength. [...] Healthy sports, such as gymnastics, swimming, hiking, physical exercises of every description and a wide range of intellectual interests is what they need, as well as learning, study and research, and as far as possible collectively. This will be far more useful to young people than endless lectures and discussions on sex problems and the so-called living by one’s nature.
emphasis mine again.
it's important to note here that lenin's objection is not exactly to a certain number of sexual partners, per se (he is consistently scathing of the "disgustingly false sex morality" of bourgeois marriage), but to an 'excessive' amount of sex, which he sees as intoxicating, distracting, and weakening young people, mentally and physically. this argument may sound stupid and bad, and it is. however, it was also a very commonly defended mainstream medical opinion in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; this is not just something lenin has invented himself. the reference to "degeneration" and the comparison to alcoholism (considered one of the main causes, and symptoms, of degeneration) tell me that lenin is concerned about 'freedom of love' being not a liberatory state, but a corrupting, insalubrious force of social decline, the psychological desire for which results from a reaction to bourgeois morality but fails to free itself from the capitalist conditions giving rise to such ideology.
indeed lenin spelled out his position 5 years earlier, in 1915 (& seems to have remained relatively consistent) in two letters to inessa armand. although he says that people (specifically women) should be free in matters of love from financial calculations, religious prejudice, legal interference, familial prohibitions, &c, he goes on to decry the idea that such "freedom of love" includes freedom from "the serious element in love", freedom from childbirth, or freedom of adultery. these latter three he says are bourgeois, not proletarian, demands.
so, when we put this together, what emerges (exclusively from reading lenin's stated positions; this would be only a first step to a real historical analysis) is an idea of sexual morality that prizes 'restraint' and self-control and views sexual pleasure as dangerous in excess; that opposes bourgeois marriage but also opposes a perceived libertinism that arises as its opposite; that fears energy is being wasted on cerebral discussions of sexuality that distract from the material conditions of oppression & fail to change them; and that is expressed through the medical terminology of degeneracy theory and discourses on physico-moral sensitivity and the susceptibility of the body to exhaustion and corruption by excessive pleasurable stimulation.
again, dissecting lenin on this is not equivalent to providing a general explanation of how sex-negative attitudes arise among communists (& i don't think such a singular explanation exists lol). but there are definitely some throughlines we could trace here, from degeneracy theory (rarely named as such these days, but still a motivating fear in a lot of cultural prognostication) to the general discomfort with 'excessive' sexuality. i don't think communists are more prone to these sorts of ideas than anyone else, but, yknow, also not magically exempt.
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 5 months
Narratively speaking, having Gerry be goth makes so much sense. Individualism, self expression, going against the accepted norms. Most importantly, the acceptance and appreciation of the dark, mystical, and the scary. Having Gerry be the sort of person who not only accepts the existence of the Fears, but who finds beauty in them.
This leads, of course, to how did Gerry become so identifiably goth? Did Gerry stumble upon it as a child and, once learning about the idea of finding beauty in pain, relate it to his own life, so full of fears and hurt? Did he find it and find it hard at first to find beauty in it all? Did he initially reject goth culture? Or did he fling himself into it, having found a word for something he’s always felt, a word that connects him to others who feel the same? And which came first: his alignment with goth ideas or his love for goth aesthetics and music? Were goth music and clothing the first things that Gerry found beautiful, so he decided to investigate and find that it fits him? Or did he find goth as a way to describe his habit of loving the things other people feared, and later used goth fashion to express those ideas and find a sense of community?
Gerry using goth culture, both the connectedness and the ideology, as an anchor and coping mechanism against the fears. Gerry having always found beauty in scary things because it was the only place he could look for beauty, so he found it. Or Gerry forcing himself to learn to find it beautiful, because he knows that if he can’t find the beauty in the fear, he’ll never be able to experience beauty at all. Gerry spending time at goth clubs and shops as an escape from everything. Gerry using goth culture to have an identity of his own, one his mother couldn’t control.
All of this, and his actions, lends itself to the idea that he’s not someone the fears can truly claim. Sure, he might be aligned with the Beholding, he might feed the fears and be fed by them to some extent, but he is not beholden to any of them the way we see other avatars being connected to their fears. Gerry is not the sort of person that any of the fears could ever fully own, not when he finds beauty in place of fear.
Just. Gerry being goth is brilliant because it’s something that most people would recognize and it’s something that grants a fairly deep insight into the character and it fits him so well.
[this is not to say that all goths feel this way or anything like that. This is a character analysis that dives into something that was probably meant as a mostly superficial description, but really does fit the character very well on a deeper level]
[I do, however, think that if you’re goth you’re much more resistant to the fears than the average person]
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archivalofsins · 6 months
Now I bet nobody thought they’d see me discussing Kotoko again- Given the things I said about her ideology. I bet a lot of people think I have nothing positive to say and this is going to be full of I told you so’s.
However, that’s far from the case. So, let’s get started on what has to be the best finale to trial two. What everything has been building up to from the very beginning-
Spoilers, for Deep Cover, Yonah, the streaming heart cover and all things KOTOKO YUZURIHA!
Firstly- Man really giving up soon? Is it really over with just that? It’s hard to think that people even liked her character at all if this is all it takes to have people switch up. I’ve been honest about it from the jump these characters could be the worst people imaginable, and I could still be able to find a way to like them. Calling it game over before the starting bell even chimes it’s kind of weak, isn’t it?
So, what have we learned about Kotoko that we didn’t know before? She’s judgmental of everyone around her including herself. Hardheaded and never considers the idea that what she believes could be wrong. Quick to run with her own assumptions and doesn’t show mercy to anyone regardless of their perceived weaknesses or shortcomings. She’s been the pull yourself up by your bootstraps or get stumped under hers type from the jump.
What exactly has changed here?
That she’s pointing some of that vitriol and hatred in our direction now? That she reiterated the fact that she does not intend to go easy on someone just because they’re young? That her morals weren’t as righteous as people assumed them to be? Well, it’s not Kotoko’s fault everyone conflated the definition of vigilante with hero. Because of what- how they’re commonly portrayed in media?
Vigilantes are consistently shown as people with immense privilege who believe themselves to be above the law for one reason or another. Some do in fact attack children, some do in fact kill people regardless of if they’re weak or strong just because they’re in their way, to some the ends really do justify the means and morals are simply a weakness to be ignored that stops them from meeting those ends.
I don’t know what anyone else here thought a vigilante was but maybe how mainstream comics and superhero culture has become watered down that word for a few.
Yes, Kotoko is still a vigilante if she attacks people that others find to be weak or worth protecting. Because a vigilante is simply someone who believes that they themselves are the law. That only they know what is truly right and have the will to act on it.
Literally anyone can be a vigilante, it doesn’t mean they’re morally just or right. It just means they’ve said that everyone else is inadequate and only they can right the wrongs they see within society regardless of what anyone says or whose job it actually is to do so.
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Oh, she’s not a vigilante like Batman from Batman the Animated Series. Yeah, Bruce Wayne literally went to a mountain to train and has a psychiatry degree. Kotoko is on a break from law school. I don’t know what made anyone here conflate Kotoko with the traditional idolized concept of vigilantism but- Unfortunate that whoever did played themselves on that one.
A vigilante has never been and will never be a person that is morally correct.
Bruce Wayne commits crimes and lets others commit them. His no kill rule has led to the deaths of thousands including his own sidekicks and romantic partners. People play by his rules or hit the fucking bricks. He’s not always the good guy or the pinnacle of morality. He’s just a guy with his own morals.
Just because people disliked the individuals she was attacking before does not mean she will only attack people whom we dislike. That’s the point of being a vigilante, you don’t act on other people’s orders, you work under your own discretion.
From the beginning of trial two everyone has told us Kotoko is this way from Jackalope-
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To Yuno,
Yuno: Yep! Kotoko, who you forgave, went super violent, and then injured people came rolling in one after the other! Es: You mean Mahiru and Fuuta. That was an incident even I had not expected. Yuno: Really? If you ask me, Kotoko is someone I would never want to make my friend, though. She’s the type who picks a conclusion from the very beginning and won’t actually talk with you.
And what does she do from the beginning of her second voice drama Yonah. Pick a conclusion from the very beginning instead of actually speaking with Es. When Kotoko sees that Es is upset she assumes that they are upset because she wasn’t able to properly punish Mikoto Kayano and Amane Momose. This is after she tells Es that they were late as well.
Throughout her second voice drama based on the translation I’ve seen she makes minute references to some of the second trial interrogations of the prisoners and even their trial songs.
For example,
“In order to stop someone, you have to squeeze their throat without mercy.”
Purge March
“So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too.”
“You’ll forgive their sins just because they’re close to you? Make their punishments less sever just because you get along with them? What next- Are you going to start giving them leniency based off their looks? Their personality? How long you’ve known them?”
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Despite that Kotoko says she’s playing by Milgram’s rules and taking into consideration what Es' superiors want her statements are in direct contradiction to Jackalope’s own desires. Her getting upset with Es for forming attachments and voting based on biases is directly antithetical to the project Jackalope is trying to have and has claimed to want to have from the beginning.
This is especially interesting considering that Kotoko calls Es imperfect but from a conversation from the bonus story that came with the Milgram novel we know for certain that Jackalope considers Es the perfect guard.
So, if Kotoko thinks Es is bad at their job and that they are an imperfect guard her statements are directly in conflict with Jackalope’s our superior and the one running this Milgram/advising us.
A second reference to another interrogation comes up during this statement as well-
“…Hey, Es. Please, listen. I don’t want this either. I’m at my limit. I can’t stand it anymore. If someone died because I bashed them online and you find out about it- Even if I learn my lesson from it that won’t put an end to all this.” Futa… “Listen, I’ll forgive you for what you’ve done too. I’ll accept this pain. SO- please- Forgive me, I’m begging you!” … “It hurt… It hurt so bad, I thought I was going to die. I was scared!” Huh… “The feeling of getting judged by countless people at once is the worst, too… I can’t sleep feeling like the whole world is watching me.” … “I’m tired of everything hurting and being difficult. PLEASE! I’m sorry! ES!!” … Sigh… Futa. It’s not like I hate you guys. “… …!” I’ve been by your side for a long time, and I’ve had a look inside your hearts. Even if you are murderers, you’re no longer just strangers to me. That connection is something that can’t be cut so easily. “R-right-?!” Seeing you hurt like this makes me regret my actions too. Haahh… I’m feeling torn since my judgement my judgment may have made the situation more complicated for you guys. “…!” And also…first and foremost. I’m starting to think of you all as something like comrades. “Es…!” It’s a pity… that I’m…the warden. “Eh?” No matter what kind of suffering you’re going through, that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to evade justice. “…?! That’s…!” Either way I have yet to figure out what the relationship between your current hurt self and the crime that you committed is. “…” Of course I can’t blame you for not having words of apology to say to the person you killed. “…!!” But even if you apologize to me about things that happened in the past- It’s not like I care. “Gwuahh, you’re wrong! YOU’RE WRONG!” Thank you, Futa. I realized that this requires resolve. “…!!!” The warden has to… I have to judge the sins of my comrades without holding back even while they’re weeping right in front of me. Phew- That’s all the interrogation is over.
Like honestly Es came into Kotoko’s interrogation acting real different from how they came into trial two.
Throughout her second trial cd everything given to us restates and further highlights the sort of character Kotoko has always been.
Streaming Heart perfectly following up on the disdain she's shown towards herself and receiving affection that was alluded to with her previous cover Anti Beat.
While her voice drama and song show off just how much she knows about Milgram in subtle ways without just laying it out on the table for all to see.
Heavily alluding to the fact that she’s been looking over things in her own way since the series began. Something that was heavily implied during Mikoto’s first voice drama when she came out of hiding from somewhere to help Es.
So, what does this mean exactly? Kotoko isn’t just being a pain in the ass because that’s her regular state. I mean it is but- She’s heard every prisoner's statement on her since the beginning of trial two. She’s seen every music video, heard every excuse, see how they behave in front of the guard- and did what Yuno told us she did from the drew her own conclusions about them without talking to any of them.
Kotoko also admits she’s been eavesdropping from her first voice drama because when Es asks her how much she knows she says,
Even if it’s true that you saved me, I don’t remember promising to forgive you for that rogue-like behavior.
“Is that so? Then, I’d like to ask- is Milgram purposefully designed that way?” Designed that way…as in letting prisoners do what they want? “You should be the one to know about this. The cells here don’t even have locks.” I…should know? “For example me being suspicious of Mikoto Kayano’s actions, carefully tracking him and his behavior, it’s all under your permission.” In deciding whether to forgive or not… One has to observe human nature… “It’s something like that.”
From the beginning up until now Kotoko has been using Es to get the information she wanted on the other prisoners. Because that’s expressly the deal she made. Something she reiterates in Yonah.
Cooperation is about doing what the other party cannot do. Meaning she is cooperating with us so we can do what she cannot. Not just that we’re just cooperating with her because she can do what we can’t. Es/us are the guards we can interrogate and interact with the prisoners how we see fit.
“Guard-san… no. Es. Don’t you want to join forces with me? I think the two of us would make good partners.” Join…forces with you? “With, you in the role of prison guard with the information you gather from interrogations, and me in the role of prisoner with the information I gather from my daily life in here… Working together and sharing our findings what do you think?”
But that’s weird, isn’t it?
She said sharing our findings but during her first interrogation and her second Es never shared any information, did they?
They never willfully told Kotoko any of their opinions on the prisoners. Yet she still acts as though information was shared. Because she wasn’t really asking. Throughout both of her voice dramas and over the course of Milgram one thing is consistently showcased about Kotoko. She doesn’t ask for permission ahead of time.
She takes the fact that Milgram is not taking precautions to stop prisoners from observing each other as permission enough to start observing Mikoto. Probably why he doesn’t fucking sleep too. Since she implies, she’s been observing him since Milgram started simply because he was acting funny and emphasizes their cells don’t have locks. To be honest just because no one is saying that you can’t do something doesn’t mean they’re in support of your doing it. The lack of an objection is not indicative of consent but okay Kotoko okay.
So, why did Es or really anyone here think Kotoko would treat them differently?
Especially when she showed off, she was already observing the interrogations from the jump. Then she never answered how she got into the room either. She just kept that a trade secret and diverted the conversation to a secondary issue.
How did I break into the interrogation room- What a funny question. Es the cells don’t have locks here. Hey, do you want to team up with me? To someone like Kotoko who can get anywhere she wants to and see whatever she wants within Milgram-
Someone like Es who barely has a full grasp of what's going on is always going to be beneath her or just another prisoner. We still don't even know how she figured out who had the highest guilty percentages. She's that ahead of us and that's an issue.
Guilty or Innocent might not even stop her at this point.
Her voice drama puts on full display her disgust in disappointment at not only Es' behavior over trial two but the audience's behavior as well. Then Deep Cover barrels in with all the vitriol she feels towards the other prisoners who spent all their interrogations framing her as a threat to them- People who are no better than garbage to her.
Going around crying about unfairness for someone giving them back what they gave and deserve. Going as far to say just like Futa that's karma isn't it. Even pointing out Es and the audience wouldn't care at all if they didn't feel like they knew these people or her. They'd just see a bad guy getting what they deserved just like they saw with her first mv and everyone would be oh so happy right?
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Why is it any different when it happens to a bad guy that you know? If something is bad it's bad regardless of, who does it right? Why should it matter if you think they're nice, if they're just a kid, if they were having a hard time- It's so dumb because none of those things cancel out what the person has done. It doesn't bring back the people they've killed it's just making yourself feel good.
Taking those things into account won't make them change, won't stop them from offending again- It's so dumb. What about their victim's reasons, their lives, their struggles? People like that who just go forgiving the unforgivable because of those sorts of feelings alone can't change anything. The only thing they can do is excuse everything then act like what happens after that is nobody's fault.
It's nobody's fault I just did what I thought was right, I didn't think this would happen, it'd be good if I could have made it so it wouldn't have happened, even if my choices were bad ones they were still my own, to save the things that couldn't be saved I had to try it's all nonsense and never ending justification all the way down. Can any of that be considered taking responsibility at all?
While still carrying that feeling of self-loathing and recognition. that just screams I hate it because it's like me and that means i'm like you. It's annoying and depressing because that's just how people are. They're contradictory. Their morals are flexible. They're not subservient to any will but their own and even if someone else were to come a long and call them stupid, weak, overly sentimental, delusional, self-righteous, promiscuous, entitled, or a liar literally they don't have to fucking listen.
That's the entire point of Milgram, it's not about giving anybody what they want but everyone being able to do what they want because they want to. Plain and simple. But when you play like that the least you can do is take responsibility for your actions instead of conveniently putting all your problems on someone else.
Like Es said to Futa-
No matter what kind of suffering you’re going through, that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to evade justice.
It's hard so what- Would it be more fun if it were easy? Is living a fulfilling life something that can just be handed to everyone as simply as forgiving a transgression that didn't happen to you? It's different because it does feel like it's happening to you.
Because that's how people are and that's how they're always going to be.
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
I am getting extremely frustrated around all this debate surrounding 3D. And so am just going to rant. Please feel free to ignore.
I did not like the song. I did not like the way it objectified women. I don't need clarification on what the lyrics meant, that was clear as day the first time I heard the song itself. I do not need clarification on who is being called a "w***e". I don't need to be given a lecture on how this is rap culture or R&B vibe. I don't need to be called immature or childish, considering I am normally older in an average crowd of Army but not that old that I don't know what is relevant.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that there can be people with another opinion and it's not wrong. I don't see the point of posts like I am not a 100% onboard the song, but I will still stream it cause I support JK. What is the crazy level of fanaticism where you believe your idol can do wrong. And obviously in this case even JK acknowledges that the song may not be for everyone. So why does Army have to keep pushing it?
I actively moved away from Pop, R&B songs when the content became unpalatable for me. People are going around giving examples of WAP to say that the contents of 3D is much tamer. But I never said that I was a fan of WAP either. Why do I not have the choice to actively listen to and support music I choose and I like. What is the herd mentality that this fandom cultivates?
Onto 3D itself, it's purely my opinion that the song covers themes that are acceptable but in a very outdated manner which does not speak to the evolution we've had on deobjectifying women in music. I do believe that with JK's vocal talent, he could be doing far more than he is currently doing. But if this is the direction he wants for himself, I as a fan am in no way going to dictate that he shouldn't. I'd probably just pick and choose what I can support. I wasn't the most comfortable with the stalker-ish themes shown in Seven (there again I felt we had regressed into an age where such tendencies were considered romantic) and it's just sad to me that JK believes that these are the content that show how adult he is. It's sad that he has pigeon holed himself into this. But again, I can only support what I can from where I stand and I shall continue to do that. This again does not allow me to dictate what other fans should be doing and I think it's time, especially in Chapter 2, for Army to realise as well that not everyone can like everything and that is okay.
Also, unrelated side note. I read a thought piece on the MV of 3D which only left me wondering why Army are so desperate to find meaning in the most random of things and justify behaviours to themselves. I did have a laugh about whether anyone involved in production had put in even 1/10th the effort to evolve the MV in the direction this thought piece prompted.
Anyway to summarise my long rant. Let people be. It's okay to have a difference of opinions. It's what helps individuals grow and understand situations and circumstances better and don't try to force your ideology down unwilling throats and saturate fandom spaces with cultist behaviour.
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odinsblog · 10 months
So colorblind racism is a term that comes from Eduardo Bonilla Silva, and he writes about how the colorblind ideology is the dominant form of thinking about race in the US. And it basically refers to explaining or understanding racialized phenomena in “colorblind” ways.
And so you explain racial inequality by something that is unrelated to race.
And what that does is it justifies and legitimates that racial inequality.
If someone asks, hey, why are there so many Black people in prison? Their explanation is, it's not because the system is racist. It's not because Black folks are over policed. It's not because Black folks are given longer sentences for the same crimes. It's not because of the cash bail system that keeps Black folks imprisoned and really punishes the poor people who can't pay the bail in order to get out of prison and have to end up signing a plea deal in order to get out, to keep their jobs, and their families and their homes.
It's because, colorblind racists argue, Black people just commit more crimes than white people.
So that would be a colorblind way of being racist - to imply that this difference in outcomes and differences in incarceration rates is due to cultural or individual level failures, and not due to a systemic level bias.
According to the colorblind framework, racism is an idea that justifies or legitimates racial inequality, where you don't have to “hate” Black people, but if you say Black people are more criminal and that's why they're behind bars, so we don't need to reform our criminal justice system, then that is racist, because that idea continues the racial oppression that Black folks face at the hands of the criminal justice system.
So that's what colorblind racism refers to.
And then color mute is a term that comes from Mika Pollock, that refers to Black people. It's very closely related colorblind racist theory because it refers to people who are dealing with something that very clearly and explicitly relates to race, but they choose not to mention race when they're talking about it.
So the examples from that book come from schools where teachers will talk about how, “Oh, these students have been acting up and more students have been going to detention,” when really it's only Black students who have been going to detention and they're not naming the fact that there is a racial component to these trends.
And what both those things do, colorblind racism and color muteness, is it allows language to overlook the fact that racial inequality is happening.
By not naming it, it allows that inequality and those injustices to continue, without being recognized or challenged.
And so, again, that relates directly to the theme of the book, which is that when we unmask racism, when we reveal racism, we are better able to show it and to demonstrate how it works. And only then, right… and the change can only come after we name the problem.
And so that's why racists fight so hard to try and hide racism. Because once we see it, then we're going to be able to point it out to other people and recruit them to the side of antiracist thought.
And antiracist action.
—ROB ESCHMANN, When the Hood Comes Off: Racism and Resistance in the Digital Age
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tamelee · 6 months
I’ve seen a lot of kakashi fans saying he was anti-shinobi system and wanted it to changes and all… but I didn’t get this vibe from him at all in the manga? most of the times he’s either shown agreeing with the system, or just not having real opinion on what’s happening… if i had to choose, i would put him more in the "pro-system" category rather than in the "anti-system" category. what do you think about it?
((I hope this makes any sense 🫶 I really wanted to talk about this and the systems, but I’m not going to point out every moment with Kakashi. I think this mostly speaks for itself from a storytelling perspective. Long post 🍵))
Hm’ I can’t really understand the reasoning behind fans saying he was against it? Pro/anti-system doesn’t quite mean the same as pro/anti in fandom language in the context of such systems. Acknowledging the issues and not liking them but simply dealing with it anyway (‘Ninja’ literally is ‘one who endures’) because that’s expected of you as Shinobi, is not the same as actively rebelling against a system. They are soldiers that are trained to not show emotions and they become tools for the village. And the Shinobi system regulates the functioning of itself by stating Shinobi are tools for the country to use however they like.
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For Kakashi especially, ‘dealing with it’ meant dealing with it the ‘right way’ despite acknowledging these are issues, right? The way things just are. And the ‘right way’ becomes subjective to each character when you consider that every village operates through what they think is 'right' because the 'right thing' benefits the local community and not the entire world or an individual. Even someone like Zabuza who was seen as a 'heartless monster' wasn't able to truly become emotionless and surely his 'right way' felt justified in regard to his past and what he had to do. But yeah for sure, overall, I agree. 
Just to clarify though;  From my understanding it doesn’t mean much on its own saying a character is in favor of/against the Shinobi system because it isn’t really anything other than an overarching framework for all Shinobi and part of the hierarchal structure of many systems within the Narutoverse. It’s a guideline, practical and operates on a large scale where it provides for different countries to manage coordination or any challenges that may arise but its meaning for a single character is hard to measure. It’s vague.  Konoha has its own military/authoritative system specifically for Shinobi from the leaf (and thus, Kakashi) and to give that any socialistic meaning, it adopts the ideology they call; ‘Will of Fire’ which purpose is to blur your individuality and eventually replace it with a communal mindset which profits on a national scale, or village mostly. I’m not saying there wasn’t any individuality in the characters because they wouldn’t be enjoyable/relatable otherwise; like Kakashi was (very well) known for ‘copying’ and having the Sharingan. 
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 'Hatake Kakashi is a cool man who doesn't risk his life lightly, but now he's putting his life on the line. The 'Spirit of Fire (Will of Fire)' burns within him!!'
And if you view things from this communal mindset that Konoha has then you’re very much in favor of the system... I don’t really see how you can argue against it? Konoha and other countries all interconnect through the Shinobi system, but it is the individual and local ideology that causes so much suffering and are the sources of the story’s conflicts in one way or another. Each micro-system prioritizes their own (unless you're seen as a threat ig) and it promotes loyalty to one’s country through the ideology.
((Like Konoha claiming you become stronger by protecting something that is important to you,
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but then indoctrinating everyone that the single thing that is most important ‘to you’ is the village and your ‘comrades’. There’s truth it in it but there is a change in purpose as Naruto’s most important person isn’t even part of the village at some point but a personal connection that he prioritized above the community and national borders. This includes Gaara as well.
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In that sense, you could say Naruto is selfish, but in this case that’s a good thing, really well written and has nothing to do with ‘going against Sasuke’s wishes’ weh~’.)) 
When countries go to war with each other or are in conflict, they will always favor their own (system), not the ‘Shinobi system’ and will chase to profit. It is their responsibility to adapt at all times to make sure it thrives, for better and for worse. And these systems pretty much always come with an ideology and especially military systems are very Nationalistic because its purpose is to protect. Against all costs, it prioritizes itself above all. 'Balancing power' was a way to 'promote friendship' between all countries, but that didn't really work out though, did it? 
The WoF influences the character of Konoha’s system and it is through this that we can really measure what the narrative says regarding a character and analyze their (inter)actions. And Kakashi like most other characters very much operates through that (local system’s) ideology.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There is nothing that truly indicates that Kakashi is against Konoha’s system much less is ‘rebelling’ or seen to behave in an antagonistic matter as told through the narrative. (Which tells us what is 'good/'bad' but allows you to question it still.) Most criticism Kakashi has against ‘bad’ aligns with the communal ideology that decides what is ‘right’/‘wrong’. That’s exactly why right/wrong and good/bad become incredibly muddy/grey and why it is nearly impossible for Naruto and Sasuke to find a ‘morally right’ answer for all and find peace in the story. Why the sequel probably (partly) didn’t even bother to try. Why the individuality of Naruto and Sasuke as main-characters were pointed out countless of times to indicate their roles which also changed throughout the story and why it became complicated when conflict rises between components within the same system. 
I’m just pointing out there is a (huge) difference because you can’t really be anti-system if you’re literally a part of it in every way and operate through those beliefs and values even on a micro-level which is an extension from the overarching Shinobi system. Especially when issue’s are acknowledged at the same time.
((Sasuke was right that in order to force actual change, destroying just Konoha wouldn’t do much in terms of the overarching system. It’d still exist through individual values and Shinobi beliefs and even if all was destroyed physically, most likely it would rebuild the same way like Naruto mentioned unless Sasuke would forever control and keep an eye on the new system which he said was his plan. Kishimoto didn’t just suck that information out of his thumb, it’s based on the way shit works in real life too. Both Naruto and Sasuke wanted balance but offered different solutions. Yes, the Shinobi-system can be seen as the antagonistic force as well and one could oppose the entirety of it for sure, but this is only true for a few characters who’ve done a lot of research first or lived long enough in order to come up with such a conclusion/active decision and are seen as antagonists in turn by everyone else who are in favor of the system as well. But it takes a whole lot more than just wanting change in order to rebel and be anti-system and with that, development that you really shouldn't take lightly.))  
But for the sake of efficient storytelling, why you’d even want Kakashi to anti the system in the first place...?
That Kakashi wanted things to change is only natural given his past, but countless of characters wanted things to change or admitted their wrong-doings ‘of the past’ and showed regret in any way. Especially authority mopes for a bit when faced with the consequences, but doesn’t take any accountability that really results in change even if they have the power to do so. Some even blame others. Like the Uchiha are blamed by Danzo for their own massacre??? A good Hokage that leads to lasting change doesn't just do what is currently expected of them and 'die like a hero', but thinks outside the box and is a little unpredictable. Almost has to rebel themselves for a bit which yes, we can finally talk about potential fr- Naruto had potential and it is backed up by Canon :') That's what potential is and not some hc possibility someone came up with on their own. Anyway, especially nearing the end they all start confessing which is kinda funny because a lot of them were already dead (Edo-Tensei) so it’s easy to then dump the responsibility to fix their fuck-ups on the newer generation (namely; Naruto and Sasuke) with a big ‘fuck you tho, but you’ll figure it out, good luck!’ on top. 
Or.. you know;
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Figuring out what the system meant and finding an answer to change... it was kinda... the whole point of the plot. Each character plays a different role and contrasting viewpoints in a story serve great purposes to tell it. In regard to the system a few are;
Implementing the Theme wherein Naruto and Sasuke are offered (and forced) to find their individuality (outside of their role as Ninja where duty... or fate is decided for you) 
Presenting an answer that eventually should’ve led to a change in history which otherwise would’ve just repeated itself (or will again later on)
To show that the current and evolved Shinobi system is the source of most conflicts (especially the large-scale ones) and that the main characters are burdened with this responsibility
The significance of actually questioning, challenging and showing dissatisfaction towards the beliefs and values everyone around you blindly adopted and the impact it has on the characters and the scene which is only possibly through a development that calls for it
Leaving the area of ‘right’/‘wrong’ and ‘good’/‘bad’ very grey in order to make antagonists more powerful and developed, because if the system is the cause of antagonistic behavior, then who is ‘right’ anyway? Is the system itself the antagonistic force or are all the antagonists 'evil'/'bad' by default? :')
Get where I’m going with this? It’s not Kakashi’s role to actively challenge these beliefs. In fact, if everyone who wanted change gained that role, then every single thing Naruto and Sasuke did and decided on would become insignificant. Naruto’s actions would’ve been understood by the people around him and Sasuke would gain sympathy which in real life is great and well-deserved (well, fictional too), but would make a very boring and mediocre story. Even Kakashi pointed out these differences between Naruto/Sasuke and himself many times while looking at the past and contrasting history with, well, namely Naruto and feared a repetition through Sasuke. It is useful to the Theme that let Naruto and Sasuke explore what their bond/friendship meant, what anything meant really, and find their individuality outside the communal mindset of Konoha and from within. (Naruto’s Ninja way and Sasuke deciding to take matters in his own hands.) This development had meant nothing had Kakashi taught his students to rebel and question the system during their ‘team’mate days because maybe it was something he already believed in or because he operated through a personal philosophy instead of saying 'well, this is what it is, so...'. It would’ve influenced them in some way otherwise there is no reason to add it. But then Naruto and Sasuke’s choices wouldn’t have come from their development journeys or the trauma they lived, but simply because ‘their sensei said so/taught them’. (And sure, they could’ve challenged Kakashi on it, but that’s kinda pointless in this case. People often say Kakashi didn't understand certain things about his students and this all is mostly the source for it.) Much like Hokage-Naruto lamely claiming the village is ‘family’ because ‘the third always said so’. It’s meaningless to him personally. And what would that even mean for Sakura had Kakashi adopted contrasting beliefs? D’ykwim? 
Nah' I don't like this system and it definitely needs to change. I'm very impressed in the way Sasuke gathered all this information and then was forced to move towards a single solution which... from his viewpoint then, was the only way until Naruto offered his idea that was only born from his own challenges. I also don't like how characters (including Kakashi) view it and use it as some sort of emotional weapon to manipulate, intentionally or not. Though, I wouldn't want it any different for the sake of the story and I still very much like Kakashi. It is that incredible persistence Naruto and Sasuke showed BECAUSE of that very resistance at every turn that made the story so good and their decision so impactful. So yes, but no, I don't think it's a bad thing at all. -
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(And yeah, the whole ‘comrade’-thing goes together with it all, though that may need a separate post someday. I really want to talk about the meaning of the words ‘family’, ‘friend’ and ‘comrade’ in Konoha because it doesn’t mean anything anymore if it’s not tied to the individual and it’s communal for a Leaf Shinobi that carries the WoF. And for me personally, the way Kakashi went about it makes sense. Doesn't mean I like it, but it makes sense. Naruto vowed to become a Ninja his own way and found meaning regarding his bonds along his journey while blurring the borders between countries (and systems) while Shikamaru for example, simply decided that his and his team-mate’s lives were okay to risk for the sake of the mission and to ’retrieve Sasuke’ who is only a ‘comrade’ to him because he was a Ninja of Konoha, someone he didn't like on a personal level. And when Sasuke wasn’t a Konoha Ninja, no one but Naruto thought he was worth ‘saving’. That’s why Naruto was also questioning why someone would give up their life for one another after Sasuke did so for him and Hiruzen did for Konoha and Kakashi answered the way he did after Iruka. Why he gave up on Sasuke but died for Choji. You’re simply ‘family’ as a villager of Konoha, but it was Naruto and Sasuke’s role in the story to figure out what personal bonds mean to them.
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(I really want to make a separate post on this, I have too many thoughts, but gotta stop rambling ffs.)
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Curious - what do you think about Darkling's will to save Grisha? What part of him do you think is "good" despite him being a vicious villain? Or is he completely self serving in your eyes?
Hmm I think he started out genuinely meaning well but past a certain point it took a back seat to his personal ambitions. By canon era he seems more preoccupied with *being the person to fix things* rather than them simply being fixed, if that makes sense? Like his ego and need for unilateral control clearly come first.
There’s definitely a lot of murkiness in the series where it’s hard to separate in-universe characterization from author shortcomings sometimes, but I think it’s pretty telling that his contribution to making things safer for Grisha results in the Little Palace and essentially a personal army answering to him alone. And he seems to be content with that until a sun summoner shows up and allows him to try to enact world domination via Shadow Fold. I feel like if his real primary goal is meant to be any sort of large scale liberation we would simply see more of it as something he’s pursuing?
Anyway I think “good” is hard to define. I wouldn’t say he’s one note evil? But he’s certainly incredibly ruthless and vindictive. We see him personally hurt other Grisha the most tbh? And frequently disproportionately and to his own detriment. A scenario where he wins everything seems so easy and attainable if he was just a little less cruel and a little more patient.
I think the thing mostly tripping him up is just immortality tbh. He’s so old that individual people and lives don’t have much meaning to him anymore, he’s playing a numbers game instead. And it’s become more about winning than any particular ideology or value. I think a good example of that is him working with Fjerda circa S&S to sack Os Alta, which seems like a pretty stunning abandonment of his supposed values. Or how his plan seems to have been “kill pretty much everyone” sgdhdg like the Darkling Did Nothing Wrong side of the fandom bring up him not killing the kids in the orphanage a lot as a defense, but he did very much kill basically all the Grisha left in the Little Palace. The only survivors were the ones that escaped. He didn’t actually spare anyone!
I think RoW, for all its contradictions and awkward relationship with the original trilogy, does showcase circumstances where he isn’t the absolute worst (lol) pretty well. He isn’t redeemed, because he isn’t sorry for a single thing he did! But he is also happy to be the person to go to tree hell to save the day, because who *else* could possibly do that, except for him, the main character of the universe? Like, frankly, I think the tree hell stuff is fucking stupid, but it is a deft way to show how his ego and values are intrinsically tied, and how under specific circumstances he is willing to sacrifice very, very much, despite being an otherwise fairly selfish character.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Dion J. Pierre
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Adrian Mysliwiec, a pro-Hamas protestor, was charged by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) with petit larceny and harassment for walking up to a Jewish student and snatching his Israeli flag. Photo: Gideon Maskowitz.
A pro-Israel City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College student was a victim of petit larceny — taking or withholding property from its owner — and harassment while counter-protesting a pro-Hamas demonstration near the campus, according to details of the incident released by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
On Thursday, Hunter College student Gideon Askowitz was standing in a section reserved for pro-Israel counter-protestors near Lexington Avenue when Adrian Mysliwiec walked over from a pro-Hamas section and snatched his Israeli flag.
“The suspect then proceeded to walk away with the flag,” an NYPD spokesperson said in a statement shared with The Algemeiner. “There were no injuries reported to the police. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.”
Askowitz told The Algemeiner on Friday that he is grateful that NYPD officers standing by immediately intervened and apprehended Mysliwiec. Jewish students, he added, spent all of Thursday dismayed by the outpouring of support CUNY students expressed for the atrocities Hamas terrorists committed during an invasion of Israel’s southern border on Saturday.
“People were clearly very scared and very emotional,” Askowitz said. “Two or three were crying.”
His Israeli flag continued to draw attention after he went back to school to walk a friend to class, he added, saying, “Someone was like, ‘Yo, what flag is that?'”
The CUNY consortium of colleges has been a hotbed of support for Hamas and other extreme pro-Palestinian ideologies.
On Saturday, amid the circulation of footage showing gruesome acts of violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, CUNY) Law School’s Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) shared a tweet containing instructions for making Molotov cocktails while appearing to defend Hamas’ terror campaign.
“Soak a cloak in flammable liquid … resoak [sic] the exposed wick and light it,” the text read. “Target a hard surface, such as an engine grill. Repeat until the invading occupiers retreat.”
JLSA also declared solidarity with Hamas on Saturday, tweeting, “We stand in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people in their righteous and determined struggle against murderous settler colonialism and apartheid! Palestine will be free!”
Wednesday’s incident at CUNY isn’t the only act of intimidation that Jewish students have experienced on college campuses in the aftermath of Hamas’s surprise terror attack.
At Drexel University, an unknown individual set on fire the door of the residence of a Jewish student whose pro-Israel beliefs are widely known. An arson and hate crimes investigation is ongoing.
“Unfortunately, we were made aware of a distressing situation that included destruction inside of one our residence halls,” the university said in a statement on Tuesday. “We are investigating to determine if bias, discrimination, or hate, which we do not tolerate at Drexel, was the motivation behind this incident.”
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
sorry. even more thoughts from gumy. hey in the s3 finale there's a direct contrast between mk's "i'd never abandon her when she needs me! we're heroes, it's what we do!" vs mei's "that's the hard part of being a hero!" as she tries to burn wukong to a crisp. the different facets of being the Hero
the contrast between MK's "we're Heroes! it's what he do!" vs Mei's "that's the hard part of being a hero."
dam T^T
but yeah, let's dissect this a bit more :)
well, we (the audience) know that both Mei and MK think of themselves as heroes. we first meet Mei when she saves MK, and our first scene with MK is him idolizing how "heroic" the Monkey King is. even after getting the staff and being dubbed as Sun Wukong's successor, MK wants to help people (he does it first by deciding to bring the staff to SWK because, you know, he's never fought bad guys before). MK's heroic ideology is to "help everyone," "save everybody," "protect my friends and family from the evil™️" and "no man left behind" (except himself)
Mei's is very similar but different. "Protect friends and family from the evil™️," "save those who cannot save themselves," and "protect others from themselves." this is probably why she was able to reckon with the act of burning SWK to a crisp because it was risk she was willing to take. the needs of all trump the needs of one no matter how much it might hurt
but MK can't do that. he has been shown how much he cannot do that. all of his plans are ones that are meant to ensure everybody survives and lives to see another day. (see, MK having everyone fight Peng and Yellowtusk while he and SWK fight OP!Azure.) and if he is told that there is no other way than to sacrifice another or that it's possible someone is lost forever, MK will try to find another way. and so far, his method has worked (bc he's the MC and the narrative cannot work if MK fails but that's more of a technical behind the scenes outlook rather than "in-story" which is a whole other can of worms and is not at all a part of my point)
however, Mei is shown to be a bit more grounded and have a realistic view that sometimes...you have to face the fact that there is no other option. Wukong's scroll being sliced? there was a very high likelihood that the monkey king was lost forever. MK refused to see it, but Mei knew that the chances of them even bring him back were super, super slim. Mei "understood the risks" so to speak that happy endings are not guaranteed. that the world is more gray than it is black & white.
in a way, both of their ideologies complement each other. it's why they are such a good pair as friends and when fighting together.
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ignoring my urge to sob, fucking look at these two T^T and doing some quick research on the web, yellow and green are said to be the colors of hope. both colors have mostly positive meanings, so put together simply adds to their individual hopeful vibes and doubles it, basically (idk color theory this is my interpretation of what i read and how i can apply it to MK and Mei)
they may not be complementary but they do compliment each other in that yellow brightens the room and provides a soft light while the green can provide a bit of that grounded darker tones and make a room more fixed. (wtf am i saying, why does this make sense to me, how am i mixing home decor with-)
so yeah, while the colors are different facets of hope, MK and Mei are also different facets of what it means to be a hero (selfless, compassionate, self-sacrificial, loyal, willing to do the impossible vs willing to do what's necessary for all) and i am now very emotional about them T^T
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
random but have you thought abt gaming and hutao?
funny story anon, when I was writing ga-ming's fake voicelines and needed to give him more characters to talk about, I was considering adding a hu tao voiceline, but decided against it because I didn't really see a reason for them to meet (besides via friends (new liyue 6ang addition?!?!?!)). lowkey I now feel validated bc they don't have any in-game voicelines abt each other, but this would be a very boring ask if it just stopped here lol.
there's something to be said about gaming and hu tao's family baggage vs their cheerful external demeanor vs both doing a job that isn't super well received (?) by people in liyue harbor. but hu tao leans into her eccentricities a lot more while gaming is on the 'likeable by everyone' grind LOL also the dad similarities might increase if we ever get 76th funeral parlor director lore: hu tao's parents have been conspicuously missing forever, where did genshin put them? an interesting possibility would be if the 76th somehow split off from the family trade and subsequently got wiped from the family tree bc of ideological diffs (like ht's beef with baizhu), which could increase gaming and hu tao's possible shared father(?) troubles. but besides that I feel like there's not too much similarity there. They're both enthusiastic outward facing individuals, but idk if they'd have an interesting dynamic if they met.*
Although, you know that voiceline where hu tao does a magic trick and makes a butterfly of fire? and also how she plays with those lion statues outside the ministry of civil affairs? those two things would be straight up gamings alley ngl like he'd be so down for that kind of whimsy and playfulness. also hu tao would be a good candidate for a 2nd lion dance partner. she'd be completely down for doing odd jobs and this is absolutely a fun odd job, at least until she gets tired of it or has to focus on official business lol. idt she's the type to work hard at it; she's just there to try it out because it looked cool but gaming appreciates the enthusiasm regardless. would request to be the lions head in order to lunge at people and also pick greens. also there's potential for a gaming yun jin xingqiu hu tao tea appreciation club
oh also i think smth underrated abt hu tao is how shes like cheery and eccentric but takes her job seriously and has unidentifiable but occasionally present baggage .... which i already mentioned before is similar to how 75% of gm's voicelines are cheery, and then the other 25% is emotional conflict. idk! maybe under the right conditions, they could open up to each other and sympathize
*addendum: imo, hu tao has mostly moved on from her grief over her grandfather's death, and she doesn't have any regrets about the state of their relationship when he passed away, since they were pretty close and never on bad terms. My personal hc is that she still has some things she wished she said, ie. sincere thoughts and feelings from the heart that she usually avoids talking about (she would say "nice speech, but that kind of killed the mood" if someone made one of those anime protag power of friendship monologues). in my head, her grandpa taught her everything about death and funeral customs, played with her/listened to her poetry, pretended to go along w her pranks, and was in general a very loving person, but I don't think hu tao ever explicitly told him "I love you" before he died. she canonically tried to find him right after he passed away but knew that he wouldn't be there. by now i think she's made peace with his death, but still has a certain wistfulness about things she didn't think of saying. and then on the flip side, if ga-ming could see his mom again, he'd probably spend a whole day talking to her i think. he's also not someone to get drunk on grief or regrets, but i don't think he's quite gotten over it completely, and his rocky relationship with his father (before lantern rite 2024) makes this more emotional idk. not sure where I'm going with this, but maybe hu tao would be able to talk him through a bit of this messiness and urge him to simply continue with his own life. or show him that his mother was not at the border, perhaps never lingered there, because she didnt think there was any unfinished business with him or his father that she needed to worry about. the annoying thing about death is that even if the dead person was free of regrets, those who are still living will still miss them. maybe both gaming and hu tao would be able to understand that and/or sympathize with it. or maybe they'd just be silly together who knows, up to you
edit: it'd also be so funny to have gaming call hu tao "boss hu" 胡老板~~~~~~~
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naturalrights-retard · 10 months
by Liberty Advocate
Who is John Taylor Gatto?
“John Taylor Gatto (December 15, 1935 – October 25, 2018) was an American author and school teacher. After teaching for nearly 30 years he authored several books on modern education, criticizing its ideology, history, and consequences. He is best known for his books Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, and The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling.” (1)
John Taylor Gatto had received New York State and New York City Teacher of the Year. (2)
“I’ve noticed a fascinating phenomenon in my thirty years of teaching: schools and schooling are increasingly irrelevant to the great enterprises of the planet. No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or politicians in civics classes or poets in English classes. The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions. Although teachers do care and do work very, very hard, the institution is psychopathic — it has no conscience. It rings a bell and the young man in the middle of writing a poem must close his notebook and move to a different cell where he must memorize that humans and monkeys derive from a common ancestor.” (3)
During his career as a teacher. I think it would be safe to say he is a credible source to understand and comprehend the system we call public education. He was on the front lines in the Class (Part 1 & Part 2) and Culture Warfare (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4). John would be able detail and warn Americans about the ideology and the programming being done by social engineering and Psychological-Conditioning (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3) on our children.
“What’s gotten in the way of education in the United States is a theory of social engineering that says there is ONE RIGHT WAY to proceed with growing up.” (3)
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