#it actually used to be a soulmate au; but i removed that part and that became
small-sinclair · 1 year
Hello :3 Imagine this, Bo Sinclair x future s/o that's having major car troubles. The reader seeks out the help of a local mechanic (Bo <3) but absolutely doesn't know how to react when the said mechanic decides to get all flirty. The reader becomes embarrassed -they don't know how to handle such advances but they have a massive crush on the stranger. I can picture Bo getting so cocky at being able to turn them into such a blushing mess with just mere words. Sadly the car "can't" be fixed anytime soon so the reader "has" to stay around much longer than expected. Now, I do suspect that you might be raising your brows at the quotation marks but there is an explanation behind them - an explanation which neither Bo nor his future SO are willing to admit. The car isn't truly in such a bad condition. A quick minor repair could have done the trick, the troublemakers both simply didn't want to part ways. The reader secretly disconnected a cable, while Bo decided to remove some spark plug leads or they did something else to make the car not run, while the other person wasn't looking. Thank you for reading, I know that this request is massive and super duper loaded. I will be grateful for anything you decide to do with it and of course, feel free to edit and change the idea as much as your heart desires. At the end of the day, this is all about us having fun and I know I'm going to love whatever you come up. -Snake, your internet fan ^u^
I love this one! I would do the same, honestly :3 . I tried my best with this one.
Soulmate AU
Bo x reader
Contains: Bo tries to kill you, stealing car parts
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You weren't supposed to be in Ambrose this long, both you and Bo can agree on that, but the both of you didn't regret it.
Besides, that's how soulmates work, right? As soon as he felt that ping in his chest and the pull in his heart, he was already yours without you needing to breath his name.
At first, it was your break pads needing repaired along with the break line being cut, but you didn't know that he took the clippers and did the cut. Instead, he told you it'll take a week before the part comes in, forcing you to stay in Ambrose at his home.
Bo wanted to kill you at first, but the way you smiled and worked so easily within his life... it's like your the last piece in his heart puzzle. His mother told him that it would be a miricel before anyone would love him including his soulmate, but you made it look so easy that it made him want to cry. He actually did cry on the fourth night you were here. His heart was bursting and beating so fast that he didn't know what to do. On one hand was his mother's legancy, in the other was thoughts of you being called Y/n Sinclair. When he crept into your room, he was ready to kill you. He raised his knife high above his head and was about to bring it down, but the moon had other plans. She cast her soft glow over your skin and soft lips. You looked like an angel sleeping in one of his old shirts. Bo's heart ached and bleed. He lowered his knife and left the room.
As soon as he closed the door behind him, you fell to his knees and cried silently in his hands. You were it. You were his soulmate.
But weren't making this easy for him. His house truly felt like a home as soon as you stepped into the living room.
Your smile and laughter, how you looked at Vincent without fear, and how you loved on Jonesy and Lester as if you knew them since forever, Bo wanted you to stay, but he knew he couldn't have you. That doesn’t mean he should give up trying to have you stay, though. How he got you to stay longer was stealing the transmitter and spark plugs.
For you? You were just as sneaky as him.
The moment you laid eyes on him, you were in love. You know he was your soulmate as soon as that ping in your chest chimed. It's like something clicked in your brain when he wiped the sweat from his brow and button his work uniform, his smile painting a sunrise, and the way he looked talked and acted-- you were sold.
At first, you acted disappointed when he said you had to stay a week with him and his family until the part came in, but you felt as if you were home as soon as you helped wash the dishes after your first dinner there while staying still long enough for Vincent to draw you. When he told you about the transmitter and the spark plugs along with the unfortent news that you had to say another week, you were more than happy.
Back at the house, you made yourself useful with cleaning, cooking, gardening, and talking. Whenever you were with Bo, you two worked so well with each other that it scared Vincent and Lester. It's like you two knew a dance that was never taught, and it was beautiful.
As the ping grew, you felt like he was made for you. He would talk to you while he leaned in the doorway of your room, hands in his pockets. He felt as if it was so easy to talk to you about his dreams and hopes, and you felt like you could talk to him forever about your past and your ideas of a future home. One night, you two stayed up in until you fell asleep on his shoulder in your room. You two sat on the floor in front of Vincent's old bed as you talked about the best times and worst times until four in the morning. Around you, an empty pizza box along with empty bottles laid around you two.
“Wanna stay?” You asked sleepily. “Just until the sun comes up?”
His answer was a smile and his arms pulling you in.
You wanted to stay forever after learning about your soulmate, but you'll only stay if he wants you too. However, you didn't want to wait for an answer. While his back was turned after putting on the spark plugs, you cut two wires in your car. What were they for? You didn't know.
He slammed the hood on the car and started it up, but it didn't turn. Smiling to yourself, you knew he would have you stay another two nights, and Bo was okay with this.
So, how long did this game of tag go? You taking parts while he broke some?
Well, Lester and Vincent let this game go on for two months. Clearly, they knew what was going on as soon as Bo had Vincent hide your car keys while you had Lester hide your car battery.
"Why can't they just kiss and call it?" Lester complained after watching Bo hide the spark plugs again.
Vincent shrugged while he held out the second set of break lines you took off the car. 'This has to stop, man. I don't know if I can take anymore of this.'
Lester watched as Bo and you danced around each other, both speaking about the missing parts and dinner. You’re thinking spaghetti. “Simps, the lot of them.”
You've been in Ambrose for five months when you felt the ping in your chest tighten. It was so hard that it knocked the wind out of your lungs. You were in the middle of bringing out dinner when it happened, and you dropped the food and fell to the floor. Bo felt the pain, too, as he held he gripped his shirt tightly and coughed.
Lester helped you stand and brought you to the chair before he started cleaning the mess. Vincent brought you water and rubbed your back.
Bo? He went outside and had a cigarette on the porch. He racked his brain until he couldn't take it anymore. To make it stop, to make the pain go away, he had to tell you. He knew you felt the same based off everything, but he didn't know how to tell you about the missing car parts and how he was destroying your car.
That's when he heard you tell Lester to put the battery back into the car and return the wires once he walked through the door.
You made eye contact with him and looked down at the table.
He couldn't believe it. You... you were doing the same thing as him.
Bo let a smile leave as he knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his, and said, "I was doin' the same."
You raised a brow. "What?"
"I've been stealing parts of your car to make you stay," he said, shaking his head, laughing. "I was doin' it because of 'is whole soulmate thing--"
"So, you feel the ping, too?" You asked. "It's been tearing me apart for months!" You smiled at him as the warm feeling around your heart eased. "Here I thought I was going crazy and feeling bad about breaking my car..." you shake your head and smile. "Bo, we are meant to be."
“Sure are, darlin’,” he drawled, laughing He met your smile and kissed your knuckles. As soon as his lips touched your skin, his heart eased and the pain left. He looked up at you with hopeful eyes then asked, "Does that mean I have to fix your car still?"
"Only if you let me give you the tools."
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suspiciousspidey · 9 months
Tony Stark Fic Recs
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A list of my favorite fics featuring Tony Stark, from tumblr and ao3.
Writers: If you'd like your fic removed from this list, please send me a message!
Reminder: As always, your media consumption is your responsibility. Please read the writers content warnings/tags! And, if you like their work? Spread some love to them!
Drunken Confessions by @larcenywrites
- Tony makes a drunken confession, and a conversation is had the next morning. The smut in this is so sO good.
BOTH Masterlists by @larcenywrites
- Just trust me. It's all good. You want to read it all.
- Author's Summary: "Soulmates AU - Sally Manners has spent her life avoiding the man whose name is etched on the inside of her thigh. Until suddenly she can't. No tie in with any other fics I've written. Tony/OC"
Cover You In Oil by Star_trekkin_across_theuniverse on ao3 (to read this one you must be logged into an ao3 account)
- This is SO GOOD. It's one of the first tony/oc fics I've ever read and it's one I do go back to.
Exile All The Longer by Darsynia on ao3 (also on Tumblr @darsynia)
- Author's Summary: "Tony lost Pepper in the Snap. What he gains, what EARTH gains, is a 'gift' from Thanos: Soulmates. Some say that the mad Titan used the stones to do this out of respect for Earth's role in his grand design, others say it's to make those left behind complacent, docile-- even grateful.
Tony isn't grateful. He's pissed. His Words are a cruel slap in the face, and the whole concept is bullshit. He spends a year doing right by the world with his company and then settles down to build his lake house. Tony falls for his smart, gorgeous architect as easy as breathing, all the while feeling self-righteous about the whole 'inevitability' of Soulmates. He's beat the system, fallen in love the old-fashioned way. All Tony has to do is get her to actually speak to him, instead of by text or email.
And then she does. She says his Words."
- YALL. THE SLOW BURN IN THIS?? Godly. It is SO GOOD. So detailed. The angst??? Whoooo buddy. This fic had me on the edge of my seat, biting my fist, it was that good. It had me by the throat and honestly it still does. I should probably be embarrassed of how many times I've reread it, but I'm not.
Two Wicks, One Flame by AmberSnapeBlack on ao3
- Author's Summary: "Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated.
What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?"
- SUCH A GOOD FIC. You can't help but root for Emma. There are real sweet parts but some real angsty ones too. Also, it was interesting to read a fic with Pep being a not-so-nice-guy.
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iamthenerdqueen · 10 months
The Red String of Faith - Chapter VI
Idol!AteezXOCs Soulmates!ot8AteezXOCs OCXOC Slight Social Media AU!
slight twigger warnings: SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER!!! Polyamory, group of 10, two OC's -feel free to replace one OC with yourself if you'd like- , listen this is an idea me and my best friend had and is something for fun read at own risk, not edited as always, also we are starting to explore themes such as bxb and gxg if thats not for you, this story may not be for you.
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Next
After Lyra made it to San and Seonghwa’s room, her only goal was to read the smutty book on her phone about a demon king. The boys were still getting ready for bed, bouncing back and forth between the bathroom and the main part of the room.
Lyra was sprawled out on the bed she could only assume was San’s because the blankets were a mess compared to the bed to the right which was perfectly made up. This was only confirmed when San, who had only gotten as far as changing his clothes, threw himself down beside her.
“San-ah, you need to finish getting ready. You can’t sleep in your makeup.” Seonghwa said from his spot just outside the bathroom where he had finished his skincare.
“I’m lazy.” San said from his spot on the bed while casually trying to read over Lyra’s shoulder.
“What are you doing, Ly?” San had put his face next to her phone, unsure what the large block of text was on her phone's screen.
“I’m reading, why?” Lyra flashed the screen at him to show him the full page she was on before going straight back to her intense reading stare. She let her one free hand go to play with San’s hair.
“Pay attention to me” San rolled onto her, preventing her from seeing her phone as it was now pressed against her chest.
“You still need to take your makeup off, once you’re both ready for bed I'll cuddle you both.” Lyra just wanted to finish this one chapter, or two. The main characters were about to finally have sex.
“Nooooooo,” San whined into her neck not wanting to get up.
“Sannie, do you want me to do it for you or something?” Lyra was joking.
“Yes, actually. Please do it for me, Doll?” San was not joking. Also, Lyra was confused about where he learned the term doll and when he decided to start calling her that. She wasn’t one to lie however, it was hot. Very hot.
“I-” Lyra was stunned and struggling for words after San’s new nickname, “Okay, fine. Where is your make up remover?” Lyra wormed her way out from underneath San to head toward his bathroom.
“Here is his makeup remover, really all it took was a pet name and you cave? Good to know.” Lyra turned pink at Seonghwa's words, grabbing the bottle and cotton pads from him trying to avoid eye contact.
“Don’t make fun of me,” She muttered as she began putting the makeup remover onto the cotton pads and then placing two of them over San’s eyes.
“We’re not making fun of you, Doll,” Seonghwa was directly behind her now. Watching as she gently took the makeup off of San’s face. Her hands were shaking slightly as she gilded the cotton pads across his skin, being careful not to pull or be too harsh.
She was startled when she felt Seonghwa grab her waist and lay his head on her shoulder while watching as she worked.
“You need to go wash your face now, and then put on some face lotion. I don’t want to hear you complaining about a break out tomorrow. Even worse, I don’t want to be on Eunsook’s hit list.” Lyra said, patting San on the shoulders to encourage him to get up from his sitting position on the bed and finish his routine.
“Fine, but you have to give me a kiss first.” San playfully pouted his lips toward her. With little hesitation, Lyra gave him a quick kiss and nudged him toward the bathroom once again. She had decided since this morning that kissing boys wasn’t so bad, and it made her much less nervous now that she had kissed Hongjoong.
“Hongjoong told us something interesting this morning while we were getting ready for our interview,” Seonghwa said teasingly next to her. Lyra knew where this was going and could roll her eyes at her soulmates’ antics. She really didn’t care if they knew she had no experience with guys.
“Let me take a wild guess, that I had never kissed a man before this morning when he and I made out?”
“What?” Seonghwa and San asked at the same time. San even went as far as to step out of the bathroom, his facewash still soapy on his face.
“That’s not what he told you?” Lyra was stunned and impressed with Hongjoong. She hadn’t told him not to say anything, so she assumed he would share with the class so to speak.
“NO! He told us you talk in your sleep and showed us a video he took of you being cute in your sleep” San said his eyes wide, the facewash on his face was slowly dripping into his eyes so it was an ordeal for him to be making that expression.
“Oh, well then. I didn’t know I did that, hopefully I didn’t say anything embarrassing.” Lyra was trying to ignore the look Seonghwa was now giving her after learning this information. It was like he was questioning everything, but he also looked as though he was a little too happy with the new information.
San returned to his spot on the bed after finally getting the soap off his face, and he quickly looked at his phone before glancing back to Lyra. He soon got the same look on his face as Seonghwa, like he was a little too happy with the news.
“So, you’ve only kissed Sannie and Hongjoongie?” Seonghwa’s asked in a mischievous tone, obviously having other intentions with his questions.
“No, they’re the only males I've kissed. I’ve had my fair share of girlfriends and don’t forget I’ve done everything with Lia first.” Lyra wanted to subtly flex her and Lia’s past. They weren’t romantically involved, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t tried to be more than platonic. It just never worked for them before.
“Okay, let me try that question again, Sannie and Hongjoongie are the only men you have kissed?” Seonghwa was not deterred by Lyra’s attempt to distract him.
“Yes,” Lyra was playing with fire at this point. The intensity of these two men was palpable in the air.
“Do you plan to kiss the rest of us?” Seonghwa questioned starting to get closer to his point.
“Yes,” Lyra couldn’t tell which way this was going to go now, but she would be lying if she said she didn’t like it. Everything about what was going on was extremely hot to her. She had a bit of a thing for protective (maybe a little possessive) partners, it made her feel wanted.
“So, the only men who will ever kiss, touch you, fuck you, will be Ateez?” Seonghwa’s English was rougher than usual, maybe because these weren’t words he practiced or used in his English vocabulary often, but god was it hot.
Lyra thought hard about how she should answer his question, she wasn’t stupid or naive by any means. She knew that she had control of this situation, that she could let it go up a notch and keep it going or cut it off now. But, Lyra was at her purest form, nothing more than a simp.
As well as the fact that she had ⅔ of the demon line looking at her like they wanted to eat her. She is, currently, a slightly turned-on simp.
“Yes.” Lyra answered after a couple seconds, her tone shifting to sound somewhat playful.
“Good.” It was the first word San had said since the conversation had turned sexual, he was more than content watching the interaction. The next thing Lyra knew, Seonghwa’s lips were on hers. She didn’t know which of the two had their hands on her waist, gently grounding themselves to her.
San’s mouth was on her neck, dotting her neck with kisses. Lyra didn’t know which was up at this point and she was lost in the two men she was sandwiched between. Her hands rested on Seonghwa’s shoulders, all she could hear was their combined breaths, their clean and masculine smells filling her nose. All she could think about and process at the moment was them.
“Do you want to do this? To be with us like this, we're not rushing you. We can stop right now.” Both of the boys stopped to make sure this was okay, they wanted her to want this like they did, to be comfortable in this situation and not to regret anything later on.
“You’re all so sweet and thoughtful. Yes, I want to do this. I know it’s fast moving but this is what I want, if it wasn’t I promise everyone would know.” Lyra said with a grin on her face.
“You’ve never done this before, let us teach you what we like.” San was speaking in her ear in a low voice, she could feel his eyes on her now.
“And let us figure out what you like,” Seonghwa finished the thought and leaned in, giving Lyra a quick kiss before turning and capturing San’s lip in a kiss. The two men kissed with a familiarity, it wasn’t a sweet and polite kiss, no this kiss was aggressive and sloppy. These men knew each other, inside and out. There was something very erotic about it but underneath it was this familiarity and love between them.
Seonghwa broke their kiss and stood up, pulling Lyra with him. He turned her so that her back was against his chest, both of them facing San who was sitting on the bed.
“Get on your knees, doll,” Seonghwa put his hands on her shoulder, helping her to the carpeted floor directly between San’s knees. San was resting back on his hands, watching her with heavily lidded eyes.
It was like Lyra knew instinctively what to do as she put her hands on San’s clothed knees and looked up at him for approval. He slowly nodded his head, letting her know that she could continue on her way to his waistband.
Lyra toyed with the elastic band for a few seconds before tugging, San lifting his hips as she removed the only piece of clothes he had on. This was no surprise to Lyra, the whole group had admitted to only wearing boxers some of the time after a particularly sus tiktok that Lia had sent to the group chat.
After his pants, Lyra let her hands rest on his thighs. Her confidence wavered slightly, she had never come face to crotch with a man before much less with the intention of putting a dick in her mouth. She also was half trying not to look half admiring the sizable dick in front of her.
Saying a dick was pretty didn’t feel right in Lyra’s mind, and when the words slipped from her lips she couldn’t help but turn bright red.
San was smirking after her comment, his cock was hard and he was waiting for her to touch him.
“Lyra,” Seonghwa was still behind her now sitting on the other bed in the room. Lyra could feel his knees and legs behind her, they gave her support taking some of the pressure off of her knees.
“I think he wants you to touch him, Doll. I know he’s pretty to look at, but don’t make him suffer.” Seonghwa was teasing both of them with his words, enough to make San scuff.
“Like this?” San almost jumped out of his skin when Lyra’s hand grasped him. He sucked in a sharp hiss as she started to pump his cock.
She started to move her hand slightly faster and could feel the friction from the lack of lubrication. Without giving herself the chance to pussy out, she dipped her head forward and licked a strip from the base of his cock to the tip.
“Just like that,” Seonghwa answered as she put her tongue back into her mouth, letting her speed increase even more. San was groaning at her touch and watching the whole thing happen, trying to keep his hands to himself, for now.
Looking up at San, Lyra decided that it was now or never. There was something unexpectedly arousing from jerking him off and she couldn’t stop thinking about having his dick down the back of her throat. Freud would have a field day with that.
She shifted forward, going from sitting back on her knees to her ass in the air. Lyra wanted a better way to take San in her mouth and she wanted to shake her ass right in front of Seonghwa, but who's asking anyway?
“Fuck, Doll. Are you sure this is your first time doing this?” San’s hand was in her hair seconds after she warped her mouth around his cock. His grip was rough, and he was using her hair to help her bob up and down.
Lyra was fueled on by San’s comment, taking him deeper into her mouth. She was sure she would end up deep-throating him, both from the way he was guiding her head and the way he was starting to thrust up into her mouth. He was planning to face fuck her and damn did it make her wet.
Seonghwa’s voice broke through the sloppy sounds coming from the pair in front of him, “You like sucking his cock, huh? I can tell from the way you’re moving your ass that you’re turned on.” Seonghwa’s hand came to rest on her ass, the other gripping her hip.
He had at some point stood up from his seat on the bed, if Lyra tried she could grind up against the man. Seonghwa rubbed her ass cheek gently and then he slapped her ass, hard.
The force of Seonghwa’s hand caught Lyra off guard causing her to gasp around San’s cock.
“Do it again, Hyung.” San’s grip on her hair somehow got tighter and he was fully thrusting his cock into her mouth. She had taken him to the hilt and was almost choking, but she loved it. Something about totally handing control over to them was euphoric.
Seonghwa’s hand once again slapped her ass, Lyra couldn’t help but grind her hips against the air in pleasure. She was soaked and without a doubt, her sleep shorts had to have a wet spot on them.
“You like getting spanked, Doll?” Seonghwa’s finger was rubbing her through her clothes and all she could do was moan around San’s cock in response.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” San said, not only hearing her moaning but feeling the vibrations from her throat.
Seonghwa was working her sleep shorts and panties down over her hips at the same time as San spoke. “You’re right San-ah. She must love it to be this wet.”
Seonghwa’s finger was now playing with her bare dripping slit, going back and forth from flicking her swollen clit to teasing her entrance. Lyra wanted to turn and scream at him to just fuck her already, but her mouth was more than full at the moment and from San’s grip on her hair she wasn’t going anywhere.
Instead, she began trying to grind against Seonghwa’s hands or really any part of him that was touching her.
“So impatient, Doll. Do you want me to fuck you that bad? Tell me, or I won’t.” Seonghwa stopped all of his actions waiting for her to tell him what he wanted to hear.
Lyra pulled her mouth off of San’s cock and turned to look at the older member over her shoulder. “Fuck me like a slut. Please,” She was using her hands to pump San’s cock slowly as she spoke.
Did Lyra expose her slight degradation kink, yes. Would this come to haunt her eventually, knowing the boys, absolutely.
Seonghwa’s cock pushed into her. He wasn’t gentle or soft with her, fucking just as she had asked. San guided her head back to his cock, helping her to resume the face fucking she had been in the middle of.
The room was nearly silent, except for the sounds of skin against skin and Lyra’s mouth on San or the moans coming from the trio.
Lyra could feel Seonghwa shift forward, not only hitting a new spot within her, but as she looked up she could see the two men kissing above her. This made her go harder, wanting to pleasure them even more.
San could feel his orgasm coming as he broke the kiss with Seonghwa. He looked down at Lyra as he sped up his sloppy thrust and used his hand to help her match his pace. He came hard enough for his eyes to roll to the back of his head.
“Swallow, or you don’t get to cum.” San’s voice was deep, his pleasure still thick in the air.
Lyra swallowed the load in her mouth while keeping eye contact with the man in front of her, licking her lips as the last of it went down her throat. She opened her mouth playfully to show him it was all gone, not expecting him to grab her face.
“Good girl, Doll. Swallowed every last drop,” San said, bringing his face down to hers before kissing her.
Seonghwa was apparently pleased with this as he started fucking her harder from behind, one hand going firmly to her clit. She was meeting his thrust with her own, chasing her own high now.
Lyra almost came instantly when Seonghwa’s hand went to her hair, pulling her head back slightly to make her look up at him. The smacking of skin got louder the rougher they got, at some point, Lyra swore she was drooling from how good it felt.
San, not one to be left out, reached down and pulled Lyra’s oversized shirt up to expose her tits. He skillfully began playing with her nipples, pinching, and pulling as she was fucked by Seonghwa.
“Good girl, such a good fucking girl for us. Our own little slutty doll.” Seonghwa emphasized his words with hard thrusts. Lyra didn’t know if it was the combination of San’s hands and Seonghwa’s cock, or if it was the words coming out of Seonghwa’s mouth but she came. Just like San, Lyra’s eye rolled to the back of her head and she let out a moan as she rode out her orgasm.
Seonghwa was also close as he kept the intensity of his thrusts, hitting her G-spot and sending her almost instantly into a second orgasm.
She felt him pull out of her just as he started to cum, letting his load out across her ass. The three of them just existed like this for a second taking in the moment and their shared pleasure.
San was the first to start the aftercare, kissing both Lyra and Seonghwa sweetly on the lips before getting up to go grab a washcloth to help clean up.
Before long they were all three tucked into one of the beds wrapped in each other's arms. Softly talking about anything that crossed their minds as they all started to drift off to sleep.
Lyra was the last of them awake, staring at the ceiling from her spot to the right of San who was cuddled up in the middle. She had always been a bad sleeper, even now. She couldn’t believe this was her life, any of it. It was over a half-hour later when she fell asleep, thinking about the things fate had given her.
The next morning was rough for both girls, Lyra had gotten back to her and Lia’s hotel room to find it empty. Lia and Yunho had already gone down to get breakfast before their busy day started.
Her phone was blowing up once she checked it after getting dressed. From no other than Wooyoung and a new group chat with just her, Lia, Wooyoung, and Mingi.
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Lyra wanted to throw hands with Wooyoung, his teasing was so annoying but also cute. If she didn’t know how physically affectionate he was, she would put money on teasing being his love language.
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Lia was having the time of her life at breakfast, she and Wooyoung were giggling across from each other. Yunho was trying to ignore the fact that Mingi had without doubt told everyone what had happened last night.
“Wait, so why only the four of us in that chat? You normally would just go about this in the big group chat,” Lia asked Wooyoung after Yunho got up to go talk to Yeosang at another table.
“Oh! I just made a bottom group chat,” he said it like it was the most obvious no-brainer in the world, Wooyoung didn’t even look up from his food when answering.
“Now, why would you assume that me and Lyra are in that category?” Lia was teasing him about the assumption, he was right but just telling him that wasn’t fun.
In the past week, Lia and Wooyoung had become the terrible two in the group chat and over Facetime. Teasing not only each other nonstop, but also being cutely annoying to everyone else as a pair. Hongjoong had to threaten to put them in time out on Wednesday, as they were having a little too much fun over a Tik Tok of San on stage that had gone semi-viral. To be fair, what Hongjoong really did was ask Wooyoung if he needed to come to his room that night and told Lia she would find out what that was like if she didn’t let it go.
“Lia, who are you trying to lie to here? You’re a pillow princess if I have ever seen one.” Wooyoung was deadpan in his response, again acting like this was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You don’t have to call me out like that sir. My princess behavior is my concern,” Lia looked up to the left in a playful huff. She would spend every day like this if she could, just being surrounded by her soulmates.
“Listen Pretty, it’s okay. You’re our little pillow princess,” Wooyoung reached across to give her a sweet kiss and pat her head in a joking manner.
“Okay, you’re the second one to call me that. What did you guys just sit around and decide on like a single pet name for us or something?” Lia was joking with her question so Wooyoung’s answer sent her for a loop.
“Yeah, we did a couple days ago when we were getting ready for a schedule.” He just blinked at her before continuing, “You’re our pretty girl, so we decided on Pretty. Lyra reminded Mingi of a doll the first time we saw you, so she's our Doll.”
“Her concert outfit reminded you of a doll?” Lia was slightly confused by his confession, she had spent her time and effort into making Lyra’s concert outfit a hot one. It did not in the slightest read ‘doll’ to her.
“Oh no, the first time we ever saw you two was on a live stream in like 2021. Yunho has been watching your streams since late 2020, I think.”
Lia was flabbergasted at this, they watched her. HER?
“What?” That was the only thing Lia could think to say, Yunho of all people was a bunny? A big enough fan of hers to introduce the rest of them to her content?
“Yeah, a couple of us will sometimes watch your streams together. Yunho only misses them if we have a schedule or something like that.” Wooyoung showed her his phone, it was a picture of Yunho camped out in what she assumed was their dorm living room. She could recognize the stream playing on the tv as one that happened a couple of months ago when she was wearing an Ateez shirt during the stream and talking about the comeback that was happening then.
“Wow, that’s so weird. I never would have guessed you guys watched me. I just play the Sims and sometimes other random games.”
“We all find your voice really soothing and you’re always happy on stream. It helps us relax, especially Yunho. He sometimes watches it to fall asleep.” He scrolled through his photos to show Lia, one of Yunho on the same couch as before. This time she could see his phone in his hand and the slightest hint of her streaming set up on the screen.
“Awe, I wonder why he didn’t tell me that?” Lia was a little butt hurt that Yunho hadn’t told her that he was a fan of hers. They obviously knew she and Lyra were Atiny, she had done whole live streams just talking about Ateez and kpop in general while playing her games.
“He kinda freaked out in the car, after we talked after the meet and greet. Seonghwa too, he also watches pretty often.” Wooyoung had moved to sit beside her and gossip now as it was easier this way. He was enjoying telling everyone’s secrets a little too much, as always.
“Damn, so what live did you guys see Lyra in?”
“The soulmate Q&A you two did a while back, I think it’s the first time she had been on stream for more than a few seconds or randomly in the background,” Wooyoung stopped for a second trying to think. “I think we all watched that one for some reason, I don’t remember why. I think we all just ended up being there and it was on. It wasn’t live though, we have to wait a couple days for someone to add Korean subtitles.”
Lia had never thought of that before, the fact that people had to translate and watch her streams later because of it. She had to do the same with lives from her favorite groups often.
Lyra slid into the seat on the other side of them finally making an appearance at breakfast. She was purposefully avoiding making eye contact with the grinning man beside Lia.
“Good Morning, Doll.” Wooyoung couldn’t help himself. He just had to say it.
“I swear to any god that is listening, if you say anything else about anything. I’ll figure something out and hold it against you. I’m sure I could get San to tell me,” Lyra shot back at him in the same manner.
“Oh, from what he told me about last night, you could get him to do anything you want.” Wooyoung finished his joke with a wink.
The laugh that came from Lia made every single person in that room, staff and members alike, turn their heads to look at the three. Yeosang and Jongho, looking to break up the teasing, came to sit with them.
“Good morning,” Jongho was as pleasant as always, something about being around the girls put him in a good mood. He liked to argue and pick on his hyungs but he felt protective of the girls and besides there was something about them being his age. In his mind, the three of them being the same age meant that he could just relax more around them right off the bat. “Mornin’,” Lyra lent into his shoulder in a greeting as he sat in the middle of her and Yeosang.
Jongho smiled and put his head on hers for a second, soaking up the affection for a while. He smiled at Lia and Wooyoung too, who both smiled back at the two in front of them. Wooyoung always found Jongho cute, especially when he did show affection like this which was rare.
“Morning Jonho, Morning Yeosangie,” Lia said to the both of them, Jongho just smiled at her while stealing a piece of bacon from her plate and popping it into his mouth.
Yeosang, however, remained silent. His expression was rather neutral, but his lack of greeting and eye contact was something the girls hadn’t seen from him. It was almost like he was pouting over something.
“Yeo?” Lia tried again, attempting to get a response from him. One thing about Lia is that she cannot stand when someone is upset, particularly upset with her, and she doesn’t know why or what is wrong. She is notorious for prying the information out of someone at all costs.
“He’s pouting,” Jongho and Wooyoung said together. They were unbothered by the behavior, it was a bit of a moment for Lyra. It struck her that they still didn’t know each other inside and out yet. The boys knew each other like the back of their hand, she and Lia were one mind in two bodies. It would take time, much more time, for them to all know each other in a way where they could read each other just by a quick look.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Lyra asked this time, maybe he would respond to her.
“Because, and I quote ‘it’s not fair that those two got to hit it and I haven’t even gotten a kiss from Lyra yet’ which then was followed by his current pouting,” Wooyoung explained as Jongho nodded his head in agreement.
“Oh,” Lyra suddenly felt a little guilty. She wasn’t as open with affection as Lia and started second-guessing her choices from the night before after hearing that. Maybe she should have waited until she had shown more affection to everyone before going that far with anyone.
“Don’t do that. It’s okay, he’s just a little jealous and acting like a baby rather than trying to get what he wants,” Jongho pulled her out of her head, keeping her from getting too lost in there.
She still couldn’t help but feel bad. Yeosang had been very affectionate and flirty with her since they met, making her feel wanted and letting her know just what he thought. He had done the same with Lia, but she had proudly said her goal on this trip was to lay one on all of them before the first night was over. She had accomplished that goal and was now readily sharing affection, Lyra wanted to be like that but she was shy.
Lyra also hated not knowing why someone was upset, but she hated the silent treatment even more. She couldn’t stand someone not telling her what was going on nor the thought of someone being upset with her but that was her people pleasers showing through.
“Okay, well fine then.” Lyra stood from her seat and went around the back of the chairs to stand to the side of Yeosang. Something about these boys gave her an unusual amount of sporadically placed courage, so she pulled him - kinda hard- up from his seat.
Lyra wasn’t exactly tall, she was only 5’5, so Yeosang didn’t tower over her. Still, she had to look up at him slightly sometimes, especially now when his shoes gave him some extra height.
He was still refusing to make eye contact and had now stepped up his dramatics to push his bottom lip out just slightly. Using one hand, she grabbed his face and brought it down to hers. When their lips came together, Lyra assumed that it would be a quick kiss. Yeosang had other plans.
Having gotten his way, Yeosang stopped his pouting and unfolded his arms to wrap them around Lyra’s waist, pulling her close to him. After she broke their first kiss, a smile came to his face before he kissed her once more, this time his hands wandered from her waist as he reached down and grabbed her ass just enough to make her pull away and hit his chest softly.
“You, sir, are so full of it,” Lyra was attempting to go back to her own seat when Yeosang suddenly sat in his chair and pulled her into his lap.
“Stay, give me attention,” Yeosang put his head into her back as if to snuggle Lyra in some way.
Lia was giggling in her seat watching Lyra squirm in the man's lap trying to reach over and grab a piece of food here and there from her plate down the table. The group stayed like this for a while just hanging out before the boys had to leave to start their day, a couple of them had different lessons going on before sound check today. Others were working on some new projects for their next comeback.
San and Mingi were riding in the same car as Lia to the venue, they were working with Hongjoong on some music today. The venue was the easiest spot for them to work without getting stuck in a hotel room all day.
“You know, the one thing I wish I had gotten to see you all do was a Pick It Up performance live, because it's honestly my favorite thing. One day, I will sneak into a dance practice and force you all to give into my demands,” Lia was jokingly being over dramatic in her declaration to the boys with her in the car. Both of whom just laughed at her antics.
“Oh looks like Yeosang just found out that you and Yunho did the dirty, have fun with his pouting Lia,” Mingi said right as a notification came in from the group chat. Yeosang was definitely pouting again.
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Lia and Lyra spent their day, once again, with Eun-Sook and the stylists. In their opinion, they were helping, but most of the time it was them just running to go grab the different clothes or random things that were needed by their new friend.
The show started and this time they remained backstage, watching the boys on the monitors. They were killing it on the stage as always. Lia and Lyra were vibing when it wasn’t total chaos backstage, at the moment they were trying to get Eun-Sook to do the ‘girlypop’ dance with them.
Much to their surprise they heard the Mingi speak to the crowd from the stage, “Atiny, this next one is not planned. Someone close to us said they miss it, so here we go.”
Lia and Lyra turned to look at each other as the beginning notes of Pick It Up began before they broke out into a sprint trying to get to the side stage. Lia put her hand on the small of her back and signaled for Lyra to grab it, one of their rituals when walking through (or running in this case) crowded areas.
They were weaving in and out of staff members in the back, trying their hardest not to run into anyone. For the record they did apologize to the assistant manager when they ran into her.
By the time they made it to stage left, the boys were into it and dancing their asses off. So, in true atiny fashion, the girls started freaking out on the sidelines. Turns out they were screaming loud enough for the boys to hear them from the side of the stage.
The girls ended up watching the rest of the show from that position, and every so often the boys saw them there. Making quick eye contact or a small smile, the girls loved it just as much seeing them in their element would never get old for them.
What really got them was the unexpected words from the boys, each of them thanking the fans and saying goodbye for now to Atiny, leaving little hints for the girls to pick up on. But, Hongjoong took it one step further with his words,
“Atiny! I can’t tell you how much it means to all of us, to me, to be able to see you all again. These last two years have been hard and lonely without Atiny.” Like the rest of the members, Hongjoong was a bit emotional while recalling the isolation he had felt over the past two years, “This tour has changed my world, and sometimes I think if Covid hadn’t happened I would have found these great things in my life faster. I feel so whole with Atiny and being with all of you, it makes me so happy. I don’t want to go and be apart from you all ever again. I wish I could see all of you every single day.”
He glanced around at his members, at the soulmates he found first. They were just as emotional as he was, both because they were saying goodbye to their fans and ending one leg of their tour but also knowing that the morning would end their time with the two girls waiting for them in the wings. Keeping them from each other for two months.
He glanced over his shoulder to the side stage where Lia and Lyra were, both with tears running down their faces and soft smiles to all of the boys.
“Time and distance may separate us for now, but know that everyday our thoughts are of you. Until we are all together again not a single moment will feel right.” Hongjoong ended his speech as Twilight began to play their final song. Causing the girls to feel even more loved, as they had mentioned the first time they talked to the boys. During the meet and greet, they mentioned the song as one that was special to them and had a place in their hearts.
Now, it and everything they knew took on a whole new meaning. No matter where they were or how alone they felt as just two girls who were afraid of being alone, they would never be again. They had each other and suffered together as just the two of them for so long, now their hearts beat as 10.
As they sang, something started falling from the ceiling onto the fans in the arena. This hadn’t happened at the previous shows and was especially for this last show. Looking out at the confetti, it was a mixture of several colors, black and orange made up most of what was falling into the crowd. Sprinkled in was some green and purple confetti, it wasn’t until one piece of every color fell onto the park of the stage right in front of where the girls stood in the back that it made sense.
Orange and black for Ateez, purple and green for the girls as the combination was often associated with them on the internet. A subtle nod once again, keeping their privacy but also a confession of their affection for the girls.
After the boys made it backstage the girls showered them in affection, Lyra even made it a point to kiss each of them and to give them as much affection as possible. Despite having several different hotel rooms, they all congregated in the girls' room that night. Eating there and talking late into the night. If they didn’t go to sleep the morning wouldn’t come and no one would have to go anywhere.
They were on very different flights the next day, the girls' flight to the East Coast took off at 10 AM while the boys' flight to South Korea left at 2 PM. Saying goodbye at the hotel was the easiest thing for all of them, and gave them some privacy as there wasn’t a dry eye among them.
Two months was a sickening thought, but they would be together again. It was their fate to be together.
Lyra, who had no social media whispered something to Lia as they sat in their terminal waiting to board.
Wooyoung got the notification on his Instagram he used to keep up with atiny first, seeing that Lia had added something to her story. All of Ateez couldn’t help the sad smiles they had all day after seeing the post.
It was a picture of their plane home and a quote that obviously came from Lyra at the bottom,
“I exist in two places, here and where you are.” - Margaret Atwood
A/N: HI! This took forever to get done, but it is like the longest 9second longest idk) chapter at over 6,600 words and this fic is over 30K words which is mind blowing to me. Hope yall like the smut, i think i am getting better at it. Also, finally started posting this to AO3 yay! As always shoutout to my bff, the irl Lia for the soical media portions of this. A one-shot is coming next, but it is very relivant to the story line. Everything will be written and posted in cronological order even if it is technically outside of the main story. See you all soon, maybe thursday, maybe next monday who knows.
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hey so u just shared this post:
"When the characters in the fanfiction you’re reading are both hopelessly in love with eachother but they think the other doesn’t like them back and they are just communicating horribly and getting interupted at al the wrong times and you just freaking"
aaaand I wanted to know if you have any recommendations or know any sterek fics like that?
Yeah! I love oblivious!bbs.
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Erasing Him by scarlettletterr
(1/1 I 2,058 I Mature)
When Derek was 15, he thought he met his soulmate. But then, she burned his family. When Stiles was 8, he met his soulmate. But he wanted nothing to do with him.
Soulmate AU where even if you get your soulmark removed, it shows up under UV light.
a study on cat's behavior by peachicicle
(2/2 I 3,408 I Explicit)
“Hey Derek,” He snapped out of his trance, “Do you like cats?”
“What?” It seemed like Stiles kept catching him by surprise most of the time these days.
“Do you like cats?” Stiles said while slowly raising his hand up to the bookshelf, picked one out and inched the book out of its place, then dropped it on the floor.
Derek gawked at him, mouth dropped in silence.
Stiles kept staring at him and dropped another book, and another, and another, getting closer to the much rarer book section of the bookshelf.
Stiles goes out of his way to tell Derek that he like him.
as the skyline splits in two by dumpac
(1/1 I 6,142 I Teen)
The whole school, Stiles included, is just waiting for Scott and Derek Hale to act on their unresolved sexual tension, because of course the sweetest omega and the most handsome alpha of Beacon Hills would get together. And Stiles swears he wants to support his best friend the best he can. So what if he has a crush as big as Jupiter on Derek Hale?
Navigating This Space Between Us by Omni
(1/1 I 9,641 I Explicit)
Derek gets forced to watch some sci-fi show about a surly, secret prince and the sarcastic young spaceship captain hired to aid him on his quest. Strangely enough, he finds himself hooked on it. So much so that he's even drawn into the fandom. There he meets a popular fanfic author with an oddly endearing attitude, and he gets rather smitten. Maybe this mystery guy could actually help get him to stop pining for Stiles...
The One with the Stolen Hat by nerdfightingwhovian
(14/? I 50,964 I Explicit)
In high school, Stiles stole Derek's hat and everyone who hears the story of Stiles stealing Derek's favorite (and only) hat begins to ship it. Luckily, Stiles never found out about the ridiculous number of people who ship it. Except, one day he does and he confronts Derek about it.
That is where the story begins, the cat is out of the bag and Stiles, the curious person he is, wants to know how it started. So now, Derek has to tell him.
Except, what starts out as Derek and Stiles laughing over ridiculous stories about stolen hats and glittery campaign cards becomes something more.
Season of the Witch by gryffindor17
(22/22 I 95,013 I Explicit)
“I just want to feel whole again.” Stiles said weakly, turning his head to look searchingly to Derek. “I’ve got all this…guilt…this pain…and it feels like it’s a part of who I am now. This…constant ache. I just wish there was a way to get rid of it.”
Stiles watched as something flickered to life in Derek’s eyes, and suddenly he was off like a rocket.
After the Nogitsune's been killed, Stiles still finds himself haunted by what it had done with his body. Try as they might, The Pack can't seem to console their friend... That is until Stiles mentions something that jogs Derek's memory and he takes off to find a friend from the past who he thinks can salvage Stiles's mind. After all, she'd done it for him.
And if she happens to become a part of the pack while she's at it, well, no one's really complaining.
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boundinparchment · 1 year
Dream a Little Dream of Me - XXXVII
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Celestia has a cruel sense of humor. He’s always known this, ever since his days as a student. But a soulmate? Really? Dottore/Female Reader Soulmate AU. Lore speculation, interpretations, etc. AO3
He hated how your hand felt in his.  Your fingers seemed to fit so well together and your bare hand against his covered palm was no different than it had been in any dream except for the heated reality of it all.  
Talking to you was one thing.  Touching you to make a point was another.
Touching you for no reason at all other than emotional support or to reassure himself that he was awake were concepts he never put any thought to.  
It was as if once he’d pushed your hair back, removed your Akasha and made you tangible, he couldn’t imagine not being drawn to you.  Like the first time he saw the Ruin Golems and discovered the Schwanenritter who piloted them, you, too, were another part of the universe that he could not pull his attention away from.  Just when everything was beginning to make sense, when he was finally understanding how to fit this bond to suit his purposes, his body reacted as if you were the strongest substance and he could never get enough of it.
Curiosity jolted through his mind as the two of you stood there on the beach; any other time he might have considered this to be a dream if not for the pressure from your fingers, as though he were your anchor to keep you grounded.  The only steady thing about him was the insatiable need to tear down the sky and false stars with it.  
You were a liability to that goal, an embodiment of everything that ever…
And yet, too, you were the perfect opportunity to get a first-hand account of what it meant to know someone as well as one knew themselves.  Better yet, Omega had presented a challenge that he couldn’t ignore: putting a new concept into practice and a need to help fix the otherwise impossible.
Your instrument, now nothing more than splinters of wood, was a better place to start than your psyche.
Every direction his mind turned, there you were.
He’d read account after account of soulmates finally coming across one another and he’d studied magnetism thoroughly to the point of absolute boredom.  From a conceptual standpoint, the analogy some used made sense; drawn to each other like two magnets, always pulled back to one another regardless of circumstance.
You were, still, a stranger to him in the waking world, he reminded himself.  Words were one thing: actions were another.  Speaking of you coming with him to Snezhnaya and all that it entailed was easy.  Any speculation was always easy.  He should have been more plain with you.  Perhaps then, you would be scared, or at least hesitant in what embracing this, even in part, would mean for someone so emotionally in-tune.
Emotionally…ah, perhaps that was the key for you.  After all, it had only been after you’d awoken that you manifested your weapon and actually attempted to fight back.  
Without an outlet, perhaps this would be a little easier.
In the back of his mind, deep within the Segment network, he could hear the constant whispering amongst his other selves.  He had grown used to it over the centuries.  It was filtered out just like the inane droning from his useless professors as a student and the ridiculous whining from the nobility who positioned themselves against the better interest of the people they served.  The hive mind was, at times, louder than usual, but it was always manageable.
“I know what needs to be done, Prime.  Do you?”
The words echoed in his mind, through his body; if one were not in tune with the other occupants as he was, such words could have passed for his own thoughts.
“My plan requires both of us.  And her.”
“Oh, collaborative efforts, Omega?  That’s a first.”
“You cannot return to Snezhnaya.  Not yet.  Not until I have the Gnoses in hand.”
“You make demands of me, do you?  After everything you’ve done?”
“It is beneficial for her to see the work you do.  The level at which you, all of us, operate.  This does not impact the larger plan.  In fact, it fits quite well.”
Not unlike your hand in his, he briefly considered, before shoving the thought to the far reaches of his mind, away from the network.
“You will have everything you require, Prime.  I am nothing if not efficient.”
Omega’s voice died down, became part of the chatter again, and Dottore shifted his focus, this time to the wood in your other hand.  He’d examined it thoroughly and his mind was already filled with ideas that made his fingers itch even more.  
These were thoughts best suited to paper and pen; he only hoped he retained these sensations long enough to get them down.
For he could not bear the idea of never feeling your notes pour over him again, eliciting sensations he had long forgotten.
You could not stay on the beach forever, not with patrolling guards and not when you were unlikely to return to the hotel.  Zandik shattered the silence as he let go of your hand and returned his mask to his face.
“If you are done here, I still have other matters to attend to in Sumeru before we can properly leave for Snezhnaya.  In fact, I wish to observe something with you.”
He had seen the look you wore a thousand times before, when grief and hopelessness sat and curled onto itself and made a home in one’s heart.  Despite your bravado, your willingness to put thoughts into words, your mind was heavier than you let on.  Cellos were hardly rare, although he conceded that yours, perhaps, was of a quality no longer in circulation.  Nonetheless, instruments were merely tools.  They could be replaced, enhanced, their new counterpart better than the original.  He could understand the sense of violation but truly, it was just wood, metal, and other resources.
Perhaps your grief might be useful after all, he mused as you replaced your footwear and muttered to yourself about the pervasiveness of sand.  If he never felt the grains against his skin again, it would be too soon.  He hated this place, be it the jungle or the desert, and a tiny part of him yearned for the vast wasteland of snow and ice.  At least ice melted.
“Where—?” you asked, tucking the remnant of your instrument into your pack before standing.
“You’ll see.  Clear your mind and come here, in front of me.”
Zandik held out his hand, palm up, revealing the blue fabric of his gloves, and once again tried to rid his mind of how he wished he didn’t enjoy the sensation.  The gloves helped but only just.  
When you didn’t step closer, either out of respect or fear (not that he cared), he pulled a little and held you against him, disgusted that his own heart continued to fail him as it skipped as he inhaled your shampoo.  Leyline travel didn’t work with a mere clasping of hands.  It would be easy to lose you in the veins of the world and as amusing as that could be, it was not the purpose he sought.  You were warm against him, in his arms, and he found himself wishing he had not abandoned his coat and endured the awful humidity.  One more layer between you both wouldn’t have gone amiss; your palm against his chest burned like nothing he ever felt before.
“Close your eyes.  Don’t open them again until I say,” he commanded.
You inhaled, closed your eyes, and then exhaled.
He reached for the closest pulsing vein and dove, keeping you tight against him, into the tide of the world.
You were falling, falling, somehow heavy and light all at once.
But you never met the ground.
The only tangible thing you could sense were the arms around you, stronger, firmer than his form gave him the appearance of.  None of the dreams, even the ones where you pushed what boundaries you could and the ones with Omega, made your pulse jump and your mouth go dry.  You’d never been this close to someone in a long time, not in a way that didn’t demand something from you, and certainly not with the one fated to be yours.  Through the tang of sweat (unavoidable, given the weather), you could make out notes of sandalwood and mint, and the unique smell of something a little more singed.
Notes danced in your head and you tried to keep them at bay: whatever was happening, he’d asked you to clear your head for a reason.  It could be muddled later, you urged, pushing away the urge to tap your fingers against his chest in rhythm.
Warmth left you as soon as the falling sensation stopped and you felt the sticky air replace his arms, embracing you in the humidity again.
You opened your eyes to find a hulking metal structure, larger even than anything you saw back home.  The hand alone was the size of a decent townhouse and the arm was easily the length of an entire factory.  It looked exactly like the Ruin Golem from one of the last dreams you had, one of the remaining ones with startling clarity that was never touched.  
Briefly, your thumb and pointer finger rubbed together, remembering Zandik’s hair beneath your fingertips.  You’d never actually felt it, of course, but it looked soft.
Moonlight kissed its frame and bathed the machine in a cool glow; you swore, for a moment, that the central focal point (an eye?) glowed for the briefest of seconds.  
Your fingers tapped a rhythm that pulsed inside of you as easily as your own heart against the strap of your bag, slung over one shoulder.  The mere act ripped open the wound as you immediately recalled that there was no way to expand on it, not easily.  And certainly not in a productive fashion.  Some used their voice but you were better with your hands, weaving notes rather than breathing life into them.
“What’s so important about this mountain?” you asked.  “Why couldn’t you observe what you wanted to at the beach?” 
“There’s another Geo user I know who would typically kill the ones responsible for breaking his belongings,” Zandik replied, a few steps ahead of you already, gesturing as he went as if he were in a lecture hall.  “Granted, Delusions are quite different in how they draw power, but regardless, your current emotional state would be a good place to start in this endeavor.”
You exhaled softly and followed him up the path, further into the mountain and the valley it housed.  When he was on a tangent like this, his calm and calculated demeanor fell to the side and it was impossible to get him to stop, you well knew.  You’d slept in one morning precisely because he’d been so excited to share a new development that the entire dream was spent with the explanation of the concept itself and a summary of the experiments (although you wish he’d spared you some of the more gruesome details).
He had an idea.
Ideas were pervasive.
And it wasn’t as though you had anything better to do.
Zandik stopped abruptly and you caught up to him, stepping over to his right to get a glimpse of what he was looking at.  A cluster of what appeared to be mushrooms of different colors and shapes mulled about.  You saw a few of them in passing on your way through Sumeru but had never encountered them up-close.  Elemental beings, you guessed, similar to slimes but with a more defined shape?
“Let us try something.  The Fungi here are mostly harmless, save some elemental reactions.  Pretend they’re the ones who destroyed your cello.  Much like you mistook me for Omega.”
“I’m sorry?”
He wanted you to harm them?  You looked at him, incredulous.  You weren’t exactly proud at having lunged at him, claymore first, when you awoke and realized everything you dreamed had been a lie.  
Zandik only crossed his arms and cocked his head as he lifted a hand and waved it, as though dismissing you.
“Humor me.  The catharsis might prove more helpful than you’d expect.”
Exhaustion gnawed at your bones.  The last two days had been packed and now you were left feeling hollow, numb, with nothing but a plan in word only.  Sleep, however, had yet to desire to sink its claws into you; even if you were remotely close to a bed, you doubted you would even rest.
What else was there?
“Alright,” you said, dropping your bag at your feet.  “But don’t be surprised if nothing comes of it.”
“We’ll see.”
Your stomach lurched at the sound of your name and you hated how well your name sounded across his tongue.  Now wasn’t the time to think about that.
The grip of your claymore came easily, as simple as thinking about it, and you felt  the weight of your weapon almost immediately.  It was your second-oldest friend, its edges maintained to sharp points and devoid of any nicks.  Ideally, you would have warmed up a little and gotten your arm muscles used to the weight distribution, but doing so would, no doubt, alert the Fungi almost immediately.  
You focused on a single Fungi, a purple one that spun in place and seemed to charge its own Electro, and swung.  The strike was unbalanced and awkward as you stumbled forward with the weight rather than distributing it properly.  You missed the second time and landed a blow with a third swing, forcing yourself to follow through as your felt the blade meet the spongy flesh.  Adjusting your grip, both hands tight, you delivered a heavy strike and the mushroom fell limp, sparks fizzling.  
Muscles ached for a reprieve and your lungs burned, your body unused to such strenuous blows.  You’d never really had to fight before, not properly, and you certainly never figured out how to preserve your stamina.  
A flash of blue and something squishy slammed into you and staggered, falling backwards.  A mushroom that resembled a bubble bounced around in satisfaction and waved to its comrades.  You pulled yourself to your feet.  No, you wouldn’t let yourself be knocked on your ass by a mushroom, of all things.  Bad enough you’d left your homeland to find something worthwhile; worse still to have your instrument—your one true companion—destroyed and left with no recourse but to resign; nevermind the fact that your mind was muddled and your memories played with as though it were a ball of yarn beneath a cat’s paw.
Nothing has gone your way and you were sick of it.
You promised yourself things would be better.  They had to be.  Because if they weren’t, then—
Golden energy engulfed you and your claymore, changing the blade into what, at first, appeared to be glass.  It was accompanied by a floating blade that appeared much the same, clear and shimmering, orbiting you as though you were a sun, blade pointed to the ground.  Your eyes glossed over the claymore in your hand and noticed that it refracted light as much as it let light through; the blade was not smooth but made up of a thousand little facets.  It looked almost crystalline…
You swung the blade and expected it to shatter but it retained its appearance, your attack full of Geo energy.  Another strike, this time one-handed, your body making the choice rather than your mind.  It killed your wrist but you waved your other arm, now free, and the floating blade crashed down, breaking as it went, and scattering tiny crystals everywhere, knocking the Fungi back.
The smallest laugh escaped you as you delivered blow after blow, your claymore soon returning to normal.  Here, too, there was a rhythm to be found, your claymore slicing the air no different than any other note you pulled from your strings.  Rather than your strength, you could feel the pulsing of something else far beneath your feet, urging you forward and lending you power.  By the end, some Fungi defeated and others having retreated, you stabbed your claymore into the moist ground and leaned on the crossguard, panting.
Polishing it and sharpening it were going to be a pain later but you couldn’t stand on your own any longer.  And you weren’t about to collapse again.  Especially in front of him.
Muted applause, the sound of leather slapping against leather, cracked through the chorus of frogs and evening birds.  You looked up as Zandik approached, shoulders back and a pleased grin across his lips.
“Satisfied, Zandik?” you asked, pushing hair out of your face.
“We’ll start another trial after you’ve rested.  I would very much like to know what substance encases your blade.  It must be durable enough to withstand several strikes and there are only a few materials that could do so.  The clarity was quite brilliant, almost as though it were made of diamond.  Not to mention it appears as though you can control and direct the construct you summon…have you ever summoned Geo power before?” he asked.
“No.  My Vision has always been a bit more of an accessory than a tool.  I…never really bothered to understand it.  People didn’t necessarily respect my craft but they respected my Vision.  I didn’t need it beyond that…”
Zandik clicked his tongue in disapproval.
“Such complacency.  You would never stop rehearsing and practicing your instrument and yet you never longed to figure out what power resided with you.”
As if you had the time, you wanted to counter.  It wasn’t as if you had the ability to spread out everything you wished to do among different branches of yourself.  Besides, your interests and yearning laid with the intangible, not the weapon you leaned against.
“I am, however, thrilled that your power is much closer to the surface; it should be easier to summon from now on.  Celestia’s prying eyes are a nuisance but we might as well make them useful,” Zandik amended.  “Gather your things.  I think that’s enough for one night.  Or morning, rather.”
You hadn’t noticed, and although you knew you hadn’t been fighting all that long, it was closer to dawn than you originally expected.  The once inky sky was beginning to fade into a warm orange-pink, cresting over the distant landscape to push away the moon.  As you waved your claymore away and retrieved your bag, the light glinted off of the glass eye of the Ruin Golem and began to reveal its rusted exterior, worn by elements and time.
In the dream you recalled, it didn’t look so worn.  Here and there, in the joints, you had spotted signs of aging, but the massive construct was, upon further inspection and better lighting, far older than you originally expected.
Such thoughts vanished as soon as you took his outstretched hand and let yourself be pulled close before sinking into the void again.
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cdragons · 8 months
Truce Part 2
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader Word Count: 1.8k Prompt/Summary: Part 2 of Truce Miniseries! Warning: Neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning, Ikaris was kind of a douche Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible! Also a HUGE shoutout and thank you to @ethereal-athalia, who is literally my psychic soulmate when it came to thinking of literally ANYTHING for this AU! She was a major part in figuring out the plot and events of this world, and provided me so many ideas that I would not have been able to create any of these works for Sephia and Kaetlyn if it weren't for her help.
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As moments passed since Kaetlyn and Druig left together, hand-in-hand, Ikaris was caught up in the sudden realization that he was now alone in a very public courtyard of the Hanging Gardens with you.
And with each moment passing, it was brought to his attention that he hadn’t even the slightest clue of how to act around you, let alone what to say.
“Fuck,” he thought, “this is getting awkward.”
Noticing your friend’s shift in demeanor, you immediately assumed that his discomfort must have been caused by your sudden appearance. So, you attempted to remove yourself from his company so to not cause him any further distress.
“Um, Ikaris,” you started, “if you had other engagements, I really don’t mind walking back to the Domo myself. I know that Kaety sort of pushed me to you, and I don’t want to make you uncom-”
But Ikaris quickly interjected with so much panic that his voice actually cracked, “NO!” Upon hearing his own voice, he flushed in embarrassment before clearing his throat before continuing, “I mean – no – I don’t mind at all.” Not wanting to further embarrass himself in front of the women who held his heart, he shut himself up before he could continue to stammer like an idiot.
“Thank Arishem that Druig and Kaetlyn are not here to witness me in my current state,” he thought to himself, “I would never be able to live with the humiliation.”
Staring at the man before you, you took advantage of the silence to take in all his features. It was a rare sight to see Ikaris so flustered, especially when one considered the sheer number of Deviants he’s killed is only rivaled by Thena and Kaet. You ended up letting out a very unattractive snort as a small grin crept up the corners of your mouth, and upon seeing Ikaris’ perplexed reaction, you couldn’t help continuing to laugh at his very evident confusion.
“No, no, I’m sorry,” you tried to explain, “I am not laughing at you-well, I suppose I am laughing at you, but it is not so much you that I am laughing at, but the situation.” You could hardly breathe with how hard your body shook in hysterics, leaving your explanation much to be desired by the Eternal whose confusion only increased at your reasoning.
Raising a singular eyebrow, Ikaris’ expression was a mixture of equal measures of distress and incredulity as he was forced to witness to the love of his immortal life laugh at him. Scoffing in response, he couldn’t help but comment with a slightly bitter tone, “Forgive me if I find that very hard to believe at the moment.”
“No, no, no- I promise,” you tried to explain. Taking a deep breath, you finally stopped laughing while still maintaining a bright smile that cause Ikaris’ body to flush for a very different reason, “Alright, I’m very sorry, that was rude of me. It’s just that- I’m not so used to you being so…not you?”
With a deadpan expression, mouth lines pursed together to further showcase his lack of amusement, he decided to at least hear you out, “Go on?”
“It’s just that,” you paused to find your voice, “I’m not used to seeing you act so different from yourself. You’re usually so overly confident and can be a bit arrogant. So, seeing you flustered and a bit vulnerable, it’s nice! It makes me feel closer to you. And it makes me so happy seeing this way now, compared to how you were at the beginning.”
Ikaris let out a massive groan while pinching his nose bridge. He knew that you had no intention of offending him, but it pained him in hearing your early opinion of him several millennia ago. Despite your shy personality, you were brutally honest and straightforward. A lesson he learned the hard way and a little late to his embarrassment.
He could still feel the sting on his face after you slapped him for his insensitive comments toward your powers, and the role you played in humanity. Ikaris was immediately struck dumb by your temper. Despite being a thinker, you had the ferocity of a fighter. The events that followed the uproar caused an immediate shift in dynamics amongst the fighters. Kaetlyn practically made it her life’s mission to make Ikaris’ life beyond insufferable. She and her shadows played a number of cruel pranks that would scare the life of any human. If it weren’t for his superior physical durability and strength, Ikaris was sure that he would be knocking on death’s door with each passing day. Ashamed to admit it, it took several attempts for you to truly forgive him.
The first could at best be described as a reluctant admission of harsh words that were exchanged, along with the guilt of how Ikaris’ words made you feel. It goes without saying that you were less than pleased, and refused to even pretend that his meager words were sufficient enough to even qualify as an apology.
The second time was when Ikaris approached you whilst you were instructing the humans on how to properly harvest and store the crops as food storage in preparation for the off-seasons. Try as he did, you refused to even spare him a glance as you remained steadfast in your work to prepare the Earth for the bountiful gifts it provided to humans as a result of your tender care.
The third time could not really qualify as an apology, as Ikaris was fed up with your attitude despite his multiple attempts of reconciliation. Outright demanding that you stop your childish behavior, he was struck dumb by your cool composure. In a steady voice, you explained that he had never once showed genuine remorse for his behavior, only how you felt. As a result, he made no action to change his actions, and continued to behave as if he were superior to you. Even when Ajak tried to conciliate, she was promptly stopped by Kaetlyn physically stepping in front of her; and in a low tone, she warned their leader of the unspoken consequences should she intervene. You proceeded to express your displeasure with him by further announcing that you had no interest in being forced to endure the company of someone whose only interest in her work was so that he would have an easier time to seduce Sersi. When you were done, you swiftly turned away to your quarters, eager to put as much distance as possible between you and him.
Kaetlyn followed after you, but not before snickering at the stupefied expression on Ikaris’ face. She certainly lived for the moments where the man’s overwhelming hubris got him in trouble.
It was the most mortifying experience in Ikaris’ existence. Being Ajak’s second-in-command, he was unused to the idea of being questioned, let alone outright dismissed. To bear witness to your fire, you both humbled and ensnared him with your words. And on that day, he was determined to make a true effort in gaining your loyalty and friendship. Upon changing his ways, you graciously gave him another chance, albeit still keeping him at arm’s length. But he had never been so grateful for his decision, as it marked the start of a friendship between mutual respect. And if he dared to hope, perhaps it could possibly lead to more.
Taking in his embarrassment, you decided that you’ve teased Ikaris enough, and wanted to make amends.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized- hoping to keep the atmosphere light and not spiraling to depressing, “Please, let me make it up to you! I packed a picnic for me and Kaety to share, but since she’s- OH NO!” Your sweet tone shifted to distress as the realization that the basket that carried all the products of your labor and research was carried by your friend, who was now long gone to who knows where with her telepathic lover.
Seeing your afflicted expression sent warning signs to flash across Ikaris’ mind, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“The picnic basket! I forgot that Kaety was the one carrying it! She wanted to test out a new spell she learned from Lady Frigga!” Your eyes were filled with agony at your absent-mindfulness, now how were you to make it up to Ikaris?
“Sephia, I don’t understand. Why is the basket so important?” Ikaris was sure that there was nothing dangerous enough that would possibly cause so much worry, but he never knew with you and Kaetlyn.
“That basket was filled with crops that I personally cultivated in my lab at the Domo! I was planning to show them to Kaety so that she could taste them, and we would discuss how to possibly integrate them into their lifestyle! I even had Gilgamesh’s help in preparing some of the dishes with the new herbs and spices I developed to be paired with the vegetation!”
Taking a slight pause to gather your thoughts, Ikaris was enthralled at the pink tint blooming on your cheeks as you stammered out your next words, “And- well- I figured that since Kaety would now be spending the day with Druig, I thought that it would be nice if I could share them with you as an apology for laughing earlier. And, I figured that it would be a good idea for you to taste them. Since- well, I do value your opinion- since that- you are my friend.”
Touched that you trusted his opinion of all people on a matter so important to you, Ikaris immediately softened his tone as he walked forward to grasp your shoulders, and lowered himself to face you at eye-level.
“Sephia,” he whispered out- his rich accent was so warm but somehow leaving you with chills- “you have no idea how honored it would make me to try your creations. But you don’t need to apologize for anything. I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” Tracing his hands from your shoulders, down your arms, and stopping to grasp your hands, “Whether you like to believe it or not, I do know you enough to know that you aren’t the kind of person to intentionally ridicule others at their own expense.”
Despite melting at your Ikaris’ comforting statement, you still felt a twinge of guilt stubbornly creeping into your heart. Summoning all the courage in your heart, you stood on the tips of your toes to ask something a bit forward for your standards.
“Ikaris,” you breathily purred out, “come with me to my room.”
Taken back, Ikaris thought that his mind had conjured up your voice. Jumping back to look into your eyes, only to see that you were completely serious.
“Sweet Sephia,” he thought out, “you will be the death of me.”
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Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @asa-do-your-thing, @vikingqueen28, @justmymindandstuff, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @grimbunnie, @bellamys-girls, @lex-g-t, @mimireaken, @futureartpresaon, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @its-actually-minicika, @junopur, @vikingqueen28, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @allisonoops12, @bibissparkles, @karimac
ps: if I bolded your name, I couldn't find the link (sorry)
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dragongirl642 · 3 months
Davy Jones x female reader (soulmate au) part 2
Author note:
It's been a while but a sequel is here!
Cross-posted on Wattpad.
Part 1
(Y/n) pov:
Life on the dutchman was getting off to a great start. Can you sense the sarcasm?
I'm cold, tired, narrowly avoiding being constantly drenched by the leaky ceiling, and the food is terrible. I've been here three days and I want to die.
I haven't seen the infamous Davy Jones since my unwelcome boarding of The Dutchman. Sure, I'd seen his shadow on the wall a few times, I don't think he realised I could see him, and I'd heard his footsteps late at night when I was trying to sleep; but he hasn't actually come to talk to me again after the whole soulmate revelation.
Meals are delivered twice a day. A small cup of gruel in the morning and another cup of gruel in the evening. Everything tastes and smells of fish. I'm sick of salt. I'm sick of fish. What would I give for an apple or anything really; that wasn't pulled from the briny blue.
However, there is one ray of light in this perpetual darkness. A hole in the brig wall. I've been keeping an eye out outside.
The second I see land; I'm going to make a break for it.
I've tested the hinges on the cell door, and they were as easy to remove as I expected. Just use a stray board anchored against a bucket and lift and voila.
Right now, the ship was gently rocking as soft rays of sunlight drifted through the hole. Lighting up the cell and filtering through a few remaining shards of glass in the window, casting the coral encrusted walls in vibrant hues pinks and blues and greens. If not for the constant rumble of booted feet above, it's almost peaceful.
The opposite of yesterday's violent ride. I'd been thrown around the cell as the ship bounced and dipped in the waves. I had several bruises from where I'd hit the floor and the bars until I'd been flung back and become trapped on the bench during the storm, by hooks made of coral that twisted and looped around me, like the ship was alive.
Well, moving on. New day, new opportunity.
Warm beams of sunlight stream through the hole in the hull.
I skip over and look outside. The warming rays feel like a blessed balm on my skin, chasing away the bone chilling cold.
There on the horizon. A dark strip of green and yellow.
A beach? An island? A town? Whatever it is, we are getting closer.
Lady luck must be smiling upon me today. I can hear the shouting of the crew above. My breakfast was delivered about 2 hours ago, so I have a few hours to make my escape without being seen.
First, a disguise. I move to the bench and started kicking the coral. Adding a few more pieces to the pile I had been gathering for days under the bench.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I froze, listening for approaching footsteps. The sounds had come no closer than what I assumed was the end of the corridor. Hearing no more steps, and no tell-tale breathing, I set to work. Ruffling my hair out, I pick up a few pieces of coral and begin to entwine them in half of my hair.
'Uh this will be a pain to remove later.'
Picking up some more coral I hook it in the laces of my boots, snag it onto my clothing and around my belt.
Looking down, I give a wiggle...The coral swayed but didn't fall off.
'Alright, disguise is in place...Now I just need to not die.'
Gripping the vertical bars of the door, I squat low and brace before straightening out my legs. The door lifts and I fall back slightly before lowering it quickly. The clang as it hits the floor is muffled by the crew above. At least I hope it is.
Creeping quickly forward, a glance shows no-one around the cells. I crawl up the stairs and step among the crew, hunching slightly so the coral obscures my face. The monstrous crewmembers spare me no more than a passing glance, the few other human (or still mostly human) newcomers hurriedly dart between the more established crewmembers carrying bundles of rope or cleaning supplies.
The dutchmen is dark, if not for the streams of light pouring through the various cracks in the hold and from the stairs. The shifting of the crew flows around these beams; those cursed to wander the dark veil of death, subconsciously seeking the light.
I look around for the stairs. 'Keep moving like you have a purpose (Y/n), and no-one will question you.'
I weave through the hull until the brightest beam of sunlight guides me to the stairs. Just as I make to ascend, a shadow blots the light and I jump to the side. Backing into the area besides the beams, hiding in their shadow as the hammer-headed crewman descends.
He pauses at the bottom and sniffs the air, head tilting as he looks around confusedly. Searching.
"Oi Maccus!"
He perks up at the call of his name, head snapping towards the piranha-headed crewman calling from the depths of the hold. The cat-o-nine-tails at his belt sways along with the ship, barbed tips stained dark with memories of violence.
I crouch subtly more, hands pressing into the beams at my side as I strive to inch further into the shadows.
The wood vibrates, the beat complicated, unlike the natural shudder's ships make as the waves toss them to-and-fro or the marching tempo of booted feet crossing the deck.
A rhythm...music!
I wonder where it's coming from. But, there's no time for that.
The beat seems to seep into my hands, soulmark tingling in time. I quickly pull my hands away from the boards and look around.
I sigh in relief, as Maccus goes to see what the whip-carrying crewman wants, I scramble around the corner and up the steps.
Head down, eyes darting around, I make my way to the stern.
In the light, the crew look even more horrifying. No longer hidden in the shadows of the hold or the shade of the night. I keep my eyes down as I grab a bucket sitting near the steps. Lifting it to hide my chest, I slink through the crew.
Looping the deck takes almost an hour.
Blending in with the other deckhands low in the hierarchy, means stopping every few minutes to scrub absentmindedly at the deck or rails.
Just keep your head down and keep looking.
"Oi, watch where you're going."
I stumble back as a shell-encrusted crewman shoves me to the side. I stumble against the railing and fumble with the bucket, almost dropping it.
Shit, did they see anything? Suspect anything?
I throw a glance at their back from under the coral, but they walk away uncaring of the "lowly deckhand" they'd just accosted.
I can't help the sigh that escapes me and quickly pretend to scrub the railing.
Davy Jones Pov:
I find myself crossing the line again.
Stretching my senses through the walls of my ship to check on the woman in the hold.
When we sailed through storms, I made sure she was held safe.
When the cold became too great, I ordered my crew to sail to warmer waters.
Now, I am here again, at the bottom of the steps to the hold. Just a few steps away from turning the corner and standing before the bars.
Every time I so much as have a passing thought of her, the words on my wrist burn and I find myself standing here again. Drinking in this strange feeling of calm emanating from just around the corner. Listening to their even breaths.
'I want to talk to her.'
No sooner had this thought crossed my mind, that the hole in his chest pulsed in mimicry of a distant heartbeat. A surge of rage swells within and I turn to leave.
I step though the Dutchman's wall and emerge in my cabin.
The gleaming keys of the pipe organ glimmer and I find myself drawn to sit and play. As I always am.
A familiar melody fills the air, and my gaze is drawn to the music box. Her gift.
For the first time in years, I stutter over the tune.
The air turns bitter and my soulmark begins to beat, not like a heart, more like a drum. I do something I've never done before; I draw my gaze away from the music box and focus on the keys, not to focus on playing the music box's melody, but to play something new, just to see if I could. With the beat of the bond in my chest and an electrifying spark on my skin, I begin to play.
At first, I test the keys carefully.
A high note here, a low chord there.
Slowly a melody begins to emerge.
Flickering up and down the keys with the unpredictability of flames, accompanied by the steady beat of a blacksmith's hammer at the anvil. Melodies whispering low, then swelling into a crashing crescendo, then drawing back with the unshakeable predictability of the tide.
The pitted surface of the keys, the distant groans of the crew, the creaking of the ship. All begin to fade away as the music fills the air.
The music box is open. I don't remember opening it. The melody
I don't dare voice the words I wish to accompany her name.
Can I ever be free of you?
A flickering catches my eye, and I look up to see a face reflected in the crusted metal of the organ's pipes.
I hear a sigh. So soft I almost miss it. The tone is relieved, of fear released.
I take a moment to place it before I realise it must be her, in the brig.
I pause. The mark burns again, and I'm suddenly filled with the need to know just what had scared her so.
I stand, clenching my good fist and unable to stop my beard's tentacles writhing as sudden unease grips me.
I almost charge through the walls of the Dutchman, landing heavily outside the brig.
The door lies on the ground, the cell is open and empty.
The cell is empty.
How dare she escape?
Did she leave me?
Where is she?
Conflicting feelings swirl within me; sudden rage at the brazen audacity of the escape, sorrow at the apparent abandonment, and fear...fear that I would never see her again.
These emotions catch me off guard with their strength, but I'm helpless to resist the siren song of their pull.
My soulmark burns and I draw on the strength of the Dutchman and authority as her captain.
Find Her!
(Y/n) Pov:
There isn't a small-boat on this cursed ship.
It makes sense. They never go on land and the ship full of creatures who can breathe underwater wouldn't need a means to escape a sinking ship.
I stop in the shade of the stairs, rubbing my temples to ease the stress headache I can feel building. Crouched under the railing, with the bucket in front of me, so it looks like I'm cleaning the barnacles of the aged wood.
Suddenly there's an unknown pressure. A whisper. Spreading through the crew like a ripple in a pond. Slinking up from the depths of the hold and up onto the deck.
It looms over me, and I fight to catch my breath. Its anger and sorrow clawing at my skull.
Suddenly the ship vibrates as a distant muffled roar-like sound travels up from the hold.
The eyes of the human-looking and distinctly non-human looking crewmen alike all cloud over for a moment, all overtaken by the powerful force seeming to emanate from the very bones of the ship itself.
The crew begin to murmur. Eyes and feelers shifting this way and that.
"Find the girl."
Oh No!
I quickly slip through the door beside me, wincing as the crew outside begin to shout. The wooden interior is worn and covered in algae like the rest of the ship. Which makes sprinting down the short corridor hazardous. I almost slip down the short stairs at the end, hitting the wall when they twist back on themselves.
There's another door. Heavy and pitted with barnacles, hinges leaking rust. But it opens smoother than I would have thought it would.
There's light. A pale blue light fills the room. Streaming shadows flicker and wave on the ceiling, but there is no pool of water or windows to make these reflections.
The room is a dead end.
A bunk to my left, a chest to my right, and a massive pipe organ dominating the opposite wall. The silver pipes gleam and shimmer and pale bone keys shine bright against the encrusted frame.
I approach the instrument.
Maybe there is a secret lever or a space behind or somewhere I can hide.
Close up, I can make out the pits and scrapes making a pattern of age across many keys, while others are worn smooth; whoever plays this must play the same song a lot.
I reach out and feel around the sides of the organ, before kneeling to look underneath the keys. There's a faded elegance to the organ, and a beauty to the way the coral spirals with the grain of the wood. I knock on the panels below.
I freeze. Something just fell.
A gentle melody begins to fill the air. I crawl back and something catches on my foot. I awkwardly turn to roll out from under the organ and grab the object.
It's a music box. The sorrowful melody continues to twinkle from the small locket as I pull myself to stand.
My soulmark burns.
"What are ya doing'uh?"
I flinch, almost dropping the locket but I catch myself and instead slam it shut. I spin on the spot and hold the locket behind me like a child caught dipping into the pantry before dinner.
Davy Jones is stood in the centre of the room. Thunder in his eyes and chest heaving like he's run a marathon. He stomps forward to loom over me. "Why are ya here?" and not in the brig.
The music box is freezing in my hands, even as my soulmark continues to throb and burn.
I fish for an excuse, but don't dare step back or lean away. "Um...I..." the reflection of the organ in his eyes catches my attention, "...I heard music..."
The captain's eyebrows (ridges?) raise slightly in surprise.
"It felt nice so I was wondering where it came from." Time to make a gamble. I lean forward slightly, "do you play?"
Something unreadable flashes in his eyes, and his expression darkens.
Oh shit! Subtle shuffling back as the tingle of a bead of sweat drips down my back. This is how I die. I gulp.
Davy Jones' gaze snaps down at the sound before he meets my eye again and steps forward. He circles past me and takes a seat at the organ.
I jump as he starts to play, the air vibrates from the force of the sound coming from the pipe organ. The vibrations from the music reverberate through the deck beneath my feet.
The beat feels familiar.
The vibrations I'd felt earlier, they must have been him.
The music weaves around us, seeping into the wood and coral of the dutchman.
It doesn't look like he will stop anytime soon. I take a hesitant step forward. No movement. I take another, and another, and soon I'm stood beside him.
For a moment, I'm transfixed by the flurry of movement as his hand and beard tentacles fly across the keys. His eyes are closed, brows slightly furrowed.
I know I've never heard this song before, but something about the melody feels familiar. The push and pull of the tide, the steady beat of a hammer on steel, the call of a gull, the crackle of flames.
Something inside me tugs at my heart and the locket is quickly tucked back into its place as I slowly inch closer to the fearsome captain.
There's a space beside him on the seat. If he notices me sit, he doesn't show it.
His eyes are closed, face softened in contemplation. A shadow falls over him from the brim of his hat, outlining the angles and ridges of his face and, when it angles just right, giving me a glimpse of the human face he once bore.
His clawed arm rests on his thigh next to me, the sharp tip resting on the edge of the organ.
I reach a hand forward to rest a finger against the wooden frame of the instrument under the keys; just beside his claw. The vibrations that travel through my hand are soothing.
I can feel the cold brush of his claw against my knuckles. I don't move, either to pull away or place my hand over his arm.
He doesn't move either, just continues playing that hauntingly familiar song.
I close my eyes, taking this moment to rest before I plan my next move.
It sounds like home.
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underratedandoverit · 5 months
Some Nights I Dream Of You (And I Regret It)
~1,4k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
set in immortal fears/the belt corruption au. so uh. this started as what i wanted to call "soulmates as horror", but i dont think if thats in the end an accurate thing to describe this with, so im going to use that at some point later. but definitely in the same spirit as this cause. yeah
warnings; mentions of bodily harm, implied body horror, angst, nightmares, unreality. nothing is super explicit and things are much more just implied than actually shown or anything, apart from the final one so a slight warning for purposefully breaking someones finger. other than thats its very much just between the lines, but if the idea of body parts being potentially removed or such bothers you, even as an obscured idea, this probably isnt a very nice read
kip is also jealous and possessive, just generally an asshole dont worry about it
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
on ao3
“Oh, Clementine…”
The sing songy voice reaching his ears, it was almost as if Cassidy snapped out of some sort of a trance, maybe even sleep. His head bounced up, senses sharpened, eyes opened.
Except that he didn’t see anything. Everything was dark, wherever he looked was nothing but pitch black. He couldn’t even see shadows moving around him, it was nothing but darkness.
But Cassidy was so sure he had opened his eyes. He could feel himself blinking. There was nothing on his face, nothing obscuring his vision. And yet.
He couldn’t see anything.
The voice was a hot whisper against his ear, making him shiver. Except nothing moved. Cassidy could feel his body reacting to the voice, the sound, the mockingly charming nickname he had gotten so used to. He knew it belonged to him, he recognized the lips that single word fell from. Almost too intimately so.
He just couldn’t make a single move to respond to it, despite not feeling any restrictions on his body. He couldn’t turn his head away from it, not come face to face with it. A hand didn’t move to reach closer, no feet would take him away. Just…
“What’s the matter?”
Cassidy didn’t respond. It wasn’t a matter of not having anything to say, he just simply couldn’t. He tried opening his mouth, but just like every other action, it seemed futile. No matter how much he willed himself to do so, his lips stayed sealed, as if controlled by some power outside of his own. He couldn’t make a single noise, no protest, not even to agree to whatever he was saying, deny that anything was wrong.
Something was wrong, and Cassidy couldn’t tell him.
“Are you… Having some difficulties?”
The mild British accent was slowly driving him up the wall. Cassidy could visualize it in his mind, Kip watching him struggling, a smirk tucking in the corner of his mouth. The look Cassidy hated. Despised. Kip just enjoying seeing him not being able to hold the situation together, failing to answer to him, to respond to his taunts.
He knew Kip was enjoying every second of this, whatever it was that he was struggling with, and savoring the sight.
“Oh,” he heard Kip sigh, feeling a soft gust of cold air brushing against what Cassidy assumed to be an exposed skin, feeling like alongside the back of his neck. “The little darling is struggling. How tragic.”
Cassidy wanted to answer him, so badly, but he simply couldn’t. Words couldn’t leave his mouth, even if they were yelling at maximum volume inside his head. He wanted to call Kip a coward, to stop doing whatever this was, to let him go. Cassidy might have not been sure in the moment what exactly was going on, but with each passing second, soft, teasing little touches against his skin, Kip’s clearly satisfied tone, it was more and more obvious that he was behind it, whatever it was.
“That is fine,” Kip finally stated, Cassidy feeling a hand brushing through his hair. The way it carded through his coils was clearly mocking, making him want to break through his state even more, to tell him to stop, that it was becoming too much. “I like you better when you don’t fight back anyway.”
The hand moved from his hair to the back of his neck, the fingertips slowly trailing past the side of the neck, just underneath the ear to his jaw. The way they moved so slowly and felt like they flicked every single hair of his beard was agonizing.
“You don’t have to fight anymore.” Cassidy could have sworn he heard the smile on Kip’s voice, despite not seeing it, despite being surrounded with nothing but darkness. His fingers stopped at Cassidy’s chin, giving it a few soft taps before brushing over his lips. “You are free now. To just be mine. And mine alone.”
The hand suddenly left his face, leaving Cassidy alone with just the lack of his own senses again. He felt an almost frantic need to get that touch back, no matter how much he also hated it. Kip was playing with him, playing with his prey, but there was something so comforting in it at the same time. A familiarity that was a welcomed taste in the darkness Cassidy was currently floating in, without anything he could do about it on his own.
He tried to fight it. Blinking his eyes, not recovering his vision. Trying to tell Kip to stop, not having a mouth to open or voice to speak out loud the words that were so loud in his head. No hand to reach for him, to beg him to come back, to give Cassidy something coherent and tangible to hold onto.
Nothing. He had nothing. He could do nothing.
He was completely at Kip’s mercy.
“Although I’m… I am sorry, Clementine.”
Cassidy felt a shiver running down his spine, followed by a hand landing on what he assumed to be his. The touch was burning hot against his skin, what he presumed to be his skin at least. It felt comforting, but still distant, as if he was experiencing it secondhand somehow. An out of body experience.
“I admit I may have overdone this a bit.”
The fingers tapped against the back of his hand a little bit, every tap feeling like it had enough force behind it to shatter his bones to pieces. Cassidy wanted to scream, let out the pain, but once again, nothing. He couldn’t do anything, just bear the feeling of Kip’s fingers slowly lacing with his, giving his hand a little squeeze.
“I just didn’t like the way you looked at anyone else. I had to do something before you would… Change your mind.”
Cassidy blinked. Or he would have, if it would have been possible.
“I couldn’t let you do that. To change your mind. About this.”
The second squeeze on his hand was much stronger, and after Kip locked it in he didn’t let go.
“About us.”
His voice lowered with the words, matching the grip he had on Cassidy’s hand. The pain shot through him, but once again nothing moved. He couldn’t react to it, couldn’t resist it, all Cassidy could do was let Kip lead this dance, and follow helplessly along while Kip did seemingly whatever it was that he wanted to do in the moment.
“I might have to do something about you feeling others too.” It was almost as if Kip was pondering his words out loud, rather than giving out a statement he might have wanted Cassidy’s opinion on too. He moved the hand in his, observing what Cassidy felt like was a pile of broken bones at this point, even though it wasn’t possible that Kip simply holding his hand was going to cause that kind of damage to him. But it sure felt like it. “Your hands are… So beautiful. I don’t want anyone else holding them but me.”
Kip’s other hand joined in grabbing his hand, fingertips trailing along the back of his fingers. Without warning he grabbed a hold of the ring finger, bending it as far backwards as he possibly could, letting it audibly snap.
Cassidy winced. He could finally let out a scream, pull his hand away.
He heard Kip cackling at him as he stumbled backwards, tripping on something, getting swallowed by the darkness again.
Cassidy’s head snapped up from the pillow, forcing him to sit up, taking in a sharp breath. It took him a moment to stop his heart from racing, to focus back in the real world, into the dark bedroom at the late hours of the night. He closed his eyes, quickly opening them again, making sure that he was awake and being able to see this time.
Everything felt real again, helping Cassidy ease his breathing as he wiped a hand over his face and through his hair as he confirmed all of that had just been another nightmare.
Feeling the bed shifting by his side a little, his eyes shot towards it, watching as Kip just rolled from one side to another, still fast asleep. Cassidy inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down. It was just a dream. Another one of the never ending nightmares.
As real as it felt, he knew that Kip didn’t want anything bad to him. Not anymore, at least.
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spencermorgans · 10 hours
Incorrect Quotes Generator V: Unsub College Apartment Edition
I'm writing a college AU where the absolute terror trio of Hankel, Foyet, and Frank share an apartment so. Fleshing out the world
Squad is playing Among Us Foyet: I believe Hankel is innocent, I was with them the whole time. Frank, what were you doing? Frank: Oh, I was just murdering… I mean, nothing!
Hankel: Is Foyet always like this when they lose? Frank: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Foyet: You bumped that table and you know it!
Hankel: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Frank… Foyet: As you should be. Hankel: No, for real, they're kind of- Foyet: As. You. Should. Be.
Foyet: Guys where did Hankel go? Frank: They got arrested. Foyet: How the hell- Hankel: bursts in through the window The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Frank (brainstorming ideas for pranking Hankel): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Foyet: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Frank: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Foyet: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Frank.
Foyet: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it. Hankel: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side. Frank: YO SOCRATES! IT'S A FUCKING COOKIE!
Hankel: I mean. Foyet's just standing there now. Hankel: Waiting for me, I guess. Hankel: But it's okay, I think they've pretty much settled down. Frank: Settled down? Hankel: Well, they only stabbed me once.
Frank: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body. Hankel: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot. Frank: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Foyet: Hmm… I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free… not sure where you're getting your facts from…
Hankel: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Frank: Yeah- Foyet: kicks in the door
Frank: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year. Foyet: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues? Hankel: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Hankel: But what about Spencer? They were my SOULMATE! Foyet: You said that about a ball of yarn once!
Hankel: Blue M&Ms are the best. Foyet: whAT IS THIS SLANDER? Hankel: What about it? They are. Foyet: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER! Foyet: THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Hankel: YEAH? WELL YOUR MOM'S A HO! Frank: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Spencer: I like the yellow ones. Hankel and Foyet: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
Hankel: They… well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff? Spencer: Um, murder??? Frank: Adventuring! Foyet: Tuesday.
Hankel: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers! Foyet: Please, just say fuck.
Foyet and Frank are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff Hankel: oh my god, Frank, backwards! Frank: Really, Hankel? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
Frank: If I may interject… Foyet: Oh, awesome, Frank was eavesdropping.
Foyet: What's wrong with you? Hankel: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
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bambisgirl · 2 years
not just lovers — 06. soulmate coffee
previous | m.list | next
note: every chapter has small parts of social media for the sake of the story!
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“two caramel macchiatos on their way right now! thank you.” you smiled at the little boy and removed the sweat off your hands on your apron before writing down his order. “one second, please!” you excused yourself and sprinted to the back of the café. 
“hee, there are like one thousand people here and even more waiting outside amongst all the paparazzis, i can’t handle this.” you sobbed, stressed, as heeseung raised his head in a second, seeing your teary eyes.
he was really focused as he was reading a book called ‘the art of making coffee’ and clumsily trying to make his own by mixing different flavors and spices.
“i got this!” he dramatically closed the book and came in front of you. “let’s get it!” he shook your shoulders. 
“wait, you can’t get out there. none of your bodyguards are here and everyone’s gonna go crazy if—“
but he ignored you as he stepped outside in front of all the customers. you immediately followed him and cringed so hard at the loud screams that were caused by your extremely famous friend. he was wearing a simple set of kitchen clothing on top of his blue hoodie and genuinely looked like a very skilled barista.
“good morning everyone and thank you for being so supportive even though we just opened today. me and this lady right here...” he quickly grabbed you by your hand and guided you in front of him. “...are the owners of this place. thank you for trusting us enough to visit our café and have a taste of our coffee! we’re going to try our best. please give a round of applause to barney, jay and sunghoon preparing the coffee you’re drinking right now until we actually hire some other people to work here; for miss dee that helped us redecorate this whole place — and for y/n, my best friend.” he smiled. “...and soulmate.” he continued softly only for you to hear.
“let me take a pic so you can remember the moment of your grand opening!” a guy with a giant camera approached the two of you. heeseung nodded happily, carefully placing his hand on your waist as he pulled you closer to his body. “say cheese!”
heeseung’s perfect smile covered half of his face and you quickly made an awkward peace sign. 
“you continue to take the orders while i’m gonna call some of my friends to come and help us. we can do it!” he assured you, his glare fully on yours. “by the way, sir, where did you get this giant camera from?” 
heeseung wasn’t kidding that day when he told you that all of his other friends were famous. by friends, he meant stray kids’ jeongin, just b’s lim jimin, treasure’s jaehyuk and your jaw instantly dropped when you saw all of the txt members hurrying inside your café using the back door that no one knew about. 
you came to the conclusion that your coffee shop was about to get highly well-known in a short amount of time. 
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previous (we’re all in this together) | m.list | next (the end [not really])
PAIRING. idol!heeseung x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS. an old japanese myth once said that you’ll hear bells ringing when you and your soulmate meet for the first time. that’s what heeseung believed his whole life, not wanting to settle down for anyone else but his one true love. what should he do after he meets you in the most terrible timing possible and the universe keeps making you see each other every weekend? you just proved him soulmates aren’t just lovers, after all.
GENRE. soulmate au, strangers to (kind of) lovers au, idol au, short series, fluff, humor, slice of life, romance, hints of social media au
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Traveler's Guide to Yesterday
Fandom: DC Comics, Flashfam, Flash Rogues
Summary: Owen is stranded in his present (a time he's never been to) while traveling through the past in search of his soul mate. He needs a con artist's help to repair his timepiece and return to the past.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Owen Mercer, Axel Walker, Leonard Snart, Meloni Thawne, Evan McCulloch, Mark Mardon
Relationships: Owen Mercer/Axel Walker
Additional Tags: Time Travel AU, No Powers AU, Dysfunctional Family, Boys in Love, True Love, Soulmate, Con Artists, Strangers to Lovers, Partners in Crime, Romance, Amputee Axel Walker, Not Actually Unrequited Love
Chapter One: Med Pod
I woke up in a battered med pod, which meant something had gone horribly wrong. I pressed my hand against the glass, knocking it until I heard whirring from outside the machine. The incubation fluid spilled onto the floor, making a gelatinous noise as it hit the pavement. I shivered as the cool air blew against my skin. Someone removed the breathing apparatus, and I gasped, taking in the sour taste of their oxygen. I spilled out of the machine, naked and exhausted. I couldn't see. The med pod temporarily blinded me, but I could feel and hear everything around me. "I thought you fixed the drain in the old med pod," a man asked. His voice was deep and cold. Almost detached from his present state of affairs.
"I was gonna get to it but couldn't find the right parts. Couldn't make the pieces either... Not without boiling the gestation gel and the occupants inside. Get him a towel. He's probably freezing half to death," a younger, sardonic voice commanded.
"Don't get sharp with me, Kid... And his belongings better be accounted for when he's ready to leave," the older man warned. I felt a warm, rough fabric wrap around my bare skin, and I couldn't speak to tell him thank you. The words were lost on my tongue as my heart beat quickly. "Don't worry, Kid. Your senses'll come back in a few days or so... Old machine's busted," the older man reassured.
"Give him this before he gets sick," the younger voice warned.
I felt a gloved hand slip under my chin, tilting my head upward. "Open your mouth," the older man ordered gently. I obeyed and was immediately met with the taste of orange and corn syrup. It was a disgustingly viscous fluid that made me want to puke the second I tasted it, and the older man must've sensed that because he squeezed my nostrils shut. "Swallow... Swallow." He used the same tone a parent would for a difficult child.
"He couldn't spit that up if he tried, Len," the younger one reassured him.
"Just to be safe, I'll wait until he's got it down... All the stuff we found in this old med bay, and we couldn't scavenge some of the good meds," Len complained, "Axel, all this stuff is pond sludge."
"Pond sludge that saved his life. You're the one who wanted to keep the time fugitive," Axel muttered. Len let go of my nose, and I gasped for air.
"What makes you think he's a time fugitive? He might be somebody important," Len replied in my defense.
They were both right. I was a fugitive, but not necessarily a time fugitive. I had a bad habit of looking for love in all the wrong places. Having dalliances with men in times where it was outlawed. This last time, I thought it'd be it. I thought I'd found the one. Charming. Bookish. Blonde. Rich. He was perfect, and we got along pretty well for a few months. That was until the maid caught us, and he turned on me. His father fired a shot at me. That was the last thing I remembered. Pain. He betrayed me as if I was only a simple pleasure of the flesh. I could've understood it had he not convinced me otherwise. Had he not snuck into my bed at night to whisper poems in my ear or indulge in the smoke from my mouth while I smoked. He loved me... And that made his betrayal all the more raw.
I must've lost my senses because I woke up crying. This time, I was clothed in a fabric I'd never felt before. It was strange, yet comforting. I felt the pillows around me and soughed relief. "How long has it been since you stepped foot in your own time?" Axel asked.
Time sickness. It happened whenever time travelers made a drastic jump forward. I was experiencing my memories in real time while blacking out in my present. It was a lot like hallucinating, except the moments were real. It was the mind's way of skipping like a scratched CD.
I reached for Axel in the dark, and he squeezed my hand. His hand was smooth, artificially warm. Not like a glove. I let my fingers travel to his wrist, and he pulled away. "Do you want something to eat?" Axel asked. I nodded. I still couldn't speak. He opened a container, and I could smell the savory aroma of seafood. "It's all we have right now until I can get money for the repairs I did on the shop down the street."
He placed the cup and fork in my hands, and I bit into it, screwing up my face. "Squid's the only cheap meat we can get here now... Especially in this area," Axel explained. The texture was strange, but I couldn't see it. So, I ate.
But eating made me remember. Maine in nineteen-seventy-seven. I worked in a restaurant on the shore, and he was a regular customer. I tried to shake myself free from the time, but I was too deep into the memory. I could taste the clam bake and blueberry pie. I knew he wasn't the one but ignored all the signs. I slept on his boat, kicking myself in the morning for falling into bed with him again. He was wrong, but he felt so good.
Someone punched me, and I woke up. I shook my head, still in the dark. "It's two to this bed, buddy. Try to have a memory that doesn't make me wanna take a green med pac," Axel complained. I ran a hand over my face, embarrassed and flushed from my memory. I turned on my side and tried to sleep. "You must've jumped two hundred years forward when you got shot..."
My breath caught, and I started choking. Shot. It never once occurred to me that I got hit. Axel rubbed my back until I relaxed. Fever. The time sickness shifted, and I was no longer in and out of consciousness. I'd reached the physical illness phase. Unlike most illnesses, time sickness had to run its course. There wasn't a cure for it. That's why time travelers rarely returned to their own times. The jump was enough to have a man bedridden for weeks. I shivered and violently trembled as Axel threw blankets over me. There was nothing else he could do. It had to run its course.
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
I’m sorry if I bother you but seriously your AU is so interesting and I really have more questions
1-How Jiayi and Adrien got their miraculous?
2-How is the personality of the kwamis?
3-Why don’t you use the name “Marinette”?(no complains with the new name, I like it)
4-I see you put Fluff (the rabbit kwami) like one of the important ones so, what is the power of the rabbit miraculous? (I remember you say you don’t want to use time travel in your AU)
5-Are Felix and Adrien still look identical?
6-How old are the characters?
NO NO PLEASE GO AHEAD AND ASK I love answering questions about MnP..
1. It won't be too far from the canon, but there's one key difference. Master Fu isn't the one to pick the users for the most part - It's the kwamis. I always found it weird how Master Fu decided to pick two 14 years olds for the superhero job, so this time It's explained that both Tikki and Plagg resonated best with Jiayi and Adrien and decided they will be the best choices. It's kind of this soulmate thing!
2. Doesn't really change. Maybe Tikki is more righteous, lively and lets someone learn their lessons, but otherwise I don't plan on changing a lot about them.
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3. I already explained it in this post, but in short: Jiayi is very different from canon Marinette, to the point where I think It's okay to completely rename her + herritage + cool name meaning
4. Rabbit's Wonder power is still "Burrow", just in a different sense. It can hop in on one end and hope oit the other - It's really just horse's power
5. I am actually in progress of writing a post about why I removed some characters and as much as I hate to say it, Felix is one of them </3 I'll expand on reason why in the post itself, but the short answer is he doesn't fit the narrative I'm going for
6. Teenage characters are 15-17
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skeletonsweatshirt · 2 years
Connected || Viktor x gn!reader
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Connected - Part 2
Soulmate!AU (Red String of Fate)
Viktor x gn!reader
WC: 1.4k
Tags: Reader and Jayce are friends I think? Viktor still doesn't say anything, I'm so sorry, I swear he'll say something next chapter, Reader being studious, I proofread this myself
Warnings: Uhh none? I don't think so at least.
A/N: Hey my lil stinkers. I'm back and this fic is going kinda slow. I'll do stuff eventually I promise it's just that being a high school student and cashier simultaneously is a little tiring. Also, I promise Viktor will be an actual person next chapter I just haven't been able to weasel him into the chapters yet cuz my brain doesn't work. Anyway, enjoy. (Please enjoy please please please it is 12:07am as I write this and I just spent like 2 hours writing and editing this)
After an hour and a half of back and forth between you and Jayce as he tried to show the lab while also answering your slew of questions, you are presented to your lab station and left to settle in.
You open your bag and remove the lab items you managed to stuff into it earlier that day. You lay out three journals, two of which are already full of sloppy handwriting from your previous years of research. You also pull out a pencil bag and a fold-up set of tools that- compared to the collection you helped Jayce clean up earlier- look minuscule and boring.
Viktor and Jayce left the lab not long after you started working. Something about getting something to eat and being back soon. You said, "Whatever's fine.", and waved the boys off at one point to a question you're only like 90% sure was asking what you wanted to eat.
You stand and walk around the open floor of the lab, taking time to stop and look at some of the notes Viktor and Jayce have made on their most recent project. 
"Damn." You whisper to the air after looking at the blueprints and notes, the purpose of the project you only half-understood.
You return to your desk and sit in the swivel chair stationed at your workbench. Leaning back, you use your heels to spin yourself around. One of your leisurely circles ends with you facing the metallic stool your brown-haired colleague sat atop before.
Your eyes narrow, effectively locking onto the furniture from across the room. Your mind wanders to the memory of Viktor acting like you just weren't in the room when Heimer introduced you. The memory of his glances singeing a hole into the side of your skull.
You seriously wonder how that is. You wonder how someone wouldn't be excited to meet their perfect match. You reach into your bag and grab the black leather journal you use for your observations and thoughts on soulmates. You begin to thumb through the pages, skimming the ocean of words for any hint of anything other than complete ecstatics from the hundreds of people you interviewed after they met their soulmate.
You peer down at the red ribbon still fastened to your pinkie finger. Your brows stitch together on your forehead as you look at the string. The tie you've had forever, that you'd been desperate to discover the other end, seemed not to affect your counterpart. 
You reach the end of your entries somewhat past the middle of the journal. You snag a pencil from the surface next to you and jot down the date, time, and work-in-progress title at the top of the page before you begin writing your observations so far. Viktor's lack of reaction, his not-so-gentle glances toward you, and his overall "meh" attitude towards his soulmate walking in the door.
You then spend another half hour just reading and writing. And then reading and writing and then reading and writing. You fill another three pages just writing notes and theories about soulmates and why Viktor could be so apathetic about the whole ordeal.
"Whatcha writing?" Jayce's sing-songy voice rings out from behind you.
"Sweet Mother of Zaun!" You scream. You nearly fall out of your chair from how high you jump, in addition to how quickly you manage to close your journal. "God dammit, Jayce."
"Sorry!" He apologizes and pulls up a chair next to you. "...So, soulmates, huh?"
"What do you mean?" You ask, skeptical of what he's referring to.
"That's what the writing was about a second ago, correct? Something about how different people react to meeting their soulmates?" Jayce asks, pointing toward the now closed black-leather journal on your lap.
"Oh, yeah. Just personal research I've been working on for a while. I decided to write while you and Viktor were out because I've gotten some controversial opinions on researching this topic, but if anything, that makes it more intriguing. If that many people have qualms with me learning about it, there has to be a reason behind it." You explain to your associate. "Speaking of, where is Viktor?"
"Not 100% sure. Viktor said he was getting something from his dorm, so I'm not sure when he'll be back." Jayce shrugs. "So, while I wait for my lab partner to return, I'll ask you a question."
"Alright. Hit me." You reply.
"What made you want to research soulmates?" Jayce questions. "What was so interesting about it to you?"
"Well, generally, I guess the idea always caught my interest. The red string and what people are willing to do to see the other side fascinate me." You beam. "I mean, just my parents being my parents makes the whole idea so alluring. My mom is from Piltover, and my dad is a Zaunite. Isn't it insane that a fresh-out-of-school businesswoman and an ex-Chem-punk who somehow got hired to dispose of Piltover's garbage can be perfect for each other?"
Jayce wears an expression that says he's thinking about what was just said to him. You watch his face patiently, awaiting a response other than his thinking.
"What about...not generally?" He asks. 
"What?" You respond, eyebrows knitting together in a way you're sure your mother would comment on if she were in the room.
"Well, you said generally the idea caught your interest. What about not generally?" He elaborates like it's obvious what he's asking.
You facepalm mentally. Of course, the 'Man of Progress' would catch on to some stupid detail like that. "What, you want me to tell you what I was just writing or something?" You ask.
"That would work, yeah." Jayce curtly nods and then looks at you expectantly.
"Okay, but you cannot say anything about it to anyone else, and Jayce Talis, I swear if I hear you laugh, I will kick you down to Zaun myself." You stare at him with the same expectant look, waiting for confirmation he understands what you said.
Jayce nods again, and you continue. "I was researching reactions to soulmates because when I walked into the lab today, I realized Viktor's red string is attached to mine, and he acted like he didn't care about my existence at all, and I wanted to see if that was common." You spoke so quickly that you sounded like a Zaunite music artist or a Piltover auction host.
Jayce goes back to nodding for a few seconds, after which he looks at you and, in the most genuine tone, says. "He's much more excited than he seems."
"Okay, Jayce, if you keep saying things that fully make no sense, I'm gonna stop talking to you altogether." You kind of joke.
"Okay. Okay, fine. What I mean is that Viktor is very work-oriented. On top of that, he doesn't really...project his emotions. Especially around new people. So chances are, instead of getting all giddy or excited, he'll stare at you until it feels like you're going to keel over." Jayce explains in a way that makes puzzle pieces click together in your mind.
"So that's what that was?" You ask, going wide-eyed as you realize that was probably the most obvious conclusion you could've drawn.
"Yeah. When I asked Viktor about it a while ago, he said he'd sooner focus on work than soulmates because finding your soulmate doesn't help anyone but you and your soulmate." Jayce states.
"Okay, I guess that's understandable." You nod.
You turn your head to the side and peek at the clock sitting on your desk. You stand and begin to collect your things from your workbench. "It's almost 8. I have pre-class homework from Heimer and my first actual class tomorrow at 10 bells. I'm not wasting my scholarship because I wanted to stay in the lab an extra hour. See ya, Jayce, and tell Vik I said goodnight."
You collect the rest of your things and make your departure from the lab doors. You look at the string hanging from your pinkie as you walk back to your dorm, silently contemplating your conversation with Jayce. At least you know why Viktor was being all weird now.
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
i love your answer to the the ask about seonghwa and hongjoong. i sometimes find myself thrown off reading fics in which the members are into such kinky things bc it sometimes doesnt match their personalities. for me when reading fics, for the sake of the fantasy i try to view them moreso as characters and remove them from their irl personalities in order to enjoy it if that makes sense?
absolutely this makes perfect sense! i think ultimately we only ever know them as characters since there's no way for us to truly know them behind closed doors / they have such carefully made public personas.... but i think i'm good with that. it's not my business at all what the actual park seonghwa does in the bedroom lol
for me personally in fic... i think aurora is an exercise in really trying to get them right? so with the exception of the premise that they're all dating one person, i am trying to get my characterizations of them as close to "real" as i can. i'm sure i'm missing the mark in a lot of places, but specifically with the smut i reign it in. i hope this doesn't disappoint people.... but i'm never going to put harder kinks like pet play or real sadomasochism into aurora. reader isn't going to suddenly start calling everyone sir and daddy. i just don't think this is realistic for them, especially in this scenario at this age. hwa and reader are playing around a bit with bdsm dynamics, but so far it's all fairly tame and will probably remain so. and poly dynamics are definitely going to be a huge part of book 2, but i'm not planning on suddenly amping everyone up into kinky versions of ateez.
in one shots i feel way more comfortable exploring kink using ateez as an entry point. i'm still cognizant of who i think they are as a character, but there's room for playing around.... hence the hard dom seonghwa agenda or yunhwa husbands bdsm arc. for me.... i always think about this - what if ateez were all actors? what roles would they be best suited to / what types of characters could they play? and that's how i fit them into the more AU work in my head.
recently i've been reading some fantasy ateez work, and this is interesting to me because i had SUCH a hard time getting into stuff like that when i started off in the fandom. now i'm interested to read things like yandere, high fantasy, angel / soulmate AUs etc., because i think i've gotten more clear at separating person from idol from character.
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adhd-merlin · 11 months
So I’ve been in the bbc merlin fandom for a bit now but I still havent really explored everything and I love asking peoples opinions so .
What’s your favorite AU and do you have any song or fic recs for it? Or art? Bc id love to see it!!
Sorry @itsjustclaryy this has been languishing in my inbox for a while because, well. The thing about me is that if you ask me a question about a specific thing, my brain will immediately wipe itself of all knowledge about that thing. It's like the opposite of that "don't think about a white bear" exercise.
I also haven't read a lot of Merlin fanfiction — partly out of choice, because I wanted to write my own without committing unconscious plagiarism.
So I sort of put this ask aside until I could think of at least one thing.
I assume you mean AUs as in genuine alternative universes rather than just canon-divergent scenarios? I haven't read many of those, mostly because modern AUs tend to remove magic from the picture, and I think that's such a fundamental part of Merlin’s character that it might as well not be Merlin at all. And also because I like magic.
So, for modern AUs, I like those that still preserve the magic element — like magical realism and urban fantasy.
(I can only remember reading one of those, and it was about magic users still being an oppressed minority and being, like, monitored by the government ? Having to wear some kind of tracking device? And Merlin being an activist campaigning for magic-havers' rights and being kidnapped by Arthur. I can't remember the details, I can't even say whether I liked all of it, but I was intrigued by the premise).
For canon era!AUs, I like the idea of universes where magic is legal and/or Merlin is either a literal prince or in a position akin to royalty (think King of the Druids) and he gets to interact with Arthur on a more equal footing. Or even just fics that change something about Merlin's status, like — I remember reading a story in which Merlin was kept as a prisoner/slave by another king, who used him for his magic (think of a "King Alined and his jester" kind of situation), and Arthur met Merlin while he was staying at this king's castle to negotiate a treaty. (Does it count as a "proper" AU? I'm not sure). But again, I have no links at hand, sorry.
I also enjoy soulmates AUs because I'm basic. But really, they work so well for this fandom.
Generally speaking, I enjoy fics that explore power dynamics, a lot, so I'm always a slut for Dom/sub AUs and the like (which I don't even know if it's a thing in this fandom?)
Sorry, I realise I haven't actually recommended anything and this probably wasn't what you were looking for, but yeah, I really haven't read many AUs.
Perhaps someone who follows me might have some actual recs :) I'll add to it if any specific fic comes to my mind.
(For now — this dragon!Merlin ficlet is adorable.)
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Major Updates (9/11)
Main Masterlist
Removed all NCT content and moved it to a new [NCT Masterlist]
Renamed to 'Other Groups Masterlist'
Added to ATEEZ:
*⚲ Once More, in Harmony | {Idol AU, Soulmate AU} (Choi Jongho x Reader) [F] | In which you can hear your soulmate whenever they sing.
Added to TXT:
*⚲ From Black Coffee to Strawberry Tea | {No Specified AU} (Choi Yeonjun x Reader ft. Jaemin) [A, F] | In which you used to date Jaemin and have since moved on to Yeonjun
NCT Masterlist
Moved all NCT content from [Main Masterlist] here, mostly because there's actually a text block limit that I miraculously reached so here's me separating things lol
Added to NCT Dream
♀︎ Blurb - Soft!Yandere!Jaemin Things | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F/D]
♀︎ Blurb - More Yandere!Jaemin Things| {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F/D]
♀︎ Scenario - Slow Dancing with Yandere!Jaemin | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F]
*⚲ Break(ing) | {University AU} (Renjun x Reader) [F] | In which you and Renjun are top of the class and he's stressing over finals and you're not.
Added to NCT U:
♀︎ Reaction - The Infatuation Boys React to You Breaking Up With Them |  {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [A/D]
♀︎ ^Part 2 | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [A/D]
♀︎ Reactions - The Infatuation boys react to being your first | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [S/F]
♀︎Headcanons - With their Kids | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny, Renjun) [F]
Added to WayV:
*⚲ In My Shoes | {Soulmate AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, C] | In which you switch bodies with your soulmate for a day
*⚲ Code Heart Breaker | {Hacker AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, C] | In which Hendery asks you to watch over a game he's playing with his friends for a moment
Prominence Masterlist
Not much of a change but turns out there's a 4,096 word limit per text box so I kinda broke up the masterlist into sections of 25
*WCh. 2.60 | 220224 (Y/N) has a crisis
*WCh. 2.61 | 220225 Seonghwa Reflects (lol)
*WCh. 2.62 | 220225 Jeno and (Y/N) hang out
*Pt. 2.63 | 220225 Twitter Drama following the previous chapter
*WCh. 2.64 | 220224 Some new characters you will want to know
*WCh. 2.65 | 220225 (Y/N) goes to her aunt's restaurant and meets an unlikely person there
Also updated the [Chronological Order Masterlist] accordingly
Fixed the [S2 Extras Masterlist] to accommodate the new word limit by breaking bullet points into 10s
Added two new sections to the [S2 Extras Masterlist], The Jung Siblings and Tiktok Ideas
Added to General Section
*(Y/N)'s Insta Story about Rain Day
*More random YNSH content
*Jihyun definitely drives manual
*(Y/N) and Sungchan being the OG besties
*(Y/N) is really good at building lego sets
*(Y/N) doing Yangyang dirty as usual
*ANiMA's Sanrio Collab Characters
*Random YNSH things
*NCT Content during 2021 promotions, Stage: Inception
*NCT Life drabbles lol
*(Y/N) 100% carried NCT in ISAC
*ATEEZ vs. NCT 'Who Knows (Y/N) Better Quiz'
*ANiMA on NCT 2.0
*(Y/N) has sort of become her own character aside from a reader insert | [Pt. 1] | [Pt. 2]
*(Y/N)'s next scandal would be her teenage dirtbag photos
*Prominence and La La Land
*AWSAZ but it's (Y/N) and Kun
*What if ATEEZ won a MAMA award and (Y/N) presented it?
*Prominence AITA
*NCThree live where Yangyang learns what fake lashes are
*KCon NCThree vs. 3Racha
*(Y/N) catches a cold and NCThree go live anyway
*Jihyun had piercings predebut | [Pt. 2]
*Does (Y/N) smoke?
*Mark and the Spider-Mark Shirt
*(Y/N) Naming her instagram lives
*NCThree Resonance Era
*NCThree in an Escape Room
*NCThree in Midsummer Night Dream Content?
*Let's Play Ball Unit
Added to Jung Siblings Section
The process of adding and brainstorming the Jung Siblings: [Pt. 1: Concept] | [Pt. 2: Conceptualizing Hamin] | [Pt. 3: Confirmation] | [Pt. 4: Me being devious] | [Pt. 5: Previews on the Jung Siblings] | [Pt. 6: Text sneak peek] | [Pt. 7: Hamin Hints] | [Pt. 8: More text spoilers] | [Pt. 9: Piccrews] | [Pt. 10: Cinnamon roll trend] | [Pt. 11: Drabble Spoiler] | [Pt. 12: More stuff on them] | [Pt. 13: Even more stuff! Gosh, I share a lot] | [Pt. 14: Another "Spoiler"] | [Pt. 15: Yup, you guessed it.] | [Pt. 16: AHAHAHA] | [Pt. 17: One last drabble spoiler]
People thirsting over Jung Kanghoon: [Pt. 1: The calm before the storm] | [Pt. 2: Is he available? Why, yes, yes he is] | [Pt. 3: Is he hot? Subjective.] | [Pt. 4: More details on the mystery man and his cats] | [Pt. 5: More stuff on him] | *[Pt. 6: Kanghoon Summarized] | *[Pt. 7: Kanghoon's Livelihood 1] | *[Pt. 8: Kanghoon's Livelihood 2] | *[Pt. 9: Coffee]
*The Jung Brothers' Sexualities: [Pt. 1] | [Pt. 2]
*(Y/N) is practically begging you all to take her brothers
*Hamin is a disappointing dater and Kanghoon is husband of the year
*The Siblings' Dating Lives
*Hamin has a pollen allergy
*Where have (Y/N)'s parents been this whole time?
*Hamin's Gamer Tag
Added to Tiktok Section
(Y/N) and Yangyang have definitely done the "No little German boy!" trend on TikTok
NCThree Tiktoks: ['Feel my Rhthym'] | ['Love Theory'] | ['Gyaru'] | [The 'Tortilla Slap' Challenge]
(Y/N)'s reaction to that tiktok
*(Y/N) would clown Yangyang and Mark with this tiktok
*(Y/N) and Yangyang at the arcade lmao
*(Y/N) has definitely fallen for the famous Jeno edit
*'What is Going On in the House of Commons?'
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