#is this what they’re doing in europe rn
evilkaeya · 6 months
I swear I unintentionally shift to Dazai's pov sometimes because why did I just vividly visualise Chuuya standing in the middle of a vineyard, smiling brighter than the sun and literally giggled to myself
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singlethread · 9 months
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elliescoolerwife · 4 months
Nazi dumbfuck
Being against murder and genocide is not a nazi ideology but go off I guess.
If anyone is nazi, it’s zionists.
Lets take a look:
In particular, the Nazis embraced the false idea that Jews were a separate and inferior race. - Israeli politicians have called palestinian children the “children off darkness” and israelis “the children of light”. Also, they’ve called Palestinians animals and not humans and therefore should be treated as such.
the Nazis referred to Jews as a “parasitic race.” - there is posters around Israel and on the internet created by Israelis where they compare palestinians to parasites - saying that they’re parasites to the israeli soil and needs to be removed.
Nazis wanted to separate Jews and Aryan Germans. They tried to force Jews to leave Germany. Not only do Israelis see Palestinians as animals, they’ve displaced 2 million Palestinians. Do you have any idea of what’s going on in Rafah rn?
Those whom the Nazis identified as non-Aryans (including Jews) were persecuted and discriminated against. Israelis have murdered 700.000 palestinians and removed their access to water, food and medical care. Israelis have been protesting by sitting in front of vehicles with medical equipment so gazans don’t get help. Israel have been dropping white phosphorus for 10 years so Palestinians either 1. Get burned. 2. Get killed by the water they drink that contains that white phosphorus. PS! White phosphorus is illegal but not when israelis do it🤡
the Nazis carried out forced sterilizations of certain groups whom they considered inferior.. lets swich our focus from Palestinians and lets take a look at the black people in Israel, lot of them ethiopians, that have been forced to sterilize themselves because israelis don’t want “black” in their jewish line. They want to keep it “clean” and not let black genes, especially not when those black people have converted and aren’t “real” jews. Do you remember who also wanted to keep their race clean? Does it sound familiar?
The Nazis believed that races were destined to wage war against each other. For them, war was a way for the Aryan race to gain land and resources. Specifically, the Nazis wanted to conquer territory in eastern Europe. They planned to remove, dominate, or murder the people who lived there. They believed that Aryan Germans should control this land because they were the supposed master race. Israelis believe that they are Gods chosen people and therefore owns that land. They have removed, dominated and murderer Palestinians who live there to take that land from them, claiming they are the superior race because God chose them. Therefore, they have every right to take that territory from the indigenous people.
Nazis also falsely claimed that all Jews were an existential threat to Germany and that they had to be destroyed. Israelis claim that this “war” will not be over until total victory - meaning until every Palestinian is dead or removed. They celebrated when north gaza looked like a desert, because the “parasites” who was a threath to Israel is now gone. And now Netanyahu is telling these parasites to leave Rafah, the claimed “safe space” or else they get murdered there too. And lets remember that Israelis don’t discriminate. They murder all Palestinians! Muslims, Christians, jews. All of them. And anyone who supports them.
And don’t even dare to say the Hamas because Israel never cared about Hamas nor did Hamas exist when this started. They have claimed that they need to murder children in order to prevent them from growing up and joining hamas. Children. Women. Elderly.
Bold of you to ask this anonymously, though.
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pseudophan · 25 days
I get your bitterness about live events because if they tour they’re going to ignore Latin America again and I will literally kill myself they’re all I have rn
no literally i know i'm petty as fuck about missing out on things but i don't have much of a right to be cause all things considered i'm in a very lucky location like justice for all of you in places they never go to. and dnp go to wayyyy more places than any other youtubers, so extra rip fans of those who only go to like four states in the us and call it a day. i do realise a lot of it is just that it's really hard to book venues most places, even in europe (outside the uk) it's a real struggle and it sucks. i'm glad dnp try though, at least! but i wish everyone could go to their tours
those polls that are like what semi-useful superpower would you want and the correct answer is the ability to teleport but exclusively to and from dan and phil events
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the ship thing looks like a lot of fun! lets do it!
so my name's blu, and i use "she/her" pronouns! i have dark blue hair and brown eyes, am 5'8", and wear way too many oversized hoodies and sweaters haha i'm your sterotypical enfj- the kind of mom friend who will very forcefully remind you to do some selfcare! i do love to talk about the things i'm into, and aren't afraid to stand up for what i believe in. for hobbies, writing is my first love, but i also love taking long walks and exploring nature or even just the world outside my window! i'm also a big music enjoyer! i'm a part of two bands- one where i play guitar and the other where i do bass! i love singing, too, and get incredibly into all my karaoke performances 😂 i'm not really sure what i go looking for in a partner, but i tend to gravitate towards shyer guys and relationships where i'll end up doing most of the talking as well as people who aren't afraid to talk about the deep things in life.
thanks emily!! can't wait to see what you come up with 😁
Thank you so much for the request Blu!! (also i have blue hair rn too!! 🥰💖)
I ship you with…
(Speirs Voice) Darrell C. POWWWEEERRRRSSSS
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A song from my liked songs that reminds me of y’all - Sugar, Sugar by the Archies
How you met
Mkay SO
Your band came to Europe to play for the soldiers because morale boost
So Easy Company is sitting listening to your band and everyone is vibing and having a Lovely Time ™
Shifty looks up at the stage and sees you with your guitar and
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He’s sitting with Talbert and Smokey and they see how he’s just staring and start teasing him a bit
Sweet baby laughs but starts blushing when Tab and Smokes talk about meeting her after the show
Before they know it though y’all are packing up your gear and it’s Now or Never
So Tab and Smokey being Tab and Smokey they each Grab an Arm and before the three know it they’re next to the stage
You’re still on stage just putting your guitar away when Smokey just goes “YOU DID GREAT TONIGHT!!”
But when you turn around all you see is Shifty all alone and frantically looking beside him
But honestly he's so stinkin cute how could you not go over and talk to him
Sweet baby just blushes bright red and stutters out
“H-how do you do ma’am, my name’s shift- I mean Darrell b-but everyone calls me Shifty,” he just looks down and sticks his hand out
You just laugh softly and shake his hand (asdf there was so definitely a spark but neither of you admit it)
“It’s very nice to meet you Shifty,” you get an idea when you look back at the stage
“Would you mind helping me carry my stuff back to the van?” 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Shifty’s eyes brighten up and he’s like an eager golden retriever following you up onto the stage to get your things
Shifty’s able to relax a little bit thanks to you being so sweet and lovely and y’all have just the most wonderful conversation
Before you leave he definitely asks you to dinner and of course how could you say no
How he knew he loves you
I picture it happening when y’all are on a hike
You got to the top of the mountain and there’s a beautiful view, absolutely perfect for your picnic!
So y’all are having a lovely picnic just talking about everything under the sun
However you look over and notice that Shifty’s water bottle is almost full
“Shifty, you need to drink some water babe,” you say gently, holding out the water bottle to him
When he looks at you… the gentle but concerned look in your eyes, strands of your hair framing your face, the way the sun is shining on you, everything is just perfect
He leans forward and gently kisses you, placing a hand on your cheek
He slowly pulls away and just quietly says, “I’m in love with you…”
The genuine love and tenderness of the moment almost makes you want to cry so of course you say it back
Y’all go on that hiking trail every year now
A conflict that arose and how y’all resolve it
Ok so y’all are out at a bar maybe with friends after the war
Shifty offers to get the next round of drinks, so he kisses you on the cheek before going up to the bar and ordering
You glance over to the bar after a little bit and see Shifty talking to a girl??
It’s clear she’s trying to put the moves on him, the giggling, the Touching His Arm In That One Way
And Shifty just… lets her?
He’s even laughing along with her jokes (which you can hear and they ain’t great)
You could NEVER picture Shifty doing something like this, but you have no other explanation for what your eyes are seeing
The conflicting feelings start to feel overwhelming so you tell your friends that you’re going to the bathroom before walking as quickly as you can toward the restrooms
Shifty notices your brisk pace and gets concerned cuz you look really upset?? What happened while he was gone??
He follows you to the hallway with the bathrooms and gently takes your hand
“Is everything alright love??” he says so gently but also so worried
You debate telling him what you saw
Like on the one hand he’s never given any indication he’s like that
But on the other he was CLEARLY flirting back???
He sees the anxiety in your eyes and his concern just Doubles
“Sweetheart what’s wrong??” he gently places his hands on your arms while he waits to hear your response, praying he can fix whatever it is
“...why were you flirting with that girl?” you asked in a barely audible voice, tears welling up in your eyes
Suddenly Shifty’s facial muscles scrunch up
“Flirting? You mean with that girl at the bar?”
He laughs a little and shakes his head
“I was trying everything I could to get away from her, but I was waiting on the drinks and I didn’t want to be mean…”
You just breathe a sigh of relief and shake your head, relief washing over you
You both start laughing quietly before you plant a kiss on his lips
“I love you Darrell C Powers”
“Why do you always use my full name?” (it’s not because I always hear it in Speirs’ voice idk what you’re talking about)
Your Happily Ever After
Every morning he wakes you up with a kiss on your nose
If that doesn’t work he goes for your lips next
Sweet baby boy just does everything in his POWEEERRRSS Power to make you smile every day
It’s so lovely too because you're his Emotional Support Extrovert
You do all the talking when y’all need to do adult things like buy a car or do tax thingies
Y’all just balance each other perfectly and I would joke about it being gross but tbh it’s just goals
A silly headcanon about your relationship
So Shifty wanted to do something super extra special for your birthday one year
So he found this super cool and delicious recipe for your favorite flavor of cake
One catch - your boy has never cooked a thing a day in his life
So the night before your birthday (sweet boy wanted to surprise you) you come home and there’s smoke everywhere and you can tell it’s coming from the kitchen
Of course you race in and the first thing you see is Shifty standing on the counter fanning the fire alarm with an off-white apron
Which is weird because your apron is blue??
Yeah the kitchen was an absolute war zone
Cake batter everywhere, egg shells on the floor, flour sticking on every surface
Shifty sees you and quickly hops off the counter to hug you before he remembers the discombobulated state he is in
He just sheepishly smiles at you and says, “happy birthday??”
It was the most fun you’ve ever had cleaning up the kitchen
Thank you again for the ask Blu!!! 💙💙💙💙 (I'm sorry if i made too many jokes about how Speirs says his name it just lives in my head rent-free 🤣😅)
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aristotels · 5 months
They’re both devils, but you are talking out of your ass re: Trump. He engineered a normalization agreement between Israel and the UAE that hinged on a $23 billion weapons sale (which Biden shelved). He also publicly advocated for *increasing* the number of settlements constructed in the West Bank. 63% of Israelis feel that Trump would be more favorable to Israel than Biden. Stop getting your news from Tumblr.
i didnt even mention trump and israel lmfao, i mentioned trump and eastern europe. trump is an antisemite and an idiot and en evil and cruel capitalist but his politics were about closing borders and building his dumbass wall. he wanted to pull the usa out of nato which wouldve benefitted every single person in the world and everyone would shout yay and yippie. biden was the biggest warmonger in europe over the ukr-rus war, the same way hillary was the one openly calling for a war with russia in 2016.
as for your poll, a new one has been conducted, and the view has changed. its timesofisrael which is the zionist site so you know theyre getting that shit from the source. biden is more favourable now.
biden shelving trumps deal doesnt really fucking matter considering that he is sending outrageous amounts of money and weapons there free of charge. there is no lesser evil to palestinians - they are being slaughtered. "what would trump do" is pointless, he isnt the president rn, is he?
and everyone here knows sooo well that if trump was in the office the entire liberal usamerica would be rioting and setting shit on fire and talking abt how outrageous it is that hes funding a genocide and calling for him to be tried at hague, but with biden? its actually okay and its "just one issue you disagree on".
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So I’m thinking about like. Elven subcultures. Because when you force people into molds of perfection and discard anyone you see as not fitting that people - especially young people - will be pissed as all fuck. And Elves don’t have social media like we do, so it wouldn’t even be commodified like subcultures now are.
Like, we all make jokes about how emo Tam is, but... what if that’s the point? What if he wears black, dyes his hair, gets angry and dark to separate himself from the light saturated society that was willing to leave his sister for dead just because she wasn’t perfect? Yeah, Elves ‘aren’t musical’ or whatever, but what about Dex, after he fixes Sophie’s iPod for her, getting curious about human music. Like, what if listening to human music becomes like an alt thing? What if people like, form bands with self made instruments that aren’t like the ones humans have because all they have to go off is sound?
What about art? I made a post a while ago about Linh being a street artist and Keefe being a surrealist, but what if they’re not the only ones? What about art movements as well, imperfect and flawed and messy, communicating issues everyone wants so much to cover up? What about messy clothes that would make nobles faint instead of the conservative cloaks and skirts and suits they’re all used to?
It really seems to me that the Elven world is very whitewashed as well. What about POC Elves reclaiming their own histories and cultures? What about new languages aside from just The Enlightened Language being rediscovered and learned or even made? What about people adopting forms of dress from Elven cultures long lost in what was either an unconcious or purposeful cultural cleansing?
Ofc, this would all be very underground. The Council is literally a dictatorship who control the media, education, everything. But people find ways. Someone sneaks a smuggled MP3 player from the Human world into Foxfire and some people get curious, get interested, and get deeper. People find ways to meet up and talk. Maybe that’s where the rebel organizations, Black Swan and Neverseen, find people to recruit? Like, how else do you find people both angry at the world around them and ready to rebel?
Idk. Reading about the growth of alt subcultures in Europe and America rn and I’m just very interested in subcultures in the Elven world. Even aside from alt ones which is what I’ve focused on here.
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fairyofshampgyu · 9 months
Me trying so hard not to sob in class rn bc what the fuck do you mean kpop lux has been cancelled? And just a week prior? With an unprofessional sorry ass ‘apology’ tweet? I’m literally so upset rn I was so excited for txt to finally come to europe IVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG and they’re literally not coming bc of unprofessional incompetent ass organisers literally like die I’m so sad I’m going to cry
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1eos · 1 year
one last thing then i’ll go back to doing some art but its insane to blame poc for their ‘white ppl’ jokes as to why white ppl acted fucking demented bc 1. they were acting demented b4 a lot our ancestors even knew what europe was and 2. the average well adjusted person of color can separate their systemic disdain for the privilege white ppl use, abuse, then pretend they don’t see at their convenience and individual white people they come across while white people absolutely cannot do the same. like? it don’t matter what i do babe you’re still gonna take that water slide down the alt-right bc ultimately they’re offering you a chance to maintain your place standing on the throats of everyone else. am i supposed to talk abt how much i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the master race 😭😭😭😭 i need someone to be fr with me rn
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0alanasworld0 · 10 months
What do you say about bonos transfer? Ngl I was sad cause I really HAD some hope that he would choose FC Bayern
Hello, anon!!!
I would say that im glad he’s getting the big payout he deserves and i strongly believe that he deserves that kind of money more than anyone else moving there. He’s a gem, they’re very lucky to have him and i hope they give him the love he deserves.
But there’s a part of me that believes that he genuinely didnt want to leave europe in the first place and this was his last resort. Sevilla is the club that gave him so so so much so as much as i disagree with his perspective of “loyalty” i understand that he probably agreed to leaving in order to help them out.
I dont think that the bayern situation was his choice at all tbh. If it were up to him, he would have taken the move. BUT bayern put up an embarrassing bid and i can see why sevilla rejected it. I wish them luck with ulreich lmao. If they would rather risk their season than hand over the 20 mil, thats on them. I feel the same about real madrid who are perhaps the only club that can afford to make a loss on a player.
Yassine waited as long as he could for a european offer and as much as he deserved one, he didnt get it. I trust that Allah wrote something much better for him and I pray that many blessings come from the move although it seems horrifying rn.
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That is his legacy. He is so so so special and i pray that he finds extraordinary success with Al Hilal as well.
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firefly-sky · 2 months
very angsty backstory incoming for baylie, read at your own risk
tw: mentions of drugs and such, depression, suicide, the works in an angsty oc backstory.
What I think I’m gonna do with Baylie is have her have her be the second oldest out of seven siblings. She has an older brother, a set of twin siblings, ones a boy and ones a girl and the youngest is her youngest brother. Shes freshly 14 at the time of the move. Her brother is 18. The twins are around 9, her brother is 7, her youngest sister is around 5 and the youngest, an intersex child, was freshly born.
She loved to South Park from somewhere-debating between Australia and somewhere in Europe, likely Ireland or something. But her family moved to America because they didn’t have enough money to live where they were living. So she moved in with her grandparents for a bit. But then her parents and siblings move into a run down shack (think like Kenny’s home but not quite as bad).
Her father ends up in prison because the only way he was anle to make any money was by selling things illegally. After this, her mom kinda spiraled into a depression. At that point, her brother left her with her siblings while he went off to college because he didn’t want to deal with his crumbling family and depressed mom. So around this time, Baylie is basically parenting her three siblings while trying to keep her mom happy, hence her sunshiney exterior. She had been putting it on for years to keep those around her happy and peppy for years, so much so that it kind of just became her personality.
Her mom ends up taking her own life while Baylie and her siblings were at school, leaving Baylie to pick up the pieces. (Baylie was about sixteen at this time) So Baylie ends up having to work just as hard because the police force in South Park is absolute trash, so half the time she’s working four or five jobs on top of school. But the sunshine facade never really leaves her. She keeps in constant with her brother, but he’s off in college and can’t help her out much with money so she’s kind of on her own.
She ends up organizing everything for her siblings. She takes them to church/synagogue whenever she can-she did have a happier childhood before this where her parents were interfaith. her dad was Catholic and her mom was Jewish. They let the kids pick their own pathways when they’re old enough. So Bay tries to honor that. She organizes the twins’ bar/bat mitzvahs, if any of her siblings want to be baptized she organizes that…stuff like that. She looks older than she is and likely has a fake ID so she probably uses that a lot of the time. But she barely sleeps or eats. She’s lucky if she gets two hours a night. Even a meal a day is hard for her because she needs to make sure her siblings have food.
Anyway. I like to think that when some of the other kids find out, they help her somehow. Idk how or if they would but I like incorporating that into her backstory. In this timeline she’s sixteen. This all happened in the span of two years. She probably ends up having a mental breakdown at some point. So that’ll be fun
stay tuned for a comic yall-feel free to send in asks if you want!! i’d love to answer your questions about her/her backstory, i may be slow since i’m away with my family rn but i’ll do my best!
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cursedalthoughts · 1 year
What’s your headcanons for the shipgirls? Like what they like/dislike, niche hobby they’re into, their relationship with each other, etc.
ok i'll keep this to my faves only because 1. i'd be here forever otherwise and 2. that way i can make propaganda for them
rossiya is friends with almost literally anyone, she's very easy to be friends with. in part thanks to the fact that she's a big dum dum dork
chkalov develops huge crushes for literally any pretty woman she sees. she has adhd. she can spend days doing data analysis (her specialty) without noticing, she loves discovering weird patterns and stuff like that.
brünhilde has a youtube channel where she talks about the history of the many antique objects she has. she has almost a million subscribers but uploads like 9 times a year mainly because she forgets abt the channel. also she loves collecting 18th and 19th century things mainly from europe.
mainz and kuybyshev are together. kuybyshev is the emotional crutch of mainz as she has a bunch of depression-related issues and kuybyshev is like the perfect antidote to it. also she enjoys the coffee mainz makes a lot and it gives mainz a nice purpose. both enjoy watching black and white movies and sometimes brunhilde is involved.
monarch has a big platonic crush on duke of york. monarch WISHES she were as mysterious and distant yet thriving as DoY is, that way she wouldn't have to lambast herself believing nobody cares about her. she yearns to live in a cabin in the woods by herself, basically
sakawa, wakatsuki, haguro and miyuki are legit musashi's daughters. i dont have many sfw headcanons for musashi so i wont share them lol
littorio is bi with a slight preference towards women, and has a full blown estate where some sardegnan shipgirls spend entire vacations. this estate is beach-side with a private beach and stuff like that. she's a famous supermodel.
georgia and seattle are legit just besties and not in a relationship (because georgia's gf is monarch duh), and both love to travel around the world and also party a lot.
i have a few more but i cant remember them rn
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ikram1909 · 6 months
I have a question, and I know you can’t answer, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Hypothetically speaking, if the people who want Xavi sacked do get their wish, who would coach Barcelona after that? I’ve seen names thrown around, I won’t list them all out of so as to save time, but names like Arteta and De Zerbi are thrown about. To cut a long story short, none of the coaches people would like to see coach Barcelona are actually feasible or viable options. Sure, coaches like Arteta and De Zerbi are good, but they’re all committed to their own projects at different clubs, which means the only feasible options would be coaches that are either free agents, unhappy at their club, or their clubs are unhappy with them and to my knowledge their are no coaches good enough for Barcelona who fit any of those criteria. Not to mention that Barcelona is a very difficult job with a lot of pressure, what with the financial situation and the general expectations that fans have of the team. Xavi isn’t the perfect coach by any means, but he’s gotten the team this far and is still a relatively new coach in Europe and that’s not to say he doesn’t need improvement in some aspects of the job but sacking him wouldn’t have the end results that I think a lot of people are hoping for.
First of all, I Don't mind answering these type of asks. On the contrary I actually love them so feel free to send me your thoughts any time.
The first thing I'll say about the topic is that culers are delusional and super confusing. Both those coaches are tied to the projects they're working in rn and there's no way they leave. But let's say they magically became available, how are they an improvement on Xavi? Arteta and Xavi are basically twins. Just watch any arsenal game this season and tell me where's the barça DNA they keep saying Arteta can revive for us? I don't see it. Saka has also stagnated under him imo. I also don't think he could handle the pressure that comes with the barça job. In fact, I don't think anyone but Xavi can especially at the moment where he has to work wonders with very little resources. As for De Zerbi well he hasn't proved much has he? Yes, he did wonders last season with Brighton but he's been very up and down this season. Has also had some huge defeats as well, people would literally crucify Xavi if he did the same. Like none of these people are realistic or even as tempting as our fanbase makes them out to be. Is Xavi perfect? Far from it. There are many ways he can improve but is he still the man for the job? 100%. I've said it before but he really is the only man for the job given our circumstances. Ain't nobody putting up with all the media circus that comes with being a barça manager, all the pressure and constant attacks while being on a 3m budget 😭😭 like I need us to be fr for one second please. We should be grateful Xavi was brave enough to come save us and to stay despite everything he has to put up with.
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people on twitter dragging him for demand tho because he’s not selling these venues and ngl i feel low-key scared that he won’t sell it and is going to play in empty venues :( i hate the fact that bmg and matt vines don’t have a plan at all to fucking promote louis and his tour. they had so many opportunities ffs, make written all over your face a single and PROMOTE IT, release a fucking documentary and use it to promote his tour, they ‘promoted’ tour along with the album but they didn’t promote the album at all as well 😭 they thought the fans will buy the tickets as always and when it didn’t happen they choose to promote it or whatever they’re doing in the simplest way. it’s embarrassing for them and i can’t even describe how much i hate them. instead of doing these shitty interviews about how louis’ fans are 14 yo maybe they should’ve done with the promotion and stuff better lol fuck them. also i bet louis thinks he was too ambitious with this tour and it makes me so :(
the fans did buy the tickets! I'm sure once all the dates are out and u count the tickets sold they won't be less than what he sold for ltwt the problem is that if u make a bigger tour u HAVE to EXPAND your fanbase, you can't rely on the existing one bc well.. the math just doesn't make sense! and Matt vines is so fucking stupid for saying he doesn't care about radioplay and charts bc bitch that's the only way people van actually listen to his music and become fans !! if u don't make the fanbase grow how can u expect to make the tour grow !! it's DUMB! I'm sure the latam leg will sell easily once the dates are out but Europe and North America are I think around 60% /70% sold rn (which doesn't mean empty venues but considering how little he's charging and how much more everything costs after the pandemic that could very possibly be a problem in terms of covering the costs imo)
i really hope that louis doesn't start blaming himself for this bc it.is not his fault tbh, he isn't a manager or a tour organizer or a marketing expert, he should blame the people who he pays for that and who are clearly not doing their jobs ! and I hope he realizes that this can't go on !
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debtdeath · 2 years
i’m not trying to attack you with this but you do realise that goromi is not at all a good representation of trans people and that the whole thing is just a transmisogynistic caricature. like i agree there’s room to talk about majima (and other characters) being trans like no one’s trying to say that they’re not but goromi is not where it’s at lol (you talk about it more on your twitter im just coming here on anon cuz im not trying to start a fight i just want you to be aware)
for a message that isnt an attack or an attempt to start a fight this is quite condescending and sure feels like lots of unilateral assumptions are being made... but ah well i'll do my best to answer this in good faith.
more under the cut because this ended up being quite long.
addressing our main point of disagreement here: i don't think goromi is or was ever meant to be trans representation in the first place. she is majima's drag persona, and that doesn't necessarily mean that goromi is supposed to be or represent a trans woman... just like a lot of real life drag queens aren't necessarily representative of trans women or trans people in general. if anything i think the idea that "drag queen = trans woman" is extremely restrictive and doesn't fully represent the diversity of gender identity and expression that drag allows to explore.
i dont think rgg studios is perfect or even like. progressive or whatever. so im not putting any amount of stock in their intentions lmfao. i have more extended thoughts about the way they handle characters that are non-japanese or explicitly lgbt... but that's not what we're talking about rn so i won't get into it. just know you wont see me defend a large game studio about this sort of stuff.
this said i think it is meaningful that this is a character that is beloved, embraced and elevated by queer people beyond her (one-off?) canon representation. i think it's a really wonderful example of simply not caring about the creators' intentions and making something that is important enough to you that you want to see it in the world. making a character or persona that other people may interpret as a joke into a three-dimensional, interesting person who means something to you. isn't that the point of transformative works anyway? are people not allowed to reclaim anything?
i had written more thoughts on how the way queer culture exists and is represented in japan is wholly different than the way it exists and represented in america/western europe, and that doesn't let rgg or even japanese mainstream media off the hook but still requires a slightly different conversation to what's expected in western spaces. while i am certainly not an authority on it, as a japanese person i feel like i have a better grasp on this stuff than someone who isnt.
i also had more thoughts on the idea of "representation" and its co-opting by corporate language and consumerism and how it makes talking about media that much more difficult...
but those are entirely different conversations that i'd only want to have with someone i know is coming at me in good faith. and right now you're a kind of rude anonymous person who i already probably put too much effort answering to.
ultimately i am not trying to convince you of anything. i am just stating where i stand. maybe its not what you wanted to hear and thats ok, we can agree to disagree.
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penismage · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @comrade-cabbage to answer some lil questions :3
name: :)
sign: ⚣ (jk it’s gemini ☉ capricorn ☽ pisces ↑)
height: like 5’10, 5’9 ish idk. 176 cm
time: it’s currently 8:22 pm as i answer this question
birthday: may 23
favorite bands/artists: i love kesha so much. uhm i’ve been listening to fall out boy since i was in like middle school. tbh i don’t listen to music all that much and what i do listen to is sporadic i’m not consistent with artists i’ll listen to like an song from an artist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
last movie: rewatched my big fat greek wedding, one of my faveys, the other night with @catgifsinthesenate
last show: uhhhmmm i’m genuinely not sure. probably rpdr as7
when i created this blog: this blog was december 2020 or maybe january 2021 but tbh it’s just exactly the same as my last blog but sluttier; that one i made in august 2013
what i post: everything lol text posts and jokes and memes and art and pretty pictures and hot guys just whatever honestly
last thing i googled: inches to cm
other blogs: i have a blog for fiber arts (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) but i post extremely infrequently because i don’t do any of those as much as i’d like to and i finish even fewer projects than i do start 😅 @knitsmage and a side blog for reblogging porn that i never post my own stuff to lol that blog’s just for me
do i get asks?: i get some! but infrequently lol, mostly from my mutuals <3
following: 914
followers: 1,348
average hours of sleep: i really really try to get 8 hours or more every night but it’s really hard not to stay up late especially when i know i work the next morning and won’t have any free time the next day :/
instruments: i play the piano and i played the violin in school. i really wanna get back into the violin but they’re expensive and lessons are expensive and i’m far from wealthy lol. i also have a ukulele that i strum from time to time, and i’ve tried to learn a bunch of other instruments too to varying degrees of success
what i’m wearing: i was wearing scrubs when i started this at work but i didn’t waste an instant taking all my clothes off when i got home lol so nothing now
dream job: i do not dream of labor :) but the job i wish i had rn would probably be something like data entry where i can sit by myself with no customers or middle management and copy/type things up for a couple hours and then leave
dream trip: there’s a lot of places i wanna go tbh. i would love to go to germany and austria someday, and around other parts of europe too. i also really wanna take a cross-country train trip, i love riding trains so much. and i’d love to see every national park in the us
nationality: unfortunately am*rican ://
favorite songs: no <3
last book i read: heh i really don’t read as much as i’d like to 😅 i think the last book i finished was listening to pjo the sea of monsters again (and then didn’t finish the titan’s curse). the last book i started was, i think, house of leaves
i’ll tag uhhhhhh @daaaaanver @zelmoe @holleywoodsigns @adamsmasher @12-hour-630-mile @its-scoots and anyone else who wants to ofc!!
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