#implied yooran
fireofmyloins1113 · 6 months
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what year is it again? 2016?
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chocopalustre · 5 years
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some fem saerans uvu
(her girlfriend gave her that hoodie. her gf is yoosung.)
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Come with Me
Yoosung was so done. He felt like everything was falling into pieces and he could barely keep up this charade anymore. This definitely wasn’t the first time, but he felt like it was the last time he could stand it. He was disappointed with himself, but he couldn’t dredge up enough motivation or effort to bring himself to do something about it. Not an ounce of him cared. There was just..numbness.
 Why did he even go to university? Wasn’t he just wasting his parents’ hard earned money considering the amount of assignments he failed to hand up, the hours of lecture that had flown by as he slept in class…
 And social interaction, Yoosung used to bask in it. He would ask after everyone, do his utmost to make sure everyone felt comfortable, go out of his way to do what little he could for the needy. Now he shied away from it all, doing only the necessary to pass off as normal so people wouldn’t suspect he was crumbling inside. Although recently he tended to slip a lot. There was a constant undercurrent of worry in Jaehee’s messages to him, and Seven had alternated between harassing him a lot and not at all in what was an attempt to get him to snap out of whatever funk he was in.
 Yoosung couldn’t depend on RFA. After all it was headed by a liar who barely showed his face when it mattered. All he was ever good for was apologising and glossing over important things that should be discussed. No one truly knew the inner workings of his heart and mind, and even if they wanted to try, he didn’t think he would be able to string the appropriate words together without breaking into pieces or having that crippling heaviness settling over him like a cloud.
 To stifle the pressing issue of his lack of interest in doing anything, Yoosung had tried to distract himself with LoLoL marathons every night. His sleep cycle and grades suffered, but at least it made him feel a lot more human. Online he could hide and perfectly act the part of nearly invincible hero, people looked up to him. People depended on him. As Superman Yoosung, his life was perfectly put together; stats were impeccable, item inventory to die for. He had everything going for him.
 But he was sick of doing this day in day out. He was tired of surviving like this, having to seek approval from faceless individuals who spent much of their lives building up their ideal character. What he was doing couldn’t be considered living. Everything felt so meaningless. Why did he even bother? Without Rika as his guide, his inspiration, and role model, he had nothing. He felt nothing. He was empty. Everything he did was pointless. Even those pleasures from being so highly ranked in LoLoL were short lived. It was just a distraction. Something he needed to help him feel something. Rage, excitement, competitiveness. Anything.
 Yoosung barely thought of things to come outside of the now. Even with people telling him that he had potential, it was so hard to see beyond the present moment. Even with prospects like interning at the highly regarded C&R he couldn’t find the strength or the motivation within him to try. Just living day to day was a struggle. He was exhausted from trying to put on a brave face and appear the normal, happy bubbly Yoosung for pretences sake.
 That’s why when he was offered the chance to just leave, he took it without a moment’s hesitation. Even though those mint green eyes were feral, he wasn’t afraid. Yoosung knew he wouldn’t – he wasn’t lying. He felt the urge to go; that this just might be the escape he was looking for. He grasped the extended hand like it was a lifeline out of the hellhole he was in. No notes, no calls, not a word. He wouldn’t be gone that long anyway, they wouldn’t have enough time to miss him. Just a short breather to help him get his head back on straight.
 He felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. This rash recklessness was hardly him at all. Even when he was wrestling with just passing the time one day at a time, he always chose the safe and familiar. But now he was riding in a car he’s never seen before, going to who knows where. It felt like he had just started on a quest. He was the hero going out to seek his fortune. Endless possibilities were open to him. Only he wished that he could see.
 He hadn’t objected when the he had been showed the blindfold in his room.
 “I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
 The hands that tied them were gentle, yet firm. Yoosung knew he could entrust himself to him. When it was in place he had stroked Yoosung’s hair, as if it was a reward.
 Yoosung had been assured that he would be going to someplace he would love, where he would finally feel the sense of belonging and purpose. People came from different backgrounds and circumstances but none would be a cause of discrimination against them. Everyone was welcome. It was a place where he would see how much he was valued and would be wholly accepted.
 Saeran had been nervous to extend the invitation to Yoosung. He had thoroughly done his research and had been convinced by one who was very close to Yoosung that he would definitely enjoy himself. He would be grateful to Saeran for bringing him there. Saeran had been watching Yoosung for a long time, and it pained him to see how uninterested Yoosung was in life. Yoosung had a believable façade going on, but if you looked hard enough it was clear that there were hairline cracks concealing a world plunged into darkness. Somehow he felt protective over Yoosung with him being the youngest. Saeran wanted to reach out to him and transform Yoosung’s life, like how his had been transformed.
 He was relieved when Yoosung came so willingly. He was slightly worried that Yoosung would kick up a fuss, but Saeran had no trouble at all. His purple eyes were so full of trust as he took Saeran’s offered hand and went with him. He was eager even.
 Saeran turned his head to gaze at Yoosung fondly. Even now, being blindfolded, Yoosung was leaning back into the car seat. Perfectly relaxed and at ease. Such a good boy. Saeran ghosted his fingers across Yoosung’s cheek. He started a little, but then leaned into Saeran’s hand.
 “Such a good boy.” Saeran whispered.
 The corners of his lips curled upward when he noticed the pink hue colouring Yoosung’s cheeks. The smile grew wider when Yoosung reached up and threaded his fingers with Saeran’s. He had taken a liking to him already.
 “May..I?” Yoosung asked tentatively.
 Saeran hummed and left their hands twined as he brought them to rest on his lap.
 When the car rolled to a stop, Saeran reached over and unbuckled Yoosung’s seatbelt.
 He pushed a blond lock away from Yoosung’s ear. “I’ll come over to get you, wait for me.”
 Yoosung sat perfectly still with his heart thumping as he heard the car door slam. He kept unclenching and clenching his fists as he waited. Minutes later, the door beside him opened. He hesitantly reached out a hand.
 “Lower your head a little.” Saeran carefully brought him out of the car, keeping a hold on his small, smooth hand and leading him with his other on the small of his back. They entered the mansion. Yoosung shuddered a little as he noticed the drop in temperature as Saeran led him further in.
 When Saeran was satisfied, he removed the blindfold. Little light filtered into the room. Yoosung’s eyes had to take a while to adjust to it, but when they did, he was shocked to find a group of people in hooded robes watching him. He was in an ornate room with high ceilings and marble floors. It was cold and slightly damp.
 “I’ve brought him Saviour.”
 Yoosung whipped his head to the side in confusion to ask him to explain what he meant, but he wasn’t looking at him. His gaze was focused on the person sitting on the throne at the front of the room.
 Yoosung hadn’t noticed it because he had been flummoxed by the robed people and the strange design of the room that was not in the least bit Korean.
 “You did well.” The answering voice was high and girlish. “Bring him to me, Saeran.”
 It was a voice he could recognise anywhere. A voice that was so ingrained into his being. One that was locked in his memories, linked with happiness and good times when he was the best version of himself. The only version he ever needed to be, but could only wish to be now.
 Yoosung staggered back a few steps.
 No. No.
 It couldn’t be.
 She was dead, they all told her that she was dead! But that small stature, those blond curling locks, and those emerald eyes… Although they were strangely devoid of the warmth and love Yoosung was so used to seeing within them, he was absolutely positive it was she. Even if they had put her in strange ceremonial robes, there was no mistaking her.
 He was frozen. His heart was a mix of terror and happiness, questions swirling like a hurricane in his mind, and he couldn’t separate a single one from the vortex to voice it.
 Saeran – the man who had brought him here, grew impatient and tugged him forward inching him closer and deeper into this nightmare. Yoosung stumbled up the stairs. They both stopped a little distance in front of the throne. Her arms were thrown open, an invitation. An embrace he was ready to run into, yet wanted run away from and never look back. Yoosung didn’t need the proximity to confirm his suspicions of who she was. What he wanted to know was why she was here, why V had lied. Did she have an idea of how he felt when she disappeared? Did she even care?
 His knees trembled.
 She pulled him into her embrace. Yoosung couldn’t quite bring himself to hug her back. She smelled the same as he always remembered. When she pulled away she smiled at him, one that didn’t sit quite right on her face and seemed to be hiding a darker more sinister agenda. Yoosung recoiled and accidentally backed into Saeran.
 Saeran caught him and leaned down to whisper into his ear, “Welcome to paradise.”  
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ezekiielz · 5 years
My naym is yoosung
And when it night
And the saeran
Is sleeping tight
I do the thing
I really like
I start to game
I do it right
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Uhh Kait so I just read somewhere that said Yoosung and Saeran were a lil bit gay during Ray's AE. Is that true...? cause I haven't play Ray's AE and it feels not right for me :/
Well, I should state that the characters love everyone regardless of who they are. This goes for any MC that isn't cishet female, the RFA loves you and their sexuality is very fluid across the board. Everyone in the RFA loves anyone that loves them, and there should never be any doubt about that in anyone's mind.
I'm not a fan of this tone that you're using unless you're just saying that you don't like Yooran, which is, totally fine. You don't have to care for certain ships in media, but if this is about Yoosung having a deep admiration and heart for Saeran in the AE and you think that's gross or wrong, well, that's sounding kind of homophobic to me.
Here's the thing about that, I'm fairly certain that folks in the Korean and Spanish translation say that Yoosung is very honest and upfront about admiring and coming to love Saeran when you're prompted to ask him about this, whereas the English translation for some reason censors it and changes it around. It's been a while since I've seen the caps in other languages, so I can't find them right now.
Either way, Yoosung is very flippant about the way that Saeran makes him feel. It's not just in the phone call where you can ask him near the end of the AE, he says at the start of the AE that he really looks up to Saeran, and it's a feeling that he says feels nice and warm, like a nice spring day. You don't have to read into it as romantic if you want, you can read into it as admiration and respect.
But, it's not great to tell other people that they're wrong for viewing it that way or reading it as romantic. I'm not a Yooran shipper, myself, but that doesn't mean I don't see the appeal and support others who do ship it since the content for it can be really sweet at times. Some Yooran content is so cute! I love seeing it now and again. 
There's a way to interact with media and fandom, and this ain't it. So, I'm thinking I need to understand what you're trying to imply here better. Because I can't tell if you're just saying this because you're not a fan of the idea of Yooran or because this is something else you have an issue with. Can't tell since you were really vague here about it but I'm not really comfortable with how you phrased this.
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eulaties · 3 years
fics that have an asterisk (*) in front of them are my personal favorites! also, all of the fics listed are completed unless otherwise stated.
NOTE: these are fic recs for the ship jumin han/jihyun kim. 
this list was last updated on 12/29/20.
if you want general mysme fic recs click here
if you want yoosung/mc fic recs click here
if you want yooseven fic recs click here
if you want yooran fic recs click here
fall to slow motion • one-shot
SUMMARY: “the only person who has ever consistently cleared the threads in his head is v, yet he is not the one drinking with him tonight.”
TAGS: angst, spoilers for 707′s route, v is dead, longing, mc comforting jumin
*in-hyeong • one-shot
SUMMARY: “jihyun comes around to visit without any sort of schedule. he’ll visit twice within the week, before staying away for months and returning again. each time, he looks as though he’s expecting some sort of punishment for his absence, apologising profusely and excusing himself early – as though everyone present would be better without him. he seems to be stuck in the space in-between; some crevasse between understanding that those around him are just worried but afraid his mere presence is a hindrance.”
TAGS: angst, trauma, hurt no comfort, one-sided pining on jumin’s part, healing, jihyun kim character study, mental health issues, prose, read this if you want to cry
CW: unhealthy relationships (rika/v)
the mint was a weed • one-shot
TAGS: angst, spoilers for 707′s route, v is dead, flower imagery, hurt no comfort
it’s always you • one-shot
TAGS: soulmate au, slow dancing, fluff, mutual pining, drinking, drunken kissing, nothing explicit happens
to the night’s end • one-shot
TAGS: unrequited pining, that eventually get requited at the end, angst, canon-divergence, childhood flashbacks, happy ending
*susurrus • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v shows up at jumin's door at some inappropriate time of night to show up at a person's door. after jumin blinks the sleep out of his eyes, v confesses the real reason he came.”
TAGS: hurt/comfort, angst, bittersweet fluff, late night conversations, longing
redamancy • one-shot
SUMMARY: “two years after the end of jaehee's route, when v surrendered himself to mint eye, jumin finally finds him again.”
TAGS: angst, hurt/comfort, reunion, rescue, happy ending
CW: mentions of past abuse and torture, depictions of blood
it might have been • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v asks jumin to meet him for the first time in a while. the topic turns to v's eyes, and jumin tries to make sense of his feelings toward v and the way love affects people.”
TAGS: possibly unrequited love, angst, hurt/comfort, friendship
*sparsile • one-shot
SUMMARY: “chairman han's latest girlfriend insists that he bring jumin to a party. jumin finally agrees on the condition that he can invite v and rika along. being there with his friends leads to complicated feelings arising in jumin that he doesn't know how to explain.”
TAGS: unrequited love, angst, jealousy, hurt no comfort, dancing, an exploration of the concept of compulsive heterosexuality
CW: harassment, anxiety
we’re not out of the tunnel (i bet you though there’s an end) • one-shot
TAGS: angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, confessions, first kiss
CW: alcoholic abuse, emotional abuse, mild gore (blood and injury), domestic violence
*sunglasses for the moonshine • one-shot
SUMMARY: “jumin and v have kissed more times than best friends should. or: 5 times jumin kissed v and the 1 time v kissed him.”
TAGS: 5+1, childhood flashbacks, fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining, confessions
CW: implied domestic violence
wine and sunlight • one-shot
SUMMARY: “jumin invited v over to his house to drink wine and catch up. he realizes that his feelings toward his childhood friend are turning into something more.”
TAGS: drinking, first kiss, post-canon fix-it, fluff, gentle kissing
CW: mentions of suicide
*like the sun in the sky • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v encourages jumin to forget about his father and just follow his heart.”
TAGS: childhood flashback, fluff, first kiss, unrequited love, angst
eleven days • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v dies every eleven days and tries to break the cycle.” reset theory, but instead of 707, it’s v.
TAGS: reset theory, angst, death, sharing a bed, fluff, happy ending
sense • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v turns up at c&r to surprise jumin one evening.”
TAGS: prose, fluff, angst, post-secret ending, v survives, established relationship
block out the sun • one-shot
SUMMARY: ��because, jumin,” v said with a sweet smile, looking up at the glow around the clouds that had made their way in front of the sun. “the day i go blind will be the day i die.”
TAGS: angst, open ending
CW: v has suicidal thoughts in this fic
*garden • one-shot
SUMMARY: “he has so, so many regrets, and it’s far too late for love.”
TAGS: mutual pining, drunken kisses, confessions, hurt no comfort, angst, regret, sad ending
*awake • one-shot
TAGS: so much fluff, established relationship, cuddling, kisses, they’re soulmates your honor
grateful • one-shot
TAGS: spoilers for secret ending, canon divergence, v survives, reunion, first kiss, happy ending
the wind that carries the rain • one-shot
TAGS: first kiss, kissing in the rain, confessions, hurt/comfort, healing, au where rika is dead
remind me how to forget • one-shot
TAGS: friendship, hurt/comfort, kisses, implied sex but nothing explicit happens in the fic
begonias • one-shot
TAGS: jumin finds out about v’s blindness, angst, hurt no comfort, argument
*terrible things • one-shot
TAGS: angst, one-sided pining, hurt no comfort, background rika/v
something more • one-shot
SUMMARY: “he'd always thought v was beautiful, but seeing him like this, all worry and stress gone from his expression, his chest slowly rising and falling with deep breaths, the sound filling the otherwise silent room, was almost... ethereal.”
TAGS: soft, fluff, domestic bliss, just jumin admiring his husband
sweet dreams • one-shot
TAGS: lying in bed, talking, fluff, nostalgia about childhood
the wedding is tomorrow • one-shot
TAGS: poetry, wedding, happy juminv!!
*ghosts & robots • one-shot
TAGS: mourning, grief, v is dead, angst, read this if you want to cry
sunflowers • one-shot
TAGS: blind v, fluff, established relationship, v being happy
*death’s miracle • one-shot
TAGS: angst with a happy ending, mutual pining, first kiss, canon divergence, reunions, healing, flashbacks
CW: mentions of abuse
*let me tell you a story about love • one-shot
SUMMARY: a story about the morning routines of jumin and jihyun.
TAGS: post-canon, established relationship, domestic bliss, fluff
*words can’t describe it • one-shot
SUMMARY: “v appreciated jumin on a deeper level than just trust and respect. he wasn’t sure if there was a word for it, he just felt...connected to jumin, like an invisible string tethered the two of them and granted each other access into the other’s deepest, darkest, most innermost thoughts.”
TAGS: character study, post-canon, confessions, yearning, rough kissing, porn with feelings
CW: there is some smut in this fic so be warned! (no oral sex, mostly just dry humping lmao??)
winter mornings • one-shot
TAGS: college au, fluff, established relationship, morning routines
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ao3feed-yooran · 4 years
it's now or never || JuV main story, Sezen + Yooran side stories
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YWO9Hu
by Pineapple_Fanta
After Saeran and V were lost in the explosion, they were discovered several days later with burns, and V with a massive head injury. He had completely lost his sight; the RFA members were restless. He was in a coma for a month, and in that time, Saeran healed and came around to the members; he sought redemption. Yoosung offered to house him because of the tension with the others, and Jumin spent close to all of his time at the hospital, where his childhood friend was resting peacefully.
Words: 5358, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Mystic Messenger (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Han Jumin, V | Kim Jihyun, V | Kim Jihyun's Mother, V | Kim Jihyun's Father, 707 | Choi Luciel, Choi Saeran, Kim Yoosung, Kang Jaehee (Mystic Messenger), Zen | Ryu Hyun, Rika (Mystic Messenger)
Relationships: Han Jumin/V | Kim Jihyun, Han Jumin & V | Kim Jihyun, Kang Jaehee/Main Character (Mystic Messenger), Choi Saeran/Kim Yoosung, Choi Saeran & Kim Yoosung, 707 | Choi Luciel/Zen | Ryu Hyun
Additional Tags: Childhood Friends, Childhood Trauma, Childhood Memories, Side Story, Graphic Depictions of Illness, Depression, Sex, Gay, Gay Character, Domestic Boyfriends, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Friendship, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Public Sex, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Falling In Love, Boys' Love, Boys In Love, Another Story Spoilers (Mystic Messenger), Deep Route Spoilers (Mystic Messenger), Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Platonic Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Sex, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Crossdressing, Recovery, Injury Recovery, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Drug Withdrawal, Triggers, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexuality
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YWO9Hu
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lyonface · 6 years
I have full respect for you that you acknowledge how strange it is that people romanticize Saeran's unhealthy and abusive issues. For instance, do people conveniently forget that he tortured and took pictures of himself doing so to the MC in order to get back at Seven in his bad ending timeline and then implied raped her? Even though he was brainwashed, all that came from his own anger so how can people completely push that aside and see him as a romantic prospect despite what he's capable of?
To be fair, I think a very large percentage of the fandom doesn’t know about a lot of the bad endings except for the really infamous ones, like Jumin’s BE2 or Yoosung’s BE where he’s captured by Saeran...also something the Yooran fandom tends to romanticize, which helps your point (and why I don’t like that ship either by and large.)
In 90% of the main game, Saeran is highly unstable, violent, and prone to fits of anger and rage. He’s been brainwashed for years by Rika to believe all sorts of horrible, victimizing, and terrible things done to him by people he trusted and loved, and she used that to her advantage to use him as an attack dog/hacker. In the V route, her brainwashing has resulted in DID, so it gives the fandom an out by romanticizing Ray instead of Unknown, because he’s less “problematic” you know, besides the fact that no matter how many hearts you get from him in the first four days of the V route, he will never trust the MC enough, and he will always force feed her elixir and brainwash her himself. Even if he does show signs that he’s genuinely considering what the MC is saying, he either always snaps himself out of it or Rika literally comes into the conversation and course corrects him.
It’s important to remember Rika and his mother’s role in making Saeran who he is, regardless of the timeline that he’s on. That isn’t to say that he isn’t ultimately responsible for his actions, but that for a lot of the things he does, there is almost always an outside influence pulling the strings. It’s also worth remembering that it doesn’t really matter what he’s actually doing to MC, if it hurts Saeyoung, he’ll exaggerate whatever truth he needs to to twist that knife while it’s between his ribs. I haven’t gotten that ending myself, nor can I find it, so I can’t comment on it further.
All--well, many of the RFA members are capable of really bad things, even if those things aren’t necessarily physically violent or cruel. I think a Saeran route is fine because Saeran can get better, but a lot of short-sighted or ignorant fans will latch on to anything dark and romanticize it. Saeran’s ending in the Christmas DLC ending is literally dressing up and treating MC like a doll or a possession, yet people liked it. Jumin can be so far gone in his relationship with MC that he tells her he can read her thoughts, and people LOVE that ending. Jesus there isn’t even an ending where Yoosung is a yandere and there’s no shortage of that.
I get being attracted to dark things, I mean I have a guro blog, but there’s knowingly liking something dark but recognizing that, and romanticizing it as if it’s something that’s secretly a good thing, or willfully ignoring the terrifying implications of some of these things. Like, sure, make content for the bad shit all you want, just recognize that it’s bad shit. All this fanart of Ray saying scary things he says in the game but in cute, adorable fanart drives me nuts.
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casualpastelgay · 7 years
How do you feel about yooran? I think I'm just asking this because I can guess your answer and it's so popular that I feel like I'm alone in my thoughts on it.
I don’t like Yooran. At all.
I base my dislike of it off of why I also dislike seeing Unknown shipped with MC. A lot of the art I see for Yooran and Unknown x MC is kinky to the point of where it looks like someone isn’t consenting. Meaning I see art with, usually MC or Yoosung, looking legitimately in pain, being drugged, etc. Art is all based on the viewers perception, so I know a lot of people will disagree, but yeah all that stuff leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that I don’t like looking at the “fluffier” kinds of Yooran or Unknown x MC when it does happen to appear.
I see a lot of people basing Yooran off of Yoosung’s bad end where there’s a cg of Yoosung in a collar where it is implied that Unknown has captured him and is going to torture him. Because people like to go “oh that’s kinky shit >:33″ while taking the situation completely out of context, which is the same as my problem with the “famous Jumin bad end cg”. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves in the fandom world when people boil characters or situations down to their simplest traits. I have seen so much of this correlation of Yooran to that cg that whenever I see kinky art of the pair it gives me the “squick” feeling because all I think about is Yoosung being raped.
Disclaimer: If you have a differing opinion, I get it ship what you want. I understand different viewpoints. I would appreciate if nobody comes into my ask box trying to defend themselves or trying to shoot my feelings down.
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mysticalfriends · 7 years
To all of you, out of curiosity who is your favorite mystic messenger character to write and what pairing do you enjoy writing the most?
Theres a few paragraphs so answers are below the cut!
Rion - So My favourite character to write is probably Seven, as he has a personality similar to mine so I can get into the mindset of him quickly enough. But I like writing as MC the possibilities are endless, there is no worries of writing them OOC as they can be anyone! I’m not good at writing about pairings as someone who is aromantic (I experience little to no romantic attraction) so it’s harder for me to think of characters in a romantic sense, so instead you can get my favourite pairing,  (once i actually think about it…)
Ro- My favorite to write is for sure Yoosung, as like Rion and Seven, we have similar personalities, and I feel like I can write him in character. MC is fun to write too, as well as Jaehee. In terms of pairing, I don’t really have too much preference. Just people/MC works for me, and my favorite person/MC to write is probably Jaehee or Yoosung (lining up with my faves to write).
Sarah- I love writing Seven! I feel like we have similar mindsets, so I can easily write him. He also is my favorite character, and I’ve taken his route quite a few times (7 to be exact lolol) so I know him pretty well. I also enjoy writing Saeran, as he has that tough love personality that I find kinda fun to write! As for my favorite pairing to write, I’ve only ever written the characters/mc (i also haven’t been writing mm for a long time) and I enjoy writing that pairing, but I’d love to try writing Yooseven and Juciel (im a sucker for jumin x seven oops)
Vem- Oh dear, this is a fun and tricky question. It really depends on what I’m trying to convey at the time. I want to say Zen, probably because no one else will claim that, and he’s fun to play around with. He’s so aggressive and he may not always be right but he will put everything he has into his pursuits. If I’m feeling more mellow, or melancholy, V’s my go-to character to write. He’s a tragic character, whether you think he’s a hero or a villain, and he’s so complex and we still don’t know a lot about him (yet!) that it’s definitely fun to get into his head and poke through his motivations and reasons and processes. I don’t really write pairings, save for the superficial stuff implied in asks and hcs (and of course all of the crack we’re on in the chat). It’s not that I’m opposed, I just have a hard time writing the formula for romance.
 Orchid/Zaechid: I enjoy mostly writing about Saeran. I enjoy writing about Saeran the most because I relate to Saeran in some ways. Some people think of Saeran as a ‘Bad Guy’ but I just think that he’s a little messed up from what has happened to him. My favorite pairing to write about would be…Yooran! I used to run a Yooran blog..and who doesn’t love two soft boys dating? I think that Yoosung would help Saeran through his problems and it would be sweet.
Moni- I love writing about every character tbh, but dunno why it’s easier for me to write about Seven and Zen, maybe because I really love Seven and for a reason I understand how would Zen act irl, and the least I can write about is Jaehee, dunno why :(. And about pairing, probably SevenxMC or VxMC, I love both ships a lot!!!
Eryn: I like writing Seven and Jumin. Seven and Jumin are both complex characters, but I love them. Seven has a very difficult past and writing about him is always interesting. He’s my go-to for angst. Jumin, on the other hand, is very business-like with everyone, but I feel like he’s a giant nerd. JuminxMC is my favorite to write because, again, Jumin is a giant nerd.  
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blackprose · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Saeran Choi/Yoosung Kim Characters: Saeran Choi, Yoosung Kim Additional Tags: Angst, Love, Anxiety Attacks, Identity Issues, Saeran's recovery, POV First Person, POV Saeran Choi, Texting, Suicide Attempt, Stream of Consciousness, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mint Eye, Implied Romance, Yooran Week Summary:
Mirrors, medication and late nights spur unnecessary thoughts and feelings. Everything would be easier if Yoosung left him alone.
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nonbinarybaby · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Yooran Ficlet~
So, I personally have a huge vendetta against Valentine’s day (ihateitsomuchohmygod) BUT. The concept of Yooran on valentines day/first crush/admitting feelings/etc etc cute FLUFF just brings me joy. Because Yooran. 
SO. I wrote a Yooran Valentine’s day fic. This one switches between Yoosung and Saeran’s POV. Each switch will be notified with their name Bolded like so- Yoosung. or Saeran.
I hope you all enjoy it, and happy V-Day! And if you don’t like it like I do, happy tuesday lmao
“Will You Be my Sun?” a Valentine’s Yooran Fanfiction by Pansexualtrash.
I twirled my pen in my fingers, my lip caught between my teeth as I stared at the paper before me. I dropped the pen in frustration, tangling my hands into my hair, shaking my head in defeat.
Valentine’s day was only two days away- and I finally had someone I wanted to give something to, for the first time in my life- but there was one small problem. I had barely spoken to them.
Ever since Saeran started living with Saeyoung, I ran into him a lot. Saeyoung was one of my best friends, so I often went over there to play video games and hang out with him- of course, Saeran was there. I was intimidated by him at first, but I realized very quickly that he was shy, and awkward, in a different way than I was, but I couldn’t help but find it endearing.
I remember there was one day I showed up to see Saeyoung, but it turned out he wasn’t there. Saeran had answered the door and told me this, and I made to leave, but he stopped me, shyly inviting me inside for tea.
We didn’t speak- we just sat across from each other, occasionally exchanging glances, sipping the tea before us. I thanked him, and left.
The smile on his face as he waved goodbye made me realize that I definitely had feelings for him. I wanted to give him something as a Valentine’s gift- and hopefully ask him to go on a date with me, maybe eventually even be my boyfriend- but I had no idea what to do, I had never done this before.
I sat up in my chair, looking out the window in thought- now that I think about it, Saeran probably hasn’t either? He was just saved from the cult- this past year is the first time he’s experienced anything outside of that, so, it wasn’t just me who was inexperienced.
This thought comforted me somewhat, and I felt a smile curl up on my lips as I turned back to the pale pink paper before me, picking up my pen once more.
“You’re going away on the 14th?”
“Yeah! It’s Valentine’s Day! I’m taking Layla away for the night.”
I raised an eyebrow at my brother, still not quite understanding why he was doing such a thing.
“…What’s Valentine’s Day?”
Saeyoung’s shoulders fell as I spoke, realizing I had never been told about such a day, holiday, whatever it was.
“Right. I didn’t find out what it was until after I left our mother’s house,” Saeyoung rubbed his neck softly, shaking his head to dispel the sad memories, “Valentine’s Day is a day where you celebrate the person you love, or confess your love, or just do something for someone you love- it’s basically about love.” “Love.” I repeated the word, my brow still raised sceptically, “It sounds stupid.”
Saeyoung smiled, laughing under his breath.
“I used to think so too, but maybe things will change for you someday too. Regardless- you’ll have the house to yourself on the 14th. We’ll be back around mid-day on the 15th, okay?”
I nodded, watching him as he walked back towards his bedroom. I stood as soon as he was gone, making my way back to my bedroom, closing the door softly behind me. I walked over to my bed, softly sitting on the downy bedding, leaning back onto it, staring up at the ceiling.
I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to celebrate such a day. It seemed pointless, and completely arbitrary- although, ‘love’ was not something I had any experience with.
I took in a deep breath, willing myself to knock on the door- the day had finally come, February 14th, and here I was, standing before Saeyoung and Saeran’s house. I was just silently hoping I would get the answer of the twin I desperately wanted to see.
I heard footsteps padding behind the door, a lock clicking out of place, just barely beyond the sound of my blood rushing in my ears as the door opened, and I met mint-coloured eyes burning into my gaze, shivers quaking down my spine.
I stared at Yoosung in confusion- His face was bright pink, his eyes staring at mine like a deer caught in headlights. He was holding a bag in front of him, his thumbs nervously picking at each other. He wore a purple button-down shirt with a folded collar, and black skinny jeans, along with nice black shoes.
I looked back up at his eyes, blinking slowly, unsure of what to say.
“…Saeyoung isn’t here.”
Yoosung laughed nervously, his voice breaking in high-pitch, and he brought a hand up to his mouth, clearing his throat quickly before speaking.
“Um, well, actually- I’m not… I’m not here to see Saeyoung.”
I continued staring at him, now truly confused.
“Who else would you be here to see? There’s nobody else here. Layla is out with him.”
Yoosung stared at me, shifting awkwardly where he stood, his violet orbs seeming to flash with nerves. Realization suddenly washed over me, and I felt my cheeks warm up ever so slightly. I looked at the ground, my grip on the doorknob tightening for a moment before I stepped aside.
“…Do you want to come in?”
My heart skipped as he invited me inside, and I flashed him a nervous smile, walking inside the doors. I took off my shoes, walking into the living room, Saeran following close behind. I set the bag on the coffee table, turning back to him nervously, my fingers dancing together nervously in front of me.
“Um, so.. Do you… Do you know what today is?”
Saeran crossed his arms, nodding slowly. I couldn’t help but notice his cheeks were slightly flushed- he looked so cute like that. I blushed harder at this thought, shaking it away from my mind, focusing on my task at hand.
“Yeah, so… This might seem strange since we haven’t talked much, but um… I wanted to give you this.”
I reached into the bag, pulling out a handmade card, holding it out to him. Saeran looked at me apprehensively, taking it gently in his hands, opening it to read.
I felt my hands shaking as I read the card, my body reacting on its own. I wasn’t sure why I felt so nervous- maybe the idea of someone giving me something? I had no idea.
Since meeting you, there is one thing I’ve realized-
You don’t need to exchange many words to see the light in a person.
I see a light in you- and I want to see more.
Will you be my sun?’
I read the words again, my face heating up even more. I looked up, and blinked in surprise as I saw Yoosung holding out a rose towards me. I gently took it, staring at the deep red of its petals. He cleared his throat nervously, his eyes searching the room anxiously.
“So, um…”
I looked back at the card, the rose, and back to Yoosung, my heart pounding in my chest. I felt my lips curl up at the corner, a small smirk settling there.
“… ‘Will you be my sun’..?”
Yoosung threw his hands into his hair, pacing back and forth immediately.
“Oh god, was it too corny? It’s too corny isn’t it. Oh man. This is so embarrassing, oh my god, I’m so sorry, just forget you saw that-“
He froze mid-sentence, turning back to me, tears dotting the corners of his eyes. I set the flower and the card on the table, rubbing my wrist gently.
“… It’s corny, but I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”
I stared at Saeran in shock, sniffling gently as I stepped towards him.
“R-Really? You like it?”
Saeran avoided my gaze, his grip on his wrist going stronger.
“… I guess.”
My heart jumped up in my chest, my smile growing wide across my face.
“So, you’ll accept it..?”
“Accept it?”
I shook my head slowly, remembering how silly I must sound.
“Right, you probably don’t know much about that- Um, i’m basically asking if you would go on dates with me, or… Um…”
I rubbed my neck softly, smiling up at him through my lashes.
“…Or be my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend,” He repeated the words slowly, glancing back at the rose and the card on the table, “…What do boyfriends do?”
I swallowed hard, tapping my foot in a feeble attempt to get rid of some of the nervous energy I was feeling.
“Um, well they go on dates, spend time together, get to know one another, romantically and um, physically-“
I blushed harder as he stared at me, his eyes genuinely curious.
“Do you mean like the kissing and hugging that Saeyoung and Layla do?”
I felt relief wash over me as he mentioned this, having worried he was implying something else-
“Or did you mean what they do at night?”
My heart felt like it was going to burst as I met Saeran’s gaze, a small smirk on his face, his mint eyes flashing with a hint of playfulness behind them. I couldn’t stop the flip my heart did at the sight.
“Are- are you teasing me?”
Saeran’s smirk grew wider, his hand coming up to cover his mouth.
“Was it that obvious?”
I let out a soft laugh, shaking my head.
“God, you and Saeyoung really are twins…”
“I meant it though, about the first part at least.”
I looked back at him, how the blush on his cheeks enhanced his eyes even more, made them even more striking, if that was possible.
“..Which part?”
Saeran didn’t speak- instead, he simply stepped towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I gasped at the action, not expecting this reaction, but my arms slid up around his neck on instinct, my eyes fluttering closed as I took in his scent.
Saeran leaned his head against mine, burying his face into my neck, his grip tightening ever so slightly.
“…You’re warm.”
“So are you.”
The silence hung in the air, but it was different than the other silences we’ve shared. This one was much more comfortable- and also much more connected. Saeran shifted in the hug, bringing me back to reality.
“So… Are we boyfriends?”
“I would like that- but, do you want to be?”
Saeran pulled away gently, looking me in the eyes, giving me a nervous smile, his hair falling into his eyes gently. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching up and brushing it away, my heart skipping as he leaned into the touch slightly.
My body leaned in as if on autopilot, and I was in too deep to really register that he was doing the same until our lips had met- the kiss was warm, and he tasted like these gummy candies Saeyoung always buys him.
He pulled away from the kiss fairly quickly, his face almost as bright as his hair, looking up at me slightly.
I smiled, gently sliding my hands into his.
Saeran looked away, staring at the ground with a hard gaze.
“…Happy Valentine’s Day.”
I laughed gently, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, smiling as his blush grew deeper.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Saeran.”
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I'm honestly not trying to be so salty but I'm just fed up. Jumin fans frequently say that Jumin is the most unpopular character/route in the fandom, which just isn't true. He's as popular as Seven, and the amount of content created for him and posts defending his shitty actions and analyzing him is enormous. I'm complaining because even though you have mentioned Yoosung and Zen a couple times when discussing problems in the plot, you and most of the fandom still overwhelmingly focus on Jumin.
If this is you trying not to be bitter, Nonny, good lord.
It is not the job of other fans to tone down their enthusiasm for you. It is not your job to jump into my inbox and tell me what I should post on my personal blog, nor to send complaints at entirely the wrong person, because I don’t actually have any influence over the game nor the fandom?? Nor would I presume to??
If you want more content from the game, then that is something you should take up with cheritz. If you’re irritated with Jumin then by all means rage about his shitty behaviour on your own blog. I will not stop you. I won’t ping your inbox about it. It’s cool. If you’ve paid attention to my blog for longer than 24 hours, you might even find a post on mine that you agree with, since I don’t actually make a habit of justifying him. If you want more posts about a certain character…make them?? Don’t expect me or other fans to make them and get ratty when we don’t??
Also take a gander at my masterlist, dear. I’ve made a lot of plot related posts unrelated to Jumin at all, have written fics about Zen, V and Yooran and have a lot of head canon posts about the entire cast. If i focus on him, it’s because he’s my fave, but I’m not the one trick pony you seem to be implying.
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eulaties · 3 years
fics that have an asterisk (*) in front of them are my personal favorites! also, all of the fics listed are completed unless otherwise stated.
NOTE: these are fic recs for the ship yoosung kim/saeran choi.
this list was last updated on 12/29/20.
if you want general mysme fic recs click here
if you want yoosung/mc fic recs click here
if you want yooseven fic recs click here
if you want juminv fic recs click here
mysterious clues • one-shot
SUMMARY: “saeran decides that he wants to ask yoosung out after pining for way too long. thankfully, everyone in the rfa is there to help him with his plan.”
TAGS: rfa being supportive, mutual pining, awkward saeran, confessions
i win • one-shot
SUMMARY: “yoosung always managed to make fluster saeran. it's about time things changed.”
TAGS: fluff, they’re both dorks, established relationship
*celestial • one-shot
SUMMARY: “yoosung doesn't know a lot about saeran, but he thinks he would like to.”
TAGS: can be interpreted as romantic or platonic yooran, stargazing, takes place at a rfa party, post-canon, fluff, first meeting, light angst
hopeful pining • one-shot
TAGS: yooran first date, fluff, awkward saeran, flustered yoosung, they’re dorks i love them, humor
*sunflower • one-shot
SUMMARY: “after saeran and yoosung become lovers, ray decides he wants to properly meet yoosung. he sets up a picnic in his garden and fluff ensues when the blonde enters. or: ray learns about healthy love and the personalities learn to accept each other and share love rather than find jealousy. (we stan a healthy mental state!)”
TAGS: fluff, picnic, established relationship, flowers, literally so wholesome
affection • one-shot
TAGS: fluff, humor, awkward first kiss, super cute
a change of mind • one-shot
SUMMARY: “saeran doesn't understand the concept of marriage, until he witnesses one.”
TAGS: fluff, established relationship, weddings, background 707/mc
*start again • one-shot
TAGS: yooran unrequited love, established yoosung/mc, implied unrequited 707/mc, angst, spiraling, yearning
NOTES: pain. just pain
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ao3feed-yooran · 5 years
Saeran's Funk
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LanX8S
by Elvendara
Words: 1968, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Yooran Extras
Fandoms: Mystic Messenger (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Yoosung Kim, Saeran Choi
Relationships: Yoosung Kim/Saeran Choi
Additional Tags: Depression, Yooran, Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Mention of Death
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LanX8S
0 notes
eulaties · 3 years
fics that have an asterisk (*) in front of them are my personal favorites! also, all of the fics listed are completed unless otherwise stated.
NOTE: these are general fic recs for mystic messenger, meaning that there’s no overarching characters/ships. 
this list was last updated on 4/17/21.
if you want yoosung/mc fic recs click here
if you want yooseven fic recs click here
if you want yooran fic recs click here
if you want juminv fic recs click here
replay • 707-centric, one-shot
TAGS: reset theory where 707 is the only one remembers everything, angst with a happy ending, fluff, humor, yooseven, side juminzen, some 707/zen
everything stays • seven & mc, one-shot
TAGS: reset theory, angst, hurt no comfort
*hyun ryu's patented cure-all • zen & seven, one-shot
SUMMARY: “noticing saeyoung's sour mood as of late, zen invites him over for an impromptu beauty treatment to help brighten his mood.”
TAGS: platonic sleepover, hurt/comfort, fluff
*world’s best study group • gen, one-shot
SUMMARY: “how do you think the rfa would do studying together? hint: the answer is really, really badly.”
TAGS: humor, fluff, some parts of the fic are in chatroom format, everyone’s just having fun
*nothing but the truth • v & yoosung, one-shot
SUMMARY: “despite not being fully forgiving of jihyun just yet, yoosung makes a desperate attempt to try and convince him to get help for his eyes.”
TAGS: angst, hurt/comfort, closure, healing, forgiveness
*albatross • v & yoosung, one-shot
TAGS: angst, takes place during yoosung’s route, hurt/comfort, somebody give v a hug please
puppy attack! • yoosung-centric, one-shot
SUMMARY: “yoosung is a stressed out college student. what fixes stress? puppies of course.”
TAGS: fluff, just a super cute fic about yoosung
*eye for an eye • yoosung & seven, one-shot
TAGS: takes place on days 10 and 11 of yoosung’s route, angst, guilt
CW: eye trauma, violence
pajama day • jaehee & mc, one-shot
TAGS: snow day, rfa hanging out, sleepover, fluff
5 times seven crossdressed + 1 time he didn’t • gen, one-shot
SUMMARY: “alternatively: 5 times seven made rfa question their sexuality”
TAGS: spoilers for seven’s route, canon-divergent, crossdressing, humor, fluff
nice legs, daisy dukes • zen/jaehee, one-shot
TAGS: beach vacation fic, humor, flustered zen, badass jaehee
days and days • v-centric, one-shot
SUMMARY: “in light of rika's departure to a far away institution, v can't help but fall apart in light of the things he's done. thankfully, zen, jumin and an unexpected and somewhat helpless yoosung are there to help pick up the pieces.”
TAGS: trauma, grief, angst, healing, supportive rfa, happy ending, side yooseven, jumin/v/zen, poly relationships
gotta duck your head because shoes are dangerous • gen, one-shot
TAGS: humor, mc has had enough, saeran trying to break into mc’s apartment and mc beating him up
the after story • gen, one-shot
TAGS: spoilers for secret endings, post-canon, fluff, humor, rfa just vibing together, 707/mc
cherry blossom • saeran & jumin, one-shot
TAGS: fluff, platonic bonding, saeran healing, post-canon
*an entourage and a single groupie • gen, one-shot
SUMMARY: “when zen and yoosung try to find out if that cute stranger is actually seven in a dress.”
TAGS: fluff, humor, background yoozen
mint chocolate chip • saeyoung & saeran, one-shot
TAGS: family fluff, brotherly love, birthdays, post-secret ending, super cute!
*nothing but silence • saeyoung-centric, one-shot
TAGS: spoilers for the secret endings, major character death, saeran confronts saeyoung, angst, slight yooseven
CW: violence, gunshots
liability • yoosung-centric, one-shot
TAGS: angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending
CW: depressive thoughts, spiraling, implied self-harm
*hugs lessen the guilt • yoosung & 707, one-shot
SUMMARY: “in which seven still hasn't forgiven himself for taking yoosung with him to Mint Eye, and yoosung being blind in one eye.”
TAGS: hurt/comfort, angst, guilt, spoilers for yoosung’s route, hugs
*ghosts in my house • saeyoung & saeran, one-shot
TAGS: saeyoung and saeran reunion after saeran’s route, angst, recovery, hurt/comfort, learning to forgive, closure, nonbinary mc
*we make our own constellations • saeyoung & saeran, one-shot
SUMMARY: “on the anniversary of the day he left saeran behind, saeyoung looks up to the stars. but he doesn't have to do it alone any more.”
TAGS: hurt/comfort, healing, moving on, fluff
*there is no curse on you • saeyoung & saeran, one-shot
SUMMARY: “saeyoung knows saeran doesn't care about how sorry he feels, or how miserable thinking about his mistakes makes him. he just needs saeyoung to be a better brother. that's the thing he keeps failing at.”
TAGS: heavy angst, hurt/comfort, saeyoung trying to fix things between him and saeran, post-saeran route, read this if you want to cry, nonbinary mc, healing, self-hatred
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