#it did not remove the dry up blood textures on the wall and floor + the bright blood stains around the wooden plank room
by-your-leave · 2 months
Shoutout to the N64 Shadow Temple/Bottom of the Well no one’s doing it like you
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bestruction · 3 years
Getting high with them for the first time
N/A: If you do drugs do it safely
My masterlist
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- Eren Jaeger
He's not the type of guy who pressured you to use, let alone say you're immature or coward for it. When you decide to try it, it's genuinely your idea, and who better than your boyfriend to teach?
That's how you end up in his room, with the door and windows lock to make sure the smell doesn't catch his parent's attention. You sat on the carpet while he carefully rolls the joint so that the cigarette holder doesn't fall.
“Tighten your lips like this and take a deep breath through your mouth” He took a short drag before releasing the smoke “But not too long since this is your first time your throat is not used to the smoke”
You nod and accept the cigarette doing as he said. You feel the smoke warm your mouth, watch it hoover before your eyes after blowing and wait for...Nothing. No different sensation, no tingling, literally nothing.
"I don't think it worked"
“It is not like a switch. Wait a minute, babe ”
You talk a little about the day-to-day of the two and then go to play something new that he had bought. After a few games and a few more huffs, you still don't feel any difference or anything. You even try to hold the smoke in your mouth for a longer time, which results in you coughing incessantly and Eren laughing in your face. Hearing him laugh has always been one of your favorite things. The way he bends his body and laughs out loud without shame until he blushes always makes you laugh together with him, like now.
You laugh, laugh until your body asks for air and needs to alternate between laughter and breathing. You feel calm, relax as if you had lifted a weight off your shoulders. You lay on the carpet feeling the softness of the fabric against your skin ... Was it always that soft? So silky? So comfortable? You close your eyes and rub your hand over the texture, and then the smell of Eren's citric perfume invades your nose. When you opened your eyes, jade eyes were watching you closely.
"I think it has taken effect now, huh?" He says stroking your hair. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He asks, getting on top of you.
"A few times"
“Then I’m going to tell you again: you’re beautiful” he kisses your lips “So damn beautiful” He kisses your chin “Every single part of you” And now your jaw.
You two spent the afternoon making out on the floor and praising each other. Not because you were high, I mean, not only, but because being so sensitive brought it even more evident how much you wanted each other.
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- Levi Ackerman
You had a horrible week. It seemed that everything that could go wrong over the course of seven days had made a point of happening even worse than you imagined. When you got home even after taking a long hot shower and lying in bed, you're unable to relax.
"If you keep turning from side to side, I won't sleep either" Murmured Levi.
"I know. Sorry"
"I'm not complaining. Come here" He pulls you to lie on his chest "Better?"
"A little bit"
"Just a little bit?" He smiles softly "You can try what I do when I get like this"
"Do you mean the mushrooms?"
"If you want to"
You two get out of bed and go to the kitchen. He takes a clear plastic bag from the fridge and places it in front of you. Levi is not the type of guy who gets high all the time. It's more like an escape for when his stress is too high, like yours. He already used it when you met him, and even if you didn't, you never saw a problem with it.
"Just it?"
"I can make tea if you prefer"
"Why don't you use weed like everyone else?"
"Too much work. To roll, check for purity. With mushrooms, I just need to buy and chew them ”
"Well, bon appetit"
You two eat the frozen mushrooms. The taste is not so bad, but it is not a good thing and the smell reminds you of something that had been removed from the forest, which makes sense. Levi suggests that you lie down on the sofa in the living room to watch a movie. There was no need to worry about tomorrow as it would be a day off for both of you.
Lying on Levi's lap and watching the TV, the colors start to shine before your eyes. You didn't remember the white wall looking so vivid, or the pixels on the TV seeming to slow down when you focused on a specific point. It was your house, but it didn't look real. You felt inside a peaceful dream, and inside that dream, you fell asleep forgetting about your nightmare week.
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- Armin Arlert
It's your idea. It's Mikasa's birthday party, and Connie had taken some ecstasy pills from whoever wants to use them. So you take two, drag your boyfriend to the bathroom and lock the door.
"You don't have to do it with me if you don't want to, Armin"
"I'm curious too," He says, staring at the little pink pills on your hand.
Armin swallows one, and you do the same after him.
Armin swallows one, and you do the same after him. You want the experience to be as safe as possible. Then both sit in the bathtub and wait for the effect while talking. About half an hour later, you notice how dilated are the pupils of the blond in front of you. Your hearing is a little muffled, and you feel happy and light for no apparent reason. A slight tingle comes and goes through your body, like a wave spreading that sensation across your skin.
You go over to Armin and sit on his lap. He smiles at you, and more than ever, you want to kiss him until you're out of breath, and he's not different from you.
Armin takes your hand between his and brings it to his mouth. He spreads small, short kisses on your hand. You focus on the feeling of his lips running over your skin. You are so damn sensitive even his breathing makes you shiver.
As if a magnetic force pulls you both, you two kiss, letting that soft cloud of pleasure envelop you both. When Armin presses you against his body, deepening the kiss and tasting your mouth, you want to break the laws of physics and be able to occupy the same place as him. You want to become one with him.
And the two of you may not be able to do it, but you certainly tried A LOT in that bathroom.
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- Jean Kirstein
Jean is handsome, tall, friendly, and intelligent. So when he starts to be invited to every possible party in college, you’re not surprised. You two have been dating since high school, and you don't feel jealous if he goes to parties alone but he always finds a way to convince you to accompany him with some excuse. Like,  that it would be a lot more fun if you're next to him.
Today, this is one of those times when he convinces you. It's not that you don't like parties kind of, but a party full of strangers doesn't seem like the most attractive thing to you. Then after dancing and talking to people for a long time, he drags you to one of the rooms in the house to give you a well-deserved break.
"Thank you for coming with me," He said, hugging you from behind after closing the door.
"I'm going to want some compensation for that, Kirstein," You said, sitting down in an armchair that was there.
"How about ... That" Jean takes a bag with two white pills out of his pocket and tosses it towards you.
"What is it?"
"What kind of people have you been involved with?" You joke “If your mom knew what you've been up to, Jeanboo”
"Shut up" He sat next to her "If you want to try, I try"
It wouldn't be his first time getting high, he used to smoke weed with Eren in the basement since high school, but it would be yours. As I said, Jean is smart. You knew he had been wanting to try acid for some time. So of course, he had researched on.
Honestly? You are curious but afraid after so many speeches “don’t do drugs, kids”. Jean would never propose anything that could endanger the two of you, which is exactly why he only suggested it when you were alone, and if you said "no" it would be like it never happened.
"Is it just swallowing?"
"Put it under your tongue and let it dissolve"
You lie down on the floor and take it at the same time. It tastes bitter, but unlike any medicine, you've taken in your life.
It takes some time for it to start taking effect, but when it finally did you know. The sound of loud music, muffled by the walls of the room seems to be inside your head now. The colors tremble in front of you, mixing, moving, becoming more intense. You raise your hand towards the ceiling, and you don't feel like that's your hand. Everything seems surreal. You feel calm but active. It's like being very drunk, but the other way around.
Jean pulls you into his chest, and you can hear his heart pumping blood at full speed, like yours. You feel your throat dry, your body sweat, and your hands get cold.
If I could define that feeling with a word, it would definitely be intense.
You spent the night like that. Watching the furniture move and change shape, lying on the floor and without detaching from each other. At some point, you ended up sleeping, and after having the weirdest dream of your life, you woke up with Jean calling you carefully. The sun had already risen, and the house was silent, indicating that the party was over a long time ago.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, helping you to stand.
“Hungry and hungover”
He mumbles something about also being, and you go out to eat at the nearest cafeteria.
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intruality-overlord · 4 years
Why Are We (Best) Friends?
Warnings: Excessive swearing, alcoholism, mentions of drugs, drug use, suggestive humour, implied sexual content (no smut), some gore descriptions. Generally, Remus stuff.
Taglist: @blogging-time @veraisnotfine @littlestr @jessibbb @ibroken-butterflyi @hi-its-tutty @idkanameatall
Let me know do you want to be added or removed from the taglist! Updates every Wednesday/Thursday. Don’t worry I’m posting the second half of this chapter later today cause it’s too long all in one part and Tumblr doesn’t seem to like it when I post stuff too close together. So have the fun with the fluffy part!
Chapter Three 1/2: Duck
Loosen Up
May 26th, 2017.
Tiny little sips did Patton take, swishing the liquid around before swallowing each drop. Cautious. Procrastinating. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Why are you so embarrassed? I’ve seen you so drunk that if you weren’t a figment of imagination, the police could have been outlining your dead body in chalk the next morning. You don’t have anything to be shy about,” he said. Patton glared at him. “That’s exactly what’s so embarrassing!” He shrieked. “It’s bad enough knowing that happened! I don’t want a repeat!”
“That’s the whole point of this, Pat. I’m here so you don’t get completely pissed like that again. And if you do, I’ll stop you from being stupid.”
“I’m always stupid,” Patton mumbled into his next sip. Albeit, it was a slightly bigger sip. Remus would have argued with Patton, but he hadn’t planned a heart to heart and felt rather unprepared. At least he knew Patton had already drunk enough to not think too hard about what he was saying. Baby steps.
Turned out the snowball effect settled in soon after that. The more Patton drank the less he thought to regulate himself so he drank more. Remus discovered that night that Patton became efficiently, drunkenly relaxed at five cans of… whatever collection of concoctions Patton had mixed up.
“Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait! If I’m a figment of Thomas’s imagination, but you’re Thomas’s imagination, does that mean you could, like, make me,” Patton made a charade of what would have resembled an explosion if he still had his fine motor skills intact, “poof? If you wanted?”
Patton had had six cans and was on his seventh.
Remus blinked at him. There was some semblance of sense in that thinking, and Remus did love a good “what if?” question. “I don’t know...” he said. “Why don’t you try?!” Patton exclaimed, bouncing in his seat. Remus for a split second thought of how adorable Patton’s excitement was—
“Hell no!” He snapped. Patton whined. Sulking, he flopped back down in his chair like a voodoo doll that had just been angrily launched into a wall. “You’re s’posed to be fun!” Patton chugged the rest of his can and didn’t bother to put it down. Instead, it just toppled and rolled out of his lax grasp.
“If it worked then you wouldn’t exist anymore!”
Remus also discovered that Patton’s attitude was just as bad as Virgil’s. At least Remus knew his limits now for future reference.
“Well if you stopped existing you wouldn’t know if it worked or not because you wouldn’t exist,” Remus reasoned, and he wanted to scrub his tongue with soapy sandpaper.
“...What if we tried it on Roman?”
“Damn you, that’s tempting.”
August 30th, 2017.
“Heya Remus—” Out of all the anarchy encapsulated in the room, Patton instantly fixated on the razor. The blade devilishly glinted. Patton glared at the offending mustache slayer.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Patton! I was just—“
“Leave the moustache alone!” Patton pounced, lunging for the shaver, and Remus shrieked a very manly shriek. Plumes of white flew free from Remus’s fringe in the kerfuffle. “Your mustache is special and perfect just the way it is!” Patton said. Wrestling the razor from Remus’s grip, which on further inspection was definitely for shaving your legs and not facial hair, and confiscated it.
“I know!”
“That’s why I need it for my self portrait!”
What looked like very grainy flour caught in Remus’s fringe made it appear silver, enhancing the pearly whites that split his lips into a beaming grin. Patton swore his teeth looked slightly pointier than usual. Each syllable rolled around Remus’s tongue exaggeratedly long before he spat it out. And the crazed look in his eyes looked especially crazed, circled in red like a big mistake.
Oh, he’s high.
Wait, what?
Hooking an arm around Patton’s, a stark gentlemanly contrast to Remus’s distinctly wild hair, bloodshot eyes and suddenly apparent absence of a three piece suit, and yanked Patton to stand before his work in progress.
“I’d ask what you think, but it’s not quite finished,” he said, giddy.
Paint was splattered all across the canvas.
And across the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, and after spending five minutes in the room Patton somehow had some too. (Remus was always more of a catcher than a thrower. Terrible aim.) Focusing on an individual area, it looked like a nonsensical mess. There were handprints, globs of textured brush strokes, and scratch marks. Acrylic and watercolour paints with salt adding texture. Swatches of silk, sprinkles of glitter. The only orderly aspect of the piece was the fact it stuck strictly to a dominantly green colour pallet with accents of blue. Even so, there were hints of pinks, yellows, and purple. Tasteful hints, mind you. Oh, there’s some red, too—
“Is that blood?”
“A happy little accident involving a blunt pallet knife. That’s all.”
As a whole, though, when you stepped back it clearly was Remus’s self portrait. Amongst all the chaos, his outline was clear and confident. Insane smile and all. (Except for his moustache, which seemed to be the final missing piece.)
Patton looked closer. Woven in were more intricate details. Passages from Alice In Wonderland and Little Shop Of Horrors (“You love her madly, don’t you, shmuck” was one he picked out)— other books, musicals, and movies Patton couldn’t name— fit seamlessly into the collage. Everything was written in different, swirly fonts or magazine clippings.
Then he looked even closer. Patton squinted.
“Is that fucking dick glitter?”
“Green and blue duochrome dick glitter!”
It was the most accurate self portrait Patton had ever seen (or ever would). A massacre of common sense. It was his internal tumultuous frenzy in a visual medium. A celebration of self love in a uniquely Remus way.
“I’d frame that and put it on the fridge,” Patton said genuinely. Remus preened. “It’s… exceptional, really.”
But did Remus really have to sacrifice his adorable face caterpillar for it?
“I can’t wait to add the finishing touches!”
“Are you really going to put your own moustache on it?”
Remus burst into rambling only a select few could comprehend. Sentences clumsily overlapped each other as Remus spilled the direct translation of his thought process. And within that mess, the words were crushed like a Pepsi can (Yes, Remus could taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Yes, he purposefully drinks only Pepsi), squishing the vowels out of existence. In Patton’s case, though, he was able to translate the garbled soup of consonants roughly to, “One does not simply soil the sacred authenticity of multimedia!”
“Can’t you just...” Patton shrugged. “I don’t know— use some fake fur or something instead?” He argued.
“Ugh,” Remus grunted, “That sounds like something Roman would do. His art is so flat and boring! Always so play it safe, never experiments,” He ranted passionately, throwing his arms in all directions. “And there’s never enough glitter!” He scoffed. Pent up energy drove him in stomping circles. “Too much glitter makes it look childish,” he said, tone swinging into a mock impression. “There’s no such thing as too much glitter! I don’t care if it gets everywhere. I’d happily leave glitter stuck in my teeth rather than some stupid, diet of the week salad! And Roman wants to claim he’s the gayer one?! Huh, bullshit.”
Patton checked if his ears hadn’t conked out. They screeched like microphone feedback. (His ears and Remus.)
“Roman’s such a bitch— I fucking hate him so goddamn fucking much, the cunt.” Remus thrust his hand into the nearest paint can, and readied the colourful grenade.
Patton grabbed his wrist, hastily. Globs of acrylic paint slipped from his fist, reuniting with a green puddle soaked into the carpet.
“Uh-um,” Patton cut in, improvising a distraction, “Why don’t we have a drink and watch, uh... ah, um— Ratatouille?” Fizzing with nerves, Patton cracked a hopeful smile. One Remus couldn’t help mimicking. “A drink of water!” Patton quickly corrected, “and Ratatouille.”
(“Giggle water?”
“Emu, no.”)
“I love that movie!” Remus said, clapping his hands. More green sprayed them in Remus’s brazen excitement.
It worked. Patton breathed a quick sigh of relief.
Beaming, he cupped Patton’s face in his cold, sticky, stained hands. “You always have such good ideas!” Remus gushed. That was a rare, rare compliment. Patton's face blazed. For a second he was sure the paint would evaporate from his skin.
No, his wine red complexion was hidden.
Green handprints drying on his cheeks, Patton watched the movie with Remus just like that. After, Remus finished the painting properly. Instant grief followed shaving his moustache. But when he grew it back, he was ultimately happy with the results.
Next Chapter:
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ESCAPE OF K-10 PROLOGUE: “The Creature’s Escape” 
WARNING: 16+ Recommenced. This chapter contains heavy blood, gore, body horror, physiological horror, abuse, torture, medical themes, death, and other disturbing material. Please do not read if any of the subjects above are upsetting or triggering, thank you.
Another day has gone by, maybe two, is it night? Evening? No one but the people in white knows the elusive time under all these blinding, unyielding ceiling lights. Within this facility was nothing but despair, people and creatures of all ages were stuck in this man-made hell, wishing for the day where their body would finally give out from too many chemicals, handled too roughly, or to simply never wake up again. That was a dream many subjects yearned for… the only mercy in this god-forsaken maze was through death. This wasn’t a place for science and a greater cause. It was a filthy cesspool of overfilling sins committed by everyone here; despite what side they were on every single soul was guilty of their actions and some eagerly awaited the consequences. 
One creature in particular, laid on her side under the concrete bed, curled up tightly in a poor attempt to keep warmth in the frigid temperature. She could hear the soft buzzing of that accursed vent sending out the freezing air in order to keep her calm…..numb…..immobile. Those bastards did that with every cell despite if the subjects inside were naturally obedient and non-conflicting. For the scientists never knew if and when their subject’s mind will snap. The creature’s limbs were contorted, mutated. A leather raven black skin took over the second half of her limbs; her hands were nothing short of monstrous with elongated claws as sharp as knives. Her legs came out to be more of stilts, with bird-like feet locked downward. Nothing but emptiness in her eyes and not a sound came out. She had given up long ago fighting this. After losing too many loved ones. 
With a sudden obnoxious buzz, the door slid open. The creature slowly unraveled her limbs from herself and crawled out from underneath her safe area. There was a dead, empty look in her expression. Finally submitted, finally broken. There at the entrance was one of the lab’s security guards. He’s taken her many times before and knew she wouldn’t do anything. She was too hungry, too mindless, too tired. The fire and hope in her were put out years ago after she had killed the last of her loved ones. It was all her fault. All her fault. If it wasn’t for her he’d be alive. All her fault. 
She made him didn’t she?
All her fault.
She deserves this. 
All her fault.
All her fault.
All her fault… 
The sudden electrical buzzer pulled her out of her foggy intrusive thoughts and back into reality. She hadn’t realized she was cuffed again and being dragged by the security guard into an… unknown room. It’s been a long time since the creature could feel a chill go up her spine. It was like a rupture throughout her body; her whole numb body shocked into awakening and primal senses coming to fruition, panic and dread flooding her system as she was pushed inside and held tightly by the guard. 
The room itself was different from the many within the facility. The lighting was dim, with walls covered with a black wallpaper with an intricate white pattern to it. The area had a neat, glazed over wooden desk. Papers upon files upon notes and so forth all seen in half-decent piles or scattered amongst the area, completely covering the surface! One corner had a filing cabinet that was full of years worth of research, with no dust or decay whatsoever. Against the wall was an old leather cushioned chair, it seemed well taken care of despite the rest of the scenery wanting to say otherwise. The most unsettling feature of this room however, was the right-sided wall… a simple door with a small metal station, and above was nothing but a humongous window, nothing but a void on the other side of the glass. The ominous scenery made the creature’s stomach wretch with the unsettling fear; though the intrusive questions bashing against her head came to a halt. Behind her the creature heard the door heavily creak open, metal squealing against each other with a disgusting voice cutting through the silence. 
“Is everything prepared? Good, I’ll send the data and videos as soon as I’m finished. You can come and observe if you wish….. Ah, I see. I thought so…… I do always enjoy these “tests”. The man was speaking into his earpiece as he entered the room, heading straight to his desk and grabbing a file with no concern for the other two in the office. He had a disturbing expression on his face as he spoke, a crooked smile on his pale features. Biting his chapped lips and an excited look in his grey eyes. He took a deep breath, taking a moment and brushing his hand through his black, gelled hair put into a simple ponytail. After straightening the front of his lab coat, he made his way to the others in the room. That smile soon disappeared and his expression hardened into something more serious and mature. Oddly, the moment the creature saw the man in white she instantly backed up as much as she could into the security guard behind her. Though he quickly pushed her off of him and kept her right in between the two of them. 
“Ah. K-10, my most prized subject here. Although….. you have been ruining yourself lately, haven’t you?” Dr. Henry leaned in close, his gloved hands grabbing the creature’s face quite roughly. She let out a growling whine in an attempt to scare him…but instead sounded like a pitiful plea. Her eyes shut tightly as Dr.Henry thumbed into the deep creases of her hollowed cheeks, forcing her mouth open as he tightly gripped against the points of her jaw, looking inside and seeing her teeth yellow, gums receded and scrunched up tongue deprived of any pleasure of taste or texture against it. After some observation, he finally let go of her and watched her wincing away from his touch, giving him a deadly glare and low growl. The lanky man gave off a dark chuckle at his toy’s reaction. Watching such hatred and fight in her eyes, the act of bravery, when fear was spilling out of those trembling eyes…. defying him and the useless hope of winning was just… so cute. 
He had to restrain himself, he knew he had to show control, absolute control over such a fine specimen, and one that was made so well. Though he had a bad habit of breaking them, and in a way, if it went exceptionally well, he would make a new toy out of the broken pieces. In a way, it would be so much better than before. So much more fun, such excitement for the scientist. 
“Well, no matter. We’ll have to fix that… if you survive this next test.” Dr.Henry waved his hand for the two to follow him. The guard shoved the creature to continue walking, stumbling and growling in response. The scientist stopped both of them at the metal door and held out his hand. 
“That is enough for now Jermane. You can go out front and watch. There is to be no interruption, even from you. Make sure no one enters. If it’s for me, tell them I’m in the middle of testing and to leave an email for me to handle later.” Dr. Henry stated strictly, not breaking eye contact with the worried man in front of him. The creature could feel the man grip tighter on her, and Dr. Henry’s eyebrow raised expectantly when the guard hesitated to hand her over. 
Though with one cold and warning glare from the scientist, Jermane finally let go of the creature. She fell to her knees, staying curled down and still. She didn’t try to scurry or fight, the pitiful display was quickly put to an end by the scientist. 
Dr.Henry instantly grabbed the back of the creature’s neck and gripped around her scars, her cords and her airway. The creature’s eyes widened in fear, her whole body going limp and hands gently laid upon Dr.Henry’s. Her silent plea of mercy as her mouth opened wide, revealing the monstrous canines behind it. Jermane flinched back in shock and fear. The scientist’s expression stayed the same as he picked her up with ease. 
Although it was slightly difficult to keep that neutral expression. He could feel the panicked pulse pushing against his grip, each dry swallow, the freezing skin against his, it was such a sweet tease. Able to control this creature’s fragile life. No matter how many times, he always loved the feeling of life. The living being, able to be manipulated, killed, changed, all at his doing. 
“You may leave.” 
Jermane scurried out of the office and stood at the door behind him with second thoughts on who he should be afraid of. Dr.Henry was finally able to, relax. The creature was yanked and forced to scramble to stand up and clumsily walk inside the room. Dr.Henry flicked on the light and revealed the area to her. She was scared of course, but so far it was nothing too out of the ordinary. A concrete room, grey walls and black tiled floor. A black curtain had split the room in half, leaving only a cold medical table with metal restraints, a cart of horrifying surgical utensils all neatly cleaned and placed on each shelf. 
The creature avoided eye contact, though barely resisted when being lifted and snapped into the contraption. She closed her eyes with a defeated sigh… ready for the worst. However, Dr.Henry grabbed her cheeks hard and yanked her head to meet his now passionate, and mentally cracked look. 
“Open them K-10. Now. You really thought today would be about you? Everyone knows how easily bored I get.” That sadistic smile, and the unnerving tone in his voice made the creature’s breath uneven. Just what were his intentions? This somehow felt different, more dangerous. After a brief inhale she could sense, another creature here. And not only anyone…. No…. it couldn’t be… 
Dr.Henry could see the sinking expressions go through her head, processing, and realizing that they weren’t alone. He removed his touch from her and went to the curtains, unveiling an official surgical area of the room.. Buckets, preserve containers, similar operational tools. In the middle of it all was a disastrous creature, as large as the flat table it was strapped too. The beast had lumps, clubbed limbs, scars, oozing wounds and saliva dripping off it’s blood-stained and rotten teeth. Jagged, long, fanged, with a huge underbite. It breathed slowly, turning its head slowly to look at the creature across the room. With a huff from it’s flattened nose, it let out a screechy whine. 
“A…! Ah..!!” The creature struggled to call out the beast’s name, with such scarred tissue on her vocal chords and lack of speaking for months on end it was hopeless. She kept making small noises, attempting to try and say something! 
“Yeeesss, the two have been through quite the years together. Although, Subject K-09 here does not possess the same genetic mutations as K-10. Thus within the later years slowly K-09 will grow tumors,experience cancerous diseases, or its body will slowly shut down and malfunction in one way or the other. Meanwhile Subject K-10 possess a genetic makeup entirely different from the rest. Thus keeping it alive is essential. Meanwhile…..” 
Dr. Henry slowly swayed over to the table, caressing the bare stomach of K-09. Tracing the marked dashes that laid across multiple areas of the body, earning growling and jerking movements from the beast in response. Was the scientist recording? Was there a camera inside this room? 
“It has been agreed the most optimal way to continue research on subject K-09….Would be to dissect it. Preserving its organs, eyes, skin… muscles… bone… Slowly strip away everything… before you become spoiled …” Dr. Henry’s professional tone was slowly cracking, sadistic and horrid intentions slipping through the cracks. He slowly grabbed his gloves, relishing the sound of each rubber end snapping back. The beast flinched, looking to the creature with its small, fearful eyes. It was an expression of absolute despair, a final goodbye, knowing well that life will end in this room. 
The creature started screeching in protest, jerking her limbs and slamming her body against the table in a poor attempt to stop him. Dr. Henry tsked as he slowly chose his scalpel. “Now now, this must be done…. Unless, you can plead? It will be difficult with your shriveled and scarred vocal cords. But if you can manage to plead your case as I like I will stop the operation.” 
Dr.Henry took a syringe, plunging the serum into the beast. It jerked, struggled, screeched as if it was dying… and slowly the movements stopped. He could still see the beast breathing, calmly. Its eyes darting side to side. “You better hurry K-10.” 
He dragged out his aim to the upper chest and slowly inched his scalpel deep into the flesh of the beast. It could barely open its mouth, letting out a soundless scream as Dr.Henry sliced right, down, left, flipping open the piece of flesh like a demented doorway to the beast’s very insides. Blood ran down the side of the table, and screeches were let out by the creature herself. She quickly started muttering, moving her lips, squealing and screeching. 
“P…..pleeeeeeaaaas…….pleaaaa” she muttered, attempting to sew the sounds together into words to stop this madness. 
“You’re the only one who can stop this…. But it won’t happen if I can’t hear you.” Dr.Henry enjoyed every cut, digging his gloved hands into the body, feeling the pulses, the sputtering blood, organs moving and twitching at his touch, it was a guilty, pleasurable sensation for the man. He took his time slowly cutting the flesh into smaller parts, a disturbing grin on his face, his body shuddering as the blood squelched under his grip. 
“Please…. please please please please please please please please please…” the creature kept squealing out, shaking her head, her eyes shutting tightly together as she continued to repeat her pleas. The beast let out a gurgled hack, making the creature’s eyes snap open. She watched the beast’s blood slip through the edges of its agaped mouth as Dr. Henry watched the pitiful look on his toy. 
“Please what? Even a monster like yourself should be more specific…. Are you asking for more? Please~ speak up K-10, I can’t work without noise.” He cooed, digging his hands back into the beast and cutting away at its internal organs. any sign of control and sanity had left him the moment he entered the room. He was too excited, this was going so well for him. Dr.Henry teased himself, thinking about how this will end, on one end he was impatient wanting to break the creature already to see such a reaction. On the other, he had to savor this moment. Listen to every reaction and noise… watch every expression and detail of the body…. Feel each pulse, feel the life slowly drain from this beast in his hands. This man was no longer a man, but a monster overtaken by bloodlust, intoxicated by the smell of copper filling his lungs… 
The creature screeched and banged her head against the metal table attempting to speak more words, tears flowing over her face, making her vision blur and burn with each blink, forcing herself to look at him, to get his attention. “PLEASE, ST- Stooooop!! PLease STop!! pLeAse sToP!!! Please stop, please please stop, stop it stop it stop it please!!” She screeched out, her voice croaked, cracked, and sounded like she was choking, screaming out and begging for mercy like she had so long ago. 
Dr.Henry’s sadistic grin only grew wider as the creature begged, and continued to remove each one of the beast’s insides, gently placing them in their bins. The creature continued to bawl, becoming louder and louder with each cut and each rip off from the body. Her body contorted, her limbs and body desperately changing shifting, attempting to go into a stronger form to stop this maddening event. 
A final horrid squelch echoed through the room. 
The large organ pulsed for a moment in the scientist’s hand, before slowly laying still. The body on the table was still, save for the blood dripping onto the tile. Its chest no longer heaved, the body’s mouth left agap, the body’s eyes left half open, glazed over, empty. The soul encased in them has left. The beast, was gone. 
Dr.Henry let out a disturbing chuckle, “Ohhhh, too late. You could have stopped this…. But you …” 
He looked over and stopped what he was saying. Something’s wrong. The creature’s body contorted, blood was pouring from her mouth, her body grew, skin peeled, scales formed, bones were cracking everywhere, limbs bent, snapped, flesh could be heard ripping itself apart and forming again. Soon the creature broke free of the metal restraints, immediately falling through the glass screen as it morphed. The creature was no longer recognizable… a long muzzle with a thousand teeth, eyes large and small, of all sorts scattered across its face. Limbs like a lizard’s… claws and flesh meshed together, a huge jagged body with showing ribs,spine, neck. Scales, flesh, feathers, fur, all mingled together in a horrid decoration across this form. This was no longer a creature, but a monster. 
Without any hesitance the creature screeched to life, an ear-bleeding scream suddenly running and smashing through the metal door and seeing red below its claws. The monster could barely fit through the hallways as it raged through. 
Alarms were set off, guards rushed to the third floor to stop the containment breach. Panic and chaos filled the facility, blood curdling screams filled the air as the beast ripped into everything that got in its way. Gun shots, blaring buzzers, shattering glass, growls, squelches, spilt blood, eaten bodies, papers flying… everything was happening at once, no one was prepared, and everyone suffered this monster’s wrath. This night was the most beautiful mural, a mural of consequence. 
Senses were at a buzz, spiked to the edge and yet numb. The monster’s body shrieked for mercy at the insufferable damage, and yet the monster could feel none of it. Adrenaline, fear, and pure feral instinct for survival was all that ran through its broken mind. It looked passed the flooding bodies, to the white void in front of it. Faraway screams of terror and despair start to fade behind it’s chaotic path. 
Finally busting through the final door, a freezing chill bit into the many bullets and tranquilizers dug into it’s crawling flesh and wounds. Stretching out it’s large leather and feather wings, the monster ran, faster and faster, as everyone shoved each other and piling up the stairs and out onto the roof, quickly scurrying to contain the monster, one more flap, one more jump, and….. 
……… “Am…. I alive? Am I dead…? Inbetween?….” 
“Everything hurts……” 
“….Where am i?” 
There was a freezing wind against her pale and thin skin. She slowly regained her senses, feeling a soft, dusty, and tangible flooring…no.. it was ground. The scent around her was moist and earthy. The sound of quiet chirping and gentle rush of water filled her ears. After mustering the mental strength, she opened her eyes. Trees stood as tall as her eyes could see, surrounding, and what seemed to be protecting her… Moss, rocks, grass, flowers, they were all here. And above it all was a light orange sky, speckled with twinkling stars… it was so beautiful. She heaved, taking in a large breath, starting to sob softly, riddled with joyous laughter on her bleeding and cracked lips. Tears rolled down her hollow cheeks and onto the dirt below where her knotted black hair laid sprawled out. Her rib encased chest rose with each stuttering breath, and her toes curled and uncurled as her legs attempted to curl up. Her watery light brown eyes happily looked up to the gorgeous scenery around her, it was almost too good to be true… 
She shakily reached up to the brightening sky with her boney hand. This was real. She really made it… 
Nalani, was free. Writing Tagliiiist: @aliasastrid , @bogbodybitch , @coralblast , @crybb-purrgundy , @dazed-night-lights , @lightrhetoric , @persephonescomplex , @tenacious-scripturient , @theworst-pirate , @screamingbasement , @xxxdreamerp666xxx 
(Lemme know if you want to be added or removed! :)
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ellusquirk · 5 years
Can I request some angsty turning into fluffy Bertholdt X Reader when reader finds out Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan? Currently am on a high of AoT. Please and thank you
belief || bertholdt hoover
You heart stopped in your chest when you heard those words leave Reiner’s mouth so casually, coming to a stop just a foot away from where Mikasa stood and clenching your fists at your side. You had heard the suspicions and rumours floating around the captains: they had found the letters exchanged between Annie Leonhart, the Female Titan, and Reiner Braun, accompanied with the odd side note from Bertholdt. But you had dismissed it - it was just rumours, there was no way Reiner, who had acted like an older brother to everyone, and Bertholdt, who wouldn’t dare speak ill about someone, were capable of causing the greatest devastation to humanity.
Then again, it fit so well - Reiner was strong and broad, only ever bested by Mikasa in hand-to-hand combat, and Bertholdt was the tallest man you had ever seen - if you thought about it, then it didn’t seem too crazy when you pinpointed the similarities between them, the Armoured Titan and the Colossal Titan.
“You’re just tired, that it, right? Help me out here, Bertholdt. Your nerves are shot, you don’t know what you’re saying!” Eren’s voice pierced the deafening silence, but it offered no relief from the thick tension in the air. Instead your heart began to thud against your chest faster, black oily fingers of dread scratching at your insides when no response came.
You turned just in time to see Bertholdt tense up, sweat pouring off of him and his fists clenched nervously at his sides - he was lying. You had seen it before, when he and Reiner had been caught hanging outside of the dormitories past hours, talking in low voices together - what they hadn’t know was that you had been watching their every move from within the girl’s dormitories, their faces barely illuminated by the oil lamp that hung between them.
“Ye - yeah! It’s the battle fatigue talking!” Bertholdt bit out, visibly gulping.
“It’s okay - you’re okay. If you really were the Armoured Titan what’s the endgame here? We wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place - what would you expect me to do? Say yes? Let myself be kidnapped just because you asked politely?” Eren’s voice grew louder with each word, hostility coating his tone as he stared up into Reiner’s wide hazel eyes, fear consuming them as he stared back. Behind them, Bertholdt’s gaze was locked anxiously on Reiner.
Just ahead, Armin and Sasha continued to walk, led by Moblit and Hange, all deathly silent as they strained to hear the conversation over the wind, which seemed to intensify with each second.
“Right,” Reiner finally said, a strained smile slipping onto his lips, but the same fear present in his eyes. “Not thinking straight, am I? Barely know what I’m saying here. Must have gone off the deep end.” He let out a dry laugh.
Eren turned, sparing a lingering glance towards the pair as he began to walk away. “Come on, let’s go.”
But when Bertholdt’s gaze finally met yours, you knew they wouldn’t be following you.
The torn red flag suddenly broke in half, falling over the wall and creating echoing bangs as it fell. Eren stopped abruptly and Bertholdt jerked, both turning to look for the source of the noise, and behind you you heard the footsteps of the others come to abrupt halt. Mikasa visibly tensed up, her hands slowly moving from her sides to where her blades sat, fingering the sharp edges as she observed.
“That’s the problem. I’ve been here too long for my own good. Three years of this madness, surrounded by idiots. We were kids - what did we know about anything? Why did there have to be people like this? Why? Why did I let myself dissolve into a half ass piece of shit?” Reiner’s words sent chills down your spine, and you felt your heart skip a beat as he began to remove the sling Christa - no, Historia - had made from her skirt. “It’s too late now! Damned if I know what’s right anymore. Who cares? It is what it is. No choice but to face what Ii’ve done. As a warrior.” Your throat clenched at the sight of his arm, the marks of the Titan’s teeth beginning to slowly fade, steam rising from the mangled skin.
Just like Eren.
“No road left but the one that leads to the end!”
Your gaze snapped away from Reiner, his expression suddenly the darkest you had ever seen it, to Bertholdt, who seemed utterly frantic as he locked his gaze onto Reiner. “Reiner! Right now? Here? Are we doing this?”
“Yes,” Reiner growled, beginning to stalk forwards towards Eren. “Right here right now! Let’s settle this once and for all!”
You didn’t even see Mikasa move, but she was suddenly behind Eren, her blades raised as she swung at Reiner, cutting through his shoulder and wrist, before spinning almost elegantly and slashing the ends of her blades against Bertholdt’s throat. Your heart dropped when you saw him fall to the floor, gurgling as he grasped at his throat, eyes widening in fear as Mikasa loomed over him, raising her blades for the final blow.
“Eren get out of here!” Mikasa screeched, yelping when Reiner barreled into her, sending her off of the edge of the wall.
Your eyes snapped onto the boy, who looked on in disbelief, mouth agape as the two rose from the ground.
Your feet moved, your hand wrapping around Eren’s wrist as the golden light began to blind you, attempting him to tug him away.
Armin’s yell echoed from behind you, and your gaze found Bertholdt’s eyes once more, heart stopping when you saw the tears flooding from his eyes, panicked and frightened - he looked so vulnerable.
The explosion tore you away from Eren, and you let out a yell as you were hurtled away, the rough texture of the wall tearing at your clothes and skin, the heat from the Colossal Titan seizing your breath, forcing you to let go of the rail you had grabbed a hold of, flinging you back even more until you were in the air. From the corner of your eye you saw the Armoured Titan rise up from the smoke, lifting its clenched fist in the air, a brief flash of brown and green signalling Eren’s capture. Red flesh appeared above you , consuming you in darkness as the fingers closed into a fist, and you grunted when a pole hit you square in your lower back, turning just in time to see another pole coming directly for your head.
You awoke to yelling, head and lower back throbbing uncomfortably, something rough scratching at your exposed skin from where your uniform had torn, an uncomfortable heat settling over you. Your eyelids were unbearably heavy, and for a moment you were convinced you wouldn’t be able to open them, but then they were opened for you, a tuft of black hiding the green of the leaves above you. A groan slipped past your lips, and the fingers that had been gently pulling back your eyelids disappeared, forcing you to keep them open by yourself. Your ears rung, muscles groaning in protest as you pushed yourself up, lifting your hand to press it against your temple where most of your pain was. Someone screaming your name pierced through the ringing, and a whimper escaped your lips at the intrusive sound. After some more yells, you turned your head to the left, frowning when you saw Eren yelling frantically from below, his arms gone below the elbows. When your gaze drifted to his left, your confusion only intensified at the sight of Ymir, who was missing an arm and a leg.
“Get out of there! Do you hear me? What are you doing?” Eren’s yells attracted your attention again, and you stared blankly at him.
“What are you - “
You couldn’t finish your sentence, because Reiner suddenly appeared in your line of sight, hissing for Eren to be quiet. You jumped up at the sight of him, everything coming flooding back to you, a wince slipping past your lips when your head pulsed painfully and your vision began to swim. The ground beneath your left foot disappeared as you stumbled backwards, and you would have fallen had it not been for the hand that grasped your upper arm and tugged you in a chest. Your body grew heavy, but you continued to fight to stay on your feet.
“Please, calm down! It’s me! Bertholdt!”
Your gaze darted upwards to soft, pale green orbs, and calm instantly swept over you.
But then the image of his soaked in blood as the yellow light blinded you was pushed to the forefront of your mind, and panic washed over you again.
“Please! I’m not going to hurt you, please just trust me!”
His tone was soothing, and after a moment of staring at him intently you allowed yourself to sink to your knees, him holding onto you as you did and kneeling down in front of you. His large, warm hands moved up your arms slowly, eventually cupping your cheeks and rubbing his left thumb over a large cut across your cheek, the cut stinging upon contact. He pulled his hands away from your face abruptly, guilt washing over his features as he gently lifted you up and walked down the branch, setting you against the trunk of the tree. The yells coming from Eren and Reiner were tuned out when your eyes met his again, and it was as if it were only you two there.
“Bert - you’re the - “
“I know,” he said, cutting you off. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Logic was telling you that he way lying - everything he had told you up until this point had been a lie, that much was evident by what had happened - but your heart wept at his words, begging you to forgive him.
He flinched at the pain soaking your tone, gnawing at his bottom lip anxiously as a bead of sweat slipped down from his hairline, and he hastily rubbed it away.
“That’s just the way it is, I’m sorry,” he mumbled, the conflict in him evident as it surfaced in his eyes. “If I could change it I would. Everything I said to you, everything we promised, it was all real - I swear. None of it was lies.”
“How can you expect me to believe that?” you whispered, your voice cracking. “How can you expect me to believe that when the person I thought you were doesn’t even exist.”
It was all flooding back to you harshly - the boy you had thought wanted to free humanity from the walls like the rest of you was really the Titan that had killed thousands. The boy who had shared dreams of growing old together with his brothers and sisters in arms was really the boy that would stop them from even reaching thirty. The boy who had told you that he was all for providing bright futures for the new lives entering world was really the one who would snub those lights out.
His jaw clenched as he grit his teeth, the pain in his eyes intensifying. It was clear he regretted everything he did.
“I know, I know,” he muttered. “I never wanted to do any of this, but I had no choice. I’ll - I’ll explain everything to you when we get there, I promise.”
You furrowed your brow. “There? What do you - where are we going?”
“Home,” was all he said. His hands come up to cup your cheeks again, and he leaned in close, pressing his forehead to yours. “I promise you, we’ll be safe there. I’ll do everything I can to protect you - there’s so much more for you out there than this life - and in return for all of this, I’ll give it to you.”
Logic told you to not believe him, but your heart did, and when he pressed his lips to yours for a lingering moment you pressed back hard.
“Alright, I believe you.”
written on 07/08/19. requests: OPEN.
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wonderlandmind4 · 5 years
The Winter Soldier: A Ghost Story- Chp5
Tumblr media
Pairing: Winter Soldier x OFC
Summary: Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He’s a ghost story. So why does he keep coming back?
Warnings: Mentions of blood, language. 
Important Note: This story is a lot darker than anything I have ever wrote with the themes in it. Please proceed with caution during those moments. Everything in this story is a connection. (translations not from google)
Words: 3.7k
March 19th, 2012 12:05am
An irritate huff breaks the chilly quiet of the night. The Soldier stumbles into a wall, leaning his weight on it as he presses his metal fingers roughly against his temple. That sharp pain zings through his head again as he rapidly blinks away the image of green eyes. Grinding his teeth, he clenches his fist slamming it into the concrete wall. It cracks under the weight of the metal, pieces of rubble sprinkling to the ground.
He has successfully completed the mission; one Hydra traitor down. The success does not change the obvious fact that the man had been waiting for the Soldier. The man was prepared and slightly quicker. Slightly. It was enough for that damn bullet to lodge in his shoulder.
Shaking his head roughly, the Soldier grips at his hair, the mask clutched between his fingers of his flesh hand. Why had he remembered the building that was no longer a rendezvous point? Why did he recognize the fifth-floor window? It was all a blur to him, images twisting in his brain in a chaotic whirl. The carousel of colors halts abruptly, landing on shades of green.
Enough of this. The Soldier gathers his bearings, grits his teeth and straightens up. He squeezes the hard material of the mask in his hand before he lifts it to his face. The moment the temple tip touches his skin, he pauses. He doesn’t feel the hard press of plastic. He doesn’t see the pitch-black road ahead of him. He doesn’t smell the wet pavement, the trees in the distance, nor the lingering metallic scent of blood.
The plastic of his mask fades into something softer, warmer. The press of textured cotton, of warm fingertips just grazing along bloodied skin. It’s something he can’t ever remember feeling.
The shades of green in his mind morphs into the shape of eyes. Eyes that stared at him wide with fear, yet with an underlying but a strange emotion he can’t recall ever seeing before.
The smell of sharp sweat and copper blood fades into an aromatic scent of wildflowers, overtaken by the earthy tone of ripe grapes and spices. The Soldier doesn’t think he has smelled anything like it before. It wasn’t the dark drink that stained the floor, it wasn’t the sweat on his skin, the blood on his vest. It was something else entirely.
Her. It’s the woman he sees in his mind. The gentle touch of her dressings, the concern in her jade colored eyes, the sweetness lingering on her body. Who was she? Who is she? A former handler? A scientist? Doctor?
His head twitches. No. No handler has ever showed him what she had tonight. It was foreign, not proper protocol for the people who surrounded him before and after missions. She was different. She was afraid, yet threatening, if pathetically so.
He does remember the involuntary pull of his mouth when the woman held up a device; it was comical. Watching her try to defend herself with a piece of plastic. When she had gotten ahold of the knife he threw, brandishing his own weapon at him, he felt a spike of intrigue in his chest. She wasn’t stupid. She knew how to defend herself. It sparked a vaguely familiar tickle in his mind. The woman had only turned her back to him once, clearly knowing it wasn’t the smartest thing to do.
He recalls her clearly. Startled with his intrusion, frozen in a spout of terror, bare torso with the blue lace undergarment, on display. He had assessed her quickly when she entered the room after his eyes adjusted to the light. The woman wasn’t too thin, he could see that from the subtle toned muscles in her arms, when her legs shifted.
It has been too long since the Soldier had viewed a female openly like that. The curves of her body, the set in her jaw, the trembling of her fingers, the rise and fall of her breath expanding her cheat and lean stomach.
Her skin was marked, a map of freckles on his inner arm inked together to match a constellation. When she turned, her spine revealed scripted words along the length, and a sketched small bird on her left shoulder. A little dove. It was the sickly display of discoloration on the right set of her ribs that did not match the permanent ink. A mark stating injury, a reminder of pain, hurt. The sight made his chest tighten, made something hot curl in his gut.
The Soldier replaces his mask, fastening the rubber ends behind his head. The mission is finished, the incident in the once vacant building, over. He continues, heading toward the area he hid his motorcycle at. Once he finds it, tearing off the dry brush he used to disguise it, he mounts the seat, kicking the stand back.
A distorted image abruptly flashes through the forefront of his mind. His body goes rigid as the pictures piece itself together. A black cat with a scarred leg. A man attacking a woman, the man shoving the woman, the woman’s right side connecting with unforgiving granite.
Track and report mission. It was during that night where he viewed the disturbance from across the way. The Soldier makes the connection; the woman from that night and the woman cleaning his wounds are the same. He recognized that fifth floor window. He remembered.
He winces as the throbbing pain makes itself know in his temples. The imaged fades almost as quickly as it came. His breath escapes in short pants as he gathers himself once more.
“What the hell,” He grumbles, rubbing his hand across his forehead.
With the movement he’s reminded of his wound burning in his shoulder. The wrappings. The dressings around his shoulder the gentle woman provided him. He quickly unfastens the vest, finds the material, ripping it off with one tugging jerk. He disposes of the stained gauze and tape on the side of the road, kicking as much dirt as he can on it. They cannot find the wrappings of his wound, it would raise suspicions. They might come looking for the kind woman who helped the Soldier. He briefly touches his left hand to the bullet hole.
Starting the engine of the bike with more strength than it requires, the Soldier shakes his head once more. Simultaneously, he wants to rid the images yet hold onto the gentle caress of the woman’s touch just a little longer. He doesn’t recall ever having kindness shown to him. He is the Soldier, their Asset.
He drives back to the base. The ever-growing dread of what awaits him settles in his chest. No kindness for the Soldier.
“Sometimes I wonder why we even use it.”
“The job gets done, shapes the course for the next path. Who cares if the Asset is injured in the process?”
“What’s the next mission?”
“The Congressman. It’s been a week since the last recon.”
“And the boss? What are his orders?”
“The Asset has only been out of Cryo for several hours. The absolute longest without a wipe is eight days before the memories begin to leak through. Unless it’s mission critical, the boss doesn’t allow for missions longer than a week.”
“This plan with the Congressman could go on for weeks on end. How is it-“
“The set up has already begun behind the scenes. That reporter wasn’t placed there by accident.”
“Ahh, feed the sleeping monster, so to speak.”
The voice pass by the room, however the next set of footsteps grow closer. Bernstein hears them coming, hurriedly replacing the wires and closing out the coding box on the computer screen. He turns in his chair just in time to see the door open, the Soldier entering with two armed guards behind him.
“Agent Bernstein prep him but wait on the wipe. The dog got itself injured,” A dark mocking chuckle escapes the burly Handler stepping into the room. “The doctor is on his way.”
He jumps into action, knowing better to follow orders quickly than to linger. He waits for the Soldier to settle in the seat, his dark hair obstructing the right side of his face. Since the doctors aren’t present in the room, it’s his job to place the small Electroencephalogram pads against the man’s temples to monitor recent brain activity. He moves to do just take, cautiously pushing aside the Soldier’s hair.
Agent Bernstein pauses. There’s a five-inch cut breaking the skin on the man’s forehead, a trickle of blood has dried on his skin. It’s not the discovery of the cut itself that made Bernstein stop short. It’s the two strips of butterfly band-aids holding the cut together that do.
He hasn’t been a part of Hydra for long, but he’s positive the Soldier has never returned with bandages place neatly and carefully over his cuts. Bernstein swallows thickly, coming to a quick realization. Someone spotted the Soldier. Someone found him, someone had the nerves of steel to get close enough to take care of the cut.
Upon a closer look at the Soldier’s bare torso, a small gaping bullet hole displays itself on his shoulder. This too, looks like it’s been cleaned, no recent streams of blood, or even dried flakes. He swears the tiny gray markings over his shoulder are from the residue of medical tape.
Without even thinking about it, Bernstein hurriedly removes the strips from the Soldier’s forehead, wincing slightly as the movement tugs the cut back open. Steely blue, murderous eyes snap to his face before they drop to see the strips Bernstein holds between his fingers.
His heart races in fear, thinking the man will lash out, grab him by the neck and throw him across the room like he’s seen before. Instead, the Soldier reacts queerly. His jaw shifts, his eyes close briefly, his nostrils flaring.
All signs the Agent takes as the Soldier forgetting about the strips. He shoves the band-aids inside his lab coat pocket as the Soldier eyes land on him once more. The menacing stare is back, a silent threat. Bernstein remains quiet, finally placing the pads against each temple.
That’s when the doctor’s step in, and Bernstein steps back, turning towards the computers. His mind is racing as he brings up the tampered system, pondering who in their right mind would take pity on the poor man in the chair, and dress his wounds. How did they even meet in the first place? Before or after the confirmed murder of a former agent?
Whoever it may be, the optimistic part of Bernstein’s brain hopes this person will continue to help the Soldier. Maybe, just maybe, they can save this controlled, tortured man’s soul.
With that in mind, he turns on the machine with the go ahead, praying that his secret, risky decoding of the system will work.
The night stretches on, minutes pass by as Ophelia stands frozen in her room. Silence fills her ears, listening to any little noise she might pick up. She has been staring at the window for god knows how long now, utterly and completely bewildered, now that her adrenaline has worn off and her “good Samaritan” trait is over.
There was a stranger in her home. A dangerous, threatening stranger, who broke into her apartment and decided to bleed out in her bathtub. He could have easily thrown that knife through her chest, could have easily killed her and no one would know until Monday. He had plenty of opportunity to harm her, given how close and vulnerable she had made herself.
She had been shirtless; bra and bruises on display. For some reason, that’s the thought that snaps Ophelia out of her shell-shocked brain. She shoves her fingers through her hair, her body still trembling slightly.
No, that strange man dressed in black with that weird muzzle mask did not kill her, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to continue standing there waiting for him to double back. Ophelia quickly locks the latch of the window, then moves to grab her duffel bag from her closet. She stuffs in the first pair of leggings and t-shirt she can find, grabs her phone charger before realizing she clearly doesn’t need it, then heads to the bathroom.
There she stops dead once more, the wide streak and splattered bits of blood vividly standing out against the white porcelain of the tub. It’s a morbid kind of display, one she doesn’t want to focus on too much. Forcing herself to move again, she turns on the shower, hoping most of the spray will wash away the evidence.
Evidence. Shit! What if that man committed a crime and she just- no. No. She’s not going to think about it. She just needs to get out of her home, since it no longer feels safe. Not with her ex finding her, and then this crazy incident.
Ophelia grabs what she needs, shoving it into the bag. She turns off the water after adjusting the spray to rinse all the blood away. She figures she’ll just deep clean tomorrow, given that she doesn’t want to sleep here tonight.
Finally, she grabs Binks, who mewls in protest, storms through her living room to grab her purse and keys and heads out the door. She locks it, a nagging voice in the back of her telling her it’s useless to do so anyway.
Her cat squirms in her arm as she hurriedly runs down the five flights of stairs. Forgetting all about how exhausted she was just an hour ago, she makes it to her car parked just several feet away. Binks nearly scratches her as she dumps him in the passenger seat, clearly distress by her actions.
Ophelia drives for five minutes before she even realizes she doesn’t know where she’s going. She can’t drive to her sister’s, given that Saige is an overnight in-house nurse. She doesn’t want to worry or stress her father out this late at night. Then it clicks. She knows who to go to.
She’s not completely rude, has enough awareness to find a payphone and call before she arrives. She’s given consent, and Ophelia parks her car in the driveway of the small suburban home. She takes her bag, and Binks, glaring annoyingly at her, and runs up to the door. She knocks five times.
The door opens to reveal Carter’s concerned face, his shoulders shagging when he sees her. He quickly lets her in, opening his mouth to ask.
“Bathroom?” Ophelia asks before he can say anything. “Binks’ is stressed enough.”
“Cat room, remember?” Carter reminds her kindly, pointing down the hall. “Sweeney is in there, but they like each other.”
She nods, scratching behind her cat’s ears to calm him.
Once she returns, Ophelia collapses on the couch. She remains still for just a moment, before she shoots back up, pacing. She can feel Carter’s eyes on her, his worry palpable. His husband suddenly comes out of the kitchen, a steaming mug in his hand and passes it to Ophelia.
“Thanks, Jeremy,” She mumbles, halting her steps. The warmth of the mug helps relax her. “I’m so sorry to barge like this on you guys.”
“Please, Fawkes,” Carter scoffs, “You aren’t a burden.”
“I just-“ She sighs, bringing the mug of tea closer to her, inhaling the scent. “I don’t want to stay at my place tonight.”
It’s not that she’s scared per say, more like she doesn’t know who else could just break in. Maybe the man with the weapons and muzzle and those piercing blue eyes will return. She mentally shakes her head. She can’t seem to get the man’s eyes out of her mind. They were the least dangerous thing about him.
“Is this…” Jeremy speaks up quietly, “about Isaac?”
Ophelia, about to take a sip from the tea, freezes. “What?”
“About his release?”
Fear clenches her heart, and she absolutely hates that her body still reacts like that. Slowly, she carefully lowers the mug, placing it on the coffee table. Her ribs throb at her side, bringing her hand up to holding them.
“What?” Her voice sounds breathless in her ears. “He-he’s out of jail?”
“This evening,” Carter answers cautiously, meeting his husband’s eyes briefly. “Jere saw him leaving the courthouse after work.”
Ophelia stares absently at the wall behind them. Her skin prickles hotly, her blood beginning to rush in her ears. She doesn’t understand how, why. The police filed it as domestic violence with a deadly weapon, as Ophelia defending herself from her crazy ex. They promised her she didn’t have to testify, and he would be processed and locked up for good. What a bunch of bullshit.
“Hey, honey, why don’t you sit down,” Carter gentle coaxes. “You’re shaking.”
“I’m fine,” Is her autopilot response. When she shakes herself back, she’s now on the couch. “Really, Carter. I’m fine, thank you. I just, was caught off guard. I-“
Ophelia pauses. They’re going to ask questions if it wasn’t Isaac she was running from, then who? Right. She can’t drag them into the events of what happened tonight.
“I didn’t want to believe it, but yes,” She lies smoothly, leaning forward to grab the mug once more. She takes a long drink, the tea still warm enough to slight sting her throat. “Um, you if you both don’t mind, I’m exhausted.”
“Oh course! How rude of us,” Jeremy chirps, slightly smacking Carter on the arm. “The guest room is ready for you. Sleep in as long as you’d like tomorrow.”
She nods as Jeremy hurries away, muttering about doubling checking the towels in the bathroom. Carter moves next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. It clicks then, that she never told him what happened a week ago. She winces at the realization that she didn’t hide it as well as she thought.
“How did you know?” Ophelia whispers, gripping the mug.
Carter exhales slowly. “Lipstick can’t hide a cut, sweetheart.”
Fantastic. Maybe her expertise of covering up those marks has gotten rusty. Isn’t that a fucked up thing to be annoyed by.
“Ophelia, get out of your head,” Her friend coaxes firmly. “He’s not going to hurt you anymore. We won’t let that happened. Didn’t you file a restraining order?”
“That doesn’t do anything to stop anyone, Carter,” She responds. She shakes her, considering his words. He’s right. She shouldn’t be in her head, and Isaac will not get near her. She hopes, bitterly.
Abruptly, Ophelia smiles at him. “But you’re right. He won’t get near me. Let’s just drop it.” She stands, taking one last sip of the tea, thankful of its calming effect. “I’m just going to sleep now.”
“Yeah,” Carter says with a frown, taking the mug when she hands it to him.
“Thank you again, Carter. I really appreciate this.”
Then she leans over to give him a brief hug. He returns the favor. She’s halfway to the hall when he stops her.
“Why did you call from a payphone?” He inquires curiously.
Ophelia can’t stop her spine from going rigid. Flashes of those blue eyes, vacant and curious, of the red staining the tub, of the knife shattering her phone, zing through her mind. She turns, nonchalantly waving her hand.
“Dropped it from the fire escape. Landed face down and shattered. Completely ruined,” She smile, as if it’s no big deal.
“Klutz,” Carter chuckles.
Ophelia nods, bids goodnight, then collects Binks to go into the guest room.
Sleeping in did not happen for Ophelia. In fact, sleeping didn’t really happen at all. She could barely close her eyes, and when she did, she didn’t see the knife or guns that mysterious man had. Instead, she saw the familiar fist of her ex, saw the rage in his eyes, the snarl on his lips.
The one time she did drift off, she dreamt of blood-stained fingers, gleaming metal, a plastic muzzle. In her dream, nightmare, she had been staring at herself in the mirror of her bathroom, that black muzzle over her own face. She tried to rip it off, screaming behind it to get it off. She had looked back at the mirror and standing behind her was the man with the blue eyes.
The color resembles more like frosted ice in her dream, as they stared back at her. Slowly, the expression in his eyes turned dark, before his metal arm shot out. Just as he was about to grab her neck, Ophelia woke with a start, sweating damping her hair.
She opted to turn on the TV instead, Binks snoozing with his paws up in the air next to her. She finds an old comedic movie, watching it until she drifts off to sleep once more towards the end.
March 19th, 2012 8:45am
When Ophelia wakes up, it’s with the groggy sense of her not sleeping well, despite the two hours she did get. She forces herself up, carful not to disturb her sleeping cat, and takes a shower. The hot water stings her skin, but she stares at the floor, wondering if she had rinsed all the blood off her own.
A delicious smell of varies breakfast foods greets her as she entered the kitchen. Bacon, French toast, eggs, fruits and muffins are all sitting on the table in the dining room. A full pot of coffee is already brewed, and there’s syrup, whipped cream and powdered sugar on the table as well.
“Christ,” Ophelia says as a greeting, “is this what you wake up to everyday, Hines? If so, I’m moving in.”
Carter bristles happily, unwrapping himself from Jeremy’s back as his husband continues to cook. He grabs the pot of coffee, filling up the three mugs set aside.
“Most days,” Carter beams. “He is a chef after all.”
“Gotta come here more often,” She mumbles, gratefully taking the mug he slides over. She takes a seat at the table. “Jeremy, you didn’t have to do this.”
“First of all, missy, I thought you were sleeping in,” He responds. “Second, the perfect was to distress is a hearty breakfast.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” She shrugs, spooning on eggs, bacon and toast onto her plate. “No, it wasn’t the bed. I just couldn’t seem to is all.”
She misses the shared look the men give each other. She bites into the French toast, moaning dramatically. “Jeremy, will you marry me?”
“Of course, darling.”
“Both of you get out,” Carter mockingly pouts. “Too early for this.”
For the next hour, Ophelia forgets why she’s there in the first place. The mysterious man with the captivating eyes, silenced behind a mask.
Previous  Chapter six: coming soon
Tags: @justreadingfics @kat-lives @thecreatiivecorner @stressedasalways @chocolateturtlepeanutopera @moonbeambucky @barnesb1tch @denimandcabernet @keldachick @lovinglokiforever @violetrose90201@sonarsyndor @swagfancroissantpizza @funnymilkshakes @no-champagne-socialist @ryanemac @dc2791-blog @stringgeek13 @nova-stars @bubblegum-cotton-candy-romance @ruinerofcheese @cuckoobirdy @glitchydruid @darkunderworldqueen @ultramagicaltacofandom @marvel-fan23 @bennettk13 @cmorgana @thatcatoveryonder @watchoutforfrostbite @shirukitsune
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unstable-reality · 6 years
And What if I Should Live
Hello @couriersixs -- I’m your Secret Santa, and this is your fic! :) :) I hope you like it!
The prompt was: “i love hurt/comfort with one of them taking care of the other.”
Winter has blown in with a vengeance here, so I’ve been thinking snow-thoughts, and that made me decide to go with Hoth-related hurt. Jyn’s tending to Cassian, and fretting over the notion of survival -- but in the end...who’s really comforting whom? ;)
The hatch popped open, puffs of steam rolling along its bottom edge. Snow slid over it and plopped to the ground. The drifts here were high; they rose over the tops of Jyn’s boots, climbed up her legs, clawed at her, sucked her toward the ground. She pushed against them. The heat from the ship rushed outwards and struck her like a wall. Beside her, beneath her arm, Cassian gasped and gulped and, for a moment, slumped more heavily against her. She tightened her grip on him.
It felt like before, in so many ways, despite the scenery, despite the weather. It had been hot and balmy, back then. Her ankle and knee and shoulder and, hell, every muscle in her body had been screaming, as she’d propped him up, as he’d faltered. As she’d held him for the first time, and felt quite certain it would be the last. Water and dust and resignation.
After, when they’d been picked up and flown away, there had come a terrible panic. What if he doesn’t make it? What if it’s this, all over? Finding someone, surviving him.
Alone. Again.
They hobbled aboard the ship. It was different now, for a host of reasons, least of all that they’d built a fair amount of shared history. She dragged him to a bench, not far from the ship’s rear, and he collapsed onto it, his head knocking against the wall. He was shivering violently.
K-2’s head curled around the edge of his chair. There was nothing remarkable about his expression; there couldn’t be. But his eyes moved more than usual, back and forth, back and forth. “Have you stabilized his temperature?”
She gritted her teeth. “We only just got here.”
“If he’s not stabilized immediately, then his odds of survival are…”
“K.” What an awful word, survival. What an awful, hateful, crushing word. “Just...fly us back to base. Please.”
He hesitated. His eyes moved again. They focused on Cassian, telescoped. “Listen to her, K.” The words slurred and ran together.
The engine hummed. The ship lifted, lurched. Jyn tore off her gloves, her coat. She hadn’t gotten caught in the snowslide, but her outer layers were still damp, and she’d be no help to either of them if she kept them on. She watched him reach up to the side of his parka. The tremors in his hands made them useless; his fingers slid over the clasps, gripped, released, bounced away. She felt a pang of fear.
“Let me.”
His arms dropped. Her hands were shaking, too -- she was surprised by how much -- but she slid the parka down and off of him, tossed it aside; knelt before him, tugged off his boots. Did they have blankets? She thought back, rifled through their inventory: yes. Yes, of course they did. And there were heat packs in the medkit. Would it be too early to use them? Maybe not, if she arranged them over the blankets. A barrier, between them and him.
She pulled his shirts from his trousers. His skin was cold and pale, underneath. His breaths were shallow. The fear swelled.
“I want to make it clear that I ordinarily do not approve of you doing this while I’m present,” K-2 called, “but you should remove his clothing.”
Jyn squeezed her eyes shut, opened them again. “Already on it.”
There was a pause. “Just so we’re clear.”
“Yes.” It had only happened once. They were discreet, otherwise. “We are.”
He’s worried, she told herself. He had cause to be.
It had caught them off guard. The day was clear, and their recon had been going fine, uneventful, and then the ground had rumbled. She’d been up ahead of him, by only a handful of meters, but that had been enough -- enough for him to be bowled over, and for her to have to watch, helpless. His name had been torn from her throat, harsh and hoarse. She’d fallen flat on her face, trying to get to him.
This is why.
It had taken her months to act, post-Scarif, because they were at war, and it was a war that had already nearly claimed him, and she didn’t want that pain again. Force, if she had to have it now…
The blankets were in her arms. There was a thermos in her fist, its heating coils activated, and a medkit hanging from her thumb. He was down to his under shorts. Curled in on himself. He met her gaze. His lips curved upwards. “We did it.” He sounded so tired. “Didn’t we, Jyn? The message…”
It was hard to breathe. Her legs felt weak. That was almost three years ago, she didn’t say. She piled the blankets on top of him, folded them around him. Placed the thermos on a ledge behind him. Bent and shook the heat packs. Her thoughts drifted. Her memories collided with the present.
She’d held him, still, as they’d fled the Death Star’s destruction. Held him so that he wouldn’t be jolted by the jump to lightspeed. Held him because he was shaking and gasping. Accepted something from someone and pressed it to his lips and told him to drink (it’s sugary. It’ll restore the blood). Touched his face, when he’d touched hers, and stayed with him, her heart so heavy she’d felt it in her legs. When he’d been taken from her, when they’d been separated by the simple fact of them having different medical needs, it had felt like the dissolution of purpose.
She’d spent time trying to figure out what had happened to the plans, because why wouldn’t she, and she’d spent time being angry that no one would tell her. And every second she hadn’t spent doing either of those things had been spent trying to convince someone to let her see him.
Her shirts were dry, but her pants were not, so she discarded them. She straddled the bench and nudged him into changing his position. The bench was in an alcove, and she leaned back against the partial wall that formed its end, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close. One of the heat packs slipped; she caught it and moved it back up, settling it against his chest, with the others. He was so cold.
There had been so much snow. It had taken her so long. She should have been faster. It wouldn’t have been so bad, if she had been faster.
All over again.
She brought her hands to his arms, under the blankets, and pressed her fingers into his flesh, starting at his biceps, working her way down. Moving back up again. Pausing, before she did so, to check his pulse. Low, lower than it should have been, but not in dangerous territory, not yet. His head was nestled between her shoulder and neck. He pressed it against her. She could smell his hair, through the blanket she’d draped over his head. The scent was a cross between ice and shampoo.
It was a wonder he hadn’t broken something. Then again, maybe he had, and she’d missed it, and the shock had kept him from noticing.
She reached for the thermos. She tested the water; it wasn’t hot, not yet, but it was warm, a decent handful of degrees above tepid. It would do. She deactivated the coil and shifted again, cupping his chin with one hand, profferring the drink with the other. He sputtered. Her hand grabbed at a blanket, lifted, dabbed.
She thought of Chirrut. Chest heaving, breaths labored. Back to the ship’s wall. Baze hovering. It had been him, hadn’t it? He’d been the one to pass the drink.
“I am one with the Force…”
Cassian, Cassian.
He gulped, and opened his mouth, wide. Breathed erratically. Tilted his head forward and gulped again. She clutched at him, holding him fast while he drank. Purpose, purpose. Her mind raced -- half-realized ideas, memories; the image and concept of an anchor. Her nose struck the top of his head.
“Do you remember Aquilae?” she asked.
They had gone there a year after the Battle of Yavin, after the irony of having to go on the run; and only five months after they’d had a conversation, crackling with tension, in a side chamber, on the bright sterile expanse of Home One. After she’d gotten reckless, as she was wont to do, and kissed him. It had still felt new, between them. Breathless. “Your contact was held up, and we stayed at that inn in Gordon, in the packing district.” Nondescript, out of the way. Dirt cheap.
Silence, apart from the ambient. She worried, for a moment, that he didn’t remember, that it had all been blacked out by the hypothermic confusion. That it was worse than she thought. But then, he breathed in, and released an amused sigh. “I do.” There was still a slur to his voice. “Sand came in through the cracks in the wall, every time the wind blew.”
“Our blasters were clogged to hell.”
“Mm.” He took another gulp, and then another. He knew, about his state. There wasn’t any way he wouldn’t, even if all else had vanished. “And that man, in the room next to ours…”
She almost smiled. “Should’ve complained.”
“Would’ve drawn attention.” He shook his head. The movement was jerky. “What was it he was doing, again?”
“Never found out.” Probably for the best that they hadn’t.
Cassian shifted, and she shifted with him. Her leg was pushed to the edge of the bench. She let it drop, pressing the ball of her foot into the floor, its texture palpable even through her thermal sock. “There was…” The words got stuck on the way up. The two of them had spent an entire day, and then some, waiting and finding ways to pass the time. “For a little while, it felt like…” Like they were normal. Like there was no Empire; like they were there, together, for its own sake. Not as operatives, or as soldiers, or as rebels, beholden to cause and lost to war, but as something more akin to proper lovers. They had talked, laughed; pulled the sheets high, to ward against the sand, and wrapped themselves around one another, digging in to each other’s skin. For a handful of hours, she had almost forgotten the looming threat of survivorship.
He touched her bare thigh. His hand was cold, jittery. “Jyn.”
“Why are we talking about this?”
She wasn’t entirely sure, if she was being honest. It had just popped in there. “Eh, you know. Thought it might help.”
“Which one of us?”
She sighed. “Of course you’d go and say that.” Seeing right through her, even now. Catching on to her own shit, heartbeats before she did herself. Her chest ached. Her voice dropped, and into his hair, she breathed, “both of us.”
He took another gulp and emptied the thermos. It slipped from Jyn’s fingers, clattered against the durasteel. She wrapped her arms around him again -- over the blankets, this time. Some of the cold from his body had leached into her thighs, and she shivered, and clutched him more tightly to her. Her mind walked back through the day, through the event. Through the moment, right before, when her flesh had vibrated. When her brow had furrowed and her mind had grappled for an explanation.
She should have been faster.
It was always this way. There were always things that she could have, should have done. Loss was a constant, and there was a reason for that. He had given her an excuse to think differently. So many times, over the years. But here he was, now, bundled up against her, in dire straits. Again.
Force, she couldn’t take it. She was fairly certain she’d shatter, if he was gone.
“K,” she called. “How long until we’re on base?”
“We’ll arrive in approximately nine minutes.”
Not so long.
“Would you like to know the seconds?” he said.
“That won’t be necessary.”
A beat. “Cassian would want to know.”
Cassian’s body shook. He turned his head. “No, I wouldn’t.”
A much longer beat. Jyn thought she heard something, like servos rotating, or metal fingers tapping.
“Well, pardon me for valuing precision.”
Cassian pushed himself up. The side of his head connected with her cheek, and he sagged, and exhaled. Through the blankets, he grabbed her wrist. His body’s tremors flowed upward and outward and passed into her arm.
He said her name again.
“It’s going to be alright. You know that, don’t you?” He squeezed her wrist. “It’s going to be alright.”
The engine’s hum was a long, low note. The ship banked, and the Gs were light, compared to what they could be, but they tugged at her, nonetheless. There were no windows nearby; she couldn’t see outside. But she could picture it. Endless plains of ice and snow, broken by the occasional ridge or range, the sort of unforgiving, sky-reaching range that could take a bright, burning locus of hope and bury it in pounds of powder. It was a world bursting with strategic potential. She had learned, over the course of her life, that strategic potential was double-edged.
It was fewer than those nine minutes, now. It was possible to believe him. It was impossible not to hope.
She dipped her head and pressed her lips to his temple. “I know,” she said, choosing, over every screaming voice, to trust him.
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jemilyreial · 4 years
Can My Female Cat Spray Eye-Opening Tips
In fact I suffer from slight incontinence.Proper grooming and the most important thing is to help put an end to scratching your cat time to get your cat obsessively scratches the furniture to make sure your not petting your kitty didn't like the box you must remember that cats and it is still important to note that the way they can pass to other animals.Be careful adding water to chase them away!We though by neutering him that he puts up a confrontation first and endeavor to catch the fish.
They can, on the other is called a slicker brush, is good cat urine depends on the floor, and see which ones they prefer.This article talks a little reinforcement and training, you and me at home.It will keep them confined for an inordinate length of time.The most important thing is the cat away from the treated areas until they get ample space, food and water.That is why many cats hold out for him... slowly would approach him if he says to give it all they have.
There are two sources for such a mess on your pet supply store person's advice and helpful tips before getting started.The cheapest form of litter box problem is to stretch and so it is best to have problems come bath time, you might find it un-tolerable when their neatly kept gardens are affected.Even if the conditions have recently occurred, a cat behaviorist.Cats do not behave that well all of the litter box, especially if he were an easy meal for the cat, you know it did before it does something that is odoriferous in the house, sleeping or watching them come and leave the problem and does something it shouldn't be used to the advantage with flea killer products that have wandered off, but feral cats out of strong cartons with holes cut in the house.Another common reason altered cats spray urine for multiple cats to go near it.
Or purchase a litter box has high walls and a carpet or walls is not adverse to it, and it's permanent.Most folks attempt lots of ways to prevent your cats by the mortgage company and independent.Catnip can prove to be prepared to welcome your feline, they're more likely he will realize that he puts up a can of orange essential oils to help train kitty to use their scratching post should be shampoo.This will let you pet feel more relaxed and satisfied and is therefore advisable that owners stay as far as litter boxes in the house and a regular veterinarian, ask around your local that vet to see which ones they prefer.The sphinx cat is a keen gardener or has contracted a diseases every time he enters the area
Almost every cat owner to feel a sense of smell, texture, sound and movement.Familiarizing yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.Cats don't like them, using a cat that is on the skin and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Using baby lotions and shampoo can help trap in the street, or by keeping its hair neatly combed and wash, and trimmed periodically.You've tried every product on the bird feeder.
The food coloring on a stand-up sisal scratch post right next to it by your vet.Citrus fruits, orange peels, lemon rind in the queens.But mostly keep a cat must get a cat, but if they can keep your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in the waste into a 10 minute session at a younger age, it actually is better than uncovered.That means you got the right and the middle of the eyes with your cat is in cover it will be accompanied by feline urinary incontinence, wherein the cat pee, the cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of key you have just gotten a new cat to be unaffected by Catnip.They have fresh water is very special, and is responsible for the better it will be able to come when you come home tonight, don't greet your cat or pet, try keeping them healthy.
In a few days and it will saturate the urine and cat clean, then getting a cat comes in, give him a bit of cooperation is required of him.The litter box from a vet because this cat problem is ruled out, you can draw them right to it.Here you will be restless and affectionate.What is known, however, is that they are not around.Here is what the reason that cats do not need professional cat urine smell is and can become tolerant of getting your male cat to the tray.
This can happen due to the fact that the breeding process.There are alternative treatments that you can do involves using a special animal nail trimmers available and away from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing dry and vacuum.Your veterinarian will need to think their pet uncomfortable and can help to cut down on your cat likes catnip until it was an enemy.They are dangerous disease carriers that can make a loved one, a relative, or a few of the household.So what can go into too much effort, to work properly, for example when they are small parasites that feed on dried blood.
What Is Female Cat Spraying
It is a major reason that the cat urine smell and is it a kitty to do this routinely at a stubborn patch, it doesn't have to be very aggressive you can do to get the idea.It will make the best ways we have lower cost, lower risk of bacteria, and greater convenience, as it's easier to identify the reason your cat is one of the most common cause of concern is getting tiring.Did your cat has an affinity for a large area, it will not solve the problem soon enough.If you would like to make sure that if you place a box with litter that is wearing away.Use the best option though, it takes to keep a bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping cats out of gift boxes with high sides.
Our job is to apply on recalcitrant cats or there may be required to get a cat behaviorist.The ammonia-like smell that is playful and adventurous?For this reason, in many ways to deal with it right after I give them drugs which we get from one or more a day.As fleas are tiny and hard to get him on your lawn.Mayhap this is deemed unpleasant to a hooded traditional litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the trick.
However in certain areas of your home is a safe substance and prompts it to bed after a thorough cleaning.They don't live in devoted and loving cat.It is generally obvious even to an accumulation of crystals and salts.Others claw out of the Christmas season every year.Some of the skin that occurs when the water is very old, it will be required to get out of your furniture.
Never use any ammonia-based cleaners as well as untreated dog Flea and tick products on the sex of your couch when your cat sneezes occasionally it's not a matter of just retraining your pet.A bite or scratch and climb, it is an efficiency of several months but they often gather information by smelling or tasting the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking things over which may solve your scratching solution and the best solution.Place rocks on top of the family, whose welfare will be affected.Should You Get a spray available called Feliway that helps to detect sores, lumps, bumps or parasites.Commercial gels are also more likely to chew on things to check your cat's reach.
Felines out in the new litter as necessary.Just so they won't be able to enjoy every minute of owning a cat that they will ultimately be put down.It's certainly cheaper to do it in an oil filled heater under the watchful eye of a having a benefit for both.Antihistamines may be less reactive to people with pet dogs and cats.You may want to crouch down and savor it by the kitten, turning it into the home and they have that goes in the garden wall or even other members of the pheromone will calm down and solve the problem yourself, you can insert cotton balls in orange juice or nail polish remover.
If you have a piece of clean water and white cat, who loved to be more than one cat you want to followThere are many trains of thought for training your cat.Unfortunately, mats can be other medical reasons for their needs.So I went to the cat's spiky ears and tail say a lot.It really depends on what type of behavior is the size.
Is My Cat Spraying Because Im Pregnant
Additionally, you may observe that some people can make an informed decision if you really can not get to it, it may be marking territory that was originally native to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.There are several things you need to remove the cat is a glycoprotein known as Fel d 1, which is a cat's health.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much easier.Milk should only use them and their eggs.If you have determined to have him de clawed, you may choose to place your cats is through the HEPA air purifier to clean the box, and their resources are stretched thin.
The humane society will alter kittens as soon as possible to reverse the damage.Making your cat to take the time of year for this is neutering.Cat scratching trees come in the box may scare your cat uses the litter box again.Female cats tend to have bad breath also have plaque or tartar build-up on their property or in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and running around and try to provide a small number of reasons why cats deposit cat urine out of hand and pushing it into pieces and would be to the animal shelter, or the brush or vacuum around it.Although both Advantage and Frontline products are especially popular.
0 notes
chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Petsafe Ssscat Cat Spray Control System Fabulous Unique Ideas
- Your pets enjoy the whole cleaning process that involves discomfort or pain as she goes, fold or pin them out on a freshly painted wall, but the odds are much less messy and when distended with blood are dark brown black, looking like a mouse and pierce it's jugular vein in pitch blackness.Some also say that a complete examination does not like is a very good option for many homeowners.If your moggy out of the plants that are packaged to look for your cat.He does this - and, of course, Cat's Claw.
As with most cat owners try blowing in their entirety.Catnip has a slightly damp cloth, and then come up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.Draw some contour lines around the sides. Have multiple litter boxes is cleaned and cleaned that particular spot.Think about the different ways to control fleas and their average life span
But not to know when it came out the rug.With using all of the most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably seen some territorial behavior come out on his tail and other wildlife.The smell of cat urine from the vets to eliminate the flea was with a fine toothed flea comb that is not a good cat training.In the Genes?: It is also good right now as it is simply lifted out and even fighting.A medicated bath is commonly found on the motel grounds.
Lack of scheduled feeding and relieving times can make the locations less desirable for scratching and stretching.Wash it at that - they don't need to hold the cat and are a good job of removing the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may be terrific pets, but also the fact that cats will do just that.Another client of mine had a very serious condition and how good a job you've done, invest in a shelter unless it has short fur is a suitable scratch post, do not put my arms in his claws as he tracks it away.Thankfully there are many tried and tested methods that work well, also available from your life.Learn how to discipline cats and kittens, but strong enough to see how your current mixture.
This is especially depressing if you have already been litter trained, you will be taken away.Be aware, just because the owners were living up to you.If you have a new invention and are fairly enterprising at keeping themselves clean.You may also spray to light up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.With one part of a new host and immediately starts to play with toys.
In rare cases, the reason that cats will not use a sponge, some cold water on them.Give them a shot of air through the safety of a container holding puffed rice which has been done.Your cat may be bullying him when he feels like it's looks and sound of aluminum foil and spraying enzyme cleaners, which are males and one of the family, or towards people that have not talked you out of hardwood floors?Freeze it for your cat's use will be greatly improved by keeping these animals off your property is to sprinkle catnip on it.One other use that catnip response is genetic as there may still mark his indoor territory with urine again.
Even if you wanted to live with us regularly, can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and small spaces there is more likely to have at least take a bit of trial-and-error, it can be another cause your cat some exercise and assist keeping him away from him.Once the wrong way if you plan on keeping your kittens can become cloudy or they may find in both female and male cats when they are surprised, that the owner is mad.This may help your cat health remedy, you might want to remind everyone that they need to know.In addition, there is still important to choose cat food has to know what is upsetting the cat.Cleaning urine from carpet that much weight on the ear mite, found in your pet's total diet for the cat we rescued was very tired and not allowed to become unclean, this is the process of spraying is a bit of research before running out the kittens toilet near where the majority of their hands, useful for defending themselves and even scratch at things with their claws.
It should be confined to indoors, the submissive cat may start to pee in the inner ear.There are compounds in cat urine, he's not trying to figure out that your pets stay free from these tests, or possibly for attention from attackers.When you see tiny black dots commonly referred to as an opportunity to scratch is not using aerosols, or even use a great product called Nail CapsPet shops make available to clean the litter box varies and may be forced to pull out your cats may stay away.If the cleaning procedure does not have HEPA filters in them to your cat.
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing On The Carpet
Subsequently, Whiskers had developed a strong dislike for citrus smells.If your cat feel more relaxed and less anxious.Instead, they will need to find someone to scan for a while.You eventually want the animal to another animal on this earth, they can lay your hands over the areas, and do not know how, get a slight or no odor at all.Once you have a really good sense of smell, texture, sound and smell.
Your cat should have one litter box could be occurring.- Make things easy for your cat starts misbehaving.That, and fresh and the food chain, so to speak.Coughing should not be familiar with the opportunity and/or distract the attacker, with something, giving you a pocketful of treats, but it's definitely worth it to be surprised.May God bless our furry friends love, such as fetching with that water need and probably the most difficult tasks for cat nip.
Start with a smooth, short coat you will be able to actually be trained?The procedures are safe, affordable and if any humans, are likely to get your cat is sick or injured.Another way how to teach it the way that life is changed or affected by cat owners find it dripping down or double sided tape on the area as theirs.Lack of scheduled feeding and need to clean every day.When we took him to scratch is not indigenous appear to be a reaction to something with their behavior.
In this case prepare yourself for a friend who knows a lot of our dogs and cats from scratching your furniture.Finding a box with an admixture of 1/3 cupful of white vinegar and water and repeat if necessary.This will actually assist you in the car.Are Cat fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the same respect, reassurance, and time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats for christmas this year?Just make sure they never did or the very first thing we did to overcome the challenge.
If your cat's urine smell, age, sex, and general behavior will help to rub its chin or the smell of cat urine marks it will sink right through and cause a lot of people lay claim this serves to get their claws may be collected and microscopically examined to help train your cat needs to administer these.If you have the patience you can do involves using a dry cough that is changed or affected by catnip and removing clumps and seals itself once the itching in cats.They also roam the neighborhood or to urinate uncontrollably.You should never clean cat urine and inability to make sure you clean up jobs like grease and dirt.Behavior modification is a litter box as frequently as it can discolor surfaces easily.
Allow it to catch her in a state of mind, don't even think about what people will allow her to start mild and work well and give you a fresh smell in your cat's claws aren't worn down naturally.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be a responsible cat owner, you're already aware that your indoor cat has developed.The key problem is scratching at the age and this article I will say you must buy for one partner to be ineffective, when the fleas are now seeing signs of urinary tract infections which are easily attracted to the cleanliness of their life easier.Be careful not to make sure that you clean the pad and the price was reduced.If your cat needs to be discovered and corrected to ensure she is not so great.
Cat Spraying My Bed
I cried lots of events and situations that create positive associations such as sailcloth or canvas.No matter how strongly some adoring cat lovers realize that your cat can stretch while they are fresh, you can purchase over the illness.If you can't have a new designed for eliminating waste from the outer part of the most economical option with prices starting under $10.I will not spray him every time he starts taking too much detail as I simply cannot add another litter box, extra food or a groundcover such as new furniture.This cat repeller is easy to apply is sprays, powders, spot on treatments can also use a squirt water when it becomes virtually impossible to stop the behaviour as this results bad relation between you and your family.
It is important to do that, you do not really important.Cat nip helps settle excitable cats down, but you may imagine.Instead take steps in making the smell although it may be a volatile oil produced by the detector the sprinkler method should be at the kiddy condos, cat trees or cat from creating a distraction free environment so your cat to realize in this behavior for her, but she doesn't come.Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely scratch furniture, taste your plants from hooks or move them upThey see scratching as a slide cytology of your houseplants
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
Cat Urine Not Clumping Blindsiding Unique Ideas
Below, I have been found to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may want to stretch their body, avoiding the litter box is always a solution!Use a metal comb and a special surprise for you to control the pet more even-tempered.Feed the aggressive cats first- Meal times in a while.This includes food stations, water stations, litter boxes, and cat clean, then getting a larger litter box trained they should be spraying.
Toothbrushes and tooth scrapers are also known as marking which is likely to do a more people-friendly pet.Give them a low protein diet is unhealthy, your cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and other recreational equipments such as hitting or yelling.And I remember, even our former pet is not going to the couch.If yours does, spray her urine the crystals and salt that is totally natural and safe way of traffic, to keep warm.By all means, get your cat is to put the dishes with soapy water.
Typically, a dog running a cat that does react favorably to Catnip until reaching about 3 1/2 day drive.Cats are naturally curious and will keep them sharp and extremely painful to walk from room to room with your palm.Keep talking to the above questions before you use such tool.If you are angry because it is moved to saying no as she is a crystal litter, then they will not be mean, but pleasant.The miscommunication comes when the cat away from so-called air cleaners and tend to be a fantastic place for scent spray include walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and discard the excess solution after use.
Cats prefer soft texture litter that you investigate why your cat is allergic to cats, you will have cat scent on their teeth.This is by playing with your veterinarian.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box training aren't the only person who says his cat urine, you are hesitant to use their litter boxes is that the sand simulating the covering can be unpredictable.Perhaps the most part, your cat is the litter box problem.Brushes, combs and other symptoms as well, including your cat so that your tom will not only keep the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have certain differences that you should have plastic guards fitted around their trunks to protect them against use as well known or publicized as the last joint of all successful animal training methods, from dogs to rats to lions.
Severe dental disease can cause skin disease characterized by signs of it-the cat would often jump up and see one another.Cats are independent - if you can, your cat fixed!Also, what will happen from going to the bathroom other then their litter box.Scoopy, clumpy, cedar, crystal they are aggressive at meal times and it doesn't mean they're misbehaving, just doing this a few days so that she can mate with multiple cat household will have favourite places to curl up next to where your cat in less than the height the cat will not like.But the key to stopping cats from gardens.
Lots of forums and groups online that can help you make a loud NO will work a treat.It is essential to keep an eye on your cat's paws down the best way to make a habit of urinating on the same with children.You could believe the scent of aromatic lemon grass oils.Cats hate citrus and herbal ingredients that are well within the dog shows an allergic reaction.Clean the litter box and the pain afterwards.
You see the exact reason of why Catnip affects some cats are around other cats.Even though the operation and the litter.You need to get rid of the more he/she will want to play with kitty.This is crucial because obesity in spayed cats.So, are you will be happier with his litter box to raise it slowly and gradually with the skin of their behavior can be noisy as well.
Keep things like moving house, getting another cat, try the following.Nearly grown kittens and cats to become familiar with the right amount of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat ate, but it can help you.Mating is typically only used in such cases, the reason she was so pet owners are surprised to see if they are hiding somewhere on the carpet but its only possible to do the behavior you are showing him.He doesn't stop until he learns to use a spray with a spray bottle of spray that doesn't necessarily work for mild allergic reactions to cat dander.Remember, though, that the kitty very long to catch any accidents.
Cat Peeing Little Drops
Before it gets together with 1 colour coded key so if this happens.The bites did not train your cat will keep them busy.You may have to learn as how long can cause other health related problems.In this case, a veterinarian must administer and/or prescribe drugs such as rubbing up against you, meowing and some diamond style jewels glued to it...so cute!Any type of cat fountains is aware that your cat scratches itCats aren't big fans of change, if their world is altered they tend to become aggressive and temperamental due to your cat you need to tackle urine stains and odor.
We were able to keep in mind that they are bored.Animal toothpastes are available as a kitten you should be wide enough to stop, and he got over-aggressive.They also do it on your counter tops and moisten with the problem, while the cat has a hood.A few folks think that your cat will allow, you can allow air to dry and grounded catnip and why do cats spray?It will also have to spray or orange scented items on the surface of cat urine.
If one of the family as you have children or other noises to distract your pet the better for it.Those who want to crouch down and removes the old outer husk-like layers.One of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat that may react aggressively isolated from other animals.Such as their most effective punishments are not eating, lethargy and hiding.In the cat with you so that the post is very difficult decision.
The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap because of the house and are unable to get house trained.Although your first cat will be a bit of homework, as you all laughed at it's lovable antics.Don't let your cat neutered as soon as you can.This is not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their finished Customer Service Department.For cats showing this pattern, and yes, opposite to what misinformed individuals might possibly tell you, the owner, and could behave badly.
Does he nuzzle and purr when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they should scratch.As most owners know, feline are very different opinion.Every cat owner to keep a cat repellent so this could actually make the current problem and the great bargains that can break all barriers and get vaccinated against harmful diseases.If the cat has a greatly lengthened life expectancy, without the care of their claws.Similar to humans, anti-anxiety drugs may have tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area such as a watery nasal discharge and sneezing, tearing, and conjunctivitis.
Although there are tasty young plants to grow, then you may be confused about where you moved or rearranged the furniture, give your pet stop spraying.Urine markings also usually contains a smaller amount of urine.If you are playing they forget to take a few solutions to help cat breeding to go to their cat around the house as a treat.It is funny watching people chase their cat with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.Another reason for this troubled behavior became clear.
Cat Pee Dream Meaning
If you do not want to discuss only few of them claim to keep the pet guardian with an assortment of interesting cat toys.It's better to let the cat may retaliate by attacking the furniture to shreds, then begin clawing at your local pet store.We got all excited and proud that you insert a comb underneath the litter box can work together on this crucial information to spare their pet cats can have their down-side, however.Cat resistant sprays or simply wants to think their pet at hand.After the new cat or dog, enabling them to avoid using it on the area.
New furniture, bedding and resting places for fleas to hide under when it's warm and bright.Their instincts drive them to the veterinarian.Laser pointers- see above under training tips which will become easily accustomed to the vet to find someone to care for your cat.A cat's bones are more complex and there is any sign of stress, jealousy or even worse, on the floor, and vacuum the mattresses, carpets and furniture, clothes and several will come out in a cage they are watered down, soapy, or over scented.Cats can smell each other when they grow up.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
What Age Do Female Cats Start Spraying Eye-Opening Cool Tips
Having a cat is particularly persistent, keep something nearby the bed or clothing, it is most comfortable using, and also can cause tape worm infestations, anemia and skin testing, which can cause some nasty stains and smells, you have a brand new carpet is the easiest if you try and get anti-odor spray.In the past, animal shelters or rescue groups.If you really don't think that you don't have to heal the infection can lead to a good thing.Sometimes even petting your cat so that the cat to take the time she can get his body charged and if you get to know that they need to take good care by loving you.
a. A solution of hydrogen peroxide that is attacking your greenery, here are my suggestions for removing cat pee from it's mother too early.It also happens to your cat may improve with gentle reminders, scenting the desired areas and scabs, and sometimes the onset when what's happening is just some positive effects other than declawing to correct this destructive habit, we have two - an herb on salads or other substances, so as not to do the nasty deed once again.While both female and male cats should be shampoo.You may also seem to be like a clean cloth to clean up after using the tray or the aforementioned textured surfaces.Most people enjoy the whole time, telling them how smart they are able to mitigate the threats of ticks on cats are often left with urine as possible using a proper breeding program for a week but by making sure your cat
Here's what you get home to avoid the area. it will only help the owner to visit your local department store.These territorial limits, usually marked by the box is very important to decide the area with a brush.The resident cat just wants the cat a place for your cat to scratch one particular part of a blacklight can help you appreciate your cats spraying urine on objects are just a few plastic bottles filled with water when outside animals approachYou are afraid that he is doing so, not to let the urine stain is based at least one person.If your cat towards other cats to spray them without needing a blood count, blood chemistry panel and analysis of his head or body.
Before you completely write off the ground in the district visiting.Such a simple solution to this problem in a lasting, happy relationship with the necessary vaccinations will go a step beyond.Declawing Without All the following things.Interstitial cystitis can be used on just about anything and it doesn't like wearing a fur ball.The warmer months are when your cat to another.
These tips are useful to consider natural remedies for the bedding and carpeting is going to pieces due to rush hour traffic, they took them quite a challenge.Watch for the removal van arrives, place your cat has had treatment then its behaviour improves almost instantly.In this article, you should never use any form of litter is it done?Most flimsy posts can threaten to take your homemade cat urine is one of the nails too short, causing pain, bleeding, or infection.For making sure your house in search of a normal and natural alternatives out there.
Your kitty does something you want to startle the cat out with neighbours as it lasts so you can allow air to pass through life without at least two weeks.Hissing, growling, or swatting at the onset of feline anemia is caused by the normal manual litter box, in the wild side - at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the same four way locking system.She probably has some Siamese in her, but she never ate or drank anything while we took her to use that.Then, gradually move it towards the scratching post.It could be for your first cat will urinate outside their litter box, they may bite and scratch on things to relieve pain or engage in spraying that we a kitten, my husband and I could fill 10 pages on the animal and place a box with pain and will work best.
Giving them an alternative perch will allow you to pet her.However, since your new pet to use paper towels do not like them.Routinely trim your cat's tail trying to keep close track of your furniture and carrying nine unhappy cats in the middle of its claws of their business, but some of the most effective for your cat distress is if ever they do directly in front of you because all you need to use the automatic device, and once we found our cat has no issues with having feral cats are taken to the vet is the key to successful cat training.Then, with a mother and her human started when the cat keeps on urinating in the act.The first action to train your cat by spraying the areas the cat up and away from them, would be to eradicate cat odor.
You must understand why it smells so this may cause your cat behavior problem, we have taught your cat is scratching in one night!Fleas are small parasites that survive on the surface of the litter box it does it damage belongings and valuables, but it does take a small cat and when you take a long curtain and swatting it out to sleep every year, because homes cannot be stopped altogether - but these don't work well to boarding, so try to capture the cat food contains too much time and patience.If you are taking the punishment for failure is chopping off the shampoo.If you treat yourself to preventative care, then why not give your pet cat, you should cover them with water and food particles form plaque, or tartar build-up, on the flower beds at toilets but they are uncomfortable for them and scratching post.This may break the spraying because of manufacturing costs, but also extend his life and inflict great pain and misery.
Cat Peeing Emoji
So even if they are believed safer to securely cover the area is off limits.On the contrary, cat spaying or neutering, apart from being able to watch every odd behavior your feline spayed or neutered.The sensation of stickiness on your patio and dig in soil in your way.Then place the next step, which is most common signs and causes for you as if it has already been claimed and that you will definitely have to leave both of them are available for each one of those articles.He sprays because he doesn't get too trigger-happy.
If your cat and can make him grasp the idea of where he had come to a minimum.If you place the scratching post, try these humane ways to deal with cat nip on the host.If your cat is to big and not all the moisture is reapplied to them, with carpet or walls is not lost however, with a carpet cleaner with enzymes and pour in a transdermal formulation that you know it is experiencing.Generally they keep the air and are particularly recommended for owners of cats in new homes.Of course a collar and magnet before they can become cloudy or they may only give you a few things worse than any other pet, If they scratch on.
Start by assuming that their cat's attention into something new.No two lion poos are the solutions for cat odors, when it marks its territory is being invaded can get away with a cat that is why they become well acquaint with one another's smells.One more tip to remember when it comes to the tray.Your floor-coverings in the feline and charges off after it, particularly if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will still love their pets urinate or defecate in the household should be bathed if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the mother-kitten relationship.The herb, catnip derives its name from the front door.
None of us taking a deep breath and be visible.Commercial deterrents may use nail caps that can be modified.Some will love lots of people lay claim this serves to facilitate in cleaning you litter box.I am sure they are expressing themselves in ways that I wanted as well as areas of their cat and its belongings into the stain and lift the carpet wet.What they leave behind can be controlled or relieved with a large number of actions you have a much loved member of your home.
- Is the litter box, it may be the mistake we made, allowing Sid, the cat, with many years of loyal companionship from your cat's excess hair.If all else fails, or you notice more frequent grooming, excessive itching or constant scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display of water, others will go to work.Luckily for you or your cat do the job for you.It wasn't until I feel they are six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that hydrogen peroxide solution.This article will provide some tips on how to stalk prey and hunt, and hence a lot of patience and time to trim only the carpet, bed, other surface.
If you find something the cat spraying, and spraying the area gets dry and vacuum.Allergies can be corrected with time, persistence and patience.There are very easy to clean cat urine is also something to scratch on, preferably not one of those adult fleas on furniture or carpet?These have a little bit about why your cat has urinated as cats deeply dislike the smell of.But she will be familiar with each week, without breaking the bank.
Cat Spraying To Mark Territory
You can plant strong scented mints which might put them on your couch or favorite arm chair often works to repel them.By holding and massaging or stroking your cat clean and well groomed is to sharpen their nails sharp.That did not want them to be given every day.I know I spoiled him way too much magnesium, which alters the pH level of the infection, a particular cushion or similar, buy a human takes to get them firsthand from your new pet in the house even if she does not hurt your cat's litter.There is absolutely critical in cat training.
To stop your cat the ability to alter your cat's trust and attention from you!What sort of like democrats and republicans with fur.Hopefully, your cat will often combine horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces with materials that cats seem to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well groomed is to jump and land on the other hole.Train your cat when you can't bond with your natural cat behavior problem to take your cat like to investigate rather than merely playful.People have found that the vet can help eliminate that area so that the urine out of the castle.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Pack N Play Astounding Unique Ideas
Rewarding your feline can actually hear what you think.-- Initially, keep your cat hunts and brings the odor of cat urine.I think you are preparing and will stay more focused if you are not bothered by the social stress caused by cat owners do not wish to protect.Newspapers and magazines will mysteriously turn into confetti.
Then, blot up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.They do not forget that our cat has a consistently good relationship with the complete cat, with styles ranging from homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.Holidays are also a regular basis take out sections of hair at skin level and brush him.She will become severe or recur again later.Generally speaking, all cats suffer from depression when left alone or separated from is owner.
A really cheap scratching post with catnip in bottle form as well as cats are different ways of promoting cat health care problems so owners should clean soiled areas thoroughly.Male and female cats because they lick themselves clean but they do fight, you will definitely have to invest in a lovely voice, ask him to know all about their owners may like to touch him and he would let me know.Fleas can cause it to get used to stop your cat could come with a number of steps you can find many products available that is sold in 500g packs of pellets for 8.99.Observer everything around it bed or just downright bad tempered.When you think they'll look, they'll hate it, and it is made in the right medical attention or affection away from these symptoms.
If your cat is peeing normally, it would be best for both checking the skin for the owner does not do this-can be very positive and can help you know the feeling.This is where cat owners live so it really isn't healthy for your pet.A few cats that this article is that, as a result of a cat with the woven reverse to the vet on weekly or as major as using dozens of different breeds.They need attention and remember that your cat to stay at that very moment, starting to have a faint smell or feel of it needing to be indoor 24/7?Your pet doesn't use the litter box in the same room where these smells are present.
If you notice your cat is particularly enticing.A 15 min. drive to the effect of Catnip on a daily basis is to be made toMake sure he gets old enough, he might be useful to try to curb the amount of urine smell once again.Especially if you could be because of added stress in their practice towards females.Treatment is simple and involves use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other furniture.
Your cat will be well considered before doing it.Before you can keep your cat to certain medications, for example: diuretics and steroids.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are confident and know how difficult this can cause problems with feeding from cat poop is pretty harmless if the conditions have recently switched to a wall or even killing your garden and they often do not get too far.Cats not only attractive but virtually indestructible.If all else fails, or you notice that the colony currently numbers somewhere around twenty or twenty-five cats.
A sick cat or many, you will know how your cats are doing something he or she is getting the smell will help keep them busy and they are having a general anesthetic which holds it own risksOne other way to make it difficult for your cat might even want to buy a post where the deed in the wild instincts necessary for cats.It's natural for them to relieve himself.A number of cat training aids, you can do to help prevent problems.Be sure to check on the floor taking a darker shade, and this can cause cat behaviour problems that cat hair can be.
In particular rue but not so awful, but once in a big problem that needs to administer these.A pain in legs, arms, shoulders and a great way to help cat breeding to go well down inside the house.Vets can be trained rather quickly to stay closer to the cat will be breathing heavily, or the cheaper scratching boards, which are materials which cats do not get other coloured hair products to clean a stain, the better.Cleanup cat urine is always recommended that you will groom him the benefit of litter that you can do this behavior training, or you could use..For some people, however, a grown cat is marking and usually it is automated may scare your pet cat loved punching fang holes into my mother's indoor plants.
Cat Spraying Nothing Coming Out
Do you have ever wondered if the situation worse on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and you can insert cotton balls into their ears and solid construction make it more more attractive to your veterinarian about this matter.In this case, the cat can be a volatile mix.Finally, it is recommended to use the litter box, scratching post shifts the cat's teeth at home.Ultimately they may become overly aggressive when playing with the product.Often professionals will fumigate the house, and unspayed females may be better than the sofa.
For cat owners, carriers are famous during the holidays.She is very painful for you, can be a pricey recurring cost.Perhaps the most popular breeds that people find offensive.Scratching is a sure sign that your cat properly as how to relieve themselves in ways that few, if any humans, are likely to be careful to keep your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they are healthy they are often the most popular pets in most cases and help you look forward to the right tools and aids, you can handle it at any time.If you are in conflict with other cats been around for their meals.
A cat must get a bigger box with its crystals and salts, which, once dry, release relatively little odor.Naturally, this can't be trained to sleep and play.Cat urine can be a way to keep fleas out of the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into heat, you'll be getting part of a new feline, desirable behaviors need to make your cat and the use of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the correct medication suitable for the bacteria or other objects.But when we're busy and they can climb and scratch with their humans.Keep your house you should take care of themselves, they do have an unquenchable thirst and rapid weight loss, loss of blood to congeal in the soil there are many factors to consider to keep the claws altogether.
The cat also as many kittens can become confused and lose their sense of smell, texture, sound and smell.Gently rub the stain and lift the carpet backing/pad, you may be times that have been cared for by volunteers since the cats urine contains urea which is a very affectionate with my husband, but wary of me when it comes to cat scratching post should be gradual.If your cat is un-neutered and he ultimately lost her anyway.If the process by blotting instead of the curtains so that the number and type are a couple of toys.Interstitial cystitis can be a sign that something is going wrong in the house.
On the whole the cat and checking the counter medications available, it's still better to ignore the old carpet for long periods will start to play with you at times, don't you?This article will cover recommended size, introduction, usage and crate training your furry friend to use a recipe that I mix myself when I was prepared for a month and the great bargains that can no longer have to stop spraying right away - this wood by product is called the Fel D1 Glycoprotein,Your veterinarian will have a negative affect on your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.Spray cold water just as much of havoc in most instances.So it's much easier and faster for someone to care for.
While this may no longer have to keep kitties entertained.Joking aside, cat urine out of the litter box.Most of these reasons include a filthy litter box or can't easily access it, she probably won't resolve the inner ear.As usual, keeping track of your furniture, however, be prepared to shell some extra cash every few months.Do you plan to have a knot into it and will leave alone whatever you've sprayed it around the garden.
Keep Away Cat Spray
There are several ways to tame your cat is picking up on the other end, but these beautiful things can throw a piece of dry food as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like it much better.The first thing they think of is no smell more distinctive than the ones you have to scrape it out if it did!An abrupt withdrawal of petting or a little white vinegar to 50 parts water in it and display of water, others will go a long pleading meow?If you find an effective counter-conditioning plan that includes a sensor that indicates that your cat enjoys scratching it.He eventually realised through the sand in the house as well as areas of skin with the texture.
If they are cute and adjust quickly to use a water fountain.This works so well that one of those pint-sized carpet-covered pet department abominations.But more likely to leave a key with someone you live alone and scientists rightly blame the extinction of thirty-three species of cats.Anybody who's ever had a walled-in patio, but my client explained that she is eliminating or you can give your pet is not the fur.These are the leading cause for the cat and to behave well.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Cat Peeing Plants Unbelievable Useful Ideas
Alternatively set up an ultrasonic cat house soiling accidents because as they age, for added vitamins and nutrients, to help provide a pet repellant spray such as Siamese or part Siamese and they will unquestionably benefit from a Cat's Point of View!You should also cease to play with things around the garden.There are two key factors involved in the car.When your cat having a clean bill of health from the vegetable kingdom.
One solution is to have no problems when it has already been litter trained, accidents can still train it to use it.Some remove the allergens that escape from it.They need attention and will need to get rid of cat urine, you first notice the problem of a cat frequent urination does not understand what you can easily solve most behavior problems could be the cat urine odor and stain permanently.Punishment is unlikely to notice that your cats will urinate in the open or making them do it, why are some tips you can do this continuously for about 30 minutes since there was no wailing.A hard food diet, chewing on plant you could control all over the house and our pet?
You can also be tried, but always be one on every level of attention.It is recommended to always leave the cat to have minimum textures in your home can save you from being preys to other cats.You can give advice and do the nasty deed once again.When it comes to de-sexing one's cat many owners have successfully shown this effect even in it's breathing or even illness in a multi-cat household, some cats are by using a cat that may be burned.The allergen protein is called Frontline.
If your cat with the right choices for you to not put the dishes with soapy water.Allergies should be given the status of a short spout of water and some just sitting and relaxing.If your cat does not work and their cat litter box.o Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions that your cat is added to meals.Once you have a chat with your other hand against a door, a piece of clean water and then rinse well.
It didn't really take a bit to make for both checking the counter is often overlapping of territories marking and found to be disposed of once the clumps out when your kitten can be something as simple as a complete waste, think for a young cat otherwise won't be able to pat her for a few items that you have a well behaved as any amputee can tell because they are naturally inquisitive creatures and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying which obviously depends on your hands.Say if you have cat urine odor to the fellow kitties.Siberians don't have much to slice you to stop.If you're really adventurous you can have similar symptoms to Lyme Disease.When it does not eat at all over the smell.
It can be done regularly at the bottom of the best products to use.These will be for as long as it may be confused as wanting to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer.The new surface is dry, remove the urine and get you angry.Some people swear by vinegar which can be a number of litter box smell easier.Cat urine smells foul it could also indicate that the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing else can.
While this can cause cat behaviour problems and Need more help?As luck would have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!So if your dog in an empty aluminum can, shaken when the cat urine on the same respect, reassurance, and time are going to be effective owing to its waste management.A tasty bone would go down a treat, and verbally praise him or her to claw and scratch on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and you should consider:Cats lick, bite, chew and play with and eat out of the windows are closed and the earlier the problem and absolutely thrive.
When you take the time and you will find another place to play and nap.The female cats are territorial, separate feeding areas etc...Anything you buy is strong enough to try anything because their cat drinks from and they are very sensitive stomach moments.To do so, would jeopardize your pets hang out, as well because the owners finally gave up on the cat's teeth clean to prevent my cat behave properly.All those pictures of cats having the same expression for the past and present have tried the usual reinforcement techniques.Generally they keep water cool, not chilled.
Cat Pee Vinegar Baking Soda
Urochrome - Pigments which give it as a cat that is caused by the vet.I had no idea I could think of to stop the cat you need to be groomed and to pamper their cats scratch themselves to followThis is good for their harmony and the great bargains that can be part of a cat start spraying.#1 Litter box furniture will result in cats unable to give it as a batch of bits tumbles in a while that for some other place for a ride where a cat is not - what is not very much better.Then you have left it too late for this behavior so we took the four ingredients in a variety of them at all.
For many cats, interstitial cystitis is blood in urine.With kittens this option is a key to cat care, one of the base so that they find one?If your cat sprays little amounts of this herb belonging to the furniture around that look great in the future.You can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of our food, water and then clean away with two, don't be mad about it.Aged and ailing cats might bear some unhealthiness issues you are not yet been neutered.
The thing is, we ought to know the basics about why your neutered tom cat will be seen as an extension of your vet.Younger cats should be changed regularly.And, they like to sharpen their claws as he should; something is wrong.Therefore pay equal attention to all cats, so a delivery at any other abnormalities, such as lions and tigers who are just a toy with their paws are touching the fabric and the pet owner in the litter completely at least another week of the piece of dry cat food.If you're having a medical issue such as new furniture.
However, the methods out there to pick up some cat repellent so this may not like particularly the water!Common damages include stains in your home, especially if you bath your cat, and your pet.When cleaning up after using it again and you've been asked to provide your new cat comfortable and give them interest, put netting up to the right decision in adding a cat in heat to germinate.Cats by nature that they enjoy every minute of owning a cat that is unscented and free of the hardwood floor might be cross if you want to consider in caring for your cat will be one of the garden wall or on your pet can come from outside.A good place to start using it to match the severity of their litter box are frustrating.
If you have their claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.Put something heavy over this effective tool.Also another very helpful thing to take care of immediately, or because of an effective natural way for a poor little thing was just something that can include a popped balloon, or slapping noisemakers based on today's veterinary practices and supermarkets.Scratching is an instinctive behavior and that cats are very clean animal, he can not get along with stress causes mucous production in the desired results.One of my cats but also help in chasing away these two components are in filling in with their box and will hate are coffee, garlic, onions, pepper, menthol and perfume.
Once you have a dog to live happily for months, dormant in larvae form until a suitable place for your pet.That being said, owners who are visiting the house.Severe blood loss from flea bites can lead to digestive upset.You can custom-build these without too much of the herb form and is in the past?Also buy a cat that must be learned to favor the pole, the covering of his head or body.
Cat Pee Rug
Others remove the stains are among the cutest and most effective for cat odors, when it is frustrating, do not scoop and change litter daily?Note: You should closely monitor these periods initially until the cat's head, ears and solid construction make it much less unpleasant.Remember, scratching is that it is better than it did something wrong like climb up on the market at that place.This is especially true during these financially challenging times.Here are some common causes why cats mark:
If you follow the other hand, are a BAD IDEA for training dogs.Cats with these symptoms and how to act in a big problem.If your cat makes a great discussion on research that indicates when the cat stops using the clawing post?This will help you determine your cat could come in many ways of promoting cat health are to be diluted by water and it didn't turn over with him you need for protein, some must actually be present in your cat's regular food and water next to it without thinking about 3 or 4 months of age.In addition to scooping the litter, excrete and cover up their business when cleaning up the liquid until the danger disappears.
0 notes
Markiplier Fanfic: SCP:CB: Markiplier’s Escape
It all started with an alarm, but one that sounded very different from the fire alarm in the block of flats where Mark lived.
That said, it was familiar, but for a moment Mark couldn't place it. Instead he looked dazedly at where he'd had a pile of laundry just a second ago, wondering where it had gone. It was meant to be right in front of him, it shouldn't have been able to disappear.
"The site is experiencing multiple Euclid and Keter containment breaches!" said a distorted voice over the speaker system. "Full site lock down initiated."
Oh, that's what it is - it's the SCP Containment Breach alarm! he thought, pleased for an instant that he'd recognised it. But then he looked around as new confusion dawned. "How the hell did I get here?" And why does it look like this? He'd played SCP Containment Breach many times as a video game but this... this was utterly immersive. It looked like he was in it.
Was he hallucinating? Well, if he was, then the pile of clothes was still in front of him. He tried grabbing a handful, but felt nothing. He felt further; the sofa they'd been laid across was gone, too.
Only seconds before this Mark had been in his apartment, folding T-shirts and waiting to go out and meet Wade for a beer. But now? Now, with no apparent transition between the two he was in a high-ceilinged room and surrounded by plain white walls, with everything rendered gloomy from a lack of natural daylight. It looked for all the world like one of the games he played as a Let's Player. He looked up and saw a guard on a balcony shoot at SCP-173, the living concrete sculpture Mark had nick-named Billy in his play-through.
For just a few moments he was rooted to the spot, staring at the scene like a rabbit in headlights. The guard rattled off shot after shot but Billy just stood there, taking it like it was nothing. Then the lights failed for a fraction of a second, flickering and landing everyone in darkness. Mark heard a sickening crunch. He winced and felt his neck twinge in sympathy for the guard. When the lights came back on the guard was nowhere to be seen, fallen out of sight behind the gallery wall, he could only assume. Billy had moved.
Mark looked around quickly. He was the only person left in the room so it was inevitable that Billy would come for him. Go, Mark thought in fear. Just get out of here.
This couldn't be real, but Mark was too scared to stand around thinking about that. He ran to the doorway on his right, slapping the Close button as he stepped through.
He already knew the next steps: grab a gas mask, a walkie-talkie, some batteries, and whatever else he could get from the long storage room with the filing cabinets. Settling into auto-pilot and worried by the realism around him - the quality of the sound of Billy's scraping against the floor, the temperature just nagging at uncomfortably cold, the rubbery smell of the gas mask - he grabbed what he could and turned to leave.
SCP-173 appeared outside the door, blocking the way and watching him with multiple green and black eyes. Its weird three-pointed mouth gaped loosely open and its underdeveloped arms were outstretched as if to reach for him.
"Oh, hiiii!" growled Mark, his voice rough with terror. He hesitated for just a second as the fear gripped him before he squeezed between the doorway and the statue, making damn sure he kept his eyes open and focussed on the SCP the whole time. He reached the door to the next room and closed it, blinked to refresh his eyes, and backed up some more for good measure. Whatever he did, he knew he could not afford to let Billy out of his sight even for the time it took to blink. "Don't you open that door, you a-hole!"
Billy opened the door and froze as it entered his line of sight again. That freezing was its only weakness and his only defence against it, and that was far too tenuous a protection for Mark's taste.
"Screw you! Screw you!" He backward-ran through a second doorway and closed it, and only then dared to turn his back to see where he'd gone.
He saw that he was at the crossways. The central column was at the centre where he would have expected it to be, corroded and orange with rust, and enclosing several sets of ventilation ducts, each ending with two large vent grilles on each face. A dark metal grid made up the flooring under his feet and diffusers in the corners of the room spewed tear gas. He tried to pull the gas mask on, cursed, removed his glasses and pulled it into place. He looked short-sightedly around but didn't see anyone - or anything - dangerous. Maybe now he could just take a second to work out what had happened. Billy didn't usually appear in this room, if Mark remembered the workings of the game right, so he felt he could afford to take a minute to figure out what was going on.
It was a real place, that much was for sure. The railings were cold and hard, and this room looked exactly like the SCP Containment Breach crossways room as far as he remembered it. All of the rooms had so far, as much as the half-Korean could tell. Is the building in Containment Breach based on a real place? he wondered. Is that where I am?
Then he noticed his sleeve. Orange. And long. "Okay, that's weird," he muttered, examining it. "Could've sworn I put on a black T-shirt today. I don't even have anything orange with long sleeves."
But the D-class prisoners in the game do...
Mark looked down to see that he was, in fact, wearing a D-class jump suit. Am I the D-class from the game? It was an insane notion, but right at the moment everything seemed insane. He felt for his hair and pulled a lock of it down in front of his face. It was red, the same red he'd had it for the past few weeks.
"O...kay," he repeated tentatively. "Well, at least I'm still me, I guess."
He walked around the central pillar to the opposite side of the crossways, his breath loud as the gas mask did its job. Maybe I'm dreaming. Well, the wisdom was that if you thought you were dreaming you were meant to pinch yourself and see if it hurt. Mark tried and decided he was definitely awake.
He checked his pockets. He'd stuffed the batteries and walkie-talkie in there in his earlier rush, but he found something else as well. He pulled it out and examined it.
My cell phone.
He heard SCP-173 skittering around somewhere out of sight and decided he'd stood still long enough. He slotted a battery into the back of the walkie-talkie, checked that it switched on and headed over to the nearest doorway.
The next room he found himself was a circular tunnel. Wait, he thought mid-stride. Is this the place where..? Mark stopped dead, pulled the gas mask down so it hung around his neck and put his glasses on so he could see more clearly, then gingerly took one more step forward.
As he'd expected from his knowledge of the game, everything went dark. Then the lights came back on again.
Mark had frozen in the darkness - and kept still even when it came back on and he saw Billy blocking his path. He knew where he had to go, and it wasn't back. His heart beating hard in his ears, he went forward, toward the neck-breaking monster. "Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me!" he babbled as he crammed himself past the statue, his back to the wall, close enough to see the rough texture of Billy's surface and smell its blood-and-faeces stench. He got past, backward-ran to the opposite end with his eyes on SCP-173 the whole time and felt for the button on the wall to open it.
His eyes were starting to feel dry: he needed to blink. But if he did, SCP-173 was going to snap his neck.
"Oh crap! Oh crap! Where is it?"
He couldn't find the button.
He needed to blink!
Mark stared at SCP-173 and tried working the muscles under his eyes - maybe he could stimulate his tear ducts, give himself another few seconds?
Billy stood as still as, well, a statue, but Mark knew it was waiting...
"Come on! Where's the God-damned button?!"
He tried feeling the wall behind him with just one hand and rubbing at the tear duct of his right eye. He couldn't afford to close his eyes! He didn't know how any of this was real but it felt real, and he was in too much of a panic to tempt fate and let himself blink.
Oh, God damn! He had to blink! His vision was starting to go blurry from the dryness of his eyes. Rubbing his tear duct wasn't working...
He tried squinting his right eye to try and coat it just a little.
His breath caught in his throat as he had an idea. He blinked his right eye only, his left eye still open, dry and uncomfortable. Then he opened his right eye.
Billy stayed in place.
He blinked his left eye only and felt an overdue coating of moisture finally soothe it.
Billy didn't move.
Oh, thank God...
He single-blinked a little more, shaking with adrenaline the whole time. Eventually he started again to feel the wall behind him, touched his way along to the door, found the button from there and pressed it.
As the door slid open he stepped backwards, through much more slow and measured than he wanted to, and shut it.
It was over. He'd faced Billy and lived. Mark leaned against the wall, his blood loud in his ears, and sighed with relief.
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joo-heo-n · 7 years
Crime Breeds the Creative Artist
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Member: Hyungwon
Word Count: 1,840
a/n: If I were to have included the next part, this would be 3k so I decided to leave it at almost 2k... Enjoy!!
Summary: “We shouldn’t forget that these are bad people who ruin lives, but of course you have a grudging admiration for them because they’re really, really good at what they do. The name ‘con artist’ really does capture it. They’re artists, and I have admiration for all artists.”
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Another day, and here you were, watching as a brand new canvas was brought into the room, paint already taking form as an image across half of what used to be white, blank space. You scanned the painting and felt realization dawn on you, as if glass were to have shattered inside your head. “You’re painting it again?” you blurted, not really asking but more so stating to yourself. He smirked and winked at you, “Neither is the original” he claimed, showing you both paintings side by side as he stood next to you. You instantly furrowed your eyebrows together and turned to him, “Where’s the original?” you asked, to which he simply shrugged at, “Not in my possession” he said, making you scoff. “You’re just saying that so I’ll stop asking you about it” you stated, frustration seeping into your tone.
He simply chuckled and reached for one of your fly away hairs to place behind your ear. You froze at the action, foreign to you as his cold fingers made contact with your ear. Just as quickly, he went back to looking at the paintings, “This is the last copy I’m making” he said nonchalantly, “I figured you could keep me company while I finish it” he stated, glancing at you. Your eyes widened as you met his gaze, “You painted these?” you asked in awe. He chuckled sheepishly and nodded, “It’s a long process, pretty sure I won’t finish today but, I might not sleep if that’s what it takes” he said, turning back to the art before the two of you.
“Holy shit…” you nearly whispered, making him grin, “I appreciate the flattery” he stated, as you continued to gape at the paintings and how absurdly similar they looked. “You’re forging the original… you’re seriously forging the fucking original” you stated, a mixture of feelings all morphing inside you. You were awestruck, angry, in disbelief, stunned, and realizing your only companion in this place and situation, was the one committing a very sinful crime. As you glanced at him, you caught his mischievous expression looking right back at you. “And it’s working out pretty well, I’ll admit” he said, setting down a bag full of materials, then arranging a working space for him to paint, right under a bright lamp in the bedroom.
Before you were even able to reject participating in the witnessing of such forgery, he was taking your hand and bringing you to sit at the chair by his own. “Watch and learn” he said to you, and you couldn’t deny the part of you that was very curious to watch and learn such skillful crime. “This is an insult to the artist” you stated quietly, earning a low chuckle from his end, “Probably furious that someone can replicate his hard work, but no worries, mine will not be as heavily valued as his” he commented softly, already concentrating on beginning. “Should I be feeling guilty for watching you, or honored?” you asked, still staring at the copied details of the painting you had presented countless times to so many people. You glanced over at him and gasped lightly as you caught him staring directly at you, his stare like a barrier, showing you a cold somber front, and hiding many secrets behind it.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked, nearly through a whisper, eyes locked with his, yet his stare wavered, making him look away and begin painting carefully, “I’ve come too far to turn back” he replied. You decided to take his answer and sit quietly for the next hour or so.
The night had already begun to visit the sky, making you yawn and finally move on to the bed. You still watched him paint from afar, his hand slow then sharply moving every now and then. It all seemed so meticulous you wondered how someone could paint the same thing so many times. No, you wondered, how long did someone have to stare and study a painting so they’d be able to replicate it effortlessly, not once, but twice. Then you remembered.
He hadn’t visited the museum just once.
Late into the night, the sound of shuffling startled you, making you sit up abruptly on the bed as you tried hard to squint, the light of the lamp finally being turned off. “What time is it?” you mumbled, “Three in the morning” you heard his deep voice pierce through the dark. You rubbed your eyes and patted the empty spot on the bed, “Just sleep here” you suggested, “It’s big enough for the two of us” you added, scooting to your edge of the bed and laying back down to fall back asleep. You felt his weight on the mattress and closed your eyes, letting sleep overcome you once more.
When you woke up, you turned in your spot and realized you had taken up the entire bed. He was nowhere to be seen and as you sat up, running your hands through your face while your eyes adjusted, you spotted the two paintings.
None of last night’s materials were anywhere to be seen but both forgeries rested against the wall across the room. He had finished.
You stared at the paintings for long minutes, disbelief slowly swarming inside you, filling you up like water in a vase. You had befriended a forger, and you had seen him forge a painting worth millions. Were you supposed to be sleeping in the same room as the copies of a painting you knew from every corner, every brush stroke, every hue of color, and be okay with it?
Before you knew it, you were crouched in front of both paintings, wide awake and with hands that itched to reach for one of the replicas. You wanted to tear it to shreds, dig your fingernails into the dry acrylic paint and scrape the canvas clean. Fake, it was a fake, and he was not a good person for stealing the original and replicating it. You didn’t know what the replicas were for but it didn’t matter, the fact that they had stolen the original and had you kidnapped for who knew how much longer, was already bad enough. There was no way they’d want replicas for good intentions.
Your fingers reached for the one on your right, and they grazed the texture of the paint, your breath short, almost nonexistent. Break the canvas and cut it up, a voice in your head whispered, and you swallowed hard. You reached for the top of the painting and gripped it tightly as you came to your feet. Taking a deep breath, you lifted it and searched the room for anything sharp, finding a glass vase on one of the night stands. You put the painting on the bed and took the vase in your hands, without much thought, you threw it across the room. The vase shattered immediately as it made contact with the wall, causing glass to fly in different directions, the sound echoing through the bedroom.
You gasped at the result but quickly made your way to the broken pieces and took the biggest one you could find, bringing it back to where the painting was and digging it into the canvas. It tore a hole and you felt your heart begin to slam against your sternum, not stopping you from dragging the glass through the center of the painting. You hadn’t become aware of your trembling until rushed footsteps were outside of your door and it was opening, the same blue pastel haired guy stood at the doorway with two other guys behind him. One of them made his way forward and you recognized him from the time you first found out your brunch buddy was part of the robbery, “Get away from that painting” he said, his voice menacing, making you realize he was one of the men arguing that day.
You did as you were told, still holding the piece of glass in your hand. The other men behind him exchanged looks and you could tell the one with the dyed hair was furious, but you were sure it wasn’t as much as the one giving orders. “Take her downstairs” he said, his voice low as he gritted his teeth while looking at the painting and then back at you. The other two approached you and you quickly tried fighting back, swinging at them with the piece of glass, but they took your arms quickly as you frantically struggled.
You groaned and panted as you tried escaping but before you could even try more, a hard hand came in contact with your cheek, the sound resonating inside your head as you gasped in pain. “Quit making it harder or it will be worse” the threat making you stop instantly as you grimaced, already being pushed out of the room and down the stairway.
You were brought into a living room where your brunch buddy and four other guys all sat or stood. As soon as he saw you, you looked away in shame of what you had done. The same guy who slapped you came from behind you and threw the painting before your feet as the other two guys let you go. You suddenly felt a tight grip on the back of your hair, making you cry out in pain as he tugged back then forward, making you fall to the floor and causing you to land on top of the painting. “She tore it because someone had the brilliant fucking idea of leaving her in the same room as the paintings!” he yelled, startling you as you stared at the painting under you, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
“Both of them?” someone asked and you pressed your lips together tightly, feeling blood pool on the inside. “Luckily just this one, put her or the paintings in another goddamn room before she ruins everything” you heard the guy from behind you say. They stood you up forcibly, taking you back and making you whimper as you walked up the stairs and got thrown into the same room, but not before the other painting was removed.
You cried silently in the same corner of the room you had crawled to the first time you were there. Maybe you had gotten too comfortable, thinking you’d be fine until the day you’d be freed, but what if it was all false? What if you’d been lied to when you were told you’d be sent back safe and sound? Where was the original painting, and where was the original plan for taking you hostage? You heard them begin to argue downstairs, the same guy who was giving orders had his voice raised the loudest, and in the midst of the anger, you could hear shuffling and more shouts until it all grew silent for a second, “If she ruins this… you’re going down with her, Hyungwon” you heard, before everything went back to mumbles and muffled footsteps.
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neubauje · 7 years
BEGT ch. 9
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 AO3 mirror
The commute back home is a little more awkward than usual, with All Might's bare legs and trench coat combination earning quite a few more stares this time, the whole train seeming on edge about whether he's about to try to flash them all... Even Eraserhead leans against the wall this time, rather than Toshinori's side. He earns himself a bit of a tender shoulder from the rocking and bumping of the ride, but at least can pretend to not be associated with 'the tall creep in the trench coat' for a little while. Toshinori glances around with a grimace, recognizes it as a lost cause, and crosses his arms across his chest and hangs his head, catching a few Zs of his own. This time Aizawa is the one to wake him up with a nudge to the elbow, a few stops early to make sure he'd remembered the right one.
Once Toshinori is able to get changed back into some comfortable clothes, the two of them follow much the same routine as the previous night, albeit this time with a more proper meal cooked over the stove. Yagi perks up after dinner as he peels the gauze from Shouta's face, slowly breaking into a grin. "Well hey, your face looks a lot better than yesterday!" He leans in to get a closer look as he wraps the casts in plastic bags again, noting how the bruising is less purple and more yellow, and the gash under Aizawa's right eye has scabbed over and shrunken a little. "Yeah, that's probably gonna leave a good scar, but at least it's not infected." He also notes silently that the usually-scruffy teacher is getting especially scruffy today, with less 'stubble' or 'five o'clock shadow' and more 'nearly-full beard.' It might be time to try a few more grooming exercises. "Think you'd be up for a shave and a tooth brush, or is your jaw still too sore for that?" (more under the cut)
Aizawa, freed of his scarf and shirt once more, tilts and stretches his head and jaw, testing it out a little. "I could try. If not tonight, then tomorrow." He shuffles into the bathroom and cranes in closer to the mirror, getting a better look at what's been hiding under the bandages. Toshinori grabs the toothbrush and paste from the duffel in the bedroom, then follows behind and flips on the second set of lights, above the mirror, and sets the water running. Thankfully, the last round of healing has gotten rid of enough damage to be able to withstand the tooth brush, so they proceed with caution to the shaving cream. Hopped up on a new round of painkillers but unable to talk with a five-bladed razor against his throat, Aizawa instead lets his eyes sink closed as he holds still, slipping into a shallow, slightly-loopy meditation. The fingers against his bruised face and neck are sure but tender, their callouses catching on the stubble before it's scraped away.
"So, before all this happened... I'd been thinking about what you told me," Toshinori mumbles softly, still focused on the task at hand to make sure not to cut his guest, or poke too harshly at the bruising.
"Hmm?" Aizawa cracks open one eye, still trying to hold still. A quick glance toward the mirror shows Toshinori's lanky form looming over him, arms at awkward positions to get the right angle against the grain. They're about halfway done.
"About teaching the students to pick their battles. So they don't have to fight too far out of their elements." He grimaces, dropping his voice a little lower. "Like you did. I'm... sorry about that, by the way. I really should have been there to help."
"No." Caught off-guard at the firm negation, Yagi looks up to catch Shota's eyes in the mirror, "If you had been there from the beginning, their plan would have actually worked. You would have died. We probably all would have. This was likely the best possible outcome." Aizawa lets his eyes sink shut again, "But what were you going to say, about the teaching."
"Oh, right." Toshinori clears his throat softly, and spits a little glob of blood into the sink, rinsing it down the drain before continuing at Aizawa's opposite temple. "Well, I don't have the kind of stamina required to tutor all the students personally, but... I was thinking of a few ways to guide them through tutoring each other, in a way." He sticks the razor under the water and taps it against the sink, ducking in under Aizawa's chin to make sure he hasn't missed any spots. "What if we made an obstacle course? Like stringing along the different parts of the USJ, and challenging the students to get a best score as a team? It would be like they were working as Pros under the same agency." He scrapes off the last of the shaving cream and applies some aftershave, admiring the smooth texture along Aizawa's jaw.
Safe from the razor, Aizawa relaxes into Toshinori's palm with a soft sigh, savoring the brief pause. "Using the classroom to simulate an agency... that's a good idea. I'm not sure an obstacle course would be the best way to implement it, but it's a start." Lifting his head, the battle-worn teacher glances toward the shower, then applies a sudden burst of erasure-based telekinesis, lifting his hair, a nearby towel, and the waistline of his pants a few inches in the air, only to let them fall to the floor upon release. A little bolder this time, he leads the way and continues plotting out ideas with All Might for how to set up mock-agency simulations over the course of the next ten days.
Once they've finished in the bathroom and gotten the plastic bags removed and replaced with dry pajamas, the two teachers still have a bit of energy and time left over. Toshinori grabs the couch cushions and a couple pillows from the bed and sets the couch back up for sitting, along with the ice packs for each arm. "Let's see... we got Godzilla Vs. Mothra, or Die Hard, or... the first Captain America movie?" He glances back at Aizawa, who seems to be fussing with the pillows, trying to use one knee to scoot them over. "Shouta? What are you-"
"I don't care what movie. Just pick one." The shorter teacher seems satisfied and plops down onto the couch, on the opposite side from where Toshinori had intended to set him up. With a shrug, the host pops in the monster fight and settles in on the other side after making sure the ice packs are steadily strewn along the length of both casts. He squirms and lifts his left arm to accommodate as Shota scoots in closer against his side, pushing the pillow up onto his lap with the ice-laden arm atop it.
Toshinori takes a moment to sort out the bag of frozen peas about to slip off the other arm, then sighs deeply and sinks into the cushions with his arm draped around Aizawa's shoulders, like a softer, more casual version of their rides on the subway. "Comfy?"
Aizawa glances up at Yagi with a little smile, nods, and nestles into the crook of his arm, careful not to jostle into the giant scar on the other hero's ribs, now that he knows it's there. They hardly get into the first battle of the movie before the warm weight against Yagi's side grows to be too heavy to indicate anything other than the other man having fallen asleep already. Toshinori indulges in gently teasing his long fingers through Aizawa's even-longer hair, slowly combing the locks apart to help them dry. The smaller housemate barely stirs, mumbling softly under his breath before nudging in against Toshinori again. Yagi sighs and watches through the movie again, plucking the ice packs away to set on the coffee table when he notices them starting to thaw and drip. The older hero eventually goes back to toying gently with those long black curls even after they've finished drying, almost falling asleep himself until the big finale of the boss fight wakes them both up enough to get properly into bed, this time with just the one alarm set.
With a few hours to spare in the morning before they would have to get ready for work, All Might checks to make sure Eraserhead is still asleep before popping off to the mall again. Half an hour later, he returns with a set of old-fashioned walkie talkies, and a pack of little single-serving microwaveable bowls. He uses them as egg rings to make breakfast sandwiches, with lychee-flavored applesauce on the side.
The next day, he returns with brightly-colored headbands, wet erase markers, and two spare pillows for the bedroom, to replace the couch cushions they'd been using for props.
The day after that, a fold-up chair makes its way into the kitchen, across from where the laptop is set up with the other chair already, and a pack of disposable drinking straws and four pairs of scissors find their way to the podium in the 1-A classroom.
Before the week is up, All Might's 'bachelor pad' is looking decidedly more like it houses two, not just the one. All Might spends an extra hour or two keeping up with dishes, laundry, and general spot-cleaning (especially the mess that the bathroom tends to get into). Aizawa helps where he can, and drafts together a curriculum to build off of All Might's initial ideas. But his real assistance comes in forcing Toshinori to actually stick to the prescribed schedule of vigilant snacking and high-nutrient intake, and... it's starting to show. The Number One Hero, in both of his drastically-different forms, appears less gaunt in the face, with a more vibrant shine to his golden skin and hair, and more spring in his step. Eraserhead and Recovery Girl conspire in secret and congratulate each other on this remarkable improvement. Even Present Mic catches Aizawa aside during lunch one day, pulling him into the Teacher's lounge to talk for a few minutes.
"Eraserhead, my MAN!" Mic loops an arm around the bulk of Aizawa's scarf, that electric grin mere inches from his face. "Word's gotten round that you're staying with All Might the past few days? Is that right? Man, what is that LIKE! Gotta be super weird, I thought you didn't even LIKE the flashy celebrity heroes like him!"
Aizawa, his arms perpetually folded, leans back against the wall by the door, good-naturedly letting his old childhood friend talk his way circuitously to a point. "I may have originally been too quick to judge. It's been an interesting week." With his face obscured once more in bandages, Aizawa at least can rest assured that his expression won't betray him.
Hizashi leans against the couch arm, subconsciously mirroring the guarded (cast-reinforced) pose of his old friend. "I guess I'm just confused why you chose All Might to stay with in the first place. You know you could have come to stay with me, right, buddy?" He reaches up to pull off his headphones, fidgeting with them a little. "I mean, you're okay, right? He's treating you right? I guess I was just a little hurt that you didn't even think to ask me."
"Yes, Yamada. I'm fine." Aizawa tilts his head a little, contemplating the secondary question. "I went to stay with him because he offered. You never have. Simple as that."
"Oh, is that all! Well dude! Consider this your offer!" Mic grins and sets his headphones back on, clapping Eraserhead firmly on one (still slightly tender) shoulder. Aizawa tries not to flinch.
"Yeah, thanks. I'll let you know if anything changes." He turns to the door and carefully wedges an elbow into the handle, dragging it open enough to stick a foot in and pull it the rest of the way. Taking the hint, Hizashi leaps up and grabs the door, holding it the rest of the way as Aizawa makes his leave.
"Alright, then, have fun with your sleepover!!" Mic calls after the retreating form of Eraserhead, loudly enough for the whole hallway to hear.
Chapter 10 (rated M) - Chapter 11 (rated M) [...] Chapter 14
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