#imperial japanese marines
carbone14 · 2 months
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Porte-avions japonais Zuiho attaqué par des avions de l'USS Enterprise pendant la bataille du Cap Engano – Bataille du golfe de Leyte – Campagne des Philippines (1944-1945) – Guerre du Pacifique – Luçon – Philippines – 25 octobre 1944
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vera-keller · 10 months
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as promised, i made my first chinese oc for the pacific. meet resistance fighter li lanying!
thank you @neptunes-blue beloved for discussing her extensively with me 🫶
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theworldatwar · 2 years
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Japanese naval troops surrender to a US marine - Okinawa 1945. At this late stage of the war even the Japanese tradition of fighting to the death was starting to fail.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"MASSACRE BAY, on Attu island, was one of the beach-heads from which U.S. troops drove to meet another force in a pincer-move which has pinned the Japs in a fast-shrinking pocket.
FIGHTING FOG, as well as Japanese, U.S. soldiers worm their way up from the black volcanic beach of Massacre bay. Jap snipers, aided by the mist and camouflage. kept the Yanks under cover. This is one of the first pictures of actual combat." - from the Toronto Star. May 28, 1943. Page 33.
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stirringwinds · 9 months
ngl, i'm a subscriber to the "yong-soo is older than kiku" club too...i know canon says he's 15 or 16 but...eh. i do like some aspects of canon, like its depiction of him being tall and capable of projecting a photogenic image (more so than yao and kiku). but...is there justification for him being that young? old man yong-soo feels like it fits in way better with Korean history imo, and please i cannot resist the whole "the old master and his rival apprentices" dynamic between yao, yong-soo and kiku, with yong-soo being the "older" apprentice—given Korea's tremendously important role as the route through which several Chinese cultural elements were transmitted to Japan in real life (kanji, for one). that is on top of other elements of Korean culture that Japan imported, or Korea being the source of iron weapons and armour during japan's kofun period (300 to 538 AD)—and later, also advanced ship-building techniques.
i feel like it adds further dimension to how we might otherwise have a simplified view of the sinosphere as a universe where yao is the one who turns the wheel of "civilisation": it's also yong-soo taking those influences in. not passively, but actively incorporating his own cultural elements, before they're all passed on by his monks, traders, philosophers, mariners and soldiers to kiku. and in the modern era, Japanese imperial ascendency and ambition isn't just a yao-kiku dynamic of a weary old master and his talented, regicidal protégé, but with yong-soo, about a total inversion and desecration of the confucian hierarchy of seniority too. more than one older nation has had to endure imperial subjugation to a younger one—but in the shadow of meiji japan's naval power, there's the additional sting that it was him once teaching kiku ship-building a long time ago.
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usnatarchives · 1 year
Forgotten standard bearers? African American Soldiers and Iwo Jima 🦅
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The Battle of Iwo Jima is known as one of the bloodiest and most intense battles fought during World War II. It lasted for 36 days, with the United States Marine Corps facing off against the Imperial Japanese Army.
The battle was significant for several reasons, including the iconic photograph of U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi, which has become a symbol of American patriotism. However, there is another aspect of the battle that is often overlooked - the role of African American soldiers.
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At the time of World War II, the U.S. military was still segregated, and African American soldiers served in separate units from their white counterparts. The majority of these soldiers were relegated to support roles, such as cooks, drivers, and laborers.
However, there were also several African American combat units, including the 369th Infantry Regiment, known as the Harlem Hellfighters, and the 761st Tank Battalion, known as the Black Panthers.
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During the Iwo Jima campaign African American soldiers were responsible for providing artillery support to the Marines on the ground. They fired over 6,000 rounds during the campaign, often under intense enemy fire. African American Marines often served as ammunition handlers and stretcher bearers.
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An estimated 700 to 900 African American soldiers participated in the epic island battle, many of whom were Marines trained in segregated boot camps at Montford Point, within Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
African American soldiers continued to serve with distinction and bravery despite discrimination and racial inequality.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Large and Rare Non-nacreous Melo Pearls, Melo melo volutidae, Saltwaters near Vietnam.
Weighing approximately 25.50 carats to 36.29 carats. One polished.
Relatively unknown in the West, even George Kunz's compendium of 1908, The Book of The Pearl, had no references to the rare orange pearl offered here. So few have been found, it is no wonder. The Melo melo is the marine snail that produces orange pearls the color of a ripe papaya. The snail generates a pearl-like substance to enclose foreign bodies, or irritants, entering its shell. Both orange and pink pearls (from the conch, Strombus gigas) are "non-nacreous", meaning they do not have a layer of calcium carbonate on their outer surface as white pearls do. Instead, they display a fiery, porcelain-like surface, giving them a unique beauty not possessed by other varieties of pearls. A relative of the conch, the Melo melo volutidae is also a gastropod. It is found in the waters of picturesque Halong Bay (meaning Bay of Dragons), along the northern coast of Vietnam.
Several thousand Melo volutes would have to be harvested for a single pearl to be found, particularly a fine quality pearl of any significant size. As the Melo volute is found in such deep waters almost 15 hours from the shoreline, although edible, it was not typically fished for food.
The Vietnamese Emperors valued the pearl highly and sent ships to search for the Melo shell. In the Pacific, the shell is regarded a sacred object by Buddhists, appearing in much religious imagery. The pearl was an expression of perfection in Buddhist thought as it requires no enhancement or alteration by man when it emerges from its shell, unlike gemstones which require faceting by man to reveal their beauty. The Chinese, Japanese and the Vietnamese all believed that pearls were created in heaven from droplets that fell from the Dragon in the sky. These droplets descended from heaven into open shells in the water. Moonbeams nourished the dragon droplets and these grew into pearls. It is no wonder that the Melo pearl has held a fascination in the East for centuries (Zucker, 1999).
The pearl was one of the eight precious emblems of the Buddha. As a sacred object, these pearls were never drilled or strung as beads. Instead they were used as objects of devotion. The "fiery pearl"— a pearl with a flaming tail and the Dragon are both ubiquitous in Vietnamese decorative arts, found in ceramics, textiles and painting. The Dragon, symbolizing the Emperor, is seen pursuing the pearl. The Emperors surrounded themselves with dragon and "flaming pearl" motifs in their art and even on their Imperial robes. One can now surmise that this was not just a metaphor but an illustration of the wonderful flame-like structure within the porcelain surface of the Melo pearl
The present example is an undrillled, non-nacreous, spherical pearl: its vivid orange color, porcelain finish and excellent luster—as well as its large size—make this one of the world's rarest gems.
Courtesy Alain Truong
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selamat-linting · 7 months
WELCOME (new pinned)
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✨ Erase, mid-20s but not mid, he/him and she/her. transmisogyny exempt, southeast asian, and very much broke. marxist-leninist with cringe interests, the block button is free to use btw. and im critical against religion and spirituality as a whole. im also critical against psychiatry and pro abolishing the family and marriage, and copyright laws. im open to people asking questions about basic dialectical materialism and indonesian politics / history ✨
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Warnings :
-I try always, but im bad at tagging. esp for suggestive/sexual content. so, minors dni, sorry. feel free to drop an ask if i mistagged a post or forgot to put appropriate content warnings.
-anyway potentially triggering / squick posts are usually grouped in #mental illness posting, #suggestive, #nsft, #thirstposting #kink stuff #sa cw #suicide cw #abuse cw #religious trauma #religion #racism #transmisogyny #transphobia
-blank blogs get blocked
interests, personal lore, important posts to read and other stuff under readmore
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Post Highlights
list of posts i recommend to read and use
list of us terrorism, political intervention, and war crimes against humanity
some reading material on usa's collaboration with nazis during the holocaust
short reading list about us imperialism
free palestine masterposts
family abolition reading list
japanese ww2 atrocities
donation links for palestine
For indonesians
i doubt there's many of you on tumblr but *shrugs*
a short thread on west papua's history
resources on free west papua (might need to use a vpn or anyonymox to access)
news, analysis, history, and general resource of learning indonesian politics/issues in both indonesian and english
Other resources
stuff around the web that could make your life easier
diy hrt wiki
free media and piracy resources
reddit's /r/piracy megathread (backup version on rentry)
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(written as of november 2023)
Main fandoms : parahumans, homestuck, the locked tomb, slenderverse, disco elysium, pro wrestling, pmmm, yuyuyu
White boy of the month (has won this award since september 2023) : cm punk
characters i relate way too much for it to be normal : aradia megido, rose lalonde, taylor hebert, cunoesse, denji, ulixes the echo maker, ishmael (moby dick), johnny truant, jennifer check.
other hobbies : building houses in the sims 4, learn web programming, urban exploration (though im not doing this as often as i'd like these days), listening to music and going to local shows
other things i like : mice, prion disease, marine biology, piracy
currently doing : reading house of leaves, running a cm punk sideblog @punkitypunker, transforming the willow creek sims 4 world, going insane in general
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Batfamily AU: Second World War
For any curious fanfic writers either on here for AO3, I present to you this prompt and the following scenarios to inspire some ideas. Ages of the characters involved will be played around with for the purposes of the prompt. So without further ado;
Bruce Wayne is a decorated Colonel within the US Marine Corps, haunted still by his experiences as an expeditionary force Medic during both the First World War and the Russian Civil War. He knows firsthand the damage and carnage that lies in the battlefields and it does upon the men who fight in them. As such, he drills and trains his troops with precision and bluntness out of a deep desire to ensure their security and survival as he’ll be leading them into combat. Among his ranks though would be one particular recruit who lied about his age, being actually a mere 15 years old, who goes by the name of Jason Peter Todd .
With Jason by his side, Bruce and his platoon would be deployed to the Pacific Islands as part of the US’ island hopping campaign against the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. He will fight tooth and nail to protect his men and Jason especially and nothing would stop him from any means necessary to do so, maybe even disobeying orders from his superiors and attacking the enemy garrison at nighttime with a certain black and grey cowl, cape and mask. A living shadow that sows terror and fear in the Hearst of even the strongest men.
Then, there’s Dick Grayson, or at least that’s what how he’ll be called had he lived in the US. In this AU, the 10 1/2 year old acrobat lives with his parents within their traveling circus, having performances across what are to day the modern day boundaries of Ukraine. Unfortunately though, during a long string performances at the city of Kyiv, Operation Barbarossa had begun. The German Wermacht quickly made their way to occupy the city and in the chaos of the takeover, Dick’s parents were captured, taken away no doubt to labor camps. After making a run for his own safety on his Mother’s order and reaching the outskirts of the city, Dick was shortly picked up by a small detachment of the Soviet Red Army.
During the first few weeks of fending off the German advance into their lands, Dick’s platoon would stumble across one of the many other cities decimated by their Axis foes, reduced to a smoldering rubble with any to all citizens who resisted or caught in the crossfire summarily executed. Within the ruins was one particular small 6 year old child whom was actually among those who watched Dick’s family perform once prior to the invasion. Had he been raised in America, he would be named Timothy Drake. As of the time Dick finds him, Tim has only a mother left as his father was among those executed by the Germans and his Mother was also captured as a war prize. With Tim by his side, his acrobatics, his desire for justice and hoping to find their mothers by the time this war finally ends, Dick begins his long, strange and painful journey with one single mission in his mind, the common mission for all who resist these invaders to their Motherland: Not One Step Backwards.
Now then Fanfic Writers, This prompt is yours. The ball is in your court
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lierrelearns · 6 months
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写真提供: 小田原市立図書館発行[一枚の古い写真]より
明治憲法と民法を起草、初代の内閣総理大臣 伊藤博文 (1841-1909) 1] 伊藤博文公胸像 (本町四丁目) 伊藤博文の別邸[滄浪閣]跡で[民法発祥の地]として知られます。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
幕末の志士で、宮内大臣等を歴任した政治家 田中光顕 (1843-1939) 2] 小田原文学館、3] 白秋童謡館 (南町二丁目) 田中光顕が構えた2棟の別邸を、小田原文学館と白秋童謡館として有料公開しています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供:多摩市教育委員会
三井物産等を設立した明治財界の指導者、大茶人 益田孝 (鈍翁) (1848-1938) 鈍翁in西海子(南町二丁目) 茶器など鈍翁ゆかりの品���を展示しています。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
秋山真之と親父があり、海運業で財閥を築いた実業家 山下亀三郎 (1867-1944) 5] 対潮閣跡 (南町一丁目) 山下亀三郎の別邸[対潮閣]跡で、秋山真之の終焉の地です。後に、田中光顕の歌を彫った[釣鐘石]が置かれました。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供:山下真一郎氏
福岡黒田家13代目、貴族院副議長を30年務める 黒田長成 (1867-1939) [6]清閑亭 (南町一丁目) 黒田長成が明治末期に構えた数奇屋風の別邸。周辺の庭園めぐりの案内をしています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
日露戦争における仁川沖海戦等で活躍した司令官瓜生外吉 (1857-1937) 7] 瓜生海軍大将之像 (南町一丁目) 山角天神社の境内に瓜生大将の胸像があります。 8] 瓜生坂 (南町一丁目) 高台にあった瓜生外吉の別邸に通じていた坂道です。 写真提供:瓜生家
多数の詩や童謡を創作した国民的詩人 北原白秋 (1885-1942) 9] 木兎の家跡(伝肇寺境内)(城山四丁目) 北原白秋が大正7年から8年余りを過ごした[木兎の家]が伝肇寺境内にありました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館
皇族出身の陸軍軍人で、昭和激動期の参謀総長 閑院宮載仁親王 (1865-1945) 10] 三の丸外郭新掘土塁(南町一丁目〜城山四丁目) 閑院宮載仁親王の別邸跡。広大な敷地の一部は史跡小田原城跡の土塁に重ねっていました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館 H25.12 小田原市観光課
Vocab 提供 (ていきょう) providing, donating 発行(はっこう)publication 憲法(けんぽう) constitution 民法(みんぽう) civil code, civil law 起草(きそう) (drafting (a bill, etc.), drawing up 内閣総理大臣 (ないかくそうりだいじん)prime minister (of a cabinet government) 伊藤博文 (いとう・ひろぶみ)Itou Hirobumi 公 (おおやけ)official, governmental, formal 胸像 (きょうぞう)half-length portrait 別邸 (べってい)secondary residence, vacation home 滄浪閣 (そうろうかく)Sorokaku 発祥の地(はっしょうのち) origin, birthplace 民有地 (みんゆうち)private land ご遠慮ください(ごえんりょください)please refrain (from) 国立国会図書館(こくりつこっかいとしょかん)National Diet Library 幕末(ばくまつ)Bakumatsu period 志士 (しし)imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era 宮内大臣(くないだいじん)Minister of the Imperial Household 歴任 (れきにん)successive/consecutive jobs 政治家(せいじかん)politician, statesman 田中光顕(たんか・むつあき)Tanaka Mitsuaki 文学館(ぶんがくかん)literary museum 白秋(はくしゅう)Hakushu (see below) 童謡(どうよう)nursery rhyme 構える(かまえる)to build, set up 棟(とう)counter for buildings 有料(ゆうりょう)fee-charging 公開(こうかい)open to the public 有形文化財(ゆうけいぶんかざい)tangible cultural properties 多摩市(たまし)Tama City 三井物産(みついぶっさん)Mitsuri & Co. 設立(せつりん)establishment, foundation 財界(ざいかい)financial world, business circles 茶人(ちゃじん)master of the tea ceremony 益田孝(ますだ・たかし)Masuda Takashi 鈍翁(どんのう)Donnou, an alias he took on as a tea master 西海子(さいかいし)Saikaishi 茶器(ちゃき)tea utensils ゆかりconnection (to a person, place, or thing) 品々(しなじな)various articles 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 秋山真之(あきやま・さねゆき)Akiyama Saneyuki 海運業(かいうんぎょう)shipping industry, marine transport 財閥(ざいばつ)zaibatsu, financial conglomerate 築く(きずぐ)to build up, establish 実業家(じつぎょうか)business, entrepreneur 山下亀三郎(やました・かめさぶろう)Yamashita Kamesaburo 対潮閣(たいちょうかく)Taichokaku 終焉(しゅうえん)end (of life), death; (peacefully) spending one’s final years 彫る (ほる)to carve, engrave 釣鐘石 (つりがねいし)Tsurigane-ishi (Hanging Bell-shaped Rock) 代目(だいめ)nth generation 貴族院(きぞくいん)House of Peers (Meiji constitution) 副議長(ふくぎちょう)vice-chairman 黒田長成(くろだ・ながしげ)Kuroda Nagashige 数奇屋(すきや)tea-ceremony arbor めぐり tour 教育委員会(きょういくいいんかい)board of education 日露戦争(にちろせんそう)Russo-Japanese War における in, at, on, regarding 仁川沖海戦(じんせんおきかいせん)Battle of Chemulpo Bay (Feb. 9, 1904) 仁川(インチョン)Incheon 活躍(かつやく)activity, great efforts, active participation 司令官(しれいかん)commanding officer, general 瓜生外吉(うりう・そときち)Uryu Sotokichi 海軍大将(かいぐんたいしょう)admiral 之(の)of 山角天神社(やむかくてんじんじゃ)Yamakakuten Shrine 境内(けいだい)grounds (esp. of temples and shrines) 坂(さか)milestone; slope, hill 高台(たかだい)high ground, hill 坂道(さかみち)hill road 創作(そうさく)creative work 国民的(こくみんてき)popular on a national level 北原白秋(きたはら・はくしゅう)Kitahara Hakushuu 木兎(つく)horned owl (rarely used kanji form) 伝肇寺(でんじょうじ)Denjo-ji Temple 皇族(こうぞく)imperial family 陸軍(りくぐん)army 軍人(ぐんじん)soldier 激動(げきどう)turmoil, upheaval 参謀総長(さんぽうそうちょう)chief of general staff 閑院宮載仁親王(かんいんのみやことひとしんのう)Prince Kan’in Kotohito 外郭(がいかく)outer fence, outer enclosure 土塁(どるい)earthen walls 広大(こうだい)immense, huge, grand 敷地(しきち)site, plot, grounds 史跡(しせき)historic site
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carbone14 · 8 months
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Porte-avions Akagi de la Marine Impériale Japonaise en cours de construction au chantier naval de Kure – Japon – 6 avril 1925
©Maritime History and Science Museum – Kure – Japan
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abduloki · 11 months
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Oppenheimer is cool but someone please make a movie about Obergruppenfuhrer please.
A character from the alternate history series called, "The Man in the High Castle", where the Imperial Japanese and Third Reich won the war. He was a proud US Marine who fought the NAZI, until the NAZI dropped the first atomic bomb on Washington D.C. in 1945, destroying the city and crippling the country into surrendering.
In order to protect his own family from persecution, he had to betray his own comrades in arms and serve the Third Reich in America, while taking time and figuring out ways to turn the country from within back to the way it was before the war, which proves to be difficult considering the Third Reich loyalists around him.
The Americans see him as a traitor and the Germans see him as a potential threat, he finds himself isolated and belonging to nowhere. He's a conflicted character, torn between doing what is needed and what is right. The show had a great potential to develop his character further but I am disappointed by how it ends in the last season.
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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Lightning Fields, Hiroshi Sugimoto.
The Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugimoto (1948), is a photographer that resides halfway between Tokyo and New York. He received various awards: The Hasselblad Foundation International Award (2001), The Imperial Award (2009), The Purple Ribbon Medal of Honor (2010), The Officier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (2013) and the Isamu Noguchi Award (2014).
If anything distinguishes Sugimoto's black and white photographs is its use of natural light, the shadows and the purity of forms, some close to pictoric. Standing in front of many of them, the spectator is encouraged not only to look but also to think; as in his noted marine landscapes, its immutability causes loosing the notion of time. They invite to a constant reflection about the origin and history of the world and of our culture, where concepts like space and time are explored expanding our ways of perception.
Without further ado we begin our conversation in his austere New York studio. Large windows fill with light his office presided by two photographs: Duchamp's bicycle wheel and one of his theaters. Read further in the comments.
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450 Marines Vs The Imperial Japanese Navy - Wake Island
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stirringwinds · 5 months
very messy thoughts, but i personally think there's a lot of historical potential in framing yong-soo and kiku in a senior/younger apprentice or mentor/protege dynamic too. no more 15 year old yong soo. he is like 2000 years old. the wikipedia page on korean influences on japanese culture is long as hell. i don't mean it in a "whoa korea is responsible for everything way", like absolutely not: japanese culture is its own thing, has its own indigenous traits and there is much to study about how any society actively synthesises and syncretises foreign influences the way japan did. but it's a fact that korea was the conduit for many mainland asian influences on japanese culture (including those from china) and that's something i would think should be mapped onto yong-soo and kiku's relationship. long before post-isolationist japan modelled itself on the dutch and british navies— there were the korean shipbuilders and mariners they looked to.
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because when there's that longer timeframe used to imagine their dynamics, this is the modern era: 'i taught you to master the sea and much else—and you think you know better now? how dare you disrespect your teacher.' and 'yes, you may have—but alas history doesn't stand still, and others have taught me better now.'
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the upending of the confucian hierarchy in the meiji era onwards isn't just between japan and china—but more than that. you really can't fully capture meiji japan without thinking about korea, when korea was one of first steps on the route of how meiji japan sought to prove it could join the (western) imperial club.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
Where is the line between dreadnaught and super dreadnaught?
Gun size? Tonnage?
That's a good question.
A super dreadnought is usually the refinement of the concept. But the definition can vary from country to country. Generally, these ships started the adoption of superfiring turrets, increased tonnage, and increased diameter of the main guns (14 or 15 inches).
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Just like how the British Royal Navy kicked off the naval arms race with HMS Dreadnought, this new chapter was started with the Orion Class.
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For the US Navy, it started with the New York Class.
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For the Imperial Japanese Navy, it was the Fusō Class.
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For the French Navy, Marine Nationale, it was the Bretagne class.
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The Argentine Navy, Armada de la República Argentina, with the Rivadavia class. The only South American country to have their super dreadnoughts completed. Though, I would classify them as semi super dreadnoughts based on the turret layout and 12 inch guns.
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The Germans were the last to start building super dreadnoughts, this being the Bayern class.
Later, the number of turrets decreased from 6 or 5 turrets to 4, adoption of triple gun turrets to keep the same number guns as previous classes, having the turrets along the centerline and adopting the all or nothing armor scheme, and towards the end of the 1910s, the adoption of 16 inch guns.
After WWI, the super dreadnoughts were slowly being supplant by a new class of battleships. These ships incorporated higher speeds (i.e. 23 to 25 knots), and the lessons learned after the Battle of Jutland. This led to increased size and tonnage, and better subdivision of the interior spaces to increase survivability. These ships would later be called as the fast battleships. But this topic is for another post.
Thanks for the ask.
NHHC: NH 57802, NH 55630
Mariner's Museum and Park: P0008/02-#156
source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source
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