#incorrect assassins creed quotes
People are hating on the new Assassin's Creed trailer for all the wrong (usually incredibly racist) reasons.
You should be hating on it because it's the latest entry in Ubisoft's money grubbing "Day 1 DLC", "Super-Microtransatction", barely functioning shit-pile of a game from a company that's trying to wring every last penny out of its customers they can with every unethical late-stage-capitalism tool in their arsenal.
There's a perfectly good Assassin's Creed game set in Japan. It's called Ghost of Tsushima.
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Desmond: Please stop making new flavors of coca-cola. Either put the cocaine back or leave it alone
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rk1kincorrect · 27 days
canon af
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reemonna · 8 months
HI! Love ur blog. Can I req some nsfw headcanons for Connor Kenway? ;)
Oh dear, this is the first time for me to write a whole nsfw blog and I'm so anxious about it, especially if it's about Connor. I hope I won't disappoint and thank you so much!
!!! (Warning: NSFW / not for minors / +18 content) !!!
NSFW Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor Kenway headcanons
(During the events of AC3)
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In spite of his terrifying physique and alarming gazes when he's hunting down an enemy, he can be the softest and most caring creature you'll ever get to know when it comes to him having a physical contact with you
He's so strong and able-bodied, so he can pin you to the wall with both his arms easily and you're here squirming before his huge body
When you're giving him head for the first time he'd be really concerned and anxious the whole time that you might choke. He's fully aware he is that huge
Him having kinks? I don't think so. He's an innocent boy, it's even possible for him not knowing what does the word 'kink' stand for in the first place. He could even ask you about it
"Nó:ronhkwe (love), what does the word 'kink' mean?"
"Where did you hear that from?"
But if he did have kinks, they would be the least risky and hurtful ones. Which means BDSM is a conclusive no for him
Connor is a busy man, he doesn't really have the time to have sexual and romantic relationships, he was once afraid he couldn't give his woman what she deserves. So having you would be his first. Yes, that means he is a virgin
Thus explain why he's shy and probably doesn't know what he's doing in your first time together. But he's a fast learner, with very observant eyes and sharp senses, he will take some mental notes of how to improve and get better by the time. And he definitely does
He's pretty skilled with his hands, according to training and using different weapons and managing them perfectly, so he really knows how to use them well, and he's ready to show you that in other ways than fighting, to play you like a violin, turning you into a sobbing mess
During the whole thing he will ask you some questions from time to time like 'Are you okay with this?', 'Am I doing good?', 'Do you want me to stop?' to let you know that he's wary and willing to make it as comfortable and pleasurable for you as possible
You wouldn't imagine what it's like to do it with him when he's mad about something. He turns into one brutal beast you won't be able to feel your body for a week at least
Once he's done and returns back to his senses, he will regret it immediately and keep on apologising (even if you're not really protesting), making sure you weren't badly hurt
When you're both close enough, he likes to play chasing games with you, tag for an example. He likes watching you from afar, determining your location with his secondary vision, licking his lips and eyeing you in a predatory way, closing the distance between you slowly like a vulture hunting down its prey. That's until he surprises you with a full-of-happiness giggle and hugs you. Holding you tight in a teddy bear way as if he's won his prize, whispering promises of a long blissful night to your ears
He looks like a sculpted statue of a greek god after reaching his climax. With his tired handsome face, pumped lips (more than they actually are), sleepy beautiful half-closed eyes, flushed tanned skin, tiny whines escaping his lips from time to time, sculpted flawless body and a rising and lowering sweaty chest. If he's conscious enough he would have a little wanton smirk on his lips with his eyes fixed upon you
He's the sweetest boy when it comes to the aftercare. He gives away lots of kisses and cuddles, asking you if he did well enough, could even prepare a bath for you to get cleaned up. He doesn't let you make the least effort possible. He takes care of everything himself until he finally lays beside you in bed, pulling you into his lap, fondling your hair tresses and kissing your forehead softly, wishing you sweet dreams
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imnotadogiswear · 2 months
Ezio: I think I’m coming down with something, I’ve been feeling nauseous lately. Leonardo: Maybe you’re pregnant? Ezio: Leonardo: Ezio: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot right now, you because you suggested it, or me, because I just had a heart attack.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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dialogue from @acgames' post!! had to draw it loll
(commission info // kofi)
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lunavadash-creates · 1 year
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Desmond: But would you love me if I was a worm?
William: I don't even love you now
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 10 months
Jacob: Stop it! Do you want me to never talk to you again?! Evie: ... Jacob: What? Evie: Hang on, I'm considering.
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tamiisnthere · 1 month
Another Altami quote after a long time bcs I'm cringe 😔
Tami: Hey, Alty? Do I embarrass you in front of the other assassins? Altaïr: No. Tami: Do I annoy you at all? Altaïr: No. Tami: Should I be forgotten? Altaïr: No. Tami: Do you even like me? Altaïr: No... Tami: Oh... I... I understand... *gets sad* Altaïr: But that's because I actually love you so much. *hugs her* Tami: *hugs him back with happy tears*
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marshmallow--3 · 1 year
Jacob: I'm sorry, Evie. I hate to do this, but I have to use my veto.
Evie: Veto? Oh, you don't get any vetoes.
Jacob: You veto me all the time.
Evie: 'Cause you have dumb ideas.
Jacob: Name one!
Jacob, later: That went on for a while.
Source: Modern Family
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Desmond: Happy fathers day to the man who called the cops on me when he didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house.
Desmond: I was downstairs eating cereal and also was fifteen. Cheers William.
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rk1kincorrect · 11 months
i hate al mualim and what he did to altaïr
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reemonna · 10 months
Hello can you make a another hc’s or Connor ? ;)
Yes, sure! Thank you for the request! (And sorry for the delay) To be honest, I was looking, lately, for some excuses to write more about Connor since he's my favourite assassin so here are some Connor headcanons. I hope you love 'em! (I will certainly be uploading other Assassin's Creed characters headcanons, but I think I'm going to stick with Connor for a while)
When you're stressed or panicked with Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor Kenway
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He blames himself for what you had to go through
He will try so hard not to show it. But his stoic face gaunts gradually seeing you weep and sob in his arms
He shows various signs, biting his lips, intensely moving his gaze away, gritting his jaws, or clenching his hands cruelly that his knuckles turn white
He gets narky and manic to the point he could set the whole world on fire just for your sake
He's considered socially awkward, thus why he's not really able to express what he really feels correctly -and nicely at the same time- since he comes from an isolated society, and he doesn't open up to anyone about any of these sensitive issues and events, especially these which happened to him as a child. So he just stays silent, holding the urge to say anything that might make the situation worse as much as possible
He will leave you alone for some time to let you calm down and manage yourself on your own should he feel you're stressed out in his presence
He tries containing and perhaps dragging these vengeful and bloodlust thoughts out of your consciousness -in a situation of one of your loved ones dying by the enemy-, whether by distracting you or alerting you of what walking down that road could lead to
He doesn't wish to witness you turning into someone he long-lived detested and fought, like the templars, or like himself sometimes
He'll try to know who's behind your sorrows and deal with them, staining his hands with more blood to keep yours clean
He will lean closer to you, aiming to embrace you, and by accepting his offer he will gently wrap his arms around you, holding you tight and absorbing your anger
Taking you to a tranquil place, where no one can be seen or heard except for your footsteps, and maybe the animals running around you -if you were in an open space among the nature-
He thinks a little walk in such places could ease the tension even a little bit, since he used to spend a lot of his time there whenever he wants to clear his mind
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imnotadogiswear · 7 months
Jacob, accidentally doing something really well: Ah, shit. I’ve given them higher standards now.
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Altaïr: You are not my target. I will not take your life. You are free to go, but do not follow me.
Maria: ...
The 500 random city guards in the afterlife: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Random guard in the afterlife: Awwww! The power of true love! How adorable!
The 500 random city guards in the afterlife: SHUT UP GARY!
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