kimberlychapman · 1 year
Meant to post this awhile back, pretty sure I forgot.
I experimented over the winter with learning how to do spiral granny squares and then crochet them together. I made myself a little sleevie thing. Probably has a name, I have brain fog about it. Anyway there is no pattern...I just made the granny squares as needed to fit my body in the way that I wanted so I could have quick warm sleeves any time I need. I googled for YouTube vids on the swirling granny squares, if anyone needs I can try to find the one I used.
I'm basically now an old lady who sits in a rollator covered in granny squares bahahaha.
Red Heart mexicana for the rainbow and probably Red Heart soft black for the black, or something equivalent, can't remember.
Yay swirly rainbows!
(no advice/critiques please, just joy)
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PS I am aware of the spatter on the mirror, I clean it regularly, my 9yo brushes her teeth at that sink and enjoys making a mess of it and I'm tired.
[images: three different views of me, a cis white lady, wearing a black and rainbow swirl motif sweater-ish-thing over a blue t-shirt with cartoon TNG folks on it. Also wearing a rainbow galaxy cloth-plus-meltblown round-the-head mask over an FFP2 with the latter's ear elastics dangling.]
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oenenophetweb · 2 years
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iemand vroeg alleen maar waar je FFP2 maskers kunt kopen en daar komt het Ministerie van Volksongezondheid hoor
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 18
Aperçu of the Week:
"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward."
(Oscar Wilde)
Bad News of the Week:
What's true in security policy is also true in fiscal policy: if the U.S. isn't fit, the whole world gets sick. The world's (still) largest economy sets the tone. Many global trade flows, e.g. for energy, are conducted in U.S. dollars, and in many countries it has replaced the domestic currency - whether unofficially, as in Zimbabwe, or even officially, as in El Salvador. So what happens to the U.S. economy or the U.S. dollar has global implications.
In the process, there seems to be a kind of parallel universe. Normally, in the economy, when a so-called insolvency threatens, all the alarm bells go off: Employees look for new jobs, suppliers stop supplying, the bank cancels the credit line, creditors are left sitting on their claims. The company is simply bankrupt, at the end of its rope, with no future prospects. Except, perhaps, for a few fillet pieces that the competition buys up at bargain prices. This does not apply to the USA. Because it is effectively bankrupt. And no one seems to care.
The current debt level - only of the state, not of its companies (banking crisis) or citizens (mortgage and credit card crisis) - amounts to $31.38 trillion. This is significantly more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of $26.85 trillion. In fact, this can never be repaid. For comparison: in Germany, $2.73 trillion in debt is compared to a GDP of $5.32 trillion. And we feel that this is bad. The creditors of the USA sit primarily abroad - whether friendly like Japan or even downright hostile like China. And sleep apparently nevertheless calmly. And that even in the face of the current (once again) concrete threat of insolvency.
Normally, and this has been the case for decades, this is nothing more than a ritual: the money is no longer enough, Republicans and Democrats agree - sometimes with more, sometimes with less dispute - to ignore the debt ceiling, which is actually regulated by law, they obtain money on the markets without any problems and act as if nothing had happened. Until next time. Business as usual.
This year, things may turn out differently. Because the trench warfare between the duopoly parties could reach a new level. Which this time might not be done with a few government agencies and national parks closed for two weeks. Already since the in many ways ridiculous election of Kevin McCarthy as Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, this has been publicly announced. Because the ultra-right MAGA freaks like Marjorie Taylor Green or Matt Gaetz have made it clear that they will play hard ball on this issue at the latest: rather cuts in social services as well as environmental protection than a suspension of the debt ceiling. For party-political reasons and without a shred of interest in economic or financial policy. At the same time, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns that so far it has only been possible to avert default through "a series of extraordinary measures".
Strange that the U.S. nevertheless has a credit rating of AAA. Is that perhaps because the three relevant agencies, Standard & Poor, Moody's and Fitch, are all U.S.-based private firms? Or that no one wants to admit that there may be a systematic problem after all? In every banking crisis - and we have one right now that is nowhere as dramatic as in the U.S. - the term "too big to fail" makes the rounds. The land of unlimited opportunity, unreal projection surface for the hopes and dreams of large parts of the world's population, must not be allowed to fail. That is psychology. It's certainly not mathematics.
Good News of the Week:
More and more often, I notice on the train and in the supermarket that I'm the only one still wearing an FFP2 mask. Yet I'm not an overly anxious person. I am merely part of a vulnerable group for whom it is still better not to become infected with the corona virus. But that is my personal decision. And no longer a legal requirement. Because there isn't one anymore. Except in many doctors' offices, where masks are still mandatory if that's what the doctor wants - which objectively would have made sense even earlier, because after all, that's basically where a disproportionate number of viruses and bacteria are buzzing around.
Basically, I'm glad that the Word Health Organization (WHO) officially lifted the international health emergency due to Corona on Friday. After more than three years of a worldwide pandemic. In the balance, there are more than 20 million deaths. A health system that reached its limits and exceeded them in many countries. A mass death of retailers and cultural institutions. Lots of children and young people with mental health problems - or at least major failures as they grew up.
Many health policy decisions were right. Many were wrong. Some fellows discovered their social empathy. Some a penchant for conspiracy theories. Friendships and bonds of solidarity have grown. Or were destroyed. As is so often the case in life, the task now is to learn from the past for the future. Because it will not be the last challenge that human society will have to face - looking at the news, the multi-crisis still dominates.
Therefore, it is nice that we have at least left behind the frightening side effects of the Corona pandemic. Which will accompany us from now on as a "completely normal" respiratory disease with a potentially fatal outcome. Like the flu. Because let's face it: normality can be very reassuring.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Last Monday was May 1, a public holiday in Germany. And while on "Labor Day" (actually absurd that this day of all days is a public holiday) demonstrations of the trade unions for more workers' rights take place everywhere in Germany, the accent in Bavaria is elsewhere. Namely on the maypole. A tradition according to which an approximately 30 meter high, white-blue painted trunk is erected with muscle power - accompanied by music, dance and beer. Cancelled the last years because of Corona, it was nice to be able to celebrate this festival again this year. Even the rain had a mercy and took a break for the crucial three hours.
I couldn't care less...
...that the United Kingdom has a new head of state since yesterday, King Charles III. And so do Canada, Australia, New Zealand and 13 other Commonwealth countries. All the pomp, his costumes and rituals etc. show me one thing above all: monarchies are no longer in keeping with the times. And are not democratic.
As I write this...
...I am listening to music. Right now John Legend. And think about the fact that this is probably the only undoubtedly exclusively positive achievement of mankind: art. Whether it's music, poetry, performing or visual art, analog or digital, live or documented. The kind of creativity that does not seek a concrete use value, but stimulates, entertains, inspires, polarizes, makes you think. L'art pour l'art is something very beautiful.
Post Scriptum
Germany reached its "earth overload day" last week. So if all of humanity were as wasteful with resources as we are, it would need three Earths. We only buy green electricity and drive an all-electric car or use public transportation. We try not to throw away food and collect everything that can be recycled. We order as little as possible from Amazon (okay: also because we simply can't stand the working conditions of this company and its owner himself) and basically try to reduce our consumption (okay: this also saves money and has an educational value). And yet we are more part of the problem than part of the solution. Sigh...
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franwatcher · 2 months
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samssolutions · 3 months
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NIOSH Standard of N95 Approved by NIOSH EU PPE Regulation EN 149:2001+A1:2009
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martinjost · 7 months
Kurze Durchsage an alle in der Bahn: Wenn ich eine Maske trage, weil ihr alle vor euch hinrotzt, machen wir es genau falschrum ☝🏻
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Od 1. ožujka nošenje maski FFP2 više neće biti obvezno
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Na današnjoj konferenciji za novinare Bečki gradonačelnik Michael Ludwig napomenuo je važnost "Bečkog puta" i savjetovanja sa gradskim ekspertima za trajanja covid epidemije te je ujedno i najavio ukidanje FFP2 maski . "Nošenje maski u javnom prijevozu nesumnjivo je pomoglo u suzbijanju ovih virusnih bolesti i zaštiti posebno ranjivih skupina", rekao je gradonačelnik. U bolnici je trenutno 314 oboljelih od korone, od čega dvanaest na odjelima intenzivne njege. Trenutno broj zaraženih ponovno raste, vrhunac ovog vala očekuje se od sredine veljače do ožujka. Ovo vrijeme bit će "zahtjevno" za zdravstveni sustav.  Tako od 1. ožujka nošenje maske FFP2 više neće biti obvezno u gradskom prijevozu i ljekarnama . Ukinut će se i zahtjev za PCR testom za posjetitelje u bolnicama i domovima za starije i nemoćne, a ukinut će se i ograničenje posjetitelja od tri osobe dnevno.  Austrijska  vlada je sa svoje strane već najavila ukidanje pravila o koroni najkasnije do 30. lipnja. Zahtjev za maskama u ranjivim područjima kao što su bolnice i domovi za starije i nemoćne tako će završiti 30. travnja . Zoran / TV Wien Read the full article
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avanzasekhar-blog · 1 year
N95 FFP2 Mask Manufacturers in india
Protectcare designed FFP2 or N95 for the highest-risk environments, such as surgery or other situations where sprays and aerosols carrying the virus are commonly emitted. N95s consequently provide the strongest protection against illness as they stop viruses and bacteria from reaching the wearer. FDA and CE certified mask manufacture in the India.
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prizmamedya-blog · 1 year
FFP2 Masken Hersteller
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White N95 Protective Mask We are manufacturer with 3 workshops, which has 11 automatic production lines. We acceppt LOGO or mask pattern customization. Workshop: 100,000+ GMP Function: filter non-oily particles, virus Feature: 3D design, comfortable, soft, breathable Tel.: 0086 400 6099 039 Whatsapp: +86 13568949177 E-mail: [email protected] Web.: shuermed.com
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@ilsupremomacchinista 🚂 @ilsupremomacchinista 🚂 @ilsupremomacchinista 🚂 #ilsupremomacchinista 🛸 Thanks to @ch_double 🛸 #stazione #lavorare #stazione #mascherina #mascherine #ffp2 #trasporti #trasportipubblici #publictransport #mask #rfi #osmi #trainconductor #lavorare #lavori #ferroviere #macchinista #macchinisti #capotreno #treno #treni #trainspotting #trainspotter #meme #memes #memesdaily #memeita #memeitalia #ritardo #ritardi #stazione https://www.instagram.com/p/CjK3HKcowcm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rouvensiegler · 2 years
Bitte beachten: ab 01. Oktober 2022 wieder generelle Maskenpflicht in therapeutischen Einrichtungen ...
Bitte beachten: ab 01. Oktober 2022 wieder generelle Maskenpflicht in therapeutischen Einrichtungen …
Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten, bitte tragen Sie beim Betreten der Praxis einen FFP2-Mund-Nasen-Schutz. Es herrscht zu Ihrer und unserer Sicherheit ab 01. Oktober 2022 bis auf weiteres die generelle FFP2-Maskenpflicht in allen medizinischen und therapeutischen Einrichtungen. Bitte kommen Sie nicht zu früh (und auch nicht zu spät) zu Ihrem Termin, so dass Ihr Aufenthalt in der Praxis Ihrer…
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Ich habe so ein ganz eigenes Sicherheitsmaßnahmen Paket Damit scheine ich ganz gut zu fahren Bis dato keine #Corona #sarscov2 Infektion Neben den Verzicht auf Besuch von #Ungeimpten gehört dazu • keine Massenveranstaltungen • draußen #ffp2 Maske tragen • Indoor immer FFP2 • Menschenmengen meiden wo immer möglich (auch Zeiten abpassen wo wenig los ist im Supermarkt, Apotheke, usw) • 3fach geimpft • #maskenpflicht in Hausordnung des Betriebes aufgenommen Usw Denn, was euch nicht gesagt wird ist, dass euer Restrisiko auf Spätfolgen und Langzeitschäden wie zB #longcovid bei 10-20 % liegt. Auch nach Erstinfektion. Sehr eindrucksvolles Profil dazu ist @longcovid.diary 🫂💙 Auch @chris.werk berichtet fast täglich über ihre Erfahrung mit der #coronainfektion und ihren Spätfolgen Denn die Bundeszentrale für Gesundheit & Aufklärung kommt ihrem Job nicht nach: Keine Aufklärungsarbeit und keine Informationskampagnen Ihr rennt ins offene Messer. #justsaying Bitte: passt auf euch auf. Tragt Masken! Haltet Abstand! Meidet #superspreadingevents wie Konzerte, Festivals und Co. In dem Sinne: jede verhinderte Infektion ist eine gute Infektion ❤️ xOxO, euer EinhornHuhnSchmatterfly #coronavirus #coronaviruspandemic #coronaupdate #covidisnotover #covidvacccine #covid #covi̇d19 #longcovidkids #longcovidawareness #coronavirus #postcovid #postcovidkids #postcovidawareness (hier: Zauberwald) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgiSTwrISts/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samssolutions · 7 months
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𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐏𝐑𝐎 Standards: Not NIOSH, CE and AS/NZS approved. Class: Nuisance Mask Needle punched polypropylene Head Strap: Elastic band
𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐅𝐅𝐏𝟐 FFP2 NR Particulate Respirator, Half Mask Meets EN149:2001+A1:2009 Standard.
𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐕 𝐅𝐅𝐏𝟐 FFP2 NR Particulate Respirator, Half Mask with Valve Meets EN149:2001+A1:2009 Standard.
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martinjost · 7 months
Ich muss gar nix
Ich muss in diesem Laden keine Maske tragen? Danke für die überflüssigste Information des Jahres. Und dafür habe ich nun meine Kopfhörer aus dem Ohr genommen!
„Sie müssen hier übrigens keine Maske tragen.“ Ja danke. Ich muss übrigens auch keine Hose tragen. Ich habe heute trotzdem eine angezogen. Ich brauche auch nicht für Tiere zu bremsen. Ich muss nicht morgens und abends Zähne putzen. Ich brauche kein Obst und Gemüse essen. Ich muss auch nicht lebenslang lernen. Ich muss nicht Guten Tag und Auf Wiedersehen sagen. Es gibt keine Sonnencreme-Pflicht.…
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