#imagine my shook
beardedmrbean · 1 year
Russian soldiers continue to be struck with radiation sickness after fishing and digging defensive trenches near the irradiated ghost city of Chernobyl.
The northern Ukraine cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat became the site of one of the greatest nuclear disasters in history on April 26, 1986, when the city's power plant suffered a massive reactor meltdown. The resulting explosions and fires at the site released radioactive contaminants into the air and water, spreading far and wide into the neighboring Soviet Union and European nations.
The city remains abandoned to this day, but since the start of last year's invasion of Ukraine by Moscow, Russian troops were reported to be setting up operations within the 30-kilometer exclusion zone near the plant after crossing the border from Belarus. This involved digging trenches in the Red Forest for defensive purposes, as well as hunting local animals and fishing for food. The forest derives its name from the distinctive color of its trees, which died after being exposed to high levels of radiation. Clean-up efforts after the plant meltdown saw crews bury irradiated topsoil in the forest, which is now considered one of the most radioactive sites on Earth.
Russian troops have abandoned the area entirely as of April 1, according to The Times, being pushed out by Ukrainian forces as they plan for a major spring counteroffensive against the invaders. The Times added that the soldiers who were stationed in the Red Forest have begun showing symptoms of radiation sickness. The condition can take hold within hours of exposure and last for several months, with early symptoms including acute nausea and vomiting. Sufferers may see the condition dissipate, but death is common, and cancers can develop as a further complication.
The Times spoke with various nearby residents who attempted to warn the troops about the dangers they faced, including 90-year-old Baba Hana.
"I started yelling at them," Hana said. "I tried to give them political information, explaining what was happening in their country...I am a Russian speaker, I asked what they were doing there, who they thought they were liberating."
Other residents indicated that the soldiers knew the risks posed by the area, but opted to go through with their plans due to what the residents claimed to be their incompetence.
Russian forces first crossed over into the Chernobyl exclusion zone from Belarus on the first day of the invasion last February. From the beginning, nuclear scientists warned that their actions in the area ran the risk of them developing radiation sickness. Their presence near the infamous power plant also lead to concerns that armed conflict in the area could create another nuclear disaster.
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declamationark · 5 months
Between Danny’s constant sleep deprivation, school stress, and his villains’ differing levels of goofiness, I’m surprised he didn’t try just.. crying, like there’s a reasonable chance they immediately regret making this kid cry
like dude, you get catharsis and your enemies get Guilted into awkwardly going "there there buddy (help??? how to stop crying??? do I just pat the kid's head????)" and giving you gifts
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wantbytaemin · 2 months
there’s crack in these vids i PROMISE you
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makorragal-312 · 2 months
The Bi!Buck confirmation caused such a shockwave last night that it came back today in the form of an earthquake.
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r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 9 months
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teastainedprose · 2 months
How about something like Homelander at a meeting with the seven and his wife.
"Wait, wait. I thought we were meeting your wife?" The Deep bursts out, gaze flicking between the two men already within the conference room as the rest of The Seven and Ashley file in. Homelander's smile is strained at best, while Butcher? He's as stone faced as ever. This isn't exactly a spot he ever considered he'd ever be in.
"Bit of an inside joke, ya see." Butcher mutters, stepping up to where Homelander sits to grasp the supe between neck and shoulder. As he tightens his grip, the gold band on his ringer finger catches the light. "Ain't that right, luv?"
Homelander tilts his head up, catching Butcher's eye as he smiles. There's no affection in it, more a predator barring his teeth at a rival. Nothing of the interaction screams that these two are lovers in any sense of the word, let alone a happy couple introducing themselves to The Seven.
An uncomfortable silence follows as everyone else in the room watches the couple. The expressions range from incredulous to utterly baffled. Well, Noir's is blank on account of his mask.
"Homelander- Are you gay?" The Deep sputters out, face pinched in clear confusion as his eyes flick between the two men. "No, you fucking-" A-Train cuts himself off, then takes a breath. "He's bi, like Maeve was." His attention shifts back to Butcher, "Aren't you trying to kill all of us?" Butcher inclines his head, white teeth flashing as he smirks but before he can spit out some British wit The Deep cuts in. "Maeve was bi!?" The Deep's eyebrows jumping up as he turns to stare at A-Train. He leans closer, voice a conspirital whisper. "I thought she was like- A lesbian, ya know?" Homelander has to take a steading breath, squelching the urge to lean over and casually crush The Deep's windpipe. "Boys, boys- Just, stop." Homelander raises a hand to cut off any further conversation as he sighs. He has to take a moment, eyes closing as he rubs at the bridge of his nose. Butcher's hand on his shoulder seems to be half to restrain him and half to keep the supe anchored. "Just- Uh. Don't worry about the labels and yes, we were enemies but- Let's just say we've worked it out."
"Okay, great. Fantastic!", Ashley chirps out in faux cheerfulness while trying not to love her absolute shit. Her mind is spinning with the sheer PR nightmare of introducing the world to the fact that Homelander, Christian ideal supe that he is happens to be a bisexual man and now married to a pardoned terrorist.
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helios-sol · 1 year
haha umm..I couldn’t stop thinking about this so uhhh. yeah.
warning: slight puppy play, use of the word puppy, nsfw 18+ MINORS DNI
You know you shouldn’t tease him, but it’s so easy when he slides a big, warm palm up your thigh and leans into your touch.
“Puppy wanna play?”
The phrase has König hot under the collar but he’s not going to let it show.
No, not when you’ve been torturing him in front of his friends and higher ups all night.
So he cold-shoulders you, shifting his weight to turn away from you.
“C’mon, I know you want to.”
You bury your face into the crook of König’s neck and place a kiss there. It causes goose bumps to spread across his skin and you can feel the shiver work its way up his spine.
When he shows no sign of giving in you sigh, puffing warm air across his neck. Getting up, you make your way towards the bedroom, König’s eyes trailing you the whole way.
There’s a warmth that's spreads through him the minute he hears that familiar jingle, your grin absolutely sinful as you eye him from the bedroom door. Stepping into the hall and shaking what’s in your hand, König practically falls to his knees.
There’s no more questions, just a simple command that he follows, arousal evident as he makes his way to the bedroom.
You give him a devilish grin when he’s in front of you.
“Good boy.”
It’s condescending in tone but König can’t deny it makes him squirm. He doesn’t even have to be told what to do next, already dropping to his knees and baring his neck to you so you can secure the thick leather collar.
You check it once before looping a finger through the O ring on the front and tugging him towards you.
“Now,” your lips curl into a smirk, “let’s fuck some obedience into you.”
“Y-yes please.” He sighs, gazing up at you through his lashes.
“Oh sweet boy,” you coo, “you’re go make this so difficult.”
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hoperays-song · 3 months
Graffiti Artist Ryan AU Brain Rot Again
How graffiti artist Ryan and Johnny meeting and becoming friends is so funny to me.
Like Johnny goes to get a new skateboard and heads off to find somewhere to skate as stress relief and just… runs into Klaus’s top student? Committing a crime? Like he does often apparently?
Ryan's clearly panicking because, yeah, destruction of public property is a crime, he could go to jail and lose his job for this, and Johnny's just like super blasé about it because hello? He's an actual gang member? This is nothing to him. And just promises to not say anything to Klaus if Ryan won't say anything to Buster for him dipping practice and an allegiance is formed.
And this guy Johnny’s been constantly compared to for a week turns out to be nothing like their teacher and is just super chill? Like the guy buys him a kabob for not tattling and shows him how to do a tag and Johnny tries to teach him how to skate but this guy’s sense of balance just disappears on a board. 
And he’s really fun and really cute and offers to help Johnny train one on one together, if he teaches him more of that skateboarding stuff and when Johnny agrees, Ryan calls them out of practice saying they both have food poisoning or something and it turns into basically three days of dates.
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seventh-fantasy · 6 months
possibly my favourite lhl meta now is that extremely galaxy-brained half hour video essay on b站 exploring essentially one thing:
llh can be read as a "mother" and a symbol of femininity/maternity in its purest form
what if feminine and maternal qualities can be uncoupled from biology and patriarchy. what would it look like. it would look like lxy's rebirth as llh. it would look like llh's nurturing and guidance of fdb. it is essentially the spirit of freedom and life llh held. it transcends any notions of gender.
feeling more validated than ever. and this is also far more than i've ever asked for. my brain has been rewired. i'm kissing you on the mouth op
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The insurgents, we will remark, were full of hope. The manner in which they had repulsed the attack of the preceding night had caused them to almost disdain in advance the attack at dawn. They waited for it with a smile. They had no more doubt as to their success than as to their cause. Moreover, succor was, evidently, on the way to them. They reckoned on it. With that facility of triumphant prophecy which is one of the sources of strength in the French combatant, they divided the day which was at hand into three distinct phases. At six o’clock in the morning a regiment “which had been labored with,” would turn; at noon, the insurrection of all Paris; at sunset, revolution.
They heard the alarm bell of Saint-Merry, which had not been silent for an instant since the night before; a proof that the other barricade, the great one, Jeanne’s, still held out.
All these hopes were exchanged between the different groups in a sort of gay and formidable whisper which resembled the warlike hum of a hive of bees.
Enjolras reappeared. He returned from his sombre eagle flight into outer darkness. He listened for a moment to all this joy with folded arms, and one hand on his mouth. Then, fresh and rosy in the growing whiteness of the dawn, he said:
“The whole army of Paris is to strike. A third of the army is bearing down upon the barricades in which you now are. There is the National Guard in addition. I have picked out the shakos of the fifth of the line, and the standard-bearers of the sixth legion. In one hour you will be attacked. As for the populace, it was seething yesterday, to-day it is not stirring. There is nothing to expect; nothing to hope for. Neither from a faubourg nor from a regiment. You are abandoned.”
— 5.1.3 Les Miserables (Hapgood)
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cureblogging · 3 months
On one hand i'm VERY glad 4chan chuds didn't get ahold of precure the way they did with mlp. On the other hand I can only imagine how many eggs and closets would be obliterated if Futari Wa had the same cultural impact Friendship is Magic did.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Islamabad —  Afghanistan’s Taliban have announced fresh public floggings of convicts, both women and men, in defiance of renewed United Nations calls for the Islamist rulers to immediately halt the practice. The Taliban’s supreme court said Monday a group of 22 individuals, including women, was flogged in a crowded sports stadium in Sheberghan, the capital of the northern province of Jowzjan. Each was given between 25 and 39 lashes for alleged crimes, including adultery, gay sex, running away from home, drug trafficking and theft, the statement said. The court also reported on Sunday that 11 men and a woman were flogged in central Ghor province for committing similar crimes. The de facto Afghan authorities have carried out floggings of more than 130 men and women in crowded sports stadiums in several provinces and the capital, Kabul, since mid-November, when the Taliban supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, ordered the judiciary to implement Islamic law or Sharia-based punishments. The order also led to the first public execution of a convicted murder since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in August 2021. Officials said the execution in the western province of Farah two weeks ago was in accordance with “Qisas [retribution in kind], an Islamic law stipulating the person is punished in the same way the victim was murdered.
The flogging and execution have been administered in stadiums in the presence of senior Taliban officials and members of the public. The top Taliban court in its statement Monday defended the application of Islamic Sharia to criminal justice, saying it is key to promoting "peace and justice” in the country. UN call for halt On Friday, a U.N. panel of independent experts said in a statement they “are deeply aggrieved” about the public execution and resumption of flogging in Afghanistan. The panel urged the Taliban to halt immediately what it decried as “inhuman” along with “distasteful and undignified” punishments. “International human rights law prohibits the implementation of such cruel sentences, especially the death penalty, following trials that apparently do not offer the required fair trial guarantees,” the statement said. The U.N. panel maintained that at all times, no matter the status of a person, the individual is entitled to dignity and respect.
UN Experts Denounce Taliban Treatment of Women as Crime
The Taliban leadership has criticized the outcry over the application of Sharia to criminal justice as an insult to its Islamic religious beliefs and ruled out any compromise on them. No country has yet formally recognized the male-only Taliban regime over human rights concerns. The Islamist group previously ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 when Taliban authorities would routinely carry out punishments in public, including floggings and executions at sports stadiums before crowds of spectators. The Taliban repeatedly assured Afghans and the world at large after seizing power that they would not bring back the polices of the previous rule to govern the conflict-torn impoverished South Asian nation. The group has reneged on its pledges and placed severe restrictions on the lives and freedoms of Afghans. The Taliban have increasingly excluded women from public life and barred teenage girls from attending secondary schools.
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daikunart · 2 years
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𝐀𝐤𝐤 𝐗 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐧 | 𝐄𝐩𝟔
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beedreamscape · 4 months
Scenes of Iomene and Oscar in the time after.
I have no excuses for why I wrote this except [screams]. PURE SELF-INDULGENT HEADCANON. It takes place over a long, undefined length of time.
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Iomene wraps her arms around Oscar's shoulders by the back and at her firm embrace, he leans into her.
His shoulders are broad so she's not able to envelop him completely. They stand at roughly the same height -either by design or some trick of the eye, he's got the impression she ought to be taller- and she's strong enough that he leans without worry of pushing her back.
She rests her chin on his shoulder and looks at the subject of his attention, the storm going outside the tall windows. Behind the curtain of rain, the thinner trees bend under the force of the wind, branches lashing against themselves and on the studier trunks, leaves sway like clothes on a line.
Their eyes cross on the faint reflection on the glass. In contrast to all that is fair in him, his eyes are like two dark marbles, a brown so deep and dark it's almost black; hers resemble her skin, an inhuman ambar like brandy on fire. Whenever she holds his stare to hers, he has the unsettling thought that she can or might be reading his thoughts.
Taking a break? He asks.
Thought I come see you.
He breathes out a laugh. You didn't have to.
The first time it happened he asked if it was her doing, the rain. It wasn't without reason, she had told him this place wasn't entirely real, the mansion -or palace if you lived in the places Oscar had- was almost a personal limbo, between veils, not outside of the Fairelands but not in it either.
Close enough it influences what happens here, she had told him.
If it rains there, it rains here?
She had shaken her head. No, fluctuations in Bleed cause this. I lived in flood and pain when war was at its highest, then in waist-deep snow as it died down.
He had also told her it reminded him of the accident and she held him steadily for what must've been hours if those had any meaning there.
Her breath has a complex rich scent, never bad but never something recognizable; a new, intriguing smell.
I don't have to do anything.
I know. He rubs the back of her hand in a resemblance of reassurance. I'm alright, I promise.
I miss having someone to care for.
He takes her upper arm, his large hand almost wrapping around it, and brings her to his side so he can look at her --- she's beautiful in a way he's not used to, though he's not quite sure what was he ever used to anymore. Her skin is bronze like copper and her hair darker than any black his eyes could register, she only looked human when she stood very close.
You already care for the whole of the Fairelands. Besides, I'm literally the last person that needs caring for.
It's different. And yes, you do. Dying is not the worst thing that can happen to a person and we both know it.
He smiles, not with teeth but broadly. Darling, I'm painfully familiar with oblivion. Though I've only skirted the edges of madness.
I've dabbled in madness a fair share over millennia.
He points lazily towards the window.
Could we walk out on it? Not in permission but in safety. Every now and then I heard of toxic rain back in Newfair, especially right after the war.
It's bleed-induced, but I don't believe it's toxic. I think we could.
And without another word, she takes his hand and leads him out.
He had asked her how far the land around them stretched on the first night he had woken up in the house --- she had kept him sleeping for about a week or maybe a month, a while to dream of death, a while to adapt her world for his presence, to be shared after hundreds of years of solitude.
For as far my legs will carry me, she told him.
Are there other buildings? Other houses?
I never felt the need for them.
You build them?
With enough will and vision, I could.
So you built this? She nods. A bit big for just one person.
One needs a variety of spaces even when living alone. I thought of rebuilding the whole of Oldfaire in the beginning, I went halfway through with it, but seeing my city with none of its people really hurt me. I did replicate the shore of Seasway, not the whole ocean, but enough that it might trick the eye into thinking it's endless.
Wow... I might need a map one day.
Yes, yes, I never thought to do so, it can be a fun project if you'd willing to tackle it. But that's for later. I reshaped some quarters and cleared space so you may shape them to your liking.
I wouldn't know where to start.
I would suggest you start with your bedroom and then the library, browse through my catalogue and pick out the ones you need to assemble your own.
Why can't I use yours?
She smiles that mischievous smile of someone who knows more, who'll always know more. You'll understand when you walk in there.
He went days without moving much further than the clearing surrounding the house, went on not exploring the library and its secrets, went on trying to ignore the grief over Cosmo, and on one of those days, returned with bloodied and torn fists.
I thought I'd hurt less in here, he told her. She gestures to the water-filled bowl in front of him and he dips his hands in, and sighs at the soothing cool of it.
That'd be easier if it was like that. I'm constantly in pain, I just learned to live with it.
I assume because of the Bleed.
Yes. They both go silent and watch the blood colouring the water red. She waits for him with a towel after five minutes. I'll put ointments and bandage it, but it'll heal regardless. It'll heal as if you had never broken your skin.
Can I even die here?
You'll have to try really hard for it and even then you'd return. The magick here... This place is electrified with both life and Bleed, its own reality and limbo combined.
Oscar went around three days without seeing Iomene before daring to enter her private quarters and look for her.
She lied pale yellow on the floor of her study, cold at the extremities, not breathing. For a second he wondered if she had succeded, but just for a second --- if she had died three days ago, her body would've begun to rot and he knew they don't have that luxury.
The bleed permeated the very air he breathed but at that moment, it flooded out of her like a broken fire hydrant, it made his skin break in goosebumps upon touch and something within him to stir.
He took her in his arms and layed her inside the gold bathtub of her bathroom, clothes and all, and ran a hot bath.
Then he sat on the floor and waited for her to return.
After a quiet period of days of studying, on her part, and reading, on his --- inside the library, he understood, rows of books that the biggest library in Newfaire would never be able to comport, knowledge so old it no longer had surviving records in the world of the living, no place traversable in search of a casual read at least not in short notice ---, she invites him for a walk.
The weather was nice, not too hot like in days of excessive magick nor cold like in days of Bleed, and Iomene wore clothes shorter than any he'd ever seen her in, considering he'd only ever seen her in long pants and gowns.
She walked with a purpose for about five minutes before reaching another clearing, not a random grass field, but a perfect cone with grass cut to perfection and familiar lines.
She walked forward towards the perfectly cut circle at the head of the field while he stood stunned.
I know this means very little without peers to play with but I thought we could think of something for two or at the very least it could bring forth fond memories.
He held back tears. Yeah, we can think of something. But we'll need-
The bats and balls are right over there, she says pointing to one of the trees where beneath is an open crate with the equipment. Needless to say, I'll need some training, I'm afraid just watching didn't make me a partner up to par.
He laughed out loud, the first time she heard it. Well, if it'll be just the two of us... He studied the contents of the crate and he picked up a ball. First of all, I think I'll need you to perfect your throws.
And shooted the baseball her way.
The rain feels both exactly like it always did, but also more real, much colder even through his dress shirt, especially through it, the intensity of the rain soaking the fabric until the clothes cling to his skin.
Yet he stands under it, proper vision of his surroundings impeded by the water except that of her, standing near, long dark hair dripping and a face that could only belong to an empress.
I haven't stood in the rain in decades, I think, she shouts. There's something jovial to her in this very moment, to her smile and the way she faces the rain as it pours over her face.
With her, there is always a dichotomy --- real or fantastic, a mother or a partner, a goddess or a woman.
He ignores every restraint and every assumption, and gives in to the feelings he's still allowed in this moment: the cold making his skin prickle, the fear brought by the intense sound of the storm hitting the trees and the house's roof, but especially the searing hot draw towards the woman who doesn't flinch as she looks at the abomination of his existence --- his only equal.
Oscar closes the distance, holds her face with the scraps of gentleness he still recalls and kisses her with the ferocity of a creature fearless of death. Iomene responds with the hunger of a prisoner fed comfort and warmth, holding onto him with nails dug deep as a captive holds onto freedom.
He pulls away with blood seeping through the cracks of his lips, blinking through wet lashes.
You taste like mints, he shouts through the rain.
She's serious when she responds, I considered your preferences.
This takes him by surprise. You knew I'd kiss you?
She smiles with her eyes.
No. But I've been hoping one day you would.
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b1nks · 5 months
I can just imagine Nico walking into a grocery store on one of his travels (after he and will started dating bc he needs to eat healthier now) and getting the check out lane then hearing how much the price is and just freezing with a absolute dumbfounded expression cause he grew up in the 30s and inflation is honestly crazy food especially is now super overpriced
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damnprecious · 2 months
how many times can one show up to a gathering wearing the same exact outfit before people start to think you're a cartoon character
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