#is just. oh. these are stories where i've been in her shoes but a little to the left in the past
ladykailitha · 5 months
Love is Kind
All of the stories I was reading today were sad Steve and it made me cry so I wrote happy Steve to make me feel better.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Jeana looked down at the purple water lilies in Steve's hand in distaste.
"Water lilies?" she asked, frowning. "Not red roses?"
Steve looked at her in confusion. "Yeah, your favorite flower in your favorite color."
"Yeah," she agreed, reluctantly taking the flowers. "But red roses are more romantic for Valentine's Day."
Steve went from wilting in disappointment to her reaction, to standing up straight with a spine of steel. "Oh I get it now." He took bouquet back from her forcefully. "Yeah, we're done."
Jeana's eyes went wide. "You're breaking up with me on Valentine's Day over a bunch of flowers?"
"No, Jeana," he said coldly. "We're done because you didn't tell me you wanted red roses. I assumed that the cheaper more personal water lilies would be the perfect thing for Valentine's Day."
Jeana winced.
"Ohhh..." Steve said, "I get it now. You wanted the Harrington money." He rubbed his fingers together. "Despite the fact that I work at a book store. That I told you when we first started going out that I had been kicked out."
Jeana rolled her eyes. "You still wore nice clothes and had fancy hair products in your bathroom, like I was supposed to believe that obvious lie?"
"I save for those!" Steve hissed. "I can't use anything else for my hair, I've tried. And yeah, so sue me for buying something nice once in a while."
She peeked around him to see the table was set with romantic candles and another bouquet of water lilies. "You weren't even going to take me out to eat?"
Steve tossed the flowers on the counter behind him. "Why else would I have you come here instead of picking you up?"
Jeana threw her arms in the air. "I thought you were supposed to be this Romeo, this Casanova."
Steve's nostrils flared. "Out!"
She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk this through!"
"There is nothing to talk about," Steve said, spinning her around and pushing her toward the door. "You were expecting me to shell out a shit ton of money on you, money you thought I was hiding from you. It's clear you were never interested in me, only the money and prestige the Harrington name brought you."
He opened the door and shoved her through it. "Goodbye."
He slammed the door behind her and gripped his hair tightly. Not enough to pull but just enough to feel pain at pressure of his tugging.
Now he had dinner that was about to be ready in ten minutes, no girlfriend, and a dessert he had slaved over all day.
He needed to call someone to share this with. Robin was doing Valentine's with Vickie so she was out.
Then his eyes lit up. He knew exactly who to call.
He walked over to the phone and dialed.
"Hello, Munson's Funeral Parlor, you tag 'em, we bag 'em," the warm baritone came through the line.
"Eddie!" Steve said with a giggle.
"Stevie!" Eddie greeted back. "To what to I owe this pleasure?"
"How goes your anti-consumerism night in?" Steve asked, avoiding Eddie's question.
"Eh..." Eddie said. "Could be better. I'm watching violent movies to make myself feel less lonely."
Steve chewed on his bottom lip. "I have a warm lasagna, fresh breadsticks, and a nice bottle of wine and suddenly sans a girlfriend if you wanted to have some company."
"What happened with Jeana?" Eddie asked.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "She didn't want me, she wanted the Harrington money, the King Steve charm, and a Casanova, not Steve Harrington who works at a queer little book shop in the middle of town."
"Well, fuck her," Eddie said. "Her loss. You bet I'll be there, sweetheart. Just give me time to put on my shoes and I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Thanks, Eds."
Steve opened the door a few minutes later to find that Eddie somehow had found sunflowers in the middle of fucking winter.
“Where are on earth did you find these, Eds?” Steve asked, breathing in the scent of his favorite flower.
Eddie tapped his nose knowingly. He spotted the water lilies in the vase on the table and dumped them in the trash. He replaced them with Steve’s sunflowers.
“There, that livens up the place better,” he said, turning to Steve, “don’cha think?”
Steve smiled back at him. “Yeah it really does.”
He went and made up their plates as Eddie opened the wine. He set them down on the table while Eddie filled their glasses. Steve trotted back to the kitchen and pulled out the breadsticks that were warming in the oven. He put them in a nice basket a covered them with a towel. He set them on the table between Eddie and him.
“This looks fantastic, Stevie,” Eddie murmured and dug into the lasagna. “Ooh. This is better than fantastic. This is divine.”
Steve hurried to take a sip of his wine to hide the flush of pleasure at the compliment that dusted his cheeks. And judging from the smirk on Eddie’s face, he hadn’t been successful at all.
“So what were you watching before I interrupted you?” he asked, blush still staining his cheeks.
Steve grimaces. “That is pretty violent. A little depressing too.”
Eddie shrugged, stabbing another bite of lasagna. “Was kind of the point. Didn’t want anything happy or romantic today.”
Steve picked up his glass and held up to Eddie. “I’ll drink to that.”
Eddie laughed, but clinked their glasses together and drank when Steve did.
They polished off all of the breadsticks, all of the wine, and about half of the lasagna. Steve put the leftovers in the fridge.
“You want a soda or something?” he called from the door of the fridge.
“I’ll take a beer if you have one,” Eddie called back from the sofa.
Steve grabbed two beers and handed one of the cans to Eddie.
“I thought you preferred bottles, babe,” Eddie said, popping open the can.
“I do,” Steve muttered darkly. “They were Jeana’s.”
Eddie cackled. “Here’s to stealing your ex’s shitty beer!”
Steve laughed too. “Cheers!”
Eddie went over to Steve’s record player and put on some Metallica he’d left over here and then flopped back on the sofa next to Steve.
“Thanks for coming over,” Steve murmured over the screaming riffs of Master of Puppets. “Rob is over at Vickie’s tonight and didn’t want to ruin her Valentine’s day, too.”
Eddie smiled softly. “And since I refuse to participate in the rampant consumerism of the day, there would be nothing for you to ruin.”
Steve chuckled. “That and you’re my best friend. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d want to spend it with.”
This time it was Eddie’s turn to blush and he shoved a lock of hair in front of his face to hide the redness of his cheeks. He pushed playfully at Steve’s shoulder. “Fuck off. I’m sure there are lots of people you could have called that would have come running.”
“Rob was first pick,” Steve said, “you were second. I mean it, Eds. I wanted to share everything I’d done for her with you instead.”
Eddie’s blush reached his ears and stained the column of his throat. “You keep that shit up and this boy is going to start thinking impure thoughts.”
Steve blinked for a moment before he laughed. It wasn’t a harsh or hurtful laugh. It was bright and cheerful. “You put out on the first date, Eds?”
Eddie who was starting to think he’d taken it a step too far, stared up at Steve in amazement. He got his wits back fast enough to quip, “Only if they’re pretty enough.”
Steve ducked his head and scratched the back of his neck trying to hide his embarrassment. Well maybe that was the wrong word. Charmed. He was fucking charmed.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie raised Steve’s chin with his finger. “The prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, Stevie.”
Steve gulped. “And if I told you that I’ve had the biggest crush on you for so long?”
“Then I would ask why we aren’t dating, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured, leaning in close.
Steve let out a shuddering sigh. “Because I didn’t think I was an option for you.”
Eddie half knelt on the sofa, cupping his face in his hands. “You are my number one option, honey. Just say the word and I’m yours.”
Eddie grinned and then kissed Steve gently on the lips. He pulled back after a moment. “This isn’t just because you’re lonely on Valentine’s Day, right?”
Steve pulled Eddie onto his lap and brushed their noses together. “No, baby. She was only ever a placeholder for you. And a piss poor one at that. She never loved me for me. Not like you.”
Eddie chuckled. “And what makes you think I love you, pretty boy?”
“Because you knew I would be sad and brought me sunflowers.”
Eddie kissed Steve fiercely. “You are too clever for your own good, honey. Yes, that is exactly why I brought them. Because I didn’t want you to be sad. Because I wanted you to feel loved.”
“And I do,” Steve murmured. “I love you, too. So so much.”
They resumed kissing. It was darker. Deeper. More potent. Eddie could write songs and poems and books filled with the love he felt for this man and finding out that he felt the same.
All the bookstores and libraries in all the world couldn’t begin to fill the amount of pages Eddie would need to even try and convey how he felt in that moment.
But it could be summed up in one word.
Just pure ecstasy.
Robin wasn’t sure if it could be called a walk of shame when she had told Steve that she would be spending the night at Vickie’s, but walking into their shared apartment after the wild sex they had had last night she did feel a little silly.
She stopped short when she saw who was in her kitchen making breakfast in Steve’s track pants.
“Eddie?” she squeaked.
Eddie looked up at her with a grin. “Welcome home, Bucksters! If you haven’t eaten yet, pull up a chair and grab a stack of pancakes. I’ve made plenty.”
“You’re not Jeana,” Robin said stupidly.
“Steve would never cheat,” she said, again trying to figure this out.
“You two are a couple now?” Robin asked, her brain still in first gear.
Just then a very sleep rumpled Steve came wandering out of his bedroom and latched on to Eddie. “I missed you.” He kissed Eddie’s neck.
Eddie kissed his temple. “Sorry, sweetness. I got hungry.”
“Mhmm..” he muttered. “Does smell good.���
“Morning, dingus.” Robin crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You want to tell what this is about?”
Steve looked over at her and gave her a dopey smile. “Jeana sucked. Only wanted the Harrington money and not me. Called Eddie over to make me less sad. He brought me sunflowers and made me very happy.”
Robin looked over at Eddie who half shrugged around a clingy Steve. “That’s the gist of it.”
“Got it,” she said. “I’m happy for you both.”
She grabbed a plate and pilled on the pancakes, with Steve releasing Eddie to do the same.
As the three of them sat down and ate Eddie’s pancakes, Steve smiled happily to himself.
He was with the two people he loved most in all the world and he wouldn’t change a thing.
Permanent List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @artiststarme ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
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bangchansgirlsblog · 5 months
Hii i love ur work i was wondering if u could do an angst story when ur the fem 9th member and jyp adds another fem member and they start ignoring you yelling at u and acting harsh and only one member is by ur side all the time
-9th skz
Warning: yelling, panic attacks, harsh tones, angst
Pairing: I.N x 9th member
Summary: a new member joins your group and it seems everything starts crashing down when you realize your being slowly replaced.
!not proofread!
Hey thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy this short story lol! Have a good day 🩷
"Chan? I don't know where you are but I've been outside. Waiting. You promised to pick me up remember? Just text me or call me when you get this." I send the voicemail and let out a frustrated sigh. Had he forgotten to pick you up again? This was starting to become really annoying.
The last time he forgot because apparently the new girl, Haneul, needed help recoding something for the album. I let it go because it was the album after all and I want what's best for the team. But this time I had no idea why he wasn't texting or picking up.
The sky starts to drizzle and I let out a sigh. Slowly starting the walk home. I knew I was going to be soaking wet when I arrive at the dorms so I just put my phone in my bag to avoid it from getting spoilt.
The past few weeks, the schedule was really busy especially now that their was a 10th member. Everyone was trying to make her feel like home even offering her MY room as I took the couch until we were transferred to our new dorm. It was frustrating because now everyone's attention was on her and the fact that the boys were excited for a girl joining got me thinking that maybe they were tired of me.
The rain was pouring heavy now and my tears were too. Last week Han forgot to practice with you because he was with Haneul teaching her the rap part for the new song. Last week Felix forgot that you were making brownies with him and decided to do it with Haneul instead. Last week Changbin double booked his schedule with the recording studio and told me to come at a later date because Haneul needed more attention. LAST week Leeknow took her to the new game park when he had promised me to go with.
Haneul was slowly getting me replaced. The less I talked the more nobody would notice me.
My phone vibrates and I quickly pull out my phone.
"H-hello?" I say into it while snifling.
"Y/nie? Love? Are you there? What's all that noise?" I hear I.N's voice booming through the phone obviously panicking.
"I'm walking home." I sadly say looking at the puddles that had completely got my shoes wet.
"But it's raining dogs and cats outside! Yah! You're going to get sick."
"Chan forgot to pick me up again but it's okay I'm like 2 minutes away from the house."
"Oh baby. Let me make you some hot chocolate and run you a bath."
"You don't have to babe-"
"No I will! Now hurry along please. I want you home safe."
I say a little bye before rushing to get home.
My shoes let out squishy sounds against the hard wood floor as I make my way through the house.
"Where's Chan?" I glare at Changbin who's walking to the kitchen.
He stops and his eyes go wide when he finally sees me. "Oh my God. What happened babydoll?" He gasps at the state I'm in.
"Where. Is. Chan?" I ask one more time. Angry wasn’t even the word that could explain the emotion I felt at the moment.
"His in the studio-"
I walk past him and charge at the studio where I open the door to find him with Haneul laughing at something.
Was he being Foreal right now?
"Chan how could you?!" I say hurt at him causing him to jump and look up at me.
"Y/n? Oh my God what happened to you? Why are you soaking wet-"
"You fucking forgot to pick me up from schedules Where were you huh? Huh?" I frown and glare at him.
He looks panicked as he picks up his phone to check his reminders but his eyes open wide in realization.
"Oh my God- y/nie I'm so sorry. Haneul-"
“It’s okay,” I say not even bothering to fight with him. It wasn’t worth it. It was tiring.
"What’s going on guys?" Leeknow says coming into the room confused.
“Yah! Y/n your getting the whole house wet with your clothes? What’s your problem?” He scolds me.
“I had to walk through the rain and you don’t even care, no need to yell at me.”
The boys all start piling up into the room trying to figure out what the matter was.
"Y/n! Your wet!" Han exclaims
“Yes I think I get the point people!” I groan and shiver as the cold air hits my body.
“Y/n go get change please, now I have to clean up your mess,” Leeknow’s tone is harsh. I can hear it with a tint of frustration.
“Jeez Leeknow you won’t even bother to ask if I’m okay?” I roll my eyes trying to avoid the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks once again.
He just dismisses me with his hand and walks out the room to do whatever he had too.
“Anyways, Haneul do you still wanna watch riverdale later?” My neck snaps at the direction that Hyunjin stood. Did he just say riverdale?
“Yeah yeah, I hope it’s not too much work but I was wondering if we could also make those little friendship bracelets-“
“Hyunjin did you just say riverdale? That’s our show,” my voice is now soft and quivering. Why would he watch our show with her.
“Y/n don’t be selfish, she’s just watching season one. It’s not a big deal.” He didn’t care. He didn’t care at all.
“We can alwyaks watch another series Hyunjin I don’t mind really-“
“Nah Y/n will be okay she’s just being dramatic like always,”
My breathing started to pick up. I couldn’t hold in the tears anymore. I was cold, tired, hungry and emotional. The sob that left my lips represented all that.
Chan’s eyes go wide when he notices the distress I’m in. “Hey, why are you crying? Are you okay?”
I don’t even bother to answer and just walk past the boys that stood by the door looking confused and worried.
“What’s the matter Y/n? Is it because of riverdale? Please don’t tell me you’re crying over that!” Hyunjin says as his hand grabs mine.
“You guys treat me like such a bother ever since she got here. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I’m I boring to you guys now? All of you have been mean or pushing me aside for her. I don’t even ask for much but to have my friends back. If you don’t want me in the group anymore just tell me.”
I’m a mess, I’m a mess. I free myself from his grip before walking up the stairs where I run into I.N. He gives me a smile and realizes the state I’m in. His smile drops.
“Hey- woah woah woah, what’s wrong?” He asks but he was the only one that knew the current position I was in. I had told him the day he saw Chan snap at me when we were learning a new choreography and I had messed up.
“I’m- I’m just tired.” I cry as he automatically pulls me into his arms.
“Don’t cry hmmm. It’s okay I’ve got you okay? Let’s go upstairs and get you showered and changed. Then we can talk about it okay?” He whispers in my ear and I just nod in response.
He pulls me up the stairs and into my room where I find my pajamas laid out and some candles lit. The bathroom was running.
He slowly undresses me and guides me into the bathroom where I sit in the hot bathtub.
“Join me?” I ask well basically whimper. Craving his touch.
He chuckles. “Yeah sure my love. You miss me hm?”
“Yeah,” I softly say before blushing.
He gets undressed and gets into the tab. He leans back as I sit in between his legs. My body slowly meting into his.
He leaves tiny kisses on my naked shoulders while slowly massaging my neck. I find my body relaxing and slowly shutting down.
“Hey do you wanna talk about it now?”
“Mmm, it’s just that Everbody’s been acting so different towards me eve since she joined, I told you this last time but now it’s worse. Sometimes they don’t even acknowledge my existence.” I sigh feeling the sadness start to rise again.
“Baby, I told you last time to talk to them about it. What happened?”
“I don’t know I geuss, I geuss I just don’t want to make them feel like they’re picking.”
“But it’s your feelings that matter
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mswritergirl02 · 2 months
Pure Paranoia 
Tumblr media
Summary: Y/n smokes for the first time and gets too high
->Reader Advisory: This story involves themes related to marijuana use. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to or uncomfortable with such content.
A/N : This is my very first post ! I’m excited to see where this account goes.
Y/n sat on the edge of Riah's couch, her fingers nervously tapping against her thigh as she watched her friends pass around a joint. The sweet scent of marijuana filled the air, swirling around her like a seductive dance, tempting her to join in.
Riah noticed Y/n's hesitation and leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Come on, Y/n, don't be such a goody-two-shoes. Just one hit won't hurt."
 Zela nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 
"Yeah, you've gotta try it at least once! It's not like you're doing anything wrong."
Y/n bit her lip, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had always been the innocent one of the group, never straying too far from her comfort zone. The thought of smoking weed for the first time sent a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.
"I don't know, guys. I've never smoked marijuana before," Y/n admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Riah rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. "You can call it weed, Y/n come on, Live a little! You're always so uptight."
Zela chimed in, her voice gentle but persuasive. "It's not a big deal, Y/n. Just take a puff and see how you feel. You might like it."
With a shaky breath, Y/n reached out and accepted the joint, her fingers trembling slightly as she brought it to her lips. The smoke burned her throat, making her cough and sputter as she tried to inhale.
"Easy there, girl," Riah teased, patting her back as she handed her a soda can.
Five hits later Y/n found herself sipping on that same can, trying to calm her racing heart as the effects of the weed began to take hold.
At first, it was just a pleasant buzz, a feeling of warmth and relaxation washing over her like a gentle wave. But as the minutes ticked by, Y/n's world began to spin out of control. 
The room seemed to warp and distort around her, the colors bleeding together in a dizzying kaleidoscope of light and sound.
“Hey, have I told you about that guy I met last weekend?"
Zela's interest was piqued, and she turned to Riah with a grin. 
"No, spill the tea! What's his deal?"
Riah chuckled, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well, his name is Alex, and let me tell you, he's got some serious charm. We hit it off right away."
Zela's eyes widened in excitement. "Ooh, sounds promising. What's he like?"
Riah's smile widened, her cheeks flushing with color. "He's funny, for one thing. And he's got this way of looking at you that makes you feel like you're the only person in the room."
Zela nudged Riah playfully, a teasing grin on her face. "Sounds like someone's got a crush."
Riah's cheeks grew even redder, but she couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. "Maybe I do. But don't tell anyone, okay? I want to see where this goes first."
Zela winked, her smile knowing. "Your secret's safe with me. Just remember to play it cool, okay? You don't want to scare him off."
Y/n tried hard to focus on the conversation swirling around her, but the words seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she struggled to keep her composure. She felt as if every part of her body was twitching. 
How does anyone enjoy this?
"Y/n, are you okay?" Riah's voice cut through the fog of Y/n's mind, filled with concern.
Shit speak you haven’t said anything in 10 minutes
Y/n nodded, her mouth dry as cotton as she tried to form words. Taking another sip of her soda she mumbled, "I'm fine, just...just a little lightheaded."
Oh god, I feel nauseous. 
Y/n's heart raced with panic as she sat in the backseat of her friend's car, the effects of the weed controlling her mind. What would she tell Harry? Would he notice? With his friends over, the thought of facing their judgment sent a shiver down her spine.
Of course, he’s going to know your high anyone in their right mind could see you’re tripping fucking balls. 
God, I wish Riah would roll up her window I’m freezing.
As they pulled up to her apartment building, Y/n plastered on a fake smile and told her friends goodbye, trying to hide the turmoil raging inside her. She took a deep breath, preparing herself. 
She dragged her now heavy feet up the stairs and pulled out her keychain trying to unlock the front door to her and Harry’s shared apartment but instead, her tangled keychain slipped from her trembling fingers and fell to the floor.
"Fuck," she cursed under her breath, pushing her now knotted hair from her face bending down to pick them up.
Why the fuck are there so many keys on this thing. I should really take some off... I don't even use half of these keys.
She finally managed to grasp the key and insert it into the lock, but her mind was so clouded with panic that she struggled to turn it.
Inside, Harry and his friends exchanged curious glances as they heard the commotion outside the door. 
Why won’t this fucking door op-
Before Harry could get up to investigate, the door swung open and Y/n stumbled inside, her hair messy and her bloodshot red eyes wide with panic.
As she entered, Harry's gaze met hers, and she saw the flicker of concern in his eyes. His raised eyebrow didn't escape her notice, sending a shiver of unease down her spine.
Act normal. Act fucking normal.
"Hey," she stammered, her voice barely audible as she tried to break the suffocating silence. She couldn’t help but feel as though all of their eyes were staring into her soul.
They know
Harry's expression softened slightly, but she could still see the worry etched into his features. "Welcome home love, you alright?," he questioned gently, his gentle british accent a soothing presence amidst the tension.
Y/n forced a smile, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, just had a bit of trouble with my keys," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze as she shuffled past him and his friends.
Harry frowned, but before he could press further, his friends' curious stares reminded him of their presence. Clearing his throat, he turned to face them with a forced grin. "Alright, lads, back to business. Who's up for another round of—"
But Y/n's voice cut through his words, her stomach growling loudly as she caught sight of the pizza box sitting on the kitchen table. Her mouth watered at the delicious aroma 
"Pizza?" she blurted out, her eyes widening with hunger as she made a beeline for the box.
Harry's friends exchanged amused glances, their lips quirking up in smirks as they watched Y/n's eager reaction. 
Harry chuckled, "Saved you a slice, pineapple ya favorite ," he said, his voice warm with affection. "Thought you might be hungry."
Y/n's eyes lit up with gratitude as she grabbed a slice, her fingers trembling slightly as she took a bite. The taste exploded on her tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she savored every delicious bite.
"Thanks, Harry," she said between bites, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized how crazy she must look.
Soon she didn’t care as her taste buds were sent into a frenzy of delight. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before.
Fuck I could die happy right now 
Y/n couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of pleasure as pineapple juice filled her mouth and the second the sound escaped her lips, her eyes widened in horror, realizing she had made that sound out loud. She glanced around the room, and spotted Lucas, Harry's friend, standing in the kitchen, his gaze fixed on her.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with panic as she struggled to come up with an excuse.
Harry's warm laughter filled the air. "Enjoying the pizza, are we?" he teased, his voice filled with affection as he shot her a playful wink.
Lucas's voice cut through the air like a knife. "You look fucking stoned, Y/n," he exclaimed, a smirk playing on his lips.
By now y/n’s entire face was bright red with embarrassment as she averted her gaze, her heart racing with panic. Feeling the weight of Harry's curious gaze boring into her.
She rubbed her now sweaty hands on her jeans, once again struggling to find the right words to defend herself. "I-I'm fine," she insisted, her voice trembling slightly.
Just take a seat Y/n. 
Listening to her thoughts y/n made her way to take a seat, and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as now all eyes were actually on her.
Matt's eyes widened as she sat down . Her body carrying the heavy skunk like scent everywhere she went. "Dear God, Y/n, you smell like weed," he blurted out, his voice filled with disbelief.
Y/n's heart sank as she looked up, meeting Harry's curious gaze once again. She felt herself sinking deeper into the couch as if her body was not her own and someone else was controlling it.
"Love, you do smell like weed," Harry stated softly, as he placed a hand on her thigh. To be completely honest Harry knew Y/n was high from the moment she walked in. He could tell just by the way her eyes looked back at him. Of course he’d never accuse her of it.
Say something everyone is staring at you
 She was screaming at herself to open her mouth and speak but she simply couldn’t.
Sensing something was wrong with his usually calm girlfriend Harry made an announcement, "It's getting late, I'm a little tired”, his voice breaking the tension in the room.
Oh thank god.
Y/n felt a twinge of relief as Harry and his friends began cleaning up. Not bothering to help Y/n found herself lost in a trance, staring at the video game on the screen. The vibrant colors and lifelike characters captivated her, momentarily distracting her from the chaos swirling inside her mind.
So pretty 
Y/n's thoughts of the video game were interrupted by the sound of Harry closing the door behind his departing friends. 
Just tell him for fucks sake
With a rush of adrenaline, Y/n blurted out the truth she had been trying to conceal.
"I-I'm high," she confessed, her voice wavering as she looked up at Harry, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Harry's lips curved into a knowing smirk as he met her gaze. "I'm very aware, love," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Look at you, growing up."
Y/n's heart fluttered at his teasing tone, but her panic quickly resurfaced as she struggled to explain the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.
"I-I don't know what's happening," she admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I feel like... like I'm not in control."
“One minute I’m happy and the next I’m sucked into a deep black hole”
Harry's expression softened with understanding as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "It's okay, Y/n," he murmured, his voice soothing to her frazzled nerves. "You're just having a bad trip. I've been there before."
Y/n buried her face in Harry's chest, trying to steady her racing heart. The smell of his cologne filled her nose and she felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that Harry was there to support her through the storm.
Harry lounged back on the couch, placing Y/n’s head in his lap. With a playful gleam in his eyes, he started telling stories of his most embarrassing high moments. Y/n leaning in, eager to hear, soon they were both laughing uncontrollably.
While drawing circles on her back Harry shared one ridiculous story after another, including the one where he thought he saw a UFO, and Y/n couldn't help but snort. Each story made her laugh harder, tears of amusement rolling down her cheeks.
"I can't believe you did that!" Y/n gasped between giggles, wiping away tears as she looked at Harry with admiration. The panic that had gripped her earlier seemed like a distant memory and a sense of peace wash over her. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the shared laughter and connection between them.
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libraford · 1 year
Have you shared the story of you joining the track team with us? I feel like you have but I can't remember any details.
The year us 1999, I am in seventh grade. Like most seventh-graders, I hate everything that I am forced to do but I especially hate Pep Rallies. They are hell for my tiny little social outcast ADHD brain: loud noises, forced enjoyment of an activity, sports, pointless interaction with people I can't stand, and the potential for relentless bullying afterwards.
So we had a pep rally.
And I, for the first time in my rules-following life, decided to skip.
My class filed into the gym, I ducked into the bathroom, and waited for the sound of the doors closing.
Problem was that I didn't think I'd get this far and I've never been in the habit of delinquency, so I had no idea what to do next. I started wandering the halls just a little bit, testing out the freedom of having broken the rules, going down hallways that weren't part of my routine...
...when I heard dogs barking.
You see...
...the pep rallies weren't exactly about basketball. The pep rallies were an excuse to make lots of noise so no one heard the police dogs when they came looking for drugs in people's lockers.
And I am not where I'm supposed to be. I am where NO ONE is supposed to be. And I panic, because if I show up to the pep rally late they are going to notice.
I did not think this through.
So I start looking for somewhere to be while the police are searching for worse criminals than myself and I see a bunch of students in the cafeteria. One of them is a friend of mine, so I wouldn't be completely out of place in this location, so I came in and sat down next to her. A roster is being passed around and I sign it so that I can say that I was accounted for during the pep rally in some way.
The teacher who is heading whatever this is stands up in front of this group and says:
"Thank you for coming to the track and field tryouts. You've all made it in."
I think I'll just sit through this one meet and then quit. People do it all the time, I don't think anyone would notice.
Except that this is a small town and everyone knows everyone- so the teacher/coach helpfully informed my father that I'd joined the track team voluntarily and in no way was it a mistake of any kind.
My whole family is sports nuts. My dad was in charge of the sports page at the news paper, my mom will talk excitedly about college football, and my brother has excelled in every sport he's ever been in.
I'm a textbook case of Not That. Art student, lead violist, and the most exercise I get is dodging projectile rocks on my way home from school.
But my dad is SO proud of me when he hears about it. Lee is doing a Sport? A Sport that's physical? A Sport with a team? A SPORT!
Like... he bought me new shoes and stuff to clean the shoes with and all kinds of first aid stuff for my muscle pains and oh my god for the first time in his life I was in a SPORT!
(Just to emphasize- he has always been PROUD of me. He thought I was a genius because I showed him how to make chocolate dipped strawberries at home without a fondue pot like... he's pretty sure I'm going to save the world somehow. But this was the first time that I had ever shown even the smallest bit of interest in doing a Sport, which is HIS special interest and now we can BOND!)
So I try.
You know... I hate running.
I actually have a condition caused by a childhood illness that impacts cartilage development as well as asthma from a bronchial infection when I was in 5th grade.
But my dad came to all of the track meets that he could and I was so deep into the lie that quitting now would break him.
So I try my hand at non-running events: shot put and discus. I'd still have to run during practice, but I was allowed to go off and do Not Running for a little bit.
I can't remember the actual numbers or anything, but I remember that when I first did shot put with proper form, the coach kind of turned her head sideways and said 'damn.'
So turned out that being at the roly-poly stage of my larval development meant that I was still learning how my personal body chemistry affects the build of muscle. The answer is 'very quickly.'
It starts getting hard to find shirts that will fit my biceps and now I'm in trouble for wearing non-standard issue tank tops to school from practicing shot and discus.
If this were a movie, it would mean that suddenly being a jock meant that I had been accepted by my peers and something something Mean Girls something something. But no, because having incredible muscle as a thirteen year old did not do anything to disspell the rumors that I was a lesbian and unfortunately I was still bullied relentlessly. Nor did I ever throw a punch because I don't like hurting people and no one ever taught me how to fight. But it did mean that I had a handful of girls ready to use teeth and nails to defend the shot put champion.
Which is important because I was the ONLY shot put and discus thrower in the school.
And as I found out- the district.
I went almost an entire season without competing against a single person, winning the event by default.
Until the semi-finals.
And I did have to compete against an assortment of other thirteen year olds that were just now learning that they had upper body strength. But because they ALSO were the only ones competing in those events they had never competed against another person either.
So we all sucked.
I got gold in shot put. Bronze in discus. But to their credit there were only three competitors.
Huge fucking deal for my dad.
Not a huge deal for the rest of the track team, who all did really poorly in most events BUT throwing events, which meant that this was our last game of the season.
And so ended my short, accidental career as the middle school shot put champion.
"Did you try out again in 8th grade?"
Fuck no. I hate running.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
Have you seen Georgia's insta story? She's filming david and one of the kids called her a creep
The only purpose of the video is just showing that even the kids think that her filming david all the time is weird
Like, yeah all of it is probs a joke but it rubs me the wrong way🤔
What's your opinion? Your blog is the 1st place i go to when i see news abt DT, GO or MS
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(Grouping together since these are related.)
Hi there! Oh, I hadn't seen Georgia's Insta story until I saw your Ask, so thank you for bringing it to my attention.
A little backstory, for those who haven't seen it: Today was David's panel at NYCC, and he started to tell an anecdote about being given a pair of shoes for Christmas when members of the audience began shouting out telling him to tie his (very pink) shoes that were untied on stage. David actually tied the shoes, and the video of the moment was posted by NYCC on Twitter. An hour or so later, Georgia jumped in with a response and at the same time, posted this story on Insta (and the photo in Georgia's tweet appears to be from the same day that the video was taken):
For my part, I was under the impression that this was not a recent video, so to your question @phantomstars24, I don't think she is actually at NYCC with David. Rather, it looks like Georgia was searching for David's name on Twitter (again) and found a place to jump in with the screenshot and video.
In giving my opinion on this, I have to reference Georgia's Insta story from last month at the festival she and David attended, where she recorded him while he was walking and eating his ice cream:
Here, we see David take notice of the fact that Georgia is recording, after wondering why she was walking so slowly. He turns away for a moment, then looks back at her and says, "It's never gonna stop," and his voice is uncharacteristically...terse. He doesn't smile, or laugh, or give any indication that he is kidding (that I picked up on, at least). David's energy and the video as a whole just seemed off, but like many of Georgia's posts, it was written off as a joke.
The voice we heard of one of Georgia's children in today's video reminded me of that. Leaving aside the fact that this child actually flat-out called Georgia a "creep" (for which I'm also hard-pressed to find some alternate/jokey meaning) for recording David, the theme in both of these videos is Georgia constantly recording David for the sake of having content. And as we saw with today's Insta story, her then saving that content to use at a later date. I know the people who hate-read my blog will insist that Georgia gets permission from David before posting anything on social media and that he's fine with it, but it is really hard to think that he seems fine in the video from the festival. And how okay would any of us be if our partner constantly took video of us not to make cute memories, but so they can use it to prove a point later on?
As I've said before, all we get is this little slice of their lives that Georgia shares on social media. But increasingly, those little slices are starting to look like moments that might have been better left unrecorded/not posted to social media. To hear Georgia's own child call her out like that was jarring, but it also made me wonder how much they do see/what they think of what they are seeing. Even now it says something that they're already aware of her social media use and the lengths she is going to for content. (For that matter, I wonder what they will think in the future, such as if/when Birdie sees Georgia's Insta post calling her a "drunken accident"...)
Again, this could easily all be chalked up to me just missing whatever the joke/dry humor is here, but these were the impressions I had from seeing Georgia's content today. Happy as always to hear what others think, however, so feel free to chime in on this post...
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mewhenimanangel · 17 days
cherry, eren jeager
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— synopsis. eren is enamored by you, the way you carry yourself, the way you dance…he wants to know more of you
—chapter 1 ౨ৎ
𝜗𝜚 content!: au-highschool, ballet dancer reader, teen romance
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: i’m writing again! (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)
next ౨ৎ
you packed your pointe shoes into your duffel bag, brushing back the bits of hair that strayed from your slick bun.
you were dangerously close to being late for practice today and you knew mrs jeager didn't play like that. you looked in your mirror to make sure everything was in place. you wore a black leotard under a pair of dance shorts and pink leg warmers.
you rushed out of your house and into your mom's suv. she had a cigarette between her manicured fingers as she retouched her lip gloss in the rear view mirror. "hey baby you ready?" she asked, fastening her seatbelt.
"yeah...where are you going?" you squint your eyes at her, she looked a little more glamorous than usual. "gonna go run some errands, see if i can run into that sexy mr ryan" she smirked as she put the car in drive. "mom gross, please stop drooling over my math teacher" you shook your head. "oh come on, you know he's cute. he's got that whole bee keeping thing going on"
"yeah so do you" you joked. "hey!" she slapped your thigh. "i'm just joking! you look as young and beautiful as ever" you smiled, putting your earbuds in"
if it wasn't for your best friend, lana, you swore your mom was your best friend. after your dad passed away, it was just you, her, and your little sister, enya.
ever since you were six you've been dancing, specifically ballet and contemporary. you always loved dance but when your dad died, it lost its spark. four years ago, you sat in ballet practice when your phone rang and your former teacher scolded you for interrupting practice but told you you could go in the hall to answer.
you remember the feeling of your heart breaking when your mom told you the news and that she was getting you early.
don't be mistaken, the love you have for ballet is always there but a small part of you feels like you're only in it to please your mom.
your mom had you at 17 and sometimes you felt like you ruined her life. you've heard her ballet stories since you were little. she was in her prime and destined for greatness, until you came along.
her parents were more orthodox and made her go through with the pregnancy, she never danced the same again after that.
even though you felt guilty, it only made you want to be better, it made you want it more because you felt like you owed it to her.
you put your earbuds away when you saw the familiar dance school come into view. "bye mommy" you said putting your bag over your shoulder. "bye baby, i'll see you later" she kissed your cheek.
after changing out of your sneakers and into your dance shoes, you joined lana and the other girls to stretch. things have been competitive at the school lately ever since mrs. jeager announced she was putting on a recital.
all your peers were working extra hard to be noticed by your teacher, including you of course but you kept it nonchalant. today, she would be announcing who she chooses as her lead dancers.
"annie's literally going insane in the bathroom right now" lana walked up to you as you sat drinking your water. "she needs to relax, it's not like the show's going on broadway...plus i'm sure she'll literally get the solo. she's always kissing jaeger's ass" you scoffed.
"better keep your voice down, i've heard that mrs jaeger's planning on picking you" she smirked. "i doubt it" you shrugged.
mrs jeager walked into the room and told everyone to line up. "alright girls, as you know we'll be putting on my own show in three months and i need you girls in tiptop shape, no matter what part you get. now i'm choosing, drum roll please..." you all tapped your feet.
"y/n! you're my soloist!" she smiled at you. "what? me?" your eyebrows rose. lana immediately shook you by the shoulders out of excitement while the other girls clapped. though, you could feel annie's gaze burning into you. she was jealous.
"yes you, you've shown the most improvement this year and i'm entrusting you to shine through with this role, congratulations" she smiled at you.
mrs. jeager went on to list everyone else's parts for the dances before practice commenced. you were so excited to go home and tell your mom.
once practice was over you began to pack up your things and change out of your shoes. "y/n, come i'd like to talk to you about the solo" mrs jeager called you over. you said bye to lana and grabbed your bag.
"okay so for the solo i wanted a somber yet sensual and scandalous song so i chose
cherry by lana del rey, im sure you know it all you girls seem to love her." she told you.
she went over the details of the outfit she wanted you to wear, she explained the choreography, told you you would have to come in for extra lessons. she began to explain why she chose you when the door behind you opened.
you turned around to see her son, eren, walk in.
he was in a hoodie and jeans that sweeped the floor, long hair pulled back into a low effort bun, headphones wrapped around his neck.
you've known eren for years now, he was in your math class at school and he would often stop by the dance school to see his mom. you can't recall ever talking to him though.
he kind of ran with his own little crowd, most often with mikasa and admin, you think his name was?
he was pretty chill at school, you knew he was on the basketball team, he was never really in anyone's business. the only time you ever heard things about him was when girls would talk about how hot he was, and you feared they were right.
he didn't say anything to you before asking his mom for their house keys. "i've taught you better manners than that, i know you see me talking to someone" she scolded him.
this was when he decided to acknowledge you. eren stared at you, taking a moment to let his eyes trail down your body, admiring the way your leotard and shorts clung to you.
it's not like he meant to ignore you, you just make him a little nervous. it was one thing to see you at school in the uniform you somehow made look good, but it was another to see you like this - sweat making you glisten, hair messy yet perfect, clothes tight on your body.
eren's had his fair share of things with girls in the past but something about you stressed him out, so he decided it was best to avoid you.
"hey" he finally greeted you to which you smiled and waved. god, even your smile was tantalizing. "y/n here is gonna be my soloist, gosh you should see her dance!" he awkwardly smiled and nod his head.
"can i have them now?" he asked his mother. she digged through her purse and gave him the keys. "you can go now we were having an important conversation" she beckoned him away.
he scoffed and made his way to the door. you turned your head ever so slightly only to be me with him looking back at you too.
a smirk graced his lips, dropping when he saw you looking at him. now it was your turn to hide your smile.
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tsukimefuku · 2 months
in my shoes ❖ nanami kento
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summary: you get severely injured while on one of your first missions with nanami.
wc: 1.1K
tags: jujutsu kaisen, light Nanami x oc/reader, angst, some fluff if you squint, mentions of injure.
notes, etc: just a little drabble i thought about to help me write "toxic endeavors". wound up bigger than expected (and in the collection).
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist for fics listed in chronological order of events
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Why would she ever do this, was all that Nanami could think when he brought you in for Shoko. Your entire body was in disarray, broken bones sprinkled across from head to toe, and his usually neat blue shirt was completely covered in blood — your blood.
Shoko's eyes widened as she saw Nanami carrying you inside, and she pointed at a gurney while asking for an explanation with her glance.
"We were jumped by two different curses we weren't expecting, and she took the hit in my place" was the answer he mustered to say as he laid your unconscious body for Shoko to work her magic.
She hovered her hands on top of you, and Nanami sat back, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose painfully.
"What's her prognosis?"
"I don't know, Nanami" Shoko replied, already applying RCT on your most critical wounds, both internal and external. "But she can RCT herself, so I figure I just have to do enough for her to wake up, then she can RCT herself too."
Nanami wasn't sure as to what felt worse in this whole situation.
You revealed yourself as a fine colleague, on top of being a good company when you weren't hellbent on your antics at him. The few missions he had gone on by your side were pleasant and allowed the both of you to finish work earlier. Losing a colleague — even one he had barely been working with for two months or so — usually wouldn't hit him that hard. However, not only were you under his guidance, rendering him directly responsible for your wellbeing in the field, he also carried a lot of guilt regarding you, specifically, due to past failures.
It felt like it would be the last nail in the coffin for you to die because of his inability to help you once again.
You had been unconscious for about four hours, and Nanami still sat inside that room, staring at you, waiting for any kind of movement or sign you were about to wake up. Frustrating all of his expectations, your body laid flat and unmoving on the gurney, even after Shoko healed you to the extent her RCT could.
"You know, staring won't make her heal any faster" Shoko said, while she leaned against the wall. "She's stable. You can leave, I'll let you know when she wakes up."
He sighed, and remained still, right where he had been sitting ever since he brought you in.
"Soooo, what happened?" Gojo said, coming inside the room unceremoniously. It took one look at you for him to go, "oh. Shit."
Oh shit, indeed, Nanami thought to himself.
"She's stable, we're just waiting for her to wake up" Shoko replied.
"I don't understand why she ever thought that doing this was a good idea" Nanami sighed, pulsing headache around his temples. Nearly every muscle in his body was clearly tense, and Shoko took note of that.
"You really are concerned about her" she said, and it wasn't a question.
Nanami diverted his gaze to face her for a moment, before looking back at you.
"I was given the rare chance to right an old wrong, and it seems I've failed once again. That's all there is to it" he answered.
"She'll be fine. She always finds a way" Gojo replied, hands in his pocket, more relaxed than everyone else in the room. That slightly rubbed Nanami the wrong way, and he became annoyed.
"There is no 'finding a way' in breaking nearly every bone in your body, along with massive internal injuries."
"That is not what I meant," Gojo retorted, pulling his phone from his pocket to casually check on his texts.
"Then, what did you mean?" Nanami asked, irritated.
"What I meant was that if she chose to do this, then she probably had a good reasoning to do so. She's not irresponsible or reckless, much to the contrary," he answered, putting the phone away.
Nanami sighed. Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, and so was Gojo when he said this. You were many things, but reckless was not one of them.
"Hm... What is..."
Nanami got up immediately at the sound of your voice and walked towards your gurney, resting a hand on its side.
Your eyes opened slowly, and you awoke to the sight of a giant blond man looking at you, his impassive chiseled face slightly torn with worry.
You braced yourself for the chastising to come, as you slowly remembered what happened and began to RCT yourself. Every nook and cranny of your body pulsed with pain, and even breathing was a labor-intensive task, diminishing by the second with your own healing.
"Why would you take the hit in my place? That was incredibly irresponsible and put us both in a dire position" Nanami chided, not noticing how hard he was pressing his fingers around the gurney's side support. 
Mindlessly, you put your hand over Nanami's, sending pins and needles all over your arm. Bad idea.
You thought you saw him glancing rapidly at both your hands before you began to answer, as his hand softly relaxed under your touch.
"Because healing someone else is only about 40% as effective as healing oneself" you began, "and I knew I couldn't tank both curses in your place if you got injured or knocked out."
You took a moment to breathe before continuing, but just as his hand did, his gaze had softened too. 
"I figured that, by taking the hit, you'd be unscathed and able to exorcise both curses, then bring me to Shoko. I began RCT as soon as I got hit, just in case I passed out, and knew that after Shoko woke me up, I'd be able to heal myself properly."
Gojo let out a small chuckle.
"We need to be strategic, right?" You asked, looking directly at Gojo.
"See? I told you," he said, looking at Nanami.
Nanami, on the other hand, was at a loss for words. Your reasoning did make perfect sense, and he wondered.
"If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?" You inquired, hissing slightly at a sudden shooting ache throughout your body.
He sighed and closed his eyes, nodding. "I would've done the same."
You mustered some strength to smile.
"I'm glad you acknowledged it."
"That doesn't mean, however, that you shouldn't be more careful or consider other better options when a similar situation arises again," Nanami replied.
You scoffed. "I will make no such promise, but I will try to be more careful. Does that sound good enough?"
"Not so..." Nanami began speaking, and you twisted your face at him. He sighed. "Fine. Good enough for now."
You smiled at him, winking.
"Thank you. I promise to try to do better next time this happens."
You didn't.
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Shades of Green
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Warnings: Cursing, jealous relationship, some sexual hints at the start but it's barely there
Author's Note: Tried to make this a little more fluffy because I've been writing so many sad stories recently aha !! I hope you like it <3 Thank you so much for your request and for your lovely words x
"Babe are you ready to leave?" Drew calls out from downstairs, where he's tugging his shoes on.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," You say, throwing your necessities into your bag and slinging the small strap over your shoulder.
You grab your heels and hurry towards the stairs.
"We're going to be la-" He turns around to see you at the top of the stairwell, "Holy shit."
"Good shit or bad shit?" You laugh, hurrying down the steps and rushing to tug your shoes on at the bottom.
"Like the best shit," He smiles, "You look incredible."
You were wearing a burgundy red dress with a square neckline and a fitted bodice, the skirt with a high split on one side, with black heels and a black purse to match.
"Very sexy," He wiggles his brows as you stand up from getting your shoes on, smoothing a hand over your dress.
"Keep it in your pants, Starkey," You taunt, "We're going to be late."
You head out of the house and he follows behind you, opening the car door for you before you can get to it as you get into the passenger seat. He looked smart too, a grey suit that made his shoulders look broad and brought out the colour of his eyes.
"So, how do we know these people?" You ask him, checking over your makeup in the rearview mirror.
"I went to school with the groom, we were all in like one big group of friends," He explains, "Well, they were technically Freya's friends first but then I got to know them all obviously."
"Freya?" You frown a little, turning your attention towards him.
"Yeah," He nods, switching the car into drive and putting his hand on the back of your chair to start reversing off the driveway.
"Wait, hang on a second," You wipe your hands on the seat, "You didn't tell me your ex was going to be there."
Drew stops the car and looks at you, as if taken aback, "What are you talking about? You knew we still had the same friends."
You can already feel the lump in your throat, the way it seems to constrict against your attempt at any words, "I just... I don't know."
"Relax, (Y/N), believe me, we wouldn't be going if you had anything to worry about," He scoffs and starts reversing the car once again, one hand moving to find the aux cable that he reaches out for you to take.
You weren't sure why your chest still felt so tight.
The ceremony was a success and, of course, you cried - you couldn't remember the last time you got through a wedding without crying. Drew had sat through the entire ceremony with his arm around your shoulders on the back of the chairs, his fingers running over the curve of your shoulder aimlessly. You were now all mingling outside before the reception, both with a cocktail in your hand and Drew's eyes scanning everywhere to find food now that he was complaining about his stomach grumbling.
"Well, look who it is!" The voice seems to ring through you before you've even turned to see who it is.
You instead watch the way that Drew smiles at the sight, outstretching his arms, "Long time no see!"
A petite blonde hurries into his arms, her hair in big curls around her face and flowing down her back. She's wearing a blue dress that hugs her in all of the right places, shaping her curves like something you'd see as a Facetune final product.
"Oh its so good to see you Drew," She grins as she pulls away, "And you must be the famous (Y/N)!"
You force yourself to smile but you know it doesn't look natural, "Hi, it's nice to meet you."
"I'm Freya, but I'm guessing you've heard about all of us from Drew already."
"No, I don't think he's mentioned you," You shake your head, "Are you friends from school?"
Freya looks between you and Drew for a second and you can feel his eyes on you, a raise in his eyebrows like he's waiting for you to look at him.
"Yeah, me and Drew go way back," Freya continues, "You look gorgeous, I love this dress!"
"Thanks," You nod, taking a sip of your drink so you don't have to say anything else.
Freya takes a deep breath and turns to squeeze Drew's arm, "Well I need to go and find the happy couple, and do the rounds so I don't miss anyone. I'll see you two later, okay?"
She dismisses herself and Drew tilts his head to look down at you until your gaze catches him.
"Really?" He raises his eyebrows, less in surprise and more in irritation, "Are you kidding?"
"What are you talking about?" You shrug nonchalantly, moving your straw to your lips to take a sip of your drink again.
"Alright, not here," He glances around at the crowd before placing a hand around your forearm, pulling you with him as he weaves his way around the bodies.
The two of you break into a clearing just outside of the crowd, where you're out of earshot of the other guests.
"What the hell was that?" He questions, nothing but severity in his voice.
"Oh come on Drew," You scoff, "She was practically all over you. Well, look who it is," You mock her tone.
"Don't be like that, (Y/N)," Drew rolls his eyes at you, "You know we're friends, and she even told you that I mention you a load so what do you have to be worried about?"
"You don't have to deal with this, though, I don't speak to any of my exes, you wouldn't see them at weddings," You point out, "It's just weird."
"Jealousy doesn't look good on you, (Y/N)," He shakes his head, "I'm going to get another drink."
With that, he disappears back into the crowd of mingling people. You sip down the rest of your drink and take a deep breath, wanting nothing more than for the hours to tick down until you could leave.
You speak to a few of Drew's friends that you did know, and speak to the bride when you congratulate her on the day, doing whatever you can to avoid going over to where Drew was chatting to his other friends from school and a couple of the groomsmen. It was obvious that he kept looking over to you, his protective streak needing to keep an eye on you despite what he'd said. You find yourself looking at him too, willing for your eyes to catch onto each other at the same time.
Eventually, the two of you are sat down next to each other at one of the tables, surrounded by a group of people you didn't know. You sit down silently and watch as Drew does the same beside you.
"Hi, I don't think we've met before," The guy next to you starts, a man about your age with the typical features of tall, dark and handsome, "I'm Josh."
"I'm (Y/N)," You offer him a smile in return.
"How do you know the couple?"
You try to avoid looking over at Drew, "Just friends, you?"
"Yeah, I work with the groom," Josh explains, "You know, finance and all that boring shit."
You laugh and he turns around a little so that he is more centred towards you. Almost as soon as the movement happens, Drew reaches out an arm around the back of your chair.
"Do you want a glass of wine, babe?" He asks, leaning forward and towards you on the table as if making certain that Josh could see him.
You turn and glance at him momentarily, "I'll have a white wine please."
He smiles and presses a kiss to your shoulder, "Okay, honey."
Josh glances at the two of you and clears his throat, "I'm going to run to the bathroom before the food comes out."
You turn your head back towards Drew as he pours out the bottle of wine into your waiting glass.
"Really?" You try to fight back a smirk, "You know jealousy really doesn't look good on you, Starkey."
He doesn't look at you, but you see him clench and unclench his jaw, "That's not the same thing, that guy was all over you."
"Is Freya single? I'm sure they'd make a great couple, they have a lot in common," You taunt and he sets the bottle back down into the middle of the table.
He can't help but smile at your comment, leaning back into his chair.
"You're lucky you're cute," You mention, leaning to him to press a kiss to his jaw.
He smiles brighter at the touch, leaning into you just a little.
When you pull away, he brings up a hand to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, his gaze flicking between each of your eyes as if searching for confirmation that you are listening to him, "You know you have nothing to worry about with Freya, right? She's just a bit full on but we're friends, we just stayed friends because it was easier than trying to split the entire group when things ended. I don't know why I didn't tell you, I should've done. I just didn't think it would matter because you should know how crazy I am about you."
"Crazy, huh?" You fight back the smile tugging at your lips.
He runs his thumb down the side of your jaw, his fingers hooked behind the back of your head as his other hand brings your fingers up to his lips, "Something like that," He presses a kiss to your knuckles.
"Nothing to worry about?" You say and he draws his eyes back up to yours.
"Not with her, not with anyone. Not now, not ever, okay?"
"Okay," It comes out as a whisper as you smile at him, your cheeks heating up.
He leans in and kisses you firmly, longingly, as if solidifying his erasing of every worry you'd ever had, his confirmation that you were his and he was yours.
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Then book shopping n it’s all cute n stuff 😻😻‼️
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Bernard's & Noble
(see what i did there)
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Word count: 749
Alexis speaks! : hey guys! thank you for the request (the more requests, the more stories i post 😉) i'm honestly not very proud of this one, but i've deleted it four times already and this is the best i got 💀 once again, comments and likes are greatly appreciated, it helps me know if yall like my style or if i need to change anything! pls don't steal my work, love yall!
"Matttt?" i whined from my spot on the floor. i was bored out of my fucking mind. Matt wanted the day to be a 'lazy day' and by that he means he wanted to scroll social media and youtube all day. that was not my idea of fun, i've always been a hands on person whether that be going outside for hours, to the lake, reading, anything other than being lazy at home.
"whattttt?" he mocked, sitting up from his bed, his hair all messed up and funny looking.
i chuckled. "your hair looks great." i smiled, climbing to straddle his lap and fix his bed head. "better" i smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "i have a business proposal."
matt sighed, "what do you want." he rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
i hopped off him, standing at the foot of his bed. "i vote we go to barnes and noble today, my book case is baren." i joked. four out of the five of my bookshelves were full completely. but you can never have too many books.
"y/n you have more books than i think i've ever seen anywhere else in my life." he laughed. matt pretended to be annoyed, but he knows the answer is yes. and not just to this scenario, the answer is always yes to everything y/n wants. she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. "when do you want to go?" he gave in.
i jumped around the room a couple times, silently celebrated with myself. "right now silly." i said. i trotted into his bathroom where i have my own drawer of toiletries and such. i touched up my makeup and threw on my shoes. "ok i'm ready." i beamed up at him. matt basically towered over me. he's 5'8 and i'm 5'3, so there's a pretty noticeable height difference.
he slipped his own shoes on. "i'm ready." he smiled, grabbing his keys.
i just looked at him. "matt babe." i looked at his outfit. "we are not going anywhere when you are wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. please change." i said, false seriousness evident on my features.
"oh my god i'm literally gonna shit my pants i love barnes and noble." i said, climbing out of the passenger seat. I made matt carry my three tote bags i have designated for my favorite hobby, book shopping.
"do i really have to come in." matt complained.
we had been at barnes and noble for an hour already, two out of the three of my tote bags were full. so full we had to put them by checkout because they were too heavy to carry. About 15 minutes in i had made a joke that i thought was hilarious, matt didn't really think so.
"haha, bernard's and noble." i chuckled to myself, but matt heard me.
"y/n i swear to god i will leave you here."
i was finally ready to go, the final tote bag full. i couldn't find matt though. i wandered through the multiple sections of books, matt no where in sight. "maybe he did leave me here." i mumbled under my breath. until my eye caught matt. he was crouched down, one hand on the shelf, the other hand occupied with a book.
"whatchya readin?" i smiled over him. my heart melted when he looked up at me, a small smile on his face. i took this time to take in his beauty. the way his slight curls fell over his eyebrows, the way his middle part accentuated his face shape, the way his blue eyes went so well with his outfit. he was wearing the white shirt with 'whatever' in bold print written across it, and baggy light wash blue jeans, his keys dangling from his belt loop.
"some poetry book, i might get it it's kinda fire." he smiled.
"you read poetry?"
"i like finding the good ones and printing them out, i like to look back on the really influential ones." matt said. he stood up and took my bag, his hand resting on the small of my back.
"matt i don't deserve you, you're so sweet." a cheesy grin creeping onto my lips.
"y/n you deserve the world." he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.
"ok now how are we gonna get all of these in the car?" i laughed.
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042502 · 11 days
☆༉ — CHRIS STURNIOLO. The Unwritten Rule.
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about. Everyone knows the rule, don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend.
author's note. This is the chapter 7, I hope it sounds interesting to you. My first language is not English. masterlis!
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I started to relax a little after working for a while. Because Anna doesn't care about assignments when it's something she wants to do, like the individual investigative report we were assigned as part of the grade. He gives everything of himself, even more.
In eighth grade, she did an awesome interactive project about Broadway. He wrote about actors and actresses who were good in their day, and used their stories in a report, almost a book due to its length, about what Broadway represents for those who were part of the works that made it important.
It was so good that our English teacher wanted to talk to Anna's mom to try to publish it, but Anna's mom is always busy, and at the end-of-term ceremony she had to leave early, even before Anna received her award.
"Here," she says, pushing aside the book she was holding. "Now I know exactly what the proposal will be for my project - Broadway's fight to keep the ever-growing members of the media on edge.”
"Wow," I say, and she smiles.
"I know! Great, right?"
"Too much.”
She stretches and leans toward Chris. "What are you doing?"
"I don't know yet," he confesses. "Maybe something about how artists practice in a society where funds are harder to find, and how there are no real stars in the field anymore. At least not the ones everyone hears.”
"Because there is no money in them, just like you said," he remarked. "It's easy to be famous for just being someone, and that's what usually pays. Or at least it gives you something." Now his eyes are on me. “What are you doing?”
I shrug and Anna nudges my leg with her foot, smiling. "You already know that," she frowned, confused. "shoes, of course. Your obsession, which is completely strange" there was silence until she spoke again which is great.
"I don't think it's strange" Chris didn't seem to share Anna's thought. "I've never been to as many Broadway shows as how many, fifty? But I'm not saying you're obsessed."
"That's different," Anna babbles, "Why are you so mean? Ada, aren't you being mean to me?"
I know what I'm supposed to say, “yes” and then Anna will say “thank you” pretending to be sad and then she'll flirt with Chris and throw herself at him and... Why does Anna have to make me feel so bad sometimes?
"Good, now you're both being mean to me" he crossed his arms, pouting his lips pretending to be sad. "He's sorry that Broadway isn't as good as what you call art, Chris." He stops looking at Chris and now turns to me. "I'm sorry I don't want to read about shoes or spend years making ones that no one will see because who looks at feet?" oh that was really hurtful.
"I need some air." Chris stands up abruptly, walking out of the room. After a few seconds he heard the patio door sliding.
"Oh shit," Anna curses.
My gaze falls to the ground. "Do you think it's weird that I like shoes? Really?" I dare to ask him, still keeping my gaze on the ground.
"No," she replied, she was looking at the door and then I see her shake her head. "Not really. It's different, but it works for you."
What are you trying to tell me?
"What do you think I should do about Chris?" I change the subject so quickly, of course after all the only thing that matters is her relationship with Chris and not how I may feel. "Boys have gotten upset with me before, but it's always been for things like I don't want to be with them or talking to another boy. I don't understand why he's upset. I haven't said anything bad about him or his art," she bites her bottom lip for a second. "Well, not really anything bad. Would you go talk to him? See how upset he is?”
"I don't want to get involved, Anna" I looked up at her, with a serious face.
"Get involved? Come on, Ada. You just have to know why he's upset with me. It's asking him a question, and you've done it before. Besides, he didn't go against you."
"He didn't go against you, either. He just came out to take a breather." Of course, it's all about you, isn't it? "And I think you should go out and..."
I stop when Anna gives me a cold look, she is upset.
"I didn't tell you everything that happened last night”
"I asked Mike if he wanted to go out with me. I wanted to show that I can kiss someone else and it wouldn't be like kissing Chris. But it didn't happen like that. I keep thinking about what he would do if he saw me, and it wouldn't be like she was with another guy. I can't even imagine it focusing or anything. I can only see him leaving me and…” he sighs. "I couldn't stand it, and I'm sorry I said what I said about you and your shoes. You're not mad at me, right?”
"Just hurt" I notice Anna's surprised look.
"I didn't mean to..." his voice trailed off. "When I say things like that, I don't mean for them to sound bad. You know that, right?”
I nod, because I know, and Anna smiles as she stands up. She nudges me with her knee to make me follow her.
"Let's go" is already happy again. "Talk to Chris, I'll prepare something to eat."
I stare at her, jealous, I get upset with myself for it and she bites her lip.
"I'm really sorry. I'm a horrible person. You shouldn't go out with me, and now you know why my parents never want to be around me."
Her voice breaks on the last few words, and I know exactly why Anna is the way she is, why she's so quick to say words that hurt more than she thinks. I know why she is so scared of being left behind. Why did it happen to you?
"Your parents suck. Too much," I spoke truthfully. "And I've wanted to be with you since we were in kindergarten."
"Oh really?" I nod my head in response. "Thank you" she whispered, hugging me and then she walks away and pushes me towards the patio door, we walk together towards the door without going through it.
"Look at him" we both looked at Chris. "Its not cute?"
He was standing outside, a few steps from Anna's yard, with his head down, his eyes closed. He looks tired and sad. It made me want to run up to him and hug him and tell him to let it all go.
"He's fine" I speak, Anna laughs and opens the door now pushing me through it gently. Pushing me towards Chris. He turns around as I do so.
He takes a step towards it and I can hear Anna humming as she closes the door. I wanted to go back and sit on the couch.
But really what I want is to be with him out here alone.
"Chris?" I said, hoping my body wouldn't shake like that just from saying his name.
"Hey" he said, turning to face me, the light that was supposed to shine on the back garden and exposed potential thieves or the weed or whatever was there just for him at this moment, just shining on him, and he's magnificent, and I kissed him.
I kissed him, and he kissed me, I should have talked touching his hair, I should have memorized the feeling of his mouth, there should be more than just thinking. "Yes, this is it, this is what I've been waiting for, this is how it had to be."
"Anna is very worried," I said, but the words came very quickly, as if by not getting them out of my mouth quickly enough I would stop thinking. I would stop loving. "She likes you a lot" and now my voice was cracking, but I wasn't sad, I'm not. I forced myself to smile, spreading my mouth wide. "She'll even make you something to eat."
She's never done that for another guy.
He looked at me, and I wondered if he could look inside my head, if he could see the words that I had no longer said out loud, and that I wouldn't dare say.
"Are you okay?" he asked me, still looking at me, I felt my smile slip, fade, and the silence that fell upon us was so full that I could hear nothing, neither the hiss of my heart beating in my chest, nor the sounds around us; insects, the wind, and the other distant rumbles in each other's lives in houses built close, but not too close because when you look out the window all we pretend to be seeing is the new.
But Chris is not mine.
"I'm fine," I replied. Looking over my shoulder, I caught a view of Anna moving around the kitchen, with fluid grace even when doing something as ordinary as making popcorn. She could get extra butter just because she knew I liked it, I knew that about her just like I know she had chickenpox when she was four, and she had a scar on her right ankle because of that, the only place she had been marked, her mother told her that she had been bad for doing that and it made her cry. "I'm fine" I said again, and this time when I looked at Chris I forced myself to look at him with Anna the first time, that first night at the party at the end of summer, and then the moments that came, after school, weeks of them together. Weeks, which I did because I had to see what was real.
"You should go in and talk to her" he pointed inside. "I'll give you five minutes of privacy and then I'll go in, grab my things and leave."
He looked at the ground. "Can I ask you something?"
Yeah. No Yes. I sang internally, I forced myself to shrug my shoulders, to say “sure.” Without words right now I couldn't do anything.
"Ada" He said coming closer, my fingers curled inside my sneakers, waiting. Waiting for whatever was to come. "I need to know something, you... Do you remember the party before school started? You were in the studio and I came in.”
I nodded, watching his torso work, his pale skin caught in the glow of the light falling on the darkness.
"I really wanted to keep talking to you" the words came out in a whisper. "And when I called your house the next day, I didn't call for Anna, Ada. I wanted to talk to you."
"With me?"
"Yes," his voice was rough, intense, and we were too close to touch, but we weren't, we weren't.
But I could feel everything around us, with every breath I took there was the promise of his skin touching mine, and I wanted that.
I wanted us to kiss again, I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him.
I love him, and he is looking at me like he looked at me that night.
He is looking at me like he wants to kiss me.
"Chris" His name came out of my lips like a plea. I was afraid of this, of him, of me, especially of him and me. But not enough, not as it should. Then his head lowered toward mine and I rose to my feet, longing to find him and then...
And then Anna's mother yelled, "Who the hell parked their car in my garage?!"
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author's note. If you want to be part of the taglist leave a comment below and I will add you. Thanks for reading, remember to like, share with your friends and leave a nice comment ^^
taglist. @l34n @jetaimevous @jnkvivi @loveyoumatthewbernard @d1tzy-bl0nde @laxbabe131147 @slut4chriss @dontellaf1lms @surniolozzzprincess @sturnlova @inlovewithchriss @whicked-hazlatwhore @mattsgirlsblog @nsjsnshey @always-reading @y-s-a-p @h3arts4harry
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Manor: A Brawl Brews
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A new mystery, further investigations, and a potential fight as our story continues.
Length 2.2K
Hwasa x M reader
Previous Part
Next Part
Moonbyul closes the door behind you before taking a seat on the bed. She takes off her shoes and rubs her feet. "Have you found anything yet?"
"No, nothing concrete yet, anyway. These shoes are awful, by the way." 
"Give them here. I'll fix them up a little. You explain what you've found." Moonbyul hands you her shoes, and you begin making adjustments to them. Stretching them, breaking them in, and overall making them more comfortable.
"Right, so what I've found is that of all the maids, the most senior ones often report to your parents. That's obviously Taeyeon and some others. The interesting thing is that Chuu's also been going to meet your mother quite often."
"Chuu has?" You start thinking about your interactions with Chuu and struggle to recall anything significant. She's been very friendly but hasn't talked to you for any other reason than to ask a simple question.
"She has, very often in fact. Over these past two weeks, I've caught her walking to your mother's study nearly every day. There have also been a few times where she's walked into your parents' room. I'm not sure how much you know about how your maid system works, but it's actually more complicated than I thought. Senior maids take on the duties involving your parents; after a certain point, junior maids get put up a level and stop taking care of lower-level tasks. Chuu is still a junior maid, so she shouldn't be anywhere near your parents." Moonbyul pauses for a moment to pull a small pocketbook from between her breasts. "Senior maids include Taeyeon, Hani, Jeonghwa, and someone by the name of Jihyo. I haven't seen her around at all. Junior maids are obviously me and the other recent hires, and some others that aren't important right now. They've done nothing to arouse my suspicion. Hwasa, who seems to hate me by the way, is somewhere in between. She's not considered a senior or a junior, so I have some suspicions about her, but I can't get anywhere near her without her catching me."
"That’s pretty good information." You reply, impressed by how much information Moonbyul has been able to gather.
"I know, now. Have you kept up your part?"
You nod your head, "you bet." You think about where to start. "I've gotten close to all of the junior maids so far; Wonyoung and Tzuyu are the ones I've gotten closest to. They're both hardworking and diligent in their tasks. It takes a little convincing for them to stop and talk to me, but I don't think they'd be the ones to focus on. They like to keep things cordial." Moonbyul nods her head and writes down a few notes. "Wonyoung, as of late, has been getting very comfortable, so I'll be targeting her for information first." A knock on the door interrupts your conversation.
"Young Master? It's me. Could I speak to you about something?" It’s Wonyoung standing at the door. You and Moonbyul look at each other before she hurries to the walk-in closet. Before she shuts the door, she sticks her head out and mouths for you to let her in. The small slits in the upper part of the door would allow her to watch and listen to the conversation.
"Come in, Wonyoung." You shout toward the door. Nearly forgetting about the shoes on your bed, you toss them under your bed. Hesitantly, Wonyoung opens the door and peers inside. She quickly approaches and lies beside you when she sees you lying in bed. A small smile forms across her face as she relaxes a little. "What did you want to talk about?" You ask, looking over at her. Wonyoung's smile quickly disappears. 
"Oh, that's right. Y-young master, I know this is wrong of me to ask, but…." Wonyoung's voice trails off as she looks to the foot of the bed. "Could-could you lend me some money? Just a little."
"What do you need the money for?" You ask, turning to the side to face her. 
Wonyoung's chest rises and falls quickly as she fiddles with her fingers. "It’s just that my mom really needs help. She's really sick, and-and I need to make more money." Wonyoung's eyes start to become red as tears well up. "I'm making good money here, but I can't pay her hospital bills anymore and-" Wonyoung tries to wipe her tears away, but they stream down her face faster than she can do so. "I need more; I need more. Please, young master, could you give me some? Anything, please!" Wonyoung turns to face you, her hands reaching for you, desperately grabbing your clothes. "I don't want to lose my mom." She cries into your chest. You wrap your arms around her and rub the back of her head instinctively.
"I'll see what I can do, Wonyoung. Can you give me more information about where she's staying?" Wonyoung explains where her mom is through her cries. You couldn’t just say no to Wonyoung. You didn’t like to see her so sad. 
“Thank you, Young Master, Thank you!” You pat Wonyoung’s head until you feel her pull away from you. “I’m sorry that I dumped all that on you.” Wonyoung sniffles and tries to put on a smile for you.
“Don’t worry about that, Wonyoung. I just hope your mom can recover. Maybe you should take the day off; I’ll tell Taeyeon you weren’t feeling well.” 
Wonyoung protests your offer. “I can’t do that; I need to make as much money as possible.”
“I said I would take care of it. Wonyoung, this is an order. Take the day off; I’ll make sure you get paid for a full day.” Wonyoung wants to protest further but relents; she takes a deep breath and leaves your room. A few moments go by before Moonbyul opens the door to the closet.
“Well, that’s not what I expected,” Moonbyul says as she jots some notes down.
“You can say that again. I’ll have to try another time.” 
“Yeah, well, I should probably get back to work soon. Taeyeon’s going to be on my ass if I’m not doing something. I’ll do some more digging into Chuu; you should too. Or, at the very least, look at Umji. I’ve never been around her long enough to figure anything out.“ You wave Moonbyul off and hand her shoes back to her. “Oh, these are more comfortable; what the hell did you do to them?” MoonByul says as she leaves you alone with your thoughts. Running through your conversation with Moonbyul again, you remember her mentioning the name Jihyo. You try to put a face to the name but can’t. You don’t even recall a woman by that name working here.
“Master, I’m coming in.” The door opens, and Hwasa steps inside, closing the door behind her. 
You take the opportunity to ask Hwasa before she says anything else. “Hwasa, do we have a woman named Jihyo working here?”
Hwasa tilts her head as she walks over to you. “Jihyo? No, I can’t say that we do. Let’s not think about whoever that is right now, though.” Hwasa lays down on top of you. “I think you need to clear your head a bit more,” She says while slowly moving her finger down your chest. “And I need to lower my stress.” Hwasa presses her lips on your neck before slowly moving down. Her hands slip under your shirt as she pulls it off of you. As Hwasa moves down your body, she feels your growing cock press against her chest. “I think the big guy missed me,” Hwasa says before laughing. She pulls off your shorts and boxers before quickly taking hold of your cock. Hwasa lays between your legs as she strokes your shaft. Her soft hand slides up and down as her saliva falls over the tip. Using the saliva, Hwasa picks up her pace. You moan her name, drawing a smile from her. “I love hearing you moan my name.” Hwasa’s low voice is music to your ears as she adds a more sexual tone to her speech. While you weren’t looking, Hwasa lowered the top part of her uniform; her breasts are now free. She presses them against your shaft. “Do you want my nice soft tits around your cock Master?” 
“Please, Hwasa.” 
“Anything for my Master,” Hwasa says as she surrounds your shaft with her soft mounds. She slowly raises them, making your tip disappear between them before dropping back down to the base of your shaft. Hwasa takes the time to lap at the head of your cock, before giving it a sloppy kiss. “I missed you too.” She says quietly before restarting her titjob. You continue to groan her name as she speeds up. Hwasa's tits become covered in her saliva the more she uses her plump breasts to service your cock. She takes another lick of the tip, getting a slightly salty taste. “Mmm, I love this taste,” She moans. Your precum begins to get all over her breasts; it’s only ever interrupted when she decides she wants another taste. Feeling your cock begin to throb, Hwasa stops using her tits. One of her hands begins to pump your shaft while she sucks on the head. Her tongue flicks back and forth quickly while her other hand cups your balls, playing with them. “Go ahead and cum for me.” You release all of your built-up tension and cum inside Hwasa’s mouth; she eagerly drinks it up. When she’s finished, a tiny bit of cum rolls down from the corner of her mouth, only to be caught as she licks her lips. “What a nice meal, but I think I have another mouth that wants some too.” Hwasa gets off your bed to remove her uniform before she straddles you. 
Hwasa’s wet cut rubs against your shaft before she squats over you. Cock in hand, she presses the tip against her entrance; as soon as it’s in, she drops her weight on it, impaling herself. “Fuck yes,” Hwasa moans. “I needed this so badly,” Hwasa raises herself up and drops down again. You can feel her pussy clamp down on your cock; her tightness makes you moan loudly whenever she swallows your cock. You reach up, groping her breasts as she bounces on your cock. “That’s it, play with my big tits.” Hearing her approving moans, you find Hwasa's tiny brown nipple and pinch it. “Oh shit.” She moans. You see her grimace as you pull on one of her nipples. Hwasa’s moans grow louder as she rides you; the increased pleasure makes her squirm. This worsens as you buck your hips and meet Hwasa in the middle. You feel her walls tighten around your cock. 
“I’m going to cum,” she moans. Your hands leave Hwasa’s tits and move down to her waist. You start bringing her down with force, making your cock go deeper into Hwasa’s tight cunt. “Master, I’m going to cum!” Hwasa yells. Moving your hands down a little lower, you spank Hwasa. 
“Hold on just a little bit longer, Hwasa.” You hold Hwasa's big ass, your hands digging into the soft flesh.
“Yes, Master!” Hwasa cries as she rides you. Her hair is messy as she grabs her tits. She pinches and pulls on her nipples, drawing even more moans from her. Your balls begin to tighten as you continue your thrusts. Watching Hwasa’s tits bounce as she rode you was driving you up a wall; unable to hold on any longer, you sped up your thrusts. 
“I’m cumming, Hwasa! Cum with me!” Hwasa lets out a loud moan as she cums on your cock. She throws her head back as she feels your cock bury itself deep inside her pussy. Hwasa’s pussy milks your cock, taking every drop of cum from you as she falls onto your chest. Feeling the warmth of your cum inside her, Hwasa lays her head on your chest and starts to fall asleep. You buck your hips, sending a wave of pleasure her way and keeping her awake. 
“Oh, Master.” She moans. Feeling her soft tits against your chest is nice; her small nipples drag against you as she slowly lifts herself back up. “Thank you, Master. I feel all better now.” As she slowly lifts herself off your cock you can see in her eyes she’s tempted to drop back down on it. A knock at the door stops her, however. 
“Hey, I need to talk. I found something.” Moonbyul says from the other side of the door. She opens it without hesitation; walking into the room, she sees Hwasa on top of you, sweaty and naked.  “Woah, I see I walked in on something here.” 
As she’s about to step outside, Hwasa comments. “I guess now you know what makes me so special I bet you wish you were me.” Hwasa sits on the bed and begins to stroke your cock. 
Moonbyul purses her lips as she turns around to face Hwasa. She catches sight of your cock and is stunned for a moment. “I’m willing to bet I’m a hell of a lot better than you. I wouldn’t go running my mouth.” Moonbyul, obviously irritated by Hwasa’s words, makes her way toward you. 
Hwasa meets her halfway, blocking her from getting to you. “Who do you think you are?” The two women remain in a standoff, glaring at each other.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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What's the occasion?
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A/N: What this was supposed to be: A fluffy comfort fic about reader's husband taking care of her after a rough day/week/month. What this isn't: A fluffy comfort fic about read.... you get me.
What this somehow ended up being: A not-so-fluffy not-so-comfort (?) fic about reader's husband taking real good care of her after a rough day/week/month.
You're welcome, I think? (I honestly don't have a clue how this ended up being some of the smuttiest smut I've written to date... But it happened... I'm not even going to question it.)
Pairing: Syverson x reader (you)
Summary: You come home from a terrible day at work, thinking you have about a thousand things still on your to do list, only to find your husband has taken care of all of that, and has also made you the first thing on his to do list.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, SMUT, MINORS DNI. oral (m and f receiving), p-in-v sex, Sy being all dominant and massive, some light (yes, really) throatfucking, hair pulling, manhandling. Some of this can probably be considered blasphemy.
Also, fair warning: this story contains a man doing household chores without having been (explicitly) asked to do so. Just... Bear with me. I know it's not realistic, but we're here to have fun, right?
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @summersong69 @mayloma @livisss
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Parking your husband’s truck in your driveway is an absolute nightmare. It takes you twenty minutes and a breakdown – during which you fight yourself over whether or not to just go inside and ask him to park his stupid car for you – but you eventually manage. Now, it’s time to go inside, after the longest day at the office in the history of long ass days at the office, and do the six million other things that come for free with having a house, husband, and kids. Dishes. Laundry. Dinner. That stuff.
You toss your bag down on the bench next to the front door and put your coat on the overflowing coat rack six times – it keeps coming down because for some reason, your teen daughter owns 12 jackets, yet she still always asks to borrow yours seconds before telling you that all of your clothes suck – before you finally give up and leave it where it falls.
It takes you a minute to realize that you smell food. With three kids and your mountain of a husband, that can only really mean one thing: someone got hungry, your plans for dinner are now in ruins and your kitchen looks like an episode of Hoarders. And even though those are your expectations, your family still manage to exceed them every time, so God knows what you’re going to find when you round that corner and step into your kitchen...
It’s Sy. And it’s not just Sy, but it’s just Sy. Come to think of it... The whole house is suspiciously void of music, screaming or shoes scattered around for you to break your neck over.
“Where are the kids?” you ask as you walk towards Sy.
“With my mother,” he replies without turning around, “to be returned to us on Sunday night at eight, and not a second before then. Are ya goin' to make a habit of not sayin’ hello to me when you get home? ‘Cause I don’t care for it.”
“Well, excuse me for not taking the time out of my busy schedule for pleasantries, but I have a week’s worth of laundry to get to,” you snap. He doesn’t deserve it, you know that, but it’s the kind of day you’ve had, and... And it’s all on you again.
“Laundry’s done,” Sy says calmly, still not looking up from the lasagna he’s putting together.
“Oh,” you stammer. “Well, then I’ll just grab the vacuum and...”
“I did that, too.”
“Alright, I’ll give the garage a quick call to see if they can...”
“I changed the oil in your car this morning.”
“The bathroom?”
“And you’ve obviously got a handle on dinner...” You have to admit it: you’re a little stumped. “What about...”
“Woman, if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ I didn’t do so you can blow up at me for it, I’ll just hand it to ya: I didn’t get to cleanin’ out the gutters today, so I’ll have to do that tomorrow.”
But you’re not planning on blowing up at him over anything...
“Well, hello Mr. Syverson,” you say, still completely in awe that your entire schedule for the night – and probably the whole weekend – just opened up. “Remind me... We got married in October, right?”
“Yes, Mrs. Syverson, we did.” He’s even less subtle than usual, skipping your hips and putting his hands on our ass right off the bat.
“So, what’s the occasion?” you chuckle. Sy pulls you in for a kiss, just passionate enough to leave you wanting more, but not so bad you beg him to take you right here on the kitchen counter. It’s a fine line, really. A tightrope you’ve tried to walk before, only to fall off on the wrong side and be late for yet another dinner with someone who was never going to be more important than having sex with your husband, anyway.
“The occasion is... You’re beautiful. You deserve it. You do so much for our family and somewhere along the lines I seem to have started takin’ that for granted. Take your pick, I’m sure there’s plenty more reasons to come up with.” He squeezes your ass. Hard. “This sensational ass could be the occasion?”
“You’re saying you got rid of the kids for the weekend and checked off my whole to do list to celebrate the existence of my ass?”
“Sugar, I celebrate the existence of that fine ass every damn day. Now, I’ve fallen a little behind on celebrating the existence of the woman attached to it... I’d like to make up for that.” There is absolutely no way you aren’t blushing right now. Sy doesn’t let go of you, but his hands move to your waist. You’re trying your best to not drown in his eyes, but you’ve been hopelessly lost in there for nearly twenty years. For a brief – but lovely – moment, you stand there, just holding each other and making eyes like you used to when you were young and in love. And young...
“This needs about half an hour in the oven, still, so how about I give you forty-five and you can take a nice, long shower?” Sy winks at you – or rather: tries to. “There’s something on the bed I’d love to take off of you later tonight, but I also understand if you just want to wear something comfortable.”
“Did you pick it?” you tease him.
“You’ll be more than happy to know that I did, but under the very strict supervision of Dana.” It seems like your dear husband has finally learned how to use the fact his best friend’s wife works in a lingerie store to his advantage… Took him long enough.
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“Right on time,” Sy says as you step into the kitchen. You take the glass of wine he’s holding out to you and take a sip.
“Mmm...” The sound you make is almost a moan. One look at the bottle on the table tells you this is a really nice wine – one from a price range you can’t afford to shop at...
“Gift from a client. Walker said I could take it. I guess his wine cellar doesn’t fit any more.” Sy pulls you in for a hug. It doesn’t last long, but it’s nice, very nice.
Dinner is amazing. Sy is a great cook – when given means, motive, and opportunity – and he has prepared three courses of absolute heaven. He only has to assure you twice that the price of the ingredients won’t put your family in financial ruin.
You’re halfway through dessert – a deliciously indulgent, rich chocolate mousse you’re fairly sure he made from scratch – when you realize something.
“You can’t have done all the laundry. We don’t have the space to hang all of that...”
“I fixed the dryer,” Sy interrupts, “I’m sorry I only did that after it became a problem to me, personally.”
“That’s alright...”
“No, it ain’t,” Sy grins. He knows you.
“Very well, then. I accept your apology. You’re forgiven.” You remember the moment you knew you were going to marry this man: right after your first fight – he had been wrong, although you can’t remember what he’d been wrong about. It had had something to do with your mother. Either way, right after that fight, he’d apologized, and for some reason the lack of excuses had made you want to jump him right where you were standing. You’d almost broken up with him when you realized you weren’t half as good at apologizing as he was.
“Alright, well,” Sy smirked, still. It was incredibly attractive, and at least as annoying. “I was planning on makin’ up for that, but now that I don’t have to…” His voice trailed off for a moment before you gently nudged his leg with your foot.
“How about we finish this bottle upstairs?” You don’t need to tell him twice: he’s on his feet before you even finish the sentence.
“You go ahead, Sugar,” he says before kissing you as gently as a giant like him can muster, “I’ll make sure this kitchen is spotless before I come up.”
“Oh, Mr. Syverson, you are killing me.”
“Oh,” Sy adds with a grin on his face, “and you were right. The vacuum cleaner sucks, we need a new one.”
“Say that again…”
“The vacuum cleaner sucks?” He knows damn well which part you’re referring to. That wasn’t it.
“Before that.”
“Ah. You were right.”
“You have ten minutes to get to bed, or I’m starting without you,” you tease, knowing very well he wouldn’t mind one bit if you did start before he got there.
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Sy is impatient as ever when he finally steps into your bedroom, pulling his shirt over his head before the door even shuts behind… Alright, maybe the door doesn’t close because he just leaves it wide open.
“Sy! Close the door!” you shriek, but he just takes a few more steps until he’s right next to the bed.
“Why? Kids ain’t home. We’re alone, we don’t need to close the door,” he says as he pushes you back onto the mattress. “We don’t gotta be quiet, either.” With a devilish grin on his face, he kisses you. First your lips, then your neck. His beard doesn’t tickle – not after all these years. He shaved it off once, only to immediately get on growing it back, because you wouldn’t give him any. You move your hands through the hair on his chest while Sy roughly pulls your shirt over your head. He groans appreciatively when the bra he picked out for you appears.
“Do you like it?” he asks. He doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to picking stuff that’s actually to your tastes, but you’d be lying if those items didn’t have their own special little drawer – that you definitely haven’t opened in far too long…
“I do,” you purr into his ear, biting your lip when he grinds his hips into you. He’s hard, seeking friction, release. You love when he gets this worked up over you. “You did a good job.”
“Hm,” he growls, “I didn’t like it at first. Thought it was kinda boring.” That’s not what you want to hear… It’s a good thing he opens his mouth again to continue: “But now that it’s your tits in there… Can’t decide if I wanna keep it on ya or rip it off…” To your surprise, he opts for the former, making sure to kiss every inch of skin that’s newly available to him as he makes his way down your stomach, dragging you to the edge of the bed as he goes along.
He can do it within minutes. Making you come on his tongue, that is. He never does, because the smug fucking bastard likes teasing you too much to ever give you what you want – nay, need – that quickly. That patience, however, is nowhere to be found when it comes to taking your clothes off. He admires you and your new underwear for maybe five seconds, and then your panties are somewhere in the room. No, you don’t care where, exactly.
“Fuck, Sugar, you’re beautiful,” Sy growls from between your legs. “I’ve missed this sweet little cunt.” His words used to startle you so bad you asked him to stop talking multiple times when you’d first started going out. Now, they just make you blush, and they make you wet, and that’s all that you need from him right now. Sometimes, you’re still grateful for the moments he can’t speak – when his mouth is otherwise occupied, so to speak. It’s the moaning, and growling, and the grunts and obscene slurping – hideous word, but sadly the only applicable description – sounds that get you. It’s the pleasure, and the way he knows exactly how and when and where to move his tongue to make you squirm, moan, and scream in his strong arms. Unfortunately, he still isn’t exactly at that point. He’s still teasing, and you’re still whining, and no one is coming.
In no time, you’re going nuts. It’s not bad enough to speak up. And by that you mean: beg him to finally eat you in that way you both know makes you see stars and seek God and scream His name – or Sy’s, but what difference does that make, anyway? Instead, he keeps you right there, at the point where you’re just invested enough in the fantastic feeling that you want to be consumed by it, but it just isn’t enough to keep you from getting distracted. By the feeling of his beard against the inside of your thighs. By the fact that your panties somehow ended up on the lamp on his bedside table. By the gentle pulsing of the vein in his forearm your finger currently rests on. And he keeps you there, and keeps you there until you’ve almost convinced yourself you’ve gotten so used to this – to him – that he can’t do it anymore, forgetting that he really isn’t even trying. That twenty years of ‘this’, whatever the fuck that may mean, just means that he’s found so many different ways to take care of you that he couldn’t go through all of them in one night even if you could physically take it, simply because he’d run out of time before he made it halfway through the list.
And when you get there, to that point where you start thinking he might just not be as good as he used to, you’ve lost. Because from then on, it’s a minute. Thirty seconds. Maybe even twenty, or ten, or less – not that you’d know, because you couldn’t count to three anymore if you tried.
“Darlin’, you taste like fuckin’ heaven,” he mutters, never taking his lips off your skin completely. His fingers tease your entrance, pads coarse and calloused. It appears that, even after all these years, you still haven’t learned that if your mouth won’t beg, your body will. Unconsciously, you angle your hips, lean into his touch, use your legs to pull him closer – and he answers. As always. Sy knows what you want, and he doesn’t think twice to give it to you, even if – possibly especially when – what you really want isn’t what you think you want. He’ll know, just like he’ll know exactly when his name is on the tip of your tongue, waiting to be released along with everything he’s building up inside of you.
A loud moan escapes you when his fingers curl inside you, diligently working the perfect spot while his tongue laps at your clit, looking for the perfect move, speed, pressure, everything, until you shriek the words ‘oh God, Sy, don’t stop’, or you gasp, or moan – or one of the million other ways in which you tell him what needs done without saying a single word. And he doesn’t stop. Not until he unravels you completely. Not until you remember why you normally close and lock that door and keep quiet. Not until you know with every fiber of your being that he holds back, and he reminds you of everything he’s capable of.
When he comes back up, caging your body in between his strong arms and broad chest, pinning you down on the mattress, you hope he’s had enough time to catch his breath, because you immediately pull him into a long, deep kiss that says more than just ‘I missed you’. If it was at all possible to stress every syllable of a sentence, now would be the time. But who’s got time for talking when that impatient bulge grinds between your legs, the heavy, coarse fabric of Sy’s jeans harsh against your sensitive skin.
You push against his shoulders – it’s usually pointless, but he seems to have grown at least as impatient as you have, so he gets up. Four hands reach for his belt. You always make a great team, but this is madness, and neither of you are surprised you don’t get anything done this way.
“Move those hands if you wanna keep ‘em, Syverson,” you say with a sly smile on your face. He grits his teeth when you look up at him – it’s one of the things you know he loves to hate, because it drives him insane, and he doesn’t like that. Sy wants to be in control. Tough luck. Getting him naked is child’s play now that his hands aren’t in the way anymore, and you can’t stifle an appreciative moan when his cock appears in front of you.  
“I’m not saying I married you for this big dick, but it didn’t hurt your chances.” You bite your lip and look up at him. The amusement at your words fades off his face within seconds, making room for something darker and more sinister than you usually get to see.
“If you can use that mouth to talk, you can use it to suck my cock,” he says. You’ve played this game a thousand times, yet you’re still stupid enough to open your mouth in protest, and he seizes the opportunity. “That’s a good girl.” There’s a hint more… savagery to his naturally dark and gravelly voice than you’re used to hearing under normal circumstances. It’s a possessive, almost animalistic sound. It’s something that used to scare you when you were first going out. Something he didn’t let you get too closely acquainted with until he knew for sure he could trust you with that side of him – the side of him that sometimes just loves to shove his cock down your throat in one smooth thrust until you’re gagging and fighting back tears. Tonight is exactly the night you want every inch of him in the exact way you haven’t had him in for the longest time.
Your eyes beg, and once again he listens. How one man can be made up of so many contradictions, is something you’ve accepted you might never find out. ‘He gently fucks your throat.’ It sounds completely insane, but it’s possible. And you know it’s possible, because it’s happening. To you. Right now. If that weren’t the case, you probably wouldn’t have believed it yourself. He’s kind and ruthless at the same time, moving in and out of your mouth with controlled movements while moans and profanities escape him with reckless abandon. His hand is tangled in your hair, gathering a good portion of it in his fist, gripping just tight enough to remind you he’s there, but not so tight you’re in pain.
“God, baby, I love fucking this pretty li’l mouth of yours,” he says, teeth gritted, eyes closed, and the expression on his face warped in such a way that tells you it’s taking everything he’s got to keep whatever composure he has left at this stage. “But I gotta tell ya,” he continues as his breathing grows more and more ragged, a low growl barely audible on the exhale, “this ain’t what I need right now.”
He effortlessly tosses you back onto the mattress, finding his way between your legs in no time.
“Baby, I want you,” he growls before he kisses you again. “I need you. Need your tight, wet, fucking pussy around my cock right now.” He doesn’t move away from you much as he lifts your legs onto his shoulders. He’ll be deep, too deep, maybe, and you know you’ll regret this in the morning – but what good has regret ever done anyone, anyway? As he pushes into you, you realize he’s on his last bit of restraint. You take one last good look at him, because after this, it’s going to hurt so good you won’t be able to keep your eyes open for so much as a split second.
“Careful,” you chuckle, already far more out of breath than you like to admit, “you’re too much for me.”
“What’re’ya talkin’bout, woman?” Sy grumbles. “I know you can take me.” He’s not wrong. Exhibit A would be the fact that he buried his cock in your tight pussy with that one, agonizingly slow thrust. The next one is neither slow, nor even remotely as gentle, making you moan as you pull his face down to yours and kiss him. Your legs are trembling on his shoulders within minutes, and you find yourself chanting his name religiously – making it just about the only thing in your life you’ve done in that particular manner.
“Good God, you’re amazing,” Sy growls in your ear as he bottoms out with every erratic thrust. You watch as his jaw clenches when you dig your nails into the flesh of his back, careful to avoid the scars – an unwelcome souvenir from his time in the army. Most of the memories of the times you accidentally caught one in the heat of the moment have faded away by now. It hasn’t happened in years. You could draw a map of his back: every muscle, every scar, every mark on his skin is etched into your brain, and will stay there until the day you die. He’s yours every bit as much as you’re his, although he likes to put a little more emphasis on the latter.
“Want me to fuck another baby into you?” Hearing him say that makes you realize how incredibly happy you are that he can’t make good on that threat anymore. Sy hadn’t been happy when you’d informed him that you were bestowing upon him the incredible responsibility of contraception after having baby number three, but appointments were made, surgeries were had and all was right with the world. He’d only pouted and moaned about shooting blanks for about six months until things went back to normal.
“Do your worst, big guy,” you tease. You heard his breathing when he asked his question, felt the sheen of sweat covering his whole, massive body as he continued pounding you into the mattress with the same relentless pace as before, only slightly wavering in rhythm… You pull him close, gritting your teeth to get through the cramp in your leg as the weight of Sy’s body forces your legs closer to yours. “Fill me up.”
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“That was mean,” Sy mutters, out of breath.
“As if you would have lasted any longer!” you say as you slap him in the face with a pillow. “I was about to tap out, anyway.” Not one word of that is a lie. You wouldn’t have walked for a week if you’d let him keep going. It really was a good thing he was a little on edge already…  
“Fine, woman, have your victory,” he growls as he pulls you into his arms and lifts you off the bed. “Ready for another shower?”
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can you write a super fluffy/kinda angsty ellie williams x reader where she was on a run and her partner got really injured but she blames herself. so the reader just comforts her and tells her it’s gonna be okay? thanks!! 💕
love this. sorry for just getting to it, i've been on a hiatus for awhile :p
warnings: lapslock, not proofread, mentions of canon typical violence, blood, angst, sad ellie :(
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you hummed gently to the melody of the record playing, the soft tune floating through the air of your home as you folded your laundry. it was difficult to sleep on nights like these, your mind terrorized by not knowing if ellie was safe or not. you hated when she was out on patrol. to be fair, you know she feels the same when you're out.
trying to busy your mind, you did small tasks around the house. you'd cleaned, done the dishes, read part of a book, and now you were doing laundry. glancing at the clock as you folded one of ellie's shirts, you realized you still had a few hours until she was due back. you were about to put the laundry into your dresser when you heard the front door open. ellie.
you threw a pile of laundry on your bed and ran down the stairs, turning the corner to be met with ellie's back as she shut the door and kicked her shoes off. she looked unbearably tense, her shoulders stiffened under her jacket.
your smile fell when she turned around, not meeting your eyes. she had blood on her hands, soaking up to her elbows, and some on her forehead too. her brows were furrowed as she looked down, her red-rimmed eyes nearly vacant.
you grabbed her hands and started to inspect the blood on her face in worry. "ellie!"
"it's not mine," she mumbled before brushing past you and walking into the kitchen. this was a slight relief, but it was still jarring. she shrugged off her backpack and slung it over the back of a chair along with her jacket, loosening her auburn hair from it's low bun. she walked to the sink, turning the faucet on and washing the blood from her hands.
from where you stood, leaning against the doorway, you watched her chin quiver and her hands shake under the cold water.
she tensed slightly when you placed your hands on her shoulders before relaxing again. you kneaded soft circles into her flesh, placing feather-light kisses on the little exposed skin by her neck. you felt her release a shaky exhale, her eyes closing as she shut the faucet off and gripped the edge of the counter, hanging her head.
"what happened?" you asked her, as gently as you could.
she swallowed hard. "nothing."
"that's too much blood for it to have been nothing, ellie."
she was silent.
"i can tell that something's bothering you," you said, resting your forehead against her back.
she sighed. "jesse's in the infirmary. it's...it's bad." your head lifted from her back. "he's torn up from his thigh to his ribs. it went deep, too.," she said, whispering the last part.
"it's my fault," she whispered. you felt her breath hitch, the sound of her soft sobs filling the air.
"oh god, it's all my fault. why was i so stupid?" her soft cries intensified, her knuckles turning white at her grip on the counter.
"ellie, tell me what happened," you said as you guided her to sit at the kitchen table. "please."
you crouched in front of her, rubbing circles on her calves as she buried her face in her hands, trying to calm herself. she wiped her face, "everything was fine. it was a normal run, just a bit of rain, one or two runners here and there. then there was this one, a fresh one, could still see his face..." she trailed off. you nodded your head, letting her know she was okay.
she clenched her jaw. "remember maria telling us that frankie didn't come back with the last group?" oh. your jaw dropped.
"yeah," she breathed. "he..." she gulped, "it lunged at jesse. i had my pistol but i just...i couldn't, i-" she choked on a sob. you could piece the rest of the story together yourself. you stood and hugged her into your stomach, letting her clutch your shirt and cry into it.
she hiccuped, "i hesitated, and now he's barely alive because of me." your hands rain through her hair, trying to soothe her.
"it's not your fault, el. it's not."
"i couldn't do it. i was too much of a coward, and now jesse's gonna-"
"no, ellie, look at me," you grabbed her face and turned it up to you. your heart squeezed at the despair etched on her face. "you're not a coward. it just means you care, okay? it shows you care so much about the people you know. and it's one of my favourite things about you." you smoothed her hair back as she clutched your hips, the furrow in her brow smoothing out ever so slightly. "and as for jesse? he's going to be fine. he's survived much worse. and i think he knows that he'll never hear the end of it from dina if he doesn't get it together soon," you said, getting a grin from your girl. you wiped her face with your thumbs and let her bury her face in you again as she calmed herself down.
after a few moments of standing in your kitchen with ellie buried in your abdomen, soft rain pittering against the windows, you pulled away, kissing her forehead and dragging her up from her seat to lead her up the stairs.
"what're you doing?" she asked.
"i'm running you a bath."
soon, you sat on the edge of the porcelain tub as she sat in the bath with her knees drawn to her chest, hair wet and hand squeezing yours.
"i'm sorry," she muttered into her knees.
"nothin' to be sorry for. i'm yours, and you're mine. don't think i'm not gonna take care of my girl."
ellie smiled and laid her head back on her knees, wondering how she got so lucky in such a fucked up world.
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ellie taglist:
@chrry1ovr @milly-louise @dankpunks @starhrtz @pedrobaby @urlocalgingersnap @wrendermedone
permanent taglist:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
245 notes · View notes
angelst4re · 10 months
Hi angel 💕 Could you write a counterfeit jamie smut where the reader used to be friends with benefits with him and he comes back to her town on tour and she ends up in his hotel room if you know what I mean 🤭I love you’re writing <3
hi lovely!! thank you so much!! im sooo sorry for making you wait so long THIS REQUEST IS LITERALLY FROM FEBRUARY??? i hope it's worth the wait :)
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Addiction- Counterfeit!Jamie x Reader
warnings: NSFW!!! this contains smut so if that makes you feel uncomfortable then please don't read!! <3
notes: it's been a while... for the last month i've been so busy and when i haven't been busy i've been thinking about noah sebastian and/or cillian murphy (jamie i am sorry i'm in a hoe phase rn!!) but i also have a henry creel drabble to post tomorrow as well so keep an eye out for that :) ALSO I WANNA SAY A BIG THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME!!!! (p.s. this isn't proof read and i wrote this over the span of three weeks so i apologise for any mistakes!!)
When you received the message from Jamie telling you he’s playing a show in your city, you couldn’t contain your excitement. You were out for lunch with two of your friends, who were questioning the wide grin on your face. 
“Oh, I just know she’s texting Matt again,” one of your friends smirked, eyeing you up, “are you ever going to meet up with him? You’ve been talking for almost 3 months?!”
“Oh, no, it’s Jamie. He’s playing here with his band next month, he wants me to come and see them. He’s sent two tickets, I could ask for an extra one if you wanted to come with me-”
“That’s perfect! You can ask Matt to come with you!” Your other friend suggested, although it came off as more of a demand. 
“But what if he asks about how I know Jamie? I couldn’t really explain that on a first date.” 
“Well, just tell him he’s a friend, maybe leave out the ‘with benefits’ part.”
“We stopped that a while ago, actually. I haven’t seen him for almost a year, we’re kinda just friends now.” 
“Then that’s your story sorted then,” your friend grinned, picking your phone up from the table and placing it in your hand, “now tell Matt he’s got a concert to go to.” 
You were surprised when Matt texted back, telling you he’s never heard of counterfeit before, but he’ll happily listen to them and come with you. You felt a little bad for lying to him, telling him you had no one else to come with you as your friends were working that weekend. 
On the evening of the show, Matt came to pick you up. You would’ve usually dressed quite casual for a concert, specifically one of Jamie’s, but this was also a date. You stepped out of your house wearing a black dress, comfortable shoes and a cute handbag to match the outfit. 
“You look amazing,” Matt said, unable to wipe the smile from his face, “let’s get going!” 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“That guy right there,” Matt shouted through the noise, pointing at Jamie, “is your friend?” His mouth was open in disbelief as you nodded your head. He had already had four beers, and you had only been here just over an hour. 
“Yeah, I met him at one of the restaurants I used to work at. It’s a funny story actually, some crazy fangirls were waiting outside for him to leave so I kinda helped him ‘escape’ through the back…” You trailed off as you noticed he wasn’t paying attention to anything you were saying, his attention was elsewhere. 
“Cool, I’m gonna get another drink, do you want one?” 
You shook your head and watched as he disappeared off into the crowd. 
Your eyes were drawn to Jamie, reminiscing on the times you had spent together. The times your bodies were intertwined beneath the covers and the times you spent laughing together in the car. You missed him, it was truly like it was a ‘right person, wring time’ kind of situation. 
Time passed and passed and you realised Matt hadn’t come back yet. Surely the line wasn’t that long? You just assumed he had gone to the bathroom, especially after drinking that much. But another 15 minutes passed and he still hadn’t returned, so you went to search for him. You assumed he wouldn’t have wandered far from the bar, so you were heading in that direction. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were pushed up against the hotel door, slamming it shut as his lips met yours. One of your hands found his hair whilst the other was grasping at his shirt, as if you were hanging on to him for your life. The familiar smell of his aftershave, mixed with cigarettes gave you a feeling of nostalgia, and it was as if you were experiencing deja vu. 
His hands were on your thighs, pushing your dress up higher and higher, until his cold hands met your bare hips. 
“Jamie,” you gasped, pulling back for air. As if he couldn’t take his mouth off you, his lips were now on your neck, kissing and nibbling the spot he knew would make your knees buckle. 
The last thing you expected tonight was to leave the show with the singer. With Jamie. But after you went to look for Matt, you caught him with his tongue down another girl's throat. A part of you felt sick, betrayed, but another part of you felt relieved. However, you would never admit that’s how you felt, especially not to your friends. 
Jamie had given you a backstage pass, and cleared it with security before the show. You knew how the night was going to end as soon as you received the text from him. 
“Why does this always happen,” Jamie asked rhetorically, against the skin of your shoulder as he continued to pepper kisses, “always end up coming back to you.” 
You smile at his words, it was true. The two of you just couldn’t seem to keep your hands off each other when you were together. 
Before you could process what had happened, you were pushed against the table, and Jamie took your thighs, lifting you to sit on the edge of it as he got down to his knees. 
His kisses began at your ankle, and he looked up at you as they got closer and closer. Your calves, your knees and eventually your upper thigh. 
“I’ve missed you.” He confessed as he held your thighs open, one finger pushing your underwear to the side. 
He dragged a finger through your slick folds, earning a sigh from you as he grazed your clit. You looked down to see a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes briefly met yours before he placed a kiss over your clit, the tip of his tongue nudging it as you dug your nails into the underneath of the wooden table you were sitting on. Jamie quickly noticed this, and the hand that was holding your legs open for him guided your hands back to his hair. 
“Shit.” You gasped as you felt a finger gently press into your entrance, his lips now wrapped around your clit, sucking and nipping at it. “M-more…” You managed to whisper. 
“That’s not how we ask for something, is it, darling?” Jamie teased, a devilish glint in his eyes as two of his fingers pressed into you, agonisingly slow. 
“Please,” you whimpered, “I need… I want more, please, Jamie.” 
Jamie chuckled, his thumb now replacing his mouth on your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He stood back up, towering over you before leaning down to kiss you, giving you a taste of yourself as he did so. 
“I’ve missed hearing you beg,” he whispered, “come on, sweetheart, let go for me. I know you're close.” 
He was right. You swore he knew your body better than you did. 
You could feel the knot in your belly tightening, getting ready to snap at any moment. 
“You’re making such a mess, y’know that? My messy girl, can feel you dripping down my hand,” you could tell what he was doing, he was trying to push you to the edge, he knew what effect his words had on you, and he was taking advantage of that, “that’s it, angel. You can do it, cum for me.” 
And that did it. 
Your head was thrown back, your thighs trying to close around him as he continued to work you through your orgasm. The moans falling from your lips were muffled by his as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. 
His fingers slipped out of you and he reached for your thighs, his slick coated fingers leaving your skin sticky as he pressed his body against yours, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you towards the bed. 
As your back hit the mattress, he began to undress. You took off your ruined underwear before you reached for your dress, to slip it off, but he called out to stop you. 
“Hey, leave it on. It looks so fucking sexy.” He growled, unbuckling his belt to let his trousers fall to the ground. 
He kneeled on the bed and shuffled his way between your legs, holding them open for him as he leaned down to kiss you once again. 
“Jamie, please.” You whined, lifting your hips to try and get him to do something. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to hold back, darling. It’s been a while since I’ve…” He doesn’t finish his sentence as you reach your hand between your bodies, palming his hard cock through his boxers. 
He grabs your wrists, his fingers digging into the skin sure to leave bruises for you to look back on in the days to come. 
“I didn’t tell you that you could touch, now, did I?” His eyes had darkened with need and lust, and the way his face twisted into a devilish smile made a whimper slip from your lips. “So desperate for me, aren’t you baby. I knew all those years ago I had ruined you for any other man, this just proves it, hm?” 
With one hand pinning your arms above your head, the other one comes down to drag his thumb over your bottom lip, before you welcome him into your mouth, gently sucking on the tip of his thumb. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “keep your hands here, okay? I know you will, you’re my good girl, right?” 
You nod your head and manage to say a muffled ‘yes’ as his thumb presses down on your tongue as he uses his now spare hand to push his boxers down, letting his cock free from its restraints. 
He wastes no time, swiping his fingers over your slick, spreading it over his dick before pumping himself a couple times. His breathing is heavy as he lines himself up with you, your hips squirming as you wait for him to finally push in, but he takes his time teasing you beforehand. When the tip finally slips into you, you both let out a moan and his head falls forwards, buried where your neck meets your shoulder. 
It’s clear that neither of you have had any action lately, as you both need to take a moment before Jamie begins to move. You dig your nails into the pillow as he begins to slowly move his hips. 
His hand that was once over your mouth trails down and rests on your neck, applying a little pressure as your eyes fall shut. You feel how his cock slides into you, nudging spots inside you that made you shiver. He would pull back out until only the tip was left inside, before fucking back into you, getting progressively rougher. 
“You look so pretty like this, baby.” He said before leaning down to capture your lips with his. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping your hands planted above your head as you melted into the kiss. You took advantage of the use of your legs, if you couldn’t touch him with your hands. 
One of Jamie’s hands slid between your bodies to find your clit again, using his thumb to try and bring you the edge, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. In the past, you and Jamie went maybe 2 or 3 rounds sometimes in one night. However, it was different tonight. You hadn't seen each other in a long time, let alone had sex. 
His pace began to quicken, his thrusts getting rougher and rougher. He buried his face in your neck once more and you couldn’t help but tangle your fingers into his hair, gently tugging on the blonde locks. 
“Shit,” he gasped, masked by a dark chuckle as he kissed your neck. 
“J-Jamie…” Your mind was too clouded by everything to even think about forming a proper sentence, but Jamie knew you and your body better than you knew yourself, and vice versa. 
You knew he was getting close by the way his cock twitched inside you. Your grasp on his hair tightened as you felt your high getting closer and closer. 
“Inside.” Was the final word you managed to mutter into his ear before you came undone, your legs locking around him, making sure he wouldn’t pull out before you came down from your high. 
As you were beginning to catch your breath, your muscles relaxing as you lay there blissed out, felt him twitch in you once more, cumming inside you with a moan, followed by your name. You rocked your hips as he stilled inside of you, milking his cock of every last drop. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, follow by a chuckle as he smiled lazily down at you, “you don’t understand how much I’ve missed you.”
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storiesbyjes2g · 16 days
3.117 The other shoe
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We started the night at a bar in a fancy rooftop hotel in San Myshuno. Sophia and I didn't bother dressing up because our only goal was to meet the man that had my sister all googly-eyed, and that didn't involve nice clothes. Jace Laurent was his name. He was from Tartosa and frequented the bar where we had the party. His fancy job title didn't fool me once he explained the role. He said he was a nano-simfluencer for a company called Trend Team. Apparently, he was heavily into fashion and was seeking the attention of brands on social media so he could score an endorsement deal. Basically, he was unemployed. True, I was technically unemployed too, but at least I left home and come back with money like normal working sims.
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But after a while, I had to admit he wasn't as much of a schmuck as I thought he'd be. He was definitely weird, but seemed like he'd be kinda fun to hang out with once we got to know each other better.
"Would you stop grilling him??" Alessia shouted.
"I'm not grilling! I'm just trying to get to know him. Isn't that what you want?"
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"Yeah, but stop with the 20 Questions!"
"How else am I supposed to get to know him, Less??"
Like, seriously! What was up with her? First she yelled at Sophia on Winterfest for trying to stay in the conversation and get to know her, and now this? I hoped ol' dude was up to handle her moods because if I couldn't win with her, no one could.
"Don't mind her," Jace said. "She's just a little pregnant."
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"I'm sorry...WHAT?!"
His proud, smug face melted into discomfort and mortification.
"Oh no...she didn't tell you."
"We're in love, Luca," Alessia shouted. "I asked him to move in."
So many questions buzzed around my brain like a swarm of bees, but the frustration flowing through my veins was stronger than the urge to get answers. I was so done with this seemingly endless stream of accidental pregnancies around me! The mere thought of another person turning up pregnant ignited a fiery anger within me so intense I could almost taste it. Okay…I wouldn't actually resort to violence, but the urge to lash out, to release my pent-up frustration, was as real as all these unborn babies in my life.
"We have to go," I said, getting up from the table.
Alessia yelled after us, questioning our abrupt departure, but I didn't care. My only goal was to seek shelter in the safety of my home because the fortress I built around my emotions had finally been breached. Falling apart was imminent now. As soon as I crossed the threshold, the pressure that had been building up all week erupted from my mouth as I hollered. I never felt so out of control before. I paced, tugged on my hair, and screamed some more. Sophia stood off to the side for a moment, watching, allowing me to get it out, but then she marched up to me and embraced me tightly as if she were trying to squeeze hope back into me. We collapsed onto the couch and cried together. I probably should have waited to tell her about my hospital visit, but how much more could it hurt? We were already at the bottom.
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"Sophia," I said through my tears, "I gotta tell you something."
She sat up to hear my story and wiped my face.
"I went to the doctor. That's where I was earlier... I have low fertility too. I'm so sorry!"
To my surprise, she didn't sink deeper into despair, like I thought she would. She held my hand and showed me the most incredible display of bravery I had ever seen.
"Awwwww, Luca! Are you okay? This isn't your fault. It's no one's fault. It just...is."
I knew she was right, but life really sucked at the moment, and I didn't know how to withstand against all those blows anymore. I thought I was strong enough, but now my wife had to hold me up.
"It's just not fair," I yelled. "Alessia, Yasmine...and even Dub! None of them were trying to get pregnant! Why won't it happen for us? I feel like we're being punished for something, but I don't know what it is! I just want to start a family with you. What's so bad about that?? I've done everything to stay positive and hopeful, but I can't do it anymore! I can't do it, Sophia!"
She wiped my tears and tried to soothe me, telling me it was going to be okay, just like I did for her at the beginning of all this.
"Hey...listen...we can't give up yet, babe. We've got one more trick up our sleeve! How about tomorrow I do the IVF? Forget those treatments!"
"Are you sure? That's surgery."
"It's outpatient. This is my last chance to carry my own child. I have to take it."
"Okay. But only if you want to. I'm fine with adoption if you change your mind, but...I really hope it works."
"Me too."
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myzzjolanda · 4 months
Welpz, I finished something.
I'm sorry if it's weird, I'm sorry for mistakes, English isn't my first language, bladiebladiebla. I'm just tired, wrote this in just over an hour because I wanted it written. It's cute at least. I guess.
Show: Wednesday
Wordcount: 1776
Warnings: slight mentions of horror I guess?
Pairing: platonic Larissa Weems x reader
It had been an increddible long day. An incredible long week even. Flu-season started, so on top of her normal workload, Larissa had to make sure classes of 3 different teachers were covered since they got ill as well, the heating system failed last Tuesday ánd Wednesday and on top of that, she had to pick up Wednesday Adams from the police station today. “Breaking into the curch? On broad daylight? What wére you thinking, miss Adams?”, she asked the girl angrily when they got to the car. She closed the door a bit too hard. Who can blame me, she thought; it’s Friday. I just wanted to get to bed after classes ended. “I was just testing a theory.”, the girl answered. Despite being angry, Larissa couldn’t resist being curious. “Theory? What kind of nonsense-theory did you want to tesr now?”, she answered impatiently when she started the car. “You know that Maria statue? I've been told that when the sun shines on her face in a right way at certain times, some discoulorations make it look like she’s crying blood. I wanted to see that for myself.”. Larissa shuddered. “That’s the… weirdest story I’ve heard in a while. Especially since you decided to break into the church for it! I wont accept such nonsense, you’ll meet at the church tomorrow morning at 8:30, as we have promised the curch and the police, so that you can help clean up the mess!”.
When Larissa entered her rooms next to her office an hour later, she leaned against the door and closed her eyes first. She sighed and put her face into her hands. “that was embarrasing…”, she whispered. She walked to her chair and took of her coat and shoes. She sat down for a moment. She still had so much to do, but she felt tired. So tired… She didn’t have much time to sleep this week. Not even to relax. Although all problems were fixed quite well and quickly, she still felt quite stressed. Larissa felt her lower lip tremble a bit. Perhaps just a little nap? She walked to her bedroom. A little nappy wouldn’t hurt anyonr. She had been quite big this week, she deserved it. She didn’t even bother changing or removing her make-up. When she hid under her blankets, Larissa her arms automatically reached out for Kitty. But now… Larissa’s eyes were wide open immediatly. “Kitty?”. Her lower lip trembled again and her eyes started to water. “Where’s my Kitty?”
When the last students of your class left, you burried your face in your hands. It was flu-season, and you surely felt like you almost had the flu. Your head hurt, your throat hurt, your face hurt, everything hurt. Slowly, you packed your stuff. You wanted to go to sleep quickly, but you first had to go to Larissa first. You promised her to go to town together tomorrow, but feeling as you did, it wasn’t a good idea to go out tomorrow. You walked to Larissa’s classroom first, since that was closer to your classroom than her office. It was still open, but it was empty. Except… for a black kitten plushy on Larissa’s desk? She walked to the plushy and picked it up. There wasn’t a name or anything on it. You decided to bring it with you to Larissa her office, since she could tell you who the plushy belonged to. When you knew, you could return it.
Luckily, the walk to Larissa’s office was short, since you started to feel tired from walking already. You knocked on her door. And waited. And knocked again. You frowned. It was Friday afternoon. Larissa never had any appointments at this time… had she? You heard footsteps behind you. “She just had to pick up Wednesday from the policestation”, you heard Vlad say. “oh! Of course.”, you said. You looked at him and gave him a small smile. “thanks.”
When you were in your rooms, you raised the plushy to eyelevel. “oh, what to do with you?”, you said to the plushy. You frowned a bit. Eventually, you decided to make a picture with it and send iy to Larissa, asking whose plushy it is and telling her you kept it safe untill the owner reclaimed it. When you sent the picture, you picked up the plushy again. “Well, wanna make some new friends for the time being? Come one, I’ve got some cute friends for you!”, you said enthousasticly. Although you felt quite sick, the thought of your own plushies made you quite happy. “Look, I got a guard bear over there, from my visit to London, he protects everyone… and look! My me to you bears, they are cute and fluffy, and that big brown bear over there I got from my uncle when I was two… I think you’ll fit in his lap quite well!”, you told the plushy quite happily. You jawned. You were really tired. “wait for me when you want to sleep. I’mma get changed. I need a nappy!”, you told your plushies and the new kitten. When you crawled under the blankets a few minutes later, you fell asleep almost immediatly.
Larissa paced around in her office worried. What happened to Kitty? She had brought her to her classroom that day, simply because she didn’t trust the new cleaner. What if she decided to steal her Kitty, or just throw her away? Larissa was nervous about bringing her plushy, since the chance of anyone finding out she had a plushy or the fact that she could lose her was too big to her, but she wasn’t letting her in her rooms with that mean cleaner. But after class, she got a call that Wednesday was arrested again and she had to run to the policestation to pick her up, and she couldn’t remember what she had done with her plushy. She remember rushing to pack her stuff, but Kitty wasn’t in her bag, so Kitty must’ve been still in the classroom. But when she went to her classroom, Kitty wasn’t there either.
Larissa started to panick. Were was her Kitty? Was she alone? Was she scared? Who knew. She wanted to call you about it. Ask for your help finding her. But she was scared of your reaction, since you didn’t know about her Kitty yet and het normaly perfect make-up was ruined from the crying and tantrums she had because she couldn’t find Kitty anywhere. She looked at her phone on her desk, doubting if she should call you or not. Precisely at that moment, her screen lit up. Slightly suprised, she walked to her phone. It was a message from you, with a picture of –
“KITTY!”, Larissa almost yelled out hapily. “Hey Riss, I found this cute plushy in your classroom, do you know whom it belongs to? Can you tell them I bring it to my room and that they can pick it up there?”, she read aloud softly. She had do read the message multiple times before the realisation came her plushy was safe. “She’s save, she’s save, she’s save!”, Larissa almost sang when jumping around in her room. “But know I have to tell y/n that the plushy is mine.”. Now, Larissa frowned a bit. “oh well, she wouldn’t mind I guess. And if she does, I don’t care. I want my Kitty back.”. And with that, she quickly put on her shoes and walked to your room.
You quickly woke up from a knock on your door. You looked at the time on your phone. “Oh shit, 9 already!”, you mumbled. You stumbled the door and saw Larissa standing there. She looked like a complete mess. “Larissa? Come in, are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying!” “Yes… Yes, I’m okay now, thank you.”. She stepped in. “Are yóú okay though? You sound horrible.” “Nah, I think I’ll have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. I’m afraid I cought a flu too. But tell me Riss, why have yoj been crying?”. Larissa opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it again. She played with a ring on her finger nervously. “The kitten plushy you found? That one is mine. I lost her. I got her ages ago and I grew fond of her, and then I thought I lost her for good because l couldn’t find her anywhere, and then I got upset because my Kitty is just the sweetest and I was so tired and I just wanted my Kitty and…” Larissa stopped talking. She looked at her feet nervously. “Ooh she’s yours! Don’t worry, I can understand you were scared!” “Do you? I’m certain you think I’m chidlish.”. You took her hand and almost pulled her to your bedroom. “No I don’t! Look, I got to show you something!”.
When they walked into y/n’s bedroom, Larissa could feel her eyes get big. Her bed was full of cute plushies, and there, on the lap of a big brown bear was her Kitty. “Look Rissa, your Kitty wasn’t alone here! No reason to be scared!”. Y/n pulled Larissa closer to the bed. “Look, Bear was cuddling her. And Guardbeary protects all the plushies. And look! So much friends!”. Y/n sounded happy as a child, despite not feeling well. Larissa watched as she climbed under her blankets again. “Here, there’s your Kitty!”, y/n said, after which she grabbed a plushie to hold for herself. Larissa smiled softly and planted a kiss on Kitty’s head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wont ever lose you again.”. Larissa noticed y/n looking at her. “What?”, she asked her. “Do you sometimes feel little as well?”. Larissa thought about that for a moment. “Yes. Mostly when I’m alone with Kitty in my room. It works well with loneliness and stress…”. Y/n smiled. “it does, doesn’t it! Why do you think I collect plushies?”. Larissa giggled. Y/n was cute like this actually. In the middle of all her plushies. “Should I tuck you in, my sweet y/n? You’re still ill.” “Yes please! But who is going to tuck you in?”. Larissa thought about that for a moment. “Tonight I’m going to manage myself I guess. I got Kitty back as my support!”. Larissa smiled when she saw y/n immediatly grab for a plushy and close her eyes when she was fully tucked in. “Goodnight, Y/n.” “goodnight, Rissa. Don’t forget your Kitty.”. Larissa stood up and walked through the door. When she opened the door, she heard her name again. “Rissa? Can we have a playdate tomorrow? With our plushies?”. Larissa hugged her Kitty tighter hapily. “I’d love to.”.
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