#im sorry if it isnt great or if he feels ooc
robotnuts · 25 days
heres my bitching post sorry
the main thing i didnt like was how they treated grif's character. he was so angry and i feel like some of his character got leeched out to simmons. for a season that tried to call back so much to the original, that even tried to even out the great destroyer plotline from BGC that didn't make any sense, i wish they handled grif's character with more care. like a red team member manipulating sarge to do what they want is GRIF'S mo, not simmons, and i wish grif had been the one to rally and convince sarge to come help caboose instead of simmons. i feel like the grimmons breakup was the emotional scene that hit the least for me i didnt cry about it i only started crying when the credits rolled, and thats because grif felt pretty ooc for me. which sucks as a grifhead but what can you do
similarly theres kind of a weird abuse apologia thing going on where its like. im fine with how sarge treats grif because it's so clearly like water off a duck's back and grif just manipulates sarge to get his way and rolls his eyes at him and doesnt give a fuck throguhout seasons 1-10, i can take it just as a fictionalized comedy duo that isn't taking itself seriously and grif isn't actually 1:1 like a soldier being abused by his superior irl. and then shisno had the problem of making grif go "actually this really hurts my self esteem and makes me feel bad" and makes you retroactively view their dynamic in a different light. this isnt as bad as shisno, but having sarge say "i was only hard on you because i wanted to push you to be better" made me like :/ because. yknow. if we're taking it seriously, the fact that sarge was "psuhing" grif doesnt make his treatment okay. what makes his treatment okay is that theyre wacky halo man characters and obviosuly there has to be a crazy sargeant character and its not really bothering grif that much. but :/ very minor but i thoguht id mention it
um um um. tex coming back was incredible and made me scream i knew she was gonna come back i was spoiled but i didnt expect how theyd do it. really good. they got me again with the fucking chex at the end of course they did!!!!!!!!
oh right biching. um. what the fuck was going on with wash honestly LMAO like him having his fuckign DID and talkign about his memory issues was completely made for me but his role in this season was so funny and strange WHY DOES HE HAVE A DOC TULPA OH MY GODDDD. like in my ideal world of a final season it absoltuely would have had a more filled out cast and wash and carolina woul dhave been part of the reds and blues the whole time because i want this to be my sitcom where everyone is friends forever but like. I do understand why burnie wanted to take down the cast to sarge/grif/simmons/caboose as the original four founders (rip joel LMAO).
also the stuff with tucker was so scary !!! ahhhHhh why did they send him to time prison for 10 years AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!
idk ill also update this post with stuff that i loved it was really funny and i did like it overall, i need to watch it again i was tipsy/drunk for most of it and also talking about it irl so i missed some bits that my friends went crazy for and i need to watch the commentary. its not all bitching thats just waht sticks in my mind easier. god that campfire scene with the barenaked ladies song i was CRYINGGGG. it obviously felt short/rushed or whatever but like. ugh. its just a potential possible future anyways you guys KNOW in my head all the reds and blues are together on chorus forever and ever always doing their bits. i really am just glad we got more of it to watch together and got to get on burnie's wild ride one last time. thank you
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
A lot of people seem to not like the manga as a starting point but its what hooked me. I saw will stetsons lost time memory and I was like "what???" "thats it???" and found the rest with my brother at like 2am. the mangas slow fun pace that is instantly cut off by horror is fun, the flashbacks are great characterization.... the only part i didn't like was the dissonance between Harutaka in mangaroute1 and mangaroute2.
it was a bit confusing. anyway do you prefer the anime or manga's version of takane as she seems to be your favorite character. (for me its gotta be the manga, the anime just did not do it)
the manga is what hooked me too! back in january 2014, there was tiny vinnie binging all the songs and what was available of the manga at the time in just one day...
i think the reason ppl dont recommend the manga as a starting point is the second manga route. personally, i recommend the manga as a starting point but only until volume 4 after the route we start with is over. and then i'd come back to second manga route when im done with everything else!! my kagepro recommendation is 1. songs 2. manga until everyone dies lol 3. novels 4. finish the manga 5. anime.
the thing with the manga is that it doesnt rly go into what the normal route is for very long. we keep saying second manga route but its like, idk MOST of the manga is that route.
i do like the manga for the same reasons as u, but sometimes im a little eh bc of mahiro sato's obvious knkd shipping and stuff lol. and i did write a whole bigass answer abt why i hate what happens to takane's character in haruka's arc in the second route. otherwise i dont mind the difference all that much. and i love her as ene in the rest of it. its just a few things that drive me crazy ok ill just link the post lol sorry i just have. um. strong feelings.
OK UR ACTUAL QUESTION hmmmmm well yea i'd say the manga or novels. i get what u say abt the anime but truly the anime did not do it for any of them LOLL there was barely any time for anything let alone good characterisation. like come on there's 11 main characters and 12 twenty four minute long episodes. wdym u dont like anime takane she was there for like (checks) 40 or 50 min in total?
takane is incredibly sidelined in the anime much like everyone else cuz. lol. AGAIN. kagepro is not somehting u can fit in a 12 ep long anime. yuukei yesterday in the manga and novels goes a lot more in depth about takanes personality and relationship to haruka. not to mention they put kano's little Disguising Myself As Someone Dear To You That You Have Regrets About on her instead of shintaro which was crazy. to me that did so much damage to kano's character. i wouldnt call myself a kano expert bc he's an insanely complicated character to tackle LMAO but... i dont know. i just dont think he would do that to ene. shintaro is one thing, we all know kano's little thing abt shintaro, but ene?? its like, he does that to her BECAUSE of the thing with shintaro. kano's pissed and frustrated at everyone moving on while he's stuck behind and ESPECIALLY at shintaro and takes it out on ene for being the main reason why shintaro is moving on. its a little unfair. i dont think kano would be THAT disconnected to do that. not to mention when he pulls that trick on shintaro he isnt half as harsh as he is on ene!! he just kinda spooks him (tho ofc thats enough to send shintaro spiraling LOL) while to ene he's like YOURE THE WORST FUCK YOU and then the way ene kinda laughs it off after also pisses me off LOL yeah kano could do this im not saying its COMPLETELY ooc but he would be in an incredibly despaired rock bottom moment and he'd be super apologetic about it later. post str kano and takane friendship *holds head*
and if you read the novels and kano's feelings and thoughts over takane it makes me sad that's what they chose to do in the anime bc in the novels kano regards takane as someone he's jealous of bc of how confident she is and "her ability to doubt people" and how he thinks they're similar ppl. like we rly dont give enough credit that TAKANE is the first person kano ever opens up to in his life. he even says the conversation they have might as well be the first conversation he's ever had with anyone, and they both head out to the hideout being the ones who have to admit something to the people dear to them (kano the whole clearing eyes thing to kido, takane the ene thing to shintaro) and its not for no reason!!! kano sees something in takane. he knows theyre similar, but at the same time he is jealous. that together sounds a little like he wishes he could be more like her. OUGH. and how they just chose to translate that whole thing into kano being awful to ene and berating her for trying to save shintaro is soooo fucked up. it bothers me so much. #notmykano
WHY AM I TALKING ABT KANO THIS IS ABOUT TAKANE. OK i was driving my point abt how the anime isnt a good judging point to any of the characters LMAO and i guess i wouldnt be able to tell u which "version" of takane i like best, or anyone for that matter. to me all medias are the same version of the same character. im in too deep all of them. the takane that almost kills kenjirou for outing her as lightning dancer ene is the same takane who admits it by herself. idk. guess its a good question but i dont have a good answer. thats also why i hate second manga route takane bc she does shit i dont think she'd do and it pisses me off LOL
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riskybeep2 · 2 years
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•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙  A little bit of Rinne brainrot, I just think a lot about him
•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙  Pairing: Rinne x gn!reader
•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙  Fluffy drabble
•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙  Word count: 832
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Oh, to go on a date night with Rinne. The arcade and the movies are the first things that come to mind. Thankfully, you have your favorite places.
Watching a movie with Rinne would be an adorable time.
As soon as you settle down, he lifts up the arm of the seat that separates you two, pushes the popcorn box into your arms and wraps his own around your shape as he slumps onto you, faces squished together. Rinne is definitely a clingy lover, he likes feeling you close to him, it fills him with comfort.
You barely move throughout the movie, too warm and comfortable in his embrace. Although when the weight of his head becomes too crushing, you will wiggle your way out to rest on his chest.
Because of his big hands and mindless movements, he tends to grab handfuls of popcorn at a time and doesn´t stop until the box is empty. So you have made a rule for the both of you; you are the designated popcorn distributer, alternating between eating some yourself and feeding him.
Sometimes he will nibble your fingers or lick or kiss them, just to get a reaction out of you, which in turn, earns him a smack to the chest.
The low vibrations in his chest when he snickers at a funny scene.
The speeding up of his heartbeat during an intense scene.
His deep, shaky breaths while he tries to keep it together during a sad scene.
Usually, unless he is utterly engrossed in whatever you might be watching, he will caress your hair, rub your shoulder, and give you little pecks on your cheek. He simply cannot keep himself still for too long, and it shows. Sometimes he might even tease you by lightly grabbing your chin and turning you to face him, only for him to give your forehead a playful lick. He receives another smack to the chest.
Once you leave the theater, you walk, hand in hand, looking for a place to eat, drink, or towards your favorite arcade. While walking, Rinne enjoys swinging his arm back and forth, the pull making you jerk forward and backwards in turn, given the size difference. Sometimes, when he is feeling extra clingy, he will keep his arm thrown lazily around your waist or shoulders.
In the arcade, though, he lets you lead the way, allowing you to choose your favorite games, but being as competitive as ever when it comes to beating you and getting as many tickets as he can.
Of course, you have to keep him from diverting to the pachinko machines when he spots them. Pulling him and trying to keep his attention on you. All the while he whines dramatically. It happened once though, one time you did spend a good hour sitting, bored from playing arcade games by yourself after he told you he would be only doing a couple of rounds in this new machine. And not to mention you don’t have the money to afford his gambling addiction once the funds for your date have run out.
He also likes the claw machines, a bit too much, which came as a surprise the first time he got invested in one.
What you didn’t know was that he had noticed the way you kept looking at a particular plushie of one of your favorite animals. At that moment, he decided he wanted to win you said plushie, of course, he would not tell you that, instead he covered up saying he wouldn’t let a machine beat him, assuring you he knew how they worked. Cue him spending way more than he needed to before the claw finally dropped the cute plushie into the box. Your bright smile and the sparkle in your eyes made him feel all warm inside. Yes, it was worth it. For you.
Rinne secretly loves the praise you give him when he does something cool. The ego boost is much more effective when it comes from you. The triumphant look on his face when he gets a high score in a game or wins a prize in the claw machine is something he cannot hide, especially when you look at him full of love and admiration.
That’s why, since then, every time you go to the arcade, Rinne puts extra effort in winning you whatever plushie he sees you looking at with particular interest or enthusiasm. He would never tell you this, but he has built a habit of saving pennies whenever he can, so he can make sure to win you as many plushies you want.
To you, Rinne is a chaotically clingy, whiny and overall adorable boyfriend.
Rinne is a sweetheart. He likes you so much, too much. He would do anything to see your smile, the smile you only show to him when he spoils you or does something genuinely nice.  And he wouldn’t change you for the world. As you mean the world to him.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
(You dont have to answer, I know this is the kind of rant that can bring harassment and leaving it on anon is suspect, so im sorry for that. I just wanted you to know there's at least one other person that agrees with your views and is glad the fandom isnt a monolith. Im just extremelly shy)
Finally watched season 2 and I've decided I'll keep shipping the good Gerlion-influenced Geraskier that lives in my head and disregarding Burn Butcher Burn and most of the canon dynamic and characters entirely.
Im glad I follow you! it's good to see other people agreeing that the song is... evil of Jaskier and tone-deaf of the writers (they do not seem to grasp that witchers are marginalized and what this means for them). It's also motivated me to read more of the books, since Ive only managed to get my hands on the first one but what you've posted about them has me intrigued!
Im also like. Realizing this is the Teen Wolf Experience again: There's very little analysis that can be done in-universe, bc low quality writing and weak characterization are at the heart of most of the issues the characters face and not like, Jaskier being evil on purpose/by accident as a character. It feels unfair to put the song and its consequences on him when there's not going to be consequences bc the writers have not realized it's anything but "and he's mad at Geralt so he wrote a song about it"?? If they'd been going for that it would have taken one line from Lambert to show that's why he's hostile to Jaskier! It'd be dumb that the guy has been doing this for 20+ years and still has to learn to be responsible with his songs so it'd feel ooc anyway if that was his Lesson to Learn This Arc, but whatever, they could have gone that direction. But it's not that, they just dont know what to do with him.
They dont seem to want to commit, either he's the stupid, harmless comic relief everyone shits on or a famous guy affecting witcher PR on the whole continent without asking them what they want. If he'd been mad enough to purposely incite hate towards Geralt he would not have folded after that apology, and if he wasn't that mad and the apology was enough he would maybe have written it in a fit but not?? Made it popular???
And it's not just Jaskier, they do this across the board. They dont know what to do with Geralt, or his relationship with Ciri, or Ciri and Yennefer, and how they're handling Witchers as a group is a mess. It's a shame bc they have a great cast and they have a story and lore and themes (and fan base) with strong bones ready-made, but Netflix has a bad track record doing adaptations do it's not surprising either
I think this can stand on its own, Non.
It's important to have different voices and opinions in fandom. There is always a place for it here if you need a chat about it.
I agree on the cast. They really are trying to present us a banquet when all they were given was ten quid and an out-of-date Greg's voucher.
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. I don't think LO fans get this but the having to resort to tearing everything else down to prop it up is actually a worse indictment on its quality than not. If LO is truly this great of a piece of work, it should be able to stand on its own, not having harassment/smear campaigns against even remotely similar (or not) pieces of work to make it look "better" in comparison. What happened to H/P Ficlets is probably the most nasty example of LO fans being cruel in the name of making LO look "better"
2. I want to know what Kool-Aid LO fans are on because I've seen so many of them say the art is actually BETTER than it was in the beginning. Like girl what, go check your eyes 💀
3. I saw Overly Sarcastic Production's explanation of the Persephone myth. It started out really good, covering the 'possible' ancient background on the myth, and reiterating how the Homeric Hymn to Demeter is the best version we have in terms of detail. They also don't try and demonize Demeter or try to make the myth seem like some kind of romance epic.
Then the end of the video comes along and ruins the entire thing - they basically encourage people to read Lore Olympus and continue the false narrative that Persephone and Hades are the 'most functional relationship' in mythology.
It's just so frustrating to see even a popular myth youtube channel is falling for the Tumblr false interpretation of the myth that ruined Lore Olympus while completely missing the point of the story. It was always meant to be about the relationship between mother and daughter - not a damn romance. 
4. ive seen so many lo fans condemn zeus (in comic) for being more flamboyant/not being hyper masculine as hades and im like 1) ok so hades is boring while zeus is fun, got it but also 2) considering zeus' myth canon bisexuality and lo's obsession with being very heterosexual that just seems ... wrong. like i dont think they mean to be biphobia/harmful while saying stuff like this but the fact they do zero relfection on it is a big issue.
5. tbh i was willing to give the benefit of a doubt about hades and minthe but then we find out HADES is the one who blurred the lines and chased after HER and started the relationship and made her to have an apartment and stuff all under HIS control so its like?? he went after her, he's the one who wasnt being professional and went after his employe, he controls all her finances and the literal roof over her head, but we're supposed to be on HIS side and see her as ungrateful/evil??? girl what!!
6. im sorry i just cant take the "sexy" panels hades seriously because 1) its always very clearly traced, 2) it just doesnt look right given how bad the anatomy is, but also 3) its just weirdly ooc?? like rachel cant decide if hes this serious brooding king who you dont mess with or an empty headed, horny teenager. im not saying he cant have duality to him but its hard to be like "isnt he cute?" when he owns slaves, neglects children, & takes advantage of vulnerable young women into relationships
7. im begging rachel to pick up an anatomy book or something on her break WHY is hades' head so tiny now??? how did she go from semi ok anatomy to whatever this is?? and you cant go "thats her style!" because it legit doesnt even look good or cohesive or even like what we know she once could do, it just looks like a mess. i dont get how you draw non-stop for years and actually get WORSE at it.
8. i just get sad because i follow a lot of webtoon creators who feel dejected and neglected by WT meanwhile they just throw up more and more promotion for LO and shove it everyones' faces (when it very much does NOT need the help) while these other creators feel so left behind many that many of them don't even want to make another comic again. i cant imagine that feels good that they have to work twice as hard if not more to even get noticed meanwhile rachel just gets everything handed to her.
9.i do not get why rachel went with the "gods dont care/hate mortals" take in LO. even just a skim of any myth will show you the gods, for all their faults, did care about mortals and wanted the best for them. like if they hated them so much, why even let them exist? why care persephone killed so many of them? why provide them with food, water, etc? also most of the male gods have children with mortal women, why would they do that if they hate them? it's such a bad take to go with.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. Eris' head looking like an apple is not a smart design it's a mistake. I still can get over how they massacred my baby ;__;
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tendouluvr · 3 years
bakugō helping you clean your room - gn reader
- fluff, comfort
- warnings: doesnt exactly say depression but can be implied? reader will just say they lost motivation lately and felt like they couldn’t do anything bc its been a hard time but im leaving it as vague as possible so anyone can imply anything really, no swearing <3
- wc: 983
a/n: :o first writing post!! i got this idea when i saw a vid on my yt rec and it was a clean in real time w me vid i love cleaning vids
baku a lil ooc i think not sure i didnt wanna make him sound too harsh bc reader doesnt need that attitude rn but i hope he still sounds blunt enough for him to be bkg
p.s. this isnt edited and written in proper grammar. i use u, ur, lowercase, literally how i text so just a heads up. i’ll come back and rewrite this properly one day maybe
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#! bakugō😑 hes loud
#! enters ur room by stomping until he realizes that there isnt floor space to stomp
#! adruptly stops and lets out one of his little “oh?” while he stares at ur lying body on the bed with ur head stuffed in between two pillows
#! “baby?” and he’ll get a grunt and a whine from u in return
#! “ur rooms a little... do u need help?” he mumbles
#! u slowly get up and look at him from across the room while mumbling something
#! “what? speak up”
#! he maneuvers his way thru ur room to u
#! “i said i havent had the motivation to do anything lately. its been hard for me to do much to be honest. im sorry it’s so messy, i know this wasnt what u were expecting when u came in”
#! “tch, don’t apologize. ur fine. i’ll clean it. wanna help?”
he starts clearing out all of the dirty laundry laying around ur room and while he does that u take ur time picking up some cups around ur desk area. u placed the used cups, some still had water and some was empty, into an empty basket laying around so u can bring it all out to the kitchen at once.
bakugō works fast so he was already done with picking up the dirty laundry and was now folding and hanging ur clean laundry thats just been sitting in the corner of ur room waiting to be put away.
“do u want to time urself? or do some countdown to help u stay focus or something?” bakugō asked u once he saw that u got distracted with some keychain on ur desk.
“hmm? oh, sure! sorry i just haven’t seen that keychain in a while heh.”
“it’s fine. here, use my phone and give urself however much time u need.”
“thank u katsu~,” u said, grabbing his phone and giving urself 10 minutes to pick up the remaining cups (and a plate but lets not talk abt that), go to the kitchen, and come back.
u made it back with almost 3 minutes remaining and decided to lay back down until the timer went off. bakugō was finishing up the last bit of ur laundry and was just organizing ur closet.
u heard the closet door close and brought ur head up to see bakugō walking towards u on the bed. he brought his arms out and u sat up to wrap ur arms around his waist while he’s standing, hugging ur shoulders.
“good job, baby. im hella proud of u. do u wanna keep resting? i can clean the rest.”
“no! i’ll help, what do i do?”
he lets out a low chuckle and tells u that u can go get a big trash bag from the kitchen so u guys can throw away any junks found while cleaning ur desk and shelves. bakugō began vacuuming, seeing that the floor was pretty much clear from any clutter that could get in the way, while u left to do ur task.
when u came back with the trash bag and some disinfecting wipes, he was halfway done vacuuming so u decided to start clearing out one of ur shelves. this was one of a few u have that holds some random books and figures that just so happens to be in ur room (yk those random stuff u find in ur room that u dont know where it came from but u do know abt it, yea im talking abt those)
u took everything out to wipe the shelf with the disinfecting wipes and then began sorting thru ur items so ur shelf can be less clustered. a little humming and sorting later, u finally decided on what to keep and what to throw and started putting it all back onto ur shelf.
bakugō just finished vacuuming and went over to u to help clean the other shelves so it’ll be done faster. he chose the top three shelves and took everything off at once. he wiped down all three and started sorting thru ur belongings, asking u now and then if u wanna keep something because he wasn’t sure. soft humming could be heard from u and echoing hums could be heard from bakugō.
bakugō has a good memory so he remembers where everything is suppose to go, so dont worry ur pretty little head abt him messing up ur stuff. after all, he does care abt u and everything related to u.
u were done with the two shelves he left u, so u went over to ur desk and repeated the taking everything out, wiping it down, and sorting process all over again for every corner of ur desk. bakugō eventually finished and came over to help ur last bit.
u were sitting on ur desk chair rearranging a small figure u have of ur favorite character from ur favorite show when bakugō suddenly lifted u up so he can sit on the chair and u on his lap.
u gasped at this and held onto his arms while he tightens his grip on u. after a moment and u guys settled down, u went back to ur figure while bakugō stuffed his soft face into the nape of ur neck. he leaves kisses on ur neck and shoulder before finally resting his chin onto ur shoulder.
“u did a great job today. if u ever need help remember im here for u, angel. u dont have to feel bad over something u cant control. i’ll keep telling u until it’s drilled into ur head, you’ll even hear it in ur sleep.”
at the last sentence u let out a quick laugh, but nodded ur head telling him u understand.
“i love u katsu.”
“hmm, love u more.”
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flamedoesart · 2 years
Woooooo ok going back to my old ways for this one
have you noticed an issue with consent in tommy centric sbi storys? cuz like i feel like a lot of the time shit just fucking happens to him
like in a lot of sbi storys(not just dark sbi ones) i feel like tommy gets little to no agency. like for instance if tommy runs away they drag him back kicking and screaming(no exaggeration). and the next day hes like “lol guys im so sorry i was so rude and i love you so much”. i think it has a lot to do with mental health issues as well. because often in these storys they treat him like he js so mentally ill and sad and suicidal and shit that he cant make decisions for himself.
i guess it also ties into him being ooc a lot in these fics too. like especially in fics where he is a hybrid. like they make it so hes just so soft and uwu baby and he cant make any desisions for himself because he needs his family to do it for him and he never swears or is angry at them💞💞💞💞❣️❣️💕💕💗💗💓💓💖💖 because also they often use the hybrod thing so that when he expresses any anger or discomfort/displeasure with what is happening the just scratch behind his ear so his brain stops working and then its a-okay.
this stuff especially bothers me because i am a trans person who came out when they where 10 so when child characters dont get agency it really grind my gears, as literally no one would say.
and listen i know all of it is just an excuse to have some fluffy sbi moments, and an opportunity for the writer to get the comforts they cant in real life by 3 famous “hot” men . but i dont think that makes it ok.
1. the way they do it infantilizes neuro-divergent
This one is pretty easy to explain, when you say your character with abandonment issues, ptsd, anxiety, adhd and whatever orher shit you give them is soooo cute and helpless and needs other people to make good decisions for him weather he likes it or not🥺🥺🥺 its bad. its bas because it reinforces the idea that all mentally ill people are children or child like.
2. its lazy
listen bbg i get that you wanna feel loved but you could put in even a 🤏 that would be great. it is easy to just not gove your characters agency so you can get to the part you have been replaying in your head over and over a little faster, but its unsatisfying. if you just do a little bit of work, like maybe instead of wilbur telling tommy he cant leave, maybe wilbur says he doesnt want him to leave, so tommy doesnt leave. this shows that wilbur is viewing tommy as a full human person, it shows that tommy loves wilbur, but it also shows that tommy isnt healed enough to admit that.
boom baby i came up with that in like 5 seconds
god im sorry if this is just word vomit i just feel strongly about this fan-fiction trend
tldr: please for the love of god just give tommyinnit a little agency
Sorry I haven’t answered this yet, I did see it in my inbox but then forgot about it. 😭
But honestly yeah I agree with this, although for c!Tommy this is nothing new, literally every character on the dsmp has been mischaracterized and boiled down to one character trait in fanfiction. Morally complex characters like c!Wilbur, c!Sam and c!Quackity being the worst offenders.
But since this is about SBI we will stick to that.
The thing is that a lot of authors do project themselves onto their fave and since in this case it’s c!Tommy, there’s gonna be a lot of woobifying involved. I agree that removing any agency c!Tommy has is not a good way to write him, however I’m a little more sympathetic to him being woobified in fanfics only because in canon he doesn’t get that many moments to be properly loved and taken care of.
Not saying it’s really a great idea, but I understand why.
I personally get annoyed too when authors remove c!Tommys scathing tongue in fanfics. Bc hey guess what, he can be fucking mean and rude at times too. He calls people a bitch and other words but the key aspect of c!Tommy is that his way of showing love is, a lot of the time, proven through actions.
In SBI fics where he is made way more childish than he honestly needs to be (like come on guys, the cc is 18, you can make him a little childish but don’t overdo it for the sake of fluff) it kinda takes away the realism and like you said, his agency. c!Tommy doesn’t just take things lying down, he is rough edges and biting words, that’s who he is.
I think fic authors can do better than just making him a babied version of himself because not only is it kinda :/ to make him constantly dependent upon other people but it’s also just ooc.
I don’t really have much more to say on the matter though, I’ve seen so much ooc writing come out of this fandom alone that it’s impressive (in a /neg way)
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angeloncewas · 3 years
yeah i totally agree with what you said about satire and schlatt basically taking the easy way out. it seems like since that video he's kinda eased back from doing that shit, either bc the backlash or bc his friends have started verbally calling him out on it, both to his face and through making comments about him on stream (comments as in like saying they dont agree with what he did and saying they thought that video was terrible, not like them shading him or whatever ajsksk) which is good but also i wouldnt be surprised if something like that video happened again just bc like. it is his career and at this point he has to know what his larger fanbase is like to an extent, which means he also knows those terrible fucking jokes will make him money. i dont like that, but im also not gonna sit around and pretend like i cant see the fucking obvious, ya know? from what ive seen of him when he's not putting on a show for his main channel, or when he isnt around people who both encourage and enable his bad behavior (not saying this to shift blame, ive just noticed how he goes from making actually funny jokes that are harmless or, at most, a pretty obvious example of him poking fun at shitty people, at least imo, to like. straight up just being offensive when he's with people like swagger, miz, etc. vs ted, charlie and so on), he seems like a pretty good guy and its pretty clear to me that he doesnt hold the same views as the character he plays up for his main channel but that doesnt change the fact that his audience is now full of the worst kinds of people and that is how he makes money.
as someone who, again, watched idubbbz, as well as filthyfrank, they both stated they were playing characters and they didnt agree with the shit they were joking about, joji especially, but them saying that isnt very well known by even their own fanbase who just watches their main channel stuff, bc the one video where joji made that explicitly clear what he was doing, he later deleted for people harassing him in the comments (it was an old ass video where he basically said that playing those characters was giving him literal health problems, specifically stress induced seizures, and his comments were so bad that he never made an ooc video on his main channel again) and the one video i can think of where ian explicitly said he was playing a character was like an hour long podcast with h3, which most people dont even wanna watch bc it is a painfully uncomfortable one hour, considering the fact that they are supposed to be friends. besides that, the only other time they were really out of character was in vlogs with maxmoefoe, and they still did their offensive bits from time to time bc it was still going up on youtube, even if it wasnt their main channel. compare that to schlatt who has, as far as i know, never explicitly said he's playing a character, and the closest he has gotten to saying that was in some weekly slap video that i cant remember the title of bc all those videos kinda blend together if im being honest. like they definitely show a different, better side of him, but they are also all really short videos with only gameplay to watch and he never even promotes the channel, so its not like the shitty people watching him are like "hm time to take some time out of my day to go watch big man schlatt give people advice and be a genuine person for once", right?
idk. schlatt is just such a weird person for me bc like. he is a big comfort for me, i really do enjoy his content when he's not making bad stabs at satire (bc sometimes he does it right!! but a lot of the time, at least recently, he has just missed the mark entirely, to the point where it feels like he wasnt even trying to hit the mark at all), but he is also so uncomfortable to watch sometimes just bc he seems to either not know where the line is, or thinks crossing it is okay bc its him playing a character and that's not fun to watch as a minority who often ends up being apart of that "punchline".
that aside tho...yes, unfortunately idubbbz does still make content (and i say unfortunately bc it is not very good) though it seems like he is very slow to upload and last i checked, the views arent too great, but ive seen worse. probably the only thing that could bring back his views at this point would be a content cop, but like a year or so back he said he has no plans of continuing the series bc he finds it boring now, which is fair enough. i dont really keep up with him anymore, but as far as i know, he just got married to anisa and he streams on twitch sometimes, besides that the dude is a mystery to me!
—🦷 (also im sorry if this is formatted weird, for whatever reason tumblr has indented each of my paragraphs with one of those grey line thingys and it wont let me remove it. if it doesnt show up in the actual ask then ignore this!)
This is kind of old now (sorry), but I still wanted to respond because I really appreciate your perspective :)
> I always wonder how people not involved in the fandom view Schlatt. Because wasn't there this thing about Hasan genuinely thinking that he was conservative? And like he obviously doesn't now, but does that not impact how he sees him and his content? I don't mean to dictate friendships - of course - I'm just curious as to the impact of having that audience from an outsider pov. I remember being shocked what that thing happened with the pdp fan, but I later found that many people weren't because they knew the nature of the audience he cultivated; maybe I'm just stupid, I had no idea. (Not that Schlatt and pdp are the same, it's just a loose comparison.)
> No one should face harassment, but I doubt Joji deleting that video helped his case. (I mean ig it worked out in the long term considering everything that happened with his music, but yk.) I'm very sorry for the health problems he faced with the characters themselves though. I don't know much about him but that sounds awful.
> I have thoughts on The Weekly Slap, but I think they make me sound bitter and don't add much so just know that they're there ajfdkjdf. I will say that he doesn't seem like "Jschlatt" in them, and moreso just a guy. I know that he quit it for a number of reasons and one of them was not being comfortable with that kind of connection in relation to his increasing fame, but honestly I think his complete dislodgement from his fanbase isn't healthy either.
> I mean, I get it. I've watched a lot of content from a lot of people - ranging from kind of unpleasant to very unsavory - and it's kind of a weird feeling with YouTube and Twitch stuff. Idk it's like - when I go to the grocery store, I'm not wondering if the guy checking my things out is a racist. When I see a commercial, I don't wonder if that guy advertising chicken nuggets is a secret creep. But with content creation of this kind, it's just a weird thought in the back of my mind. I don't know if this makes sense lmao
> Weird that Idubbz finds content cop "boring." I guess the formula is kind of stale and half of the content was the edge, but it seems like the kind of thing that'd be perfect to capitalize off of around now. Cool that he got married... I think. I mean if he's happy ???
> Don't mind the formatting, and sorry to respond like WAY past when this conversation was relevant T_T. I read it right away but the timing got off with actually being able to type stuff out.
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palukoo · 4 years
so a couple months ago i relistened to w359 and made a 18000 word document while doing so containing iconic quotes, my reactions, feelings, et cetera. heres some highlights with varying amounts of context. (theres lowkey spoilers for the whole series btw)
""""i empathize too much""""
crazy how i still vividly remember walking outside [my old job] and to starbucks while listening to the spider ep... trauma
i mean i dont love it but it makes me feel things
"let me have my badass space chick victory cocktail"
god like i AM team what wrong with handcuffs but I WOULD NOT HESITATE to kill hilbert for hera
the girlssss are fightinggg
like memoria who maxwell who jk jk
i love you renee minkowski marry me
local idiot's heart is in the right place
lovelace lovelace lovelace loveLACE LOVELACE
"maybe she's some kind of clone thing" EIFFEL... this is day 1!!!
i hate these self sacrificial idiots
no no no not this music again ill cry
yall are so emotionally stunted it fucking hurts but damn if you dont care
literally how are they still alive
i want to hug her so much omg
alan rody shut the FUCK up im crying
rip zach valenti's throat
face the death reality via math
jacobi being a piece of shit
maxwell said lets kill hilbert rights
this is a kepler hate blog
minkowski thinking her emotions dont matter to the mission oh ho ho
"youre gonna straighten up" cutter they cant theyre not straight
maxwell and jacobi show up and blow up lads
"and you should really be more careful with your queen" KEPLER WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
wolf 359 stop making me stan these literally terrible people
i am caring about men tonight lads
theyre both awful sure go ahead have history
hilbert you interrupted their emotional moment they wouldve had a MOMENT
hera said im gay
ohhhh nooo interpersonal conflict makes me sad
hug minkowski rn
FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC jacobi and maxwell are iconic
minkowski how did you not kill him
how much do yall use the words "good enough" and "cant"
"are you an alien" GOD the Hints
"one of our... sexier jobs" vs "this is gonna said less sexy after that"
eiffel stop cockblocking them
y'all's choice of pronouns IS illuminating
aw eiffel... minkowski... communication is KEY
oh yeah THATS what the psi wave regulator is for.... SURE
hilbert read the room
JACOBI you can't just describe minkowski like that without giving me a heart attack
how many times have all these bitches almost died
oh minkowski finally flipped (VALID)
oh wait that fact isnt fun at all and im literally crying
LIKE sometimes you save someone's life at great personal risk only to kill her a little while later
minkowski cries to “back to before” from ragtime
i feel to many things about the gals here idk what to tell you i love them thats the problem
its gay and it hurts!
lovelace laughing at people who can and will kill her... hot
they let lovelace say FUCK
ouchie anyways gay or no but also gay
hilarious and sad at the same time?
MAXWELL dont be a bitch... i expect this from jacobi and honestly i actually expect this from maxwell too but i dont like it
i cant say anything else im too busy crying
im mad but thank you... all of you... explain... 
stop stop stop im literally so tense gone straight from sobbing to freeze instinct
OH theyre all about uncertainty... the what ifs... okay... ouch ouch ouch
give everyone awards for bolero
eris are you gay
she said gay rights and AI rights
like i know i know we been knew but goddard really is so awful
Hera stop narrating Lovelace’s ongoing existential crisis
HOW IS THIS NOT GAY (I know how it’s not gay but. Let me have this)
KEPLER stop giving Lovelace insecurities and existential crises
Team back off lovelace for the win
like not to be dramatic but her arc is beautiful
oh boy thats my girlsssss
god i love that concern for your gf keep it up minkowski
GOD angrey hera is great
you know hera is having the time of her life witnessing it
eiffel you just ruined their romantic moment
minkowski is gonna kill them
a much better gayer more altruistic light
god hera has needed to snap at eiffel for so long
i can already feel myself about to get hit with the tears... the emotions
that shit hits different renee
The implications that Goddard like destroyed global warming omfg
it’s the moral grayness babeyyy
when it hits you with minkowski's shaky sigh first thing you know its gonna hit different
MINKOWSKI i need you to. love yourself as much as i love you
GOD the mutual concern they always have for each other is touching whether or not you think its gay. i think its gay
oh of COURSE they cut coms first
lovelace is man, butterfly is quote, it says "is this flirting"
jacobi i need you to chill
but jacobiiiii thats lovelaces schtick
oh eiffel... you fucking idiot who gets really lucky sometimes
this game of chicken where theyre both chickens and kepler doesnt know any of that and each of them only know half
minkowski said im an ethics teacher now
who taught minkowski empathy in high stress situations?
yeah so i stay hitting the nail on the head
“kepler SHUT UP” is what brings everyone together
this is, como se dice.... kinda gay
this statement does not bode well for that
“Maybe less talking to yourself” he says to himself
ugh, to be Pop Culture Man™️
RACHEL i love you even tho I also hate you
Rachel if you make one more hand joke I’ll lose my mind
HER NAME!!!! IS HERA!!!! And I love her!!
i have a vivid mental image of post-series eiffel doing stand up like chris fleming style 
"my crew has made it very clear through a series of looks and gestures that one more slip up and i am out, thats it, so im taking this job very seriously"
"minkowski is very overprotective in a weird, erratic way, like when your seat belt randomly locks and its like i appreciate what youre trying to do but im going 4mph in a drive way."
"so when something like this happens you have to at least consider going away for a long time and living on a cursed space station"
"you know how when maxwell and hera are talking ive never felt less needed, you know, like ‘cause you guys would be totally happy alone on a rock in the middle of a lake"
"this is the kind of body you look at and go he'd probably be ok in space without a space suit"
the whole "theater kids" video is actually him going off about minkowski
minkowski is too swole for her own good
jacobi im gonna need you to take the redemption arc more seriously
i love my crazy crazy bitches
this FUCKING music
she just like mutilated that man he is doa absolutely destroyed one hit ko
can you tone down the gay, sweetie
you did it you broke rachel and Goddard down to their bare essentials
so damn jacobi was just IMMEDIATELY ride or die for maxwell
this is too much for my poor baby heart
pryce & carter literally are just like lets do eugenics, lets do genocide
when hera says ill pull a yall and sacrifice myself for minkowski and lovelace 
god like cant believe KEPLER got a redemption arc (well not arc but you know)
ah yes the most tragic scenes all take place at once :)
i love space moms!
like the document also does have a lot of like deep thoughts and meta and parallels and discussion of motivations but this is just fun random things i said
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tumblunni · 5 years
An underrated good part of Maddiman's characterization that makes him both more redeemable and more terrifying is how he genuinely does not seem to know that what he is doing is evil.
Like in yokai watch 3 he sounds genuinely confused that the three turtle yokai wouldnt want to be "improved" by being fused together. He genuinely cared about them and apparantly treated them quite well because they loved him too and didnt want to leave even though they didnt want to fuse together. And all it took to get him to stop was someone simply explaining why this was bad, which he was completely surprised by yet also instantly trusted and believed even though you were someone he'd only just met and had no reason to believe was trustworthy. Like he's just so goddamn nice and friendly like that??
Seriously its so interesting how his personality manages to be so ridiculously ludicrously cute and nice even when he's doing mad science doom! And i think its interesting cos it feels like they had to develop him this way in order to get him to become the complex character they wanted in yw2, when all the evidence seems to point to that not being planned at the time of yw1. Seripusly he acts so OOC when you look at it in retrospect! Justa generic scary doctor minion of mckraken, and clearly didnt have the backstory planned cos why would a human yokai join the anti human group? But this strange personality duality allows them to retroactively make it more in-character to this new character they made for him, without needing to retcon anything.
Like when you look back on it, you could kinda reinterpret his yw1 appearance through that lens? Maddiman is a nice dude but he gets easily obsessed with his experiments and seems to have a blind spot where he forgets that they dont seem so great to everyone else. Everyone would enjoy being my experiment, they could become super powerful and also part of important history in the field of science! Fwahahaha! And while i am doing the totally not evil thing of cutting out a child's heart to shove in my ultimate weapon and turning his discarded corpse into a yokai, i may as well mess around and do some ~ultimate theatrical hamminess~ to make it fun for the lil guy! *big innocent eyes* *"you are the villain of this story" flies right over his head, ignored*
I mean in yw2 he doesnt even seem to be mad at Nate/Katie over what happened last time, even though he does seem to remember them. (Saying "that boy/girl again" when talking about them defeating Hans) Instead he's just frightened that someone broke into his laboratory, and then annoyed that they ended up setting Hans on themselves cos of their own damn fault. Like he was never planning to attack you at all if you hadnt bumbled into that mistake! And in Medal Wars he literally just says "oh hello good morning" when you walk into his lab, and you initiate the fight with him instead of simply explaining 'hey maddiman whoops you accidentally caused a blackout, i see your experiment is over now so maybe you could unplug your machine and fix things?" Srsly like 90% of all maddiman related problems could probably be resolved with 'hey mr orb dad could you please not do the bad?" "Oh wait i was doing a bad? I had no idea, sorry!"
And its also really good how this is a character trait thats generally rather absurd and goofy, but also when you think about it it makes sense with his tragic backstory. "I'll do something extreme and ridiculous rather than the logical conclusion, with seemingly no awareness that this choice is foolish and self destructive, and also this could be resolved if i simply talked about my problems with someone who could set me straight" is played for drama in his past, and it becoming a recurring comedic character trait is a good way of making it sorta like..integrated into his personality, all realistic like.
I dunno i just feel like they put a lot of depth into this random joke/coverup for a retcon. And it makes him pretty unique! And also pretty versatile cos honestly in any future game they could probably put maddiman inthe role of ally or antagonist for any quest ever, and itd always make sense every time. He's left open for a lot of accidental misunderstandings even after he's turned good,just cos thats who he is. He's mr supergenius with absolutely zero common sense!
Also i feel like "dont worry, experimenting on people isnt bad!" is possibly an extension of how reckless and self destructive he was as a human. I mean we're told he worked so hard he lost his family, worked so hard He wore the same clothes for weeks, starved himself, never slept, literally drove himself to death because of this. Feels like "dont worry i can replace sleep with caffeine" was the first step in "dont worry i can replace my no longer beating heart with this supernatural IV drip" and "dont worry i can fix literally everything wrong with everyone whether they want me to or not"...
I dunno maybe im thinking too deep into this, but thats kinda my job as a Certified Grandpa Analyst (note: may or may not be a job that exists)
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archeir-a-blog · 7 years
For every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I will mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user.
Note: These are in no specific order.
@electrumbeaute Okay so I know you aren’t around much anymore but I love you to bits. We’ve written different things on different platforms and everything we’ve started or had the opportunity to develop has been amazing and I’ve cherished every single little thing. We clicked from the start and you were the first person to wholeheartedly welcome me into this fandom. In spite of all the negativity surrounding it and existing within, you showed me the positive side to it. You were the light that existed within it. And truly, from the bottom of my heart I love you for that and I love just you overall. The chances of you seeing this any time soon isn’t very likely. I’ll tell you about it next time you pop in but just know that no matter if you’re here or not, you’ll always be cherished by me. You’re such an amazing person and the kindest I’ve ever really known? I can talk to you and feel so comfortable. I miss you a lot but I’m glad you’re happy where you are and I’m glad you still come around and grace me with a message whenever you can.
@omamoribane Zelda is amazing. I’m not the only one who thinks so either because the birds have flocked to her and showed her crazy amounts of love (which I feel she is entirely deserving of). Listen, I love her Magnus and I’ve gotten to know her pretty well ooc. We click really well. She gets me, she gets what it’s like to be a part of this fandom. We share a lot of the same views on it and relate really well and I just love that I can rant to her about so much and she gets it because she feels the same way. As a writer, she’s insanely talented? I actually was intimidated by the first starter she ever posted for me. I didn’t want to disappoint her because I felt like she captured Magnus’s voice and mannerisms so well and I wanted to be on that same level with her as Alec. I don’t know if I succeeded but even now I still try. I look forward to everything she writes or we write (there’s a reason we have multiple threads open right now). Her writing incites so much feeling and emotion inside me and it’s very easy to get into and reply. I love seeing her on my dash. She’s kind, and sweet and honest and very truthful. She understands Magnus in a way that goes beyond the show, she delves deeper, and really brings light and depth to his character. I appreciate it so much because I also feel like through her writing, I have a better understanding of Magnus and who he his, how he thinks, where he comes from. She really pushes the bar and makes everything so fleshed out and believable. There’s always new layers to be explored. I’d def recommend for Magnus lovers.
@harlykinns Okay but I love everything about this Harley. From the headcanons, to the actual in character writing and journey, to her endless fantastic verses. And the mun omg, this mun is incredible. So awesome, so nice, so bursting with skill? I can never get enough of her on my dash. And I don’t think I ever will. I’m super honored that I get to write with her and delve into another fandom that I may not know my way around completely but it doesn’t seem to matter with her. She’s super accepting and exceptional at what she does. I also like that despite how Harley is portrayed in some verses and versions, she sticks to what she feels is right and does justice for the character and I actually love what she does with Harley as opposed to anything else I’ve seen? Like the love and belief she has in herself and in her portrayal is something I aspire for myself. I keep saying this but I cannot get enough of this blog or mun. I tell her this in IMs so she knows I mean it and I get excited whenever I see her around. It’s like a cool, nice surprise every time she comes back and busts out all these amazing replies and I’m sitting here like how??? do?? you?? do??? this??? Teach me okay, just teach me. FRICK
@urulxce If you thought I wasn’t gonna talk about you, lemme tell you friend you were DEAD ASS wrong. How can I resist an opportunity to embarrass and expose myself as a weirdo fangirl who stalks you on the dash? I mean, I hope nothing I say scares you off from one day granting me the honor of roleplaying with your son. If it does, I take it back. (No, not really tho because you need to hear it.) I mean for starters you’re just a positive human being, even if you’re having a bad day (and I’m sorry when that happens to you bc you’re great and deserve more ok) you still go out of your way to make others feel loved and appreciated. You did that to me when you sent me that sweet message and this whole time I’m still flabbergasted you even acknowledge my presence or think so? when I look at you and see how marvelous you are IC and to your followers. Your writing is magnificent. The inner monologue is always so interesting and in depth and ofc I love it. The fact you conjured up and created this amazing character out of thin air (which I wouldn’t even know was completely original bc thats how crazy good the bio, background and headcanons/meta are) is mindboggling?? How in the world did you do that?? Are there tips you can share with the class? Because truly, I am interested to know. I challenge anyone to read Ry’s bio and try and tell me its not a character that already belongs or exists in film? Its too real. Reading the meta I sent you the other day I kept thinking like how do you come up with this stuff? And all on your own too? I could try to do the same but I wouldn’t even come close. When you write a book one day (who knows maybe you already have? I’d believe it), all I ask is that you don’t forget about us little people (like me) because you bet I’m gonna hit you up for an autograph. And Idk maybe writing books isnt what you wanna do but if it is, you’ll be phenomenal at it and I could see a series being born out of the fantasy world you created. GO BIG DARLING. You have what it takes and more. I mean I may not be a publisher but I know good shit when I see it and yours is goooooood shit. Fantastic shit. (The good kinda shit, obvs.)
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feriowind · 7 years
Oh! Okay, so, I just thought of an AU--although an extremely unoriginal one at that. OTL How about an AU scenario where the main four meets Team Urameshi (as in...YYH)?
HMMM my memory of the exact personalities/history of the yyh kids isnt that great so im sorry if this feels ooc
gon would be super nice to everyone and everyone would warm up to him very quickly. he’d also be slightly mystified by how much yusuke is like ging despite not being related at all. bonds the most with yusuke as a result of this curiosity, but still talks a lot with everyone
yusuke and kuwabara would try to pick fights with everyone else just because. 
leorio doesnt exactly pick any fights, but still gets ready to throw down against yusuke, kuwabara, and even hiei after hiei says a mocking thing to him lol. leorio also cant help but be extra annoyed by yusuke because of how similar he is to ging. eventually, once he gets to know everyone better, he’d get along with kuwabara and kurama best
similar thing with killua, who gets very annoyed by yusuke and kuwabara for being huge idiots. but he’d warm up to everyone a lot faster after seeing them get along with gon. ends up bonding with hiei over their cute sisters lol
kurapika would immediately piss off yusuke and kuwabara after making an offhand observation about how it would be a waste of time/not worthwhile to fight them. leorio ends up being the one that has to defuse the situation. kurapika gets along best with kurama and hiei, who he finds are easiest to talk to.
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piningeddiediaz · 3 years
“. i dont agree with her when she says that’s too ooc (i think ronan would have proposed at like age 16 if he didnt think adam would punch him)” — this is still entitled though. You aren’t the creator. The creator knows their characters better than us fans. Ronan wasn’t even THINKING of marriage at 16 or we would have seen it. Ronan also didn’t lose trust in the world because people listen to Taylor Swift. How does a person even come to that conclusion? That whole music take is about how he doesn’t relate to people. It’s about how alone he feels because he can’t share in the same joys as everyone else. It’s literally a depiction of the outsider mentality many people deal with when suffering from some form of mental illness. It wasn’t a music snob thing. It was Ronan bringing up every day examples that literally contribute to his feelings of loveliness and isolation.
respectfully, i think you kinda missed the point of what i was trying to say. to clarify, my main point was that whilst as readers we have our own visions and headcanons about our favourite characters, we need to put trust in maggie and her writing and believe that ultimately whatever happens in the next book will be something great. i do have my own headcanons about the characters. entitlement would have been me shoving that down maggie’s throat and saying whatever i think is right and she is wrong. you’re right, she is the creator and as a creator she knows her characters better than i do. i believe that everyone interprets characters in a different way - my interpretation of adam probably isnt exactly the same as your interpretation of adam, which probably isnt exactly the same as maggie’s interpretation of adam. we cant help that. but we do get a choice on how we act with it. i choose to post my silly headcanons on tumblr dot com and write/read fics - that cant be policed. however, as i have said, i think maggie is a great author and i am excited to see what she does. i am upset about it because i am only human, and humans tend to get disappointed when they dont get what they want. doesnt mean im gonna be a dick about it.
as for the other things you mentioned - sorry if it wasnt clear but it was exaggeration. a joke to lighten the mood. maybe my specific brand of humour isn’t understandable to other people (which lol makes sense i am not very funny). i do think ronan is something who would think about marriage early - he is all or nothing, and he knew adam is it for him before they had even graduates high school. he grew up in an idyllic childhood surrounded by parents who doted on each other. he is basically maggie’s reflection, and maggie herself married her boyfriend at age 19. maybe 16 was an exaggeration, but i personally do think ronan is someone who would consider marriage from a young age. i cant force you to believe that too - like i said everyone has their own thing going for them - just like you cant make me change my opinion either. the difference is unlike the twitter assholes im not trying to push this onto maggie. that i think is the difference between entitlement and just minding your own business.
the taylor swift thing idk what to tell you. it’s been an ongoing joke since before mi came out. sorry if it sounded insensitive?
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