#instead of forcing him to grow tf up and stop being like this
soldier-poet-king · 2 years
So IM the bad guy for refusing to coddle my 40 something year old manchild uncle who has no emotional maturity and freaks the fuck out anytime something doesn't go 100% his way
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hello! I just found your blog a couple days ago and I love your stuff!! I like that you mark everything as either being romantic or platonic (as an aromantic, I would like to say you are a saint for doing that) , and all the little pictures and memes bring me immense joy
I was wondering if you could do a platonic alastor x reader where reader makes/made a deal with Alastor. Like full on, sold-their-soul-to-him, no-takesies-backsies kind of a deal.
And like, maybe Alastor doesn't care about them that much at first, but they slowly grow on him? And reader doesn't like alastor that much either, but they have the same dark, chaotic energy and they just sorta click eventually. (and maybe some Rosie in there too??)
Omg you're so sweet for this 😭 Some of the platonic ones are my FAVE! Plus, I get that not everyone is looking for romance 🤧
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
Plus a little Rosie X Reader
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TW: Cartoonish antics, little bit of violence, Alastor being Alastor, Reader lost their soul
Description: ☝️⬆️
You didn't think Alastor was serious when he said he wanted your soul, who tf does that??
Alastor, that's who, you dummy
To be fair, you totally thought you were going to win but imagine your shock when chains suddenly appeared on you like a leash
Bullshit bullshit bullshit
He has you working at the hotel with Husk and Niffty but you go out of your way to mess things up for him
If you're gonna be his pet then you're going to be a nightmare pet
Maybe he'll decide you're not worth the trouble and give your soul up?? That's a thing that happens right?
So you do little things to fuck with Alastor, big enough to annoy him but subtle enough to be an accident
He wants you to make him tea? Oops!! You've poured salt instead of sugar and now he's choking down salty tea because he's too proud to admit you pulled one over on him
Not him giving you a death glare from over his cup
"How is it~?"
He wants you to wash the dishes? Fine but you're going to drop and break his favorite mug and every replacement he gets
You're so clumsy
You have to carry his bags?? Fine then-
No, you know what? Niffty can carry the bags she's much more strong and sturdy than she looks
You're no fun
The point is, if Alastor is going to make your life miserable because he owns your soul, you're going to give it right back
You don't even make the punishments fun for him
He doesn't stop seeing you as his worst deal until your both suddenly faced against the same foe
Some idiot Vox hired to pick a fight with Alastor and for some reason Alastor picked you to handle it
Watching you play with your prey reminded Alastor of himself, giving him a few good chuckles
By the time you were done, your opponent had practically pissed themselves to death, terrified by your maniacal nature
After the fight while you're being patched up, you and Alastor share a few laughs as you retell what happened
And then you two laugh about Vox
And then you two laugh about how your opponent died
Nobody else is laughing you sick fucks
There's a change in your dynamic after that day, the two of you becoming partners in crime
Those pranks and punishments you two used to use on each other? Now you're combining forces to use them on everyone else
Everyone thought things would be better once you two put aside your differences
But this is so much worse
They find excuses to just send you two out of the hotel so they can have some peace and quiet
You just feed off each other's worst energies and keep making each other worse
The only mitigating force for you two is Rosie, she's the only one who can get you two to slow it down
"Alright! Hold it!"
Not the two of you being scolded by her, looking like two little kicked puppies because Rosie won't let you two blow up a shop
But the owner is so sleazy!!!
No, you two can't pretend to be repairmen so you can break into people's homes and destroy their tvs
She won't even let you write fake fan mail to Vox, slowly gaining his trust as his number one fan only to shatter his heart in some devastating and public way
Wtf is wrong with you two
She just knows how best to handle the two of you and doesn't really mind how twisted the two of you get to be
She finds it adorable
You are besties by that point, an unstoppable force that wreaks havoc on anything in your path
Oh and sweet Rosie is there too
Holding the leashes for you two
You almost forget he owns your soul and so does he most days, the two of you seeing each other more and more as equals
Or at the very least, friends 🧡
Maybe you've earned your soul back
Nah, keep it
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This was so fun! I really hope you liked it!
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mrwavellswaps · 6 months
Daddy’s Home
(Based on an idea provided by @tf-lover)
“Morning Kiddo! Sleep well last night?” Jason’s Dad asked his son while laid out on the couch in nothing but a black jockstrap.
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“Oh! Morning Dad. Not the best honestly. That storm we had kept me up half the night honestly…” Jason’s eyes couldn’t help wandering across his fathers almost naked body as he said this. Not being able to help eyeing up that bulge his dad was rubbing absentmindedly.
His father nodded. “It sure was a doozy wasn’t it.” He agreed before ushering Jason to come closer. “Come on boy. Hop on over here and doze with daddy for a bit. It’s the weekend after all.”
Jason didn’t need telling twice. Within seconds he was falling onto the couch on top of his father and snuggling up to the older man. Using his dad’s modest pecs as a pillow while he shuffled around a little to get comfortable. His heart couldn’t help but flutter slightly as he felt his dad kiss the top of his head sweetly before wrapping Jason up in his strong arms. He felt so warm and safe in his fathers embrace. It was something he never could’ve imagined having up until a year ago.
“I’m so glad we don’t have to hide this anymore. Moving was definitely the best decision.” Jason said as he rutted himself against his dad’s bulge.
His dad hummed in agreement. “I’m with you there. As far as the people in this town are concerned we’re just a hot gay couple with a slight age gap.” He laughed.
Last Year
Jason had just had another massive argument with his dad Calvin. They’d never really seen eye to eye. His dad was a big shot at a big suave law firm and had slowly been working himself closer and closer to that CEO position. To say he was a successful man was an understatement. Nice fancy house, designer clothes and suits. He’d achieved the life most people dreamt of.
On the other hand, Jason himself was nothing like his dad. He never had much interest in studying law or anything like it. Instead he was far more interested in art. He spent a lot of his time drawing and posting his work online to which he got plenty of attention from.
Over time this began to frustrate Calvin. Sure Jason made money through his work but his father never viewed it as a real job. He’d hoped his son would eventually grow out of it and get into the law business one day or at least something along those lines but it became increasingly clear that wasn’t going to happen. Especially as Jason got a boyfriend who further encouraged his likeness for art.
It all came to a head when Calvin finally had enough and told his son that if he didn’t get what he considered a real job then he’d have to kick him out of the house. It was a dramatic step but he thought it was justified and the right thing to do even if his son did call him an asshole for it. “It’s for his own good.” he told himself. Little did he know the lengths his son would go to after receiving this ultimatum. Well to be more accurate the lengths his son’s boyfriend Max would go to.
The night after Jason and his dad had their argument, Calvin was relaxing in his back garden as it was his day off. He was kicked back in a lounging chair with a hot cup of coffee on the table beside him alongside the radio playing some tunes.
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His eyes quickly fluttered open in confusion however as the radio began glitching out for whatever reason.
Before he even had a chance to inspect it though, he suddenly found himself being forced back into the chair as if a pair of hands were holding down his shoulders. The silver fox tried to move but he was powerless under the invisible figure’s grip. All he could do was shout for help but unfortunately for him, nobody was coming. Instead he could feel this entity slowly making its way onto his lap until he could feel what seemed like an ass planting itself directly on his crotch. Immediately his dick responded. He couldn’t stop it. Within seconds his big dad dick was hard as a rock, creating an embarrassingly large bulge in his shorts.
“O-ooohh gooddd… fuck… what’s happeningggg… to meee.” The mature man could only groan as it almost felt like someone was riding his cock somehow. Not to mention being able to feel a pair of invisible hands exploring the expanse of his body. Squeezing his arms and pecs with lust and admiration. His mind couldn’t even make sense of it yet the harder he tried, the foggier his thoughts became.
Soon enough he could feel this entity pressing its entire weight against his body. He wasn’t entirely sure at first but now he could tell for sure this invisible force had the form of a man. Only just knowing that made the successful man even more embarrassed. He was straight after all! Yet his cock was as hard as could be due to the touch of what seemed to be a man.
He gripped his chair tightly. He could already feel it coming. His orgasm. It was right around the corner. The entity must’ve known this as well as it continued to run its ass enthusiastically over the massive bulge with even more gusto than before. This is clearly what it wanted. And it was going to get it. Calvin tried his utmost to break free at the last moment but his efforts were for nought. Before long his mouth formed an “o” shape as his eyes rolled back a little only to be quickly followed by him splattering the insides of his expensive shorts with cum.
I’m that moment his body became vulnerable. His orgasm made him ripe for the taking. The ghostly being grinned as it saw its opportunity and wasted no time in snatching it.
Moments later, before Calvin even had a chance to finish cumming, the entity began forcing itself into the handsome mature man’s body. Calvin was powerless to stop it as his body began convulsing while the ghost pressed its limbs inside. Gradually he could feel himself losing control. He tried his best to fight it but he didn’t know how. With every passing second he could feel this thing sliding deeper and deeper. It’s grip on him becoming stronger and stronger. And with it he couldn’t help letting out an echoing groan through the convulsions as one last ditch effort to call for help. Yet as his body began to stabilize once more, those sounds turned from cries for help to moans of pleasure.
His arms and legs. His hands and his head. Even his cock! None of it responded to Calvin. As much as he wanted to jump up and scream in terror over what had just happened, he couldn’t. Instead he grinned maliciously. Only it wasn’t him grinning. It was whatever had taken over his body!
“God yesssss… this is even better than I imagined it’d be.” Calvin was forced to say as his body began touching itself. Running its hands down his tight shirt to feel the strong body hidden underneath. Using those same hands to squeeze and admire his biceps. “I could always tell you worked out by how well those suits fitted but fuck… I feel like such a hunk!” He exclaimed, his tone full of both excitement and desire.
Without another word the imposter used his stolen body to leap up from the chair and quickly make his way inside before dashing to Calvin’s walk-in closet to finally get a look at himself in the full length mirror. Right away his dick couldn’t help twitching again despite having just blown its load. It just couldn’t help it when gazing upon the reflection of the man whose body he’d just taken over.
“Sorry Mr Conners but your son and I weren’t the biggest fans of how you’ve been treating him recently.” He began as he stripped off his shirt to get a good look at his thick muscled chest, “So I decided the best solution would be to have me play the part of daddy instead. I was always the dominant one between Jason and myself anyway so it only makes sense…” he smirked while inspecting his short grey hair and perfect beard that coated his handsome jawline.
That’s when it all clicked into place. Max. Jason’s boyfriend. It was him! He was the body snatcher!! But how!? And why?! Calvin had so many questions bubbling up inside but unfortunately he wouldn’t get any of those answers just yet as Max was much more interested in his new daddy look than explaining any further.
Without hesitation, Max reached down and slipped a hand into his underwear. Seconds later he pulled it back out coated in cum. Calvin already knew what Max was thinking but there was nothing he could do to stop it. Max brought his hand up towards his face and ran his tongue along it, lapping up a healthy amount of his new body’s seed.
“Mmmm fuuuuck. Your son is gonna love this when he finds out. Almost as much as he’s gonna love the taste of your nut when I blow it down his throat Mr Conners.” Max teased before continuing to lick his hand clean. “He’s told me alllllll about the secret little crush he’s had on his strict dad for years.” He reached and grabbed the waistband on his shorts and underwear before pushing them down and kicking them off, at last revealing his body in its full glory. “He was embarrassed to admit it but he’s fantasised about you countless times. Wishing he could cuddle up to you in bed. Wishing he could worship you while you’re all dressed up in those fancy suits of yours. Wishing he could feel the dick that brought him into this world stretching his hole out.” With a smug look on his face, Max reached down and grabbed his fat dad cock and gave it a squeeze, forcing a few more drops of cum to drool from the tip.
“I’ll be sure to let him know that he’s gonna have a much more loving and understanding father from now on. But before that, I’m gonna enjoy myself a little.” Max chuckled to himself as looked around the wardrobe at the wide array of clothes. “You always had great style Mr Conners. And now it’s all mine.”
Not wasting anymore time, Max tugged off his cum stained shorts and underwear and threw them out into the main bedroom before beginning his tour through the wardrobe. All the while the real Calvin Conners was screaming and pleading for help but his cries fell upon deaf ears. Though Max knew he was still in there, he couldn’t actually hear or communicate with Calvin. If anything that only made it more exciting for him. Imaging all the things the mature man would be saying and screaming in there while locked as a passenger in his own body.
With a giddy look on his face and his heart racing a mile a minute, Max sifted through the wide array of clothes. He pulled out a multitude of shorts, pants, shirts, underwear, socks and shoes! Trying on so many different combinations and loving how almost every article of clothing clung perfectly to his muscled body. Clothes that before would’ve hung loosely on his form now fitting him like a glove.
“Fuuuck. I was always jealous of these fancy clothes you could afford. I can’t wait to wear them all the fucking time. And splatter them in my daddy cum whenever the fuck I want.” Max laughed with a devilish grin as he continued pulling out different clothes and trying them on. Adoring how almost all of his pants fit so tightly over his thick butt and similarly how well the shirts showed off his new pecs.
After what seemed like hours, Max finally brought his personal little modeling show to an end with an all black suit. Black dress shirt, waistcoat, jacket and pants matched with of course a pair of long black socks and a gorgeous pair of shiny black dress shoes. As a final touch he took out a pair of Mr Conner’s glasses and slid them on to complete the look. He felt like a king. A rich handsome king.
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As he gazed at himself, Max couldn’t help but feel his once again stiff dad cock pressing firmly against the front of his pants. He’d had more than enough time to recharge by now and had been struggling to contain his boner while jumping between outfits. Even opting to get a few strokes in while changing. He just couldn’t help himself. And now seeing the reflection of his boyfriend's hot dad in a dashing suit and a huge bulge was only making him hornier.
“Oooh god…” Max groaned while rubbing a hand over his bulge. He wanted to rub one out so badly. “Gahhhh… fuck. Can’t cum. Gotta save my nut for my son.” Saying those last words made his entire body shiver. Referring to Jason as his son only served to make his cock more excited. It was a miracle he hadn’t soiled the front of these suit pants with cum already!
Luckily he wouldn’t have to wait much longer as shortly after Max heard the front door close from downstairs shortly followed by the sound of Jason’s voice.
“Dad!? You home??”
Max smirked. “Oh Daddy’s home alright. And he’s never leaving.” He said to himself as he straightened his jacket a little before making his way downstairs to greet his son.
That night the real Mr Conners felt as though he were in his own personal hell as he first watched this imposter perfectly imitate him to the point where Jason never even noticed at first. Not until Max started getting closer and saying things that were out of character for Mr Conners. Starting with simple compliments and kindness that slowly escalated into more intimate comments. Soon enough not even bothering to try and hide his huge boner.
Naturally this soon led to questions and before long Max came out with the truth. Of course Jason was skeptical at first but when his boyfriend recited a bunch of very personal secrets only the two of them knew, that’s when he finally believed that somehow his boyfriend had stolen his dad’s body. At first it seemed insane to him. Wrong even. And yet Jason couldn’t help popping a boner of his own at it all as he realized the potential of the situation. His loving boyfriend in his dad’s sexy body…
Before long Jason found himself being bent over the first thing they could find as Max fished his cock out of those suit pants and practically slammed it into his son’s ass. Not even wanting to take his suit off whatsoever as plowed into Jason. Something about keeping it on as he fucked the smaller man’s brains out made him feel so powerful and in control. All the while the real Mr Conners screamed and begged for it to stop as he had to listen to his own son’s lustful moans as he was forced to feel this bodysnatcher using his cock to stretch Jason’s hole. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t going to end until Max had drained his fat balls completely inside of his new son.
The Present
Since then the couple realized the only way they could stay together without being forced to keep it a tight secret was to move far away where nobody knew them. Luckily a golden opportunity fell perfectly into their laps when Max as the new Mr Conner’s was offered a position at another branch of the company. But not just any position, the top manager of it! He’d be getting more pay and more power! It was a win-win. And so before they knew it, Jason and Max were packing their bags and flying off towards a new life.
And that’s the life they’d been living ever since. A “father” and son secretly masquerading as simply a gay couple with an age gap. And a very rich couple at that with the amount Max was earning now in his new position which he was able to run perfectly thanks to having received access to all of his new mature body’s memories and intelligence.
“Do you think he’s still in there? My old dad I mean.” Jason asked curiously while staying nice and snuggled up to his boyfriend on the couch.
“I honestly couldn’t tell you. By now he might’ve faded away and become part of my subconscious. Or maybe he’s still in here watching us as we snuggle and grope each other.” He laughed mischievously before groping his son’s ass. “Forced to watch each and every time we fuck. Feeling me sliding this dick in your ass every night.” He added before rocking his hips slightly.
Jason couldn’t help biting his lip at the possibility. He hoped it was the case. Knowing his original asshole of a father would be cursed to be a bystander in him and his boyfriends affairs was a whole new level of horny revenge he never even knew existed.
“Well. Assuming he is still there, how would you feel about giving him another show right here on the couch?” Max wiggled his eyebrows while giving Jason a look he just knew the younger man wouldn’t be able to resist. Before they knew it, the pair were stripping off what little clothes they had on and were going at it again. Mixed groans filled their massive house as Max prepared to breed his boyfriend-son yet again.
As the two men were busy fucking like rabbits, they were unaware of a mystical being watching them from the shadows. “Glad to see that young man is still enjoying himself after putting that spell magic I gave him to good use.” Wavell smirked to himself as he checked up on yet another of his former endeavors with glee after having been more than impressed with the body Max chose.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
I have a request if that's OK can you do Yandere class 1a(romantic) (and Yandere eraser mic platonic ofc) x reader with powers like starfire or raven
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Sure and I'll go with the reader having powers like Starfire if that's okay with you and I sincerely apologize if this sucked
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You were a part of class 1A and over a period of time, they started growing obsessed and possessive of you so much that you weren't even allowed to hang out with students from the other classes. To say you had powers was an understatement, you were basically a walking weapon with your abilities of being able to fly, shooting laser beams from your eyes and hands, superhuman strength and agility. You aced the UA entrance exam like it was nothing and left everyone awed and speechless of your powers. You were soon sorted into class 1A after you received your acceptance letter and you became friends with your classmates, unaware of their darker masked desires and hidden intentions for you
You were book smart but when it came to figuring out the intentions your classmates had for you, you were quite naive indeed. The other day Monoma, TetsuTetsu and Kendou wanted to hang out with you and you agreed to hang out with them, when your classmates found out about your plans to hang out with some other class instead of them, they were annoyed and their jealousy bubbled inside him. They usually couldn't stand each other at times, each of them wanting to have you for themselves, however during times like this they were forced to work together. "HAH!? TF DO YOU MEAN HANGING OUT WITH THAT BLONDE RAT!? NO WAY!" yelled Bakugou as he muttered profanities and cursed under his breath while threatening to blast Monoma to the orbit. Uraraka, Momo and Mina had resorted to trying to guilt trip you by telling you that you barely ever hang out with them and you wanted to spend time with other people instead of them. Even the usually calm Deku and Kirishima had dark looks plastered across their faces, looking deep in thought while Iida was busy lecturing you as usual about how you shouldn't ignore your classmates when they wanted to spend time with you and besides, you also had homework to do and started listing out every possible reason why you couldn't hang out with the class 1B students
Eventually you ended up giving in and decided to have a movie night in the common room with your classmates since they just wouldn't stop with the incessant pestering. You don't know what it is they've done, but they've done something for sure since no one from class 1B decided to approach you the next day. Even Monoma kept his distance from you and scurried off in the opposite direction as your spotted a few scars on his face and hands which your dear classmates may or may not have caused. They won't allow anyone else to steal you away from them, you're theirs. From hanging out with Shoji and Koda and playing with Koda's pet bunnies to helping Sato bake his goodies and doing homework with Iida and Shoto to going shopping with the girls, you feel like your classmates are monopolizing your time way too much but you can't really do anything about it, how could you possibly prove that they're in the wrong for wanting to spend time with you?
Your teachers are of no help either whatsoever, Aizawa sensei and Present Mic think it's a GOOD thing your classmates are so protective and possessive of you. They're worried you might become reckless one day and your powers might end up hurting you which is the last thing they all want, so it's like a mutual silent agreement and understanding between them to keep an eye on you and protect you. Even if they have to get their hands dirty. Aizawa and Mic see you as one of their own kids to take care of and they take that role VERY seriously. The other day some random dude actually had the GUTS and audacity to try slipping in a love note into your locker while Aizawa was passing by and his eyes narrowed as he wrapped the guy in his scarves and gave him detention for the rest of the semester every day. If someone dares to make the mistake of bullying you, Mic would be the one to deal with that by using his quirk on them to make their eardrums literally BLEED till they apologize
Now, about your powers, it's a tricky situation. As much as they all love you for who you are and how capable you are to take care of yourself, they're also worried you might end up getting hurt one day because of them. No way in hell would Aizawa ever give you strenuous training tasks despite your whining and pleading, you could get hurt. They ALWAYS have eyes everywhere and they know your every move no matter what. Some of your classmates have literally resorted to stalking the living daylights out of you and you're still unaware of the secret cameras placed in your room, courtesy of Iida when you both had that study session a few days ago. Your every movement is now watched by all your classmates and your teachers as well. They don't even realize they're doing something wrong and they're lost so far in their delusion, they think they're just doing their jobs as good heroes in protecting you, their loved one and keeping you safe
Denki, Kirishima, Sero, Hagakure and Ojiro think your powers are cool but the rest of them are really worried for your safety. You always get lectured by Iida whenever you end up doing something risky and Deku would just be pleading with you to never do something like this again while Bakugou would lovingly insult you to knock some sense into your head. You are NOT to be fighting villains, they've all established that already and made that rule VERY clear. If there's a villain attack at some point, you'll be taken to safety because they do not want you engaging into such dangerous stuff. Look, you might have strong powers and you might be a good fighter but that still doesn't mean they'll let you fight villains and criminals, you'll always be seen as someone naive and sheltered in their eyes, someone they need to protect from the darkness of the world. But not to worry though, after the villains are dealt with (Or probably murdered), Aoyama will comfort you with cheese, Momo will make you some tea and Jirou will play some of her music for you as you'll spend the rest of your time surrounded by your classmates once again, your teachers pleased with the turn of events of the extreme lengths your classmates are willing to take to protect you. What sort of heroes would they be if they can't ensure their loved one's safety after all?
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salmonskinrolltf · 2 years
Don't Read This!
If you’ve continued on to this sentence, it’s already too late. The curse has taken hold. Your DNA will change to match the last celebrity you have saved in your phone, and you will then be forced to reblog this post and share your own story, so the curse can spread and affect as many people as possible. 
This might sound great, but trust me. It isn’t. I have no idea how this works, but even though you look like the celebrity, nobody will mistake you for them. You don’t have their fame or their money, and nobody in your own life will recognize you. And your thoughts… change. It’s different for everyone, but your life will be altered forever.
My story? Before this, I was an average straight nerd. Mid-20’s, 5 foot 8, brown buzz cut, slim, not at all toned, a treasure trail but no other body hair to speak of. More into reading and watching movies than going outside. Lived with my parents while I worked as an intern at an accounting firm. They were both out for the evening and I was jerking off to TF stories on Tumblr when I found this post. As soon as the curse set in and my body started tingling, my thoughts flicked through what celebrity could possibly be the last I had saved on my phone. Just my luck: it wasn’t a celebrity. It was TWO celebrities.
I had sent my gay friend Jason a photo of Penn Badgley from You and Tyler Hoechlin from Teen Wolf backstage at some TV award show or other. I sent it to him to make a joke and pretend I was more comfortable with his sexuality than I really ever was. I think I asked him what he thought it would look like if they had a baby together, but little did I know that I would soon become the answer to that question.
In my hands, my dick went back to full mast, plumping up and growing two extra inches before I let it fall against my leg. At that same moment, my legs and arms beefed up with some muscle, just a little, but enough to pop from my formerly skinny frame. My torso did the same, abs rising from my stomach into a tight six pack, my pecs firming up and stretching my shoulders into a broad expanse. The blank canvas of my chest suddenly darkened like a cloud passing over the sun, hundreds of dark brown hairs bursting forth from my follicles, tickling as they emerged, lengthened, and curls. 
I could see my face shift in the reflection of my computer screen, the forehead rising higher and the jaw widening as my hair grew out like Play-Doh spaghetti, defying gravity as it shaped itself up into a quiff that darkened to mahogany brown, then nearly pure black. The same ripple of color took over my eyebrows as they thickened into broad stripes drawing attention to my eyes that glowed palely in the dark. Stubble itched across my jaw as my nose straightened out.
The tingling stopped, and my transformation was over, or so I thought. I panicked and made a move to close Tumblr, but I noticed the dozens of photos of hot women I had scrolled through from various TF stories and instead of being filled with lust, I suddenly felt envy for how much dick they were probably getting. My mind suddenly filled with visions of hot men, and my dick started to stiffen again. Fuck, I needed to get laid. But wait… I had never done anything with a guy before! My dick didn’t care though, and its insistent need forced me to get up against my will.
I noticed that the clothes in the closet in my room were boring as fuck and a little small, but I found some oversized items that fit me OK and felt cool enough to be seen in. With that I left my old house, and my old life, behind. There was no way I could ever convince my parents that I was still me, so I knew I couldn’t come back. I left them a note explaining that I was leaving on a last-minute work trip, and figured I’d find an explanation I could email them later. 
I had $2,000 in my bank account thanks to all the work the old me had done. I’d have to make more money soon, but I was finding that I was having trouble focusing on all the numbers and figures I used to excel at.
I hadn’t even found a new apartment yet, but it’s been a week and that hasn’t been a problem, because I’ve spent every night in a different guy’s bed. I wish my dick wasn’t screaming to be sucked, caressed, and fucked by other guys, but I guess I’m grateful I’m hot enough now to have my increased libido satisfied regularly.
In fact, I’m typing this up at a bar right now. The manager said I might have promise as a bartender, but he was staring at my chest the whole time. I wasn’t sure if I minded.
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drysdalehansenswhore · 5 months
Oh gosh, never in my life I thought i'd do something like that but unfortunately we're surrounded by immature and ignorant people in this world and some of them better seek therapy.
*big sigh* let's begin!
You Captdelusional and your minions are so damn ridiculous words can't even explain. The way I'm feeling second hand embarrassement. Can't believe you made a whole post "are you still a CE fan" and captioned it "that's what you got when you do PR instead of acting classes" that's so sad because you're a grown woman and act like a 10 years old and I'm being generous here.
Not to mention how you and your minions think tumblr is the only platform ever where he has fans 🤣🤣🤣 and the way you're so proud of yourself for obtaining only 220 replies as if it makes a whole fandom when it's not even half of it, but guess math is not your thing either. Careful, ignorance is showing 👀 and btw, somone who gets called "best part of the movie" by the gp and got preached by one of the best directors in the industry for his performances and people literally regret his departure from a franchise does not need "acting classes" (unless you're referring to someone else I won't name) I get that you're hurt but at least avoid saying bs for your sake. But since you act like a kid and put your fave on a pedestal , I'll do the same and reveal you that me and a good chunk of people prefer his acting over your fave which is always the same thing, kinda annoying yk? To get hooked on a character, we need truthfulness, spontaneity. Not repeating the script as it is. It just shows to me that "fans" like you can't recognize talent and it makes me laugh that you even dare to judge. Poor clown.
To each their own, ig? Anyway, sorry to break it to you and your other delusional minions but that A lister and I repeat A lister as you probably think actors come down of their position when they do sth that you don't like 😭 still has million of fans all over the platforms: X, tiktok, ig, reddit, tumblr, you name it but of course for y'all with a very low IQ only tumblr and IG exist. How ironic.
You know what else is so funny and ridiculous at the same time? before he ended up in this "pr" as you call it (which we don't know the reason and you act all almighty bec you think you have contacts in the industry but you don't even know that Hollywood force celebs to do worse things than PRs like parties with p*dophiles where your fave willing or unwilling participate in. or you think he's a saint 😇 lmao) you were all drooling over him like sl*ts. Immaturity showing big time. Clowns.
And btw, funny how you muted replies and reblogs so that no one could call you out, too bad I found a way... Finally, y'all need to stop infantalize grown up woman who can pay bills and make decisions for herselves like to have a family with grown up men who don't even care about your opinions. Wake up kids, it's 2024 and you still can't distinguish an adult woman from a kid. What now, looks? now bec someone is blessed with youthful looks can't get married bec she will always look like a "kid"? oh please, y'all need therapy and you need it asap! "child bride" you know there actual child brides (unfortunately) or your very low IQ can't get you think about it ? 🤔 stop calling "child brides" literally adults, that's disgusting and makes you a low person and a disgusting cr*ep.
GROW TF UP! At your age you should focus on work, family and your partner, if you even have one but I doubt it because with people like you no one would ever want to spend a dime on. Let alone be with you. And before you wonder, I'm no team this nor team that, I'm just patiently waiting for it to end but immature and delusional people like you showing up on my dashboard makes it all difficult.
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jkgnggj · 9 months
please I need to know WHAT is the psychickers h2o mermaids au please tell me I've been thinking about it all day the autism in my mind has consumed me and all I can think about is psychickers h2o mermaids au
Basically in h2o there's three mermaids at first (Rikki, Cleo, and Emma) and yk three mermaids and there's three psychics. So it's not like an incredibly accurate substitution for the characters but just a general substitution. Like the psychic kids aren't taking the place of one singular character just of a mermaid if that makes sense. So saiki and Miko and Tori are mermaids. And like how in h2o there was a normal guy who wasn't a mermaid but helped them when they needed it, we got Akechi as the normal non mermaid guy (bc he's not a psychic in saiki k).
As for their powers I'm still deciding but for right now I'm leaning more towards Tori having that mist evaporation power Rikki has and then Miko having the moving water thing cleos got going on? And then idk if I should have saiki get the freezing water power or if he should have all of them like Charlotte did? And idek who's be Bella or Charlotte in this au I haven't thought that far ahead Idek who Zane would be. He's giving saiki vibes but the relationship Rikki and Zane had is more of an aren and metori relationship and doesn't really work with any of the psychickers or any other character. And since Charlotte was sorta cleos rival and liked lewis then if I wanted someone to fill her role it'd be extra super tough bc who tf would like Akechi? (Besides the psychickers) The closest to Charlotte to me would be Teruhashi (bc why wouldn't the perf pretty girl have all the powers and be special and a mermaid etc) and maybe she'd be trying to get saikis attention instead of Akechi's but idk if I should really make teru a villain hmmm
As for the story I don't think I'd follow the plot of h2o besides some things like the plots Abt the full moon and how they turn in that magic pool of water and maybe their work place. Id def change their backgrounds a lil (both different from the show and the anime). So Idk if Tori would still be a monk here or not, it depends on whether I want them to just live by the beach in Japan or westernize them. Tho I think him being a monk and having to juggle his monk duties with being a mermaid would be interesting. But I was thinking of making Tori a surfer or like lifeguard for summer bc I thought that'd be incredibly interesting. Like he'd have to decide to still be a surfer or a lifeguard or to stop being a mermaid.
Of course I don't really wanna change their personalities tho putting them in a diff setting and stuff makes things a lil difficult bc without the settings and conditions they grew up in they might've turned out different. Aka maybe if he didn't have to hug ppl and didn't grow up as a monk Tori might've not turned out a perv, or without her powers and stuff Miko wouldn't dress or speak like a gyaru, and without his powers saiki wouldn't be so angsty and sad. Also idk if I want them to be friends before they turn mermaids or the fact that they all turn mermaids by accident together forces them to become friends reluctantly. I like the latter tho. Them all sorta hating or disliking each other (which is kinda how the three girls were in the show at the beginning I think) would be fun.
Though if miko didn't have her lil fortune telling business I think she'd maybe have a different business that involves the beach somehow? Though again it would be fun if she still grew up being interested in fortune telling and astrology stuff. And as for saiki I think he'd still be pretty quiet and introverted even without his powers yet somehow still easily make friends like nendou and kaidou. Though I think Akechi still staying his childhood friend after all this time would be the only thing that changes for saikis relationships. He never moved away so they stayed best friends.
And akechi gets two more friends out of it when he notices his best friend acting weird and all of a sudden he's hanging out with these two monkeys he's never seen before and he gets suspicious and follows them and sees one of them turn into a mermaid and he gasps and wants to study them etc etc. Also instead of cleos sister kusuke would be the annoying sibling, still older sibling and he'd find out Abt saikis secret too eventually, a long with the other twos secret.
Now what I can't really decide is if there should be any ships or not especially between the psychickers. Idk if I want a big polycule or mikotori or torisai or torikechi. I still need to iron out a lot of details as u can see but ty for the ask! <333
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and even though it will be awhile before you or I get to tonight's episode I figure it's never to early to start lowering our expectations!! So here are my predictions on all the ways it will disappoint. First, we will get Rosa back at last, but it will happen at the very end and supposedly be uplifting but really the writers are just setting up her being Liz's support system next episode. Next, we will have the obligatory trying-to-make-Maria-relevant content forced on us
as she for some reason she tries to connect to her Mom's spirit, a power she never had before but we're supposed to feel bad for her anyway (if they in any way try to make this some BS about her getting messages about Alex I will set fire to the writers). Next, Kybel will backtrack to being uncertain because why have them talk about feelings when we can have a stressful future problem bring them together instead?? Finally Max and Liz will have some sort of conflict either about Bonnie wanting help after poisoning Michael or Max finds out about Alex from Bonnie but doesn't tell want to tell Michael and fights with Liz about it (and she still doesn't say anything). Either way, as much as I hope I'm wrong, Alex will still NOT be missed by anyone including his sick bf, but will be mentioned exactly once in some other context, because the writers think this constitutes being emotionally relevant to the characters. Please add more if I haven't gone low enough!!
Well, this all sounds pretty spot on to me! 🙄 I am dyyyying for someone to even MENTION Rosa so It’ll be a miracle if she actually shows up a second before she’s needed to give Liz some “tough love” that Liz will selectively listen to before doing exactly as she wants like always. Apparently the writers think Liz and Max never learning and growing from their mistakes is...interesting? Who knows. 🙄 You know what would be interesting? Max and Liz being allowed to be each other’s support system for once instead of always lying to each other and ending up on opposite sides of every fight. How am I supposed to want to root for them? Because I would like to! But the writers just keep yanking them back into this cyclical argument every time and I’m tiiiired.
I could not care less about anything going on with m*ria and I’m just hoping Dallas stops having to be in the middle of it, and he’s allowed to go be there for Michael. I’m also confused about Liz brining up m*ria seeing her mom in “visions” and now the synopsis mentioning m*ria trying to “connect” with Mimi because that’s...not anything we’ve seen her do so why would she even be trying when she knows her powers aren’t working? I’m still just stuck on why Mimi needed to die for m*ria to still not be able to get info from her when she’s been barely lucid the whole show and they could have just one that route! But apparently killing Mimi off is supposed to make m*ria sympathetic or something? It for sure does not. Just please keep her TF away from Alex and Michael forever now.
I also think Kybel are going to be awkward but given the synopsis about Isobel finding out Tezca might not be the evil Isobel thinks she is, who wants to bet Kyle ends up quicksanded with Alex for a bit? That way the show can continue to make Alex’s disappearance and rescue about anything other than ALEX. I’m sure we’re going to just keep seeing more of Bonnie, Clyde, Tezca and multiple other guest stars so when would the show have to time to allow Alex to be missed or mentioned or anyone to be worried about him when we need to learn the full history and backstory of these “guest stars” who might as well be main characters at this point considering they’ve had twice the number of episodes as Alex 🙃🙃🙃 
Hopefully keeping my expectations in the earth’s core will allow me to be pleasantly surprised by something in this episode but I’m not gonna hold my breath. Shout out to everyone waiting until Alex comes back to catch up on the show, hopefully he comes back before the finale. But hey, if he does pop up, someone let me know! Just a yes or know is fine, I don’t need spoilers, but I’ll make sure to watch as soon as I can if it means I get to see my boy Alex! Same with Rosa. See you all on the other side!
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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bokubonk · 3 years
the only certainty
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warnings: angst, insecurities
content: hurt/comfort, angst, insecurities
characters: timeskip!Atsumu x reader
date: 2/11/21
word count: 1.4k+
notes: Okay so I know I said I wouldn’t be posting as much but I ended up coming with a ton of ideas so expect more updates soon lol. Also I just wanna know who tf hurt me because these ideas can’t be coming from nowhere. I’m really out here bawling while I write. Anyway, enjoy my blood, sweat, and tears :) 
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You shifted on the couch, pulling the thin blanket up to your chest. 
Tears pricked at your eyes as you remembered what Atsumu said to you two days ago. The MSBY Black Jackals had a match against another team and you came to watch. 
You first met at one of his matches in high school and he began relentlessly pursuing you after spotting you in the crowd. Although you were determined to focus on school, you slowly began falling for him after seeing his passion towards volleyball and the kindness he showed you. 
Since the two of you met, you made an effort to go to all of his matches. After all, you wanted to support him and you knew how much volleyball meant to him. 
But, you were always bothered by how many girls were around him and how he seemed to thrive off of their attention. You mentioned it to him multiple times and he always reassured you that you were the only one for him. You would answer his reassurances with a smile that never seemed to reach your eyes because no matter how many times he assured you, it seemed like there was someone out there that was just better, prettier, smarter.
It was bad enough that you started off the day feeling insecure after you overheard Rina, one of his fangirls, talking about your relationship before the match and saying how Atsumu would be better suited with her. You glanced at her and her smile, noticing how tall she was, how confident, how different she was from you.
You only felt worse after seeing her walk up to him once the team won the match, and instead of finding you in the audience like he always did, he smiled at her. 
You watched from the sidelines, feeling your heart ache the longer he talked with her and your thoughts began to spiral. You couldn’t help but wonder why he chose you in the first place when it was clear he was better suited with girls like her. 
But you decided to say nothing, plastering on a weak smile and murmuring a quiet “congratulations” when he finally broke away from his conversation with Rina and approached you. 
Atsumu rambled on about the match as the two of you made your way out of the arena with the rest of the team and you could see that he was truly proud of how he played with the huge grin splitting his face. You felt your lips curling into a smile as you stared at him but your silence didn’t go unnoticed and he paused, his grin slipping from his face.
“What’s wrong?” his eyebrows furrowed, searching your face for any indication of what had happened. “Did someone say something?”
“It’s really nothing,” you shrugged, trying to muster up the strength to continue smiling to assure him you were okay but he cupped your cheek, leaning down to stare you in the eyes.
“C’mon, just tell me,” he frowned.
“It’s just-,” you started, biting your lip as your uncertainties began growing once again, “After the game, Rina went up to you and the two of you just looked so good together.”
Atsumu was expecting a real reason as to why you were upset but instead he got another one of your unnecessary insecurities and he just wasn’t in the mood after winning the match he had practiced so hard for. His hand dropped from your face and he ran it through his hair. “Stop making a big deal out of nothing. How many times do I have to tell you for you to get it in your head.”
You swallowed back your hurt and opened your mouth to change the topic but he rolled his eyes, “Why do you have to be so insecure? It’s not like I’m dating her.”
Atsumu waited for you to respond but when you answered with your silence, he sighed, “Look, can we stop talking about this? We just won and discussing how insecure you are is only going to ruin the mood.”
“Oh, um, okay,” you murmured, fixing your gaze onto your feet and blinking back your tears.
“Are you coming with us to celebrate?” he asked, not looking back while you trailed behind him and the rest of the team. 
“I’m not feeling too well so I think I’ll just go home,” you whispered.
“Whatever,” he muttered, too caught up in his own thoughts to realize just how much he hurt you. 
You went to bed alone that night, burying your face into your pillow to muffle your sobs. By the time you realized how late it was, you saw that it was 2:00 a.m. and he had yet to come home. 
For a moment, you wondered if he was out with someone other than the team but you quickly pushed the thought out of your mind once you felt your chest ache again. 
Thoughts of whether he still loved you consumed you and you felt the overwhelming pressure to do better and be better but you knew at the end of the day, it would never be enough. 
At the end of the day, you weren’t enough. 
You left the apartment early the next morning, wondering where Atsumu had stayed if he hadn’t come home to you. But you forced yourself to focus on your job, pushing all of your anxiety out of your mind, only to come home to an empty apartment. 
With a heavy heart you got ready for bed and set up a place to sleep on the couch, knowing that if he didn’t come home yesterday, it was most likely because he was drunk and stayed at a friend’s place and would be coming home today.
You laid there, waiting for the familiar jangle of his keys and pondered whether you were making the right decision. But when he opened the door and walked right past you, you knew there was nothing left to be done. 
“Hey, Atsumu.”
His eyes widened at your use of his name and he froze in place. You never called him by his name unless it was something serious and from how swollen your eyes were, he knew it was something you had spent hours crying over.
You took a breath, trying to keep your voice as even as possible, “I think we should break up.”
Atsumu stared at you, shocked. He didn’t expect you to want to break up with him but when he recalled the harsh words he exchanged with you after the match, he winced. He never wanted to hurt you and he opened his mouth to apologize but you began speaking, your chin quivering as you struggled to stop the tears from escaping.
“You deserve better than me,” your voice trembled. “I’m just going to bring you down with my insecurities and I don’t want that.”
You took a moment to compose yourself before continuing, “You deserve to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”
“Baby, no,” Atsumu cried, shaking his head. “No, don’t say that.”
“It’s my fault. I’ll do better just tell me you don’t mean that.”
You choked on a sob, unable to bear the desperation in his gaze. He rarely cried and in the moments that he did, you always tried your best to comfort him. But now, you weren’t sure you were the right person to be wiping away his tears.
“Please, I’m sorry. I love you,” he whispered, walking over to the couch and grabbing your hands in his. “You’re it for me. There’s no one else that could ever compare.”
You stared down at your intertwined hands, “Are you sure? What if choosing me is a mistake.”
Atsumu’s heart clenched at your words. He hated himself for never realizing just how unloved you felt. How did he never notice how much you were hurting?  How much had you been holding back from him because you were afraid of making him unhappy?
“You’re the only certainty in my life,” Atsumu murmured, his gaze softening as you began tearing up again. 
“Well, you and volleyball,” he joked, making you smile. 
“I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you so you never feel this way again,” he vowed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I love you.”
You leaned into his embrace and whispered a quiet “I love you” back. 
You knew the road ahead would be far from perfect but you didn’t mind. Because as long as Atsumu continued being by your side, you had no doubt that everything would be alright. 
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battery-forgot · 3 years
Now, I come mid-week to give you all of my DSMP/MCYT headcanons because I have many
Don’t mind if these are repeated, misspelt, or has no logic, it is block game things and I am not checking over them-- and some will be organized, and some will be random, some might not have a Enter space because these are all ctrl c + ctrl v’ed from a Discord server I am in :]
Skeppy headcanons: Skeppy is 4 billion years old as scientists have thought that is how long ores and diamonds existed for
Skeppy's species is pretty rare
Every diamond that is broken or damaged causes Skeppy to feel a physical pain in his body
His species has lamp tail as they don't have night vision, some of them also have tiny wings that aren't usable, though they can kinda glide short distances with them
Because of his small height, he has taught himself magic to be able to change size, it can hurt him if he goes taller than 5'3, but he is able to get to Foolish's height if he tried
Sometimes random crystals grow on Skeppy's face, though they look different from normal crystals and can be used for things like explosives, though he doesn't know about it
Techno has seen Kristen but doesn't remember it well, though Kristen gave him his crown as a gift
Techno has a collection of skull masks that he has worn, he wears the skulls because of nostalgia now but he used to wear them because he thought they were cool and made him look threatening
Technoblade, Skeppy, Sam, Ranboo, Michael(the son- not Michaelmcchill), Phil, Bad, and some others really like shiny and golden objects
DreamSMP theme/"timeline" is kind of like a steampunk like thing
Drista is DreamXD's sister and DristaXD is Dream's "sister", though they aren't really siblings as they are robots
Drista and DreamXD are clones of DristaXD and Dream, though they actually look nothing alike
Callahan is a mute mini-god that everyone knows exists but doesn't really understand they are a mini-god. They kind of just chill and do what people ask them to do
Phil: Phil is more into traveling than anything else
Though he doesn't mind being a father figure, he doesn't think he is a good one especially after he killed Wilbur
He is able to turn into the size of a crow, though since his wings are now unusable, he doesn't do it as often as it is basically useless
Phil sometimes takes bird baths, though I guess they are always called that-
He has bird legs/talons,but they aren’t fully noticeable
joke headcanon I thought of is that Phil's handwriting is chicken-scratch because he is half-crow
Phil has really good memory, as a crow would
-DreamXD is actually pretty weak in powers, but he acts like he is the strongest person in the server
-Tommy's eye is just completely gone from when Dream killed him, but he covers it with an eyepatch
-Tubbo talks about things to Ranboo thinking he'll forget them, but some stories Ranboo remembers but doesn't speak about it because he doesn't want to make Tubbo worry too much
-Philza wasn't willing to kill Wilbur so Wilbur forced Phil by grabbing his arm and impaling himself
-Dream and Techno sometimes share stories about having ADHD
-Phil didn't really know about Fundy, he knew he existed but had no idea to how he acted, looked, or his actual name
-Wilbur had a letter written to Fundy about how he was sorry for what he was gonna do during November 16th, but the withers blew it up before Fundy knew about it
-Fundy doesn't let anyone hold his hand because it makes him remember the past where he would hold Wilbur's hand a lot
-Change of headcanons: Schlatt and Puffy are cousins, Tubbo was just a random kid that would follow Schlatt for hours a day, waiting for him to acknowledge him
-Dream jumps into the lava in the prison as it reminds him of Sapnap
-Bad was uncomfortable when Sapnap married Big Q and Karl because he went on a date with Quackity before but he still supported them (Yes I know Big Q basically had a divorce with Sap and Karl--)
-Skeppy knows a lot about other's pasts because of how old he is, even traumatizing facts
-Skeppy has a fear of fire (Pyrophobia) and he is kind of scared of Sapnap
-Dream used the revivebook on the cat Tommy killed, but Sam killed it thinking Dream would use the cat against Sam to escape quicker in the future
-Dream doesn't *fully* know why he is in prison, ever since Tommy and Tubbo killed him, a wire/chip broke in his body which made him forget a lot of things. Dream does get told what he had done a lot, but it makes him almost have a panic attack because he thought he was a pretty good person
-Ghostbur is Callahan, they were commanded by DreamXD to become Ghostbur so that everyone could feel like he was still there (Callahan can change who they are completely, but they don't actually know how they acted when as Ghostbur, though that doesn't mean he didn't know what happened, when Dream killed/revived Ghostbur, Callahan got to see what it felt like to die for the first time)
-Fundy has the habit of picking up things and using them at some sort of fidget (examples: knives, leaves, grass, wood, pencils, berry stems, etc.
-Ranboo will be writing/saying something about someone and use pronouns instead of their name or just with the person's name (example: "Puffy she/her was--" or "he/him writing down things") [Basically canon-]
-Tubbo used to headbutt people but stopped after around 2 years because he kept hurting people
-Phil used to squawk randomly when he was a kid, but he mainly just squawks when hiccuping now
-Even though Bad used to get really nervous picking people up because he was afraid he was gonna drop and kill them, he now just picks up everyone randomly... except Foolish and Ranboo
-Foolish is able to shrink to around 7ft, and unless he is building a big build, he will shrink so he can get around easier
-Because Ranboo is only half enderman, he isn't the full height of an enderman (He is only 8'5)
-If someone asks Charlie about his pronouns, out of confusion, he just responds with "Bones!" which sometimes leads Las Nevadas members (or just anyone really) calling him by He/it/Bones
-When Bad was being controlled by the egg, it made him get even more flashbacks about how his species was supposed to act which would end up with him panicking because that isn't who he wants to be (bonus: The more a member infected by the egg would panic, the more the egg would be able to take over the person because they can't focus)
-Kristin has taught Phil how to do makeup in their free-time of hanging out
-Kristin is insanely tall, if she shrinks then she turns more transparent, so she ends up looking more like a ghost when at average height
-Skeppy can't cry, though he still can feel sad
-Bad and Eret talk to eachother quite a lot
-When Tubbo was around 11-14, he would make redstone contraptions, though he doesn't remember how to make most of them now
Ranboo doesn't like photoshoots because he feels like everyone is staring at him, though this does mean he just doesn't have a passport photo, his alternative was to draw what he looked like on the passport but they didn't allow it, as well as Ranboo doesn't really remember what he looks like anyway because they don't like looking in mirrors--
I think this is half-canon but another headcanon is where every SMP is just an island far away from others. In this case, Hermitcraft, 30 day SMP, and other SMPs are all linked up, as for people who are in multiple SMPs, they travel around by boat for awhile, now, the thing I've just not figured out is how tf their look magically changes-like- outfit is decently obvious-- but do they magically transform like an anime girl? Idk- 
Skeppy's voice randomly glitches out, is there an actual reason for this? No.
Quackity’s outfit is similar to Sub Urban’s (In Freak)
Skeppy acts as if he is royalty, he doesn't act rude or demanding unless joking- but he does act as if he is the superior person-
-Skeppy and Slime are the only "people" that don't have steampunk styled clothing because of how old they are
-Skeppy's hair grows insanely quickly and no one knows why, he honestly hates it
-Most of Skeppy's outfits have been made by Bad or Puffy
-Skeppy knows DreamXD as if he is a brother, but he despises him because of something that has happened around 3,000 years ago
-Skeppy has a lot of different shades in their hair on the "inside"(like- the side where his neck is is what I mean, I don't remember if it has a name or not-)
-Like I've said before, Skeppy's eyes are crystallized, but they are somewhat transparent, not enough to where you'd be able to see the inside of his head, but they are still transparent
-In the past, Skeppy didn't like their name which is why they called himself "Skeppy"
-He has an attachment to caves
-When Skeppy was a kid, they had the dream of him filling cave walls with houses of their own
-Skeppy goes by it/they/he
-Skeppy joke flirts with Bad all the time to confuse everyone, Bad doesn't like it because then everyone thinks they are dating which makes him feel a little uncomfortable
-Out of boredom, in the past, Skeppy would climb on the roofs of caves, hang upside down, and try and sleep like a bat
-They have no blood in his body, it is literally just a diamond covered with a thin layer of skin and hair
-Skeppy gets stressed out easily when it comes to learning because it just reminds him of everything he had to get used to as the billion of years he lived went by
-Skeppy used to not be allowed out into the open world, the first time it experienced going outside was when it was 2 billion years old
-Skeppy has accidentally caught things on fire during the day because of the reflecting of the sun, but even then, they are nocturnal so they don't really have to worry about it
-Wilbur adapted to hanging out with Sally in the water, he has some gills, but he can only breathe underwater for a bit longer with them
-Skeppy always has the equivalent of Diamond (armor) except when he was infected by the egg, he was equivalent to the strength of a Ruby
-Infected Skeppy has a redstone glow when touched, so when hugged(or hive fived- or- yeah you get the point), he would give a subtle glow around him until let go
-The Eggpire still can be controlled, but they are able to control it unless angered/upset
-Skeppy was 6ft when infected, now he is 3′9 un-infected
-At this point, Dream likes the prison because he sometimes feels safe there, like no one can hurt him
-DristaXD is more of a ghost robot than an actual robot
-DristaXD's hobby is murdering people and has basically been in some sort of jail before, she has broken chains around their ankles and hands, it seems to have been made of a really strong material as wel
-Sapnap used to have fire wings, but when he had to get extinguished, they disappeared, they are still there, they just aren't visible until dunked in lava and Sapnap can't use them anymore
-Infected Bad still took care of Sapnap, but Sapnap never cared
-Sapnap takes the name "lava cake" too seriously... though he thinks the literal lava cakes he makes taste good
-Puffy's hair has been dyed blue by Ghostbur before because he wanted people to remember Friend if they ever disappeared
-Going with my Ghostbur as Callahan hc, when Ghostbur was killed, Callahan kind of glitched between realities and so Ghostburs body glitched from Callahan's body and Ghostbur's then just disappeared. Callahan is still alive but they randomly glitch into different realities, he has glitched into places Karl has gone, including The Inbetween.
-When Ghostbur was glitching back into Callahan after killed, it shocked and concerned Dream
There you go :]
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filterjeons · 4 years
only you | kth
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✦ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✦ summary: you didn’t like getting jealous but it was hard not to, especially since taehyung is the man of every girl’s dreams. luckily, he convinces you that he has his eyes for only you
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut
✦ word count: 10.4k
✦ warnings: hard dom!tae, dirty talk, rough sex, degradation, spanking w paddle, orgasm denial, usage of toys (vibrator and anal beads), oral (m and f receiving), handcuffs, daddy kink, sadism/masochism, cumplay??, hand kink, aftercare 🥰, poor y/n acting bratty 😔, slight slight angst (nearly non-existent), yeri and joy being my spirit animals, and cute ending <3 (tf was that warnings list….n e ways)
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You scoff at your boyfriend talking excitedly with your co-worker Irene about an art museum that opened up downtown. As you swirl your straw into the whipped cream of your strawberry milkshake, you mentally kick yourself at your look for a hang-out with your friends. The light blue dress was no match for Irene’s more mature pantsuit which suited her body well. What’s worse was you wore your iconic pigtails, instantly making you look like a child compared to everyone else’s more sophisticated clothes. Even Taehyung, who was just wearing a black T-shirt that fits his form well and beige pants, looked ten times better than you. 
You typically have a lot of self-confidence because after years of being bullied for looking like an elementary schooler, you didn’t have time to mope about yourself and you slowly started to not care anymore but today you feel it all goes down the drain.
“I think Van Gogh’s art is one of my favorites because…” you drown out their conversation and place your head on your hands with annoyance etched all over your face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N~?” Yeri teases, shaking you affectionately. You only grunt in response, which made your close friend giggle. “Is it that time of the month again?” You nod (although it was a lie) as you keep staring at Taehyung and Irene, feeling your stomach do somersaults whenever you see them laugh. Although Taehyung had an intimidating demeanor, he was very sweet and made friends easily. Good for him, since he could make friends with the entire town if he tried. Unfortunately for you, he was prone to many girls being drawn to him like a moth to light and constantly asking for his number, only to give you looks of disgust once they found out that you were his girlfriend. 
Why is he dating some girl who looks like a high school freshman?
Are you sure she’s 20? She looks like a 14 year old!
You absolutely hated that you were treated as a child. The looks you received whenever you walked down the street with Tae already made you feel uncomfortable. You knew you were never good enough and you were terrified that he’ll leave you for someone else, causing your jealous tendencies to kick in. There were plenty of fish in the sea and yet he chose you. You were surprised that he hasn’t broken up with you for your much hotter senior Irene.
Irene and you just strictly had a professional relationship, especially since she was above you in the workplace, and the only person she had a crush on is Kang Seulgi, the founder of a local dance studio near the building where you work. After your work shifts, you would sometimes stop by and watch kids train to be artists, reminding you of the dreams you once had when you were young.
Although you would give anything to be on a stage performing for millions of fans, you were content with your job as a fashion designer and be with your boyfriend who’s such a big flirt. 
“Did anyone tell you that you look like a 6th grader because you’re short and have no boobs?” your other friend Joy cackles, finding your annoyed reactions a source of comedy. Yeri chimes in with the harassment as they continuously made fun of your stature. You immediately throw French fries from Taehyung’s plate at them, embarrassment and anger bubbling inside you from the all-too-familiar teasing. It was different because you were close to Joy and Yeri but it still hurts as they were much more beautiful than you. You couldn’t compare to any of the sexier and mature girls and you didn’t like that way. 
“Aww, don’t say that! She’s still very gorgeous to me and trust me, her boobs are nice,” Taehyung smiled, placing your head on your shoulder. You relished in his praise before realizing that you were mad at him as you immediately pull your head up and look away from him. He looks back at you with confusion on why you were acting that way. Maybe something happened at work or you’re just having a bad day, but he wants to help you in the best way that he can. 
“TMI, man!” Yeri gagged dramatically, Joy following suit as they started to goof around. You would join them but you were still upset. Irene liked girls and Taehyung only had eyes for you so why were you so jealous? Despite your constant second-guessing, your heart was set that you were mad at him, even though the reason was extremely childish. Irene softly chuckled at you three before turning Taehyung’s attention back on her. 
“So, would you like to go to the museum with me sometime?” Irene asked calmly, somehow acting like nothing’s going on. Your insides were fuming, knowing that he’ll say yes because of how sweet he was. You grip Taehyung’s hand, trying to signal him to refuse but when his head bobbed up and down, you knew it was no use. 
“Yeah sure, let me know what time you’d like to go!” he smiled politely to which Irene returned the same
Oh no he didn’t. Not only will the town gossip think that your boyfriend dumped you for Irene but what if he starts to have feelings for her and throw you away? If there was one thing you loved the most in the world, it was Taehyung and you just weren’t ready to let him go.
You’re acting so stupid. It’s just a normal friendly hangout- Despite your head’s protest, you got up dramatically and glared at the two of them.
“Uh y’know what, I’m going to go home now. Irene, I’ll email you the designs for the future lineup and Taehyung, I hope you have fun hanging out at the museum or whatever. If you ever need me, I’ll be in my room by myself and I don’t want you near me,” you spat, immediately getting up and storming out of the diner. You knew you were acting extremely immature and some part of you regret it but how come he doesn’t like it when you interact with your guy friends but it doesn’t work the other way around? 
“Y/N sweetie-” he tried to go after you but you were already out of the door. He sighed with frustration, annoyed that he didn’t get to explain his side. 
“I think we should cancel since your girlfriend’s upset. I’m sorry, it was wrong for me to ask you to hang out and I know that we see each other as friends only. I just wanted to ask you because I was thinking about taking Seulgi there and she really likes art plus I figured Y/N would enjoy that kind of date,” Irene sighed, regret forming in her eyes.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I’ll talk to her, she’ll understand once she hears the full story.” Taehyung bids the girls farewell and runs after you. Irene gives him a nod as Joy and Yeri sit uncomfortably. 
“Well, who’s gonna pay the bill?” Yeri shrugged and all eyes were immediately on Irene, who only replied with an eye roll. 
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You refused to come out of your room for the rest of the day, still holding onto that grudge. Taehyung was getting annoyed at your lack of communication, he initially tried to get in by baking your favorite cookies but you didn't budge. You didn’t like ignoring Taehyung as well and you would rather be in his arms instead of sewing dresses for work but your petty heart didn’t want to let go.
You tried reasoning with yourself but once you’re set on something, you can’t get yourself to go the other way. As you stitch pieces of fabric together, the temptation grows even more.
Eventually, you couldn’t be cooped up in your room forever so as you sneakily made your way down to your kitchen to get some of Taehyung’s cookies (although he didn’t know how to put on an apron, he was an amazing baker), you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and his body behind yours. You gasped at the shock as his low chuckle vibrated against your back.
“Got you baby!” he grinned, hugging you tightly. You wanted to melt yourself into his embrace and beg for his forgiveness but a part of you wanted to prolong the chase and continue to be a brat because inside that sweetheart is a scary hard dom, and you wanted to see him turn aggressive. His duality always kills you and as much as you love being sweet and soft with him, his dominant aura is always your favorite. 
“Leave me alone,” you grumbled, trying to push him off but he still kept on, even when you’re trying to go back to your room. 
“I’m not going to let you go~,” he said in a sing-song voice, clinging onto your back like a koala. You debated to yourself if you wanted to do this and on a whim, you did what would be one of the scariest things in your life.
“Leave me the fuck alone! Go away, I-” you growled, using your force to push him out and that’s when you immediately knew you fucked up. 
“Go on, repeat those fucking words,” Taehyung’s voice suddenly dropped extremely low, thanks to him being a baritone as he turned your shoulders around to face him. His eyes were now filled with anger and lust and you felt sweat dripping down your back, you knew you were in trouble. 
“I-I-” you couldn’t find the courage to talk, your heart was pounding against your chest and you knew that you can’t make a comeback so you immediately got into your submissive position on your knees, fear evident in your face. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy! I-I didn’t mean it-” you blubbered, knowing that he’s not going to go easy on you tonight and you were terrified of what was to come. 
Taehyung only scoffed and pulled you up, dragging you into your shared bedroom by your hair and manhandling you onto your bed on all fours. You felt your heartbeat a billion times faster and you tried sticking your ass out to feel him but to your dismay, there wasn’t his familiar warmth. He was on the other side of the room, going through the black box in his closet that kept all of your toys. You tried decorating it to at least make the outside look cute but it still looks intimidating inside and out. 
“You’ve been such a brat today and it made Daddy so fucking angry. Now tell me baby girl, why am I mad at you?” 
“U-um, I was jealous towards Irene, I was overreacting, I didn’t talk to you about it, and I was a meanie bitch and ignoring you.” “Do you wanna know why Irene asked me out that time? She wanted to go because she was thinking about taking Seulgi on her first date there and she asked me to visit it with her to see if you might be interested in going with me sometime. I assume you already know that Irene liked girls but you were jealous for what? Do you not believe me when I say I love you everyday?” You felt your heart drop to your chest as you started to cry with embarrassment and shame on how you acted. You definitely shouldn’t have stormed out without an explanation and here you are paying the price for it. 
“I-I’m sor-” “I’m not accepting any apology from you tonight because it’s my turn to be mad. Don’t think you’re getting a break tonight because the only way to make up for what you did today is to take everything that I give you. Are you going to obey or be the naughty slut that you’re always are?” he suddenly appeared next to you and growled deep into your ear, nibbling your earlobe. You nodded quickly, your panties slowly becoming wet as butterflies started to fill your stomach. 
He felt your panties underneath your dress and scoffed at the slick coming out. “Stupid fuckslut likes that? Of course she does because she’ll do anything just to get a cock stuffed inside her. What a shame, I thought you were a good girl but I guess I was wrong. You’re just a dumb little baby.” You mewled quietly at his degradation, his voice was cold and cruel but it was such a turn on. 
“What’s the safe word, honey?” “S-star-” “Alright then, fifty slaps with no exceptions. Don’t think you can bargain with me baby because I’m not going any lower,” he snarled, tearing your flimsy panties off and massaging your ass cheeks to prepare you for what’s going to come, a small act of kindness in comparison to his terrifying aura. “Count bitch.” 
You braced yourself for the sharp hit but instead of his familiar calloused hand, your ass was met with a harder sting that immediately turned your flesh red. You widen your eyes as you piece together what’s happening. Although Taehyung bought a paddle long ago, he never had any reason to use it but today was the day because of your bratty behavior. 
After that slap, it was hard for you to talk due to how sudden the hit was. Tears were threatening to fall down your face as you tried to take in the spank. 
“Did I fucking stutter? I said count,” he said sternly, hitting you again and snapping you out of your daze. 
“O-oh, one!” you cried, your ass hurting from the force of the paddle. What’s worse is that it’s a wooden one, leaving your marks and bruises for the next day. Although it’s the weekend, you were sure that you’re not going to sit properly for a whole week. Then again, have you ever sat normally whenever Taehyung fucks you? Meanwhile, Taehyung is completely enjoying the red and purple bruises that are forming in your skin as he hits all of his frustration at your behavior to your ass. It sounds completely wrong but the way your body reacts to the paddle and your choked moans and whimpers of pain is just a turn on to him. He never knew he liked having you act like this until he put you in this position, giving him all of the control. His pants started to tighten as he thinks about you attempting to walk or sit down after he’s done with you. 
You stifle in sobs as you called out numbers following the hits you received. Despite the absolute pain you felt, you could feel even more slick coming down your thighs as he continues to smack the back of your thighs and your ass. Even though a part of you is chiding you for finding some pleasure in being hurt like this, you liked the pain nonetheless. 
Apparently, your arousal couldn’t be more obvious because as he reached the halfway point of his 50 spanks, he started to notice how wet your pussy was.
“Wow, you fucking slut, you seem to be enjoying this huh? Does it turn you on? Does being in pain get you off?” he mocked, your heart taking his words sensitively. You let out a shaky moan, nodding with pleasure flowing through your body. 
“Well lucky for you because I like this as well. Honestly, I like it too much if I’m being completely honest.” You were shocked at his confession, trying to consume the fact that your sweetheart boyfriend actually liked hurting you. It was definitely a surprise but for some sick reason, it was such a turn on. Hey, maybe you two were truly meant for each other because you liked the pain that he gave you. However, that statement was a distraction from your current situation at hand. He started to slam the paddle faster, the pain hurting 10 times more and you swore that there will be splinters by tomorrow. You let out screams and higher-pitched moans from the impact, covering your face with your pillow to somehow relieve you from his actions. 
“Did you want to piss me off? Were you that much of a horny bitch that you’ll do anything to have my big cock stuffed inside you? No, I don’t have to ask that because I know you do. You’re aching in that tight little pussy from my words, huh? Even though you’re lowkey scared of it, you’re getting wet from the spanking. Stupid little cockwhore.” You could nearly cum from his cruel words, his deep and raspy voice talking to you as if you’re inferior to him. You could barely form words now as you just drooled and babbled on the pillow. 
He landed the last two hits on the back of your thighs and the top of your ass respectively. Just for the fun and pleasure for him, he gave you an additional slap with his hand and giggled at your sobs from the surprise. 
“Jesus, that was so hot. I nearly jizzed in my pants thanks to you. Seeing you in pain is such a turn on,” Taehyung muttered, sitting next to you on the bed and facing you towards him. He mockingly pouted at your sniffling face, wiping away the tears that were splattered around your cheeks.
“Are you okay? Did I go too hard?” he asked with concern, a complete 180 from what he was before as he gave you small kisses on your face. You found it so sweet how as much as he likes punishing you, he still cares so much about your safety because he is your boyfriend after all. Although the spanking was intense, you weren’t in danger and everything was consented. 
“Daddy...I’m okay,” you croaked, trying to nuzzle your face in the crook of your neck and although his eyes showed some warmth, his face turned expressionless after a minute of checking up on you.
“Did you learn your lesson yet?” 
You knew that this was like child’s play to him and he can go longer. Even though you were kind of nervous, you wanted him to snap and show his scarier side. You shook your head in response to his question, starting to revert back to your bratty self. “Well, that was nothing. I don’t know if you can handle me but it didn’t work.” Taehyung obviously didn't believe you, judging from the look in your eyes and your quick movements that you were clearly affected by the spanking. He also knew that you were lying right out of your teeth and you want him to put you in your place. Obviously, it’s what he’s going to do. He’s going to make you learn your lesson no matter how much you’re going to act up because a fact that Kim Taehyung knows is that there’s no better brat-tamer than him. 
“Hmm, I don’t think I can forgive you yet because you’re still lying like dumb little girls do when they want something. How sad, I guess you’re going to need more punishments until I get that attitude out of you,” he says, feigning disappointment in his tone. 
You felt your heart dance at his words before realizing that he has more in mind than the spanking. You whimper at his words and he rolled his eyes at you, knowing how much you’re enjoying this. 
All of a sudden, he ripped off your dress like it was nothing, the now ruined fabric fluttering lifelessly towards the ground. How was he able to tear it apart like that? Has he been working out?, you thought, especially since you swore that the dress was hard to tear. You whined at what he did, especially since it was a staple part of your wardrobe and one of your favorites. However, he didn’t care about your reactions as he easily snapped your bra into two pieces, throwing the destroyed material in some corner of the room. 
A wave of embarrassment ran through your body at the fact that you were completely bare and he was still clothed. You tried to cover your chest but it was no use as he forcefully pulled your arms away, exposing your breasts to him. 
“Your body is so beautiful, don’t be shy,” he crooned, playing with your nipples and flicking the sensitive bud. Taehyung’s face went up to your neck, kissing your sensitive spots and sucking on it to make hickeys. “But they’d look more gorgeous with my marks, huh?” You let out a shaky moan, already turned on by his ministrations and the ache between your legs growing worse but to your dismay, he ended there and got off of the bed. Disappointed at his sudden stop, you started to whine and thrash among the sheets but a sharp glare from him had you obey instantly. 
“Stay there baby girl, you’re definitely not off the hook,” he sighed, walking back to the black box to retrieve some of the toys. You inhaled a shaky breath, nervous on what’s going to happen. You tried to peer behind his broad back to see what he picked up but you could only hear his sinister chuckle instead. 
“D-daddy, what are we gonna be using?” you squeaked, hating the obvious fear in your voice because he knows that you’re nervous about what he’s going to do and use it to your advantage. Your boyfriend comes back and throws a bunch of toys on the bed, each one somehow being more intense than the previous. The handcuffs and vibrator were easily familiar to you as you’ve used them before but the last toy was what caught your attention the most. 
Anal beads?! He’s absolutely insane!, you internally screamed, staring at him with wide eyes while he brought a bottle of strawberry lube on the nightstand. It wasn’t like you were scared of it or anything, it was just so surprising that he’s going to use it on you now. You’ve heard about them from Joy who said that although the feeling was strange at first, it felt good later on and you took her word in mind. Now that the toy was out in the open, it reminded you of when you saw it in the box while you were searching for your sewing kit and talked to Taehyung about it. While you both decided that you’ll wait a bit until there was a time where it’ll be used, you never thought it would happen now (but you sort of understand as you are getting punished now).
“Are you ready honey? Is this okay?” he asked gently, rubbing your back to calm you down. You nodded, slowly feeling your nerves go away after some reassurance. 
“What about you? Do you think you’re ready?” you sassed back, the all-too familiar bratty attitude showing. “Oh, you wanna play that game? I’m just worried because you can barely take my dick but since you’ve been too naughty, you’re gonna take it like a good girl,” he teased, a blush forming in your cheeks as he settled you down on all fours. Compared to your height and Taehyung’s, he was obviously huge under his pants and although you liked getting dicked down until the next day, the aftermath is definitely not that pleasurable. 
You instructed yourself to take deep breaths, bracing yourself for the toy. 
“You ready, kitten?” he called out from behind and you nodded rapidly, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. All of a sudden you felt the first bead ram inside you, making you feel sparks of pleasure. “That’s my good girl.”
Luckily, there were a total of three beads for a start since it was your first time but the first one already felt huge. Maybe it’s due to your inability to take big stuff well but you were terrified on the other two that are twice as big.
“O-oh my god...I-“ you gasped out, trying to accommodate the small sphere into your hole. 
“Why are you acting like it’s too much for you? Come on, I know you can take more than that,” he chided playfully, lubing the second bead to insert it inside you.
“I-I- don’t know if I can!”
“Shh, you want Daddy to forgive you right? You’re my big girl, it’ll be alright.”
You let out a whine as the second was inserted, making you feel full already. Taehyung thumbs at your hole soothingly to try to make you less worried and to make the bead more comfortable in you.
He observes your state right now: your face red from the stimulation and smothered on the plush pillows, your body was bent to display your gaping hole, and your walls fluttering around the pink bead to accommodate the intrusion. Your position was just enough to make his pants feel increasingly tight and uncomfortable.
“Damn, you look so sexy,” he murmured, his praise making you feel good and embarrassed at the same time.
“One more sweetie, one more.” That was the sentence that had you in fear. Surely two beads was enough for you, it’s gonna be hard for you to take the full thing!
“Daddy, i-it’s too much! I don’t think I can handle it!” you cried but the pillow muffled your words.
“You got this, you’ve been a good girl so far,” Taehyung coos, tapping the end of the bead that was currently in you to tease you. With his praise in mind, you decided to go through it as you tried to spread your legs and push your ass out even more to make the last bead more comfortable in you.
Luckily, he was kind enough to add a large amount of lube to make it less painful while toying with the end of the previous one inside you. 
You focused on relaxing yourself so that you’re not tense and reveled in his gentle motions against you. After one more, it’ll all be over, right?
“Good girl, you’ve been such a good girl for me. One more, okay?” 
He slowly inserted the last bead, watching your hole attempt to expand and take it in. You let out a squeal, trying to fit it inside. Your boyfriend watches your fluttering walls straining around the pink toy as it stretches to fit it in alongside the other beads. Eventually, you made it fit with the aftermath of being completely plugged up in your behind.
“Hah~ oh, s-so big,” you moaned, trying so hard to fit the beads inside you. Your nerves were on fire, the toy giving you new sensations you never knew you could feel. It didn’t hurt but you felt full despite only being three spheres.
“That’s my good girl,” Taehyung sighed with content, tapping the end of the last bead to slowly push it inside you by centimeter.
“Daddy, it’s too much! I-I-I don’t think I can do it, it’s too big-“
With one quick motion, Taehyung flipped you on your back and you felt the beads push deeper in your hole, hitting your spots.
“Aww, my little slut can’t take it? Is she too sensitive? Such a little baby, you look so cute in this position, especially since you’re so sensitive!” Taehyung cooed as you let out broken moans due to the overwhelming pleasure. “You’re lucky that I’m not that mad as I was before. Keep those beads in you until I decide when I want to take them out.”
You nodded blankly, his words barely registering in your hazy mind. You didn’t know how much longer you can to, especially since Taehyung sounds like he wants to fuck you stupid. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asked softly, waving a hand over your face. Quickly snapping out of your daze, you nodded and tried to snuggle up towards him. He laughed at the cute action, playing along with the simple moment until he brought out a pair of handcuffs in front of your face. Yup, you’re still in trouble, you sighed to yourself, forgetting about why he’s acting that way.
“It’s not the furry ones?” you pouted, blatantly swallowing at the hard metal.
“You’ve done too much to even think about getting the soft ones. It’s okay, you won’t feel the pain once I make you feel good.” Obediently, you brought out your wrists without him asking and he attached the cuffs within a second. Surprisingly, he gave you a kiss on the cheek and patted your head affectionately, your all-too familiar kind boyfriend emerging for a split-second.
“You’ve been a good girl so far, keep it up and maybe your punishment will end quickly,” he murmured, massaging your sides and spreading your legs apart. You felt him kiss the inside of your thighs and kitty-licking your slit, the teasing immediately turning you on even more.
“T-tae,” Although he was barely doing anything, you already felt even more sensitive especially with the anal beads inside you. You wanted to tug on his dark black locks, at least clutching onto a part of his body, but the handcuffs made it impossible to. It wasn’t even chained to the bed but it was no use fighting against it.
Taehyung could sense how impatient you were, your hips thrusting up uncontrollably to try to at least have some more movement inside your aching pussy. He chuckled to himself at how he made you instantly want him but since he’s in charge, he gets to decide whether or not to pleasure you.
“Shh, only patient little girls get what they want. What’s the magic word?”
Is he seriously doing this right now?, you thought but you immediately answered the question, desperate to at least have something. It must’ve been obvious how needy you’ve gotten because Taehyung’s long slender fingers were inserted in you with no warning.
You let out a shaky moan, your cunt immediately clenching around his fingers as he pushed them in and out at a quick pace. Your brain was completely fried as you couldn’t think or say anything except the feeling of euphoria you were in. Despite having his fingers inside you before, it felt more sensitive and pleasurable this time and you were ready to cum.
Unfortunately for you, he pulled his hand away from your needy pussy despite your attempts to trap it with your thighs. You started to whine and kick from the denial, upset that you didn’t get to finish.
“Calm down, we haven’t gotten to the real fun yet. You’ll be my good girl, right?” he said calmly, reaching over for the vibrator and inserting the batteries in. Normally, the pink toy didn’t have an effect on you because you used it numerous times while Tae was gone but for some reason, you felt nervous as if it was your first time using toys. You absolutely knew he was going to edge the hell out of you and although it was not that pleasurable for you, the build-up to your orgasm only for it to be cut away is a source of entertainment for him. 
But since you’ve been consistently good ever since he put in the anal beads, you were hoping that he’d let you come this time. 
You felt the head of the vibrator rub against your folds, the moisture slowly gathering onto the tip and the sheets. It was currently at the lowest speed and you were aching for it to be filled inside you. The buzzing of the toy was the only sound that rang out in the room and Taehyung didn’t say a word but his expression told you about what he’s going to do. 
All of a sudden, he suddenly inserted the vibrator inside you, the sudden intrusion igniting a small fire inside your body as it tries to take in the sensation. Even though the feeling shouldn’t be completely new to you, you felt overly sensitive like it was your first time. 
“T-tae, oh my god. I-i, oh...” you moaned lightly, wanting to feel a part of him but he prevented that from happening. Knowing the effect that he had on you, Taehyung slowly started to peel off his shirt due to the increasing temperature in the bedroom. With his tanned skin and toned stomach on display, the temptation of wanting to break free from the handcuffs was just too much. 
“Yeah? Does it feel good? Are you glad you finally had something in that slutty cunt?” he taunted, turning the vibration up to the highest. The switch in level made you clench around the toy tightly, slick coming out of your system rapidly. He aimed the head to your clit, making the sensation feeling even better and getting you near your orgasm. 
Your body felt like it was on fire as you didn’t know where to focus yourself on. Since Taehyung restricted you from grabbing onto something to settle yourself, it just felt like you were in a different headspace. The amount of pullings you did onto the handcuffs are going to leave marks on your wrists but honestly, it was the least of your concerns at this point. 
He suddenly removes the wand from your clenching pussy, hovering it around your folds as you leave more slick from the slight movement the vibrator had on you despite not completely being inside you. Your juices were drenching onto the bedsheets and his hand and a part of you felt embarrassed but if Taehyung had no shame, neither then you. 
“Do you want something inside you? Does your cute little pussy want to be filled up?” he said darkly, waving his long and slender fingers in front of your face. He absolutely knows how much you love his fingers, at least 3 of them filling you up well. 
“Y-yes daddy, mmph, p-please fill me up with your long, oh god, fingers…” you purred, your eyes drooping from how much pleasure you’re receiving. 
“Keep your eyes up babygirl, I want you to stare at me while I make you feel good.” Taehyung aligns the head against your clit again as he inserted one of his fingers inside. The action caused you to let out a small scream, your body starting to shake on how much he’s doing to you. 
“T-Taehyung-” “Is that my name?” “I’m sorry, D-daddy! I-i-it’s so much, I don’t know if I can take it!” you whimpered, your juices coming out of you at an increasingly fast rate and your hands pathetically thrashing onto the restrains. 
“Yeah? My little baby can take it, this is nothing isn’t it?” he smirks, adding two more fingers to completely stretch your walls out. You felt yourself jolt from the increased action, tears starting to form at the corner of your eyes. 
“Da..daddy, shit, shit, oh, it’s so much, I, I,” you mewled, your body in cloud nine as you try to form sentences in your brain. Although you didn’t talk much, your moans and whimpers were music to his ears as Taehyung was satisfied with himself that he got you in this way. 
“Aww, it’s too much? Too bad, you know you want more than a vibrator. I know you’re dying for me to pound this tiny little pussy with my big fat cock. You want to feel my dick deep inside your stomach and try to keep my cum inside you, huh? Do you want that, you little fucktoy?” 
You didn’t know how he could read you like a book but it was what you wanted nonetheless. A flash of pink flew across the room before hitting against the wall, the identity being the vibrator that Taehyung was using on you a few minutes ago. Although you could still feel his fingers pump inside you, your clit was instead covered by his mouth. 
“Ahh! Oh my god, oh my god! Daddy!” you shrieked, your attention being directed on him. He swirls the bud with the flat of his tongue and occasionally flicked it to help send you off. Surprisingly, his fingers were still moving as well and you felt them hit the spongy texture of your g-spot, your body reacting to the sensation sensitively. 
You felt the all-too familiar knot in your stomach, signalling your orgasm. With the insane amount of pleasure, he would be too cruel to deny it. With your mind becoming absolutely hazy, the last thought you had was to finally release. 
Unfortunately, your thoughts weren’t answered because after a few more pumps, he immediately pulled his fingers out and his mouth was nowhere to be found on your clit. 
“Do you think I’m gonna let you cum? I don’t think so,” he mocked, sucking off the liquids and watching your body thrash against the bed from the denial. 
“Wh-what? Why? Why?” you whined loudly, the build-up fading away and your mind was back to the present. Of course he wasn’t going to let you cum right away despite how good you were because it was still a punishment. 
“Because I said so,” he stated in a matter-of-fact way, mesmerized at your body’s reactions. 
“But I’ve been good! I obeyed when you put in the anal beads-” “That’s not enough though.” 
“What the actual hell? You’re such a dick!” you muttered angrily, trying to catch yourself from the denial. Although it was pretty quiet, Taehyung’s ears picked it up and he was definitely not happy with what you said. 
“What the fuck did you say?” he growled, placing himself next to you and choking your throat with just enough force that was typical whenever you were acting up. You gasped at the lack of oxygen as you tried to form an excuse. 
“I-I’m sorry-” “Shut up. I thought I fucked the attitude out of you but I guess you still need to be taught a lesson. You’ve been using your bratty mouth too much, perhaps you’ll learn how to silence yourself with my cock inside it,” he snarled, standing up to remove his pants and boxers, the outline of his dick already making you hot and bothered. 
Although you’ve been living with your boyfriend for a long time now, his dick size never fails to impress you. Unfortunately, it means that he’s not going to have mercy on you, especially since you pissed him off. 
“I thought you were going to be a good girl but you just love acting up, do you? Do you like being a stupid slut? Did my little girl grow up to be a dumb brat?” he scoffed, pulling down his undergarments to reveal his huge cock, the tip hitting his belly button area before standing up proudly. You felt your mouth water at his size, wanting to take the whole thing inside you. 
“Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to obey like a good baby or are you going to keep on talking with that bratty little voice?” he snapped, taking you out of your gazing. You nodded obediently, not saying a word otherwise you would get in even more trouble. Taehyung stroked his cock for a bit, the pre-cum acting as lube to make it easier for you to swallow. 
Once his tip was placed in front of your lips, you immediately opened and took his length inside you, trying to fit as much as you can. Normally, you could suck a good half but since you’re on thin ice from your behavior, he’s definitely going to make you take the whole thing. Hearing his low husky moans made you feel better, knowing that you’re at least doing it right. 
You could feel him inch deeper inside you until you were nose deep between his balls. Taehyung’s head was thrown back and sweat was dripping down his face as his tip went past your gag reflex, the warm and wet sensation making the feeling extremely sensational. 
“D-addy, do you want me to-” you garbled, trying to form words but they came out as mostly gibberish due to the amount in your throat. 
“Choke on it, slut.” He starts to thrust forwards and backwards at a fast pace, one that you’re not accustomed to. Due to his length being too much for you to handle, you felt a long stream of tears flow down your cheeks as you try to hollow your throat to accommodate him.
“God, that feels so good. Finally my little baby is using her mouth for something good,” he grunts, placing his hands on your shoulders to thrust quicker. The low moans and growls he makes while you suck his dick turns you on, the all-too familiar ache between your legs building up again. “Do you like gagging on my cock baby girl?” You let out a nod which only made your breathing harder so you instructed yourself to breathe through your nose. Taehyung wasn’t looking empathetic for now as he smiled sadistically while chasing his own high. 
With your face being near the base of his cock and your jaw slacked to attempt to take him and make it easier for you, you truly thought he was cruel for making you take him whole. Hearing your little gags and garbles starts to make him go faster as he thrusts in and out of your mouth at an inhuman-like pace while you try to suck on him better to get more of his reactions. 
“God, you look so fucking hot like this. Your mouth feels so so good, I’m gonna cum,” he gasps, your little whimpers vibrating against the underside of his shaft. You felt a line of saliva flow down the corner of your mouth as your throat starts to close around his dick. 
“Gonna cum, yeah fuck baby, I’m gonna cum,” he chants, his thrusts slowing down and after a loud moan of your name, his hot and sticky liquid spurted down your throat. You decided to take it down your throat, slowly sucking on it to clean his seed from his dick as he gently took it out from your mouth. With the length removed, you let out a deep gasp of breath as you struggled to breathe properly. 
“Whoa, baby, are you okay?” he asked, patting your back gently in an attempt to help you breathe. After a few minutes of clearing your throat, you nodded while wincing from the ache from the back of your throat. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be okay,” you gasped, slowly breathing in and out. 
“Good,” he beamed before turning back into his dominant self. However, instead of the coldness that he showed you before, his eyes are more playful and loving. “Did you learn your lesson?” You nodded weakly, cuddling your face against his chest. “I did, I’m extremely sorry Daddy! I didn’t mean to say that.” He pretended to think deeply as if he wanted to accept your apology or not. You prayed that he does because you’ve already been punished enough. 
“It’s okay baby, I forgive you,” he smiled, his iconic box smile popping up on his sunshine-like face. “But know that I’ll always be yours, no matter what and I hope the same for you.” “Duh, now shut up and kiss me,” you snarked and although he rolled his eyes at your abrasive personality, he complied anyways.
“Hold on, let me take your toys off,” he sighed, unlocking the handcuffs and bending you over to remove the anal beads. You moan from the movement as you’ve gotten accustomed to the toy inside you. You watch intently as he carefully places them on the nightstand to disinfect later and carries you to the bed. “You ready for my dick, baby girl?” His tip was placed against your folds, teasing you slowly. You let out a shaky moan, wanting this just as much as he does. Taehyung took it as a yes as he slowly entered inside you, grunting from the inclusion. “Damn, you’ve gotten so much tighter, huh?” You just let out shaky moans and whimpers in response as you feel him completely enter you and fill you up. Your walls were fluttering around his length as you tried to take as much as him in, causing him to let out a low groan. 
“Jesus fuck…” he grunted, as he immediately took his cock out, hovered it above your cunt, and slammed it inside you with such force. You let out a scream from the action, catching you off guard as you try to match up with his quick pace. 
Like it was nothing, Taehyung snapped his hips quickly like it was child’s play as he fucks you deeper and harder, more intense than all of your previous rounds. He touches his bulge that’s deep inside your stomach, causing you to let out a whimper from his smirking face upon you. 
“Yeah, does my little baby like being filled up and having my cock be deep inside her?” he asks while fucking you like no tomorrow. 
“O-oh my god, yea, yes Daddy,” you purred, your half-droopy eyes interlocking with his, a simple but cherished action he likes during sex. It can be intense and a bit awkward at times, especially since he has a look that could make anyone fall on their knees on a normal day, but his dark starry eyes were to die for. After a minute, you look away with embarrassment but Taehyung cups your cheek and continues to stare for a moment longer. 
“Don’t look away from me baby, I wish you can see how much your cute face looks while you’re getting your pussy pounded.” You were getting close to your orgasm again, your pussy clenching and fluttering around his dick. He could sense it too as he starts to pick up the pace and hit against your g-spot more often. “Shit, kitten, are you going to cum now? F-fuck yeah, cum for me now. I wanna see your cute face while you cream around my big dick.” His words were like the tipping point for you to orgasm as the knot that was building up finally lets out. You let out a scream as you felt your liquids gush around him, your mind having no thoughts in the world other than the feeling you have right now and your body is shaking violently from the pleasure. But instead of your usual intensity of an orgasm, you felt yourself squirt everywhere. Not only were your juices splattered onto your boyfriend’s cock but you felt the area around you feel drenched and some of them got onto Taehyung’s stomach and arms. 
He stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth as he started to thrust sloppily, chasing after his high as well due to the sight. “Fucking shit, you squirted all over me baby. Damn that was so hot.” You whimpered from the sensitivity as he continued, his grunts and moans increasing in volume. “Jesus fuck, holy shit, the things you do to me baby girl.” After letting out a guttural grunt, his dick started to inflate and shoot out thick loads of his seed into your battered cunt. Taehyung slowly exited himself out of you and flopped down on the bed next to you while pushing his long fingers inside to keep his cum in there. You let out a squeal from the intrusion as he slowly brought some of his load in front of your face and tapped on your lips, slightly coating them.
“Can I have them Daddy?” you whispered and he gave you a nod in response. Like there was no tomorrow, you immediately inserted his fingers into your mouth and wantonly sucked on them, savoring the salty taste of his cum. He raised an eyebrow at your behavior and pushed them deeper, the flat of his fingers feeling the back of your mouth. This caused you to gag, the action reminding you when you were sucking on his dick a while ago. 
“O-okay baby that’s enough unless you want to go for another round, but I assume you’re too tired from that,” Taehyung laughed softly, slowly pulling them out to which you whined from the loss. “Are you okay, did I go too far? You did so well.” “Y-yeah, I’m okay,” you mumbled but he still wasn’t completely convinced. His duality always kills you but you were here for it anyways. 
“No, I must’ve gone too far. At any moment, did you feel like you wanted to use the safe word? Remember that if-” “Taehyungie, you were okay! I’m okay and I didn’t want to use it. Besides, you were really hot dominating me like that,” you tried to assure him, rubbing his arms (which have gotten buffer) gently. “You took care of me well too.” “I’m glad to hear that! Hold on babe, I’m going to clean you up and get you some clothes.” He already left to go to the bathroom and during that, it gave you some time to think over your thoughts. Taehyung was truly a marvelous person: his looks were to die for, his personality was sweeter than honey but he can truly dominate someone the next second. You truly were thankful that he appeared in your life but a part of you didn’t understand why. 
He comes out dressed in his old vintage T-shirts and shorts with another oversized T-shirt and a damp towel in his hands. 
“Alright honey, can you lay down on your back for me? I must’ve made a mess.” “Dude, I literally squirted on not only you but the bed as well,” you dead-panned, causing him to laugh. He gently wiped the excess seed that laid on your inner thighs and the top of your private area before slipping a pair of your comfortable panties onto you. You quickly pulled on the shirt, the hem reaching the middle of your thighs and shyly gave him a hug (which was considerably rare for you to start them but with Taehyung, you would do it no matter what). He returned the hug back and laid you down on the bed with him cuddling you, being the big spoon within your relationship. 
You like how his bigger body can easily make you feel warm and you could hear the sound of his heartbeat, the soft feeling making you drowsy. 
“Do you want to sleep now, baby?” he rasps, rubbing the back of your neck and finding the particular spot where it was relieving for you. You nodded back in return as you turned over to face him, completely relishing his warm embrace. 
“Can I ask you something, Y/N? I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable,” he asked slowly, breaking the silence that lingered around the room. 
You nodded, slowly breaking out of his cuddle to face him with wide eyes. Although he didn’t want to break the hug either, he sat up to look at you as well. 
“Y/N, you know that I’m dating you and when I date someone, my attention is on them and because I’m with you, I only see you. My eyes will always be looking at you, I breathe and bathe in your presence daily, and I’ll even shout out to the world that I love you if you ever asked me. I’m completely yours honey and I’m curious on why do you get so jealous whenever a woman talks to me? It might sound insensitive but today you acted different when I talked to Irene. Why is that?” You let out a ragged sigh, unsure if you truly want to tell Taehyung. Of course you knew that Taehyung loved you until the end of time and you obviously feel the same way, but that was the problem. You would completely drop everything just to be with him forever but is it possible for a man like him to agree to that? Taehyung was an obvious romantic and if he had to choose between the world and you, he would choose you but why? Why were you so special that he’s dating you? There were plenty of other fish in the sea but his eyes were set on you. 
You were just another girl who’s trying to survive in the cutthroat fashion world, constantly thinking to yourself on how much of a disappointment you were. Being an idol was a dream you were dead-set on ever since you were a child but you were too chicken to go to an actual audition and spent the early stages of your adult life fighting with your mom to go on a fashion major: a second choice you didn’t really care for but it was a second choice nonetheless. 
Taehyung was a successful photographer with many deals and collaborations from multiple people, some even for famous magazines. His visuals were good enough to even be a Gucci model! He’s good with children and elderly people, he’s an amazing baker, he can play the saxophone, and he could even sing! He shouldn’t be dating some girl who acts like a little kid and has a personality that is absolutely intolerable to most people. 
“Taehyung, why are you dating me? If Irene asked you out on a date, would you go on it while you’re in a relationship with me?” “Of course not, I only have-” “But Irene’s ten times more gorgeous than me, it’s like comparing a swan to a baby duck! What kind of man would turn down a sexier woman for a toddler look alike?” you cried, your emotions showing out as you sobbed onto the comforter. He looked at you with sad eyes, rubbing your arms in an attempt to soothe you but your tears didn’t stop running. 
“Taehyung, you’re literally every girl’s dream boyfriend! Yet you chose me out of all of those girls who I can’t compare to! Why?! I’m literally nothing compared to them; all of my life I’ve been bullied by my stature, my dreams didn’t come true, everyone thinks I’m annoying, and it fucking hurts to hear gossip from the people in this town on why I’m dating you! I’m just not good enough and I’ll never be-” Your ranting was stopped by a kiss, a romantic and passionate one. You started to whimper inside his mouth as he didn’t break away. His lips were quickly detached from yours to kiss away the tears that were slowly dripping down your face. 
“Don’t say another word. I don’t understand why you don’t see yourself the same way I see you,” he said sternly, cupping your face gently. 
“Wh-what? I’m not-” “Never say you’re not something because you’re such a beautiful, smart, funny, creative, and witty person. I know it’s hard to not compare yourself to other women but out of all of them, I only see you. Even though you hate that you’re short and you look young, I promise you it’s one of the things I love the most about you. You’re so cute and it makes me so happy whenever I’m cuddling you and I love taking care of you. And it’s okay if your dreams didn’t come true, everything happens for a reason and if you were an idol, would you’ve met me?” “Not really-” “Exactly, it’s like fate did something and we were always meant to be with each other! Besides, I have some friends who are idols and they absolutely hate it.” “Wow, Taehyung, way to make me feel better,” you said sarcastically, a low chuckle vibrating against you. 
“Plus, I don’t find your personality annoying. It highlights you really well and I think it’s okay to have that kind of humor but if you act too bratty, I’m always there to punish you-” “God, you’re so perverted and this was supposed to be wholesome!” you barked, pushing him off while watching him with disgust as he tries to catch his breath from laughing too hard. 
“Sorry, sorry, the main point is that I love you no matter what and I’ll always think, dream, and bathe in you. You’re my girl and it’s always going to be that way,” he said, giving you another kiss before pulling you back down on the bed and cuddling you again. 
“Th-thank you Taehyung,” you said softly, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling yourself closer to his chest. It’s so warm and familiar, just the way you like it. You shift around until you’re more comfortable as you melt yourself into him. It was hard to not feel jealous of other girls but you felt better after talking it out and hearing his words. 
“I love you,” he mumbled softly, slowly starting to fall asleep. 
“I love you too.” You moved around for a bit but a sudden pain in your lower area stopped you from wiggling too much. Of course you forgot that you were getting railed a while ago and it’s now the aftermath. 
“Yo Taehyung, why the fuck did you go hard on me? Now it hurts and I don’t think I can walk normally. Hell, I don’t think I can sit down because you spanked me as well!” you snapped, the all too familiar tsundere personality coming out. 
He only had a smirk etched out on his face, pulling you close to stuff your face within his chest. “Sorry, I guess,” he replied sarcastically, chuckling on how you grumbled and complained in response. 
“What does that mean, ‘I guess’? It’s always the doms with the biggest dicks.”
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Your ringtone blasted across the room, waking you up from your comfortable and warm sleep with Taehyung. You grumbled to yourself as you groggily stared at the caller ID. Sure enough, it was Irene. Your heart dropped to your stomach as there was no other reason why she was calling you unless to fire you for your behavior at the diner yesterday. 
“Hello?” you answer timidly, praying that you won’t get kicked out today. 
“Hello, Y/N. I hope you’re having a lovely morning today.” “You too. Listen Irene, I’m really sorry on how I acted during the diner that time. It was extremely immature of me to have that attitude and not listen to your side of the story, I guess jealousy got the better of me. I-I promise there won’t be any more instances like this and I’m sorry for causing such inconvenience,” you rambled, sweat dripping down your back as your fate was determined on the other line. 
Silence filled the room and you waited impatiently, tapping your fingers along the headboard of your bed. Suddenly, laughter rang out from Irene’s side and you sighed in a breath of relief that you’re off the hook. 
“It’s okay, I completely understand why you acted that way and I apologize if it may seem like I’m making moves on your boyfriend. Although I would like it if you listened to my side, I’m hoping he did at least.” You stared at his sleeping figure and softly rubbed his bread-like cheeks with affection. “Y-yeah, he did. So, what did you want to call me about?” “Oh, do you know the dress designs that you submitted to me a few months ago?” Your mind went back to you staying overnight at the studio, scrapping pages and pages of different designs to find the perfect one to turn in. Although you were extremely proud, at that time Irene didn’t spend a second to even look at them which lowered your spirits. 
“Yeah, what about them? Did I do something wrong?” “No, you didn’t. In fact they were really lovely and I’m sorry it took me a long time to review them. Actually, I really liked it so much that I turned it into some big name fashion companies and they are deciding to feature them in their latest runway for a fashion week.” Your eyes widened, shock filling your brain as you tried to comprehend what was going on. There was no way, the design that you spent hours perfecting was able to go on the runway?! You let out a high-pitched shriek, instantly waking up Taehyung as he slowly opened his eyes. 
“Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you! I-I can’t believe this is happening!” you squealed, your excitement radiating the room like sunshine on a bright morning. 
“You’re welcome honey, I hope you’re coming up with more designs to possibly submit in the future.” “Of course! Thank you so much, have a great day!” you grinned as the call ended. You started babbling to yourself while Taehyung watched you with admiration surrounding his face. 
“Congratulations baby,” he grinned, giving you a kiss on your lips. 
“Hey, how did you know?” “I heard you screaming ever since the phone rang.” “I mean, I guess you would’ve found out that way. Anyways I’m so excited and happy since this is such a huge opportunity for me! Also, thank you for the support and love you gave me last night,” you said, pecking his cheeks. 
“Anytime baby girl. How about I make some of those fluffy pancakes you like for celebration,” he smiled, walking out of the bed and into the brown slippers you got him for his birthday once. 
“Alright, I’ll be-” Unfortunately for you, your legs stopped working and you tumbled out of the bed. Taehyung only laughed at your fall before carrying you bridal style, much to your embarrassment. 
“Thanks a lot Tae, you really ruined me last night,” you pouted as you made yourself comfortable in his arms. 
“You know you love me right,” he cooed, flicking your cheeks which turned into an embarrassingly bright red. As much as you don’t show it that much, you’re definitely in love with him no matter what. 
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Just as Taehyung was about to head off for his photoshoot consisting of a beauty model, he slipped his hand underneath his drawer and beneath the ties hides a velvet red box. And inside the box was a wedding ring that was passed onto from generations of his family. 
You have been dating him for a few years now and although you never admitted it, you were hoping that one day he’ll propose to you. 
Taehyung smiled at the box before closing the drawer to head out his way. There was a legend throughout the Kim family that the ring fits the person who's the perfect wife for the son. The ring was quite small which meant most girls couldn’t fit it but since you have small hands, he checked the size of your fingers and it fit perfectly. 
Many people would ask him why he would choose a short abrasive girl like you as his girlfriend and some may judge but frankly, he didn’t care about what everyone else thought. 
Because he was lucky that destiny allowed him to be with you and the person that he set his mind and future on was only you. 
a/n: this was initially a drabble but i liked the idea sm that i decided to write a whole ff on it lol. thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! <3
taglist: @cherrykocho​, @knjkitten​
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oogaboogasphincter · 3 years
Kinktober Day 4
💜my kinktober masterlist
pairing: pero tovar x f!reader
prompt: spanking🖤role reversal🖤knife play (prompt list by @the-purity-pen)
rating: E (explicit) 18+ only!
word count: 740+
warnings: dom(ish)!reader+sub(ish)!tovar, unprotected p in v sex (use protection irl!), lil bit of choking and hair-pulling bc i'm feral, two instances of “mi amor” bc that’s the extent of the spanish i know 😇💀, reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns
author’s note: the way i would drop almost everything to be this man’s wife during his time period..... the feminism would leave my body instantaneously like sir yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning please wife me tf up 😀 also i wrote this w reader usually being submissive and tovar usually being dominant so that’s where we ✨reverse the roles✨ +also i'm catching up on kinktober today! day 5 will be coming later tonight and day 6 will honestly probably be posted in the very early hours of tomorrow so ✨
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gif by @manny-jacinto​
Pero’s dominance on the battlefield doesn’t dwindle when the setting changes to the bedroom. He’s ever the sweetest and most tender, taking note of your every reaction to his sultry maneuvers, but the doting man often loves it rough. He likes spanking your ass until it is red with his handprint and you squirm under the delectable sting, he loves catching your jaw between his thumb and forefinger to force you to look at him as tears of overstimulated pleasure spill from your eyes. He does all of this in the name of passion, unable to find any other way that he deems suitable to show you just how much he loves you.
Although you obey his every sexual command like it’s your life’s purpose, this isn’t the only reason why he loves you. You drew him in initially with your spunkiness. The first time you slept together, he was surprised at how quickly the teasing brat turned into the whimpering, begging girl on her knees.
Sometimes, when he returns from missions that were particularly grueling, he doesn’t have the energy to be as rough as he’d like. Don't get it twisted; this softer type of sex is equally mind-blowing as the rough stuff. Orgasms may not be unexpected explosions of fire - ripping through your veins at an inconceivable speed - but are instead slow burns of chameleonic passion that - slowly but surely - overtake all your senses with a numbing lust. 
Sometimes, he appreciates it when you take more control in the bedroom. Even when he has the energy to flip you onto your back and fuck into you with abandon, it’s undeniably sexy to him when he gets to sit back and watch you ride him. There’s something about you directly taking what you want that has his bones melting and his heart hammering with infatuation. When all you allow him to do is watch as you fuck yourself on his throbbing cock at a pace you’ve set, Pero can see a smidge of that spunkiness he originally fell in love with come through.
This is the predicament you find yourselves in now. Sheets pulsing underneath his sturdy body, Pero winces in delight with every one of your thrusts. One hand on his chest, his heartbeat tingling on your palm, and the other cupping the side of his jaw, you slowly lift and lower your hips on the length of his cock. It’s all just sluggish movements and sedated exhales now, but in a few minutes you won’t be able to contain your greed to ride him hard.
His hands are curious, like always. His left goes from grasping your hip tight, following it in all its movements, to skimming up your side to knead your shoulder, to circle the side of your neck delicately. The right starts out intertwined with your left on his chest, but grows restless and travels up your middle to palm your breast, his rough fingertips scratching over your nipple. 
Your patience has worn thin. Your bouncing stops and turns into horizontal grinds, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth across his groin. Your sounds of indulgence transform from gasps to moans, pants to growls. He encourages you, “That’s it, show me how you like it, mi amor.” 
To gain stability to fuck yourself on him even harder, the hand on his chest skates up to his neck and grasps the flushed column. The hand on his jaw slips to his hair and pulls, exposing his excited jugular veins to you. The feeling in your hand is almost lost with how passionately you’re holding him, how hard his blood beats underneath his skin, the numbing vibrations projected from his vocal cords.
The height of your climax is reached with a groan of his name; it chokes you out and halts your spasms. Pero won’t have any of this stoppage, so, with his dominance returning, he pulls your torso down flush against his own. 
“Let me make you feel good, mi amor.”
He plants his feet firmly on the weak bed and pistons his hips into yours, just in time to prolong your orgasm. You swear he’s burying his cock in your stomach with how deep he’s fucking you. 
Taking the reins is fun once in a while, but nothing will ever be as intoxicating as dominant Pero. 
💘taglist: @pascalpanic​
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b00ket · 3 years
Character sheets will be added later but here’s basic information on them
This post is already long as shit so BACKSTORIES FOR EACH UNDER THE CUT and side characters will be in a reblog later
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Name: Amani Ayad
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: July 23rd
Age: 18-22
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (weakness for women 😏👈🏽)
Country of Origin: Karnassos
Languages spoken: Fluent in whatever tf Vesuvians speak, Karnassi, and basic conversational skills in a handful of others
Hobbies: Partying HARD, growing plants, singing & playing Guitar/Fiddle
Magical Abilities:
Herbal Magic
Raw Magic (similar to Asra) (ill put a link that explains it in depth later)
Mischievous and mysterious. A liar. Definitely a flirt. Trust issues and a bit of a coward.
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Name: Lucas Karimov
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 7'
Birthday: July 10th
Age: 25-28
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Country of Origin: Vesuvia
Languages spoken: Vesuvian
Hobbies: Cooking/Baking, Fighting, Gambling, Politics
Magical Abilities:
Learned how to channel whatever magic he produces into bouts of extreme strength
Outgoing. Friendly! Altruistic and loyal to a fault. Has a fear of loss. Romantically dense (good luck flirting with him). Anger issues 😳. Holds a grudge. Not white.
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Name: Kieran Power
Gender: Who cares (They/Them)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: time is nothing
Age: Stopped keeping track (500~ years)
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: As long as you’re hot (Pansexual)
Country of Origin: A long abandoned village in the Southern Spines
Languages Spoken: Fluent in Most Languages
Hobbies: Throwing Parties, Reading, HOMOEROTIC SWORD FIGHTS, sleeping
Magical Abilities
Magic blocked by their deal
Dramatic and they love it. Enjoys causing others pain. Depressed but wont admit it. Quick learner and a master of manipulation. Vengeful and will hold a grudge.
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Name: Donovan Nwadike
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 6’ 4”
Birthday: September 20th
Age: 33-36
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Country of Origin: Nopal
Languages Spoken: Vesuvian, whatever you call the language of the Scourge
Hobbies: Sword Making, painting, sculpting
Magical Abilities:
Metal manipulation
Quiet and reserved. Incredibly shy. Blames himself for most things that go wrong. Has the most braincells. REALLY STRONG PTSD. Self-sacrificing.
Amani Ayad
Family left Karnassos after Lucio’s murder of their mayor. Her family was labeled as cowards since.
Helped parents with a traveling doctor office. They went around the lands, healing people they come across and providing a meal. Her father helped her control her magic and mother taught her everything she needs to know about healing magic.
Helped a struggling town in the Shining Steppe. The people of that town later tried to raid their traveling doctors office. Someone shot a fire spell at the father that hit the shop instead. It exploded, killing the father and nearly killed Amani. Her mother grabbed her and escaped to a nearby abandoned shack to hide. The mother suspected they would come after the both of them and quickly gave Amani to a merchant ship. The merchant watched after her for a few months before selling her to a Pirate ship.
The crew was welcoming and caring at first, as time went on they demanded more of her (ex. cleaning the whole ship by herself instead of with the crew), and later forced her into being a fighter after discovering her magical Abilities and natural skills in fighting
Was undefeated in the ring. Gained the name “Hand of Death”
Made an attempt to kill the Captain. She failed, the Captain using a hot sword to scar her face before dumping her on the docks of Vesuvia. Was taken in by Lucas a few days later. A year later she made a home in a old abandoned apartment in the Flooded District where she grows herbs and heals anyone who catches her in her shop.
Now she tries to run from her past, replacing it with a new reputation. A party crasher, thief, general nuisance to law enforcement.
Lucas Karimov
Grandparents and Mother were refugees from the genocide of the Kokhuri. The mother fell in love and had 4 children.
They made a home in Vesuvia. Opening up a restaurant/bar called “The Iron Clad Owl”
Were generally poor (giving away free food/giving people money). Lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with Grandparents, 2 aunts, 6 children, parents, 2 dogs, and a parrot named stick
It was a crowded but homey house. They all slept in a giant cuddle pile. It was cute as SHIT
The siblings were all older than Lucas and liked the cause trouble to law enforcement, hang out with orphans and shop for food for da parents. The whole family hated Lucio and his rule from the rip. The aunts often participated in politics and 100% ranted to the children about government. Near the end of Lucio’s rule is when things went off the deep end.
During his rule: Oldest Brother falls into the Canal, dies of blood loss. The only sister was robbed (killed when she tried to fight back).
The plague: The Parents and brother die of the plague, the aunts flee out of fear of dying. Lucas takes up a job as a grave digger to keep the shop open shortly after. A brother gets involved in crime as a hitman. Jargal (brother) steals some food, gets caught and fights against the Scourge as a result.
After Lucio’s death: The brother is attacked by a revenge hitman, he is killed and the grandparents both die in the confrontation. Lucas sells the pets in a last ditch attempt to keep the shop open, the shop is closed. Lucas spirals into a depression, mentally stuck in a numbness that is only punctuated by bouts of anger and irritability. Finds a abandoned cat and adopts her. Befriends Amani.
Now he works as a dock worker, trying to heal old wounds and make lasting change in Vesuvia that finally serves the people.
Kieran Power
Works for a rich family. Is picked on and abused by their employers and other citizens in the village. The mayor’s daughter dies of “an illness” and they blame Kieran & their mother, saying they placed a hex on her.
Kieran’s mother is hung and Kieran escapes the same fate, running to hide in an old shed. A strong winter storm swoops in, trapping Kieran in there without food or warmth. Kieran discovers the body of the daughter with a knife in her heart. Kieran burns hot with rage and a need for revenge.
The Devil appears and offers to make a deal, to give Kieran the power to kill their enemies in exchange for a portion of their soul. Its a self enacted deal, sell a bit more if their soul for more power.
The technicalities of the deal: At least once a week Kieran needs to eat a person (collection of their soul). Without a meal their blood runs cold, the hunger grows, and when it hits a peak they become a beast. This can only be reversed with more than one human sacrifice.
They’ve been alive for centuries. They’ve seen and been subject to abuse that is only solved with more power. They only have a sliver of their soul left, instead choosing to gain power traditionally in the past few years. Gaining money and a powerful reputation. Has lost faith in humanity and believes they are better than them.
Hosts parties as an easy way to get a victim to eat. Really into sword collecting, befriending Donovan and has soft feelings for him.
Is always trying to gain power.
Donovan Nwadike (backstory in development)
Abandoned as a newborn in Vesuvia. Grew up as an orphan.
Thinks he is purposeless, joins a gang of orphans and becomes the punching bag/pushover of the group. Has a small book that he draws in.
Joins Lucio is his army (assuming Lucio has made attempts to expand the “Vesuvian Empire”) and befriends the lead medic.
Becomes a sword maker for Lucio’s army and eventually becomes a solider on the field. A sword to the eye takes his vision in one eye and a magical blast takes off his right arm.
He carries the weight of his actions, people he’s killed, people he couldn’t save on his shoulders. Tries to bring his friends back in a magical ritual, it fails. The ghosts of his friends haunt him, whispering and visible only to him.
Runs a blacksmith shop, his main customer is Kieran who enjoys his sword designs and paintings.
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So I’ve been on a rollercoaster of highs and lows lately and it’s really driving my anxiety to new heights. Which in turn has made my anxiety tics very frequent. (For me, these are full body tics, almost like a sudden chill or shiver that makes my whole body jerk. As well as eye twitches that can last for hours and sometimes cause headaches.) Of course, I have started thinking of my comfort movie and comfort characters as a distraction— but it has me wondering, how would the Triple Frontier boys react to anxiety tics if their s.o. had them? Just thought I’d send it in as a request, if you’re comfortable writing for the situation. <3
TF Boys and a S/O with anxiety tics 
A/N: I have never experienced this, but I tried my best with the information you gave me. I hope this finds you sweet anon and brings some comfort. I am sorry this has taken me a while. I’ve been in a bit of a slump. 
The song below made me think of this prompt, so I thought I’d include it. 
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales: Frankie can tell when you are getting stressed and anxious. You get a lot quieter and withdraw in yourself a lot more, and when he notices your eye twitch, he starts to get ready. He read about anxiety tics when you first started dating and told him, and he knows exactly what to do. He gets out a bottle of Tylenol and the softest blankets you own, puts on your favorite movie, and orders takeout. The whole night as you shiver, he wraps you like a burrito and holds you close to his chest, being your rock. 
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia: Very similar to Frankie, he knows exactly what to do when you get your anxious tics. But he doesn’t keep you home; he loves to take you for a drive through the mountains, his hand on your thigh, the radio playing classic rock as he talks about anything and everything until the lull of the engine and his voice finally allow you to sleep. He drives as long as he needs to, pulling a blanket out of the back seat and tossing it over you as he keeps a steady pace, his hand rubbing patterns the whole time. 
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller: Will is really observant; it’s in his nature to notice everything going on around him, especially when it comes to you. He sees the twitch and shivers start and doesn’t bring any extra attention to it. Instead, he just starts making your life easier in simple ways. He picks up the mess around the house, does the dishes, even runs you a bath with one of your new bath bombs to help you relax. When you emerge, dinner is made, and he curls you close on the couch, soft music playing in the background as he rubs your shoulders and kisses your head. 
Benny Miller:  Benny understands how stressed you’ve been, he’s seen the signs, and when you shiver, he comes over and starts talking about the most random shit. He tells you stories about growing up with Will, his time in Delta Force, one time he goes into explicit detail about the greatest sandwich he’s ever eaten at this diner in Austin, Texas. You feel yourself relaxing and smiling at the utter ridiculousness of his stories. While the tics don’t stop, you aren’t hyper-focused on them anymore, all your attention on the loveable golden retriever that is Benny. 
@gunslinger2000 @omlwhatamidoinghere @linkpk88 @tlcwrites @lv7867 @mudhorn-djarin19 @mssbridgerton @elisabethbathgate @pascal-rascal424 @midnightzonzz  @massivetfsimp @mandorush
@lunarthoughts @jedi-mando @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @veracruz-djarin @marvelprincess1994 @thirstworldproblemss @spacelatinoss  @martellthemandalor @kesskirata @waatermelon-sugaar @jitterbugs927 @helga1031  @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @ghostwiththemostbitch @the-purity-pen @paintballkid711 @wasicskosgirl @fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog @boxdyeblonde @rosiefridayrogersunday @yeah-seems-legit  @mimimi-stuff  @ladyblogger-margie @memyselfandellasworld @peterhollandkait @itspdameronthings @emmy626 @luv-nd-serenity @randomness501  @littlebopper96 @alexmarie29 @hell-is-my-second-home666 @thisshipwillsail316 @madslorian @no-droids-on-sunday @glixxr @sfr99 @pedro-pastel @we-can-be-himbos  @sleep-tight1 @sarhabee @its--fandom--darling @im-an-adult-ish @princess76179 @demoncrypt1066 @the-dendrophile-bookworm @amneris21 @deliciouslydisturbed365 @princessxkenobi @Kirstg42
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novoaa1writes · 3 years
comeback kid
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pairing(s): f!reader & jennifer jareau (familial), f!reader & emily prentiss (familial), jennifer jareau x emily prentiss, the BAU team & f!reader (familial)
summary: reader is a young girl who escapes captivity at the hands of a very bad man with the BAU’s help. she meets emily and JJ. spencer, too, along with the others. somewhere along the way, she learns a little something about trust and healing.
word count: ~5,500
rating: mature
warnings: kidnapping, rape/non-con, canon-typical violence, non-graphic sexual & physical abuse to a child
notes: i definitely spent too much time on this bitch i’ve got FINALS tf??? anyways. in this ‘verse, jj never met will and therefore didn’t have henry or michael. and yes i’m aware the title is stupid but it’s kinda sticking with me so i might change it later. **PLEASE read the warnings dude i’m begging you the first half of this is pretty brutal before the healing starts*** (also on ao3)
— —
“I’m sorry there is so much pain in this story. I’m sorry it’s in fragments, like a body caught in crossfire or pulled apart by force. But there is nothing I can do to change it.
I’ve tried to put some of the good things in as well. Flowers, for instance, because where would we be without them?”
— Margaret Atwood
Your daddy dies on a Tuesday. The bad man forces him down onto his knees, shoots him in the chest with a real-life, actual gun. BANG. It’s so loud. Way louder than it is in the movies. 
He turns to you next. Tells you to watch as he takes Momma’s clothes off, throws her onto the bed. He starts touching her like Daddy sometimes did, except she doesn’t smile and laugh like she does with Daddy. She screams and cries like it hurts, like the bad man is making it hurt. It goes on for a long time. 
Eventually, he takes out a knife, puts it in Momma’s stomach. Once, twice, three times. She cries a little louder, starts to breathe a little funny. Soon enough, she goes completely quiet.
Then the bad man turns to you with a big, toothy smile. You don’t like to think about what happens after that. 
— —
Time passes, and the bad man gets a name—Sir. You think it’s sorta a funny name (not truly a name at all, really), but you don’t ask him about it. He gives you a name, too—Princess. You don’t ask about that either. Your questions only ever seem to make him mad, and he gets really mean when he’s mad. 
Sir gives you a bedroom down in the basement of his house. He tells you it’s your home now, but it doesn’t feel warm and safe like home should. 
You get used to it, though. Eventually. 
— —
You start to grow. It’s slow, at first, but once it starts it doesn’t stop, and you have no idea how to feel about it. 
Your chest starts to get a little bigger. It isn’t flat like Sir’s anymore, and that makes you worry about what he’ll think. Instead of getting mad, though, he actually seems to approve. You don’t know why or what it means, but it’s a relief all the same. 
One morning, you wake up with a tummy ache and blood staining the bedsheets between your legs. You kind of freak out about it, but Sir just smiles and says that it’s a good thing, that it means you’re a woman now. That same night, he spreads your legs and takes out his thing. It hurts when he forces it inside you, but you know better than to fight. He says it’s called “making love,” that it’s what two people do when they really care about each other. 
You wonder why it’s called “making love” if it hurts so much, but you don’t ask him that. 
After that night, Sir starts letting you stay in his room. You were never allowed before. At nighttime he puts his thing inside you and makes love, but you don’t mind. His bedsheets are so much softer than yours, and his pillows are so fluffy. You sleep a lot better most nights, even if your private parts feel ache-y and sore more often than not. 
Sir isn’t angry with you as often as he used to be, but he’s still super strict and punishes you for almost everything. He says it has to be done, that you’ve gotta learn your place. He says it hurts him just as much as it hurts you to do it. You don’t know if you believe him. His thing always grows in his pants when he hits you, which you’ve learned to mean that he’s excited. Sometimes he’ll stop in the middle of punishing you to drag you upstairs and make love. 
It’s okay, though. You’re kind of used to it now. 
— —
More time passes, and you get a sister. 
She’s smaller than you are, and when you ask her if she’s bled yet, she just looks back up at you all confused. 
Sir says her name is Sissy. Sissy frowns and says, “No, my name is Bella.” Sir slaps Sissy until she screams and cries and her nose starts bleeding. By the end of it, she’s calling herself Sissy, too. 
Eventually, Sissy’s body starts to go through changes, too, just like yours did. Her chest gets a little bigger. One day she falls to her knees, whimpering and clutching her tummy, and when you check her panties, they’re red with blood. 
Sir starts making love to her, too. Sometimes he invites his friends over. They make love with you and Sissy, too. 
Other times, he makes you and Sissy kiss on the mouth and touch each other’s private parts. You don’t understand why, ‘cause you thought sisters weren’t supposed to do things like that, but you know better than to question it. 
You actually like having a sister, you find. She’s warm and soft and you get to hold each other when things are bad. Since Sissy is old enough to do grown-up things now, Sir gives you and Sissy your own room and a bed to share. 
He still makes love to you most nights, and forces the two of you to play grown-up games together in his bed. But you try your best to be good, and teach Sissy how to be good, too. Sometimes, the two of you can manage to go hours on end without making him upset.
When he hugs the two of you against his bare chest late at night, squeezing you tight and saying how much he loves his two beautiful little girls, it doesn’t make your skin crawl like it used to. It actually doesn’t bother you at all. 
— —
The angry-looking people with guns and vests come barging in late at night when you and Sissy are with Sir in his bed playing grown-up games. Sir grabs a knife, stabs it right into Sissy’s tummy. You’ve never heard her scream so loud.  
The pretty man with dark, chocolate-y skin barges into the room, yanks Sir off the bed and pins him down on the floor. Sissy is whimpering and bleeding from her gut, Sir is thrashing and yelling on the floor. A handsome man with dark curly hair yanks you off the bed, drags you outside. You keep hitting your fists against his big, burly chest; wriggling and flailing in his strong arms; begging him to take you back in and get Sissy, too. He doesn’t. 
The next bit is kind of a blur. 
Someone drapes a coat around your shoulders. A lady with a buzzcut sits you up on the back of the ambulance and dabs wet cotton balls all over the cuts on your face. It stings.
She says you’re gonna be okay, so long as you go to a hospital later.  
They take you back to the police station. You’ve never been in one of those before.
Sissy’s blood is drying on your hands when the big, burly man with brown eyes leads you into a room right next to the captain’s office. It’s got a table and cushion-y chairs. He leaves you there with a tight smile and an apology, but not before telling you that there’ll be someone in to talk to you soon. 
You’re wearing a big blue jacket that says FBI on the back, a pair of panties and nothing else. It’s a little cold, but otherwise you don’t mind. 
You clamber up onto one of the chairs, tuck your bruised knees against your chest. 
You don’t have to wait for very long until someone opens the door and comes inside. She’s really pretty—tall and thin with long golden hair and big blue eyes. You think she kind of looks like a Disney princess. 
“Hi, there,” she says. You watch her carefully as she takes a seat at the table right across from you. “My name is Jennifer, but you can call me JJ.”
“Are you a police officer?” you ask. 
“No, I’m with the FBI.” Her voice is soft and gentle, like silk. 
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
She chuckles, like you’ve said something funny. “Kind of.”
You nod, staring down at the tabletop. “Cool.”
“Can you tell me your name, sweetie?”
“‘Princess,’” she repeats, eyebrows raised. “That’s a cute name.”
You look up. You can’t figure out if she really means that. “Thanks. Sir gave it to me.”
“Ah.” JJ’s eyebrows creep a little higher.  “And do you like being called ‘Princess’?” 
You frown. “I guess so.” You don’t really understand what she’s asking. “It’s my name.”
“Okay.” JJ nods. “And how old are you, Princess?”
“I… I don’t know,” you admit. 
“That’s alright,” JJ says. “Now, can you tell me how you and ‘Sir’ met?”
You start fidgeting with your hands, concern for Sissy still fresh on your mind. “Is Sissy okay?”
JJ looks confused. “‘Sissy’?”
“My sister,” you tell her. “Is she okay? She was bleeding.”
JJ pauses, a wrinkle forming between her brows. You get a sinking feeling in your gut. “Princess, your sister was hurt very badly,” she explains, looking at you with sad eyes. “The doctors said there was nothing they could do. I’m so, so sorry.”
Your eyes start to burn like they do when you’re about to start crying. “She’s… She’s dead?”
JJ nods slowly. The sad expression doesn’t leave her face. “Yes, Princess. Again, I’m… so, so sorry.”
Your body feels numb. There’s a humming in your ears you can’t quite place. Your sight grows hazy around the edges. 
“Princess?” JJ’s voice sounds far-away, distant. 
A hot tear traces down your cheek. It helps to anchor you in the moment, sort of. “Sir is a bad man, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” JJ says after a moment. “Yes, he is.”
You tuck your knees a little tighter to your chest. Your bad arm aches, but you ignore it. “I don’t wanna be called ‘Princess’ anymore,” you whisper. 
“Alright. What would you like to be called instead?”
You sniffle as another warm tear traces your cheek. “I… I don’t know.”
“Okay. That’s okay. You don’t have to figure it out right now.”
“You’re really nice, Miss JJ.”
“Just ‘JJ’ is fine.” She takes out a notepad and pen, sets it in front of her on the table. “Now, can you tell me how you and ‘Sir’ met?”
You nod. You still feel numb. “He came into my house one night. He was scary.”
“He hurt your parents, didn’t he?”
You gulp down a whimper. “Y-Yea. He had a gun and a knife.”
“What did he do with them?”
“Shot Daddy right here.” You shift in your seat, pointing at your chest with your good arm—right around where you think your heart should be. “Put Mommy on the bed, and… made love.”
JJ frowns. “‘Made love’?”
You nod, looking at her curiously. Weren’t grown-ups supposed to know all about making love? “Yea. The thing that grown-ups do with each other.”
JJ just stares.
“You know, when they take off their clothes and touch each other’s private parts.”
Something in JJ’s eyes shifts. “Honey… ” she begins. She sounds like she’s choosing her words carefully. “Did Sir teach you about that?”
You nod again. “Yea, he showed me how once I became a woman.”
JJ’s eyes widen. “Once you ‘became a woman’?”
Why does she keep repeating everything I’m saying? “When I started bleeding down… there.”
“Your period?”
Huh? “What’s that?”
“It’s something that happens every month to girls like you and me.”
You lean forward a little bit in your seat, peering intently at her over your knees. “It happens to you, too?”
JJ’s lips curve into a little smile, like she’s amused by your question. Her eyes still look kinda sad, though. “Yes, sweetie, they happen to me, too. I have one every month.”
“A period.” It sounds kinda funny coming off your tongue. “Do you get tummy aches when they happen, too?”
“Sometimes. I take painkillers for the first couple days so that it doesn’t hurt as much.”
“Why… Why doesn’t it happen to boys?” 
“Because girl parts and boy parts are different.”
You nod. That makes sense. After all, whenever Sir pulled out his thing, it was so strange-looking. It didn’t look anything like what you had between your legs.  
“Boy parts are weird,” you say eventually, wrinkling your nose. 
JJ laughs. She has a pretty laugh. “Yes, they certainly are.”
— —
JJ leaves eventually, says she’ll bring you food when she comes back. Your stomach growls. You don’t know how you can be hungry at a time like this, but somehow, you are. 
Another woman takes JJ’s place. 
She’s beautiful, too, in a different way. Black hair, bangs, dark eyes. Her smile is white and dazzling. She’s tall and thin like JJ, but the sweater she’s wearing looks soft while JJ’s shirt was crisp and business-y. 
“Hi, there,” she says as she takes JJ’s seat across from you. She places a brown folder on the table in front of her. “I’m Emily.”
“Are you FBI? Like Miss JJ?” When you mention JJ’s name, her smile seems to get wider. You wonder if you’re just imagining things. 
“Yes, in fact, I am,” she replies. 
“Are you gonna put me in jail?”
Emily raises one eyebrow. “No, honey, I’m not going to put you in jail.”
“What about Sir?”
Emily sighs. “He’s in another room right now. One of our agents is talking to him.”
“He’s gonna go to jail, isn’t he?”
Emily nods. “Yes. For a very long time.” Straightforward and honest. You like that about her, you decide. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
You frown, hesitating. “Sir called me ‘Princess.’”
“So, should I call you that as well?”
Instantly, you shake your head. “No, thank you.”
“What about the name you had before Sir took you?”
“I… I can’t remember.”
“That’s okay.” Emily opens the file, flips it around and slides it across the table over to you. “One of our people, Garcia, found you.”
Hesitantly, you reach out to trace the paper on top. There’s a smaller picture paper-clipped to the front of it. It’s… It’s you. “Name: Y/N Y/L/N,” you read off the page. “That’s… That’s me?”
“Yes, honey,” Emily agrees. Her voice is soft like JJ’s, but different. Deeper. You like it, you decide. “That’s you.”
Your head spins. You look up at her, searching her pale features for an answer. “Miss Emily, h-how old am I?”
“You’re 14.”
“And my parents… They’re gone, aren’t they?”
Emily nods. There’s sadness in her eyes, too. It’s different from JJ’s, but not by much. “I’m afraid they are.”
You bite your lower lip nervously. You really don’t want to think about that right now. “Are you and Miss JJ… friends?”
Emily’s lips twitch. “You could say that.”
“What does that mean?”
“We live together.”
“Oh. That’s cool,” you say, tapping your knees. They’re a mottled combination of purple and black and blue. “Miss JJ is really pretty.”
Emily smiles. “Yes, she certainly is.”
“You smile when you talk about Miss JJ,” you observe, watching Emily carefully. You can’t quite figure her out. “You don’t seem like a very smile-y person.”
Emily looks a little taken aback at your remark, but she recovers quickly. “Well, JJ and I are very close.”
You hum, resting your chin on your knees and giving her your full attention. “Sir says I’m a woman now. Is that true?”
Emily huffs out a laugh. “No, sweetie, not quite. You’re a teenager.”
You tilt your head curiously. “But I did the period.”
“What’s that now?”
“The period. Miss JJ says that that’s what it’s called when you bleed from... down there.”
“Oh, I see what you mean now,” Emily says. “But you don’t ‘do’ periods. You have them.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“And, either way, having a period doesn’t automatically make you a woman, Y/N.”
You squint over at her. Now you’re even more confused. “It doesn’t?”
“Nope. I had my first period when I was around 12 years old, but I didn’t grow up until much, much later.”
You nod at that, like you understand. (You don’t really.) “How much later?”
“According to the law, everyone’s an adult at 18. But honestly, I don’t think I really became a grown-up until I was 25, at least.”
“Woah,” you murmur. “That’s a lot of years.”
Emily chuckles again. You find that you’re beginning to like the sound of it. “I used to think that, too.”
It’s quiet for a little bit. “Miss Emily?” you ask eventually. “Why am I still here?”
“We’re not quite finished with Sir yet,” she tells you. 
“But you caught him.”
“That’s true,” Emily agrees. “But we need him to tell us where to find some other people, too.”
“Why? Did Sir do something to them?”
“Yes. He did.”
“Sir gets angry sometimes,” you say. You don’t quite know what point you’re trying to make, but you feel like you should say it all the same. “He loses control.”
“Everyone gets angry sometimes. Everyone loses control.” Emily leans back in her seat. Her eyes don’t leave you. “That still doesn’t make it okay to hurt people.”
You agree with Emily on that, you think. Even if Sir doesn’t. “Miss Emily?”
“You can just call me ‘Emily.’”
“Emily,” you correct yourself. It feels wrong coming off your tongue. You don’t think you’ll be doing that again any time soon. “You know about making love, right? The thing that grown-ups do in bed?”
Emily opens her mouth but nothing comes out, like she doesn’t quite know what to say. You think she looks kind of silly like that. After a long moment, she says, “I… Well, yes, I suppose I do.”
“Why does it hurt so much? Sir says… that it’s supposed to hurt when you make love. He says that sometimes we have to hurt the people we care about. Is that true?”
Emily’s face falls. All of a sudden, her eyes are sad again, and the way she’s looking at you… like she’s sad for you. 
When she finally answers, her voice is small—smaller than you’ve heard it be since she came in and started talking to you. “He’s wrong, Y/N,” she says.
“But then why is his thing so big?” you ask, completely bewildered. “How could anyone ever fit it in without getting hurt?”
If anything, Emily’s face gets even sadder at that. “He’s a grown-up. He’s much bigger than you are.”
“But I can do grown-up things. I had a period,” you point out. 
“Sweetie, that’s not how it works.” Emily’s hands clasp tightly together on the tabletop until her knuckles turn white. “You’re still a kid. You shouldn’t be doing things like that with grown-ups, and it isn’t fair that he forced you to.” 
You frown. That doesn’t sound totally right, but you don’t know enough to say one way or the other. “Do I belong to him now? ‘Cause we did grown-up things together?” you ask. As soon as the words leave your lips, you realize how badly you’ve been wanting to know the answer.
You can see Emily’s jaw get tight. “Is that what he told you?”
“Yea,” you admit. Your tummy churns as you watch Emily’s clenched hands start to shake. “Um… Are you angry with me, Miss Emily?”
Emily blinks, looking down at her hands and then back to you. “No, honey. No, of course not.” She takes her hands back, puts them in her lap. “I’m sorry. I’m angry with him for doing these things to you.”
“Oh.” Your frown deepens at the defeated look on Emily’s face. “It’s okay,” you assure her. You don’t want her to be sad. “It wasn’t too bad. I learned what he liked pretty quick, and that made it easier.”
Emily begins to look a little sick. 
“Miss Emily, are you alright?” you ask. 
Emily clears her throat. The green complexion fades, but she still looks wary. “Yes, sweetie, I’m fine.”
She’s lying. You don’t know why, but she is. Still, you won’t ask about it. You’re smarter than that. “Is Miss JJ coming back soon?” 
Emily glances down at her watch. She wears it on the inside of her wrist, you remember. “Yeah, I think—”
A sudden knock at the door interrupts Emily mid-sentence, making you flinch. 
“Ah.” Emily’s eyes shift to look at something over your shoulder. She smiles. “Ask and ye shall receive.”
You chance a look behind you. 
There Miss JJ is, holding a brown paper bag and a Sprite. When you meet her eye, she gives you a warm smile and a wink. You immediately turn back around, your cheeks feeling hot. 
“I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a handful of things for you to choose from,” JJ explains. She drops the paper bag and soda right next to the open file in front of you, then circles around to the other side of the table. It smells like grease and fast food and ketchup. Your tummy rumbles again. “There’s a cheeseburger, some chicken nuggets, and a grilled chicken sandwich. I got you some fries, too.”
JJ gently touches Emily’s shoulder, and the two of them share some sort of silent communication. Then she sits down, too. 
“Thank you, Miss JJ,” you murmur. You don’t make a move to touch the food. 
“You’re welcome, honey.”
The room goes quiet. You steal glances at the food, then over at JJ and Emily. They’re watching you with identical frowns. Occasionally, they turn to exchange concerned looks with each other. In the meantime, you continue your staring match with the purple skin of your kneecaps. 
“Not hungry?” Emily asks after a little while. 
You glance up at her. “Is this a test?”
JJ and Emily exchange another look. “‘A test’?” JJ repeats. Her voice is just as soft and silky as you remember it. “What do you mean by that, honey?”
If it is a test, it’s already way more elaborate than anything Sir ever did. Still, you can’t help falling back on old habits. 
“Food is earned, not given,” you recite. The words come out easy—like second nature. At this point, they kind of are. 
It’s quiet again, until—
“Y/N… Did Sir tell you that?” Emily’s dark eyes on you are steady, like if she looks at you for long enough, she’ll figure out all your secrets. You pray that that isn’t true. 
Reluctantly, you nod. You look back and forth between them, searching. “What do you want for this?”
“Nothing,” Emily says simply. 
You just raise your eyebrows. You’ve played this game before. “A favor, then?”
Emily shakes her head. “No favors necessary.”
“I brought you food because you’re hungry and you need to eat,” JJ adds. She’s looking at you with a pained expression. “That’s all.”
Slowly, you reach for the Sprite. You don’t take your eyes off JJ and Emily. The can is cold and wet, dripping down the sides. 
“Oh!” Emily abruptly stands, leaning forward over the table and reaching out. “Here, I’ll open it for y—”
She stops herself short when she sees you flinch. 
“Y/N, hey,” she prompts. She raises both her hands, palms facing you. “I’m sorry; I should have asked first.” She nods down toward the soda can. “Would it be alright if I opened that Sprite for you?”
Your heartbeat hammers in your chest. Slowly, you reach around your knees to slide the can forward a couple inches. Your eyes don’t leave Emily’s face. 
“Okay, I’m gonna open it for you now,” she tells you. Her hands fall to the soda can, and she does just that. Chk-chk! Her nails are all ragged and torn, you note. One of them has dried blood around it. It looks painful. The soda hisses as she slides it back over to you. 
You don’t relax until she retreats back into her seat. 
“Thank you, Miss Emily.” You take the soda can into your hands, down a little sip. It’s fizzy and strange and way too sweet. You like it. 
“No problem, hon.”
— —
After endless tests, and doctors poking you, and a whole bunch of confusing questions, you’re finally left alone. Well, mostly. 
It’s just you, a hospital bed, and a thin pale man who says his name is Spencer. He’s FBI, too, evidently. He doesn’t look like he’d be FBI, but the gun on his hip says otherwise. 
He’s got big brown eyes, short brown hair, and he won’t stop fidgeting with his hands. He seems nervous. It’s making you nervous. 
Eventually, you can’t take it any longer. “Mister Spencer?” you ask. 
Immediately, his eyes shift to you. “Yes?”  He leans forward in his seat, rests his elbows on his knees. 
“They said I have to have surgery.”
He nods. “You’ve had some broken bones that didn’t heal correctly,” he explains patiently. His voice is soft, so soft it’s almost a whisper. “Most of them won’t require surgery, but from what I understand, the one in your left forearm is still hurting.”
Instinctively, you cradle your bad arm to your chest. “It’s not so bad.”
“That may be true, but the doctors here can fix it. They’re very good at what they do. And once you heal from the surgery, it won’t ever hurt like that again.”
A song plays in your head—one of Sir’s favorite songs. He’d play it all the time. “Ain’t nothin’ in this world for free,” you murmur. 
“Nothing in this world is free,” you say. “They can’t just take the pain away, Mister Spencer. Not unless the price is really, really high.” 
“The price has been taken care of.”
“By who?” Owing someone is dangerous. You know that. 
Spencer hesitates. “Well—”
“By me.” A familiar voice makes you whirl your head around. You really don’t like surprises. 
Emily’s standing there in the doorway. She looks at you with an expression you can’t quite figure out. 
“Miss Emily, I—I can’t pay you back—”
“You don’t have to.” She pushes off of the doorframe, comes in and sits in an empty chair next to Spencer. “I just want you to get better, sweetie.”
You eye her suspiciously up and down. “That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“I don’t believe you,” you whisper out eventually. 
You don’t expect her to hear you, much less answer, so it’s a surprise when she does. 
“I know,” she says. 
— —
The next couple days are a blur. You get the surgery, though you don’t really remember it. All you know is you wake up with the room spinning and your bad arm feeling numb. There’s a bandage on it, and white gauze wrapped from your wrist all the way up to your elbow. 
The doctors smile and tell you that things went well, that you’re gonna be okay. Their smiles are too big and the room is too bright and you really don’t want to be there anymore. 
Someone carries you out of the hospital to a big, black car. They smell like cinnamon, and their shirt is really soft. Their long black hair tickles your nose. Emily.
She stays with you in the backseat when the car starts to move.  
There’s a woman with golden hair driving the car. You think you might know her. JJ, a distant voice in your head supplies. 
Things go black for a while after that.
When you wake up, it’s bleary. You’re warm and comfy, which strikes you as unusual. The bed you’re on feels like a cloud. It’s a million times softer and more cloud-like than Sir’s bed ever was. That’s unusual, too. 
Turns out, it’s a guest room in an apartment that’s too fancy to be called an apartment. A “loft.” 
There’s a black cat with green eyes that jumps up on the bed and starts nuzzling you as soon as you’re up. Its fur is really, really soft. You like the way it purrs when you scratch it behind the ears. 
Turns out, the “it” is a “he.” His name is Sergio, and he belongs to Emily and JJ. 
This is their loft, where they’ve offered to let you stay for the foreseeable future. 
You have no idea what their angle is, and that terrifies you. But they’re warm and they smell nice and they let you order takeout from wherever you want for dinner. They’re gentle and they smile a lot and as far as you can tell, they don’t come into your room to touch you at night. 
Still, there’s only one way to be sure. One day, you sneak a strip of Scotch tape from Emily’s desk before dinner. That same night, you stick it horizontally on the inside of the door—from the metal frame across to the wood of the door itself. 
This way, it won’t come undone unless someone opens the door. And if they do, it’ll be impossible to stick the tape back exactly how it was unless you’re on the inside. You’re not sure where you learned that, ‘cause it definitely wasn’t from Sir, but you figure it doesn’t really matter either way. What matters is that it’s smart, and it works.  
Three nights go by. The tape doesn’t move. 
Three nights becomes a week. You keep sneaking bits of Scotch tape to replace the old ones when they start to lose their stick. 
The tape still doesn’t move. 
JJ and Emily are still as kind as ever. They still give you food, change your bandages, let you watch as much TV as you want. They don’t make you play grown-up games. They don’t yell at you. They don’t hit you, either. 
It’s new, and confusing, and strange. 
You think that maybe you could use a little of that. 
— —
A geriatric, balding judge with bifocals and a lisp signs the adoption papers on a Tuesday afternoon. And just like that, Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau are finally declared the official legal guardians of Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. 
You’re sixteen, now, after a quiet but memorable birthday spent at home with your moms three weeks prior.
Thanks to Uncle Spencer’s influence, you’re reading books like a fiend and doing weekly crossword puzzles with him on Sunday mornings. Social media remains something of a mystery to you, still. Hell, even Mama Emily’s better at it than you are. Auntie Penelope says it’s better that way ‘cause “the Internet is a beautiful but terrible place, my sweet sugarplum,” but at the very least, you think you should get a Facebook before you graduate.
Plus, Uncle Kevin says he’ll teach you some hacker tricks on the sly so long as you don’t tell Auntie Pen. You’re really, really looking forward to that. 
Uncle Hotch goes on weekly runs with you around the park. You pretty much spend the whole time teasing him for being so old and having to stretch so much before the two of you can actually get going, but he still very nearly beats you every time. 
Uncle Rossi spoils you with gifts and home-made Italian recipes. Sometimes, he’ll come over just to cook you dinner. 
Uncle Morgan’s teaching you how to pick up girls. Ever since you told him about that cute girl Emiko in your Spanish class, he’s been drilling you with lessons on “how to woo a lady.” You groan and blush and act like it’s the worst thing that ever happened to you, but secretly, you don’t really mind it. At all. Sometimes, you even take his advice. (Though admittedly, that’s rather rare.)
Luke, Matt, Tara, Alex and Stephen are all new, but your moms seem to trust them, and that’s good enough for you. Plus, Luke lets you play with his dog Roxy sometimes, so he’s already pretty cool in your book.
Friday nights are special. They’re the nights you always, always spend at home with your moms. You play board games, watch movies, binge trashy Netflix shows. Currently, you’re 11 seasons into Grey’s Anatomy. 
Most of the time, you pass out snuggled between them on the couch. They shake you gently when it’s time to go to bed, and you trudge back to your room in a zombie-like trance. You don’t stick tape anywhere. You don’t even close the door. You just fall face-first into bed and drift off to sleep. 
In the mornings, you always wake up all tucked in with a smudge of JJ’s strawberry-scented lip gloss drying on your forehead. 
And… you’re happy. Happier than you’ve ever been. 
‘Course, you still get sad sometimes. You still think about Sir and miss him even when you know you shouldn’t. You still visit Sissy every year, lay pretty pink flowers at the foot of her grave. (Sissy always loved pink.) But, things are different—you’re not alone. Your moms are always, always, always at your side. 
You think Sissy would’ve liked them. Loved them, in fact. 
After all, you certainly do. 
— — 
end notes: the song is “ain’t no rest for the wicked” by cage the elephant and uhhhh that’s it? i think? i Love using fanfic as a means of self-projection <3
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