#is this cheesy?? yes
blushingsastiel · 8 months
sam and castiel trace each other's scars; sometimes telling the other the story of how they got them. telling each other everything will be okay.
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seefasterdraws · 8 months
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hug! that! captain!
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grave-ghost-account · 3 months
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i fucking hate these bitches so much (affectionate)
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clownsuu · 1 year
Just saw your Howdy angst post and NOOO MAKE THE CATERPILLAR MAN HAPPY RN PLEASE
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Ngl drawing them happy is very addicting (though in pain is as well-)
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A colder version cause woo yeah woo yeah playing with hues JDDHDH-
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thirstyvampyr · 1 month
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"thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit." Mickey, 5x12
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stuckinapril · 4 months
maybe a bit of an esoteric advice but saving nice things people have said in a notes app entry has saved me so many times. if i’m having a bad day, being hard on myself, dealing w negativity from others etc etc. just whatever it is. i open this page—which is basically a compilation of people complimenting me on certain attributes, sweet interactions i wrote down, or things i’ve accomplished—and it brings me right down to earth. like someone could be saying mean shit about me (whether it be a person or a voice in my own head) & instead of having to go through the mental toil of summoning up positive memories to negate that, i just go to that notes app entry. i read over everything and im like ohhhh ok im not the most horrible person in the world after all. i don’t deserve being told that after all. it’s all written down right here.
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beemot · 9 months
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um check the manual [ray × gale]
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elizacobbs · 7 months
Our boys together again
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I'm not crying you are
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doppelgangem · 1 year
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Just my ongoing personal head canon where Hannibal continues to torment Jack by sending happy postcards from their murder husband honeymoon
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cheesit-notes · 10 months
Simon Riley + Hand Kisses
tags: kissing obviously, ptsd for simon basically, gn!reader, overthinking simon, simon getting violent at one point, a/n: sorry i was gone for a week! i want to say i worked on stuff but ive been busy with things and this was the only thing i did. im not all that happy with the time to result ratio of this tbh but i love the idea of Simonand hand kisses so enjoy!
Ghost who cannot stand any and all kinds of intimate touches. he doesn’t like intimate touches. no, actually, he loathes those touches. it reminds him of a time he’d really rather forget. there’s no way to really kiss him without having to slowly practice. underneath the mask, he’s nothing more than the emotionally scarred, vulnerable Simon Riley who went through far too much for any human.
the first time both of you technically kissed, you had asked if you could kiss him, he said yes because you looked like you wanted it so badly. the two of you stood awkwardly in his barracks. he’s wondering if he should’ve changed clothes earlier, he just got back and was still in his uniform, probably smelled fowl, but you didn’t say a word. ah, he thought he could handle it. he really did. but to kiss was a lot easier said than done. and he’ll never fully forgive himself for shoving you away slamming you against the wall, and he was choking you. he didn’t actually hit you, you tell him that everyday, but the fact he fully intended to hit you for the moment scared him. plagued with the thought that he truly was no different from his father; he could barely look at you for the weeks following that, much less talk to you. no, he refused to do so much as to stand near you; petrified he wouldn’t snap out of it in time, terrified he’d hurt you.
months later, he asked if it’s alright to try again. the kissing thing, you know? it was months after the previous attempt, you and Simon had already reconciled, as much as possible anyways, so the question left you a little confused. you were happy to, but only if he was really ready. and he said he was, he swore it. although.. looking at you, thinking back about the previous attempt, made him anxious. but he already said he would. so he should? he should stick to his words, right? youd probably think hes a coward. god, a man shouldnt be a coward. and he cant be a coward. and all these thoughts ran through his mind. he doesnt realize he’s zoned out and that you’re staring at him with a concerned look on your face. its not until you decide to speak does he snap back.
“are you sure you want to do this?”
he’s not even sure what to respond. what did he want?  he’s only really thought about what you wanted. it’s not like his wants really mattered in his eyes.
“you know, we don’t have to do this. we can still have a perfectly fine relationship without–”
“no! absolutely, no, we.. we have to kiss.”
he insisted, almost yelling like he’s afraid he wouldn’t be heard. and that you’d leave him because you’d think he couldn’t kiss you, because he couldn't give you of a normal relationship. and you deserved it. you deserved a normal relationship with someone who could give you what you wanted. and god, he wishes he were normal.
anyone could tell he was agitated. honestly, it isn’t easy for you. you could tell he wouldn’t handle it well if you kissed him directly. but if you didn’t then he’d isolate himself, thoughts spiralling like a roller coaster in his mind, and you couldn’t be sure when or where the ride ended. so, grab his hands, hold them in yours, and plant a gentle kiss on each. you hold his hands, looking into his eyes, and for what felt like hours, the two of you stayed put like that. until Simon told you to leave.
it caught you off guard, you’re a little taken back. but respecting his wishes, you leave the room. not even a minute after you leave, Simon slumps against the wall, he can’t stop the hot, burning tears from falling. maybe it was how soft your lips felt against his caloused hands or how careful you were with him, how you knew that he likely wouldn’t react well to either choice and yet you made the perfect one.
Simon Riley who sometimes holds your hand, silently hoping you’d kiss his hand again. he likes it when you give each knuckle a peck. if you bent down on one knee, you’d look like a knight kissing the princess’ hand, and Johnny would say this whenever he saw the chance. Simon Riley who still isn’t ready to kiss you directly, but he’s slowly working on it. Simon Riley who will probably learn to like different types of kisses, but right now, he's smitten over you and your hand kisses that make him feel oh so loved.
next time he holds your hand, give him a kiss, will you?
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sboochi · 1 year
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More fantasy designs because assigning rpg classes to animation characters is what keeps me going
Snow White is a traveling paladin searching for her father, doing good and helping people in the meantime. She gets the nickname Red Shoes because of the color of her armor (who needs camouflage when you can bonk enemies in the head with your super strenght)
Merlin is the leader of a group of famous heroes. They get cursed bc they're kind of assholes. Merlin sees Snow one time (1) and falls in love immediately even if she hides the fact that she's the legendary Red Shoes
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Azi *trying to flirt again*: Crowley, is it hot in here or-
Crowley: I suppose, but it's less than 90°F ...
Azi *suppressing gay tears of frustration*: WHY. GOD. WHY.
Crowley: What? Why is it less than 90 degrees?
Crowley: ...because you're acute angel.
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hauntedorpheum · 2 years
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If you don't pick up the tempo, you're gonna lose your head. Snap, snap.
Van Helsing (2004) Queen of the damned (2002) Dracula: dead and loving it (1995) Fright Night II (1988) The fearless vampire killers (1967) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) Buffy the vampire slayer (1997 - 2003) Vamp (1986) The vampire diaries (2009 - 2017) From dusk till dawn (1996) Blade (1998)
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kanerallels · 1 year
*sighs dreamily while gazing off into the distance* so many of my mutuals writing original stories... there are gonna be so many amazing books out there some day thanks to you guys
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cactiaintracist · 6 months
*heavy spoilers for the star beast
only doctor who can go from - high stakes, an evil alien called "beep the meep" is going to destroy the city -ooh some actiony stuff - angst because I have to tell my bestfriend she is going to die - hissy fit about it - woman ready to sacrifice her life for her daughter - genuinely heartbreaking bit where he gives back those repressed memories that will kill her -comedic bit about said woman yelling at her alien bff for subconsciously inspiring her to donate her lottery winnings (whilst London burns) - the euphoria of doctor donna - techno babble - heroism - epic scores - heartbreak as she dies in his arms - him desperately saying "your daughter is safe" so she knows she didn't die in vain - doctor becoming all threatening and slightly suicidal when enemy soldiers come to kill him - they don't die - 2000 year old certified genius is just confused - oh wait your 15 year old daughter just got alien power because she is trans and saved the day
in the span of five minutes and absolutely kill it
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truth-01001001-liar · 6 months
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i realized i’ve drawn Voryn Dagoth, but not Dagoth Ur… so here’s my Dagoth Ur (^_^)
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