#intentional weight loss
randomslasher · 11 months
I wanted to share a progress update. So I have a chronic bad back (genetic and congenital issues) and I used to have what I called “Blow outs” every 6 months or so.  In 2020 I started walking regularly. Just walking. That’s it. Walking. But in the intervening years I’ve brought myself from “I can slowly walk half a mile with a cane” to “I regularly hike 4-5 miles at a time no issue or cane needed.”  I wasn’t so foolish as to believe I had completely eradicated the possibility of blow outs, but I hadn’t had one since 2018. I’m having one now--but the difference is night and day. I can still walk, move, function. I went shopping yesterday. I’m still working. I’m taking my cousin to the movies tonight. I’m in pain, yeah, but I’m still living my life.  Anyway walking is a miracle and if you can do it at all I highly recommend it. 
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fitforestfairy · 2 months
Setting Clear Weight Loss Goals
And working hard to reach them
I’ve had a really hard time mentally and physically for several months, almost a year actually (and I had deep depression and anxiety for another two at least). I was honestly just trying to survive and trying to make it to the next day.
Survival mode was exactly that. And I neglected my health a lot because I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it.
Things have been better lately. I’m safe, I’m healing, I’m at peace. I have a beautiful support system. So the time has come for me to give myself the self love and care I deserve.
I have finally sorted out the amount of weight I want to lose to reach a comfortable (for me) yet healthy weight by my birthday, which is in the end of summer. I calculated how much I need to lose weekly and I calculated the calories I’ll be consuming.
I made a cute chart in my journal to track my weight weekly. I will be weighing in every Friday. And I have told my partner about my goals and how I plan to achieve them, so I have his support and I don’t feel like I have to do it all in secret and setting myself up for failure.
I understand that progress is not linear. I understand that my weight will fluctuate. I understand that it may take me longer than I anticipate to reach my goal weight. I understand that I will have to show up for myself every day, that I won’t always feel motivated and that I won’t be perfect. But as long as I stay consistent, it’s going to be ok.
I’m pretty optimistic, not just about my fitness and weight loss journey, but about the future in general. And I’m very grateful for that. After all I’ve been through, I don’t take it for granted.
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dunkindognuts · 4 months
I want to intentionally lose weight to be healthy, and to look good too.
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winglssdemon · 2 years
I've mentioned it a bit before but while I'm on my ableism soapbox...
If you're fat and saying/implying that people shouldn't fat shame you because you're healthy...that's ableist as fuck. Fat disabled people exist and you cannot be healthy at every size either. It is literally physically impossible to be healthy at every size. And that should be okay! It's up to you to decide how to treat your body and no one should shame you for your body, abled or otherwise.
Also, it is also p fuckin ableist to get mad at people who need to or want to try to lose weight for health reasons. Disabled people already got a shit ton of health problems, maybe we/they want to be able to help or get rid of the ones they have.
It's also kind of terrible to try and act like no one deals with the effects of binge eating and overeating. Binge eating has never really been taken seriously in general and it's not super well known, but I am noticing an increase in people acting like if someone talks about their binge eating and how it has made them gain weight, that they're then fatphobic for doing so. Sometimes people gain weight and become unhealthy from either binge eating or using food as a coping mechanism. There's nothing morally wrong with being fat from BED or using food as a coping mechanism, however, trying to normalize binge eating and eating emotionally and acting like they're not forms of disordered eating is both harmful rhetoric and honestly kind of ableist too.
I'm disabled and I am fat because for quite a few years I've turned to food as a coping mechanism against pain. Unfortunately, a lot of sugary, high fat, ultra processed foods can actually worsen pain. Plus you can only get a new wheelchair every five years and with the world being so inaccessible to wheelchair users, getting a bigger wheelchair just isn't always feasible. I have had to start a real attempt at weight loss (through eating healthier food, stopping emotionally eating, and increasing my physical activity) and while I still am overweight, I am slowly working on getting to a healthier weight that will work best for me. And it's not fatphobic to do so.
And honestly, it's been really nice to lose some of the excess weight I've had. I do actually feel better generally, I have less asthma symptoms than I used to, my endurance is way better, my hypertension is definitely improving (ofc that is also because of the healthier foods), and I really just can't explain what it's like to just be relieved to not being going to the kitchen almost every night and eating all the junk food to try and make yourself feel better for just a few seconds when you know you're gonna be miserable about it after you finish. Like it's such a frustrating cycle to be caught in and myself and others who are learning both healthy coping strategies and how to stop harming our bodies through food should be allowed to talk about it without being shamed for it.
So yeah, basically calling people fatphobic for taking care of their health the best way they know how is pretty damn ableist. And acting like just because you're healthy means you shouldn't be body shamed is ableist as fuck. No one should even be body shaming anyone and idk how that's becoming a controversial take.
(I also have a much larger and researched post with sources coming about the issues with haes, BoPo, and all the misinformation that is being spread within the communities.)
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delusional-delirium · 2 years
So health update. I gained 10 lbs in two weeks WITH diet and exercise, so my doc thinks something is going on Inside my body. We are testing my thyroid, and as i talked to her more she thinks i am Gluten Intolerant so she wants me to go completely gluten free, and she also wants me to go low carb (20g or less a day) so i have done a complete diet change. She also prescribed me a diet pill called Phentermine meant to decrease my appetite and help with the weight loss.
We also talked about my reoccurring uti’s, and she gave me more antibiotics and we are scheduling a bladder ultrasound :,)
Lastly, i mentioned to her my tinnitus was becoming painful and i was getting muffled hearing. She is going to send me to a specialist, but first we gotta clear up my allergy symptoms (fluid behind ears and swollen sinuses) so im on a daily allergy med and nose spray.
And those are your irregularly scheduled health updates!
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deliberate-movement · 2 years
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L: 376, Middle: 285, R: 267
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thistimeitsticks · 1 month
Tomorrow marks three weeks since I started counting calories and trying to lose weight intentionally. I’ve lost 15lbs, 8-10 of which I suspect was just water & inflammation weight in the very beginning from being sedentary after major surgery.
I’m on track to get to 300lbs by July 1st. :)
I’m hitting my protein goals & moving around more. Next week I’m going to start incorporating moderate effort lifting. I’m excited. Sticking to the calorie limit has been super easy most days and I haven’t felt the need to eat too much of something and fuck it all up. The food will be there, and also I’m just less hungry than I have been in recent years; I’m assuming I’m getting my blood sugar more settled?
Anyway, I’m excited.
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gtzgoblin · 3 months
Lost enough weight that this will soon be a reality
I really like these purple sweatpants too 😂
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gettinhellaswoll · 4 months
Strategic cropping because the numbers are irrelevant – it’s nice to see things trending toward my goal weight
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recoveringyoyo · 6 months
CW: intentional weight loss, talk of numbers on a scale, discussion of menstrual cycle
Trying to lose weight in a female body is something else. My weight fluctuates wildly depending on where I am in my menstrual cycle.
I was 260 lbs even exactly a week ago (two days before my period started). This morning (the day after my period) I was 244 lbs.
Can my body PLEASE make up her mind on whether I’m going to lose weight or retain it?!
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bubble-cub · 7 months
Back up to 280. Disappointing. Been going through some stuff.
Have been on metformin xr 1000mg daily for almost two months, and I had my first period in FIVE YEARS this month! I am so excited. I love that metformin is working for me. Now if only I could get my literal binge eating under control.
I swear to God I'm a compulsive over-eater. I'll eat like thousands of calories, sometimes FIVE sandwiches in the period of just a couple of hours. It's so expensive. I hate it so much. It's definitely binge eating disorder, no doubt a carryover from my bulimia days. I am in therapy, but I am embarrassed to talk to my therapist about it. Maybe I'll write that in as my desired focus for my next session with her ahead of time so that she knows to ask about it.
I started weight watchers today.
I am excited about it. I am hopeful. If I can gain ten pounds and get my first period in five years anyway thanks to metformin, imagine the kind of success I could have if I changed my relationship with food!
Chronic pain has been chronically painful. This has been limiting my physical activity. I am STRONGLY considering purchasing an elliptical since my complex hasn't re-opened the fitness center yet. I need to move more. I am too sedentary. If I moved more I might hurt less, and wouldn't that just be ideal.
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randomslasher · 2 years
I have a question mostly aimed at anyone who has ever had either top surgery or a breast reduction, but barring that, also sort of aimed at anyone who has had a surgical procedure that left scar tissue: is it normal for scar tissue to start hurting years after the procedure? 
Context under a cut for a little bit of TMI: 
I had a breast reduction about 16 or 17 years ago (the exact date escapes me but it was either 2005 or 2006). I went from a FF to a B/C or so. Over the years I gained a good deal of weight and my cup size went up to a DD again (still more manageable than the horrendous FFs!). But in the last two years I have dropped a relatively significant amount of weight (107 lbs) and as a result my cup size has reduced again as well (down to a B). In the last couple of days, the scar tissue around and under my left nipple has begun to kind of burn. Not all the time; it seems to be at its worst when I’m either not wearing a bra OR when there is friction or rubbing against it (I have a sling pack I wear while walking whose strap crosses just over the scar that runs from the nipple to the underside of the breast). I don’t know if it’s like...the weight loss tugging on the scar tissue, or that scar tissue just does that sometimes even years later, or what? But it’s honestly freaking me out just a little, so I figured I would cast my line into the sea of internet anecdotal knowledge and see what I catch, at least until this either goes away or gets persistent enough that I decide to reach out to an actual medical professional. 
Thanks for any info! 
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fitforestfairy · 12 days
Weekly Fitness and Weight Loss Update 📝
Clothes are fitting looser!
I maintained my weight this week. Considering that I just stepped on the scale while having a raging period, I take it as a win. I was ready even to see the scale going up!
Not much to say about that, rather that I’m sticking with Intermittent Fasting and keeping an eye on the carbs while introducing whole complex carbs here and there.
As for clothing, that’s where I see a difference! So I’m definitely losing inches and my clothes are fitting looser. I’m wearing some of my old clothes more comfortably and confidently again. A gentle reminder that it’s not all about the number on the scale!
Fitness-wise, I keep on seeing improvements. I have more endurance during my walks (especially walking uphill) and I can hold tree poses with my foot resting on my inner thigh again. I can also hold a plank without modifying. I still modify whatever is needed and I know that there are some exercises that will always be more challenging for me due to my back surgeries and other factors. Everyone is different and I try to do my own best without comparing myself to others, which is honestly easier said than done!
Off to my morning yoga and daily nature walk now 🪷🍃
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queertransloser · 9 months
My roommate and I are having a photo shoot challenge starting next month through the end of the year.
I’ll see friends I haven’t seen in three years on New Year’s Eve.
My coworkers will start commenting on my weight loss bc they are all on diets.
I need to get back into my active hobbies and reading.
I will be able to find clothes at thrift stores much easier.
I’ll be less self-conscious swimming in public.
I will look more androgynous more easily.
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So between my Adderall working effectively to give me impulse control and the Adderall side effects of speeding up my metabolism/making me not hungry, I'm finally under 300 pounds! I'm keeping an eye to make sure I'm not losing it too quickly, and I'm not letting myself starve, I promise. I'm just really happy about getting closer to a healthy weight for blood pressure and joint pain. I know weight isn't the only factor in either of those things but I've never gone to the doctor for my joint pain because I'm sure they'd be like "lose some weight".
Now if only I could get into a routine of exercising more.
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haredjarris · 24 days
diet culture reached a whole new low
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uncover and explore your childhood trauma. oh, to help you understand how it affects your behaviour and mental health today and to move forward with coping mechanisms and support and break the cycle if you have children of your own?
no, because maybe it's stopping you from being skinny.
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