lovedazai · 2 months
idk entirely how to phrase this but I'll try my best,, do you have any advice on jst like. letting go? I'm in my mid 20s and Ive never even held hands with a guy, so ofc I'm still a virgin too and I feel rly rly bad abt it even tho I knw my circumstances never rly allowed for anything. and I'm trying to find ways to get rid of the bad feelings but it's hardd. I know this ws out of nowhere so ty for any answer you give!!
aw nonnie im so so sorry :( but listen !! theres nothing wrong w going thru the grieving process for the life u couldve had if things were different. i feel like that can be something v cathartic !! i know its easy to feel like ur falling behind on certain things, but i promise ur not. theres no real timeline for stuff like that u know?? everyones life is different. maybe if u start to think of sex as something ur going to enjoy w someone u love one day instead of viewing it as a milestone u had to reach at a certain age, ur feelings may change a little? i rlly hope u start to feel better soon, im certain ur going to meet someone & get to do all the fun things u’ve been waiting for !! sending u lots of love <33
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father figure prompts pt. 2 (cw: daddy issues)
because like. teachers who have adopted the traumatized gifted kids in their classes as their children >>>>>>
"you need a break. you're working too hard."
"i don't care that you didn't do that assignment i'm more worried about the fact that you're crying."
bursting into his office whenever you're upset: are you busy?
^him: yes. (closes his laptop) what's up?
^me: aren't you...
^him: your principal can go step off a balcony. this is clearly more important.
"you're more than just smart. you're funny and sweet and talented -- don't let anyone reduce you to just smart."
"i'm so scared for the midterm if i'm being honest."
^"why? your worst grade in my class is a 95."
^"yes but i don't want to disappoint -- "
^"get a B."
^"i'm being serious. get a B. that's more than enough. don't kill yourself overstudying for a perfect score."
"you're literally a child. this isn't your responsibility. don't worry about it. just...go have fun."
"stop studying and go out please for the love of god."
part. 1
part. 3
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mischas · 14 days
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The O.C. 1.02 The Model Home
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trafclgarlaw · 3 months
*Luffy busting into Law's room at 2am*
Luffy: Torao i have an emergency
Law: what
Luffy: why is it called a chicken dance if i dont get any chicken when i dance??? ive been dancing for-
Law: get the fuck out
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wyrddogs · 4 months
Something something just because the dog isn't flashy doesn't mean it's not driven. Just because it's not screaming doesn't mean it's not in drive.
Just because the dog is best suited for trailing, locating, and flushing game and thus rarely gets to participate in killing game, doesn't make it less important than the team members who are better at killing. The killing might be the flashiest and most exciting part, but it isn't the most important part. The dogs that kill won't be able to do that if the dogs that flush don't put the game into the position to be killed.
Grumbly venting brought to you a conversation with someone who thinks the actual kill is the most important part of hunting. And who thinks that only badass, hardcore, drivey, screamy dogs that murder are good hunting dogs.
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milfsincrime · 1 year
jj: at what age do we consider a milf to be a milf regardless of whether they are indeed a mother??
emily: and who are you considering when you ask this question?
jj: ..you
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infintyonhigh · 11 months
kinda fucked how there isnt an all girl fall out boy cover band called. well, called fall out girl
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menlove · 1 month
I love people who are so open about being into fandom in public. asked a customer if she had any plans for the day and she said going home and reading fanfiction. good for her frankly
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Anyway it is always morally correct to make people abusing their power feel every bit of pain they caused ✨✨
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vampiricsheep · 2 months
Don't think I've seen this question make the rounds before, so:
Do any of your OCs hunt/fish/trap? Who taught them, and why do they do it? Do they have preferred gear or quarry?
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lovedazai · 2 months
In reply to the anon, who never held hands: i feel the same. I'm in my mid/late twenties and the one guy i kissed was when i was 17 and i didn't even really like him like that (and there wasn't anymore than kissing either). It was just weird for me. And i've had nobody show interest in me since then. I think sometimes feel like I'm just unlovable and the way most "friends" end up treating me reinforces that point. I am currently fighting really hard not to let that get to me, but most days i lose that fight. What often helps me is taking myself on dates, like actually going out to a cafe or something.
lots of love
listen if i ever see ur friends its going down ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ you’re just as deserving of love and attention as everyone else, and you deserve friends who make you feel like you’re capable of attaining all of those good things too. theres people out there who you may not have met yet who are your people and i promise you’ll find each other one day
i adore me time too !! taking myself cafe hopping or window shopping are some of my fav things to do (ㅅ´ ˘ `) its v grounding for me. im so happy you have something that makes you feel better when you’re down !! but im so sorry you’re feeling like this at all. i already said it, but you are lovable, and even if things feel hopeless now, it won’t be your forever :( there’s so many years ahead of you and there’s so many ppl you haven’t met yet !! hang in there lovely <33 it will get better i promise
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Interesting commentary about how most people will identify with victims/victimhood while feeling discomfort when others identify with perpetrators, especially given the fact we live in societies (at least the one I’m in and the one that book was written in) that habitually materially revile victims on every level while championing and supporting perpetrators of certain violence.
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badnewswhatsleft · 4 months
14 what a catch, donnie mv - commentary (patrick, joe, andy)
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riacte · 7 months
how it started:
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one ren peeing twaddle conversation later:
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italoniponic · 9 months
Ace: Can I ask you something? Buying pans, kitchen utensils, towels and such are more fun when you're an adult?
Crewel: It's... *thinks about it* yep
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quotidian-oblivion · 8 months
The Family Tumblrweed
Soooooooo I accidentally created a found family AU in real life. And based on this poll and other incidents, I stumbled upon the decision to sort this out and make a tumblr family tree tumblr family tumblrweed a family tumblrweed.
Please, do note, that not all of my lovely lovely awesome super amazing cool brilliant charming enchanting fascinating fabulous great mutuals are not present in the tree, but very much in my heart (i will die for you all.) These are just the mutuals who I talk to and also some friends (irl and offline).
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So I asked everyone in the Tumblrweed to give one thing they noticed/liked about me and this is the full list (along with like a couple of my personal additions):
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Nog came up with the strikethrough title and Lexi came up with the current title so either/or can be used
Vibey helped with choosing a canva template
@sardonic-sprite @pevensiechase @tristicorde @ah0yh0y @betterthanbatman1 @mispeltnostalgia @cygnusdoesthings @birdybat @periwinkle-the-11th @datrandokat @wakkoroni @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @themundanemudperson @tireddruid @marithefriendlyghost @phytothecryptid @milky-fresh-bones @somerando369
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