#information masterpost
Tumblr won't let me reblog this but I wanted to get it on the blog anyway.
It's a very long post that has a list of resources to learn more about Palestine. The list is broken down into what kind of source it is and most, if not all of the entries have links to get you there quickly. This ranges from historical books, to novels, to documentaries, to reliable news sources, to the social media accounts of allies and reporters in Palestine. At the very end there's a list of edits that have been made to the post to update any information that's out of date or to add more entries, so it would be a good idea to check up on it every now and again.
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i-amusemyself · 2 years
Masterpost on Mask Efficacy Reseach in Covid-19
Sick of hearing that masks don’t work? Me too :)))) here’s some research studies showing that they do for next time Karen starts Karening.
(Correct as of August 2022)
A general respiratory viruses review (there are many more but that’s a post for another day):
A review of studies showing mask wearing prevents respiratory virus transmission including SARS, influenza, bird flu and Covid-19.
Wang et al., 2021 doi: 10.1002/mds3.10163
Animal models and masks with Covid-19
This study placed hamsters in separate cages and measured transmission of Covid-19 from an infected hamster to a healthy one. Surgical masks were shown to decrease infection rates.
Chan et al., 2020 doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa644
Mathematical models/simulations and masks with Covid-19
Mathematical modeling demonstrates mask ability to reduce transmission and mortality. It shows even masks of low efficacy can do this transmission rate is low or decreasing.
Eikenberry et al., 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.idm.2020.04.001
Mathematical modelling shows that higher quality face masks can protect the wearer from Covid-19, but two-way masking is better than one-way masking.
Bagheri et al., 2021 doi: 10.1073/pnas.2110117118
Researchers made a cough aerosol simulator to test how well different masks blocked the aerosol. N95 masks blocked 99%, surgical masks blocked 59%, cloth masks blocked 51% and face shields blocked only 2%.
Lindsly et al., 2021 doi: 10.1080/02786826.2020.1862409
Medical grade respirator masks are able to filter particles the size of Covid-19, while poorer quality masks are still able to filter larger aerosol particles which likely contain the virus.
Robinson et al., 2022 doi: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2042467
A model based on close-contact behaviour on the Subway showed that virus exposure could be reduced by 82% if all passengers wore surgical masks.
Liu et al, 2022 doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129233
Community settings and masks with Covid-19
A study looking back at 124 households in Beijing found that when one family member had Covid-19, risk of secondary infections within the household decreased by 79% if the infected member started masking before symptoms.
Wang et al., 2020 doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-00279
In Hong Kong, in the period studied, masking compliance was 96.6% and Covid-19 incidence was significantly lower per million people than in countries with less mask compliance.
Cheng et al., 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.04.024
A study of 211 Covid-19 cases and 839 controls in Thailand showed that consistent mask wearing was independently associated with reduced risk of Covid-19 infection.
Doung-ngern et al., 2020 doi: 10.3201/eid2611.203003
Introduction of mask mandates in states across the US was associated with a decline in Covid-19 infection growth rates.
Lyu and Wehby doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00818
A randomised trial in nearly 350,000 people in Bangladesh found that mask wearing significantly reduced symptomatic Covid-19 infections.
Abaluck et al., 2021
In US counties with masking mandates, daily case incidence declined by 35% in 6 weeks compared to matched counties without masking mandates.
Huang et al., 2022 doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01072
An outbreak of Covid-19 on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, which carried 382 men, showed that those that wore face coverings were 70% less likely to become infected.
Payne et al., 2020 doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6923e4    
A study of mask wearing in 20 million people, alongside Covid-19 infection data from 92 regions showed that mask wearing corresponds to a 19% reduction in Covid-19 reproductive number, R.
Leech et al., 2022 doi: 10.1073/pnas.2119266119
Young children wearing masks was associated with a 13% reduction in risk of childcare program closure due to Covid-19, meaning more in-person education.
Murray et al., 2022 doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.41227
Healthcare settings and masks with Covid-19
A hospital in Massachusetts managed to decrease rates of Covid-19 infection amongst 10,000 staff with universal masking, despite increasing rates of infection in the community.
Wang et al., 2020 doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.12897
A North Carolina health provider showed that epidemiological curve of healthcare-aquired Covid-19 infections was flattened in healthcare workers following a universal masking policy. This was despite increasing community incidence.
Seidelman et al., 2020 doi: 0.1017/ice.2020.313
A study of 29 general hospitals in Israel found that hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections among healthcare workers only started to decline following a universal masking mandate for all staff, patients and visitors.
Temkin et al., 2021 doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.207.Epub
A systematic review of 13 studies in healthcare and the community found that probability of Covid-19 infection for mask wearers was 7%, compared with 52% for non-mask wearers.
Alihsan et al., 2022 doi: 10.1101/2022.07.28.22278153
Properly fitted N95 masks alongside high quality air filtration can protect from Covid-19 infection for long periods, even with high viral loads at close range.
Landry et al., 2022 doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiac195
This study shows masks were able to block the exhalation of virus particles by individuals infected by Covid-19 in Brazil.
Mello et al., 2022 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264389
“But masks can harbour bacteria and fungi and give you pneumonia”
This is most likely referring to the study by Park et al., 2022 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15409-x 
However, if they actually read the paper they would find that:
Most fungi found were on the outside of the mask. Most fungi were opportunistic pathogens (only a danger to immunocompromised), rather than pathogenic.
Most bacteria were non-pathogenic in humans. Of the bacteria that were potentially pathogenic, most were commensal (normally found within the body) or opportunistic (don’t cause harm unless immunocompromised).
The article does not recommend against mask use, only repeated use of the same mask in immunocompromised individuals.
The paper points out that masks reduce transmission of Covid-19.
The paper points out that pathogenic bacteria and fungi are detectable on many materials we use in daily life.
And if you’re really worried about what’s on your mask:
Masks can be sterilized with steam or hot water without compromising their efficacy.
Rahman et al., 2022 doi: 10.3390/polym14071296
“But studies show that masks don’t work”
The most commonly cited evidence of this is a Danish study on the effectiveness of adding a mask mandate.
Bundgaard et al., 2021 doi: 10.7326/M20-6817
This study found that there was no significant difference in infection rates in 4000 Danes, between those recommended masks and those not recommended masks.
However, the study has many limitations which may explain why results differ from the majority of mask studies:
Infection rates reported in the study were not comparable with rates reported in the Danish population at the time.
Fewer people were infected in the masked group, but not to a level of statistical significance. The authors state that results are inconclusive, as opposed to concluding that masks provide no protection.
Only surgical masks were given to participants, which have a limited ability to protect the wearer from airborne viruses vs aerosolised viruses due to their loose fit.
The study only assessed how effectively the masks protected the wearer, not how well it reduced transmission to others.
In the group where masks were recommended, only 46% reported wearing their masks completely as recommended. I.e. more than half of this group did not always wear a mask.
The authors themselves state that the findings should not be used to conclude that mask recommendations in the community would not be effective in controlling Covid-19 spread.
“But masks make it hard to communicate!”
Data is mixed on expression recognition, but some studies show masks have no detrimental effect. Also, context and additional non-verbal cues are often not considered in studies.
A study of children aged 7-13 found that face masks did not impair ability to infer emotions.
Ruba and Pollack, 2020 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243708
Also, clear face masks are available, including clear surgical masks and clear respirators.
“But masks reduce oxygenation”
Wearing a face mask does not cause low O2 nor high CO2 at rest or during activity.
Shein et al., 2021 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247414
Gas exchange is not significantly affected by the use of surgical mask, even in subjects with severe lung impairment.
Samannan et al., 2020 doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202007-812RL                                
THAT graph that anti-maskers love to show
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“Fig. 3. Correlation between Infection Rate and Annual Mask Usage generated from discarded face masks. (USA: United States of America; UK: United Kingdom)”
This graph actually comes from a paper on microplastics from face mask disposal, as opposed to anything epidemiological.
Shukla et al., 2022 doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134805
This graph does not accurately show the Annual Mask Usage (AMU) of each country to an accuracy that could ever be used in a paper with an epidemiological focus.
The authors did not account for variable mask usage in different countries and they use no real world data used on this. Instead, variation in Annual Mask Usage (AMU) is estimated by considering the population of each country in rural vs urban areas, and the presumed acceptance of masks in each area, which is constant for each country (10% in rural areas vs 80% in urban). Basically, this graph shows no accurate data on mask wearing in each country.
The authors also state that there is a correlation between AMU and infection rate. However, the country with the greatest population in the world, China, counters this trend. Equally, the data for India and Brazil, which also have a large proportion of the global population, also contradict this conclusion. This would explain why the authors never attempted to provide statistical tests to prove the correlation that they have supposedly found.
I think that about sums it up, but feel free to add more!
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fumifooms · 2 months
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Omg guys he just genuinely likes bugs and mollusks and critters 😭💘💔 Forced to noble when he just wanna crouch and watch things skitter in the dirt…
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unichrome · 4 months
Masterpost of informational posts
All posts are written for everyone, including those with no prior computer science education. If you know how to write an email and have used a computer at least sparingly, you are qualified for understanding these posts. :)
What is a DDoS
What are the types of malware
Vulnerabilities and Exploits (old and somewhat outdated)
Example of how malware can enter your computer
What are botnets and sinkholes
How does passwords work
Guide for getting a safer password
Here are various malware-related posts you may find interesting:
The North Korean bank heist
5 vintage famous malware
Trickbot the Trickster malware (old and not up to date)
jRAT the spy and controller (old and not up to date)
Evil malware
New to Linux? Here's a quick guide for using the terminal:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Commands
Part 3: Flags
Part 4: Shortcuts
If you have any questions, request for a topic I should write about, or if there is something in these posts that you don't understand, please send me a message/ask and I'll try my best to help you. :)
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- unichrome
Bonus: RGB terminal
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rovermcfly · 2 years
Media Literacy Masterpost
This post is constantly evolving. You can help by sharing resources you know, pointing out broken links or even expressing criticism of the resources provided here if you have any. Come back any time to see if there's anything new. (Google Docs version for easier sharing outside tumblr)
Updated: September 14th 2023
The Basics
Get answers to the first questions you might have: What is media literacy? Why should I care? How does it affect me and others? Is there even anything I can still learn if I feel pretty internet-savvy? And more.
Get a more in-depth look at certain aspects of media literacy and learn about and apply media literacy skills. (alphabetical order)
Casey Fiesler
Check Your Fact
The Conspiracy Chart
Harvard Misinformation Review
The Media Bias Chart
Media Literacy Now
MediaWise (by Poynter)
National Association for Media Literacy Education
News Literacy Project
Reuters Fact Check
Truth Decay Project Tools Database* (A lot of websites that are relevant are listed here. Only websites that aren't on that list will be listed in this post)
See what experts have to say.
Interactive Learning Tools
This can help you learn about media literacy in a more hands-on way. (alphabetical order)
Critical Thinking Project
Go Viral! (Covid Misinformation)
News Lit Quiz
Truth Decay Project Education/Training Tools* (A lot of interactive tools that are relevant are listed here. Only websites and tools that aren't on that list will be listed in this post)
Social Media
Following these accounts can help sharpen your media literacy skills and you don't even have to do much because it will just pop up in your feeds! Follow, like, comment, retweet, etc. to help spread the word. (alphabetical order)
Media Literacy Now
Abbie Richards
Adam Conover
Aslan Pahari
Astro Alexandra
Hank Green
Professor Casey
Zeke Darwin
I have personally left twitter due to its new ownership, so it will be difficult for me to keep vetting the listed accounts the way I used to, however I will keep them listed as long as I still trust them.
Abbie Richards
AFP Fact Check
Fact-Checking Network
Media Literacy Now
National Association for Media Literacy Education
Reuters Fact Check
My media literacy tag
Remember to share these resources to help shape a world wide web that is safer and smarter and protect yourself and others from manipulation and radicalization.
* Criticism of this source has been expressed. I've provided my reasoning to still include it as well. I encourage you to make your own judgement.
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[Image ID in alt]
(I could since then not find an obvious bias in the lists that I have linked)
Information on the history of the RAND Corporation and its involvement with the US Military here.
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revenantghost · 11 months
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Anime North 2023 Trigun Stampede Panel (Attempted) Masterpost!
A new con with a new Orange panel, which means new information and pictures and videos to devour! As per with the SakuraCon masterpost, I want to collect and archive as much info as possible for reference, and will be updating links under the cut as more info comes out. I’m gathering stuff from Twitter and Tumblr, but I’m only one person, so if I miss anything please link and I’ll include it!
Here goes:
A thread of new concept art
More pics and a short video
Video on new, wild plant lore
Hilarious key animation frames of Wolfwood trying to force Meryl to eat worm meat
A thread of two animation breakdown clips
Text post of animation tidbits
And hopefully more to come as people go through videos and pics! Watanabe said that he’d post more info on the plants on his Twitter, and I’m fully prepared to snag that as soon as he posts it
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monkiebois · 5 months
Chinese Culture Resources
These are a collection of resources I’ve used to apply to my AU Tangled Star. This list is a constantly updating document because there is always something new I end up needing to learn about.
If you have any resource suggestions, feel free to send it to my ask box. I will review it and then add it to this list. Mostly, what I am looking for are things that can be applied to a fantasy setting or day-to-day life. Such as modern Chinese foods, Chinese banquets, how Chinese schools work-ect…
Disclaimer: This is simply meant to be a guide for people like myself who wish to learn about certain aspects of Chinese culture respectfully. A way for me to share the good resources I have found and have learned from. In no shape or form am I trying to insult or spread misinformation. While I am not responsible for the people who have written these resources, if there is something inaccurate in this list, please inform me with proof (and if possible a replacement resource) so that I may fix the issue. 
Please check in to the original post every now and then because I will be updating this post as often as I can find good resources.
Additionally here is a good Chinese character dictionary I use
Giant Hanfu Masterpost-pt1
Giant Hanfu Masterpost-pt2
Fruit recipes
How to throw a Chinese tea party
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fallenstarsgc · 7 months
Hihi!! This is a blog dedicated to (mostly) the Fallen Stars, 2019-2021 Version!
This is kinda like an FAQ thing, tho I take it more as "For (almost) All Questions" than "Frequently..."
Asks are open!
Warnings are at the bottom of the post, before the "About the Admin", sorry!
I use mostly what I have from the Gacha community from back then as inspiration/goals for them/etc, tho they have a bit more character than just "emo uwu baby" or the like! I still place a lot of their characters into the old tropes.
This also means they don't follow the truly canon characters! A lot of it is made up and fanonised!
Another factor into this is that I also cannot find a lot of canon information to ALL these characters in the time span that I'd still be motivated to even do this, as it takes a lot of time. So it's headcanons and fanon mixed!
There are two Chara's and Frisk's in this team, one pair are adults and dating Sans (19 y/os) + she/her pronouns, the other pair is small Frisk and Ghost!Chara who both use they/them! Also I mix a lot of the ideas people have/had for both Star Sanses and Fallen Stars, this meaning the team'll end up pretty big!
This is like found family trope but instead of them just having a "family type" they're also dating kinda! Like a really big poly but unknowingly from some sides! They're confused but they got the spirit!
Small Character introductions here!
Shattered/Dream; a kind-hearted spirit and prior Positive Guardian that has fallen due to his brothers hatred towards him, and several other factors. No one besides the team knows he is corrupted. (he/him)
Ink; after his friends' disappearance and other friends' crash in the antivoid, his vials had been taken away. Occasionally at Error's for fights or "fights" still (he/they)
Blueberror; prior Swap, after being (more or less) forced to stay in the antivoid for just too long he has glitched out and became this version. Mocks Error often and has taken on a slight parental role, just more strict and rude. (he/him)
Unlust/Cher; used to be Lust, but after Events in his au and with Red, an underfell sans, she stepped up for themself and went with Yanberry into the Fallen Stars. His LV has changed her body drastically. She's also the tallest. (any pronouns)
Yanberry; named Blueberry prior to seeing his brother killed in front of her by his Chara. After the reset, he had somehow kept his memory, making him go mad and kill almost everyone in her AU. Shattered had found him and brought him into the Team while he was stalking Dust. (he/him w occasional she/her)
Frisk; since she is now an adult, she is casually dating Sans and Chara. Often goes onto "missions" with the team. She's more or less of a hypocrite and a bit mean, tho she tries to be nice still. Will attack you if you try and hurt Sans. (she/her)
Chara; since she is now an adult, she also started casually dating Sans and Frisk. She feels bad for what happened, and the yellow flowers blooming on her head are a constant reminder of her wrong-doings. (she/her)
Little Frisk/Fry; they're a little sweetheart! But they're also dangerous. Don't step on the bugs they'll kill you for harming their friends :( (they/them)
Ghost!Chara/Charm; they're nice, but also like your intrusive thoughts. And they don't leave Fry alone ever. Also their crush is chocolate fyi (they/them)
Cor!Classic; not a lot is known about him. all we know is he's LV20 and dangerous. (he/him)
Honorable Character mentions:
Sci (neutral ground), Outer (occasionally drops by), Core (had no true choice), Ghost!Dream (from another dimension)
The Bad-Now-Good Guys:
Nightmare; Usually really mean and rude, but is also the only one allowed to hurt Dream. Could possibly corrupt back but doesn't due to fear, most likely.
Killer; more of a malevolent person to the Stars. Knows Cross's dirty little secret but keeps shut about it so he stays still about his own. Nightmare's right hand
Horror; Usually stays at Farm's place, but is also still more than not in the castle, usually by Murder's side. Keeps out of missions a lot but is pretty brutal when it comes to it.
Dust; A somewhat nicer version of Murder. Unaware of Yanberry's stalking&yandere behaviour towards him.
Murder; Stays with Horror a lot. His face is just gone and it unnerves Yan. Just as brutal as Horror and Killer, with LV20.
Cross; Stayed by Nightmare due to not wanting to come over as a traitor. However he is a traitor by simply dating/loving Dream. Keeps undercover.
Honorable Character mentions:
Error (doesn't care a lot), Farm (kind, neutral side character), Color (tries salvaging Killer, it doesn't work)
Please stay kind for all of this! I'm still learning how to do blogs such as these.
I might end up drawing human version instead of skeletons, and this doesn't really have a lot of big meaning, I just felt like drawing humans that day XD
Dust and Murder are two seperate Dust's/Murder's to me. This is why Yanberry can stalk Dust while Murder will be left untouched by this.
This account will mostly run off asks, so sending them in, no matter what they may be, is appreciated!
Also if there's text instead of a drawing to an ask, then that day I wanted to reply but could not find the energy to draw one! It's not because I favour anyone, I just have changing energy/motivation.
Updates can vary, due to me not having my computer and tablet with me 24/7
Possible triggers/warnings/might mention: self-harm/sh, past abuse, yandere behaviour, genocide routes (UT-way), death
(more to be added)
About the Admin!
↳ Orange ; they/them ; main - @orange-dreamzer
(always updating) Videos from that time range:
How Bad Sanses found out... - Link
Bad Guys react + Passive... - Link
Bad Sans Meet... - Link
Bad Sans react... - Link
Fallen Stars meet Bad Sans - Link
Singing Battle(s) - Links one ,
Other memes: Lambada , Stars+Fallen , Angry Too ,
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Making a masterpost for the greyscale Wally au in my drafts. I won’t post it yet but once there’s a bit more content I will
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toxictoxicities · 1 year
(っ◔◡◔)っ~ᴛᴏxɪᴄᴛᴏxɪᴄɪᴛɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀᴘᴏꜱᴛ ~
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Hey welcome to my blog you lovely darlin’s~!  ABOUT ME
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I am an Australian Artist born on the 29th of September and I do illustrations and animations. I have a caffeine addiction and I give my mutuals pet names so don't be shocked if I call you "darl" or "boo" - or anything along those lines HAHA it's for shits n giggles. My pronouns are They/Them (Nonbinary) and mates tend to call me Vic , though if you want to call me by ToxicToxicities, Toxic or “Tox”
━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━ STATUS - (this will keep changing) 
━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
✔ QnA (rpish interactions are allowed <3)  ✔ DMs
✘ Commissions ✘ Trades ✘ Requests
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Relevant Tags
━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
#ToxArt - My general art, all pieces will be tagged by it #Rebloops - Not my original Post #[Blank’s] Content - Someone else's content #Shenanigans- Me and my circles bullshit  #Warverse - My Undertale AM @warverse #Emergence - My Rainworld Au #Graviton - My original story
━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Honorable Mentions ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
​ @revolvius ​, @csavii , @distant-frontier-simp , @creaturevoiddweller , @mapl3-e , @slate021 , @redcobraart, @crypticemerald , @pan-perkozeq @doloshroom , @blvdcharms​ , @stoukadraws​ , @6nimus9​
​ ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━ Well that’s about it I think - well lots of love to you all you corrupted bastards!  -Love, Vic 
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16woodsequ · 6 months
Sunday Steve Masterpost
Day One: Ball Point Pen
Day Two: Vaccines
Day Three: Yogurt
Day Four: Seat Belt
Day Five: Toothbrushes
Day Six: Toothpaste and Floss
Day Seven: Deodorant
Day Eight: Shampoo and Conditioner
Day Nine: Shaving
Day Ten: Washer and Dryer
Day Eleven: Toilet Paper
Day Twelve: Soap
Day Thirteen: Tenement Building
Day Thirteen point Five: Inside of Tenements
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taakosleftshoe · 10 months
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Some drawings based on "Why does it feel so lonely (when you are around)" by @mysteriouscynic. Go read it by the way. It also made me listen to the song it's based on and now I'm like forever changed as a person.
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gilbirda · 4 months
love when people panic and change their url on a whim and/or delete their blog and break my links in a resources post (sarcasm)
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aortaobservatory · 5 months
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In case anyone's wondering how it's going.
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proton-wobbler · 9 months
Masterpost (Round 2)
(Edit: these polls have all concluded)
Bracket: Faves
Pygmy Nuthatch vs Oilbird
Bonin Petrel vs Great Bustard
White-throated Magpie Jay vs African Penguin
Dusky Seaside Sparrow vs Yellow-billed Magpie
Prothonotary Warbler vs Channel-billed Cuckoo
Pallas' Sandgrouse vs American Dipper
Blakiston's Fish Owl vs Pinyon Jay
Common Ground Dove vs Toulouse Goose
Bracket: Pretty Birds
Lady Amherst's Pheasant vs Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
Pink-necked Green Pigeon vs Plumed Whistling Duck
Pink Robin vs Red-cheeked Cordonbleu
Southern Emuwren vs Painted Redstart
Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise vs Bohemian Waxwing
Violet Turaco vs Purple Honeycreeper
Golden Pheasant vs Pompadour Cotinga
Purple-crowned Fairy vs Bluethroat
Bracket: TRUE hipsters
Emerald Starling vs Zigzag Heron
Kaua'i Mole Duck vs Whiskered Auklet
Madagascar Ibis vs Red-crested Turaco
Water Thick-Knee vs Palawan Peacock-pheasant
White-tailed Ptarmigan vs Regent Honeyeater
Invisible Rail vs Cabot's Tragopan
Collared Nightjar vs Kagu
Palau Kingfisher vs Sickle-winged Nightjar
Bracket: FOUR
Bat Hawk vs Hamerkop
Fiery-billed Aracari vs Bell Miner
Ancient Murrelet vs Arabian Babbler
Spotted Forktail vs Groove-billed Ani
Hairy Hermit Hummingbird vs Wedge-tailed Eagle
European Shag vs Short-tailed Pygmy Tyrant
Streaked Weaver vs Oriental Bay-Owl
Bearded Bellbird vs Marvelous Spatuletail
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strawberrybabydog · 1 year
big post on double bookkeeping coming :0)
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