#is the world ending?
kalorphic · 2 years
Can i ask for ROs reaction to MC being used? Like domestical things like someone keeps making MC do their job or getting coffee. And just in case u didnt get the amount of support u need, i think ur amazing: ur characters are all well written, ur twine story format is eye-catching, your gentle way with answering questions is appreciated and your complexion is beautiful ♡♡♡
I know this ask is old, but thank you so much for your compliments, lovely 🥹🤍 I can’t claim credit for the UI though, that’s all on the incredible @/outoftheblue-if !!
K: would have been informed by their minions in your department about this person. Luckily they’re at HQ, so they can get to you quickly. Fury sparks in their chest when they see you happily getting your user colleague a coffee. K practically prowls across the room, minions frantically throwing themselves out of the way, and makes eye contact with the bastard, who goes so pale, they might as well be dead. Good, thinks K, nobody messes with what’s mine. “You know who I am?” A nod. “You know who they are to me?” Another nod. K grins, all teeth. “Then you must be one stupid bastard.”
A: frowns at the sight before them. You’re giving a person a slightly strained smile as they dump another pile of folders, clearly their own work, on your desk. A is about to go over there and politely ask that the person do their own work in future, when said person snaps their fingers in your face and laughs as you flinch. It makes A’s hackles rise, and they’re by your side in seconds, shoving the folders back into the person’s hands with too bright eyes, a vicious smile, and enough force to make them stumble a few steps back. “Try that again, and I promise that you’ll regret it.”
Reese: feels their hands clench into fists as the anger wraps it’s way around them like an old friend. They’re usually so good at controlling their temper, but watching this person take advantage of you really ticks Reese off. Fortunately for your colleague, you catch sight of them and smile, allowing Reese to take a deep breath and force the tension from their body, returning the smile. Ahh, how whipped they were. Now calmer, Reese makes their way over to your user, and leans right down next to their ear. You don’t hear what Reese says, but the person goes an off green colour, frantically nodding their head. Your partner then turns back to you with a bright grin and a request to join them for lunch.
Luisa: raises her eyebrow at you running around for your lazy sack of shit colleague. She always knew that your good-nature would end up getting you into trouble, but lucky for you, your girlfriend wasn’t in a particularly forgiving mood today. She makes her way over to the person who thought they could use you, and grabs the back of their shirt, yanking them up to their feet and letting her smirk grow just shy of feral at the high-pitched squeal they let out. How pathetic, she thinks. “I think it’s time for the little piggy to do their own work, no?”
Cody: has had enough, they’ve born witness to this person taking advantage of your kindness stupidity too many times. They hoped that you would eventually tell them to back off, but it’s day six and you’re still acting like their servant. The next time it happens, Cody spins around on their chair, sneers at your user, and says very loudly: “are you so utterly incapable of doing your work that you have to fob it off onto other people? You might as well just quit at this point and save yourself from further embarrassment.” The person flushes red, and Cody laughs and then adds, much quieter: “apart from MC, I’m the best this place has got, keep pissing me off and I’ll ruin you.”
Noah: let’s their instincts take over when they see you being taken advantage of. It makes their blood boil. Noah comes up behind your colleague, completely silent, and leans down into their space, making the person jump. They start to snap something before they realise just who has snuck up on them. Noah grins at the fear in their eyes and the useless attempts to speak. “How sweet, such a scared little mouse.” Noah can’t help but laugh as the person whimpers. “You’re not even worth my time, so you’re certainly not worth MC’s. However, I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you a piece of advice…if you want to live a long life, you’ll do your own work from now on.”
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rainiiisspamming · 1 month
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erinidamaria · 2 years
Keeping up with current events is like that one picture of Rami Malek at an autograph signing event holding two pens and looking overwhelmed
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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fabricdragondesigns · 2 months
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lets-make-light-now · 2 months
Someone Worte that he could not stand to see the Palestine flag anymore.
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Sorry, but not sorry
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Reblog daily
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Free Palestine
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I am not done yet
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Only way to stop seeing this flag is when the oppression is over.
So you are tiered of this? you can end it, stop supporting Zionism!
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historyandmemes · 6 months
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RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — More than half a million people in Gaza — a quarter of the population — are starving, according to a report Thursday by the U.N. and other agencies that highlights the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel’s bombardment and siege on the territory in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. The extent of the population’s hunger eclipsed even the near-famines in Afghanistan and Yemen of recent years, according to figures in the report. The report warned that the risk of famine is “increasing each day,” blaming the hunger on insufficient aid entering Gaza. “It doesn’t get any worse,’’ said Arif Husain, chief economist for the U.N.’s World Food Program. “I have never seen something at the scale that is happening in Gaza. And at this speed.” ... At the start of the war, Israel stopped all deliveries of food, water, medicine and fuel into the territory. After U.S. pressure, it allowed a trickle of aid in through Egypt. But U.N. agencies say only 10% of Gaza’s food needs has been entering for weeks. (Dec. 21, 2023 | Source)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
I woke up and apparently the moon was gonna hit the earth, but everyone was like, really chill about it.
I talked to my mom and she said: “Yeah, the moon will hit the earth in about three months, you still have time to say goodbye to the people who you care about." 
I was like "damn”, and then I said: “How do you guys knew before me?” And my mom said: “Its because we watch the news and you don´t.”
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
[⚠️The Amazing Digital Circus SPOILERS] This episode was interesting!
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greenslime69 · 10 months
The ninth doctor was so insane fr he was like I watched my planet get destroyed and I can't share this trauma with anyone. I will fix this by befriending a human girl and taking her to see her planet get destroyed. This is normal behaviour.
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prokopetz · 1 year
Deity who's unacquainted with concept of evolution creating a world with, like, twelve different kinds of creatures, thinking "yes, that's a good number – nice and symmetrical", then going on vacation for a couple million years and being very upset at what's waiting for them when they get back.
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tariah23 · 3 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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flowerytale · 8 months
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Robert Goolrick, from The End of the World as We Know It: Scenes from a Life
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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This global strike is for 1 week. It starts on January 21st and goes until January 28th. These folks on X have complied information for people to read about. This is the LEAST we can do. The bare minimum. Unless it is for necessity or you have to work of course -please participate.
As always, free Palestine!
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tomi4i · 5 months
America has now bombed and conducted illegal wars in:
- Iraq
- Syria
- Libya
- Somalia
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- Palestine
- Yemen
But Muslims are the terrorists?
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dragondawdles · 6 months
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peace and love on planet earth
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