flyingvgroupca · 3 years
Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto Business
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Are you struggling to boost your crypto business? (Source: Finances Online) Given the statistics above, what steps is your business putting in place to capitalize on the vast opportunities of the cryptocurrency market? The cryptocurrency market is growing so fast, and competition within the industry is very high. Implementing the right crypto marketing strategies will help you get your crypto company or platform noticed by the masses and propel you above your competitors. This guide will demystify the crypto business and show you the best way to get online visibility and leads. Let’s pinpoint our areas of concentration: What is Crypto Marketing? Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto Business Content Marketing vs. PPC Marketing: Which One Is the Best For Your Crypto Business? Why Content Marketing and SEO Strategy Are Vital for Any Crypto Business How to Start Your Blogging Campaign So, what do you know about crypto marketing? What is Crypto Marketing? Crypto marketing has to do with the steps a crypto marketer takes when advertising and raising awareness of a crypto business to get more users or drive growth to the company.  The strategy for crypto marketing is making valuable and essential information available for prospective customers, with the end view of getting them to invest.  The best method of getting more users so far is content marketing. Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto Business Like in many other businesses, your content remains the best path to take for crypto marketing.  Everyone in the crypto business knows that the crypto market has over 1,500 different types of cryptocurrencies and millions of people owning crypto businesses.  Also, crypto businesses can fail. Over 1,700 cryptocurrencies failed in 2020, and different crypto businesses are closing down all of the time. Nonetheless, the crypto business is no doubt a multibillion-dollar business. But do you know why most people can't get anything meaningful from it? They have little or no content when it comes to marketing their crypto business.  A lot of people are going into the crypto business because of the billions in market value. What can you do to stand out in this business? To stand out among the millions of business owners in the crypto business, you need a better marketing strategy.  Are you thinking what we’re thinking?  Content marketing is the best way to get your crypto business out to the millions of users willing to invest in cryptocurrency. Because your crypto business depends on what you can offer, there is a need for blogging. Also, cryptocurrency content marketing generates the least amount of risk vs. other tactics like paid advertising, which can be at the mercy of ad platforms like Facebook and Reddit. (Source: Shivam Technologies) If you want to know how content marketing can help your crypto business, then just follow me as we dive deeper into this timely subject matter.  Content Marketing vs. PPC Marketing: Which One Is the Best For Your Crypto Business? If you are a crypto business owner and wondering which is the best between content marketing and PPC marketing for your crypto business, worry no more. We are about to show you three reasons why crypto content marketing is better than PPC crypto marketing. 1. Content Marketing generates More Traffic When your content begins to rank, it becomes unstoppable. The lead that will follow from organic search alone is far higher than what you should expect to get from PPC crypto marketing. Curata noted that 74 percent of companies confirmed that content marketing helped increase lead generation in quantity and quality. Thus, quality leads are more likely to patronize businesses, and content marketing is one of the best ways to generate high-quality leads.  Good content generates higher leads than PPC with higher conversion rates. 2. Content Marketing is Not as Expensive Aside from the cost of writing your content for marketing, there are no other expenses to spend to market your crypto business with content. As soon as your content is optimized for search engines and published, it will continue to go up in rankings, getting more leads as it earns clicks.  In some cases, you only have to update some information in the content after some time to keep it ranking in search results. PPC, on the other hand, is expensive. It is challenging to keep paying for PPC marketing for your crypto business because you’ll get billed for every click you get and you probably will want to have an expert PPC team managing the campaign. 3. Content Marketing has Longer Relevance Content marketing is an excellent marketing tool for your crypto business if you need long-time relevance.  The more content you publish, the more it remains relevant. So, you get more value for your content no matter how long it lasts, and you don’t spend more money to keep and maintain it.  On the other hand, if you are marketing with PPC, you will need to take down your ad sooner or later or discontinue paying, leading to the disappearance of your ad. Hence, it won’t stay relevant for a long time.  If you are looking at a more extended online presence for your crypto business, you would be wise to look into content marketing.  Content marketing is a marketing tool that has almost six times the web conversion rate. Therefore, it is a very effective marketing strategy, so it is the preferred marketing strategy for crypto businesses.  While PPC is also another method of marketing where a marketer can place an ad on strategic sites, it is costly compared to content marketing. PPC may get you on top of SERPs in a shorter time, but is the cost worth it for someone who wants to grow his crypto business?  Why bother when content marketing can get you better results?  Why Content Marketing and SEO Strategy Are Vital for Any Crypto Business Content marketing helps crypto businesses grow but takes it to a whole new level when combined with an SEO strategy. SEO uses keywords to increase the traffic on your web, while content marketing uses relevant information to drive clients. When these two are combined, you’ll have a powerful tool for growing your crypto business.  SEO is like fuel, while content marketing is the vehicle. If you don’t fuel your car, you will have to keep pushing it before it moves. You may get to your destination, but after how many hours? If you want to achieve faster growth in your crypto business through content marketing, then SEO strategy is the fuel you need to add to achieve it.  Do you want to grow your business using content marketing and SEO strategy?  Then, you need to know the three most important benefits of content marketing combined with SEO strategy: 1. There is a Sure Return on Investment (ROI) Content marketing, when combined with SEO strategy, helps to bring more web traffic and leads. The results are always different whenever you optimize your content for search engines. As web traffic increases, the chances of conversion also increase.   The visitors converted through these combinations are very important for your crypto business. These people are most likely to be new customers. Content marketing alone can generate three times higher leads, costs less than other marketing methods, and is 62% less expensive.   You have higher leads, fewer expenses, and more return on investment (ROI) when you use SEO strategy in your content. 2. It Helps Increase Your Customer Base Google, for example, performs crawls on every piece of content that’s on a site to determine the type of visitors to bring to your site.  Using SEO on your content helps Google have a clearer idea about your crypto business and all the benefits of doing business with you. Hence, Google connects you to the next client this way.  Great content and SEO will get you to the top of search engines and make you a winner when increasing your customer base. The reason is that your SEO strategy will get them to click on your content, and your content will give visitors good reasons to spend more time on your site.  Your visitors will also be likely to return to your site whenever they look for information on the crypto business. The more often they do, the higher your chances of converting them into loyal customers.  But that’s not even the best part! Many people share content, and the chances of recommending friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family to your business also increase since they have come to trust your crypto business. Doing this will rapidly grow your business and make you a trusted crypto brand. 3. It Makes Your Business Outstanding Among Other Competitors As mentioned earlier, there are many crypto businesses out there competing for the same customers that your crypto business needs. Every crypto investor knows that their crypto business is not a monopoly business; hence, customers keep looking for the most outstanding crypto investment opportunity. Also, established businesses are always in trouble because several smaller ones want to compete with them. In contrast, small companies trying to establish themselves have new competitors with more resources now and then trying to take over their customer base.  Every business owner has competitors! Most customers looking for a crypto business to invest in are looking for an outstanding crypto business with a good track record. However, they know that someone will not knock at their door to give them that information. So, where do they go?  The web.  With a good content and SEO strategy, you become outstanding among the millions of people doing the same business because you build what we call EAT awareness. EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trust, and the best way to build these three things and give your customer confidence in your service is through content and information. Your crypto business may be as small as David, but you will see it slaying big Goliath crypto businesses that are your competitors. If you run an already-established crypto business, content marketing and SEO strategy will help you remain on top. How do you go about growing your crypto business using content marketing? How to Start Your Crypto Blogging Campaign According to HubSpot, blogging is the preferred inbound marketing choice for 55% of marketers, and the chances that their marketers will get a return for investment (ROI) is 13 times higher than those who are not using a blog. (Source: Orbit Media) In case you are wondering how you can start up your blog, here is how. 1. Research Your Niche and Update Your Keyword Database Since you are looking to grow your crypto marketing strategy, your SEO content writing should concentrate on that. When you do this, it helps to bring people who are only interested in your crypto business. Keyword research is also essential. Your keyword database should reflect your Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and other cryptocurrency-related offerings as a cryptocurrency company or platform. (Source: Ivivity) Many tools help you achieve this, such as Google’s Keyword Planner and Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. 2. Run Competitor Research You need to find out what strategies your competitors are using and use that information to your advantage. What form of organic traffic are they using on Google?  How competitive is their choice of keywords? Using this information, you can find low-competition keywords to improve your rankings. 3. Optimize Your Content for Long-tail Keywords Research reveals that 70% of all online searches contain long-tail keywords. Usually referred to as “the holy grail of SEO” by content marketing experts, long-tail keywords are vital if you want your crypto-related content to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs).   When people look for crypto companies and platforms to trade with, they will type in queries specific to what they need. Unfortunately, the search volume for such questions is often lower, hence the need to optimize your crypto-related content for long-tail keywords with several converting variations. (Source: Digital School of Marketing) 4. Have Good Content Creators Having good content creators is critical, like every other point mentioned above. A blog without content is like a train without an engine. What drives your blog is the content, and you should get the best people for that.  5. Blog Regularly You need to continue creating relevant, rich content that will benefit your target audience. Cryptocurrency is a broad and trendy subject that many people like. Therefore, you need to blog regularly - at least once a week - and tailor your content to meet users’ search queries and optimize it for search engines. Constantly updated sites are seen as more relevant and up-to-date in Google’s eyes than sites that have not posted in some time.  6. Design Your Blog In design, your blog should be inviting and have the ability to keep visitors. Of course, the type of content you have is a sure way to keep visitors, but your design should attract and keep them interested in reading your content. 7. Host Your Blog on the Web Publishing your blog on the web is the next step.  Some companies can help you do that at a small price. Also, you can host your blog for free if you decide to use software like WordPress.  8. Launch and Maintain your Blog Launching your blog helps people to see your content. With this final step in place, your crypto marketing has officially begun. You can track and analyze how you are making progress and update your blog based on that from time to time.  The best tracking tools to use in 2021 include SEMrush, Ahrefs Rank Tracker, SE Ranking, and Mangools SERPWatcher. How Can We Help? Your cryptocurrency-based company or platform needs an effective crypto content marketing strategy to thrive in such a competitive market. At Flying V Group, we utilize cutting-edge digital marketing strategies that will help to promote the cryptocurrency products and services that your company or platform offers. We deploy subject matter experts to help our clients produce world class content that drives incredible exposure to our clients’ projects. Contact us. Share this Post Thank you so much for reading Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto Business . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto BusinessSeptember 28, 2021Enterprise SEO for 2022: Strategies and Tools for Your Enterprise-Level WebsiteSeptember 23, 2021How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and TwitterSeptember 16, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
Cryptocurrency SEO: 12 Key Strategies for Optimizing Your Blockchain Website
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Do you want your cryptocurrency website to drive traffic and sales? In 2020, the Cambridge Business School reported that there were about 101 million cryptocurrency users with verified identities worldwide as of Q3 2020. Cryptocurrencies are a response to the digital economy’s need for privacy.  You can earn and purchase crypto without a bank or other central authority overseeing the process.  As this fast-growing open-source currency continues to grow in market capitalization, value, popularity, and demand, it is becoming increasingly necessary to use search engine optimization (SEO) for your crypto website. Before we delve into crypto SEO, let’s give you a quick outline. Feel free to click any of the topics below to be taken directly to the section: What is SEO? SEO Core Components for Crypto Websites Technical SEO On-Page SEO Off-Page SEO What is Crypto SEO? Why Do You Need SEO for Your Cryptocurrency Website? How to Optimize SEO for Your Cryptocurrency Website Bonus: Mistakes to Avoid Let’s dive in. What is SEO? SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, involves getting traffic from search results. These results could be free, organic, natural, or editorial. The goal of SEO is to improve your site’s position in SERPs or search engine results placements.   You may need an SEO strategist to help you implement an effective SEO crypto marketing campaign. What is an SEO specialist’s goal? The goal of an SEO specialist is to ensure that your website is No. 1 in search results so that you can reach the right audience and make sales.  Core SEO Components for Crypto Websites The fundamental principles of SEO do not change despite the evolving nature of some of its components.  The core components or pillars of SEO that you should apply to your crypto website are: (Source: Process) Technical SEO for Crypto The main focus of technical SEO is how Google crawls pages. It works behind the scenes, putting vital elements in place to ensure that your site performs optimally and search engines can easily crawl your pages. Critical considerations for technical SEO include: Domain age Domain strength No plagiarized content URL structure No dash domains 301 redirects Canonicalization Website speed Mobile-friendliness Site navigation On-page SEO for Blockchain Websites On-page SEO focuses on your page’s content and how it affects your ranking in search engines. Areas of focus for on-page SEO are: Keyword research Page mapping Meta description Page titles Image ALT text SEO-friendly URLs Content optimization Calls-to-action (CTA) User interface Images E.A.T. (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) Off-page SEO for Crypto Websites Off-page deals mainly with link strategy and other external factors not on your website but that influence your ranking. Think of these as votes of confidence from other areas online to drive positive search placements. Off-page SEO covers: Inbound links Social media engagement What is Crypto SEO? It is crucial to understand the nature of crypto SEO and how it improves visibility for cryptocurrency websites.  Cryptocurrency SEO helps get more traffic from people in the crypto niche to improve your platform’s customer growth, awareness, and sales. An effective SEO strategy for your crypto business will help to market your company’s products and services to your target audience and drive high-quality traffic to your site. Why Do You Need SEO for Your Cryptocurrency Website? Is your crypto website on the first page of search results? If it isn’t, then you have a long way to go. The value of your cryptocurrency will increase with the influx of users to your website and the awareness that is driven to your website through online search queries. Cryptocurrency advertising offers many opportunities, thereby increasing the need to incorporate SEO crypto strategies in your campaign. Crypto SEO is the primary driver of cryptocurrency-related organic traffic, which will help to boost customer growth, increase sales, and bring more referrals to your business website. It takes someone who knows how to apply SEO tactics to improve your rankings in SERPs and set you above your competitors. How to Optimize SEO for Your Cryptocurrency Website What are your goals for your cryptocurrency website? If your goal is to increase traffic, sales, and returns on investment (ROI), you will need a well-defined crypto SEO process to achieve it. Let these tips guide you as you optimize SEO for your crypto website: 1. Conduct Keyword Research When optimizing SEO for your crypto site, your first step is to know your target audience’s particular keywords to search for your services on search engines like Google. Good keyword research for crypto companies will include crypto-related terms like Bitcoin, crypto, buy cryptocurrency, etc. The best way to run keywords research is using a tool like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. According to our Ahrefs keyword analysis on Coinbase, their top page ranked No. 1 for 8,639 keywords, with Coinbase as the main keyword. It has attracted traffic of 3,247,071 and is worth $1.1M.  Using Ahrefs to run keyword analysis on eToro’s website revealed that web pages that used eToro as their primary keyword appeared at the top of search results. For example, the site’s highest-ranking page attracts a value of $474,628, traffic of 178,979, and a volume of 247,000 by ranking for 704 keywords, with “etoro” as the main keyword. 2. Optimize your Content SEO content writing is the best way to adapt your content to a quality that appeals to your target audience and search engines. Your crypto website’s SEO content marketing strategy should focus on writing and publishing relevant, high-quality cryptocurrency website content with keywords related to your niche. Your content should be unique, in-depth, relevant, properly formatted, and without grammatical errors. Looking for content gaps in competing websites will also help you know the keywords to focus on so that your content will outrank your competitors. Take a look at the result from running a content gap analysis with three of Coinbase’s top competitors - eToro, Kraken, and Gemini. a. Coinbase vs. eToro b. Coinbase vs. Gemini c. Coinbase vs. Kraken 3. Create Dedicated Landing Pages Your website should have dedicated landing pages for each element of your crypto business. Oftentimes we see crypto websites that are only one page and this dramatically reduces your opportunities for online exposure because you water down your information. By having dedicated landing pages on particular topics you create much more authoritative content that has a higher likelihood of driving traffic to your site.  Your landing pages must be accessible to all visitors without having to log in to your site because search engines cannot crawl pages that require login details. Also, make sure each pages have descriptive text to give users insights into your product. Don’t leave your target keywords out of your landing pages. A quick look at Coinbase’s Ahrefs analysis shows that they use their top keywords in their landing pages. They have 694 landing pages with their highest ranking landing page ranks for 1,030 keywords and attracts traffic of 74.7%. Unlike Coinbase, eToro has only eight landing pages, with their top-most having 1,153 keywords and attracting 59.8% traffic. 4. Get Backlinks How can you increase the authority of your crypto website? Link building provides an efficient solution to gaining authority for your crypto website. You can build your backlink profile to increase your website’s visibility and get better rankings in search engine result pages (SERPs). In doing this, your SEO rankings will also increase, thereby increasing your traffic and sales. Ranking high on Google for popular and competitive crypto search keywords requires high-quality content with backlinks from authoritative websites (think of backlinks as votes of confidence which give Google better indicators to return your website as a search result). To earn and build your backlink profile, you can do the following: Engage in regular blogging. Create and publish relevant, top-quality content on your blogs or web pages. Focus on creating content that will appeal to your crypto audience so that you can earn backlinks. For example, use microsites, guides, and other cryptocurrency-related resources. Identify influencers in cryptocurrency and reach out to them to help share your content. Not only will this approach earn you links, but it will help you build links. Find out where your competitors are getting their top backlinks from, then replicate the same links. Take eToro as an example. From the Ahrefs analysis data, the company’s website has 16.3M backlinks and about 33.8 referring domains. Coinbase website Ahrefs analysis shows over 10.9M backlinks with about 66.3K referring domains. 5. Optimize Featured Snippets You can earn featured snippets when you incorporate highly competitive keywords in your SEO crypto strategy. This strategy will not only help you to outrank your competition but will also increase your click-through rate (CTR) and impressions. 6. Crypto Site Structure A crypto website should look very different from other websites. More so, visitors will have little or no trouble identifying your website as a crypto page if it is organized and structured with technical cryptocurrency information.  Putting your crypto website structure into consideration when optimizing your pages for SEO will, therefore, make your site appeal to only your target audience. 7. Optimize your Crypto Website’s Page Speed One cannot overemphasize the importance of page speed to your site’s ranking. Statistics reveal that 53 percent of mobile website visitors will leave any page that takes more than three seconds to load. In addition to being tiring and discouraging, a web page that loads slowly increases bounce rates, which won’t go unnoticed by Google. An increase in bounce rates will result in Google reducing your rankings in SERPs. 8. Include Relevant Keywords in your Metadata Do you want to rank for keyword variations? Your meta descriptions and page titles should also include keyword modifiers like buy, sell, and crypto. Offers and commission fees can also be part of your meta page title. When you do this, Google will make your site rank you higher for keyword search phrase variations. It will also increase your click-through rate (CTR). 9. Monitor your Position in SERPs Regularly If you have read this guide to this point, it is clear that you want your crypto website to be the first on SERPs. How will you find out where you are on the result page? Start by tracking your SERPs. Run some searches with your crypto-related primary keywords. If your page does not appear on the first page or is not the first on the list, you need to begin an SEO analysis on your website. In case you are wondering, “How can I track my SERPs?” It’s simple.  Get a SERPs checker tool. Ahrefs SERP Checker tool or SpySERP are great examples of software you can access for tracking your SERPs. 10. Create Dedicated Q & A or Frequently Asked Questions Pages to Answer Users’ Crypto Queries People who are yet to invest in cryptocurrency often ask questions about it. Finding these crypto-related questions is easier when using keyword tools like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, and Moz Keyword Explorer.  The keyword information you will get from any of these keyword research tools will give you insight into what your target audience wants to know about crypto so that you can create an FAQ page that will answer their queries. If you do this, you will attract more traffic to your site and boost your reputation as an authority in cryptocurrency. As more people come to trust your brand and rely on you for information, your conversion rates will also increase. 11. Caption your Pictures One of the best ways to quickly get information to your target audience is by using visuals, such as photographs, charts, infographics, etc. But that’s not nearly enough. Search engine spiders or crawlers need to read text on your site and analyze it before matching it to keywords in users’ search queries. This process helps to narrow down your competition to only websites in your niche. Unfortunately, these spiders do not crawl pictures. The solution? Caption your pictures. And make sure you include your keywords in every caption. 12. Create Localized Pages for your International Audience Is your crypto company or platform targeting different countries? If yes, you should create localized content for each country to improve your conversion rates. In addition, creating specific content for specific regions will be great for local searches and boost your visibility internationally. Bonus: Mistakes to Avoid Do not underestimate the use of CMS platforms. Do not write page titles without incorporating your primary keywords. Do not create websites with only one web page. Do not use only one subdomain. Do not upload your content on online publishing platforms that will own your content. Can You Improve the Ranking of Your Crypto Website? SEO crypto tactics are invaluable for the growth of your cryptocurrency company or platform. However, making it work for you is tasking and time-consuming. At Flying V Group, we understand these limitations. So let’s partner with you to improve your site’s ranking, reach a wider audience, and boost conversions. Contact us. Share this Post Thank you so much for reading Cryptocurrency SEO: 12 Key Strategies for Optimizing Your Website . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. Enterprise SEO for 2022: Strategies and Tools for Your Enterprise-Level WebsiteSeptember 23, 2021How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and TwitterSeptember 16, 2021Secrets for Launching a Brand in 2021September 16, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
Crypto Marketing in 2021: The Place of Social Media Content in Boosting Engagement, Conversions, and ROI
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Are you struggling to increase the customer base for your crypto projects and communities? Leverage crypto social media content marketing tools. Is the competitiveness of the crypto market proving it difficult for your crypto business and communities to thrive? Recent statistics reveal that about 233 million people in the United States of America use social media. (Source: Convince and Convert) Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, digital currency that has received so much attention in recent times. The rise in the price and popularity of this encrypted currency makes it a viable tool to invest in and an exciting topic on social media platforms. Social media, which was initially a tool for social networking and connecting with people, has become a great place to market businesses and share opinions on various issues. Integrating cryptocurrency into social media offers many advantages, including spreading trustworthy information about projects and creating more enthusiasm around particular projects. Crypto social media marketing through content has helped more people learn about cryptocurrency and increases engagement for crypto businesses and platforms worldwide.  However, there is still a lot to be done concerning choosing the right type of content for the different social media platforms. That will be our focus in this article. You can look forward to learning more about the following. Click the links to be taken directly to the section: Why Social Media Content Drives Incredible Engagement for Cryptocurrency Projects and Communities 3 Tools Used by Crypto Social Media Content to Drive Incredible Engagement for Cryptocurrency Projects and Communities Creation of Communities Educating Social Media Users Breaking News Providing Customer Support and Alerts How Can Social Media Content Management and Publishing Help ROI? How to Get Started Getting started on Twitter Getting started on Reddit Getting started on Facebook Let’s get the ball rolling! Why Social Media Content Drives Incredible Engagement for Cryptocurrency Projects and Communities Crypto is one currency that allows anybody from any part of the world to exchange value with something as small as a smartphone with an internet connection.  (Source: XDAT) Millions of people, if not billions, will buy the idea of the flexibility cryptocurrency offers. However, the challenge has been how to get to these people and give them great information about their options.  With the advent of crypto social media in the past years, getting information about cryptocurrency has become easy. It is even easier for news to spread like wildfire if it adds value to its targets.  Five years ago, a majority of people knew little or nothing about cryptocurrency, but today, people worldwide are talking about it. Social media has played a significant role in getting people to understand cryptocurrency, and hence, the reason for the massive investments that we see in the crypto market. Considering the number of people on different social media platforms globally and the number of people who have invested in the crypto business, it is evident that the gap of main street cryptocurrency adoption is wide. Hence, a lot still needs to be done in cryptocurrency before it will be the future currency investors are projecting it to be. Using crypto social media content, did you know that you can drive incredible engagement for cryptocurrency projects and communities?  Do you know what this engagement means for everyone who has invested or will invest in the crypto business?  In 2010, Kaplan and Haenlein defined social media as “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technical foundation of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of UGC (user-generated content).” In the last 11 years, social media platforms have moved from just the creation and exchange of UGC to a platform where the generated and exchanged content can help grow businesses, especially a viable one in the crypto space. Social media and content marketing work in harmony to generate superb results in today’s competitive crypto market. So, cryptocurrency companies that focus on having an active social media presence and creating high-quality content have a higher chance of succeeding and growing their business than those that ignore this area. Do you know the crypto social media tools you can employ to achieve incredible engagement for cryptocurrency projects and communities?  We’ll look into that next. 3 Tools Used by Crypto Social Media Content Creators to Drive Incredible Engagement for Cryptocurrency Projects and Communities In the early stage of crypto marketing, Satoshi Nakamoto built an email list of 2,000 subscribers to promote Bitcoin.  In 2019, Facebook alone had 2.23 billion users, YouTube 1.9 billion users, and WhatsApp 1.5 billion users. These statistics show a total sum of 5.63 billion users from only three social media platforms.  Can you imagine the total number of social media users when you include Messenger, Wechat, Instagram, QQ, Tik Tok, Twitter, Reddit, etc.? The 2,000 email subscribers used by Nakamoto in the early stages of crypto marketing are like a drop in the ocean today.  As of July 2021, 4.48 billion people, making up about 57% of the total population in the world, use social media. (Source: Data Reportal) Do you know why this number of people come to social media? It is because of content; the content these social media platforms are providing is irresistible. People are hungry for content, and as you keep giving it to them, they will keep coming for more.  It is now time to look at the crypto social media content tools:  1. Creation of Communities People who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts have seen social media as a platform to come together and form communities. As a result, they are utilizing the opportunity provided by social media platforms.  They do this by creating content through crypto social media. Then, they share this content on subreddits, groups,  chatrooms, etc. These efforts have yielded tremendous results as the number of cryptocurrency engagements on crypto social media has increased more than ever before.  When other people who visit social media for other content see this excellent content in crypto communities, they join and become customers in the crypto market. The circle doesn’t just end there. Some also tell friends, family, and colleagues to join the crypto community.  2. Educating Social Media Users Crypto social media is a platform that crypto marketers have used to educate social media users on the attractive offers in the crypto market.  It was a big challenge for people like Nakamoto, but things are different today. Today, people know more about cryptocurrency than they did years ago because of the content on social media platforms.  Also, people who are not investors in cryptocurrency can tell you one or two things about it without going on Google to do any research. As this information keeps reaching these people, the chances of becoming investors as soon as they know of an irresistible offer are high.  3. Breaking News Breaking news influences the crypto business. In the United States, about 70% of adults get their information from different social media platforms.  Crypto social media takes advantage of this.  As soon as the crypto communities hear of any new change in the crypto market that will benefit them through breaking news, they begin to share this news with others. Within a short time, more opportunities for investment into certain platforms becomes available.   An excellent example of this was when the Bitcoin network broke the news of its Lightning app. That breaking news alone brought an incredible engagement for cryptocurrency projects and communities.  In a Bitcoin conference held in Miami this year, the head of the crypto hedge fund and the co-founder and principal at BKCoin Capital, Kevin Kang, said Elon Musk is “definitely too influential on Bitcoin prices.” This statement came after Elon Musk posted a tweet on his Twitter handle using the Bitcoin logo and emoji.  This single tweet alone went round the whole world in a matter of seconds, and for days, the crypto community continued to feel the influence of this tweet. Many crypto marketers have used this as an advantage to drive incredible engagements in their crypto projects and communities. 4. Providing Customer Support and Alerts A crypto company or platform can use social media to keep customers informed of new developments in the industry through alerts. Providing dedicated support by promptly answering customers’ questions and pointing them to the right place for help also goes a long way to boost customers’ confidence in your brand. How Can Social Media Content Management and Publishing Help ROI? Social media content management and publishing can push a business growing at a snail pace to a Ferrari speed kind of growth.  (Source: Marketing Solved) Are you surprised? You must have heard the phrase “content is king.” Content is the king for people who want to improve their ROI using content management on social media.  (Source: Practice Builders) Social media has become a modern miracle when it comes to improving one’s ROI for any type of business. The number of users has contributed a great deal to this. Crypto social networks are the best place to grow sales, increase crypto brand awareness, and have a cordial client relation. The resulting effect of higher sales, higher brand awareness, and cordial client relationships is higher ROI. But, again, this result is not rocket science.  With the competition everywhere you look, you need to belong to crypto social media networks; otherwise, you just might be left behind.  As a light bulb illuminates a path in darkness, that is how social media content management is to your crypto business ROI. Likewise, content is what brightens the course of your business growth.  According to statistics, the chances of adults between the ages of 18-34 following a brand on social media is 95%. Moreover, 71% of people with good business experience on social media can share the business link with other contacts. In addition, 80% of people using smartphones use social media.  Using social media to do business increases customer retention, efficiency, innovation, long-term revenue, better reputation, network growth, and truth building. All these put together equals higher ROI. Are you ready to get started? How to Get Started If you have read this content up to this point, it means you are engaged and invested in what we have to say. If you want to get started, you will need to get a social media account. Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit are good social media platforms to market your crypto business because of their large follower bases.  All you need to do is use your smartphone or your PC and log on to their websites, sign up, and answer the basic questions - that marks the beginning of your journey. You can also download their app on the Google Play Store or Apple Store.  Facebook crypto groups, Twitter chats, and Subreddits are some of the best places where you can market your business as well.  Getting Started with Crypto Marketing on Twitter On Twitter, memes, threads, and announcements are the most frequent type of content. To take advantage of the Twitter crypto market, you can do the following: Create relevant, high-quality content Avoid too many hashtags, self-referential links, and tagging Use rich media as support, such as images and videos Follow influential people in the crypto business Getting Started with Crpyto Marketing on Reddit On Reddit, one good marketing strategy should be to join Crypto Subreddits with a good follower base. A Reddit crypto group will connect you directly to your target market.  Here are the top five subreddit groups you can join: r/bitcoin - 3.0 million users r/CryptoCurrency - 2.9 million users r/dogecoin - 1.9 million users r/ethereum - 964 thousand users r/CryptoMarkets - 530 thousand users You can start posting as soon as you earn 10 Karma, and you can create your subreddit when it gets to 50 Karma. Getting Started Crypto Marketing on Facebook On Facebook, you can create a group for your business and invite friends. You can also ask friends to invite their friends to the group. In the group, you can use content to convert them.  To create a group using your Facebook account, click on groups on the left corner of your page, then “Create New Group.” Fill in your information, and you are good to go.  Many people have tested this, and the sky has been the limit for them.  Why not try it? My Work Here Is Done. The Rest Is Up To You! Cryptocurrency marketing is a social venture that will be more effective if you create a community on one or more social platforms. Crypto social media can increase the online presence of your brand and increase your customer base. At Flying V Group, we realize that steadily creating and publishing social media content can be a lot of work for crypto companies. We can help to take care of that aspect and other aspects of your crypto digital marketing strategy. Contact us today. Share this Post Thank you so much for reading Crypto Marketing in 2021: The Place of Social Media Content in Boosting Engagement, Conversions, and ROI . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. Enterprise SEO for 2022: Strategies and Tools for Your Enterprise-Level WebsiteSeptember 23, 2021How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and TwitterSeptember 16, 2021Secrets for Launching a Brand in 2021September 16, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter
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Are you looking for a way to successfully advertise your crypto company or platform on social media platforms? According to a Civic Science report, 66 percent of US consumers have not yet invested in crypto but would like to do so. Meanwhile, 7% plan to invest in cryptocurrency, while 18% have never heard of it. (Source: CivicScience) Would you like to be the go-to company or platform for people when they decide to buy crypto? The market for crypto-related information is growing daily, but the ban on crypto advertising on most platforms makes it difficult to reach this market. Despite the buzz around cryptocurrency, many Americans do not know what it is or do not know enough to want to invest in it. One of the reasons for this is that most crypto companies or platforms do not run their ads on major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Crypto advertising will get you a diverse market of people looking for a reliable cryptocurrency company or platform to use. Is there a way to use these platforms for crypto marketing without risking account deactivation or suspension? That’s what we will enlighten you on in this guide. We’ll cover: How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter: An Introduction Why the Ban on Crypto Ads Social Media Platforms? Can Your Crypto Ads be Approved on Reddit? How to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit Can your Crypto Ads be Approved on Facebook? How to Run Crypto Ads on Facebook Can your Crypto Ads be Approved on Twitter? How to Run Crypto Ads on Twitter Read on to learn more. How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter: An Introduction The relationship between Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter with crypto advertising has been like cat and rat since a few years back. In fact, on multiple occasions, these social media giants have issued statements on the ban of crypto ads on their platforms.  Within the blink of an eye, these social media platforms will begin to say that there has never been a ban and that crypto marketers are free to market their business on them.  This indecision has made a lot of crypto marketers confused. Presently, many crypto owners, platforms, and marketers don’t know for sure if there is a ban on these social media platforms or not.  Why the Ban on Crypto Ads Social Media Platforms? Why did social media platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter start banning crypto ads? The reason why these social media platforms started this ban is not far-fetched. Many people started using these social media platforms to scam people in the name of advertising cryptocurrency. CipherTrace reports that global cryptocurrency theft rose from $370.7 million in 2019 to $513 million in 2020. (Source: Finances Online) So in early 2018, for example, Facebook started banning and blocking ads that carry crypto promotions as their way of trying to checkmate the activities of fraudsters.  Facebook’s old policy read, “Ads must not promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices, such as binary options, initial coin offerings, or cryptocurrency.” Facebook’s product management director, Rob Leathern, commented on the prohibited financial products and services in January 2018. He said, “We also made clear that this policy is intentionally broad while we work to better detect deceptive and misleading advertising practices.”  Following Facebook’s ban on crypto ads, a Twitter spokesman spoke about the restricted content policies around financial services in March 2018. He said, “We are committed to ensuring the safety of the Twitter community. As such, we have added a new policy for Twitter Ads relating to cryptocurrency.” “Under this new policy,” he continued, “the advertisement of Initial Coin Offering and token sales will be prohibited globally. We will continue to iterate and improve upon this policy as the industry evolves.” As far back as 2016, Reddit started the ban on ads carrying crypto promotions, and their reason is also not far from that of Facebook and Twitter. However, this is surprising in the case of Reddit because it is one social media platform that has large cryptocurrency followers.  That same year, Reddit management issued a statement, as seen in Section 11.5 and Section 11.6 of its Advertising Policy. It said, “Unsubstantiated financial products, services, tradable financial assets, promotions, and advertisement of single securities are all prohibited.  Despite the vulnerability of cryptocurrency to crimes like money laundering, there is still hope. According to CoinTelegraph, only 1.1 percent of the total crypto volume is illicit. Hence, more people are getting interested in the cryptocurrency business. (Source: Smart Cash) Do you want to know if you can run your crypto ads on these platforms? How can you be approved to run your cryptocurrency ads on any of these platforms?  Keep reading. Can Your Crypto Ads be Approved on Reddit? We know the question in your mind right now will be, “can your ads be approved on Reddit?” You don’t need to be losing sleep on that because the answer is a big YES.  Reddit has become one of the best platforms where you can advertise your crypto business. Although there was a time when this was impossible, you can now run crypto Reddit marketing.  Several blockchain companies like HodlTree and BlockFi have been running advertisements on Reddit. Coinbound, for example, has been running Ads on the platform since around September of 2020, recording tremendous business success through the platform.  Like any platform, there are still restrictions for cryptocurrency companies and this also depends on the type of crypto company (token, exchange, etc.). How to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit It is straightforward to start up crypto advertisements with Reddit.  The first thing you will be required to do is to set up a Reddit Ads account. You will be required to provide the company username that will appear on the ads, password, company name, business email address, first name, last name, business phone number (this is optional), industry, and country.  Once you finish with this, click on the check box that says “I work with or at an advertising agency,” then click on sign up.  Note: Under the industry option, you are to select the financial services option. As soon as you do so, review our ad policy will pop up; ensure you go through it so that you will understand their policies and your boundaries.  If you have successfully done that, you will see another dashboard - verify your email. When your email is verified, go back to the create campaign dashboard. Fill in your campaign name and make the required payment. Then click continue, and you are good to go.  Failure to follow Reddit Ad Policy will result in your account being suspended or canceled. Therefore, ensure you read and understand the ad policy for your ads to continue running on the platform.  As expected, cryptocurrency will be subject to more scrutiny, but it is no different than any other financial company. We have found that it is best to speak to a Reddit Ads Sales Representative to ensure proper facilitation of ads and to make sure that you are in compliance with their policy.  Can your Crypto Ads be Approved on Facebook? The good news about Facebook related to your crypto advertising is that you can get approval to run an ad on Facebook. However, you must follow all its ad policies because doing otherwise will lead to the suspension of your account, which tends to happen fairly often and quickly. To get advertisement approval on Facebook, you will have to apply first. The application will require you to provide information about your crypto business. Also, you need to provide proof of regulatory licenses and any document that shows that your business, if traded, appears on a public stock exchange. In addition, you should read Facebook's terms and conditions for crypto advertisements on their platform. Facebook has some stipulated rules and may suspend a defaulter from using the platform. Also, Facebook may reject your application if you are still on the application level.  Facebook addendum specifies that “Your eligibility to display cryptocurrency ads may be subject to such conditions and restrictions as Facebook may determine, and may be withdrawn at any time with or without notice.” With that being said, the policy is quite vague, but this gives Facebook the ultimate power to determine what it will and will not allow on its platform. Facebook will also require that you “promptly give Facebook all reasonable co-operation and assistance in the event of any regulatory investigation or legal action relating wholly or partly to your use of Facebook.”  Facebook Cryptocurrency Ads Addendum is in seven sections, namely: Cryptocurrency Ads Your Responsibility Representation and Warranties Termination Indemnification Waiver Agreement Reading through this will give you a better understanding of Facebook’s terms and conditions, which, when followed, increases the chances of your Ads getting approval.  Your application will not be approved if your company runs ads promoting binary options, initial coin offering (ICOs), and contracts for difference (CFDs) because such ads are still not accepted on the Facebook platform. The current section on prohibited financial products and services says, “Ads must not promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices.”  It went ahead to list Initial Coin Offerings, Binary Options, and Contract For Difference Trading as “Not Allowed.” How to Run Crypto Ads on Facebook If you want to get started right away, go to Facebook cryptocurrency product and services onboarding request. There are some details you will need to provide when filing your application.  Below is the step by step details needed: Why you are applying Facebook ID Account ID Website domain and related business information associated with the account Business registration name, country of business, and business address Brief description of the products, services, or other cryptocurrency-related content you intend to promote. When you finish filling in these details, click on the Facebook Cryptocurrency Ads Addendum and submit. If you obey Facebook’s terms and conditions and fill in the required information correctly, you ensure that you will have the best change to get approval to run your crypto ads on Facebook. Can your Crypto Ads be Approved on Twitter? Many blockchain marketers are very interested in marketing their crypto business on Twitter because, unlike other social media platforms, getting your business to the world is faster on Twitter. In a few seconds, you can get your business out to the world using Twitter.  In addition, tweets on Twitter provide the latest information. Other platforms can have materials dated a couple of days or weeks ago, unsuitable for the crypto business. Hence the need to commence running crypto Twitter ads. The crypto community needs to know what is happening in the market from time to time, and most importantly, you can tweet several times a day. Hence, you can keep your customers updated as many times as possible.  As of late July 2021, Twitter’s position on allowing crypto ads was unclear after they issued a statement banning it in early 2018. However, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed to investors that Bitcoin would be a “big part” of the company’s future. While waiting for that future to come, you will be wise to seize the opportunities present to advertise your business because of the many advantages Twitter has.  You can use threads, memes, announcements, features, milestones, updates, tweets, etc., to advertise your crypto business pending when there will be a clear policy on crypto Ads on Twitter. How to Run Crypto Ads on Twitter Do you already have a Twitter account?  To use Twitter to advertise your crypto business, you will need to have a Twitter account. If you don’t have one, keep following as we’ll show you steps on how to get your Twitter account and start advertising.  1. Create a Twitter Bio A Twitter bio is essential if you want to get a good follower base for your business. The bio should be short but precise. For example, you can include your website link and email but avoid crypto hashtags. 2. Cover Image What people see on your cover photo is very important. Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of using any random image on their cover photo. You should avoid doing this if you want to use your account to advertise your crypto business.  Your cover photo should be attractive and speak more about your business and what it offers because, most times, that is one of the first things people see whenever they are on your page.  3. Pin Your Tweet Using pinned tweets is a great way to advertise your crypto business. Whenever you see a tweet of high performance, be sure to take advantage of it. Throw in a similar hashtag and pin in your mouth-dropping content about your business.  You will not get approval to run ads on Twitter yet, but you will slowly get adverts on Twitter to grow your business. Leverage Social Media Ads for Marketing Your Crypto Company Many social media platforms are reassessing their approach to cryptocurrency as a whole. With major platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter partially lifting their bans on cryptocurrency, it is essential to leverage this new development and commence your crypto advertising on social media. Are you ready to launch your crypto company or platform through social media ads? Flying V Group can help you come up with unique digital strategies for your crypto marketing campaign.  Our experts can work with you to ensure your company or platform gets the desired attention on social media. Contact us. Share this Post Thank you so much for reading How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and TwitterSeptember 16, 2021Secrets for Launching a Brand in 2021September 16, 2021Why Consistent Posting On Social Media Is A MUST!September 14, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
What Paid Advertising Platforms Can I Use for Crypto Related Businesses
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Are you looking for an effective way to open up your crypto business, target the right audience, and make a sustainable profit? CoinMarketCap reports that the volume of average cryptocurrency trades per day has risen to $109 billion daily. Cryptocurrency is a vast and ever-changing world of its own. As a result, you may find it challenging to make it big in the crypto business without a reliable crypto advertising network that can reach your targeted audience at a reasonable rate. (Source: Finances Online) Unlike regular ad platforms, these paid advertising platforms specialize in crypto marketing. Paid advertising platforms are crucial to opening up your cryptocurrency business to different people all over the world. It helps you be visible to a targeted audience and get people interested in cryptocurrency at a meager price. In addition, it gives a high return on investment (ROI).  We’ll be looking into paid advertising platforms, also known as crypto advertising networks, and how to use them for marketing cryptocurrency and generating new interest. Here’s a sneak-peek at what we will cover: What Are Paid Advertising Platforms? What Paid Advertising Platforms Can I Use for Cryptocurrency Businesses? Why Crypto Businesses Should Use Lead Magnets To Funnel Traffic From a Crypto PPC Advertisement 5 Lead Magnet Tips To Help Attract Your Target Audience To Your Crypto Business Let’s quickly jump into what paid advertising platforms are. What Are Paid Advertising Platforms? Paid advertising platforms are platforms where you can pay to get your business advertised. These platforms allow companies to market their product using content marketing, ad marketing, or banner marketing. There are many of these platforms on the web.  There are many paid advertising platforms you can use and develop your crypto advertising network. Still, if you are also looking at marketing cryptocurrency to grow your crypto business, you shouldn’t just use any advertising platform that provides space.  Facebook cryptocurrency ads and Google crypto ads are good platforms to carry out your crypto marketing. However, they have a certain degree of restriction for cryptocurrency. Although they have been easing these restrictions in recent times, a good business person knows that he can not rely on that.  Facebook and Google can come up one day and impose another restriction that will not be good for business. For this reason, every business owner in the crypto industry looking at expanding their crypto advertising network needs to begin to look for alternative platforms.  What Paid Advertising Platforms Can I Use for Cryptocurrency Businesses? Do you want to attract quality traffic through your crypto advertising network?  Are you thinking of the best-paid advertising platform that will help your cryptocurrency business?  You’ve come to the right place. Let’s introduce you to the eight best cryptocurrency advertising platforms.  1. Bitcointalk Bitcointalk is one platform that has a high active crypto community. Bitcointalk already has over 2.6 million users and close to 400 new registration.  That was in 2019! Are you thinking about what I’m thinking?  By now, the number of users should be over 3 million, if not 4 million.  These are not just random users searching the internet; these are people who want to do crypto business. The good news is that they offer people who want to expand their crypto advertising network space to do that. Imagine what advertising on that platform can do to your business.  2. Bitmedia Another big boy platform known for marketing cryptocurrency is Bitmedia. This company started operations in 2015 with over 20 million visitors every day and attracts 1 billion impressions every month.    So far, over 20,000 campaigns are running on Bitmedia by over 5,000 crypto websites. They have a variety of targeting advertisement options for those who want to use the platform to expand their crypto advertising network, ranging from frequency, timing, geo, etc. In addition, they offer both CPC and CPM models. So you won’t regret using them.  3. BuySellAds The good thing about BuySellAds is that it provides advertisers with a sizable crypto community. In addition, it is so easy with BSA that marketers can advertise their business directly using a single platform.  BSA also helps crypto business owners to diversify their advertising strategy. What this means is that you can use content marketing strategy, ads, or banners. Furthermore, they do this at a low price with a high number of targeted audiences for every single campaign. 4. CoinZilla CoinZilla is one of the most trusted crypto advertising platforms. It is one of your go-to platforms if you are looking to generate significant traffic through your crypto marketing.  The CoinZilla platform has hundreds of crypto projects launched every day. In addition, their platform helps personalize your budget with over 12,000 campaigns delivered each day.  This platform can help you get to a larger global audition with good rewards for investment. Already, the platform is targeting over 280 million impressions per month, over 300 thousand clicks per month, and over 450 websites per month.  With your advertisement on CoinZilla and that number of followers, the opportunity is endless 5. Ad Dragon Ad Dragon, launched in January 2019, is the world’s first decentralized crypto advertising platform. It is one of the latest advertisement platforms for crypto businesses and comes with a unique peer-to-peer model. What does this mean? It means that they can match every marketer of cryptocurrency with a potential buyer. It is like bringing a customer to your living room. And if you are someone who is concerned about privacy, Ad Dragon is the choice for you because they collect zero personal data from all their users and customers. 6. Coinverti Coinverti opened for business in 2017. It is one of the most reliable platforms for crypto marketing, primarily because of its services. For example, they offer pop-up, in-feed ads, banner ads, and native ads, all for your cryptocurrency business.  They are also not left behind when it also comes to delivering high traffic and quality. For example, Coinverti is one of the few platforms that implemented anti-fraud mechanisms to identify spam and bot traffic. Hence, you should be more confident in advertising on their platform. To further get you excited about Coinverti, they provide marketers with real-time performance metrics of your ads using their platform. It means you can be able to know whether your ads are reaching the targeted audience in real-time.  As if that is not enough, they also have a personal account manager and ad banner design assistance if you require one.  This platform just knows how to make things easier for cryptocurrency marketers.  7. AdEx Network AdEx Network is among the first decentralized ad platforms and one of the few that gives real-time reporting, making it one of the most transparent crypto advertising platforms.  To further tell you how serious they are about transparency, AdEx Network has over 300 hand-picked sellers on their platform to make sure that no one scams you while you use their platform for advertising your cryptocurrency business. The platform uses the CPM model for advertisements. 8. CoinMarketCap The beautiful thing about CoinMarketCap is that it is user-based. As a result, the platform is the trusted option for people who use other media for advertising their cryptocurrency business.  In addition, they also can provide high visibility in the crypto community. Why Crypto Businesses Should Use Lead Magnets To Funnel Traffic From a Crypto PPC Advertisement HubSpot reports that 60 percent of marketers said generating a lead is one of the most challenging parts of their job. (Source: HubSpot) PPC crypto advertising works another wonder. It helps improve the lead magnet. Lead magnets are essential to cryptocurrency businesses because it helps get a qualified customer into your sales funnels. (Source: CoSchedule) A lead magnet is a valuable resource created by a marketer for the targeted audience to get their contact details. Meanwhile, a lead magnet funnel is the path marketers take to discover the lead magnet when delivering it to the target audience. (Source: Smart Insights) The reason for getting the contact details is simply to start up a buyer-seller relationship to convert the buyer into a committed customer. Are you wondering how this works? If you want to use a lead magnet to generate leads, all you need to do is sign-up for a landing page conversion tool; it is a form where your target audience inputs their details. But, of course, if you have done that, you will also need an email service provider. Our two favorite tools for this use case are ConvertFlow and Mailchimp. A lead magnet also serves as an email automation tool and a database.  5 Lead Magnet Tips To Help Attract Your Target Audience To Your Crypto Business Now that you know what a lead magnet is and how it can help funnel more leads to your crypto business, here are five tips to help you attract your target audience to your crypto business.  (Source: Gill Andrews) a. Understand your Target Audience If you want to understand your targeted audience, you will need a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a side profile you create to represent your target audience. The profile will include interest, behavior, attitude, needs, and demography.  One primary reason why so many lead magnets fail to attract their target audience in the crypto business is that the lead is not about the target audience but the market. If you want to change that, understand your audience and make the lead magnet about their needs. b. Your Lead Magnet and your Sales Funnels Should be Aligned For your lead magnet to attract your target audience, the next thing you must ensure is aligning your lead magnet with your sales funnel.  To do that, you need to identify why your target audience is not aware of your crypto business. If you do this, you are halfway through the process. So, the next thing you do is create a lead magnet to solve each of the reasons you have identified. c. Understand other Competitors Understanding your competitors is essential because everybody wants the same things you want, and if you’re going to be at the top of the crypto business food chain, you need to know about the people competing with you. Even in war, knowing your enemy is a good cobalt strategy.  By understanding your competitors, you can gain insight into the lead magnets format that has proven results. Examples of lead magnet formats include reports, quizzes, tools, email courses, cheat sheets, etc.  Understanding your competitors can also help you know which effective marketing and distribution strategies to use.  d. Maximize your Lead Magnet unnel In maximizing your lead magnet tunnel, you will need to generate quality leads first. However, you should know that you can lose them.  So, ensure that after generating these leads, you also retain them, then convert them to customers. You may be wondering, how can I lose my lead?  It is pretty straightforward. As soon as you make your lead magnet complicated from the sign-up, the leads move on.  You don’t want that, do you?  To make it easy for your target leads, make sure what you offer in your crypto business matches what your target audience needs. The offer should be clear and direct and why yours is the best.  More importantly, make the process easy. Filling out the form should not be something that your target audience should waste time on. Nobody has that time to waste knowing that there are other competitors.  e. Maintain and Track your Lead Magnet When leads begin to generate traffic on a website/blog, crypto marketers get carried away easily. But, unfortunately, getting carried away could give your competition an edge over you and take you back to where you started.  Maintaining and tracking your lead magnet is very vital to being relevant in the crypto business community. Aside from keeping you at the top, it also helps you to see areas that need improvement. To track and maintain your lead magnet, use key performance indicators. This indicator can help you track click-through rates, bounce rates, time page rates, lead generation rates per channel, cost per lead, and conversion rates. Check out this case study we wrote for ConvertFlow that talks about our testing methods: FVG ConvertFlow Case Study. The Next Step Is Yours To Take! Crypto advertising networks are perfect for marketing cryptocurrency. Choosing one of the reputable paid advertising platforms mentioned in this guide will help market your cryptocurrency company or platform to a broad audience for better ROI. Flying V Group can help you promote your crypto company, platform, products, or services to the right crypto users using our digital marketing tools. Contact us. Share this Post Thank you so much for reading Why Content is the Best Way to Market Your Crypto Business . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. How to Get Approved to Run Crypto Ads on Reddit, Facebook, and TwitterSeptember 16, 2021Secrets for Launching a Brand in 2021September 16, 2021What Paid Advertising Platforms Can I Use for Crypto Related BusinessesSeptember 15, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
Flying V Group Named in Clutch’s 2021 List of Best B2B Marketing Companies in Los Angeles
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In 2021, content is without a doubt king, and it’s everywhere. As soon as you go online, you’re greeted with a variety of content to choose from and consume. For this reason, content marketing has become a key element of digital marketing for many businesses, and Flying V Group is at your service for all content-related things. Since 2016, we’ve been hard at work in providing businesses with the ability to turn their ideas into engaging and powerful digital assets. Additionally, we deliver comprehensive digital marketing solutions — from SEO & PPC to web design — as seen on our full Clutch profile. Clutch has been our partner for collecting ratings and reviews. An established B2B platform for connecting businesses with service providers, Clutch carefully curates lists of the absolute best agencies and organizations by industry and location during the annual Clutch Leader Awards. Similarly, Visual Objects — Clutch’s sister site — is a portfolio resource that simplifies and streamlines the market research process. In the past, we’ve already been included in Clutch’s lists, namely the Top B2B Companies in California, the Top PPC Company in California, and the Top SEO Company in the US. This year, we’re among the Top B2B Providers in Los Angeles. While this isn’t our first time to win an award from Clutch, we still feel honored and proud to receive this recognition. "This is the second year in a row that we have been honored as a top marketing agency in Los Angeles and it still feels just as good. Clutch is the best website to go to in order to find trusted marketing and advertising agencies. To be honored by them speaks volumes about the work our team continues to provide for our clients!” — Robb Fahrion, Co-Founder of Flying V But above all, we’d like to thank our loyal clients for continuing to trust us. This near-perfect rating wouldn’t have been possible without your unwavering support. Want to work with us? We won’t let you down! Let’s discuss your marketing strategy today! Share this Post Thank you so much for reading Flying V Group Awarded in Clutch’s 2021 List of Leading B2B Marketing Companies in Los Angeles . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Robb FahrionRobb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. 4 LinkedIn Automation Tools That Can Get You Banned on LinkedIn (Bonus: The Best Alternative Approach)July 9, 2021FVG International Digital Marketing Profiles: Spotlight ArmeniaJuly 8, 2021How To Leverage Q&A Sites for Increased Traffic and ConversionsJuly 6, 2021 Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: "If you use the advice given in the emails, your business will grow, guaranteed."-Mark Davidson, KeenVision Financial Robb Fahrion, PartnerFlying V Group Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
SEO Checklist: 110+ Actionable Steps for SEO Success [INFOGRAPHIC]
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SEO is one digital marketing technique that evolves rapidly especially with each new Google update or algorithm change. With the latest Core Web Vitals initiative, Google has specified certain factors that are important in a web page for an enhanced overall user experience. These factors can help improve your site’s ranking, which will help drive traffic to your site. Similar to these updates, there are other on-page and off-page SEO factors that Google considers when ranking a web page. Implementing these best SEO practices on your website will help you to boost user experience, leading to reduced bounce rate and greater conversion. If you search online, you’ll come across numerous SEO factors that are ‘deemed’ important for the success of a website. Some of these may be helpful, but if you are not aware of the latest changes, you may unintentionally end up implementing SEO techniques that can do more harm than good for your website. In such a scenario, having a complete SEO checklist can help. Thus, to ensure you stay away from Google penalty and avoid SEO mistakes, here is a comprehensive guide on the best actionable SEO techniques of 2021 that’ll help boost your traffic as well as rankings. This guide comes in the form of an infographic and is divided into 7 essential SEO checklists. From basic SEO to on-page, off-page and advanced SEO strategies, this infographic has listed all you need to know about SEO in 2021. Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
How to Use Your Blog to Strengthen SEO and Increase Sales
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
5 Successful Real Estate Marketing Ideas
#digitalmarketing #realestatedigital #realestateleadgeneration #realestatemarketing #realestateseo #realestatestrategy Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
Reasons Why You Should Add Translation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Just about 360 million of the world's 1.5 billion English speaking people are native users of this language. You need to remember this fact and the fact that people seem to prefer looking for goods and buying them in their native language and this includes while designing a marketing campaign that will take your company far beyond any borders. Localizing the content is the best possible option for accessing foreign markets today. It may be a translation of the website you use, or you may have to translate the program for your foreign audience or create multilingual documentation.  Your goal as a business owner is to achieve as much success as possible and it would be a great initiative to add another marketing strategy to your plan. On a website, in an online shop, or on other marketing materials, most businesses only use English. Although English is a great choice for many markets, businesses that rely on only English to interact with foreign markets may be holding back their online sales from engaging with new audiences around the globe. To meet your target sales goals, read on to learn why your business should incorporate translation into its marketing strategy. IMAGE SOURCE: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/globe-world-languages-translate-110775/ 1. Improves Consumer Confidence Adding translation will strengthen the confidence clients have in your product and service offerings by translating your digital marketing into new languages. #addtranslationtodigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingtranslation #reasonstoaddtranslationtodigitalmarketing Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
How Visual Sitemaps are Redefining The Modern Web
As the whole world goes online, many businesses and brands are quickly realizing the need to own a website. But there is a problem. Many get carried away by the demand for the final product and overlook what it takes to develop a fully functional website, i.e. the strategic planning phase. For instance, developing a visual sitemap at the early stages of the project is a fundamental step that most designers take for granted. Well, that is going to change after learning how website mapper tools are redefining the modern web design process today. Purpose and Goals A website without a goal and a purpose is difficult to navigate, unfocused, and leads to negative user experiences. There’s nothing worse than confusing your users when navigating site or reading your content. A visual sitemap can help clarify your website’s purpose and goals before you even commence the design process. Mapping out the site and deciding what you want it to achieve makes it easier to cut out parts that don’t align to the primary purpose. SEO-Friendliness A well-structured website makes it easy for the search engine crawlers to navigate and interpret it. The map paints a clear picture of the SEO strategy including the most appropriate internal linking method to use. A visual sitemap also helps you determine the quantity and quality of keywords you need for each page for effective SEO optimization. #sitemaps #visual #web #webdesign #webdevelopment #webseo #websiteoptimization Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
How to Stay Updated on the Latest in the World of Digital Marketing
In today’s disruptive world of online commerce, digital marketing has positioned itself to be the vanguard of modern business. Harnessing both technological advancements in studying human behavior and data analytics, it has enabled a host of small businesses to be competitive against the titans in their industry. At this point in time, digital marketing has been able to help small startups to go toe-to-toe with established brands, helped create a more personalized strategy, and a much more efficient approach in setting up a campaign. It has also paved the way to effectively establish a brand reputation fast while catering to the needs of the consumers and the businesses that be. If you want your business to maintain steady growth and make headway, staying up-to-date with digital marketing is a key component in achieving your goals. Here’s how to do it: 1. Continuous Education Investing in your knowledge is irreplaceably the most crucial step you’ll have to take when you want to keep yourself abreast with the latest in almost all aspects of a business. Finding the right resources to help you make informed decisions and formulate a winning strategy is key in your education. The writers from Marketing Envoy believe in connecting people and discussing their insights into the different facets of Digital Marketing. Creating a digital sphere where people can share their ideas, helps perpetuate the cycle of continuous improvement in whatever system the business runs on. #digitalmarketinglatest #latestnewsindigitalmarketing #whatishappeningindigitalmarketing2021 Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
17 Video Marketing Statistics to Help Build Your Strategy In 2021
Are you uncertain about employing video marketing tactics into your overall strategy in 2021? If yes, perhaps going through some of these statistics will help you make your decision. You can get a clear picture of how video marketing can help you and your team increase engagement, conversions, and customer retention. Our post below consists of 17 different statistics, which should help you decide if video is the right route for your company. We are going to highlight some stats below that will help you understand the size of the opportunity available when it comes to video marketing. 1. More than 81% of businesses use videos as a marketing medium. This percentage was around 63% in the preceding year. Most businesses are employing video to help drive brand awareness. Whether it be on social media or directly through search in Google and YouTube, consumer attention is more likely to be attained through video. 2. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch a video compared to 10% when they read it in a text format. Videos are more memorable and entertaining than written content and customers are more willing to watch a video rather than read an article or look at an image. People just simply love watching a product or service in action. When it comes down to it, we all love a nicely produced video describing and showing us what we are looking for. 3. The consumption of video content through smartphones is increasing by 100% year-on-year. #businessvideo #businessvideocontent #videomarketing #videomarketingseo #videoseo #videovsblogcontent Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
5 Effective Negative Keyword Strategies for PPC
Having an effective keyword strategy is an integral part of your overall PPC management. This does not just apply to the keywords that you are actively trying to bid on, but also to your negative keywords.  Your negative keywords will aid in increasing the performance of your ads by saving you money on unwanted clicks and improving your click-through rate with more qualified searches.  In a competitive market, some keywords can significantly increase your conversion cost. The good news is that you can apply negative keywords to your campaign, thus keeping your costs down and your click rates up. Below are 5 effective negative keyword strategies that will help improve the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. These negative keyword strategies are great tips for those who are beginners with PPC, and a good refresher for those who have more experience with Google Ads. What are Negative Keywords? Before we get started with negative keyword strategies, let’s start with the basics. What are negative keywords and how do they apply to PPC? Negative keywords are the opposite of the typical keywords that you bid on through platforms like Google Ads.  Whereas regular keywords are where you want your ads to show up, negative keywords are where you do not want your ads to appear. These negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. #negativekeywords #ppccampaignnegativeppc #ppcmarketing #ppcsearch Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
6 Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Lead Generation on your FinTech Website
With funding for fintech touching a whopping $137.7 Billion in 2019, there’s a lot of noise in the market. For fintech organizations, start-ups and otherwise, standing out of the clutter with a great digital marketing solution is a vital need. It’s easy to get sidetracked with technology-based digital marketing solutions: there are so many options! What really matters is implementation: building a digital marketing strategy that’s geared toward success, leveraging solid fundamentals to deliver tangible, time bound results. Let’s take a look at 6 top strategies you should follow if you’re running a digital marketing campaign for your fintech product. Read on to find out how to succeed! 1. Write Content that Connects FinTech to Everyday Life At this point, we’ve all heard the expression “content is king,” a few too many times. However, there’s a good reason so many digital marketers focus on authoring great content. Fintech is an emerging industry built on challenging, complex technology. You need great content to explain fintech and to explain your product or service's value in a way that customer can relate to. Your target audience is consuming content of all kinds across platforms at increasing rates. If you don’t create content that stand out, they’re consuming your competitors’ content, they’re learning more about your competitors’ solutions, and you’re losing potential leads. It’s as simple as that. Every piece of fintech content you create needs to be engaging. #6digitalmarketingstrategies #boostleadgenerationonfintech #digitalmarketingstrategies #fintechleadgeneration Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 3 years
TopDevelopers.co Names Flying V Group a Top Digital Marketing Agency
November 30th, 2020 – IRVINE, CA – ‘Sky is the limit’ for Flying V Group as it becomes one of the most Complete Digital Marketing Agencies. To excel in today’s market, businesses need to remain ‘in sight’ of their targeted audience because ‘out of sight’ means out of mind and eventually out of business. Flying V Group understands the importance of digital marketing from a holistic point of view and thus, with consistent efforts and increased knowledge, TopDevelopers.co has recognized the firm becoming one of the most sought after digital marketing firms in the world. For acknowledgement of their efforts, TopDevelopers.co, a reputable research and review platform, recognized Flying V Group in a press release about the leading digital marketing companies. The list included the most competent agencies for November 2020. Even the best of brands would lose their user-base if the important aspects of their product are not marketed properly to their targeted audience. Since 2016, Flying V Group has been working with some of the best brands in the world and their astute work methods have been instrumental in the success of their business. For this reason, we find Flying V Group to be one of the leading digital marketing service providers around the world. Be it search engine optimization strategy, Facebook Ads or social media campaigns, Flying V Group has you covered and works consistently so that your product will reach your ideal clientele or customers. Read the full article
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flyingvgroupca · 4 years
Flying V Group Named a Top B2B Company in California by Clutch
November 16th, 2020 – IRVINE, CA – At Flying V Group, we’re here to help you grow your business! Our award-winning team provides reliable PPC, SEO, and web design services. Every year, Clutch announces their Leader Awards, a list of the highest-performing B2B service providers according to geographic location and service line. We are honored to announce that Flying V Group is considered one of the top B2B companies in California in the advertising and marketing category! Based in the center of Washington, DC, Clutch is a market research firm operating in the B2B space. Their team of analysts conducts independent interviews with the previous clients of service providers listed on their site. These verified reviews form the basis of their ratings, rankings, and awards. "Over the years we have put great emphasis on being recognized by Clutch as a top digital marketing and advertising firm. To be recognized by their team is a tremendous honor and one that we cherish. We hope to receive many of these accolades in the future." – Robb Fahrion, Partner We are incredibly grateful for all of our amazing clients who made this award possible by leaving us reviews on Clutch. Here’s what they had to say about working with us! “I think the most impressive part is how they catered so well to all of our needs. They definitely addressed every topic we brought up and made sure to provide an alternative if one aspect did not work out.” Read the full article
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